Word meaning arabic to arabic

I don’t know the english word for what you are.

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لا اعلم ماهي الكلمه الانجليزيه لما انت عليه

You have Cookie’s word, baby.

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لديك وعد( كوكي) ياعزيزي

How would I know the right word for what I want?

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كيف لى أن أعرف الكلمه الصحيحه التى تعبر عن الذى أُريده؟?

Okay. I left word with the US Ambassador and Gloria Estefan.

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حسن، تركت خبراً لسفير الأمم المتحدة و(غلوريا إستيفان)

Come on. You know that word from when we studied butterflies.

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هيا أنت تعلمي هذه الكلمه منذ ان درسنا الفراشات

I just got word there was a shooting at a motel.

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تلقيتُ خبراً للتوّ بأنّ هنالك إطلاق نار في نزل

You have my word. Navas, bind his hands.

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هذا وعد مني.»نافاس» أوثق يديه

I’m only getting every third word, but who cares?

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أنا فقط من يحصل على الكلمه الثالثه لكن من يهتم?

What’s that word that begin with a»T»?

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ما هي تلك الكلمه التي تبدأ بحرف الـ»تي»؟?

Spread the word that he had an accident coming back from the drainpipe.

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أنشر خبراً بأنه تعرض لحادث أثناء عودته من ماسورة الصرف

Okay, that might not be the right word, but wait.

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حسناً، ربما تلك لا تكون الكلمه الصحيحه لكن أنتظر

I just received word that there’s a giant running amok in the outer village.

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تلقّيتُ خبراً بوجود عملاقٍ يتجوّل باهتياج في القرية الخارجيّة

I just got word Angel will be.

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لقد حصل على وعد بأن»أنجل» سوف

You shouldn’t even have to know what that word means.

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يجب عليكم حتي معرفه ما تعنيه تلك الكلمه

Just got word from the office I got to move up my flight.

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تلقيت خبراً من المكتب بوجوب صعودي الرحلة الجوية

My son will not harm your world, O’Neill.

I give you my word.

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ابنى لن يضر عالمك اونيل هذا وعد منى

The lookout on Arban’s camp sends word that Prince Jingim never arrived.

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أرسل مراقب مخيم»أربان» خبراً أن الأمير»جينغيم» لم يصل قط

Oh, good. I just wish I knew what that word meant.

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جيد, أنني فقط أتمنى بـ أنني اعرف ماذا تعني هذي الكلمه

Send word to the scouts in the area. They must be prepared.

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أرسل خبراً إلى الكشافين في المنطقة لابد أن يتهيئوا

Okay, look, I know that word doesn’t radiate confidence.

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أوكي إنظري أنا أعلم إن هذه الكلمه لا تشع بالثقه

Listen. You have my word.

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انصت لك وعد مني

I have sent word to the shipyard. They are beginning work on the narrow fleet.

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أرسلت خبراً إلى حوض السفن لقد بدأو بالعمل على الأسطول الضيق

Well, I don’t think»humiliated» is the right word.

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حسناو لا اظن ان اذلال هي الكلمه المناسبه اهانته

Look, he’s not goin’ anywhere. You have got my word.

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إسمع، إنه لن يذهب إلى أي مكان هذا وعد مني

He will be back. We will leave word for him.

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لقد حصلت على وعد بالخروج

I think, you would be a little more sensitive to that word.

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اعتقد بأنكي ستكون حساسه اكثر لتلك الكلمه

Results: 27,
Time: 0.0606





meaning in Arabic is
— Synonyms and related
Import, Pregnant, Significance, Significant, Signification, Substance. Check out
similar words like Mean, Meaningful and Meaningfully;
Urdu Translation is

English — Arabic

Arabic — English

MEANING Synonyms & Definition

• Meaning

  1. (n.) Sense; power of thinking.
  2. (n.) That which is signified, whether by act lanquage; signification; sence; import; as, the meaning of a hint.
  3. (n.) That which is meant or intended; intent; purpose; aim; object; as, a mischievous meaning was apparent.
  4. (p. pr. & vb. n.) of Mean

Import, Pregnant, Significance, Significant, Signification, Substance,

Multi Language Dictionary


Meaning ترجمة باللغة العربية: يمكن أن يكون البحث عن المعاني باللغة العربية مفيدًا لفهم السياق بطريقة فعالة۔ يمكنك الحصول على أكثر من ترجمة لكلمة واحدة باللغة العربية۔لقد قمت بالبحث في الكلمة الأوردية Meaning مما يعني المعنى باللغة الأردية۔ تعريفات الكلمة Meaning تم وصفه هنا بأقصى قدر من التفاصيل، وأيضا تغريم المرادفات المختلفة للكلمة Meaning ۔ يمكنك العثور على كلمات مثل Meaning من Hamariweb.com۔ القاموس بلغات متعددة مثل الأردية، العربية ، الهندية ، الإسبانية ، الفرنسية وغيرها من اللغات۔

Meaning Meaning in Arabic: Searching meanings in Arabic can be beneficial for understanding the context in an efficient manner. You can get more than one meaning for one word in Arabic. You have searched the English word «Meaning» which meaning «المعنى» in Arabic. Meaning meaning in Arabic has been searched 202479 times till 14 Apr, 2023. The definitions of the word Meaning has been described here with maximum details, and also fined different synonyms for the word Meaning. You can listen to the pronunciation of the word Meaning in clear voice from this page online through our voice dictionary a unique facility for dedicated users.
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Arabic words and their meanings in English for beginners. Important Arabic words with English meanings for daily use. A list of commonly used Arabic words with English meanings. Learn Arabic vocabulary as vocabulary builder.

Arabic words and their meanings in English for beginners. Important Arabic words with English meanings for daily use. A list of commonly used Arabic words with English meanings. Learn Arabic vocabulary as vocabulary builder.

Word Arabic meanings Roman Arabic
Talking کَلاَمٌ Kalam
Dream حُلمٌ Hulm
Voice صَوتٌ Sawt
Breath نَفَسٌ Nafas
Sleep نَومٌ Nowm
Getup سَھَرٌ Sahar
Snoring غَلِیطٌ Ghaleet
Drowsiness نَعَسٌ Na’as
Shape ھَیئَۃٌ Hai’atu
Color لَونٌ Lown
Moan أَنِینٌ Aneen
Cry صَرّاخٌ Sarrakh
Sneezing عَطَسٌ Atas
Yawn تَثَاوُبُ Tasawub
Laugh ضِحکٌ Zihk
Weep بُکَاءٌ Bukaau
Power قُوْۃٌ Quwwat
Leanness نَحَافَۃٌ Nahafatu
Hunger الجَوعُ Jo’u
Picnic رَیّانٌ Rayyan
Thirst العَطشُ Atash
Walk المَشیٌ Mashyu
Stand القِیَامٌ Qiyaam
Sit جُلُوسٌ Juloos
Wakefulness سَھَرٌ Sahar
Nausea تَھَوُّع Tahwwa’u.
Yawning تَمؐطِّیُّ Tatmattiyyu
Blister نِفطَۃُ Niftatu
Hot Wind خَدِر Khadir
Slits غُصُونٌ Ghusoon
Man رَجُلٌ­­­ Rajul
Woman اِمرأۃٌ Imra’tu
Boy وَلَدٌ Walad
Girl بنت Bint
Bridegroom عَرِیس Arees
Bride عَرِیسَۃٌ Areesah
Unmarried أعزب A’azab
Married متزوّج Mutzawwij
Widower ارمل Armil
Educated عالم Aalim
Uneducated جاھل Jahil
Pleased مسرور Masroor
Sad محزون Mahzoon
Powerful قویٌّ Qawiyyu
Weak ضعیفٌ Zaeef
Live حیٌّ Hayy
Dead body میّتٌ Mayyit
Beautiful جمیلٌ Jameel
Ugly یشیحٌ Yashheh
Healthy صحیحٌ Saheeh
Sick مریضٌ Mareez
Cheerful ظریفٌ Zareef
Handsome لطیفٌ Lateef
Tall طویلٌ Taweel
Small قصیرٌ Qaseer
Fat سمینٌ Sameen
Abdominal ثخینٌ Sakheen
Slim نحیف Naheef
Soft لیِّنٌ Layyin
Slim رقیقٌ Raqeeq
Hard صلبٌ Salb
Tender ناعمٌ Naaim
Tender أملسٌ Amlas
Rough خشینٌ Khasheen
Large کبیرٌ Kabeer
Middle مُتوسِّطٌ Mutwassit
Small صغِیرٌ Sagheer
Wide واسِعٌ Wasi’
Bent معوَّجٌ Muawwaj
Seiner بصیرٌ Baseer
Blind اعمی A’maa
Straight مستقیمٌ Mustaqeem
Heavy ضخیمٌ Zakheem
Weight Lerr خفیفٌ Khafeef
Clean نظیفٌ Nazeef
Dirty وسخٌ Wasakh
Large Eyed أعینٌ A’yun
Black Eyed أحورٌ Ahwar
Brave شُجَاعٌ Shujaa’u
Bravery الجَسَارَۃُ Jasaarat
Enduring قَانِعٌ Qaani’u
Enduring صَابِرٌ Sabir
True صَادِقٌ Sadiq
Honest اَمِینٌ Ameen
Cheerful مَبسُوطٌ Mabsoot
Splendid مُستَنِیرٌ Mustaneer
Wise عَاقِلٌ Aaqil
Faithful مُخلِصٌ Mukhlis
Sensitive حَسَّاسٌ Hassas
Hard Worker مُجتَھِدٌ Mujtahid
Effective فَعَّالٌ Fa’aal
Skillful مَاھِرٌ Maahir
Leap نَشِیطٌ Nasheet
Helper مُسَاعِدٌ Musaa’id
Obedient مُطِیعٌ Mutee’u
Moderate مُعتَدِلٌ Mu’tadil
Kind لؒطِیفٌ Lateef
Civil مُھَذِّبٌ Muhazzib
Ready مُستَعِدٌ Musta’id
Respectable مُحتَرَمٌ Muhtaram
Brave جَرِئٌ Brave
Humble مُتَوَاضِعٌ Mutawazi’u
Simple سَاذِجٌ Saazij
Kind شَفِیقٌ Shafeeq
Fortunate سَعِیدٌ Saeed
Cheerful مُبتَھِجٌ Mubtahij
Broad Minded کَرِیمٌ Kareem
Well-Meaning مُتَفَائِلٌ Mutafaail
Serious رَزِینٌ Raeen
Modest ذُومُرَوَّۃٌ Zoo Murawwatu
Linguist الأدِیبٌ Adeeb
Well-Habitual ذُوعَادَۃٍ حَسَنَۃٍ Zoo Aadat Hasanat
Dignified وَقُورٌ Waqoor
Smiler مُبتَسِمٌ Mubtasim
Cleanness of Heart طَھَارَۃُ القَلبِ Taharat ul Qalb
Friendship وَدَّادٌ Waddad
Sure-Maker مُصَدِّقٌ Musaddiq
Virtuous عَفِیفٌ Afeef
Generous جَوَّادٌ Jawwad
Wealthy غَنِیٌّ Ghaniyy
Clever شَاطِرٌ Shatir
Thankful شَاکِرٌ Shakir
Worshiping عَابِدٌ Aabid
Steadfast ثَابِتٌ Saabit
Just عَادِلٌ Aadil
Mentioning ذَاکِرٌ Zakir
Care الأعتِنَاءُ I’tinaau
Careful المُحطَاطٌ Muhtaat
Clever ذَکِیٌّ Zakiyyu
Intelligent فَطِینٌ Fateen
Popular مَعرُوفٌ Maroof
Detention of Time مُحَافَظُ الوَقتُ Muhafiz ul Waqt
Hospitality ضِیَافَۃٌ Ziyafat
Patriotism مُحِبُّ الوَطَنِ Muhibb ul Watan
Respectful مُؤَدِّبٌ Muaddib
Moderation اَقتِصَادٌ Iqtisaad
Modest ذُوحَیَاءٍ Zoo Hayain
Tolerant حَلِیمٌ Haleem

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كلمة من ثلاث حروف مرادفة لكلمة (جار) ما مرادف كلمة جار ؟

Last Update: 2016-10-27

Usage Frequency: 2


a gaelic word meaning «water of life.»


كلمة غيلية تعني ماء الحياة

Last Update: 2016-10-27

Usage Frequency: 2

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‘heart’ is an english word, meaning determination


و [أبوس]؛ القلب وأبوس]؛ هي كلمة إنجليزية، تقرير معنى

Last Update: 2016-10-27

Usage Frequency: 2


«marauder» is the french word meaning «rascal.»


لص , كلمة فرنسية تعني الوغد

Last Update: 2016-10-27

Usage Frequency: 2

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which in this case is a big, big word meaning— pure evil.


توصف بكلمة واحدة- أنت شرير-

Last Update: 2016-10-27

Usage Frequency: 2


a guarani word meaning “we are eating, we are savoring”.


كلمة بالغورانية تعني «نحن نأكل، نحن نستمتع بالطعم».

Last Update: 2013-02-19

Usage Frequency: 2

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[speaks chinese word meaning «bullshit»] — mao… phfft!

Last Update: 2016-10-27

Usage Frequency: 2

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banter, from the latin word, meaning «to gibber like a moron?»


«المُزاح » فى الاتينية تعنى » التلعثم مثل الحمقى «.

Last Update: 2016-10-27

Usage Frequency: 2

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look up word meanings


ابحث عن معنى الكلمةname

Last Update: 2011-10-23

Usage Frequency: 1


biology, biology — it’s from a greek word meaning «life discourse.»


علـم الاحيـاء. انهـا كـلمة إغريـقيـة وتعنـي «إكتشـاف الحيـاة»

Last Update: 2016-10-27

Usage Frequency: 2

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the name riyadh is derived from the arabic word meaning a place of gardens and trees (“rawdah”).


اقتبست الرياض اسمها من الكلمة العربية التي تعني محل نمو الحدائق والأشجار («الروضة»)،

Last Update: 2020-04-24

Usage Frequency: 1

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aqtiv stands for the german words meaning activating, qualifying, training, investing and communicating.


وتعني كلمة تنشيط في اللغة الألمانية التحريك والتأهيل والتدريب والاستثمار والاتصال.

Last Update: 2016-12-01

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Drkhateeb


the main aspect of the ataaba is that the first three verses must end with the same word meaning three different things, and the fourth verse comes as a conclusion to the whole thing.


وهو يتألف من 4 مقاطع شعرية، والجانب الرئيسي من العتابة هو أن المقاطع الأولى يجب أن تنتهي بنفس الكلمة لثلاثة أشياء مختلفة، ويأتي المقطع الرابع والاستنتاج إلى الأمر برمته.

Last Update: 2016-03-03

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Drkhateeb


the second rule is that we have no safe word, meaning that if you, uh, go inside with me, there is nothing that you can say that will make me stop any plan or procedure.


القاعدة الثانية هي أن ليس لدينا اي كلمة آمنة وهذا يعني أنك إذا دخلت هناك معي فليس هناك ما يمكنك قوله من شأنه أن يجعلني أوقف أي خطة أو إجراء

Last Update: 2016-10-27

Usage Frequency: 2

Reference: Drkhateeb


later, the prime minister launched a youth employment and development project called imani, which is an african word meaning faith in god, faith in yourself and faith in one another.


وفي موعد لاحق طرح رئيس الوزراء مشروعا لتشغيل النشء وتنميته، يسمى «إيماني » وهي كلمة أفريقية معناها الإيمان بالله، والإيمان بنفسك والإيمان بالآخرين.

Last Update: 2016-12-01

Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Drkhateeb
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the word «tsunami » is a term that derives from an old japanese word meaning «harbour waves » or «port waves «.


إن كلمة «سونامي » مصطلح مشتق من كلمة يابانية قديمة تعني «أمواج الميناء «.

Last Update: 2016-12-01

Usage Frequency: 3

Reference: Drkhateeb
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first, the device thoroughly analyses the sentence structure and word meanings in the text, clarifying them when possible by means of a dialogue with the writer.


ففي الخطوة اﻷولى، يحلل الجهاز تماما تركيب الجملة ومعاني الكلمات في النص، موضحا إياها كلما أمكن بحوار مع الكاتب.

Last Update: 2016-12-01

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Drkhateeb


dm and the discovery of insulin
dm is a metabolic disease that refers to the condition of abnormally elevated blood glucose
levels. there are several categories of dm, such as t1dm, t2dm, maturity-onset diabetes
of young, and gestational dm. t1dm is caused by the destruction of pancreatic beta cells,
which results in an extremely low level of insulin or no insulin secretion, whereas t2dm is
caused by impaired insulin secretion and insulin action (insulin resistance). dm is a global
health burden, and the affected worldwide population will be more than 640 million adults
by 2040.1
the symptoms of dm were described in ancient records from egypt, india, and china.2
diabetes is the greek word meaning siphon (going through), and mellitus is the latin word
sweet. dm was considered a disease of kidney and bladder in the 18th century2,3
until mering and minkowski4
reported that removal of pancreas led to dm and that the
internal secretion from pancreas was the etiology of dm.3
the major breakthrough was the
discovery of insulin by banting and best5
in 1922. they reported that crude extract from the
pancreas of a dog reduced hyperglycemia in a pancreatectomised dog. in 1922, leonard
thomson reported the first clinical trial of insulin in a 14-year-old girl who had t1dm at
toronto general hospital.6
the discovery of insulin led to the nobel prize in the physiology
of medicine awarded to frederick grant banting and john james rickard macleod in 1923.
over the last 100 years, various forms of insulin, including porcine insulin, recombinant
human insulin, and long-acting insulin have been developed and utilized to treat patients
with dm.
insulin signaling pathways
in 1949, levine et al.7
demonstrated that insulin facilitates the uptake of hexoses into cells
through the interaction of insulin with cell membrane house et al.8,9
then described the
radio-labeled insulin binding to the isolated rat liver membrane containing insulin-sensitive
cyclic adenosine monophosphate phosphodiesterase. following this discovery, several others
reported the insulin binding molecule(s) in the isolated and intact cell membranes from
fat and liver cells.10-13 these suggest that insulin is involved in carbohydrate metabolism by
transporting glucose into cells, not by an enzymatic activity on glucose. kahn et al.14 reported
that the complex of insulin and its receptor is degraded after internalized. the structure of
the insulin receptor (ir) was revealed by massague et al.15 as a dimer composed of 2 alpha
subunits and 2 beta subunits (figure 1). moreover, kasuga et al.16,17 demonstrated that the
ir has an intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity and phosphorylates the ir beta subunit when
insulin binds to the ir. when tyrosine kinase activity of ir is activated, ir beta subunits not
only autophosphorylate themselves but also phosphorylate downstream target molecules,
including ir substrates (irs), shc, cbl, and gab-1.18,19 tyrosine phosphorylation of these
docking molecules recruit proteins containing src-homology 2 (sh2) domain, such as p85
regulatory subunit of phosphoinositide 3-kinase (pi3k) and growth factor receptor bound
protein 2 (grb2).19 the binding of sh2 containing molecules to the tyrosine phosphorylated
docking molecules alters the structure and leads to the activation. activation of pi3k (type
ia) generates phosphatidylinositol (3,4,5)-trisphosphate, which binds to the pleckstrin-
homology domain in 3-phosphoinositide-dependent protein kinase-1 (pdk1) and/or amino
terminus of akt.20,21 pdk1 and mtor complex 2 (mtorc2) are serine/threonine kinases
which phosphorylate protein kinase b (akt) at thr308 and ser473, respectively.20-23


Last Update: 2021-04-24

Usage Frequency: 1

Reference: Drkhateeb

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