Word meaning all over the place

all over the place

1. noun Everywhere; over a great distance or area. Now that we’ve graduated, my college friends are all over that place, and I hardly ever see them. Please clean your room, your clothes are all over the place! You know it’s finals time when there are just books all over the place in a college dorm room.

2. adjective Very scattered or disorganized; ill-conceived. Boy, that presentation was all over the place. It’s like they wrote it five minutes before taking the stage! Mary is all over the place with her plans for the future. I wish she would just pick something and stick to it! Well, your term paper was all over the place, but you did eventually find a compelling thesis on page eight.

Farlex Dictionary of Idioms. © 2022 Farlex, Inc, all rights reserved.

all over the place

Also, all over town or the world . See under all over, def. 1.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of Idioms by Christine Ammer. Copyright © 2003, 1997 by The Christine Ammer 1992 Trust. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

all over the place

COMMON If something is happening or exists all over the place, it is happening or it exists in many different places. Businesses are closing down all over the place. There are picket lines all over the place.

1. If things are all over the place, they are spread over a very large area, usually in a disorganized way. There were clothes lying all over the place.

2. If you say that someone is all over the place, you mean that they are confused or disorganized, and unable to think clearly or act sensibly. She only had two weeks to prepare and she was all over the place trying not to collapse. When I played in the Scottish tournament I was all over the place.

Collins COBUILD Idioms Dictionary, 3rd ed. © HarperCollins Publishers 2012

all over the place

in a state of confusion or disorganization. informal

Other variants of this phrase include all over the map and all over the lot which are North American, and all over the shop which is mainly British.

1997 Spectator The government…proposed equalising standards and making them comparable…there could be no clearer admission that standards are all over the place.

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

all ˈover the place

1 everywhere: In my job I have to travel all over the place.
2 not neat or tidy; not well organized: There were books and papers all over the place.Your calculations are all over the place (= completely wrong).

Farlex Partner Idioms Dictionary © Farlex 2017

all over the place

In or to many locations; everywhere: Film is sold all over the place.

American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.

See also:

  • angle
  • angling
  • swank
  • wear (one’s) apron high
  • high
  • high, wide, and handsome
  • brimstone
  • fire and brimstone

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.




по всему дому

все вокруг

по всему месту

в разных местах

куда ни попадя

как попало


во все стороны

It’s all over the place; it’s endlessly repeated.

Это повсюду; это бесконечно повторяется.

At the same time, beautiful gardens and waterways can be seen all over the place.

В то же время прекрасные сады и водные пути можно увидеть повсюду.

Your site must be advertised and promoted well to be available all over the place.

Ваш сайт должен продаваться и продвигаться хорошо, чтобы присутствовать везде.

They’re all over the place like dogs.

Они рыскают везде, как собаки.

You’ll find these fearless creatures meandering along all over the place, even on the beach.

Вы увидите эти бесстрашные существа блуждающими повсеместно, даже на пляже.

Aromatherapy is now used all over the place and even in expensive foreign clinics.

Ароматерапия сегодня используется повсеместно и даже в дорогих зарубежных клиниках.

Or when a pregnant woman suddenly notices other pregnant women all over the place.

Или когда беременная женщина внезапно замечает других беременных женщин повсюду.

But nowadays, I get letters about it all the time, from people all over the place.

Но сейчас, я получаю письма об этом все время, от людей повсеместно.

When it comes to habitat, bobcats are all over the place.

Когда дело доходит до места обитания, bobcats повсюду.

They live all over the place though rather than in just one particular region.

Они живут повсюду, а не только в одном конкретном регионе.

Skeletons are ubiquitous; they’re found all over the place.

Скелеты повсеместны, их находят повсюду.

Police have been crawling all over the place since.

С тех пор полиция было повсюду.

This close to the border, there are checkpoints all over the place.

Так близко к границе контрольные пункты повсюду.

We see it on blogs all over the place.

Мы видим это повсюду в блогах.

Intelligence appears all over the place, in all kinds of guises.

Разум представлен повсюду, во всех возможных обликах.

But it was like they were trying to make themselves jump all over the place.

Но выглядело это, как будто они пытались показать себя прыгая повсюду.

There’s kids on bikes all over the place, it’s wonderful.

Дети на велосипедах повсюду, просто чудесно.

I distinctly remember leaving it right here, all over the place.

Я отлично помню, что оставлял их вот тут, везде.

Gyroscopes are used all over the place: in airplanes, in spacecraft, in submarines.

Гироскопы используются везде в самолетах, в космических аппаратов, на подводных лодках.

I mean, security’s crawling all over the place.

В смысле, охрана ползает везде.

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all over the place — перевод на русский


Они повсюду.

He’s all over the place, yet we can’t catch up with him.

Он успевает повсюду, а мы никак не можем поймать его.

The children have been flitting all over the place.

Дети побывали повсюду.

— and larking all over the place. — Yeah.

— и забавы повсюду.

I say, forgive the intrusion, my dear prince… but Mr. Cole is looking all over the place for you.

Послушайте, простите за вторжение, мой дорогой принц.. Но м-р Коул повсюду разыскивает Вас

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From where l stand, the sun is shining all over the place.

На мой взгляд, везде светит солнце.

In hospital he’d hide cigars and brandy all over the place. We called him Wilfrid the fox.

В больнице он везде прятал сигары и виски, мы прозвали вас Уилфрид-лис.

All over the place, really: On marble tabletops, in coffee shops and bars.

Я везде тебя рисовал — на столиках в барах, в ресторанах.

They’re all through here, all over the place.

Они здесь повсюду, везде. Тысячи.

They should have children’s homes all over the place.

Везде должны быть дома для детей.

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I’m all over the place, mate.

Я на месте, старина.

I’m all over the place.

Не могу удержаться на месте.

Oh, it’s all over the place.

Это было на месте.

-I looked for him all over the place.

-Пришлось искать по всем местам.

Instead of having to string power lines all over the place, you just transmit the energy through the air or through the ground.

Вместо того чтобы тянуть линии электропередач по всем местам, вы прямо передаете электричество по воздуху или по земле.

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All I know is I go to all the trouble putting nails up all over the place to keep things organized and now I can’t find my god damned shirt.

Я знаю только то, что потратил кучу времени, забивая гвозди по всему дому, чтобы был порядок, а теперь не могу найти эту чёртову футболку.

Glasses and fag ends all over the place.

Стаканы и окурки по всему дому валяются.

You know, your man has the head of a fly and he’s chasing his wife all over the place, she’s trying to hide the jam so as he won’t get stuck in it… –I have to stop you there.

Помнишь, у человека была голова мухи, и он гонялся за своей женой по всему дому, а она прятала варенье, чтобы он не прилип… — Должен прервать тебя, Дугал.

I’d love to have a few hundred rabbits running all over the place.

Как бы я хотел, чтобы по всему дому скакала пара сотен кроликов.

And get his paws in the poop and get poop all over the place.

Затем лапами влезал в какашки и разносил их по всему дому.

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Flapping all over the place.

Треплешься тут повсюду.

You got bugs all over this place.

У вас тут повсюду жуки.

There’s boats all over this place.

Тут повсюду лодки.

Those dumbwaiters they used during Prohibition to haul the liquor up-— they’re all over the place.

Эти лифты использовались во время Сухого Закона для перевозки алкоголя — они тут повсюду.

And can you please find a place to put all these magazines that are lying all over the place?

Ты не могла бы найти место для этих журналов, которые тут повсюду валяются?

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You’ll just choke and puke all over the place.

А то долго кашлять будешь, да и вырвать здесь запросто может.

And then the well can’t produce and blow gold all over the place.

Так ВЫШКА работать не сможет, и ЗОЛОТА никто здесь не увидит.

You can «balloon» all over this place, ’cause the «rock» is leaving.

Ты можешь «раздуваться» и летать здесь, потому что «камень» уходит.

In about one minute, there will be carabinieri all over this place.

Через минуту толпы полиции будут здесь кругом рыскать.

They’ll be all over the place.

Скоро они все будут здесь.

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My clothes used to be all over the place.

Моя одежда была разбросана по всей комнате.

What happens is she throws me all over the place.

На самом деле, она швыряет меня по всей комнате.

I’m fed up of finding blocks all over the place.

ћне надоело собирать их по всей комнате.

Needle’s all over the place.

Зато зашкал по всей комнате.

Just a half an hour ago, You told me to put a lid on my crazy, And here you are letting your crazy spill all over the place.

Еще полчаса назад ты приказала мне спрятать своё безумие, а сейчас ты источаешь свое по всей комнате.

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Yuck, this stuff is all over the place.

Фу, эта штука здесь повсюду.

They’re all over the place!

Они здесь повсюду!

— The guy scattered all over this place,

-Парня разбросало здесь повсюду,

I got cameras all over this place.

У меня камеры здесь повсюду.

She’s all over the place.

Она здесь повсюду.

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Where? — Oh, all over the place.

В разных местах.

That’s… that’s because my life’s been sort of spent all over the place.

Это… Это потому, что я жила в разных местах.

You remember how you told me you were gonna cut me up in little pieces and plant me all over the place?

Помнишь, как ты собиралась порезать меня на маленькие кусочки и закопать меня в разных местах?

They’re popping back all over the place.

Они появляются в разных местах.

These hicks stash their dough all over the place in case of a holdup.

Эти провинциалы прячут свои деньги по разным местам, боясь что их ограбят.

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We discovered that your husband had been spending a large number of pound notes all over the place.

Мы узнали, что ваш муж всюду тратит большие суммы в однофунтовых купюрах.

Dada, we’ve been looking for you all over the place, me and Ma.

Папа, мы тебя всюду искали, мама и я.

Yeah. Immortality all over the place.

Да, всюду бессмертие.

You’re all over the place. Up to no good.

Ты ото всюду сбегаешь Ты просто жалкий трус!

These are from all over the place.

Они ото всюду.

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English idiom – All over the place

all over the place

2018 FIFA World Cup.svg

The World Cup is a big event!

This year’s tournament will have 64 matches and they will be played in 12 stadiums in 11 cities across Russia. The matches will be played all over the country!

All over the place English idiom

The English Idiom “All over the place” has 2 meanings that you will learn how to use in this blog post.

All over the place – meaning #1

everywhere; over a great distance or area.

“Starbucks has become very popular in Tokyo. New cafes are opening all over the place.”

= There are Starbucks cafes everywhere now.

“As my friends got older they moved away from my hometown. Now they’re all over the place and I don’t see them much.”

= My friends live a great distance from me (far away and in different places)

Learn the English idiom all over the place

All over the place – meaning #2

 not neat; not well organized

“Your desk is a mess! You’ve got files all over the place. How can you find anything?”

= Your desk is not clean, it must be difficult to find a specific file.

“Trevor’s presentation was hard to follow. His ideas were all over the place.”

= His ideas were not organized well, his presentation was not clear.

Learn the English idiom all over the place

For meaning ① the word place has a general feeling, it means everywhere. It’s also okay to use a specific area name instead of the word place. Remember my first example:

The matches will be played all over the country!”

In this sentence, instead of saying the place I said the country. The feeling is the same but the place is not so general, it means Russia. The matches will be played all over Russia.”

Please look at these other examples:

“Starbucks has become very popular in Tokyo. New cafes are opening all over the city.” 

“As my friends got older they moved away from my hometown. Now they’re all over the state and I don’t see them much.”

For meaning ② all over the place can also be used to describe a state of mind (the condition of your mind) to mean confused or unclear. Often someone is thinking about too many things at once, and they can’t to focus.

A: “Dave, did you hear what I just said?”

B: “Sorry I missed it. My mind is all over the place today.”

= It’s hard to focus so I didn’t hear what you said.

Do you understand the idiom all over the place now?

Please write your own example sentence in the comments below!

Learn the English idiom All over the place

There are elections signs all over the place 

in my neighborhood. It doesn’t look very nice. 

I’ll be glad when the election is over!

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Prepositional phrase[edit]

all over the place

  1. (idiomatic) In multiple directions or locations, often haphazardly; everywhere.
    Synonym: scattershot

    They started firing all over the place.

    In Genoa there are stray cats all over the place.

    I’ve been looking for you all over the place.

    • 2004, Ruth Ozeki, All Over Creation, Penguin, →ISBN, page 267:

      I couldn’t believe it. “This is insane! You don’t know what you’re getting into, Dad. We can’t have lots of people swarming all over the place. You’re supposed to be getting rest.”

  2. (idiomatic) Inconsistent; lacking a clear pattern; with a large amount of variation.
    Synonym: at random

    I asked each person in turn, and their answers were all over the place.


  • (everywhere): all over hell’s half acre; all over the shop; all over the gaff; all over the map; all over the board; here, there and everywhere; up hill and down dale


In multiple directions or locations, often haphazardly; everywhere.

  • Finnish: kaikkialle (fi), joka paikkaan, joka puolelle; kaikkialla (fi), joka paikassa, joka puolella; pitkin poikin (fi)
  • French: dans tous les sens, en tous sens
  • German: überall (de), an jeder Ecke, wo man auch geht und steht
  • Russian: (direction) куда́ попа́ло (kudá popálo), куда́ ни по́падя (kudá ni pópadja), (location or direction) повсю́ду (ru) (povsjúdu), (location) везде́ (vezdé)
  • Spanish: por doquier m, por doquiera (es) f
  • Swedish: hej vilt (sv) (direction, colloquial), överallt (sv) (location)

Inconsistent; lacking a clear pattern; with a large amount of variation.

Translations to be checked

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