Word list vocabulary pdf

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Memorizing English vocabulary is a necessary step to speak English. Designed for school or personal use, these English words lists allows you to enrich your vocabulary in a targeted and effective way.

Each lesson contains hundreds of English words that you can memorize easily, classified and indexed into different themes of daily life to cover all the most used and most common vocabulary in English: family, geography, sport, professions, media, travel and everyday topics…

This page will be useful both as part of individual learning whether you are  a student, traveller or professional, and as a complement to school work.

All the words lists on this page are free to download in PDF so you will always have at hand a simple and concise reference tool to find the right word in all circumstances. You will need to use a dictionary to search for the meaning of words you don’t already know. With the help of those lists, you will be able to understand words that you do not know from their context, and thus enrich your vocabulary even more as you go along.

If you are teaching or learning ESL, you can use those essential English vocabulary lists to help you in your lessons. You can also use these words lists if you are preparing for the IELTS exam.

English vocabulary list (include free PDF)

  1. Domestic animals and farm animals
  2. Zoo animals
  3. The birds
  4. The insects
  5. Aquatic animals
  6. Nature
  7. Feelings and emotions
  8. The environment
  9. Hospitality
  10. Clothing
  11. Transportation
  12. The family
  13. Politics & Government
  14. Travel & tourism
  15. The human body
  16. Physical description: the face
  17. Health and Medicine
  18. The astrological signs
  19. Halloween
  20. Business
  21. Fruits and vegetables
  22. The Weather
  23. Movies & cinema
  24. Christmas
  25. The House
  26. Real estate
  27. Marketing
  28. Finance
  29. IT & internet
  30. Job interview
  31. Immigration
  32. Sciences
  33. Journalism & press
  34. Good and bad qualities
  35. Money and banking
  36. Photography
  37. The religion 
  38. The five senses
  39. Love and wedding
  40. Beach and seaside 
  41. War and peace 
  42. History and past 
  43. Sport
  44. Cycling
  45. Trains and railways
  46. Trees, plants and gardening
  47. Mythology and heroes
  48. Music
  49. Hobbies
  50. The city
  51. Architecture and construction 
  52. Bathroom items
  53. Education and school
  54. Soccer
  55. Wine
  56. Kitchen utensils
  57. Routine & daily life
  58. Communication
  59. Food & nutrition
  60. Gestures and positions
  61. Personality: character and behavior
  62. Astronomy, space and universe
  63. Natural disasters
  64. Accidents and injuries
  65. Crimes 
  66. The quantities
  67. List of jobs in English
  68. Expressing opinion
  69. At the airport
  70. Logistics
  71. Food & drinks
  72. Linking words
  73. Accounting
  74. Materials
  75. Law and Legal terms
  76. Business and Economics
  77. Useful adjectives (A to C)
  78. Useful adjectives (D to H)
  79. Useful adjectives (I to O)
  80. Useful adjectives (P to S)
  81. Useful adjectives (T to Z)
  82. 100 most common Phrasal verbs list
  83. List of adverbs
  84. 100 most used English verbs
  85. 100 English verbs of body movement and action
  86. 100 most common English adverbs

1000 Vocabulary Words for IELTS!

The Top 1000 Words You Need To Know for the IELTS! These Words are Most Important for the IELTS and we have selected these words based on the previous IELTS tests with experience and expert guides.

The list covers vocabulary appropriate to the A2 level, and some Advance to basic IELTS vocabulary words, that are very important for you if you are a beginner in IELTS preparation.

We Have Provided the pdf of this IELTS Vocabulary at the end of this lesson, don’t forget to download that.

Vocabulary Words for IELTS

1000 Vocabulary Words for IELTS

Here is the list of 1000 Vocabulary Words for Ielts with their meanings.

IELTS Vocabulary Words List 1

  • Curlerroller
  • Graspinggreedy
  • Skullcranium
  • Conscientiousvirtuous
  • Hateloathe
  • Foyerlobby
  • Maneuvermanipulate
  • Numerousmany
  • Wonderfulmarvelous
  • Bloodbathmassacre
  • Cruelmean
  • Importantmeaningful
  • Quitefairly
  • In the meantimemeanwhile
  • Reminiscencememory
  • Obligatorycompulsory
  • Unforeseenunexpected
  • Afterfollowing, next
  • Intellectualmental
  • Contemporarymodern
  • Humblemodest
  • Religiousdevout
  • Impoliterude
  • Secondmoment
  • Tempermood
  • Immobilemotionless
  • Mobilemoveable
  • Hearsayrumor
  • Patternsample
  • Homicidemurder
  • Incidentallyby the way
  • To condemnto sentence
  • Devilsatan
  • Passablesatisfactory
  • Contentedsatisfied
  • Warrantyguarantee
  • Meagerscanty
  • Almostnearly
  • Afraidscared
  • Dullblunt
  • Comiccomedian
  • Stupidsilly
  • To renewto resume
  • Hinttrace, tip
  • Uncared forneglected
  • Damagehurt
  • Easysimple
  • Transparentobvious
  • Momentoccasion
  • To beatto defeat
  • Unbiasedimpartial
  • Rudeimpolite
  • Desertedabandoned
  • To denoteto indicate, to represent
  • Unmarriedsingle
  • Crysob
  • Foxycunning
  • Depravedwicked, evil
  • Abilityskill
  • Scrumptiousdelicious
  • Mysteriousoccult
  • Couchsofa
  • Vacancyemptiness
  • Specialexceptional
  • Daybreakdawn
  • Trivialworthless
  • Nakedbare
  • To bring sth. Backto reintroduce
  • Ariseoccur
  • Conventionconference
  • Uninjuredunhurt
  • Mildgentle
  • Earthsoil
  • Moviefilm
  • Beneficialfavorable

Ielts Vocabulary Words List 2

  • To illustrateto demonstrate
  • To hazardto endanger
  • Wornold
  • Everlastingeternal
  • Enemyopponent
  • Moderncontemporary
  • Uncommonunusual
  • Non – stop
  • Pressingurgent
  • Amateurbeginner
  • To narrateto relate
  • Possibilityopportunity
  • Abandonforsake
  • Contraryopposite
  • Famousfamed, renowned
  • Militantcombative
  • Poisonoustoxic
  • Dirtysoiled
  • Helpaid
  • To intendto mean
  • Associationorganization
  • Continuepersist
  • Branchdepartment
  • Foolidiot
  • Particularspecific
  • Upsetperturb
  • Inventorystock
  • Independentautonomous
  • To bring sb. Upto raise
  • Conservativecautious
  • To overseeto supervise
  • Surplusexcess
  • Decontrolderegulate
  • Nervousperturbed
  • Choosypicky
  • Midwayhalfway
  • Deliberateplanned
  • Fantasticgreat, brilliant
  • Impatienteager
  • Believableplausible
  • Omnipotentall
  • To imitateto mimic
  • Bellystomach
  • Nicepleasing
  • Gratisfree of charge
  • Well manneredpolite
  • Ablecapable
  • To glitterto sparkle
  • Ballotpoll
  • Formerlypreviously
  • Newfresh
  • Preceptprinciple
  • Approveendorse
  • Beforeprior

Must Learn: Most Basic Vocabulary words for Beginners

  • Fanaticenthusiast
  • Precedencepriority
  • Yieldproduce
  • Economicprofitable
  • Suggestpropose
  • Inheritorheir
  • Unusualstrange
  • Impassedeadlock
  • Thriveprosper
  • Successfulprosperous
  • Hypothesisspeculation
  • Hardfirm
  • Backbonespine
  • Constitutionstructure
  • Sunrisedawn
  • Valuelessworthless
  • Awfulatrocious
  • To demonstrateto protest
  • Adultgrown
  • Measuredegree
  • Dividesplit
  • Manmadeartificial
  • To put sth. Backto postpone
  • Cussedstubborn
  • Loveablehabitable
  • Obduratestubborn
  • Intermittentsporadic
  • Drasticextreme
  • Moreoverin addition
  • Detachedindifferent
  • Immaculatespotless

Vocabulary Words for Ielts List 3

  • Dedicatedcommitted
  • Ignorantunaware
  • Constantfixed
  • Intolerantbigoted
  • Congestedstuffed
  • To symbolizeto represent
  • Dashsprint
  • Hungerstarvation
  • Stablesteady
  • Stablesteady
  • Egocentricselfish
  • Hospitablecordial
  • Legitimatevalid, leva
  • Mindlesssenseless
  • Destinyfate
  • Touchysensitive
  • Loopycrazy
  • Imperativevital
  • Businesscommerce, trade
  • Honesttruthful
  • Napkinserviette
  • Disgraceshame
  • Confederateaccomplice
  • To enquireto investigate
  • Surecertain
  • To provideto supply
  • Phantasmillusion
  • Scarcityshortage
  • Delicatefragile
  • Dull (person)stupid
  • Dawndaybreak
  • Aboutapproximately
  • To hawkto peddle
  • Constantlyalways
  • To overlookto miss
  • Barreninfertile
  • Mercilesscruel
  • Bizarreweird
  • Continuouscontinual
  • Maximumuppermost
  • Bumbackside, behind, bottom
  • To mirrorto reflect
  • Commencementgraduation
  • Dumbstupid
  • Usuallygenerally, normally
  • Becomingfitting
  • Concordharmony
  • Alwaysforever
  • Bashfulshy
  • Soileddirty
  • Daringbold
  • To expireto run out
  • Insufficientinadequate
  • Signalsign
  • Foolishsilly
  • Candysweet
  • Happilyfortunately
  • Wordsynonym
  • Inflowinflux
  • Surroundingsenvironment
  • Tailoredtailor
  • Impassiveemotionless
  • Dociletame
  • Transitorytemporary
  • Internalinner
  • A narrativea story
  • To mimicto imitate
  • Gayhomosexual
  • Bidtender
  • Organicbiological
  • To confineto restrict
  • Convenienthandy
  • To migrateemigrate

Vocabulary Words for Ielts List 4

Blameless  innocent
Crazy  insane
Noted  famous
Madness  insanity
Arrogant  haughty
Awful  terrible
To disclaim  to deny
To vary  to differ
Accurate  correct
Sacristy  vestry
Dreadful  terrible
Immoderate  excessive
Cozy  comfortable
Garbage can  trashcan
Perception  insight
Hang  out
Immediate  instant
Mind  intellect
Vague  indistinct
Understandable  comprehensible
Indisputable  undeniable
Terror  terrorism
Highbrow  intellectual
Cube  dice
Remoted  isolated
Well timed  timely
Gratuity  tip
Disadvantaged  deprived
Abundant  ample
To misconceive  to misunderstand
Denims  jeans
Connect  join
Ecstasy  joy
Magistrate  justice of the peace
Eager  keen
Wise  knowing
Crusade  campaign
To establish  to set up
Neutral  impartial
Vicious  ferocious
Interplay  interaction
To desert  to abandon
Touchdown  landing
Oblique  indirect
To accomplish  to achieve
Hashish  cannabis
To close  to shut
Defective  faulty
Mischievous  impish
Dormant  inactive
Idle  lazy
Turbulent  blustering
To disclose  to reveal
Dally  loiter
Isolated  lonely
Missing  lost
Drab  dull
Fortunate  lucky
Off  season
Mendacity  lying
Superb  magnificent
Leading  main
Chiefly  mainly
Aggressive  militant
Noon  midday
Vague  indistinct
Misfortune  mishap
Misread  misinterpret
Deceptive  misleading
Lacking  missing
Jealous  envious
Doubt  mistrust
Wrong  mistaken
Away  absent
To notify  to inform
Mannequin  model
Dicey  risky
Empty  drain
Misery  distress
Impartial  neutral
Impartial  neutral
To behave  to act
Bendy  flexible
Extra  additional

Words for Ielts List 4

To administer  to manage
Murderer  assassin
To maintain  to preserve
Mediocre  fair
Aromatic  fragrant
Dispute  debate
Ambitious  aspiring
To foretell  to predict
To ignore  to disregard
Virtue  advantage
To cope  to manage
Appreciable  considerable
Disagreeable  unpleasant
Rubbish  nonsense
To bear on sth.  to affect
Lousy  awful
To consult  to refer to
Cranky  cross
Mackintosh  waterproof coat
Pocket book  notebook
Middleman  intermediary
Paper money  notes
Infamous  notorious
Mirth  fun
Selection  choice
To quake  to tremble
Today  nowadays
Self  assured
Mean  unkind
Contaminate  defile
Impediment  obstacle
Construction (lit.)  interpretation
Hostile  antagonistic
To function  to operate
Apparent  obvious
Comfort  consolation
Unstated  unspoken
Enormous  huge, immense
Sincere  honest
Imperfect  faulty
Obsolete  out of date
Above  overhead
Total  entire,
Twosome  pair
Especially  particularly
Monotonous  boring
To hurry  to rush
Ardor  passion
Gut  intestine
Identical  duplicate
Immodest  conceited
Untrue  unfaithful
Achieve  accomplish
To annoy  to irritate, to bother
Awkward  clumsy
Completely  totally
To elevate  to raise, to promote
Insolvent  bankrupt
To rue  to regret
Essential  fundamental
Peaceable  peaceful
Nightfall  dusk
Handsome  good
Stupid  dense
Zenith  peak
Vacant  empty
Fragrance  perfume
Maybe  perhaps, possibly
Aid  help, assist
Bad (not good)  poor, naughty
Magician  conjuror
Unfortunate  unlucky
Gravestone  headstone
Housebreaking  burglary
To grab  to seize
Refrain  chorus
To disappear  to vanish
Painting  portray
Adjourn  postpone
Instructions  directions
Momentous  powerful
Priority  precedence
Stationary  fixed
Praise  compliment
Insufferable  unbearable
Previous  preceding
Exactly  precisely
Mistrust  distrust
Early  premature
Untimely  premature
Antagonize  provoke
Citation  quotation
Naughty  disobedient
Cheesy  corny, tacky
Huge  vast
Hole  gap
Magnify  expand
Lethal  deadly
Immune  exempt
Mourn  grieve
Ban  forbid
Infrequent  rare
Spontaneous  automatic
To cite  to quote
Uncooked  raw
Arrive  reach, come
Dark  dismal
Unlawful  illegal
Knowingly  deliberately
Moderately  reasonably
Insurgent  rebel
Uprising  rebellion
Clerk  receptionist
Miserable  depressing
Curative  healing
Equity  fairness
Immature  inexperienced
Artful  crafty
Practically  virtually
Conscious  aware
To arrive  to reach
Apparent  evident
Crook  criminal
Unvoiced  voiceless

Vocabulary Words for Ielts List 5

Negligent  inattentive
To differentiate  to distinguish
Inferior  substandard
Win  succeed
Hold  grasp
To nominate  to appoint
To near  to approach
To impact  to affect
Charter  constitution
Eccentric  unusual
Consecutive  successive
Morose  sullen
Disagree  differ
Invoice  bill
To withstand  to resist
Insupportable  intolerable
Meeting  assembly
To convey  to communicate
To denationalize  to privatize
Abstract  summary
Attractive  appealing
Illiberal  intolerant
To overhaul  to overtake
Anyway  besides
To respond  to reply
Precis  summary
Dry  arid
To minimize  to play down
Satisfied  convinced
Vain  useless
To conform  to comply
Conflict  clash
Twister  tornado
To float  to drift
Instinct  intuition
To admit  to confess
To intensify  to heighten
Intriguing  fascinating
Moderate  lenient
Minor  lesser
To infect  to contaminate
To vacuum  to hoover
Removable  detachable
Sundown  sunset
Joy  delight
Encourage  support
Class  lesson, course
To vanquish  to conquer
Turmoil  disturbance
To transform  to convert
To deprave  to corrupt
To chop  to cut
To diminish  to decrease
To involve  to entail
To magnify  to exaggerate
Constancy  fidelity
Ornament  decoration
Diminish  curtail
Nugatory  worthless
Revolting  disgusting
Torpid  lethargic
Prompt  immediate
To operate  to function
Vast  huge
To inspect  to examine
To collect  to gather
Impetuous  reckless
To receive  to get
Beneficent  generous
Nameless  anonymous
To confuse  to mix up
Overseas  abroad
To deduce  to infer
High  elevated
Convalesce  recover
Outside  external
To renounce  to give up
More and more  increasingly
To grouse  to grumble
To assure  to guarantee
Advocate  support
Coiffure  hairstyle
Forehead  brow
Discount  reduction
To appear  to seem
Except  apart from
To survive  to outlive
Migrant  drifting
Dead  lifeless
Notwithstanding  however
A native  a local
To visualize  to imagine
Informal  casual
To begin  to start
Infuriate  enrage
Animated  lively
Chorus  refrain
Necessary  essential
Provided  if
Remorse  regret
Domesticate  cultivate
Steady  regular
Testament  testimony
If  whether
Applicable  relevant
Difficult  hard
Trustworthy  reliable
Mend  repair
Moral  ethical
Nobility  the aristocracy
Repute  reputation
Abbreviate  condense
Unhurt  unharmed
Imperative  crucial
Dilute  weaken, thin
Prosperous  affluent
To fabricate  to manufacture
Reasonable  fair
Idler  loafer
Mandatory  required
Suppress  restrain
Dossier  file
Lucid  clear
Complete  total
Diverse  distinct
Backside  behind, bottom
To answer  to reply
Home  domestic
Matters  things
Correct  right
Brow  forehead
Remainder  the rest
Object  thing
Hermetic  airtight
To learn  to memorize
Considerate  thoughtful
Considerate  thoughtful
Urgent  important
Inconsiderate  thoughtless
Silly  foolish

Ielts Vocabulary Words with Meaning List 6

Words  Meanings
To evaluate  to assess
Substantially  considerably
Dangerous  unsafe
Hall  corridor
French dressing  vinaigrette
To explode  to blow up
To collapse  to break down
To accumulate  to build up
Livid  furious
Remark  comment
Vibrate  tremble
Inflexible  rigid
To select  to choose
Spotlight  highlight
To illuminate  to clarify; to light up
Disaster  catastrophe
To encounter  to come across
To emphasize  to stress
Innocent  harmless
Undeniable  indisputable
Humiliate  embarrass
Beautiful  attractive
To impeach  to question
Bloodless  cold
Hard  tough
Dubious  doubtful
Reliable  dependable
Material  fabric
Infantile  childish
To imagine  to suppose, to assume
Clever  intelligent
Deliberately  intentionally
Last  final
Brave  courageous
Winery  vineyard

Related: 1000 Synonyms Words List in English

Infographics (Vocabulary words for IELTS with Meanings)

Vocabulary Words for IELTS

List of Vocabulary Words for IELTS

IELTS Vocabulary Words

basic vocabulary for IELTS Vocabulary words for IELTS with meaning 1000 Vocabulary words for IELTS with meaning

Download this list of

1000 Vocabulary words for IELTS in PDF (Download HERE)

Some Premium Tips For IELTS vocabulary!

How can I improve my IELTS vocabulary?

Follow these tips to Improve your IELTS Vocabulary:

  1. Make a good timetable for your study, and learn 10 new important IELTS words every day.
  2. Your first focus is on making your own dictionary, must put new words into your own dictionary, and revise them.
  3. Must practice the new words in your friend’s circle.
  4. Try to write something using new words that you learn every day.
  5. Have a significant focus on the IELTS speaking section.

How much vocabulary is enough for IELTS?

As an IELTS Vocabulary learner, you must have a collection of 6000 to 7000 most used vocabulary words. And be focused that these words cover every aspect of nature so that you can speak fluently about any topic.

How can I study for IELTS at home?

That’s the question of every second student preparing for IELTS, I will give you some promising tips that will help you and even boost your IELTS preparation at home.

  1. Learn new vocabulary Words Daily (At Least 10)*
  2. Practice these words with your speaking partner or a friend.
  3. Buy Some Good Vocabulary books for IELTS.
  4. For Making your interest, do a bit case study of some successful.
  5. Do a bit of research on IELTS.
  6. Write your new Words in a book. (Save your Vocabulary Collection)
  7. Revise your vocabulary every day.
  8. Join an online IELTS Preparation Program *

About The Author

IELTS Vocabulary Words List A to Z! Here we are going to provide you some very important IELTS Vocabulary words, that is very common for the IELTS speaking and writing section. Learning these words will also improve your listening skills.

Common FAQs

What is IELTS?

IELTS is abbreviated as “International English Language Testing System”. If you have to travel to a country with English as a native language, you have to pass the IELTS test, different countries demand different bands of IELTS. IELTS is very common is students focusing on traveling to the United States and Australia for study purposes.

Is it easy to get 7.5 in IELTS?

No, it is easy to score 7.5 bands in IELTS, you have to study hard and gird up your lions to do so. There are not so many ways to achieve this. You have to study hard, you have to be strong in every field, you should have excellent reading, listening, writing, and speaking skills to score 7.5 bands in IELTS.

How to study for IELTS at home?

You can study for IELTS at home, just follow these steps make them your daily routine:

  1. Try to learn 10 new vocabulary words daily.
  2. Find a speaking partner and practice daily. (Use our WhatsApp groups to find one)
  3. Have Some good vocabulary books for IELTS preparation.
  4. For Making your motivation, read some success stories.
  5. Do a bit of research on IELTS.
  6. Write your new Words in a book. (Save your Vocabulary Collection)
  7. Revise your vocabulary every day.
  8. Practice, practice, and practice.

IELTS Vocabulary Words List A to Z

IELTS Vocabulary Words List A to Z

Below is the list of IELTS vocabulary words from a to z:

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With A

Words Synonyms
Active energetic
Antique old item
Agility quickness
Attire Dress
Awful dreadful, atrocious
Assets earnings
Ample/myriad of/ numerous lots of
Amateur beginner
Assault attack
Abroad Overseas
Always forever
Adversity difficulty
Allure attract
Admit Confess
Amiable friendly
Annoy to disturb someone
Aggressive assertive
Acquit to release
Awful Terrible
Ambition dreams
Anxious nervous
Achieve accomplish
Aid help
Amount Quantity
Adroit expert
Adequate sufficient
Alteration change
Ambiance environment
Allow Permit
Amicable helpful
Astonishing surprising
Ambitious aspiring
Accord Agreement
Abode a place where you live
Accurate correct
Away Absent
Arrive reach
Angry Mad
Authentic genuine
Abandon/Abort to leave something
Add increase
Answer Response
Alike Same
Abstraction to deduct
Ask Inquire
Adamant firm
Appreciation to applaud one’s effort
Agree Consent
Approve accept

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With B

Words Synonyms
Brave Bold
Beneficial helpful, useful
Before prior, earlier
Bizarre Weird
Brief short, concise
Bashful shy, timid
Best finest, choice
Blunder a very big mistake
Bottom base, foundation
Becoming Fitting
Bias Revoke
Baby Infant
Benevolent/magnanimous kindhearted
Believe trust, accept
Beautiful Pretty
Bucket Pail
Broad Wide
Betray to fraud someone
Belly Stomach
Blend combine, mix
Break fracture, burst
Blank Empty
Blot/stigma black spot (disgrace)
Begin Commence
Brave courageous, bold
Bread and butter livelihood
Blanket ban a complete ban on something
Beautiful pretty, attractive (Pretty Synonyms)
Beginning start, initiate
Berserk gone mad
Beg Implore
Below under, lower
Birth beginning
Blossom to grow
Big Large
Buy purchase
Behoove merit

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With C

Words Synonyms
Cunning Clever
Contrary Opposite
Close Shut
Compassion ready to serve
Calamity Disaster
Chiefly Mainly
Considerate Thoughtful
Correct Right
Collision collide
Complete Total
Courteous polite, civil
Crumble something breaks in small pieces
Calm quiet, tranquil
Chaos noisy situation
Close near, imminent
Connect join, link, attach
Contemporary modern
Courage bravery, valor
Compress to press
Crazy insane, daft, mad
Change Transform
Confine Restrict
Coarse bumpy, rough
Collect Gather
Confuse Mixed Up
Chatter box excess talkative
Contrary opposite
Counsel advise
Clarify explain, simplify
Confirm comply, submit
Cruel mean, heartless
Center Middle
Curb to control
Charismatic having magical powers
Conflict fight, battle, struggle
Complex complicated
Candy Sweets
Choosy Picky
Comical amusing, funny
Confine contain, enclose
Chubby plump, pudgy
Constraint limitation / compulsion
Congested tight area
Cranky cross, irritable
Couch potato who watches lot of TV
Chilly cool, nippy
Coy shy
Correct accurate, right
Candid straight forward
Curse to bane someone

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With D

Words Synonyms
Dirty soiled, messy (Dirty Synonym)
Deliberate Planned
Dash Sprint
Diverse different, distinct
Despise hate, detest, loathe
Delicate Fragile
Daybreak Dawn
Defy resist, challenge
Dearth/scarcity lack of something
Dubious doubtful, questionable
Drab dull
Detain punishment
Determined sure, convinced
Demeanor behavior / character
Desperate fanatic/extremist
Destitute poor, penniless
Dusk sun set
Disgrace Shame
Deter hinder, prevent
Daring bold, audacious
Dawn sun rise
Dire need huge need for something
Disclose Reveal
Deceased dead
Docile tame, gentle
Dumb stupid, dense
Dedicated Committed
Dull blunt, dreary
Deteriorate something gets worse
Descendent next generation
Dilemma state of confusion
Disagree differ, dispute
Divide separate, split
Destiny Fate
Defend protect, shield
Discount Reduction
Dispute debate, oppose
Deduct subtract, remove
Deliberate something planned
Delicate fragile, dainty

Useful IELTS Vocabulary Words – With E

Words Synonyms
Elevate lift
Enquire Investigate
Evil Bad
Exit Leave
Ethical genuine
Enormous Huge
Enormous vast, immense, colossal (Big Synonym)
Envisage imagine it’s true
Entrepreneur own businessman
Encourage promote, support, urge
Eager Keen
Exaggerate over pound
Exemplary extra ordinary
Elevate Raise
Elite most talented
Emphatically forcefully
Eye opener show reality
Epitome best possible
Enjoy like, appreciate
Easy simple (Easy Synonym)
Envy to have something same what others
Escalate increase
Execute to start
Evaluate Assess
Enlarge expand, magnify
Extra Additional
Elitist choosy or selective
Exempt except that
Except Apart From
Exactly Precisely
Eternal never-ending

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With F

Words Synonyms
Fetch to get
Frivolous trivial, unimportant, silly
Facelift to modify something
Flinches demerit
Forbid to deny
Frigid freezing, frosty
Fat chubby, plump, stout
Fragile week
Finish Complete
Fill load, pack
Far-flung very far away
Fatal deadly, mortal, killing
Fraction part, portion, segment
Function Operate
Funny Amusing
Flippant excess talkative
Fatal dangerous
Fiction fantasy, untruth, myth
Fire to throw out of job
Ferry boat
Formerly Previously
Fate destiny
Flaw mistake
Fast Quick
Fun Entertaining
Freak insane
False Untrue
Fatigue tire, exhaust
Fuddy duddy
Fortunate Lucky
Fair Unbiased
Fantastic Great
Future coming, tomorrow
Furious angry, enraged, infuriated
Famous Renowned
Fluke Bi-chance

Vocabulary Words of IELTS – With G

Words Synonyms
Gut feeling inner voice
Glossy shiny
Good Fine
Garbage Trash
Gain acquire, obtain
Great outstanding, remarkable
Gaunt scrawny, skinny, thin
Guilt regret
Glare stare in an angry way
Gloomy hazy or blur
Grab Seize
Gesture actions we use while speaking
Glitter Sparkle
Grim sounding very serious
Glimpse a brief look
Glad Happy
Generous giving, selfless
Grumble Grouse
Get Receive
Gaudy showy, garish, vulgar

A list of IELTS Vocabulary Words – With H

Words Synonyms
Hazard Danger
Hire to recruit
Huge vast, immense, great
Handover to give
High elevated, lofty
Hop to jump a bit
Hurry Rush
Humiliate embarrass, disgrace, dishonor
Humble modest, unpretentious
Hint Tip
Hard Difficult
Homesickness person who can’t live away
Humiliate hit below the belt
Hall Corridor
Happily Fortunately
Havoc lots of trouble
Hallucination mirage
Handsome Good Looking
Help Assist
Handy useful, convenient, skillful
Halt stop

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With I

Words Synonyms
Insomnia sleeplessness
Inventory Stock
Inferior lesser, substandard
Illusion mirage
Instinct inner ability
Irrelevant inappropriate, unrelated
Imitate Mimic
Intolerant bigoted, prejudiced
Invincible unconquerable
Inconsiderate Thoughtless
Important Significant
Infect Contaminate
Invoice Bill
Immediate Instantly
Infuriate enrage, agitate, provoke
Informal Casual
Intend Mean
Idiot box TV
Incarnation birth
Instructions Directions
Industrious hard working
Innocent guiltless, blameless
Innocent Harmless
Immaculate spotless, pure
Intimate inform
Interesting provocative, engrossing
Ill Sick
Impartial Neutral
Invade attack
Intellectual Mental
Impact Affect
Inroads affect
Ignore Snub
Insufficient Inadequate
Identical alike, duplicate
Ingenious clever, creative, original
Imitate to copy
Inevitable unstoppable
Intrude trespass
Inspect Examine
Infamous Notorious

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With J

Words Synonyms
Jubilant overjoyed, delighted, elated
Joy Delight
Jolly merry, jovial, joyful
Jaw dropper stunned
Job Work
Jealous Envious
Join connect, unite, link

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With K, L, and M

Words Synonyms
Keep save, protect, guard
Kind Benevolent
Kid Child
Loving Fond
Lots Many
Lethal Deadly
Learn Memorize
Loyal Faithful
Loo toilet
Land slide victory or thumping victory victory by huge margin
Listen Hear
Logical sensible, sane, rational
Long lengthy
Little Small
Loyal who doesn’t back stab
Liable responsible
Least fewest, minimum, smallest
Loiter to roam around without aim
Luxurious extravagant, elegant
Lethargic weak
Lucid Clear
Miser one who doesn’t spend much
Malfunction any failure in machinery
Mentor guide
Meeting Assembly
Murals huge paintings
Militant combative, aggressive, warlike
Maiden something to do at first
Mug up to cram something
Moderate temperate, lenient, medium
Mate friend
Movie Film
Meager scanty, sparse, poor
Mild Gentle
Mum be quiet
Maybe Perhaps
Mischievous naughty, impish
Minor lesser, inferior, secondary
Magnify expand, enlarge, exaggerate
Minnow/Nano very small
Mysterious elusive, occult, secret
Mesmerize hypnotize
Mansion very big bungalow
Mad Crazy
Moist wet
Make Build
Modern Contemporary
Miniature very small
Maintain Preserve
Misery Distress
Mean unkind, malicious, nasty

List of IELTS Vocabulary Words – With N, O, and P

Words Synonyms
Near Close
Necessary Essential
Noon Midday
Nuisance disturbance
Nurture to develop something
Nausea sick feeling
Numerous Many
Native area in which one is born
Native Local
New Recent
Nonchalant indifferent, lackadaisical, blase
Notify Inform
Naughty bad, disobedient, wrong
Normal ordinary, typical, usual
Negligible very small
Niche identity
Nice Pleasant
Outrageous preposterous, shocking
Old Mature
Odd Strange
Ornament Decoration
Optional voluntary, elective
Obey mind, heed, comply
Oversee Supervise
Obsolete extinct, dated, antiquated
Outgoing Friendly
Ordinary usual, average
Obsession desire to have something
Overwhelmed very happy with something
Ort used
Outraged very upset
Overlook Miss
Overturned upside down
Outskirts city’s outer area
Observe examine, study, scrutinize
Posture way/position of body
Poor destitute, needy, impoverished
Plunge to fall
Pluck to break something
Push shove, propel
Pinnacle at the top
Proud arrogant, elated
Peal to remove the skin of a fruit or vegetable
Possess own
Premises area
Particular Specific
Passion hunger to achieve something
Portion part, segment, piece
Possibility Opportunity
Perfect Flawless
Patriotic one who loves his nation
Prodding encourage
Part Section
Prevail which remains
Polite gracious, refined, courteous
Prestigious very important
Provide Supply
Praise Compliment
Perception Insight
Prompt punctual, timely
Podium lecture stand

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With Q, R, S, and T

Words Synonyms
Quite Fairly
Quit cease, stop, withdraw
Quake Tremble
Raze destroy, demolish
Racket noise, commotion, disturbance
Rude Impolite
Renew Resume
Rich Wealthy
Retrograde moving backwards
Receive Get
Regret Remorse
Rookies less experienced
Rejuvenate refresh
Ratify approve, confirm, endorse
Resist oppose, withstand, defy
Resilient to resist
Roster schedule
Robust strong
Raise Lift
Reluctant unwilling, hesitant
Reputable honorable, upstanding, honest
Remote secluded, isolated, distant
Repulsive hideous, offensive, gruesome
Ravage devastate, ruin, damage
Retaliate avenge, revenge, reciprocate
Real Genuine
Reliant dependent
Rock Stone
Remark Comment
Reluctant hesitant
Reliable Dependable
Rest Relax
Reveal show, disclose, divulge
Respond Reply
Sheer a very high amount of something
Strenuous vigorous, laborious
Skeptical doubtful
Sustain to remain
Sad Unhappy
Surge powerful rush of something
Sack big bag
Stoic patient
Souvenir memento
Sure Certain
Scared Afraid
Sorrow woe, anguish, grief
Simultaneously together
Smooth slick, glossy, level
Sightseeing to explore places
Stable steady, unchanging, settled
Straits bankrupt
Sincere Honest
Serious grave, solemn, pensive
Spend thrift who spends a lot of money
Strict stringent, severe, stern
Serene peaceful, tranquil, calm
Slim Sender
Stiff firm/hard
Significant Meaningful
Shrine holy place
Sociable friendly, cordial, gregarious
Special exceptional, notable, particular
Small little, insignificant, trivial
Steady Firm
Surplus excess, additional, extra
Spill for liquid
See Look
Same identical, alike, equivalent
Select Choose
Symbolize Represent
Subtle little
Stop Cease
Swift fast and smooth
Safe Secure
Shrewd clever, cunning, crafty
Strangle stuck somewhere
Sluggish listless, lethargic, inactive
Scribble to write fast
Sacked to throw out
Suggest Propose
Shiver tremble
Strong powerful, mighty, potent
Sleepy Drowsy
Stupid unintelligent, dense, foolish
Thrive prosper, flourish, develop
Temper mental state
Try Attempt
Tangible concrete, definite
Tragic something very wrong happened
Talk Speak
Tavern pub
Transform Convert
Tandem work together
Timid nervous
Tenets on rent
Tap to stroke something
Tranquility mental peace
Terrible dreadful, horrible, vile
Tall high, lofty
Temporary Transitory
Taut tense, tight, stiff
Tender delicate, gentle, affectionate
Tiny Small
Temper Mood
Thrifty economical, frugal, prudent
Trustworthy Reliable
Trivial unimportant
Tender soft

IELTS Vocabulary Words – With U to Z

Words Synonyms
Use Utilize
Usually Generally
Under Below
Uncommon Unusual
Urgent crucial, important
Uncooked Raw
Unfortunate Unlucky
Vacant unoccupied, empty
Vanquish Conquer
Verdict result
Vast Huge
Versatile all rounder
Virtuous moral, righteous, angelic
Vary Differ
Valiant courageous, brave, heroic
Violent forceful
Victory triumph, win, success
Vague Indistinct
Vague unclear, obscure, indistinct
Voluntary willingly
Vibes signals
Vendor who sells commodities
Viable/feasible possible
Worn used, impaired, old
Want Desire
Withstand Resist
Wrong incorrect, untrue, mistaken
Waiver to cut off
Wisecrack joke
Weak Feeble
Weary tired, fatigued, lethargic
Wardrobe cupboard
Yield produce, bear, provide
Yell Shout

IELTS Vocabulary Words List A to Z (Infographics)

ielts vocabulary for beginners ielts vocabulary for beginners ielts vocabulary for students IELTS Vocabulary Words List A to Z IELTS Vocabulary Words List A to Z

Download this list of IELTS vocabulary words list A to Z in PDF:


About The Author

The IELTS Vocabulary List will help you understand where to use words in a sentence, as well as learn how to pronounce some of the difficult words that can be used on the IELTS exam to get a high band score. To pass the IELTS exam it is very important to know vocabulary, you can get 25% -30% of your grades through vocabulary.

To pass the IELTS test with a high score, you need to have a good knowledge of academic vocabulary. Advanced Vocabulary is a list of words that you can use in your IELTS Speaking & Writing to improve your IELTS score.

Learn IELTS vocabulary in an easy way, presented the way you would use words and phrases in an IELTS Speaking exam. At the end of each lesson, try using vocabulary in an IELTS-style practice test. 

How to improve your IELTS score?

The best way to improve your IELTS score is to increase your IELTS vocabulary. A easiest way to do this is to use synonyms for common words. Synonyms are words that have identical meanings and can be used to replace a word with a better one. Synonyms help a lot to get good results in IELTS, as well as improve your general vocabulary score.

One of the criteria for writing assignments is vocabulary. According to this criterion, in order to get a decent score, we must use a wide vocabulary, precise words. Diverse vocabulary, i.e. varied vocabulary enriched with synonyms and complex words; it can also include various words, expressions, synonyms. Don’t try to repeat the same words.

This list presents the advanced vocabulary words you may see or hear in the reading and/or listening sections of the TOEFL and IELTS tests. Familiarity with these and similar words will also help you in the writing and speaking module of the tests.

«IELTS Advanced Vocabulary Band 8 or 9»

«IELTS Synonyms Words List For Band 8 or 9»

Page 1: Vocabulary Word List

Academic Vocabulary List

byJim Burke

Jim Burke: Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information.

Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List[CATEGORIZED]

The Academic Vocabulary List has been categorized by parts of speech; orin other words, into grammatical categories or word groups.

byRick Smith

Rick Smith: Visit www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Page 2: Vocabulary Word List


Table of Contents

TABLE OF CONTENTS …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 2

PREFACE ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3

ACADEMIC VOCABULARY LIST ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 4

WORD LIST……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4

SUFFIXES [FORMING PARTS OF SPEECH] ……………………………………………………………………………. 6

COMMON PREFIXES AND MEANINGS…………………………………………………………………………………… 9

COMMON SUFFIXES AND MEANINGS …………………………………………………………………………………. 11

ACADEMIC VOCABULARY LIST ………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13


Page 3: Vocabulary Word List


PrefaceWhat is the Vocabulary List? The following quotation comesfrom Jim Burke’s home page.

“A thorough survey of various textbooks, assignments, contentarea standards, and examinations yields the following list of words.You cannot expect to succeed on assignments if you do notunderstand the directions. The words fall into several categories,which are not identified on this sheet: nouns (e.g., What you reador create); verbs (e.g., What the assignment asks you to do);adjectives (e.g., specific details about what you must do); andadverbs, which provide very important information about how todo the assignment.”

The Academic Vocabulary List can be obtained from:


Upon arriving at Mr. Burke’s home page, scroll down and click on:

NEW: Academic Vocabulary 2.0 (Expanded)

I have taken Jim’s Academic Vocabulary List (pages 3-4) andcategorized the words into parts of speech (pages 5-34). Insome cases, I’ve expanded the root to show word usage indifferent forms.

The purpose of compiling this list is to make it so the teacher willbe able to take all the words in the Academic Vocabulary Listand put them in a format that will make it easier to integrate theminto a usable vocabulary program, or just to use in daily lessons.

This format puts all the words’ parts of speech at your fingertips.I hope this helps you as you help students! Good luck!

Rick Smith

Page 4: Vocabulary Word List

Academic VocabularyA thorough survey of various textbooks, assignments, content area standards, andexaminations yields the following list of words. You cannot expect to succeed on assignments ifyou do not understand the directions. The words fall into several categories, which are notidentified on this sheet: nouns (e.g., What you read or create); verbs (e.g., What the assignmentasks you to do); adjectives (e.g., specific details about what you must do); and adverbs, whichprovide very important information about how to do the assignment.

© Jim Burke Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.


1. abbreviate 2. abstract 3. according 4. acronym 5. address 6. affect 7. alter 8. always 9. analogy 10. analysis 11. analyze 12. annotate 13. anticipate 14. application 15. apply 16. approach 17. appropriate 18. approximate 19. argue 20. argument 21. arrange 22. articulate 23. aspects 24. assemble 25. assert 26. assess 27. associate 28. assume 29. assumption 30. audience 31. authentic 32. background 33. body 34. brainstorm 35. brief 36. calculate 37. caption 38. category 39. cause 40. character 41. characteristic 42. characterize

43. chart 44. chronology 45. citation 46. cite 47. claim 48. clarify 49. class 50. clue 51. code 52. coherent 53. common 54. compare 55. compile 56. complement 57. complete 58. compose 59. composition 60. conceive 61. concise 62. conclude 63. conclusion 64. concrete 65. conditions 66. conduct 67. confirm 68. consequence 69. consider 70. consist 71. consistent 72. consistently 73. constant 74. constitutes 75. consult 76. contend 77. context 78. continuum 79. contradict 80. control 81. convert 82. convey 83. copy 84. correlate

85. correspond 86. credible 87. credit 88. criteria 89. critique 90. crucial 91. cumulative 92. debate 93. deduce 94. defend 95. define 96. demand 97. demonstrate 98. depict 99. derive 100. describe 101. detail 102. detect 103. determine 104. develop 105. devise 106. diction 107. differentiate 108. dimension 109. diminish 110. direct 111. discipline 112. discover 113. discriminate 114. discuss 115. distinguish 116. domain 117. draft 118. draw 119. edit 120. effect 121. elements 122. emphasize 123. employ 124. equal 125. equivalent 126. essay

127. essential 128. establish 129. estimate 130. evaluate 131. event 132. evidence 133. exaggerate 134. examine 135. example 136. excerpt 137. exclude 138. exercise 139. exhibit 140. explain 141. explore 142. expository 143. extract 144. fact 145. factor 146. feature 147. figurative 148. figure 149. focus 150. footer 151. foreshadow 152. form 153. format 154. former 155. formulate 156. fragment 157. frame 158. frequently 159. general 160. genre 161. graph 162. graphic 163. header 164. heading 165. highlight 166. hypothesize 167. identify 168. illustrate

Page 5: Vocabulary Word List

© Jim Burke Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.


169. imitate 170. imply 171. inclined 172. include 173. incorporate 174. indicate 175. indirect 176. infer 177. influence 178. inform 179. inquire 180. instructions 181. integrate 182. intent 183. intention 184. interact 185. intermittent 186. interpret 187. introduce 188. introduction 189. invariably 190. investigate 191. involve 192. irony 193. irrelevant 194. isolate 195. italics 196. judge 197. key 198. label 199. likely 200. list 201. literal 202. locate 203. logical 204. main 205. margin 206. mean 207. measure 208. metaphor 209. method 210. model 211. modify 212. monitor 213. motivation 214. narrative 215. narrator 216. never 217. notation 218. note

219. notice 220. objective 221. observe 222. occur 223. opinion 224. oppose 225. optional 226. order 227. organize 228. origins 229. outline 230. pace 231. paraphrase 232. participation 233. passage 234. pattern 235. perform 236. perspective 237. persuade 238. place 239. plagiarism 240. plan 241. plausible 242. plot 243. point 244. point of view 245. portray 246. possible 247. preclude 248. predict 249. prefix 250. prepare 251. presume 252. preview 253. previous 254. primary 255. prior 256. probably 257. procedure 258. process 259. produce 260. profile 261. project 262. prompt 263. proofread 264. property 265. propose 266. prose 267. prove 268. purpose

269. quotation 270. quote 271. rank 272. rare 273. rarely 274. reaction 275. recall 276. reduce 277. refer 278. reflect 279. regular 280. relate 281. relationship 282. relevant 283. rephrase 284. report 285. represent 286. representative 287. request 288. require 289. requisite 290. respond 291. responsible 292. restate 293. results 294. reveal 295. review 296. revise 297. root 298. rule 299. scan 300. score 301. sequence 302. series 303. set 304. setting 305. show 306. signal 307. significance 308. simile 309. skim 310. solve 311. source 312. spatial 313. specific 314. speculate 315. stance 316. standard 317. state 318. statement

319. strategy 320. structure 321. study 322. style 323. subject 324. subjective 325. subsequent 326. substitute 327. succinct 328. suggest 329. sum 330. summarize 331. summary 332. support 333. survey 334. symbolize 335. synonym 336. synthesize 337. table 338. technique 339. term 340. test 341. theme 342. thesis 343. timeline 344. tone 345. topic 346. trace 347. trait 348. transition 349. translate 350. typically 351. unique 352. utilize 353. valid 354. variation 355. vary 356. verify 357. viewpoint 358. voice

Page 6: Vocabulary Word List

Noun Suffixes Adjective Suffixes Verb Suffixes Adverb Suffixes-ability -able -ate -ly

-ableness -ac -ated -ably-acy -al -ates -ably-age -alent -ating -ally-al -ancy -aw -antly

-alism -ant -awn -arily-ality -ard -aws -edly

-alness -ary -ed -entally-ance -ate -es -entally-ancer -ational -ew -entarily-ancing -ative -fied -ently-ancy -atory -fies -erly-ant -ed -fy -fully-ants -ent -fying -ially-ar -er -iate -iately

-ariness -est -iated -ibly-ate -ful -iates -ibly

-atedness -iable -iating -ically-ateness -ial -ic -ically

-ation -ible -ing -ically-ationalism -ic -ion -ily-ationism -ical -ioned -ing-ationist -icized -ioning -ingly

-ativeness -ied -ions -ingly-ator -ier -it -ionally-cy -iest -ivate -ionally-ed -ily -ize -iously

-edness -ing -ized -ishly-ee -ion -izes -ive-egy -ional -izing -ively

-ence -ionalistic -or -ively-encer -ionary -ored -lessly-ency -ionist -oring -ously-ent -ionless -orize -s-er -ious -ors -ually

-erateness -ish -ow-erer -ist -owed-es -istic -own

SUFFIXES [Forming Parts of Speech]When you are reading, you will come across unfamiliar words. It is often possible to guess their meanings if you understand the way words in English are generally formed. An English word can be divided into three parts: a prefix, a [root / base word], and a SUFFIX. Pre- means ‘before. A prefix, therefore, is what comes before the [root / base word]. A SUFFIX is attached to the end of the [root / base word]. Many times, a word can be defined when it is known what the prefix and the SUFFIX mean. Prefixes usually change the meaning of the word. However, a SUFFIX can change the meaning of the word; it can also form the part of speech. Below are groups of SUFFIXES (Multiple SUFFIXES) that are all used in the Academic Vocabulary List. They are listed under the parts of speech they form. The bolded SUFFIXES are usually seen more often.


Page 7: Vocabulary Word List

Noun Suffixes Adjective Suffixes Verb Suffixes Adverb Suffixes-ability -able -ate -ly-ful -ite -ows-gist -itory -s-gy -ive -ure

-hood -less -ured-ia -ly -ures

-ialism -ment -uring-iality -mental -yze

-ialness -ness-ialist -orial-ian -ory

-iation -ous-iator -s-ibiltiy -‘s

-ic -ual-icalness -y














Page 8: Vocabulary Word List

Noun Suffixes Adjective Suffixes Verb Suffixes Adverb Suffixes-ability -able -ate -ly-ory-place




Page 9: Vocabulary Word List

Prefix Meaning(s)a- without, away, from, not, of, completelyab- without, away, fromabs- without, from, awayad- to, toward, addition, increaseaf- toag- toambi- bothamphi- around, bothan- not, in the process of, in a particular stateana- back(ward)ant- against, opposite, opposingante- before, precedinganti- against, before, opposite, opposed toapo- away fromat- toauto- selfbe- all over, all around, completely, having, covered with, cause to bebi- twocata- downcircum- aroundco- together with com- with, jointly, completelycon- altogether, together withcontra- against, opposed tocor- togethercounter- opposition, opposite directionde- down, from, reduce, reverse, away, completely, removaldec- tendi- apart, through, across, removaldia- through, acrossdis- apart, not, opposite, negation, removalduo- twodys- bade- away, outec- away, outecto- outsideef- upward, completelyem- in, out, on, intoen- in, out, on, intoendo- insideepi- onequi- equalex- away, out, over, upward, completely, previousextra- beyond, outsidehetero- different, otherhemi- half, partly hex- sixhexa- sixhomeo- samehomo- samehyper- above, over, super, beyond, more than normalhypo- under



Page 10: Vocabulary Word List

Prefix Meaning(s)il- not, withoutim- in, not, without, insidein- in, into, not, without, towards, insideinfra- belowinter- between, among intra within, insideir- notiso- equalmacro- large, great, longmal- bad, wrong mega- large, great meso- middlemeta- beyondmicro- very small mini- smallmis- bad, wrong mono- onemulti- manynon- not connected with, absentob- towards, blocking, against, concealingoct- eightof- against, blockingomni- allop- againstout- surpassing, exceeding, external, away fromover- too much, over, outerpan- all, overallpant- all, overallpara- besidepenta- fiveper- through, completely doneperi- around, aboutpoly- manypost- afterpre- beforeprime- firstpro- before, in advance, forward, for, forth, favoringquad- fourre- back, again, downred- backretro- backwardse- apartsed- apartsemi- half, partly sub- under, lower, nearly, approximatelysuper- over, abovesupra- abovesym- together, in unionsyn- together, in uniontra- across, beyond, different statetrans- across, beyond, different statetri- threeultra- beyond, extremeun- not, reverseunder- too little, below, loweruni- one


Page 11: Vocabulary Word List

Suffix Meaning(s)

-able able to be, capable of-ac pertaining to-acy pertaining to-age act or condition-al having, pertaining to, relating to, like, suitable for-an person who-ance state of being-ant one who does, that which-ar having the quality of, relating to-arium a place where, repository-ary place where-ate being, one who, to cause to, to make-ation the act of-ble capable of being-cle little-dom domain, condition-ed having the quality of-ee person who is-en to make, made of-ence quality of, state of being, an act of-ent one who does, that which-er a thing/one which is or does-esc become, change-fic causing or producing-ful characterized by -fy to make-hood state or condition-ia area, land, state, medical condition-ial pertaining to-ian pertaining to -ible able to be, capable of being-ic of, characteristic of, pertaining to-ical like or suitable for-ice condition or quality-id state or condition-ify to make -ile relating to-ine of or relating to-ing activity, action, process-ion act of, state of being, the process of-ise to make -ish like, the quality of-ism condition/state/quality of, belief/practice-ist a person who-ite mineral, rock-itis inflammation



Page 12: Vocabulary Word List

Suffix Meaning(s)-ity state of, the quality of-ive the quality of, state of being, the result of, relating to-ize to make -le little-less without-ly in the manner of, like-ment state of being, action -ness condition of, state of-oid resembling-ole little-oma tumor, growth-or a thing which is or does, that which does an action, a person who-ory pertaining to, a place for-ous like, full of, abounding in-ry state of-s one that is related to-sc / -esc become, change-ship condition, state-sis name of action or its result-some tending to-tude condition-tion the act of-ty state or condition-um no defined meaning, but modifies the root word-ure that which pertains to-ward direction or course-y full of-yst a person who


Page 13: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviatedabbreviationabbr. or abbrev.abstract abstract abstract abstractlyabstractionist abstractionistabstraction abstractionabstractedness abstractednessaccordance accord according accordantly

accordant accordingly

acronym acronymicacronymous

address address addressableaddresses addressedaddressability addressesaddressee addressingaffect affectaffecter affectedaffectationaffectednessalterability alter alterable


8 always / al•ways always

analogist analogize analogistic analogously

analogousness analogous

analysis analytic analytic analytically

analyst analytical


analyze analyzingly




annotator annotate annotative

annotation annotated



12 annotate / an•no•tate

10 analysis / a•nal•y•sis

11 analyze / an•a•lyze

7 alter / al•ter

9 analogy / a•nal•o•gy

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

abbreviate / ab•bre•vi•ate1

abstract / ab•stract2

3 according / ac•cord•ing

4 acronym / ac•ro•nym

5 address / ad•dress

6 affect / af•fect


Page 14: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

anticipation anticipated anticipant anticipatively

anticipating anticipative

anticipates anticipatory



applicability apply applicable applicably




approach approach approachable

approaches approached

approachability approaching

approachableness approaches

appropriated appropriate appropriate appropriately

appropriating appropriative

appropriates appropriable






approximateness approximate approximate approximative

approximation approximated approximative



argue arguable arguably









14 application / ap•pli•ca•tion


16 approach / ap•proach

apply / ap•ply

17 appropriate / ap•pro•pri•ate

13 anticipate / an•tic•i•pate

approximate / ap•prox•i•mate

19 argue / ar•gue


Page 15: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

argument argumentative argumentatively



arranger arrange arrangeable

arrangee arranged arranged

arrangement arranging


articulacy articulate articulate articulately

articulateness articulated articulated

articulation articulating articulative

articulator articulates articulatory



assembler assemble

assembly assembled



assertion assert assertive assertively

assertiveness asserted



assessment assess assessable

assessor assessed



associate associate associate

associates associated associated

associateship associating associates

associator associates associable

associability associationistic

associationism associative


27 associate / as•so•ci•ate

24 assemble / as•sem•ble

26 assess / as•sess

25 assert / as•sert

argument / ar•gu•ment

21 arrange / ar•range

22 articulate / ar•tic•u•late

23 aspects / as•pects



Page 16: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

assumer assume assumed assumedly

assumed assuming assumingly



29 assumption / as•sump•tion assumption30 audience / au•di•ence audience

authentication authenicate authentic autthenticallyauthenticator authenticatedauthenticity authenticating

authenticatesbackground backgroundbackgrounderbody body bodily bodily


brainstormbrainstormerbrainstormingbrief brief brief brieflybriefs briefed brieferbriefing briefing briefestbriefer briefsbriefnesscalculability calculate calculable calculatedlycalculatedness calculated calculationalcalculation calculating calculativecalculator calculatescaption caption captions


category categorize categorizable categoricallycategorization categorized categoricalcategoricalness categorizing categoric

categorizescause cause causablecausability causelesscausercharacterlessness characterful characterlessly


41characteristic / char•ac•ter•is•tic

characteristic characteristically

39 cause / cause

40 character / char•ac•ter

37 caption / cap•tion

38 category / cat•e•go•ry

35 brief / brief

36 calculate / cal•cu•late

33 body / bod•y

34 brainstorm / brain•storm

31 authentic / au•then•tic

32 background / back•ground

28 assume / as•sume


Page 17: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

characterizer characterize characterizablecharacterization characterized


chart chart chartablechartedchartingcharts

chronology chronological chronologicallychronologistcitation citational


claim claim claimableclaimer claimedclaimant claiming

claimsclarifier clarifyclarification clarified


class classedclassingclasses

50 clue / clue clue cluelesscode code codedcoder coded


coherency cohere coherent coherentlycoherence cohered


common common commonlycommons commonestcommoner commonplacecommonagecommonalitycommonplacenesscomparison compare comparative compartivelycomparer comparedcomparator comparingcomparativeness compares

53 common / com•mon

54 compare / com•pare

51 code / code

52 coherent / co•her•ent

48 clarify / clar•i•fy

49 class / class

46 cite / cite

47 claim / claim

44 chronology / chro•nol•o•gy

45 citation / ci•ta•tion

42 characterize / char•ac•ter•ize

43 chart / chart


Page 18: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

compiler compile compiled compilation compiled


complement complement complemental complementallycomplementarity complemented complementary complementarilycomplementariness complementingcomplementizer complementscompleteness complete complete completelycompleter completed completivecompletion completing

completescomposedness compose composed composedlycomposer composed


59 composition / com•po•si•tion compositional compositionallyconceiver conceive conceivablyconceivable conceivedconceivability conceivingconceivableness conceivesconciseness concise conciselyconcisionconcluder conclude


conclusion conclusive conclusivelyconclusivenessconcrete concretize concrete concretelyconcreteness concretized concretionaryconcretion concretizingconcretism concretizesconcretistconcretizationconditionality conditionable conditionallyconditioner conditionalconditioning conditionedconductibility conduct conductibleconductance conducted conductiveconduction conducting conductorialconductivity conductsconductorconductorship

61 concise / con•cise

62 conclude / con•clude

63 conclusion / con•clu•sion

concrete / con•crete64

57 complete / com•plete

58 compose / com•pose

60 conceive / con•ceive

55 compile / com•pile

56 complement / com•ple•ment

65 conditions / con•di•tions

66 conduct / con•duct


Page 19: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

confirmability confirm confirmable confirmedlyconfirmer confirmed confirmatoryconfirmation confirming confirmational

confirms confirmedconsequence consequent consequentiallyconsequentiality consequential consequentlyconsequentialnessconsequentialismconsiderer consider considerable considerablyconsiderateness considered considerate consideratelyconsideration considering considered considering

considersconsistency consistconsistence consisted


71 consistent / con•sis•tent consistent72 consistently / con•sis•tent•ly consistently

constants constantconstancy constantlyconstantive

constituter constitute constitutive constitutivelyconstitutedconstitutingconstitutes

consult consult consultableconsultation consultedconsulter consulting

consultscontender contend


context contextualize contextual contextuallycontextualization contextualizedcontexture contextualizing

contextualizes78 continuum / con•tin•u•um continuum

contradicter contradict contradictable contradictivelycontradictiveness contradicted contradictive


67 confirm / con•firm

68 consequence / con•se•quence

69 consider / con•sid•er

70 consist / con•sist

75 consult / con•sult

73 constant / con•stant

74 constitutes / con•sti•tutes

79 contradict / con•tra•dict

76 contend / con•tend

77 context / con•text


Page 20: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

controllability control controllable controllablycontrolled controlledcontrollingcontrols

convert convertconversion converted


conveyance convey conveyableconveyancer conveyedconveyancing conveyingconveyor conveyscopyist copy


correlate correlate correlatablecorrelator correlated correlationalcorrelation correlating

correlatescorrespondence correspond


86 credible / cred•i•ble credibleness credible crediblycreditability credit creedal creditablycreditableness credited creditable


criterion criterialcriteriacritique critiquecriticism critiqued


90 crucial / cru•cial crucial cruciallycumulativeness cumulate cumulative cumulativelycumulation cumulated


debate debate debatable debatablydebater debated


81 convert / con•vert

80 control / con•trol

82 convey / con•vey

83 copy / cop•y

84 correlate / cor•re•late

correspond / cor•re•spond85

87 credit / cred•it

88 criteria / cri•te•ri•a

89 critique / cri•tique

91 cumulative / cu•mu•la•tive

92 debate / de•bate


Page 21: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

deducibility deduce deduciblededucibleness deduced


defender defend defendabledefendant defended


definability define definable definablydefinement defineddefiner defining

definesdemander demand demandable


demonstration demonstrate demonstrationistdemonstrationist demonstrated


depicter depict depictivedepiction depicted


deriver derive derivablederivedderivingderives

describer describe describabledescription described descriptive


detail detail detaileddetailer detailed


detectability detect detectabledetection detected detective


determiner determine deterministic determinedlydeterminism determined determineddeterminist determiningdetermindedness determines

93 deduce / de•duce

94 defend / de•fend

95 define / de•fine

96 demand / de•mand

97 demonstrate / dem•on•strate

98 depict / de•pict

99 derive / de•rive

100 describe / de•scribe

101 detail / de•tail

102 detect / de•tect

103 determine / de•ter•mine


Page 22: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

developer develop developable developmentallydevelopment developed developed

developing developingdevelopes developmental

devisee devise devisabledeviser devised


diction dictional dictionallydictionarydifferentiation differentiatedifferentiator differentiated


dimensionality dimension dimensional dimensionallydimensioned dimensionlessdimensioningdimensions

diminishment diminish diminished diminishinglydiminished diminishablediminishingdiminishes

directness direct direct directlydirected directeddirectingdirects

discipliner discipline disciplinable disciplinarilydisciplinarity disciplined disciplinal

disciplining disciplineddisciplines disciplinary

discoverer discover discoverablediscovery discovered


discrimination discriminate discriminating discriminatelydiscriminator discriminated discriminational discriminatingly

discriminating discriminative discriminativelydiscriminates discriminatory discriminatorily

discusser discuss discussablediscussant discussed discussionablediscussion discussing


114 discuss / dis•cuss

112 discover / dis•cov•er

113 discriminate / dis•crim•i•nate

110 direct / di•rect

111 discipline / dis•ci•pline

109 diminish / di•min•ish

104 develop / de•vel•op

105 devise / de•vise

108 dimension / di•men•sion

106 diction / dic•tion

107 differentiate / dif•fer•en•ti•ate


Page 23: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

distinguisher distinguish distinguishable distinguishablydistinguished distinguisheddistinguishing distinguishingdistinguishes

116 domain / do•main domaindraft draft draftabledraftee drafteddrafter drafting

draftsdrawing draw drawabledrawer drewdrawee drawn

drawsedition edit editededitor edited


effecter effect effectible effectivelyeffectiveness effected effectiveeffectivity effecting

effectselements elemental elementallyelementariness elementary elementarilyemphasis emphasize emphatic emphatically


employability employ employableemployee employedemployer employingemployment employsequalizer equal equal equallyequality equaled


equivalence equivalent equivalentlyequivalencyessayist essay essayistic


125 equivalent / e•quiv•a•lent

126 essay / es•say

123 employ / em•ploy

124 equal / e•qual

121 elements / el•e•ments

122 emphasize / em•pha•size

119 edit / ed•it

120 effect / ef•fect

117 draft / draft

118 draw / draw

115 distinguish / dis•tin•guish


Page 24: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

essentiality essential essentiallyessentialsessentialnessessentialismessentialistestablisher establish establishedestablishment establishedestablishmentarian establishingestablishmentarianism establishesestimator estimate estimative estimablyestimation estimated estimableestimableness estimating

estimatesevaluator evaluate evaluativeevaluation evaluated


eventer eventful eventfullyeventfulnessevidence evidenced


exaggerator exaggerate exaggerative exaggeratedlyexaggeration exaggerated exaggeratingly


examinee examine examinableexaminer examined


example exampleexampledexamplingexamples

excerpt excerptibleexcerptionexcerptorexcludability exclude excludableexcluder excluded exclusionaryexclusion excluding

excludesexercises exercise exerciserexerciser exercised


137 exclude / ex•clude

138 exercise / ex•er•cise

135 example / ex•am•ple

136 excerpt / ex•cerpt

133 exaggerate / ex•ag•ger•ate

134 examine / ex•am•ine

131 event / e•vent

132 evidence / ev•i•dence

129 estimate / es•ti•mate

130 evaluate / e•val•u•ate

127 essential / es•sen•tial

128 establish / es•tab•lish


Page 25: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

exhibits exhibit exhibitory exhibitivelyexhibition exhibited exhibitionisticexhibiter exhibiting exhibitiveexhibitor exhibitsexhibitionerexhibitionismexhibitionistexplainer explain explainable explanatorilyexplanation explained explanative

explaining explanatoryexplains

explorer explore exploratoryexploredexploringexplores

expositor exposit expositoryexposition expositiveextraction extract extractiveextractor extracted


fact factual factuallyfacticityfactoidfactualityfactualnessfactualismfactualistfactor factor factorablefactors factoredfactorability factoring


feature feature featurelessfeatured featuredfeaturingfeatures

147 figurative / fig•u•ra•tive figurativeness figurative figurativelyfigure figures figurative figurativelyfigures figuredfigurativeness figuring

148 figure • fig•ure

139 exhibit / ex•hib•it

140 explain / ex•plain

explore / ex•plore141

142 expository / ex•pos•i•to•ry

143 extract / ex•tract

144 fact / fact

145 factor / fac•tor

146 feature / fea•ture


Page 26: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

focus focus focusablefocuser focused focusedfocalization focusing


footer footedfootingfootingsforeshadower foreshadow


form form formable formativelyformation formed fomationalformatives forming formative

formsformats format formational formativelyformation formatted formative


154 former / for•mer former former formerlyformulation formulateformulator formulated


fragment fragmentize fragmental fragmentarilyfragmentation fragmentized fragmentary

fragmentizing fragmentedfragmentizes

frame frame frameableframer framedframers framing

framesfrequentation frequent frequentlyfrequenter freqentativefrequentnessfrequency

150 footer / foot•er

151 foreshadow / fore•shad•ow

152 form / form

153 format / for•mat

149 focus / fo•cus

155 formulate / for•mu•late

156 fragment / frag•ment

157 frame / frame

158 frequently / fre•quent•ly


Page 27: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

general generalize general generallygeneralness generalizedgeneralcy generalizinggeneralization generalizesgeneralistgeneralitygeneralship

160 genre / gen•re genregraph graph


graphicness graphic graphicallygraphical

headerheadersheading headingheadingshighlight highlighthighlighter highlighted


hypothesizer hypothesizehypothesizedhypothesizinghypothesizes

identifiability identify identifiable identifiablyidentifier identified


illustrator illustrate illustratable illustrativelyillustration illustrated illustrational

illustrating illustrativeillustrates

imitator imitate imitational imitativelyimitation imitated imitativeimitativeness imitating

imitatesimply impliedimpliedimplyingimplies

159 general / gen•er•al

161 graph / graph

162 graphic / graph•ic

163 header / head•er

164 heading / head•ing

165 highlight / high•light

166 hypothesize / hy•poth•e•size

167 identify / i•den•ti•fy

168 illustrate / il•lus•trate

169 imitate / im•i•tate

170 imply / im•ply


Page 28: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

incliner incline inclinationalinclination inclined inclinable


includedness include includable inclusivelyinclusion included includedinclusiveness including inclusionary

includes inclusiveincorporation incorporate incorporateincorporator incorporated incorporable

incorporating incorporativeincorporates

indicator indicate indicatable indicativelyindication indicated indicatory

indicating indicativeindicates indicational

indirectness indirect indirectlyindirectioninferrer infer inferable inferablyinference inferred inferential inferentially


influence influence influenceableinfluencer influenced


informant inform informational informationallyinformation informedinfomatics informing

informsinquirer inquire inquiringlyinquiry inquired


instructions instruct instructional instructivelyinstructor instructed instructiveinstruction instructing

instructsintegrate integrate integratedintegration integrated integratingintegrationist integratingintegrator integrates

182 intent / in•tent intentintention intentional intentionallyintentionality

179 inquire / in•quire

183 intention / in•ten•tion

180 instructions / in•struc•tions

172 include / in•clude

181 integrate / in•te•grate

171 inclined / in•clined

173 incorporate / in•cor•po•rate

174 indicate / in•di•cate

175 indirect / in•di•rect

176 infer / in•fer

influence / in•flu•ence177

178 inform / in•form


Page 29: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

interactant interact interactional interactivelyinteraction interactedinteractionism interactinginteractive interactsinteractivityintermittence intermit intermittent intermittentlyintermitter intermitted intermittingly


interpretability interpret interpretable interpretablyinterpretation interpreted interpretational interpretativelyinterpreter interpreting interpretive

interprets interpretativeintroductoriness introduce introductory introductorily



189 invariably / in•var•i•a•bly invariablyinvestigation investigate investigativeinvestigator investigated investigatory


involvement involve involved involvedlyinvolver involved involving


192 irony / i•ro•ny ironyirrelevance irrelevant irrelevantlyirrelevancyisolator isolate isolableisolation isolated islatableisolationism isolating isolatedisolationist isolates isolating

isolativeItalic italicize italicItalicism italicized italicizeditalicization italicizing

italicizesjudge judge judgemental judgementallyjudger judgedjudgment judgingjudgement judgesjudgeship

196 judge / judge

194 isolate / i•so•late

195 italics / i•tal•ics

191 involve / in•volve

193 irrelevant / ir•rel•e•vant

184 interact / in•ter•act

185 intermittent / in•ter•mit•tent

186 interpret / in•ter•pret

190 investigate / in•ves•ti•gate

187 introduce / in•tro•duce

188 introduction / in•tro•duc•tion


Page 30: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

key key keyedkeyedkeyingkeys

label labellabeler labeled


likelihood likely likelylikelierlikeliest

list list listedlists listedlisting listing

listsliteralness literal literallyliteralismliteralistlocation locate locationallocator located locative

locating locatablelocates

logician logical logicallylogistics logistic logistically

logistical204 main / main main main mainly

margin margin marginal marginallymarginality margined marginable


mean mean mean meanlymeanness meant meanermeans meaning meanest

meansmeasure measure measurable measurablymeasures measured measureless measurelesslymeasurer measuringmeasurability measuresmeasurablenessmeasurelessnessmeasurementmetaphor metaphoric metaphorically

metaphoricalmethod methodic methodicallymethodicalness methodical

209 method / meth•od

207 measure / meas•ure

208 metaphor / met•a•phor

206 mean / mean

205 margin / mar•gin

202 locate / lo•cate

203 logical / log•i•cal

200 list / list

201 literal / lit•er•al

198 label / la•bel

199 likely / like•ly

197 key / key


Page 31: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

model model modeledmodels modeled modelingmodeler modeling model’s

modelsmodifiability modify modifiablemodifiableness modifiedmodifier modifying

modifiesmonitor monitor monitorial monitoriallymonitorship monitored monitorymonitories monitoring

monitorsmotivate motivative motivationallymotivated motivationalmotivating motivatedmotivates

narrative narrative narrativelynarration narrationalnarrator narrate narratablenarrators narrated


216 never / never nevernotation notatenotations notated


note note noteless notedlynoter noted notednotedness noting

notesnotice noticenotices noticed


objective objectivize objective objectivelyobjectivenessobjectivismobjectivistobjectivityobserver observe observational observationallyobservation observed observant observantlyobservations observing observable observablyobservance observesobservability

210 model / mod•el

211 modify / mod•i•fy

212 monitor / mon•i•tor

213 motivation / mo•ti•va•tion

214 narrative / nar•ra•tive

215 narrator / nar•ra•tor

217 notation / no•ta•tion

218 note / note

219 notice / no•tice

220 objective / ob•jec•tive

221 observe / ob•serve


Page 32: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

occurrence occur occurrentoccurredoccurringoccurs

opinion opinionated opinionatedlyopinionatedness

opposer oppose opposing opposablyopposability opposed opposable


225 optional / op•tion•al optional optionallyorder order orderedorders ordered orderlyorderly orderingorderliness ordersordererorganizer organize organizable

organized organizedorganizing organizingorganizes

origin originate original originallyorigins originated originative originativelyoriginality originatingorigination originatesoriginatoroutline outline outlined

outlined outliningoutliningoutlines

pace pacepacer paced

pacingpacesparaphrase paraphrasticparaphrasedparaphrasingparaphrases

participation participate participativeparticipator participated participatoryparticipant participating participating

participates233 passage / pas•sage passage

222 occur / oc•cur

223 opinion / o•pin•ion

224 oppose / op•pose

226 order / or•der

227 organize / or•gan•ize

228 origins • or•i•gins

229 outline / out•line

230 pace / pace

231 paraphrase / par•a•phrase

232 participation / par•tic•i•pa•tion


Page 33: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

pattern pattern patternedpatterning patterned


performer perform performable performativelyperformance performed performativeperformatives performing

performs236 perspective / per•spec•tive perspective perspective perspectively

persuader persuade persuasible persuasivelypersuasion persuaded persuasivepersuasiveness persuading persuadablepersuadability persuadesplace place placeableplaces placed


plagiarism plagiarize plagiaristic plagiaristicallyplagiarist plagiarizedplagiarizer plagiarizingplan plan planned


plausibility plausible plausiblyplausiblenessplot plot plotlessplots plottedplotline plottingplotter plotspoint point


244 point of view point of viewportrayer portray portrayableportrayal portrayed


246 possible / pos•si•ble possibility possible possiblypreclusion preclude preclusive preclusively


240 plan / plan

238 place / place

239 plagiarism / pla•gia•rism

235 perform / per•form

237 persuade / per•suade

234 pattern / pat•tern

241 plausible / plau•si•ble

242 plot / plot

243 point / point

245 portray / por•tray

247 preclude / pre•clude


Page 34: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

predictor predict predictable predictablypredictability predicted predictive predictivelypredictableness predictingprediction predictspredictivenessprefix prefixal prefixallyprefixationprefixionpreparer prepare preparative preparativelypreparation prepared preparatory preparatorilypreparatives preparing prepared preparedlypreparedness preparespresumer presume presumable presumablypresumption presumed presumptive presumingly

presuming presumedlypresumes presumptively

preview previewpreviewedpreviewingpreviews

253 previous / pre•vi•ous previousness previous previously254 primary / pri•mar•y primary primary primarily

prior priorpriorsprioritypriorate

256 probably / prob•a•bly probability probable probablyprocedure procedural procedurallyproceduralistprocess processprocessor processed


produce produce producibleproducibility produced


profiler profileprofiledprofilingprofiles

project project projectedprojection projected projectional


261 project / proj•ect

248 predict / pre•dict

249 prefix / pre•fix

250 prepare / pre•pare

251 presume / pre•sume

252 preview / pre•view

255 prior / pri•or

257 procedure / pro•ce•dure

260 profile / pro•file

258 process / proc•ess

259 produce / pro•duce


Page 35: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

promptness prompt prompt promptlyprompter promptedpromptitude prompting


proofreader proofread (present)

proofread (past)proofreadingproofreads

propertypropertiesproposer propose proposableproposal proposed


266 prose / prose proseprovability prove provable provably

proved proven provenlyprovingprovesproven

purpose purposed purposeful purposefullypurposefulness purposing purposeless purposelypurposiveness purposes purposive purposively

269 quotation / quo•ta•tion quotation quotational quotationallyquote quote quotable quotabilityquoter quoted


rank rank rankranker ranked ranker

ranking rankestranks ranking

rareness rarerarerrarest

273 rarely / rare•ly rarity rarify raring rarelyreaction reactivate reactionaryreactionist reactionalreactionismrecall recall recallablerecalls recalledrecaller recallingrecallability recalls

274 reaction / re•ac•tion

275 recall / re•call

271 rank / rank

272 rare / rare

268 purpose / pur•pose

270 quote / quote

265 propose / pro•pose

267 prove / prove

263 proofread / proof•read

264 property / prop•er•ty

262 prompt / prompt


Page 36: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

reducer reduce reducible reduciblyreducibility reduced


referrer refer referablereference referred


reflectance reflect reflectional reflectivelyreflection reflected reflectivereflectiveness reflectingreflectivity reflectsregularity regularize regular regularlyregularization regularizedregularizer regularizing

regularizesrelator relate relatable relatedlyrelatedness related related relationallyrelation relating relational relativelyrelative relates relativerelativeness

281 relationship / re•la•tion•ship relationship282 relevant / rel•e•vant relevance relevant relevantly


report report reportable reportedlyreportage reported reportorial reportoriallyreporter reporting

reportsrepresentability represent representable representationallyrepresenter represented representational

representation representing representationalistic

representationism representsrepresentationalismrepresentationalistrepresentative representativelyrepresentativenessrequester request


276 reduce / re•duce

277 refer / re•fer

278 reflect / re•flect

279 regular / reg•u•lar

280 relate / re•late

283 rephrase / re•phrase

284 report / re•port

285 represent / rep•re•sent


287 request / re•quest


Page 37: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

requirer require requirablerequirement required required


requisiteness requisite requisitelyrequisition requisitionaryrespondence respondrespondent responded


responsibleness responsible responsiblyresponsibility


results result resultantresult resulted resulting


reveal reveal revealing revealinglyrevealer revealed


review review reviewablereviewer reviewed


reviser revise revisablerevision revised revisionaryrevisionism revising revisionist

revisesroot root rootedrooter rootedrootage rootingrootedness rootsrootholdrule rule rulableruler ruled rulingruling ruling

rulesscan scan scannablescanner scanned


288 require / re•quire

289 requisite / req•ui•site

290 respond / re•spond

291 responsible / re•spon•si•ble

292 restate / re•state

293 results / re•sults

294 reveal / re•veal

295 review / re•view

296 revise / re•vise

297 root / root

298 rule / rule

299 scan / scan


Page 38: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

score score scorelessscorer scored


sequence sequencesequencer sequenced


302 series / se•ries seriesset set setting

sets304 setting / set•ting setting setting

show show showable showilyshowing shown showyshowiness showed


signal signal signallysignals signaledsignaler signaling

signalssignificance significant significantlysignificativeness significative significativelysignification

308 simile / sim•i•le simileskims skim skim

skimmed skimmingskimmingskims

solution solvesolvedsolvingsolved

source sourcesourcedsourcingsources

312 spatial / spa•tial spatiality spatial spatiallyspecifics specific specificallyspecificity specifiablespecificationspeculation speculate speculative speculativelyspeculativeness speculatedspeculator speculating


314 speculate / spec•u•late

311 source / source

313 specific / spe•cif•ic

309 skim / skim

310 solve / solve

306 signal / sig•nal

307 significance / sig•nif•i•cance

301 sequence / se•quence

score / score300

303 set / set

305 show / show


Page 39: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

315 stance / stance stancestandard standardize standardstandards standardizedstandardizer standardizing

standardizesstate state stated statelystateliness stated stateless


318 statement / state•ment statementstrategy strategize strategic strategicallystrategics strategizedstrategist strategizing

strategizesstructure structure structured structurallystructuralism structuredstructuralist structuring


study study studious studiouslystudiousness studied


style style stylish stylishlystyler styled stylistic stylisticallystylishness stylingstylist stylesstylisticssubject subjectsubjection subjected


subjectiveness subjective subjectivelysubjectivism subjectivistic subjectivisticallysubjectivistsubjectivity

325 subsequent / sub•se•quent subsequence subsequent subsequentlysubstitute substitute substitutional substitutionallysubstituter substituted substitutive substitutivelysubstitution substitutingsubstitutiveness substitutes

327 succinct / suc•cinct succinctness succinct succinctly

322 style / style

326 substitute / sub•sti•tute

323 subject / sub•ject

324 subjective / sub•jec•tive

320 structure / struc•ture

321 study / stud•y

317 state / state

319 strategy / strat•e•gy

316 standard / stan•dard


Page 40: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

suggester suggest suggestive suggestiblysuggestiblity suggested suggestible suggestivelysuggestibleness suggesting suggestivesuggestion suggestssuggestivenesssum sum


summarist summarize summarizablesummarization summarizedsummarizer summarizing


summarysummarinesssupports support supportable supportablysupportability supported supporting supportivelysupporter supporting supportivesupportiveness supportssurveys survey surveyablesurveyor surveyed


symbolization symbolize symbolic symbolicallysymbolism symbolized symbolistic symbolisticallysymbolist symbolizing symbologicalsymbolic symbolizessymbologysymbologistsynonym synomize synonymic synonymouslysynonymity synomized synonymoussynonymousness synomizingsynonymy synomizessynthesization synthesizesynthesizer synthesized


table tabletableful tabled


338 technique / tech•nique technique

328 suggest / sug•gest

329 sum / sum

330 summarize / sum•ma•rize

331 summary / sum•ma•ry

332 support / sup•port

333 survey / sur•vey

334 symbolize / sym•bol•ize

335 synonym / syn•o•nym

336 synthesize / syn•the•size

337 table / ta•ble


Page 41: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

term term termless termlytermedtermingterms

test test testabletestability testedtester testing

teststheme theme thematic thematically


342 thesis / the•sis thesis343 timeline / time•line timeline344 tone / tone tone

topic topical topicallytopicalitytrace trace traceable traceablytraces traced traceless tracelesslytraceability tracingtraceableness tracestracer

347 trait / trait traittransition transition transitional transitionally

transitioned transitionarytransitioningtransitions

translatability translate translatabletranslation translated translationaltranslator translating translatorial

translatestypicality typical typicallytypicalness

351 unique / u•nique uniqueness unique uniquelyutilization utilize utilizableutilizer utilized


validity valid validlyvalidnessvariation variational variationallyvariate

339 term / term

340 test / test

341 theme / theme

345 topic / top•ic

346 trace / trace

348 transition / tran•si•tion

349 translate / trans•late

350 typically / typ•i•cal•ly

352 utilize / u•til•ize

353 valid / val•id

354 variation / var•i•a•tion


Page 42: Vocabulary Word List

What You Are ReadingWhat the Assignment Requires You To Do

Specific Details About Things That

Must Be Done

How To Do What Has To Be Done

No. Vocabulary Word Nouns Verbs Adjectives Adverbsabbreviator abbreviate abbreviated

The categorical breakdown of each word compiled by [Rick Smith] www.englishcompanion.com/pdfDocs/acvocabulary2.pdf

List compiled by [© Jim Burke]. Visit www.englishcompanion.com for more information. Teachers may copy for classroom use.

Academic Vocabulary List

Frequently Used Words Found in Non/fiction Writings (Textbooks,

Assignments, Content Area Standards, and Examinations)

vary varying varyinglyvariedvaryingvaries

verifiability verify verifiable verifiablyverifier verified verificativeverification verifyingverificationism verifies

357 viewpoint / view•point viewpointvoice voice voiced voicelesslyvoicedness voiced voicefulvoicefulness voicing voicelessvoicelessness voicesvoicer

356 verify / ver•i•fy

358 voice / voice

355 vary / var•y


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IELTS is an international standardized test for English language proficiency for non-native English language speakers. It is jointly managed by the British Council, IDP: IELTS Australia, and Cambridge Assessment English, and was established in 1989.

IELTS Vocabulary Words List PDF with meaning can improve and build your passive vocabulary word lists by reading and listening. Vocabulary covers 25% of the marks for IELTS writing and speaking tests, and it also plays a key role in reading and listening.

IELTS Vocabulary Words List PDF | IELTS Vocabulary List PDF

  • Curler – Roller
  • Grasping – Greedy
  • Skull – Cranium
  • Conscientious – Virtuous
  • Hate – Loathe
  • Foyer – Lobby
  • Maneuver – Manipulate
  • Numerous – Many
  • Wonderful – Marvelous
  • Bloodbath – Massacre
  • Cruel – Mean
  • Important – Meaningful
  • Quite – Fairly
  • In The Meantime – Meanwhile
  • Reminiscence – Memory
  • Obligatory – Compulsory
  • Unforeseen – Unexpected
  • After – Following, Next
  • Intellectual – Mental
  • Contemporary – Modern
  • Humble – Modest
  • Religious – Devout
  • Impolite – Rude
  • Second – Moment
  • Temper – Mood
  • Immobile – Motionless
  • Mobile – Moveable
  • Hearsay – Rumor
  • Pattern – Sample
  • Homicide – Murder
  • Incidentally – By The Way
  • To Condemn – To Sentence
  • Devil – Satan
  • Passable – Satisfactory
  • Contented – Satisfied
  • Warranty – Guarantee
  • Meager – Scanty
  • Almost – Nearly
  • Afraid – Scared
  • Dull – Blunt
  • Comic – Comedian
  • Stupid – Silly
  • To Renew – To Resume
  • Hint – Trace, Tip
  • Uncared For – Neglected
  • Damage – Hurt
  • Easy – Simple
  • Transparent – Obvious
  • Moment – Occasion
  • To Beat – To Defeat
  • Unbiased – Impartial
  • Rude – Impolite
  • Deserted – Abandoned
  • To Denote – To Indicate, To Represent
  • Unmarried – Single
  • Cry – Sob
  • Foxy – Cunning
  • Depraved – Wicked, Evil
  • Ability – Skill
  • Scrumptious – Delicious
  • Mysterious – Occult
  • Couch – Sofa
  • Vacancy – Emptiness
  • Special – Exceptional
  • Daybreak – Dawn
  • Trivial – Worthless
  • Naked – Bare
  • To Bring Sth. Back – To Reintroduce
  • Arise – Occur
  • Convention – Conference
  • Uninjured – Unhurt
  • Mild – Gentle
  • Earth – Soil
  • Movie – Film
  • Beneficial – Favorable
  • To Illustrate – To Demonstrate
  • To Hazard – To Endanger
  • Worn – Old
  • Everlasting – Eternal
  • Enemy – Opponent
  • Modern – Contemporary
  • Uncommon – Unusual
  • Non – Stop
  • Pressing – Urgent

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Added on 08 Oct, 2022 by pk

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