Word lists high frequency

Here is our top list of high-frequency words you can add to your writing.

Learning to pronounce, read, spell, and understand high-frequency words aids children and novice writers in reading and writing more efficiently. People who can easily recognize these words have more confidence in communicating with others.


  • What Are High-Frequency Words?
  • The Most Used Words in the English Language
  • High-Frequency Words in Phase 2 Phonics
  • High-Frequency Words in Phase 3 Phonics
  • High-Frequency Words in Phase 4 Phonics
  • High-Frequency Words in Phase 5 Phonics
  • Author

What Are High-Frequency Words?

List of high-frequency words

High-frequency words are recurring words in a text that help learners to form sentences better

High-frequency words refer to the most commonly used terms in the English language. They are the recurring words in a text that help learners to form sentences better. These words may or may not have meaning, but they help complete a sentence’s context. Some high-frequency words are decodable or non-decodable. It’s the reason these words are sometimes called “sight words” or “tricky words.”

A Her Only
About Here Out
All Him People
An His Put
And House Said
Any I See
Are If She
As I’m So 
At In Some
Back Into That
Be Is The 
Because It They
Big Its Them
But Just Then
By Like There
Can Little Their
Children Live This
Come Look Time
Dad Make To
Day Me Too
Do Mr Up
Don’t Mrs Very
Down Mum What
For My We
From No When
Get Not Where
Give Now Which
Go Of Why
Got Off Will
Have Oh With
He Old You
Help One Your

Check out our list of action words to incorporate into your writing.

The Most Used Words in the English Language

These words are the most repeated not only in writing but also in verbal communication. There are many cases where it’s impossible to imagine these words, as they have a meaning that can only be understood or memorized.

  1. A

My mother wants to ask if you want a new blanket while you’re here.

  1. And

The Shawshank Redemption and The Godfather top the IMDb top 250 movies with a 9.2 rating.

  1. Be

Regardless of their shortcomings, always be respectful to your parents.

  1. Do

Do you know why he’s transferring schools?

  1. Get

You need to get out of here immediately!

  1. Have

I have to tell you something, but I don’t know how and where to start.

  1. I

I am here to reclaim everything that is mine.

  1. In

My grandmother likes to read her journal in the mornings.

  1. It

It is true that Jason’s father is cheating on his mother.

  1. Me

Stop asking me for advice when you don’t intend to use it.

  1. My

Greg, this is my little sister, Nicole.

  1. Not

That is not the right way to bake a cake.

  1. Of

Ricky is a friend and a coworker of mine, that’s all.

  1. That

Britches, now known as trousers, is an English word that people no longer use.

  1. The

Charles III is now the king of the United Kingdom.

  1. This

I don’t know why she’s so nervous; this is not her first performance.

  1. To

I want you to know that I can forgive but will never forget.

  1. What

Care to explain what this mess is all about?

  1. We

Father said we need to move again because of his work.

  1. You

Are you the one who always sends me cookies?

High-Frequency Words in Phase 2 Phonics

Phase 2 phonics is where kids learn the sounds a letter makes. It’s also known as phonemes. While there are 44 unique sounds, in phase 2, children only focus on 19 single letter sounds that are most persistent in the English language. See the examples below to use in your writing or teaching phonic lessons:

  1. An

My brother is training to be an architect.

  1. As

As much as I would like to stay for a sleepover, I need to go home.

  1. At

Can we meet later at the library to talk about the project?

  1. Back

I’ll be back soon, don’t worry.

  1. Big

That tall guy is Eric’s big brother.

  1. But

I don’t like its color, but this dress is way better than the other one, right?

  1. Can

Can you help me with my film project?

  1. Dad

Dad and I are in charge of today’s dinner.

  1. Go

I usually go to the local gym once a month with my friends.

  1. Got

I got pushed by people rushing to get on and off the train.

  1. Him

If you love him, why don’t you fight for him?

  1. His

Gio is trying to finish his homework as soon as possible.

  1. If

If we study hard, we’ll surely pass our exams.

  1. Into

Please put the dirty dishes into the sink.

  1. Is

Glenda is now a famous writer!

  1. Mum

My mum likes doing community service to help other people.

  1. No

There are no trains running today because of the typhoon.

  1. Off

Get into the habit of turning off lights you don’t use.

  1. Up

My eldest brother will pick me up at the airport.

High-Frequency Words in Phase 3 Phonics

These high-frequency words enhance English vocabulary. By reviewing the terms in phase 3 phonics, children develop their reception of more complex words. This phase is the continuation of phase 2, which introduces the remaining and less common phonemes. Here are the sample sentences with high-frequency words whose sounds come from two letters to form a proper word:

  1. All

All students will join the Christmas ball.

  1. Are

Are you sure this is the right way back to the camp?

  1. Down

I want to write down many things on my bucket list.

  1. For

I think this package from London is for you.

  1. Give

Please give me a reason why you think I should accept your apology.

  1. He

He is a very adventurous guy who wants to try many things in life.

  1. Her

I can’t believe our new professor is her mom.

  1. Live

If you dream of being a great singer, learn to sing live.

  1. Look

Please look at the board and tell me the answer to the third question.

  1. Now

Now is the right time to tell them about the surprise party.

  1. Only

Jay is the only child in their family.

  1. See

The teacher wants to see the classroom president after class.

  1. She

I hope she grows up kind, sweet, and beautiful.

  1. They

The board of directors said they want to evaluate all the candidates before choosing who will get the promotion.

  1. Them

Can you please tell them I cannot attend the meeting?

  1. Then

No, honey, finish your homework first, and then you can play.

  1. Too

The coffee is too hot to drink!

  1. Will

My grandmother will be a hundred years old next week.

  1. With

My cousin always jokes about marrying someone with a lot of money.

High-Frequency Words in Phase 4 Phonics

In the fourth phase, there are more tricky words and spelling patterns. The activities in phase 4 include reading and spelling CVCC (consonant-vowel-consonant-consonant) words, tricky words, frequency words, and writing sentences. Learning these words is essential to be more confident and expand your vocabulary.

  1. Any

Will she bring any friends to her birthday party?

  1. Because

I will not be able to go to school because I have a fever.

  1. Children

Angelica is raising her children alone

  1. Come

Do you think he will agree if I ask him to come with me?

  1. Help

My father likes to help us with our homework.

  1. From

I believe the transferee is from California.

  1. Its

The cheese on your fridge is past its best-before date.

  1. Just

You just have to believe in yourself to get through every challenge in life.

  1. Like

Do you like your birthday party to be grand or intimate?

  1. Little

My little brother always cries whenever I leave the house.

  1. One

Surprisingly, only one student got the correct answer.

  1. Out

Do you want to go out with me tonight?

  1. Said

The weather forecaster said it’ll rain tonight.

  1. So

I am so excited about this birthday surprise!

  1. Some

He hides some of the artist’s beautiful artworks in this closet.

  1. There

Will you still go there even if it’s raining hard?

  1. When

When will you return to Los Angeles?

  1. Where

Do you know where I put my eyeglasses? 

  1. Which

This is the car which she wants to buy for her parents.

  1. Why

I wonder why the groom keeps looking at the church door instead of his bride.

High-Frequency Words in Phase 5 Phonics

This phase aims to widen an individual’s knowledge about graphemes and phonemes. Since it’s more advanced than the other phases, there are many activities included in this phase, one of which is learning how to spell and read high-frequency words. Here’s the list of decodable and tricky words used in this phase:

  1. About

Tell me about your life goals.

  1. By

A small family is living by the lake.

  1. Day

Chan’s mother works day and night at the convenience store.

  1. Don’t

Don’t let fear lead you to despair.

  1. Here

Professor, here is the list of students who want to join the dance competition.

  1. House

No one knows that Kyla lives in a fancy house.

  1. I’m

I’m afraid of failing my math class.

  1. Make

My friend said she’ll make a cake for my birthday.

  1. Mr

Mr. Smith is a good man.

  1. Mrs

Mrs. Andrews is a strict English teacher.

  1. Oh

Oh, what a pretty name for a pretty young lady!

  1. Old

I want to buy an old traditional house and renovate it a bit.

  1. People

People are free to say and do anything they want, but sometimes it’s too much.

  1. Put

Please put the groceries on the tabletop. 

  1. Their

It’s the parents’ responsibility to look after their children.

  1. Time

What time will we meet tomorrow to do our project?

  1. Very

I am very thankful that I have a friend like you.

  1. Your

Please do not forget to tell your parents about the upcoming school events.
Are you looking for more ways to expand your vocabulary and improve your skills? Check out our list of compound words to make your writing more engaging.

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  • Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn’t only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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The Government sets out certain words that children should be secure on reading by certain ages in the National Curriculum. Many schools also use these as spelling targets too.

In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS), the focus tends to be on High-Frequency Words (HFW) and simple ‘tricky’ words that do not follow traditional phonetic spelling patterns.

In addition, in EYFS and Key Stage 1 (Years 1&2), the children may also be looking at securing the first 100 and next 200 HFW words for reading and spelling.

Year 1, Year 2, Year 3&4, Year 5&6 have progressively harder word lists known as Common Exception Words. This simply means words with an unusual spelling.

How many tricky words are there?

This is a little ‘tricky’ to answer. There are officially labelled ‘tricky words’ for each Phonic phase, however the common exception words are pretty ‘tricky’ to spell too. BUT I’m glad you’ve asked, because we’ve put together some handy lists for you to refer to.

HFW / Tricky Word List in Phonetic Phases

First 100 High Frequency Words (HFW)

Next 200 High Frequency Words (HFW)

Y1 (Year 1) Common Exception Words

Y2 (Year 2) Common Exception Words

Y3 & Y4 (Years 3 & 4) Common Exception Words

Y5 & Y6 (Years 5 & 6) Common Exception Words

Don’t forget, you children will be exposed to these words to help them read related words. For example if they can read ‘accommodate’, they could work out ‘accompany’, ‘accommodating’, ‘accommodation’ etc.

More About HFW and Tricky Words: The Basics

Children learn to segment (break down) and blend (put together) words from the start of their reading journey. However, some words crop up so much in everyday reading, that they are encouraged to ‘sight read’ some of these words to increase fluency in reading. These are known as High-Frequency Words or HFW. For example: it, and.

Quick find resource for teachers and parents for the high-frequency and tricky words to read and spell phase by phase for learning to read with phonics.

Your child will also be taught Tricky Words. Tricky words are also words that pop up frequently in our everyday reading but are ones that usually do not follow the phonetic patterns taught. They are ones that are difficult, if not possible to sound out. For example: the, we.

List of High-Frequency and Tricky Words for Learning to Read with Phonics

Here is a list of the HFW and Tricky Words that your child is going to be taught at school. This is one order that may be taught to your child, but it may vary depending on the teaching progeamme used by your child’s school.

READ: is, it, in, at, and, the, to, no, go, I, on, a

Phase 3 Words

READ: he, she, we, me, be, was, my, you, they, her, all, are

SPELL: the, to, no, go

Phase 4 Words

READ: said, so, have, like, some, come, were, there, little, one, do, when, out, what

Phase 5 Words

READ: oh, their, people, Mr, Mrs, looked, called, asked, water, where, who, again, thought, through, work, mouse, many, laughed, because, different, any, eyes, friends, once, please, very, I’m, by, time, please

SPELL: said, so, have, like, some, come, were, there, little, one, do, when, what, out, oh, their, people, water, there, where, again, thought, through, work, mouse, many, laughed, because, different

More PHonics Words

phonics words

Need more ideas for words used using the sounds as your little learner discovers more? Check out our helpful list for phase appropriate words.

For more information, ideas and printables, we recommend you check out the Letters and Sounds website. MANY schools follow Letters and Sounds for sequence and activities.

A printable list that includes the first 100 high frequency words for young learners and flashcards for additional practice. The words are taken from Fry’s list. They’re organized into four sets of 25 and listed alphabetically, to make keeping track of words a little simpler!

Graphic with "First 100 High Frequency Words" and the printables on a gray background.

What are High Frequency Words?

Our list uses the first 100 words from Fry’s High Frequency Word list. They’re organized into four sets of 25 words, listed in alphabetical order. Why? Well, it makes the list less overwhelming for kids and more user-friendly for parents and teachers.

But first things first. What are high frequency words?

High frequency words are the words that we see come up most often when reading English texts; Basically, the words used in highest frequency.

They include words from all parts of speech, and young readers need to practice and study these words in order to make reading books and understanding other texts easier.

About 75% of high-frequency words (also referred to as “HFW”) are actually decodable, and should be taught as such. The other 25% of words include irregular spelling patterns and require explicit teaching. Using the heart word method to teach irregular words is scientifically based and most effective.

Of course, high frequency words and irregular words are important for children to learn to improve reading and spelling, but teachers are then tasked with figuring out which words to teach to beginning readers first.

But worry not! That’s why go-to lists combining the most frequently used words (called Fry and Dolch) have been developed.

A child's hands pointing to the printed list of 100 High Frequency Words.

Using the Word List and Flashcards

Use the list as a study guide for children or to check words they already know or don’t know. I staple it to the inside of my students’ reading folders and assign at home tasks.

We spend time mastering each list of high frequency words with lots of explicit practice and repetition. We use them in sentences, recite fun poems, write and rewrite the words, play spelling games, and more.

And when they master the one list, we move on to the next. It works great! Kids love the sense of accomplishment they feel when they get to move on to the next set of words!

The flashcards are great for self-studying, group activities, playing games, homework practice, and more.

As a teacher, having the list organized in alphabetical order helps me tremendously when trying to quickly check the words that my students have mastered. It also tells me which ones they still need to work on. I use the flashcards to test the kids, and then use the one-page list to mark the words they know and don’t know. This makes collecting data super easy!

Fry Words vs. Dolch Words

Teaching phonics rules rather than just memorizing words helps our students to read more than just the words on this list. It enables them to apply those rules to read other words that follow similar spelling patterns! When you’re a reading teacher, this is the goal!

In general, most lists for high-frequency words come from either the Fry or Dolch lists. Both are lists compiled of high-frequency words. The Dolch list includes 220 words and is organized by grade level and frequency. The Fry list was created as a more extensive list of 1000 words organized in groups of 100, in order of occurrence.

Both lists are completely appropriate for young learners, but Fry’s is considered a little more up to date and includes words young learners will see more today. Both are great to use and in fact, include many of the same words!

So whichever list you prefer, the most important thing is to be consistent with your instruction and to teach these words in conjunction with your phonics instruction, if possible.

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  • CVC Words with Pictures
  • CH Digraph Worksheets
  • Phonics Roll & Read (19 Games)

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TERMS: All resources and printables are designed for personal use only in your own home and classroom. Each person must visit this site and download their own free copy. Please do not photocopy, email, or reproduce our printable resources for other teachers, and please do not reproduce our printables on the web or save them to a shared drive. Instead, please share the resources with others by using the social share links provided or by distributing the link to the blog post itself. This allows us to keep making free resources for everyone! If you have any questions, please email us. Please see our Creative Credits page for information regarding the licensed ClipArt used in our resources. Thank you!

Here we are going to look at the list of high frequency words for beginners to start their vocabulary learning. Before jumping into list let us see what these high frequency words are ?.

When you read so many text and come across same set of words, jumbled differently. Ever thought what these words which are popping up frequently called? Yes, these are called high frequency words.

Moreover, we have many texts, and each one a remix of high frequency words. Contrarily, these words are underrated that we live our life without noticing their importance. However the literary pieces without them would just be a dream. No matter how hard we try we cannot write without using them… the situation very much similar to our behavior towards people whose work we tend to leave unnoticed. Where in reality, it’s their work which is saving our life from falling apart. Surprisingly, these people are not from any distant land but the one’s we see everyday like the soldier, police, electrician and everyone who’s serving you for your betterment. (List goes on forever for everyone who you think is important… now.)

100+ High Frequency Words for Kindergarten

Therefore, with this purpose in our mind, let’s head towards a just world for both words and humans, because why no

the as is at of and with
you for was a his that on
are to they it be have in
I he this from all but by
can do each for had he how
if in not of on one or
said she that the their there use
we were what when which with you
your words

High Frequency Words for 1st Grade

a came had make people ten walk
all can has many play than want
am come have me please thank was
an day he more pretty that we
and did her much purple the were
any do here must put them what
are down hers my ran then when
as eat him new red there where
ask eight his nice run these which
at find how nine said they white
ate five if no saw thing who
away for in not say this why
be four into now see three with
because from is of seven to went
been get it on she too work
before girl jump one six two yellow
big go like only small up yes
black going little or so very you
blue good look orange some soon your
boy great other our out over green
but by brown house how day could
been high more much should some write

2nd Grade High Frequency Words

the or will number new great
of one up no sound where
and had other way take help
a by about could only through
to word out people little much
in but many my work before
is not then than know line
you what them first place right
that all these water year too
it were so been live mean
he we some call me old
was when her who back any
for your would oil give same
on can make now most tell
are said like find very boy
as there him long after follow
with use into down thing came
his an time day our want
they each has did just show
I which look get name also
at she two come good around
be do more made sentence form
this how write may man three
have their go part think small
from if see over say set
put kind every left until idea
end hand near don’t children enough
does picture add few side eat
another again food while feet face
well change between along car watch
large off own might mile far
must play below close night Indian
big spell country something walk real
even air plant seem white almost
such away last next sea let
because animal school hard began above
turn house father open grow girl
here point keep example took sometimes
why page tree begin river mountain
ask letter never life four cut
went mother start always carry young
men answer city those state talk
read found earth both once soon
need study eye paper book list
land still light together hear song
different learn thought got stop being
home should head group without leave
us America under often second family
move world story run late it’s
try high saw important miss afternoon

Phew!, a long list has finally come to an end. However, there are many words which you’ll maybe notice now while reading and understand their importance. Also don’t forget the humans!

100 High Frequency Words, You Should Know

100 High Frequency Words

These are the words with relatively high frequency. We frequently use all of these words in our daily life. These words are very interesting as well as important for ESL students, that is why we have created an easy-to-understand list of these words in PDF.

High-frequency words list is basically helpful in writing an essay or a resume. These words will add magic to your resume and essay.

Below are 100 High frequency words in English:

  • local
  • minus
  • mirror
  • mission
  • mister
  • north
  • nose
  • note
  • rights
  • rip
  • sausage
  • skill
  • skirt
  • bomb
  • cage
  • calculate
  • calm
  • chain
  • chicken
  • customer
  • dad
  • dance
  • double
  • dump
  • dust
  • sky
  • sleep
  • slight
  • slow
  • spend
  • tongue
  • weak
  • wheel
  • year
  • yellow
  • yesterday
  • you
  • zero
  • able
  • above
  • accent
  • access
  • accuse
  • bike
  • billion
  • bind
  • birth
  • bit
  • blue
  • boat
  • boil
  • cable
  • cake
  • call
  • camera
  • chew
  • current
  • cut
  • damage
  • door
  • doubt
  • during
  • duty
  • a
  • about
  • absolute
  • accept
  • account
  • big
  • bill
  • bin
  • bird
  • biscuit
  • blow
  • board
  • body
  • locate
  • minute
  • miss
  • mistake
  • mix
  • northern
  • not
  • right
  • ring
  • sauce
  • save
  • skin
  • slave
  • slide
  • slip
  • small
  • spin
  • we
  • weapon
  • when
  • yell
  • yes
  • yet
  • young

Download this list of words in PDF

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