Word meaning being picked on

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Ireland is being picked on and this is unacceptable.

Ireland is being picked on and this is unacceptable.

They grew up from nothing but divorced families and being picked on in school.

Они росли из ничего, кроме разведенных семей и воспитывались в школе.

Marty told me he was being picked on by the bigger kids.

Марти рассказал мне, что его обижают ребята постарше.

Well, when people think they’re being picked on, they just lash out.

Когда люди думают, что их задирают, они просто набрасываются на обидчика.

They are frightened of being picked on.

I heard he was being picked on by a mean kid.

He had transferred from another school because he was being picked on.

Ее перевели из другой школы, потому что ее там травили.

That short summer through being picked on a baseball team and having a coach that cared completely changed my life.

Это короткое лето, когда меня выбрали в бейсбольную команду и тренер, который полностью заботился обо мне, изменили мою жизнь.

Feelings of being picked on or persecuted by others.

Help your child work at staying calm through deep breathing and turning their attention to more pleasant thoughts while being picked on.

Помогите ребенку спокойно работать, сделав глубокий вдох и обращая внимание на приятные мысли во время рисования.

Ireland is being picked on and this is unacceptable.

«Турция вторгается в другую страну, и это неприемлемо.

Ireland is being picked on and this is unacceptable, Cook said.

Ирландию дразнят и это недопустимо», — подчеркнул Кук.

Remember when I was being picked on?

On no occasion have I ever seen a foreigner being picked on just because they are foreign.

Но мы никогда не отказывали иностранцам только потому, что они иностранцы.

Around that time I started school again and I was being picked on a lot because I was so skinny.

Вокруг того времени я начал школу снова, и я выбирался на много, потому что я был настолько тощим.

She recounts being picked on by other children for being very thin and wearing glasses.

Она пересчитывает, что ее выбирают другие дети за то, что они очень худые и в очках.

Well, that’s a motive, if Rosie’s being picked on.

Если Рози травили, то это мотив.

The main character, Satsuki, is a quiet girl who’s always being picked on.

Главная героиня, Сацуки-тихая девушка, которую всё время дразнят.

Being an outsider and being picked on was very painful, but it made him a better person

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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pick on (someone or something)

1. To harass, bully, or tease someone or something. If kids are picking on you at school, you need to tell me or your teacher about it. They accused the country of picking on nations smaller and weaker than itself.

2. To focus on someone or something, especially to an excessive degree. I don’t understand why the boss is picking on my contribution to the project, when everyone was equally to blame. The government has been picking on the housing market in its campaign for regulatory reforms.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

pick on someone or something

to harass or bother someone or something, usually unfairly. Please stop picking on me! I’m tired of it. You shouldn’t pick on the cat.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

pick on

Tease, bully, victimize, as in She told Mom the boys were always picking on her. [Second half of 1800s] This expression is sometimes put as pick on someone your own size, meaning «don’t badger someone who is younger, smaller, or weaker than yourself but do so only to an equal.»

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

pick on


To treat someone badly or unfairly, especially by teasing or bullying: My big sister always picks on me. The kids at school pick on him for wearing glasses.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • pick on (someone or something)
  • make game of (someone or something)
  • make sport of (someone or something)
  • sport with
  • sport with (someone or something)
  • tease into doing
  • take (something) in good part
  • take something in good part

  [ pɪk ɒn ]  

1. Издеваться, придираться, высмеивать
2. Выбирать (из чего-то)

1. Издеваться, придираться, высмеивать

My friends always pick on me because I do not sing well.
Мои друзья всё время смеются надо мной, потому что я плохо пою.

If kids are picking on you at school, you need to tell me or your teacher about it.
Если дети издеваются над тобой в школе, обязательно скажи об этом учителю.

They accused the country of picking on nations smaller and weaker than itself.
Они обвинили страну в том, что та точит зуб на нации меньше и слабее её самой.

I hope he didn’t think I was picking on him.
Надеюсь, он не подумал, что я к нему придираюсь.

2. Выбирать (из чего-то)

Заголовок CNBC с фразовым глаголом  pick on

PayPal vs. Square: Traders take their pick on high-flying payments stocks this year.
PayPal против Square: Трейдеры выбирают акции платежных систем, которые в этом году пользуются большим спросом.

When you have made up your mind, pick on a day when you will not be under much stress.
Когда приведёшь мысли в порядок, выбери день, чтобы провести его спокойнее.

He picked on two of her statements which he said were untrue.
Он выбрал из её утверждений два, по его мнению, ложных.

Why am I always picked on for the worst jobs?
Почему мне вечно перепадает делать худшую работу?

I picked on simple things–rice and peas, meat and bread.
Я выбрал просто рис с горохом, мясо и хлеб.

  •     Фразовые глаголы с PICK
  •     Фразовые глаголы с предлогом ON

выбирать, придираться, дразнить, докучать, отбирать


- выбирать, отбирать

why should they pick on him first? — почему они первым выбрали именно его?

- разг. докучать, дразнить; привязываться, приставать

he is constantly being picked on to do the dirty jobs — его постоянно заставляют делать грязную работу

Мои примеры


pick on — останавливаться; привязываться; придираться  

Примеры с переводом

School bullies picked on her for wearing glasses.

Школьные хулиганы дразнили её, потому что она носила очки.

Don’t always pick on your little brother

Никогда не дразни (не доставай) своего братишку

Go pick someone your own size!

Не обижай маленьких! / Не приставай к тем, кто не может дать сдачи. (досл. иди поищи кого-нибудь своего размера)

Pick on one job and get it done.

Выбери одно дело и сделай его.

Why am I always picked on for the worst jobs?

Почему мне вечно перепадает делать худшую работу?

Why don’t you pick on someone else for a change?

Почему бы тебе ради разнообразия не подразнить кого-нибудь другого?

Just pick on one job and try to get that finished.

Просто выбери одно дело и постарайся выполнить его до конца.


  • 1 What does being picked on mean?
  • 2 What is another word for picked up?
  • 3 What does pink up mean?
  • 4 Are pinkies up real thing?
  • 5 Why do we lift our pinky when we drink?
  • 6 How do you drink Pinky tea?

to criticize, annoy, or punish someone repeatedly and unfairly: He gets picked on because he’s small.

What is the word for singling someone out?

Synonyms for singling (out) distinguishing, fingering, identifying, ID’ing.

What is another word for picked up?

What is another word for pick up?

lift raise
grasp heighten
up raise up
take up jack up
perk up haul up

What is opposite of pick up?

Opposite of to lift or raise something by grasping it. drop. release. free. relinquish.

What does pink up mean?

pink up definition, pink up meaning | English dictionary 10 (U.S.) derogatory. a sympathetic to or influenced by Communism. b leftist or radical, esp. half-heartedly.

Are you a dictionary because you add meaning to my life?

Quote by Anonymous You’re like a dictionary, you add meaning to my life.

Are pinkies up real thing?

That’s actually rude and connotes elitism. It comes from the fact that cultured people would eat their tea goodies with three fingers and commoners would hold the treats with all five fingers. Thus was born the misguided belief that one should raise their pinky finger to show they were cultured.

Is putting your pinky up swearing in China?

In China, giving the pinky finger isn’t equivalent to giving the middle finger. However, giving the pinky finger is a form of offence, albeit a small offence . This because the pinky finger is the last/smallest. If this gesture is done towards a man it can be seen as a form of emasculating the other person.

Why do we lift our pinky when we drink?

Back in the days when upper-crust ladies took their tea from small, very delicate bone china cups, the tiny handles were held between the finger and thumb, and the pinky was raised to help balance the lightweight cup while drinking.

Do you put your pinky up drinking tea?

Etiquette expert Emily Post was “adamantly opposed” to crooking one’s pinky, because she thought “it was improper and rude.” If you need to balance your teacup, while you sip, use your pinky or thumb to support the cup from the underside.

How do you drink Pinky tea?

The Proper Way to Hold a Teacup Pinky up? Wrong! The proper etiquette for holding the teacup is to pinch the handle of the cup between the thumb and the index finger if the handle is small, or pinching the same two fingers together through the handle. The finger should not hook through the handle to raise the cup.

What does pinkies up mean relationship?

Usually, it means that they want to make a promise with you and lock pinkies with you to signal that you will keep that promise. In simple terms, it is called a “pinky promise”.

A triangular or tear dropped shaped piece of plastic use to pluck the stings of a guitar. At first glance they appear inanimate ordinary plastic; however guitar picks are actually made from a very rare from of sentient plastic that has a tendency to roam around when left unattended. Their adventures can last up to two full weeks, and while most picks usually return to their place of origin, a poor sense of direction cause many to become lost, and some even intentionally run away. Picks also have a unique telepathic ability and can sense peoples joy, the more one enjoys using a particular pick, the more likely it is to abandon its owner.

I just bought 200 picks at the music store, by the time I actually went to play guitar I could only find one.

Get the Pick mug.

A small, piece of plastic often triangular or «teardrop» in shape.

Guitar picks come in varying colors and thicknesses (thin, medium, hard, etc.) and can only be bought in packs.

Also an alternative term for «pluck», as in, to «pick» a string.

I just bought a pack of 2,000 picks on eBay.

Pick your 4th string, I think it’s out of tune.

Get the pick mug.

  • #1

To all students returning to school
If you see any of the following:
another student struggling to make friends
another student being picked on

I saw the above on Facebook.
Please explain the use of «being» in «being picked on».

  • grassy

    • #2

    If you see what? Another student being picked on.

    As you can see, you need a noun form here and the gerund is a noun form.


    • #3

    It’s the same construction as the previous «struggling», Jignesh — the only difference is that the verb is passive:
    If you see another student struggling
    If you see another student being picked on

    Basically, it’s the verb «see» followed by the ING-form.

    • #4

    Thank you.
    Do we need «being» here to form a passive construction (being picked on)?

    • #6

    What would be the active form of «being picked on»?


    • #7

    If you notice that one student picks on another one …


    • #8

    Or, keeping the verb «see»:

    If you see another student picking on someone…

    • #9

    Thank you so much! Do we need a gerund form (being picked on) because the verb «see» is generally followed by a gerund?


    • #10

    We need a gerund because «see» in this sense is transitive and needs an object.


    • #11

    If there’s a verb following see, it can be either a bare infinitive or an ING-form:
    I saw him cross the road.:tick:
    I saw him crossing the road.:tick:


    • #12

    Jignesh, I’ve noticed you’ve asked the same question in another forum. I understand that you want a variety of opinion on your questions, but since most of them are pretty uncontroversial and can be answered by anyone competent, don’t you think it’s a bit of a waste of intellectual resources to duplicate your questions in several forums? :)


    • #13

    I didn’t know that «picked on» was still being used. All I hear lately is «bullied».

    I agree with most of the above. I would explain it as «being picked on» = «in the process of being picked on».

    According to one definition of «pick on», it’s,

    repeatedly single (someone) out for criticism or unkind treatment in a
    way perceived to be unfair.

    pick on meaning

    But another translation I get to Spanish it’s

    meddle with someone

    one has a connotation of being unfair, and the other doesnt, though, in translations, sometimes part of the meaning is lost.

    Does the verb «pick on» always have the unfair connotation to it?

    asked Oct 18, 2019 at 10:57

    Pablo's user avatar

    Yes, «pick on [someone]» does usually imply that you have singled them out for treatment, eg:

    The teacher repeatedly picked on John.

    If you mean to simply select someone, we just use «pick»:

    The teacher repeatedly picked John to answer the questions.

    answered Oct 18, 2019 at 11:14

    Astralbee's user avatar


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    Перевод и значение PICK ON в английском и русском языках

    transcription, транскрипция: [ ʹpıkʹɒn ]

    phr v

    1. выбирать, отбирать

    why should they pick on him first? — почему они первым выбрали именно его?

    2. разг. докучать, дразнить; привязываться, приставать

    he is constantly being picked on to do the dirty jobs — его постоянно заставляют делать грязную работу

    Англо-Русско-Английский словарь общей лексики, сборник из лучших словарей.

         English-Russian-English dictionary of general lexis, the collection of the best dictionaries.


    Updated on

    8 May 2021

    • Spanish (Spain)
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    What does I’ve been picked on mean?

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    • English (US)

    • Greek

    Similar to «I’ve been bullied-» but the word «bullied» is more intense and harsh than «been picked on».
    Another phrase is: «I’ve been made fun of»

    • English (US)

    «Picked on» has the sense of «teased» , but a little more severe than something said in jest. However, it’s is not quite as severe or mean spirited as «bullied».

    • Spanish (Spain)

    @Drtoddw@carmenwojtowicz so can I say.

    *I used to be picked on in middle school a lot.

    *they’re picking on me.

    • English (US)

    • Greek

    yes, also «I used to get picked on in middle school a lot» sounds even more natural to me

    • English (US)

    Yes, as long as you’re trying to denote that it was something that was mild… at least to some degree. There is some ambiguity there though.
    It’s a matter of degree with «picked on» being used to denote a lower level of animosity than «bullied.
    If you had stated that you had been «bullied a lot» in middle school or you said «They are bullying me», that would clearly indicate that the interaction was severe.

    • Spanish (Spain)

    @Drtoddw@carmenwojtowicz thanks.. can u guys do me a favor can u please check these sentences.

    ‎‎1)alcohol will seize your life.

    2)you’re seizing my dreams why are you deciding for my future.

    3)the IRS can seize your car and house if they want to even your eyes if they can.

    4)he had a seizure but he’s in the hospital.

    5)the bank madr a lot of seizures in houses.

    ****just say incorrect or correct that’s it if I wanna know why each sentence is incorrect I’ll ask later but for now just say correct or incorrect for each one please can u please do that for me.

    • English (US)

    • Greek

    1,2,3,5 incorrect
    4 correct

    • English (US)

    @HDGD so….

    1. Incorrect
    2. Incorrect
    3. Incorrect (small imperfection)
    4. Incorrect (small imperfection in the sense of the sentence)
    5. Incorrect… another small imperfection

    This was difficult because some of the reasons that made a sentence incorrect was a word’s placement or a comma, period, semi-colon etc.

    • Spanish (Spain)

    @Drtoddw@carmenwojtowicz thank u so much for answering my question like I asked …

    now why are they wrong??? isn’t those the meanings for seize and seizure

    • English (US)

    The word seizure usually refers to something officially done, usually part of some legal process, when talking about behavior. However, the word seize can also be used in reference to a motor in which something internal that’s supposed to move isn’t moving. That’s yet another usage, close to #4.
    So, here is how I would write your sentences:
    1. Alcohol will shorten your life. Or more strongly, alcohol will kill you.
    2.You are killing my dreams of what I want to do.
    3.The IRS can seize your house, your car, and even your eyes if they want. (Maybe if you have a prosthetic eyeball?)

    4. Don’t use the word «but» in this sentence because it makes the sense confusing. Do you mean «He’s in the hospital after suffering a seizure».
    Without more information It almost seems that you are saying that having a seizure is to be expected while one is in a hospital.

    5.»The bank seized many homes» would be natural. . Though usually when banks do this it is termed «foreclosure»
    «The bank foreclosed on many homes.» would be better.

    • Spanish (Spain)

    @Drtoddw some one told me the things can seize your life like alcohol or drugs or that can also seize your dreams that’s confusing

    I mean no offense but this makes me thing that this app isn’t helping me because people are explaining me something and other people explain me something way different and both are the same question…

    • English (US)

    I can’t answer that. I’m not offended, I am only a native English speaker who is college educated (PhD) and only can respond with what I would say. I am not responsible for what other people post.

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    What does I've been picked on mean?

    • What does I picked up mean?


      @CamiPami: that you retrieved something

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      It means you have had enough. Like you are tired of it.

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      I don’t think it means anything.

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    • What does I’ve had my fill mean?


      You have seen it or experienced a lot of it

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