Word meaning before time

before time

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Универсальный англо-русский словарь.

Смотреть что такое «before time» в других словарях:

  • before time — index premature Burton s Legal Thesaurus. William C. Burton. 2006 …   Law dictionary

  • Time Before Time — (Chinese title: 大鬧廣昌隆) is a successful 1997 Hong Kong TVB series which stars Lam Ka Tung and Kathy Chow. The storyline deals greatly with the themes of fate, love and traditional Chinese supernatural beliefs. Details * Title: 大鬧廣昌隆 / Dai Lau… …   Wikipedia

  • before time — before (your) time during a period when you were not active or alive. I don t know how old the bridge is, but I know it was built well before my time …   New idioms dictionary

  • before time — before the due or expected time …   Useful english dictionary

  • before time — adv. previously; prior to; beforehand; in advance …   English contemporary dictionary

  • List of The Land Before Time characters — This is a list of recurring characters in The Land Before Time, a series of animated children s films. The main characters include Littlefoot the Apatosaurus, Cera the Triceratops, Ducky the Saurolophus, Petrie the Pteranodon, Spike the… …   Wikipedia

  • The Land Before Time — This article is about the 1988 film. For the series in general, see The Land Before Time (series). The Land Before Time Theatrical release poster Directed by …   Wikipedia

  • The Land Before Time (TV series) — Infobox Television show name = The Land Before Time caption = picture format = 480i (SDTV) 720p (HDTV) format = Animated Action/Adventure runtime = 30 minutes creator = Charles Grosvenor Judy Freudberg Tony Geiss developer = Universal Animation… …   Wikipedia

  • List of The Land Before Time songs — This article is about original songs used in the Land Before Time series. The Land Before Time The only song in the film is written by James Horner, Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil.If We Hold On TogetherPlayed during the end credits, this song is… …   Wikipedia

  • The Land Before Time (series) — The Land Before Time is a series of animated films. The series began in 1988 with The Land Before Time , directed and produced by Don Bluth and produced by George Lucas and Steven Spielberg. It has since spawned many direct to video sequels,… …   Wikipedia

  • Not Before Time —   Cover of the first …   Wikipedia

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Meaning of BEFORE TIME in English

adv. previously; prior to; beforehand; in advance

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Also see: time

WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

be•fore /bɪˈfɔr/USA pronunciation  

  1. previous to;
    earlier than: Call me before noon.
  2. in front or ahead of: She stood before the window.
  3. in preference to;
    rather than: They would die before surrendering.
  4. in the presence or sight of: hated to appear before a live audience.
  5. under the consideration or jurisdiction of: She was summoned before a magistrate.
  6. viewed by;
    as seen and judged by: a crime before God and humanity.
  7. without figuring or deducting: What is your gross income before deductions?


  1. in time preceding;
    previously: Haven’t we met somewhere before?
  2. earlier or sooner:I think I saw her the week before.


  1. previous to the time when: See me before you go.
  2. sooner than;
    rather than: I will die before I give in.

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(bi fôr, -fōr),USA pronunciation prep. 

  1. previous to;
    earlier or sooner than:Phone me before noon.
  2. in front of;
    ahead of;
    in advance of:his shadow advancing before him; She stood before the window.
  3. ahead of;
    in the future of;
    awaiting:The golden age is before us.
  4. in preference to;
    rather than:They would die before surrendering.
  5. in precedence of, as in order or rank:We put freedom before wealth.
  6. in the presence or sight of: to appear before an audience.
  7. less than;
    until: used in indicating the exact time:It’s ten before three.
  8. under the jurisdiction or consideration of:He was summoned before a magistrate.
  9. confronted by;
    in the face of:Before such wild accusations, he was too stunned to reply.
  10. in the regard of:a crime before God and humanity.
  11. under the overwhelming influence of:bending before the storm.
  12. without figuring or deducting:income before deductions.


  1. in front;
    in advance;
    ahead:The king entered with macebearers walking before.
  2. in time preceding;
    previously:If we’d known before, we’d have let you know.
  3. earlier or sooner:Begin at noon, not before.


  1. previous to the time when:Send the telegram before we go.
  2. sooner than;
    rather than:I will die before I submit.
  • Middle English beforen, Old English beforan, equivalent. to be by + foran before (fore fore1 + -an adverb, adverbial suffix) bef. 1000

    • 13.See corresponding entry in Unabridged after, behind.
    • 14.See corresponding entry in Unabridged afterward.
    • 15.See corresponding entry in Unabridged later.

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

before /bɪˈfɔː/ conj (subordinating)

  1. earlier than the time when
  2. rather than: he’ll resign before he agrees to it


  1. preceding in space or time; in front of; ahead of: standing before the altar
  2. in the presence of: to be brought before a judge
  3. in preference to: to put friendship before money


  1. at an earlier time; previously; beforehand; in front

Etymology: Old English beforan; related to Old Frisian befara, Old High German bifora

before time‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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до времени

раньше времени

до начала времен

пока время

прежде чем время

прежде времени

до начала времени

Before Time

до истечения времени


If you hire best Dallas plumbers they can check out every month about the issue and also fix it before time.

Если вы нанимаете лучших сантехников Далласа, они могут каждый месяц проверять проблему, а также исправлять ее до времени.

Son of the Great Beast, cast out before time, chained in rock and imprisoned beneath the rift.

Сын Великого Зверя, извергнутый до времени, закованный в скалах и заточенный под Разломом.

Now, always reach the spot before time.

В остальном, мы всегда стараемся прибывать на место раньше времени.

But do not rejoice before time.

She finished before time, good writer.

Работа хорошая, выполнена раньше срока, автор молодец.

You will be surprised by came before time.

Even those positions that earned huge profits are closed before time.

Даже те позиции, которые заработали огромную прибыль, закрываются раньше времени.

No one plans to have a baby before time.

Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to end before time.

But do not rejoice before time.

On the other hand, do not arrive before time either.

So the trough will not rust before time.

Gaia existed before everything; before time.

We managed to deliver project before time.

It makes you look aged before time.

I don’t like to speak before time because football can be crazy.

Я не хочу говорить раньше времени, потому что в футболе происходят безумные вещи.

According to statistics, by 6 years of age born before time babies had only 4 friends.

По статистике, к 6-летнему возрасту у родившихся раньше времени малышей было только 4 друзей.

Christmas before time with Highlighter and LOGIceram

Рождество до времени с помощью Highlighter и LOGIceram

We always submit our projects before time.

They will arrive before time to pick the clients.

Кроме того, они начнут быстрее прибывать на место, чтобы забрать клиентов.

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before time — перевод на русский

What did «before time» mean?

Что значит «до времени»?

Before time and light and space and matter.

До времени, света, пространства и вещества.

Son of the Great Beast, cast out before time, chained in rock and imprisoned beneath the rift.

Сын Великого Зверя, извергнутый до времени, закованный в скалах и заточенный под Разломом.

I wake before the time that Romeo comes?

до времени, когда придет Ромео?

Показать ещё примеры для «до времени»…

It’s the ancient language… spoken throughout the universe before time was time.

Древнейший язык… появившийся во вселенной до начала времен.

To the ancients who were before time… hear my prayers.

О духи, что жили до начала времён! Услышьте меня!

In the time before time, six mighty Toa vanquished the Makuta, encasing him in protodermis held tight by the force of their combined elemental powers.

Во времена до начала Времён, шестеро могущественных Тоа победили Макуту, заточив его в протодермис, который надёжно удерживал Макуту, благодаря их совместным Силам.

Before time began, there was the Cube.

До начала времен был Куб.

Well, when they’re to a creature that has not been seen since the time before time,

Если это дорога к существу, которого не видели с начала времён,

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