Word lists for verbs

Why should one have a list of verbs at one’s disposal? This is a question we often ask of ourselves. Let’s find a suitable answer to this question. As you are well aware of the fact that our lives are full of action and to carry out those actions we need to utter certain words. For example, if you want your son to have his meal, you will need to utter specific words to convey your message. Most of the times you will say the words “Eat your meal”. In this sentence, without the word ‘eat’ you wouldn’t have gotten your message across. Such words are known as verbs and they are an obligatory part of our everyday lives. In this article a list of verbs will be put before you so that you may know how verbs are used to carry out actions.

Verbs list given in this article is really unique because it makes your learning experience systematic and smooth. While going through this article you will notice that the given list of verbs has been categorized methodically. This will help you learn all of the given verbs with much more ease. So without any further ado, let’s get started with the list of verbs given below.

List of Verbs That Are Commonly Used

We have a pretty useful list of verbs that we utilize in our daily lives to carry out actions. Following is a list of verbs that we commonly make use of in our daily lives.

  • Be
  • Have
  • Do
  • Say
  • Go
  • Can
  • Get
  • Would
  • Make
  • Know
  • Will
  • Think
  • Take
  • See
  • Come
  • Could
  • Want
  • Look
  • Use
  • Find
  • Give
  • Tell
  • Work
  • May
  • Should
  • Call
  • Try
  • Ask
  • Need
  • Feel
  • Become
  • Leave
  • Put
  • Mean
  • Keep
  • Let
  • Begin
  • Seem
  • Help
  • Talk
  • Turn
  • Start
  • Might
  • Show
  • Hear
  • Play
  • Run
  • Move
  • Like
  • Live
  • Believe
  • Hold
  • Bring
  • Happen
  • Must
  • Write
  • Provide
  • Sit
  • Stand
  • Lose
  • Pay
  • Meet
  • Include
  • Continue
  • Set
  • Learn
  • Change
  • Lead
  • Understand
  • Watch
  • Follow
  • Stop
  • Create
  • Speak
  • Read
  • Allow
  • Add
  • Spend
  • Grow
  • Open
  • Walk
  • Win
  • Offer
  • Remember
  • Love
  • Consider
  • Appear
  • Buy
  • Wait
  • Serve
  • Die
  • Send
  • Expect
  • Build
  • Stay
  • Fall
  • Cut
  • Reach
  • Kill
  • Remain

List of Verbs That Start with A

Verbs are very important for language development because they allow children to start building sentences. Following is a list of verbs starting with A. Try adding new verbs to this list of verbs that start with A.

  • Abandon
  • Abase
  • Abate
  • Abbreviate
  • Abdicate
  • Abduct
  • Aberrate
  • Abet
  • Abhor
  • Abide
  • Abjure
  • Abnegate
  • Abolish
  • Abominate
  • Abort
  • Abound
  • Abridge
  • Abrogate
  • Abscond
  • Absolve
  • Absorb
  • Abstain
  • Abstract
  • Abuse
  • Accelerate
  • Accept
  • Acclaim
  • Acclimatize
  • Accommodate
  • Accompany
  • Accomplish
  • Accost
  • Account
  • Accredit
  • Accrue
  • Accumulate
  • Accuse
  • Accustom
  • Ache
  • Achieve
  • Achromatize
  • Acidify
  • Acidulate
  • Acknowledge
  • Acquiesce
  • Acquire
  • Acquit
  • Act
  • Activate
  • Actualize
  • Actuate
  • Adapt
  • Add
  • Address
  • Adduce
  • Adjoin
  • Adjourn
  • Adjust
  • Administer
  • Admire
  • Admit
  • Adopt
  • Adore
  • Adorn
  • Adulate
  • Adulterate
  • Advance
  • Advise
  • Aerate
  • Affect
  • Affiliate
  • Affirm
  • Affix
  • Afflict
  • Afford
  • Afforest
  • Africanize
  • Age
  • Agglomerate
  • Aggravate
  • Aggregate
  • Agitate
  • Agonize
  • Agree
  • Aim
  • Air
  • Alarm
  • Alert
  • Alienate
  • Align
  • Allege
  • Allegorize
  • Alleviate
  • Allocate
  • Allot
  • Allow
  • Alloy
  • Allude
  • Allure
  • Ally
  • Alter
  • Alternate
  • Amalgamate
  • Amass
  • Amaze
  • Amble
  • Ambush
  • Ameliorate
  • Amend
  • Americanize
  • Amnesty
  • Amortize
  • Amount
  • Amplify
  • Amputate
  • Amuse
  • Analyze
  • Anathematize
  • Anchor
  • Anger
  • Angle
  • Anglicize
  • Animalize
  • Animate
  • Annex
  • Annihilate
  • Annotate
  • Announce
  • Annoy
  • Annul
  • Anoint
  • Answer
  • Antagonize
  • Antedate
  • Anticipate
  • Ape
  • Apologize
  • Apostatize
  • Apostrophize
  • Appal
  • Appeal
  • Appear
  • Appease
  • Append
  • Applaud
  • Apply
  • Appoint
  • Apportion
  • Appreciate
  • Apprehend
  • Approach
  • Appropriate
  • Approve
  • Arbitrate
  • Arch
  • Argue
  • Arise
  • Arm
  • Armourplate
  • Arouse
  • Arraign
  • Arrange
  • Arrest
  • Arrive
  • Arrow
  • Articulate
  • Ascertain
  • Ascribe
  • Ask
  • Asphalt
  • Aspire
  • Assassinate
  • Assault
  • Assemble
  • Assert
  • Assess
  • Assign
  • Assimilate
  • Assist
  • Associate
  • Assuage
  • Assume
  • Assure
  • Astonish
  • Astound
  • Atomize
  • Atone
  • Atrophy
  • Attach
  • Attack
  • Attain
  • Attempt
  • Attend
  • Attenuate
  • Attract
  • Attribute
  • Attune
  • Auction
  • Audit
  • Auscultate
  • Authenticate
  • Authorize
  • Autograph
  • Automate
  • Avenge
  • Avert
  • Avoid
  • Awake
  • Awaken
  • Award

List of Verbs That Start with B

The choice of verb determines the grammatical form in a sentence. A list of verbs that start with B is given below. Let’s jump into this mesmerizing list of verbs starting with B to make ourselves familiar with them.

  • Babble
  • Back
  • Backfire
  • Backslide
  • Bag
  • Bail
  • Bait
  • Bake
  • Balance
  • Ball
  • Ballast
  • Bamboozle
  • Ban
  • Bandage
  • Bang
  • Banish
  • Bank
  • Banter
  • Baptize
  • Bar
  • Bard
  • Bargain
  • Bark
  • Barrack
  • Barricade
  • Barrow
  • Barter
  • Base
  • Bash
  • Bask
  • Baste
  • Bat
  • Bathe
  • Batter
  • Battle
  • Bawl
  • Be
  • Bead
  • Beam
  • Bear
  • Beat
  • Beatify
  • Become
  • Bed
  • Bedeck
  • Bedevil
  • Beg
  • Beget
  • Begin
  • Behave
  • Behead
  • Behold
  • Bejewel
  • Belch
  • Believe
  • Belittle
  • Bellow
  • Belong
  • Belt
  • Bemuse
  • Bend
  • Benumb
  • Bequeath
  • Bereave
  • Berth
  • Beseech
  • Besiege
  • Bespangle
  • Bestow
  • Bet
  • Betray
  • Betroth
  • Better
  • Bevel
  • Beware
  • Bewilder
  • Bewitch
  • Bicker
  • Bid
  • Bind
  • Bisect
  • Bite
  • Bivouac
  • Blab
  • Black
  • Blacken
  • Blackmail
  • Blame
  • Blanch
  • Blank
  • Blare
  • Blaspheme
  • Blast
  • Blaze
  • Blazon
  • Bleach
  • Bleat
  • Bleed
  • Blemish
  • Blend
  • Bless
  • Blight
  • Blind
  • Blink
  • Block
  • Blockade
  • Bloom
  • Blossom
  • Blow
  • Blubber
  • Bludgeon
  • Blue
  • Bluff
  • Blunder
  • Blunt
  • Blur
  • Blurt
  • Blush
  • Board
  • Boast
  • Boat
  • Bog
  • Boil
  • Bolster
  • Bolt
  • Bomb
  • Bombard
  • Bone
  • Boo
  • Book
  • Boost
  • Boot
  • Booze
  • Border
  • Bore
  • Born
  • Borrow
  • Boss
  • Botanize
  • Botch
  • Bother
  • Bottle
  • Bottom
  • Bounce
  • Bound
  • Bouy
  • Bow
  • Bowl
  • Box
  • Boycott
  • Brace
  • Brag
  • Braid
  • Brainwash
  • Brake
  • Branch
  • Brandish
  • Brave
  • Bray
  • Break
  • Breakfast
  • Breathe
  • Breed
  • Breeze
  • Brew
  • Bribe
  • Brick
  • Bridle
  • Brighten
  • Brim
  • Bring
  • Bristle
  • Broadcast
  • Brocade
  • Bronze
  • Brood
  • Browbeat
  • Brown
  • Browse
  • Bruise
  • Brush
  • Brutalize
  • Bubble
  • Bucaneer
  • Buck
  • Buckle
  • Bud
  • Budge
  • Buff
  • Bug
  • Build
  • Bulk
  • Bully
  • Bump
  • Bunch
  • Bundle
  • Bungle
  • Bunk
  • Buoy
  • Burden
  • Burgle
  • Burn
  • Burnish
  • Burow
  • Burst
  • Bury
  • Busk
  • Bust
  • Butt
  • Butter
  • Button
  • Buttress
  • Buy
  • Buzz
  • Bypass

List of Verbs That Start with C

Children who use more verbs have more advanced grammatical skills. Most children use at least 40 verbs by the time they are 24 months old. The list of verbs starting with C given below contains some of those verbs. Go through this list of verbs that start with C to find out how many of these do you still use in your daily life routine.

  • Cable
  • Cackle
  • Cadge
  • Cage
  • Cajole
  • Calcify
  • Calculate
  • Calibrate
  • Call
  • Calligraph
  • Calm
  • Calve
  • Camber
  • Camouflage
  • Camp
  • Cancel
  • Cane
  • Cannonade
  • Canonize
  • Canvass
  • Cap
  • Caparison
  • Caper
  • Capitalize
  • Capitulate
  • Capsize
  • Captivate
  • Capture
  • Carbonize
  • Carburet
  • Card
  • Care
  • Careen
  • Caress
  • Caricature
  • Carry
  • Cart
  • Carve
  • Cascade
  • Case
  • Cash
  • Cast
  • Castrate
  • Catch
  • Categorize
  • Cater
  • Caulk
  • Cause
  • Cauterize
  • Cave
  • Caw
  • Cease
  • Ceil
  • Celebrate
  • Cement
  • Censor
  • Censure
  • Centralize
  • Centre
  • Centuplicate
  • Certify
  • Chalk
  • Challenge
  • Chance
  • Change
  • Channel
  • Chant
  • Chap
  • Chaperone
  • Char
  • Characterize
  • Charge
  • Charm
  • Charter
  • Chase
  • Chat
  • Chatter
  • Cheapen
  • Cheat
  • Check
  • Cheep
  • Cheer
  • Cherish
  • Chew
  • Chide
  • Chill
  • Chime
  • Chip
  • Chirp
  • Chirr
  • Chisel
  • Chloroform
  • Choke
  • Choose
  • Chop
  • Christen
  • Christianize
  • Chuck
  • Chuckle
  • Churn
  • Circulate
  • Circumscribe
  • Cite
  • Civilize
  • Claim
  • Clam
  • Clamp
  • Clap
  • Clapper
  • Clarify
  • Clash
  • Clasp
  • Classify
  • Claw
  • Clean
  • Cleanse
  • Clear
  • Cleave
  • Clench
  • Click
  • Climb
  • Cling
  • Clink
  • Clog
  • Cloister
  • Clone
  • Close
  • Clot
  • Clothe
  • Cloud
  • Clown
  • Cloy
  • Club
  • Cluck
  • Clutch
  • Coach
  • Coagulate
  • Coarsen
  • Coast
  • Coat
  • Coax
  • Cobble
  • Cock
  • Coddle
  • Code
  • Codify
  • Coerce
  • Coexist
  • Coffer
  • Cogitate
  • Cohabit
  • Coil
  • Coin
  • Coincide
  • Collaborate
  • Collapse
  • Collar
  • Collate
  • Collect
  • Collide
  • Collude
  • Colonize
  • Color
  • Colour
  • Comb
  • Combat
  • Combine
  • Come
  • Comfort
  • Command
  • Commemorate
  • Commence
  • Comment
  • Commission
  • Commit
  • Communicate
  • Commute
  • Compare
  • Compel
  • Compensate
  • Compete
  • Compile
  • Complain
  • Complete
  • Complicate
  • Compliment
  • Comply
  • Compose
  • Compound
  • Comprehend
  • Compress
  • Compute
  • Computerize
  • Concatenate
  • Conceal
  • Concede
  • Conceive
  • Concentrate
  • Concern
  • Conciliate
  • Conclude
  • Condemn
  • Condense
  • Condescend
  • Condition
  • Condole
  • Conduce
  • Conduct
  • Confer
  • Confess
  • Confide
  • Configure
  • Confine
  • Confirm
  • Confiscate
  • Conform
  • Confound
  • Confront
  • Confuse
  • Congeal
  • Congest
  • Conglomerate
  • Conglutinate
  • Congratulate
  • Conjecture
  • Conjugate
  • Conjure
  • Connect
  • Connote
  • Conquer
  • Consecrate
  • Conserve
  • Consider
  • Consist
  • Console
  • Consolidate
  • Conspire
  • Constipate
  • Constitute
  • Constrain
  • Construct
  • Consult
  • Consume
  • Contact
  • Contain
  • Contaminate
  • Contemplate
  • Contend
  • Contest
  • Continue
  • Contort
  • Contract
  • Contradict
  • Contrast
  • Contravene
  • Contribute
  • Contrive
  • Control
  • Convalesce
  • Convene
  • Converge
  • Converse
  • Convert
  • Convey
  • Convict
  • Convince
  • Convulse
  • Coo
  • Cook
  • Cool
  • Coop
  • Cooperate
  • Coordinate
  • Copperplate
  • Copulate
  • Copy
  • Cork
  • Corner
  • Correct
  • Correlate
  • Correspond
  • Corroborate
  • Corrode
  • Corrupt
  • Corset
  • Cost
  • Cotton
  • Cough
  • Count
  • Counter
  • Counteract
  • Counterbalance
  • Counterfeit
  • Countermark
  • Countersign
  • Couple
  • Court
  • Cover
  • Covet
  • Cower
  • Crack
  • Crackle
  • Cram
  • Crank
  • Crash
  • Crawl
  • Creak
  • Cream
  • Crease
  • Create
  • Credit
  • Creep
  • Cremate
  • Crenelate
  • Crib
  • Crimp
  • Cringe
  • Crinkle
  • Cripple
  • Crisscross
  • Criticize
  • Croak
  • Crochet
  • Crop
  • Cross
  • Crossbreed
  • Crosscheck
  • Crossrule
  • Crow
  • Crown
  • Crucify
  • Cruise
  • Crumb
  • Crumble
  • Crumple
  • Crunch
  • Crush
  • Cry
  • Crystallize
  • Cube
  • Cuckold
  • Cuddle
  • Cudgel
  • Cuff
  • Culminate
  • Cultivate
  • Cup
  • Curb
  • Curdle
  • Cure
  • Curl
  • Curse
  • Curtail
  • Curve
  • Cut

List of Verbs That Start with D

Whether in a sentence or whether on their own, verbs are the most functional part of the sentence. They are the spark that ignites your sentence. If you want to get familiarized with some new verbs, going through a list of verbs starting with D will be the best place to start. Below is one such list of verbs that start with D.

  • Dab
  • Dabble
  • Dam
  • Damage
  • Damascene
  • Damn
  • Dampen
  • Dance
  • Dandle
  • Dangle
  • Dare
  • Darken
  • Dash
  • Date
  • Daub
  • Dawdle
  • Dawn
  • Daydream
  • Dazzle
  • Deaden
  • Deafen
  • Deal
  • Debase
  • Debate
  • Debauch
  • Debilitate
  • Debit
  • Debunk
  • Decamp
  • Decant
  • Decapitate
  • Decay
  • Decease
  • Deceive
  • Decentralize
  • Decide
  • Decimalize
  • Decimate
  • Decipher
  • Declaim
  • Declare
  • Decline
  • Declutch
  • Decode
  • Decompose
  • Decompress
  • Decongest
  • Decorate
  • Decrease
  • Decree
  • Decrest
  • Decry
  • Dedicate
  • Deduce
  • Deduct
  • Deem
  • Deepen
  • Defame
  • Defeat
  • Defecate
  • Defect
  • Defend
  • Defer
  • Define
  • Deflagrate
  • Deflate
  • Deflect
  • Deflower
  • Defoliate
  • Deforest
  • Deform
  • Defraud
  • Defray
  • Defreeze
  • Defy
  • Degenerate
  • Degrade
  • Dehorn
  • Dehumanize
  • Dehydrate
  • Deify
  • Deign
  • Delay
  • Delegate
  • Delete
  • Deliberate
  • Delight
  • Delimit
  • Delineate
  • Deliver
  • Delouse
  • Delude
  • Delve
  • Demagnetize
  • Demand
  • Dematerialize
  • Demobilize
  • Democratize
  • Demolish
  • Demonstrate
  • Demoralize
  • Demote
  • Demystify
  • Denationalize
  • Denature
  • Denigrate
  • Denominate
  • Denote
  • Denouce
  • Denounce
  • Dent
  • Denude
  • Deny
  • Deoxidize
  • Depart
  • Depend
  • Depict
  • Depilate
  • Deplete
  • Deplore
  • Deploy
  • Depopulate
  • Deport
  • Depose
  • Deposit
  • Deprave
  • Depreciate
  • Depress
  • Deprive
  • Derail
  • Derive
  • Derogate
  • Descend
  • Describe
  • Desecrate
  • Desert
  • Deserve
  • Design
  • Desire
  • Despatch
  • Despoil
  • Despond
  • Destroy
  • Destruct
  • Detach
  • Detail
  • Detain
  • Detect
  • Deteriorate
  • Determine
  • Detest
  • Dethrone
  • Detonate
  • Detoxicate
  • Devalue
  • Devastate
  • Develop
  • Deviate
  • Devise
  • Devitalize
  • Devolve
  • Devote
  • Devour
  • Diagnose
  • Dial
  • Dialogue
  • Dialyse
  • Dictate
  • Diddle
  • Die
  • Differ
  • Differentiate
  • Diffract
  • Diffuse
  • Dig
  • Dilapidate
  • Dilate
  • Dilute
  • Dim
  • Diminish
  • Dine
  • Dip
  • Direct
  • Dirty
  • Disable
  • Disabuse
  • Disagree
  • Disappear
  • Disappoint
  • Disapprove
  • Disarm
  • Disarticulate
  • Disband
  • Disburse
  • Discard
  • Discern
  • Discharge
  • Discipline
  • Disclaim
  • Disclose
  • Discolor
  • Discompose
  • Disconcert
  • Disconnect
  • Discontinue
  • Discount
  • Discourage
  • Discourse
  • Discover
  • Discredit
  • Discriminate
  • Discrown
  • Discuss
  • Disdain
  • Disembark
  • Disembowel
  • Disenchant
  • Disengage
  • Disentagle
  • Disentangle
  • Disfigure
  • Disgorge
  • Disgrace
  • Disguise
  • Disgust
  • Dish
  • Dishevel
  • Dishonour
  • Disillusion
  • Disinfect
  • Disinherit
  • Disintegrate
  • Disjoint
  • Dislocate
  • Dismantle
  • Dismast
  • Dismay
  • Dismember
  • Dismiss
  • Dismount
  • Disobey
  • Disorganize
  • Disorient
  • Disorientate
  • Disown
  • Disparage
  • Dispatch
  • Dispense
  • Disperse
  • Displace
  • Displant
  • Display
  • Displease
  • Dispose
  • Dispossess
  • Disprove
  • Dispute
  • Disqualify
  • Disregard
  • Disrupt
  • Dissatisfy
  • Dissect
  • Disseminate
  • Dissent
  • Dissipate
  • Dissociate
  • Dissolve
  • Dissuade
  • Distend
  • Distil
  • Distill
  • Distinguish
  • Distort
  • Distract
  • Distress
  • Distribute
  • Distrust
  • Disturb
  • Disunite
  • Dive
  • Diverge
  • Diversify
  • Divert
  • Divide
  • Divorce
  • Divulge
  • Do
  • Document
  • Dodder
  • Dodge
  • Dogmatize
  • Dole
  • Domesticate
  • Dominate
  • Don
  • Donate
  • Dope
  • Dot
  • Dote
  • Double
  • Doubt
  • Download
  • Doze
  • Draft
  • Drag
  • Drain
  • Dramatize
  • Drape
  • Draw
  • Dread
  • Dream
  • Dredge
  • Drench
  • Dress
  • Dribble
  • Drift
  • Drill
  • Drink
  • Drip
  • Drive
  • Drivel
  • Drizzle
  • Drone
  • Droop
  • Drop
  • Drown
  • Drowse
  • Drug
  • Drum
  • Dry
  • Duck
  • Dull
  • Dumb
  • Dumbfound
  • Dump
  • Dupe
  • Duplicate
  • Dust
  • Dwell
  • Dye

List of Verbs That Start with E

Verbs are important because they help people communicate about different events in their lives by combining words into sentences. Following is a list of verbs starting with E. Try to enlarge this list of verbs that start with E by yourself through the addition of new words to it.

  • Earn
  • Ease
  • Eat
  • Eavesdrop
  • Ebb
  • Echo
  • Eclipse
  • Economize
  • Edge
  • Edit
  • Educate
  • Efface
  • Effect
  • Egg
  • Ejaculate
  • Eject
  • Eke
  • Elaborate
  • Elapse
  • Elbow
  • Elect
  • Electrify
  • Electrocute
  • Elevate
  • Elicit
  • Eliminate
  • Elongate
  • Elope
  • Elucidate
  • Elude
  • Emaciate
  • Email
  • Emanate
  • Emancipate
  • Emasculate
  • Embalm
  • Embark
  • Embarrass
  • Embed
  • Embellish
  • Embezzle
  • Embitter
  • Emblazon
  • Embody
  • Embolden
  • Emboss
  • Embrace
  • Embroider
  • Emerge
  • Emigrate
  • Emit
  • Emphasize
  • Employ
  • Empower
  • Empty
  • Emulate
  • Emulsion
  • Enable
  • Enact
  • Enamel
  • Encase
  • Enchant
  • Encircle
  • Enclave
  • Enclose
  • Encompass
  • Encounter
  • Encourage
  • Encroach
  • Encrust
  • Encrypt
  • Encumber
  • End
  • Endanger
  • Endear
  • Endorse
  • Endow
  • Endue
  • Endure
  • Energize
  • Enervate
  • Enfeeble
  • Enfold
  • Enforce
  • Engage
  • Engender
  • Engrave
  • Engross
  • Engulf
  • Enhance
  • Enjoy
  • Enlarge
  • Enlighten
  • Enlist
  • Enliven
  • Ennoble
  • Enquire
  • Enrage
  • Enrapture
  • Enrich
  • Enrol
  • Enroll
  • Enshrine
  • Enslave
  • Ensnare
  • Ensue
  • Enter
  • Entertain
  • Enthral
  • Enthrall
  • Enthrone
  • Enthuse
  • Entice
  • Entitle
  • Entomb
  • Entrap
  • Entreat
  • Entrench
  • Entrust
  • Entwine
  • Enucleate
  • Enumerate
  • Envelop
  • Envisage
  • Envy
  • Equal
  • Equalize
  • Equip
  • Eradicate
  • Erase
  • Erect
  • Erode
  • Err
  • Erupt
  • Escape
  • Escort
  • Establish
  • Esteem
  • Estimate
  • Estrange
  • Evacuate
  • Evade
  • Evaluate
  • Evaporate
  • Even
  • Evict
  • Evoke
  • Evolve
  • Exacerbate
  • Exaggerate
  • Exalt
  • Examine
  • Exasperate
  • Excavate
  • Exceed
  • Excel
  • Except
  • Exchange
  • Excise
  • Excite
  • Exclaim
  • Exclude
  • Excommunicate
  • Excrete
  • Excuse
  • Execrate
  • Execute
  • Exemplify
  • Exempt
  • Exercise
  • Exert
  • Exfoliate
  • Exhale
  • Exhaust
  • Exhibit
  • Exhort
  • Exhume
  • Exile
  • Exist
  • Exit
  • Exonerate
  • Exorcise
  • Expand
  • Expatriate
  • Expect
  • Expedite
  • Expel
  • Expend
  • Experience
  • Experiment
  • Expiate
  • Expire
  • Explain
  • Explode
  • Exploit
  • Explore
  • Export
  • Expose
  • Express
  • Expropriate
  • Expurgate
  • Extend
  • Extenuate
  • Exterminate
  • Extinguish
  • Extirpate
  • Extol
  • Extort
  • Extract
  • Extradite
  • Extrapolate
  • Extricate
  • Exude
  • Exult
  • Eye

List of Verbs That Start with F

Verbs are a very important part of speech because without them a sentence cannot exist. They serve several purposes within a sentence. If you want to memorize some new and fascinating verbs, you can take a start by studying a list of verbs that start with F. For your convenience, a list of verbs starting with F is given below.

  • Fabricate
  • Face
  • Facilitate
  • Fade
  • Fail
  • Faint
  • Fake
  • Fall
  • Falsify
  • Falter
  • Familiarize
  • Fan
  • Farm
  • Fart
  • Fascinate
  • Fashion
  • Fast
  • Fasten
  • Fathom
  • Fatten
  • Favor
  • Favour
  • Fawn
  • Fear
  • Feast
  • Feather
  • Federate
  • Feed
  • Feel
  • Feign
  • Feint
  • Feminize
  • Fence
  • Fend
  • Ferment
  • Ferret
  • Fertilize
  • Festoon
  • Fetch
  • Fiddle
  • Fidget
  • Fight
  • Figure
  • Filch
  • File
  • Fill
  • Film
  • Filtch
  • Filter
  • Finance
  • Find
  • Fine
  • Finger
  • Finish
  • Fire
  • Firm
  • Fish
  • Fissure
  • Fit
  • Fix
  • Fizzle
  • Flabberghast
  • Flag
  • Flake
  • Flame
  • Flank
  • Flare
  • Flash
  • Flatten
  • Flatter
  • Flavour
  • Flay
  • Fleck
  • Flee
  • Fleece
  • Flesh
  • Flex
  • Flick
  • Flicker
  • Flinch
  • Fling
  • Flip
  • Flirt
  • Float
  • Flog
  • Flood
  • Floor
  • Flounce
  • Flounder
  • Flour
  • Flourish
  • Flout
  • Flow
  • Flower
  • Fluctuate
  • Fluidify
  • Flute
  • Flutter
  • Fly
  • Foal
  • Foam
  • Fob
  • Focus
  • Foil
  • Foist
  • Fold
  • Foliate
  • Follow
  • Foment
  • Fondle
  • Fool
  • Forbid
  • Force
  • Forebode
  • Forecast
  • Foreordain
  • Foresee
  • Foreshadow
  • Forestall
  • Forfeit
  • Forfend
  • Forge
  • Forget
  • Forgive
  • Fork
  • Form
  • Formalize
  • Formulate
  • Forsake
  • Fortify
  • Forward
  • Fossilize
  • Foster
  • Foul
  • Found
  • Fracture
  • Frame
  • Fraternize
  • Fray
  • Freak
  • Free
  • Freeze
  • Frenchify
  • Frequent
  • Freshen
  • Fret
  • Frighten
  • Frill
  • Fringe
  • Fritter
  • Frizz
  • Frolic
  • Front
  • Frost
  • Froth
  • Frown
  • Fructify
  • Frustrate
  • Fry
  • Fuel
  • Fulfill
  • Fulminate
  • Fumble
  • Fume
  • Fumigate
  • Function
  • Furbish
  • Furl
  • Furnish
  • Furrow

List of Verbs That Start with G

Following is a list of verbs starting with G. From the list of verbs that start with G given below, take out some verbs and insert them into your own sentences. Try reconstructing those sentences without the verbs. They do not make sense, do they?

  • Gab
  • Gad
  • Gag
  • Gain
  • Gallivant
  • Gallop
  • Galvanize
  • Gamble
  • Game
  • Gang
  • Gangrene
  • Gape
  • Garb
  • Garble
  • Garden
  • Gargle
  • Garland
  • Garner
  • Garnish
  • Garrote
  • Gash
  • Gasp
  • Gather
  • Gauge
  • Gawk
  • Gear
  • Geld
  • Generalize
  • Generate
  • Gentle
  • Germinate
  • Gesticulate
  • Gesture
  • Get
  • Ghost
  • Gift
  • Giggle
  • Gild
  • Gin
  • Ginger
  • Gird
  • Give
  • Glad
  • Gladden
  • Glad-hand
  • Glamorize
  • Glamour
  • Glance
  • Glare
  • Glaze
  • Gleam
  • Glean
  • Glide
  • Glimmer
  • Glimpse
  • Glisten
  • Glister
  • Glitter
  • Gloat
  • Globalize
  • Glorify
  • Glory
  • Gloss
  • Glove
  • Glow
  • Glue
  • Gnash
  • Gnaw
  • Go
  • Goad
  • Gobble
  • Google
  • Gossip
  • Gouge
  • Govern
  • Grab
  • Grace
  • Grade
  • Graduate
  • Graft
  • Grain
  • Grant
  • Granulate
  • Grapple
  • Grasp
  • Grass
  • Grate
  • Gratify
  • Gravel
  • Gravitate
  • Graze
  • Grease
  • Greet
  • Grieve
  • Grill
  • Grimace
  • Grin
  • Grind
  • Grip
  • Grit
  • Groan
  • Grok
  • Groom
  • Groove
  • Grope
  • Ground
  • Group
  • Grouse
  • Grovel
  • Grow
  • Grub
  • Grubstake
  • Grumble
  • Grunt
  • Guarantee
  • Guard
  • Guerdon
  • Guess
  • Guest
  • Guffaw
  • Guide
  • Guillotine
  • Gulp
  • Gun
  • Gurgle
  • Gush
  • Gussy
  • Gut
  • Guzzle
  • Gyrate

List of Verbs That Start with H

Verbs are very important for language development. They also enhance people’s overall expressive language. Below is one such list of verbs starting with H. How many of these verbs from the list of verbs that start with H do you use in your conversations?

  • Habilitate
  • Habit
  • Habituate
  • Hack
  • Hackle
  • Haggle
  • Hail
  • Hale
  • Halloo
  • Hallow
  • Halt
  • Halter
  • Halve
  • Ham
  • Hammer
  • Hamper
  • Hamstring
  • Hand
  • Handcraft
  • Handcuff
  • Handicap
  • Handle
  • Handstamp
  • Handwrite
  • Hang
  • Hanker
  • Hap
  • Happen
  • Harangue
  • Harass
  • Harbinger
  • Harbor
  • Harbour
  • Harden
  • Hare
  • Hark
  • Harken
  • Harlequin
  • Harm
  • Harmonize
  • Harness
  • Harp
  • Harpoon
  • Harrow
  • Harry
  • Harshen
  • Harvest
  • Hash
  • Hasp
  • Hassle
  • Hasten
  • Hat
  • Hatch
  • Hatchel
  • Hate
  • Haul
  • Haunt
  • Have
  • Haw
  • Hawk
  • Hay
  • Hazard
  • Haze
  • Head
  • Headline
  • Headquarter
  • Heal
  • Heap
  • Hear
  • Hearken
  • Hearten
  • Heat
  • Heave
  • Heckle
  • Hectograph
  • Hector
  • Hedge
  • Hedgehop
  • Heed
  • Heel
  • Heft
  • Heighten
  • Heist
  • Heliograph
  • Hellenize
  • Helm
  • Help
  • Hem
  • Hemagglutinate
  • Hemorrhage
  • Hemstitch
  • Henna
  • Herald
  • Herd
  • Hesitate
  • Heterodyne
  • Hew
  • Hex
  • Hibachi
  • Hibernate
  • Hiccough
  • Hiccup
  • Hide
  • Hie
  • Higgle
  • Highjack
  • Highlight
  • Hightail
  • Hijack
  • Hike
  • Hill
  • Hinder
  • Hinge
  • Hint
  • Hire
  • Hiss
  • Hit
  • Hitch
  • Hitchhike
  • Hive
  • Hoard
  • Hoax
  • Hob
  • Hobble
  • Hobnail
  • Hobnob
  • Hock
  • Hoe
  • Hog
  • Hoist
  • Hold
  • Hole
  • Holiday
  • Holler
  • Hollo
  • Hollow
  • Holystone
  • Home
  • Homer
  • Homestead
  • Homogenize
  • Homologize
  • Hone
  • Honey
  • Honeycomb
  • Honeymoon
  • Honk
  • Honor
  • Honour
  • Hood
  • Hoodoo
  • Hoodwink
  • Hoof
  • Hook
  • Hoop
  • Hoot
  • Hoover
  • Hop
  • Hope
  • Hopple
  • Horn
  • Hornswoggle
  • Horrify
  • Horse
  • Horseshoe
  • Horsewhip
  • Hose
  • Hospitalize
  • Host
  • Hotfoot
  • Hound
  • House
  • Housebreak
  • Houseclean
  • Housekeep
  • Hover
  • Howl
  • Huckster
  • Huddle
  • Hue
  • Huff
  • Hug
  • Hulk
  • Hull
  • Hum
  • Humanize
  • Humble
  • Humbug
  • Humidify
  • Humiliate
  • Humor
  • Humour
  • Hump
  • Hunch
  • Hunger
  • Hunker
  • Hunt
  • Hurdle
  • Hurl
  • Hurrah
  • Hurry
  • Hurt
  • Hurtle
  • Husband
  • Hush
  • Husk
  • Hustle
  • Hybridize
  • Hydrate
  • Hydrogenate
  • Hydrolyze
  • Hydroplane
  • Hymn
  • Hype
  • Hyperbolize
  • Hyperextend
  • Hypertrophy
  • Hyperventilate
  • Hyphen
  • Hyphenate
  • Hypnotize
  • Hypostasize
  • Hypostatize
  • Hypothecate
  • Hypothesize

List of Verbs That Start with I

Think of your sentence as a machine, and the verb as the engine that makes the machine work. Like machines, sentences can function either efficiently or inefficiently. Use of proper verbs is one way to make them work effectively. Following is a list of verbs starting with I. Start memorizing the verbs included in this list of verbs that start with I.

  • Ice
  • Idealize
  • Ideate
  • Identify
  • Idle
  • Idolize
  • Ignite
  • Ignore
  • Illegalize
  • Illtreat
  • Illume
  • Illuminate
  • Illumine
  • Illustrate
  • Image
  • Imagine
  • Imbed
  • Imbibe
  • Imbricate
  • Imbrue
  • Imbue
  • Imitate
  • Immaterialize
  • Immerge
  • Immerse
  • Immigrate
  • Immingle
  • Immix
  • Immobilize
  • Immolate
  • Immortalize
  • Immunize
  • Immure
  • Impact
  • Impair
  • Impale
  • Impanel
  • Impart
  • Impeach
  • Impede
  • Impel
  • Impend
  • Imperil
  • Impersonate
  • Impinge
  • Implant
  • Implement
  • Implicate
  • Implode
  • Implore
  • Imply
  • Import
  • Importune
  • Impose
  • Impound
  • Impoverish
  • Imprecate
  • Impregnate
  • Impress
  • Imprint
  • Imprison
  • Improve
  • Improvise
  • Impugn
  • Impute
  • Inactivate
  • Inaugurate
  • Incandesce
  • Incapacitate
  • Incarcerate
  • Incarnadine
  • Incarnate
  • Incase
  • Incense
  • Inch
  • Incinerate
  • Incise
  • Incite
  • Incline
  • Inclose
  • Include
  • Incommode
  • Inconvenience
  • Incorporate
  • Increase
  • Incriminate
  • Incrust
  • Incubate
  • Inculcate
  • Inculpate
  • Incur
  • Incurvate
  • Indemnify
  • Indent
  • Indenture
  • Index
  • Indicate
  • Indict
  • Indispose
  • Indite
  • Individualize
  • Individuate
  • Indoctrinate
  • Indorse
  • Induce
  • Induct
  • Indue
  • Indulge
  • Indurate
  • Industrialize
  • Indwell
  • Inebriate
  • Infatuate
  • Infect
  • Infer
  • Infest
  • Infiltrate
  • Infix
  • Inflame
  • Inflate
  • Inflect
  • Inflict
  • Influence
  • Inform
  • Infract
  • Infringe
  • Infuriate
  • Infuscate
  • Infuse
  • Ingest
  • Ingraft
  • Ingrain
  • Ingratiate
  • Ingurgitate
  • Inhabit
  • Inhale
  • Inhere
  • Inherit
  • Inhibit
  • Inhume
  • Initial
  • Initialize
  • Initiate
  • Inject
  • Injure
  • Ink
  • Inlay
  • Innervate
  • Innovate
  • Inoculate
  • Inosculate
  • Input
  • Inquire
  • Inscribe
  • Inseminate
  • Insert
  • Inset
  • Insinuate
  • Insist
  • Insolate
  • Inspan
  • Inspect
  • Inspire
  • Inspirit
  • Inspissate
  • Instal
  • Install
  • Instance
  • Instantiate
  • Instigate
  • Instil
  • Instill
  • Institute
  • Institutionalize
  • Instruct
  • Instrument
  • Insufflate
  • Insulate
  • Insult
  • Insure
  • Integrate
  • Intellectualize
  • Intend
  • Intensify
  • Inter
  • Interact
  • Interbreed
  • Intercalate
  • Intercede
  • Intercept
  • Interchange
  • Intercommunicate
  • Interconnect
  • Interdepend
  • Interdict
  • Interest
  • Interfere
  • Interiorize
  • Interject
  • Interlace
  • Interlard
  • Interleave
  • Interlink
  • Interlock
  • Interlope
  • Interlude
  • Intermarry
  • Intermediate
  • Intermingle
  • Intermit
  • Intermix
  • Intern
  • Internalize
  • Internationalize
  • Interpellate
  • Interpenetrate
  • Interpolate
  • Interpose
  • Interpret
  • Interrelate
  • Interrogate
  • Interrupt
  • Intersect
  • Intersperse
  • Interstratify
  • Intertwine
  • Intervene
  • Interview
  • Interweave
  • Intimate
  • Intimidate
  • Intonate
  • Intone
  • Intoxicate
  • Intrench
  • Intrigue
  • Introduce
  • Introject
  • Intromit
  • Introspect
  • Introvert
  • Intrude
  • Intrust
  • Intubate
  • Intuit
  • Intumesce
  • Inundate
  • Inure
  • Invade
  • Invaginate
  • Invalid
  • Invalidate
  • Inveigh
  • Inveigle
  • Invent
  • Inventory
  • Invert
  • Invest
  • Investigate
  • Invigilate
  • Invigorate
  • Invite
  • Invoice
  • Invoke
  • Involve
  • Inweave
  • Iodinate
  • Iodize
  • Ionize
  • Irk
  • Iron
  • Irradiate
  • Irrigate
  • Irritate
  • Irrupt
  • Isolate
  • Isomerize
  • Issue
  • Italianize
  • Italicize
  • Itch
  • Itemise
  • Itemize
  • Iterate
  • Itinerate

List of Verbs That Start with J

Choosing appropriate verb for the action that you want to carry out is of utmost importance because without that you wouldn’t be able to convey your message properly. If you wish to learn some exciting verbs, you might begin by memorizing a list of verbs that start with J. For your convenience, a list of verbs starting with J is given below.

  • Jab
  • Jabber
  • Jack
  • Jacket
  • Jackknife
  • Jacklight
  • Jackrabbit
  • Jacobinize
  • Jaculate
  • Jade
  • Jag
  • Jagg
  • Jail
  • Jam
  • Jamb
  • Jampack
  • Jangle
  • Jant
  • Japan
  • Jape
  • Jar
  • Jarble
  • Jargle
  • Jargon
  • Jasperize
  • Jaunce
  • Jaundice
  • Jaunt
  • Javelin
  • Jaw
  • Jawbone
  • Jawn
  • Jaywalk
  • Jazz
  • Jee
  • Jeer
  • Jell
  • Jellify
  • Jelly
  • Jeopard
  • Jeopardise
  • Jeopardize
  • Jeopardy
  • Jerk
  • Jest
  • Jet
  • Jettison
  • Jib
  • Jibe
  • Jig
  • Jilt
  • Jimmy
  • Jingle
  • Jinx
  • Jitter
  • Jive
  • Job
  • Jockey
  • Jog
  • Joggle
  • Join
  • Joinder
  • Joint
  • Joke
  • Jole
  • Joll
  • Jollify
  • Jolly
  • Jolt
  • Josh
  • Jostle
  • Jot
  • Jouk
  • Joul
  • Jounce
  • Journal
  • Journey
  • Joust
  • Jowl
  • Joy
  • Joyride
  • Jubilate
  • Judaize
  • Judder
  • Judge
  • Judgment
  • Judicable
  • Jug
  • Juggle
  • Jugulate
  • Juice
  • Juke
  • Julienne
  • Jumble
  • Jump
  • Jump-start
  • Jumpweld
  • Junk
  • Junketeer
  • Justice
  • Justify
  • Justle
  • Jut
  • Juxtapose
  • Juxtaposit

List of Verbs That Start with K

The most important thing that you need to note is that every subject must have a verb. If this rule is not followed you wouldn’t be able to get your messages and thoughts across. Following is a list of verbs that start with K. You could be seeing some of the verbs in this list of verbs starting with K for the first time, so try to remember as many as you can.

  • Kabob
  • Kafirize
  • Kaiak
  • Kaizen
  • Kaleidoscope
  • Kalsomine
  • Kamikaze
  • Kanbanize
  • Kangaroo
  • Kanjify
  • Kanoodle
  • Kaolinize
  • Karaoke
  • Karate
  • Karstify
  • Kart
  • Karyotype
  • Kasher
  • Kaw
  • Kayak
  • Kayfabe
  • Kayo
  • Kaypoh
  • Kazoo
  • Keak
  • Kebab
  • Kebob
  • Keck
  • Keckle
  • Kedge
  • Keeho
  • Keek
  • Keel
  • Keelhale
  • Keelhaul
  • Keen
  • Keep
  • Keepe
  • Keeve
  • Keg
  • Kegel
  • Keister
  • Kek
  • Keloid
  • Kemb
  • Kemp
  • Ken
  • Kennel
  • Kenyanize
  • Kepe
  • Keratinize
  • Kerb
  • Kerblam
  • Kerchief
  • Kerf
  • Kerfuffle
  • Kern
  • Kernelize
  • Kerplunk
  • Kerrang
  • Kerve
  • Ketch
  • Ketchup
  • Kettle
  • Key
  • Keyboard
  • Keyframe
  • Keyhole
  • Keynote
  • Keypunch
  • Keyseat
  • Keystone
  • Keystroke
  • Keyword
  • Kibbitz
  • Kibble
  • Kibitz
  • Kibosh
  • Kiboze
  • Kick
  • Kickban
  • Kickbox
  • Kickflip
  • Kickstart
  • Kid
  • Kidnap
  • Kidproof
  • Kife
  • Kill
  • Killfile
  • Kiln
  • Kilt
  • Kin
  • Kindle
  • Kinescope
  • King
  • Kink
  • Kinkle
  • Kip
  • Kipe
  • Kipper
  • Kipsy
  • Kirtle
  • Kiss
  • Kissle
  • Kist
  • Kit
  • Kitbash
  • Kite
  • Kiteboard
  • Kitemark
  • Kitesurf
  • Kithe
  • Kitten
  • Kittle
  • Kiver
  • Klap
  • Klatawaw
  • Klaxon
  • Kleptoparasite
  • Kleptoparasitize
  • Kline
  • Kludge
  • Kluge
  • Knaa
  • Knab
  • Knack
  • Knacker
  • Knag
  • Knap
  • Knapsack
  • Knauvshawl
  • Knaw
  • Knawvshawl
  • Knead
  • Knee
  • Kneeboard
  • Kneecap
  • Kneel
  • Knell
  • Knick
  • Knife
  • Knifecrime
  • Knight
  • Knit
  • Knive
  • Kno
  • Knob
  • Knobble
  • Knock
  • Knockdown
  • Knoll
  • Knot
  • Knout
  • Know
  • Knowe
  • Knowleche
  • Knowledge
  • Knuckle
  • Knuckleball
  • Knucklewalk
  • Knurl
  • Kodak
  • Kohl
  • Kondo
  • Konk
  • Kool
  • Koranize
  • Kosher
  • Kosherize
  • Kotow
  • Kourbash
  • Kowtow
  • Kraal
  • Kreasote
  • Kreese
  • Kreosote
  • Krige
  • Kris
  • Kruppize
  • Kryptonate
  • Kudos
  • Kumbayah
  • Kurbash
  • Kuwaitize
  • Kvell
  • Kvetch
  • Kvitch
  • Kyanize
  • Kyarn
  • Kybosh
  • Kyke
  • Kyoodle
  • Kyth
  • Kythe

List of Verbs That Start with L

Verbs in the English language are used to communicate either actions, occurrences, or states of being. Below is a list of verbs starting with L. While looking at the examples of verbs from the list of verbs that start with L that is given below, try to find out what sort of an action is each verb performing.

  • Labefy
  • Label
  • Labialize
  • Labiate
  • Labor
  • Labour
  • Lace
  • Lacerate
  • Lachrymate
  • Lack
  • Laconize
  • Lacquer
  • Lactate
  • Ladder
  • Lade
  • Laden
  • Ladify
  • Ladle
  • Lag
  • Laicize
  • Lake
  • Lam
  • Lamb
  • Lambast
  • Lambaste
  • Lame
  • Lament
  • Laminate
  • Lampoon
  • Lance
  • Lanch
  • Land
  • Landscape
  • Language
  • Languish
  • Langure
  • Laniate
  • Lank
  • Lantern
  • Lap
  • Lapidate
  • Lapidify
  • Lappet
  • Lapse
  • Lard
  • Lare
  • Lariat
  • Lark
  • Larn
  • Larrup
  • Lash
  • Lasso
  • Last
  • Latch
  • Lateralize
  • Lath
  • Lather
  • Latibulize
  • Latinize
  • Latrate
  • Lattice
  • Laud
  • Laugh
  • Launch
  • Launder
  • Laureate
  • Lave
  • Laveer
  • Lavish
  • Lawe
  • Lay
  • Laze
  • Leach
  • Lead
  • Leaf
  • League
  • Leaguer
  • Leak
  • Lean
  • Leap
  • Lear
  • Learn
  • Lease
  • Leash
  • Leather
  • Leave
  • Lech
  • Lecher
  • Lecture
  • Leech
  • Leer
  • Leese
  • Leg
  • Legalize
  • Lege
  • Legend
  • Legislate
  • Legitimate
  • Legitimatize
  • Legitimize
  • Lend
  • Length
  • Lengthen
  • Lenify
  • Lese
  • Lessen
  • Lesson
  • Let
  • Lethargize
  • Letheonize
  • Levant
  • Levee
  • Level
  • Lever
  • Leverage
  • Levigate
  • Levitate
  • Levy
  • Lexicalize
  • Liaise
  • Lib
  • Libel
  • Liberalize
  • Liberate
  • Librate
  • License
  • Lick
  • Lie
  • Lifen
  • Lift
  • Lig
  • Ligate
  • Ligature
  • Lige
  • Light
  • Lighten
  • Lignify
  • Like
  • Lill
  • Lilt
  • Limb
  • Limbec
  • Limber
  • Lime
  • Limit
  • Limn
  • Limp
  • Lin
  • Line
  • Linearize
  • Linger
  • Link
  • Lionize
  • Lip
  • Lipread
  • Lipstick
  • Liquate
  • Liquefy
  • Liquidate
  • Liquidize
  • Liquify
  • Liquor
  • Lisp
  • Liss
  • List
  • Literalize
  • Lithe
  • Lithograph
  • Lithotype
  • Litigate
  • Litter
  • Live
  • Lixiviate
  • Load
  • Loaf
  • Loam
  • Loan
  • Loathe
  • Lob
  • Lobby
  • Localize
  • Locate
  • Lock
  • Locomote
  • Lodge
  • Loft
  • Log
  • Loiter
  • Loll
  • Lollop
  • Lollygag
  • Londonize
  • Long
  • Loo
  • Look
  • Loom
  • Loop
  • Loose
  • Loosen
  • Loot
  • Lop
  • Lope
  • Lopper
  • Lord
  • Loricate
  • Lose
  • Lot
  • Louden
  • Lounge
  • Lour
  • Louse
  • Lout
  • Love
  • Low
  • Lowball
  • Lower
  • Lube
  • Lubricate
  • Lucubrate
  • Luff
  • Lug
  • Luge
  • Lull
  • Lumber
  • Luminate
  • Lumine
  • Luminesce
  • Lump
  • Lunch
  • Luncheon
  • Lunge
  • Lurch
  • Lure
  • Lurk
  • Lusk
  • Lust
  • Luster
  • Lustrate
  • Lustre
  • Lute
  • Lux
  • Luxate
  • Luxuriate
  • Lynch
  • Lyophilize

List of Verbs That Start with M

It is a common phenomenon that if you want to stand out from the rest of the people around you, you need to have a variety of different verbs at your disposal. You are being provided with a list of verbs that start with M and it is your duty to memorize it. Following is that list of verbs starting with M.

  • Magnetize
  • Magnify
  • Maintain
  • Make
  • Malt
  • Man
  • Manage
  • Maneuver
  • Mangle
  • Manifest
  • Manipulate
  • Mantle
  • Manufacture
  • Mar
  • Maraud
  • March
  • Marinate
  • Mark
  • Marry
  • Martyr
  • Marvel
  • Mash
  • Mask
  • Massacre
  • Massage
  • Mast
  • Master
  • Mastermind
  • Masticate
  • Match
  • Mate
  • Materialize
  • Matter
  • Mature
  • Maximize
  • May
  • Mean
  • Measure
  • Mechanize
  • Medal
  • Meddle
  • Mediate
  • Mediatize
  • Medicate
  • Medicine
  • Meditate
  • Meed
  • Meet
  • Mellow
  • Melt
  • Memorize
  • Mend
  • Menstruate
  • Mention
  • Mentor
  • Merge
  • Merit
  • Mess
  • Metal
  • Metamorphosize
  • Mete
  • Mew
  • Might
  • Migrate
  • Militarize
  • Militate
  • Milk
  • Mill
  • Mime
  • Mimic
  • Mince
  • Mind
  • Mine
  • Mineralize
  • Mingle
  • Minimize
  • Mint
  • Mirror
  • Miscarry
  • Misdirect
  • Misinterpret
  • Misjudge
  • Mislay
  • Mislead
  • Misplace
  • Misrepresent
  • Miss
  • Mistake
  • Mistreat
  • Mistrust
  • Misunderstand
  • Misuse
  • Mitigate
  • Mix
  • Moan
  • Mob
  • Mobilize
  • Mock
  • Model
  • Moderate
  • Modernize
  • Modify
  • Modulate
  • Moisten
  • Molest
  • Mollify
  • Monitor
  • Monkey
  • Monopolize
  • Moo
  • Moor
  • Mop
  • Mope
  • Moralize
  • Mortgage
  • Mortify
  • Mortise
  • Motivate
  • Motor
  • Motorize
  • Mottle
  • Moult
  • Mount
  • Mourn
  • Mouth
  • Move
  • Muddle
  • Muffle
  • Mull
  • Multiply
  • Mumble
  • Mummify
  • Munch
  • Murder
  • Murmur
  • Muscle
  • Muse
  • Musk
  • Muss
  • Must
  • Muster
  • Mutilate
  • Mutiny
  • Mutter
  • Muzzle

List of Verbs That Start with N

A verb is the action word in a sentence; it literally drives the sentence and indicates much about what is going on. The list of verbs starting with N given below contains some very interesting verbs. Kindly go through this list of verbs that start with N with keen interest.

  • Nab
  • Nack
  • Nadir
  • Nag
  • Nail
  • Nait
  • Nake
  • Naken
  • Namaste
  • Name
  • Namecheck
  • Namedrop
  • Namefag
  • Namesake
  • Namespace
  • Nammus
  • Namous
  • Nance
  • Nangry
  • Nanny
  • Nanofabricate
  • Nanoimprint
  • Nantle
  • Nap
  • Napalm
  • Nape
  • Naphthalize
  • Napoo
  • Nappe
  • Nappy
  • Narc
  • Narcissize
  • Narcose
  • Narcoticize
  • Narcotize
  • Nark
  • Narrate
  • Narrativize
  • Narrow
  • Narrowcast
  • Nasalize
  • Nash
  • Nationalize
  • Naturalize
  • Naturize
  • Nauseate
  • Navigate
  • Navvy
  • Nay
  • Naysay
  • Nazify
  • Neal
  • Neap
  • Near
  • Neaten
  • Neatify
  • Nebulize
  • Necessitate
  • Necro
  • Necrobump
  • Necromance
  • Necropost
  • Necropsy
  • Necrose
  • Necrotize
  • Nectar
  • Nectarize
  • Need
  • Neeze
  • Neg
  • Negate
  • Negative
  • Negativize
  • Neglect
  • Negotiate
  • Negrify
  • Negrofy
  • Negroize
  • Neigh
  • Neighbour
  • Nemmine
  • Neocolonialize
  • Neologize
  • Neotenize
  • Neoterize
  • Neovascularize
  • Nephrectomize
  • Nerdify
  • Nerf
  • Nerve
  • Nesh
  • Neshen
  • Nesslerize
  • Nest
  • Nestle
  • Net
  • Netflix
  • Nether
  • Netify
  • Netsplit
  • Netsurf
  • Nett
  • Nettle
  • Network
  • Neuralize
  • Neuroimage
  • Neuromodulate
  • Neuroticize
  • Neurotize
  • Neurotransmit
  • Neutralize
  • Neven
  • New
  • Newcast
  • Newcoin
  • Newcreate
  • Newfangle
  • Newfashion
  • Newform
  • Newfront
  • Newgroup
  • Newmake
  • Newmodel
  • Newmodelize
  • Newmould
  • Newset
  • Newvamp
  • Neyghbour
  • Nib
  • Nibble
  • Niblick
  • Nice
  • Nicen
  • Nick
  • Nickel
  • Nickelize
  • Nicker
  • Nickname
  • Nicodemus
  • Nictate
  • Nictitate
  • Nidate
  • Nidder
  • Nidge
  • Nidificate
  • Nidify
  • Nidulate
  • Niello
  • Niff
  • Nifong
  • Nig
  • Nigerianize
  • Niggard
  • Nigger
  • Niggerize
  • Niggle
  • Nigh
  • Nighen
  • Nigrify
  • Nihilate
  • Nill
  • Nim
  • Ninja
  • Nip
  • Nipponize
  • Nither
  • Nitpick
  • Nitrate
  • Nitrify
  • Nitrilate
  • Nitrocarburize
  • Nitrogenate
  • Nitrogenize
  • Nitrosate
  • Nitrosylate
  • Nivellate
  • Nix
  • Nixtamalize
  • Nob
  • Nobble
  • Nobblerize
  • Nobilify
  • Nobilitate
  • Nock
  • Noclip
  • Noctambulate
  • Noctivagate
  • Nod
  • Nodalize
  • Noddle
  • Nodulate
  • Nodulize
  • Nog
  • Noint
  • Noise
  • Noiseproof
  • Nom
  • Nomadize
  • Nomenclate
  • Nominalize
  • Nominate
  • Nommus
  • Nonconcur
  • Nonconform
  • Noncuple
  • Nondimensionalize
  • Nonlinearize
  • Nonplus
  • Nonsense
  • Nonsensify
  • Nonsuit
  • Nontender
  • Noodge
  • Noodle
  • Noogie
  • Noose
  • Norm
  • Normalize
  • Normativize
  • Norn
  • North
  • Norther
  • Norwegianize
  • Nose
  • Nosedive
  • Nosegrind
  • Nosel
  • Nose-Pick
  • Noseprint
  • Noseride
  • Noseslide
  • Nosh
  • Nostalgize
  • Nostrificate
  • Nostrify
  • Notarize
  • Notate
  • Notch
  • Note
  • Notice
  • Notify
  • Nott
  • Nought
  • Noun
  • Nounize
  • Nourish
  • Nourisht
  • Noursle
  • Nousle
  • Novate
  • Novelize
  • Noy
  • Nroff
  • Nuance
  • Nub
  • Nubble
  • Nubilate
  • Nuclearize
  • Nucleate
  • Nucleoporate
  • Nuddle
  • Nudge
  • Nudle
  • Nudzh
  • Nuke
  • Null
  • Nullify
  • Numb
  • Number
  • Numerate
  • Numericalize
  • Numericize
  • Nuncle
  • Nuncupate
  • Nurdle
  • Nurl
  • Nurn
  • Nurse
  • Nursemaid
  • Nursle
  • Nurstle
  • Nurture
  • Nuss
  • Nustle
  • Nut
  • Nutate
  • Nutcrack
  • Nutmeg
  • Nutriate
  • Nutrify
  • Nutshell
  • Nutshot
  • Nuzzle
  • Nympho
  • Nymshift

List of Verbs That Start with O

A verb possesses the grammatical meaning of verbiality – the ability to denote a process developing in time. Following is a list of verbs that start with O. How do these verbs from the list of verbs starting with O carry out actions in both verbal and written mediums?

  • Obey
  • Obfuscate
  • Object
  • Objurgate
  • Obligate
  • Oblige
  • Obliterate
  • Obnubilate
  • Obscure
  • Observe
  • Obsess
  • Obstinate
  • Obstipate
  • Obstruct
  • Obtain
  • Obtrude
  • Obtund
  • Obturate
  • Obviate
  • Occasion
  • Occidentalize
  • Occlude
  • Occult
  • Occupy
  • Occur
  • Odorize
  • Offend
  • Offer
  • Officialize
  • Officiate
  • Offload
  • Offsaddle
  • Offset
  • Ogle
  • Oil
  • Oink
  • Ok
  • Omen
  • Omit
  • Ooze
  • Opacify
  • Opalesce
  • Opalize
  • Open
  • Operate
  • Opine
  • Oppose
  • Oppress
  • Oppugn
  • Opsonize
  • Opt
  • Optate
  • Optimize
  • Orate
  • Orbit
  • Orchestrate
  • Ordain
  • Order
  • Ordinate
  • Organize
  • Orient
  • Orientalize
  • Orientate
  • Originate
  • Ornament
  • Orphan
  • Oscillate
  • Osculate
  • Ossify
  • Ostentate
  • Ostracize
  • Oust
  • Outbalance
  • Outbid
  • Outbrave
  • Outclass
  • Outcrop
  • Outcry
  • Outdistance
  • Outdraw
  • Outface
  • Outfight
  • Outflank
  • Outfox
  • Outgeneral
  • Outgo
  • Outgrow
  • Outguess
  • Outlast
  • Outlaw
  • Outline
  • Outlive
  • Outmaneuver
  • Outmanoeuvre
  • Outmarch
  • Outmatch
  • Outmode
  • Outnumber
  • Outpace
  • Outperform
  • Outplay
  • Outpoint
  • Output
  • Outrange
  • Outrank
  • Outride
  • Outrival
  • Outroar
  • Outrun
  • Outscore
  • Outsell
  • Outshine
  • Outshout
  • Outsmart
  • Outsource
  • Outstare
  • Outstrip
  • Outweigh
  • Outwit
  • Ovenbake
  • Overachieve
  • Overact
  • Overarch
  • Overawe
  • Overbalance
  • Overbear
  • Overbid
  • Overboil
  • Overburden
  • Overcapitalize
  • Overcast
  • Overcharge
  • Overclothe
  • Overcloud
  • Overcome
  • Overcompensate
  • Overcook
  • Overcrop
  • Overcultivate
  • Overdo
  • Overdose
  • Overdramatize
  • Overdraw
  • Overdress
  • Overdrive
  • Overeat
  • Overemphasize
  • Overestimate
  • Overexcite
  • Overexert
  • Overextend
  • Overfatigue
  • Overfeed
  • Overfill
  • Overflow
  • Overfly
  • Overgeneralize
  • Overgorge
  • Overgrow
  • Overhang
  • Overhaul
  • Overhear
  • Overheat
  • Overindulge
  • Overjoy
  • Overlap
  • Overlay
  • Overleap
  • Overlie
  • Overload
  • Overlook
  • Overmaster
  • Overpay
  • Overplay
  • Overpower
  • Overprice
  • Overprint
  • Overproduce
  • Overprotect
  • Overrate
  • Overreach
  • Overreact
  • Overrefine
  • Override
  • Overrule
  • Overrun
  • Oversaturate
  • Oversee
  • Oversew
  • Overshadow
  • Overshoot
  • Oversimplify
  • Oversleep
  • Overspecialize
  • Overspend
  • Overspread
  • Overstate
  • Overstay
  • Overstep
  • Overstock
  • Overstrain
  • Overstress
  • Overstretch
  • Overstuff
  • Oversupply
  • Overtake
  • Overtax
  • Overthrow
  • Overtire
  • Overtop
  • Overtrump
  • Overturn
  • Overuse
  • Overvalue
  • Overweary
  • Overwhelm
  • Overwork
  • Overwrite
  • Ovulate
  • Owe
  • Own
  • Oxidate
  • Oxidize
  • Oxygenate
  • Oxygenize

List of Verbs That Start with P

While going through a written piece or listening to a person talking, you often come across some verbs that you haven’t heard of a lot. Below is a list of verbs that start with P. From the list of verbs starting with P given below, point out all the verbs that you are seeing for the very first time.

  • Pace
  • Pacify
  • Pack
  • Pact
  • Pad
  • Paddle
  • Padlock
  • Pain
  • Pair
  • Pal
  • Palaver
  • Palliate
  • Palm
  • Pamper
  • Pan
  • Panel
  • Pant
  • Paper
  • Parade
  • Paragon
  • Paralyze
  • Paraphrase
  • Pardon
  • Pare
  • Parent
  • Park
  • Parley
  • Parody
  • Part
  • Participate
  • Particularize
  • Partition
  • Partner
  • Pass
  • Paste
  • Pasteurize
  • Pasture
  • Pat
  • Patch
  • Patent
  • Patrol
  • Patronize
  • Patter
  • Pause
  • Pave
  • Paw
  • Pay
  • Peak
  • Pearl
  • Peck
  • Pedal
  • Peddle
  • Peek
  • Peel
  • Peep
  • Peer
  • Peg
  • Pen
  • Penalize
  • Pencil
  • Penetrate
  • Pension
  • People
  • Pep
  • Pepper
  • Perceive
  • Perch
  • Percolate
  • Peregrinate
  • Perfect
  • Perforate
  • Perform
  • Perfume
  • Perish
  • Perk
  • Permeate
  • Permit
  • Perpetrate
  • Perpetuate
  • Persecute
  • Persevere
  • Persist
  • Personalize
  • Personify
  • Perspire
  • Persuade
  • Pertain
  • Perturb
  • Peruse
  • Pervade
  • Pervert
  • Pester
  • Pet
  • Petition
  • Petrify
  • Philosophize
  • Phone
  • Phosphorate
  • Photograph
  • Phrase
  • Pick
  • Picket
  • Picture
  • Pierce
  • Pig
  • Pile
  • Pilfer
  • Pillage
  • Pilot
  • Pin
  • Pinch
  • Pine
  • Pinion
  • Pioneer
  • Pipe
  • Pirate
  • Pirouette
  • Piss
  • Pit
  • Pitch
  • Pity
  • Pivot
  • Place
  • Plagiarize
  • Plague
  • Plait
  • Plan
  • Plaster
  • Plate
  • Play
  • Plead
  • Please
  • Pleasure
  • Pledge
  • Plot
  • Pluck
  • Plug
  • Plump
  • Plunder
  • Plunge
  • Poach
  • Pocket
  • Point
  • Poise
  • Poison
  • Poke
  • Polarize
  • Polish
  • Pollute
  • Polymerize
  • Ponder
  • Pontificate
  • Poop
  • Pop
  • Popularize
  • Populate
  • Pore
  • Portray
  • Pose
  • Position
  • Possess
  • Post
  • Postdate
  • Postpone
  • Pot
  • Potter
  • Pound
  • Pour
  • Powder
  • Power
  • Practice
  • Praise
  • Prattle
  • Pray
  • Preach
  • Precede
  • Precipitate
  • Predestinate
  • Predetermine
  • Predict
  • Predispose
  • Predominate
  • Preexist
  • Prefer
  • Preform
  • Prejudge
  • Prelude
  • Premeditate
  • Preoccupy
  • Prepare
  • Presage
  • Prescribe
  • Present
  • Preserve
  • Preside
  • Press
  • Presume
  • Presuppose
  • Pretend
  • Pretty
  • Prevail
  • Prevaricate
  • Prevent
  • Prey
  • Price
  • Prick
  • Prime
  • Print
  • Privilege
  • Prize
  • Probe
  • Proceed
  • Process
  • Proclaim
  • Procrastinate
  • Procreate
  • Proctor
  • Produce
  • Profane
  • Profess
  • Profile
  • Profit
  • Program
  • Progress
  • Prohibit
  • Project
  • Proliferate
  • Prolong
  • Promise
  • Promote
  • Prompt
  • Promulgate
  • Pronounce
  • Prop
  • Propagate
  • Propel
  • Prophesy
  • Proportion
  • Propose
  • Propulse
  • Prosecute
  • Prospect
  • Prosper
  • Prostitute
  • Protect
  • Protest
  • Protrude
  • Prove
  • Provide
  • Provoke
  • Prowl
  • Prune
  • Pry
  • Publish
  • Pucker
  • Puff
  • Puke
  • Pull
  • Pullulate
  • Pulp
  • Pulverize
  • Pump
  • Punch
  • Punctuate
  • Puncture
  • Punish
  • Purchase
  • Purge
  • Purify
  • Purpose
  • Purr
  • Pursue
  • Push
  • Put
  • Putrefy

List of Verbs That Start with Q

Using a rare collection of verbs helps you add terseness and pithiness to your expression and writing which would implicitly create an admirable public self-image for you in the eyes of your audience. Going through a list of verbs starting with Q can be a very good place for learning such verbs. One such list of verbs that start with Q is given below.

  • Quab
  • Quack
  • Quackle
  • Quadrate
  • Quadruple
  • Quadruplicate
  • Quaff
  • Quail
  • Quake
  • Qualify
  • Quantify
  • Quantise
  • Quantitate
  • Quantize
  • Quap
  • Quarantine
  • Quarrel
  • Quarry
  • Quarter
  • Quarterback
  • Quash
  • Quat
  • Quave
  • Quaver
  • Quech
  • Queck
  • Queen
  • Queer
  • Quelch
  • Quell
  • Queme
  • Quench
  • Querken
  • Querl
  • Query
  • Quest
  • Question
  • Quetch
  • Queue
  • Quibble
  • Quich
  • Quick
  • Quicken
  • Quickstep
  • Quiddle
  • Quiesce
  • Quiet
  • Quill
  • Quilt
  • Quinch
  • Quintuple
  • Quip
  • Quirk
  • Quirl
  • Quit
  • Quitclaim
  • Quiver
  • Quiz
  • Quob
  • Quoif
  • Quoit
  • Quop
  • Quote
  • Quoth
  • Quieten
  • Quoin

List of Verbs That Start with R

Verbs are at the heart of sentences and clauses; they are indispensable to the formation of a complete thought. As R is the eighth most common letter in English, therefore the list of verbs starting with R is a broad one too. Following is a list of verbs that start with R.

  • Race
  • Rack
  • Radiate
  • Radicalize
  • Rage
  • Raid
  • Rail
  • Rain
  • Raise
  • Rake
  • Rally
  • Ramble
  • Ramify
  • Ramp
  • Ransack
  • Rap
  • Rape
  • Rapture
  • Rarefy
  • Rasp
  • Rat
  • Rate
  • Ratify
  • Ration
  • Rationalize
  • Rattle
  • Ravage
  • Rave
  • Ravish
  • Reabsorb
  • Reach
  • React
  • Read
  • Readjust
  • Readmit
  • Reaffirm
  • Realign
  • Realize
  • Reanimate
  • Reap
  • Reappear
  • Reapply
  • Rear
  • Reascend
  • Reason
  • Reassemble
  • Reassume
  • Reassure
  • Rebaptize
  • Rebel
  • Reboot
  • Rebound
  • Rebuff
  • Rebuild
  • Rebuke
  • Recall
  • Recap
  • Recapitulate
  • Recapture
  • Recast
  • Recede
  • Receive
  • Recharge
  • Reciprocate
  • Recite
  • Reckon
  • Reclaim
  • Recline
  • Recognize
  • Recollect
  • Recommence
  • Recommend
  • Recompose
  • Reconcile
  • Reconfirm
  • Reconquer
  • Reconsider
  • Reconsolidate
  • Reconvert
  • Record
  • Recount
  • Recover
  • Recreate
  • Recriminate
  • Recross
  • Recruit
  • Rectify
  • Recuperate
  • Recur
  • Recut
  • Recycle
  • Redden
  • Redeem
  • Redesign
  • Rediscover
  • Redistribute
  • Redo
  • Redouble
  • Redound
  • Redraw
  • Reduce
  • Reek
  • Reel
  • Reembark
  • Reemerge
  • Reengage
  • Reenlist
  • Reenter
  • Reerect
  • Reestablish
  • Reexamine
  • Refashion
  • Refer
  • Refill
  • Refine
  • Refit
  • Reflect
  • Reform
  • Refract
  • Refresh
  • Refrigerate
  • Refund
  • Refurnish
  • Refuse
  • Refute
  • Regain
  • Regard
  • Regenerate
  • Regild
  • Register
  • Regraft
  • Regress
  • Regret
  • Regrind
  • Regularize
  • Regulate
  • Regurgitate
  • Rehabilitate
  • Rehearse
  • Reheat
  • Reign
  • Reimburse
  • Reimpose
  • Rein
  • Reincorporate
  • Reinforce
  • Reinsert
  • Reinstall
  • Reinstate
  • Reinsure
  • Reintegrate
  • Reintroduce
  • Reinvest
  • Reinvigorate
  • Reissue
  • Reiterate
  • Reject
  • Rejoice
  • Rejoin
  • Rejuvenate
  • Rekindle
  • Relapse
  • Relate
  • Relax
  • Relay
  • Relearn
  • Release
  • Relegate
  • Relieve
  • Relish
  • Reload
  • Relocate
  • Remain
  • Remake
  • Remarry
  • Remedy
  • Remelt
  • Remember
  • Remind
  • Remodel
  • Remount
  • Remove
  • Remunerate
  • Rename
  • Renew
  • Renounce
  • Renovate
  • Rent
  • Reoccupy
  • Reopen
  • Reorganize
  • Repack
  • Repaint
  • Repair
  • Repatriate
  • Repay
  • Repeal
  • Repeat
  • Repel
  • Repent
  • Replace
  • Replant
  • Reply
  • Repolish
  • Report
  • Represent
  • Repress
  • Reprimand
  • Reprint
  • Reproach
  • Reprobate
  • Reproduce
  • Republicanize
  • Republish
  • Repudiate
  • Repute
  • Request
  • Require
  • Requisition
  • Rescue
  • Reseat
  • Resell
  • Resemble
  • Resent
  • Reserve
  • Reset
  • Reshape
  • Reside
  • Resign
  • Resist
  • Resolve
  • Resort
  • Resound
  • Resow
  • Respect
  • Respire
  • Respond
  • Rest
  • Restore
  • Restrain
  • Restrict
  • Result
  • Resume
  • Resupply
  • Resuscitate
  • Retail
  • Retain
  • Retake
  • Retaliate
  • Retire
  • Retort
  • Retouch
  • Retrace
  • Retract
  • Retranslate
  • Retrograde
  • Retry
  • Return
  • Reunite
  • Reveal
  • Reverberate
  • Revere
  • Reverence
  • Reverse
  • Revert
  • Review
  • Revile
  • Revise
  • Revisit
  • Revitalize
  • Revive
  • Revolt
  • Revolutionize
  • Reward
  • Rhyme
  • Rib
  • Rid
  • Ride
  • Ridge
  • Ridicule
  • Ridiculize
  • Rifle
  • Rig
  • Ring
  • Rinse
  • Riot
  • Rip
  • Ripen
  • Ripple
  • Rise
  • Risk
  • Rival
  • Rivet
  • Roam
  • Roar
  • Roast
  • Rob
  • Rock
  • Roll
  • Rollick
  • Romance
  • Romanize
  • Romp
  • Root
  • Rot
  • Rotate
  • Rouge
  • Rough
  • Roughcast
  • Roughhew
  • Round
  • Rouse
  • Row
  • Rub
  • Ruffle
  • Ruin
  • Rule
  • Rumble
  • Ruminate
  • Rummage
  • Run
  • Run-After
  • Rush
  • Rust
  • Rustle

List of Verbs That Start with S

The letter S is the seventh most common letter in English. This is the one of the reasons that the list of verbs that start with S is a large one. One such list of verbs starting with S is given below.

  • Sabotage
  • Sacrifice
  • Sag
  • Sail
  • Saint
  • Salute
  • Sanctify
  • Sanction
  • Satirize
  • Satisfy
  • Saunter
  • Save
  • Savor
  • Savvy
  • Saw
  • Say
  • Scald
  • Scale
  • Scamper
  • Scandalize
  • Scare
  • Scintillate
  • Scold
  • Scoop
  • Score
  • Scowl
  • Scrabble
  • Scramble
  • Scrap
  • Scrape
  • Scratch
  • Scrawl
  • Scream
  • Screech
  • Screw
  • Scribble
  • Script
  • Scrub
  • Scrutinize
  • Sculp
  • Search
  • Season
  • Seat
  • Secularize
  • Secure
  • Seduce
  • See
  • Seize
  • Select
  • Sell
  • Send
  • Sense
  • Sensitize
  • Sensualize
  • Sentence
  • Sentinel
  • Separate
  • Serve
  • Service
  • Set
  • Sew
  • Shake
  • Shape
  • Share
  • Sharpen
  • Shatter
  • Shave
  • Shear
  • Shed
  • Shelter
  • Shift
  • Shine
  • Ship
  • Shiver
  • Shock
  • Shoe
  • Shoot
  • Shop
  • Shorten
  • Shout
  • Shove
  • Shovel
  • Show
  • Shred
  • Shrink
  • Shrivel
  • Shrug
  • Shudder
  • Shuffle
  • Shut
  • Sight
  • Sign
  • Signal
  • Signify
  • Simplify
  • Sinew
  • Sing
  • Sink
  • Sire
  • Sister
  • Sit
  • Size
  • Sizzle
  • Skate
  • Ski
  • Skid
  • Skill
  • Skylark
  • Slam
  • Slaughter
  • Sleek
  • Sleep
  • Slick
  • Slide
  • Slip
  • Slit
  • Slow
  • Smack
  • Smash
  • Smear
  • Smell
  • Smile
  • Smoke
  • Smooth
  • Snap
  • Snivel
  • Snow
  • Snug
  • Snuggle
  • Soar
  • Socialize
  • Solemnize
  • Solve
  • Soothe
  • Sophisticate
  • Sort
  • Sound
  • Soup
  • Sovietize
  • Sow
  • Spark
  • Sparkle
  • Spatialize
  • Speak
  • Specialize
  • Speed
  • Spell
  • Spend
  • Spice
  • Spill
  • Spin
  • Spirit
  • Spiritualize
  • Spit
  • Split
  • Spoil
  • Sponsor
  • Sport
  • Spot
  • Sprain
  • Spray
  • Spread
  • Spring
  • Sprout
  • Spruce
  • Square
  • Squat
  • Squeeze
  • Squint
  • Squire
  • Stabilize
  • Stable
  • Stamp
  • Stand
  • Standardize
  • Star
  • Start
  • State
  • Stave
  • Stay
  • Steady
  • Steal
  • Stem
  • Step
  • Sterilize
  • Steward
  • Stick
  • Stigmatize
  • Stimulate
  • Sting
  • Stink
  • Stir
  • Stitch
  • Stop
  • Store
  • Strengthen
  • Stress
  • Strew
  • Strike
  • String
  • Strip
  • Strive
  • Struggle
  • Strum
  • Strut
  • Study
  • Stumble
  • Stun
  • Style
  • Stylize
  • Sublime
  • Submit
  • Subsidize
  • Substitute
  • Succeed
  • Suffer
  • Suffice
  • Sugar
  • Suggest
  • Suit
  • Summarize
  • Supervize
  • Supple
  • Supply
  • Support
  • Suppose
  • Surpass
  • Surprise
  • Surrender
  • Surround
  • Survey
  • Survive
  • Suspect
  • Suspend
  • Sustain
  • Swallow
  • Swank
  • Swap
  • Sway
  • Swear
  • Sweat
  • Sweep
  • Sweeten
  • Swell
  • Swim
  • Swing
  • Symbolize
  • Sympathize
  • Synchronize
  • Synthesize

List of Verbs That Start with T

There is a lengthy list of verbs that start with T that can help you make your conversational contribution both fun and appealing. Following is a list of verbs starting with T.

  • Tabulate
  • Tack
  • Tackle
  • Tag
  • Tail
  • Tailor
  • Taint
  • Take
  • Talk
  • Tally
  • Tame
  • Tamper
  • Tan
  • Tangle
  • Tap
  • Taper
  • Tar
  • Target
  • Tariff
  • Tarnish
  • Taste
  • Tattoo
  • Taunt
  • Tax
  • Teach
  • Team
  • Tear
  • Tease
  • Teem
  • Telegraph
  • Telephone
  • Televize
  • Tell
  • Temper
  • Temporize
  • Tempt
  • Tend
  • Tender
  • Term
  • Terminate
  • Terrify
  • Terrorize
  • Test
  • Tetanize
  • Text
  • Thank
  • Thatch
  • Thaw
  • Theorize
  • Thicken
  • Thin
  • Think
  • Thrash
  • Thread
  • Threat
  • Threaten
  • Thrill
  • Thrive
  • Throb
  • Throttle
  • Throw
  • Thrum
  • Thrust
  • Thumb
  • Thunder
  • Thwart
  • Tick
  • Tickle
  • Tide
  • Tidy
  • Tie
  • Tighten
  • Tile
  • Tilt
  • Timber
  • Time
  • Tinge
  • Tinkle
  • Tint
  • Tip
  • Tipple
  • Tire
  • Titillate
  • Title
  • Titter
  • Toast
  • Toboggan
  • Toddle
  • Tolerate
  • Toll
  • Tone
  • Tool
  • Top
  • Topple
  • Torment
  • Torpedo
  • Torture
  • Toss
  • Tot
  • Total
  • Totter
  • Touch
  • Toughen
  • Tousle
  • Tout
  • Tow
  • Toy
  • Trace
  • Track
  • Trade
  • Trail
  • Train
  • Trample
  • Transcend
  • Transfer
  • Transfigure
  • Transfix
  • Transform
  • Transfuse
  • Transgress
  • Translate
  • Transmigrate
  • Transmit
  • Transmute
  • Transpire
  • Transplant
  • Transport
  • Transpose
  • Trap
  • Travel
  • Travesty
  • Treasure
  • Treat
  • Tremble
  • Trench
  • Trepan
  • Trespass
  • Triangulate
  • Trick
  • Trickle
  • Trigger
  • Trim
  • Trip
  • Triple
  • Triumph
  • Trot
  • Trouble
  • Trump
  • Trumpet
  • Truncate
  • Truss
  • Trust
  • Trustee
  • Try
  • Tube
  • Tuck
  • Tumble
  • Tumefy
  • Tun
  • Tune
  • Turf
  • Turn
  • Tutor
  • Tweak
  • Twinkle
  • Twist
  • Twitch
  • Type
  • Tyrannize

List of Verbs That Start with U

The utilization of verbs to perform actions in our lives is endless, especially of verbs that start with U. For your convenience, a list of verbs starting with U is given below. It is highly recommended that you should get hold of all the verbs given in this list of verbs that start with U.

  • Ulcerate
  • Unanchor
  • Unbalance
  • Unbar
  • Unbenumb
  • Unbias
  • Unbind
  • Unbolt
  • Unbox
  • Unbraid
  • Unbridle
  • Unbuckle
  • Unburden
  • Unbutton
  • Unconfound
  • Uncork
  • Uncouple
  • Uncover
  • Uncurl
  • Undeceive
  • Underbear
  • Undercut
  • Underestimate
  • Underfong
  • Undergo
  • Underline
  • Undermine
  • Underrate
  • Underscore
  • Undersell
  • Understand
  • Understudy
  • Undertake
  • Undervalue
  • Underwrite
  • Undo
  • Undress
  • Undulate
  • Unearth
  • Unfasten
  • Unfetter
  • Unfold
  • Unfurl
  • Unharness
  • Unhinge
  • Unhook
  • Unify
  • Uninstall
  • Unionize
  • Unite
  • Universalize
  • Unlace
  • Unlearn
  • Unleash
  • Unload
  • Unlock
  • Unmask
  • Unmuzzle
  • Unnail
  • Unnerve
  • Unpack
  • Unpick
  • Unpleat
  • Unplug
  • Unravel
  • Unroll
  • Unsaddle
  • Unscrew
  • Unseal
  • Unseat
  • Unsettle
  • Unshackle
  • Unsolder
  • Unstick
  • Unstitch
  • Unsubscribe
  • Unswaddle
  • Untangle
  • Unthread
  • Untie
  • Untwist
  • Unveil
  • Unwind
  • Unwrap
  • Upbear
  • Upcheer
  • Update
  • Upend
  • Upgrade
  • Uphold
  • Upholster
  • Uplift
  • Upload
  • Uproot
  • Upsell
  • Upset
  • Upstand
  • Urbanize
  • Urge
  • Urinate
  • Use
  • Usher
  • Usurp
  • Utilize
  • Utter

List of Verbs That Start with V

A strong orator has a majority of words up his sleeves that help him move the masses. For you as a reader, the first place to start is to get to know about verbs because they are the agents of action. One such list of verbs starting with V is given below. Try to memorize all the verbs given in this list of verbs that start with V.

  • Vacate
  • Vacation
  • Vaccinate
  • Vacillate
  • Vacuum
  • Vagabond
  • Vail
  • Valance
  • Valet
  • Validate
  • Valuate
  • Value
  • Vamoose
  • Vamp
  • Vamper
  • Van
  • Vandalize
  • Vanish
  • Vanquish
  • Vantage
  • Vaporize
  • Variegate
  • Varnish
  • Vary
  • Vasectomize
  • Vaticinate
  • Vault
  • Vaunce
  • Vaunt
  • Veer
  • Vegetate
  • Veil
  • Vein
  • Velcro
  • Vellicate
  • Vend
  • Veneer
  • Venerate
  • Vent
  • Ventilate
  • Venture
  • Verbalize
  • Verbify
  • Verdigris
  • Verge
  • Verify
  • Vermiculate
  • Vermilion
  • Vernate
  • Verse
  • Versify
  • Vesicate
  • Vesiculate
  • Vest
  • Vesture
  • Vet
  • Veto
  • Vex
  • Vibrate
  • Victimise
  • Victimize
  • Victual
  • Videotape
  • Vie
  • View
  • Vilify
  • Vilipend
  • Vindicate
  • Vinify
  • Violate
  • Virilize
  • Visa
  • Visit
  • Visor
  • Visualise
  • Visualize
  • Vitalise
  • Vitalize
  • Vitiate
  • Vitrify
  • Vitriol
  • Vitriolize
  • Vituperate
  • Vivificate
  • Vivify
  • Vivisect
  • Vocalise
  • Vocalize
  • Vociferate
  • Voice
  • Void
  • Volatilize
  • Volley
  • Volunteer
  • Vomit
  • Voodoo
  • Vote
  • Vouch
  • Vouchsafe
  • Vow
  • Vowelize
  • Voyage
  • Vroom
  • Vulcanize
  • Vulgarize

List of Verbs That Start with W

Verbs are an indispensable part of our daily lives. We can’t imagine communicating, writing, or reading without these verbs. A list of verbs that start with W is given below. Let’s jump into this amazing list of verbs starting with W to make ourselves familiar with them.

  • Wad
  • Waft
  • Wag
  • Wage
  • Wager
  • Waggle
  • Wait
  • Waive
  • Wake
  • Waken
  • Walk
  • Wall
  • Wallow
  • Waltz
  • Wander
  • Wane
  • Want
  • Warble
  • Warish
  • Warm
  • Warn
  • Warp
  • Warrant
  • Wash
  • Waste
  • Watch
  • Water
  • Waterproof
  • Wave
  • Waver
  • Wax
  • Way
  • Weaken
  • Weal
  • Wean
  • Wear
  • Weary
  • Weather
  • Weave
  • Wed
  • Wedge
  • Wedlock
  • Weed
  • Ween
  • Weep
  • Weet
  • Weigh
  • Weird
  • Welcome
  • Weld
  • Well
  • Westernize
  • Wet
  • Whack
  • Wheedle
  • Wheel
  • Whelp
  • Whet
  • While
  • Whimper
  • Whimsey
  • Whine
  • Whip
  • Whir
  • Whirl
  • Whisk
  • Whisper
  • Whistle
  • White
  • Whitewash
  • Whiz
  • Widen
  • Wield
  • Wig
  • Wiggle
  • Will
  • Wilne
  • Wilt
  • Win
  • Wipe
  • Wire
  • Wiredraw
  • Wish
  • Withdraw
  • Wither
  • Withhold
  • Withstand
  • Witness
  • Wobble
  • Wonder
  • Woo
  • Word
  • Work
  • Worry
  • Worsen
  • Worship
  • Wound
  • Wow
  • Wrangle
  • Wrap
  • Wreak
  • Wreck
  • Wrestle
  • Wriggle
  • Wring
  • Wrinkle
  • Write
  • Wrong

List of Verbs That Start with X

There is a very short list of verbs that start with X. A list of verbs that start with X has been provided for you to get yourself acquainted with them. Although we rarely encounter them in our speech and writing yet they add denseness to your speech and writing.

  • Xerox
  • X-out
  • Xylograph
  • Xylophone
  • Xerocopy
  • Xenograft
  • Xanthate
  • Xenotransplant
  • X-irradiate
  • X-ing
  • Xylomance
  • Xfer
  • XOR
  • Xxencode
  • X-ray
  • Xeriscape

List of Verbs That Start with Y

Just like the letter X, the list of verbs that start with Y is a brief one. How many of these verbs from the list of verbs starting with Y, given below, do you use on a regular basis?

  • Yell
  • Yack
  • Yelp
  • Yammer
  • Yawn
  • Yak
  • Yank
  • Yap
  • Yellow
  • Yowl
  • Yip
  • Yandy
  • Yarn
  • Yaw
  • Yark
  • Yarm
  • Yead
  • Yoke
  • Yard
  • Yabber
  • Yo-yo
  • Yaup
  • Yawl
  • Yux
  • Youl
  • Yawp
  • Yean
  • Yarn-dye
  • Yeast
  • Yerk
  • Yeuk
  • Yend
  • Yock
  • Yuk
  • Yeve
  • Yearn
  • Yodel
  • Yacht
  • Yen
  • Yield

List of Verbs That Start with Z

A list of verbs that start with Z has been given below. As you can see that if you start counting verbs in the list of verbs starting with Z, you won’t find too many.

  • Zip
  • Zoom
  • Zap
  • Zone
  • Zigzag
  • Zero
  • Zest
  • Zonk
  • Zincify
  • Zig
  • Zing
  • Zipper
  • Zombify
  • Zariba
  • Zot
  • Zoutch
  • Zeroize
  • Zuluize
  • Zolaize
  • Zephyr
  • Zizzle
  • Zirconiate
  • Zhuzh
  • Zoomorphize
  • Zotz
  • Zhng
  • Zany
  • Zorb
  • Zionify
  • Zeriba
  • Zionize
  • Zeolitize
  • Zerg
  • Zizz
  • Zinc
  • Zoologize
  • Zhoosh
  • Zither
  • Zipline
  • Zouk

Final Thoughts on List of Verbs

By now you must have known that if we didn’t have a list of verbs up our sleeves we would not have been able to excel in our lives. Without verbs we would only be left with descriptive words. There is no denying the significance of descriptive words such as nouns and adjectives but verbs are also essential. If we did not have verbs, our lives would have come to a point of standstill.

Verbs list is an integral part of our everyday lives. We cannot just do away with them. It is one of the most basic need of ours to learn and add to the list of verbs. Verbs define actions; more we will have, more action there will be in our lives. Hence as a reader, you should go through the list of verbs given in this article several times if you want to get hold of them.

What are the Different Types of Verbs?

Looking for a verbs list? Fret not. Here’s a quick guide on the list of verbs with illustrative examples. But before we get down to the list of verbs, let’s quickly brush through the definition of a verb. 

A verb in the simplest sense is a word that describes an action, an event or a state. It tells you what the subject of a sentence is doing. The verbs (like those in the verb list below) are usually the main words in a sentence and without them a sentence is incomplete. Having said that, how do you recognize a verb in a sentence?

Well, verbs (like those in the verbs list below) are typically used after a noun or a pronoun. The nouns or pronouns in such cases, are referred to as subjects. 

For example: 

  • Anthony went to the market. 

In this case the action of Anthony physically having went to the market is the verb. 

In this guide, verbs are categorized into a few different lists: 

  • action verbs list
  • linking verbs list
  • helping verbs list
  • irregular verbs list

Except for the linking verb list, the other categories break down into different types. The next list of verbs can be physical or mental. The list of helping verbs can be auxiliary or modal. The list of irregular verbs shows verbs in different tenses. 

Learning the words in each verb list can help you develop your English-speaking skills. To make comprehension easier, example sentences have been provided in the verb list sections.

List of Action Verbs

In an action verbs list, each verb can be used to state a subject’s action in a sentence. There are two types of action words you’ll find in this list of action verbs.

Type 1: Physical

The physical verb list features action words. In other words, the words within a physical action verb list usually describe an action that someone or something physically does. In a nutshell, a particular motion made using one’s body or a tool to complete an action is referred to as an action verb. For example, let’s start with a short list of action verbs: 

  • Walk
  • Open
  • Speak 

All of the words on this short action verb list describe physical actions. The verb list below is a much longer list of action verbs that are useful to know.

Physical Action Verb List:

Act Answer Approve Arrange
Break Build Buy Coach
Color Cough Create Complete
Cry Dance Describe Draw
Drink Eat Edit Enter
Exit Imitate Invent Jump
Laugh Lie Listen Paint
Plan Play Read Replace
Run Scream See Shop
Shout Sing Skip Sleep
Sneeze Solve Study Teach
Touch Turn Walk Win
Write Whistle Yank Zip

Hopefully you already recognized a few (or all) of the words on this action verbs list. They are all very useful! If you think you’ll need it, feel free to print this action verbs list for future reference.  

Before moving on from the physical action verb list and looking at the mental verbs list below, consider reading these resources explaining MLA format and APA format. They could help you understand how to format your next writing assignment. Or, if you’re ready, let’s move on to the next list of action verbs.

Type 2: Mental

The second type of action verbs list is for mental action words. Mental action words describe intellectual processes that don’t happen physically, but rather take place in your mind. Examples of mental action words (that are part of the action verb list below) include think, feel, and want.

List of Verbs Describing Mental Action:

Concern Decide Dislike
Doubt Feel Forget
Hate Hear Hope
Impress Know Learn
Like Look Love
Mind Notice Own
Perceive Realize Recognize
Remember See Smell
Surprise Please Prefer
Promise Think Understand

It’s important to understand that some mental action words on this action verbs list don’t refer to the literal use of the word. For instance, the mental list of verbs includes the words see, look, hear, and smell. These words could also be included on a list of action verbs describing physical motion. When you don’t use these words in the literal sense, they become mental action words. In other words, these words could be found on both a physical and mental action verbs list.  

Here are some examples showing the difference:

  • Action: I can see Paul jumping up and down.

In this example , you can literally see Paul jumping around.

  • Mental: Frank returned from Europe yesterday? I see.

However, in the above example you can’t literally see Frank returning from Europe. Instead, “I see” means to understand. Therefore, ‘see ’used in this context is a mental word.

  • Action: These roses smell wonderful.

This example refers to the physical action of smelling flowers and comments on their scent.

  • Mental: Something smells funny about this situation.

On the other hand, in this example, nothing literally smells funny. Instead, it means that there’s something strange and unusual about the situation.

To summarize, there are hundreds of words that could go on an action verbs list. The physical verbs list and the mental list of verbs only include a few basic words of each type. There are many more to learn and they’re all fun to use. In order to expand your vocabulary, it’s helpful to study another list of action verbs. For a PDF list of action verbs, visit this site

The next verbs list is a list of linking verbs. Even if you don’t know what they are yet, these words are very important! Pay close attention to the list of linking verbs below. You never know when a list of linking verbs might come in handy.

Linking Verbs List

There’s a list of verbs that do not describe any action. Instead, these words explain a state of being such as a condition or relationship.They are also commonly known as linking verbs, and they make up the linking verb list below. 

The words in the linking verbs list are words that connect the subject of a sentence to specific information about the subject. In other words, linking verbs connect the subject to a predicate noun or a predicate adjective. 

A list of linking verbs could also be called a ‘being verbs list.’ This is because the words within a linking verbs list show a state of being. You’ll notice that most verbs on the being verbs list are forms of ‘to be’. Other verbs like ‘become’ and ‘seem’ also belong on a being verbs list. 

These ‘being’ verbs (see the list of linking verbs/being verbs list below for examples) are used with subjects that are both in past and present tense. Being verbs like ‘was/were’ should be used instead of ’be’ in the past tense, and ‘is/am/are’ in the present tense. For instance: 

  • Amy was being cynical.
  • We are being noisy.
  • Andrew was afraid of Luna.
  • You appear to be scared.

The being/linking words in the sentences above are included in the being verbs list below. You can use words in the linking verbs list to connect the subject with other words in a sentence. There aren’t as many words on a linking verb list as there are on a verb list for mental and physical action words, but each word in the list of linking verbs is nonetheless important.

Linking Verbs List / Being Verbs List:

Am Appear Are
Be Become Been
Being Feel Grow
Is Look Remain
Seem Smell Sound
Stay Taste Turn
Was Were

As you can see on the linking verbs list above, all forms of to be are important linking words. It would be difficult to have a conversation about yourself without using any of the words on this linking verbs list. Want to remember all of these? Feel free to print and save this linking verb list for reference. You could also look for another linking verb list and examples to study.

Now that you’re well-versed with action words, and the linking verb list, let’s move on to helping words.

Helping Verbs List

Now that we’ve gone over the list of linking verbs let’s talk about helping verbs. A helping verb ‘helps’ or supports the main verb. There are two types of words within the helping verbs list: auxiliaries and modals. 

Both auxiliaries and modals add more meaning to the main action or the being word. They can also describe the period of a physical or mental action taking  place. They can also add emphasis to your sentences and indicate an event happening. 

Auxiliaries (like those in our helping verb list below) extend the main verb and help show time, tense or possibility.

Examples of auxiliary verbs:

  • Matthew is going out for lunch. 
  • I have finished my homework. 

Modals indicate possibility, ability or expectation. A list of helping verbs that are modal are further down this page, but let’s start with a few example sentences; they’ll help us understand how they’re used.

Examples of modals:

  • Wilson may want to talk to you again. 
  • Alexa must go to work today.

If you want to learn how to create complex sentences, then it’s important to study a helping verbs list. Here’s your first list of helping verbs.

List of Helping Verbs, Auxiliaries

Auxiliary Word And all its forms…
To Be Am, Are, Is, Was, Were, Be, Been
To Have Have, Has, Had
To Do Do, Does, Did

So, how do you know  that the words in this auxiliary helping verbs list are actually ‘helpful’ or act as standalone words? Simply look for other verbs (action or being words) in the sentence. If you notice any form of ‘to be, ‘to have’, or ‘to do’ before another action or being word, then you’re looking at a sentence with an auxiliary. 

Using the previous auxiliary helping verbs list, can you figure out which word is the auxiliary in the examples below?

  • Charlie’s mother is cooking breakfast for us tomorrow.
  • Tina hasn’t exercised today.

Both modals and auxiliaries can be found on a list of helping verbs. Modals are usually followed by the infinitive of another verb. Just like the list of linking verbs, the list of modals within the list of helping verbs is also small and therefore easy to remember. A verbs list with modal verbs is given below.

List of Helping Verbs, Modals

Can Could May
Might Must Ought to
Shall Should Will

Here are some examples of how modals, from the above list of verbs, explain uncertainty, obligation, and possibility. 

  • I must go to school today.

There’s an obligation to go to school.

  • You could go to school today.

In this sentence, it’s possible that you will not go to school today.

  • Jennifer’s not sick and should go to school today.

And in this sentence, it’s possible that Jennifer doesn’t go to school.

  • If Tommy feels better tonight, he might go to school tomorrow.

Whereas in this sentence there’s a chance that Tommy may or may not go to school. 

Now that you are well versed with a linking verbs list, a list of verbs that are ‘helpful,’ and a verbs list for action words, let’s move on to the next section: a list of irregular verbs. 

Irregular Verbs List

The next verbs list you’ll look at is the list of action verbs that are irregular, thus they are part of the irregular verbs list. So what exactly are irregular verbs? Well, verbs that do not follow the normal rules for conjugation fall into the irregular verbs list. 

Basically, most ‘normal’ words in the past tense have an -ed at the end. Examples include jumped, skipped, and leaped

  • jump → jumped
  • skip → skipped
  • leap → leaped
  • walk → walked

This conjugation pattern applies to most words. However, irregular verbs — like those in the irregular verbs list below — don’t follow this normal pattern. For example:

  • Draw → drew, drawn

These verbs shift tenses according to its own set of rules, and thus belong on our list of irregular verbs. 

The words in the list of irregular verbs below are shown with their past simple and past participle versions. You could say, that it is also an irregular past tense verbs list. 

An irregular past tense verbs list generally includes words like brought, were, became, etc. The irregular past tense verbs list below presents English past tense verbs.

Irregular Past Tense Verbs List:

Be Was or Were Been
Become Became Become
Bring Brought Brought
Build Built Built
Catch Caught Caught
Draw Drew Drawn
Fly Flew Flown
Get Got Got
Go Went Gone
Grow Grew Grown
Hold Held Held
Learn Learnt/Learned Learnt/Learned
Smell Smelt Smelt

Did you come across any new verbs in this irregular verbs list? There are many other words that could be added to this irregular past tense verbs list, but this list of verbs is a good start. Hopefully, this list of irregular verbs (or irregular past tense verbs list) will help you write your assignments with greater precision. Once you’re done studying the list of irregular verbs, visit this informative site for further learning.

Congratulations on reviewing many verb list types! Now that you have finished reading  a comprehensive linking verbs list and studied a helpful list of verbs along with an irregular verbs list, why not get some help on your next English assignment? The paper checker from Citation Machine Plus lets you make citations in APA format and more citation styles. Try it out today!

Published March 5, 2019. Updated April 16, 2020.

  • Words of a certain type
  • Verbs in English

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Word 3singular Present Participle Simple Past Past Participle



does doing did done


will willing would

can could couth

knows knowing knew known

sees seeing saw seen

may might


gets getting got got

thinks thinking thought thought

goes going went gone


makes making made made


takes taking took taken

comes coming came come

says saying said said

puts putting put put

wants wanting wanted wanted

gives giving gave given

looks looking looked looked

finds finding found found

needs needing needed needed

likes liking liked liked

sets setting set set

uses using used used

becomes becoming became become

tells telling told told

keeps keeping kept kept

helps helping helped helped

works working worked worked

lets letting let let

feels feeling felt felt

provides providing provided provided

believes believing believed believed

tries trying tried tried

shall should

asks asking asked asked

remembers remembering remembered remembered

leaves leaving left left

shows showing showed shown

pays paying paid paid

runs running ran run

reads reading read read

seems seeming seemed seemed

includes including included included

brings bringing brought brought

understands understanding understood understood

starts starting started started

plays playing played played

cuts cutting cut cut

lives living lived lived

meets meeting met met

moves moving moved moved

hears hearing heard heard

calls calling called called

stops stopping stopped stopped

turns turning turned turned

talks talking talked talked

buys buying bought bought

thanks thanking thanked thanked

changes changing changed changed

continues continuing continued continued

considers considering considered considered

allows allowing allowed allowed

hopes hoping hoped hoped

produces producing produced produced

stays staying stayed stayed

appears appearing appeared appeared

writes writing wrote written

holds holding held held

expects expecting expected expected

ensures ensuring ensured ensured

supposes supposing supposed supposed

wishes wishing wished wished

carries carrying carried carried

follows following followed followed

offers offering offered offered

supports supporting supported supported

accepts accepting accepted accepted

speaks speaking spoke spoken

leads leading leaded leaded

remains remaining remained remained

stands standing stood stood

suggests suggesting suggested suggested

hits hitting hit hit

develops developing developed developed

happens happening happened happened

sits sitting sat sat

wins winning won won

loves loving loved loved

adds adding added added

learns learning learned learned

creates creating created created


agrees agreeing agreed agreed

applies applying applied applied

waits waiting waited waited

avoids avoiding avoided avoided

sends sending sent sent

forms forming formed formed

explains explaining explained explained

returns returning returned returned

sells selling sold sold

receives receiving received received

opens opening opened opened

begins beginning began begun

eats eating ate eaten

increases increasing increased increased

voices voicing voiced voiced

spends spending spent spent

joins joining joined joined

reduces reducing reduced reduced

saves saving saved saved

requires requiring required required

falls falling fell fallen

minds minding minded minded

builds building built built

achieves achieving achieved achieved

chooses choosing chose chosen

prevents preventing prevented prevented

reaches reaching reached reached

decides deciding decided decided

deals dealing dealt dealt

faces facing faced faced

enjoys enjoying enjoyed enjoyed

watches watching watched watched

loses losing lost lost

covers covering covered covered

walks walking walked walked

improves improving improved improved

tends tending tended tended

raises raising raised raised

draws drawing drew drawn

forgets forgetting forgot forgotten

imagines imagining imagined imagined

acts acting acted acted

picks picking picked picked

causes causing caused caused

costs costing cost cost

passes passing passed passed

breaks breaking broke broken

proves proving proved proved

occurs occurring occurred occurred

discusses discussing discussed discussed

listens listening listened listened

maintains maintaining maintained maintained

ends ending ended ended

exists existing existed existed

seeks seeking sought sought

grows growing grew grown

checks checking checked checked

serves serving served served

shares sharing shared shared

establishes establishing established established

enters entering entered entered

controls controlling controlled controlled

dies dying died died

encourages encouraging encouraged encouraged

answers answering answered answered

protects protecting protected protected

identifies identifying identified identified

visits visiting visited visited

cares caring cared cared

enables enabling enabled enabled

affects affecting affected affected

claims claiming claimed claimed

notes noting noted noted

obtains obtaining obtained obtained

represents representing represented represented

contains containing contained contained

beats beating beat beaten

spreads spreading spread spread

worries worrying worried worried

bears bearing beared beared

shuts shutting shut shut

wonders wondering wondered wondered

affords affording afforded afforded

fits fitting fitted fitted

kills killing killed killed

regards regarding regarded regarded

describes describing described described

places placing placed placed

drives driving drove driven

wears wearing wore worn

argues arguing argued argued

involves involving involved involved

lies lying lay lain

contacts contacting contacted contacted

catches catching caught caught

assumes assuming assumed assumed

indicates indicating indicated indicated

operates operating operated operated

manages managing managed managed

copes coping coped coped

removes removing removed removed

determines determining determined determined

fights fighting fought fought

pulls pulling pulled pulled

realises realising realised realised

reflects reflecting reflected reflected

fills filling filled filled

refers referring referred referred

gains gaining gained gained

examines examining examined examined

prefers preferring preferred preferred

travels travelling travelled travelled

admits admitting admitted admitted

recognises recognising recognised recognised

attends attending attended attended

hurts hurting hurt hurt

responds responding responded responded

sleeps sleeping slept slept

introduces introducing introduced introduced

depends depending depended depended

survives surviving survived survived

suffers suffering suffered suffered

notices noticing noticed noticed

closes closing closed closed

results resulting resulted resulted

replaces replacing replaced replaced

completes completing completed completed

misses missing missed missed

rises rising rose risen

presents presenting presented presented

arises arising arose arisen

points pointing pointed pointed

fails failing failed failed

promotes promoting promoted promoted

performs performing performed performed

discovers discovering discovered discovered

expresses expressing expressed expressed

extends extending extended extended

drinks drinking drank drunk

mentions mentioning mentioned mentioned

varies varying varied varied

concentrates concentrating concentrated concentrated

benefits benefiting benefited benefited

treats treating treated treated

hangs hanging hung hung

throws throwing threw thrown

prepares preparing prepared prepared

drops dropping dropped dropped

studies studying studied studied

pushes pushing pushed pushed

presses pressing pressed pressed

reports reporting reported reported

casts casting cast cast

arrives arriving arrived arrived

sounds sounding sounded sounded

finishes finishing finished finished

rings ringing ringed ringed

tests testing tested tested

secures securing secured secured

collects collecting collected collected

escapes escaping escaped escaped

teaches teaching taught taught

lasts lasting lasted lasted

welcomes welcoming welcomed welcomed

relies relying relied relied

trusts trusting trusted trusted

matches matching matched matched

assesses assessing assessed assessed

contributes contributing contributed contributed

repeats repeating repeated repeated

supplies supplying supplied supplied


plans planning planned planned

reveals revealing revealed revealed

states stating stated stated

confirms confirming confirmed confirmed

appreciates appreciating appreciated appreciated

hates hating hated hated

relates relating related related

overcomes overcoming overcame overcome

rids ridding rid rid

marries marrying married married

attempts attempting attempted attempted

retains retaining retained retained

handles handling handled handled

attracts attracting attracted attracted

assists assisting assisted assisted

influences influencing influenced influenced

marks marking marked marked

splits splitting split split

experiences experiencing experienced experienced

recalls recalling recalled recalled

adopts adopting adopted adopted

signs signing signed signed

touches touching touched touched

fears fearing feared feared

sticks sticking sticked sticked

settles settling settled settled

ignores ignoring ignored ignored

compares comparing compared compared

defines defining defined defined

exercises exercising exercised exercised

demonstrates demonstrating demonstrated demonstrated

accounts accounting accounted accounted

persuades persuading persuaded persuaded

investigates investigating investigated investigated

clears clearing cleared cleared

guesses guessing guessed guessed

records recording recorded recorded

votes voting voted voted

explores exploring explored explored

blames blaming blamed blamed

arranges arranging arranged arranged

crosses crossing crossed crossed

denies denying denied denied

realizes realizing realized realized

hides hiding hid hidden

focuses focusing focused focused

delivers delivering delivered delivered

proceeds proceeding proceeded proceeded

bothers bothering bothered bothered

succeeds succeeding succeeded succeeded

refuses refusing refused refused

forces forcing forced forced

demands demanding demanded demanded

recognizes recognizing recognized recognized

counts counting counted counted

doubts doubting doubted doubted

reckons reckoning reckoned reckoned

belongs belonging belonged belonged

emerges emerging emerged emerged

sings singing sang sung

intends intending intended intended

justifies justifying justified justified

ins inning inned inned

advises advising advised advised

defends defending defended defended

laughs laughing laughed laughed

dare daring dared dared

acquires acquiring acquired acquired

recovers recovering recovered recovered

distinguishes distinguishing distinguished distinguished

generates generating generated generated

suspects suspecting suspected suspected

earns earning earned earned

finances financing financed financed

bets betting bet bet

destroys destroying destroyed destroyed

rests resting rested rested

judges judging judged judged

pursues pursuing pursued pursued

comments commenting commented commented

satisfies satisfying satisfied satisfied

competes competing competed competed

resists resisting resisted resisted

addresses addressing addressed addressed

suits suiting suited suited

solves solving solved solved

lifts lifting lifted lifted

alters altering altered altered

imposes imposing imposed imposed

displays displaying displayed displayed

appeals appealing appealed appealed

releases releasing released released

sorts sorting sorted sorted

differs differing differed differed

selects selecting selected selected

measures measuring measured measured

recommends recommending recommended recommended

orders ordering ordered ordered

transfers transferring transferred transferred

attacks attacking attacked attacked

expands expanding expanded expanded

rolls rolling rolled rolled

bursts bursting burst burst

undertakes undertaking undertook undertaken

relaxes relaxing relaxed relaxed

participates participating participated participated


behaves behaving behaved behaved

strikes striking struck struck

reminds reminding reminded reminded

reviews reviewing reviewed reviewed

approaches approaching approached approached

employs employing employed employed

restores restoring restored restored

washes washing washed washed

observes observing observed observed

combines combining combined combined

insists insisting insisted insisted

issues issuing issued issued

rides riding rode ridden

constitutes constituting constituted constituted

jumps jumping jumped jumped

cooks cooking cooked cooked

switches switching switched switched

trains training trained trained

cries crying cried cried

cleans cleaning cleaned cleaned

invests investing invested invested

steps stepping stepped stepped

illustrates illustrating illustrated illustrated

limits limiting limited limited

owns owning owned owned

tackles tackling tackled tackled

challenges challenging challenged challenged

views viewing viewed viewed

withdraws withdrawing withdrew withdrawn

possesses possessing possessed possessed

communicates communicating communicated communicated

climbs climbing climbed climbed

gathers gathering gathered gathered

separates separating separated separated

preserves preserving preserved preserved

implements implementing implemented implemented

shifts shifting shifted shifted

resolves resolving resolved resolved

rejects rejecting rejected rejected

informs informing informed informed

implies implying implied implied

acknowledges acknowledging acknowledged acknowledged

concludes concluding concluded concluded

shoots shooting shot shot

guarantees guaranteeing guaranteed guaranteed

borrows borrowing borrowed borrowed

complies complying complied complied

questions questioning questioned questioned

promises promising promised promised

enhances enhancing enhanced enhanced

monitors monitoring monitored monitored

risks risking risked risked

permits permitting permitted permitted

purchases purchasing purchased purchased

proposes proposing proposed proposed

celebrates celebrating celebrated celebrated

charges charging charged charged

researches researching researched researched

accommodates accommodating accommodated accommodated

aims aiming aimed aimed

phones phoning phoned phoned

wastes wasting wasted wasted

dances dancing danced danced

wakes waking woke woken

prays praying prayed prayed

disappears disappearing disappeared disappeared

telephones telephoning telephoned telephoned

predicts predicting predicted predicted

scores scoring scored scored

slips slipping slipped slipped

commits committing committed committed

complains complaining complained complained

detects detecting detected detected

excludes excluding excluded excluded

excuses excusing excused excused

interprets interpreting interpreted interpreted

publishes publishing published published

links linking linked linked

forgives forgiving forgave forgiven

negotiates negotiating negotiated negotiated

analyses analysing analysed analysed

names naming named named

stretches stretching stretched stretched

upsets upsetting upset upset

qualifies qualifying qualified qualified

damages damaging damaged damaged

launches launching launched launched

paints painting painted painted

specifies specifying specified specified

grants granting granted granted

constructs constructing constructed constructed

lends lending lent lent

organises organising organised organised

reacts reacting reacted reacted

deserves deserving deserved deserved

heads heading headed headed

directs directing directed directed

lands landing landed landed

conducts conducting conducted conducted

sustains sustaining sustained sustained

submits submitting submitted submitted

consists consisting consisted consisted

blows blowing blew blown

mixes mixing mixed mixed

guides guiding guided guided

owes owing owed owed

convinces convincing convinced convinced

practises practising practised practised

strengthens strengthening strengthened strengthened

knocks knocking knocked knocked

invites inviting invited invited

abandons abandoning abandoned abandoned

burns burning burned burned

replies replying replied replied

shakes shaking shook shaken

fixes fixing fixt fixt

pretends pretending pretended pretended

consults consulting consulted consulted

divides dividing divided divided

engages engaging engaged engaged

searches searching searched searched

fulfils fulfilling fulfilled fulfilled

exploits exploiting exploited exploited

rules ruling ruled ruled

Note: these words have been obtained from Wiktionary and have been classified and improved through automated computer linguistics processes.


Write a comment about this list

List of verb  words in English! A word used to describe an action, state, or occurrence.Verbs are words that show action (run), state of being (exist), or occurrence (develop).Here is a list of verb words that are used in daily conversation. it is very important for speaking English.

The verb is the name of an action that we perform. There are five forms of verbs in English. A verb is an action or state of being in a sentence.  Verbs are words that show action (run), state of being (exist), or occurrence (develop).

Bake Appear Differ
Tend Admit Boil
Celebrate Take Approach
Want Constrain Regulate
Remind Detect Kick
Survive Value Resist
Define Fight May
Precede Encourage Implement
Lend Commit Weep
Fold Attend Sell
Shut Shrink Bounce

english verbs list a to z pdf

A list of verb words

a list of verb words

verbs list in english

List of verbs for kids

english verbs list a to z pdf

english verbs list a to z pdfexamples of verbs list, examples of verbs list,

English Verbs List A to Z PDF

Advise Assure Put
Steal Deduct Forbid
Paint Qualify Prefer
Stop Walk Postpone
Achieve Criticize Freeze
Climb Invest Illustrate
Run Resent Doubt
Acquire Contribute Start
Retain Assist Restore
Integrate Belong Sleep
Communicate Might Behave
Pursue Push Feel
Chop Enhance Drill
Hurry Derive Must
Indicate Recall Decide
Involve Whip Occupy
Consult Attribute Point
Spend Reflect Perceive
Allocate Open Appreciate
Survey Stack Risk
Prepare Slice Wake
Arise Owe Claim
Apply Reverse Come
Plan Eat Cling
Arrive Imply Mind
Seem Struggle Hate
Enjoy Contradict Interact
Locate Regret Refer
Compensate Bring Tiptoe
Sting Stir Alternate
Retire Delay Spill
Contain Intervene Sink
Expand Drive Win
Spit Include Consume
Learn Breed Comprehend
Shed Explore Lay
Determine Generate Wash
Fall Forget Inhibit
Modify Legislate Replace
Propose Slide Warn
Dare Rely React
Restrict Blow Astonish
Announce Emphasize Bow
Avoid Specify Hear
Wait Realize Leap
Volunteer Pull Isolate
Participate Adjust Compound
Wish Function Slip
Grow Begin Investigate
Depend Submit Expect
Monitor Like Pay
Identify Argue Observe
Beg Analyze Reinforce
Spell Scrub Give
Hug Assume Dance
Order Shine Affect
Remember Translate Concern
Matter Receive Justify
Evaluate Recommend Facilitate
Require Prioritize Conduct
Measure Relieve Bet
Desire Demand Calculate
Pinch Should Ring
Compete Fit Link
Promote Fry Add
Channel Get Hit
Stink Light Comprise
Mean Write Attract
Care Prevent Relax
Create Exist Deliver
Imagine Refuse Process
Miss Inform Bend
Manage Buy Transfer
Lie (not to tell the truth) Drink Find
Throw Fail Practice
Break Sit Recollect
Experiment Validate Bind
Spread Kiss Install
Discover Can/could Overtake
Confine Repair Ride
Rid Read Aid
Attempt Vary Follow
Prove Ask Consider
Insist Guide Would
Possess Obtain Wave
Incorporate Deviate Demonstrate
Consent Attain Beat
Convince Attach Maintain
Swing Build Improve
Ski Feed Impose
Supply Mention State
Tell Set Promise
Deal Squat Proceed

Must learn about List of Adjectives

a list of verb words a list of verb words

A to Z Birds Names with Pictures

Collection of verb words

Decline Adopt Bite
Arrange A list of verb words Dive
Have Weigh Love
Adapt Aim Contract
Rise Dislike Hop
Think Need Select
Afford Cost Defer
Swim Be Lean
Leave Bear Quit
Establish Explain Perform
Complain Adore Pour
Categorize Swell Laugh
Suppose Clarify Examine
Shake Ensure Convert
Satisfy Burn Destroy
Look Broadcast Offer
Settle Discuss Publish
Assign Acknowledge Choose
Coordinate Organize Creep
Grant Understand Confirm
Allow Reduce Engage
Dry Sew Solve
Enforce Hang Represent
Hold Meet Overcome
Entail Forgive Negotiate
Lose Earn Compare
Hurt Try Document
Stretch Describe Pursue
Hide Deserve Persuade
Lie (in bed) Wear Pretend
List no 5 Tolerate Study
Focus Sow Happen
Talk Dream Shoot
List no 4 Keep Vacuum
Hesitate Sweep Remove
Strike Drag Crawl
Agree Make Punch
Stick Lead Fund
Enter Apologize Conclude
Respond Know Surprise
Swear Ignore Drop
Roast Refine Sing
Insert See Knit
Become Relate Count
Own Occur Finish
Sanction Change Smell
Contrast Intend Continue
Seek Accept Say
Go Cut Jump
Jog Will Access
Burst Introduce Diminish
Bathe Succeed Believe
Ought to Watch Carry
Assess Serve Mix
Catch Lack Awake
Admire Distribute Neglect
Stand Kneel Iron
Shall Do Play
Cook Deny Emerge
Listen Snore Tear
Peel Hope Grind
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Collection of collocations

verb definition and examples

Must learn List of Adverbs

verbs pdf

Here is a List of Verb Words in English PDF


Please Note:

This page contains just one section of the FREE 47-page Giant Verb List PDF found here. The PDF version contains the Giant Verb List, the Giant Irregular Verb List, a Helping Verbs List, and a Linking Verbs List. Also, if you teach beginning writers or struggling writers, be sure to check out Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay on the homepage. I hope you find the verb list to be a valuable resource and tweet it, Pin-It, and tell others about it!

Overview: 3,250 Verbs with Spelling Rules and Irregular Verbs

This Giant Verb List contains 3,250 action verbs, linking verbs, and stative verbs. Most are action verbs. This list does not contain helping verbs (see the helping verb section). Additionally, this list addresses irregular verbs and all the strange spelling changes that occur when we add –s, –ed, and –ing to the base verbs.

As you will see, 1,984 out of the 3,250 verbs (61%) have a mark or number next to them. In fact, some verbs have several marks or numbers. The marks and numbers indicate which spelling rules etc. applies to the verb.

I omitted a number of dicey, offensive, and violent verbs. That being said, I left in a few that are so ubiquitous they are sure to appear in a student dictionary. In short, if a verb has at least one formal, legitimate, or artistic use, I’ve likely included it.

I’ve tried to mark all the common spelling changes, exceptions, and irregularities. However, some verbs are so fickle that it’s likely I’ve missed a couple. Teachers and students must sometimes do further research and confirmation to fully understand the peculiarities of a verb. Most certainly, everyone still needs to have a complete list of irregular verbs (marked +).

How to Use This List

I would love to hear how you use the list and your success stories. Are you a teacher, a student, a reader, a writer? If you have any ideas, strategies, or requests let me know. And if you have any questions, if you find an error, or if you find a verb that you think I should add to the list or remove from the list, let me know.


Personally, having just printed out and read the entire list, I feel a change in my vocabulary. I’m familiar with all of the verbs, but reading the list just once seems to have brought many new verbs into my working vocabulary. I hope it does the same for you!

Shortly, I will be posting similar lists for several other parts of speech. I started this list project a few years ago, but put it aside when faced with the sheer number of words and rules. At the time I was going to call the lists Magic Word Lists, as simply browsing through the giant lists made me feel like my vocabulary and word sense was growing extremely fast—much faster than if I had been working with a vocabulary program.

This list will challenge the ways you think about words. At first glance, you might think some words are a mistake; however, upon closer inspection and reflection you will see the truth of the word. For example, when I read the list and came across hammer, for a second, I wondered what it was doing on the list. And then I thought about all the different ways to use the word hammer. Hammer is obviously both a noun and a verb. For a variety of other verbs, I needed to confirm their validity through research. And each time I looked up a word, it broadened my understanding of language.

By the way, if you teach elementary school or middle school writing, be sure to check out Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay on the homepage. It’s the fastest, most effective way to teach organized multi-paragraph essay writing to students! Guaranteed!

The Key: Understanding the Marks and Numbers Next to the Verbs

Read over and make sure you understand the spelling rules and marks. Also, take a quick look at the Totals. They will give you an idea of how common or uncommon a rule is.

Regular Verbs, Irregular Verbs, and Linking Verbs

(  ) Regular Verbs: Regular verbs don’t have a mark next to them. However, many of these regular verbs still have a spelling change mark. If there is no spelling change mark next to the verb, just add –s, –ed, or –ing to the end of the verb. It’s that simple!   Total: 3,045

(+) Irregular Verbs: Irregular verbs have a “+” mark next to them. Some irregular verbs also have a spelling change mark. However, you must still consult a complete list of irregular verbs.    Total: 205

(LV) Linking Verbs: Some linking verbs can also be used as action verbs. Also, 9 linking verbs are regular verbs and 5 are irregular. The eight forms of BE equal just one verb on this list.  Total: 14

Regular Verbs with a Spelling Change: Adding –s, –ed, or –ing to the End of a Verb

(1) Rule 1 Drop the Final –E: If a regular verb ends with –e, drop the –e and add –ed or –ing. Note: When adding –ed, we could say just add a –d. It brings about the same result.  Exception: If the verb ends in –ee, don’t drop the final –e; just add –d or  –ing.   Total: 1,245

(2) Rule 2a Double the Final Consonant: If a regular verb is one syllable, has one vowel, and ends with a single consonant (except x), double the final consonant and then add –ed or –ing. The vowel sounds in these words are short; hence, I call this rule SHORT ONE (1 syllable; 1 vowel; 1 ending consonant; and 1 short vowel sound).    Total: 235 (2a and 2b)

(2) Rule 2b Double the Final Consonant: If a regular verb has two or more syllables, ends with a single vowel then consonant, and the last syllable of the root word is stressed, then double the final consonant and add –ed or –ing. If the final consonant is –l, American English usually does not double the consonant, but British English does. (I’ve added RB for Rule Breaker to some of these British English words.)

(3) Rule 3 Change the Y to I: If the verb ends in –y, change the y to i and add –es (not –s) or –ed. Exception: If a vowel immediately precedes the final y, just add –s or –ed. (Note: Don’t change the y to i when adding –ing. Just add the –ing.)    Total: 91

(4) Rule 4 Add –ES: When adding –s to the end of the verb, if the verb ends in –sh (63), –s (1), –ss (55), –x (15), –ch (72), –z (2), or –o (10), add –es (not –s). The () indicate how many instances of each.    Total: 218

(RB) Rule Breakers: I’ve marked RB for words that break a spelling rule or are a strange exception in one way or another. For example, the rule may work when adding –ed but not when adding –ing. Or perhaps, American English spells it one way and British English spells it another way. Finally, some words just have an uncommon spelling change when adding certain suffixes. You may need to do a little research yourself if you wish to find out what makes the word a Rule Breaker.    Total: 23

Have you checked out Pattern Based Writing: Quick & Easy Essay yet? It’s the fastest, most effective way to teach organized multi-paragraph essay writing to students! Guaranteed!

Giant Verb List: 3,250 Verbs

Please Note: This entire verb list and this entire model is copyright protected. I used techniques and software to generate this list from scratch. Everything about this list is unique, edited, and selective.

1. abandon
2. abate 1
3. abbreviate 1
4. abdicate 1
5. abduct
6. abhor 2
7. abide 1
8. abolish 4
9. abort
10. abound
11. abridge 1
12. abscond
13. absolve 1
14. absorb
15. abstain
16. abstract
17. abuse 1
18. accelerate 1
19. accent
20. accentuate 1
21. accept
22. access 4
23. accessorize 1
24. acclaim
25. acclimate 1
26. acclimatize 1
27. accommodate 1
28. accompany 3
29. accomplish 4
30. accord
31. accost
32. account
33. accredit
34. accrue 1
35. acculturate 1
36. accumulate 1
37. accuse 1
38. accustom
39. acerbate 1
40. ache 1
41. achieve 1
42. acidify 3
43. acknowledge 1
44. acquaint
45. acquiesce 1
46. acquire 1
47. acquit 2
48. act
49. activate 1
50. actualize 1
51. adapt
52. add
53. address 4
54. adhere 1
55. adjoin
56. adjourn
57. adjudicate 1
58. adjust
59. administer
60. administrate 1
61. admire 1
62. admit 2
63. admonish 4
64. adopt
65. adore 1
66. adorn
67. adsorb
68. adulate 1
69. advance 1
70. advertise 1
71. advise 1
72. advocate 1
73. affect
74. affiliate 1
75. affirm
76. affix 4
77. afflict
78. afford
79. affront
80. age 1
81. aggravate 1
82. aggregate 1
83. aggrieve 1
84. agitate 1
85. agonize 1
86. agree 1 RB
87. aid
88. ail
89. aim
90. airbrush 4
91. airdrop 2
92. airlift
93. airmail
94. alarm
95. alert
96. alienate 1
97. align
98. allege 1
99. alleviate 1
100. allocate 1
101. allot 2
102. allow
103. allude 1
104. allure 1
105. ally 3
106. alphabetize 1
107. alter
108. alternate 1
109. amalgamate 1
110. amass 4
111. amaze 1
112. ambush 4
113. amend
114. amount
115. amplify 3
116. amputate 1
117. amuse 1
118. analogize 1
119. analyze 1
120. anchor
121. anesthetize 1
122. anger
123. anguish 4
124. animate 1
125. annex 4
126. annihilate 1
127. annotate 1
128. announce 1
129. annoy
130. annualize 1
131. annul 2
132. annunciate 1
133. anoint
134. answer
135. antagonize 1
136. anticipate 1
137. antiquate 1
138. apologize 1
139. appall
140. appeal
141. appear LV
142. appease 1
143. appertain
144. applaud
145. apply 3
146. appoint
147. appraise 1
148. appreciate 1
149. apprehend
150. apprentice 1
151. apprise 1
152. approach 4
153. appropriate 1
154. approve 1
155. approximate 1
156. arbitrage 1
157. arbitrate 1
158. archive 1
159. argue 1
160. arise 1 +
161. arm
162. armor
163. aromatize 1
164. arouse 1
165. arraign
166. arrange 1
167. arrest
168. arrive 1
169. articulate 1
170. ascend
171. ascertain
172. ascribe 1
173. ask
174. aspirate 1
175. aspire 1
176. assail
177. assassinate 1
178. assault
179. assay
180. assemble 1
181. assent
182. assert
183. assess 4
184. assign
185. assimilate 1
186. assist
187. associate 1
188. assort
189. assume 1
190. assure 1
191. astonish 4
192. astound
193. atone 1
194. attach 4
195. attack
196. attain
197. attempt
198. attend
199. attest
200. attract
201. attribute 1
202. auction
203. audit
204. audition
205. augment
206. authenticate 1
207. author
208. authorize 1
209. autograph
210. automate 1
211. avail
212. avalanche 1
213. avenge 1
214. average 1
215. avert
216. aviate 1
217. avoid
218. avow
219. await
220. awake 1 +
221. awaken
222. award
223. ax 4
224. babble 1
225. baby 3
226. back
227. backdate 1
228. backfire 1
229. backhand
230. backpack
231. backpedal
232. backspace 1
233. backtrack
234. backwash 4
235. badger
236. badmouth
237. baffle 1
238. bag 2
239. bail
240. bait
241. bake 1
242. balance 1
243. bale 1
244. balk
245. balloon
246. ballyhoo 4
247. bamboozle 1
248. ban 2
249. band
250. bandage 1
251. bang
252. banish 4
253. bank
254. bankroll
255. bankrupt
256. banter
257. baptize 1
258. bar 2
259. barbarize 1
260. barbecue 1
261. bare 1
262. bargain
263. barge 1
264. bark
265. barnstorm
266. barrage 1
267. barricade 1
268. barter
269. base 1
270. bash 4
271. bask
272. baste 1
273. bat 2
274. batch 4
275. bath
276. batter
277. battle 1
278. bawl
279. be + LV
280. beach 4
281. beam
282. bear +
283. beat +
284. beautify 3
285. beckon
286. become 1 + LV
287. bedazzle 1
288. beep
289. befriend
290. befuddle 1
291. beg 2
292. begin 2 +
293. begrudge 1
294. beguile 1
295. behave 1
296. behold +
297. behoove 1
298. belabor
299. belch 4
300. beleaguer
301. believe 1
302. belittle 1
303. bellow
304. belong
305. belt
306. bemoan
307. bemuse 1
308. bend +
309. benefit
310. bequeath
311. berate 1
312. bereave 1
313. beset 2 +
314. besiege 1
315. bestow
316. bet 2 +
317. betray
318. better
319. bewilder
320. bewitch 4
321. bid +
322. bide
323. bill
324. billow
325. bind +
326. bite 1 +
327. blab 2
328. blacken
329. blacklist
330. blame 1
331. blast
332. blaze 1
333. bleach 4
334. bleed +
335. blend
336. bless 4
337. blind
338. blindfold
339. blink
340. blister
341. bloat
342. block
343. bloody 3
344. bloom
345. blossom
346. blot 2
347. blow +
348. blunder
349. blur 2
350. blurt
351. blush 4
352. board
353. boast
354. bob 2
355. boil
356. bolster
357. bolt
358. bomb
359. bombard
360. bond
361. book
362. boom
363. boost
364. boot
365. border
366. bore 1
367. borrow
368. bother
369. bottle 1
370. bounce 1
371. bound
372. bow
373. bowl
374. box 4
375. boycott
376. brace 1
377. brag 2
378. braid
379. brake 1
380. branch 4
381. brand
382. brave 1
383. breach 4
384. break +
385. breakfast
386. breath
387. breed +
388. brew
389. bribe 1
390. bridge 1
391. brief
392. brighten
393. bring +
394. bristle 1
395. broach 4
396. broadcast +
397. broaden
398. bronze 1
399. brood
400. bruise 1
401. brush 4
402. bubble 1
403. buck
404. buckle 1
405. budget
406. buffer
407. bug 2
408. build +
409. bulge 1
410. bully 3
411. bump
412. bunch 4
413. bundle 1
414. burden
415. burgle 1
416. burn +
417. burp
418. burrow
419. burst +
420. bury 3
421. bus 4 RB
422. bust
423. bustle 1
424. busy 3
425. butcher
426. butter
427. button
428. buttress 4
429. buy +
430. buzz 4
431. bypass 4
432. cackle 1
433. cage 1
434. cajole 1
435. cake 1
436. calculate 1
437. calibrate 1
438. call
439. calm
440. camouflage 1
441. camp
442. campaign
443. can 2
444. cancel RB
445. canvass 4
446. cap 2
447. capitalize 1
448. capitulate 1
449. capsize 1
450. captain
451. captivate 1
452. capture 1
453. care 1
454. caress 4
455. carpet
456. carry 3
457. cart
458. carve 1
459. cascade 1
460. cash 4
461. cast +
462. castigate 1
463. catalog RB
464. catapult
465. catch 4 +
466. categorize 1
467. cater
468. cause 1
469. caution
470. cave 1
471. cease 1
472. celebrate 1
473. cement
474. censor
475. censure 1
476. center
477. centralize 1
478. certify 3
479. chain
480. chair
481. challenge 1
482. champion
483. chance 1
484. change 1
485. channel
486. chant
487. char 2
488. characterize 1
489. charge 1
490. charm
491. chart
492. charter
493. chase 1
494. chasten
495. chat 2
496. chatter
497. cheat
498. check
499. cheer
500. cherish 4
501. chew
502. chide 1
503. chill
504. chime 1
505. chip 2
506. chirp
507. choke 1
508. choose 1 +
509. chop 2
510. choreograph
511. christen
512. chronicle 1
513. chuck
514. chuckle 1
515. churn
516. circle 1
517. circulate 1
518. circumscribe 1
519. circumvent
520. cite 1
521. civilize 1
522. claim
523. clamber
524. clamp
525. clap 2
526. clarify 3
527. clash 4
528. clasp
529. classify 3
530. clatter
531. claw
532. clean
533. cleanse 1
534. clear
535. clench 4
536. click
537. climb
538. clinch 4
539. cling +
540. clip 2
541. cloak
542. clock
543. clog 2
544. clone 1
545. close 1
546. cloth
547. cloud
548. club 2
549. cluster
550. clutch 4
551. clutter
552. coach 4
553. coat
554. coax 4
555. cobble 1
556. cock
557. code 1
558. codify 3
559. coerce 1
560. coil
561. coin
562. coincide 1
563. collaborate 1
564. collapse 1
565. collate 1
566. collect
567. collide 1
568. colonize 1
569. color
570. comb
571. combine 1
572. come 1 +
573. comfort
574. command
575. commandeer
576. commemorate 1
577. commence 1
578. commend
579. comment
580. commission
581. commit 2
582. communicate 1
583. commute 1
584. compact
585. compare 1
586. compel 2
587. compensate 1
588. compete 1
589. compile 1
590. complain
591. complement
592. complete 1
593. complicate 1
594. compliment
595. comply 3
596. compose 1
597. compound
598. comprehend
599. compress 4
600. comprise 1
601. compromise 1
602. compute 1
603. computerize 1
604. con 2
605. conceal
606. concede 1
607. conceive 1
608. concentrate 1
609. conceptualize 1
610. concern
611. concert
612. conclude 1
613. concoct
614. concur 2
615. condemn
616. condense 1
617. condition
618. condone 1
619. conduct
620. confer 2
621. confess 4
622. confide 1
623. configure 1
624. confine 1
625. confirm
626. confiscate 1
627. conflict
628. conform
629. confound
630. confront
631. confuse 1
632. congratulate 1
633. congregate 1
634. conjure 1
635. connect
636. conquer
637. consecrate 1
638. consent
639. conserve 1
640. consider
641. consign
642. consist
643. console 1
644. consolidate 1
645. conspire 1
646. constitute 1
647. constrain
648. constrict
649. construct
650. construe 1
651. consult
652. consume 1
653. contact
654. contain
655. contaminate 1
656. contemplate 1
657. contend
658. content
659. contest
660. continue 1
661. contort
662. contract
663. contradict
664. contrast
665. contravene 1
666. contribute 1
667. contrive 1
668. control 2
669. convene 1
670. converge 1
671. converse 1
672. convert
673. convey
674. convict
675. convince 1
676. cook
677. cool
678. cooperate 1
679. coordinate 1
680. cope 1
681. copy 3
682. copyright
683. corner
684. correct
685. correlate 1
686. correspond
687. corroborate 1
688. corrupt
689. cost +
690. couch 4
691. cough
692. counsel
693. count
694. counter
695. counterbalance 1
696. court
697. cover
698. covet
699. crack
700. crackle 1
701. cradle 1
702. craft
703. cram 2
704. cramp
705. crane 1
706. crash 4
707. crave 1
708. crawl
709. creak
710. crease 1
711. create 1
712. credit
713. creep +
714. cremate 1
715. crest
716. cringe 1
717. cripple 1
718. criticize 1
719. critique 1
720. croak
721. crop 2
722. cross 4
723. cross-examine 1
724. crouch 4
725. crow
726. crowd
727. crown
728. cruise 1
729. crumble 1
730. crumple 1
731. crunch 4
732. crush 4
733. cry 3
734. crystallize 1
735. cuddle 1
736. cull
737. culminate 1
738. cultivate 1
739. cup 2
740. curb
741. cure 1
742. curl
743. curse 1
744. curtail
745. curve 1
746. cushion
747. customize 1
748. cut 2 +
749. cycle 1
750. dab 2
751. dabble 1
752. damage 1
753. dampen
754. dance 1
755. dangle 1
756. dare 1
757. darken
758. dart
759. dash 4
760. date 1
761. dawn
762. daze 1
763. dazzle 1
764. deadlock
765. deal +
766. debate 1
767. debit
768. decay
769. deceive 1
770. decentralize 1
771. decide 1
772. decimate 1
773. decipher
774. deck
775. declare 1
776. decline 1
777. decompose 1
778. decorate 1
779. decrease 1
780. decree 1 RB
781. dedicate 1
782. deduce 1
783. deduct
784. deed
785. deem
786. deepen
787. deface 1
788. default
789. defeat
790. defect
791. defend
792. defer 2
793. define 1
794. deflate 1
795. deflect
796. deform
797. defray
798. defuse 1
799. defy 3
800. degenerate 1
801. degrade 1
802. dehydrate 1
803. delay
804. delegate 1
805. delete 1
806. delight
807. delineate 1
808. deliver
809. delude 1
810. delve 1
811. demand
812. demolish 4
813. demonstrate 1
814. demote 1
815. denominate 1
816. denote 1
817. denounce 1
818. dent
819. deny 3
820. depart
821. depend
822. depict
823. deplete 1
824. deplore 1
825. deploy
826. deport
827. depose 1
828. deposit
829. deprecate 1
830. depress 4
831. deprive 1
832. deride 1
833. derive 1
834. descend
835. describe 1
836. desert
837. deserve 1
838. design
839. designate 1
840. desire 1
841. despair
842. despise 1
843. destroy
844. detach 4
845. detail
846. detain
847. detect
848. deter 2
849. deteriorate 1
850. determine 1
851. detest
852. detonate 1
853. devalue 1
854. devastate 1
855. develop
856. deviate 1
857. devise 1
858. devolve 1
859. devote 1
860. devour
861. diagnose 1
862. dial
863. dice 1
864. dictate 1
865. die 1 RB
866. differ
867. differentiate 1
868. diffuse 1
869. dig 2 +
870. digest
871. dignify 3
872. dilapidate 1
873. dilate 1
874. dilute 1
875. dim 2
876. diminish 4
877. dine 1
878. dip 2
879. direct
880. disable 1
881. disadvantage 1
882. disagree 1 RB
883. disallow
884. disappear
885. disappoint
886. disapprove 1
887. disarm
888. disband
889. discard
890. discern
891. discharge 1
892. discipline 1
893. disclose 1
894. disconcert
895. disconnect
896. discontinue 1
897. discount
898. discourage 1
899. discover
900. discredit
901. discriminate 1
902. discuss 4
903. disembark
904. disfigure 1
905. disgrace 1
906. disgruntle 1
907. disguise 1
908. disgust
909. dishevel
910. dishonor
911. disillusion
912. disintegrate 1
913. disinterest
914. dislike 1
915. dislocate 1
916. dislodge 1
917. dismantle 1
918. dismay
919. dismiss 4
920. dismount
921. disorder
922. disorientate 1
923. disown
924. dispatch 4
925. dispel 2
926. dispense 1
927. disperse 1
928. displace 1
929. display
930. displease 1
931. dispose 1
932. dispossess 4
933. disprove 1
934. dispute 1
935. disqualify 3
936. disregard
937. disrespect
938. disrupt
939. dissatisfy 3
940. dissect
941. disseminate 1
942. dissipate 1
943. dissolve 1
944. dissuade 1
945. distain
946. distance 1
947. distill
948. distinguish 4
949. distort
950. distract
951. distress 4
952. distribute 1
953. distrust
954. disturb
955. ditch 4
956. dive 1 +
957. diverge 1
958. diversify 3
959. divert
960. divest
961. divide 1
962. divorce 1
963. divulge 1
964. do 4 +
965. dock
966. document
967. dodge 1
968. dog 2
969. domesticate 1
970. dominate 1
971. don 2
972. donate 1
973. doom
974. dot 2
975. dote 1
976. double 1
977. doubt
978. douse 1
979. down
980. downgrade 1
981. download
982. doze 1
983. draft
984. drag 2
985. drain
986. dramatize 1
987. drape 1
988. draw +
989. drawl
990. dread
991. dream +
992. dredge 1
993. drench 4
994. dress 4
995. dribble 1
996. drift
997. drill
998. drink +
999. drip 2
1000. drive 1 +
1001. drone 1
1002. droop
1003. drop 2
1004. drown
1005. drum 2
1006. dry 3
1007. dub 2
1008. duck
1009. dull
1010. dump
1011. dupe 1
1012. duplicate 1
1013. dust
1014. dwarf
1015. dwell
1016. dwindle 1
1017. dye 1
1018. earn
1019. ease 1
1020. eat +
1021. ebb
1022. echo 4
1023. eclipse 1
1024. edge 1
1025. edit
1026. educate 1
1027. efface 1
1028. effect
1029. eject
1030. elaborate 1
1031. elapse 1
1032. elate 1
1033. elbow
1034. elect
1035. electrify 3
1036. elevate 1
1037. elicit
1038. eliminate 1
1039. elongate 1
1040. elude 1
1041. emaciate 1
1042. emanate 1
1043. embark
1044. embarrass 4
1045. embed 2
1046. embellish 4
1047. embody 3
1048. embolden
1049. emboss 4
1050. embrace 1
1051. embroider
1052. emend
1053. emerge 1
1054. emigrate 1
1055. emit 2
1056. emphasize 1
1057. employ
1058. empower
1059. empty 3
1060. emulate 1
1061. enable 1
1062. enact
1063. encapsulate 1
1064. encase 1
1065. enchant
1066. enclose 1
1067. encode 1
1068. encompass 4
1069. encounter
1070. encourage 1
1071. encroach 4
1072. end
1073. endanger
1074. endear
1075. endeavor
1076. endorse 1
1077. endow
1078. endure 1
1079. enforce 1
1080. engage 1
1081. engender
1082. engineer
1083. engrave 1
1084. engross 4
1085. engulf
1086. enhance 1
1087. enjoy
1088. enlarge 1
1089. enlighten
1090. enlist
1091. enliven
1092. enmesh 4
1093. enquire 1
1094. enrage 1
1095. enrich 4
1096. enroll
1097. enshrine 1
1098. ensnare 1
1099. ensue 1
1100. ensure 1
1101. entail
1102. entangle 1
1103. enter
1104. entertain
1105. entice 1
1106. entitle 1
1107. entrench 4
1108. entrust
1109. enumerate 1
1110. enunciate 1
1111. envelop
1112. envy 3
1113. epitomize 1
1114. equal
1115. equalize 1
1116. equate 1
1117. equip 2
1118. eradicate 1
1119. erase 1
1120. erect
1121. erode 1
1122. err
1123. erupt
1124. escalate 1
1125. escape 1
1126. eschew
1127. escort
1128. espouse 1
1129. establish 4
1130. esteem
1131. estimate 1
1132. estrange 1
1133. etch 4
1134. evacuate 1
1135. evade 1
1136. evaluate 1
1137. evaporate 1
1138. evict
1139. evidence 1
1140. evince 1
1141. evoke 1
1142. evolve 1
1143. exacerbate 1
1144. exact
1145. exaggerate 1
1146. exalt
1147. examine 1
1148. exasperate 1
1149. excavate 1
1150. exceed
1151. excel 2
1152. exchange 1
1153. excise 1
1154. excite 1
1155. exclaim
1156. exclude 1
1157. excrete 1
1158. excuse 1
1159. execute 1
1160. exemplify 3
1161. exempt
1162. exercise 1
1163. exert
1164. exhale 1
1165. exhaust
1166. exhibit
1167. exhilarate 1
1168. exhort
1169. exile 1
1170. exist
1171. exit
1172. expand
1173. expect
1174. expedite 1
1175. expel 2
1176. expend
1177. experience 1
1178. experiment
1179. expire 1
1180. explain
1181. explode 1
1182. exploit
1183. explore 1
1184. export
1185. expose 1
1186. expound
1187. express 4
1188. extend
1189. extinguish 4
1190. extract
1191. extradite 1
1192. eye 1
1193. fabricate 1
1194. face 1
1195. facilitate 1
1196. factor
1197. fade 1
1198. fail
1199. faint
1200. fake 1
1201. fall +
1202. falsify 3
1203. falter
1204. fan 2
1205. fancy 3
1206. fare 1
1207. farm
1208. fascinate 1
1209. fashion
1210. fasten
1211. fathom
1212. fatigue 1
1213. fault
1214. favor
1215. fax 4
1216. fear
1217. feather
1218. feature 1
1219. federate 1
1220. feed +
1221. feel + LV
1222. feign
1223. fell
1224. fence 1
1225. ferment
1226. ferry 3
1227. fertilize 1
1228. fetch 4
1229. fiddle 1
1230. fidget
1231. field
1232. fight +
1233. figure 1
1234. file 1
1235. fill
1236. film
1237. filter
1238. finalize 1
1239. finance 1
1240. find +
1241. fine 1
1242. finger
1243. finish 4
1244. fire 1
1245. firm
1246. fish 4
1247. fit 2 +
1248. fix 4
1249. flag 2
1250. flame
1251. flank
1252. flap 2
1253. flare 1
1254. flash 4
1255. flatten
1256. flatter
1257. flaunt
1258. flavor
1259. flaw
1260. flee 1 RB +
1261. flex 4
1262. flick
1263. flicker
1264. flinch 4
1265. fling +
1266. flip 2
1267. flirt
1268. flit 2
1269. float
1270. flock
1271. flog 2
1272. flood
1273. floor
1274. flop 2
1275. flounder
1276. flourish 4
1277. flout
1278. flow
1279. flower
1280. fluctuate 1
1281. flush 4
1282. fluster
1283. flutter
1284. fly +
1285. focus
1286. foil
1287. fold
1288. follow
1289. fool
1290. forbid 2 +
1291. force 1
1292. ford
1293. forecast
1294. forgo 4 + RB
1295. foresee + RB
1296. foreshadow
1297. foretell +
1298. forfeit
1299. forge 1
1300. forget 2 +
1301. forgive 1 +
1302. fork
1303. form
1304. formalize 1
1305. format 2
1306. formulate 1
1307. forsake 1 +
1308. fortify 3
1309. forward
1310. foster
1311. foul
1312. found
1313. fracture 1
1314. fragment
1315. frame 1
1316. free 1 RB
1317. freeze 1 +
1318. frequent
1319. fret 2
1320. frighten
1321. front
1322. frost
1323. frown
1324. frustrate 1
1325. fry 3
1326. fuel RB
1327. fulfill
1328. fumble 1
1329. fume 1
1330. function
1331. fund
1332. furnish 4
1333. furrow
1334. further
1335. fuss 4
1336. gag 2
1337. gain
1338. gallop
1339. galvanize 1
1340. gamble 1
1341. garner
1342. garnish 4
1343. gasp
1344. gather
1345. gauge 1
1346. gaze 1
1347. gear
1348. generalize 1
1349. generate 1
1350. gesture 1
1351. get 2 +
1352. gift
1353. giggle 1
1354. gild
1355. give 1 +
1356. glance 1
1357. glare 1
1358. glaze 1
1359. gleam
1360. glean
1361. glide 1
1362. glimpse 1
1363. glisten
1364. glitter
1365. glorify 3
1366. gloss 4
1367. glow
1368. glue 1
1369. gnaw
1370. go 4 +
1371. goad
1372. gobble 1
1373. gossip
1374. gouge 1
1375. govern
1376. grab 2
1377. grace 1
1378. grade 1
1379. graduate 1
1380. graft
1381. grant
1382. grapple 1
1383. grasp
1384. grate 1
1385. gratify 3
1386. graze 1
1387. grease 1
1388. greet
1389. grieve 1
1390. grill
1391. grimace 1
1392. grin 2
1393. grind +
1394. grip 2
1395. gripe 1
1396. grit 2
1397. groan
1398. groom
1399. grope 1
1400. ground
1401. group
1402. grow + LV
1403. growl
1404. grumble 1
1405. grunt
1406. guarantee 1 RB
1407. guard
1408. guess 4
1409. guide 1
1410. gulp
1411. gush 4
1412. gut 2
1413. hack
1414. hail
1415. halt
1416. halve 1
1417. hammer
1418. hamper
1419. hand
1420. handcuff
1421. handicap 2
1422. handle 1
1423. handwrite 1 +
1424. hang +
1425. happen
1426. harass 4
1427. harbor
1428. harden
1429. harm
1430. harness 4
1431. harvest
1432. hasten
1433. hatch 4
1434. hate 1
1435. haul
1436. haunt
1437. head
1438. headline 1
1439. heal
1440. heap
1441. hear +
1442. heat
1443. heave 1
1444. heckle 1
1445. hedge 1
1446. heed
1447. heighten
1448. help
1449. hem 2
1450. herald
1451. herd
1452. hesitate 1
1453. hide 1 +
1454. highlight
1455. hijack
1456. hinder
1457. hinge 1
1458. hint
1459. hire 1
1460. hiss 4
1461. hit 2 +
1462. hitch 4
1463. hobble 1
1464. hoist
1465. hold +
1466. hole 1
1467. hollow
1468. hone 1
1469. honor
1470. hook
1471. hoot
1472. hop 2
1473. hope 1
1474. horrify 3
1475. hospitalize 1
1476. host
1477. hound
1478. house 1
1479. hover
1480. howl
1481. huddle 1
1482. hug 2
1483. hum 2
1484. humble 1
1485. humiliate 1
1486. hunch 4
1487. hunt
1488. hurl
1489. hurry 3
1490. hurt +
1491. hurtle 1
1492. hush 4
1493. hustle 1
1494. hypnotize 1
1495. hypothesize 1
1496. ice 1
1497. idealize 1
1498. identify 3
1499. ignite 1
1500. ignore 1
1501. illuminate 1
1502. illustrate 1
1503. imagine 1
1504. imitate 1
1505. immerse 1
1506. immortalize 1
1507. impair
1508. impale 1
1509. impart
1510. impeach 4
1511. impede 1
1512. impel 2
1513. impinge 1
1514. implant
1515. implement
1516. implicate 1
1517. implore 1
1518. imply 3
1519. import
1520. impose 1
1521. impound
1522. impoverish 4
1523. impress 4
1524. imprint
1525. imprison
1526. improve 1
1527. improvise 1
1528. impute 1
1529. inaugurate 1
1530. incapacitate 1
1531. incarcerate 1
1532. incense 1
1533. inch 4
1534. incline 1
1535. include 1
1536. incorporate 1
1537. increase 1
1538. incubate 1
1539. incur 2
1540. indebt
1541. indent
1542. index 4
1543. indicate 1
1544. indict
1545. individualize 1
1546. induce 1
1547. indulge 1
1548. industrialize 1
1549. infect
1550. infer 2
1551. infest
1552. infiltrate 1
1553. inflame 1
1554. inflate 1
1555. inflict
1556. influence 1
1557. inform
1558. infringe 1
1559. infuriate 1
1560. infuse 1
1561. ingest
1562. ingrain
1563. inhabit
1564. inhale 1
1565. inherit
1566. inhibit
1567. initial
1568. initiate 1
1569. inject
1570. injure 1
1571. inlay
1572. innovate 1
1573. inquire 1
1574. inscribe 1
1575. insert
1576. insinuate 1
1577. insist
1578. inspect
1579. inspire 1
1580. install
1581. instigate 1
1582. instill
1583. institute 1
1584. institutionalize 1
1585. instruct
1586. insulate 1
1587. insult
1588. insure 1
1589. integrate 1
1590. intend
1591. intensify 3
1592. intercept
1593. interchange 1
1594. interest
1595. interfere 1
1596. interject
1597. interlace 1
1598. intern
1599. internalize 1
1600. interpret
1601. interrelate 1
1602. interrogate 1
1603. interrupt
1604. intersperse 1
1605. intertwine 1
1606. intervene 1
1607. interview
1608. intimidate 1
1609. intoxicate 1
1610. intrigue 1
1611. introduce 1
1612. intrude 1
1613. inundate 1
1614. invade 1
1615. invalidate 1
1616. invent
1617. inventory 3
1618. invert
1619. invest
1620. investigate 1
1621. invite 1
1622. invoke 1
1623. involve 1
1624. irk
1625. iron
1626. irradiate 1
1627. irritate 1
1628. isolate 1
1629. issue 1
1630. itch 4
1631. itemize 1
1632. jab 2
1633. jail
1634. jam 2
1635. jar 2
1636. jeer
1637. jeopardize 1
1638. jerk
1639. jettison
1640. jog 2
1641. join
1642. joke 1
1643. jolt
1644. jostle 1
1645. journey
1646. judge 1
1647. juggle 1
1648. jumble 1
1649. jump
1650. justify 3
1651. juxtapose 1
1652. keep +
1653. kick
1654. kid 2
1655. kill
1656. kiss 4
1657. kneel +
1658. knight
1659. knit 2 +
1660. knock
1661. knot 2
1662. know +
1663. label
1664. labor
1665. lace 1
1666. lack
1667. lag 2
1668. lament
1669. laminate 1
1670. land
1671. landscape 1
1672. lap 2
1673. lapse 1
1674. lash 4
1675. last
1676. latch 4
1677. laud
1678. laugh
1679. launch 4
1680. launder
1681. lavish 4
1682. lay +
1683. layer
1684. leach 4
1685. lead +
1686. leak
1687. lean
1688. leap +
1689. learn
1690. lease 1
1691. leave 1 +
1692. lecture 1
1693. leer
1694. legalize 1
1695. legislate 1
1696. lend +
1697. lengthen
1698. lessen
1699. let 2 +
1700. level
1701. leverage 1
1702. levy 3
1703. liberate 1
1704. license 1
1705. lick
1706. lie 1 + RB
1707. lift
1708. light
1709. lighten
1710. like 1
1711. liken
1712. limit
1713. limp
1714. line 1
1715. linger
1716. link
1717. liquidate 1
1718. list
1719. listen
1720. litigate 1
1721. litter
1722. live 1
1723. load
1724. loan
1725. loath
1726. lob 2
1727. lobby 3
1728. localize 1
1729. locate 1
1730. lock
1731. lodge 1
1732. log 2
1733. long
1734. look LV
1735. loom
1736. loop
1737. loosen
1738. loot
1739. lose 1 +
1740. lounge 1
1741. love 1
1742. lower
1743. lull
1744. lumber
1745. lump
1746. lunch 4
1747. lunge 1
1748. lurch 4
1749. lurk
1750. magnify 3
1751. mail
1752. maim
1753. maintain
1754. make 1 +
1755. man 2
1756. manage 1
1757. maneuver
1758. mangle 1
1759. manicure 1
1760. manifest
1761. manipulate 1
1762. manufacture 1
1763. map 2
1764. march 4
1765. marginalize 1
1766. mark
1767. market
1768. maroon
1769. marry 3
1770. marshal
1771. marvel
1772. mash 4
1773. mask
1774. mass 4
1775. massacre 1
1776. massage 1
1777. master
1778. mastermind
1779. match 4
1780. materialize 1
1781. matter
1782. mature 1
1783. maul
1784. maximize 1
1785. mean +
1786. meander
1787. measure 1
1788. meddle 1
1789. mediate 1
1790. meet +
1791. mellow
1792. melt
1793. memorize 1
1794. mend
1795. mention
1796. mentor
1797. merge 1
1798. merit
1799. mesmerize 1
1800. mess 4
1801. migrate 1
1802. milk
1803. mill
1804. mimic RB
1805. mince 1
1806. mind
1807. mine 1
1808. mingle 1
1809. minimize 1
1810. mint
1811. mirror
1812. misinterpret
1813. misjudge 1
1814. mislay +
1815. mislead +
1816. misplace 1
1817. misrepresent
1818. miss 4
1819. misspeak +
1820. misspell +
1821. mistake 1 +
1822. misuse 1
1823. mitigate 1
1824. mix 4
1825. moan
1826. mob 2
1827. mobilize 1
1828. mock
1829. model
1830. moderate 1
1831. modernize 1
1832. modify 3
1833. modulate 1
1834. moisten
1835. mold
1836. monitor
1837. moor
1838. mop 2
1839. mope 1
1840. mortify 3
1841. motion
1842. motivate 1
1843. motorize 1
1844. mount
1845. mourn
1846. mouth
1847. move 1
1848. mow +
1849. muddle 1
1850. muffle 1
1851. mug 2
1852. multiply 3
1853. mumble 1
1854. murder
1855. murmur
1856. muscle 1
1857. muse 1
1858. muster
1859. mutate 1
1860. mute 1
1861. mutilate 1
1862. mutter
1863. mystify 3
1864. nab 2
1865. nag 2
1866. nail
1867. name 1
1868. narrate 1
1869. narrow
1870. nationalize 1
1871. navigate 1
1872. near
1873. necessitate 1
1874. need
1875. needle 1
1876. negate 1
1877. neglect
1878. negotiate 1
1879. nest
1880. nestle 1
1881. net 2
1882. network
1883. neutralize 1
1884. nibble 1
1885. nick
1886. nickname 1
1887. nip 2
1888. nod 2
1889. nominate 1
1890. normalize 1
1891. nose 1
1892. note 1
1893. notice 1
1894. notify 3
1895. nudge 1
1896. nullify 3
1897. numb
1898. number
1899. nurse 1
1900. nurture 1
1901. nuzzle 1
1902. obey
1903. object
1904. oblige 1
1905. obliterate 1
1906. obscure 1
1907. observe 1
1908. obsess 4
1909. obstruct
1910. obtain
1911. occasion
1912. occupy 3
1913. occur 2
1914. offend
1915. offer
1916. officiate 1
1917. oil
1918. omit 2
1919. ooze 1
1920. open
1921. operate 1
1922. oppose 1
1923. oppress 4
1924. opt
1925. optimize 1
1926. orchestrate 1
1927. ordain
1928. order
1929. organize 1
1930. orientate 1
1931. originate 1
1932. oust
1933. outclass 4
1934. outlaw
1935. outline 1
1936. outlive 1
1937. outnumber
1938. outrage 1
1939. outrun 2 +
1940. outstretch 4
1941. outweigh
1942. overcome 1 +
1943. overcrowd
1944. overdo 4 +
1945. overeat +
1946. overestimate 1
1947. overflow
1948. overhaul
1949. overhear +
1950. overheat
1951. overlap 2
1952. overload
1953. overlook
1954. overpower
1955. overrule 1
1956. oversee + RB
1957. overshadow
1958. oversleep +
1959. overstate 1
1960. overtake 1 +
1961. overthrow +
1962. overturn
1963. overwhelm
1964. owe 1
1965. own
1966. pace 1
1967. pack
1968. package 1
1969. pad 2
1970. paddle 1
1971. page 1
1972. paint
1973. pair
1974. pamper
1975. pan 2
1976. panel
1977. panic RB
1978. pant
1979. parachute 1
1980. parade 1
1981. paralyze 1
1982. pardon
1983. pare 1
1984. park
1985. parley
1986. parody
1987. parrot
1988. part
1989. participate 1
1990. partition
1991. partner
1992. pass 4
1993. paste 1
1994. pat 2
1995. patch 4
1996. patent
1997. patrol 2
1998. patronize 1
1999. pattern
2000. pause 1
2001. pave 1
2002. paw
2003. pay +
2004. peak
2005. peck
2006. pedal
2007. peel
2008. peep
2009. peer
2010. peg 2
2011. pelt
2012. penalize 1
2013. pencil
2014. penetrate 1
2015. pepper
2016. perceive 1
2017. perch 4
2018. perfect
2019. perform
2020. perfume 1
2021. perish 4
2022. permeate 1
2023. permit 2
2024. perpetrate 1
2025. perpetuate 1
2026. perplex 4
2027. persecute 1
2028. persevere 1
2029. persist
2030. personalize 1
2031. personify 3
2032. persuade 1
2033. perturb
2034. pervade 1
2035. pester
2036. petition
2037. petrify 3
2038. phase 1
2039. phone 1
2040. photocopy 3
2041. photograph
2042. phrase 1
2043. pick
2044. pickle 1
2045. picture 1
2046. pierce 1
2047. pile 1
2048. pilot
2049. pin 2
2050. pinch 4
2051. pine 1
2052. pinpoint
2053. pioneer
2054. pipe 1
2055. pit 2
2056. pitch 4
2057. pity 3
2058. placate 1
2059. place 1
2060. plague 1
2061. plan 2
2062. plant
2063. plaster
2064. play
2065. plead +
2066. please 1
2067. pledge 1
2068. plod 2
2069. plot 2
2070. plow
2071. pluck
2072. plug 2
2073. plummet
2074. plump
2075. plunder
2076. plunge 1
2077. ply 3
2078. poach 4
2079. pocket
2080. point
2081. poise 1
2082. poison
2083. poke 1
2084. polarize 1
2085. police 1
2086. polish 4
2087. poll
2088. pollute 1
2089. ponder
2090. pool
2091. pop 2
2092. populate 1
2093. portray
2094. pose 1
2095. position
2096. possess 4
2097. post
2098. postpone 1
2099. postulate 1
2100. pot 2
2101. pounce 1
2102. pound
2103. pour
2104. pout
2105. powder
2106. power
2107. practice 1
2108. praise 1
2109. pray
2110. preach 4
2111. precede 1
2112. precipitate 1
2113. preclude 1
2114. predetermine 1
2115. predicate 1
2116. predict
2117. preen
2118. prefer 2
2119. prejudice 1
2120. preoccupy 3
2121. prepare 1
2122. prescribe 1
2123. present
2124. preserve 1
2125. preside 1
2126. press 4
2127. pressure 1
2128. pressurize 1
2129. presume 1
2130. presuppose 1
2131. pretend
2132. prevail
2133. prevent
2134. preview
2135. price 1
2136. prick
2137. pride 1
2138. prime 1
2139. primp
2140. print
2141. privatize 1
2142. prize 1
2143. probe 1
2144. proceed
2145. process 4
2146. proclaim
2147. procure 1
2148. prod 2
2149. produce 1
2150. profess 4
2151. profit
2152. program 2
2153. progress 4
2154. prohibit
2155. project
2156. proliferate 1
2157. prolong
2158. promise 1
2159. promote 1
2160. prompt
2161. pronounce 1
2162. proofread +
2163. prop 2
2164. propagate 1
2165. propel 2
2166. prophesize 1 RB
2167. propose 1
2168. proscribe 1
2169. prosecute 1
2170. prosper
2171. protect
2172. protest
2173. protract
2174. protrude 1
2175. prove 1 + LV
2176. provide 1
2177. provoke 1
2178. prowl
2179. prune 1
2180. pry 3
2181. publicize 1
2182. publish 4
2183. pucker
2184. puff
2185. pull
2186. pummel
2187. pump
2188. punch 4
2189. punctuate 1
2190. puncture 1
2191. punish 4
2192. purchase 1
2193. purge 1
2194. purify 3
2195. purport
2196. purr
2197. purse 1
2198. pursue 1
2199. push 4
2200. put 2 +
2201. puzzle 1
2202. quadruple 1
2203. qualify 3
2204. quantify 3
2205. quarrel
2206. quarter
2207. quash 4
2208. quell
2209. quench 4
2210. query 3
2211. question
2212. queue 1
2213. quicken
2214. quip 2
2215. quit 2 +
2216. quiver
2217. quiz 2 4
2218. quote 1
2219. race 1
2220. rack
2221. radiate 1
2222. rage 1
2223. raid
2224. rain
2225. raise 1
2226. rake 1
2227. rally 3
2228. ram 2
2229. range 1
2230. rank
2231. ransack
2232. rant
2233. rat 2
2234. rate 1
2235. ratify 3
2236. ration
2237. rationalize 1
2238. rattle 1
2239. ravage 1
2240. rave 1
2241. raze 1
2242. reach 4
2243. react
2244. read +
2245. readmit 2
2246. reaffirm
2247. realign
2248. realize 1
2249. reap
2250. reappear
2251. rear
2252. rearrange 1
2253. reason
2254. reassemble 1
2255. reassert
2256. reassess 4
2257. reassure 1
2258. rebel 2
2259. rebound
2260. rebuff
2261. rebuke 1
2262. recall
2263. recapture 1
2264. recede 1
2265. receive 1
2266. recess 4
2267. recharge 1
2268. reciprocate 1
2269. recite 1
2270. reckon
2271. reclaim
2272. recline 1
2273. recognize 1
2274. recoil
2275. recollect
2276. recommend
2277. reconcile 1
2278. reconfigure 1
2279. reconsider
2280. reconstitute 1
2281. reconstruct
2282. reconvene 1
2283. record
2284. recount
2285. recoup
2286. recover
2287. recreate 1
2288. recruit
2289. rectify 3
2290. recycle 1
2291. redden
2292. redeem
2293. redefine 1
2294. redesign
2295. redevelop
2296. redirect
2297. rediscover
2298. redistribute 1
2299. reduce 1
2300. reel
2301. refer 2
2302. reference 1
2303. refill
2304. refine 1
2305. reflect
2306. reform
2307. refrain
2308. refresh 4
2309. refrigerate 1
2310. refund
2311. refurbish 4
2312. refuse 1
2313. refute 1
2314. regain
2315. regard
2316. register
2317. regret 2
2318. regulate 1
2319. rehabilitate 1
2320. rehearse 1
2321. reign
2322. reimburse 1
2323. rein
2324. reinforce 1
2325. reinstate 1
2326. reinterpret
2327. reintroduce 1
2328. reinvest
2329. reissue 1
2330. reiterate 1
2331. reject
2332. rejoice 1
2333. rejoin
2334. rekindle 1
2335. relapse 1
2336. relate 1
2337. relax 4
2338. relay
2339. release 1
2340. relegate 1
2341. relent
2342. relieve 1
2343. relinquish 4
2344. relish 4
2345. relocate 1
2346. rely 3
2347. remain LV
2348. remand
2349. remark
2350. remedy 3
2351. remember
2352. remind
2353. remit 2
2354. remove 1
2355. rename 1
2356. render
2357. renege 1
2358. renegotiate 1
2359. renew
2360. renounce 1
2361. renovate 1
2362. rent
2363. reopen
2364. reorganize 1
2365. repair
2366. repay +
2367. repeal
2368. repeat
2369. repel 2
2370. replace 1
2371. replenish 4
2372. replicate 1
2373. reply 3
2374. report
2375. repossess 4
2376. represent
2377. repress 4
2378. reprieve 1
2379. reprimand
2380. reprint
2381. reproach 4
2382. reproduce 1
2383. reprogram 2
2384. repulse 1
2385. repute 1
2386. request
2387. require 1
2388. requisition
2389. reread +
2390. reschedule 1
2391. rescind
2392. rescue 1
2393. research 4
2394. resell +
2395. resemble 1
2396. resent
2397. reserve 1
2398. reset 2 +
2399. reshuffle 1
2400. reside 1
2401. resign
2402. resist
2403. resolve 1
2404. resort
2405. respect
2406. respond
2407. rest
2408. restart
2409. restate 1
2410. restore 1
2411. restrain
2412. restrict
2413. restructure 1
2414. result
2415. resume 1
2416. resurface 1
2417. resurrect
2418. retake 1 +
2419. retain
2420. retaliate 1
2421. reteach 4 +
2422. retell +
2423. rethink +
2424. retire 1
2425. retort
2426. retrace 1
2427. retract
2428. retreat
2429. retrieve 1
2430. return
2431. reunite 1
2432. reuse 1
2433. rev 2
2434. revamp
2435. reveal
2436. revel
2437. reverberate 1
2438. revere 1
2439. reverse 1
2440. revert
2441. review
2442. revile 1
2443. revise 1
2444. revisit
2445. revive 1
2446. revoke 1
2447. revolt
2448. revolutionize 1
2449. revolve 1
2450. reward
2451. rework
2452. rhyme 1
2453. rib 2
2454. rid 2 +
2455. riddle 1
2456. ride 1 +
2457. ridicule 1
2458. rig 2
2459. right
2460. ring +
2461. rinse 1
2462. rip 2
2463. ripple 1
2464. rise +
2465. risk
2466. rival
2467. rivet
2468. roam
2469. roar
2470. roast
2471. rob 2
2472. rock
2473. rocket
2474. roll
2475. romp
2476. root
2477. rope 1
2478. rot 2
2479. rotate 1
2480. round
2481. rouse 1
2482. route
2483. row
2484. rub 2
2485. ruffle 1
2486. ruin
2487. rule 1
2488. rumble 1
2489. rummage 1
2490. rumple 1
2491. run 2 +
2492. rupture 1
2493. rush 4
2494. rust
2495. rustle 1
2496. sabotage 1
2497. sack
2498. sacrifice 1
2499. sadden
2500. saddle 1
2501. safeguard
2502. sag 2
2503. sail
2504. salt
2505. salute 1
2506. salvage 1
2507. sample 1
2508. sanction
2509. sandwich 4
2510. sap 2
2511. sass 4
2512. satisfy 3
2513. saturate 1
2514. saunter
2515. save 1
2516. savor
2517. saw +
2518. say +
2519. scald
2520. scale 1
2521. scamper
2522. scan 2
2523. scar 2
2524. scare 1
2525. scatter
2526. scavenge 1
2527. scent
2528. schedule 1
2529. school
2530. scoff
2531. scold
2532. scoop
2533. scorch 4
2534. score 1
2535. scorn
2536. scour
2537. scowl
2538. scramble 1
2539. scrap 2
2540. scrape 1
2541. scratch 4
2542. scrawl
2543. scream
2544. screech 4
2545. screen
2546. screw
2547. scribble 1
2548. scroll
2549. scrub 2
2550. scrutinize 1
2551. sculpt
2552. scurry 3
2553. scuttle 1
2554. seal
2555. search 4
2556. season
2557. seat
2558. seclude 1
2559. secrete 1
2560. secure 1
2561. seduce 1
2562. see 1 + RB
2563. seed
2564. seek +
2565. seem LV
2566. seep
2567. seethe 1
2568. segment
2569. segregate 1
2570. seize 1
2571. select
2572. sell +
2573. send +
2574. sense 1
2575. sentence 1
2576. separate 1
2577. sequence 1
2578. serve 1
2579. service 1
2580. set 2 +
2581. settle 1
2582. sever
2583. sew +
2584. shade 1
2585. shadow
2586. shake 1 +
2587. shame
2588. shape 1
2589. share 1
2590. sharpen
2591. shatter
2592. shave 1 +
2593. shear +
2594. sheath
2595. shed 2 +
2596. shell
2597. shelter
2598. shelve 1
2599. shepherd
2600. shield
2601. shift
2602. shimmer
2603. shine 1 +
2604. ship 2
2605. shiver
2606. shock
2607. shoot +
2608. shop 2
2609. shorten
2610. shoulder
2611. shout
2612. shove 1
2613. show +
2614. shower
2615. shred 2
2616. shriek
2617. shrink +
2618. shrivel
2619. shroud
2620. shrug 2
2621. shudder
2622. shuffle 1
2623. shun 2
2624. shunt
2625. shut 2 +
2626. shutter
2627. sicken
2628. side 1
2629. sideline 1
2630. sidle 1
2631. sift
2632. sigh
2633. sight
2634. sign
2635. signal
2636. signify 3
2637. silence 1
2638. silhouette 1
2639. simplify 3
2640. simulate 1
2641. sing +
2642. singe 1
2643. single 1
2644. sink +
2645. sip 2
2646. sire 1
2647. sit 2 +
2648. situate 1
2649. size 1
2650. sketch 4
2651. skew
2652. ski
2653. skid 2
2654. skim 2
2655. skin 2
2656. skip 2
2657. skirt
2658. slacken
2659. slam 2
2660. slant
2661. slap 2
2662. slash 4
2663. slate 1
2664. slaughter
2665. slay +
2666. sleep +
2667. slice 1
2668. slide 1 +
2669. sling +
2670. slink
2671. slip 2
2672. slit 2 +
2673. slither
2674. slope 1
2675. slouch 4
2676. slow
2677. slug 2
2678. slump
2679. slur 2
2680. smack
2681. smash 4
2682. smear
2683. smell LV
2684. smile 1
2685. smirk
2686. smoke 1
2687. smooth
2688. smother
2689. smudge 1
2690. smuggle 1
2691. snake 1
2692. snap 2
2693. snare 1
2694. snarl
2695. snatch 4
2696. sneak +
2697. sneer
2698. sneeze 1
2699. snicker
2700. sniff
2701. snoop
2702. snore 1
2703. snort
2704. snow
2705. snub 2
2706. snuff
2707. snuggle 1
2708. soak
2709. soar
2710. sob 2
2711. socialize 1
2712. soften
2713. soil
2714. solicit
2715. solve 1
2716. sooth
2717. sort
2718. sound LV
2719. sour
2720. sow +
2721. space 1
2722. span 2
2723. spare 1
2724. spark
2725. sparkle 1
2726. spatter
2727. spawn
2728. speak +
2729. spear
2730. spearhead
2731. specialize 1
2732. specify 3
2733. speckle 1
2734. speculate 1
2735. speed +
2736. spell +
2737. spend +
2738. spice 1
2739. spike 1
2740. spill
2741. spin 2 +
2742. spiral
2743. spirit
2744. spit +
2745. spite 1
2746. splash 4
2747. splatter
2748. splice 1
2749. splinter
2750. split 2 +
2751. splutter
2752. spoil
2753. sponsor
2754. spoon
2755. sport
2756. spot 2
2757. sprawl
2758. spray
2759. spread +
2760. spring +
2761. sprinkle 1
2762. sprint
2763. sprout
2764. spur 2
2765. spurn
2766. spurt
2767. spy 3
2768. squander
2769. square 1
2770. squash 4
2771. squat 2
2772. squeak
2773. squeal
2774. squeeze 1
2775. squint
2776. squirm
2777. squirt
2778. stab 2
2779. stabilize 1
2780. stable 1
2781. stack
2782. staff
2783. stage 1
2784. stagger
2785. stain
2786. stake 1
2787. stalk
2788. stall
2789. stammer
2790. stamp
2791. stand +
2792. standardize 1
2793. stare 1
2794. start
2795. startle 1
2796. starve 1
2797. stash 4
2798. state 1
2799. station
2800. stay LV
2801. steady 3
2802. steal +
2803. steam
2804. steer
2805. stem 2
2806. step 2
2807. stereotype 1
2808. stick +
2809. stiffen
2810. stifle 1
2811. stimulate 1
2812. sting +
2813. stink +
2814. stipulate 1
2815. stir 2
2816. stitch 4
2817. stock
2818. stomp
2819. stone 1
2820. stoop
2821. stop 2
2822. store 1
2823. storm
2824. stow
2825. straddle 1
2826. straighten
2827. strain
2828. strand
2829. strangle 1
2830. strap 2
2831. strategize 1
2832. stratify 3
2833. stray
2834. streak
2835. stream
2836. streamline 1
2837. strengthen
2838. stress 4
2839. stretch 4
2840. stride 1 +
2841. strike 1 +
2842. string +
2843. strip 2
2844. strive 1 +
2845. stroke 1
2846. structure 1
2847. struggle 1
2848. strut 2
2849. stub 2
2850. study 3
2851. stuff
2852. stumble 1
2853. stump
2854. stun 2
2855. stunt
2856. stutter
2857. style 1
2858. stylize 1
2859. subdivide 1
2860. subdue 1
2861. subject
2862. sublet 2 +
2863. submerge 1
2864. submit 2
2865. subordinate 1
2866. subscribe 1
2867. subside 1
2868. subsidize 1
2869. substantiate 1
2870. substitute 1
2871. subsume 1
2872. subtract
2873. subvert
2874. succeed
2875. succumb
2876. suck
2877. sue 1
2878. suffer
2879. suffice 1
2880. suffocate 1
2881. suggest
2882. suit
2883. summarize 1
2884. summon
2885. superimpose 1
2886. supersede 1
2887. supervise 1
2888. supplant
2889. supplement
2890. supply 3
2891. support
2892. suppose 1
2893. suppress 4
2894. surface 1
2895. surge 1
2896. surmise 1
2897. surmount
2898. surpass 4
2899. surprise 1
2900. surrender
2901. surround
2902. survey
2903. survive 1
2904. suspect
2905. suspend
2906. sustain
2907. swagger
2908. swallow
2909. swamp
2910. swap 2
2911. swarm
2912. sway
2913. swear +
2914. sweat +
2915. sweep +
2916. swell
2917. swerve 1
2918. swim 2 +
2919. swing +
2920. swirl
2921. switch 4
2922. swivel
2923. swoop
2924. symbolize 1
2925. sympathize 1
2926. synthesize 1
2927. systematize 1
2928. systemize 1
2929. table 1
2930. tabulate 1
2931. tack
2932. tackle 1
2933. tag 2
2934. tail
2935. tailor
2936. taint
2937. take 1 +
2938. talk
2939. tame
2940. tamper
2941. tan 2
2942. tangle 1
2943. tap 2
2944. tape 1
2945. taper
2946. target
2947. tarnish 4
2948. taste 1 LV
2949. tatter
2950. taunt
2951. tax 4
2952. teach 4 +
2953. team
2954. tear +
2955. tease 1
2956. telephone 1
2957. televise 1
2958. tell +
2959. tempt
2960. tend
2961. tender
2962. tense 1
2963. term
2964. terminate 1
2965. terrify 3
2966. terrorize 1
2967. test
2968. testify 3
2969. tether
2970. texture 1
2971. thank
2972. thatch 4
2973. thaw
2974. theorize 1
2975. thicken
2976. thin 2
2977. think +
2978. thrash 4
2979. thread
2980. threaten
2981. thrill
2982. thrive 1 +
2983. throb 2
2984. throw +
2985. thrust +
2986. thud 2
2987. thumb
2988. thump
2989. thunder
2990. thwart
2991. tick
2992. tickle 1
2993. tie 1 RB
2994. tighten
2995. tile 1
2996. till
2997. tilt
2998. time 1
2999. tinge 1 RB
3000. tingle 1
3001. tint
3002. tip 2
3003. tiptoe RB
3004. tire 1
3005. title 1
3006. toast
3007. toil
3008. tolerate 1
3009. tone
3010. top 2
3011. topple 1
3012. torment
3013. torture 1
3014. toss 4
3015. total
3016. totter
3017. touch 4
3018. tour
3019. tout
3020. tow
3021. tower
3022. toy
3023. trace 1
3024. track
3025. trade 1
3026. trail
3027. train
3028. tramp
3029. trample 1
3030. transact
3031. transcend
3032. transcribe 1
3033. transfer 2
3034. transfix 4
3035. transform
3036. translate 1
3037. transmit 2
3038. transmute 1
3039. transpire 1
3040. transplant
3041. transport
3042. transpose 1
3043. trap 2
3044. travel
3045. traverse 1
3046. tread +
3047. treasure 1
3048. treat
3049. tremble 1
3050. trick
3051. trickle 1
3052. trigger
3053. trim 2
3054. trip 2
3055. triple 1
3056. triumph
3057. trot 2
3058. trouble 1
3059. troubleshoot +
3060. trudge 1
3061. truncate 1
3062. truss 4
3063. trust
3064. try 3
3065. tuck
3066. tug 2
3067. tumble 1
3068. tune 1
3069. turn LV
3070. tutor
3071. twinkle 1
3072. twirl
3073. twist
3074. twitch 4
3075. type 1
3076. typify 3
3077. unarm
3078. unbalance 1
3079. unbutton
3080. uncover
3081. undercut 2 +
3082. underestimate 1
3083. undergo 4 +
3084. underline 1
3085. undermine 1
3086. understand +
3087. understate 1
3088. undertake 1 +
3089. undervalue 1
3090. undo 4 +
3091. undress 4
3092. unearth
3093. unfasten
3094. unfold
3095. unfurl
3096. unify 3
3097. unite 1
3098. unleash 4
3099. unload
3100. unlock
3101. unpack
3102. unravel
3103. unroll
3104. untie 1
3105. unveil
3106. unwind +
3107. unwrap 2
3108. unzip 2
3109. up 2
3110. update 1
3111. upgrade 1
3112. uphold +
3113. upholster
3114. uproot
3115. upset 2 +
3116. upstage 1
3117. urge 1
3118. use 1
3119. usher
3120. usurp
3121. utilize 1
3122. utter
3123. vacate 1
3124. vaccinate 1
3125. validate 1
3126. value 1
3127. vandalize 1
3128. vanish 4
3129. varnish 4
3130. vary 3
3131. vault
3132. veer
3133. vegetate 1
3134. venerate 1
3135. vent
3136. ventilate 1
3137. venture 1
3138. verbalize 1
3139. verify 3
3140. vest
3141. vet 2
3142. veto 4
3143. vibrate 1
3144. victimize 1
3145. view
3146. vindicate 1
3147. violate 1
3148. visit
3149. visualize 1
3150. voice 1
3151. void
3152. volunteer
3153. vomit
3154. vote 1
3155. vow
3156. wad 2
3157. waddle 1
3158. wade 1
3159. wag 2
3160. wage 1
3161. wail
3162. wait
3163. waive 1
3164. wake 1 +
3165. waken
3166. walk
3167. wall
3168. wander
3169. wane
3170. want
3171. warm
3172. warn
3173. warp
3174. warrant
3175. wash 4
3176. waste 1
3177. watch 4
3178. water
3179. waterlog 2
3180. wave 1
3181. waver
3182. wax 4
3183. weaken
3184. wean
3185. wear +
3186. weather
3187. weave 1 +
3188. wed 2
3189. wedge 1
3190. weep +
3191. weigh
3192. welcome 1
3193. weld
3194. whack
3195. wheel
3196. whimper
3197. whine 1
3198. whip 2
3199. whirl
3200. whisk
3201. whisper
3202. whistle 1
3203. whiten
3204. whitewash 4
3205. whittle 1
3206. widen
3207. wield
3208. wiggle 1
3209. will
3210. win +
3211. wince 1
3212. wind +
3213. wink
3214. wipe 1
3215. wire 1
3216. wish 4
3217. withdraw +
3218. wither
3219. withhold +
3220. withstand +
3221. witness 4
3222. wobble 1
3223. wonder
3224. woo 4
3225. word
3226. work
3227. worry 3
3228. worsen
3229. worship RB
3230. wound
3231. wrap 2
3232. wreck
3233. wrench 4
3234. wrestle 1
3235. wriggle 1
3236. wring +
3237. wrinkle 1
3238. write 1 +
3239. writhe 1
3240. x-ray
3241. yak 2
3242. yank
3243. yawn
3244. yearn
3245. yell
3246. yelp
3247. yield
3248. zap 2
3249. zip 2
3250. zoom

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