Word lists for writing

If you are taking the IELTS Writing Test, it is beneficial to have some key phrases in handy to assist you in getting a high band score. 

Expanding your IELTS Writing vocabulary is a good idea, but it is even more crucial to write naturally and articulately to get the best results. 

Phrases like ‘It can extend a person’s horizon,’ ‘The essence of the debate is, and ‘very debatable’ is now regarded as ‘scripted phrases,’ and using them in your IELTS Writing Test will only result in you losing marks.

To ace the IELTS Writing Test, you will need to use essential words and phrases to convey the points you want to make in an articulate, intelligent, and compelling manner. 

While we do not encourage you to memorize phrases, having a better comprehension of the terms that should be used in an academic writing test will help you build the vocabulary that will quickly improve your marks in the IELTS Writing Test. 

Continue reading and learn the most effective and common phrases in IELTS Writing to give you the band score that will be your ultimate ticket to achieving your dreams of studying, working, or living abroad. 

Top 100 Phrases for IELTS Writing Test

What is the IELTS Writing Task?

The IELTS Writing Test is one of the four sections in the IELTS Test, the other three being Speaking, Listening, and Reading Tests. 

It is different for the IELTS Academic and IELTS General Training modules, but both tests have two tasks to be completed. It lasts about 60 minutes, and you are advised to spend only 20 minutes on the first task because the second task has more weight. 

The first task in the IELTS Academic Writing Test requires you to describe and explain the information given in either a graph, chart, map, table, or diagram. 

On the other hand, Task 1 of the IELTS General Training Writing Test asks you to compose a letter responding to a situation and requesting information and explanation. You should write at least 150 words in IELTS Writing Task 1

Moreover, the second task in the IELTS Academic Writing and IELTS General Training Writing is the same. You need to respond to a point of view, problem, or argument by writing an essay. You need at least 250 words in IELTS Writing Task 2

Linking Structures and Cohesive Devices

The IELTS Writing Task will be marked on the following criteria: grammar and sentence structure, vocabulary utilization, task response, and coherence and cohesion. 

Each contributes 25% to the overall score. Over the years, examiners have been impressed by candidates’ vocabulary and mastery of syntax but frustrated by how incoherently one sentence flows into the next.

Learn how to use linking structures and cohesive devices below:

How to Use Linking Words for IELTS Writing Task 1?

Academic Test:

You can use the different linking words in the IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 for:

  • transitioning from a description of one visual to the next
  • comparing and contrasting the key features of the visuals
  • pointing out and emphasizing details of the visuals 

General Training Test:

You can use the different linking words in the IELTS General Training Writing Task 1 for:

  • describing the problem or situation 
  • transitioning from one viewpoint to the next
  • explaining your requests

How to Use Linking Words for IELTS Writing Task 2?

Academic and General Training:

You can use the different linking words in the IELTS Writing Task 2 for:

  • presenting your opinion
  • transitioning from one paragraph to the next
  • providing reasons
  • giving examples
  • explaining conditions and consequences of different scenarios 

Connecting Words for Both IELTS Tasks

To get higher marks in the IELTS Writing Test, more linking words are required. To achieve coherence and cohesion, you must employ a variety of phrases to connect one thought to the next, allowing the reader to follow your reasoning. 

Here are the most effective and common phrases in the IELTS Writing Test:

Transitional Words


  • Likewise…
  • In addition…
  • Moreover…
  • Furthermore…
  • Additionally…
  • On top of that…

Cause and effect

  • Therefore…
  • As a result…
  • Accordingly…
  • Consequently…
  • On that account…
  • For that reason…


  • However…
  • In contrast…
  • Meanwhile…
  • Alternatively…
  • Nevertheless…
  • On the other hand…


  • Finally…
  • In the end…
  • To sum up… 
  • To conclude…
  • To summarize…
  • In conclusion…


  • If…
  • Unless…
  • As long as…
  • Provided that…
  • Supposing that…
  • On the condition that…


  • Clearly…
  • Especially…
  • In particular…
  • Particularly…
  • Importantly…
  • Without a doubt…


  • …,such as…
  • To illustrate…
  • For instance…
  • For example…
  • The best example is…
  • A very good example is…


  • I concur that…
  • I agree that….
  • I think/feel/believe that…
  • Personally, I feel that…
  • As far as I am concerned…
  • From my point of view…


  • Although…
  • Despite…
  • In spite of…
  • Although…
  • Admittedly…
  • Even though…


  • First of all…
  • To start with…
  • Secondly…
  • Next…
  • Thirdly/fourthly/etc…
  • Finally…

Vocabulary to Use in Writing Task 1

Academic Test:  Vocabulary to Describe Graphs

Introducing the graph

The graph/table/pie chart/bar chart/diagram…

  • shows …
  • illustrates …
  • explains why …
  • describes …
  • gives information about/on …
  • provides information about/on …

Changes in the graph

  • a rise of…
  • a growth of…
  • a peak of…
  • a surge of…
  • a fall in…
  • a decrease in…
  • a decline in…
  • a dip in…
  • a fluctuation in…
  • a variation in…


  • surge
  • grow
  • leap
  • rocket
  • soar
  • dive
  • plunge
  • plummet
  • fluctuate
  • vary


  • gently
  • wildly
  • rapidly
  • slightly
  • sharply
  • suddenly
  • abruptly
  • gradually
  • steadily
  • markedly
  • modestly
  • marginally
  • dramatically
  • significantly
  • considerably

  • sharp
  • sudden
  • rapid
  • abrupt
  • dramatic
  • steep
  • significant
  • considerable
  • marked
  • substantial
  • gradual
  • steady
  • consistent
  • modest
  • marginal

General Training Test: Vocabulary to Write Letters

1. Introduction of the Letter


  • I am writing to inform you that …
  • I am writing to ask/inquire …
  • I am writing with regard to …
  • I am writing in connection with …
  • I am writing with reference to …


  • It’s been a long time. I am writing to…
  • I’m simply writing to inform you that…
  • I haven’t seen you in a long time.
  • Please accept my apologies for not writing in such a long time. I’ve been quite busy…

2. Body of the Letter

Asking for Information

  • I’d like for you to…
  • Could let me know if…
  • I’d appreciate it if you could…
  • I’m hoping you could inform me…
  • I’d like to seek your opinion on…


  • This letter is to express my dissatisfaction…
  • I’m writing to express my displeasure with…
  • I’m writing to voice my disappointment with…
  • I’m writing to tell you that I am disappointed… 

Expressing Gratitude

  • I am thankful for…
  • I’m very grateful for…
  • I very much appreciated…
  • I’d like to thank you very much for…


  • I really regret that/about…
  • Please accept my apologies for…
  • I’d like to express my regret for…
  • Please accept my sincere apologies for…

Giving Advice

  • You should…
  • You ought to…
  • Why don’t you…
  • If I were you, I’d…

Giving Suggestion

  • If you like, I can…
  • Do you want me to…
  • What do you think about…
  • I believe it would be fantastic if you…

3. Closing of the Letter


  • I eagerly await your response.
  • Thank you so much for your assistance.
  • Thank you so much for taking the time to read this.
  • I’m hoping for a quick resolution to the matter.
  • Please do not hesitate to call me if you need any additional information.


  • Please stay in contact!
  • I look forward to hearing from you as soon as possible.
  • Thanks a lot for your assistance, send me a message soon.
  • Anyway, I have to leave now. If you need additional details, please write again.

Vocabulary to Use in IELTS Writing Task 2 (Both Academic and General Training)

Vocabulary to Write Essays

Expressing Opinions

  • I’d argue that… 
  • In my opinion…
  • Personally, I believe…
  • It appears to me that… 
  • I have to admit that…
  • As far as I can tell…
  • As for me, I believe…
  • That is something I cannot deny…
  • I’d like to emphasize that…
  • In my personal experience…

Proving Arguments

  • To attest…
  • To prove…
  • This is testified by…
  • This is evidenced by…
  • This establishes that…
  • This is attested/proven by…

Expressing General Point of View

  • It is commonly stated that…
  • According to popular belief…
  • It is commonly assumed that…
  • It is generally assumed that…
  • It is largely agreed upon that…
  • It’s a widely held assumption that…

Outlining Facts

  • It is evident that …
  • The truth is that …
  • It is obvious that …
  • This shows that …
  • There is no doubt that …

Giving Examples

  • As an example…
  • Take for instance…
  • We can see this in…
  • A good illustration of this is…
  • Evidence for this is manifested in…


  • To summarize… 
  • In conclusion… 
  • In general…
  • On balance… 
  • Taking everything into account…

Additional Reading: IELTS Grammar

IELTS Writing Sample Responses

The IELTS Writing Test is by no means easy. Most candidates would agree that this part of the test made them anxious. 

To impress the examiners and get a high band score, it is advised that you read and study different sample and model responses and learn the different writing techniques to help you achieve your desired band score. 

Here are some of them. Take note of the transition words and vocabulary used. 

Example 1:

Country Food and Drink Housing Clothing Entertainment
France 25% 30% 7% 13%
Germany 22% 33% 15% 19%
UK 27% 37% 11% 11%
Turkey 36% 20% 12% 10%
Spain 31% 18% 8% 15%
Sample Response:  

"The table depicts the amount of monthly household income spent on four products in five European nations. The percentages were used to calibrate the data.  Housing is clearly the top expense item for France, Germany, and the United Kingdom, since they each spend around one third of their income on it, at 30%, 33%, and 37%, respectively. 

They, on the other hand, spend about a quarter of their income on food and drink. Surprisingly, Turkey and Spain follow the exact opposite pattern, spending a fifth of their income on housing but one-third on food and drink.  

Furthermore, clothing and entertainment are two areas where all five countries spend significantly less. In terms of clothing, France and Spain spend the least, at less than 10%. The other three countries, however, spend almost the same amount, ranging between 12% and 15%. At 19%, Germany spends one fifth of its budget on entertainment. The UK and Turkey, moreover, spend roughly half of this amount.   

Overall, the bulk of each country's money is spent on food and drink, as well as housing. Clothing and entertainment were far less expensive."

Example 2:


You were supposed to start a new job next week, but you won’t be able to because of certain issues. Send a letter to your new boss. In your letter, 

  • give an explanation of your circumstances
  • state your issues
  • inform him/her when you think you’ll be able to begin.
Sample Response:

Dear Ms Smith, 

I am writing with regards to the position of Assistant Office Manager that I am supposed to start next week. However, an unfortunate incident has arisen. 

Like I said during the interview, I am currently working at my aunt's company, where I gained significant experience. However, she had been hospitalized, so my uncle is now taking charge of the business. She has asked me to stay a little longer and help him with the business operations because this is an especially hectic time of year. 

I do understand that this will not be convenient for you, but I genuinely hope that, given the situation, you will be willing to let me start with you three weeks later than what we have agreed upon. 

I would like you to know that I remain very keen to work with you, and that I will be obtaining further useful knowledge and skills during this time. 

I look forward to hearing from you. 


Nathan Dills

Example 3:


How much do you agree or disagree with the claim that e-books and modern technology will completely replace conventional newspapers and magazines?

Sample Response:   

"Technology is advancing at a breakneck pace, opening up new doors for us while keeping us informed about the latest news and events. As a result, many people believe that traditional newspaper reading will become obsolete. I disagree since the easiest and cheapest way to obtain news is through a traditional newspaper.  

To begin, there are a variety of reasons why traditional news gathering methods remain popular. First, many people have developed a strong desire to read the newspaper. Everyone, whether affluent or middle class, can be seen eagerly anticipating the arrival of the newspaper in the morning and reading it with a cup of tea. 

Furthermore, these are the most portable, least expensive, and simplest ways of staying informed about global events. It may be taken from one location to another in a bag and is reasonably priced. It's quite useful, and simply flipping through the pages can make you omniscient. Second, there is no need for power or other equipment. 

Furthermore, the additional accessories are frosting on the cake. The Hindustan Times, for example, has a variety of articles such as women's fashion, job advice, culinary art, and so on. 

However, technology has surely changed the way we read news. For example, videos provide a full and clear view of what we're reading, and we can also save, share, and forward it to our family and friends. Technophobia, it goes without saying, will have no place in an ever-advanced modern society. 

To summarize, improved versions of technology have a significant impact on people's lives, but they will not, in my opinion, be able to threaten the existence of conventional newspapers and periodicals."

Example 4: 


Some argue that children should be educated to compete, while others argue that they should be taught to cooperate. What are your thoughts on the matter?

Sample Response: 

"Children are society's future, and they must be instilled with true life values. As a result, there are those who believe that a competitive spirit should be instilled in them, while others believe that cooperative qualities must be possessed. Before forming a judgment, I shall discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each view. 

Firstly, there are numerous reasons why children should have competitive ideals. Competition encourages young people to work harder in order to advance in their studies and other endeavors. They begin to work hard in order to compete with others and learn the value of perseverance. They are able to achieve first place in every competition because of their dedication and hard work. Second, competitive values instill in children self-confidence and self-reliance. They are highly likely to have self-achievement and fulfillment when they join in activities and compete with others. They believe they are deserving of a calm and peaceful mind. They tend to become self-sufficient, and as a result, they have the best decision-making abilities. Furthermore, a sense of accomplishment is a requirement. Without a doubt, people in the current period confront rivalry from infancy to adulthood. For example, in school there is a dance competition, a race competition, a poem competition, and as they get older, they face competition in finding a job, applying for college, and even completing an exam. As a result, a value is essential. 

On the other hand, it is obvious how critical it is to instill the value of cooperation. This is the only way a youngster may learn teamwork, team spirit, coexistence, tolerance, and patience through their feelings. Furthermore, when looking at history, it is clear that the well-known icons of society are only those that have a helpful and sacrificing mentality. A self-centered person will never achieve fame in society. Second, constant competitiveness preaching may develop feelings of rivalry among peers and others. These feelings of rivalry quickly evolve into jealousy and personal grudges. A heart filled with resentment towards others can never be good for themselves or others. 

To sum up, after weighing both competitive and cooperative values, I believe that each has its own significance. As a result, a child should be raised by evenly imparting both."

IELTS Academic Writing Test : Word Lists

The IELTS Writing Test requires an extensive vocabulary. Having a diverse vocabulary is one of the secrets to writing an effective essay. However, it is not enough to memorize the words; you also need to know how to use them in your writing.

We have listed a set of word lists to help you with your IELTS Writing Test.

Do not be worried if you will not memorize all the word lists: quality trumps quantity! It is far preferable to learn 1 word-lists well rather than 5 word-lists poorly.

Word List 1

Words 1 to 10 Words 11 to 20 Words 21 to 30 Words 31 to 40 Words 41 to 50
  • abandon
  • abstract
  • academy
  • access
  • accommodate
  • accompany
  • accumulate
  • accurate
  • achieve
  • acknowledge
  • available
  • aware
  • behalf
  • benefit
  • bias
  • bond
  • brief
  • bulk
  • capable
  • capacity
  • circumstance
  • cite
  • civil
  • clarify
  • classic
  • clause
  • code
  • coherent
  • coincide
  • collapse
  • data
  • debate
  • decline
  • deduce
  • define
  • definite
  • demonstrate
  • denote
  • deny
  • derive
  • economy
  • edit
  • element
  • eliminate
  • emerge
  • emphasis
  • empirical
  • enable
  • encounter
  • energy
Words 51 to 60 Words 61 to 70 Words 71 to 80 Words 81 to 90 Words 91 to 100
  • expose
  • external
  • extract
  • facilitate
  • factor
  • feature
  • federal
  • fee
  • file
  • final
  • generation
  • globe
  • goal
  • grade
  • grant
  • guarantee
  • guideline
  • hence
  • hierarchy
  • highlight
  • invoke
  • involve
  • isolate
  • issue
  • item
  • job
  • journal
  • justify
  • label
  • labor
  • locate
  • logic
  • maintain
  • major
  • manipulate
  • manual
  • margin
  • mature
  • maximize
  • mechanism
  • normal
  • notion
  • notwithstanding 
  • nuclear
  • objective
  • obtain
  • obvious
  • occupy
  • occur
  • odd

Word List 2

Words 1 to 10 Words 11 to 20 Words 21 to 30 Words 31 to 40 Words 41 to 50
  • acquire
  • adapt
  • adequate
  • adjacent
  • adjust
  • administrate
  • adult
  • advocate
  • affect
  • aggregate
  • colleague
  • commence
  • comment
  • commission
  • commit
  • commodity
  • communicate
  • community
  • compatible
  • compensate

  • design
  • despite
  • detect
  • deviate
  • device
  • devote
  • differentiate
  • dimension
  • diminish
  • discriminate
  • enforce
  • enhance
  • enormous
  • ensure
  • entity
  • environment
  • equate
  • equip
  • equivalent
  • erode
  • finance
  • finite
  • flexible
  • fluctuate
  • focus
  • format
  • formula
  • forthcoming
  • found
  • foundation
Words 51 to 60 Words 61 to 70 Words 71 to 80 Words 81 to 90 Words 91 to 100
  • hypothesis  
  • identical
  • identify
  • ideology
  • ignorant
  • illustrate
  • image
  • immigrate
  • impact
  • implement
  • layer
  • lecture
  • legal
  • legislate
  • levy
  • liberal
  • license
  • likewise
  • link
  • limit
  • media
  • mediate
  • medical
  • medium  
  • mental
  • method
  • migrate
  • military  
  • minimal
  • minimize
  • offset
  • ongoing
  • option
  • orient
  • outcome
  • output
  • overall  
  • overlap
  • overseas
  • panel
  • prohibit
  • project
  • promote
  • proportion
  • prospect
  • protocol
  • psychology
  • publication
  • publish
  • purchase

Word List 3

Words 1 to 10 Words 11 to 20 Words 21 to 30 Words 31 to 40 Words 41 to 50
  • aid
  • albeit  
  • allocate
  • alter
  • ambiguous
  • amend
  • analogy
  • analyze
  • annual
  • anticipate
  • concept
  • conclude
  • concurrent
  • conduct
  • confer
  • confine
  • confirm
  • conflict
  • conform
  • consent
  • displace
  • display
  • dispose
  • distinct
  • distort
  • distribute
  • diverse
  • document
  • domain
  • domestic
  • error
  • establish
  • estate
  • estimate
  • ethic
  • ethnic
  • evaluate
  • eventual
  • evident
  • evolve
  • framework
  • function
  • fund
  • fundamental
  • furthermore  
  • gender
  • generate
  • gestate
  • gradual
  • gratitude
Words 51 to 60 Words 61 to 70 Words 71 to 80 Words 81 to 90 Words 91 to 100
  • implicate
  • implicit
  • imply
  • impose
  • incentive
  • incidence
  • incline
  • income
  • incorporate
  • index
  • minimum
  • ministry
  • minor
  • mode
  • modify
  • monitor
  • motive
  • mutual
  • negate
  • network
  • paradigm
  • paragraph
  • parallel
  • parameter
  • participate
  • partner
  • passive
  • perceive
  • percent
  • period
  • positive
  • potential
  • practitioner
  • precede
  • precise
  • predict
  • predominant
  • predominates
  • preliminary
  • presume
  • pursue
  • qualitative
  • quote
  • radical
  • random
  • range
  • ratio
  • rational
  • react
  • recover

Word List 4

Words 1 to 10 Words 11 to 20 Words 21 to 30 Words 31 to 40 Words 41 to 50
  • apparent
  • append
  • appreciate
  • approach
  • appropriate
  • approximate
  • arbitrary
  • area
  • aspect
  • assemble
  • cooperate
  • coordinate
  • core
  • corporate
  • correspond
  • creator
  • credit
  • criteria
  • crucial
  • culture
  • devote
  • differentiation
  • diminish
  • displacement
  • display
  • distinction
  • distorted
  • dramatic
  • duration
  • ethical
  • economic
  • element
  • environment
  • error
  • equation
  • establish
  • estimate
  • evaluation
  • eventually
  • evidence
  • exhibit
  • explicit
  • exploitation
  • extract
  • federal
  • fluctuations
  • format
  • founded
  • guidelines
  • highlighted
Words 51 to 60 Words 61 to 70 Words 71 to 80 Words 81 to 90 Words 91 to 100
  • indicate
  • individual
  • induce
  • inevitable
  • infer
  • infrastructure
  • inherent
  • inhibit
  • initial
  • initiate
  • neutral
  • neighbor
  • niche
  • nibble
  • nowhere
  • obtain
  • obsolete 
  • occasion
  • opportunity
  • opaque
  • persist
  • perspective
  • phase
  • phenomenon
  • philosophy
  • physical
  • plus
  • policy
  • portion
  • pose
  • previous
  • primary
  • prime
  • principal
  • principle
  • prior
  • priority
  • proceed
  • process
  • professional
  • refine
  • regime
  • region
  • register
  • regulate
  • reinforce
  • reject
  • relax
  • release
  • relevant

Commonly Confused Words in the English Language

English is a complicated language. Some words look the same, and some sound the same.

Recognizing the difference between these similar words could be tricky. 

We want to help you succeed on your IELTS journey, so we are providing you with some of the most commonly confused words in the English language. Pay close attention to these words and avoid the past mistakes most candidates have committed. 

Affect vs. Effect


Meaning: To have an influence or effect on something/someone

Example Sentence:

Not winning the competition did not affect her as much as I thought it would.” 


Meaning: To cause something to happen

Example Sentence:

“The effect of her medications on her illness was surprisingly quick.”

Loose vs. Lose


Meaning: Not fitting tightly or closely

Example Sentence:

“The dress she is wearing is obviously loose on her.”


Meaning: (1) To fail to win or

(2) to misplace something

Example Sentence:

(1) “I hate losing at chess against my sister.”
(2) “He lost his keys at the party last night.”

Lay vs. Lie


Meaning: To put down gently or carefully

Example Sentence:

“She laid her bracelet on the study.”


Meaning: To assume a horizontal position on a resting surface

Example Sentence:

“He lies down on the bed and takes a nap.”

Accept vs. Except


Meaning: To consent to receive

Example Sentence:

“She accepted the award graciously.”


Meaning: Not included

Example Sentence:

“They go to the park every day except on Sundays.” 

Complement vs. Compliment


Meaning: Something that fills up, completes, or makes better

Example Sentence:

“Her scarf is a complete complement to her outfit.”


Meaning: A polite expression of praise

Example Sentence:

“I was surprised by how he reacted over a small compliment.”

Farther vs. Further


Meaning: Over a large expanse of physical distance

Example Sentence:

“The black car is farther away than the white car.” 


Meaning: Over a large expanse figurative distance

Example Sentence:

“The newly-hired employee asked further questions from the manager.”

Passed vs. Past


Meaning: Simple past tense of ‘pass’

Example Sentence:

“She passed her exams in flying colors.”


Meaning: Gone by in time and no longer existing

Example Sentence:

“She has to move forward and leave the past behind her.”

Elicit vs. Illicit


Meaning: Draw out a response from someone

Example Sentence:

“I was not able to elicit any response from him.”


Meaning: Forbidden by law

Example Sentence:

“I have advised him to stop the use of illicit drugs.”

Any way vs. Anyway

Any way

Meaning: A phrase that means in any manner or method

Example Sentence:

“Any way you suggest is fine, as long as we reach the venue in half an hour.” 


Meaning: Used to confirm an idea just mentioned 

Example Sentence:

“It’s fine, I don’t mind. It’s my fault anyway.”

Than vs. Then


Meaning: Used before the second element in a comparison 

Example Sentence:

“The weather yesterday was warmer than today’s.”


Meaning: An adverb indicating time or sequence.

Example Sentence:

“We went to the park, then ate at our favorite restaurant.”

Its vs. It’s


Meaning: Belonging to or associated with a thing previously mentioned

Example Sentence:

“The milk is past its expiration date.”


Meaning: Contraction of ‘it is’

Example Sentence:

“It’s raining outside, bring an umbrella.”

Their vs. There vs. They’re


Meaning: Belonging to or associated with people or things previously mentioned 

Example Sentence:

“The tourists left their shoes outside the temple.”


Meaning: An adverb of place (in, at, to)

Example Sentence:

“We went to Singapore and stayed there for a week.”


Meaning: Contraction of ‘they are’

Example Sentence:

“They’re planning a surprise party for their parents.”

Your vs. You’re


Meaning: Belonging to or associated with the person or people the speaker is talking to

Example Sentence:

“Your dress looks lovely.”


Meaning: Contraction of ‘you are’

Example Sentence:

“You’re chosen to represent the class in the competition next week.”

Who vs. Whom


Meaning: A pronoun used as a subject refers to a person or people

Example Sentence:

“Who is the richest man in the world?”


Meaning:  A pronoun used as an object referring to a person or people

Example Sentence:

“Whom did he marry?”

That vs. Which


Meaning: Used when the phrase after it is essential in the sentence

Example Sentence:

“Products that do not pass the standards are not sold to consumers.”


Meaning: Used when the phrase after it is not essential in the sentence

Example Sentence:

“The homeless cat, which a stranger adopted, turned out to be my neighbor's lost pet."           

To vs. Too


Example Sentence:

“I go to the supermarket every week.”


Meaning: An adverb that means in addition or also

Example Sentence:

“I love apples and grapes too.”

Tricks to Learn and Remember English Vocabulary

You will not get very far with your language skills, no matter how brilliant your grammar is if you do not know any words to use it with. Vocabulary brings up new worlds while also making studying enjoyable and rewarding.

However, extending your vocabulary is like going on a diet. You need to exert effort, and there is no magic trick, no secret, and no one-size-fits-all method for doing so. You must identify what works best for you. Nevertheless, being patient, setting reasonable objectives, and rewarding yourself when you achieve them are sound strategies that can be supplemented with the following suggestions.

  • Make Use of Memory Tricks: Mnemonics are mental shortcuts that will help you remember more complicated concepts or words. It is a popular approach to memorizing a language. You can make associations between words. For example, when you need to buy Spaghetti, Tomatoes, Olives, Rice, and Eggs from the STORE. Furthermore, the more you think about acronyms or associations, the better you will remember the phrases that go with them.
  • Create an Environment Conducive to Learning: When you study abroad, you will hear and read the language everywhere, allowing you to acquire the language far more quickly through immersion. Luckily, you do not need to travel overseas to enhance your vocabulary gradually. You may create an inspirational and study-friendly environment wherever you are. Purchase publications or books in the new language, watch movies and prepare (or simply eat) local cuisine.
  • Make Use of a Notebook: Writing new words in a tangible notebook has a romantic quality to it. Just add a new word to a running vocabulary list when you come across a new word that you do not recognize. Then, a few times a week, go over the list, obliterating the English definitions and attempting to recall what each term meant. The more you read through the notebook, the easier it will be to recall the words. You can eventually cross off the words you know, so you do not have to go over them again.
  • Put the Words in Their Proper Context: Putting words in context is a fantastic way to learn more vocabulary faster. Consider putting them together in phrases rather than composing lists of random words. That way, you will understand how the word is utilized in everyday situations. It will also be easier to remember if you come up with entertaining sentences. You can also generate drawings or discover visuals that will complement the sentences and place the words in their natural home, depending on how you learn.
  • Take it a Step Further: Allow adequate space for mind maps with connected words, synonyms, and antonyms if you want to take your learning a step higher. If you’re going to make the most of your learning, try explaining and describing the word in English rather than translating it into your original tongue.
  • Put in The Effort: The most crucial thing you will need to recall English words is the appropriate attitude and the willingness to put in the effort. However, there is no such thing as a magical system. None of the approaches listed above are “correct” or “incorrect.” Find something that works for you and utilize it regularly. Experiment with a few to find which produces the greatest results.

Additional Reading: How to Improve Your English Speaking Skills

Additional FAQs on IELTS Writing Test

Is it Okay to Write 400 Words in IELTS Writing?

Candidates should write words that are slightly above the word limit. That is 170 – 190 words in the IELTS Writing Task 1 and 270 – 290 words in the IELTS Writing Task 2.

However, note that there is no word limit, and you will not lose marks for exceeding the word limit.

Keep in mind that the examiners will mark your IELTS Writing not based on the number of words you write but on the quality of your work. 

Is a 7 in IELTS Writing Good?

Yes, a band score of 7 in the IELTS Writing Test is good. It means that you are a ‘good user’ and that you have impressed the examiner enough to give you a 7.

Most candidates have not been able to achieve this as the IELTS Writing Test is arguably the most challenging.

So if you get a 7 (or higher) band score, be proud.

How is the IELTS Writing Marked?

The examiner will focus on four primary areas: 

(1) how you were able to answer the question well; 
(2) how well you connect an idea to the text; 
(3) your vocabulary range and accuracy; and 
(4) your grammatical forms range and accuracy. Each criterion contributes 25 percent of your overall marks in the IELTS Writing Test. 


VERBS in this chapter: walk, jump, touch, take, pull, hold, put, hit, react, look, sit , be, stand, smell, taste, thought, lie down, enter, leave, feel and to turn.










went on his way


























continued on

drifted past/along


glided along











trod/treaded/trodden limped








inched across










crept along, crept away



stepped lightly


Headword    Sublist    Related word forms    analyse 1 analysed, analyser, analysers, analyses, analysing, analysis, analyst, analysts, analytic, analytical, analytically, analyze, analyzed, analyzes, analyzing approach 1 approachable, approached, approaches, approaching, unapproachable area 1 areas assess 1 assessable, assessed, assesses, assessing, assessment, assessments, reassess, reassessed, reassessing, reassessment, unassessed assume 1 assumed, assumes, assuming, assumption, assumptions authority 1 authoritative, authorities available 1 availability, unavailable benefit 1 beneficial, beneficiaries, beneficiary, benefited, benefiting, benefits concept 1 conception, concepts, conceptual, conceptualisation, conceptualise, conceptualised, conceptualises, conceptualising, conceptually consist 1 consisted, consistency, consistent, consistently, consisting, consists, inconsistencies, inconsistency, inconsistent constitute 1 constituencies, constituency, constituent, constituents, constituted, constitutes, constituting, constitution, constitutional, constitutionally, constitutions, constitutive, unconstitutional context 1 contexts, contextual, contextualise, contextualised, contextualising, contextualize, contextualized, contextualizing, uncontextualised, uncontextualized contract 1 contracted, contracting, contractor, contractors, contracts create 1 created, creates, creating, creation, creations, creative, creatively, creativity, creator, creators, recreate, recreated, recreates, recreating data 1 define 1 definable, defined, defines, defining, definition, definitions, redefine, redefined, redefines, redefining, undefined derive 1 derivation, derivations, derivative, derivatives, derived, derives, deriving distribute 1 distributed, distributing, distribution, distributional, distributions, distributive, distributor, distributors, redistribute, redistributed, redistributes, redistributing, redistribution economy 1 economic, economical, economically, economics, economies, economist, economists, uneconomical environment 1 environmental, environmentalist, environmentalists, environmentally, environments establish 1 disestablish, disestablished, disestablishes, disestablishing, disestablishment, established, establishes, establishing, establishment, establishments estimate 1 estimated, estimates, estimating, estimation, estimations, over-estimate, overestimate, overestimated, overestimates, overestimating, underestimate, underestimated, underestimates, underestimating evident 1 evidence, evidenced, evidential, evidently export 1 exported, exporter, exporters, exporting, exports factor 1 factored, factoring, factors finance 1 financed, finances, financial, financially, financier, financiers, financing formula 1 formulae, formulas, formulate, formulated, formulating, formulation, formulations, reformulate, reformulated, reformulating, reformulation, reformulations function 1 functional, functionally, functioned, functioning, functions identify 1 identifiable, identification, identified, identifies, identifying, identities, identity, unidentifiable income 1 incomes indicate 1 indicated, indicates, indicating, indication, indications, indicative, indicator, indicators individual 1 individualised, individualism, individualist, individualistic, individualists, individuality, individually, individuals interpret 1 interpretation, interpretations, interpretative, interpreted, interpreting, interpretive, interprets, misinterpret, misinterpretation, misinterpretations, misinterpreted, misinterpreting, misinterprets, reinterpret, reinterpretation, reinterpretations, reinterpreted, reinterpreting, reinterprets involve 1 involved, involvement, involves, involving, uninvolved issue 1 issued, issues, issuing labour 1 labor, labored, labors, laboured, labouring, labours legal 1 illegal, illegality, illegally, legality, legally legislate 1 legislated, legislates, legislating, legislation, legislative, legislator, legislators, legislature major 1 majorities, majority method 1 methodical, methodological, methodologies, methodology, methods occur 1 occurred, occurrence, occurrences, occurring, occurs, reoccur, reoccurred, reoccurring, reoccurs percent 1 percentage, percentages period 1 periodic, periodical, periodically, periodicals, periods policy 1 policies principle 1 principled, principles, unprincipled proceed 1 procedural, procedure, procedures, proceeded, proceeding, proceedings, proceeds process 1 processed, processes, processing require 1 required, requirement, requirements, requires, requiring research 1 researched, researcher, researchers, researches, researching respond 1 responded, respondent, respondents, responding, responds, response, responses, responsive, responsiveness, unresponsive role 1 roles section 1 sectioned, sectioning, sections sector 1 sectors significant 1 insignificant, insignificantly, significance, significantly, signified, signifies, signify, signifying similar 1 dissimilar, similarities, similarity, similarly source 1 sourced, sources, sourcing specific 1 specifically, specification, specifications, specificity, specifics structure 1 restructure, restructured, restructures, restructuring, structural, structurally, structured, structures, structuring, unstructured theory 1 theoretical, theoretically, theories, theorist, theorists vary 1 invariable, invariably, variability, variable, variables, variably, variance, variant, variants, variation, variations, varied, varies, varying achieve 2 achievable, achieved, achievement, achievements, achieves, achieving acquire 2 acquired, acquires, acquiring, acquisition, acquisitions administrate 2 administrates, administration, administrations, administrative, administratively, administrator, administrators affect 2 affected, affecting, affective, affectively, affects, unaffected appropriate 2 appropriacy, appropriately, appropriateness, inappropriacy, inappropriate, inappropriately aspect 2 aspects assist 2 assistance, assistant, assistants, assisted, assisting, assists, unassisted category 2 categories, categorisation, categorise, categorised, categorises, categorising, categorization, categorized, categorizes, categorizing chapter 2 chapters commission 2 commissioned, commissioner, commissioners, commissioning, commissions community 2 communities complex 2 complexities, complexity compute 2 computable, computation, computational, computations, computed, computer, computerised, computers, computing conclude 2 concluded, concludes, concluding, conclusion, conclusions, conclusive, conclusively, inconclusive, inconclusively conduct 2 conducted, conducting, conducts consequent 2 consequence, consequences, consequently construct 2 constructed, constructing, construction, constructions, constructive, constructs, reconstruct, reconstructed, reconstructing, reconstruction, reconstructs consume 2 consumed, consumer, consumers, consumes, consuming, consumption credit 2 credited, crediting, creditor, creditors, credits culture 2 cultural, culturally, cultured, cultures, uncultured design 2 designed, designer, designers, designing, designs distinct 2 distinction, distinctions, distinctive, distinctively, distinctly, indistinct, indistinctly element 2 elements equate 2 equated, equates, equating, equation, equations evaluate 2 evaluated, evaluates, evaluating, evaluation, evaluations, evaluative, re-evaluate, re-evaluated, re-evaluates, re-evaluating, re-evaluation feature 2 featured, features, featuring final 2 finalise, finalised, finalises, finalising, finality, finalize, finalized, finalizes, finalizing, finally, finals focus 2 focused, focuses, focusing, focussed, focussing, refocus, refocused, refocuses, refocusing, refocussed, refocusses, refocussing impact 2 impacted, impacting, impacts injure 2 injured, injures, injuries, injuring, injury, uninjured institute 2 instituted, institutes, instituting, institution, institutional, institutionalise, institutionalised, institutionalises, institutionalising, institutionalized, institutionalizes, institutionalizing, institutionally, institutions invest 2 invested, investing, investment, investments, investor, investors, invests, reinvest, reinvested, reinvesting, reinvestment, reinvests item 2 itemisation, itemise, itemised, itemises, itemising, items journal 2 journals maintain 2 maintained, maintaining, maintains, maintenance normal 2 abnormal, abnormally, normalisation, normalise, normalised, normalises, normalising, normality, normalization, normalize, normalized, normalizes, normalizing, normally obtain 2 obtainable, obtained, obtaining, obtains, unobtainable participate 2 participant, participants, participated, participates, participating, participation, participatory perceive 2 perceived, perceives, perceiving, perception, perceptions positive 2 positively potential 2 potentially previous 2 previously primary 2 primarily purchase 2 purchased, purchaser, purchasers, purchases, purchasing range 2 ranged, ranges, ranging region 2 regional, regionally, regions regulate 2 deregulated, deregulates, deregulating, deregulation, regulated, regulates, regulating, regulation, regulations, regulator, regulators, regulatory, unregulated relevant 2 irrelevance, irrelevant, relevance reside 2 resided, residence, resident, residential, residents, resides, residing resource 2 resourced, resourceful, resources, resourcing, under-resourced, unresourceful restrict 2 restricted, restricting, restriction, restrictions, restrictive, restrictively, restricts, unrestricted, unrestrictive secure 2 insecure, insecurities, insecurity, secured, securely, secures, securing, securities, security seek 2 seeking, seeks, sought select 2 selected, selecting, selection, selections, selective, selectively, selector, selectors, selects site 2 sites strategy 2 strategic, strategically, strategies, strategist, strategists survey 2 surveyed, surveying, surveys text 2 texts, textual tradition 2 non-traditional, traditional, traditionalist, traditionally, traditions transfer 2 transferable, transference, transferred, transferring, transfers alternative 3 alternatively, alternatives circumstance 3 circumstances comment 3 commentaries, commentary, commentator, commentators, commented, commenting, comments compensate 3 compensated, compensates, compensating, compensation, compensations, compensatory component 3 componentry, components consent 3 consensus, consented, consenting, consents considerable 3 considerably constant 3 constancy, constantly, constants, inconstancy, inconstantly constrain 3 constrained, constraining, constrains, constraint, constraints, unconstrained contribute 3 contributed, contributes, contributing, contribution, contributions, contributor, contributors convene 3 convened, convenes, convening, convention, conventional, conventionally, conventions, unconventional coordinate 3 co-ordinate, co-ordinated, co-ordinates, co-ordinating, co-ordination, co-ordinator, co-ordinators, coordinated, coordinates, coordinating, coordination, coordinator, coordinators core 3 cored, cores, coring corporate 3 corporates, corporation, corporations correspond 3 corresponded, correspondence, corresponding, correspondingly, corresponds criteria 3 criterion deduce 3 deduced, deduces, deducing, deduction, deductions demonstrate 3 demonstrable, demonstrably, demonstrated, demonstrates, demonstrating, demonstration, demonstrations, demonstrative, demonstratively, demonstrator, demonstrators document 3 documentation, documented, documenting, documents dominate 3 dominance, dominant, dominated, dominates, dominating, domination emphasis 3 emphasise, emphasised, emphasising, emphasize, emphasized, emphasizes, emphasizing, emphatic, emphatically ensure 3 ensured, ensures, ensuring exclude 3 excluded, excludes, excluding, exclusion, exclusionary, exclusionist, exclusions, exclusive, exclusively framework 3 frameworks fund 3 funded, funder, funders, funding, funds illustrate 3 illustrated, illustrates, illustrating, illustration, illustrations, illustrative immigrate 3 immigrant, immigrants, immigrated, immigrates, immigrating, immigration imply 3 implied, implies, implying initial 3 initially instance 3 instances interact 3 interacted, interacting, interaction, interactions, interactive, interactively, interacts justify 3 justifiable, justifiably, justification, justifications, justified, justifies, justifying, unjustified layer 3 layered, layering, layers link 3 linkage, linkages, linked, linking, links locate 3 located, locating, location, locations, relocate, relocated, relocates, relocating, relocation maximise 3 max, maximisation, maximised, maximises, maximising, maximization, maximize, maximized, maximizes, maximizing, maximum minor 3 minorities, minority, minors negate 3 negated, negates, negating, negative, negatively, negatives outcome 3 outcomes partner 3 partners, partnership, partnerships philosophy 3 philosopher, philosophers, philosophical, philosophically, philosophies, philosophise, philosophised, philosophises, philosophising, philosophize, philosophized, philosophizes, philosophizing physical 3 physically proportion 3 disproportion, disproportionate, disproportionately, proportional, proportionally, proportionate, proportionately, proportions publish 3 published, publisher, publishers, publishes, publishing, unpublished react 3 reacted, reacting, reaction, reactionaries, reactionary, reactions, reactivate, reactivation, reactive, reactor, reactors, reacts register 3 deregister, deregistered, deregistering, deregisters, deregistration, registered, registering, registers, registration rely 3 reliability, reliable, reliably, reliance, reliant, relied, relies, relying, unreliable remove 3 removable, removal, removals, removed, removes, removing scheme 3 schematic, schematically, schemed, schemes, scheming sequence 3 sequenced, sequences, sequencing, sequential, sequentially sex 3 sexes, sexism, sexual, sexuality, sexually shift 3 shifted, shifting, shifts specify 3 specifiable, specified, specifies, specifying, unspecified sufficient 3 insufficient, insufficiently, sufficiency, sufficiently task 3 tasks technical 3 technically technique 3 techniques technology 3 technological, technologically valid 3 invalidate, invalidity, validate, validated, validating, validation, validity, validly volume 3 volumes access 4 accessed, accesses, accessibility, accessible, accessing, inaccessible adequate 4 adequacy, adequately, inadequacies, inadequacy, inadequate, inadequately annual 4 annually apparent 4 apparently approximate 4 approximated, approximately, approximates, approximating, approximation, approximations attitude 4 attitudes attribute 4 attributable, attributed, attributes, attributing, attribution civil 4 code 4 coded, codes, coding commit 4 commitment, commitments, commits, committed, committing communicate 4 communicable, communicated, communicates, communicating, communication, communications, communicative, communicatively, uncommunicative concentrate 4 concentrated, concentrates, concentrating, concentration confer 4 conference, conferences, conferred, conferring, confers contrast 4 contrasted, contrasting, contrastive, contrasts cycle 4 cycled, cycles, cyclic, cyclical, cycling debate 4 debatable, debated, debates, debating despite 4 dimension 4 dimensional, dimensions, multidimensional domestic 4 domestically, domesticate, domesticated, domesticating, domestics emerge 4 emerged, emergence, emergent, emerges, emerging error 4 erroneous, erroneously, errors ethnic 4 ethnicity goal 4 goals grant 4 granted, granting, grants hence 4 hypothesis 4 hypotheses, hypothesise, hypothesised, hypothesises, hypothesising, hypothesize, hypothesized, hypothesizes, hypothesizing, hypothetical, hypothetically implement 4 implementation, implemented, implementing, implements implicate 4 implicated, implicates, implicating, implication, implications impose 4 imposed, imposes, imposing, imposition integrate 4 integrated, integrates, integrating, integration internal 4 internalise, internalised, internalises, internalising, internalize, internalized, internalizes, internalizing, internally investigate 4 investigated, investigates, investigating, investigation, investigations, investigative, investigator, investigators job 4 jobs label 4 labeled, labeling, labelled, labelling, labels mechanism 4 mechanisms obvious 4 obviously occupy 4 occupancy, occupant, occupants, occupation, occupational, occupations, occupied, occupier, occupiers, occupies, occupying option 4 optional, options output 4 outputs overall 4 parallel 4 paralleled, parallelled, parallelling, parallels, unparalleled parameter 4 parameters phase 4 phased, phases, phasing predict 4 predictability, predictable, predictably, predicted, predicting, prediction, predictions, predicts, unpredictability, unpredictable principal 4 principally prior 4 professional 4 professionalism, professionally, professionals project 4 projected, projecting, projection, projections, projects promote 4 promoted, promoter, promoters, promotes, promoting, promotion, promotions regime 4 regimes resolve 4 resolution, resolved, resolves, resolving, unresolved retain 4 retained, retainer, retainers, retaining, retains, retention, retentive series 4 statistic 4 statistical, statistically, statistician, statisticians, statistics status 4 stress 4 stressed, stresses, stressful, stressing, unstressed subsequent 4 subsequently sum 4 summation, summed, summing, sums summary 4 summaries, summarisation, summarisations, summarise, summarised, summarises, summarising, summarization, summarizations, summarize, summarized, summarizes, summarizing undertake 4 undertaken, undertakes, undertaking, undertook academy 5 academia, academic, academically, academics, academies adjust 5 adjusted, adjusting, adjustment, adjustments, adjusts, readjust, readjusted, readjusting, readjustment, readjustments, readjusts alter 5 alterable, alteration, alterations, altered, altering, alternate, alternating, alters, unalterable, unaltered amend 5 amended, amending, amendment, amendments, amends aware 5 awareness, unaware capacity 5 capacities, incapacitate, incapacitated challenge 5 challenged, challenger, challengers, challenges, challenging clause 5 clauses compound 5 compounded, compounding, compounds conflict 5 conflicted, conflicting, conflicts consult 5 consultancy, consultant, consultants, consultation, consultations, consultative, consulted, consulting, consults contact 5 contactable, contacted, contacting, contacts decline 5 declined, declines, declining discrete 5 discretely, discretion, discretionary, indiscrete, indiscretion draft 5 drafted, drafting, drafts, redraft, redrafted, redrafting, redrafts enable 5 enabled, enables, enabling energy 5 energetic, energetically, energies enforce 5 enforced, enforcement, enforces, enforcing entity 5 entities equivalent 5 equivalence evolve 5 evolution, evolutionary, evolutionist, evolutionists, evolved, evolves, evolving expand 5 expanded, expanding, expands, expansion, expansionism, expansive expose 5 exposed, exposes, exposing, exposure, exposures external 5 externalisation, externalise, externalised, externalises, externalising, externality, externalization, externalize, externalized, externalizes, externalizing, externally facilitate 5 facilitated, facilitates, facilitating, facilitation, facilitator, facilitators, facilities, facility fundamental 5 fundamentally generate 5 generated, generates, generating generation 5 generations image 5 imagery, images liberal 5 liberalisation, liberalise, liberalised, liberalises, liberalising, liberalism, liberalization, liberalize, liberalized, liberalizes, liberalizing, liberally, liberate, liberated, liberates, liberating, liberation, liberations, liberator, liberators licence 5 licences, license, licensed, licenses, licensing, unlicensed logic 5 illogical, illogically, logical, logically, logician, logicians margin 5 marginal, marginally, margins medical 5 medically mental 5 mentality, mentally modify 5 modification, modifications, modified, modifies, modifying, unmodified monitor 5 monitored, monitoring, monitors, unmonitored network 5 networked, networking, networks notion 5 notions objective 5 objectively, objectivity orient 5 orientate, orientated, orientates, orientating, orientation, oriented, orienting, orients, reorient, reorientation perspective 5 perspectives precise 5 imprecise, precisely, precision prime 5 primacy psychology 5 psychological, psychologically, psychologist, psychologists pursue 5 pursued, pursues, pursuing, pursuit, pursuits ratio 5 ratios reject 5 rejected, rejecting, rejection, rejections, rejects revenue 5 revenues stable 5 instability, stabilisation, stabilise, stabilised, stabilises, stabilising, stability, stabilization, stabilize, stabilized, stabilizes, stabilizing, unstable style 5 styled, styles, styling, stylise, stylised, stylises, stylish, stylising, stylize, stylized, stylizes, stylizing substitute 5 substituted, substitutes, substituting, substitution sustain 5 sustainability, sustainable, sustained, sustaining, sustains, sustenance, unsustainable symbol 5 symbolic, symbolically, symbolise, symbolised, symbolises, symbolising, symbolism, symbolize, symbolized, symbolizes, symbolizing, symbols target 5 targeted, targeting, targets transit 5 transited, transiting, transition, transitional, transitions, transitory, transits trend 5 trends version 5 versions welfare 5 whereas 5 abstract 6 abstraction, abstractions, abstractly, abstracts accurate 6 accuracy, accurately, inaccuracies, inaccuracy, inaccurate acknowledge 6 acknowledged, acknowledgement, acknowledgements, acknowledges, acknowledging aggregate 6 aggregated, aggregates, aggregating, aggregation allocate 6 allocated, allocates, allocating, allocation, allocations assign 6 assigned, assigning, assignment, assignments, assigns, reassign, reassigned, reassigning, reassigns, unassigned attach 6 attached, attaches, attaching, attachment, attachments, unattached author 6 authored, authoring, authors, authorship bond 6 bonded, bonding, bonds brief 6 brevity, briefed, briefing, briefly, briefs capable 6 capabilities, capability, incapable cite 6 citation, citations, cited, cites, citing cooperate 6 co-operate, co-operated, co-operates, co-operation, co-operative, co-operatively, cooperated, cooperates, cooperating, cooperation, cooperative, cooperatively discriminate 6 discriminated, discriminates, discriminating, discrimination display 6 displayed, displaying, displays diverse 6 diversely, diversification, diversified, diversifies, diversify, diversifying, diversity domain 6 domains edit 6 edited, editing, edition, editions, editor, editorial, editorials, editors, edits enhance 6 enhanced, enhancement, enhances, enhancing estate 6 estates exceed 6 exceeded, exceeding, exceeds expert 6 expertise, expertly, experts explicit 6 explicitly federal 6 federation, federations fee 6 fees flexible 6 flexibility, inflexibility, inflexible furthermore 6 gender 6 genders ignorant 6 ignorance, ignore, ignored, ignores, ignoring incentive 6 incentives incidence 6 incident, incidentally, incidents incorporate 6 incorporated, incorporates, incorporating, incorporation index 6 indexed, indexes, indexing inhibit 6 inhibited, inhibiting, inhibition, inhibitions, inhibits initiate 6 initiated, initiates, initiating, initiation, initiations, initiative, initiatives, initiator, initiators input 6 inputs instruct 6 instructed, instructing, instruction, instructions, instructive, instructor, instructors, instructs intelligent 6 intelligence, intelligently, unintelligent interval 6 intervals lecture 6 lectured, lecturer, lecturers, lectures, lecturing migrate 6 migrant, migrants, migrated, migrates, migrating, migration, migrations, migratory minimum 6 ministry 6 ministered, ministerial, ministering, ministries motive 6 motivate, motivated, motivates, motivating, motivation, motivations, motives, unmotivated neutral 6 neutralisation, neutralise, neutralised, neutralises, neutralising, neutrality, neutralization, neutralize, neutralized, neutralizes, neutralizing nevertheless 6 overseas 6 precede 6 preceded, precedence, precedent, precedes, preceding, unprecedented presume 6 presumably, presumed, presumes, presuming, presumption, presumptions, presumptuous rational 6 irrational, rationalisation, rationalisations, rationalise, rationalised, rationalises, rationalising, rationalism, rationality, rationalization, rationalizations, rationalize, rationalized, rationalizes, rationally recover 6 recoverable, recovered, recovering, recovers, recovery reveal 6 revealed, revealing, reveals, revelation, revelations scope 6 subsidy 6 subsidiary, subsidies, subsidise, subsidised, subsidises, subsidising, subsidize, subsidized, subsidizes, subsidizing tape 6 taped, tapes, taping trace 6 traceable, traced, traces, tracing transform 6 transformation, transformations, transformed, transforming, transforms transport 6 transportation, transported, transporter, transporters, transporting, transports underlie 6 underlay, underlies, underlying utilise 6 utilisation, utilised, utiliser, utilisers, utilises, utilising, utilities, utility, utilization, utilize, utilized, utilizes, utilizing adapt 7 adaptability, adaptable, adaptation, adaptations, adapted, adapting, adaptive, adapts adult 7 adulthood, adults advocate 7 advocacy, advocated, advocates, advocating aid 7 aided, aiding, aids, unaided channel 7 channelled, channelling, channels chemical 7 chemically, chemicals classic 7 classical, classics comprehensive 7 comprehensively comprise 7 comprised, comprises, comprising confirm 7 confirmation, confirmed, confirming, confirms contrary 7 contrarily convert 7 conversion, conversions, converted, convertible, converting, converts couple 7 coupled, couples, coupling decade 7 decades definite 7 definitely, definitive, indefinite, indefinitely deny 7 deniable, denial, denials, denied, denies, denying, undeniable differentiate 7 differentiated, differentiates, differentiating, differentiation dispose 7 disposable, disposal, disposed, disposes, disposing dynamic 7 dynamically, dynamics eliminate 7 eliminated, eliminates, eliminating, elimination empirical 7 empirically, empiricism equip 7 equipment, equipped, equipping, equips extract 7 extracted, extracting, extraction, extracts file 7 filed, files, filing finite 7 infinite, infinitely foundation 7 foundations globe 7 global, globalisation, globalization, globally grade 7 graded, grades, grading guarantee 7 guaranteed, guaranteeing, guarantees hierarchy 7 hierarchical, hierarchies identical 7 identically ideology 7 ideological, ideologically, ideologies infer 7 inference, inferences, inferred, inferring, infers innovate 7 innovated, innovates, innovating, innovation, innovations, innovative, innovator, innovators insert 7 inserted, inserting, insertion, inserts intervene 7 intervened, intervenes, intervening, intervention, interventions isolate 7 isolated, isolates, isolating, isolation, isolationism media 7 mode 7 modes paradigm 7 paradigms phenomenon 7 phenomena, phenomenal priority 7 priorities, prioritisation, prioritise, prioritised, prioritises, prioritising, prioritization, prioritize, prioritized, prioritizes, prioritizing prohibit 7 prohibited, prohibiting, prohibition, prohibitions, prohibitive, prohibits publication 7 publications quote 7 quotation, quotations, quoted, quotes, quoting release 7 released, releases, releasing reverse 7 irreversible, reversal, reversals, reversed, reverses, reversible, reversing simulate 7 simulated, simulates, simulating, simulation sole 7 solely somewhat 7 submit 7 submission, submissions, submits, submitted, submitting successor 7 succession, successions, successive, successively, successors survive 7 survival, survived, survives, surviving, survivor, survivors thesis 7 theses topic 7 topical, topics transmit 7 transmission, transmissions, transmits, transmitted, transmitting ultimate 7 ultimately unique 7 uniquely, uniqueness visible 7 invisibility, invisible, visibility, visibly voluntary 7 voluntarily, volunteer, volunteered, volunteering, volunteers abandon 8 abandoned, abandoning, abandonment, abandons accompany 8 accompanied, accompanies, accompaniment, accompanying, unaccompanied accumulate 8 accumulated, accumulates, accumulating, accumulation ambiguous 8 ambiguities, ambiguity, unambiguous, unambiguously append 8 appended, appendices, appending, appendix, appendixes, appends appreciate 8 appreciable, appreciably, appreciated, appreciates, appreciating, appreciation, unappreciated arbitrary 8 arbitrarily, arbitrariness automate 8 automated, automates, automatic, automatically, automating, automation bias 8 biased, biases, biasing, unbiased chart 8 charted, charting, charts, uncharted clarify 8 clarification, clarified, clarifies, clarifying, clarity commodity 8 commodities complement 8 complementary, complemented, complementing, complements conform 8 conformability, conformable, conformance, conformation, conformed, conforming, conformist, conformists, conformity, conforms, non-conformist, non-conformists, non-conformity, nonconformist, nonconformists, nonconformity contemporary 8 contemporaries contradict 8 contradicted, contradicting, contradiction, contradictions, contradictory, contradicts crucial 8 crucially currency 8 currencies denote 8 denotation, denotations, denoted, denotes, denoting detect 8 detectable, detected, detecting, detection, detective, detectives, detector, detectors, detects deviate 8 deviated, deviates, deviating, deviation, deviations displace 8 displaced, displacement, displaces, displacing drama 8 dramas, dramatic, dramatically, dramatisation, dramatisations, dramatise, dramatised, dramatises, dramatising, dramatist, dramatists, dramatization, dramatizations, dramatize, dramatized, dramatizes, dramatizing eventual 8 eventuality, eventually exhibit 8 exhibited, exhibiting, exhibition, exhibitions, exhibits exploit 8 exploitation, exploited, exploiting, exploits fluctuate 8 fluctuated, fluctuates, fluctuating, fluctuation, fluctuations guideline 8 guidelines highlight 8 highlighted, highlighting, highlights implicit 8 implicitly induce 8 induced, induces, inducing, induction inevitable 8 inevitability, inevitably infrastructure 8 infrastructures inspect 8 inspected, inspecting, inspection, inspections, inspector, inspectors, inspects intense 8 intensely, intenseness, intensification, intensified, intensifies, intensify, intensifying, intension, intensity, intensive, intensively manipulate 8 manipulated, manipulates, manipulating, manipulation, manipulations, manipulative minimise 8 minimised, minimises, minimising, minimize, minimized, minimizes, minimizing nuclear 8 offset 8 offsets, offsetting paragraph 8 paragraphing, paragraphs plus 8 pluses practitioner 8 practitioners predominant 8 predominance, predominantly, predominate, predominated, predominates, predominating prospect 8 prospective, prospects radical 8 radically, radicals random 8 randomly, randomness reinforce 8 reinforced, reinforcement, reinforcements, reinforces, reinforcing restore 8 restoration, restored, restores, restoring revise 8 revised, revises, revising, revision, revisions schedule 8 reschedule, rescheduled, reschedules, rescheduling, scheduled, schedules, scheduling, unscheduled tense 8 tensely, tenser, tensest, tension, tensions terminate 8 terminal, terminals, terminated, terminates, terminating, termination, terminations theme 8 thematic, thematically, themes thereby 8 uniform 8 uniformity, uniformly vehicle 8 vehicles via 8 virtual 8 virtually visual 8 visualisation, visualise, visualised, visualising, visualization, visualize, visualized, visualizing, visually widespread 8 accommodate 9 accommodated, accommodates, accommodating, accommodation analogy 9 analogies, analogous anticipate 9 anticipated, anticipates, anticipating, anticipation, unanticipated assure 9 assurance, assurances, assured, assuredly, assures, assuring attain 9 attainable, attained, attaining, attainment, attainments, attains, unattainable behalf 9 bulk 9 bulky cease 9 ceased, ceaseless, ceases, ceasing coherent 9 coherence, coherently, incoherent, incoherently coincide 9 coincided, coincidence, coincidences, coincident, coincidental, coincides, coinciding commence 9 commenced, commencement, commences, commencing, recommenced, recommences, recommencing compatible 9 compatibility, incompatibility, incompatible concurrent 9 concurrently confine 9 confined, confines, confining, unconfined controversy 9 controversial, controversially, controversies, uncontroversial converse 9 conversely device 9 devices devote 9 devoted, devotedly, devotes, devoting, devotion, devotions diminish 9 diminished, diminishes, diminishing, diminution, undiminished distort 9 distorted, distorting, distortion, distortions, distorts duration 9 erode 9 eroded, erodes, eroding, erosion ethic 9 ethical, ethically, ethics, unethical format 9 formats, formatted, formatting found 9 founded, founder, founders, founding, unfounded inherent 9 inherently insight 9 insightful, insights integral 9 intermediate 9 manual 9 manually, manuals mature 9 immature, immaturity, maturation, maturational, matured, matures, maturing, maturity mediate 9 mediated, mediates, mediating, mediation medium 9 military 9 minimal 9 minimalisation, minimalise, minimalised, minimalises, minimalising, minimalist, minimalistic, minimalists, minimalization, minimalize, minimalized, minimalizes, minimalizing, minimally mutual 9 mutually norm 9 norms overlap 9 overlapped, overlapping, overlaps passive 9 passively, passivity portion 9 portions preliminary 9 preliminaries protocol 9 protocols qualitative 9 qualitatively refine 9 refined, refinement, refinements, refines, refining relax 9 relaxation, relaxed, relaxes, relaxing restrain 9 restrained, restraining, restrains, restraint, restraints, unrestrained revolution 9 revolutionaries, revolutionary, revolutionise, revolutionised, revolutionises, revolutionising, revolutionist, revolutionists, revolutionize, revolutionized, revolutionizes, revolutionizing, revolutions rigid 9 rigidities, rigidity, rigidly route 9 routed, routes, routing scenario 9 scenarios sphere 9 spheres, spherical, spherically subordinate 9 subordinates, subordination supplement 9 supplementary, supplemented, supplementing, supplements suspend 9 suspended, suspending, suspends, suspension team 9 teamed, teaming, teams temporary 9 temporarily trigger 9 triggered, triggering, triggers unify 9 unification, unified, unifies, unifying violate 9 violated, violates, violating, violation, violations vision 9 visions adjacent 10 albeit 10 assemble 10 assembled, assembles, assemblies, assembling, assembly collapse 10 collapsed, collapses, collapsible, collapsing colleague 10 colleagues compile 10 compilation, compilations, compiled, compiles, compiling conceive 10 conceivable, conceivably, conceived, conceives, conceiving, inconceivable, inconceivably convince 10 convinced, convinces, convincing, convincingly, unconvinced depress 10 depressed, depresses, depressing, depression encounter 10 encountered, encountering, encounters enormous 10 enormity, enormously forthcoming 10 incline 10 inclination, inclinations, inclined, inclines, inclining integrity 10 intrinsic 10 intrinsically invoke 10 invoked, invokes, invoking levy 10 levies likewise 10 nonetheless 10 notwithstanding 10 odd 10 odds ongoing 10 panel 10 panelled, panelling, panels persist 10 persisted, persistence, persistent, persistently, persisting, persists pose 10 posed, poses, posing reluctance 10 reluctant, reluctantly so-called 10 straightforward 10 undergo 10 undergoes, undergoing, undergone, underwent whereby 10

1. Ref-n-write PhraseBank for Writing Research Papers

REF-N-WRITE phrase bank contains a comprehensive collection of the phrases that you can readily use to write your research paper.  The site contains plenty of academic phrases, sentence stubs and academic vocabulary that covers various sections of the paper – abstract, introduction, materials & methods, results, discussion, conclusion, acknowledgments, and appendix. The academic phrases and vocabulary were extracted from a wide collection of scientific research papers. The phrases and sentence stubs provided on the site are very generic, so there will not be any copyright or plagiarism implications if you use them directly in your papers. This is a perfect place to start if you are writing your first research paper or if you are a non-native English speaker. There is also a nice tutorial explaining how to write a research paper with a brief description of various sections that constitute a research paper.

Click here to go to REF-N-WRITE Academic Phrasebank for Research Paper Writing ….

2. Manchester PhraseBank for General Academic Writing

This Academic phrase bank is the most popular general resource for academic writers created by Dr. John Morley at the University of Manchester. It provides phraseological ideas for the main sections of a research paper or dissertation. The phrases cover various aspects of academic writing and are categorised under following sections: (1) Being critical, (2) Being cautious, (3) Classifying and listing, (4) Compare and contrast, (5) Defining terms, (6) Describing trends, (7) Describing quantities, (8) Explaining causality, (9) Giving examples as support, (10) Signalling transition, and (11) Writing about the past. Even though, the resource was designed primarily for academic and scientific writers who are non-native speakers of English, however native speaker writers may still find much of the material helpful. There is a general section covering topics such as (1) Academic style, (2) Commonly confused words, (3) British and US spelling, Punctuation, (3) Using articles, (4) Sentence structure, (5) Paragraph structure and (6) Helpful tips for writers. The Academic Phrasebank is not discipline specific. The phrases provided in the site are content neutral and generic in nature and hence using them, will not constitute plagiarism or stealing others ideas.

Click here to go to Manchester Phrasebank for Academic Writing ….

3. UEFAP (Using English for Academic Purposes For Students in Higher Education)

The UEFAP site has plenty of resources in academic writing. The site is maintained by Andy Gillett – the author the book “Successful Academic Writing.” This site touches upon various elements of academic writing and is organised under following sections: (1) Functions; (2) Paragraphs; (3) Plagiarism; (4) reporting; (5) Genres; (6) References; (7) Citation; (8) Punctuation; and (9) Spelling. There are plenty of fill-in-the-blanks type exercises to practice your academic writing skills.

Click here to go to UEFAP Academic Vocabulary Exercises for Academic Writing ….

4. Academic Word List – Dr. Averil Coxhead (Victoria University of Wellington)

Dr. Averil Coxhead, Senior Lecturer School of Linguistics and Applied Language Studies developed and evaluated The Academic Word List (AWL) for her MA thesis. This list is a very useful resource for improving academic writing skills for learners and a good teaching resource for tutors. The list contains 570 word families which were selected according to principles. The list does not include words that are in the most frequent 2000 words of English since they are likely to be mostly articles, prepositions and very basic vocabulary. The academic word list was extracted from the Academic Corpus containing approximately 3,500,000 running words. The materials for the corpus came from four broad fields of study: Arts, Commerce, Law, and Science. Each of these contained approximately 875,000 running words. Words from each field were further divided into seven subject areas of approximately 125,000 running words.

Click here to go to Dr. Averil Coxhead’s Academic Word List Webpage ….

5. Academic Vocabulary – Sandra Haywood, University of Nottingham, UK

This site is maintained by Sandra Haywood of Nottingham and has plenty of resources to expand your academic vocabulary using the Academic Word List (the AWL). The ‘AWL Highlighter’ tool available in this site highlights AWL words in texts you cut and paste into the site. The ‘AWL Gapmaker’ creates gaps in place of AWL words in texts you cut and paste into the site. There are plenty of exercises for beginners in academic writing and teaching resources for academic writing tutors. This resource is handy for home students and overseas students, who need to learn the technical vocabulary of their field. This will help them improve their comprehension of academic texts and also help them write assignments in an academic writing style.

Click here to go to Dr. Sandra Haywood’s Academic Word List Webpage ….

6. Word and Phrase Info – Mark Davis, Brigham Young University

This is a very useful site that allows you to analyze your writing by comparing your text with data from a Corpus. After inputting the text, the site processes your text and displays useful information about words and phrases in the text, based on data from the Corpus of Contemporary American English (COCA). It will highlight all of the medium and lower-frequency words in your text and create lists of these words that you can use offline. You can also have it show you the “academic” words in your text.  You can click on the words in the text to see a detailed information such as word sketch, definition, collocates, and the frequency of the word (overall, and by genre). You can search for related phrases on selected phrases in your text, to show related phrases in COCA. In this way, this resource is like a “collocational thesaurus” to see what related phrases are most likely in different styles of English. This will help you use just the right phrase based on a huge collection of native English texts.

 Click here to go to Mark Davis’s Academic Vocabulary & Phrase Analysis Webpage ….

7. Exam English

This site contains plenty of free practice tests for the learners of English. They have converted academic word list produced by Dr. Averil Coxhead into a series of practice tests. The 570 words are divided into 10 Groups. The groups are ordered such that the words in the first Group are the most frequent words and those in the last Group are the least frequent. This site is excellent if you would like to improve your academic writing skills through practice.

Click here to go to Academic Word List Practice Webpage ….

8. Academic Vocabulary Exercises – Gerry Luton, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

This site is maintained by Gerry Luton, University of Victoria, British Columbia, Canada. There are plenty of academic vocabulary exercises to improve your academic writing skills. The Academic Word List (AWL) is divided into 10 sublists of word families, and there are exercises for each sublist. The exercises include different derivations for the words given. This website features over 750 gap-fill exercises to learn and review over 2000 items of General vocabulary and Academic vocabulary in English. Gap-fill exercises are an excellent way to practice vocabulary in different contexts and can be used to broaden the student’s understanding of the range of meaning of vocabulary. The online format of the exercises allows students to get immediate feedback on their answers.

Click here to go to Academic Vocabulary Exercise Webpage ….

International English Language Testing System is a widely accepted English proficiency test taken by students intending to pursue foreign education or employment abroad. The test assesses the candidate’s ability to communicate in English and is based on four parameters: reading, writing, speaking and listening.

For IELTS, it’s crucial to employ a variety of vocabulary with flexibility because the examiner will be looking for it in all the sections. Additionally, you need to read well in order to comprehend the texts because they will contain many challenging vocabulary.

To get a band 7 or higher on the IELTS, having a strong vocabulary is crucial. Here we have compiled a list of IELTS vocabulary words that candidates can utilise for their preparation. 

Topic-wise List for IELTS Vocabulary

Candidates should have a wide range of vocabulary as that will help them to discuss various topics. If one is unable to appropriately use the correct words, then this becomes a major drawback and can hamper the overall score as well. 

Want to improve your IELTS speaking score?

Speak like a native and boost your IELTS score – Join our speaking course today!

IELTS Vocabulary 2023: The Best List of Vocabulary Words for IELTS

We have identified the latest and most popular topics that have been used in IELTS exam. In the list below, you will find topic-wise IELTS vocabulary words with their meaning and usage next to them for better understanding. 

  • Advertisement 
  • Business
  • Culture
  • Environment
  • Fashion
  • Personality
  • Covid-19 
  • Education
  • Travel
  • Food

Phrasal Verb for IELTS vocabulary

Phrasal verb consists of two or three words from different grammatical groups. When all of them are combined, a different meaning is put forward and hence must be used according to the context. Besides, phrasal verbs belong to the IELTS vocabulary list and candidates can make use of them to demonstrate their command over the English language.

Before that, the candidate must try to understand the meaning of the phrasal verb as the wrong usage can reduce the band score.  Here is the list of phrasal verbs that the candidate can use: 

Phrasal Verb Meaning Example
Quarrel with Dispute or disagree with
I am not quarrelling with their idea, but
I think there are other possibilities.
Romp in Win easily In the first race, the favorite romped in.
Salt away Save money She’s making a lot of money, but salts it
away rather than spending it.
Venture forth Leave somewhere safe or
If the storm has finished, we could venture
Stick with Not change something We’d better stick with our original idea.
Tee off Start or launch an event The new project will tee off next month.
Go by The passing of time Ten years went by before we saw each other
Kick back Relax Rather than go out tonight, we plan to kick
back and watch television
Limber up for Prepare for something that
will require a great effort
They are limbering up for the end of the
financial year.
Measure against Evaluate or judge by
The work doesn’t look good if you measure
it against what our competitors have done.
Pass over Ignore, refuse to discuss Let’s pass over what they said and get on.
Peel away From Leave a group by
moving in a different
They peeled away from the crowd and
went down a side road

Idioms for IELTS Vocabulary

IELTS speaking section is another challenging area for many. However, it is in this section that the candidates can show their fluency, pronunciation and vocabulary of the language.

Idioms in this section help in expressing our ideas more clearly and make them sound rather natural. But, candidates must not use idioms without understanding their meaning, as that will lead to a deduction in marks. Hence, it is advisable that candidates use it in tasks only when they’re confident about its meaning and context.

We have compiled a list of common idioms for IELTS vocabulary that can be used in the speaking section. Remember when used properly they will lead to a great band score. 

  • To be on the top of the world 
  • To be on cloud nine 
  • If my memory serves me well 
  • Over the moon 
  • Once in a blue moon 
  • Piece of cake 
  • A drop in the ocean 
  • To be like a dog with two tails 
  • It makes my blood boil 
  • Change one’s mind 
  • Call it a day 
  • Put all your eggs in one basket 
  • Blessing in disguise 
  • Actions speak louder than words 
  • I hit the ceiling 
  • Fresh as a daisy
  • Couch potato
  • Full of beans   
  • A bad egg
  • Eager beaver

Collocations for IELTS Vocabulary

Collocations can be understood as the proper arrangement of words in a sentence or the combination of words that appear natural. They can be paired in this manner: 

  1. Verb & noun 
  2. Verb & adverb 
  3. Adverb & adjective 
  4. Adjective & noun 
  5. Noun & noun 

For easier understanding, some examples are listed below: 

  • Make someone’s bed
  • I have a preference for continental cuisine
  • I prefer reading
  • Parents can assist their children with financial responsibility
  • I have to take the test if I want to take the course 

The speaking module tests the candidate’s ability to communicate fluently in English. However, this means that the student must be able to pronounce the words correctly without much hesitation. But that is not all, they must have a grasp over their vocabulary and use it when and where it is required as that can provide them with a good score. 

Here is a comprehensive list of IELTS vocabulary words

IELTS Vocabulary list

To achieve a band score of 9 in the speaking section is a dream for many. Indian students specially struggle in this section.

For detailed content on how to prepare for the IELTS speaking section, you can read:

Band 8 Sample Answer

IELTS Speaking Tips

How to Improve Speaking Section Score

For specific content on cue cards, task type samples and latest topics, visit:

IELTS Speaking Part 1

latest Speaking Topics

IELTS Cue Cards

Reading and Writing : IELTS vocabulary list

Most candidates lose out marks as they do not use synonyms in the reading and writing section. Here is a list of popular words and their synonyms to help you expand your IELTS vocabulary for the reading and writing sections:

Words  Synonyms 
Amazing  Incredible 
Answer  Respond 
Awful  Bad 
Beautiful  Pretty 
Begin  Start 
Come  Arrive 
Cool  Frosty 
Dangerous  Risky 
Decide  Settle 
Definite  Certain 
Delicious  Savoury 
Wrong  Mistaken 
Tell  Narrate, Inform 
Show  Display, Exhibit 
New  Recent, current 
Neat  Clean 
Interesting  Intriguing 
Important  Vital, crucial 
Help  Assist 
Happy  Content 
Famous  Well-known 
Funny  Amusing 
Place  Procedure 

You can also check out IELTS courses by LeapScholar for a detailed guide on the IELTS Reading Section to get help on reading tips & strategy. Also, get access to guidance from the best IELTS tutors, attend mock tests, and get all sample materials to practise your IELTS vocabulary for reading section.

Tips to prepare for IELTS Vocabulary 

Candidates should follow these tips diligently while preparing for their IELTS exam. At the end of the day, attaining a good score is the stepping stone towards pursuing their dream of studying abroad. 

  • Read, listen and converse in English. 

Candidates should read English newspapers and get into the habit of reading. While reading, if they find any new word, they should note it down and look for its meaning. 

Vocabulary for IELTS

  • Practice 

Practice makes a man perfect and hence is the key to nailing a good score. Whether it’s reading, writing, speaking or listening, practising each of these sections is necessary. 

  • Use YouTube 

Candidates should use YouTube to understand how academic words are pronounced. They can also watch English shows to learn new vocabulary. 

  • Avoid memorising in all circumstances

Memorising words is an activity that should be avoided as the meaning of words change according to their context. 

Besides the list of IELTS vocabulary words, candidates can also make use of audio and videos as this can amp up the preparation process. Following the syllabus for each section is also essential. 

Are you looking for a professional coaching for IELTS? 

IELTS Prep app by Leap Scholar is a one-stop solution for your study abroad dream. You can access specially crafted lessons by experts accredited by IDP, British Council, and Cambridge. About 1M + students have trusted us with their IELTS prep journey. Join us, download our IELTS prep app and get access to the best resources!

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Is there any IELTS vocabulary test ? 

    No, there is no vocabulary test in IELTS. However, a wide range of vocabulary can help score well in the exam. Candidates can follow our list of vocabulary words for IELTS to prepare for the exam. 

  • Is 7.5 a good score? 

    This score shows that the candidate has a good command of their English language. Most universities across the globe accept this score.

  • Is IELTS vocabulary important ?

    Yes, Vocabulary is important as it covers up to 25% of the total score in IELTS. It is the only topic common for both the Speaking and Writing sections. 

  • How can to enrich your IELTS vocabulary?

    Some of the hacks to improve IELTS vocabulary is reading newspaper, watching English movies with subtitles, writing daily diary and making notes of new words and phrases.

  • Is it necessary to use complex words for IELTS ?

    No. There is no rule that using difficult words will help you score well. It is advisable that you should focus on the usage and meaning. Using difficult words is an add-on and if you don’t know it’s best not to use them.

  • Why is it important to improve vocabulary for IELTS?

    Yes. Vocabulary is your foundation. Vocabulary makes up to 25% of your total mark in the IELTS Writing and Speaking tests. Without a strong vocabulary, it is difficult to have an efficient conversation or write a good content piece. And when you move out to an English-speaking country, it is ideal to build a strong vocabulary.

  • What is the best way to memorise IELTS vocabulary words easily?

    The best way to memorise vocabulary is by using mnemonics. These are mental shortcuts that help you remember more complex concepts or words. For example, you can create connection between words. The longer you think about acronyms or the connection the better will you remember the words that are associated with it.

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