Word list txt file

List Of English Words

A text file containing over 466k English words.

While searching for a list of english words (for an auto-complete tutorial)
I found: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/2213607/how-to-get-english-language-word-database which refers to https://www.infochimps.com/datasets/word-list-350000-simple-english-words-excel-readable (archived).

No idea why infochimps put the word list inside an excel (.xls) file.

I pulled out the words into a simple new-line-delimited text file.
Which is more useful when building apps or importing into databases etc.

Copyright still belongs to them.

Files you may be interested in:

  • words.txt contains all words.
  • words_alpha.txt contains only [[:alpha:]] words (words that only have letters, no numbers or symbols). If you want a quick solution choose this.
  • words_dictionary.json contains all the words from words_alpha.txt as json format.
    If you are using Python, you can easily load this file and use it as a dictionary for faster performance. All the words are assigned with 1 in the dictionary.

See read_english_dictionary.py for example usage.

Word List Txt File With Code Examples

Hello everyone, In this post, we will examine how to solve the Word List Txt File problem using the computer language.

list of 10 000 english words : https://www.mit.edu/~ecprice/wordlist.10000

list of ~1 million words (or weak passwords or something) : https://wordlists.capsop.com/

most complete list of 480k english words : https://github.com/dwyl/english-words

By examining various real-world cases, we’ve shown how to fix the Word List Txt File bug.

What is a dictionary text file?

A dictionary file is a file that describes the format of flat text files. Dictionary files have either a dic or dict extension. They can be manually created text files, or files generated by the VI Fileout Output Object.

What are the 1000 most commonly used words in English?

Our list of the 1000 most common and frequently used words in English IN ORDER OF FREQUENCY.

  • wrong.
  • love.
  • cut.
  • decide.
  • republican.
  • full.
  • behind.
  • pass. interest.

What are the most common English words?

100 most common words

How many English words are there?

We considered dusting off the dictionary and going from A1 to Zyzzyva, however, there are an estimated 171,146 words currently in use in the English language, according to the Oxford English Dictionary, not to mention 47,156 obsolete words.24-Jun-2018

How do I turn a text file into a dictionary?

Use str. split() to convert a file into a dictionary

  • a_dictionary = {}
  • a_file = open(“data.txt”)
  • for line in a_file:
  • key, value = line. split() Split line into a tuple.
  • a_dictionary[key] = value. Add tuple values to dictionary.
  • print(a_dictionary)

How do I read a text file in a dictionary?

We can read a dictionary from a file in 3 ways:

  • Using the json. loads() method : Converts the string of valid dictionary into json form.
  • Using the ast. literal_eval() method : Function safer than the eval function and can be used for interconversion of all data types other than dictionary as well.
  • Using the pickle.

What is the number 1 most used word?

‘The’ tops the league tables of most frequently used words in English, accounting for 5% of every 100 words used. “’The’ really is miles above everything else,” says Jonathan Culpeper, professor of linguistics at Lancaster University.09-Jan-2020

What is the least used word?

Least Common English Words

  • abate: reduce or lesson.
  • abdicate: give up a position.
  • aberration: something unusual, different from the norm.
  • abhor: to really hate.
  • abstain: to refrain from doing something.
  • adversity: hardship, misfortune.
  • aesthetic: pertaining to beauty.
  • amicable: agreeable.

What are the new words for 2022?

You should start using the following 10 trending and new English words in 2022 where necessary.

  • FINFLUENCER. Meaning: A specific type of influencer who focuses on money-related topics.
  • STAN.
  • LOW-KEY.

What is the most used word 2022?

Instead, here are the five most popular words and phrases of 2022.

  • Metaverse. A popular word thanks to the blockchain technology explosion in 2021, people are more curious than ever about the metaverse.
  • Non-binary.
  • UBI.
  • Supply Chain Crisis.
  • NFT.

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answered on
November 14, 2020




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    word list txt file
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    text file list of words




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    Перейти к контенту

    Если вы читаете нас регулярно то наверняка уже знаете что одной из техник взлома является брут форс. Но для того чтобы успешно выполнить такую атаку нам нужен очень хороший wordlist(тоесть тот подбор слов в котром может содержатся пароль жертвы). Хочю добавить что ни одна брут форс атака не может быть запущена без Wordlist. Как создать простой Wordlist с Crunch мы уже написали, но как создать прям хорошии екземпляр возникает вопрос у многих хакеров которые ищут уже готовые или даже покупают их! Но зачем когда можно сохдать свой собстенный.

    Для начало установите crunch если его у вас нету.

    apt-get install crunch

    Чтобы ознакомится с мануалом crunch где описано что и как пишем

    man crunch

    Базовый синтаксис для crunch выглядит следующим образом:

    crunch <min> <max> <characterset> -t <pattern> -o <output filename>
    @ - строчные буквы
    , - прописные буквы
    % - цифры
    ^ - специальные символы

    Но как же нам создать wordlist с комбинацией слов которые нам нужны? Приведу пару примеров

    crunch 8 8 -t name%%%% -o Desktop/file.txt

    crunch syntaxes

    crunch file

    8 8 длина нашего стринга, -t синтакса создание файла, -o где будет сохраниться  наш файл.
    В данном случае у нас будет генерироваться такой файл:
    Стринг из 8-ми букв, первые 4 буквы будут name остальные 4 будут цифры от 0000 до 9999
    crunch 7 7 -t ,%abc%^ -o Desktop/fil.txt

    wordlist created

    crunch 8 8 -t %%,@@@@^ -d 2% -b 99mb -o START

    crunch будет генерировать 8-ми символьную строку  начиная с 000A  в отдельные файлы по 99mb.

    Немогу не напомнить вам что данный метод не устарел и весьмо эффективен против незащищенных сайтов и полезен при создание Wordlista для взлома Wifi.

    Статя предоставлена в ознакомительных целях и никак не призывает к действию.

    I’m working through an introductory Python programming course on MIT OCW. On this problem set I’ve been given some code to work on and a text file. The code and the text file are in the same folder. The code looks like this:

    import random 
    import string
    def load_words( ): 
           print "Loading word list from file..." 
           inFile = open (WORDLIST_FILENAME, 'r', 0) 
           line = inFile.readline( ) 
           wordlist = string.split (line) 
           print " ", len(wordlist), "words loaded." 
           return wordlist
    def choose_word (wordlist): 
           return random.choice (wordlist)
    wordlist = load_words ( )

    When I run the code as it is, the problem set instructions say I should get this:

    Loading word list from file... 
    55900 words loaded.

    For some reason though, when I run the code I get:

    Loading word list from file... 
    1 words loaded

    I’ve tried omitting the 2nd and 3rd parameters from the input to the open function but to no avail. What could the problem be?

    Moreover, when I try to print the value of wordlist I get


    When I print the value of line within the context of the relevant function I get:


    The text file does begin with 'AA', but what about all of the letters that follow?

    Just Want a List of Words? ❓

    If you only care about the list of words in this repo, 📝
    that’s great; use them and have an awesome day! 🎉


    Want More? 🚀

    For the minuscule minority of people who want more, this issue is for you! 🙌


    Brief History / Context

    A few years ago I needed a list of English Words for a work project. 👨‍💻
    Went searching and didn’t find a ready-made list of English Words … 🔍 🤷‍♂️

    But found this StackOverflow Question and Answer:


    Extracted the words from the Excel file that was on InfoChimps (now 404) and dumped them in a .txt file.
    Put it on GitHub and linked to it in a comment on SO and didn’t give it anymore thought. 👌

    Sadly, the work project that used the words was closed source for a company that got acquired and the App was shut down. 😢 The folly of working on closed source things is that you often have nothing to show for your years of your life! 💭

    Meanwhile many thousands of people have downloaded the word list and the repo has 8.3k ⭐ 🤯

    The mini [Open Source] demo project I created: nelsonic/autocomplete ➡️ wordsy.herokuapp.com …


    will soon be taken offline by Heroku’s Bean-counters 🙄

    I outlined what I wanted to do in autocomplete#tasks but it’s very incomplete …
    so this issue will give a muuuuch better roadmap of what we’re doing. 🤞

    What challenge are we solving? 🤔

    The original purpose of this repo will 100% be maintained. ✅
    What we are doing is enhancing the repo with a showcase App that allows people to:

    With that in mind, this is the plan:

    1. High quality list of English words in an easy to extract file/format e.g. .txt, .json and .zip
    2. Instructions for how to use the words in various programming languages; code examples.
    • [ ] JavaScript/TypeScript
    • [ ] Python
    • [ ] Elixir
    • [ ] Dart
    • [ ] Rust
    • [ ] Invite contributions from the community for code examples from more programming languages [but NOT frameworks]
      Make it clear that we really don’t want a React sample because we don’t want to encourage anyone to use it.
    1. Clarity on the Process for updating the words list both adding, correcting and removing [invalid] words.
    2. Automate the creation of the .zip file so that we don’t have people attempting to submit Pull Requests with Zip Files.

    We’re never going to accept a PR with a zip file. It’s an easy attack vector for a malicious auto-executable.
    Read more: https://github.com/snyk/zip-slip-vulnerability
    It’s not that we don’t «trust» people … but we know that not everyone on GitHub has good intentions.
    Crime pays otherwise there wouldn’t be any crims … And cyber-crime pays big BTCs! So let’s just avoid it. 👌

    1. Allow anyone to lookup words with auto-completion and to make suggestions via Web App/UI. That will invite way more people including non-technical people who don’t know how to use GitHub to help maintain+improve the list of words.


    • [ ] Review the existing/open PRs and try to merge them: https://github.com/dwyl/english-words/issues/155
    • [ ] Create Phoenix App 🆕 … Note: waiting for Phoenix v1.7 to do this to minimise time wasted with updates … ⏳
    • [ ] Re-create basic features from nelsonic/autocomplete:
      • [ ] Use PostgreSQL for simplicity.
      • [ ] If we notice too much query latency, we can switch to SQLite or ETS for speed:
    • [ ] Load the current English Words List into the DB
    • [ ] Determine/decide what other metadata we want to store for each word. 💭
    • [ ] Discuss any other features we want to have. (please comment!) 💬

    enhancement help wanted T1d chore epic technical priority-2 discuss 

    Introduction: Python and Word Lists

    One of the challenges of working with large amounts of data in a program is how to do it efficiently. In Python importing the code could not be easier, but everything gets bogged down when you try to work with it and search for items inside of modify it. In these next few examples I will provide several solutions to working with a word list containing practically every word in the English Language to solve various problems.

    If you are new to Python — a great first language — everything can be downloaded from here

    Attached is the actual word lists in a .txt file. There are 113,808 individual words, each on their own line.

    When you run the program the script and word list need to be in the same folder, otherwise you will get an error to the effect of «no such file exists»

    Step 1: Helpful Code Sections

    Before we begin there are a couple of lines of code that you might find helpful for interpreting what is going on if Python is still new to you.

    fin = open(‘words.txt’)  — This line opens up the file (it can be any file)
    for line in fin: — This line goes through the file one line at a time up until the 113,809th line
    word = line.strip() — This line removes all the white space and formatting so that only the characters in the specific line are stored in a string with variable name word.

    Step 2: Words With «E»

    In this program the challenge was to find how many words had the letter «e» in them or did not. One of the things to keep in mind though is that some words have «e» in them more than once, but they should only be counted as having «e» in them once.

    This program runs through the word list line by line and tests to see whether «e» is in the word. If it is it keeps checking through the word to see if there are anymore «e». The total number of «e» are stored in a temporary variable. At the end of the word if that temporary variable is greater or equal to 1 does it then add 1 to the total number of words with «e», thus avoiding duplicates.

    Step 3: Palindrome

    What this program does is check to see if a word is a palindrome by starting with the first and last characters of a string and comparing them. If they are the same it works its way inward until it has completed all the letter or the number of letters is odd in which case the middle letter is ignored.

    If it is a palindrome it returns True otherwise it returns False

    This program only checks for individual words. For an extra challenge try modify it so that it goes through the entire word list and finds all the words with palindromes.

    Step 4: Use Only Some/All of Provided Letters

    In this program the challenge was to find all the words that could be made only with the supplied letters. Then more for fun we tried to form a complete sentence out of these words.

    The words could use one, some, or all of the supplied letters. You can put in different combinations of letters to see what gives you the most or the least.

    For a second program that was similar we had to modify it so that it would only print words that contained each and every word provided. However, if there were two letter «a» then the other word had to have 2 letter «a» not one and another letter of something else.

    Step 5: Exclusion

    In the exact opposite of the previous two this program’s purpose was to find all of the words that did not contain any of the provided letters. 

    What combination of words do you think excludes the fewest words? 

    Step 6: Alphabetical Order

    Now enough about characters in and out of words! For this program the challenge is to find all of the words that are spelled in alphabetical order. Our of 113,809 words how many do you think are spelled in alphabetical order?

    The way this program works is to look at each word and go through it character by character comparing each character to the last character stored in a temporary variable. If it is in alphabetical order then it adds 1 to the total amount list.

    You can actually compare characters in python for example is a < b ? Or you can convert it to a number ord[a] = 97 ord[b] = 98 and so on.

    Step 7: Rotate

    You could think of this as a very basic encryption or decryption program. What this does is take each letter and move it down x spaces (that you define) along in the alphabet so «a» moves 2 spaces  = «c».

    Since we talked about how to convert a character to number in this program it seems only fit to convert number to characters. Use the chr(x) function ex. chr(97) = «a».

    This program works by converting each character in a string to a string to a number, adding the defined amount and then converting it back into a character.

    Step 8: The Ultimate Project — Anagrams / Bingo Solver

    This program — a compilation of them all sorts through the entire word list 100,000+ words and sorts them according to the characters that they are made up of. Amazingly it only takes Python roughly 1.5 seconds to run through the entire program. Then it sorts the anagrams according to the number of anagrams per character set from greatest to least. For example from ‘islt’ you can form ‘list’ and ‘silt’

    Part 2 of this is to see which 8 character set forms the most anagrams in order to see what is the maximum possible number of Bingos that can be formed. It turns out there are 7 possible words that can be formed with the solution.

    The most possible anagrams of a character set is 11.

    Be the First to Share


    These are dictionaries that have been floating around for some time now and are here for you to practice with. Once you get good at using a dictionary,and if these don’t crack the password for you, it would be a good idea to make your own with Crunch.
    I have also included Wordlist that come pre-installed with Backtrack and Kali called darkc0de.lst and rockyou.txt

    Due to bandwidth and storage limitations I am using free file sharing services Mediafire, Openload, and 4shared to store the files for download.

    Wireless Pen testing requires an adapter that can go into monitor mode.

    Read Here for a List of Wireless Penetration Compatible USB Adapters.WPA/WPA 2 Dictionaries Downloads

     If the Wordlist below are removed here is a Torrent link to download a 8.5GB collection of WPA/WPA2 Wordlist Dictionaries. A Torrent client will be needed.

     The Big WPA List files will need to be extracted after downloading.

     Direct Download Links
    BIG-WPA-LIST-1 MediaFire 247MB
    BIG-WPA-LIST-1 Openload 247MB
    BIG-WPA-LIST-1 4shared

    BIG-WPA-LIST-2 MediaFire 307MB
    BIG-WPA-LIST-2 Openload 307MB
    BIG-WPA-LIST-2 4shared

     BIG-WPA-LIST-3 MediaFire 277MB
    BIG-WPA-LIST-3 Openload 277MB
    BIG-WPA-LIST-3 4shared

     Darkc0de.lst MediaFire 17.4MB Default Backtrack 5 Dictionary
    Darkc0de.lst Openload 17.4MB Default Backtrack 5 Dictionary


    Rockyou.txt 133MB Default Kali Linux Dictionary
    Rockyou.txt Openload 133MB Default Kali Linux Dictionary

     Names MediaFire 3.7MB Long file list of names and name variations
    Names Openload 3.7MB Long file list of names and name variations


    Wordlist For Wi-Fi Hashes Cracking || Big Word List Files ||
    Wordlist For Wi-Fi Hashes Cracking  || Big Word List Files  ||

    Reviewed by Adarsh Raj

    May 23, 2020

    Rating: 5

    Wordlist For Wi-Fi Hashes Cracking || Big Word List Files ||

    Keep See at Last #1 Small Files Below are some dictionaries that can be used with Backtrack or Kali Linux. They are plain Wordlist dictionar…

    • Keep See at Last #1 Small Files Below are some dictionaries that can be used with Backtrack or Kali Linux. They are plain Wordlist dictionar…

    • Welcome to INDIA_TECH …

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