Word meaning coming to terms with

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

примириться с

смириться с

примирения с

примиряется с

смирился с

смириться со

примирившись с

примирение с

примиряются с

смиряется со

адаптация к условиям

примириться со

примирения со

Примирение со

соглашаются с

A past like yours, it must be tough coming to terms with your own mortality.

С прошлым как твое, должно быть сложно примириться с собственной смертностью.

Many people have a hard time coming to terms with the idea of being alone, even for short periods of time.

Многим людям сложно смириться с идеей одиночества, даже на короткий промежуток времени.

Also, we would be coming to terms with circumstances, and get a new perspective on things.

Кроме того, мы должны смириться с некоторыми обстоятельствами и получить новый взгляд на вещи.

The process of coming to terms with the past happens not only at memorials.

Процесс примирения с прошлым происходит не только в мемориалах.

This is all quite normal and part of the process of coming to terms with your loss.

Это все вполне нормально и является частью процесса примирения с потерей.

The experience of coming to terms with defeat can build the resilience and self-awareness necessary to manage academic, social, and physical hurdles.

Опыт примирения с поражением поможет выработать стойкость и самосознание, необходимые для преодоления учебных, социальных и психологических барьеров.

This is the beginning of coming to terms with it.

Secondly, it provides insight into the difficulties which families of foreign fighters face when coming to terms with their loss.

Во-вторых, он рассказывает о трудностях, с которыми сталкиваются семьи иностранных боевиков, пытаясь примириться с потерей.

This is a normal part of coming to terms with a cancer diagnosis.

Это нормальная часть примирения с диагнозом рака.

Mourning is a way of coming to terms with this loss.

Вера была одним из способов примириться с этой утратой.

Western governments have a hard time coming to terms with this practice as it is interpreted as bribery and corruption.

Западным правительствам трудно смириться с этой практикой, поскольку она трактуется как взяточничество и коррупция.

The trials represent for the Cambodian people an important opportunity for catharsis, healing and coming to terms with the country’s recent history.

Эти судебные разбирательства предоставляют камбоджийскому народу важную возможность самоочищения, залечивания ран и примирения с недавней историей страны.

Trump may even be coming to terms with North Korea’s weapons program.

Трамп даже может смириться с оружейной программой Северной Кореи.

Ego integrity means coming to terms with your life and thereby coming to terms with the end of life.

They are having great difficulty coming to terms with the new situation.

He was finally coming to terms with the fact that their 22 year relationship was really over.

Но он наконец-то смирился с тем, что их 22-летние отношения действительно закончились.

There is a coming to terms with a non-war existence.

In other words, coming to terms with a certain ambivalence you had begun to experience with institutional critique.

Другими словами, примирившись с некой двойственностью, ты начала пробовать себя в институциональной критике.

There is no coming to terms with what has happened.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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come to terms with (someone or something)

To begin to or make an effort to understand, accept, and deal with a difficult or problematic person, thing, or situation. I should have the report ready for you by this afternoon, I just need to come to terms with this new software update first. I’ve tried, but I just can’t come to terms with Amy, she’s totally out of control!

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

come to terms with

come to accept a new and painful or difficult event or situation.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

come to terms with

1. To come to accept; become reconciled to: finally came to terms with his lack of talent.

2. To reach mutual agreement: The warring factions have at last come to terms.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • (the) shit’s about to hit the fan
  • go down the rabbit hole
  • tough row to hoe
  • a long row to hoe
  • a tough row to hoe
  • in a cleft stick
  • a hard row to hoe

come to terms with — перевод на русский

Well, how do you come to terms with what happened, then?

А как еще смириться с тем, что произошло?

I’d just about come to terms with what’d happened to me, and then I saw her.

Я практически был готов смириться с тем, что со мной случилось, но затем я увидел её.

And you can finally come to term with the choices you made that day.

И ты, наконец-то, сможешь смириться с тем выбором, что ты сделал тогда.

Jules has been helping me come to terms with what I am.

Джулс помогала мне смириться с тем, кто я есть.

Because-— because it will make it easier for me to come to terms with what I have to do?

Потому что… потому что это поможет мне смириться с тем, что я должен сделать?

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A past like yours, it must be tough coming to terms with your own mortality.

С прошлым как твое, должно быть сложно примириться с собственной смертностью.

Because, obviously, he wants to shag other blokes and he can’t come to terms with it.

Ведь очевидно, что он хочет чтобы заниматься другими парнями и он не может примириться с ней.

I suggest you and your mother take whatever time you have… to come to terms with the facts of the case.

Я предлагаю вам и вашей маме найти время и примириться с фактами этого дела.

If that helps him come to terms with it…

Если это поможет ему примириться с этим…

This is new for you, but given time, you could come to terms with it.

Это ново для тебя, но спустя время, ты могла бы примириться с этим.

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Although a lot of designers believe emotionally and intellectually in sustainability, they and the manufacturers they work for are finding it very difficult to come to terms with.

Несмотря на то, что большинство дизайнеров умом и сердцем верят в стабильность, им очень трудно договориться с производителями.

The only way to come to terms with Communism is to destroy it.

Единственный способ договориться с коммунизмом, уничтожить его.

Perhaps you can come to terms with Renault.

Может, вы договоритесь с капитаном Рено.

The lad might come to terms with it sooner, sir, if you weren’t stood so close.

Парень договорился бы с ним намного быстрее, сэр, если бы вы не стояли так близко.

Have you come to terms with your situation?

Так мы договорились?

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  • 1
    come to terms with

    come to terms with прийти к соглашению (с кем-л.)

    Англо-русский словарь Мюллера > come to terms with

  • 2
    come to terms with

    1) Общая лексика: примириться , смириться , прийти к соглашению , усвоить

    3) Макаров: договориться , пойти на уступки, прийти к соглашению , примириться , принять (чьи-л.) условия

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > come to terms with

  • 3
    come to terms with

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > come to terms with

  • 4
    come to terms with

    Англо-русский большой универсальный переводческий словарь > come to terms with

  • 5
    come to terms with

    принять (чьи-л.) условия

    Англо-русский дипломатический словарь > come to terms with

  • 6
    come to terms with one’s conscience

    He is a man of honour and will never come to terms with his conscience. — Он человек порядочный и никогда не пойдет на сделку с совестью.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > come to terms with one’s conscience

  • 7
    come to terms with someone or something


    I finally came to terms with my lawyer about his fee.

    English-Russian small dictionary of idioms > come to terms with someone or something

  • 8
    come to terms with (smth)

    Общая лексика:

    примириться , смириться

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > come to terms with (smth)

  • 9
    come to terms with a fact

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > come to terms with a fact

  • 10
    come to terms with conscience

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > come to terms with conscience

  • 11
    come to terms with the inevitable

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > come to terms with the inevitable

  • 12
    come to terms with to conscience

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > come to terms with to conscience

  • 13
    come to terms with someone

    прийти к соглашению с кем-л.

    Новый англо-русский словарь > come to terms with someone

  • 14
    come to terms with smb

    примири́ться с кем-л., договори́ться с кем-л.

    The Americanisms. English-Russian dictionary. > come to terms with smb

  • 15
    to come to terms with

    Англо-русский современный словарь > to come to terms with

  • 16
    to come to terms with one’s conscience

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > to come to terms with one’s conscience

  • 17
    to come to terms with smb.

    1) прийти к соглашению, договориться с кем-л.

    2) пойти на уступки; принять чьи-л. условия

    English-russian dctionary of diplomacy > to come to terms with smb.

  • 18
    to come to terms with smb

    прийти к соглашению/договориться с кем-либо

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > to come to terms with smb

  • 19
    come to terms


    1) (with


    ) пoйти нa уcтупки кoму-л., дoгoвopитьcя, пpийти к coглaшeнию c кeм-л.

    We came to terms and struck the bargain (Th. Hardy). When your parents start quarrelling, you should try to help them to come to terms


    2) (with


    ) пpимиpитьcя c чём-л.; пpивыкнуть к чeму-л.

    She liked the country even less than Mrs dive, who was gradually coming to terms with it (M. Dickens). Once, Texans made the mistake of thinking that there would never be another bust. Then we thought that there would never be another boom. That too was wrong. Now… we must somehow come to terms with our cyclical destiny (Texas Monthly)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > come to terms

  • 20
    come to terms

    примириться; свыкнуться

    He managed to come to terms with his illness.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > come to terms


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См. также в других словарях:

  • come to terms with — (something) to begin to accept and deal with something difficult or unpleasant. She s never really come to terms with her son s death. It s very hard coming to terms with the fact that you ll never have children. Related vocabulary: come to grips …   New idioms dictionary

  • come to terms with — To find a way of living with (some personal trouble or difficulty) • • • Main Entry: ↑term * * * come to accept (a new and painful or difficult event or situation); reconcile oneself to she had come to terms with the tragedies in her life …   Useful english dictionary

  • come to terms with — ► come to terms with reconcile oneself to. Main Entry: ↑term …   English terms dictionary

  • come to terms with — accept that it is true, face facts    She helped the boy come to terms with the death of his father …   English idioms

  • come to terms with something — phrase to learn to accept and deal with an unpleasant situation or event, especially after being upset or angry about it for a long time She needed time to come to terms with her grief. Thesaurus: to try to deal with a problem or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • come to terms with something — come to terms with (something) to begin to accept and deal with something difficult or unpleasant. She s never really come to terms with her son s death. It s very hard coming to terms with the fact that you ll never have children. Related… …   New idioms dictionary

  • come to terms (with someone) — phrase to make an agreement, or to end an argument with someone They had somehow to come to terms. Thesaurus: to reach, or to enter into an agreementsynonym ending, solving and avoiding arguments and fightshyponym to agree with someone or… …   Useful english dictionary

  • come to terms (with somebody) — come to ˈterms (with sb) idiom to reach an agreement with sb; to find a way of living or working together • The enemy was eventually forced to come to terms. Main entry: ↑termsidiom …   Useful english dictionary

  • come to terms with something — to learn to accept and deal with an unpleasant situation or event, especially after being upset or angry about it for a long time She needed time to come to terms with her grief …   English dictionary

  • come to terms with — verb a) To resolve a conflict with. She finally came to terms with her addictions at her third rehab clinic and rarely drank again. b) To accept or resign oneself to something emotionally painful Until he comes to terms with the likelihood of… …   Wiktionary

  • come to terms with — confront, deal with, accept (a situation) …   English contemporary dictionary

well, it simply means «to come to terms with»

«terms» means an agreement (as in, say, a contract)

Say your Uncle and you really hate each other. But, you have to share a house.

You would have to reach some sort of «working agreement» on how to handle that situtaion — you both hate each other, but, you have to at least be civil, say, and not try to use the fridge at the same time, and you don’t touch his train set and he doesn’t touch your nintendo. A sort of detente, you know?

Another almost identical phrase is «came to an understanding».

«We had to share the house, so we had to come to terms with each other.»

Note that he phrase is usually used in that sense .. two parties who hate each other, form a detente, an understanding, to get by without being at each other’s throats.

However, it can also very simply be used in the sense of a contract or other agreement. How’s your payment negotiation going? No problem, we came to terms.

in your particular example, it means has come to an «agreement» with Death.

So, as Erik points out, you are actually «dealing with» («dealing» means «doing business with») Death.

before you «come to terms» with Death, you are perhaps still in pure shock, or perhaps in denial («I can’t believe person X is dead..»). you are behaving perhaps erratically, not looking after yourself, not eating etc.

once you start «dealing» with Death, you accept person X is dead, you start making arrangements — even though your life has changed dramatically you find an arrangements to press on.



come to terms — приходить к соглашению; достигать соглашения; прийти к соглашению
to come to terms — достичь соглашения, договориться
come to terms with — смириться с чем-либо; прийти к соглашению; пойти на уступки
come to terms with conscience — пойти на сделку с совестью
come to terms with to conscience — пойти на сделку с совестью
come to terms with the inevitable — примириться с неизбежным
to come to terms with one’s conscience — пойти на сделку с совестью
man with whom we have yet to come to terms — человек, к которому нам нужно привыкнуть
a man with whom we have yet to come to terms — человек, к которому нам нужно привыкнуть
to come to terms with smb., to make terms with smb. — а) прийти к соглашению /договориться/ с кем-л.; б) принять чьи-л. условия; пойти на уступки; примириться с кем-л.; to come to terms with the inevitable
come within the terms of reference — относиться к компетенции; относиться к ведению
come within the terms of a contract — подпадать под условия контракта
to come within the terms of reference — относиться к ведению, к компетенции

Автоматический перевод

договориться, прийти к соглашению, примириться

Перевод по словам

come  — приходить, приехать, приезжать, прибывать, наступить, происходить, подходить
term  — срок, термин, член, терм, выражение, семестр, называть, выражать


Counselling helped her come to terms with her grief.

Консультации психолога помогли ей примириться со своим горем.

Her family are still trying to come to terms with her violent death.

Ее семья до сих пор пытается выяснить обстоятельства ее насильственной смерти.

George and Elizabeth have come to terms with the fact that they will never have children.

Джордж и Элизабет уже смирились с тем, что у них никогда не будет детей.

These two phrases mean almost the same thing, but it can be useful to know the difference. Making peace with something means you “become resolved or reconciled.” Coming to terms with something means you “accept or become resigned” to it. It can also mean to reach an agreement. Make peace with is usually used to talk about humans. Come to terms with is usually used with non-living concepts.

Living versus Inanimate

To make peace with and to come to terms with both operate like a transitive verbs. Transitive verbs describe the action of a sentence, and are always in relation to a direct object. The object of make peace with is more likely to be a person. For example, imagine a pair of neighbors arguing daily over one of them playing their music too loud. One day, one of them decides she’s had enough of the fighting. She makes peace with her neighbor, and they’re able to negotiate a compromise about the music.

The object of come to terms with is usually an inanimate object. If in the music scenario the neighbor stops fighting and just accepts the loud music, this means she’s come to terms with it. It’s not wrong, but it’s much less common to hear that someone has “made peace with loud music” or “come to terms with their neighbor.”

In some cases, to come to terms with someone can literally mean to agree on specific terms with them. The phrase still usually refers to a non-living thing. If the neighbors come to terms with each other about music volume, these terms might include how loudly music can be played and at what times.

The title of Jess Ainscough’s health and lifestyle book, Make Peace with Your Plate, is an example of using make peace with with a non-living object. In this case the plate symbolizes diet and lifestyle. Because the plate is personified (given humanlike qualities), it’s appropriate to say make peace with.


Make peace with and come to terms with should each be preceded by a subject and followed by a prepositional object. If he is the subject and her is the object, you could say, “He makes peace with her,” or “He comes to terms with her.”

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