Word meaning close friend

close friends — перевод на русский

He was Mr. Kane’s closest friend.

Это его близкий друг.

Close friend, someone you know so well…

Близкий друг, кто-то, кого хорошо знал…

Private life of the victim sifted through by the detectives who think ….that it might be a close friend work.

Полиция тщательно расследовала частную жизнь жертвы и полагает, …что к убийству причастен близкий друг женщины.

This man, Tanner, he is a close friend?

Этот человек, Таннер, он ваш близкий друг?

One of the founders of our group, and one of my closest friends.

Мой близкий друг, один из основателей нашей группы.

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It’s just that I was a very close friend of Dominique’s,

Просто я был другом, близким другом Доминику,..

Here he sits in it… his close friend — a goose Frederico… which splashes from the side.

Вот он садится в него… со своим близким другом — гусем Фредерико… который плещется сбоку.

Have you ever been separated from a close friend in a crowded room?

Вас когда-нибудь разлучали с близким другом в переполненном помещении?

Forgive me, but you are considered to be a very close friend of madame Rocher.

Мне сейчас важно другое. Простите меня, но вас считают очень близким другом мадам Роше.

Deanna, I have always considered you a close friend.

Деанна, я всегда считал Вас близким другом.

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I keep them for my closest friends.

Я держу их для моих ближайших друзей.


Для, скажем, шестерых моих ближайших друзей, так что всё обязано, обязано, обязано быть идеально.

I was curious to find out why you wouldn’t help one of my closest friends.

Мне стало любопытно, почему ты отказался взять дело одного из моих ближайших друзей.

By a strange coincidence, none at all is exactly how much suspicion the ape-descendant Arthur had that one of his closest friends was not descended from an ape, but was, in fact, from a small planet somewhere in the vicinity of Betelgeuse.

» по страному совпадению, наш потомок обезь€ны — јртур не имел ни малейшего пон€ти€ что один из его ближайших друзей не был потомком обезь€ны, а на самом деле прибыл с маленькой планеты где-то в окрестност€х јльфы ќриона, јртур!

He’s one of her closest friends.

Он один из ее ближайших друзей.

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About my dear, close friend Laura being brutally murdered.

Потому что моя дорогая, близкая подруга Лора была жестоко убита.

That was before a close friend of mine was abducted by some very bad people.

— Это было до того, как одна моя близкая подруга не связалась с очень плохими парнями.

Their saviour was Leary’s close friend, Peggy Hitchcock.

Их спасителем стала близкая подруга Лири — Пегги Хичкок.

STABLER: Does Cynthia have any close friends we could talk to?

— У Синтии есть близкая подруга, с которой мы могли бы поговорить?

And this is Madame Blanche, a close friend of my father’s.

А это близкая подруга отца мадам Бланч.

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Well, don’t you worry. I won’t forget my close friends.

Не беспокойся, друзей я не забуду.

I noticed that you don’t have any close friends.

Я заметил, что у тебя почему-то… нет в Карвере ни друзей, ни подруг.

I managed to get through my entire pregnancy and the first year of John’s life without losing my closest friends, without losing my family, without dropping out of school.

Я прошла через всю свою беременность И первый год жизни Джона, без потери моих друзей, без потери моей семьи, без того, чтобы бросить школу.

I feel the way to do that is to see you, face to face, without 75 of our closest friends and family staring at us.

И мне кажется, что я смогу это сделать, лишь увидев тебя, лицом к лицу, вдали от назойливых глаз наших родственников и друзей.

Before I took back the throne from my uncle… he tried to kill my father’s closest friends and most loyal supporters.

Прежде чем я отвоевал трон, мой дядя пытался убить самых верных друзей моего отца.

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Hank Mardukas has been my closest friend since our first year at IBM.

Хенд Мардукас и мой лучший друг С первого года в эЙБиэМ

Okay, I am now officially the closest friend of a total psychopath.

Ладно, теперь я лучший друг абсолютного психопата.

It’s an amazing love song written by a close friend of mine for his wife the Princess of his Fairy Tales who he loves more than anything else.

Это удивительная песня о любви, которую написал мой лучший друг для своей жены Принцессы из его Волшебной Сказки, которую он любит больше всех на свете.

My best doctor is trapped and dying somewhere below us, and my closest friend from the CDC has very likely just been murdered.

Мой лучший доктор в ловушке и умирает где-то под нами, а мой лучший друг, в ЦКЗ, вероятнее всего, был недавно убит.

And fighting by my side was Kai… my closest friend.

Плечом к плечу со мной сражался Кай, мой лучший друг.

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But Lea’s a close friend.

Но Леа моя лучшая подруга.

Laurel is supposed to be my closest friend.

А Лорел — моя лучшая подруга.

— My closest friend knew that.

— И моя лучшая подруга это знала…

She’s my closest friend. Ah.

— Она моя лучшая подруга.

You could’ve had anyone, and you knew she was my closest friend.

У тебя мог быть кто угодно ты ведь знал, что она — моя лучшая подруга.

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My wife and my mistress were close friends.

Две подруги, моя жена и моя любовница.

I had 2 very close friends.

У меня есть две лучших подруги.

If lucas were your patient And not the child of your closest friend,

— Если бы Лукас был Вашим пациентом, а не ребенком Вашей подруги,

You know, she had three close friends who lost their husbands on 9/11.

— У неё были три подруги, которые потеряли мужей одиннадцатого сентября.

— Which close friend?

— Что за подруга?

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So Elizabeth was my closest friend and confidante.

Так что Элизабет была моей ближайшей подругой и наперсницей.

She was my closest friend.

Она была моей ближайшей подругой.

I’m almost completely indifferent as to whether Evelyn knows I’m having an affair with Courtney Rawlinson her closest friend.

Мне практически абсолютно все равно, знает ли Эвелин… про мой роман с Кортни Ролинсон… ее ближайшей подругой.

You were my closest friend.

Ты была моей ближайшей подругой.

Mike’s wife is one of my closest friends, and she never said a word.

Ах, боже мой. Жена Майка — моя ближайшая подруга, а она ни слова мне не сказала.

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His closest friend is an oilman, named George DeMohrenschildt.

Его ближайшим другом становится Нефтепромышленник Джордж ДеМорншильд.

Tom, uh, always said that Nick Brody was his closest friend.

Том, всегда говорил, что Ник Броуди был его ближайшим другом.

Fossett was Dawkins’ closest friend.

Фоссет был ближайшим другом Доукинса.

I was her closest friend, when I was her lady at court.

Я была ещё ближайшим другом, когда я была её леди при дворе.

I found myself, and not at a 9:00-to-5:00, but with my closest friend, solving crimes, living life to the fullest.

Я нашел себя, и не в промежутке времени с девяти до пяти. А со своим ближайшим другом, раскрывая преступления, проживая жизнь на всю катушку.

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  • близкий друг
  • близким другом
  • ближайших друзей
  • близкая подруга
  • друзей
  • лучший друг
  • лучшая подруга
  • подруги
  • ближайшей подругой
  • ближайшим другом

If you check some definitions, the term “close friend” can be understood as somebody who you can talk to about everything, who makes you feel comfortable without fear of judgement. A “close friend” can also be someone who is always there for you, who cares about your well-being.

The concept of “friendship” holds a special significance in most societies around the world and most people probably have a person they consider to be their ‘best friend’. The term “friendship” has received academic attention from various fields, including sociology, social psychology, anthropology and philosophy. It describes a relationship of mutual affection between two or more people. In fact, one of the most interesting conclusions obtained from studies on happiness is that people with “close friendships” tend to be happier.

But… does “close friendship” have the same meaning for everybody, in every country, language, and culture? The term exists in many languages and cultures, but it is not always used with the same meaning. Why is that? There are different ways of understanding the term “friend”, determined by different customs, priorities, and lifestyles.

Broadly, being or having a “close friend” or “best friend” has a stronger implication in places such as Europe, India, China, Canada or Mexico. Friendship tends to hold the following meanings for people in these places: (1) “a trusted person you treat like family”, (2) “somebody you can be open with and relate to on personal issues”, and (3) “someone you don’t need to invite home because he or she is at any time allowed into your house”. These definitions show that in these cultures, the concept of friendship is held in high respect and experienced intensively.

The term: friendship describes a “relationship of mutual affection between two or more people”.

By contrast, people with different priorities and cultural standards can have very different perceptions of what it means to be “friends” or “close friends” with someone. For example, in some parts of the United States, the concept of friendship can be particularly shallow, with some relationships and friendships exclusively being established on social media platforms such as Facebook. It is on these platforms where people talk to each other and share comments and experiences. In addition, people who live busy lifestyles and who have full agendas may only meet in meetings to discuss professional issues. Hence, for these people some “friendships” may exist exclusively within certain spaces and environments.

The term “friendship” has also received different understandings over time based on cultural variations. Here are some examples: In Central Asia, “male friendships tend to be reserved and respectful in nature”. Germans typically have “relatively few friends, although their friendships typically last a lifetime, as loyalty is held in high regard”. In Islam, friendship is also known as companionship or ashab. The concept is taken seriously and a worthwhile friend has come to be associated with having numerous important attributes, such as the notion of righteousness (or saalih). Additionally, it is believed that in some parts of the Middle East (or Near East) friendship describes a more demanding mutual relationship than in some other cultures.

The term “friendship” has received different understandings over time based on cultural variations.

So, what does a “close friend” mean? The answer is that although you can have friends everywhere in the world, the relationship will probably not be understood in the same way everywhere. A “close friend” has different meanings and implications depending on different social and cultural environments.

The kind of friendship that we establish is directly connected to our lifestyle and expectations. However, although there are many different understandings of friendship, certain characteristics seem to be present in many of these, including sympathy, empathy, honesty, altruism, mutual understanding and compassion, and trust.

Finally, while there are many different ways of making friends and there are no practical limits on what types of people can form a friendship, friends generally tend to share common backgrounds, occupations, interests, and socio-cultural backgrounds.


  • Macmillan Dictionary, (2017). friend (noun) definition and synonyms | Macmillan Dictionary. [online] Macmillandictionary.com. Available at: http://www.macmillandictionary.com/dictionary/british/friend_1 (Accessed 28 Mar. 2017).
  • Oxford Dictionaries, (2017). friend (noun) definition and synonyms | Oxford Dictionaries. [online] Oxforddictionaries.com. Available at: http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/friend (Accessed 28 Mar. 2017).
  • Quora, (2017). [online] Available at: http://bit.ly/2o5VtRb (Accessed 28 Mar. 2017).

Written by Lidia Capitan Zamora. Journalist, web editor and social media expert. Communication Trainee at TermCoord.

Edited by Olga Jeczmyk and Janna Mack, Communication Trainees at TermCoord.

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I assume this is your close friend.

Then it was a close friend.

Sometimes, a close friend gets married.

One of these women happens to be a very close friend of mine.

Одна из таких женщин — моя собственная довольно близкая подруга.

A close friend needs your help.

Imagine a close friend asked for your help.

Предположим, что Ваш близкий друг просит Вас о помощи.

RDS: A very close friend.

This is usually a relative or a close friend.

Как правило, таковым является родственник или близкий друг.

A close friend also died in the accident.

I recently found out that my close friend

I have only one close friend.

My aunt’s close friend, who she lives with, is actually her girlfriend.

Что близкая подруга моей тёти, с которой она живёт, на самом деле её девушка.

Michael Jackson is alive and well, says close friend.

Майкл Джексон жив и хорошо себя чувствует, говорит его близкий друг.

In 1901 a close friend of Picasso shot himself.

Дело в том, что в 1901 году покончил с собой близкий друг Пикассо.

«It’s a sick scene in that apartment,» says a close friend.

«В их квартире нездоровая атмосфера», — говорит близкий друг.

Even a close friend of the artist Philip for a long time knew nothing about a happy event.

Даже близкий друг артиста Филипп Киркоров долгое время ничего не знал о счастливом событии.

Your father had a close friend named Victor Macate.

У твоего отца был близкий друг, его звали Виктор Макате.

The German word Freund actually means close friend.

Немецкое слово Freund фактически означает близкий друг.

The pen was created by Benjamin Levi, a close friend and collector of Dali’s sculpture work.

Перо для этой ручки разрабатывал Бенджамин Леви — близкий друг Дали, а также известный коллекционер его скульптур.

FS: Describe the fear that your close friend would go away.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат close friend

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

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close friend

близкий друг

my friend — друг мой

fast friend — верный друг

true friend — верный друг

dear friend — дорогой друг

mutual friend — общий друг

English-Russian base dictionary .

Смотреть что такое «close friend» в других словарях:

  • close friend — good intimate friend …   English contemporary dictionary

  • friend — [ frend ] noun *** 1. ) count someone you know well and like that is not a member of your family: She s visiting friends in Illinois. close/good/great friend: Helga is a close friend of mine. friends and relatives/neighbors/acquaintances: We… …   Usage of the words and phrases in modern English

  • friend — W1S1 [frend] n ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ 1¦(person you like)¦ 2 be friends (with somebody) 3 4 be just (good) friends 5¦(supporter)¦ 6¦(not an enemy)¦ 7¦(parliament/court of law)¦ 8 be no friend of something 9 Friend …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • close — close1 [klōs] adj. closer, closest [ME clos < OFr < L clausus, pp. of claudere (see CLOSE2); senses under II from notion “with spaces or intervals closed up”] I denoting the fact or state of being closed or confined 1. shut; not open 2.… …   English World dictionary

  • friend */*/*/ — UK [frend] / US noun Word forms friend : singular friend plural friends 1) [countable] someone you know well and like, but who is not a member of your family She s visiting friends in Scotland. close/good/great friend: Helga is a close friend of… …   English dictionary

  • close — near — If something is near, near to, or close to a place or thing, it is a short distance from it. When close has this meaning, it is pronounced . I live now in Reinfeld, which is near Lübeck. I stood very …   Useful english dictionary

  • close —    1. stingy    A shortened form of close fisted, whence also near1.    2. having an extramarital sexual relationship with    From the requisite proximity:     Mr and Mrs a widow… have been close for two years. (Daily Telegraph, 28 March 1994… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • friend — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) Person on intimate terms with another Nouns 1. friend, acquaintance, neighbor, well wisher; alter ego; bosom or fast friend, gentleman or lady friend; partner; fidus Achates; persona grata; associate,… …   English dictionary for students

  • friend*/*/*/ — [frend] noun [C] someone who you know well and like who is not a member of your family She s visiting friends in Scotland.[/ex] Helga is a close friend of mine.[/ex] I m having lunch with an old friend (= someone who has been a friend for a long… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

  • friend —    an extramarital sexual partner    Heterosexual or homosexual:     You got a friend that don t work and a husband that works, you re all set. (Chandler, 1943)     I have a very nice friend. It s against the law of course. (G. Greene, 1932 but… …   How not to say what you mean: A dictionary of euphemisms

  • friend — /frend/ noun (C) 1 PERSON YOU LIKE someone who you like very much and like to spend time with: Jerry, I d like to introduce you to my friend Lucinda. | be friends with sb: My parents have been friends with the Murkets for twenty years. | friend… …   Longman dictionary of contemporary English

When a girl doesn’t want to be with you, but wants you to continue prioritizing her because let’s be honest, you’re the pussy who cares more about her, and she likes knowing she matters to someone, and will use that to come around you when no one is around for her. You know almost everything about her and you’re always there for her, while she knows nothing of you and john snow. This woman is a smart,heartless, blue eyed creature that knows not to call you bestfriend because she doesn’t want you to invest this much dedication into another girl cause she wont be special anymore and will self pity that she doesnt matter anyways. Plus, lets be honest she doesnt want to give you all that fucking time either. She doesn’t care to know you because you do all the caring in loving her.

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