Word meaning best wishes

What does best wishes mean?

According to Cambridge Dictionary, best wishes is a phrase that is used at the end of a letter to a familiar person. Oxford Languages also states that it can be used to express hope for someone’s welfare or future happiness, which does not necessarily have to be in a letter. It is one of many kind ways to sign a letter to a friend, pen pal, or family member.

According to Red Book Mag, traditionally one wishes a groom “congratulations” after a wedding, but a bride “best wishes.” This implies that the groom has made a great catch, but that the bride needs to be wished luck. Formerly, it was considered impolite to say the bride had made a great catch. Some believe that this is archaic to imply that being engaged is an achievement. 

On the other hand, according to Newport Wedding Glam, the separation of the terms is meant as respect; the woman is wished best wishes because if she was told congratulations, it would imply that she “won” something– her groom. The groom is congratulated because the bride accepted his proposal. Nowadays, this could still be considered archaic, because it does not take into account same-sex couples, nonbinary couples, or couples in which the bride proposes to the groom. Many use best wishes for both party members to avoid controversy.

What is the origin of the term best wishes?

According to Merriam-Webster, the term best wishes has been used to close letters since the 16th century. The Earl of Essex closed a letter in 1595 with “This is accompanied with my best wishes, from your lordship’s most affectionate cousin and friend.” Best wishes has been used as a sign-off for over 400 years! The English word “best” originated in the epic poem, Old English Beowulf.

The phrase best wishes was popularized in the early 20th century as a letter closing. Letters written by poet Dylan Thomas and author F. Scott Fitzgerald have both used the term best wishes in their published letters. The use of best wishes also gave rise to similar terms, including “I send my best,” “give them my best,” “my best,” and simply, “best.”

While the term is commonly only used today as a sign off for letters or emails, popular author and internet personality John Green has become known for using best wishes to sign off phone calls, according to Nerdfighteria. Urban Dictionary also states that John Green has repopularized the term. He discusses this in a YouTube video from February 2008. John is initially embarrassed about using the phrase, but he then decided to use the term as often as possible to bring it back into common vernacular.

How can best wishes be used in a sentence?

While best wishes is commonly only seen in cards or letters in the modern day, it can also be used in polite conversation. Below are a few examples of situations in which the phrase best wishes is appropriate to use.

Kayla writes a letter to her Granny thanking her for the Christmas present she received. She ends the letter with the following.

I hope you and Grandpa have an amazing new year, and I look forward to seeing you next year.

Best Wishes,


Here, Kayla uses best wishes as a polite way to sign a letter to her grandmother. Next, Luke is writing an email to a client who has just had their first baby. His email reads as follows.

Dear Patricia and Alex,

Congratulations on the birth of your son. Best wishes to the both of you on this incredible journey. Get some sleep, you’ll be short on it for the next eighteen years!



Finally, Cindy and Marcia are discussing another one of their coworkers, Matt, who has been out of the office while his wife was in the hospital. Marcia is good friends with him, whereas Cindy just found out.

Marcia: She should recover soon, but it was touch and go for a while. We were quite worried.

Cindy: Oh my goodness, that’s devastating. Please give him my best wishes for a speedy recovery when you talk to him.

Marcia: I will!

Here, Cindy uses best wishes to ask Marcia to pass along her kind hopes to Matt and his wife during a troubling time. Best wishes can be used in any of these circumstances to wish someone well in the future.

What are synonyms for best wishes?

The term best wishes has many synonyms that can be used in its place. They are listed below from Thesaurus.

  • Compliments
  • Courtesies
  • Deference
  • Devoirs
  • Greetings
  • Regards
  • Salaam
  • Salutations
  • Kind Wishes
  • Felicitations
  • Hear hear
  • Best of luck
  • Affectionately
  • Warmly
  • Warm Regards
  • Kind Regards
  • Sincerely
  • Respectfully
  • Cordially

Overall, best wishes is a phrase that is used to wish someone well in their future endeavours, well being, or health. It is commonly used to sign off letters and emails, and is considered a very polite and friendly phrase. 


  1. https://www.thesaurus.com/browse/best%20wishes
  2. https://www.grammarly.com/blog/wish-you-all-the-best/
  3. https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/best-wishes
  4. https://www.merriam-webster.com/words-at-play/best-as-a-letter-closing#:~:text=The%20origin%20of%20best%20as,letter%3A%20%22This%20%E2%80%A6%20is%20%E2%80%A6
  5. https://www.redbookmag.com/life/friends-family/a46824/sorry-im-not-going-to-congratulate-you-on-your-engagement/#:~:text=%22It%20is%20traditional%20to%20say,say%20that%20the%20bride%20had.%22
  6. http://www.newportweddingglam.com/etiquette-101/etiquette-101-best-wishes-or-congratulations/#:~:text=Those%20of%20you%20who%20answered,has%20won%20something%20%E2%80%93%20her%20groom
  7. https://nerdfighteria.com/lexicon#:~:text=Best%20Wishes%20%2D%20(n.),bring%20it%20into%20the%20vernacular
  8. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I4obRugaYuc
  9. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Best%20Wishes
  10. https://www.ldoceonline.com/dictionary/best-good-warmest-etc-wishes


Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do’s and don’ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


I reiterate our best wishes to you.

Please accept our best wishes and the assurance of our cooperation.

Пожалуйста, примите наши наилучшие пожелания и заверения в нашей готовности сотрудничать с Вами.

I extend to you my very best wishes over the next two days as you chart the challenging waters between idealism and pragmatism.

Я желаю вам всего наилучшего в следующие два дня в прокладывании пути через неспокойные воды между идеализмом и прагматизмом.

I join my colleagues today in expressing gratitude and personal best wishes for the future.

Я присоединяюсь сегодня к моему коллеге, выражая ему благодарность и желая всего наилучшего в будущем.

Laura and I send our best wishes.

Please accept my best wishes for a successful conference.

Our best wishes to all you mothers who are with us today.

Я также выражаю свои наилучшие пожелания вашим близким, которые здесь с нами сегодня.

However, against her best wishes, he decided to stay.

Those who still try to do this will definitely need a lot of luck and best wishes.

Тем же, кто все равно попытается сделать это, определенно потребуется много удачи и наилучшие пожелания.

And nearly all the people will hold different activities in order to get best wishes or good luck in the coming year.

И почти все люди будут проводить различные мероприятия, чтобы получить наилучшие пожелания или удачу в следующем году.

I also extend my best wishes to your loved ones, who are here with us today.

Я также выражаю свои наилучшие пожелания вашим близким, которые здесь с нами сегодня.

To this we add our best wishes for his success in meeting the challenges of this awesome assignment.

К этим поздравлениям мы хотим добавить наилучшие пожелания успехов в решении задач, связанных с выполнением возложенной на него огромной ответственности.

My delegation extends sincere solidarity and best wishes for a speedy recovery from this tragic natural catastrophe.

Моя делегация заявляет ему о своей полной солидарности и выражает наилучшие пожелания в деле скорейшего преодоления последствий этого стихийного бедствия.

I wish him every success and offer my best wishes to himself and his family.

To all my colleagues and friends, best wishes for every success and personal well-being.

Я адресую всем моим коллегам и друзьям наилучшие пожелания всяческих успехов и личного благополучия.

Please accept my sincere congratulations on your election and my very best wishes for a successful course of its fiftieth session.

Прошу Вас принять мои искренние поздравления с избранием на этот пост и мои наилучшие пожелания успешного проведения ее пятидесятой сессии.

Greetings and best wishes to the workers of the Soviet cinema on its glorious fifteenth anniversary.

Привет и наилучшие пожелания работникам советской кинематографии в день ее славного пятнадцатилетия.

I extend best wishes to all celebrating Vesak, a sacred occasion to millions around the world.

Я хотел бы выразить наилучшие пожелания всем, кто празднует Весак, — священное событие для миллионов людей во всем мире.

We also extend our best wishes to the other members of the Bureau in advance of their election.

Мы также заблаговременно выражаем наши наилучшие пожелания остальным членам Бюро в связи с их избранием.

You have our congratulations and our best wishes.

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Best wishes.

Общая лексика: Желаю всего наилучшего.

Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «Best wishes.» в других словарях:

  • Best Wishes — Студийный альбом …   Википедия

  • Best Wishes — Album par Nightwish Sortie 2005 Genre Metal symphonique Power Metal Label Spinefarm Records …   Wikipédia en Français

  • Best Wishes — Infobox Album Name = Best Wishes Type = studio Artist = Cro Mags Released = 1989 Recorded = Normandy Sound, Warren, Rhode Island, USA Genre = Thrash metal Length = 33:09 Label = Profile Records Another Planet 1994 reissue Producer = Chris… …   Wikipedia

  • best wishes — used as a friendly way of ending a letter to someone you know who is not a very close friend Best wishes, Dora …   English dictionary

  • Best Wishes for Tomorrow — Infobox Film name = Best Wishes for Tomorrow 明日への遺言 writer = Takashi Koizumi Roger Pulvers Shohei Ooka (novel) starring = Makoto Fujita Sumiko Fuji Robert Lesser Fred McQueen Richard Neil director = Takashi Koizumi producer = Masato Hara… …   Wikipedia

  • best wishes — Synonyms and related words: best love, best regards, blessing, compliment, compliments, congratulation, devoirs, egards, felicitation, good wishes, gratulation, greetings, kind regards, kindest regards, love, regards, remembrances, respects,… …   Moby Thesaurus

  • best wishes — all the best!, I wish you luck! (said in farewell) …   English contemporary dictionary

  • best wishes — an expression of hope for someone s future happiness. → best …   English new terms dictionary

  • best wishes — …   Useful english dictionary

  • with best wishes — (with) best wishes phrase a friendly and polite way of ending a letter or email Thesaurus: expressions used in letters and correspondencesynonym letters and types of letterhyponym Main entry: wish …   Useful english dictionary

  • best*/*/*/ — [best] grammar word summary: Best can be: ■ an adjective: Which apples are best for cooking? ♦ It was the best party I ve ever been to. ■ an adverb: We ll choose the system that works best. ■ a noun: I ll do my best. 1) the superlative form of… …   Dictionary for writing and speaking English

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best wishes — перевод на русский

Otherwise, with profound regrets and all best wishes, yours very sincer…»

«А иначе я сожалею и шлю наилучшие пожелания. Искренне твой…»

«He carries with him our best wishes for his success in his future career.

«Он уносит с собой наши наилучшие пожелания успеха в будущей карьере» .

— Dr. Jekyll! And my best wishes to the Mrs. Jekyll as is to be. Thank you.

Доктор Джекилл, мои наилучшие пожелания будущей миссис Джекилл.

Our love, and very best wishes.

С вами наша любовь и наилучшие пожелания.

Best wishes to your wife.

Наилучшие пожелания вашей жене.

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Best wishes to both of you.

Всего наилучшего вам обоим.

Best wishes, doctor!

Всего наилучшего, доктор!

Best wishes, doctor.

Всего наилучшего, доктор. Какое достижение!

— With our best wishes, sir.

Всего наилучшего, сэр.

The Plornishes thrive in their new shop and Pancks gets his rents, Maggy sends her love, and everybody sends their very best wishes to you, including, of course, your steadfast friend,

Плорниши преуспевают в своем новом магазине, а Панкс собирает свою ренту. Мегги передает привет, остальные желают Вам всего наилучшего, включая Вашего преданного друга,

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Those who have given me flowers and their best wishes… and who meant well in doing so… I’d like to thank them all sincerely.

Тех, кто преподнес мне цветы и пожелания и сделал это искренне, я от души благодарю.

On the chance that anyone on Minbar might be monitoring this Stellarcast we send them our best wishes and hope they come through this safely.

В случае, если кто-то на Минбаре смотрит эту передачу мы посылаем вам наши пожелания пережить все это.

It’s traditional for everyone to share their best wishes for the baby.

По традиции, все произносят пожелания ребенку.

Greetings and good wishes from President Roosevelt has sent us to the occasion of the Holy season of Christmas were for us source of rejoicing.

Пожелания и поздравления со святым Рождеством, которые так любезно передал нам Рузвельт доставили нам особое удовольствие.

He nevertheless sends his every good wish.

Как бы то ни было, он шлет свои наилучшие пожелания.

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They sent you good wishes.

Они послали вам добрые пожелания.

Thank you so much for your good wishes.

Спасибо за твои добрые пожелания.

I will give him your good wishes, and Happy Christmas.

Я передам ему ваши добрые пожелания, …и счастливого Рождества.

My profound good wishes for a long and happy marriage, lady Broch Tuarach.

Мои самые искренние и добрые пожелания долгого и счастливого брака, леди Брок-Туарах.

Today, with your help, labour and good wishes, we aim to prove him wrong.

Сегодня, с вашей помощью, труда и добрые пожелания, мы стремимся, чтобы доказать его неправоту.

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Our best wishes to our brothers and sisters who are fighting for their freedom against overwhelming odds.

Мы шлем лучшие пожелания нашим братьям и сестрам, которые сражаются за свою свободу против превосходящего противника.

And the President called to convey his personal best wishes.

Президент лично передаёт лучшие пожелания.

So angelini would only want to send eddie russo his best wishes.

Значит Ангелини мог бы только отправить Эдди Руссо свои лучшие пожелания.

Please extend my good wishes to Gaby.

Пожалуйста, передайте мои лучшие пожелания Габи

Our best wishes go with you.

Прими наши лучшие пожелания.

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As chairwoman of the committee I extend the good wishes of the people of Freedonia.

Будучи организатором этой приветственной встречи, я поздравляю вас от имени всех жителей Фридонии!

Best wishes, doctor!

Поздравляю, доктор!

Best wishes to you!

Поздравляю вас!

Best wishes for your 14th birthday.

Поздравляю тебя с твоим четырнадцатилетием!

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I know what I have to do myself… goodbye and best wishes again!

Знаю, что надо делать. До свидания и всего хорошего!

Best wishes to you too.

И тебе всего хорошего

Best wishes, your son, lan.

Всего хорошего. Твой сын Иан.

Best wishes, Father.

«Всего хорошего, отец.

«Best wishes, Alan.»

Всего хорошего, Алан.

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Gentlemen, I wanted to offer you my best wishes for good health and prosperity, …for liberty and honesty.

— Господа, позвольте вас поздравить, пожелать здоровья, счастья, свободы и честной жизни.

I extend to you and your families my best wishes for a happy Easter.

Хочу всем вам и вашим семьям Пожелать счастливой Пасхи.

I think you better wish me luck this time.

Полагаю, сейчас самое время пожелать мне удачи.

Then I guess you’d better wish me luck, huh? — Wish us luck.

Пожелай мне удачи!

Our best wishes to the betrothed!

.. Пожелаем им семейного счастья!

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Last Update: Jan 03, 2023

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Overall, best wishes is a phrase that is used to wish someone well in their future endeavours, well being, or health. It is commonly used to sign off letters and emails, and is considered a very polite and friendly phrase.

Why do we say best wishes?

The Oxford dictionary defines ‘best wishes’ as an expression of hope for someon’e future happiness or welfare…the definition of ‘congratulations’ in the same dictionary as expressing praise for an acheivement.

Can we say best wishes to you?

Best wishes to you is correct. I’ve never heard a native English speaker say «best wishes for you», and there are no examples of «best wishes for you» in the British National Corpus. «Best wishes for 2011» or «best wishes for the new year» are fine.

What are examples of best wishes?

Examples of best wishes

  • Please convey on my behalf my best wishes and regards to all the brother instructors and colleagues. …
  • He has asked me to express his best wishes to his old friends here. …
  • I am certain that he has the very best wishes of thousands of decent men and women in the area about which he has spoken.

How do you say well wishes?

Examples for Get Well Wishes:

  1. Feel better soon!
  2. Hope you feel better soon.
  3. Hoping you find strength with each new day. …
  4. Have a speedy recovery!
  5. I hope each new day brings you closer to a full and speedy recovery!
  6. May good health envelop you, spurring a quick recovery.

33 related questions found

When should I use best wishes?

It is acceptable to use “Best Wishes” in a formal context or even informal context as long as you are actually wishing your recipient the best in the future.

What is correct wish you or wishing you?

You wish you something. <—I was told «Wish you something» is an imperative sentence, so the implied subject is «you», and therefore it’s impolite of someone to say it. I’d use «Wishing» instead of «Wish.»

What does best wishes only mean?

Overall, best wishes is a phrase that is used to wish someone well in their future endeavours, well being, or health. It is commonly used to sign off letters and emails, and is considered a very polite and friendly phrase.

Is I wish you all the best correct?

Both can be correct, depending on the rest of the sentence. But if you just want a phrase you can write by itself, eg on a Xmas card, say ‘Wishing you all the best ‘.

Who wish or wishes?

It´s «wishes», since it is in third person (Everyone), so the correct way to say it is: Everyone here at xyz wishes you a happy holiday. 1 Forming the third person singular of the present tense in verbs ending in sibilant sounds.

How do you use wishes?

We use the verb wish or the phrase if only to talk about things which we want but which are not possible:

  1. I wish I could see you next week. …
  2. I don’t like my work. …
  3. I don’t like this place. …
  4. I wish I was/were taller. …
  5. I wish I had worked harder when I was at school. …
  6. We should phone them in case they are lost.

Can you end a letter with best wishes?

Ending your letter with best, all the best, all best, or best wishes indicates that you hope the recipient experiences only good things in the future. Although it is not quite as formal as sincerely, it is still acceptable as a polite, formal/semi-formal letter ending, proper for business contacts as well as friends.

What does it mean to send someone best wishes?

An expression of hope for someone’s future happiness or welfare, often written at the end of a letter. ‘best wishes, Celia’ ‘we sent our best wishes for a speedy recovery’ ‘Congratulations and best wishes for future happiness to all concerned.

What is the meaning of warm wishes?

«Warm wishes» has connotations of «very friendly» or «with love». It is an expression that you might see in a note between close friends or relatives. In other words, the people who are likely to come to a modest birthday party.

What does it mean to wish someone Godspeed?

noun. God·​speed | ˈgäd-ˈspēd Essential Meaning of Godspeed. formal + old-fashioned —used to wish success to someone who is going away We wish you Godspeed. —sometimes used as an interjection Goodbye and Godspeed to you.

How do you use the word Godspeed in a sentence?

a successful journey.

  1. They bade us godspeed on our journey.
  2. Good luck, and Godspeed. …
  3. Not farewell or Godspeed, but » Go slowly. «
  4. I wish Godspeed to the man who was my former opponent and will be my president.
  5. Good luck,(http://sentencedict.com/godspeed.html) and Godspeed.

Does I wish you well mean goodbye?

(expression) A polite form of farewell address uttered to another person. (expression) A polite form of farewell address uttered to another person.

What are the three wishes?

In summary, the story of the three wishes runs as follows. A man and his wife are poor and wish they were happier and better off, especially compared with their neighbours. At that moment, a fairy appears to them, and says she will grant them their next three wishes, but no more.

How do you make wishes?

The Wish Process

  1. Step 1 – Referral. Do you know a child fighting a life-threatening condition, who could benefit from a magical wish? …
  2. Step 2 – Eligibility. …
  3. Step 3 – The Wish. …
  4. Step 4 – Granting the Wish.

How do you use best wishes in a sentence?

I welcome them here and extend to them my best wishes for successful work with us. My best wishes go to him and his young family in finding another career. I send you my best wishes for the future. I should like to place on record my very best wishes for your future success and efficacy in the post that you occupy.

What is the difference between wishes and wish?

In English, wish is a powerful word for expressing your dreams, hopes and desires. … A wish is a desire for a different reality. In general, wishes express desires that are unlikely to happen. If you say, “I wish I could fly,” it means you probably will not grow wings and learn to fly.

What we use after I wish?

When we use an object after wish, we must also use a verb in the to-infinitive form. Alternatively, we can say want or (more politely) would like: We wish to have a table near the window, please. (or We would like a table near the window, please.)

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      • bestiality
      • bestialize
      • bestiary
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

wish /wɪʃ/USA pronunciation  
v. [not: be + ~-ing]

  1. to want;
    desire: [+ to + verb]I wish to stay here.[+ object + to + verb]I wish him to obey.
  2. to desire (a person or thing) to be as stated, even if it is impossible: [+ object (+ to + be) + adjective]We wished the matter (to be) settled.[+ (that) clause]We wished that the matter would be settled.
  3. to express a hope or desire for:[no object* (~ + for)]She closed her eyes and wished for peace on earth.
  4. to bid, as in greeting:[+ object + object]I wished her a good morning.
  5. wish on:
    • [often with a negative word or phrase* ~ + object + on + object] to pass or desire to pass (something unwanted or bad) to another:I wouldn’t wish this awful weather on my worst enemy.
    • Also, wish upon. to use as a magical charm while making a wish:to wish upon a star.

n. [countable]

  1. an act or instance of wishing.
  2. something wished or desired:Her last wish was to see her home country.
  3. a request or command:It was his wish that she become the new boss.

wish•er, n. [countable]

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(wish),USA pronunciation v.t. 

  1. to want;
    long for (usually fol. by an infinitive or a clause):I wish to travel. I wish that it were morning.
  2. to desire (a person or thing) to be (as specified):to wish the problem settled.
  3. to entertain wishes, favorably or otherwise, for:to wish someone well; to wish someone ill.
  4. to bid, as in greeting or leave-taking:to wish someone a good morning.
  5. to request or charge:I wish him to come.


  1. to desire;
    yearn (often fol. by for):Mother says I may go if I wish. I wished for a book.
  2. to make a wish:She wished more than she worked.
  3. wish on:
    • to force or impose (usually used in the negative):I wouldn’t wish that awful job on my worst enemy.
    • Also, wish upon. to make a wish using some object as a magical talisman:to wish on a star.


  1. an act or instance of wishing.
  2. a request or command:I was never forgiven for disregarding my father’s wishes.
  3. an expression of a wish, often one of a kindly or courteous nature:to send one’s best wishes.
  4. something wished or desired:He got his wish—a new car.
  • bef. 900; (verb, verbal) Middle English wisshen, Old English wȳscan; cognate with German wünschen, Old Norse æskja; akin to Old English wynn joy (see winsome), Latin venus charm (see Venus); (noun, nominal) Middle English, derivative of the verb, verbal

wisher, n. 
wishless, adj. 

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged crave.
      Wish, desire, want indicate a longing for something. To wish is to feel an impulse toward attainment or possession of something; the strength of the feeling may be of greater or lesser intensity:I wish I could go home.Desire, a more formal word, suggests a strong wish:They desire a new regime.Want, usually colloquial in use, suggests a feeling of lack or need that imperatively demands fulfillment:People all over the world want peace.
    • 5.See corresponding entry in Unabridged direct, order.
    • 8.See corresponding entry in Unabridged will, want.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

wish /wɪʃ/ vb

  1. when tr, takes a clause as object or an infinitive; when intr, often followed by for: to want or desire (something, often that which cannot be or is not the case): I wish I lived in Italy, to wish for peace
  2. (transitive) to feel or express a desire or hope concerning the future or fortune of: I wish you well
  3. (transitive) to desire or prefer to be as specified
  4. (transitive) to greet as specified; bid: he wished us good afternoon


  1. the act of wishing; the expression of some desire or mental inclination
  2. something desired or wished for: he got his wish
  3. (usually plural) expressed hopes or desire, esp for someone’s welfare, health, etc
  4. (often plural) formal a polite order or request

See also wish onEtymology: Old English wӯscan; related to Old Norse öskja, German wünschen, Dutch wenschen

ˈwisher n

best wishes‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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