Word live in german

These examples may contain rude words based on your search.

These examples may contain colloquial words based on your search.


And it’s this neutral place where you want to live.

Und es ist dieser neutrale Ort, wo Sie leben wollen.

Some types live very sociably, and many nest in colonies.

Einige Arten leben sehr gesellig, und viele nisten in Kolonien.

My parents are divorced and I now live with my dad.

Da meine Eltern geschieden sind, wohne ich nun bei Papa.

MU is the license plate of Murau, where I live.

MU ist ja das Kennzeichen von Murau, wo ich wohne.

Spaces are always bound to the people who live in them…

Räume sind immer an die Personen gebunden, die darin leben

Our community is more than a place to live and work.

Unsere Stadt ist mehr als ein Platz zum Leben und Arbeiten.

Thais will live like fishes in an aquarium at the end.

Am Ende werden die Thais dann als Fische im Aquarium leben.

Sedentary chonks live either in an abbey or in a monastery.

Seßhafte Chonks leben entweder in einer Abtei oder in einem KloSter.

He assigns them to live on earth in the new world.

Er teilt ihnen Leben auf Erden in der neuen Welt zu.

The area is quiet and many artists, musicians live here.

Die Gegend ist ruhig und viele Künstler, Musiker hier leben.

We want you to have the comforts and live the experience.

Wir wollen Ihnen den Komfort zu haben und die Erfahrung leben.

Clifton is just a lovely place to live and to visit.

Clifton ist nur ein schöner Ort zu leben und zu besuchen.

They have the right to live, which is very important.

Sie haben das Recht auf Leben und das ist sehr wichtig.

What we live is fear, pressure, doubt and stress.

Was wir leben ist Angst, Druck, Zweifel und Stress.

In this kind of courses you can experience and live it.

In dieser Art von Kursen kann man es erfahren und leben.

Now, when we began to live together, he learned.

Jetzt, als wir zusammen zu leben begannen, lernte er.

Mallorca is as beautiful as the house in which you live.

Mallorca ist so umwerfend wie die Wohnung in der sie leben.

A large number of people live together within a small space.

Sehr viele Menschen leben in diesen Hütten auf engstem Raum zusammen.

I didn’t expect to live much longer in this world.

Ich erwartete, nicht mehr länger auf dieser Welt zu leben.

It can also live on dried fruit, flour and grain.

Er könnte auch auf Dörrobst und in Mehl und Flocken leben.

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“Leben”, aside from it’s general meaning of “to be alive” describes a more permanent existence in a place and is the main word to use if explaining or asking about how long, with whom or how well.

If, for example, you live in a country but you stay in different cities within that country, you would say “Ich lebe in [country name].” This word carries with it a sense of completeness (“I live my life”).

“Wohnen” is best translated as “to reside” (and sometimes “to stay”) and is often used to describe a somewhat more temporary situation.

For example:

“I am living in” as opposed to “I live in.»

It is common to use “wohnen” when giving someone your street address.

Note that this word can only be applied to humans.

But, as so often happens, in reality there is a great amount of overlap and interchangeability with “leben” and “wohnen”.

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This resolution is deemed significant due to the

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2018 there are currently 4100 Pakistan students and doctoral candidates living in Germany.

Please provide data on the number of working migrant women living in Germany


comparison with German women, German men and migrant men.

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Просьба представить данные о числе работающих женщин- мигрантов, проживающих в Германии,


сравнении с коренными немками, немцами и мигрантами- мужчинами.

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stated that although the number of undocumented immigrants living in Germany is unknown,

the Government is keen to ensure that they are treated with dignity.

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заявила, что, хотя число иммигрантов, живущих в Германии без соответствующих документов,

неизвестно, правительство стремится обеспечить достойное обращение с ними.

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The German Red Cross is supporting further improvements with

respect to family reunification for Syrian refugees living in Germany.

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Немецкий Красный Крест делает ставку на

дальнейшее улучшение условий воссоединения семей для проживающих в Германии беженцев из Сирии.

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suspected of terrorist activities or supporting terrorists.

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Таким образом, иностранцы, проживающие в Германии, могут быть высланы из страны при наличии



осуществлении террористической деятельности или


проявлении симпатий к террористам.

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There were a lot of critical reactions to Mr. Sarrazin’s statements and

many people living in Germany stated


public that they did not share his point of view.

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Заявления г-на Саррацина вызвали целую волну критических реакций,

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further information and tips can be found


the information leaflet on the visa procedure for family reunion with a foreign spouse.

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более подробную информацию о порядке оформления визы можно получить из информационной брошюры о воссоединении семьи гражданина


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Accordingly, the Federal Government’s integration policy

is not aimed at assimilating foreigners living in Germany or Germans of foreign origin.

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этой связи при проведении интеграционной политики

федеральное правительство не ставит своей целью ассимиляцию проживающих в Германии иностранцев или граждан


иностранного происхождения.

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For this reason,

the GRC Tracing Service first began to support refugees living in Germany


their search for relatives


the 1970s.

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По этой причине

Служба розыска НКК еще


70- х годах начала оказывать проживающим в Германии беженцам помощь


поиске близких.

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He would like to have further information on the

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Он хотел бы получить дополнительную информацию о

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0.76% of the population), 329,000 left the country


the period 1933-1939.

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Из 525 тысяч евреев, живших в Германии


1933 году к моменту прихода Гитлера к власти(,

76 процента населения),


1933- 1939 годах эмигрировали 329 тысяч.

Naturalisation If you are living in Germany permanently, you can become naturalised under certain circumstances.

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Кто долго живет в Германии и еще не является гражданином страны, может, при определенных обстоятельствах, получить немецкое гражданство.

It encouraged the State party to

examine further measures with which all national groups living in Germany can be granted special protection paras.

14 and 21.

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Комитет призвал государство- участник рассмотреть дальнейшие меры,

которые позволили бы обеспечить специальную защиту всем проживающим в Германии национальным группам пункты 14 и 21.

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The Committee is concerned at the often precarious social and

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Комитет обеспокоен нередко неустойчивым социально-экономическим положением проживающих в Германии женщин- иностранок.

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The actor has Slavic roots,

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Артист имеет славянские корни, но более 30 лет живет в Германии,


городе Кобленце.

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The rights pledged


the Convention are granted without prejudice to all ethnic groups and foreigners living in Germany.

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Конвенции права гарантируются без каких бы то ни было ограничений всем проживающим в Германии этническим группам и иностранцам.

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Rights, duties, and volunteering: anyone living in Germany is free to decide how he or she wishes to


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Права, обязанности, общественная работа: каждый, кто живет в Германии, может выбрать нравящийся ему образ жизни.

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I spent two years living in Germany and also worked for the German representative office of Chivasso,

so I’m very familiar with the German market.

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Я два года жил в Германии, также работал для германского представительства фирмы Chivasso, поэтому

я очень хорошо знаком с рынком


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2013 by Emin Milli,

a human rights activist and dissident now living in Germany, the station is highly critical of the Azerbaijani authorities

and the ruling elite.

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2013 году правозащитником и диссидентом, который проживает в Германии Эмином Милли, постоянно критикуется властями Азербайджана.

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view of the rising number of young foreigners living in Germany, it is important to integrate them into the labour market as qualified employees.

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особенности растущее число проживающей в Германии иностранной молодежи, важно обеспечить ее выход на рынок труда


качестве квалифицированной рабочей силы.

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Many migrant women living in Germany would like to


lives oriented on modern role models,

and to reconcile family and work life.

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Многие женщины- мигранты, живущие в Германии, хотели бы строить свою жизнь, ориентируясь на современные

образцы, и совмещать семейные и трудовые обязанности.

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April 2018, Azerbaijanis living in Germany held a two-hour action of solidarity



of the Azerbaijani embassy


the capital city of Berlin.

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перед зданием посольства Азербайджана


столичном городе Берлине.

As of 2009, there were around 6,251 Norwegians living in Germany and around 20,916 Germans

living in


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The strong live, the weak die!

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Der Starke überlebt. Der Schwache stirbt!

When you live with a mother who constantly locks herself out.

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Wenn du mit einer Mutter zusammenlebst, die sich ständig selbst aussperrst.

Your sister, the bag of chaos you live with?

Virus can’t live for days on a box.

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Das Virus überlebt nicht tagelang auf einem Karton.

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Listen, I want you to come and live with me.

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When you live under the same roof with someone, it becomes habit.

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Wenn man mit jemandem zusammenlebt, dann wird es zur Gewohnheit.

If you live, do not go back to Boston.

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Wenn du überlebst, geh nicht zurück nach Boston.

I want to see her live through it.

You live with a drunk, you expect them to die.

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Wenn man mit einem Trinker zusammenlebt, rechnet man damit, dass er stirbt.

And how does that make me live?

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That future won’t happen as long as you live with your wife.

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Die wird es nicht geben, solange du mit deiner Frau zusammenlebst.

So you ain’t gonna live through the night.

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He was a baby, just a few days old and didn’t live.

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Er war ein Baby, nur ein paar Tage alt und hat nicht überlebt.

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We nee people who have live out there.

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Wir brauchen Menschen, die da draußen überlebt haben.

Himstedt Summer Kinder 2008-Live pictures- and Sarai arrived!

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Himstedt Sommerkinder 2008 -Live Bilder- und Sarai heute angetroffen!

When you live alone with a madman, you— You become half mad yourself.

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Wenn man mit einem Verrückten zusammenlebt, wird man selbst halb verrückt.

Live and return home to Earth.

Just relax, mate. Maybe you will live through this.- Shit!

That’s why I’m here, to come and make you live.

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Deshalb bin ich hier… damit ihr überlebt.

It’s about who you live with!

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I mean, I’m gonna live here, if I live.

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Also, ich werde hier leben, wenn ich überlebe.

You never know who you live with.

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He killed that savage with his dying breath so she could live.

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Er hat diesen Wilden mit letzter Kraft getötet damit sie überlebt.

I didn’t think you were gonna live.

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If you give us the girl, I will let you live.

For a moment, I felt… Relief that he might not live.

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Für einen Moment war ich… erleichtert, dass er es womöglich nicht überlebt.

Let’em go, you can have your guy back and live.

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Lasst sie gehen, dann kriegt ihr euren Kerl zurück und überlebt.

Germany has 80 cities with a population of at least 100.000 people. As an expat, it might be daunting to decide which city to move to.

In this guide, we will share with you the best cities to live in Germany for expats. We will break down, which cities are best for working, for families, the cheapest, and the most expensive.

Generally speaking, expats are very happy living in Germany. The quality of life is very good. However, all of us complain sometimes that Germans are tough to get to know.

A German once told me this story: Germans are like coconuts 🥥 . They might have a tough and strong exterior. But once you get past that, they are very sweet people. Once you find a German friend, they will remain your friend forever 🤗 .

So, without further ado let’s jump into the best cities to live in Germany.

Best cities to live in Germany

The best cities to live in in Germany are Aachen, Frankfurt, and Munich; the top three in the Best & Worst Cities for Expats report by InterNations in 2021.

1.  Aachen 

The cheapest city to live in Germany. It is famous for being a student town, as it is the home of one of the most prestigious engineering universities in Germany – RWTH -, and has a very charming city center. It is a relatively small city, so there is not much to do. 

2. Frankfurt am Main 

Frankfurt am Main, not to confuse with Frankfurt an der Oder close to the Polish border, is the fifth biggest city in Germany. It is the banking capital of Germany and Europe. Its surrounding area has lots to offer, from vineyards along the Rhine river to mid-range mountains in the Taunus area. Frankfurt is the second most expensive city to live in. Although it can somehow be a very luxurious city, it is very open-minded.

3. Hamburg

Hamburg is the second biggest city in Germany. As a port city, there is a lot to explore, both on and off land. It has a buzzing nightlife (known for its redlight district), great architecture, people are generally open-minded, and expats are very happy with their life in this city. 

Best cities to work in Germany

If you don’t speak German yet, next to Frankfurt and Hamburg (see above), Berlin, Munich, and Dusseldorf are the best places to find English-speaking jobs (according to englishjobs.de).

1. Berlin

This city is a startup hub, huge, always buzzing, and very alternative and open-minded. We have had friends move to Berlin, and they have told us that finding a shared apartment is a lot easier than finding an apartment for you alone.

2. Munich 

This is the most expensive German city to live in. Munich and its surrounding area have the fame of being a very rich place. People earn really good money, but life is also very expensive. People in the south of Germany tend to be very conservative, more serious, and not that open to foreigners. However, Munich offers many expat groups and meetups that you can join to meet like-minded people.

3. Dusseldorf

I live in Dusseldorf, and I love living here. I think the city is just the right size. It is big enough to have a lively life during the weekends and small enough that I can cycle everywhere I want.

Slowly, Dusseldorf has become the home for many startups. It is home to one of the most successful German tech companies: Trivago – they offer a lot of English-speaking jobs by the way.

Personal storytime!

I have lived in Dusseldorf since 2012. I first got here with a job in customer service for an English-speaking company. I experienced firsthand how hard it was to find a new company in Dusseldorf that did not require me to speak fluent German. 

Due to the lack of English-speaking jobs in my industry, I decided to change careers. I worked very hard to become a software engineer. 

I have been a software developer since 2016, and ever since, my job prospects have increased tremendously. A lot of German companies are willing to hire developers that don’t speak fluent German. So if you have a highly skilled profession, your odds might be better to find a job in Germany.

If you do speak German or your job is 100% remote, then Germany is your oyster! You can freely choose which city to live in based on your dream job and the kind of lifestyle you would like to live in.

InterNations’ Expat Insider Survey from 2019 revealed that expats are very happy with their job in Germany. They are also satisfied with their quality of life and work-life balance.

Best place to live in Germany for Families

Munich is the best city in Germany for families to settle in; according to a study Movinga, a German moving company did in 2019.

The study compared 150 cities worldwide and took the following criteria to measure a good quality of life for families:

  • Education
  • Employment numbers
  • General affordability
  • Length of parental leave
  • Acceptance of same-sex parents
  • Parent’s perception of their child’s safety
  • Family-oriented leisure activities available

Munich ranked number 4 out of the 150 cities, followed by Stuttgart (13th place) and Hamburg (15th place).

🔥 Tip: Keep in mind that Munich is the most expensive city to live in Germany. According to Numbeo, the average monthly cost of living is 5.272 euros. If you do not want to live in the city, you can always look at surrounding towns. 

Towns surrounding Munich

  • North: Dachau, Erding, Feldmoching, Freimann, Freising, Garching, Oberschleißheim
  • South: Herrsching
  • West: Fürstenfeldbruck, Germering 
  • East: Heimstetten, Kirchheim

Cheapest places to live in Germany

Aachen, Leipzig, and Bremen are the most affordable cities to live in Germany, according to Numbeo’s latest study.

The table below shows the estimated monthly costs of a single person living in a 1-bedroom apartment in the city center:

The table below shows the estimated monthly costs of a four-person family living in a 3-bedroom apartment in the city center:

You can calculate your monthly costs using the following estimators:

  • Estimate costs of living for Aachen
  • Estimate costs of living for Leipzig
  • Estimate costs of living for Bremen

Most expensive cities to live in Germany

Munich, Frankfurt, and Hamburg are the most expensive cities in Germany to live in. 

The table below shows the estimated monthly costs of a single person living in a 1-bedroom apartment in the city center:

The table below shows the estimated monthly costs of a four-person family living in a 3-bedroom apartment in the city center:

You can calculate your monthly costs using the following estimators:

  • Estimate costs of living for Munich
  • Estimate costs of living for Frankfurt
  • Estimate costs of living for Hamburg


I hope that wherever you decide to settle in Germany, you will be happy with your choice. You can check our articles on How to Move to Germany and the Cost of Living for more information regarding life in Germany. You can also check out our section on housing in Germany for more information on how to find an apartment and how to do the necessary bureaucratic processes.

See ya! 👋

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