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появиться на свет
вступит в силу
начало быть
Architecture could come into being from anywhere.
Архитектура может возникнуть из ничего, где угодно.
The question of how the large-scale structure of the universe could have come into being has been a major unsolved problem in cosmology.
Вопрос о том, как могла возникнуть крупномасштабная структура Вселенной, был главной нерешенной проблемой в космологии.
All these are apparently due to the self-sufficiency of that consciousness and they come into being without any immediate cause.
Все они, несомненно, обусловлены самодостаточностью того сознания, и они возникают без какой-либо непосредственной причины.
Civilizations are both plural and internally pluralistic, come into being and go extinct.
Цивилизации являются как множественными, так и внутренне плюралистическими, они возникают и вымирают.
Depression is a contemporary phenomenon and it has come into being because now there is no tomorrow.
Депрессия — это современное явление, и она появилась, потому что сейчас мы уже не ожидаем, когда наступит завтрашний день.
The essential point of the new view of value is that true values come into being on the basis of absolute love.
Важной чертой нового представления о ценностях является то, что истинные ценности возникают на основе абсолютной любви.
He next explains how such scientific publications come into being.
Вслед за этим он объясняет, как возникают подобные научные публикации.
The existence or non-existence of a breach could be very much affected by the way in which the obligation had come into being.
На наличие или отсутствие нарушения в очень большой степени может повлиять то, каким образом возникло данное обязательство.
All things come into being and pass away through strife.
Все возникает и исчезает через борьбу.
We learn from the principle of dependent origination that things and events do not come into being without causes.
Из принципа взаимозависимого происхождения мы усвоили, что вещи и события не возникают без причины.
3.45 Financial assets and liabilities come into being when a commitment is made by one unit to make a payment to another unit.
3.45 Финансовые активы и обязательства возникают, когда одна единица принимает обязательство произвести платеж другой единице.
Sometimes no-fly zones come into being due to executive order or acts of Congress.
Иногда бесполетные зоны возникают из-за исполнительного распоряжения или актов Конгресса.
But cultural memory does not automatically come into being.
Однако, присвоение культурного опыта, безусловно, не происходит автоматически.
They come into being with self-knowledge.
Such agreements don’t come into being instantly.
А такие документы, как известно, не рождаются сиюминутно.
A dog will always be a dog no matter how many varieties come into being.
Но собака всегда остается собакой, сколько бы пород люди ни создали.
These will also come into being for all of you now who wish to be a part of this higher frequency consciousness reality.
Они также появятся для всех вас, кто желает быть частью этой реальности сознания более высокой частоты.
Utopias in fact come to us as barely audible messages from a future that may never come into being.
На деле утопии приходят к нам как едва слышимые послания из будущего, которое, быть может, никогда и не станет реальностью.
Just prior to this some nonecclesiastical organizations had come into being.
Незадолго до этого некоторые nonecclesiastical организаций пришли в бытие.
If only socialism had come into being peacefully, in the way the capitalist gentlemen did not want to see it born.
Если бы социализм рождался так мирно, как господа капиталисты не пожелали позволить ему родиться.
Предложения, которые содержат come into being
Результатов: 1026. Точных совпадений: 1026. Затраченное время: 237 мс
Корпоративные решения
Справка и о нас
Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900
Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200
come into being — появиться на свет; формироваться; нарождаться
to come into being — возникнуть, появиться на свет
to come into being / existence — возникать
to come into being /existence/ — возникать, появляться
come into existence / being — возникать
Автоматический перевод
появиться на свет
Перевод по словам
come — приходить, приехать, приезжать, прибывать, наступить, происходить, подходить
into — в, на, к
be — быть, находиться, должен, тратта
Дополнение / ошибка
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Related to come into being: in turn
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- come in from the cold
- come in handy
- come in handy/useful
- come in heat
- come in hot
- come in on the ground floor
- come in out of the rain
- come in out of the rain, know enough to
- come in over the transom
- come in useful
- come in waves
- come in(to) contact
- come in(to) heat
- come in(to) line
- come in(to) season
- come into
- come into (one’s) head
- come into (one’s) own
- come into (one’s) possession
- come into (some) money
- come into (something or some place)
- come into a (small) fortune
- come into being
- come into bloom
- come into blossom
- come into conflict
- come into effect
- come into existence
- come into fashion
- come into focus
- come into its own
- come into its/your own
- come into line
- come into money
- come into operation
- come into own
- come into play
- come into power
- come into prominence
- come into question
- come into season
- come into service
- come into sight
- come into the open
- come into the world
- come into use
- come into view
- come into your kingdom
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- come in useful
- come in useful
- come in useful
- come in useful
- come in useful
- come in useful
- come in waves
- Come in!
- Come in!
- come in(to) contact
- come in(to) focus
- come in(to) heat
- come in(to) line
- come in(to) power
- come in(to) season
- come into
- come into
- come into
- come into
- come into (one’s) head
- come into (one’s) own
- come into (one’s) own
- come into (one’s) own
- come into (one’s) own
- come into (one’s) possession
- come into (some) money
- come into (something or some place)
- come into a (small) fortune
- come into a fortune
- come into a small fortune
- come into being
- come into bloom
- come into blossom
- come into conflict
- come into contact
- Come into effect
- Come into effect
- Come into effect
- Come into effect
- come into existence
- come into fashion
- come into focus
- come into head
- come into heat
- come into her head
- come into her kingdom
- come into her own
- come into her possession
- come into his head
- come into his kingdom
- come into his own
- come into his possession
- come into its own
- come into its own
- come into its own
- come into its own
- come into its/your own
- come into kingdom
- come into kingdom
- come into kingdom
- come into kingdom
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: to begin to exist : to come to be
The story of how the university came into being is quite fascinating.
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“Come into being.” Merriam-Webster.com Dictionary, Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/come%20into%20being. Accessed 14 Apr. 2023.
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- come into being
It is equally recognised that a new world has come into being on the basis of this liberation of the majority of mankind from the bonds of former colonial or semi-colonial dependence. (R. P. Dutt, ‘The Crisis of Britain and the British Empire’, ‘Preface’) — Равным образом признается и то, что в результате движения за освобождение большинства человечества от прежней колониальной или полуколониальной зависимости возник новый мир.
During that past week, Glenn had performed his duties at the clinic with the sure knowledge that while there was no open and apparent unfriendliness on the part of the nurses and the staff, a decided reticence had come into being. (E. Coldwell, ‘Gretta’, part II, ch. IX) — За последнюю неделю Гленн выполнял свои обязанности в клинике, будучи совершенно уверенным, что, хотя открытой враждебности к нему со стороны врачей и сестер не было, все же определенная отчужденность в отношениях появилась.
Большой англо-русский фразеологический словарь. — М.: «Русский язык-Медиа»..
Смотреть что такое «come into being» в других словарях:
come into being — index arise (originate), occur (happen) Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 … Law dictionary
come into being — verb be born or come into existence (Freq. 3) All these flowers come to life when the rains come • Syn: ↑come to life • Hypernyms: ↑be born • Verb Frames: Something s … Useful english dictionary
come into being — verb To form; to start to exist. Sociologists would like to study how this phenomenon came into being. Syn: appear, form, materialize, take shape … Wiktionary
come into being — to start to exist at the moment when the Earth came into being … English dictionary
come into/enter into force — ► when laws, rules, or systems come into force, they start being used: »The final stage of measures to improve access to work for disabled employees comes into force tomorrow. Main Entry: ↑force … Financial and business terms
come into force — come into/enter into force ► when laws, rules, or systems come into force, they start being used: »The final stage of measures to improve access to work for disabled employees comes into force tomorrow. Main Entry: ↑force … Financial and business terms
come into effect — (also take effect) ► to start working or being used: »On April 1 new sales taxes will come into effect. »The new credit regulations will take effect next year. Main Entry: ↑effect … Financial and business terms
come into force — come/enter into ˈforce idiom (of a law, rule, etc.) to start being used • When do the new regulations come into force? Main entry: ↑forceidiom … Useful english dictionary
come into out of use — come into/go out of, etc. ˈuse idiom to start/stop being used • When did this word come into common use? • These pesticides are gradually going out of use. Main entry: ↑useidiom … Useful english dictionary
come into use — phrase to start being used by people Computers first came into use in the early 1950s. Thesaurus: to use something, or to be usedsynonym Main entry: use … Useful english dictionary
come into — phr verb Come into is used with these nouns as the subject: ↑train Come into is used with these nouns as the object: ↑being, ↑category, ↑conflict, ↑contact, ↑effect, ↑equation, ↑existence, ↑fashion, ↑focus, ↑ … Collocations dictionary