Word meaning being in love


being in love

Meaning | Definition

  • to have strong feelings of love for someone
  • to be infatuated with another adult
  • to be romantically and sexually attracted to someone

Example Sentences

  1. Being in love doesn’t mean that you forget about all your responsibilities towards your parents, does it?
  2. At that time, being in love, I was blinded and foolishly did exactly as he asked me to do.
  3. I am done being in love and making stupid choices.
  4. Being in love and being married don’t always have to happen simultaneously.
  5. How do you claim being in love and missing such an important detail of her personality?
  6. How can being in love change you so much? I do not understand it.
  7. Being in love, he literally changed everything about himself so that she would accept him.
  8. Teenagers these days act very weird being in love. It is amusing to watch from the sides but would be horrible to be in the turmoil.


The phrase is as old as the phenomenon and expression of love. Since time immemorial, love has been a celebrated emotion. From the love shared between a man and a women to the love that parents have for their children and people have for their family and friends, this phrase encompasses them all.

Love, Relationship

being in love — перевод на русский

I’ve been in love so many times, my heart’s calloused.

Я была влюблена много раз, просто моё сердце очерствело.

If she were in love.

Если бы она была влюблена.

Yes, if she were in love.

Да, если бы она была влюблена.

It was not your boys she was in love with.

Дело в том, что не в ваших мальчиков она была влюблена.

I keep remembering what it must have been that she was in love with.

Я просто помню, что она, должно быть, была влюблена. Пойдём.

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I’m in love with you and you love me.

Я люблю вас, а вы любите меня.

Annie, I’m in love with you.

Я люблю тебя.

-I’m in love with Margo. Hadn’t you heard?

Я люблю Марго, разве ты не слышала?

«Because, old tank, I’m in love with someone else…» «and I «»canna»» get over it.»

Потому что, старая посудина, я люблю другую… и я не могу ее забыть.

I-l’m in love with you.

Я люблю тебя.

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I’m in love, Swana.

Свана, я влюбился. Ах!

I’m in love, Swana.

Свана, я влюбился.

Why it’s almost like bein’ in love

Это как если бы я влюбился

» Why, it’s almost like bein’ in love»

Это как если бы я влюбился

Almost like bein’ in love

Как если бы я влюбился

Показать ещё примеры для «я влюбился»…

But since we’re in love, what difference can it make?

Но если мы любим друг друга, то какая разница?

We were in love.

Ведь мы любим друг друга…

We’re in love, it’s impossible to die.

Мы любим друг друга, мы не можем умереть.

We’re in love.

Мы любим друг друга.

Runa, we’re in love.

Руна, мы любим друг друга.

Показать ещё примеры для «мы любим друг друга»…

— That every man is in love with you.

И что мужчины умирают от любви к вам.

That Cleopatra dared to claim that I was in love with her.

Эта Клеопатра осмелилась утверждать, что я сгораю от любви к ней.

# Anyone who’s ever been in love’ll Tell you that # # This is no time for a chat #

Так и разойдемся, о любви поговорив, а куда потом исчезнет ваш порыв?

When you say you’re in love with me you’re trying to evade sex, your age and your whole life, right?

Когда говоришь о любви ко мне, ты забываешь о возрасте, о поле, о всей своей жизни, так?

No, I’m in love with love.

О нет, я думаю о самой любви.

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Have you ever been in love, Peter?

Ты когда-нибудь влюблялся, Питер?

How many times have you been in love?

Сколько раз влюблялся?

Or ask me if I’ve ever been in love.

Или не спросить, влюблялась ли я.

Have you been in love many times?

Ты часто влюблялась?

Have you often been in love?

Вы часто влюблялись?

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We’ll start where you’re in love with me.

Тогда же, когда вы меня полюбили.

You’re in love with hate.

Ты полюбила ненависть.

I happen to be in love with her.

Случилось так, что я полюбил ее!

Must I believe that you, Juliette, young, pretty, full of life, the second of two pretty sisters, is in love with an ugly old guy like me?

Вы хотите, Жюльетта, чтобы я поверил, что вы — молодая, красивая, весёлая, одна из хорошеньких сестёр — полюбили такого противного старикана, как я?

I’m in love with your picture and that’s it.

Я полюбил Ваш портрет, вот и все.

Показать ещё примеры для «вы меня полюбили»…

A fella can whittle and still be in love, I guess.

Парень может быть влюбленным даже если он строгает деревяшку.

It’s a good thing to be in love I’m told.

Быть влюблённым — хорошая штука, по-моему.

Now I have the choice of reasons as to why I should not be in love with you.

Теперь я могу выбирать, по какой из этих причин мне нельзя быть влюбленным в вас.

I don’t think I like being in love.

Не думаю, что мне нравится быть влюбленной.

You can’t be in love with me.

Ты не можешь быть в меня влюблена.

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be in love — быть влюбленным
to be in love — быть влюблённым
to be in love with smb. — любить кого-л.; быть влюблённым в кого-л.
be in love with own self — быть влюбленным в самого себя
to be in love (with smb.) — любить (кого-л.), быть влюблённым (в кого-л.)
to be in love with one’s own self — быть влюблённым в самого себя
be disappointed in love — разочароваться в любви
to be disappointed in love — разочароваться в любви
he has been crossed in love — ему не повезло в любви
all is fair in love and war — посл. в любви и на войне все средства хороши
he is madly in love with her — он в неё безумно влюблён, он от неё без ума
to be deeply in love with smb. — быть без ума от кого-л.
she was play-acting again when she declared she was in love — она опять делала вид, что влюблена

Автоматический перевод

находиться в влюбленности, быть в любви, влюбляться

Перевод по словам

be  — быть, находиться, должен, тратта
love  — любовь, влюбленность, любить, возлюбить, хотеть, любовный, возлюбленный


He was crazy in love with her.

Он был безумно в неё влюблён.

Tara is madly in love with you.

Тара безумно в тебя влюблена.

She was in love with him to distraction.

Она была влюблена в него до самозабвения.

He was hopelessly in love with Miss Cameron.

Он был безнадежно влюблен в мисс Кэмерон.

I had naively imagined that he was in love with me.

Я наивно предположила, что он был в меня влюблен.

She plays the hapless heroine who is unlucky in love.

Она играет несчастную героиню, которой не везет в любви.

People have been falling in love since the dawn of time.

Люди влюбляются (друг в друга) с незапамятных времен.

Her husband has been in love with her ever since he knew her.

Её муж влюбился в неё ещё тогда, когда впервые её увидел.

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Did you know you had a secret admirer (=someone who is secretly in love with you)?  

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

«Lust is the desire for their body to be next to yours; Love is the need for their soul to be intertwined with yours.

-Being in Love is finding that balance between desire and need<3″

Lust; sex but lonely in the morning.

Love; not sex but never alone in the morning.

Being In Love; having sex but the next morning waking up and they’re still there in bed<3

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being in love isnt just who texts first o going on dates it isnt about seeing each other naked it isnt about looking as the best couple ever. Love is about falling asleep in each others arms its about holding hands down the steet and feeling a warm fuzy feeling inside its about getting excited to go on dates its about sharing moments toghether you wouldnt want to share with anyone else its about smiling when their message pops up its abput blushing when there name is mentioned its love. You never ever wont to let them go even if they hurt you even if they screw up you forgive them beacuse your in love with them. Being in ove is about commitment its sbout no one else is better itsabout proving to them no other girl or boy is there mind. Its about facetiming every night even when your both really really tired its about the late night texts its about absloultey everything and anything you can think of. Being in love is the best thing that can happen to a person it can fix everything in a heart beat.

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a result of soul’s being in love with God, which has


developed through meditative trainings.

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Это- результат влюбленности в Бога души, развитой медитативными тренировками.

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Being in love


complicated but you’re too young to get worked up like this.

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Когда любишь, всегда все сложно, Но ты еще молод, чтобы так страдать.

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В смысле, вы влюблены, все вокруг кажется прекрасным.

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more creative, than



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Влюбленность кажется более динамической, более творческой, чем брак.

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never dependent on fans being in love with us so much.65.

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That’s price you pay for being in love with a businesswoman, I guess.

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I have realized


the last two weeks that I may not like being in love.

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За последние две недели я понял, что, возможно, мне не нравится быть влюбленным.

Every day on my own experience I


convinced that being in love with his work

and life to create financial abundance and prosperity


all areas of life.

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Каждый день на собственном опыте я убеждаюсь, что влюбленность в свое дело и


жизнь создает финансовое изобилие и процветание во всех областях жизни».

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Being in love


the dream, and then the reality of making it work

with the marriage


not like the movies.

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Быть влюбленной это мечта, но пытаться воплотить эту мечту в браке,

не так легко, как в кино.



Kazakhstan and being in love with Ukraine, she has lived for 17 years here.

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Казахстане и влюблена в Украину,


которой живет уже 17 лет.

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The Morrigan


lying about being in love with Jason so I would take the case.

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Морриган врала о том, что была влюблена в Джейсона, поэтому я и взялась за это дело.

All six legends




the performance»Youth Being in Love with the Planet» as a small episode,



framed by the general idea of careful attitude to the Earth.

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Все шесть легенд вошли


спектакль« Молодежь, влюбленная в планету» как небольшой эпизод

и были обрамлены общей идеей бережного отношения к Земле.

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Top Countess Lidia Ivanovna had long given up being in love with her husband, but from that time she had never given up being in love with someone.

It’s just an old story to make him feel better about being in love with Cassie’s mom.

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Это просто старая байка, которой он успокаивает себя из-за того, что любил маму Кэсси.

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влюбленность f

быть влюбленным


быть влюбленной

быть влюбленными

Будучи влюбленным

в любви

The first wine is wonderful: it is being in love.

Last time I checked, being in love is a good thing.

Насколько я помню, влюбленность это хорошая вещь.

When you are getting ready to become a mom, being in love with someone just isn’t enough.

Когда вы готовитесь стать мамой, быть влюбленным в кого-то просто недостаточно.

You don’t know what it’s like being in love with you.

I cannot imagine ‘being in love‘ in a place like that.

Я не могут себе представить, что можно «влюбиться» в таком месте как это.

Nothing better than being in love.

I dream again to feel the feeling of being in love, to love and be loved.

Мечтаю вновь испытать чувство влюбленности, любить и быть любимой.

I’ve realized in the last two weeks that I may not like being in love.

За последние две недели я понял, что, возможно, мне не нравится быть влюблённым.

That being in love shows a person who he should really be.

Влюбленность показывает то, какими мы должны быть на самом деле.

Love itself is what is left over… when being in love has burned away.

Любовь это то, что остается, когда влюбленность угасает.

But it’s not the same thing as being in love with me.

I’ve realised that everything is just a substitute for being in love.

Я понял, что все на свете это просто жалкая замена влюбленности.

In other words, being in love fills your life with the pleasure and ecstasy you need.

Другими словами, влюбленность наполняет вашу жизнь удовольствием и экстазом, в котором вы нуждаетесь.

I recently lost a friend and saw how his/her partner full of sorrow was the complete opposite to being in love.

Я недавно потерял друга, и видел, как его/ее партнер, исполненный печали, находился в состоянии, совершенно противоположном влюбленности.

It is amazing being in love, but being single is also great.

No one in his senses would deny that being in love is far better than either common sensuality or cold self-centeredness.

Никто в здравом уме не станет отрицать, что влюбленность лучше обычной чувственности или холодной самовлюбленности.

Going into more specifics, they replace the word love with «illusion of being in love«.

Более конкретно, они заменяют слово «любовь» на «иллюзию влюбленности».

At the height of being in love, the boundary between ego and object threatens to melt away.

На вершине влюбленности грань между «Я» и объектом грозит расплыться.

40 Philophobia is the fear of falling in love or being in love.

The sculptural composition was created on the basis of the author’s real experiences during the period of being in love with Camila Claudel.

Скульптурная композиция была создана на основе реальных переживаний автора в период влюбленности в Камиллу Клодель.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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Is there a difference between loving someone and being in love with them?

I sort of think that being in love with someone might imply that there are reciprocal feelings, but I’m not sure. If someone loved someone from afar without them knowing, would this still count as being in love with them?

FumbleFingers's user avatar


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asked Jun 28, 2011 at 19:36

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There is often a distinction made in prose between «loving» and «in love with». It doesn’t always imply reciprocity, but it almost always implies a difference between platonic and romantic love. A person can «love» their sibling, parent, or platonic friend, simply by being closely emotionally attached. The same is true for those with whom you have a romantic relationship. Being «in love with» a person is to be in a state of romantic infatuation with and connection to that person, which would be inappropriate for said siblings, parents, and platonic friends, but just fine for a significant other or spouse.

When differentiating, such as «I love you, but I’m not in love with you», the speaker is stating that he/she is emotionally attached to the other person, but feels no romantic desire.

So, the rule of thumb is: you can love your neighbor and you can love your spouse, but you should be in love with your spouse and not your neighbor.

answered Jun 28, 2011 at 19:42

KeithS's user avatar


There is definitely a difference. I love my children, but I’m not «in love» with them.

Being «in love» with someone implies an infatuation usually including strong sexual and/or romantic underpinnings.

Loving someone can be entirely Platonic, i.e. not involving any kind of romantic or sexual interest or desire.

answered Jun 28, 2011 at 19:43

Robusto's user avatar


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To be «in love» is stating that you are romantically loving that person.

To be «loving someone», this is not so, because a Mother could be loving her child, or good friends could love one another, but not in a romantic way, but a «brotherly» way.

So, next time, if you saw two lovebirds, they would be «in love», but if you saw a mum kissing her baby, she would be «loving her baby».

answered Jun 28, 2011 at 20:42

Thursagen's user avatar


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In love denotes romatic feelings and a mental attachment.

Where loving denotes care but not necessarily romance.

While making love does not require either of the above states.

answered Jun 28, 2011 at 19:43

Chad's user avatar


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It’s a hugely complicated issue, not easily settled.

For instance «I love chocolate» or «I love Ferraris» has a totally different meaning to «I love my mistress» or «I love my wife» or «I love my children».

It’s true that being «in love» tends to mean basically the romantic variety.

But then again — it’s actually very common to say «I’m in love with my car»* or «I’m in love with my job» or «I’m in love with France» or «I’m in love with cooking.»

Different languages have different and completely confusing/different words for different types of «love» — and the confusion is just as great in English.

*as in the famous song.

answered Jun 28, 2011 at 19:53

Fattie's user avatar


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Being in love with someone means you want to spend the rest of your life with this person and you can’t see yourself with anyone else but that person. When you love some one it just means you don’t want to see anything happen to them, and that you always want to see that person/family or friend happy.

IQAndreas's user avatar


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answered Mar 29, 2014 at 2:51

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: to love someone very much in a romantic way

After all these years, they‘re still very much in love (with each other).

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