Word meaning all over the world

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  • all over
  • all over (one) like a cheap suit
  • all over (one) like a rash
  • all over (one’s) face
  • all over (oneself)
  • all over (someone)
  • all over (something)
  • all over bar the shouting
  • all over but the shouting
  • all over but the shouting, it’s
  • all over creation
  • all over hell and gone
  • all over Hell and half of Georgia
  • all over hell’s half acre
  • all over one
  • all over someone like a cheap suit
  • all over something
  • all over the board
  • all over the dial
  • all over the earth
  • all over the lot
  • all over the map
  • all over the place
  • all over the place like a mad woman’s custard
  • all over the shop
  • all over the world
  • all over town
  • all over with
  • all piss and wind
  • all politics are local
  • all politics is local
  • all power to your elbow
  • all present and accounted for
  • all present and correct
  • all quiet on the Potomac
  • all quiet on the Western Front
  • all right
  • All right already!
  • all right for you
  • All right for you!
  • all right on the night
  • all right with
  • all right with (one)
  • all right with one
  • all right(y) already
  • all rights reserved
  • all righty
  • All righty already!
  • all roads lead to Rome
  • all round
  • all set

Full browser

  • all over someone
  • all over someone like a cheap suit
  • all over someone like a rash
  • all over someone’s face
  • all over something
  • all over the board
  • all over the dial
  • all over the earth
  • All Over The Freaking Place
  • all over the lot
  • all over the map
  • all over the map
  • all over the map
  • all over the map
  • all over the map
  • all over the place
  • all over the place
  • all over the place
  • all over the place
  • all over the place
  • all over the place
  • all over the place
  • all over the place
  • all over the place like a mad woman’s custard
  • All Over the Road
  • all over the shop
  • all over the shop
  • all over the shop
  • all over the shop
  • all over the shop
  • all over the world
  • all over their face
  • all over their faces
  • all over them
  • all over them like a cheap suit
  • all over them like a rash
  • all over themselves
  • all over town
  • all over us
  • all over us like a cheap suit
  • all over us like a rash
  • all over with
  • All Over You
  • all over you like a cheap suit
  • all over you like a rash
  • all over your face
  • all over yourself
  • All Packaging Machinery
  • All Pakistan Cement Manufacturers Association
  • All Pakistan Commercial Exporters Association
  • All Pakistan Federation of Labour
  • All Pakistan Federation of Trade Unions
  • All Pakistan Federation of United Trade Unions
  • All Pakistan Flour Mills Association
  • All Pakistan Furniture Exporters Association
  • All Pakistan Government School Teachers Associations
  • All Pakistan Homeopaths Association
  • All Pakistan Mohajir Students Organization
  • All Pakistan Motor Dealers Association
  • All Pakistan Muttahida Students Organization
  • All Pakistan Newspapers Employees Confederation

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Most of the grain produced all over the world is livestock.

Большая часть зерна, которое производится во всем мире идет на корм скоту.

Globalization has profoundly decreased poverty all over the world.

С другой стороны, глобализационные процессы существенно снизили распространение бедности во всём мире.

Art probably developed independently all over the world.

Искусство, скорее всего, развивалось по всему миру независимо.

Today airport serves flight to 95 destinations all over the world.

На сегодняшний день из аэропорта совершаются полеты по 95 направлениям по всему миру.

They live all over the world and reproduce very quickly.

Во всем мире они живут в огромном количестве и очень быстро размножаются.

Banks all over the world participate.

Flying all over the world carrying cargo and passengers.

Ведь мы летаем по всему миру, осуществляя пассажирские и грузовые перевозки.

Skype is software that enables conversations all over the world.

Skype — это программное обеспечение, позволяющее совершать звонки по всему миру.

It is celebrated with great enthusiasm all over the world.

Тем не менее, он празднуется с огромным энтузиазмом по всему миру.

He planned and executed operations all over the world.

Это тот, который планирует и осуществляет операции по всему миру.

Cities all over the world could be underwater.

Целый ряд городов по всему миру может оказаться под водой.

So they have supporters and allies all over the world.

Поэтому у него по всему миру есть и сторонники, и противники.

An innovative concept that then won recognition all over the world.

И мы создали оригинальный продукт, который затем завоевал признание во всем мире.

Our products were exported to all over the world.

Кроме того, наши продукты были экспортированы в во всем мире.

Furthermore, seafarers sail all over the world.

А моряки, как известно, путешествовали по всему миру.

Citizens all over the world are protesting against governments they consider corrupt.

Во всем мире граждане восстают против правительств, которые, по их мнению, являются коррумпированными.

Healthcare is needed all over the world.

Во всем мире существует большая потребность в медицинской помощи.

Counterfeit is a growing business all over the world.

Тем не менее, контрафактная торговля лекарствами — это растущий бизнес во всем мире.

They exist all over the world regardless of continent.

Его употребляют во всем мире, вне зависимости от страны или континента.

I follow different investment opportunities all over the world.

«Мы постоянно рассматриваем различные возможности для фокусных инвестиций по всему миру.

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all over the world — перевод на русский

/ɔːl ˈəʊvə ðə wɜːld/

Naturally, I continued to hunt all over the world.

Разумеется, продолжал охотиться по всему миру.

I’ve seen hundreds of people like you all over the world.

Я видел сотни таких как вы по всему миру.

All over the world practically.

Почти по всему миру.

That message is to be broadcast all over the world.

Это сообщение должно быть передано по всему миру.

We’ve notified detectives all over the world… from Liverpool to Cairo. We’ve issued descriptions throughout Europe and America.

ћы оповестили детективов по всему миру, отЋиверпул€ до аира, мы разослали его описание по ≈вропе и јмерике.

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All over the world, radio operators are trying to reestablish contact.

По всему свету радио операторы пытаются восстановить связь.

Yes, folks, Kriss Kringle has pulled it out of the bag… and delivered Christmas to excited children all over the world.

Да, друзья, Крис Крингл вытащил это из мешка… и принес Рождество радостным детишкам по всему свету.

I’m going to export German craftsmanship all over the world.

Я собираюсь экспортировать немецкое искусство по всему свету.

You were travelling all over the world.

Ты путешествовал по всему свету.

Travel all over the world, stay in fancy hotels.

Путешествуешь по всему свету, останавливаешься в шикарных отелях.

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He is connected to many terrorist organizations in many countries all over the world.

Он связан с террористическими организациями во многих странах мира.

Hundreds of agents in many countries all over the world were involved in this operation.

Сотни агентов во многих странах мира были вовлечены в эту операцию.

Today we’re going to be seen… by people in 1 50 countries all over the world… including our newest affiliate, W-Gimel-Aleph-Nun… in Tel Aviv.

Сегодня нас смотрят в 150 странах мира включая наш новый филиал в Тель-Авиве.

South Africa was under sanctions from countries from all over the world.

Южная Африка была под действием санкций всех стран мира.

Used by intelligence organisations all over the world.

Которым пользуются разведки всех стран мира.

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The participants came from all over the world…


Like Spain in 1936, people came from all over the world to fight fascism. I’m too old for that bullshit, Vitali.

Как в Испании, в 36—м году, когда люди приезжали со всех концов света бороться с фашизмом.

This is, like, a melange of people, just from all over the world, different races, coming together eating chow. Norman Rockwell, right?

Собираются люди со всех концов света, разных рас, чтобы разделить трапезу.

People come from all over the world to visit Jerusalem.

Люди приезжают в Иерусалим со всех концов света.

Nine farting men from all over the world, with their dicks out, shaking off droplets of pee from their syphilitic penises.

Девять пердящих мужиков со всех концов света, с членами наперевес, стряхивающих капли мочи со своих сифилитичных писюнов.

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I’ve traveled all over the world.

Я объездила весь мир

Look, she’s been all over the world, but she has no survival skills to handle a crisis like this.

Послушайте, она объездила весь мир, но у нее нет навыков выживания для того, чтобы справиться с такой кризисной ситуацией.

She’s just full of life, and she’s traveled all over the world.

Она такая живая, объездила весь мир.

Claims to have traveled all over the world. A type of genius.

Утверждает, что объездил весь мир.

I’ve been all over the world.

Я объездил весь мир.

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His last White House concert was broadcast all over the world!

Его последний концерт в Белом Доме транслировался во все страны!

A manifesto to be sent all over the world, even to England — a statement of solidarity with the German army, signed by just 93 of the highest names.

Этот манифест будет разослан во все страны, Англия не исключение. В нем говорится о согласии с военной политикой Германии. Его подписали 93 высокопоставленных лица.

So, do you have lovers all over the world?

И у тебя любовники в каждой стране?

Victims of Kira can be found not merely in Japan, but all over the world.

но и в других странах.

You just needed to wreck industries and destroy economies all over the world to do it.

Но для этого вам нужно было разорять страны по всему мири.

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    • See Also:
      • alkyne series
      • all
      • All Blacks
      • all clear
      • All Fools’ Day
      • All for Love
      • all fours
      • all hail
      • all in
      • all on
      • All Quiet on the Western Front
      • all right
      • All Saints’ Day
      • All Souls’ Day
      • All the King’s Men
      • all told
      • all-
      • all-American
      • all-around
      • all-day
      • all-dayer
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WordReference Random House Learner’s Dictionary of American English © 2023

world /wɜrld/USA pronunciation  

  1. the earth when it is considered as a planet:[singular* the + ~]how life developed in the world.
  2. everything that exists;
    the universe:[countable]In a world of three dimensions, time is the fourth dimension.
  3. [countable] a planet;
    a body in space that is not a star.
  4. a particular part or division of the earth:[singular* the + ~]the Western world; the ancient world.
  5. the human race;
    humanity:[singular* the + ~]feeding the whole world.
  6. the general public:[singular* the + ~]The world worships success and money.
  7. a class or group of people with common interests:[countable]the literary world.
  8. an area, sphere, realm, or domain of activity or existence:[countable]the world of dreams; the world of sports.
  9. one of the general groupings of physical nature:[countable]the animal world.
  10. Often, worlds. [plural] a great deal: [+ of + plural noun]a world of problems.[+ of + uncountable noun]a world of trouble on my mind.


  1. Idioms bring (someone) into the world, [bring + object + into + the + world]
    • to give birth to;
    • to deliver (a baby).

  2. Idioms come into the world, to be born.
  3. Idioms for (all) the world:
    • [with a negative word or phrase] for anything, however great;
      under any circumstances;
      definitely (not):I wouldn’t harm my children for all the world.
    • in every respect;
      precisely:He looks for all the world like his twin brother.

  4. Idioms in the world:
    • at all:without a care in the world.
    • (used to intensify a question):How in the world will you get home?

  5. Idioms out of this world, extraordinary;
    wonderful:The dinner was simply out of this world.
  6. Idioms world without end, for all eternity;

WordReference Random House Unabridged Dictionary of American English © 2023

(wûrld),USA pronunciation n. 

  1. the earth or globe, considered as a planet.
  2. (often cap.) a particular division of the earth:the Western world.
  3. the earth or a part of it, with its inhabitants, affairs, etc., during a particular period:the ancient world.
  4. humankind;
    the human race;
    humanity:The world must eliminate war and poverty.
  5. the public generally:The whole world knows it.
  6. the class of persons devoted to the affairs, interests, or pursuits of this life:The world worships success.
  7. a particular class of people, with common interests, aims, etc.:the fashionable world.
  8. any sphere, realm, or domain, with all pertaining to it:a child’s world;the world of dreams;the insect world.
  9. everything that exists;
    the universe;
    the macrocosm.
  10. any complex whole conceived as resembling the universe:the world of the microcosm.
  11. one of the three general groupings of physical nature:animal world;mineral world;vegetable world.
  12. any period, state, or sphere of existence:this world; the world to come.
  13. Often, worlds. a great deal:That vacation was worlds of fun.
  14. any indefinitely great expanse.
  15. any heavenly body:the starry worlds.
  16. bring into the world:
    • to give birth to;
      bear:My grandmother brought nine children into the world.
    • to deliver (a baby):the doctor brought many children into the world.

  17. come into the world, to be born:Her first child came into the world in June.
  18. for all the world:
    • for any consideration, however great:She wouldn’t come to visit us for all the world.
    • in every respect;
      precisely:You look for all the world like my Aunt Mary.

  19. in the world:
    • at all;
      ever:I never in the world would have believed such an obvious lie.
    • from among all possibilities:Where in the world did you find that hat?

  20. on top of the world. See top 1 (def. 25).
  21. out of this or the world, exceptional;
    fine:The chef prepared a roast duck that was out of this world.
  22. set the world on fire, to achieve great fame and success:He didn’t seem to be the type to set the world on fire.
  23. think the world of, to like or admire greatly:His coworkers think the world of him.
  24. world without end, for all eternity;
    for always.
  • Gmc *wer-ald- literally, age of man
  • bef. 900; Middle English; Old English world, weorold; cognate with Dutch wereld, German Welt, Old Norse verǫld, all

    • 1.See corresponding entry in Unabridged See earth. 

Collins Concise English Dictionary © HarperCollins Publishers::

world /wɜːld/ n

  1. the earth as a planet, esp including its inhabitants
  2. mankind; the human race
  3. people generally; the public: in the eyes of the world
  4. social or public life: to go out into the world
  5. the universe or cosmos; everything in existence
  6. a complex united whole regarded as resembling the universe
  7. any star or planet, esp one that might be inhabited
  8. (often capital) a division or section of the earth, its history, or its inhabitants: the Western World, the Ancient World, the Third World
  9. an area, sphere, or realm considered as a complete environment: the animal world
  10. any field of human activity or way of life or those involved in it: the world of television
  11. a period or state of existence: the next world
  12. the total circumstances and experience of an individual that make up his life, esp that part of it relating to happiness: you have shattered my world
  13. a large amount, number, or distance: worlds apart
  14. worldly or secular life, ways, or people
  15. bring into the world(of a midwife, doctor, etc) to deliver (a baby)
  16. to give birth to
  17. come into the worldto be born
  18. for all the worldin every way; exactly
  19. give to the worldto publish
  20. in the world ⇒ (usually used with a negative) (intensifier): no-one in the world can change things
  21. man of the world, woman of the worlda man or woman experienced in social or public life
  22. not long for this worldnearing death
  23. on top of the worldinformal exultant, elated, or very happy
  24. informal wonderful; excellent
  25. set the world on fireto be exceptionally or sensationally successful
  26. the best of both worldsthe benefits from two different or opposed ways of life, philosophies, etc
  27. think the world ofto be extremely fond of or hold in very high esteem
  28. world of one’s owna state of mental detachment from other people
  29. world without endfor ever
  30. (modifier) of or concerning most or all countries; worldwide: world politics, a world record
  31. (in combination) throughout the world: world-famous

Etymology: Old English w(e)orold, from wer man + ald age, life; related to Old Frisian warld, wrald, Old Norse verold, Old High German wealt (German Welt)

all over the world‘ also found in these entries (note: many are not synonyms or translations):

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  • 1
    all over the world

    Персональный Сократ > all over the world

  • 2
    all over the world

    2) по всему свету (городу)

    English-Russian combinatory dictionary > all over the world

  • 3
    all over the world

    во всем мире, по всему миру

    Politics english-russian dictionary > all over the world

  • 4
    all over the world

    English-Russian base dictionary > all over the world

  • 5
    all over the world

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > all over the world

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    all over the world

    Большой англо-русский и русско-английский словарь > all over the world

  • 7
    all over the world

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > all over the world

  • 8
    all over the world

    Новый англо-русский словарь > all over the world

  • 9
    from all over the world

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > from all over the world

  • 10
    from all over the world

    English-Russian big medical dictionary > from all over the world

  • 11
    blow the trumpets all over the world

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > blow the trumpets all over the world

  • 12
    countries all over the world

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > countries all over the world

  • 13
    his brilliance as a pianist was known all over the world

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > his brilliance as a pianist was known all over the world

  • 14
    this fundamental and consistent policy is welcomed all over the world

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > this fundamental and consistent policy is welcomed all over the world

  • 15
    It is but a truism that labour is most productive where its wages are largest. Poorly paid labour is inefficient labour, all over the world.


    Это же трюизм, что труд наиболее продуктивен там, где платят наибольшую зарплату. Низко оплачиваемый труд неэффективен во всех странах мира. George (Джордж).

    Англо-русский словарь цитат, пословиц, поговорок и идиом > It is but a truism that labour is most productive where its wages are largest. Poorly paid labour is inefficient labour, all over the world.

  • 16
    leading figures from all over the world

    Politics english-russian dictionary > leading figures from all over the world

  • 17
    progress all over the world

    Politics english-russian dictionary > progress all over the world

  • 18
    all around the world

    Politics english-russian dictionary > all around the world

  • 19
    all over the shop


    1) везде, повсюду, во всех направлениях

    Collie: «I was being pestered for money all over the shop.» (W. S. Maugham, ‘For Services Rendered’, act 2) — Колли: «Куда ни сунешься, повсюду долги требуют.»

    By Jove, what chaps those must have been, to go sailing all over the shop never knowing where they’d fetch the land! (R. Kipling, ‘Many Inventions’, ‘The Finest Story in the World’) — Видит бог, это были отчаянные ребята: отправились в плавание без всякой цели, куда глаза глядят, не зная даже, где они пристанут к берегу!

    Down at the Victoria, too, we get patients from all over the shop — Kensington, Baling, Muswell Hill. (A. J. Cronin, ‘The Citadel’, book IV, ch. 2) — И в больницу Виктории тоже поступают больные откуда угодно: из Кенсингтона, Илинга, Масуэлл-Хилла.

    2) в беспорядке, разбросанный

    Can’t you clear up a bit before he comes? Things are all over the shop. (DEI) — Неужели ты не можешь немного прибраться до его прихода? У нас ведь такой беспорядок.

    Large English-Russian phrasebook > all over the shop

  • 20
    recognised all over the

    Автомобильный термин: получить всеобщее признание в

    Универсальный англо-русский словарь > recognised all over the

  • См. также в других словарях:

    • Christmas All over the World — Christmas All Over the World, was the end credits ballad featured in the Alexander and Ilya Salkind Production , released in November 1985 by Tri Star Pictures.The music and lyrics are by Bill House and John Hobbs. The recording of the song was… …   Wikipedia

    • Over-the-line — is a bat and ball sport, a game related to baseball and softball. Like those games, you have the batter, pitcher, and fielders. Because a game requires only three people per team, it s considerably easier to get a good informal game going.… …   Wikipedia

    • The World Factbook —   …   Wikipedia

    • Lord of the World — Infobox Book name = Lord of the World title orig = translator = image caption = author = Robert Hugh Benson illustrator = cover artist = country = United States language = English series = genre = Dystopian novel publisher = Dodd, Mead and… …   Wikipedia

    • Handbook of the Birds of the World — The Handbook of the Birds of the World (HBW) is a multi volume series produced by the Spanish publishing house Lynx Edicions. It is the first handbook to cover every living species of bird. The series is edited by Josep del Hoyo, Andrew Elliott,… …   Wikipedia

    • Parliament of the World’s Religions — Chicago Meeting, 1893 There have been several meetings referred to as a Parliament of the World’s Religions, most notably the World s Parliament of Religions of 1893, the first attempt to create a global dialogue of faiths. The event was… …   Wikipedia

    • The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World — The Fifteen Decisive Battles of the World: from Marathon to Waterloo is a book written by Sir Edward Shepherd Creasy and published in 1851 . This book tells the story of the fifteen military engagements (from Marathon to Waterloo) which,… …   Wikipedia

    • The World Tomorrow — is a now defunct radio and television half hour program which had been sponsored by the Radio Church of God (later renamed Worldwide Church of God while under the direction of Herbert W. Armstrong.) A fifteen minute version of the radio program… …   Wikipedia

    • The World’s Largest Outdoor Cocktail Party — is a common name for the annual college football game between the University of Florida Gators and the University of Georgia Bulldogs, one of the great rivalries in college football; it is officially known as the Florida Georgia/Georgia Florida… …   Wikipedia

    • Over the Hedge (film) — Over the Hedge Theatrical release poster Directed by Tim Johnson Karey Kirkpatrick …   Wikipedia

    • The World as Will and Representation — The title page of the expanded 1844 publication The World as Will and Representation (Die Welt als Wille und Vorstellung) is the central work of the German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer. The first edition was published in December 1818,[1] and… …   Wikipedia

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