Word loses all meaning

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

теряет всякий смысл

теряет смысл

теряет свое значение

теряет всякое значение

потеряет всякий смысл

Our art loses all meaning when it stops being a product.

Otherwise the idea of trial loses all meaning.

Without properly constituted local self-government there can be no stable or prosperous life, and the very concept of civic freedom loses all meaning.

Без правильно поставленного местного самоуправления не может быть добропорядочной жизни, да и само понятие гражданской свободы теряет смысл.

As soon as our decisions for action are influenced by the feelings for truth and justice, compassion and forgiveness, the question loses all meaning.

Как только в решении действовать заговорит чувство истины и справедливости, жалости и прощения, вопрос теряет смысл.

Nevertheless, over this entire gamut, the essential distinction between life and non-life loses all meaning.

Тем не менее, во всей этой гамме, существенное различие между жизнью и не-жизнью, кажется, теряет свое значение.

According to Bergson, laugher loses all meaning outside of the social group.

The skill of cleverly hiding loses all meaning if no one is looking for you.

The question how to achieve this goal is certainly justified but it loses all meaning if we lose our homeland.

Вопрос «как достичь этой цели?» — да, он существует, но он вообще теряет всякий смысл, если мы Отечество будем терять.

The expansion of NATO in such conditions loses all meaning.

The danger is that they come to feel that without that union, their life loses all meaning.

Опасность заключается в том, что таким романтикам также кажется, что без этого союза их жизнь теряет всякий смысл.

The eternal dispute of form and content for that person does not exist — according to his deepest conviction, with the loss of form whatever it loses all meaning.

Извечного спора формы и содержания для этого человека не существует — по его глубокому убеждению, с потерей формы что бы то ни было теряет всякий смысл.

It is a meeting point of longitudinal meridians and time zones, where the very concept of time loses all meaning.

Это точка, где сходятся меридианы и часовые пояса, где само понятие времени теряет смысл.

In the period from 4 to 6 hours, the blood clot acquires more stability, and the damage to the heart muscle becomes irreversible, so that the use of thrombolytic drugs practically loses all meaning.

В период от 4 до 6 часов тромб приобретает большую устойчивость, и ущерб для мышцы сердца становится необратимым, так что применение лекарств-тромболитиков, практически, теряет всякий смысл.

it, of course, loses all meaning as soon as the working-day ceases to contain a definite number of hours.

то, разумеется, она теряет всякий смысл, раз рабочий день перестаёт заключать в себе определённое число часов.

Indeed, if all knowledge, virtue, and happiness are only an illusion of our consciousness, but not a real ideal, the life of a person loses all meaning.

Действительно, если полнота знания, добродетели и счастья есть лишь иллюзия нашего сознания, а не реально существующий Идеал, то не только стремление к ним обессмысливается, но и сама жизнь человека теряет всякий смысл.

And without America, which emits the most carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases, the Paris Agreement loses all meaning.

А без Америки, которая даёт самые большие выбросы углекислого газа и других парниковых газов, Парижское соглашение теряет всякий смысл.

Americans, understandably could not make as if to leave everything as it is, it turns out that the whole strategy of using Jordan loses all meaning.

Американцев это понятное дело устроить не может, так как если оставить все как есть, то получается, что вся стратегия с использованием Иордании теряет всякий смысл.

That’s where the slogan «Think Green» loses all meaning.

But even if these postulates are true (and one can hardly doubt that), the question remains without the solution of which, the very statement of the problem of «science and religion» loses all meaning, concerning the reliability of scientific knowledge itself.

Если даже эти постулаты истинны (а в этом едва ли можно сомневаться), то остается важнейший вопрос, без решения которого сама постановка проблемы «наука и религия» теряет всякий смысл, — это вопрос о достоверности самого научного познания.

It is very important for us that this process is progressing so that Russia does not have the opportunity to manipulate the mandate of this mission and weaken it, otherwise it loses all meaning, said Klimkin.

«Нам очень важно, чтобы этот процесс эффективно продвигался, и чтобы Россия не могла манипулировать мандатом этой миссии и не ослабила мандат, поскольку иначе это теряет всякий смысл«, — заявил Климкин.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 46. Точных совпадений: 46. Затраченное время: 93 мс


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  • #1

Hi everyone :) I can’t understand ‘word has lost all meaning’ means.. is it idiom?
There is a line in Friends season 1.

Monica : We’ll be serving some delicious onion tartlets.
Steve : Tartlets. Tartlets. Tartlets. The word has lost all meaning.

    • #2

    It’s called semantic satiation, and it occurs when a word is repeated too much. It’s a phenomenon with which the word appears to lose its meaning and is broken down into meaningless sounds.


    • #3

    I think that a «tart» (in the sense of something to eat) usually has a sweet centre.

    I am not familiar with «tartlet» (perhaps I do not do enough cooking) but I imagine it to be some kind of diminutive tart.

    My guess is that «Steve» also expects a tart(let) to have a sweet centre, and is grumbling that the «word has lost all meaning» (i.e. that it is being used indiscriminately) when applied even to something containing onion.


    • #4

    My guess — which is probably not much better than Pertinax’s (although I do a lot of cooking) — is that tartlet has become meaningless because it’s so trendy and overused. I’m not sure about dessert tartlets (the sweet ones mentioned by Pertinax) vs. savory tartlets (such as one made with onions) because savory tartlets are not a new thing. They could be new to Steve, though — I can’t tell.


    • #5

    I’d be inclined to agree with Thelb4. A visual clue would help but the fact he repeats the word several times before coming to the conclusion makes it sound like it’s just the sound which has become dissociated from all meaning.


    Folium: Why Does a Word Sometimes Lose All Meaning via MentalFloss

    Folium: Why Does a Word Sometimes Lose All Meaning via MentalFloss


    • MentalFloss: Why Does a Word Sometimes Lose All Meaning?

    There is a phenomenon that appears when a word occurs multiple times, that word begins to lose it’s meaning, or as Zachary Petit puts in his article “disintegrates” before your eyes. This phenomenon is called Semantic Satiation, or semantic saturation which is more formally described as a psychological phenomenon in which repetition causes a word or phrase to temporarily lose meaning for the listener, who then perceives the speech as repeated meaningless sounds. Try thinking about some words that could lose their meaning that many use in today’s society. Think about the word “literally” and how many times you see that a day reading through your social medias or blog posts. The Oxford Dictionary defines the word “literally” as a term for emphasis when a statement isn’t true.


    It is argued that repetition of words is because writers aren’t handling language with care anymore. Beyond “literally” there are plenty of other words that encounter modern communication whether written or spoken that are used too much to a point that they begin to lose their meaning. This crazy word phenomenon was first described in The American Journal of Psychology in 1907 that says: If a printed word is looked at steadily for some little time, it will be found to take on a curiously strange and foreign aspect. This loss of familiarity in its appearance sometimes makes it look like a word in another language. Sometimes the words proceed further until it is a mere collection of letters. Occasionally the words reach an extreme where the letters themselves look like meaningless marks on the paper.

    Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.

    [Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo.] via MentalFloss


    There are multiple names that Petit mentions in his article that he says are results of a “mental literary fail.” Petit mentions a Professor named Leon James, who is a professor of psychology at the University of Hawaii’s College of Social Sciences. James says that Semantic Satiation is kind of like a “fatigue.” He also explains that when a brain cell fires, it takes more energy to fire the second time, and still more the third time, and finally the fourth time it won’t even respond unless you wait a few seconds. James says that any word can fall prey to semantic satiation, but the amount of time before words begin to lose meaning can vary. When we read a word on a page our brain immediately starts to correlate that word with the coordinating images or other associations of the word.

    [Semantic satiation… Now say it ten times…] – Wikipedia

    I like the final example Petit uses to express his concern for over usage of words by talking about “Black Friday.” He says “thanks to overuse, “Black Friday” is no longer the valuable hook it once was.” Black Friday has been repeated so much that it is now as indistinct as the packages of Kohl’s tube socks as they’re fought over the day after Thanksgiving. The phenomenon is very odd and can be hard to understand. But use the word “literally” and try to make that into a grammatically correct sentence and see how that turns out.

    Julie Martin
    LEAF Editor & Contributor


    • Wikipedia: Semantic Satiation
    • MentalFloss: Buffalo…
    • YouTube: Why Does a Word Sometimes Lose All Meaning?
    • YouTube: (Buffalo) One-Word Sentences via TedEd

    In the end Jakub loses all his possessions but finds his peace.

    context icon

    В итоге Якуб теряет все свое имущество, но обретает душевный покой.

    context icon

    The game ends when the player loses all of his or her lives.

    context icon

    Игра заканчивается если игрок теряет все жизни или из-за полного расхода энергии.

    However on the contrary, the trader loses all the investment if the trader wages incorrectly.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Тем не менее, наоборот, трейдер теряет все инвестиции, если трейдер зарплаты неправильно.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    The physical mind loses all rigidity and becomes supple and charming.

    If a player loses all their tokens, they drop out of the tournament.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    context icon

    If one character loses all of their health, they will disappear from the level.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    He loses all his inhibitions and becomes very unpredictable.

    After that the objecting one immediately loses all desires to object.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    После чего у возразившего сразу же отпадают все желания возражать.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    ICANN’s multistakeholder, bottom up process loses all credibility if delays continue.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Восходящий процесс ICANN с участием многих заинтересованных сторон полностью потеряет доверие, если снова возникнут задержки.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    The game continues until the player loses all their lives.

    The game ends when one team loses all of its members.

    context icon

    Игра продолжается до тех пор, пока одна из команд не потеряет всех своих участников.

    If you leave a stack on an empty map square, the stack loses all experience.

    If one player loses all of their energy, another can give them some of their energy,

    using a new weapon, to keep players alive.

    context icon

    Если один игрок теряет все свои силы, другой может дать ему часть своей энергии,

    используя новое оружие, чтобы держать игроков живыми.

    In the wake of Mr. Fantastic’s activation of the Ultimate Nullifier to destroy Abraxas,

    Franklin loses all his powers in the process of reforming Galactus

    and thus becomes a normal child.

    context icon

    Когда Мистер Фантастик использовал окончательный обнулятор, чтобы остановить Абраксаса,

    Франклин потерял все свои силы в процессе восстановления Галактуса,

    в связи с чем он стал обычным ребенком.

    If the player loses all their hearts during certain battles,

    or if the ratings drop too low, the player will have to restart the level.

    context icon

    Если игрок теряет все свои сердечки в течение определенного сражения,

    или если рейтинг упал до слишком низкой отметки, игроку придется проходить уровень сначала.

    During this return trip Tarzan is injured in an earthquake and loses all memories of his adult, civilized life and about Jane.

    context icon

    На обратном пути Джон Клейтон получил травму в результате землетрясения и потерял все воспоминания о своей сознательной, цивилизованной жизни.

    When a character abandons a kit, he loses all of the kit’s bonuses, benefits, penalties, and hindrances.

    context icon

    Когда персонаж оставляет путь, он теряет все бонусы, преимущества, штрафы и недостатки с ним связанные.

    Nobody is quite sure where Dusty came from, but whenever the magical moggy isn’t close by,

    Kat loses all of her incredible abilities.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    Никто не знает, откуда появилась Дымка, но если их с Кэт разделяет слишком большое расстояние,

    девушка теряет все свои невероятные способности.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    In case the Chief Players makes a mistake, then he leaves the Game and loses all the money earned.

    context icon

    Если же Главный игрок ошибается, то он покидает Игру и теряет все заработанные деньги.

    There are cases when the user selects“Remove everything” and loses all the personal files as a result.

    context icon

    Бывают случаи, когда пользователь выбирает« Удалить все», в результате чего теряет все свои личные файлы.

    In a constantly changing globalized world, which loses all its points of reference,



    its nobility and Evil


    its horror, spreading insecurity, fear, hostility and confrontation.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    context icon

    В постоянно меняющемся глобализированном мире, теряющем все свои ориентиры, добро утрачивает свое благородство,

    а зло становится не столь отталкивающим, в результате чего распространяются неуверенность, страх, враждебность и противостояние.

    icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

    But suddenly the truck loses all gasoline because of a malfunction and stops in the middle of the frozen river and the vast plains.

    context icon

    Но в пути грузовик из-за поломки неожиданно теряет весь бензин и останавливается посреди замерзшей реки и бескрайней равнины.

    Everyone realized,

    like just about anything else in this life… the moment you stop fearing it, it loses all its power.

    context icon

    И все понимают, как насчет всего в этой жизни… когда ты прекращаешь бояться чего-то, оно теряет всю свою силу.

    Meanwhile, the boyfriend of Margaret’s»kept» neighbor Annabelle loses all his money in the original Ponzi scheme.

    context icon

    Между тем,

    парень Маргарет» продолжал заставлять» свою соседку Анабелль терять все свои деньги в оригинальной схеме Понци.

    However, when Anita is brutally murdered by Samant,

    Vijay loses all sense and brutally murders Samant in revenge for Anita’s death,

    leading him to be branded a criminal forever.

    context icon

    Тем не менее, когда Саманта жестоко убивает Аниту,

    Виджай теряет всякий смысл и жестоко убивает Саманта, чтобы отомстить за ее

    смерть, в результате чего его навсегда клеймят преступником.

    The trouble with Mrs. Japp is,

    once she gets nattering over a cup of tea, she loses all track of time.

    8 words that have lost all meaning in modern life

    Like, literally.

    AS MARK MCCABE sang on his seminal classic “Maniac 2000″ – life: it has no meaning.

    But what about words? They seem to be losing their meaning at a rate of knots. Words that had fixed, dependable definitions only one generation ago seem to be coming loose and shifting around like some sort of linguistic tectonic plate during an earthquake.

    Let’s check out the damage.


    Flickr / Batara

    Flickr / Batara / Batara

    Are you? Oh, are you REALLY?


    Nowadays, posting a status from a friend’s Facebook account is referred to as “hacking”.

    Flickr / fakelvis

    Flickr / fakelvis / fakelvis

    It’s not.


    Flickr / jblahblalblah

    Flickr / jblahblalblah / jblahblalblah

    He got a round in, guys, he didn’t save any children from a burning building.


    Flickr / bichxa

    Flickr / bichxa / bichxa


    Flickr / grisha_21

    Flickr / grisha_21 / grisha_21

    An Irish verbal tic. We’re all guilty of it.


    Flickr / crashoverreason

    Flickr / crashoverreason / crashoverreason


    Flickr / Tree Leaf Clover

    Flickr / Tree Leaf Clover / Tree Leaf Clover

    Seriously, Coppers last night is not to be likened to mythic, heroic acts of bravery.


    See above.

    Flickr / Silence a gogo

    Flickr / Silence a gogo / Silence a gogo

    What words have lost all meaning for you? Like, literally, just have some epic banter in the comments. 

    h/t AskReddit

    Read: 13 useful phrases you’ll only hear in Ireland>

    Read: “Selfie” has been added to the Irish language dictionary>

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