Word looking with eyes


  • #1

I’ve got a request for you to clarify one thing. Out of the blue I changed my opinion having looked at the thing with other eyes, before that I had the other view on this thing. Can I say I’m looking at this thing with other eyes like in Russian or you have another expression on this?

Last edited: Apr 21, 2015


  • #2

I think you could use «from a different perspective».


  • #3

In English you can say ​with a new/fresh pair of eyes.

  • #4

Yeah, out of THE blue, you saw it THROUGH fresh eyes/ looked at it differently/ had a change of mind. You really need to be careful to get every word including prepositions, etc right when using idioms, because native speakers will only say it that way and it could stand out or sound funny :)

Is there a word or phrase for looking just by moving your eyeballs?

Something like: «the way the helmet was attached to the armour prevented her from turning her head to look at him. Instead, she looked around with her eyes and caught a glimpse of him out of the corner.»

asked Mar 25, 2019 at 9:25

Sari's user avatar


They swivelled their eyes towards X imparts the meaning you want, that the movement of the eyes happens independent of the head.

Swivel-eyed refers to someone who is constantly swivelling their eyes, implying frenzy.
However they swivelled their eyes will be understood as a one-off occurence.

If they have not found what they’re looking for, you may use sweep or swept as in:

Their gaze swept the horizon for pirate ships

Swept implies a swift, broad and lofty movement which is much more suited to the movement of the eyes than the rest of the body.

answered Mar 25, 2019 at 11:54

jMan's user avatar


2861 silver badge7 bronze badges


«the way the helmet was attached to the armour prevented her from
turning her head to look at him. Instead, she looked around with her
eyes and caught a glimpse of him out of the corner.»

«she looked with her eyes» is of course a pleonasm so I suggest avoiding that.

Almost any verb implying movement should do, e.g.

«the way the helmet was attached to the armour prevented her from turning her head to look at him. Instead, she moved her eyes and caught a glimpse of him out of the corner.»

I don’t think it’s necessary but if you really want to emphasise it, try the following:

«the way the helmet was attached to the armour prevented her from turning her head to look at him. Instead, she moved just her eyes and caught a glimpse of him out of the corner.»

answered Mar 25, 2019 at 12:03

chasly - supports Monica's user avatar


A fixed look with eyes open wide

Else clues

• ___ decisis

• ___ decisis (legal principle)

• ___ decisis: judicial precedent

• — down: try to pick up a tell on*

• Blank expression

• Blank look

• Can you believe this? look

• Icy look

• A long look

• Act dazed

• Act rudely, in a way

• Apt rhyme for glare

• Astonished look

• Attempt to psych out

• Be conspicuous

• Be conspicuous, in a way

• Be curious

• Be obtrusively conspicuous

• Be rude, in a way

• Be saucer-eyed

• Behold rudely

• Betray surprise

• Blank gaze

• Boxer’s pre-fight psych job

• Boxer’s pre-fight psych job, sometimes

• Boxer’s prefight psych job, perhaps

• Bristle

• Dazed look

• Disconcerting look

• Don’t blink

• Dumbfounded expression

• Empty gaze

• Emulate a hick

• Emulate vampires

• Etiquette boo-boo

• Etiquette breach

• Evil eye

• Exhibit rudeness, in a way

• Express amazement

• Expression of disbelief

• Extend a look

• Extended gaze

• Eye rudely

• Eyeball

• Fail to blink

• Fail to give the eyes a rest

• Far more than a glance

• Faraway look

• Fix one’s eyes

• Fix your eyes

• Fixate upon

• Fixate upon (with at)

• Fixed expression

• Fixed gaze

• Fixed look

• Focus fiercely

• Focused look

• Gape

• Gawk (at)

• Gaze at the heavens

• Gaze boorishly

• Gaze fixedly

• Gaze intently

• Gaze rudely

• Gaze stupidly

• Get a good look

• Get an eyeful

• Get goggle-eyed

• Get one’s eyes fixed?

• Give a look

• Give the evil eye maybe

• Give the evil eye, perhaps

• Give the eye

• Glassy look

• Glassy-eyed look

• Glom

• Glower

• Glower, e.g.

• Go beyond a once-over

• Goggle

• Have one’s eyes fixed?

• Icy look, perhaps

• Ill-mannered look

• Impolite look

• Impolite look, perhaps

• Indication of wonderment

• Intent look

• Intimidate, in a way, with down

• Intimidate, with down

• Intimidating look

• It can be icy

• It may be blank

• It may be blank or icy

• It may be fixed

• It may be glassy

• It may be glassy or icy

• It may be vacant

• It might be fixed

• It’s not good to do this at the sun

• It’s often fixed

• Keep on looking

• Lingering look

• Lock your eyes

• Long look

• Long, hard look

• Look and look

• Look and look and look

• Look at fixedly

• Look at steadily

• Look fascinatedly

• Look fixedly

• Look hard

• Look impolitely

• Look in a way

• Look in wonder

• Look in wonder, perhaps

• Look intently

• Look into space

• Look steadily

• Look too long

• Look with a wide-eyed gaze

• Look without blinking

• Ogle

• Ogle or gaze

• Ogle, with at

• One way to be conspicuous

• Peer

• Pre-fight psych job

• Prolonged gaze

• Pug’s pre-fight psych job

• React to a car wreck, maybe

• Regard fixedly

• Regard intently

• Rubberneck

• Rude gaze

• Rude look

• Rude look, sometimes

• Searching look

• Show awe, in a way

• Stand on end as hair

• Steady gaze

• Steady look

• Stop partner

• Stop, look and look

• Take a long hard look

• Take a long look

• Unblinking look

• Unbroken gaze

• Unconscious gaze (with the preceding space)

• Unsettling look

• Unwavering look

• Unwelcome look

• Vacant look

• Visually transfix

• Walleyed look

• What OneRepublic does after stopping

• Wide-eyed gaze

• Wide-eyed look

• With down, a pre-contest contest

icon forward

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Description: Close up of man’s eyes looking up and into camera lens.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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Описание: Close up of man’ s eyes looking up and into camera lens.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

shoulders up, head slightly tilted, conveying shy vulnerability.

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плечи вверх, голова немного наклонена, выражая стеснительную ранимость.

The snare: the dangerous illusion of being impenetrable, of offering no purchase to the outside world, of silently sliding, inaccessible,

just two open eyes looking forward, perceiving everything, retaining nothing.

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Западня,- опасная иллюзия собственной непроницаемости, прекращения обмена с внешним миром, иллюзия бесшумного скольжения, недоступности,

двух широко открытых глаз, смотрящих вперед, впитывающих все, не сохраняющих ничего.

One day,

I was sitting at an Internet café when I noticed two beautiful eyes looking at me from the table next to me smiling-ed.

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Однажды, сидя в интернет- кафе, обратил внимание на красивые глаза, смотревшие


меня из-за соседнего столика( улыбается- авт.), которые сразу привлекли мое внимание.

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The eyes look beyond the clouds, caught the Light of heaven.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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The brain thinks, eyes look, and listen to ears.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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You know, when your eyes look at someone else’s.

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Heterotropia(a squint) is a pathology when both eyes look in different directions.

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Косоглазие означает патологию, когда оба глаза смотрят в разных направлениях.

icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

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My eyes looked bigger, and the shape of the toaster helped.

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Anna, half-closing her eyes, looked straight before her and did not answer.

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The pieces of mirror are to make their eyes look alive!

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There’s something false in the way his eyes look and he has flat feet.

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Что-то лживое есть в его взгляде, и он бездельник.

Perhaps it was a trick of the firelight, but her eyes looked oddly blank.

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Возможно, это был световой обман, но ее глаза выглядели странно бесцветными.

The eye looks beyond this world into the next and sees the reflection of man himself.

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Глаз смотрит за пределы этого мира и видит отражение самого человека.

The eye looks beyond this world, into the next, and sees a reflection of man himself.

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Глаз смотрит за пределы этого мира и видит отражение самого человека.

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Her eyes look into the distance as she says,“I wish I could have

known Jesus earlier in my life, so that I could experience more of His Word.

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Ее глаза смотрят вдаль:« Я бы хотела познакомиться с Иисусом еще

раньше в своей жизни, чтобы я могла пережить еще больше из Его Слова.

Strabismus is a visual defect in which the


are not properly aligned with each other,

meaning that each eye looks in a different direction.

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Косоглазие представляет собой дефект зрения, при котором теряется параллельность


icon https://st.tr-ex.me/img/material-icons/svg/open_in_new/baseline.svg

Results: 30,
Time: 0.0728





Simple list with many way of looking

22 words

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Full list of words from this list:

  1. goggle

    look with amazement

  2. examine

    observe, check out, and look over carefully or inspect

  3. scrutinize

    examine carefully for accuracy

  4. gaze

    a long fixed look

  5. stare

    look at with fixed eyes

  6. gawk

    look with amazement

  7. glance

    take a brief look at

  8. peer

    look searchingly

  9. peep

    look quickly, cautiously, or secretly

  10. observe

    watch attentively

  11. catch a glimpse

    see something for a brief time

  12. behold

    see with attention

  13. sight

    the ability to see; the visual faculty

  14. leer

    look suggestively or obliquely

  15. blink

    a reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly

  16. wink

    a reflex that closes and opens the eyes rapidly

  17. frown

    a facial expression of dislike or displeasure

  18. scowl

    frown with displeasure

  19. squint

    partly close one’s eyes, as when hit by direct light

  20. peek

    throw a glance at; take a brief look at

  21. ogle

    stare or look at, especially with amorous intentions

  22. scrutiny

    the act of examining something closely, as for mistakes

Created on November 13, 2013
(updated November 13, 2013)

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