Word meaning coming of age

«Of age» redirects here. For the term in legal contexts, see Legal age.

Coming of age is a young person’s transition from being a child to being an adult. The specific age at which this transition takes place varies between societies, as does the nature of the change. It can be a simple legal convention or can be part of a ritual or spiritual event, as practiced by many societies. In the past, and in some societies today, such a change is associated with the age of sexual maturity (puberty), especially menarche and spermarche.[1] In others, it is associated with an age of religious responsibility. Particularly in western societies, modern legal conventions which stipulate points in around the end of adolescence and the beginning of early adulthood (most commonly 18, with the range being 16-21) when adolescents are generally no longer considered minors and are granted the full rights and responsibilities of an adult) are the focus of the transition. In either case, many cultures retain ceremonies to confirm the coming of age, and coming-of-age stories are a well established sub-genre in literature, film industry, and other forms of media.


Ancient Greek[edit]

In certain states in Ancient Greece, such as Sparta and Crete, adolescent boys were expected to enter into a mentoring relationship with an adult man, in which they would be taught skills pertaining to adult life, such as hunting, martial arts and fine arts.



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Ancient Rome[edit]

The puberty ritual for the young Roman male involved shaving his beard and taking off his bulla, an amulet worn to mark and protect underage youth, which he then dedicated to his household gods, the Lares.[2] He assumed the toga virilis («toga of manhood»), was enrolled as a citizen on the census, and soon began his military service.[3] Traditionally, the ceremony was held on the Liberalia, the festival in honor of the god Liber, who embodied both political and sexual liberty, but other dates could be chosen for individual reasons.[4]

Rome lacked the elaborate female puberty rituals of ancient Greece, and for girls, the wedding ceremony was in part a rite of passage for the bride. Girls coming of age dedicated their dolls to Artemis, the goddess most concerned with virginity, or to Aphrodite when they were preparing for marriage.[5] All adolescents in ritual preparation to transition to adult status wore the tunica recta, the «upright tunic», but girls wove their own. The garment was called recta because it was woven by tradition on a type of upright loom that had become archaic in later periods.[6]

Roman girls were expected to remain virgins until marriage, but boys were often introduced to heterosexual behaviors by a prostitute.[7] The higher the social rank of a girl, the sooner she was likely to become betrothed and married.[8] The general age of betrothal for women of the upper classes was fourteen, but for patricians as early as twelve. Weddings, however, were often postponed until the girl was considered mature enough. Males typically postponed marriage till they had served in the military for some time and were beginning their political careers, around age 25. Patrician males, however, might marry considerably earlier; Julius Caesar was married for the first time by the age of 18.

On the night before the wedding, the bride bound up her hair with a yellow hairnet she had woven. The confining of her hair signifies the harnessing of her sexuality within marriage. Her weaving of the tunica recta and the hairnet demonstrated her skill and her capacity for acting in the traditional matron’s role as custos domi, «guardian of the house».[9] On her wedding day, she belted her tunic with the cingulum, made from the wool of an ewe to symbolize fertility, and tied with the «knot of Hercules», which was supposed to be hard to untie.[10] The knot symbolized wifely chastity, in that it was to be untied only by her husband, but the cingulum also symbolized that the bridegroom «was belted and bound» to his wife.[11] The bride’s hair was ritually styled in «six tresses» (seni crines), and she was veiled until uncovered by her husband at the end of the ceremony, a ritual of surrendering her virginity to him.[12]


In Anglo-Celtic cultures, (such as Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and Ireland) when a female reaches 16 years of age, she may have a sweet sixteenth birthday party. However, the legal age of majority is 18 in most of these countries. At 18, one is legally enabled to vote, purchase tobacco and alcohol, marry without parental consent (although one can wed at 16 in Scotland and New Zealand) and sign contracts. But in the early twentieth century, the age of legal majority was 21, although the marriageable age was typically lower. Even though turning 21 now has few, if any, legal effects in most of these countries, its former legal status as the age of majority has caused it to continue to be celebrated.


In Canada, a person aged 16 and over can legally drive a car and work, but are only considered to be an adult at age 18 like in the US. In most provinces, the legal age to purchase alcohol and cigarettes is 19, except in Alberta, Manitoba, and Quebec where it is 18 years old.


In some countries, Humanist or freethinker organisations have arranged courses or camps for non-religious adolescents, in which they can study or work on ethical, social and personal topics important for adult life, followed by a formal rite of passage comparable to the Christian Confirmation. Some of these ceremonies are even called «civil confirmations». The purpose of these ceremonies is to offer a festive ritual for those youngsters, who do not believe in any religion, but nevertheless want to mark their transition from childhood to adulthood.[13]


In Bali, the coming of age ceremony is supposed to take place after a girl’s first menstrual period or a boy’s voice breaks. However, due to expense, it is often delayed until later. The upper canines are filed down slightly to symbolize the effacing of the individual’s «wild» nature.
While in Nias island, a young man must jump up over a stone (normally about 1 or 2 meters) as a part of the coming of age ceremony.


Since 1948, the age of majority in Japan has been 20; persons under 20 are not permitted to smoke or drink. Until June 2016, people under 20 were not permitted to vote.[14] The government of Japan lowered the age of majority to 18, which came into effect in 2021.[15] Coming-of-age ceremonies, known as seijin shiki, are held on the second Monday of January. At the ceremony, all of the men and women participating are brought to a government building and listen to many speakers, similar to a graduation ceremony. At the conclusion of the ceremony Government officials give speeches, and small presents are handed out to the new adults.


In Korea, citizens are permitted to marry, vote, drive, drink alcohol, and smoke at age 19.[clarification needed]

The Monday of the third week of May is «coming-of-age day». There has been a traditional coming of age ceremony since before the Goryeo dynasty, but it has mostly disappeared. In the traditional way, when boys or girls were between the ages of fifteen and twenty, boys wore gat, a Korean traditional hat made of bamboo and horsehair, and girls did their hair in chignon with binyeo, a Korean traditional ornamental hairpin. Both of them wore hanbok, which are sometimes worn at the coming of age ceremony in the present day.

Latin America[edit]

In some[which?] Latin American countries, when a female reaches the age of 15, her relatives organize a very expensive celebration. It is usually a large party, called a Quinceañera in Spanish speaking countries and Baile de Debutantes (also called Festa de 15 [anos], literally: Party of 15 [years]) in Brazil. The legal age of adulthood varies by country.

Papua New Guinea[edit]

Kovave is a ceremony to initiate Papua New Guinea boys into adult society. It involves dressing up in a conical hat which has long strands of leaves hanging from the edge, down to below the waist. The name Kovave is also used to describe the head-dress.


In the Philippines, a popular coming of age celebration for 18-year-old women is the debut. It is normally a formal affair, with a strict dress code such as a coat and tie for the upper-middle and upper classes, and usually has a theme or color scheme that is related to the dress code. The débutante traditionally chooses for her entourage «18 Roses», who are 18 special men or boys in the girl’s life such as boyfriends, relatives and brothers, and «18 Candles», who are the Roses’ female counterparts. Each presents a rose or candle then delivers a short speech about the debutante. The Roses sometimes dance with the débutante before presenting their flower and speech, with the last being her father or boyfriend. Other variations exist, such as 18 Treasures (of any gender; gives a present instead of a candle or flower) or other types of flowers aside from roses being given, but the significance of «18» is almost always retained.

Filipino men, on the other hand, celebrate their debut on their 21st birthday. There is no traditionally set program marking this event, and celebrations differ from family to family. Both men and women may opt not to hold a debut at all.[citation needed]


In the Romani culture, males are called Shave when they come of age at 20, and females Sheya. Males are then taught to drive and work in their family’s line of trade, while females are taught the women’s line of work.

Scandinavian and Slavic[edit]

In Ukraine, Poland and the Scandinavian Countries, the legal coming of age of a person is celebrated at either 18 or 21.

South Africa[edit]

In South Africa, the Xhosa Ulwaluko and the Sotho Lebollo la banna circumcision and manhood ceremonies are still undertaken by the majority of males.


In Spain during the 19th century, there was a civilian coming of age bound to the compulsory military service. The quintos were the boys of the village that reached the age of eligibility for military service (18 years), thus forming the quinta of a year. In rural Spain, the mili was the first and sometimes the only experience of life away from family. In the days before their departure, the quintos knocked every door to ask for food and drink. They held a common festive meal with what they gathered and sometimes painted some graffiti reading «Vivan los quintos del año» as a memorial of their leaving their youth. Years later, the quintos of the same year could still hold yearly meals to remember times past. By the end of the 20th century, the rural exodus, the diffusion of city customs and the loss of prestige of military service changed the relevance of quintos parties. In some places, the party included the village girls of the same age, thus becoming less directly relevant to military service. In others, the tradition was simply lost.

In 2002, conscription was abolished in Spain in favor of an all-professional military. As a result, the quintos disappeared except for a few rural areas where it is kept as coming of age traditional party without further consequences.

United States[edit]

In the United States, people are allowed to drive at 16 in all states except New Jersey, which requires drivers to be 17 and older, and sometimes receive the responsibility of owning their own car. People may drive at age 15 in Idaho and Montana. At 16, people are also legally allowed to donate blood and work in most establishments. In spite of all this, it is not until the age of 18 that a person is legally considered an adult and can vote and join the military (age 17 with parental consent). The legal age for purchasing and consuming alcohol, tobacco, and recreational marijuana, the latter of which is only legal in the District of Columbia, Colorado, Illinois, Oregon, Washington, California, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Nevada, Michigan, Virginia, Connecticut, New Mexico, New York, Arizona, Montana, New Jersey, Vermont, Maine, and Alaska, is 21.[16][17] Multiple localities have also raised the minimum purchase age independent of state laws.[18]


During the feudal period, the coming of age was celebrated at 15 for noblemen. Nowadays, the age is 18 for boys and girls.[citation needed]



Turning 15, the «age of maturity», as the Baha’i faith terms it, is a time when a child is considered spiritually mature. Declared Baha’is that have reached the age of maturity are expected to begin observing certain Baha’i laws, such as obligatory prayer and fasting.[19]


Theravada boys, typically just under the age of 20 years, undergo a Shinbyu ceremony, where they are initiated into the Temple as Novice Monks (Samanera). They will typically stay in the monastery for between 3 days and 3 years, most commonly for one 3-month «rainy season retreat» (vassa), held annually from late July to early October. During this period the boys experience the rigors of an orthodox Buddhist monastic lifestyle – a lifestyle that involves celibacy, formal voluntary poverty, absolute nonviolence, and daily fasting between noon and the following day’s sunrise.

Depending on how long they stay, the boys will learn various chants and recitations in the canonical language (Pali) – typically the Buddha’s more famous discourses (Suttas) and verses (Gathas) – as well as Buddhist ethics and higher monastic discipline (Vinaya). If they stay long enough and conditions permit, they may be tutored in the meditative practices (bhavana, or dhyana) that are at the heart of Buddhism’s program for the self-development of alert tranquillity (samadhi), wisdom (prajna), and divine mental states (brahmavihara).

After living the novitiate monastic life for some time, the boy, now considered to have «come of age», will either take higher ordination as a fully ordained monk (a bhikkhu) or will (more often) return to lay life. In Southeast Asian countries, where most practitioners of Theravada Buddhism reside, women will often refuse to marry a man who has not ordained temporarily as a Samanera in this way at some point in his life. Men who have completed this Samanera ordination and have returned to lay life are considered primed for adult married life and are described in the Thai language and the Khmer language by terms which roughly translate as «cooked», «finished», or «cooled off» in English, as in meal preparation/consumption. Thus, one’s monastic training is seen to have prepared one properly for familial, social, and civic duty and/or one’s passions and unruliness of the boy are seen to have «cooled down» enough for him to be of use to a woman as a proper man.


«Age of accountability» redirects here. For the exclusion from criminal liability, see defense of infancy.

In many Western Christian churches (those deriving from Rome after the East-West Schism), a young person is eligible to receive confirmation, which is considered a sacrament in Catholicism, and a rite in Lutheranism, Anglicanism, Methodism, Irvingism, and Reformed Christianity.[20][21] The Catholic and Methodist denominations teach that in confirmation, the Holy Spirit strengthens a baptized individual for their faith journey.[22][23] This is usually done by a bishop or an abbot laying their hands upon the foreheads of the young person (usually between the ages of 12 to 15 years), and marking them with the seal of the Holy Spirit. In some Christian denominations, the confirmand (now an adult in the eyes of the Church) takes a Saint’s name as a confirmation name.

In Christian denominations that practice Believer’s Baptism (baptism by voluntary decision, as opposed to baptism in early infancy), it is normatively carried out after the age of accountability has arrived, as with many Anabaptist denominations, such as the Mennonites. Some traditions withhold the rite of Holy Communion from those not yet at the age of accountability, on the grounds that children do not understand what the sacrament means. In the 20th century, Roman Catholic children began to be admitted to communion some years before confirmation, with an annual First Communion service – a practice that was extended to some paedobaptist Protestant groups, such as Lutheranism and Anglicanism–but since the Second Vatican Council, the withholding of confirmation to a later age, e.g. mid-teens in the United States, early teens in Ireland and Britain, has in some areas been abandoned in favour of restoring the traditional order of the three sacraments of initiation.[24][25][26]

In some denominations, full membership in the Church, if not bestowed at birth, often must wait until the age of accountability and frequently is granted only after a period of preparation known as catechesis. The time of innocence before one has the ability to understand truly the laws of God and that God sees one as innocent is also seen as applying to individuals who suffer from a mental disability which prevents them from ever reaching a time when they are capable of understanding the laws of God. These individuals are thus seen, according to some Christians, as existing in a perpetual state of innocence.


In 1910, Pope Pius X issued the decree Quam singulari, which changed the age of eligibility for receiving both the sacrament of Penance and the Eucharist to a «time when a child begins to reason, that is about the seventh year, more or less.» Previously, local standards had been at least 10 or 12 or even 14 years old.[27] Historically, the sacrament of confirmation has been administered to youth who have reached the «age of discretion». The catechism states that confirmation should be received «at the appropriate time», but in danger of death it can be administered to children. Together with the sacraments of baptism and the Eucharist, the sacrament of confirmation completes the sacraments of Christian initiation, «for without Confirmation and Eucharist, Baptism is certainly valid and efficacious, but Christian initiation remains incomplete.»[28]

In Eastern Catholic Churches, infants receive confirmation and communion immediately after baptism. In Eastern Christianity the baptising priest confirms infants directly after baptism.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints[edit]

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS Church) sets the age of accountability and minimum age for baptism at 8 years of age. All persons younger than 8 are considered innocent and not accountable for their sinning.[29] The LDS Church considers mentally challenged individuals whose mental age is under 8 to be in a perpetual state of innocence, while other doctrines teach that no one is ‘without sin’, both believe that those at a certain age are considered innocent. (Note: Other denominations of Christian believe the age is not set at 8 and cannot be specified biblically.)


According to the Grand Historian, Zhou Gongdan or the Duke of Zhou wrote the Rite of Zhou in about 3000 years ago, which documented fundamental ceremonies in ancient China, the Coming of Age rite was included.[30] Then Confucius and his students wrote the Book of Rites, which introduced and further explained important ceremonies in Confucianism.[31] When a man turned 20, his parents would hold a Guan Li (also named the capping ceremony); if a girl turns to 15, she would receive a Ji Li (also the Hairpin Ceremony).[32] These rites were considered the representatives of a person being mature and was prepared to get married and start a family; therefore, they were the beginning of all the moral rites.[33] The main dates, participants and procedures may differ in different historical periods or geology.[34]

During this rite of passage, the young person receives his/her style name.


In Hinduism coming of age generally signifies that a boy or girl is mature enough to understand his responsibility towards family and society. Some Casts in Hinduism also has the sacred thread ceremony, called Upanayana for Dvija (twice-born) boys that mark their coming of age to do religious ceremonies. A rite of passage males have to go through is Bhrataman (or Chudakarma) that marks adulthood.


In the traditional Ifá faith of the Yoruba people of West Africa and the many New World religions that it subsequently gave birth to, men and women are often initiated to the service of one of the hundreds of subsidiary spirits that serve the Orisha Olodumare, the group’s conception of the Almighty God. The mystic links that are forged by way of these initiations, which typically occur at puberty, are the conduits that are used by adherents to attempt to achieve what can be seen as the equivalent of the Buddhist enlightenment by way of a combination of personalized meditations, reincarnations and spirit possessions.


Children are not required to perform any obligatory religious obligations prior to reaching the age of puberty, although they are encouraged to begin praying at the age of seven. Once a person begins puberty, they are required to perform salat and other obligations of Islam.[35]

A girl is considered an adult when she begins menstruating, while a boy is considered an adult at twelve-to-fifteen years old. The evidence for this is the narration of Ibn Umar that he said: «Allah’s Apostle called me to present myself in front of him on the eve of the battle of Uhud, while I was fourteen years of age at that time and he did not allow me to take part in that battle but he called me in front of him on the eve of the battle of the Trench when I was fifteen years old, and he allowed me to join the battle.» (Reported by Bukhari and Muslim). When Umar Ibn Abdul Aziz heard this Hadith he made this age the evidence to differentiate between a mature and an immature person.

In some Islamic cultures circumcision (khitan) can be a ritual associated with coming of age for boys, taking place in late childhood or early adolescence.[36]


In the Jewish faith, boys reach religious maturity at the age of thirteen and become a bar mitzvah («bar mitzvah» means «son of the commandment» literally, and «subject to commandments» figuratively). Girls mature a year earlier, and become a bat mitzvah («bat mitzvah» means «daughter of the commandment») at twelve. The new men and women are looked upon as adults and are expected to uphold the Jewish commandments and laws. Also, in religious court they are adults and can marry with their new title of an adult. Nonetheless in the Talmud; Pirkei Avot (5:25), Rabbi Yehuda ben Teime gives the age of 18 as the appropriate age to get married. At the end of the bar or bat mitzvah, the boy or girl is showered with candies, which act as «sweet blessings». Besides the actual ceremony, there usually is a bar or bat mitzvah party.


In various Chassidic sects when boys turn 3 years of age, they have an upsherin (sect related typical Brooklin-Yiddish for Yiddish Abshern, for German Abscheren, «Haare schneiden», engl. hair cut, lit. «to sheer away») ceremony, when they receive their first haircut. Until then, their parents allow their hair to grow long, until they undergo this esoteric rite. Little girls for the first time co-light some extra ″Shabbat candles, after their mothers did so, also when they turn 3 years of age.


In the Shinto faith, boys were taken to the shrine of their patron deity at approximately 12–14 years old. They were then given adult clothes and a new haircut. This was called Genpuku.[citation needed]


In Sikhism, when one reaches the age of maturity, the men will typically partake in a ceremony called Dastar Bandgi. This is the first time the proper Sikh Turban is tied on the adolescent. Women who wear the turban may also partake in the ceremony, although it is less common.

See also[edit]

  • Adolescence
  • Age of consent
  • Age of majority
  • Age of Majority (Catholic Church)
  • Bildungsroman
  • Coming of Age (Unitarian Universalism)
  • Coming-of-age story
  • Defense of infancy#The age of criminal responsibility
  • Manhood
  • Person (Catholic canon law)#Age of Majority
  • Poy Sang Long
  • Quinceañera (age 15)
  • Rite of passage
  • Self-discovery
  • Sweet sixteen (birthday)
  • Coming of Age in Samoa


  1. ^ Joseph, Suad (2003). Encyclopedia of Women & Islamic Cultures. p. 68.
  2. ^ Persius 5.30–31.
  3. ^ Larissa Bonfante, introduction to The World of Roman Costume (University of Wisconsin Press, 2001), p. 7; Shelley Stone, «The Toga: From National to Ceremonial Costume,» in The World of Roman Costume, p. 41; Lynn Sebesta, «Women’s Costume and Feminine Civic Morality in Augustan Rome,» Gender & History 9.3 (1997), p. 533. After the Augustan building program, the rites were held at the new Temple of Mars Ultor in the Forum Augustum: Dominic Montserrat, «Reading Gender in the Roman World,» in Experiencing Rome: Culture, Identity, and Power in the Roman Empire (Routledge, 2000), p. 170.
  4. ^ Ariadne Staples, From Good Goddess to Vestal Virgins: Sex and Category in Roman Religion (Routledge, 1998), p. 89; Michelle George, «The ‘Dark Side’ of the Toga,» in Roman Dress and the Fabrics of Roman Culture (University of Toronto Press, 2008), p. 55; Propertius 3.15.3–6; Ovid, Fasti 3.777–778.
  5. ^ Beryl Rawson, Children and Childhood in Roman Italy (Oxford University Press, 2003), p. 48 on Diana; p. 128, citing Persius 2.70 and the related scholion; p. 145 on comparison with Greece.
  6. ^ Sebesta, «Women’s Costume,» pp. 533–534.
  7. ^ Amy Richlin, «Not before Homosexuality: The Materiality of the cinaedus and the Roman Law against Love between Men,» Journal of the History of Sexuality 3.4 (1993), p. 533, citing as example Martial 12.96.
  8. ^ Judith P. Hallett, Fathers and Daughters in Roman Society: Women and the Elite Family (Princeton University Press, 1984), 142; Beryl Rawson, «The Roman Family in Italy» (Oxford University Press, 1999), p. 21.
  9. ^ Sebesta, «Women’s Costume,» pp. 529, 534, 538.
  10. ^ Sebesta, «Women’s Costume,» pp. 534–535; Festus 55 (edition of Lindsay) on the nodus Herculaneus, which was used for its apotropaic powers on jewelry as well. The Roman Hercules was a giver of fertility and a great scatterer of seed: he fathered, according to Verrius Flaccus, seventy children.
  11. ^ Cinctus vinctusque, according to Festus; Karen K. Hersch, The Roman Wedding: Ritual and Meaning in Antiquity (Cambridge University Press, 2010), pp. 101, 110, 211.
  12. ^ Sebesta, «Women’s Costume,» p. 535.
  13. ^ Krause, Klaus-Peter. «Geschichte der Jugendweihe» (in German). Jugendweihe Deutschland e.V. Archived from the original on 2008-05-26. Retrieved 2007-11-15.
  14. ^ «Diet enacts law lowering voting age to 18 from 20». 17 June 2015 – via Japan Times Online.
  15. ^ «Article expired – The Japan Times».
  16. ^ «Oregon raises cigarette-buying age to 21». Washington Post.
  17. ^ Romboy, Dennis (3 February 2015). «Utah lawmaker proposes raising legal smoking age to 21». Deseret News.
  18. ^ «What we do» (PDF). www.tobaccofreekids.org.
  19. ^ «For Baha’is, turning 15 means more than a birthday – Bahai Faith – Baha’i Faith». Archived from the original on 2010-12-28.
  20. ^ The Lutheran World Almanac and Annual Encyclopedia for 1921. Lutheran Bureau. 1921. p. 68. In this connection it should be stated that as it is the custom of the Lutheran Church to receive into full membership only those who have been confirmed
  21. ^ Dada, Adelowo, E. (2014). Perspectives in Religious Studies: Volume II. HEBN Publishers. p. 209. ISBN 978-9780814465. Confirmation in the Anglican Communion is the laying on of hands (of the Bishop) upon those who are baptised and have come to years of discretion. In this case, it involves those baptised both at infancy and adulthood. It is the attainment of this status, among other conditions, that determines, in the Anglican Church, full membership of the Church and eligibility to be admitted to the Lord’s Table, and to enjoy certain rights of the Church.
  22. ^ «Baptism and Confirmation». The Methodist Church in Britain. 2014. Archived from the original on 7 July 2017. Retrieved 23 July 2017.
  23. ^ Cavadini, John C. (17 July 2018). «Confirmation strengthens our identity as children of God». Catholic Philly. Retrieved 28 March 2021.
  24. ^ «The Restored Order of Sacraments of Initiation». ewtn.com.
  25. ^ «Confirmation before communion, Liverpool decides – CathNews». Archived from the original on 2011-07-26.
  26. ^ Association of Interchurch Families – England. «First Communion». Archived from the original on 2007-10-20.
  27. ^ See Quam Singulari.
  28. ^ Catechism of the Catholic Church CCC 1306-1307
  29. ^ Book of Mormon: Moroni 8:5–26, Doctrine and Covenants 68:27
  30. ^ Sima, Qian. The Grand Historian.
  31. ^ Sima, Qian. The Grand Historian.
  32. ^ Confucius. Book of Rites.
  33. ^ Confucius. Book of Rites.
  34. ^ «Coming of Age Ceremony in Chinese Culture».
  35. ^ «Islamic obligations at puberty». IslamWeb. October 25, 2001. Archived from the original on August 2, 2012. Retrieved October 12, 2009.
  36. ^ Hewer, Chris (2014-07-28). Understanding Islam: The First Ten Steps. SCM Press. ISBN 978-0-334-05233-3.

External links[edit]

: the attainment of prominence, respectability, recognition, or maturity

Example Sentences

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Sandra Goldbacher’s coming-of-age drama focuses on two English girls (Williams and Anna Friel) whose tempestuous friendship is repeatedly tested over the course of their adolescence.

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Based on playwright Jonathan Larson’s autobiographical musical, Tick, Tick… Boom! is a coming-of-age story about an aspiring theater composer in N.Y.C.

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Originally released in 1998, the film has elements of a coming-of-age story, a thriller, and a story about artistic creation.

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Also, the coming-of-age story.

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The coming-of-age film followed a group of friends who grew up in the titular town of Falkenberg and spend a last summer there before moving to the big city.

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Luke, a veteran film and TV actor, has recent credits that include Disney+’s The Crossover, a coming-of-age drama about two middle school basketball prodigies based on a novel by Kwame Alexander, to bow on April 5.

Etan Vlessing, The Hollywood Reporter, 27 Mar. 2023

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“Coming-of-age.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/coming-of-age. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.


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coming of age
достижение совершеннолетия. В США это 18 либо 21 год. В 18 лет люди получают право голоса и могут вступать в брак, но по законам многих штатов спиртные напитки могут продаваться только лицам старше 21 года

США. Лингвострановедческий англо-русский словарь.

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  • coming-of-age — [kum΄iŋ əv āj′] n. the act or an instance of reaching maturity: often used attributively * * * …   Universalium

  • coming-of-age — [kum΄iŋ əv āj′] n. the act or an instance of reaching maturity: often used attributively …   English World dictionary

  • Coming of age — For other uses, see Coming of Age (disambiguation). Coming of age is a young person s transition from childhood to adulthood. The age at which this transition takes place varies in society, as does the nature of the transition.[1] It can be a… …   Wikipedia

  • coming-of-age — | ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷ noun (plural comings of age) : the attainment of legal age; broadly : the reaching of maturity or the fullness of development the coming of age of jazz * * * noun [noncount] : the time when a person becomes an adult …   Useful english dictionary

  • coming of age — 1) N SING: with supp When something reaches an important stage of development and is accepted by a large number of people, you can refer to this as its coming of age. …postwar Germany s final coming of age as an independent sovereign state. 2)… …   English dictionary

  • coming of age — n [usu sing] a person’s 18th birthday, when he or she becomes legally an adult. At 18, a person can also vote in elections and get married without the agreement of his or her parents (though in Scotland people can get married at 16 without such… …   Universalium

  • Coming-of-age — Heranwachsender ist in Deutschland nach § 1 Abs. 2 Jugendgerichtsgesetz (JGG) jede Person, die das 18. Lebensjahr, aber noch nicht das 21. Lebensjahr vollendet hat. Neben der gesetzlichen Situation stellt die Zeit des Heranwachsens, die man auch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Coming of age — Heranwachsender ist in Deutschland nach § 1 Abs. 2 Jugendgerichtsgesetz (JGG) jede Person, die das 18. Lebensjahr, aber noch nicht das 21. Lebensjahr vollendet hat. Neben der gesetzlichen Situation stellt die Zeit des Heranwachsens, die man auch… …   Deutsch Wikipedia


coming of age — зрелость
his coming of age was an epoch in his life — совершеннолетие открыло новую страницу в его жизни

Перевод по словам

come  — приходить, приехать, приезжать, прибывать, наступить, происходить, подходить
age  — возраст, век, эпоха, период, старость, стареть, постареть, стариться, старить

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But, on another level it’s really sort of this really cool coming of age story, it reminds me of like The Breakfast Club or something like that, if I can be so bold to associate with The Breakfast Club.

Will Estes





Coming of age is a noun.

A noun is a type of word the meaning of which determines reality. Nouns provide the names for all things: people, objects, sensations, feelings, etc.


Coming of age

Coming of age is a very young person’s transition from childhood to adulthood. The age at which this transition takes place varies in society, as does the nature of the transition. It can be a simple legal convention or can be part of a ritual, as practiced by many societies. In the past, and in some societies today, such a change is associated with the age of sexual maturity; in others, it is associated with an age of religious responsibility. Particularly in western societies, modern legal conventions which stipulate points in late adolescence or early adulthood are the focus of the transition. In either case, many cultures retain ceremonies to confirm the coming of age, and significant benefits come with the change. Coming of age is often a topic of fiction, in the form of a coming-of-age story. In literature, a novel which deals with the psychological and moral growth associated with coming of age is called a bildungsroman. Similar stories told in film are called coming-of-age films.

Definition of coming of age in the English dictionary

The definition of coming of age in the dictionary is the moment when a person or thing reaches an important stage of development. Other definition of coming of age is the time when someone reaches legal adulthood.


Synonyms and antonyms of coming of age in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «coming of age» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of coming of age to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of coming of age from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «coming of age» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

la mayoría de edad

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

उम्र के आ रहे हैं

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

بلوغ سن الرشد

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

зрелого возраста

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

vinda de idade

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

বয়স আসছে

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

à l´âge adulte

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

semakin matang

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German

Kommen des Alters

180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

시대 의 도래

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Teka umur

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

đến tuổi

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

வயது வரும்

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

वयाचे येणे

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

Yaş gelişi

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

raggiungimento della maggiore età

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish


50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

зрілого віку

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

vine de vârstă

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek


15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans


14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

kommande myndigt

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

coming of age

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of coming of age


The term «coming of age» is quite widely used and occupies the 35.448 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «coming of age» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of coming of age

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «coming of age».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «coming of age» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «coming of age» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about coming of age


Famous quotes and sentences with the word coming of age.

India is now changing and regaining its lustre, and it is coming of age.

The nicest thing about coming of age is that I can do whatever I like.

Although becoming a singer was my plan A after first hearing Whitney Houston when I was 17, I started off with plan B by going to the teacher-training college that my dad went to. It was a slow coming of age.

You know, your first album is about really amazing things. Your first album is always about coming of age, first love, first loss, usually you suffer a first loss of someone that you love to death, even, you know, really big life lessons, things you learn from your parents’ divorce or from the travels that you took.

There’s also some element of coming of age during the Reagan administration, which everybody has painted as some glorious time in America, but I remember as being a very, very dark time. There was apocalypse in the air; the punk rock movement made sense.

People are looking to have more meaning in their lives. It is a sign the technology community is coming of age.

But, on another level it’s really sort of this really cool coming of age story, it reminds me of like The Breakfast Club or something like that, if I can be so bold to associate with The Breakfast Club.

Like the rest of the city, LAX is coming of age.

Although I sometimes enjoy writing from an adult’s perspective, I feel dedicated to the coming of age story — that part of a young person’s life where he must make a decision that will change his life forever. I still remember what it’s like to be twelve years old.

I am often asked why I started to write poetry. The answer is that my motivation sprang from a visceral need to creatively articulate the experiences of the black youth of my generation, coming of age in a racist society.


Discover the use of coming of age in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to coming of age and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Coming of Age in Mississippi

Written without a trace of sentimentality or apology, this is an unforgettable personal story—the truth as a remarkable young woman named Anne Moody lived it.


Coming of Age in the Milky Way

From the second-century celestial models of Ptolemy to modern-day research institutes and quantum theory, this classic book offers a breathtaking tour of astronomy and the brilliant, eccentric personalities who have shaped it.


Coming of Age in Samoa: A Psychological Study of Primitive …

Rarely do science and literature come together in the same book.


Coming of Age in Second Life: An Anthropologist Explores the …

Bringing anthropology into territory never before studied, this book demonstrates that in some ways humans have always been virtual, and that virtual worlds in all their rich complexity build upon a human capacity for culture that is as old …


Coming of Age in New Jersey: College and American Culture

To write this remarkable account, Michael Moffatt did what anthropologists usually do in more distant cultures: he lived among the natives. His findings are sometimes disturbing, potentially controversial, but somehow very believable.


Coming of Age in Shakespeare

Marjorie Garber examines the rites of passage and maturation patterns—«coming of age»—in Shakespeare’s plays.

When her mother is killed in a horse-riding accident, nine-year-old Amy is mute and traumatised.

As the definitive study of the universal problem of growing old, The Coming of Age is «a brilliant achievement» (Marc Slonin, New York Times).


Coming of Age in Times of Uncertainty

Going beyond the overwhelmingly psychological literature, this book draws on original qualitative research and theories of social recognition and thus presents a first step towards filling an important gap in our understanding of the …

Explains the origin, historical or religious significance, and practice of coming of age in different cultures around the world.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term coming of age is used in the context of the following news items.

WRC Rally Poland: Tanak really coming of age now, says Wilson

“He’s had a tough few years but he’s really coming of age now and I think our strategy with both drivers [Ott and Elfyn Evans] is starting to prove … «crash.net, Jul 15»

‘My Salinger Year’: coming of age in the publishing world

rakoff4 Vintage Books has published a paperback edition of Joanna Rakoff’s justly acclaimed 2014 memoir, “My Salinger Year,” about her first … «CT News, Jul 15»

Vince Staples & Summertime ’06: The Coming of Age Tale of One of …

vince1.jpg For a guy who is constantly getting pegged as a savior to his genre, Vince Staples doesn’t seem to particularly like rap music. «Papermag, Jul 15»

Pete Wentz: Fall Out Boy is coming of age

Pete Wentz: Fall Out Boy is coming of age. added: 2 Jul 2015 // by: Music-News.com Newsdesk. Pete-Wentz:-Fall-Out-Boy-is-coming-of Printable version. «Music News, Jul 15»

[Opinion] Europe’s China policy coming of age?

Good news from the EU-China Summit: Europe appears on track to taking itself and its relationship with China seriously. An important outcome … «EUobserver, Jul 15»

Stage 2 Statehood: Anticipating the State of Israel’s Coming of Age

Accounting for Israel’s survival into the 21st century exercises the mind, given the external threats and internal deficiencies it has had to cope … «Jerusalem Post Israel News, Jul 15»

SAL baseball: Intimidators’ Adams coming of age

KANNAPOLIS — Spencer Adams seems to be coming of age as a professional baseball pitcher, and that is good news for the Kannapolis … «Salisbury Post, Jun 15»

Mescalero coming of age celebrated

Five maidens will mark their coming of age beginning Thursday as part of the Mescalero Apache annual 4th of July celebration at the tribe’s … «Ruidoso News, Jun 15»

A Lyrical Coming Of Age Tale In ‘Bird Hill’

«Life is a funny thing, you know,» says a character in Naomi Jackson’s The Star Side of Bird Hill. «Just when you think you know what you’re … «NPR, Jun 15»

Aisle View: Backstage Coming of Age

Douglas Carter Beane, of Cinderella and The Nance, has returned to his small-town Pennsylvania roots to give us a coming-of-age comedy, … «Huffington Post, Jun 15»


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о взрослении

о совершеннолетии



вступления в совершеннолетие


This side-scrolling adventure stars a forest spirit on a coming-of-age journey.

Это приключение с прокруткой в сторону играет лесного духа в путешествии совершеннолетия.

Now, a wristwatch is often given as a coming-of-age present.

Теперь, наручные часы часто учитывая, как совершеннолетия настоящее время.

EuRICAA will become a true school of learning, coming-of-age, and management for humanity’s upcoming generations.

«ЕвРИКАА» станет настоящей школой обучения, взросления, управления для следующих поколений землян.

Paper Towns is a coming-of-age story revolving around Quentin and his enigmatic neighbor Margo, who loved mysteries so much she became one.

Описание: История взросления Квентина и его загадочной соседки Марго, которая так любила тайны, что стала одной из них.

A demon is also after the keys, giving this coming-of-age tale a diabolical supernatural twist.

Демон также охотится за ключами, придавая этой сказке о взрослении дьявольский сверхъестественный поворот.

Many members of the Kalenjin take part in a traditional coming-of-age ceremony that’s, well, intense.

Многие представители племени календжин принимают участие в традиционной церемонии совершеннолетия, которая является крайне жёсткой.

Elegantly structured and taut, it tells of Oman’s coming-of-age through the prism of one family’s losses and loves.

Элегантно структурированный, роман рассказывает о достижении Оманом совершеннолетия через призму потерь и любви одной семьи.

Today, almost everyone in Japan wears Western-style clothes, except on festive occasions like coming-of-age ceremonies and weddings.

В наше время почти все японцы носят одежду в западном стиле, кроме торжественных случаев, таких как обряды совершеннолетия и свадьбы.

However, while in modern Western societies ‘coming-of-age‘ rituals are largely fun and care-free celebrations, in the past, they were far more dramatic.

Однако, в то время как в современных западных обществах ритуалы «совершеннолетия» — это в основном веселые и беззаботные праздники, в прошлом они были гораздо более драматичными.

In 933 she composed the poem for the coming-of-age celebration of Princess Koshi.

В 933 году она сочинила стихотворение на день совершеннолетия принцессы Коси.

William H Macy’s Krystal is an overly quirky, tonally uneven, coming-of-age story, with a very talented cast.

Уильям Х. Мэйси, Неуправляемый) слишком изворотливая, тонально неравномерная история совершеннолетия с очень талантливым актерским составом.

On the night of her coming-of-age ceremony, Nan Zhi is lured into a trap by the people closest to her and falls pregnant.

В ночь своей церемонии совершеннолетия, Нань Чжи заманивается в ловушку самыми близкими ей людьми и беременеет.

According to IEA executive director, Fatih Birol, the report is somewhat of a coming-of-age story for the renewable energy industry.

По словам исполнительного директора МЭА Фатиха Бирола, доклад — это в некоторой степени история совершеннолетия индустрии возобновляемых источников энергии.

Even today, I still start shaking when I hear Donna Summer because it’s the music of my coming-of-age, he told Vogue.

Даже сегодня я все еще начинаю трястись, когда слышу Донну Саммер, потому что это музыка моего совершеннолетия», — вспоминал Том.

With this brilliantly imagined novel, Toni Morrison transfigures the coming-of-age story as audaciously as Saul Bellow or Gabriel García Márquez.

В этом блестящем романе Тони Моррисон преображает историю взросления так же искусно, как Сол Беллоу и Габриэль Гарсия Маркес.

A more intimate motif that rings in the work is a reflection on femininity, coming-of-age, belonging and change.

Более интимный мотив, который звучит в работе, — это размышления о женском начале, созревании, принадлежности и переменах.

Now, a wristwatch is often given as a coming-of-age present.

Сейчас наручные часы часто становятся подарком на совершеннолетие.

While there are legal differences across the globe, 21 is traditionally seen as the coming-of-age moment for a youngling.

Хотя по всему миру существуют правовые различия, 21 год традиционно считается моментом достижения совершеннолетия для молодого человека.

In any case, it seems that people get «imprinted» by their coming-of-age decade.

It’s about coming-of-age of women at large.

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coming-of-age (not comparable)

  1. Of or pertaining to a person’s journey from childhood or adolescence to adulthood.
    • 22 March 2012, Scott Tobias, AV Club The Hunger Games[1]
      While Collins does include a love triangle, a coming-of-age story, and other YA-friendly elements in the mix, they serve as a Trojan horse to smuggle readers into a hopeless world where love becomes a stratagem and growing up is a matter of basic survival.


of a person’s journey

  • Chinese:
    Mandarin: 成年的 (chéngnián de)
  • Esperanto: please add this translation if you can
  • Finnish: kasvu- (fi)
  • French: passage à l’âge adulte m
  • German: vom Erwachsenwerden
  • Italian: please add this translation if you can
  • Japanese: please add this translation if you can
  • Portuguese: amadurecimento (pt) m
  • Romanian: please add this translation if you can
  • Russian: please add this translation if you can
  • Spanish: please add this translation if you can

See also[edit]

  • coming of age

Coming of age is a young person’s transition from childhood to adulthood. The age at which this transition takes place varies in society, as does the nature of the transition.[1] It can be a simple legal convention or can be part of a ritual, as practiced by many societies. In the past, and in some societies today, such a change are associated with the age of sexual maturity (Early-Adolescence); in others, it is associated with an age of religious responsibility. Particularly in western societies, modern legal conventions which stipulate points in late adolescence or early adulthood (most commonly 16-21 when adolescents are generally no longer considered minors and are granted the full rights of an adult) are the focus of the transition. In either case, many cultures retain ceremonies to confirm the coming of age, and significant benefits come with the change. (See also rite of passage.)


  • 1 Religion
    • 1.1 Baha’i
    • 1.2 Buddhism
    • 1.3 Christianity
    • 1.4 Confucianism
    • 1.5 Hermeticism (Greek Paganism)
    • 1.6 Hinduism
    • 1.7 Judaism
    • 1.8 Islam
    • 1.9 Shinto
    • 1.10 Sikhism
  • 2 Non-religious traditions
  • 3 Cultural rituals exclusive to nations
    • 3.1 Australia, NZ, UK, Ireland, Poland, Ukraine and Scandinavia
    • 3.2 Latin America
    • 3.3 North America
    • 3.4 Spain
    • 3.5 Japan
    • 3.6 Papua New Guinea
    • 3.7 Vietnam
    • 3.8 Bali
    • 3.9 Pygmies
    • 3.10 Korea
    • 3.11 South Africa
    • 3.12 Philippines
  • 4 Professional initiatory rituals
    • 4.1 Academia
      • 4.1.1 Medical school
      • 4.1.2 University
      • 4.1.3 Fraternities and sororities
    • 4.2 Printing industry
    • 4.3 Japanese corporate entrance ceremony
  • 5 See also
  • 6 References
  • 7 External links



Turning 15, the «age of maturity,» as the Baha’i faith terms it, it is a time when a child is considered spiritually mature and is responsible stating, on his/her own behalf whether or not he/she wishes to remain a member of the Baha’i community. Declared Baha’is are expected to begin observing certain Baha’i laws, such as obligatory prayer and fasting.[2]


Theravada boys who are just under the age of 20 years old undergo a Shinbyu ceremony, where they are initiated into the Temple.


In many Christian denominations, a young person celebrates his/her Coming of Age with the Sacrament of Confirmation. Eastern Orthodoxy, which gives Confirmation to infants, directly after baptism, is an important exception. This is usually done by the Bishop laying his hands upon the foreheads of the young person (usually between the ages of 12 to 15 years), and marking them with the seal of the Holy Spirit.

In Christian traditions that practice Believer’s Baptism (baptism by voluntary decision, as opposed to baptism in early infancy), the ritual can be carried out after the age of accountability has arrived. Some traditions withhold the rite of Holy Communion from those not yet at the age of accountability, on the grounds that children do not understand what the sacrament means. Full membership in the Church, if not bestowed at birth, often must wait until the age of accountability and frequently is granted only after a period of preparation known as catechesis. The time of innocence before one has the ability to understand truly the laws of God and that God sees one as innocent is also seen as applying to individuals who suffer from a mental disability which prevents them from ever reaching a time when they are capable of understanding the laws of God. These individuals are thus seen as existing in a perpetual state of innocence by the grace of God.


Historically, the Confucian coming of age ceremony has been the «Guan Li» for men and the «Ji Li» for women. The age are usually around 20 and during the ceremony, the person obtains a style name. These ceremonies are now rarely practiced in China, but there has been a resurgence, especially from those who are sympathetic to the Hanfu Movement.

Hermeticism (Greek Paganism)

In certain states in Ancient Greece, such as Sparta and Crete, adolescent boys were expected to enter into a mentoring relationship with an adult man, in which they would be taught skills pertaining to adult life, such as hunting, martial arts, and fine arts.


In Hinduism coming of age generally signifies that a boy or girl are mature enough to understand his responsibility towards family and society. Hinduism also has the sacred thread ceremony for Dvija (twice-born) boys that marks their coming of age to do religious ceremonies. Women often celebrate their coming to age by having a ceremony. This ceremony includes dressing them with sari, and announcing their maturity to the community.


In the Jewish faith, boys reach religious maturity at age thirteen and become bar mitzvah, «Son of the Commandments». Girls mature earlier at age twelve and become bat mitzvah, «Daughter of the Commandments».[3]


Children are not required to perform any obligatory acts of Islamic Teachings prior to reaching the age of puberty, although they should be encouraged to begin praying at the age of seven. Before reaching puberty it is recommended to pray in obeisance to God and to exemplify Islamic customs, but as soon as one exhibits any characteristic of puberty, that person is required to perform the prayers and other obligations of Islam.[4]


In the Shinto faith, boys reach religious maturity between the ages of 11 to 17, with a Genpuku ceremony. Girls receive a ceremony called mogi, between the ages of 12 – 14 years of age.


In Sikhism, when one reaches the appropriate age of maturity, Amrit is consumed in a ceremony called Amrit Sanchar or Khanda-ki-Pahul

Non-religious traditions

In some countries Humanist or freethinker organisations have arranged courses or camps for non-religious adolescents, in which they can study or work on ethical, social and personal topics important for adult life, followed by a formal rite of passage comparable to the Christian Confirmation. Some of these ceremonies are even called «civil confirmations». The purpose of these ceremonies is to offer a festive ritual for those youngsters, who do not believe in any religion, but nevertheless want to mark their transition from childhood to adulthood.

Cultural rituals exclusive to nations

Australia, NZ, UK, Ireland, Poland, Ukraine and Scandinavia

The coming of age in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Ukraine, the Republic of Poland and the Scandinavian Countries are celebrated at either 18 or 21. As the age of legal majority, being 18 legally enables one to vote, purchase tobacco and alcohol (wine in Norway), get married without parental consent (16 in Scotland, England & Wales and as civil marriage in Ukraine) and sign contracts. In comparison, turning 21 has few legal effects (except Poland & Ukraine, where all the laws are applied after 18). Eighteenth or twenty-first birthday celebrations typically take the form of an extravagant party; presents given are often higher than usual value, and champagne may be served, as at other formal celebrations. There are few set ceremonies or rituals to be observed, although if the celebrant is a male he may be challenged to consume a yard glass which is typically full of beer.

Drinking plays a large part in 18th birthdays, as it is the age where one can legally purchase alcohol. As such, many 18th birthdays are celebrated with a large party with friends, with drinking as a central motif. Despite 18 being the legal age of adulthood, most do not immediately take on the roles of adult, such as moving out of home or gaining full-time employment, instead studying or working as an apprentice. At New Zealand and Australian 21st birthdays, it is customary for family members to assemble embarrassing photos, videos or other childhood memorabilia to display at a celebration.

Latin America

In some Latin American countries, when a woman reaches the age of 15, her relatives organize a very expensive celebration. It is usually a large party, called a Quinceañera in Spanish speaking countries and Baile de Debutantes in Brazil.

North America

In the United States, Mexico and in Canada, when a woman reaches the age of 16, her relatives will sometimes organize a large, very expensive party, called a Sweet Sixteen. (Young men may also get a similar celebration for their 16th or 18th birthday.)


In Spain during the 19th century, there was a civilian coming of age bound to the compulsory military service. The quintos were the boys of the village that reached the age of eligibility for military service (18 years), thus forming the quinta of a year. In rural Spain, the mili was the first and sometimes the only experience of life away from family. In the days before their departure, the quintos knocked every door to ask for food and drink. They held a common festive meal with what they gathered and sometimes painted some graffiti reading «Vivan los quintos del año» as a memorial of their leaving their youth. Years later, the quintos of the same year could still hold yearly meals to remember times past. By the end of the 20th century, the rural exodus, the diffusion of city customs and the loss of prestige of military service changed the relevance of quintos parties. In some places, the party included the village girls of the same age, thus becoming less directly relevant to military service. In others, the tradition was simply lost.


Since 1948, the age of majority in Japan has been 20; persons under 20 are not permitted to smoke, drink, or vote. Coming-of-age ceremonies, known as seijin shiki, are held on the second Monday of January. At the ceremony, all of the men and women participating are brought to a government building and listen to many speakers, similar to a graduation ceremony. At the conclusion of the ceremony, the government gives the new adults money.

Papua New Guinea

Kovave is a ceremony to initiate Papua New Guinea boys into adult society. It involves dressing up in a conical hat which has long strands of leaves hanging from the edge, down to below the waist. The name Kovave is also used to describe the head-dress.


During the feudal period, the coming of age was celebrated at 15 for noblemen. Nowadays, the age is 18 for girls and 20 for boys.


In Bali, the coming of age ceremony is supposed to take place after a girl’s first menstrual period or a boy’s voice breaks. However, due to expense, it is often delayed until later. The upper canines are filed down slightly to symbolize the effacing of the individual’s «wild» nature.


In the rite of initiation of Baka Pygmies, the Spirit of the Forest ritually kills the boys to propitiate their rebirth as men. The Italian anthropologist Mauro Campagnoli took part in this secret rite of men’s initiation in order to better understand its meaning. He became a member of a baka patrilinear clan and completed his trans-cultural coming of age.


In Korea, Monday of the third week of May is «coming-of-age day». Also the choice to marry, to drink alcohol, to smoke, to vote, and to drive is when you are 19 (20 at the most). As a tradition on that day people are usually to receive three gifts. Flowers, perfume and a kiss.

South Africa

In South Africa, traditionally a person’s 21st birthday is considered their welcome into adulthood.[who?] A large party with family and friends is normally organized. The father of the new adult will usually give a speech to celebrate that person’s life so far. Another tradition is to embarrass the young adult through baby photos.[citation needed] This is preformed with face makeup while wearing warm clothing, such as foopklees.


In the Philippines, a coming of age celebration for 18 year olds (particularly the women) known as a «debut» is popular. It is a formal affair, often a coat and tie occasion for the upper-middle to upper class population. The débutante, by tradition, chooses «18 roses» (18 special men or boys in the girl’s life like friends, relatives, and brothers) and «18 candles» (female counterpart). Other variations in less formal setups exist, but the significance of «18» is almost always kept.

Filipino men, on the other hand, celebrate theirs on their 21st birthday. There is no traditionally celebrated program for this, and the celebration differs from family to family.

Professional initiatory rituals


Medical school

White coat ceremony


In many universities of Europe, South America and India, first year students are made to undergo tests or humiliation before being accepted as students. Perhaps the oldest of these is «Raisin Monday»[5] at the University of St Andrews in Scotland. It is still practiced. A senior student would take a new student, a «bejant» or «bejantine» under his wing and show them round the university. In gratitude, the bejant would give the senior student a pound of raisins. In turn this led to bejants being given receipts in Latin. If a bejant failed to produce the receipt, he could be thrown into a fountain. The word bejant derives from «bec jaune» (a yellow beak, or fledgling).

Universities in Chile follow an annual ritual called «Mechoneo» (the act of pulling somebody’s hair). First year students are initiated by theatrical «punishment». Freshmen are tied together while upperclassmen throw eggs, flour, water, etc. Some universities have traditional ways of initiating freshmen.

Fraternities and sororities

Fraternities and sororities have different processes for associate members, also known as pledges, to become a member. It usually takes place with one or more ritual that is specific to that organization.

Printing industry

Among apprentices, the step from apprentice to journeyman was often marked by some ceremonial humiliation. Among printers this lasted until the twentieth century. The unfortunate young man would be «banged out» by being covered in offal.

Japanese corporate entrance ceremony

In large Japanese corporations, all employees who enter the company from college or high school in the same year attend an entrance ceremony. Attendees are required to arrive early, sit in assigned seats, and wear company-approved clothing with an approved haircut. A member of the group is chosen to give a speech, and everyone sings the company song.

See also

  • Adolescence
  • Bildungsroman
  • Coming of Age (Unitarian Universalism)
  • Coming-of-age film
  • Journey of self-discovery
  • Loss of innocence
  • Manhood
  • Quinceañera (age 15)
  • Rite of passage
  • Sweet sixteen (birthday)


  1. ^ New York Times
  2. ^ [1], http://www.bahai.us/turning-15
  3. ^ Chabad.org Bar & Bat Mitzvah
  4. ^ «Islamic obligations at puberty». IslamWeb. October 25, 2001. http://www.islamweb.net/ver2/Fatwa/ShowFatwa.php?lang=E&Id=83431&Option=FatwaId. Retrieved October 12, 2009.
  5. ^ Saint-andrews.co.uk

External links

  • Boyhoodstudies.com Encyclopaideia, male coming-of-age rituals
  • ComingOfAgeBooks.com Information on coming of age, coming of age books, and coming of age movies

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Meaning of COMING-OF-AGE in English

[coming-of-age] n (1916): the attainment of prominence, respectability, recognition, or maturity

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