Word meaning change the world

change the world — перевод на русский

Kane helped to change the world but Kane’s world now is history and the great yellow journalist himself lived to be history outlived his power to make it.

Кейн помог изменить мир. Но теперь мир Кейна ушел в историю, и жизнь самого магната стала достоянием истории.

One man, if he’s inspired, can change the world.

Один человек, если он вдохновлен, может изменить мир.

Oh, Sam. You cannot change the world.

Сэм, вы не можете изменить мир.

You want to change the world?

Хочешь изменить мир?

Guy and Roland want to change the world.

Ги и Ролан хотят изменить мир.

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I’m not out to change the world, like the doc.

Я не хочу менять мир, как доктор.

You don’t need to be an elected official to change the world, Clark.

Не нужно быть официально избранным, чтобы менять мир, Кларк.

But before you go change the world, I think that I should tell you that I’m currently on my way to securing 45 Twinkies.

Но до того как ты начнешь менять мир, Я думаю, что должен сказать тебе, что я теперь я на своем пути захватить сорок пять пироженных.

Well… before you fly off to change the world…

Что ж, до того, как ты выпорхнешь и полетишь менять мир..

The team of Wazowski and Sullivan are going to change the world starting today!

Вазовский и Салливан начнут менять мир с сегодняшнего дня!

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I can’t change the world.

Куда мне изменять мир?

When you’re hurt and scared for so long your fear and pain turn to hate and the hate starts to change the world.

Когда ты так долго испытываешь боль и страх они переходят в ненависть а ненависть начинает изменять мир.

What’s more important, kylie, homework Or changing the world?

Что важнее, Кайли, учить уроки, или изменять мир?

No, I’m not going to change the world, okay, but he could have.

Нет, я не собираюсь изменять мир, ясно, но он мог бы.

Anyway, I got a divorce… and, uh, loaded my suitcase into the car… and I moved here to study law and change the world.

В общем, я развелся… и, э-э, погрузил свой чемодан в машину… и приехал сюда изучать право и изменять мир.

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The future… Changing the world… Reshaping it into a better place.

О будущем, изменении мира в лучшую сторону.

There were no lofty thoughts about changing the world.

Не было высоких мыслей об изменении мира.

People everywhere came out to support us mobiley, and right now they need to know we haven’t given up, that we meant what we said about changing the world.

Люди везде поддерживают нас, и в данный момент они должны знать, что мы не сдались, что мы имели в виду, когда говорили об изменении мира.

Yeah, we used to talk a lot of shit about changing the world, but what did we actually, really accomplish?

Да, мы дохрена трепались об изменении мира, но чего мы достигли на самом деле?

You’re a part of something that’s on the verge of changing the world.

Вы часть чего-то, что находится на пороге изменения мира.

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there are people that the world can do without… But I don’t think that I would become a killer… just to change the world…

заслуживающие смерти… чтобы сделать этот мир лучше.

You can’t change the world with words, Bill, unless you write those words in the evening news with blood.

Мир словами не изменить, Билл, если их кровью в новостях не написать.

Grandfather, your age will not change the world alone.

Дед, в твоём возрасте мир уж не изменишь.

I don’t need to change the world.

Мне не нужно спасать мир.

I wanted to change the world for the better, help my fellow men and look at me… a fat, drunken aristocrat who makes a bungle out of everything.

Я хотел сделать мир лучше, помочь товарищам, и посмотрите… толстый пьянчужка-аристократ который ошибается во всем.

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It’s fitting a young man should want to change the world. Not the world, sir.

Глупо думать, что молодой человек хочет изменить весь мир.

No revolution has ever changed the world.

Ни одна революция ещё ничего не изменила.

You wanted to change the world?

Вы Хотели Его Изменить?

It won’t help change the world or anything.

Я понимаю, что не смогу спасти мир, изменить его или что-то вроде этого.

This is a revolutionary product that will change the world as we know it.

Это революционный продукт, который изменит привычный нам мир.

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This technology is going to change the world.

…эта технология перевернёт мир.

— Can’t wait to hear all about this wire of yours that’s going to change the world.

— С нетерпением жду рассказа об этом вашем проводе, который перевернёт мир.

Maybe one day it will change the world, and I really hope I’m the one to do that, but right now, it just has potential.

Возможно, когда-нибудь это и перевернёт мир, и я очень надеюсь, что это будет моя заслуга, но сейчас, всё что у него есть, это потенциал.

You want to change the world?

Хотите перевернуть мир?

Something that will change the world and human life as we know it.

Над тем, что перевернёт весь мир и человеческую жизнь в нашем понимании.

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I like what it says about the structure in society and the changing worlds of women.

Мне нравится, как она отображает общество и меняющийся мир женщин.

Their changing world is sickening the balance of the Southland.

Их меняющийся мир нарушает баланс юга США.

We do have the intelligence and ingenuity to adapt to a changing world.

Нашего интеллекта и изобретательности хватает на то, чтобы приспособиться к меняющемуся миру.

How do you survive being so obtuse in this changing world?

Как же Вам удалось выжить в нашем меняющемся мире будучи таким невеждой?

Are you so sharp in this changing world that you’re still not married at that age?

Вы так остры на язык. Видимо, поэтому в нашем меняющемся мире до сих пор в девках торчите?

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Idioms browser

  • change of heart, a
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  • change of scene, a
  • change of scenery
  • change off
  • change one’s mind
  • change one’s stripes
  • change one’s stripes/spots, cannot
  • change one’s tune
  • change one’s tune, to
  • change out of
  • change out of (all) recognition
  • change out of (something)
  • change over
  • change places
  • change places with
  • change places with (one)
  • change sides
  • change sides, change signs
  • change tack
  • change the channel
  • change the game
  • change the subject
  • change the world
  • change to
  • change tune
  • change up
  • change with
  • change with the times
  • change your mind
  • change your tune
  • change your ways
  • change, alter, etc. beyond/out of recognition
  • change/swap horses in midstream
  • change/swap places
  • changed my mind
  • changed your mind?
  • changer
  • changes
  • chank
  • chanking
  • chankings
  • channel
  • channel (something) in(to) (something)
  • channel (something) off
  • channel hopping
  • channel in
  • channel off
  • channel surf

Full browser

  • change state
  • Change State of Record
  • Change Status
  • Change Status Information
  • Change Steering Committee
  • change stripes
  • change surface
  • change surface
  • change tack
  • change tape
  • Change Task Order
  • change taste
  • change taste
  • Change Technology Partners, Inc.
  • Change Text
  • Change Text Height
  • Change That’s Right Now, Inc
  • Change the Bank
  • Change the Business
  • change the channel
  • Change the Game
  • Change the Light Bulb
  • Change The Subject
  • Change The Subject
  • Change The Subject
  • Change The Subject
  • Change The Subject
  • Change The Subject
  • Change The Subject
  • Change The Subject
  • change the world
  • change the world, to
  • change their mind
  • change their minds
  • change their spots
  • change their stripes
  • change their tune
  • change their ways
  • change them into
  • change theory
  • change theory
  • change theory
  • Change Through Knowledge
  • Change ticket
  • change to
  • Change to Approach Control
  • Change to Lower Grade
  • Change to Next Dollar
  • Change to Plan of Record
  • Change to Tower Frequency
  • Change to win
  • Change to Win Coalition
  • Change to Win Coalition
  • Change to Win Federation
  • Change Tracking System
  • Change Tracking Writer
  • change tune
  • change tune
  • change tune
  • change tune
  • change tune

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It was about anonymity and cryptocurrencies changing the world.

Все говорили о блокчейне и криптовалютах, которые должны изменить мир.

I’ve learned that changing the world is simple.

Тогда нам казалось, что изменить мир — это очень просто.

By the 1850s, it was changing the world.

I’ll leave changing the world to you, alderman.

Tech companies like to talk about changing the world.

Американские компании очень любят рассказывать о том, как они меняют мир.

Big data is already changing the world around us.

Сейчас достаточно много технологий, которые уже меняют мир вокруг нас.

These women thought they were changing the world, making it a better place for future generations.

Эти женщины изменили мир и сделали его немного лучше для будущих поколений.

I’m not changing the world with my music.

Я не стремлюсь изменить мир с помощью нашей музыки.

There are lots of great influencers who are changing the world for the better.

Уже появилось много мощных групп, которые меняют мир к лучшему.

Together we are changing the world and offering hope.

Мы вместе меняем мир и создаем возможности.

It’s changing the world of music.

Here is a list of the 13 most influential business leaders that are changing the world.

Вот список 13 самых влиятельных лидеров бизнеса, которые меняют мир.

11-year-old boy is changing the world, on the fingers of the audience explaining how important it is to help each other.

11-летний мальчик меняет мир, на пальцах объясняя зрителям, как важно помогать друг другу.

Ukrainians succeeded in changing the world; they have to change their country now.

Украинцы смогли изменить мир — сегодня они должны изменить свою страну.

Thus, bilateral cooperation in shipbuilding and energy has begun and is changing the world of business.

Таким образом, двустороннее сотрудничество в области судостроения и энергетики уже началось и меняет мир бизнеса.

By dreaming up creative and practical solutions, engineers are changing the world all the time.

По придумывают творческие и практические решения, инженеры меняют мир все время.

Beckford said he dreams of changing the world and saving the earth.

Бекфорд сказал, что мечтает изменить мир и спасти землю.

Idealists who dream of changing the world, including, first of all, their own appearance.

Идеалисты, мечтающие изменить мир, в том числе, и в первую очередь, собственную внешность.

No one was really looking for external collective strategies changing the world.

Никто на самом деле не искал внешних коллективных стратегий, меняющих мир.

Young people offer innovative effective ideas that are rapidly changing the world.

Именно молодые люди предлагают инновационные эффективные идеи, которые стремительно меняют мир.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Предложения, которые содержат changing the world

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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

In recent years attitudes about changing the world, or at least about talking about changing the world, have shifted in a positive direction. Just a decade ago if you publicly spoke about how you would like to change the world you would quickly get strange looks, and in some more severe cases you were at risk of being locked in the special house without windows, dressed in the shirt with very comfortable long sleeves strangely buttoning in the back . And if you went a bit further back with the Wayback machine, you would find that humans were not so long ago very eager to place other fellow humans on a burning pile of sticks just for mentioning any similar sounding ideas.

That was happening because “Changing the World” has two not so very different but very unpopular brothers: “Saving the World” and “Saving Humanity.”

Saving the World is an obvious impossibility, and although metaphorically it means the same as the other two, a literal interpretation can quickly lead to an argument. Usually arguments range from “our planet has existed for billions of years and we humans are technologically capable of some very small impact just in the last fifty years” to “we are very ignorant if we think we could have any impact on our world.” Both are true, to some extent, but if we united around a plan to blow up the planet Earth, for instance, I believe that with the constant improvements in the nuclear arsenal and manufacturing we could “convert” our planet into an asteroid belt in about a hundred years from now. I am mentioning this example just to show that it is still possible to have a significant impact at the planetary level. Yeeees …, the rest of the universe, given its size, wouldn’t be too damaged or disturbed about this event. In our history, on the other hand, the “saving the world” task was usually entrusted to gods, demigods, or especially God-gifted people, which some other people call prophets. So, by saying you want to do something similar means that somehow you want to take their jobs, and other people would get really upset about this, so you would risk being locked in the special house without windows etc. etc.

Saving Humanity is the younger, smaller brother of “Saving the World.” He is usually a people-centered person. He likes putting humans in the middle of his affairs, like they matter, probably because subjects who use his services belong to the same species. Saving humanity is a reasonable task of self-preservation, and probably any species would do the same.
But in the case of humans, for some reason this subject usually creates many points for very long debates, generating questions like: Why do people need saving? Is there any point to saving humanity? Do humans deserve to be saved? What do we need to be saved from? Who will save us? And the list goes on, and on, and on…. In fact, that list is more disturbing than any actual problem we have to face or any solution we may think of. In order to outline the simple problem and propose a solution, one needs to pass through the nine levels of hell of a deep philosophically-emotional scientifically-religious megalomaniac discussion.
This approach, like his bigger brother, suffers from the same illness, a belief that saving humanity has to be done by someone with super-special-god-like powers. So, if there is some individual or group of people who can really do this correctly, it has to be the God, the son of God, the official person from the God service — usually known as a prophet, aliens, or something else unknown, everything except humans, especially not the live ones. This attitude basically means that a huge percentage of the population thinks that humans are capable of creating huge piles of shit but not very capable of cleaning up after themselves. In their minds this can be summarized with the following distribution:
Humans = Troublemakers 100%, Responsibility 0%.

Changing the world is the most politically correct term to use, as its literal meaning is the same as its metaphorical one, so there’s no confusion. Just by being on Earth, at any given moment, and doing something or even nothing we are already changing the world. Furthermore the construct “Changing the World” is not even a statement of intention, but a scientific and obvious fact, similar to breathing — something we do all the time. And, no one can blame you for something that everyone does all the time. That being said, you are now safe to go about your business, safe from the obnoxious people willing to endlessly argue about your plans and shatter your dreams. “Changing the world” is also very good because it does not place any expectation on you — you do not have to save, help, or rescue anyone, because change simply means change. For instance, if you start working on your plan and then at some point you hugely f*ck up , you can still say that this is exactly what you wanted in the first place. If your plan blows up in your face you have still won, as any change — positive or negative, small or big — is still a change. So you are safe from every possible side and angle.

Now, the only thing left is for you to decide what kind of impact you want to make — do you want to make a positive or negative change in this world. How big that change will be sometimes will depend on you and sometimes on society. Unexpectedly, things can become an instant, overnight hit and change the lives of many, or they can go completely awry.

But don’t sweat it!

If you have dreams, and you think you can change the world for the better — just do it. Never allow your insecurities to get in the way of your dreams. Never allow other people to tell you what is possible or not; you are the one who needs to discover these things for yourself. Maybe you will fail miserably and maybe they will be right on some points, but the knowledge you will gain on that journey will outweigh the possible failures you will face and will help you to achieve some amazing things.

Table of Contents

  1. What word means world changing?
  2. What is a word for a life-changing experience?
  3. What is a big change called?
  4. Why do people change?
  5. How can I change my life in one day?
  6. What are Kotter 8 steps to change?
  7. How can I change my life character?

In this page you can discover 7 synonyms, antonyms, idiomatic expressions, and related words for world-changing, like: About.com, IAWA, Degman, world-shaking, , groundbreaking and ground-breaking.

What is a word for a life-changing experience?

“It is certainly a life-changing experience and deals with our central nervous system and autonomic nervous system.”…What is another word for life-changing experience?

epiphany eye-opener
life-altering experience revelation
bolt from the blue thunderbolt
abruptness kick in the guts
bolt out of the blue curveball

What is a big change called?

revolution. noundrastic action or change, often in politics. anarchy. bloodshed. cabal.

Why do people change?

People change because either they chose to or they are forced to. They may also change due to a life-changing event. Or people change because they grow and evolve throughout their life. In addition to that boredom, inspiration or frustration might also lead to a change in someone’s behavior.

How can I change my life in one day?

How To Change Your Life In A Day

  1. Discover your passion.
  2. Take a first step.
  3. Sign up.
  4. Chat to someone new.
  5. Make a decision.
  6. Clear out the clutter.
  7. Change your mindset.
  8. Break a bad habit.

What are Kotter 8 steps to change?

John Kotter’s 8-Step Change Model

  1. Step One: Create Urgency.
  2. Step Two: Form a Powerful Coalition.
  3. Step Three: Create a Vision for Change.
  4. Step Four: Communicate the Vision.
  5. Step Five: Remove Obstacles.
  6. Step Six: Create Short-Term Wins.
  7. Step Seven: Build on the Change.
  8. Step Eight: Anchor the Changes in Corporate Culture.

How can I change my life character?

Improving Character

  1. Pop the Bubble. The first step you need to take to strengthen your character habits is to get real!
  2. Conduct a Cost-Benefit Analysis.
  3. Find the Fuel.
  4. Now, Write it Down.
  5. Focus Your Attention.
  6. Go Public – Share Your Change Plan with Others and Ask for Help.
  7. After Six Months, Reassess.

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