Word meaning can be bothered

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Moreover, at this time it can be bothered by toxicosis, which often leads to weight loss.

К тому же ее может беспокоить токсикоз, который часто приводит к потере веса.

When you need to download or update a plugin simply to view content on the web, then who can be bothered?

Когда вам нужно скачать или обновить плагин просто для просмотра контента в Интернете, тогда кого это может беспокоить?

Nobody can be bothered with Erdogan or his government.

Call me when you can be bothered.

Neither of us can be bothered to iron.

Both people and dogs can be bothered by many different species of fleas.

Assuming the people can be bothered of course.

Con, I just don’t know if I can be bothered.

No one can be bothered to replace them.’

Thus, an athlete who uses this steroid can be bothered by estrogenic side effects (for example, excessive fluid retention or gynecomastia).

Так, атлета, применяющего данное стероидное средство, могут побеспокоить побочки эстрогенного характера (например, излишняя задержка жидкостей или гинекомастия).

But who can be bothered waiting?

If we are inside the system, we can obtain this information if we can be bothered.

Если мы внутри системы, мы можем получить эту информацию, если она будет нам нужна.

Nobody can be bothered with Conner.

When you can be bothered to come along and watch and look at the faces of Marion and the others, then ask that question again.

Вот когда соизволите зайти посмотреть, и взглянуть на лица Мэрион и остальных, тогда и зададите этот вопрос.

Still, at that age, who can be bothered phoning home?

Все еще в том возрасте, когда лишний раз не позвонит домой.

And who can be bothered washing a car anymore?

He can be bothered (or just amused) by the fact that he has irremediably lost track of something he has been tracking, by one method or another, for years.

Он может быть обеспокоен (или просто удивлен) тем фактом, что безвозвратно потерял из виду то, что так или иначе отслеживал на протяжении многих лет.

Indeed, when the military and civilians are dying, who can be bothered with Crimea where everything seems to be relatively quiet?

Действительно, когда гибнут люди: и военные, и мирные жители, то какой уж тут Крым, где якобы все сравнительно тихо.

Too few people can be bothered to do things the proper, all-Roman way.

Мало кому удается следовать старым, истинно римским обычаям.

If you can be bothered to do anything but laze, desert drives and culinary classes will help pass the time, while excursions into the desert citadel and to the World Heritage Site of Jaisalmer will give you a look at life in Rajasthan.

Если вы собираетесь бездельничать, ни на что не отвлекаясь, то вас развлекут поездки по пустыне и кулинарные мастер-классы, а экскурсии в цитадель и в Джайсалмер, объект всемирного наследия, расскажут вам о жизни в Раджастане.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 25. Точных совпадений: 25. Затраченное время: 60 мс


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Индекс слова: 1-300, 301-600, 601-900

Индекс выражения: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

Индекс фразы: 1-400, 401-800, 801-1200

  • 1
    I can’t be bothered

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > I can’t be bothered

  • 2
    he can’t be bothered

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > he can’t be bothered

  • 3
    can’t say no

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > can’t say no

  • 4
    cannot be bothered

    «Are you coming?» «I can’t be bothered» — «Ты придешь?» — «Что-то не хочется»

    I can’t be bothered with waiting for a bus, let’s walk — Я не люблю ждать автобус. Пошли лучше пешком

    I couldn’t be bothered to clean the car today. I’ll do it tomorrow — У меня просто нет сегодня настроения мыть эту машину. Помою завтра

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > cannot be bothered

  • 5

    1. [ʹbɒðə]

    1. беспокойство, хлопоты; источник беспокойства

    we had a little bother with him at first — вначале он причинил нам некоторое беспокойство

    2. надоедливый человек

    what a bother you are! — отстань, ты мне надоел!

    2. [ʹbɒðə]

    1) надоедать, докучать, беспокоить

    don’t bother me with foolish questions! — не приставай ко мне с глупыми вопросами!

    2) беспокоить, волновать

    a point, which has bothered us — вопрос, который нас беспокоил

    3) трудиться, давать себе труд

    don’t bother to lock the door! — дверь можешь не закрывать, не беспокойся!

    she didn’t bother to lower her voice — она даже не старалась /не потрудилась/ говорить (по)тише

    to bother one’s head /brains/ — ломать голову

    don’t bother your head about me! — не беспокойтесь за меня!

    I’m bothered! — чёрт возьми!

    3. [ʹbɒðə]

    тьфу ты!; да ну тебя!; чёрт возьми!

    НБАРС > bother

  • 6

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > CBB

  • 7
    go and eat coke


    убирайся (ко всем чертям)!, проваливай!, катись!

    You’ve made yourself a thorough nuisance this morning. Go and eat coke, I can’t be bothered with your silliness any more. (DEI) — Вы мне чертовски надоели сегодня утром. Проваливайте отсюда поскорее, не мешайте мне. Глупость ваша нестерпима.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > go and eat coke

  • 8
    cover the ground

    1) путeшecтвoвaть

    I’d prefer to cover as much ground as we can before we’re interrupted (E. S. Gardner). No one bothered to argue with her: the ground had already been covered too often (D. Francis). The Committee’s report covers a great deal of new ground

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > cover the ground

См. также в других словарях:

  • can’t be bothered (to do something) — can t be bothered (to do sth) idiom used to say that you do not want to spend time and/or energy doing sth • I should really do some work this weekend but I can t be bothered. • All this has happened because you couldn t be bothered to give me… …   Useful english dictionary

  • can’t be bothered — (to do something) be unwilling to make the effort to do something they couldn t be bothered to look it up …   Useful english dictionary

  • can’t be bothered to do something — (someone) can t be bothered to (do something) someone has decided it is not important to do something. If I m just going to the gym in the morning, I can t be bothered to put on makeup. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form someone could not be …   New idioms dictionary

  • can’t be bothered to — (someone) can t be bothered to (do something) someone has decided it is not important to do something. If I m just going to the gym in the morning, I can t be bothered to put on makeup. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form someone could not be …   New idioms dictionary

  • someone can’t be bothered to — (someone) can t be bothered to (do something) someone has decided it is not important to do something. If I m just going to the gym in the morning, I can t be bothered to put on makeup. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form someone could not be …   New idioms dictionary

  • someone can’t be bothered — someone can’t be bothered british informal phrase used for saying that someone will not do something because they feel lazy or because it is too much effort I said I’d go out with them tonight, but I can’t be bothered. She couldn’t even be… …   Useful english dictionary

  • someone can’t be bothered — British informal used for saying that someone will not do something because they feel lazy or because it is too much effort I said I d go out with them tonight, but I can t be bothered. She couldn t even be bothered to say hello …   English dictionary

  • someone can’t be bothered to do something — (someone) can t be bothered to (do something) someone has decided it is not important to do something. If I m just going to the gym in the morning, I can t be bothered to put on makeup. Usage notes: sometimes used in the form someone could not be …   New idioms dictionary

  • I Can’t Be Bothered Now — is a song composed by George Gershwin, with lyrics by Ira Gershwin, written for the 1937 film A Damsel In Distress , where it was introduced by Fred Astaire. Notable recordings*Ella Fitzgerald Ella Fitzgerald Sings the George and Ira Gershwin… …   Wikipedia

  • can’t be bothered — is not interested, is not willing to make the effort …   English contemporary dictionary

  • can’t be arsed — I, etc can t be bothered (to do something) ● arse * * * can’t be arsed phrase if you say you can’t be arsed to do something, you mean that you are feeling too lazy to do it Thesaurus: lazy or slow to actsynonym Main entry: arse …   Useful english dictionary

  • #1

Here is the context:

The country needs to find a way out of this political paralysis not only to retain its global leadership but also to exercise it. If it can be bothered, the U.S. commands enormous untapped capacity and wealth.

-Excerpted from The Next American Century by Andres Martinez

«can’t be bothered» means you do not want to make an effort to do it, so what does «can be bothered» mean?

BTW, is the sentence an example of the Subjunctive Mood? Because it seems to me there is something missing between «the U.S.» and «commands» such as the modal verb can.

If it is, what are the connotations of the sentence?

  • owlman5

    • #2

    -Excerpted from The Next American Century by Andres Martinez

    «can’t be bothered» means you do not want to make an effort to do it, so what does «can be bothered» mean?

    It is another way to say that if the U.S. takes the trouble to do so, it can mobilize a lot of people and resources to accomplish a goal.

    BTW, is the sentence an example of the Subjunctive Mood? Because it seems to me there is something missing between «the U.S.» and «commands» such as the modal verb can.

    This would be a good question for another thread, Callmeok. We have to focus on one clear language question in each thread.

    Last edited: Aug 27, 2022

    • #3

    It is another way to say that if the U.S. takes the trouble to do so, it can mobilize a lot of people and resources to accomplish a goal.

    This would be a good question for another thread, Callmeok. We have to focus on one clear language question in each thread.

    Great thanks for your answer, I will start another thread.

    (redirected from can’t be bothered to)

    Like this video? Subscribe to our free daily email and get a new idiom video every day!

    can’t be bothered

    Unwilling or disinclined to make the effort necessary to do or accomplish something. (Used in the present and past tenses almost interchangeably.) I can’t be bothered to clean all those dishes after dinner, so I’ll just leave them in the sink until the morning. A: «Did you go to Sarah’s party last night?» B: «Nah, couldn’t be bothered.»

    Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

    can’t be bothered (to do something)

    (British English, informal) not willing to make the effort (to do something): I got home so late last night that I couldn’t be bothered to cook dinner.He didn’t have an excuse for not coming to the party — he just couldn’t be bothered.

    Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

    See also:

    • (one) can’t be arsed
    • can’t be arsed
    • CBA
    • reluctant
    • reluctant to (do something)
    • reluctant to do
    • I’m not bothered
    • not bothered
    • can’t be fagged

    References in periodicals archive

    The reason being that I just can’t be bothered to get dressed after my afternoon siesta.

    And, in turning up to train for Wales the day after signing his eye-watering deal with Real Madrid, he is a lesson for some of his contemporaries who can’t be bothered to represent their country.

    AS I sit writing this week’s column I am in what my partner calls my pyjamas — although I prefer to call them ‘loungewear’, as I can’t be bothered to get fully dressed.

    «I can’t be bothered to sensationalise this rubbish.

    I can’t be bothered to enclose the details of his letters as there are so many of them, published on a daily basis in GDN.

    I can’t be bothered to listen to or read what they have to say any more.

    It can’t come soon enough for me, but I wonder whether he’s quite as enthusiastic as I am, if he can’t be bothered to contact me faster than that?

    So the mother of the 11-year-old joyrider who claims there’s nothing to do obviously can’t be bothered to get off her backside and find out what is going on.

    How nice of the museum to send out folk to price the goods of lazy `dealers’ who can’t be bothered to go to the library, I thought!

    Society is the way it is because people can’t be bothered to report crime.

    The reader can let them have everything that is pleasant, because the author can’t be bothered to make more than a cursory effort at giving her characters character, let alone pleasantries.

    As I sit writing this week’s Daily Post column I am in what my partner calls my pyjamas — although I prefer to call them ‘loungewear’, as I can’t be bothered to get fully dressed.

    Sren r P dem chi acc he i A Wa eye less can Or a deli eno And, in turning up to train for Wales the day after signing his eye-watering deal with Real Madrid, he is a lesson for some of his contemporaries who can’t be bothered to represent their country.

    I often wonder whether, perhaps, it is the last, because people just can’t be bothered to get round to it!

    If dog owners can’t be bothered to clear up the mess their dog leaves, they should not be allowed to keep one.

    Idioms browser

    • cannot find hide nor hair of (someone or something)
    • cannot for the life of me/him/her/us/them
    • cannot help but
    • cannot help doing
    • cannot hold a candle to
    • cannot hold a candle to somebody/something
    • cannot make head or tail of something
    • cannot see any further than the end of one’s nose
    • cannot see further than the end of one’s nose
    • cannot see further than your nose
    • cannot see the wood for the trees
    • canoe
    • canon
    • cans
    • can-shaker
    • cant
    • can’t
    • can’t (do something) for nuts
    • can’t (do something) for toffee
    • can’t (do something) to save (one’s) life
    • can’t abide (someone or something)
    • can’t argue with that
    • can’t be arsed
    • can’t be bad
    • can’t be bothered
    • can’t be bothered to
    • can’t be doing with (something)
    • can’t be doing with something
    • can’t be fagged
    • can’t be helped. and couldn’t be helped
    • can’t be in two places at once
    • can’t bear (someone or something)
    • can’t bear to think about (something)
    • can’t beat that
    • can’t boil an egg
    • can’t but
    • can’t call (one’s) soul (one’s) own
    • can’t call (one’s) time (one’s) own
    • can’t call one’s soul one’s own
    • can’t call soul own
    • can’t carry a tune
    • can’t carry a tune in a bushel basket
    • can’t carry a tune in a paper sack
    • can’t complain
    • can’t complain. and nothing to complain about
    • can’t cut the mustard
    • can’t do anything with
    • can’t do anything with (someone or something)
    • can’t do something for toffee
    • can’t do something to save your life
    • can’t even

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    • can’t abide
    • can’t abide
    • can’t abide
    • can’t abide (someone or something)
    • can’t abide her
    • can’t abide him
    • can’t abide it
    • can’t abide me
    • can’t abide one
    • can’t abide somebody
    • can’t abide someone
    • can’t abide something
    • can’t abide them
    • can’t abide us
    • can’t abide you
    • Can’t Add Doesn’t Even Try
    • Can’t Afford Raleigh Yet
    • can’t agree with
    • Can’t and Never Will
    • Can’t Answer That
    • can’t argue with that
    • can’t be a little bit pregnant
    • can’t be arsed
    • can’t be arsed
    • Can’t Be Asked
    • can’t be bad
    • can’t be bothered
    • can’t be bothered
    • can’t be bothered
    • can’t be bothered
    • can’t be bothered to
    • Can’t Be Called
    • Can’t Be Doin’ That
    • can’t be doing
    • can’t be doing
    • can’t be doing
    • can’t be doing
    • can’t be doing with
    • can’t be doing with (something)
    • can’t be doing with it
    • can’t be doing with something
    • can’t be fagged
    • Can’t Be Freakin Arsed
    • Can’t Be Fussed
    • can’t be half pregnant
    • can’t be half-pregnant
    • Can’t Be Heard
    • can’t be helped
    • can’t be helped. and couldn’t be helped
    • can’t be in two places at once
    • Can’t Be Stopped
    • can’t be too careful
    • Can’t Be Too Sure
    • Can’t Be Touched
    • can’t bear
    • can’t bear
    • can’t bear
    • can’t bear
    • can’t bear
    • can’t bear (someone or something)
    • can’t bear her

    Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

    This is a question our experts keep getting from time to time. Now, we have got the complete detailed explanation and answer for everyone, who is interested!

    Asked by: Ms. Sydnie Conroy

    Score: 4.7/5
    (41 votes)

    used for saying that someone will not do something because they feel lazy or because it is too much effort. I said I’d go out with them tonight, but I can’t be bothered. She couldn’t even be bothered to say hello.

    How do you say can’t be bothered?


    1. agitate.
    2. discompose.
    3. disquiet.
    4. distract.
    5. disturb.
    6. flurry.
    7. fluster.
    8. perturb.

    Where did the phrase I can’t be bothered come from?

    Can’t be arsed dates from at the very least 1968, where it appeared in Hunter Davies’ authorised biography of The Beatles, in a Paul McCartney quote: «If they can’t be arsed awaiting for me, I can’t be arsed going after them.

    Can I be bothered?

    If you say that you can’t be bothered to do something, you mean that you are not going to do it because you think it is unnecessary or because you are too lazy. I just can’t be bothered to look after the house.

    What is a word for can’t be bothered?

    Synonyms:afraid, frightened, scared, alarmed, fearful, startled, intimidated, panic-stricken, petrified, (with) your heart in your mouth.

    27 related questions found

    What does I’m not bothered mean?

    We use this expression to say that something is not important for us or that we’re not worried about it.

    Is not bothered?

    1. Uninterested, unmotivated, or disinclined.

    How do you describe someone who is not bothered?

    Unbothered means not experiencing any discomfort—physically, emotionally, or in another other way. If you’re unbothered, nothing is bothering you.

    What do you call a person who never admits they’re wrong?

    ĭn-fălə-bəl. The definition of infallible is someone or something that is always perfect and right, without any errors or mistakes. An example of infallible are the decisions of God. adjective.

    What do you call a person who pretends to know everything?

    You could call him a mountebank. From Merriam-Webster online: … Later, extended uses of «mountebank» referred to someone who falsely claims to have knowledge about a particular subject or a person who simply pretends to be something he or she is not in order to gain attention.

    What do you call someone who thinks they are always right?

    There are many words to describe someone who always needs to be right, including indomitable, adamant, unrelenting, insistent, intransigent, obdurate, unshakeable, dictatorial.

    What is the nearest meaning of bothered?

    to annoy; give trouble to; pester: His little sister kept bothering him for candy. to cause unease, anxiety, or worry in (someone): I hadn’t realized how much being in a small boat bothers me until we got into choppy waters. … a worried or perplexed state: Don’t get into such a bother about small matters.

    Can talk others into doing things?

    to overcome someone’s objections to doing something; to convince someone to do something. They talked me into going to the meeting, even though I didn’t really have the time. No one can talk me into doing something illegal.

    What does I am bothered mean?

    : feeling or showing agitation, worry, annoyance, etc.

    What does it mean not to be bothered?

    used for saying that someone will not do something because they feel lazy or because it is too much effort. I said I’d go out with them tonight, but I can’t be bothered.

    What is the word when you don’t care?

    adjective. without interest or concern; not caring; apathetic: his indifferent attitude toward the suffering of others. having no bias, prejudice, or preference; impartial; disinterested.

    What do you call someone who shows no emotion?

    apathetic. / (ˌæpəˈθɛtɪk) / adjective. having or showing little or no emotion; indifferent.

    What is called when you dont care?

    16. 69. I can’t think of a noun, but you can say «that person is apathetic«. Apathetic at Oxford Dictionaries. adjective showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern.

    Is bothered a feeling?

    If you feel bothered, something is getting on your nerves. This adjective is good for describing a range of emotions, from annoyance to worry, and it stems from an Anglo-Irish word meaning «noise.» If you’re «hot and bothered,» you’re extremely upset, anxious, or rattled.

    What are two synonyms for bothered?

    synonyms for bothered

    • agitated.
    • distressed.
    • disturbed.
    • troubled.
    • disconcerted.
    • harried.
    • upset.
    • anxious.

    What personality type is always right?

    ESTJs have a tendency to think they are always right and that their moral compass is objective, absolute and universal.

    How do you argue with someone who is never wrong?

    This frustrating situation can be fixed as painlessly as possible with these 7 tips on how to win an argument with someone who is never wrong.

    1. 1 Stay Calm and Strong. …
    2. 2 Support Claims with Evidence. …
    3. 3 State Facts Vs Opinions. …
    4. 4 Choose Your Battles Wisely. …
    5. 5 Stay Away from Sarcasm. …
    6. 6 Consider Alternatives. …
    7. 7 Let It Go.

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