Word meaning consist of

: to be formed or made up of (specified things or people)

Breakfast consisted of cereal, fruit, and orange juice.

Coal consists mostly of carbon.

His wardrobe consists almost entirely of jeans and T-shirts.

The crowd consisted mainly/largely of teenage girls.

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“Consist of.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/consist%20of. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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What does this dish consist of?

Из чего состоит это блюдо?

Their armament will consist of 12 guns.

Они будут вооружены двенадцатью ружьями.

Many villages in Mali consist of mud huts.

Многие деревни в Мали состоят из глиняных хижин.

These horns consist of an excrescence of bone.

Эти рога представляют собой костный нарост.

These avalanches consist of enormous blocks of ice.

Эти лавины состоят из огромных кусков льда.

These habitations consist of from four to eight huts.

Эти селения состоят из четырёх — восьми хижин.

Our remnant packages consist of over 2 yards of 100% cotton fabric.

У нас есть два ярда остатков стопроцентных хлопковых тканей.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

The audience consisted mainly of teenagers.  

The award will consist of a lump sum to a maximum value of $5000.  

…the framing of the debate will consist of a predetermined order of turns and follow-up comments…  

…most of the medical film’s voice-over narration consists of explicatory remarks on the images being shown…  

The sentence “When it rained they went inside” consists of two clauses: “when it rained” and “they went inside.”  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Making sure you use the right prepositions after any word is important in English. You might think they’re only small, but prepositions go a long way to changing a meaning. In this article, we’ll look at the difference between using “consist in” and “consist of.”

Should I Use “Consist In” Or “Consist Of”?

“Consist in” should be used when talking about the main and necessary part of something (i.e., “the beauty of sports consists in bringing people together”). “Consist of” should be used when talking about what something is made up of (i.e., “the body consists of bones”).

Should I Use "Consist In" Or "Consist Of"?

The meaning of “consist in,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to have something as a main and necessary part or quality.” That means that it’s the only thing you should focus on when something “consists in.”

The meaning of “consist of,” according to The Cambridge Dictionary, is “to be made of or formed from something.” This means that if something is made up of something else, it is “consisted of” it.

Is “Consist In” Or “Consist Of” Used The Most?

To help us find out which is more commonly used, we thought we’d include a graph to demonstrate the two prepositions.

If you take a look at this graph, you’ll see that “consist of” is by far the most popular choice of the two. It’s because it’s more common that the context will come up where something is made up of another thing rather than the context that works better for “consist in.”

Is "Consist In" Or "Consist Of" Used The Most?

Generally, there are quite a few replacement words and phrases that people would use in place of “consist in.” It’s not a well-known phrase by many native speakers, so they tend to avoid it.

  • Her happiness consists in eating candy and chocolate bars.

While this sentence is grammatically correct, it’s not common for someone to use it in this way. Instead, they might use synonymous phrases like “is owed to” or “is because of.”

Should I Use “Consist” Or “Consists”?

When we’re writing the phrase, we’re using the verb “consist.” We have to make sure we’re using the correct verb forms whenever we include a pronoun in a sentence, so let’s look at which ones work best.

“Consist” should be used when you’re talking in the first person singular or plural (I, we), second person singular (you), or third person plural (they). “Consists” should be used when you’re talking in the third person singular (he, she, it).

Other than that, you don’t need to know any other rules. These are the basic verb forms that you have to follow to make sure you get the spelling for “consist” correct.

  • I consist of nothing but sugar. I really like sugar.
  • They consist of all sorts of stuff; just read the label.
  • It consists of dangerous chemicals!

These examples show the two different ways you might use the varying verb forms of “consist.” Make sure you know which pronoun you’re using in the sentence before you write the wrong form.

7 Examples Of How To Use “Consist In” In A Sentence

We find that examples are some of the most useful ways for us to learn about new language rules. That’s why it’s important to check out this section to see how we use “consist in” in a sentence.

“Consist in” is used when we want to talk about something being the entire and necessary part of something.

  1. The beauty of space consists in learning about the unknown.
  2. My happiness consists in making sure my family is okay.
  3. Knowing what these things are consisting in is important to understand them better.
  4. What would you say your love consists in?
  5. To me, love consists in finding common ground to enjoy time with my partner.
  6. Therapy consists in helping patients understand their issues and work through them.
  7. University consists in practicing a subject until you master it.

As you can see, “consist in” isn’t a common phrase, but we use it when we want to talk about the entirety of something. It’s another way of saying that without this very important thing, then this other thing can’t exist.

7 Examples Of How To Use “Consist Of” In A Sentence

“Consist of” is the more common of the two, so some of these examples may be more familiar to you.

“Consist of” is used when we want to talk about how something is made or what it is formed of.

  1. The human body consists of over 200 bones.
  2. The planet we live on consists of almost 200 countries.
  3. I consist of blood and bones, as all humans do.
  4. This cereal consists of a lot of dangerous stuff!
  5. Where does it say what this nutrition bar consists of?
  6. The school consists of a bunch of boring teachers.
  7. My family consists of musicians and artists.

We use “consist of” to say that something contains something else. It’s a great way to show what is inside something.

Consist In Or Of – Synonyms

Let’s go through some synonyms and alternatives that’ll help us understand the meanings of each phrase a little bit more.

  • Contain

“Contain” is a great synonym to use in place of “consist of.” It means that something is made up of something else.

  • Comprise

When something is “comprised” of something else, it means it is formed of that. It’s another great synonym to use instead of “consist of.”

  • Be expressed by

We can use this phrase instead of “consist in” when we want to talk about the main points to express something else.

Which Other Prepositions Can Be Used After “Consist”?

Other than the two prepositions we’ve covered throughout this article, there’s only one other preposition we can share with you.

“Consist with” is a potential phrase that we can use. When we use “consist with,” we’re talking about something that is consistent with something else.

  • These ideals consist with government guidelines.
  • This data consists with the facts.

Other than “consist with,” “consist of” and “consist in” are the only other likely candidates. “Consist of” is still by far the most popular choice of them all, though.

martin lassen dam grammarhow

Martin holds a Master’s degree in Finance and International Business. He has six years of experience in professional communication with clients, executives, and colleagues. Furthermore, he has teaching experience from Aarhus University. Martin has been featured as an expert in communication and teaching on Forbes and Shopify. Read more about Martin here.

The expressions such as consist (of), comprise (be comprised of), composed of, constitute, make up (be made up of), include, etc. describe the relationship of parts to the whole, or whole to parts. We sometimes use them interchangeably but not in all cases. Let’s look at the usages of each word, with attention to active and passive voices.

Consist of = When we want to talk about the whole and then all of its parts, we commonly use consist of: ‘North America consists of three countries: the USA, Canada, and Mexico’, ‘the club consists of members from all across the world’, ‘the crew consists of twenty men’, ‘the class consists of students from all over the world’, the trip of UN Secretary-General consists of several countries in Asia’, etc.

More example sentences of consist of

She got the termination letter which largely consisted of several allegations.

The proposed overbridge will consist of several overpasses and underpasses.

These evidences consisted not of videos, as you say, but of several audio clips, too.

The exhibition consists of a wide range of products aimed at the defence industry.

The magazine includes a section at the back consisting of a telephone directory.

The menu usually consisted of two or three dishes which were served in the earthen pot.

The ICU health care team consists of physicians, nurses, respiratory therapists, dieticians and other professionals.

Note that ‘consist of’ is more informal than ‘comprise’.
Be aware! Never use ‘consist of’ in the passive, so don’t say something is consisted of something.

The Group of Seven consists of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.                                        

The Group of Seven is consisted of Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, the United Kingdom and the United States.                  

Comprise = Consist of; be made up of. The verb ‘comprise’ has an edge over the verb ‘consist of,’ if you stick to the sense that the whole comprises the parts, and use the active rather than the passive: ‘The newly formed committee will comprise seven members’, ‘the trust comprises four trustees including one chairman’, ‘the studio spans several city blocks, comprising seventeen buildings’, etc.

More example sentences of comprise

The collection comprises 51 classic movies.

The team comprises mostly players from the Commonwealth nations.

Consumer spending by state government now comprises 70% of GDP.

The audience comprising former players, bureaucrats and senior citizens were an enthusiastic lot.

Ad-supported cable programs now comprise more than 80 percent of all U.S. television households.

The accommodation provided by the company comprises two bedrooms, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and rear garden.

Note that sometimes we use comprise in the passive with of, though debatable:

The whole + is comprised of + all its parts (passive)

The course is comprised of fifteen core modules.

The committee is comprised of well-known historians.

The class is comprised mainly of Mexican and Canadian students.

Note that this passive use has been on the rise, may be due to its similarity to ‘be composed of’. However, it is somewhat controversial and not liked by most traditional grammarians.
Be aware!  Like ‘consist of’, ‘comprise’ is not followed by of unless it is used in the passive: ‘the band consists of two guitarists, a bassist, and a drummer’ and NOT ‘the band comprises of two guitarists, a bassist, and a drummer’.

The University comprises of several Departments.              

The University comprises several Departments.                  

Be composed of = The things that something is composed of are its parts or members. The separate things that compose something are the parts or members that form it: ‘the cake is composed of flour and eggs’, ‘a council composed of leaders of the rival factions’,  ‘this vanity table should be composed of three parts’, etc.
Note that there’s no difference in meaning between ‘consist of‘ and ‘be composed of‘; we use both to describe what something is formed or made of.
More example sentences of be composed of

This force would be composed of troops from NATO members.

All matter is found to be composed of atoms and molecules.

The current Roberts Court is supposed to be composed of more democrats.

It has been found that tears to be composed of negatively charged ions.

His idea was a smaller army to be composed of better-trained and better-equipped soldiers.

The committee will be composed of the permanent representatives of the participating States.

The newly-formed force would be composed of all combat types, including two or three carriers, transports and train vessels.

A PowerPoint Presentation can be composed of audio, video, images, text, and other media types.

Constitute = Be (a part) of a whole; combine to form (a whole): ‘women constitute the majority of the workforce’, here’s a collection of old photographs that constitutes the ‘family album, etc.

More example sentences of constitute

There were enough allegations to constitute a lawsuit.

The Barony of Erris constitutes such a large part of Mayo.

Muslims in Burma constitute at least 4 per cent of the country’s entire population.

This termination of contract, from the legal point of view, constitutes a breach of contract.

The pedestrians in the city constitute the highest number of victims of road accidents.

These so-called elite groups constituted a very small proportion of the total population.

This combined migratory population constituted more than 21.8 percent of Lebanon’s population.

The data presented by the WHO constitute only a very modest beginning toward meeting the challenge.

Make up = (of parts) compose or constitute a whole: ‘women make up 56 per cent of the workforce’,

We also use ‘make up’ in this way: with Liam and Emma we made up a foursome for badminton.

More example sentences of make up

Milk, dairy, eggs, meat, fish and poultry make up your three-year-old child’s diet.

As of 2010, there were about 14 million Jews around the world, making up 0.2% of the global population.

American shoppers make up the largest percentage of foreign buyers.

Note that ‘make up’ is a bit less formal than ‘constitute’, but ‘compose’ is rather formal and perhaps rather old-fashioned.

Be made up of = When the subject refers to the whole, make up can also be used in the passive with of: ‘the novel is made up of twelve short stories’, ‘the crew is made up of five women and three men’.

Include = Comprise or contain as part of a whole; make part of a whole or set. When we talk about the whole and then only some of the parts, we use include: ‘the class includes many students from Singapore and Taiwan’, the trip includes a one-night stay at Hawaii’, ‘the price includes all meals and bed’, etc.

More example sentences of include

She donated a few articles of furniture including an almirah, a chair and a vanity table.

The wine was quite good, and it was included in the price of the dinner.

On our trip to Maryland, we were allowed only breakfast and dinner because lunch was not included in the price.

Food and drinks are included in the entry price so it’s a bit of a bargain.

The book also includes some hints for beginners at the back.

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  • 1

    consist [kənˊsɪst]

    1) состоя́ть (of — из); заключа́ться (in — в)



    совмеща́ться, совпада́ть (with)


    n разг.

    соста́в (



    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > consist

  • 2


    Англо-русский строительный словарь. — М.: Русский Язык.

    Англо-русский словарь строительных терминов > consist

  • 3
    consist of

    consist of something
    to be composed of, have (several) parts
    состоять из чего-то

    Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. The book consists of 5 chapters.

    English-Russian mini useful dictionary > consist of

  • 4

    Персональный Сократ > consist

  • 5
    consist of

    Персональный Сократ > consist of

  • 6



    A cricket team consists of eleven players. — В крикетной команде одиннадцать игроков.

    The cake consisted of flour, butter, eggs and sugar. — Пирог готовится из муки, масла, яиц и сахара.

    consist of smb

    — consist of several parts
    — consist in smth


    (1.) Глагол to consist of smth входит в группу близкозначных глаголов to be composed of smth, to be made up of smth, to comprise smth, объединенных общим смыслом иметь в своем составе, содержать что-либо, быть составленным из чего-либо. To consist of smth — состоять из чего-либо, включать в себя — описывает состав целостного объекта, наличие в нем отдельных элементов или частей, независимо от их количества и величины: her wardrobe consists of jeans, shirts and sweaters ee гардероб состоит из джинсов, рубашек и свитеров; the team consists of four members команда состоит из четырех человек; he mixed a drink, consisting of gin, vodka and cherry brandy он приготовил напиток, состоящий из джина, водки и вишневого бренди. To be composed of smth и to be made up of smth — быть составленным, образованным из каких-либо частей, кроме самого факта наличия частей, подразумевают образование из их естественного соединения какого-либо нового объекта: cement is composed of sand and gravel mixed with water цемент составляют песок и гравий, смешанные с водой; the human body is composed of billions of tiny cells человеческое тело состоит из множества мельчайших клеток; the United Nations is composed of/is made up of more than two hundred individual nations OOH составляют более двухсот наций; the jury was made up mostly of women жюри составляли в основном женщины. To comprise smth — охватывать, включать в себя предполагает включение всех составляющих частей, но не подразумевает их соединения, в отличие от be composed of и be made up of: the collection comprises 40 stories сборник включает 40 рассказов; the area comprises two districts на этой территории расположено два района; the house comprises two bedrooms, a living room, a hall and a kitchen дом состоит из двух спален, жилой комнаты, прихожей и кухни. To comprise, в отличие от остальных глаголов этой группы, принадлежит официальному стилю речи. (2.) To consist употребляется с предлогами of и in, которые разграничивают его разные значения. В отличие от to consist of smth, to consist in smth значит быть основной или единственной частью чего-либо, заключаться в чем-либо, состоять в чем-либо: football is a competitive game and consists in beating your opponent футбол — игра, основанная на соревновании, и заключается в том, чтобы победить соперника


    (1.) Глагол to consist принадлежит к группе глаголов, не употребляющихся в формах Continuous. К этой группе принадлежат глаголы to belong, to contain, to comprise, to possess. (2.) Глагол consist входит в группу глаголов, которые не употребляется в форме пассива. К таким глаголам, кроме to consist, относятся to contain, to belong, to get, to happen, to seem, to appear.

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > consist

  • 7

    состоять: to consist of smb, smth — состоять из кого-либо, чего-либо
    (1). Глагол to consist of smth входит в группу близкозначных глаголов to be composed of smth, to be made up of smth, to comprise smth, объединенных общим смыслом иметь в своем составе, содержать что-либо, быть составленным из чего-либо.
    То consist of smth состоять из чего-либо, включать в себя описывает состав целостного объекта, наличие в нем отдельных элементов или частей, независимо от их количества и величины:

    Her wardrobe consists of jeans, shirts and sweaters — Ее гардероб состоит из джинсов, рубашек и свитеров.

    The team consists of four members — Команда состоит из четырех человек.

    He mixed a drink, consisting of gin, vodka and cherry brandy — Он приготовил напиток, состоящий из джина, водки и вишневого бренди.

    To be composed of smth и to be made up of smthбыть составленным, образованным из каких-либо частей, кроме самого факта наличия частей, подразумевают образование из их естественного соединения какого-либо нового объекта:

    Cement is composed of sand and gravel mixed with water — Цемент составляют песок и гравий, смешанные с водой.

    The human body is composed of billions of tiny cells — Человеческое тело состоит из множества мельчайших клеток.

    The United Nations is composed of/is made up of more than two hundred individual nations — ООН составляют более двухсот наций.

    The jury was made up mostly of women — Жюри составляли в основном женщины.

    To comprise smth охватывать, включать в себя предполагает включение всех составляющих частей, но не подразумевает их соединения, в отличие от be composed of и be made up of:

    The collection comprises 40 stories — Сборник включает 40 рассказов.

    The area comprises two districts — В этот район входят две области.

    The house comprises two bedrooms, a living room, a hall and a kitchen — Дом состоит из двух спален, жилой комнаты, прихожей и кухни.

    To comprise, в отличие от остальных глаголов этой группы, принадлежит официальному стилю речи.
    (2). To consist употребляется с предлогами of и in, которые разграничивают его разные значения. В отличие от to consist of smth, to consist in smth значит быть основной или единственной частью чего-либо, заключаться в чем-либо, состоять в чем-либо:

    Football is a competitive game and consists in beating your opponent — Футбол — игра, основанная на соревновании, и заключается в том, чтобы победить соперника.

    (3). Глагол to consist принадлежит к группе глаголов, которые не употребляются в формах Continuous. К этой группе принадлежат глаголы to belong, to contain, to comprise, to possess.
    (4). Глагол to consist входит в группу глаголов, которые не употребляются в форме пассива. К таким глаголам, кроме to consist, относятся to contain, to belong, to get, to happen, to seem, to appear.

    English-Russian word troubles > consist

  • 8


    Contain означает ‘иметь внутри, содержать в себе’: box containing apples, bookcase containing books, report containing valuable proposals. Hold имеет значение ‘вмещать’ и может употребляться вместо contain, однако, в отличие от contain, hold имеет в виду потенциальную емкость, вместимость какого-нибудь сосуда, помещения и т. д., а не фактическое наличие в нем содержимого. Ср. bookcase holding 200 books ‘книжный шкаф, в «который можно поместить 200 книг’ и bookcase containing 200 books ‘книжный шкаф, в котором находится 200 книг’. Comprise означает ‘включать, охватывать’: course of study comprising literature, history and languages; dictionary comprising 60,000 words. Consist of имеет значение ‘состоять из, быть сделанным из’: most cakes consist of flour, sugar, eggs and milk.
    Consist of означает ‘состоять из, быть сделанным, изготовленным из чего-л.’: water consists of hydrogen and oxygen; the book consists of ten chapters (в данном случае дополнение выражено конкретным существительным). Consist in имеет значение ‘заключаться в чем-л.’ (сочетается с отвлеченным существительным или герундием): the moral code of a builder of communism consists in devotion to the cause of communism, love for the socialist motherland and the countries of socialism; the work of a camera-man consists in shooting films.

    Difficulties of the English language (lexical reference) English-Russian dictionary > consist

  • 9

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > consist

  • 10



    The beauty of this picture consists in its balance of colours. — Красота этой картины заключается в удивительной сбалансированности цветовой гаммы.

    Freedom consists in the absence of oppressive laws. — Свобода — это отсутствие репрессивных законов.


    2) состоять, быть составленным из

    A cricket team consists of eleven players. — Крикетная команда состоит из одиннадцати игроков.

    The cake consisted of flour, butter, eggs and sugar. — Пирог готовился из муки, масла, яиц и сахара.



    совмещаться, совпадать, соответствовать

    It consists with the facts. — Это согласуется с фактами.

    The politician’s actions do not consist with the promises in his speeches. — Поступки политика не соотносятся с обещаниями, которые он даёт в своих выступлениях.




    1) состав, совокупность частей; структура, строение


    Англо-русский современный словарь > consist

  • 11


    consist совмещаться, совпадать (with) consist разг. состав (особ. поезда) consist состоять (of — из); заключаться (in — в) consist of состоять

    English-Russian short dictionary > consist

  • 12

    1. гл.
    1) заключаться в (in) The beauty of this picture consists in its balance of colours. ≈ Красота этой картины заключается в удивительной сбалансированности цветовой гаммы. Freedom consists in the absence of oppressive laws. ≈ Свобода — это отсутствие репрессивных законов. Syn: lie II
    1., lie in, reside
    2) состоять, составлять из (of) A cricket team consists of eleven players. ≈ В крикетной команде одиннадцать игроков. The cake consisted of flour, butter, eggs and sugar. ≈ Пирог готовится из муки, масла, яиц и сахара.
    3) совмещаться, совпадать( with) It consists with the facts. ≈ Это согласуется с фактами. The politicians actions do not consist with the promises in his speeches. ≈ Поступки политиков не соотносятся с обещаниями, которые они дают в своих выступлениях. Syn: to be consistent
    2. сущ.;
    1) состав, совокупность частей;
    структура, строение Syn: make-up, composition
    2) железнодорожный состав multiengine consist ≈ поезд, ведомый несколькими локомотивами
    состав, совокупность частей (of) состоять;
    — water *s of hydrogen and oxygen вода состоит из кислорода и водорода — the course *s of five subjects курс состоит из пяти дисциплин, в программу курса входит пять дисциплин (in) заключаться — national strength *s not only in national armies мощь стран определяется не только мощью их армий (with) (книжное) совпадать, совмещаться
    consist совмещаться, совпадать (with) ~ разг. состав (особ. поезда) ~ состоять (of — из) ;
    заключаться (in — в)
    ~ of состоять

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > consist

  • 13
    consist in

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > consist in

  • 14

    1. n состав, совокупность частей

    2. v состоять

    3. v заключаться

    4. v книжн. совпадать, совмещаться

    Синонимический ряд:

    1. agree (verb) accord; agree; check; check out; cohere; comport; conform; consort; correspond; dovetail; fit in; go; harmonize; jibe; march; quadrate; rhyme; square; suit; tally

    2. include (verb) be composed of; contain; dwell; embody; exist; include; incorporate; inhere; involve; lie; repose; reside; rest

    English-Russian base dictionary > consist

  • 15

    Англо-русский словарь технических терминов > consist

  • 16

    1) быть представленным чем-.ч.

    a smaller fraction consists of basic nitrogen compounds одна из меньших фракций представлена азотсодержащими основаниями

    2) представлять собой

    Apparatus A shall consist of a mechanically operated stirring device in which Устройство А представляет собой механическую мешалку, в которой

    3) сводиться к

    А consists in… А сводится к…

    English-Russian dictionary of scientific and technical difficulties vocabulary > consist

  • 17

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > consist

  • 18
    consist in

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > consist in

  • 19
    consist of

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > consist of

  • 20

    1. [ʹkɒnsıst]

    состав, совокупность частей

    2. [kənʹsıst]

    1. (of) состоять

    water consists of hydrogen and oxygen — вода состоит из кислорода и водорода

    the course consists of five subjects — курс состоит из пяти дисциплин, в программу курса входит пять дисциплин

    2. (in) заключаться

    national strength consists not only in national armies — мощь стран определяется не только мощью их армий

    3. (with)

    совпадать, совмещаться

    НБАРС > consist


  • Следующая →
  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • 5
  • 6
  • 7

См. также в других словарях:

  • Consist — Con*sist (k[o^]n*s[i^]st ), v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Consisted}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Consisting}.] [L. consistere to stand still or firm; con + sistere to stand, cause to stand, stare to stand: cf. F. consister. See {Stand}.] 1. To stand firm; to be in… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • consist of — To be made up of • • • Main Entry: ↑consist * * * con ˈsist of [transitive] [present tense I/you/we/they consist of he/she/it consists of …   Useful english dictionary

  • consist in — 1. To inhere in (obsolete) 2. To have as essence 3. To be composed of • • • Main Entry: ↑consist * * * con ˈsist in [transitive] [present tense …   Useful english dictionary

  • consist — is followed by of or in. Consist of means ‘to have as its parts or elements’ (in physical and abstract contexts): • Testing consists of checking that the students can carry out the task by the criteria detailed in the objectives Teaching Clinical …   Modern English usage

  • consist — ► VERB 1) (consist of) be composed of. 2) (consist in) have as an essential feature. ORIGIN Latin consistere stand firm or still, exist …   English terms dictionary

  • consist — [kən sist′] vi. [L consistere, to stand together < com , together + sistere, to place, caus. of stare, to STAND] 1. to be formed or composed (of) [water consists of hydrogen and oxygen] 2. to be contained or inherent (in something) as a cause …   English World dictionary

  • consist — verb add up to, amount to, be composed of, be comprised of, be contained in, be formed of, be made of, be made up of, comprise, consistere, constitute, contain, cover, embody, encompass, enfold, entail, envelop, form, has as a component, have as… …   Law dictionary

  • consist of — index comprehend (include), comprise, constitute (compose), contain (comprise), encompass ( …   Law dictionary

  • consist — 1520s, from M.Fr. consister (14c.) or directly from L. consistere to stand firm, take a standing position, stop, halt, from com together (see COM (Cf. com )) + sistere to place, causative of stare to be standing (see ASSIST (Cf. assist)). Related …   Etymology dictionary

  • consist — [v] exist, reside abide, be, be contained in, be expressed by, be found in, dwell, inhere, lie, repose, rest, subsist; concept 539 …   New thesaurus

  • consist of — [v] made up of amount to, be composed of, comprise, contain, embody, include, incorporate, involve; concept 643 …   New thesaurus

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


This committee should consist of both governments and indigenous representatives.

Этот комитет мог бы состоять из представителей как правительств, так и коренных народов.

Both morning and afternoon meetings will consist of two parts.

Как утренние, так и вечерние заседания будут состоять из двух частей.

Teams may consist of both boys and girls.

В состав команд могут входить как мальчики, так и девочки.

This committee should consist of high-level experts of countries and international organizations.

В состав этого комитета должны входить эксперты высокого уровня, представляющие страны и международные организации.

Systems often consist of numerous subsystems.

Обычно эти системы состоят из большого числа подсистем.

Many compounds consist of ions, not molecules.

Большинство растворов солей состоят из ионных соединений, а не молекул.

This consist of two letters that signifies the country code.

Зачастую, то код, состоящий из двух букв, которые означают код страны.

However there are liquids consist of hydrocarbons.

Тем не менее находящиеся там жидкости состоят из углеводородов.

Military district will consist of 19 two-storey houses on 300 apartments.

Военный «микрорайон» будет состоять из 19 двухэтажных домов на 300 квартир.

Seas consist of water, everyone knows.

Огурец по большей части состоит из воды, это известно всем.

These mostly consist of press releases.

По большей части она состояла из новостных колонок.

Annual benefits consist of all monetary benefits from the biogas plant.

Годовые выгоды состоят из всех выгод в денежной форме, которые приносит биогазовая установка.

Equivalence files consist of one line for each component.

Файлы эквивалентности состоят из строк, по одной для каждого компонента.

Crossbady bags usually consist of straps, belts, and cushions.

Crossbady сумки, как правило, состоят из ремешков, ремней, и подушки.

The machines can be mounted horizontally or vertically and can consist of several components.

Установки могут быть смонтированы на плоскости или вертикально — напр., отвесно — и состоять из нескольких ступеней.

Most diets consist of reducing calories and exercising regularly.

Большинство диет состоят из сокращение калорий и осуществление на регулярной основе.

Italian provinces consist of several administrative sub-divisions called comune (communes).

Итальянские провинции также состоят из нескольких административных единиц, названных comune (коммуны или общины).

Teams for track A reviews will preferably consist of three experts.

Предпочтительно, чтобы группы, готовящие обзоры по направлению А, состояли из трех экспертов.

Teams for track A reviews would preferably consist of three experts.

Группы, готовящие обзор по направлению А, будут предпочтительно состоять из трех экспертов.

Almost 9% consist of single-person households.

Примерно 9% домашних хозяйств состоят из одного человека.

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  1. The object of semasiology.
    Two approaches to the study of meaning.

  2. Types of meaning.

  3. Meaning and motivation.

The branch of lexicology which studies meaning is called
Sometimes the term «semantics»
is used as a synonym to semasiology, but it is ambiguous as it can
stand as well for (1)
the expressive aspect of language in general and (2)
the meaning of one particular word.

is certainly the most important property of the word but what is

is one of the most controversial terms in lexicology. At present
there is no generally accepted definition of meaning. Prof.
Smirnitsky defines meaning as «a certain reflection in the mind
of objects, phenomena or relations that makes part of the linguistic
sign, its so-called inner facet, whereas the sound form functions as
its outer facet». Generally speaking, meaning can be described
as a component of the word through which a concept is communicated,
enabling the word to denote objects in the real world.

There are

to the study of meaning: the
referential approach

and the
functional approach
The former tries to define meaning in terms of relations between the
word (sound form), concept (notion, thought) and referent (object
which the word denotes). They are closely connected and the
relationship between them is represented by «the semiotic
triangle» ( = the basic triangle) of Ogden and Richards (in the
book «The Meaning of Meaning» (1923) by O.K. Ogden and I.A.



(sound form)

This view denies a direct link
between words and things, arguing that the relationship can be made
only through the use of our minds. Meaning is related to a sound
form, concept and referent but not identical with them: meaning is a
linguistic phenomenon while neither concept nor referent is.

main criticism of this approach is the difficulty of identifying
«concepts»: they are mental phenomena and purely
subjective, existing
in the minds of individuals. The strongest point of this approach is
that it connects meaning and the process of nomination.

The functional approach to
meaning is less concerned with what meaning is than with how it
works. It is argued, to say that «words have meanings»
means only that they are used in a certain way in a sentence. There
is no meaning beyond that. Ludwig Wittgenstein (1889-1951), in
particular, stressed the importance of this approach in his dictum:
«The meaning of the word is its use in the language». So
meaning is studied by making detailed analyses of the way words are
used in contexts, through their relations to other words in speech,
and not through their relations to concepts or referents.

the functional approach is basically confined to the analysis of
sameness or difference of meaning. For example, we can say that in
the bottle
and «take
to the

has different meaning as it is used differently, but it does not
explain what the meaning of the verb is. So the functional approach
be used not as the theoretical basis for the study of meaning, but
only as complementary to the referential approach.

Word meaning is made up of different components, commonly known
as types
of meaning
The two main types of meaning are grammatical
lexical meaning.


belongs to sets of word-forms and is common to
all words of the given part of speech,

boys, classes, children, mice

express the meaning of


belongs to an individual word in all its forms. It
comprises several components. The two main ones are the
the connotational component.

also called «referential
meaning» or «cognitive meaning», expresses the
conceptual (notional)
content of a word; broadly, it is some information, or knowledge,
of the real-world object that the word denotes.
Basically, this is the component that makes communication possible.


connotational (connotative) component

expresses the attitude of
the speaker to what he is saying, to the object denoted by the word.
This component consists of emotive

1) Emotive

( = «affective meaning», or an emotive charge),

In «a
single tree
single states that there is only one tree,
lonely tree
besides giving the same information, also renders
(conveys) the feeling of sadness.

shouldn’t confuse emotive connotations and emotive denotative
in which some emotion is named, e.g. horror,
love, fear, etc

2) Evaluative

the referent as «good» or «bad»,

has a negative evaluative connotation, while
a positive one. Cf.: a
notorious criminal/liar/

and a
celebrated singer/ scholar/ artist, etc.

should be noted that emotive and evaluative connotations are not
individual, they are common to all speakers of the language. But
emotive implications are individual (or common to a group of
subjective, depend on personal experience.

The word «hospital»
may evoke all kinds of emotions in
people (an
architect, a doctor, an invalid, etc.)

or stylistic reference, another component of word meaning, stands
somewhat apart from emotive and evaluative connotations. Indeed, it
does not characterize a referent, but rather states how a word should
be used by referring it to a certain functional style of the language
peculiar to a specific sphere of communication. It shows in what
social context, in what communicative situations the word can be

words can be roughly classified into literary,
or formal
commence, discharge, parent
father, begin, dismiss
and non-literary,
or informal
dad, sack, set off

The term «motivation»
is used to denote the relationship between the
form of the word, i.e. its sound form, morphemic composition and
structural pattern, and its meaning.

are three
main types of motivation


is a direct connection between the sound form
of a word and its meaning. There are two types of phonetic
motivation: sound
sound symbolism.

a) Sound
phonetically motivated words are
a direct imitation of the sounds they denote (or the sounds produced
by actions or objects they denote),

swish, bang, thud, cuckoo.

b) Sound
It’s argued by some linguists that the sounds that make up a word may
reflect or symbolise the properties of the object which the word
to, i.e. they may suggest size, shape, speed, colour, etc.


suggest big size, heavy weight, dark colour, front

suggest lightness, smallness, etc.

words beginning with sl-
are slippery in some way: slide,
slip, slither, sludge
or pejorative: slut,
slattern, sly, sloppy, slovenly
words that end in -ump
all refer to some kind of roundish mass: plump,
rump, hump, stump

Certainly, not every word with
these phonetic characteristics will have the meaning suggested. This
is, perhaps, one of the reasons why sound symbolism is not
universally recognized in linguistics.

2) Morphological

a direct connection between the lexical meaning of the component
morphemes, the pattern of their arrangement and the meaning of the

Morphologically motivated
words are those whose meaning is determined by the meaning of their


The degree
of morphological motivation may be different. Words may be

(then they are transparent), partially

(idiomatic, or opaque).

If the meaning of the word is determined by the meaning of the
and the structural pattern, it is fully
e.g. hatless.

If the connection between the morphemic composition of a word and
its meaning is arbitrary, the word is non-motivated,
e.g. buttercup
«yellow-flowered plant».

In hammer
shows that it is an instrument, but what is «hamming«?
has no lexical meaning in this word, thus the word is partially
Cf. also cranberry.

Motivation may be lost in the
course of time,

in OE wīfman
motivated morphologically: wīf
+ man
of a man»; now it is opaque;
its motivation is said to be faded (woman).

3) Semantic

is based on co-existence of direct and figurative
meanings of the same word,


1) insect; 2) showy and
frivolous person.( = metaphorical extension of the direct meaning).

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Mark Twain said,

Good breeding consists in concealing how much we think of ourselves and how little we think of the other person.

What my question boils down to is this: Could Twain have used consists of there instead of consists in and still meant the same thing? In other words, are there nuances to the word consist that shade the meaning in such a way that a different preposition is desirable?

Note that a search of the corpus shows consists in steadily declining since the 19th century (Twain’s), and consists of may be supplanting it in all meanings.

asked Dec 29, 2012 at 14:57

Robusto's user avatar


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Consist seems to occur in two constructions, one of which is followed by a list of Noun Phrase constituents introduced by of, but generally not in:

  • Columbus’s fleet consisted of the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.
  • ??Columbus’s fleet consisted in the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria.

The other construction is usually followed by a gerund clause or a list of parallel gerunds, and this allows in, and also of.

  • Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe.

Though of sounds a bit off to me in the sentence above; this is probably due to my own personal usage habits, however, rather than to any rule. Preposition usage in cases like this is often idiosyncratic and fluid. Don’t trust usage books; they’re just personal opinions that got published, not evidence.

answered Dec 29, 2012 at 16:45

John Lawler's user avatar

John LawlerJohn Lawler

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The OED shows that the use of consist of and consist in has been unsettled over the centuries. There is just one definition given for the former:

To be made up or composed of; to have as its constituent substance or

However, the latter has six definitions, of which I think the one which applies to Twain’s use is:

To have its essence or essential character in.

It follows that I don’t think Twain could have used consists of here. As I read it, he is emphasising the essential qualities of good breeding, rather than the elements that make it up. Consist of seems to me to be best reserved for more tangible things like lists of ingredients, where consist in can certainly not be used.

answered Dec 29, 2012 at 16:01

Barrie England's user avatar

Barrie EnglandBarrie England

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