Word meaning be subjected to

НКУ распределения и управления, прошедшее частичные типовые испытания
НКУ распределения и управления, включающее в себя узлы, прошедшие типовые испытания, и узлы, не подвергаемые типовым испытаниям, при условии, что технические характеристики последних являются производными (полученными, например, расчетом) от технических характеристик подобных узлов, прошедших типовые испытания.
Примечание — В настоящем стандарте сокращение ЧИ НКУ используют для обозначения частично испытанных НКУ.
[ ГОСТ Р 51321. 1-2000 ( МЭК 60439-1-92)]


partially type-tested low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies PTTA
low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assembly, containing both type-tested and non-type-tested arrangements provided that the latter are derived (e.g. by calculation) from type-tested arrangements which have complied with the relevant tests
[IEC 61892-3, ed. 2.0 (2007-11)]


Параллельные тексты EN-RU

The Standard IEC 60439-1 differentiates between two categories of assemblies:
• TTA (Type-Tested Assembly)
• PTTA (Partially Type-Tested Assembly)
The term Type-Tested Assembly (TTA) is used to mean an assembly “conforming to an established type or system without deviations likely to significantly influence the performance from the typical assembly verified to be in accordance with this standard”.
To be declared TTA an assembly shall meet at least one of the following conditions:
1. it is manufactured in a single example and subject to all the type tests required by the Standard;
2. it is similar to another assembly which has been subjected to all the type tests, that is it differs from the tested one only for details considered irrelevant for the results of the same tests and, consequently, for its performances, that is for its nominal characteristics;
3. it is part of a pre-established structural system subjected to type tests in some of the many possible arrangements chosen among the most significative ones which can be obtained by combining the system elements. It is the typical case of assemblies sold as loose components.

The term Partially Type-Tested Assembly (PTTA) is used to mean an assembly “containing both type-tested and non-type-tested arrangements, provided that the latter are derived (e.g. by calculation) from type-tested arrangements which have complied with the relevant tests”.

A PTTA is an assembly which has been subjected to one part of the type tests, whereas the other ones have been replaced by some extrapolations (calculations) based on the experimental results obtained on assemblies which have already passed the type tests.

The distinction between TTA and PTTA is of no weight with respect to the declaration of conformity with the Standard IEC 60439-1, since the assembly must simply comply with it apart from its having been subject — totally (TTA) or partially (PTTA) — to type tests.


Стандарт МЭК 60439-1 различат две категории НКУ:
• ПИ НКУ (НКУ, прошедшие типовые испытания);
• ЧИ НКУ (НКУ, прошедшие частичные типовые испытания).
Термин «НКУ, прошедшие типовые испытания (ПИ НКУ) означает, что данное НКУ «соответствует без значительных отклонений типичному НКУ, испытанному согласно настоящему стандарту».
В соответствии с этим, ПИ НКУ должны отвечать, по крайней мере, одному из следующих условий:
1. НКУ изготовлено в одном экземпляре и прошло все типовые испытания согласно настоящему стандарту;
2. Данное НКУ аналогично другому НКУ, которое прошло все типовые испытания, и что отличия от испытанного НКУ, не влияют на результаты типовых испытаний и следовательно не влияют на эксплуатационные качества и номинальные характеристики.
3. Данное НКУ является частью сборки, подвергаемой таким же самым типовым испытаниям в одном из возможных вариантов монтажа, выбранного среди наиболее значимых путем комбинирования системных элементов. Это типичный случай НКУ, поставляемых в виде несмонтированных компонентов.

Термин «НКУ, прошедшие частичные типовые испытания (ЧИ НКУ)» обозначает НКУ «включающее в себя узлы, прошедшие типовые испытания, и узлы, не подвергаемые типовым испытаниям, при условии, что технические характеристики последних являются производными (полученными, например, расчетом) от технических характеристик подобных узлов, прошедших типовые испытания».

ЧИ НКУ являются НКУ, в которых часть узлов прошла типовые испытания, а вместо испытания других узлов использованы результаты экстраполяции (вычисления) их технических характеристик, которые основаны на экспериментальных значениях характеристик тех узлов, которые ранее прошли требуемые типовые испытания.

Различие между ПИ НКУ и ЧИ НКУ не оказывают влияния на декларацию соответствия требованиям стандарта МЭК 60439-1, поскольку данные НКУ должны просто удовлетворять требованиям стандарта без учет того, являются ли они полностью испытанными (ПИ) или частично испытанными (ЧИ).

[Перевод Интент]


  • НКУ (шкафы, пульты,…)




  • частично испытанное НКУ
  • ЧИ НКУ


  • partially type-tested low-voltage switchgear and controlgear assemblies
  • PTTA

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


No child should be subjected to violence.

Соответственно, ни один ребенок не должен подвергаться насилию.

The flag shall not be subjected to any indignity.

При этом флаг не должен подвергаться никаким действиям, унижающим его достоинство.

While not all men — sexist, all women may be subjected to sexism in some way.

В то время, как не все мужчины — сексисты, все женщины могут подвергнуться сексизму тем или иным образом.

This is not the limit of what water can be subjected to.

The security and intelligence services will also be subjected to more direct and assured parliamentary oversight.

Службы безопасности и разведки будут также подлежать более прямому и пристальному парламентскому контролю.

The shoulder joint may be subjected to different injuries.

Коленный сустав может подвергаться различным повреждениям.

They are designed to accommodate axial loads only and must not be subjected to any radial load.

Данные подшипники предназначены для восприятия только осевых нагрузок, они не должны подвергаться радиальному нагружению.

The patient should not be subjected to any procedure without their voluntary, competent, and understanding consent or that of their legally authorized representative.

Человек не должен подвергаться какой-либо процедуре без его добровольного, компетентного согласия или законного представителя.

They may at any time be subjected to the examinations provided for in the second subparagraph of paragraph 5.

Они могут в любое время подвергаться проверкам, предусмотренным во втором подпараграфе параграфа 5.

This strict approach is important since refugees should not be subjected to constant review of their refugee status.

Этот строгий подход важен, так как беженцы не должны подвергаться постоянному пересмотру их статуса.

This formulation may be subjected to fair criticism, because it does not reflect all aspects of meditation and what it can do.

Эта формулировка может подвергнуться справедливой критике, так как не отражает всех аспектов медитации и того на что она способна.

This will mean that I shall be subjected to severe additional punishment behind prison doors.

Это значит, что я должен за тюремными стенами подвергаться строгим дополнительным наказаниям.

For us it’s clear that no student should be subjected to religious influence in school.

«Для нас ясно, что ни один студент не должен подвергаться религиозному влиянию в школе.

However, women should not be subjected to it, as well as any dharma therapy during the last trimester of pregnancy.

Тем не менее, женщины не должны подвергаться этому, а также любой терапии Дхармы в течение последнего триместра беременности.

No State shall be subjected to discrimination of any kind based solely on such differences.

Ни одно государство не должно подвергаться какой-либо дискриминации, основанной лишь на таких различиях.

Without this knowledge, the content will likely be subjected to rewrites after the SEO reviews it.

Без этих знаний контент, скорее всего, подвергнется перезаписи после того, как SEO просмотрит его.

The Canal shall never be subjected to the exercise of the right of blockade.

Канал никогда не должен подвергаться осуществлению права блокады.

Senior agency officials have questioned why the C.I.A.’s analytical work should be subjected to a federal prosecutor’s scrutiny.

Высокопоставленные сотрудники агентства задаются вопросом, почему аналитическая работа ЦРУ должна подвергаться проверке со стороны федерального прокурора, отмечено в публикации.

This man should be subjected to Chinese water torture, as it is equivalent to watching anything he does.

Этот человек должен подвергнуться китайской пытке с водой, поскольку это эквивалентно наблюдению за тем, что он делает.

Therefore, each code should be subjected to economic analysis, the Professor said.

Поэтому каждый кодекс должен подвергаться экономическому анализу», — отметил профессор.

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be  — быть, находиться, должен, тратта
subject  — подвергать, подчинять, тема, предмет, субъект, подлежащий, подчиненный

He would no longer be subject to the caprice of any woman. (Black)

Он больше никогда не будет зависеть от женских капризов.

Items will be subject to a regular markdown schedule every 30 days.

Товары будут уцениваться каждые 30 дней.

Customers who are tardy in their remuneration will be subject to extra charges.

С клиентов, которые опоздают с оплатой, будет взыскана дополнительная плата.

Because of their past crimes, everything they do now will be subject to scrutiny.

Из-за преступлений, совершенных ими в прошлом, всё, что они делают, теперь будет находиться под тщательным контролем.

The bond is subject to taxation.

Данные облигации подлежат налогообложению.

He is subject to fits of depression.

Он подвержен приступам депрессии.

He was often subject to periods of gloom.

Он часто был подвержен периодам уныния.

ещё 22 примера свернуть

He was a thin, gruff, bespectacled man of middle age, his cheeks haggard, and his hands twitching from the nervous strain to which he had been subjected.  

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be subject to (something)

1. To be guided, controlled, or ruled by something. Remember, when you travel to a foreign country, you are subject to their unique laws and traditions, not your own. I’m afraid our stores are subject to the rules established by the corporate headquarters, so there’s nothing we can do about it here. Of course, all of our plans there will be subject to the weather—if we get nothing but rain, we’ll be spending the vacation indoors.

2. To be required to receive, incur, or experience something. During your stay at this institution, your room will be subject to weekly inspections. Any company caught misrepresenting its tax liabilities will be subject to an external audit carried out by our regulatory branch.

3. To be prone or susceptible to something; to be likely or inclined to incur or experience something. I’ve been subject to hay fever since I was a child. While the small island usually gets blissful sunshine, its location means it is subject to awful storms every now and then.

subject to (something)

1. Guided, controlled, or ruled by something. Remember, when you travel to a foreign country, you are subject to their unique laws and traditions, not your own. I’m afraid our stores are subject to the rules established by the corporate headquarters, so there’s nothing we can do about it here. Of course, all of our plans there will be subject to the weather—if we get nothing but rain, we’ll be spending the vacation indoors.

2. Required to receive, incur, or experience something. During your stay at this institution, your room will be subject to weekly inspections. Any company caught misrepresenting its tax liabilities will be subject to an external audit carried out by our regulatory branch.

3. Prone or susceptible to something; likely or inclined to incur or experience something. I’ve been subject to hay fever since I was a child. While the small island usually gets blissful sunshine, its location means it is subject to awful storms every now and then.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

subject someone or something to something

to cause someone to endure someone or something. I didn’t mean to subject you to Uncle Harry. I am sorry I have to subject you to all this questioning.

subject to something

likely to have something, such as a physical disorder, The sick man was subject to dizzy spells. I am subject to frequent headaches.

McGraw-Hill Dictionary of American Idioms and Phrasal Verbs. © 2002 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

1. Be under the control or authority of, as in All citizens in this nation are subject to the law. [First half of 1300s]

2. Be prone or disposed to, as in This child has always been subject to colds. [Late 1300s]

3. Be likely to incur or receive, as in This memo is subject to misinterpretation. [Late 1300s]

4. Depend on, be likely to be affected by, as in Our vacation plans are subject to the boss’s whims. [Early 1800s]

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

subject to


To cause someone to undergo or experience something: The commander subjected the troops to daily inspections. The oil platform was subjected to extreme weather.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs. Copyright © 2005 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • subject
  • subject to
  • subject to (something)
  • subject to, be
  • put (one’s) stamp on (something)
  • put your stamp on something
  • (you) pay your money and take your choice
  • pay your money and take your choice
  • pay(s) your money and take(s) your choice, you
  • you pays your money and you takes your choice

I read an article from Toronto Star today which stated:

TTC workers are subject to alcohol and drug testing.

A later paragraph of the same article repeated it, except it used subjected to instead of subject to.

I have rarely seen the use of subjected to before. Is it legitimate in English as well? Why didn’t the author just keep it consistent by using subject to throughout the article? Does using varieties of forms enrich the expressions within an article?

MetaEd's user avatar


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asked Oct 20, 2011 at 16:45

Terry Li's user avatar


I’ve always understood them to have somewhat different meaning.

[…] employees are subject to testing […]

Means that at any time they could be required to be tested.

On the other hand,

[…] employees are subjected to testing […]

would mean the employees are actually put through the testing.

Quick summary:
Subject to = might happen
Subjected to = did or will happen

Community's user avatar

answered Oct 20, 2011 at 17:00

yoozer8's user avatar


8,7128 gold badges46 silver badges88 bronze badges


Generally, subject to (subject in this case is an adjective) is most commonly used in the following ways:

  1. having a tendency for something

    This road is subject to flooding.

  2. conditional upon

    Your business plan is subject to review.
    The promotion is subject to our terms and conditions.

Subjected to is used to mean «to be made to undergo an unpleasant experience»:

Sadly, immigrants are subjected to verbal and emotional abuse in
many parts of the country.

Triathletes are subjected to extreme physical demands.

Emperor Penguins are subjected to the severe cold of Antarctic

Reference: http://tumblr.com/Z90tLy4KDe8D

answered Oct 20, 2011 at 17:31

Mehper C. Palavuzlar's user avatar


  • ‘subjected to’ means that an act was actually performed.
  • ‘subject to’ means that the legal situation allows the act to be performed on them.

So it could be that the article is pointing out that it is allowed for the test to occur, and then later the test actually took place.

yoozer8's user avatar


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answered Oct 20, 2011 at 17:00

Mitch's user avatar


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I would regard «are subject to testing» as meaning that such testing is a condition of employment and may happen, but «are subjected to testing» as meaning that such testing happens and perhaps when it happens is an imposition.

answered Oct 20, 2011 at 17:00

Henry's user avatar


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“To be subjected to” is to be caused to experience the thing. The experience definitely occurs.

“To be subject to” is to be likely to be caused to experience the thing. The experience can occur, but it is not definite.

If you are subject to search, you are at risk of being searched. But if you are subjected to search, you are, in fact, searched.

answered Oct 20, 2011 at 22:16

MetaEd's user avatar


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