Word meaning both ways


Автоматический перевод

обе стороны, оба направления, оба способа, оба пути, оба варианта

Перевод по словам

both  — оба, оба, обе, и тот и другой, также, одинаково, тоже
way  — путь, способ, сторона, дорога, метод, далеко, значительно, чересчур


Look both ways before you cross the street.

Прежде чем перейти улицу, посмотри по обеим сторонам.

He left the house, looking carefully both ways.

Он вышел из дома, внимательно глядя по сторонам.

You should look both ways before crossing the street.

Перед тем, как переходить улицу, нужно посмотреть по сторонам.

It’s a choice between the time and the money — you can’t have it both ways!

Тут приходится выбирать: либо время, либо деньги, но не то и другое вместе!

The higher the interest rate, the greater the financial risk — which, of course, cuts both ways.

Чем выше процентная ставка, тем больше финансовый риск, что, конечно, является палкой о двух концах.

  • 1
    both ways

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > both ways

  • 2
    both ways

    Англо-русский синонимический словарь > both ways

  • 3
    both ways

    Новый англо-русский словарь > both ways

  • 4
    both ways cut

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > both ways cut

  • 5
    both ways cut

    двустороннее резание; двустороннее строгание

    English-Russian dictionary of mechanical engineering and automation > both ways cut

  • 6
    both-ways train movement

    Англо-русский железнодорожный словарь > both-ways train movement

  • 7
    cut both ways

    быть обоюдоострым; ≈ палка о двух концах

    But you shouldn’t forget that luck cuts both ways… (S. Bellow, ‘The Victim’, ch. 17) — Вам не следует забывать, что удача — это палка о двух концах.

    I was very much affected by people. That is true. I suppose I responded to them more than most men do. And of course cuts both ways. (C. P. Snow, ‘The Affair’, ch. 24) — Живой интерес к людям у меня был всегда. Это правда. Пожалуй, я, действительно, ближе, чем другие, принимал к сердцу чужие дела. Ну и, конечно, это всегда бывает обоюдно.

    It is an argument that cuts both ways. — Это обоюдоострый аргумент.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > cut both ways

  • 8
    cut both ways

    палка о двух концах; иметь плюсы и минусы

    People who gossip find it cuts both ways.

    Remember that your suggestion that costs should be shared cuts both ways. You will have to pay as well.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > cut both ways

  • 9
    swing both ways

    The new dictionary of modern spoken language > swing both ways

  • 10
    face both ways

    быть двуличным, поддерживать противоположные мнения, аргументы, планы и т. п.; поддерживать интересы различных группировок; ≈ служить и нашим и вашим

    The Democrats are trying to look both ways: towards «party harmony» with the Southern bloc which means the status quo, and towards the Negro voters who are insisting that the status quo is inimical to their interests. (‘Masses and Mainstream’) — Демократы ведут двойную игру: стремятся сохранить «партийную гармонию» с южным блоком, что на практике означает сохранение , и одновременно заигрывают с негритянскими избирателями, которые настаивают на том, что противоречит их интересам.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > face both ways

  • 11
    cut both ways

       быть oбoюдoocтpым; пaлкa o двуx кoнцax

    But you shouldn’t forget that luck cuts both ways (S. Bellow). It is an argument that cuts both ways (Tribune)

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > cut both ways

  • 12
    have it (or things) both ways

       cтapaтьcя coвмecтить нecoвмecтимoe; пpидepживaтьcя двуx взaимoиcключaющиx тoчeк зpeния

    Tom wished to have it both ways, to stand away and yet to be absolutely wanted (J. Murdoch). You must choose between a low rate of interest but security for your capital, and a higher rate of interest with the attendant risks; you cannot have it both ways

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > have it (or things) both ways

  • 13
    you can’t have it both ways


    выбирайте что-то одно

    нельзя одновременно стоять на двух противоположенных позициях

    || Make up your mind which side you are going to support. You can’t have it both ways. — Решайте, какую сторону вы собираете поддержать. Но выбирайте что-то одно.

    Англо-русский универсальный дополнительный практический переводческий словарь И. Мостицкого > you can’t have it both ways

  • 14
    have it both ways

    и волки сыты, и овцы целы; и на елку влезть, и не уколоться

    John wants the security of marriage and the freedom of being single. He wants to have it both ways.

    Англо-русский словарь идиом и фразовых глаголов > have it both ways

  • 15
    to cut both ways

    2) иметь как положительные, так и отрицательные стороны

    The promotion cuts both ways because though I’ll make more money, I’ll have to be away from my family more often. — Моё повышение – это палка о двух концах: с одной стороны, я буду больше получать, но с другой, я буду меньше времени проводить с семьёй.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > to cut both ways

  • 16
    to have it both ways

    But countries cannot have it both ways: the cost of a cleaner environment may sometimes be fewer jobs in dirty industries. — Но страны не могут получить и то и другое: платой за улучшение экологии, возможно, будет сокращение рабочих мест в грязном производстве.

    Англо-русский современный словарь > to have it both ways

  • 17
    have it both ways


    стараться совместить несовместимое, придерживаться двух взаимоисключающих точек зрения

    You must choose between a low rate of interest but security for your capital, and a higher rate of interest with the attendant risks; you cannot have it both ways. (EVI) — Вам приходится выбирать между надежным капиталовложением с низкой процентной ставкой и более рискованным капиталовложением, но с более высокой процентной ставкой. Надежность и высокий процент не совместишь.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > have it both ways

  • 18
    have things both ways

    Concise English-Russian phrasebook > have things both ways

  • 19
    cut both ways

    быть обоюдоострым

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > cut both ways

  • 20
    bet both ways

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > bet both ways


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См. также в других словарях:

  • both ways — adverb & adjective another term for each way. Phrases have it both ways benefit from two incompatible ways of thinking or behaving …   English new terms dictionary

  • Both Ways Open Jaws — Album par The Dø Sortie 7 mars 2011 Genre Folk rock Label Cinq7 …   Wikipédia en Français

  • both ways — in two directions; back and forth, round trip …   English contemporary dictionary

  • Cuts Both Ways (song) — Cuts Both Ways Single by Gloria Estefan from the album Cuts Both Ways Released May 17, 1990 (1990 05 17) (see Release history) …   Wikipedia

  • cut both ways — phrasal or cut two ways : to have a mixed effect : have both favorable and unfavorable results or implications : avail for either of two counterarguments or implications a fact that cuts both ways in the case * * * cut both ways (of a decision,… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Cuts Both Ways — For the title track released from this album, see Cuts Both Ways (song). Cuts Both Ways Studio album by Gloria Estefan …   Wikipedia

  • Cuts Both Ways — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Cuts Both Ways Álbum de Gloria Estefan Publicación 5 de julio de 1989 Grabación 1988, Criteria Studios …   Wikipedia Español

  • have it both ways — (usu with a neg) to benefit from two actions, situations, arguments, etc, each of which excludes the possibility, validity, etc of the other • • • Main Entry: ↑way * * * have it both ways phrase to want to have the benefit from two possibilities… …   Useful english dictionary

  • Look Both Ways — Infobox Film name = Look Both Ways image size = 250px caption = Promotional poster for Look Both Ways . director = Sarah Watt producer = Andrew Myer Barbara Masel Bridget Ikin Vicki Sugars writer = Sarah Watt starring = William McInnes Justine… …   Wikipedia

  • cut both ways — or[cut two ways] {v. phr.} To have two effects; cause injury to both sides. * /People who gossip find it cuts both ways./ …   Dictionary of American idioms

  • cut both ways — or[cut two ways] {v. phr.} To have two effects; cause injury to both sides. * /People who gossip find it cuts both ways./ …   Dictionary of American idioms



1       another term for     
  each way  

have it both ways   usually with a negative   to try to get the best of a situation, argument, etc., by chopping and changing between alternatives or opposites  

English Collins Dictionary — English Definition & Thesaurus  


each way  
      adv     (Horse racing, etc.)     (chiefly Brit)   (of a bet) made on the same runner or contestant to win or come second or third in a race,   (Also)
both ways            (U.S. term)

English Collins Dictionary — English Definition & Thesaurus  

Collaborative Dictionary     English Definition

shotgun wedding


1. marriage often occasioned or precipitated by pregnancy and into which one or both partners are coerced; the expression, born in the US, calls on imagery of a father coercing by way of a firearm,a young man to marry his enceinte daugther 2. forced compromise, merger, accord etc. imposed by necessity

[Fig.];[Fam.];[Hum.] 1. Looks like a shotgun wedding for these two! 2. The two manufacturers announced a shotgun wedding prompted by slumping sales and financial losses



a field of study searching for ways to prevent global warming by deliberately changing Earth’s natural system




A culture of internet only jobs has coined the phrase Wirk. Wirk simply means Internet Work. Internet work is defined by job opportunities that did not exist before the rise of the internet and furthermore the work is likely to be carried out over the internet and payment received for work undertaken via the internet. Wirk describes both full time and part time internet work. Because of the nature of Wirk and the ability for anyone that has internet connection to earn money from Wirk, it is currently more likely to be a part time occupation than full time. Paid Online Questionnaires, Content Writing, Search Marketing are all examples of Wirk.

This is a term rising in popularity




dance in a both sensual and provocative manner involving a low squatting stance while thrusting hips and buttocks movements suggesting a sexual acte

Ex.: In 2013, a pop star twerking on stage at the MTV VMA created a huge buzz on social networks making the term «twerk» popular worldwide and likely contributing towards its entry in the dictionary

cash mob


a group of people who decide to meet and make purchases at a local business. The aim is both to support it and to meet up with the community.

Inspired by the phenomenon of flash mobs, which refers to groups of people mobilized by social media to perform entertaining or unusual acts in public, such as choreographies



economic player that both produces and consumes a good or service

portmanteau word: producer + consumer. Linked to mass costumisation

Poison Dwarf


Poisonously vicious person in position of power who is not immediately identified as such. Both sexes. Euphemism.

the pot calling the kettle black


a phrase you would say to point out the hypocrisy of someone who accuses/criticizes you for a fault they have themselves; the phrase alludes to the cast-iron pot and kettle which, once, were soon both equally covered with black soot when heated over an open fire.

You bro, calling my room a hell of a mess! That’s really the pot calling the kettle black! / Olivia had the gall to say I was selfish! Talk about the pot calling the kettle black!



on my way

acronym, sms language


abbr. acron.

Short for «by the way«.


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и другое

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All I ask in return is your assurance that the door swings both ways.

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Все, что я прошу взамен это твое заверение, что дверь открывается в обе стороны.

Both ways of learning should be offered in a‘blended’


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Это отрезает оба пути, нет смысла в этом.

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In this regard,

Waldock has explained that»reservations always work both ways.

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этой связи пояснил,

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My father, Felipe Anguiano, crossed the river both ways.

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Both ways, finding and looking for instructors/ jobs.

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Оба пути, находя и ищет инструкторов/ рабочих мест.

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Теперь он не может иметь


то, и другое.

The planes themselves are the miniaturisation chambers and they work both ways.

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Сами самолеты- камеры миниатюризации, и они работают в обе стороны.

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The ATM specializes in trading Bitcoin only and works both ways.

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Банкомат специализируется только на торговле биткоинами и работает в обе стороны.

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But I was by myself, and I think communication goes both ways.

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Frequent connection- daily or every other day both ways depending on volumes;

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Частота рейсов- ежедневно или через день в обе стороны


зависимости от объемов.

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Но использовать ее можно двояко.

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and other

and another

and different





Предложения с «both ways»

Ageism cuts both ways.

Эйджизм работает в оба направления.

But climate models struggle with clouds, and this uncertainty — it goes both ways.

Но климатические модели испытывают затруднения с облаками, и у этой неопределённости два варианта.

Well, let’s pan it out both ways.

Давайте рассмотрим оба варианта.

Don’t give them to anyone, take the route we showed you, be at home at the time we said, cross at the corner, and look both ways before you cross, and no matter what, don’t talk to strangers.

Никому не давай, иди по дороге, которую мы показывали, возвращайся не позже оговоренного часа, пред тем как переходить дорогу, посмотри по сторонам и, самое главное, не разговаривай с незнакомыми.

You have to cross at the corner, and look both ways before crossing.

Прежде чем перейти улицу, посмотри по сторонам .

It goes both ways.

Это верно для обеих сторон .

It seems like we want it both ways: we want love to feel like madness, and we want it to last an entire lifetime.

Похоже, что мы хотим двух вещей сразу: переживать любовь как безумие, и чтобы это продолжалось всю жизнь.

Because wigs erase hierarchy, and hierarchy kills intimacy — both ways, for the CEO and the intern.

И для директора, и для стажёра парик работает одинаково: он стирает иерархию, которая мешает близости.

I looked both ways for traffic, and I listened for the wail of a sick baby.

Посмотрел в обе стороны в поисках нашего пикапа и прислушался, не вопит ли ребенок.

President and Communist Party General Secretary Hu Jintao sometimes seems to be going both ways simultaneously.

Президент и Генеральный секретарь Коммунистической партии Ху Цзиньтао иногда, кажется, движется одновременно в обоих направлениях.

It is possible to argue the economics both ways, but the politics all point in one direction.

Можно приводить экономические доводы и за и против, но все политики указывают в одну сторону .

The Obamas, or at least Barack, can’t have it both ways, which is to rake in the bucks on the basis of his celebrity and complain about it.

Но Обамам (по крайней мере, Бараку) придется выбирать одно из двух: либо делать деньги, пользуясь своей знаменитостью, либо жаловаться на эту знаменитость.

This works both ways — from the intercompany sales order to the purchase order and the other way around.

Эта связь является двусторонней — из внутрихолдингового заказа на продажу во внутрихолдинговый заказ на покупку и наоборот.

And Brazil’s benign location in South America cuts both ways.

А благоприятное местоположение Бразилии в Южной Америке имеет и преимущества, и недостатки.

They believed they could have it both ways, manipulating their European partners while maintaining what the Germans call a “casino economy.”

Они считали, что будут доить двух коров, манипулируя своими европейскими партнерами и сохраняя при этом, как говорят в Германии, «экономику казино».

Clinton will seek to have it both ways on Iran.

Клинтон будет стремиться совместить несовместимое в иранском вопросе.

But critics of the US can’t have it both ways.

Однако те, кто критикует США, сами не без греха.

But we cannot have it both ways.

Но иметь сразу все просто невозможно.

It is a split country facing both ways.

Это расколотая страна, смотрящая в две разные стороны .

Yes, Langdon said. Marie had drawn the less common closed form of the blade, although Langdon had seen the symbol portrayed both ways.

— Да, — кивнул Лэнгдон. Мари изобразила наименее известную, закрытую разновидность символа меча, но Лэнгдону она была знакома.

Armed escorts both ways, all raw Intel comes directly to me.

Вооруженное сопровождение с обоих сторон , Любая сырая информация непременно ко мне.

You’re just in a dither because you’ve discovered you can swing both ways.

Тебя просто злит, что ты оказалась в Зазеркалье.

I’m totally cool if Wade wants to swing both ways.

Я вовсе не против, если Уэйд би.

The chowder had blown both ways and he still felt weak and crampy.

Палтус рвался из его организма сразу в двух направлениях — у мистера Эдвардса до сих пор сводило кишки, и он ощущал слабость.

You’d know judging a book by its cover works both ways.

Ты должна знать — судить книжку по обложке можно двояко.

A 3-car pileup on the 66 Has traffic backed up both ways.

3 столкнувшиеся на 66 шоссе машины образовали двустороннюю пробку.

That backdoor worked both ways, it seems.

Кажется этот приём работает в обе стороны .

My two clients, frick and frack, the mopheads, were in a simple traffic accident, a minor Fender bender, but maybe they were on the wrong side of the street, or they didn’t look both ways.

Два мои клиента — дуралея с мочалками на голове попали в небольшое ДТП, совсем незначительное, но может, они шли не по той стороне улицы или не посмотрели в обе стороны .

Feel free to interpret that both ways.

Не стесняйся интерпретировать это и так, и эдак

And in entrusting our work to you, we assumed it would engender a loyalty between us, one that went both ways.

Вверяя вам нашу работу, мы полагали, что у нас зародится лояльность, которая будет взаимной.

But we take care of our own, and that sword cuts both ways.

Но мы заботимся о своих людях, а это палка о двух концах.

All I ask in return is your assurance that the door swings both ways.

Все, что я прошу взамен это твое заверение, что дверь открывается в обе стороны .

In Israel and in the United States, the blade of righteousness cut both ways, wounding the targets and the attackers.

В Израиле и в США, лезвие добродетельности обоюдоострое, нанося раны как жертвам, так и нападающим.

Unlike your close-minded ex-girlfriend, I’m totally cool if wade wants to swing both ways.

В отличие от твоей узколобой бывшей, я совсем не против, если Уэйду нравятся и те и другие.

Look both ways before you cross the road.

Посмотри в обе стороны , и переходи.

I mean, some of these guys look quite fit — in both ways.

Я имею в виду, некоторые из этих парней выглядят вполне пригодными, с какой стороны ни посмотреть.

But I must say, Ted ‘ud give in to me sometimes, when I was set on a thing, and in the wrong. So I suppose it cuts both ways.’

А вот мой Тед, случалось, уступал мне, когда я уж точно была не права. Видно, тоже дорожил мной. Так что в общем то на то и получалось.

We’re like the wind, we blows both ways.

Мы будто ветер, мы дуем в обе стороны .

He looked up at the house, then both ways along the street.

Взглянул на дом, затем в обе стороны улицы.

He had been seen going that way often for the last three or four days of his sojourn at the hotel-both by day and night-on foot as well as horseback-several times both ways.

В течение последних трех — четырех дней его часто видели в тех местах — днем и ночью, верхом на лошади и пешим, по пути туда и обратно.

Loss of status works both ways.

Вы и дня не продержитесь в Университете!

The street was empty both ways, with quiet lawns and houses neat among the trees, but no one at all except back there.

Улица пуста в обоих направлениях, тихие газоны и чистенькие домики среди деревьев, но никого нигде, лишь у магазина позади нас.

It doesn’t work both ways.

Оно не работает в обоих направлениях.

We’ve got multiple rooms exactly like this one going both ways.

Здесь куча комнат, точно таких, как эта, в обоих направлениях.

It goes both ways, but the people who actually… usually do the killing for it wind up on the Muslim side.

она работает в обоих направлениях, но люди кто в действительности… обычно совершают убийства из — за неё, оказываются с мусульманской стороны .

Doesn’t the window work both ways?

Разве окно не работает в обоих направлениях?

Problem is, contingency plans cut both ways.

Проблема в том, что непредвиденные планы работают в обоих направлениях.

Well, it goes both ways, right?

Ну, это идет в обоих направлениях, верно?

But you’re still Betty Both-ways?

Но ты же все еще Бетти — обоими — способами?

Both ways the beach was deserted.

Берег по обе стороны площадки был пуст.

It was red and five-barred: it swung both ways on easy hinges; and it was possible, though forbidden, to swing backwards and forwards on it.

Они были красные, с пятью перекладинами и свободно ходили на петлях в обе стороны ; на них удобно кататься, хотя ему это и было запрещено.

But trust has to work both ways, Lydia.

Но доверие должно быть с обеих сторон , Лидия.

Thing is, that can go both ways.

Дело в том, что она работает в обе стороны .

You know, trust works both ways.

Ты, знаешь, доверие работает в обе стороны .

You see, General, it works both ways.

Видите, генерал, это работает в обе стороны .

Well, I hear the gate swings both ways.

Я слышал, что двери ведут в обе стороны .

Blood magic works both ways… father.

Кровная магия работает в обе стороны … отец.

You can’t have it both ways.

Ты не можешь получить и то, и другое.

You can’t have it both ways, Governor.

Нельзя угодить и тем, и другим, губернатор.

Now, he can’t have it both ways.

Теперь он не может иметь и то, и другое.

Англо-русские и русско-английские словари и энциклопедии. English-Russian and Russian-English dictionaries and translations

Meaning of BOTH WAYS in English

in two directions; back and forth, round-trip

Explanatory English dictionary bed edition.

     Толковый словарь английского языка Редакция bed.

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WordReference не может перевести именно такую фразу, но можно нажать на каждое слово по отдельности и узнать их значения:

WordReference English-Russian Dictionary © 2023:

Главные переводы
английский русский
both pron (the two of them) оба мест
  John and Heather? Both are coming to the wedding.
  Джон и Хизер? Оба идут на свадьбу.
both adj (the two things) оба прил
  Both theories are quite convincing.
  Обе теории довольно убедительны.
both adj (the two persons) оба, и тот и другой прил
  Both sisters lived to be over a hundred.
  Обе сестры прожили больше ста лет.
both conj (and also) (both…and) и… и; как… так и; не только,… но и союз
  Both French and English are spoken in Montreal.
  В Монреале говорят и на французском, и на английском языке.

Collins Russian Dictionary 2nd Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2000, 1997:

both [bəuθ]
adj , pron
о́ба# (f о́бе#) adv
both A and B и А, и Б
both (of them) о́ба (они́)
both of us went, we both went мы о́ба пошли́
they sell both meat and poultry они́ торгу́ют и мя́сом, и пти́цей

* is used to mark translations which have irregular inflections. The Russian-English side of the dictionary gives inflectional information.

both ways‘ также найдено в этих статьях:


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They don’t have special rights because we have civil rights laws that protect them. The laws work both ways.

Tom Allen





Both ways can act as an adjective and an adverb.

The adjective is the word that accompanies the noun to determine or qualify it.

The adverb is an invariable part of the sentence that can change, explain or simplify a verb or another adverb.

Synonyms and antonyms of both ways in the English dictionary of synonyms

Translation of «both ways» into 25 languages

online translator


Find out the translation of both ways to 25 languages with our English multilingual translator.

The translations of both ways from English to other languages presented in this section have been obtained through automatic statistical translation; where the essential translation unit is the word «both ways» in English.

Translator English — Chinese


1,325 millions of speakers

Translator English — Spanish

en ambos sentidos

570 millions of speakers

Translator English — Hindi

दोनों तरीकों

380 millions of speakers

Translator English — Arabic

في كلا الاتجاهين

280 millions of speakers

Translator English — Russian

в обе стороны

278 millions of speakers

Translator English — Portuguese

em ambos os sentidos

270 millions of speakers

Translator English — Bengali

উভয় উপায়

260 millions of speakers

Translator English — French

dans les deux sens

220 millions of speakers

Translator English — Malay

Kedua-dua cara

190 millions of speakers

Translator English — German

beide Möglichkeiten

180 millions of speakers

Translator English — Japanese


130 millions of speakers

Translator English — Korean

두 가지

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Javanese

Loro cara

85 millions of speakers

Translator English — Vietnamese

cả hai cách

80 millions of speakers

Translator English — Tamil

இரு வழிகளில்

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Marathi

दोन्ही मार्ग

75 millions of speakers

Translator English — Turkish

Her iki yoldan

70 millions of speakers

Translator English — Italian

in entrambe le direzioni

65 millions of speakers

Translator English — Polish

w obie strony

50 millions of speakers

Translator English — Ukrainian

в обидві сторони

40 millions of speakers

Translator English — Romanian

în ambele sensuri

30 millions of speakers

Translator English — Greek

δύο τρόπους

15 millions of speakers

Translator English — Afrikaans

beide maniere

14 millions of speakers

Translator English — Swedish

båda sätten

10 millions of speakers

Translator English — Norwegian

begge veier

5 millions of speakers

Trends of use of both ways


The term «both ways» is quite widely used and occupies the 27.406 position in our list of most widely used terms in the English dictionary.



Quite widely used

The map shown above gives the frequency of use of the term «both ways» in the different countries.

Principal search tendencies and common uses of both ways

List of principal searches undertaken by users to access our English online dictionary and most widely used expressions with the word «both ways».


The graph expresses the annual evolution of the frequency of use of the word «both ways» during the past 500 years. Its implementation is based on analysing how often the term «both ways» appears in digitalised printed sources in English between the year 1500 and the present day.

Examples of use in the English literature, quotes and news about both ways


Famous quotes and sentences with the word both ways.

They don’t have special rights because we have civil rights laws that protect them. The laws work both ways.

It works both ways: there are victims of tragedy who come to me who have experienced grief of such magnitude that they cannot reconcile. Likewise, I cannot change the mentality of those who committed the crimes or the fools who followed them.

You realize that you can’t win ’em all. You try to win ’em all; you get frustrated, but you gotta have a short fuse either way. Success in the NFL is just as deadly as allowing yourself to kinda wallow in sorrow. It works both ways.

I think I have a certain respect for people, you know. And I guess a lot of times I expect that respect to go both ways.

Focused, hard work is the real key to success. Keep your eyes on the goal, and just keep taking the next step towards completing it. If you aren’t sure which way to do something, do it both ways and see which works better.

When you were growing up, your mom and dad told you to look both ways before crossing the street or not to get into a car with a stranger. It’s the same with the Internet. We have a big responsibility and a huge role in bringing all the stakeholders to the table — users, parents, educators, law enforcement, government organisations.

It was very important that it be done in such a way that it be executed with complete conviction. If I had done it both ways, if I was trying to cover myself in case it didn’t work, then it would have been to no purpose.

Cloud services cut both ways in terms of security: you get off-site backup and disaster recovery, but you entrust your secrets to somebody else’s hands. Doing the latter increases your exposure to government surveillance and the potential for deliberate or inadvertent breaches of your confidential files.

Some really good things kind of swing both ways and I like to see people that can swing really, really, really sad and horrible and terrible and really, really, really beautiful and funny.

I am very much aware that if I am getting good press at the moment I could just as easily be getting bad press. I cannot have the good and forget the bad. You have to accept it both ways.


Discover the use of both ways in the following bibliographical selection. Books relating to both ways and brief extracts from same to provide context of its use in English literature.


Look Both Ways: Illustrated Essays on the Intersection of …

Excerpt from «Look Both Ways» It occurred to me, as I stood there, that I could simultaneously, vividly look both ways — backward and forward, in time — at once. I remembered longing to know what was coming, who I would become and how.


Look Both Ways: Help Protect Your Family on the Internet

Your parents taught you to look both ways before crossing the street. Now, learn the rules of the road—and help protect yourself online with Internet child-safety authority Linda Criddle.


Look Both Ways: Bisexual Politics

» In Look Both Ways, Baumgardner takes a close look at the growing visibility of gay and bisexual characters, performers, and issues on the national cultural stage.

Jennifer Baumgardner, 2008


Both Ways Is the Only Way I Want It

But what kind of fool only wants it one way? Funny, sly and sparkling with energy, BOTH WAYS IS THE ONLY WAY I WANT IT confirms Maile Meloy as an enthralling storyteller.

In the second book of the Midnight Twins trilogy, Meredith and Mallory Brynn are finally coming to terms with their special gifts: Meredith to see into the past, Mallory to see into the future.


Looking both ways: heritage and identity of the Alutiiq people

This is a story in itself, reflecting national trends toward greater Native American participation in cultural research and self-representation in the museum world.

Aron Crowell, Amy F. Steffian, Gordon L. Pullar, 2001


God, Chance and Purpose: Can God Have It Both Ways?

Neither of these views, it is argued, does justice to the complexity of nature or the greatness of God. The thesis of this book is that chance is neither unreal nor non-existent but an integral part of God’s creation.

David J. Bartholomew, 2008


Look Both Ways: City Math

A collection of stories, poems, riddles, games, and hands-on activities to develop early math skills by demonstrating how math is all around us in everything we do.

Time-Life Books, Patricia Daniels, Neil Kagan, 1992


Look Both Ways: A Cautionary Tale

When Filbert the squirrel goes to his grandmother’s to pick up acorns, he learns the importance of looking both ways before crossing the street.

Diane Z. Shore, Jessica Alexander, 2005


Uphill Both Ways — Barefooted

This richly detailed glimpse of yesteryear tells the story of the author’s early life in the southern Appalachian coalfields (mid-1930s to early 1950s); a simpler time when children created their own fun and people worked hard.


Find out what the national and international press are talking about and how the term both ways is used in the context of the following news items.

Baseball Roundup: Lynn strong both ways in 9-2 win over Masco

Thanks to a big day from Dayshon Anderson and a solid pitching performance from Aeydan Leydon, the Lynn 14-year old Babe Ruth all-stars … «Daily Item, Jul 15»

Posted Jul 4, 2015 at 05:55pm

«Both Ways» calls upon the talents of Verse Simmonds, who is fresh off collaborations with Jeremih and Gucci Mane. Stream it here and let us … «HotNewHipHop, Jul 15»

Free will must cut both ways

People celebrate in front of the U.S. Supreme Court after the ruling in favour of same-sex marriage on June 26. (Mark Wilson/Getty Images/AFP). «London Free Press, Jul 15»

Chris Christie’s ‘tell it like it is’ campaign may cut both ways

As Chris Christie unveiled his ‘tell it like it is’ campaign for the United States presidency, selling himself as a true, ‘blunt’ New Jerseyan, he has … «Financial Express, Jul 15»

A420 near Faringdon blocked both ways after crash involving a …

The route between Swindon and Oxford is blocked both ways following the collision between Fernham Road and the Great Coxwell turn. Congestion in the area … «The Oxford Times, Jul 15»

On marriage objections, Bobby Jindal tries having it both ways

Louisiana Governor Bobby Jindal announces his run for the President of the United States during a political event at the Pontchartrain Center in … «NOLA.com, Jun 15»

Both ways lead to McCoy

Both ways lead to McCoy. This photo posted by @RIprobz shows the two seemingly contradictory signs at the end of the School Street exit … «Valley Breeze, Jun 15»

Responsibility cuts both ways at Jones Beach concerts

Underage kids getting their hands on drugs and alcohol is as old as the laws that prevent it. It’s a reality we’ve come to expect, especially when … «Newsday, Jun 15»

Iran can’t have it both ways on potential nuclear pact

WASHINGTON – Iran enters the endgame of the nuclear talks with what amount to two negotiating positions – the parameters reportedly … «Albuquerque Journal, Jun 15»

Beyond looking both ways

Crossing the street is one of the first experiences in a child’s life where the concept of taking steps to be safe—looking both ways, listening for … «National Science Foundation, Jun 15»


« EDUCALINGO. Both ways [online]. Available <https://educalingo.com/en/dic-en/both-ways>. Apr 2023 ».

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