Word may be lie

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На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

But let us not forget that above and beyond the security needs of States, no matter how important these may be, lie the security needs of humanity, which call for a halt to nuclear explosions, a halt this year and for all time.

Однако не будем забывать, что нужды безопасности государств, как бы важны они ни были, все-таки перевешиваются нуждами безопасности человечества, которые требуют прекращения ядерных взрывов — прекращения в этом году и навсегда.

A few of these may be left unused, and being forgotten lie dormant for long centuries.

As depressing as these stats may be, I personally find the values and aspirations that lie behind the statistics to be more worrying.

True, these sources overlap, different as they may be in the nature of their risk, difficulty, and complexity, and the potential for innovation may well lie in more than one area at a time.

На практике эти источники пересекаются, несмотря на существенные различия в природе связанного с ними риска, а также степени их сложности и трудности реализации, и потенциал для инноваций вполне можно найти одновременно в нескольких областях.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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He may be lying about the message to Vega, but he’s telling the truth about the power of New Delphi.

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Он возможно наврал насчет сообщения в Вегу, но насчет мощи Нью- Делфи он говорит правду.

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сказал, что они получаются у меня спонтанно, но это было бы ложью.

That the Nine had indeed arisen I felt assured,

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Я был уверен в том, что всадники действительно

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He may be lying about Germans in the neighborhood, but we can’t tell.

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Может, он и врет, что немцы неподалеку, но мы этого не знаем.

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Я видела их планы. Ты когда нибудь задумывалась, что, возможно, они лгут?

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But he

might be

gone away some time, or he might be lying out on the mountain-side keeping watch,

and still I expect smokes and steams would come out of the gates:

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Но он


и вовсе от сутствовать или может лежать и сто рожить на склоне Горы,

а дым и пар все равно будут выходить оттуда:

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Of course, she might just be lying because she’s afraid of her brother.

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Конечно, она может лгать, поскольку боится своего брата.

There may be hadrons which lie outside the quark model.

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We have not received any notice about the lien on the shares; it may be a lie,” Glonti told media. ge.

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Так ты думаешь я лгу?



as well be lying naked in the street!

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Мы почти что лежим голые на улице!

Do you think he


be lying about the whole, uh,»Metatron’s spell being irreversible» thing?

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Как думаешь, он лжет о всем об этом, о необратимости заклинания Метатрона?

Nineteenth-century French art critic

Jules-Antoine Castagnary commented that the woman in the painting may be«a Parisian modiste…


in wait for a millionaire gone astray in this wild spot.

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Французский критик Жюль- Антуан

прокомментировал полотно так, что, по его мнению, женщина на картине может быть« персидской модисткой… в засаде на миллионера, сбившегося с пути в этом диком месте».

But let us not forget that above and beyond the security needs of States,

no matter how important these may be,


the security needs of humanity,

which call for a halt to nuclear explosions, a halt this year and for all time.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Однако не


забывать, что нужды безопасности государств,

как бы важны они ни были, все-таки перевешиваются нуждами безопасности человечества,

которые требуют прекращения ядерных взрывов- прекращения в этом году и навсегда.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 800,
Time: 0.0225





Enjoy reading and share 72 famous quotes about Words May Lie with everyone.

Words May Lie Quotes By Suzanne Enoch

We are not a couple,’ she said softly. ‘Therefore I cannot cuckold you.’
‘Shall I pull out the note and point to the bit where it says we’re lovers?’
Her lashes lowered a touch. ‘Are you jealous, darling?’
‘Sleep with whomever you please, Diane. But if you attempt to make me look the fool, I won’t be so cooperative.’ Even as he spoke the words he realized he was lying — which wasn’t that unusual, except for the fact that he’d evidently been attempting to lie to himself. That was a damned useless waste of effort. — Suzanne Enoch

Words May Lie Quotes By Sam Starbuck

Do Engineers have stories, Jack?» he asked.
«What?» Jack said, without moving.
«Stories. Myths. Things to keep the boredom out on a long shift.»
«I think they play cards, mostly,» Jack answered. It was a lie, but he told it with surprising deftness; not a waver in his voice or a hesitation in his words. Only the tightening of his shoulders told Ellis he was lying. — Sam Starbuck

Words May Lie Quotes By Danu Morrigan

Our Narcissistic Mother told us a Big Lie. She told it subliminally if not in actual words. And The Big Lie was this: If we tried hard enough we could win her approval and her love. If we were good enough, or wise enough, or beautiful enough, or that-magical-unspecified-ingredient enough. In other words, if we achieved perfection, she would love us. — Danu Morrigan

Words May Lie Quotes By Nizar Qabbani

When a man is in love
how can he use old words?
Should a woman
desiring her lover
lie down with
grammarians and linguists?
I said nothing
to the woman I loved
but gathered
love’s adjectives into a suitcase
and fled from all languages. — Nizar Qabbani

Words May Lie Quotes By Victoria Aveyard

I didn’t ask if you could read it,’ he replies, still pleasant. ‘Besides, words can lie. See beyond them. — Victoria Aveyard

Words May Lie Quotes By John O'Donohue

One of the tasks of true friendship is to listen compassionately and creatively to the hidden silences. Often secrets are not revealed in words, they lie concealed in the silence between the words or in the depth of what is unsayable between two people. — John O’Donohue

Words May Lie Quotes By Martin Luther

We are so unrepentant that we would rather perish than confess truthfully that we are sinners and justify God by means of confession. David justified the prophet Nathan’s words: ‘You are an adulterer, a murderer, and a blasphemer.’ When David heard this, he was chastened and replied: ‘The words are true.’ He confessed his sins immediately and received forgiveness. Nathan did not write David a letter of indulgence, nor did he say to him: ‘Make a pilgrimage to St. James, or have Masses read; or lie down in a hairy garment!’ No, he said: ‘The Lord has removed your sin. — Martin Luther

Words May Lie Quotes By Deyth Banger

We do and say useless and pointless stuff and words, if we think little deeper why we go and masturbate?? (No,… No don’t change the page… don’t close it or whatever do…. look me right in the face and listen it’s not a shit… it’s how the matrix is build)… well… let’s start from here… we masturbate and after all in the other day or after few days we will do it again…, we eat food and after all we eat again and again until we die… we say useless words and after all who in the hell to know why, we do that???

But after all from this useless words comes the one useful story if the useless words didn’t exist… it won’t also exist the advange called itself «story». — Deyth Banger

Words May Lie Quotes By Dawn Stewart Field

Facts do not lie within biased opinions. — Dawn Stewart Field

Words May Lie Quotes By Whitney Barbetti

I am. I’m rude because I don’t conform to society’s standards that white lies are inconsequential. I don’t believe in hiding behind words that aren’t truthful. I’m an impatient man. I don’t beat around the bush. If you ask me something, I won’t lie to you. — Whitney Barbetti

Words May Lie Quotes By Edith Wharton

As he lay there, fragments of past states of emotion, fugitive felicities of thought and sensation, rose and floated on the surface of his thoughts. It was one of those moments when the accumulated impressions of life converge on heart and brain, elucidating, enlacing each other, in a mysterious confusion of beauty. He had had glimpses of such a state before, of such mergings of the personal with the general life that one felt one’s self a mere wave on the wild stream of being, yet thrilled with a sharper sense of individuality than can be known within the mere bounds of the actual. But now he knew the sensation in its fulness, and with it came the releasing power of language. Words were flashing like brilliant birds through the boughs overhead; he had but to wave his magic wand to have them flutter down to him. Only they were so beautiful up there, weaving their fantastic flights against the blue, that it was pleasanter, for the moment, to watch them and let the wand lie. — Edith Wharton

Words May Lie Quotes By Stephen King

The most important things are the hardest to say. They are the things you get ashamed of, because words diminish them
words shrink things that seemed limitless when they were in your head to no more than living size when they’re brought out. But it’s more than that, isn’t it? The most important things lie too close to wherever your secret heart is buried, like landmarks to a treasure your enemies would love to steal away. And you may make revelations that cost you dearly only to have people look at you in a funny way, not understanding what you’ve said at all, or why you thought it was so important that you almost cried while you were saying it. That’s the worst, I think. When the secret stays locked within not for want of a teller but for want of an understanding ear. — Stephen King

Words May Lie Quotes By Amy Schumer

As women, most interactions from around age eight on teach us to keep things cool so no one is inspired to, God forbid, call us the U or F words: «ugly» or «fat.» I’m not the first to point out how women are taught that our value comes from how we look, and that it takes a lifetime (or at least until menopause) for most women to undo this awful lie. As — Amy Schumer

Words May Lie Quotes By Khaled Hosseini

So much had happened since those childhood days, so much that needed to be said. But that first night the enormity of it all stole the words from her. That night, it was blessing enough to be beside him. It was blessing enough to know that he was here, to feel the warmth of him next to her, to lie with him, their heads touching, his right hand laced in her left. — Khaled Hosseini

Words May Lie Quotes By Richard Flanagan

Dorrigo, the children, her friends, and her wider family — they all existed for her as a way of divining the world. It was a far larger and more wondrous place with them than it was without them. If she hoped for the same love from Dorrigo, and if she was disappointed in her hope, she did not feel its absence as a reason not to love him. The problem was that she did. Her love was without reason and would never yield to reason. Though it longed for requital, her love in the end did not demand it.
But when he was away at night, she would lie awake, unable to sleep. And she would think of him and her and feel the most overwhelming sadness. She may have been a trusting woman but she was very far from a stupid one. She repeated his words and echoed his opinions not because she was without thoughts of her own, but because her nature was one that wished to live through others. Without love, what was the world? Just objects, things, light, darkness. — Richard Flanagan

Words May Lie Quotes By Ivan Goncharov

She never indulged in reveries or tried to be clever in her conversation; she seemed to have drawn a line in her mind beyond which she never went. It was quite obvious that feelings, every kind of relationship, including love, entered into her life on equal terms with everything else, while in the case of other women love quite manifestly takes part, if not in deeds, then in words, in all the problems of life, and everything else is allowed in only in so far as love leaves room for it. The thing this woman esteemed most was the art of living, of being able to control oneself, of keeping a balance between thought and intention, intention and realization. You could never take her unawares, by surprise, but she was like a watchful enemy whose expectant gaze would always be fixed on you, however hard you tried to lie in wait for him. High society was her element, and therefore tact and caution prompted her every thought, word, and movement. — Ivan Goncharov

Words May Lie Quotes By Criss Jami

A rumor is a social cancer: it is difficult to contain and it rots the brains of the masses. However, the real danger is that so many people find rumors enjoyable. That part causes the infection. And in such cases when a rumor is only partially made of truth, it is difficult to pinpoint exactly where the information may have gone wrong. It is passed on and on until some brave soul questions its validity; that brave soul refuses to bite the apple and let the apple eat him. Forced to start from scratch for the sake of purity and truth, that brave soul, figuratively speaking, fully amputates the information in order to protect his personal judgment. In other words, his ignorance is to be valued more than the lie believed to be true. — Criss Jami

Words May Lie Quotes By Clifford A. Pickover

In this book, you will encounter various interesting geometries that have been thought to hold the keys to the universe. Galileo Galilei (1564-1642) suggested that «Nature’s great book is written in mathematical symbols.» Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) modeled the solar system with Platonic solids such as the dodecahedron. In the 1960s, physicist Eugene Wigner (1902-1995) was impressed with the «unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences.» Large Lie groups, like E8-which is discussed in the entry «The Quest for Lie Group E8 (2007)»- may someday help us create a unified theory of physics. in 2007, Swedish American cosmologist Max Tegmark published both scientific and popular articles on the mathematical universe hypothesis, which states that our physical reality is a mathematical structure-in other words, our universe in not just described by mathematics-it is mathematics. — Clifford A. Pickover

Words May Lie Quotes By Corey Mesler

I miss you because memory
is a kind editor.
The past is a long scroll and
in it is the story of us,
told with gentle metaphor, and
words that bring
you back and back, even as you
lie there, lying. — Corey Mesler

Words May Lie Quotes By Gennadius Of Constantinople

Adorn yourself with truth, try to speak truth in all things; and do not support a lie, no matter who asks you. If you speak the truth and someone gets mad at you, don’t be upset, but take comfort in the words of the Lord: Blessed are those who are persecuted for the sake of truth, for theirs is the Kingdom of Heaven (Matt. 5:10). — Gennadius Of Constantinople

Words May Lie Quotes By Courtney M. Privett

History is the lie. History’s words stain otherwise pristine books, drops of inky poison frosted in sugared deception. — Courtney M. Privett

Words May Lie Quotes By D.Alma

Your words seduced me,captured and imprisoned me in a world of wonders.
Enthralled, I lie at your feet,slayed and yearning for more of your magic. — D.Alma

Words May Lie Quotes By Joseph Campbell

Mythology is not a lie, mythology is poetry, it is metaphorical. It has been well said that mythology is the penultimate truth
penultimate because the ultimate cannot be put into words. It is beyond words. Beyond images, beyond that bounding rim of the Buddhist Wheel of Becoming. Mythology pitches the mind beyond that rim, to what can be known but not told. — Joseph Campbell

Words May Lie Quotes By Munia Khan

Truth will keep on telling the truth
Lies will lie to be more uncouth
No more rainbow after the storm
Nowhere to escape leaving the norm — Munia Khan

Words May Lie Quotes By Julianne Malveaux

Of course, Mr. Hannity was outraged that any American would not cross her hand over her heart and repeat the hypocritical words, one nation. Whenever we come up on the Fourth of You Lie, I think of Frederick Douglas and his masterful oration, The meaning of the Fourth of July to the Negro. Pledge the flag? I think not! — Julianne Malveaux

Words May Lie Quotes By Frances Hardinge

For in this sickened world, it is better to believe in something too fiercely than to believe in nothing.’ Words, words, wonderful words. But lies too. ‘No, it isn’t!’ shouted Mosca the Housefly, Quillam Mye’s daughter. ‘Not if what you’re believin’ isn’t blinkin’ well True! You shouldn’t just go believin’ things for no reason, pertickly if you got a sword in your hand! Sacred just means something you’re not meant to think about properly, an’ you should never stop thinking! Show me something I can kick, and hit with rocks, and set fire to, and leave out in the rain, and think about, and if it’s still standing after all that then maybe, just maybe, I’ll start to believe in it, but not till then. An’ if all we’re left with is muck and wickedness and no gods, then we’d better face it and get used to it because it’s better than a lie. Which is what you are, Mr Kohlrabi.’ Mosca — Frances Hardinge

Words May Lie Quotes By Cristiane Serruya

Sometimes, silence speaks louder than words. Just because it is peaceful, it doesn’t mean it is still and void, as a few may think. It is insightful, powerful and full of meaning. It is when one can’t lie to oneself. You have to learn to listen to what she is not saying. Listen to her silence. And listen to yours, too. — Cristiane Serruya

Words May Lie Quotes By Nyrae Dawn

I don’t know what it is about you that makes me want you so fucking bad.’
They may not be the words a girl longs to hear, but I cherish them. Because they’re real and real is better than a pretty lie. — Nyrae Dawn

Words May Lie Quotes By Tove Jansson

If words lie face down there’s a chance they might change during the night; you may suddenly come to see them with a new eye, perhaps with a rapid flash of insight. It is conceivable. — Tove Jansson

Words May Lie Quotes By Michael Bassey Johnson

You may use a thousand words for a single lie, but the truth has no twin. — Michael Bassey Johnson

Words May Lie Quotes By Gwendolyn Brooks

I am an ordinary human being who is impelled to write poetry … I still do feel that a poet has a duty to words, and that words can do wonderful things, and it’s too bad to just let them lie there without doing anything with and for them. — Gwendolyn Brooks

Words May Lie Quotes By Vaughn R. Demont

You have fought for and claimed your names, and though you may be struck, you will never fall. And that … » His eyes moisten, fear tingeing his voice, no, it’s apprehension. He takes a breath, steels himself. «And that is why I love you.»
Seconds pass as his words settle in. I know what he wants to hear, what he aches to hear, what his eyes plead me for. But I can’t tell him that because he wants to hear it back. I can’t tell him that because it might be what he’s pinning his hopes on, a bulwark he’ll set against madness. I can’t tell him that because Heath could never get a guy like him. I can’t tell him that because I don’t want him to be alone, or because I don’t want to be alone. I can’t tell him that because of a million stupid reasons that he would eventually see through, and resent me for. I can’t lie to him.
«I love you, Cale.»
I tell him because I mean it. — Vaughn R. Demont

Words May Lie Quotes By Rabindranath Tagore

Be not concerned about her heart, my heart: be content if the music is true, though the words are not to be believed; enjoy the grace that dances like a lily on the rippling, deceiving surface, whatever may lie beneath. — Rabindranath Tagore

Words May Lie Quotes By Mikhail Bakunin

A person is strong only when he stands upon his own truth, when he speaks and acts with his deepest convictions. Then, whatever the situation he may be in, he always knows what he must say and do. He may fall, but he cannot bring shame upon himself or his cause. If we seek the liberation of the people by means of a lie, we will surely grow confused, go astray, and loose sight of our objective, and if we have any influence at all on the people we will lead them astray as well — in other words, we will be acting in the spirit of reaction and to its benefit. — Mikhail Bakunin

Words May Lie Quotes By John Green

Colin thought about the dork mantra: sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me. What a dirty lie. — John Green

Words May Lie Quotes By Josh Sundquist

After all, truth is not always a virtue when it is pursued for its own sake or, worse, simply to make its teller feel morally superior. That’s the problem with those who let the rules of religion overshadow its spirit
which is, of course, love. And grace. In other words, there are times when telling an outright lie may be the most loving thing a person can do. — Josh Sundquist

Words May Lie Quotes By Michel Parry

At this point, a few words on this term ‘horror’ are perhaps called for. Some amateurs of this kind of literature engage in endless hairsplitting disputes, centered around this word and its close companion ‘terror’, as to which’ stories may so be categorized and which may not, and whether or not descriptions such as weird or fantasy or macabre are preferable. The designation ‘horror’, with its connotations of revulsion, satisfies me no more than it does the purists but I believe that it is the only term which embraces all the stories in this collection and which succinctly suggests to the majority of readers what is in store for them. Horror then, in this instance, covers tales of the Supernatural and of physical terror, of ghosts and necromancy and of inhuman violence and all the dark corners and crevices of human belief and behavior that lie in between. («An Age In Horror» — introduction) — Michel Parry

Words May Lie Quotes By K. Eric Drexler

The pace of innovation continues to increase, and the Information Revolution holds a hint of what may lie ahead. Taken together, the parallels between APM-based production and digital information systems suggest that change in an APM era could be swift indeed — not stretched out over millennia, like the spread of agriculture, nor over centuries, like the rise of industry, nor even over decades, like the spread of the Internet’s physical infrastructure. The prospect this time is a revolution without a manufacturing bottleneck, with production methods akin to sharing a video file. In other words, APM holds the potential for a physical revolution that, if unconstrained, could unfold at the speed of new digital media. — K. Eric Drexler

Words May Lie Quotes By Diana Rose Morcilla

But may the truth be told. May the true self may be found. May the truth rule the world more than ever. How easy life will be if everyone is just true to themselves, true to their words, true to their actions and true to life? — Diana Rose Morcilla

Words May Lie Quotes By Aleister Crowley

There is beauty in every incident of life; the true and the false, the wise and the foolish, are all one in the eye that beholds all without passion or prejudice: and the secret appears to lie not in the retirement from the world, but in keeping a part of oneself Vestal, sacred, intact, aloof from that self which makes contact with the external universe. In other words, in a separation of that which is and perceives from that which acts and suffers. And the art of doing this is really the art of being an artist. As a rule, it is a birthright; it may perhaps be attained by prayer and fasting; most surely, it can never be bought. — Aleister Crowley

Words May Lie Quotes By Episcopal Church

For Sleep O heavenly Father, you give your children sleep for the refreshing of soul and body: Grant me this gift, I pray; keep me in that perfect peace which you have promised to those whose minds are fixed on you; and give me such a sense of your presence, that in the hours of silence I may enjoy the blessed assurance of your love; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. In the Morning This is another day, O Lord. I know not what it will bring forth, but make me ready, Lord, for whatever it may be. If I am to stand up, help me to stand bravely. If I am to sit still, help me to sit quietly. If I am to lie low, help me to do it patiently. And if I am to do nothing, let me do it gallantly. Make these words more than words, and give me the Spirit of Jesus. Amen. — Episcopal Church

Words May Lie Quotes By Margaret Atwood

Books are frozen voices, in the same way that musical scores are frozen music. The score is a way of transmitting the music to someone who can play it, releasing it into the air where it can once more be heard. And the black alphabet marks on the page represent words that were once spoken, if only in the writer’s head. They lie there inert until a reader comes along and transforms the letters into living sounds. The reader is the musician of the book: each reader may read the same text, just as each violinist plays the same piece, but each interpretation is different. — Margaret Atwood

Words May Lie Quotes By Andrew Murray

The power of prayer does not lie in the number or earnestness of the words you use, but in a living faith that God Himself accepts both you and your prayer into His loving heart. — Andrew Murray

Words May Lie Quotes By Jonathan Swift

A lie does not consist in the indirect position of words, but in the desire and intention, by false speaking, to deceive and injure your neighbour. — Jonathan Swift

Words May Lie Quotes By Emery Lord

It’s okay,’ he says, eyes closed. He’s not even awake. ‘It’s okay.’
He says these words even in his sleep, like he has said them so often that it’s his mouth’s default sentiment. All this pain in his life, all this care he doles out to everyone else. And yet he still cracks his broken heart open even wider — wide enough to fit me, too. I wonder how much this must hurt him, the toll it just take to give more of himself to me when he already has so little left to give.
In slumber, his arm stays wrapped around me, encasing me for safekeeping. He would protect me even in his unconscious state, as we lie beneath my ceiling’s half-painted sky.
This thought is enough to swell my heart — to swell, and to break. — Emery Lord

Words May Lie Quotes By James A. Baldwin

Talent is insignificant. I know a lot of talented ruins. Beyond talent lie all the usual words: discipline, love, luck, but, most of all, endurance. — James A. Baldwin

Words May Lie Quotes By Tessa Dare

But he hadn’t appeared that night. Not the next morning, either. By the time she finally crossed paths with him the following afternoon, his mumbled «Merry Christmas» was the extent of their exchange.
It seemed they were back to silence.
I don’t want you.
She tried to ignore the words echoing in her memory. They weren’t true, she told herself. She was an expert at deceit; she knew a lie when she heard one.
Still. What else to believe, when he avoided her thus?
Although he rarely spoke to her over the next two days, Sophia frequently overheard him speaking of her. Even these remarks were the tersest of commands: «Fetch Miss Turner more water,» or «See that her canopy doesn’t go slack.» She felt herself being tended, not unlike a goat. Fed, watered, sheltered. Perhaps she shouldn’t complain. Food, water, and shelter were all welcome things.
But Sophia was not livestock, and she had other, more profound needs. Needs he seemed intent on neglecting, the infuriating man. — Tessa Dare

Words May Lie Quotes By Andre Comte-Sponville

Don’t say bad words; don’t interrupt people; don’t shove; don’t steal; don’t lie. To the child, all these prohibitions appear identical («It’s not nice»). The distinction between the ethical and the aesthetic will come only later, and gradually. Politeness thus precedes morality, or rather, morality at first is nothing more than politeness: a compliance with usage and its established rules, with the normative play of appearances — a compliance with the world and the ways of the world. — Andre Comte-Sponville

Words May Lie Quotes By George Du Maurier

Sick I am of idle words, past all reconciling, Words that weary and perplex and pander and conceal, Wake the sounds that cannot lie, for all their sweet beguiling; The language one need fathom not, but only hear and feel. — George Du Maurier

Words May Lie Quotes By Bill O'Reilly

The Wehrmacht soldiers have the advantage of surprise and know this terrain far better than their enemies do. They slaughter the men of the Third Army where they lie hiding, killing them one by one. The last words many of the Americans will ever hear are spoken in German, in the quiet whisper of an assassin. Last — Bill O’Reilly

Words May Lie Quotes By Edgar Lee Masters

Rather a thousand times the county jail than to lie under this marble figure with wings and this granite pedestal bearing the words «pro patria.» What do they mean anyway? — Edgar Lee Masters

Words May Lie Quotes By John C. Lilly

As I say at the beginning of my workshops, ‘Everything I say here is a lie
bullshit, in other words
because anything that you put in words is not experience, is not the experiment. It’s a representation
a misrepresentation. — John C. Lilly

Words May Lie Quotes By Jim Butcher

You’re going to have to take care of yourself,» Karrin said quietly. «Over the next few weeks. Rest. Give yourself a chance to heal. Keep the wound on your leg clean. Get to a doctor and get that arm into a proper cast. I know you can’t feel it, but it’s important that
I stood, leaned over the bed, and kissed her on the mouth.
Her words dissolved into a soft sound that vibrated against my lips. Then her good arm slid around my neck, and there wasn’t any sound at all. It was a long kiss. A slow kiss. A good one. I didn’t draw away until it came to its end. I didn’t open my eyes for a moment after.
» … oh … ,» she said in a small voice. Her hand slid down my arm to lie upon mine.
«We do crazy things for love,» I said quietly, and turned my hand over, fingers curling around hers. — Jim Butcher

Words May Lie Quotes By Slavisa Pavlovic

Sometimes I believe that in life every promise should be taken with suspicion, disbelief, even as a lie because it features knights in the world without knights can not exist. Increasingly it seems that the people make promises lightly, and even easier to not fulfill. I believe that the main task of each of us to make this world a better position, so that all become knights, the swords do not carry it, but the words behind which we stand. — Slavisa Pavlovic

Words May Lie Quotes By Pope Benedict XVI

The unbreakable bond between love of God and love of neighbor is emphasized. One is so closely connected to the other that to say that we love God becomes a lie if we are closed to our neighbor or hate him altogether. Saint John’s words should rather be interpreted to mean that love of neighbor is a path that leads to the encounter with God, and that closing our eyes to our neighbor also blinds us to God. — Pope Benedict XVI

Words May Lie Quotes By Moses

You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your might. And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children, and shall talk of them when you sit in your house, and when you walk by the way, and when you lie down, and when you rise. — Moses

Words May Lie Quotes By Tom Robbins

What difference does it make if the Gospel is mostly a lie? It’s an engrossing story and the words of its hero are excellent words to live by, even today. — Tom Robbins

Words May Lie Quotes By Peter P. Mahoney

Lieutenants lied to captains, captains lied to colonels, colonels lied to generals, generals lied to politicians, politicians lied to the people. Right on up and down the line. It was like a complete and total, not a total lie, but just like so much, it was like PR, in other words it was like okay, we’ve got to sell the war to the American people. — Peter P. Mahoney

Words May Lie Quotes By Tera Lynn Childs

Admit it,» He insists. «I was right.»
«No.» I sniff. «You were wrong.» sniff. «I’m just crying»-sniff- «cause i’m so happy.» My tear take that lie as their cue and start streaming down my cheeks.
«Come on, Princess,» he says, «You don’t need to cry over that loser.»
This only makes me cry harder. We both know who the loser is in this scenario.
With a muttered curse, Quince wraps his arms around me and squeezes. It feels remarkably like a hug.
«Don’t cry,» he whispers in my ear. «Please.»
I don’t know if it’s his soft words or the fact that my face is now hidden by his broad chest, but i just let go. Three years of longing and loving from a distance have built to the breaking point, and i let it out all over his west coast choppers T-shirt.
«shhh,» He soothes. «He’s not worth it. — Tera Lynn Childs

Words May Lie Quotes By Molly Gloss

You know how it is between sisters in their middle age? that old old friendship, how loose-fitting it is? the comfort and safety in it? how you can let silence lie between you without it taking on any weight? how you can let words out of your mouth without wariness or precision because you know your sister will listen to what’s worthwhile and let the rest fall out of her ears into the air? how you can be surly, unreasonable, stupid, in the certainty of her grace? — Molly Gloss

Words May Lie Quotes By Richard Russo

Though here his voice faltered, because he knew as well as she did what came next, what words came next. If he could speak them, he might even convince her they were true, as his father had convinced his mother that Browning summer. It was the worst lie there was, imprisoning and ultimately embittering the hearer, playing upon her terrible need to believe. He could feel the I love you forming on his lips. Would he have said it if she hadn’t interrupted? — Richard Russo

Words May Lie Quotes By Russell Freedman

The Fuhrer himself was the target of the fourth leaflet: «Every word that comes from Hitler’s mouth is a lie. When he says peace, he means war, and when he blasphemously uses the name of the Almighty, he means the power of evil, the fallen angel, Satan. His mouth is the foul-smelling maw of Hell, and his might is at bottom accursed.» This leaflet ended with the words «We will not be silent. We are your bad conscience. The White Rose will not leave you in peace. — Russell Freedman

Words May Lie Quotes By Hunter S. Thompson

I find that by putting things in writing I can understand them and see them a little more objectively … For words are merely tools and if you use the right ones you can actually put even your life in order, if you don’t lie to yourself and use the wrong words. — Hunter S. Thompson

Words May Lie Quotes By Robert Higgs

General George C. Marshall’s words, making «sacrifices today in order that we may enjoy security and peace tomorrow» (qtd. in Neumann 1953, 549).9 The claim was either a mistake or a lie, however, because the U.S. government did not need to go to war, not even in the world wars, to preserve its people’s essential liberties and their way of life. Neither Kaiser Wilhelm’s forces nor Hitler’s — and certainly not Japan’s — had the capacity to deprive Americans of their liberties, to «take over the country,» to «destroy our way of life,» or to do anything of the sort. This country has always contained persecuted minorities, and it still does, but since 1789 the only government on earth that has had the power to crush the American people’s liberties across the board has been the government of the United States. U.S. participation in World War I was — Robert Higgs

Words May Lie Quotes By Matt Chandler

Press on, then, in the exercise of introspection. It is important to know yourself really well. It will not help you a bit if you lie when it comes to yourself. In other words, don’t lie to yourself about you. Know where you’re weak. Know your thoughts. Know the places in your heart that you don’t want to give to the Lord. You must build time into your life to become aware of what’s really going on in your heart, in your mind, and deep inside of you. Constantly ask yourself good diagnostic questions about areas of doubt and disbelief. — Matt Chandler

Words May Lie Quotes By Wilkie Collins

Sympathies that lie too deep for words, too deep almost for thoughts, are touched, at such times, by other charms than those which the senses feel and which the resources of expression can realise. — Wilkie Collins

Words May Lie Quotes By Tahereh Mafi

It’s 2 lines. Font like a typewriter inked across the very bottom of his torso.
hell is empty
and all the devils are here
Yes. Interesting. Yes. Sure. I think I need to lie down. «Books,» he’s saying, pulling his boxer-briefs up and rezipping his pants, «are easily destroyed. But words will live as long as people can remember them. Tattoos, for example, are very hard to forget. — Tahereh Mafi

Words May Lie Quotes By Christine Feehan

We are a traditional family in many ways,» she replied enigmatically, avoiding a lie. She wasn’t above lying to serve her mission, but not to Sam, not if she could help it.
His eyes warmed. «So we’re back to you giving me instructions on how to properly court you. Do I ask your brother’s permission?»
He was stealing her heart with his sincerity. She shook her head. «I am not a woman who would be practical in your life, Sam. You need a home and family . . .»
He laughed, interrupting her carefully chosen words. The sound was pure masculine amusement, sending a curling heat through her and making her forget everything she was going to say.
«I’m a soldier, Azami. That’s who I am. What I am. My woman will be my home — my family. Beyond that, who knows? I believe you’re that woman. — Christine Feehan

Words May Lie Quotes By Robert Fanney

Othalas: Words. What are they but shadows on a page or howling on the wind? They are as ever-changing as the mists below us and it is just as easy to lose sense of yourself among them. I am older than most sorcerers so what I know may, indeed, be close to the truth. Magic, wyrd, words, dreams, they all come from the spirit. Within them lie both power and peril. For to misuse any is to warp your sense of self. To lie in words, or in magic, or in dreams
that is how you become lost. The lights you see, they were lost long before they came to the Vale. — Robert Fanney

Words May Lie Quotes By Jeanette Winterson

You said, ‘I’m going to leave him because my love for you makes any other life a lie.’ I’ve hidden those words in the lining of my coat. I take them out like a jewel thief when no-one’s watching. They haven’t faded. Nothing about you has faded. You are still the colour of my blood. You are my blood. When I look in the mirror it’s not my own face I see. Your body is twice. Once you once me. Can I be sure which is which? — Jeanette Winterson

Words May Lie Quotes By Herman Melville

Book! You lie there; the fact is, you books must know your places. You’ll do to give us the bare words and facts, but we come in to supply the thoughts. — Herman Melville

Words May Lie Quotes By Richard Yates

Then he was gone, and Prentice was alone in a silence that rang with all his shrill, unspoken words. He was so alone that the only thing to do was lie back on the bed and roll over and draw up his knees like an unborn baby, staring with dry eyes at a cluster of pink flowers on the wallpaper, knowing he had never been so alone in his life. — Richard Yates

May и might — модальные глаголы в английском языке, которые часто употребляются как синонимы. При этом есть ситуации, в которых используется чаще may, а в других — might. Об этом мы и расскажем в нашей статье. Читайте, как с помощью may и might выразить предположение, просьбу, запрет, пожелание, упрек и т. д.

Модальные глаголы may и might в английском языке


  • 1. Случаи употребления модальных глаголов may и might
  • 2. Случаи употребления модального глагола may
  • 3. Случаи употребления модального глагола might

Модальные глаголы (modal verbs) в английском языке выражают отношение говорящего к действию, а не само действие или процесс. Поэтому после каждого модального глагола обязательно последует еще один — смысловой. Этот смысловой глагол должен употребляться в инфинитиве без частицы to.

Alice may get a promotion. — Элис может получить повышение.
I might go to the party tomorrow. — Может, я пойду на вечеринку завтра.

Многие студенты путают модальный глагол may (возможно, может быть, вероятно) и наречие maybe (возможно, вероятно). Они оба показывают вероятность того, что что-то может произойти, но относятся к разным частям речи.

Как не запутаться в употреблении maybe и may be? Наречие maybe обычно ставится в начале предложения, и его ближайшим синонимом является слово perhaps (возможно, может быть).

Maybe/Perhaps they will come to the meeting. — Возможно, они придут на совещание. (наречие, пишется слитно)
Не may be late for the meeting. — Он, возможно, опоздает на совещание. (модальный глагол + основной глагол, пишется раздельно)

Чтобы научиться отличать maybe и may be, запишитесь на наш курс «Практическая грамматика».

При построении отрицаний и вопросов модальным глаголам не требуются помощники в виде вспомогательных слов, они самостоятельно справляются с этой задачей. При отрицании просто добавьте not после may/might, а при вопросе — поставьте may/might перед подлежащим, в начало предложения.

They may not have time to visit us tomorrow. — Возможно, завтра у них не будет времени, чтобы проведать нас.
You might not like him, but he is a good guy. — Может, он тебе и не нравится, но он хороший парень.

May I borrow your pen, please? — Можно мне одолжить твою ручку, пожалуйста?
Might I have two days off the next week? — Могу ли я взять два выходных на следующей неделе?

В зависимости от ситуации и времени модальные глаголы may и might можно употреблять с разными формами инфинитива. В таблице ниже представлены его основные формы и функции.

Форма и функция инфинитива Формула Пример
Present Infinitive — для действия в настоящем или будущем may/might + инфинитив без частицы to They may be dangerous! — Они могут быть опасны!
He might not come. — Он, может быть, не придет.
Present Continuous Infinitive — для продолжительного действия в настоящем или будущем may/might + be + Ving He may be reading a newspaper now. — Возможно, он сейчас читает газету.
It might be raining outside. — Может быть, на улице идет дождь.
Perfect Infinitive — для действия в прошлом may/might + have + V3 I may have seen her before. — Я, вероятно, видел ее раньше.
As you might have heard, we lost the game. — Как ты, скорее всего, слышал, мы проиграли игру.
Perfect Continuous Infinitive — для продолжительного действия в прошлом may/might + have been + Ving Alice may have been listening to the loud music when I tried to reach her. — Вероятно, Элис слушала громкую музыку, когда я ей пытался дозвониться.
I might have been taking a shower when our postman came. — Должно быть, я принимал душ, когда приходил почтальон.

Обратите внимание на следующие нюансы:

  • Отрицательную форму may not сокращать нельзя. Might not можно сократить до mightn’t, но такая форма встречается редко.

    He mayn’t may not be right. — Он может быть неправ.
    He might not (mightn’t) be right. — Он может быть неправ.

  • С подлежащими в единственном числе (he/she/it) к основному глаголу после may и might не нужно добавлять окончание -s.

    Dan may reads read every day. — Вероятно, Дэн читает каждый день.

  • Might считается прошедшей формой глагола may, но при этом имеет и отдельные функции.

Случаи употребления модальных глаголов may и might

Давайте начнем с синонимичных значений модальных глаголов may и might.

  1. Вероятность, неуверенность

    Мы высказываем предположение, в котором не уверены на 100%. В таких случаях may указывает на бо́льшую вероятность совершения действия, чем might. В этом случае may и might на русский язык можно перевести как «наверное», «вероятно», «может быть». Предположения могут быть как о настоящем, так и о будущем.

    She may know him. — Она, наверное, его знает.
    She may be cooking dinner now. I saw her in the kitchen. — Возможно, она готовит ужин сейчас. Я видел ее на кухне.

    She might go to the USA on holiday, she hasn’t decided yet. — Может быть, она поедет в США на каникулы, она еще не решила.
    I might not be able to meet you at the airport. I will let you know tomorrow. — Может быть, у меня не получится встретить тебя в аэропорту. Я дам тебе знать завтра.

  2. Просьба

    May и might используются, когда нужно вежливо попросить что-то сделать. May является более вежливой формой по сравнению с модальным глаголом can, который также часто употребляют при просьбах. А might используется довольно редко, только в формальных ситуациях.

    May I see the manager, please?
    — Certainly.
    Могу я увидеть менеджера, пожалуйста?
    — Конечно.

    May I be excused?
    — Yes, please.
    — Прошу прощения, могу я выйти?
    — Да, пожалуйста.

    Excuse me, sir. Might I borrow these files for a moment, please? — Прошу прощения, сэр. Могу я взять эти документы на минуту, пожалуйста?

  3. Конструкции may as well и might as well

    На русский язык эти конструкции переводятся как «ничего не остается, кроме как» или «почему бы не», «можно вполне».

    Since nobody wants to go to the cinema with me, I might as well stay at home and watch some film on my own. — Поскольку никто не хочет идти со мной в кино, мне ничего не остается, кроме как остаться дома и посмотреть фильм в одиночку.
    We’ll have to wait for another hour here. We may as well go and have some coffee. — Нам еще час придется здесь ждать. Можно вполне пойти выпить кофе.

    Также используем эту конструкцию, когда недовольны каким-либо результатом. В этом случае переводим ее как «мочь с таким же успехом» и используем с перфектным инфинитивом.

    My driver’s school was so useless, I might as well have asked my younger brother to teach me to drive. — Мои курсы вождения были такими бесполезными. С таким же успехом я бы мог попросить своего младшего брата научить меня водить.

  4. Конструкции try as somebody may и try as somebody might

    Это фразы-клише для выражения сожаления, их можно перевести как «что бы кто-то ни делал» или «как бы кто-то ни старался».

    Try as I may, I can’t learn this poem by heart. — Как бы я ни старался, я не могу выучить этот стих наизусть.
    Try as he might, he could not find the criminal. — Что бы он ни делал, а преступника так и не смог найти.

Случаи употребления модального глагола may

Есть несколько функций, которые берет на себя только модальный глагол may.

  1. Разрешение

    Используйте may в формальной и письменной речи, когда позволяете кому-то что-то сделать.

    Passengers may take only one item of hand luggage on board. — Пассажиры могут взять на борт только одну единицу ручной клади. (письменное уведомление)
    You may make a phone call here. — Вы можете совершить телефонный звонок здесь.

  2. Запрет

    Когда вы запрещаете кому-то что-то делать, используйте may not. Это форма употребляется в формальной обстановке.

    May not даже стал предметом шутки среди учителей в англоязычных школах. Когда студент вместо более вежливого варианта May I be excused? (Можно ли мне выйти?) говорит Can I leave the room? (Могу я выйти?), учитель отвечает: Yes, you can, but you may not. (Да, ты можешь, но я тебе не разрешаю.) При этом он имеет в виду, что студент физически способен выйти из комнаты, но разрешения на это у него нет.

    I am sorry, but customers may not enter this room. — Простите, но покупателям нельзя заходить в эту комнату.
    We have some rules in this office. First, you may not smoke in here. — У нас есть правила в этом офисе. Во-первых, здесь запрещается курить.

  3. Пожелания

    May используется для выражения пожеланий. В таких случаях may нужно поставить на первое место в предложении. На русский язык may в данном контексте переводится как «пусть».

    May your dreams come true. — Пусть сбудутся твои мечты.

  4. May в значении although (хотя)

    May можно употребить с простым инфинитивом, когда мы сопоставляем факты и указываем на разницу.

    He may be the manager, but it is not the reason to be late every day. — Хотя он и руководитель, но это не повод опаздывать каждый день.
    You may know English better than me, but I think I should conduct negotiations. — Хотя ты и знаешь английский лучше, думаю, я должен вести переговоры.

  5. Типичные случаи

    May может употребляться в научных и академических текстах при описании типичных случаев.

    A lion may live in a pride or alone. — Лев может жить в прайде или один.

Случаи употребления модального глагола might

Также существуют случаи, когда уместнее употреблять модальный глагол might.

  1. Вероятность в прошлом

    Используйте might, когда говорите о ситуациях, которые происходили в прошлом и были привычными в то время. После might ставим простой инфинитив.

    You might go to the shop and buy an ice cream just for a few cents 50 years ago. We don’t have such prices now. — 50 лет назад ты мог пойти в магазин и купить мороженое всего за несколько центов. Сейчас таких цен нет.
    For no reason at all your grandfather and I might pack our bags and go hitch-hiking. We were so young and free. — Без всякого повода твой дедушка и я могли собрать сумки и отправиться в путешествие автостопом. Мы были так молоды и свободны.

  2. Упрек или неодобрение

    Если упрек относится к настоящему или будущему, то за might последует простой инфинитив, но если речь идет о прошлом, то после might нужен перфектный инфинитив.

    You might go and help your younger brother with homework. — Ты бы пошел и помог младшему брату с домашней работой.
    You might have told me you would be late. — Мог бы и сказать, что опоздаешь.

  3. Упущенная возможность в прошлом

    Используем might с перфектным инфинитивом, когда сожалеем о чем-то в прошлом — часто о том, что могло произойти, но не случилось.

    He decided not to go to the interview. But I’m sure he might have got that job! — Он решил не идти на собеседование. Но я уверен, он мог бы получить эту работу!
    I might have caught the train, but I left my passport at home and had to come back. — Я бы, может, и успел на поезд, но забыл дома паспорт, и мне пришлось возвращаться.

    Часто, используя эту конструкцию, говорящий шокирован тем, что чуть не произошло.

    You might have died! Don’t you ever swim in the storm again! — Ты же мог погибнуть! Не смей никогда плавать в шторм!
    They might have been late for their own wedding! — Да они же могли опоздать на свою собственную свадьбу!

  4. В условных предложениях второго и третьего типа

    Второй тип условных предложений относится к нереальному условию в настоящем или будущем — эта ситуация не может произойти. В этом случае используем простой инфинитив (might do). Третий тип условных предложений относится к прошлому, зачастую используется для выражения сожаления о чем-то. Здесь уже употребляем перфектный инфинитив (might have done).

    I might buy a new laptop if I saved money. — Я бы мог купить новый ноутбук, если бы экономил деньги.
    He might have finished this task on time if his computer hadn’t broken down. — Он, может быть, и закончил бы задание вовремя, если бы его компьютер не сломался.

  5. Предложение, совет

    Когда мы даем какие-либо советы, используем might.

    You might ask your friend about the loan. — Можешь спросить своего друга о займе.

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В чём разница между maybe и may be

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Произношение и перевод: 

[ˈmeɪbi] — [мэ́йби]  – может быть, возможно

Значение слова: 

используется, чтобы сказать, что что-то может произойти или может быть верным, но вы не уверены. То есть с помощью maybe мы высказываем свои предположения: “Возможно …”


используется чаще в разговорном английском. На письме обычно заменяют более формальным perhaps. Обратите внимание на написание: в отличие от второго варианта это maybe пишется в одно слово.

И ещё maybe можно выкинуть из предложения, структура не пострадает.


Will you join us? — Maybe I will. — Ты присоединишься к нам? — Возможно.

Maybe he is right, but maybe not. — Возможно он прав, но может и нет.


Произношение и перевод: 

[meɪ bi] — [мэй би]  – может быть

Значение слова: 

may — может, т.е. существует вероятность, что что-то произойдёт или является верным, но есть сомнения

be — быть, являться кем-то, каким-то

may be — говорится о ком-то/чём-то, что они могут быть кем-то или какими-то или где-то


may be является действием, всегда относится к кому-то или чему-то. Его нельзя убрать из предложения, иначе полностью теряется смысл, нарушается структура предложения. 

Это may be пишется в 2 слова.


Why don’t you want to go? The performance may be really exciting. — Почему ты не хочешь идти? Представление может быть захватывающим.

He may be wrong, but I agree with him. — Он может быть неправ, но я с ним согласна.

В чём разница

Maybe пишется в одно слово. Его можно легко выкинуть из предложения, не нарушив правильной структуры.

May be пишется в два слова и играет важную роль в предложении, обозначая действие, относящееся к предмету/человеку/животному. Его нельзя выбросить, не нарушив логики предложения.

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Задание на закрепление

В каких предложениях будет использоваться maybe, а в каких may be? Правильные ответы смотрите ниже.

  1. Может быть, я позвоню тебе через час.

  2. Они могут быть друзьями.

  3. Ты придёшь на вечеринку? — Возможно.

  4. Эштон может быть отцом Брайана.

  5. Собака может быть дикой.

  6. Мы бы с удовольствием отправились в горы, но, возможно, придётся остаться дома. 

  7. Возможно, я могу вам помочь?

  8. Этих денег может быть недостаточно для покупки дома.

  9. Она выглядит потрясающе. Возможно, она только что из салона.

Правильные ответы:

1.maybe 2.may be 3.maybe 4.may be 5.may be 6.maybe 7.maybe 8.may be 9.maybe



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