Word meaning day before

I am looking for a word meaning ‘the day before’ that fits within the following sentence:

‘day before the day the conference started’

Alternatively a neater way of saying the same thing would be great.

Laurel's user avatar


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asked Oct 3, 2013 at 13:33

user2696225's user avatar


On the eve of the conference.

eve — the evening or day preceding a special day, such as a holiday (emphasis mine)

answered Oct 3, 2013 at 14:14

FumbleFingers's user avatar


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«The day prior to the start of the conference» is a form often used this being an example.

answered Oct 2, 2016 at 21:36

BoldBen's user avatar


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Автоматический перевод

днем раньше

Перевод по словам

day  — день, сутки, время, рабочий день, дневной
before  — перед, до, выше, впереди, до, прежде чем, прежде чем, раньше, выше


I saw Jane the day before yesterday.

Я видел Джейн позавчера.

She arrived the day before yesterday.

Она приехала позавчера.

A rehearsal will be held the day before the wedding.

За день до свадьбы состоится репетиция.

They were forced to unvote what they had passed the day before.

Их заставили отменить повторным голосованием то, что они приняли за день до того.

He called me the day before but your call had come even earlier.

Он позвонил мне накануне, но ваш звонок поступил ещё раньше.

The morning was cool; a welcome change from the heat of the day before.

Утро было прохладным — долгожданная перемена после вчерашней жары.

We only got back from Scotland the day before yesterday (=two days ago).

Мы вернулись из Шотландии только позавчера (т.е. два дня назад).

ещё 12 примеров свернуть

Примеры, отмеченные *, могут содержать сленг и разговорные фразы.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

They arrived the day before yesterday.  

The days before the accident were a blur.  

He switched sides just days before the election.  

Rioting broke out just three days before polling day.  

With luck it might be days before the theft was discovered.  

The jury deliberated for two days before reaching a verdict.  

The soldiers recaptured the hill they had lost the day before.  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

day before


Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь.

Смотреть что такое «day before» в других словарях:

  • day before yesterday — day that preceded yesterday …   English contemporary dictionary

  • On the Day Before — The West Wing episode The president interrupts the Nobel laureate dinner to deal with an international crisis …   Wikipedia

  • The Day Before You Came — «The Day Before You Came» Sencillo de ABBA del álbum The Singles: The First Ten Years Lado A The Day Before You Came Lado B Cassandra Publicación 19 de octubre de 1982 …   Wikipedia Español

  • The Day Before You Came — Infobox Single Name = The Day Before You Came Artist = ABBA from Album = Released = October 18, 1982 Format = 7 Single B side = Cassandra Genre = Pop/Europop Length = 5:54 Producer = Polar (Sweden) Epic (UK) Writer = Björn Ulvaeus, Benny… …   Wikipedia

  • The Day Before You Came — «The Day Before You Came» Сингл ABBA из альбома The Singles: The First Ten Years Сторона «Б» «Cassandra» Выпущен 18 октября 1982 Формат 7 сингл Ж …   Википедия

  • Sunday (The Day Before My Birthday) — «Sunday (The Day Before My Birthday)» Sencillo de Moby del álbum 18 Lado B And I Know , Iss Publicación 3 de marzo de 2003 (Reino Unido) Género(s) Pop Duración …   Wikipedia Español

  • The Day Before — Infobox Jericho episode Title = The Day Before Caption = The Hawkins view on the detonation Series = Jericho Season = 1 Episode = 12 Airdate = February 21, 2007 Writer = Mike Kelley Director = Matt Earl Beasley Production no. = 112 Guests = Prev …   Wikipedia

  • Sunday (The Day Before My Birthday) — Infobox Single Name = Sunday (The Day Before My Birthday) Artist = Moby from Album = 18 A side = B side = And I Know , Iss Genre = Pop Released = flagicon|UK March 3, 2003 Recorded = Unknown Label = Mute Records Length = 5:09 Writer = Moby… …   Wikipedia

  • The Day Before Spring — Infobox Musical name= The Day Before Spring subtitle= caption= music= Frederick Loewe lyrics= Alan Jay Lerner book= Alan Jay Lerner basis= productions= 1945 Broadway awards= The Day Before Spring is a musical with a book and lyrics by Alan Jay… …   Wikipedia

  • The Day Before the Revolution — is a Nebula Award winning short story by Ursula K. Le Guin, first published in 1974. The story follows the character of Odo , the woman who led the revolution that founded the anarchist society of The Dispossessed . Plot and themes The story… …   Wikipedia

  • The Day Before You Came — ABBA Veröffentlichung Oktober 1982 Länge 5:50 Genre(s) Popmusik Autor(en) Benny Andersson und …   Deutsch Wikipedia


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15 Aug 2018

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What does the day before mean?

2.A day before «the day»
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«The day before»

Can refer to yesterday or the previous day.

Most don’t use it when speaking about yesterday, but pinpointing a slightly arbitrary time.

«What did you do ‘the day before’ we went on that hiking trip? You looked tired all day.»

«The day before’ that time I was in the hospital I was feeling just fine, nothing seemed wrong.»

With it meaning yesterday, unless you say «the day before today» at which the person will know what you speak of but will likely still correct you with «you mean yesterday?» O_o

Number 2 seems more correct in use in regular language because when using it, ‘the day before’, you would have to specify an event or point in time or day to tether the statement to. So the person you speak with can envision it.

  • English (UK)

  • English (US)

«The day before»

Can refer to yesterday or the previous day.

Most don’t use it when speaking about yesterday, but pinpointing a slightly arbitrary time.

«What did you do ‘the day before’ we went on that hiking trip? You looked tired all day.»

«The day before’ that time I was in the hospital I was feeling just fine, nothing seemed wrong.»

With it meaning yesterday, unless you say «the day before today» at which the person will know what you speak of but will likely still correct you with «you mean yesterday?» O_o

Number 2 seems more correct in use in regular language because when using it, ‘the day before’, you would have to specify an event or point in time or day to tether the statement to. So the person you speak with can envision it.

  • Japanese

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What does the day before mean?

  • What does the day before mean?

  • What does the day before mean?


    The previous day.

    The day before today is yesterday.
    The day before tomorrow is today.

  • What does day before last mean?


    It means two days ago. For example if today is Monday the «day before last» means Saturday.

  • What does a day before mean?


    It is the previous day. One day before a certain day.
    If today is Thursday, the day before is Wednesday.
    If today is Monday, the day before …

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    “Earlier that day” is used to refer to an event that happened before the current time

    For example:
    Pretend you are writing about your day y…

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We must receive your cancellation 2 day before arrival.

Мы должны получить подтверждение об аннулировании за 1 день до прибытия.

The day before my first session I remember feeling extremely anxious.

За день до моей первой консультации я вспоминаю, что я очень беспокоился.

These results were from swabs taken the day before.

Эти результаты были получены на основе исследований мазков, взятых накануне.

Read what you wrote the day before.

На второй день перечитайте то, что вы написали накануне.

In the first few days, you should take 1-2 tablespoons of the medicine three times a day before meals.

В первые несколько дней, вы должны принимать по 1-2 столовых ложки лекарства три раза в день перед едой.

Workshops are often held the day before the beginning of a conference.

Обычно проводятся в день перед началом тематической конференции.

The reservation was canceled the day before arrival.

Во втором отзыве написано, что бронь была отменена за день до приезда.

It rises one day before ovulation.

Очень четким он становится за один день до наступления овуляции.

The day before my birthday was beautiful.

За день до моего Дня рождения было прекрасное утро.

Patrick Dempsey was hired the day before shooting began.

Патрик Демпси был утвержден на роль за один день до начала съёмок.

The day before her appointment, she tried to kill herself.

Но за день до назначенной встречи она покончила с собой.

Questions to organisers may be sent by e-mail () no later one working day before the application deadline.

Вопросы организаторам принимаются по электронной почте () не менее чем за один рабочий день до закрытия регистрации.

An unexpected situation happened on the first day before the start of the conference.

Непредвиденное произошло за день до начала конгресса.

The events are held usually a day before the full moon of October.

Фестиваль обычно проводится за день до полнолуния в октябре.

The PrePack is done on the day before the departure for home.

Заключительный спарринг состоится накануне отъезда домой.

Friends in Bulgaria told me this the day before.

Родным в Таджикистане об этом сообщили накануне.

They arrived the day before President Nasheed resigned.

Накануне экс-президент Мохамед Нашид (Mohamed Nasheed) подал в отставку.

A day before a meeting with an international oil conglomerate, historical patterns are not enough; our salesperson needs the app to inform him of federal regulatory changes passed the day before, mishaps at an oil rig the previous week, you name it.

За день до встречи с международным нефтяным конгломератом исторических моделей и прогнозов недостаточно — нашему менеджеру нужно приложение, которое сообщит о произошедших накануне изменениях в федеральном законодательстве, неудачах на «нефтяном поле» и несчастных случаях на вышках.

All on the day before you came.

Sometimes I painted them one day before shooting.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат day before

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