Word meaning cover up

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Just another fact the cover-up will be unable to adequately explain.

Это всего лишь очередной факт, который сокрытие будет не в состоянии адекватно объяснить.

But as Nibiru draws closer, the cover-up has concocted excuses.

Но по мере того, как Нибиру приближается, сокрытие придумало новые оправдания.

His conversations with world leaders are merely a cover-up for this compulsion.

Его общение с мировыми лидерами — лишь прикрытие.

Yet to those who believe that German authorities have lost control over the country, the police statement sounded like a cover-up.

Тем не менее, для тех, кто считает, что немецкие власти потеряли контроль над страной, заявление полиции звучало как прикрытие.

Yet to those who believe that German authorities have lost control over the country, the police statement sounded like a cover-up.

Однако тем, кто поверил, что власти Германии потеряли контроль над страной, полицейское заявление показалось укрывательством.

The greatest fear a cover-up has is an uncontrolled unraveling.

Самое большое опасение, которое имеется у сокрытия — это возможность неконтролируемого раскрытия.

Part of the problem we’re facing is increasing cover-up.

Одной из проблем, с которыми мы сталкиваемся, является рост сокрытия.

It was just a cover-up operation.

Это, впрочем, было лишь операцией прикрытия.

But the cover-up over Nibiru struggles to deny its approach.

Но сокрытие в отношении Нибиру изо всех сил пытается отрицать ее приближение.

But she knew more than the simple fact of the cover-up.

Но она знала больше, нежели простой факт наличия сокрытия.

The liberal rhetoric of the authorities should not be paid any attention — this is the cover-up rhetoric.

На либеральную риторику власти не стоит обращать никакого внимания — это риторика прикрытия.

It is not hard to believe that this could have led to a 50 year long cover-up.

Нетрудно поверить, что это могло привести к 50-летнему сокрытию.

No amount of caution or cover-up could help, however, because the corruption was so widespread.

Однако никакая осторожность или сокрытие не могли помочь, потому что коррупция была настолько распространена.

A certain kind of «human being» acts on behalf of this cover-up.

Определенный вид «человека» действует от имени этого прикрытия.

This made me a little sensitive to the idea of government cover-up, also.

Это сделало меня немного чувствительной к идее правительственного прикрытия также.

I suppose my son could not help them with their cover-up.

Я полагаю, что мой сын не смог бы помочь им с их прикрытием.

This will be your best cover-up to be able to act freely.

Это будет вашим лучшим прикрытием, чтобы иметь возможность действовать свободно.

The only notable issue is the cover-up, where tremors from the area are to be denied and experts silenced.

Единственная заметная проблема — сокрытие, когда толчки в области должны отрицаться, а экспертов заткнуть.

This bumbling approach is being taken as a way to excuse all the scientists who have been silenced during the decades of the cover-up.

Этот неуклюжий подход предпринимается как способ оправдать всех ученых, которых заставили молчать в течение десятилетий сокрытия.

But at present, all plans call for a continuing cover-up.

Но в настоящее время все планы призывают к продолжению сокрытия.

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прикрытие, предлог, дымовая завеса


- сокрытие (преступления и т. п.); укрывательство
- надуманный предлог; маскировка

self-regulation is a cover-up for greater government control — под «самоограничением» следует понимать усиление контроля со стороны правительства

- одежда, надеваемая поверх другой

a bikini cover-up — пляжный халат
an evening dress with a matching sleeveless cover-up — вечернее платье с накидкой того же цвета

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

He accused the government of a cover-up.

Он обвинил правительство в сокрытии правды.

There had obviously been a police cover-up.

Со стороны полиции было очевидное укрывательство.

His garrulousness is a cover-up for insecurity.

Его говорливость — попытка скрыть свою неуверенность.

Three police officers are implicated in the cover-up.

В сокрытии преступления замешаны трое полицейских.

The careers of officers complicit in the cover-up were ruined.

Карьера полицейских, замешанных в сокрытии преступления, была разрушена.

  • 1

    1> сокрытие; укрывательство
    2> надуманный предлог; маскировка
    self-regulation is a cover-up for greater government control
    под «самоограничением» следует понимать усиление контроля
    со стороны правительства
    3> одежда, надеваемая поверх другой
    a bikini cover-up пляжный халат
    an evening dress with a matching sleeveless cover-up вечернее
    платье с накидкой того же цвета

    НБАРС > coverup

  • 2


    организовывать, устраивать

    Politics english-russian dictionary > organize

См. также в других словарях:

  • coverup — [kuv′ər up΄] n. 1. an attempt to keep blunders, crimes, etc. from being disclosed ☆ 2. an outer garment, esp. for wearing over a swimsuit * * * …   Universalium

  • coverup — [kuv′ər up΄] n. 1. an attempt to keep blunders, crimes, etc. from being disclosed ☆ 2. an outer garment, esp. for wearing over a swimsuit …   English World dictionary

  • Coverup — Co|ver up auch: Co|ver|up 〈[kʌvə(r)ʌ̣p] n. 15〉 1. 〈Sp.; Boxen〉 das Einnehmen einer vollständig gedeckten Position durch Anwinkeln beider Arme vor dem Körper u. Schützen des Gesichtsfeldes durch die geballten Fäuste 2. 〈allg.〉 Vertuschung,… …   Universal-Lexikon

  • coverup — (Roget s IV) n. Syn. concealment, suppression, whitewash; see disguise , screen 1 …   English dictionary for students

  • coverup — n. something that hides or conceals; piece of clothing worn over another …   English contemporary dictionary

  • coverup — co|ver|up sb., pet, per, perne (handling der dækker over noget) …   Dansk ordbog

  • The Freudian Coverup — The Freudian Cover up is a theory first popularized by social worker Florence Rush in the 1970 s which asserts that Sigmund Freud intentionally ignored evidence that his patients were victims of sexual abuse. The theory argues that in developing… …   Wikipedia

  • Morningstar Pass: The Collapse of the UFO Coverup — is a science fiction novel by Victor Norgarde. It has been described[who?] as the War and P …   Wikipedia

  • Franklin coverup — Scandale Franklin Le Scandale Franklin désigne l allégation de l existence d une filière de trafic de mineurs prostitués au bénéfice de certains politiciens locaux et nationaux pédophiles ainsi que des soupçons de trafic de drogue sur fond de… …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Watergate scandal — Watergate redirects here. For other uses, see Watergate (disambiguation). Watergate …   Wikipedia

  • Rampart Scandal — The Rampart Scandal refers to widespread corruption in the Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums (or CRASH) anti gang unit of the LAPD Rampart Division in the late 1990s. More than 70 police officers in the CRASH unit were implicated in… …   Wikipedia

cover up

1. verb To place a covering on someone or something, as for protection. A noun or pronoun can be used between «cover» and «up.» Let me just cover up these leftovers so you can take them with you. I’m so fair-skinned that I have to cover myself up before spending time in the sun.

2. To clothe oneself. I’ll answer the door in a moment, I just need to cover up first.

3. verb To conceal the evidence of one’s (usually nefarious) actions. A noun or pronoun can be used between «cover» and «up.» I just know that the CEO is covering something up—why else would those documents suddenly go missing? The administration is clearly trying to cover up the scandal.

4. noun The act of concealing the evidence of nefarious actions. When used as a noun, the phrase is typically hyphenated or written as one word. Their cover-up unraveled when the CEO’s secretary confessed to his wrongdoing. The administration is clearly engaging in a coverup to hide the scandal.

5. noun An article of clothing worn over other clothing, such as a bathing suit. When used as a noun, the phrase is typically hyphenated. Once it got breezy on the beach, I put my cover-up back on.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

cover someone or something up

to place something on someone or something for protection or concealment. Cover the pie up, so Terry won’t see it. Cover up Jimmy so he doesn’t get cold.

cover something up


1. Lit. to place some sort of cover on something. Please cover up that mess with a cloth. Cover it up.

2. Fig. to conceal a wrongdoing; to conceal evidence. They tried to cover the crime up, but the single footprint gave them away. She could not cover up her misdeeds.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

cover up

1. Wrap up or enfold in order to protect. For example, Be sure to cover up the outdoor furniture in case of rain, or It’s cold, so be sure to cover up the baby. [Late 1800s]

2. Conceal something, especially a crime, as in The opposition accused the President of covering up his assistant’s suicide. [c. 1920]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

cover up


1. To spread or extend something over someone or something in order to protect or conceal: We covered up the furniture with a drop cloth before painting the walls. The children covered themselves up with leaves while playing hide and seek.

2. To conceal something, especially wrongdoing or error: The criminal tried to cover up the crime by destroying the evidence. I accidentally overcharged a customer, and my boss told me to cover it up.

3. To put on or wear clothing: My grandmother covers up before going outside to protect herself from the sun.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


n. an act of concealing something. The candidate accused her opponent of a cover-up.

McGraw-Hill’s Dictionary of American Slang and Colloquial Expressions Copyright © 2006 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • cover-up
  • from cover to cover
  • (from) cover to cover
  • read (something) (from) cover to cover
  • duck and cover
  • color up
  • blot out
  • blot someone out
  • bandage up
  • run for cover

cover up — перевод на русский

/ˈkʌvə ʌp/

The Pavlovich brothers burnt that chopper to cover up evidence.

Братья Павловичи сожгли вертолёт, чтобы скрыть улики.

Because it’s known that the originals were available for the opening of the exhibition, there is no doubt that these wrong stamps were put there to cover up the theft of the originals.

Так как установлено, что при открытии выставки оригиналы там были, нет никаких сомнений, что эти… фальшивые марки были подменены, чтобы скрыть кражу оригиналов.

Camouflage, that’s all that is, to blind the gullible IQ and cover up his real identity.

Это притворство, чтобы обмануть таких простаков, как вы и скрыть свою истинную сущность.

By an evident perjurer who is either covering up his bad judgement,

Лжесвидетель, который пытается скрыть свою ошибку,

Because you always get rude when you’re trying to cover up a mistake.

Потому что ты всегда начинаешь грубить, когда пытаешься скрыть ошибку.

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You were ready to cover up everything for the D’Blanc name

Вы были готовы всё прикрыть ради имени де Бланк.

And acted like a lunatic to cover up your cowardice!

А потом, когда ты изображал идиота, чтобы прикрыть свою трусость?

In order to cover up their own attacks!

Для того, чтобы прикрыть свои нападения!

Insulting us Brits to cover up your inferiority complex.

Оскорбляете британцев, чтобы прикрыть свой комплекс неполноценности.

I think that’s the idea-— To cover up the kind of research that was going on there.

Я думаю это идея — прикрыть исследования, тем, что там произошло.

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You don’t need to cover up a good deed.

Не нужно скрывать добрые дела.

We can’t just cover this up.

Но мы не должны ничего скрывать.

Is there… anything to cover up?

А, что.. есть что скрывать?

Like they need to cover up the existence of guys in costumes.

Как будто им так нужно скрывать существование обычных людей в масках.

«It was as if the light, previously so merciful and faint,» finally refused to cover up for the town any longer.

Казалось, что свету, который до этого был таким милосердным и тусклым, в конце концов, надоело скрывать недостатки этого городка.

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I wouldn’t try to cover up for that boy.

Я не пытаюсь покрывать этого парня.

I’m a bit too adult to cover up for that kind of a woman.

Я слишком стар, чтобы покрывать такого рода женщину.

Well, just remember, it can happen to you, too, if you’re covering up for this guy, so don’t try to walk out on us.

Помните, что с вами это тоже может случиться, и если вы пытаетесь покрывать этого парня, не пытайтесь убежать от нас.

Why try to cover up for his murderer.

Но это не повод покрывать его убийцу.

You have to cover up your hair from now on.

Отныне ты должна покрывать голову.

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He’s covering up for someone.

Он прикрывает кого-то.

That’s the girl that Paul’s been covering up for.

Это именно та девушка, которую прикрывает Пол.

What’s he covering up now?

Что он на этот раз прикрывает?

You notice he’s always covering up his face?

Вы замечали, как он всегда прикрывает свое лицо?

You know, they make robes that cover up a person.

Знаешь, делается одежда, которая прикрывает человека.

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Cover up, it’s cold.

Прикройся, холодно.

— Sarah, cover up.

— Сара, прикройся.

Cover up your crotch!


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You know the article 62 of the Penal Code. Of punishment for assistance in covering up the crime?

Вам известна статья 62 уголовного кодекса… о наказании за содействие в сокрытии преступления?

Which you understand… will be admitting to your role… in the conspiracy to cover up the murder of Eleanor Reigns.

Которое, как вы понимаете… подтвердит ваше участие… в сговоре и сокрытии убийства Элеонор Рэйнс.

And just like contempt, any of these would expose Wallowski’s role in covering up Farr’s crimes.

И, так же, как презрение, любая из них поможет раскрыть роль Валловски в сокрытии преступлений Фарра.

We’re not talking about covering up a supernatural event.

Мы говорим не о сокрытии сверхестественного события

Of course, the refuted story accused the Chicago Police Department of covering up the murder of mayoral advisor Ezra Stone.

История, которая конечно не является правдивой, обвиняла Департамент Полиции Чикаго в сокрытии убийства советника мэра Эзры Стоуна.

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— Does this cheap parasite mean this much to you… that you’re willing to wreck everything to cover up for him?

— Нет, Билл. — Этот тунеядец так много значит для тебя, что ты хочешь всё разрушить только для того, чтобы покрыть его?

Cover up for him?

— Я, покрыть его?

That’s what they were trying to cover up.

что они пытались покрыть.

And cover up a murder?

И покрыть убийцу?

In this edition of Millennium we reveal how Swedish government officials have conspired against her to cover up a criminally insane murderer:

В этом выпуске мы расскажем… — как шведские правительственные чиновники сговорились против нее… — чтобы покрыть патологически больного убийцу.

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I need to cover up my tracks.

Мне нужно замести следы.

— At that moment I didn’t know if I should confess to the crime or use my small powers to cover up the traces.

— Я тогда не решил признаться ли мне или с моей скромной властью замести следы.

To cover up our footsteps. Because nobody thought that we were still alive.

Чтобы замести следы там, где мы шли, чтобы никто не подумал, что мы еще живы…

I was only supposed to cover up the traces.

Я должен был только замести следы.

He used the vampires to cover up his own tracks.

Он использовал вампиров чтобы замести свои собственные следы.

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Maybe there is no teacher and Cynthia’s just covering up.

Может, никакого учителя нет, и это только прикрытие Синтии.

— I… — Was the president trying to cover up?

— Президент пытался организовать какое-то прикрытие этому?

This is a cover up.

Это прикрытие.

I’m guessing that he e-mailed his confession In order to cover up your involvement in this whole thing, And now you’re hunting muirfield,

Думаю, его признание по электронной почте лишь прикрытие твоего участия в этом деле, и сейчас ты охотишся за Мюрфилдом, надеясь наказать их за то, что они сделали с ним.

Far as I can tell, it was a cover up.

Насколько я знаю, это было прикрытие.

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: a device or stratagem for masking or concealing

his garrulousness is a cover-up for insecurity


: a usually concerted effort to keep an illegal or unethical act or situation from being made public


Example Sentences

Recent Examples on the Web

This flowy cover-up is made with a lightweight rayon material that’s both soft and breathable, even on the hottest days.

Merrell Readman, Travel + Leisure, 8 Apr. 2023

Hollywood Fashion Secrets Silicone Coverups BEST SMOOTHING NIPPLE COVERS Available in four skin tones, Hollywood Fashion Secrets’ hypoallergenic silicone cover-ups are reusable for up to 25 times.

Natalie Alcala, The Hollywood Reporter, 6 Apr. 2023

Richard Nixon, the president with whom Agnew served, narrowly escaped being indicted for his role in the 1972 Watergate burglary and its cover-up.

Austin Sarat, Smithsonian Magazine, 6 Apr. 2023

Sims finished off the carousel with another photo in her black bikini, this time outside, with more poolside pics with her friends, a pic of her in her Zimmerman pool cover-up and a photo of a cocktail with one of her friend’s faces printed out and placed on a paper straw.

Tracey Harrington Mccoy, Peoplemag, 5 Apr. 2023

And in the hush money case against former President Donald Trump, prosecutors say the cover-up made the crime worse.

Alanna Durkin Richer, Fortune, 5 Apr. 2023

The report says the responsibility for the cover-up in the Baltimore archdiocese lies with past archbishops, but its authors wanted to highlight senior members of the archdiocese staff who advised the top priest at the time.

Lee O. Sanderlin, Baltimore Sun, 5 Apr. 2023

New York law allows the elevation of the misdemeanor to a felony if the cover-up was to hide or advance another crime.

John Dean, CNN, 5 Apr. 2023

The $130,000 payment was delivered on the eve of the election by then-Trump attorney Michael Cohen, whose testimony about the episode during his own trial on campaign finance violations first revealed the cover-up.

Nate Dicamillo, Quartz, 30 Mar. 2023

See More

These examples are programmatically compiled from various online sources to illustrate current usage of the word ‘cover-up.’ Any opinions expressed in the examples do not represent those of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Send us feedback about these examples.

Word History

First Known Use

1927, in the meaning defined at sense 1a

Time Traveler

The first known use of cover-up was
in 1927

Dictionary Entries Near cover-up

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“Cover-up.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/cover-up. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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Last Updated:
12 Apr 2023
— Updated example sentences

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Merriam-Webster unabridged

Cover Up Definition

If you heard someone say I think he is covering it up, what would you think?

1. Meaning of Cover up:

When we do or say something to prevent or stop truthful information, particularly bad or embarrassing information, to become know we are said to be covering it up.

  • The congressman covered up and investigation into his many affairs and the benefits and gifts they received from him.
  • The government is said to be covering up information which may prove the existence of aliens.


Jack: Hey did you hear that they are investigating the company for money laundering?

Dan: Really? Interesting I am not surprised, though. I mean they have been covering up the finance reports for the last few years.

Jack: Yeah, and just last week I ask the CFO about some strange numbers and he went into a long story about why they are like that.  It was obvious he was covering something up.

Dan: Yeah, 2 years ago they covered up a huge loss by underreporting some numbers.

Jack: The truth always comes you, you cannot always keep covering things up, time has a funny way of making people honest.           

Synonyms (other ways to say):





They got caught covering up….

It is believed he is covering up….

Related Phrases & Phrasal Verbs:

Keep secret- when we keep something a secret, in the context of cover up we are hiding information that may or may not be truthful.

  • Many bodyguards need to sign confidentiality documents. Many say this allows their employers to keep a secret their nefarious affairs.

Hush up- we use this phrase to describe someone who keeps silent or keeps other silent about information.

  • We need to hush up the staff and cover up that the company had fired the CEO.

Keep silent about- when we keep silent about something or someone we are withholding information or staying quiet about the information.

Keep in the dark – we use this phrase in the context of cover up, to say that something is or someone is being kept hidden or a secret. 

Related idioms:

Whitewash- when you hide something that is wrong or illegal.

Sweep under the carpet- when you we say someone has swept something under the carpet, they have hidden that they don’t want known to anyone.

Draw a veil over- we use this phrase to say someone is staying quiet about something because it is unpleasant and you don’t want to think about.

Cover your tracks- we use this to say that someone is hiding or concealing evidence and/or information

Keep under your hat- when someone preserves a secret they are keeping it under their hat.

Turn a blind eye (to something)- when someone overlooks a mistake or something someone has done wrong or illegal, we say they are turning a blind eye.

Look the other way- similarly to turning a blind eye, when someone looks the other way they are purposefully ignoring something being done illegally.

Kick something along the grass- this phrase is used to say that someone is pushing information aside, hiding it and hoping it won’t be found or revealed.

2. Meaning of Cover up:

Another meaning for cover up, is when you want to cover someone or something you physically cover them with something in order to make them comfortable and or protect them or it.

  • You’d better cover up before you go to church, that dress will surely make the pastor scold you.
  • It is supposed to be -35 and a wind chill, make sure you cover up well before you go outside.


Justin: Hey I am not sure I want to go out in the cold for lunch.

Donald: Come on! Just cover up warm and we will run across the street for a nice hot burger.

Justin: Ok. I guess I will cover up with a scarf, jacket, mitts and a toque.

Donald: Yep! It is supposed to get colder tonight.

Justin: Really. I suppose I better cover up my car battery with an insulation blanket.

Donald: Yeah, I am going to also cover up my dog when I take her out for a walk tonight.

Justin: Good idea, it doesn’t hurt to cover up, you can always take it off if it is not needed.        

Other words you can create: noun, verb, adjective, adverb, etc. (ex: mug – mugger)

Covered up

Covering up


Make sure you cover up when you go out.

You’d better cover the car up before rains.

Related Phrases &Phrasal Verbs:

Put on- in the context of cover up, we would use this phrasal verb to say or tell someone to physically start to wear something.

  • Make sure you put on some gloves and cover up your head with a hat.

Get dressed- if someone told you to get dressed they are saying for you to physically put on clothing.

  • You need to get dressed and make sure you cover up your face.

Slip into- to quickly put on some clothing.

  • Let me slip into something more comfortable.

Wrap up- similar to cover up, but often means to add more clothing and make it tight and heavy.

Related idioms:

Bundle up- this phrase is used to say to someone or tell someone to put on enough clothing to stay warm.

Suit up- is a phrase we use to say to put on necessary clothing

Throw on- We use this to say or tell someone to quickly put on some clothing.

Synonyms (other ways to say):

coverable (adjective),

coverer (noun)

,coverless (adjective),

half-covered (adjective)

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

«Snowjob» redirects here. For other uses, see Snow Job.

«An ostrich only thinks he ‘covers up’.»

A cover-up is an attempt, whether successful or not, to conceal evidence of wrongdoing, error, incompetence, or other embarrassing information. Research has distinguished personal cover-ups (covering up one’s own misdeeds) from relational cover-ups (covering up someone else’s misdeeds).[1]

The expression is usually applied to people in positions of authority who abuse power to avoid or silence criticism or to deflect guilt of wrongdoing. Perpetrators of a cover-up (initiators or their allies) may be responsible for a misdeed, a breach of trust or duty, or a crime.

While the terms are often used interchangeably, cover-up involves withholding incriminatory evidence, while whitewash involves releasing misleading evidence. See also Misprision.

A cover-up involving multiple parties is a type of conspiracy.

Modern usage[edit]

The Ottoman government attempted to ban foreigners from taking photographs such as this one of Armenian genocide victims in an effort to cover up the genocide.[2]

When a scandal breaks, the discovery of an attempt to cover up the truth is often regarded as even more reprehensible than the original deeds.

The mildest case, not quite a cover-up, is simply to release news which could be embarrassing but is not important enough to guarantee attention, at a time when other news is dominating the headlines, or immediately before a holiday or weekend.

Initially a cover-up may require little effort; it will be carried out by those closely involved with the misdeed. Once some hint of the hidden matter starts to become known, the cover-up gradually draws all the top leadership, at least, of an organization into complicity in covering up a misdeed or even crime that may have originally been committed by a few of its members acting independently. This may be regarded as tacit approval of that behaviour.[citation needed]

It is likely that some cover-ups are successful, although by definition this cannot be confirmed. Many fail, however, as more and more people are drawn in and the possibility of exposure makes potential accomplices fearful of supporting the cover-up and as loose ends that may never normally have been noticed start to stand out. As it spreads, the cover-up itself creates yet more suspicious circumstances.

The original misdeed being covered may be relatively minor, such as the «third-rate burglary» which started the Watergate scandal, but the cover-up adds so many additional crimes (obstruction of justice, perjury, payoffs and bribes, in some cases suspicious suicides or outright murder) that the cover-up becomes much more serious than the original crime.[citation needed] This gave rise to the phrase, «it’s not the crime, it’s the cover-up».[3]

Cover-ups do not necessarily require the active manipulation of facts or circumstances. Arguably the most common form of cover-up is one of non-action. It is the conscious failure to release incriminating information by a third party. This «passive cover-up» is often justified by the motive of not wanting to embarrass the culprit or expose them to criminal prosecution or even the belief that the cover-up is justified by protecting the greater community from scandal. Yet, because of the passive cover-up, the misdeed often goes undiscovered and results in harm to others ensuing from its failure to be discovered.
Real cover-ups are common enough, but any event which is not completely clear is likely to give rise to a thicket of conspiracy theories alleging covering up of sometimes the weirdest and most unlikely conspiracies.

«Snowjob» is an American and Canadian[4] colloquialism for a deception or a cover-up; for example, Helen Gahagan Douglas described the Nixon Administration as «the greatest snow job in history».[5]


The following list is considered to be a typology[6] since those who engage in cover-ups tend to use many of the same methods of hiding the truth and defending themselves. This list was compiled from famous cover-ups such as Watergate Scandal, Iran-Contra Affair, My Lai Massacre, Pentagon Papers, the cover-up of corruption in New York City under Boss Tweed (William M. Tweed and Tammany Hall) in the late 1800s,[7] and the tobacco industry cover-up of the health hazards of smoking.[8] The methods in actual cover-ups tend to follow the general order of the list below.

Initial response to allegation
  1. Flat denial
  2. Convince the media to bury the story
  3. Preemptively distribute false information
  4. Claim that the «problem» is minimal
  5. Claim faulty memory
  6. Claim the accusations are half-truths
  7. Claim the critic has no proof
  8. Attack the critic’s motive
  9. Attack the critic’s character
Withhold or tamper with evidence
  1. Prevent the discovery of evidence
  2. Destroy or alter the evidence
  3. Make discovery of evidence difficult
  4. Create misleading names of individuals and companies to hide funding
  5. Lie or commit perjury
  6. Block or delay investigations
  7. Issue restraining orders
  8. Claim executive privilege
Delayed response to allegation
  1. Deny a restricted definition of wrongdoing (e.g. torture)
  2. Limited hang out[9](i.e., confess to minor charges)
  3. Use biased evidence as a defense
  4. Claim that the critic’s evidence is biased
  5. Select a biased blue ribbon commission or «independent» inquiry
Intimidate participants, witnesses or whistleblowers[10]
  1. Bribe or buy out the critic
  2. Generally intimidate the critic by following him or her, killing pets, etc.
  3. Blackmail: hire private investigators and threaten to reveal past wrongdoing («dirt»)
  4. Death threats of the critic or his or her family
  5. Threaten the critic with loss of job or future employment in industry
  6. Transfer the critic to an inferior job or location
  7. Intimidate the critic with lawsuits or SLAPP suits
  8. Murder; assassination
Publicity management
  1. Bribe the press
  2. Secretly plant stories in the press
  3. Retaliate against hostile media
  4. Threaten the press with loss of access
  5. Attack the motives of the press
  6. Place defensive advertisements
  7. Buy out the news source
Damage control
  1. Claim no knowledge of wrongdoing
  2. Scapegoats: blame an underling for unauthorized action
  3. Fire the person(s) in charge
Win court cases
  1. Hire the best lawyers
  2. Hire scientists and expert witnesses who will support your story
  3. Delay with legal maneuvers
  4. Influence or control the judges
Reward cover-up participants
  1. Hush money
  2. Little or no punishment
  3. Pardon or commute sentences
  4. Promote employees as a reward for cover-up
  5. Reemploy the employee after dust clears

In criminal law[edit]

Depending on the nature of cover-up activities, they may constitute a crime in certain jurisdictions. Perjury is considered a crime in virtually all legal systems. Likewise, obstruction of justice, that is, any activity that aims to cover-up another crime, is itself a crime in many legal systems. The United States has the crime of making false statements to a federal agent in the context of any matter within the federal jurisdiction, which includes not only providing misleading statements but also the withholding of information.


  • The Dreyfus Affair[11]
  • Armenian genocide denial[12]
  • Katyn massacre[13]
  • The Iran–Contra affair[14]
  • The Luzhniki disaster[15]
  • The My Lai Massacre[16]
  • The Roman Catholic sex abuse cases of the late 20th and early 21st centuries.[17]
  • The Watergate scandal[18]
  • Russian doping scandals[19]

Alleged cover-ups[edit]

Conspiracy theories generally include an allegation of a cover-up of the facts of some prominent event. Examples include:

  • John F. Kennedy assassination[20][21][22]
  • TWA Flight 800 conspiracy theories
  • Korean Air Lines Flight 007 alternate theories
  • M/S Estonia[23]
  • New World Order[24]
  • Pusztai affair[25]
  • Roswell incident[26]
  • September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks[27]
  • Attack on the U.S. diplomatic mission in Benghazi[28]
  • UFOs in general[29]
  • Mamasapano clash[30]
  • Death of Jeffrey Epstein
  • COVID-19 pandemic
  • 2023 Ohio train derailment[31][32]

See also[edit]

  • Gatekeepers
  • Impression formation
  • Lie
  • Media manipulation
  • Narcissistic defences
  • Negative search
  • Omertà
  • Propaganda
  • Spin (public relations)
  • Whitewash (censorship)
  • Blue wall of silence


  1. ^ Kundro, Timothy (2021). «Understanding When and Why Cover-Ups Are Punished Less Severely». Academy of Management Journal. 64 (3): 873–900. doi:10.5465/amj.2018.1396. S2CID 218805378.
  2. ^ Akçam, Taner (2018). Killing Orders: Talat Pasha’s Telegrams and the Armenian Genocide. Springer. p. 157. ISBN 978-3-319-69787-1.
  3. ^ Carlson, Margaret (23 October 2019). «With Trump, It’s Not the Cover-Up. It’s the Crime». The Daily Beast. Retrieved 29 December 2020.
  4. ^ «Define snow job at dictionary.com». dictionary.com. Retrieved 6 November 2013.
  5. ^ Herbert Mitgang (25 May 1992). «Books of The Times; Nixon’s Enemy in 1950 Had the Last Laugh in ’74». The New York Times. Retrieved 16 April 2008.
  6. ^ The systematic classification of the types of something according to their common characteristics. See Wiktionary.
  7. ^ Ackerman, K. D. (2005). Boss Tweed: The rise and fall of the corrupt pol who conceived the soul of modern New York. New York: Carroll & Graf Publishers. ISBN 0-7867-1435-2.
  8. ^ See biography of the whistleblower Jeffrey Wigand
  9. ^ McGrory, Mary (25 April 2002). «From Rome, A ‘Limited Hangout’«. Washington Post. Retrieved 29 June 2017.
  10. ^ See also List of whistleblowers.
  11. ^ «DREYFUS CASE («L’Affaire Dreyfus»)». JewishEncyclopedia.com. Retrieved 13 March 2012.
  12. ^ Dadrian, Vahakn N. (2003). «The signal facts surrounding the Armenian genocide and the Turkish denial syndrome». Journal of Genocide Research. 5 (2): 269–279. doi:10.1080/14623520305671. S2CID 71289389. First, there are the organized attempts to cover up the record of past atrocities. The nearest successful example in the modern era is the 80 years of official denial by successive Turkish governments of the 1915–17 genocide against the Armenians in which some 1.5 million people lost their lives. This denial has been sustained by deliberate propaganda, lying and coverups, forging documents, suppression of archives, and bribing scholars.
  13. ^ Sterio, Milena (2011). «Katyn Forest Massacre: Of Genocide, State Lies, and Secrecy». Case Western Reserve Journal of International Law. 44: 615.
  14. ^ Final Report of the Independent Counsel for Iran/Contra Matters (Walsh Report) March 2010.
  15. ^ Katell, Andrew (10 July 1989). «’82 Moscow Soccer Tragedy Is Exposed». Los Angeles Times. Associated Press. Retrieved 18 February 2012.
  16. ^ Doug Linder. «The Peers Report on the My Lai Massacre». Law.umkc.edu. Archived from the original on 15 November 2008. Retrieved 13 March 2012.
  17. ^ «Boston Globe / Spotlight / Abuse in the Catholic Church / Scandal and coverup». The Boston Globe. 31 January 2002. Retrieved 10 November 2013.
  18. ^ «TRANSCRIPT OF A RECORDING OF A MEETING BETWEEN THE PRESIDENT AND H.R. HALDEMAN IN THE OVAL OFFICE ON JUNE 23, 1972 FROM 10:04 TO 11:39 AM — Watergate Special Prosecution Force» (PDF). Retrieved 13 March 2012.
  19. ^ Ostlere, Lawrence (9 December 2016). «McLaren report: more than 1,000 Russian athletes involved in doping conspiracy». The Guardian. London.
  20. ^ Mark Lane (1966). Rush to Judgment: A Critique of the Warren Commission’s Inquiry Into the Murders of President John F. Kennedy, Officer J. D. Tippit and Lee Harvey Oswald. Holt Rinehart & Winston
  21. ^ Henry Hurt (January 1986). Reasonable Doubt: An Investigation into the Assassination of John F. Kennedy. Holt, Rinehart & Winston.
  22. ^ Michael L. Kurtz (November 2006). The JFK Assassination Debates: Lone Gunman versus Conspiracy. University of Kansas Press
  23. ^ Rabe, J(2002) Die Estonia: Tragödie eines Schiffsuntergangs, Publisher: Delius Klasing
  24. ^ Goldberg, Robert Alan (2001). Enemies Within: The Culture of Conspiracy in Modern America. Yale University Press. ISBN 0-300-09000-5.
  25. ^ Rowell, Andrew (2003). Don’t worry, it’s safe to eat: the true story of GM food, BSE, & Foot and Mouth. Earthscan. ISBN 1-85383-932-9.
  26. ^ Dirk Vander Ploeg, Wainfleet, Ontario, Canada. «2002 SEALED AFFIDAVIT OF WALTER G. HAUT». Ufodigest.com. Archived from the original on 14 March 2012. Retrieved 13 March 2012.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: multiple names: authors list (link)
  27. ^ «Hypotheses: Principal Alternative Theories of the Attack retrieved March 2010». Stj911.org. Retrieved 13 March 2012.
  28. ^ «Docs Back Up Claims of Requests for More Security in Benghazi». News.yahoo.com.
  29. ^ Lawrence Fawcett & Barry J. Greenwood, The UFO Cover-Up (Originally Clear Intent), 1992, Fireside Books (Simon & Schuster), ISBN 0-671-76555-8. Many UFO documents.
  30. ^ «Critics hit Palace’s ‘new script’ on PNoy’s involvement in Mamasapano operation». GMANews.tv.
  31. ^ Thompson, Stuart A. (16 February 2023). «‘Chernobyl 2.0’? Ohio Train Derailment Spurs Wild Speculation». The New York Times. ISSN 0362-4331. Retrieved 20 February 2023.
  32. ^ Merlan, Anna (13 February 2023). «The Conspiracy-Verse Thinks «Fake UFOs» Are a Distraction From a Disastrous Train Derailment». Vice News. Retrieved 20 February 2023.

External links[edit]

Wikiquote has quotations related to Cover-up.

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