Word maximum in sentence

Definition of Maximum

the highest amount possible

Examples of Maximum in a sentence

After the opening of Pandora at Disney World, the park was forced to closed their doors because they had reached the maximum number of guests allowed in the park at one time.


The maximum score on the SAT is 1600.


The maximum height for airplanes carrying passengers is 45,000 feet.


The maximum amount of weight allowed in carry on baggage is 25 pounds and anything over that is an additional fee.


Most elevators or lifts have a maximum weight capacity that should not be exceeded.


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The spaceship is now passing through the point of maximum dynamic pressure.

Космический корабль проходит точку максимальной нагрузки.

— Maintaining maximum speed, the sub should get through the heart in 57 seconds.

На максимальной скорости лодка должна пройти сердце за пятьдесят семь секунд, тогда останется три секунды

Our speed is now maximum, sir.

Мы летим с максимальной скоростью, капитан.

Mr. Chekov, how late will we arrive for the ceremonies if we increase speed to maximum and divert to Vulcan just long enough to drop off Mr. Spock?

М-р Чехов, с каким опозданием мы прибудем на церемонию, если пойдем с максимальной скоростью на Вулкан, чтобы высадить м-ра Спока?

Prepare to warp out of here at once, maximum speed.

Приготовьтесь улететь отсюда на максимальной скорости.

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My counteroffer is the absolute maximum.

Мое встречное предложение — это максимум.

What’s the maximum?

А какой максимум?

The maximum, I refuse to guess.

Максимум. Я не берусь судить.

That’s the minimum of alcohol and the maximum of companionship.

Это минимум алкоголя и максимум дружеского общения.

At the Mermaid’s average speed of approximately 2 to 3 knots that’s 60 days minimum, 120 days maximum.

При средней скорости «Русалочки» примерно 2 — 3 узла это минимум 60 дней, максимум — 120 дней.

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The Maricopa County maximum security correctional facility for men, State Farm Road, No.31, Tempe, Arizona.

Исправительное учреждение строгого режима графства Марикопа, государственное шоссе номер 31, Темпе, Аризона.

An old Victorian fortress where Britain’s most dangerous criminals were held… in the maximum security wing.

Старую викторианскую крепость, где, в блоке строгого режима… содержались самые опасные преступники Британии.

Put him in lockup under maximum security.

В камеру строгого режима его.

Our brigade found out where the maximum security detention facility is located.

Наша бригада выяснила, где расположена тюрьма строгого режима.

I want the location and shield code to the maximum security detention facility.

Мне нужны расположение и защитные коды тюрьмы строгого режима.

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Everything exactly as it was — the parallax synchron fully charged, the strata tube set at maximum!

Все точно — синхронный параллакс полностью заряжен, разрядная трубка работает на полную катушку!

Set the transporter to maximum decontamination, and then full examination and observation when they’re here.

Выставьте режим транспортера на полную дезинфекцию, а затем, когда они будут здесь, проведите полное обследование и понаблюдайте их состояние.

Max him out! It’s maximum.

— На полную!

Reset weapons… to maximum power.

Установите винтовки… на полную мощность.

I had to use a maximum deadlock on the door.

Я включил полную блокировку двери.

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It might be 2 m wide maximum.

Метра два, не больше.

4000 maximum, just to help you out.

Не больше 4000. Только ради того, чтобы помочь тебе.

Oh, no, just two or three maximum.

Нет, нет, две, три, не больше.

-He says two hours maximum.

— Он сказал не больше двух часов.

Zero contact is maximum on the outs.

Никаких контактов, куда уж больше.

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I’m maxima, queen of almerac.

Я Максима. Королева АлмирАка.

I guess you figured out that maxima kissed jimmy.

Ты видимо поняла, что МАксима поцеловала Джимми.

I can’t say i’m thrilled that he macked on an alien goddess, But i got to say… maxima knows how to rev a guy’s engine.

Я конечно не в восторге, что он запал на богиню пришельцев, но нужно признать, МАксима знает, как заводить мужиков.

What did maxima say to you?

А что МАксима тебе сказала?

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Wait a minute. Seven years is the maximum.

Минутку, 7 лет — максимальный срок.

Nope. Maximum…

Максимальный срок…

Your client got the maximum, and then, next day… I was meeting with Mr. Wooton.

Ваш клиент получил максимальный срок, а на следующий день мне позвонил мистер Вутон.

Based on the applicable law on introducing and executing sex for trade… if you did trade sex for money, maximum time in prison is one year.

По закону об организации проституции и занятиях сексом за деньги… если вы покупаете секс, максимальный срок заключения — 1 год.

…leaves me absolutely no choice but to levy the maximum penalty.

У меня нет выбора. Я вынуждена дать вам максимальный срок.

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В конце концов, у нас отношения, а не тюрьма строгого режима.

Education: maximum security.

Образование — тюрьма строгого режима!

Maximum security’s like a family tradition.

Тюрьма строгого режима — наша семейная традиция.

We got a brother in maximum security.

Наш брат сидит в тюрьме строгого режима. Красавчик* Ленни. *возможно, не совсем точно.

Ma’am, I worked maximum security for ten years, so if you think I’m gonna be intimidated by the likes of you, you’ve got another thing coming.

Мэм, я 10 лет работала в тюрьме строгого режима, и если вы думаете, что меня могут запугать такие, как вы, то сильно заблуждаетесь.

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Cook County Dept. of Corrections Div. IX Maximum Security Dormitory

Исправительное заведение Кук Хаус Отделение IX, максимальный уровень безопасности

Maximum allowance exceeded.

Максимальный уровень превышен.

That’s maximum security…

Там максимальный уровень безопасности…

Otherwise, it’s maximum security.

В противном случае, максимальный уровень охраны,

Maximum pressure reached.

Максимальный уровень давления.

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You can distribute your explosives for maximum effect.

Вы можете разделить вашу взрывчатку для достижения максимального эффекта.

We need to place the charges for maximum effect,

Мы должны поместить плата за достижения максимального эффекта,

For maximum effect, mines are buried 15 to 20 cms in the sand… which makes them relatively easy to find.

Для достижения максимального эффекта эти мины закапывают в песок на глубину 15-20 сантиметров. Это в некоторой степени облегчает их обнаружение.

Did you not see the gun she left out in full view for maximum impact?

Разве ты не видела пистолет, который она наставила для достижения максимального эффекта?

Ubiquitous leather, the bikes modified for maximum noise.

Везде кожа, мотоциклы изменены для достижения максимального шума.

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  • максимальной
  • максимум
  • строгого режима
  • полную
  • больше
  • максима
  • максимальный срок
  • тюрьма строгого режима
  • максимальный уровень
  • достижения максимального


Here you can find a large assortment of example sentences for the word maximum, or in other words sentences that can help you learn how to use maximum in a sentence. Learning how to use a word in a sentences can be very helpful, for example when it comes to learning how to use the word in a sentence, in which context the word can be used as well as to learn the true meaning of the word «maximum».

Maximum in a sentence

Here below you will find several sentences that illustrate how to use the word maximum in a sentence.

  1. A maximum of 300,000 coins was requested.

  2. The maximum lifespan is at least 22 years.

  3. It produced a maximum of 330 bhp (250 kW).

  4. The maximum life span is 2.0 to 2.5 years.

  5. The pump’s maximum capacity is 275,000 U.S.

  6. The maximum recorded shell length is 40 mm.

  7. MacPhee estimated maximum skull length in P.

  8. The maximum recorded age is 8 years 10 months.

  9. The maximum reported weight is 170 kg (370 lb).

  10. Their maximum range was 4,800 meters (5,200 yd).

  11. The entropy of the world tends towards a maximum.».

  12. Its maximum paper strength was approximately 83,000.

  13. The guns had a maximum range of 20,250 m (66,440 ft).

  14. The guns had a maximum range of 10,700 m (11,700 yd).

  15. The maximum range was around 140 kilometres (76 nmi).

  16. Birds are sexually mature after one year, and the maximum known age is 6.5 years.

  17. The «rolling 147 prize» for a maximum break stood at £15,000, but went unclaimed.

  18. The guns were loaded at an angle of −5° and they had a maximum elevation of +15°.

  19. The muzzle has evolved so as to derive maximum nutrition from even a frugal diet.

  20. It takes about 24 hours for the star to go from its minimum to maximum magnitude.

  21. Their metacentric height was 1.05 m (3 ft 5 in), and their maximum stability moment was 31.5 degrees.

  22. Buses can travel at a maximum speed of 100 km/h (60 mph), but are now restricted to 85 km/h (53 mph).

  23. It initially screened in seven theaters and expanded to a maximum of 70 theaters before drawing down.

  24. As it was a weak flier, this was extremely advantageous in preserving its maximum flight performance.

  25. Gary Wilson scored a maximum break of 147 in qualifying during his first round win over Josh Boileau.

  26. The shower peaks on January 1 and has very slow meteors, with a maximum rate of 1–5 meteors per hour.

  27. The ratio of actual productivity in a year to this theoretical maximum is called the capacity factor.

  28. Breeding success depends on ample supplies of food at the time of maximum demand, as the chick grows.

  29. The 2016 and 2020 Games will return to the maximum of 28 sports given the addition of rugby and golf.

  30. The most recent survey (2007) shows the island’s maximum elevation at 155 m (509 ft) above sea level.

  31. After Delphi-Kabuto achieves her maximum size, she proceeds to a boss fight with the original Kabuto.

  32. The current maximum water depth is about 17 m (56 ft), 3.2 m (10 ft) more than before the enlargement.

  33. It also had a maximum armor thickness of 30 millimeters (1.18 in), over twice that of either the Ausf.

  34. Shimada provided maximum total length estimates using the largest anterior teeth available in museums.

  35. He would use the same concept, but would develop it until it eventually reached its maximum potential.

  36. At cruising speeds much slower than maximum speed, turbines were markedly less fuel-efficient than reciprocating engines.

  37. This height is also greater than the maximum vehicle height of 13 feet 6 inches (4.1 m) set by the Illinois Vehicle Code.

  38. However, the New Zealand sea lion has been recorded diving to a maximum of 460 m (1,510 ft) and a duration of 12 minutes.

  39. Roebling mandated that the trains be limited to a maximum speed of 5 miles per hour (8.0 km/h) to ensure absolute safety.

  40. When it reaches the maximum height the seats tilt forward, with a computer-randomized wait time from one to five seconds.

  41. XXI Bomber Command mounted a maximum effort, and on the afternoon of 9 March 346 B-29s left the Marianas bound for Tokyo.

  42. The guns had a maximum rate of fire of 100 rounds per minute, but using deliberate fire the rate was 33 shots per minute.

  43. The 42 cm gun fired a 1,000-kilogram (2,200 lb) shell out to 33,000 m (36,000 yd) at the maximum elevation of 30 degrees.

  44. X Aurigae, with a particularly short period of 163.8 days, ranges in magnitude from a minimum of 13.6 to a maximum of 8.0.

  45. The orbital distribution of the asteroids reaches a maximum at an eccentricity of around 0.07 and an inclination below 4°.

  46. UW Canis Majoris is another Beta Lyrae-type star 3000 light-years from Earth; it is an eclipsing binary that ranges in magnitude from a minimum of 5.3 to a maximum of 4.8.

  47. The dreadnoughts König and Kronprinz were to provide cover for the minesweepers, but Slava, sailing further south, opened fire on them at 8:12 at nearly her maximum range.

  48. Each gun could fire a 45.36-kilogram (100.0 lb) high-explosive projectile a maximum distance of 22,970 yards (21,000 m) at a rate of between four and six shots per minute.

  49. This was Higgins’ tenth career maximum break and his first at the World Championship; aged 45, he became the oldest player to make a maximum in a professional competition.

  50. The vehicle was ballasted so that it leant away from the tunnel walls by some 3 inches (80 mm) and was worked to Robertsbridge at a maximum of 20 miles per hour (32 km/h).

Synonyms for maximum

Another way to better understand how a word can be used is to examine what synonyms it has, and how these synonyms can be used. For example, the word maximum has the following synonyms: maximal, supreme, upper limit, utmost, uttermost and level bes.

General information about «maximum» example sentences

The example sentences for the word maximum that we present on this web site, stems from different official sources. For example one of our sources are articles on Wikipedia that are classified as at least Good articles. But we also use news articles, books and other generic texts to gather example sentences of how the word «maximum» can be used in a sentence. To the right of every sentence you will find a link out arrow that sends you to the source of the sentence, where you can access the full text and context for the presented example sentence. This can be useful because some words can sometimes be difficult to understand with only a sentence for context, whereas the full article or text can help you gain insight on how to use the word «maximum».

All sentences (with pause)

Used with nouns:

«The bank is under maximum security.«

«I took the maximum dose.«
(dose, dosage, amount)

«We reached maximum efficiency.«

«The maximum fine is fifty dollars.«

«We felt the maximum impact.«
(impact, force)

«We reached the maximum threshold.«
(threshold, number, weight, capacity)

«The maximum height allowed is five feet.«
(height, width, size)

«What is the maximum load?«
(load, level, temperature, velocity, output, quantity, volume, limit)

«The maximum duration is three hours.«
(duration, exposure, length, range)

«He received the maximum sentence for his crime.«
(sentence, penalty)

«We reached maximum speed.«
(speed, altitude)

Synonym: chief, greatest, head, largest, uppermost. Antonym: minimum. Similar words: minimum, approximately, stimulus, stimulate, simultaneously. Meaning: [‘mæksɪməm]  n. 1. the largest possible quantity 2. the greatest possible degree 3. the point on a curve where the tangent changes from positive on the left to negative on the right. adj. the greatest or most complete or best possible. 

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1. For maximum benefit, take the tablets before meals.

2. The maximum load for this elevator is eight persons.

3. The maximum load for this truck is ten ton.

4. Dry curly hair naturally for maximum curl and shine.

5. There is a maximum length of 2 500 words.

6. For maximum effect do the exercises every day.

7. The car has a maximum speed of 120 mph.

8. The sound has reached its maximum.

9. What’s the maximum amount of wine you’re allowed to take through customs duty — free ?

10. To minimize collateral damage maximum precision in bombing was required.

11. The bomb was designed to cause the maximum amount of damage.

12. Do not exceed the recommended maximum of three tablets a day.

13. The offence carries a maximum prison sentence of ten years.

14. Under planning law the maximum height for a fence or hedge is 2 metres.

15. Laws stipulate the maximum interest rate that banks can charge.

16. He played the situation carefully for maximum advantage.

17. What’s your maximum distance ever walked?

18. This typeface has been chosen for maximum legibility.

19. Both face maximum forfeitures of about $1.2 million.

20. They made maximum use of the resources available.

21. The demonstration was carefully orchestrated to attract maximum publicity.

22. For maximum benefit, use your treatment every day.

23. It was achieved with minimum fuss and maximum efficiency.

24. They are seeking to realize the maximum financial gain.

25. Assault carries a maximum penalty of seven years’ imprisonment.

26. The plant is operating at maximum capacity .

27. This hall holds a maximum of seventy people.

28. The rebels tunnelled out of a maximum security jail.

29. You have to develop your capabilities to the maximum.

30. During the court hearing[sentencedict .com], the prosecutor said she would seek maximum prison sentences.

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