Word list high school

By Ashley Austrew

Whether you’re a teacher, a parent, or a high school student yourself, you’re probably aware that having a strong vocabulary is important for reading, writing, and speaking. In ninth through twelfth grades, students are not only tackling high-level coursework, but also preparing for their adult lives beyond school. The words they learn now will carry through into their later educational and career endeavors, and that makes it especially important to put in the effort to grow their vocabulary, literacy, and spelling skills.

To help get high schoolers back in the swing of things, we’ve put together 12 word lists with hundreds of essential vocabulary words for every stage of high school, along with flash cards, quizzes, and more. These words will not only help students in English class or while taking the SAT. They’ll also help students studying advanced science, history, art, political science, and more. Keep scrolling to learn them all!

When you’re preparing for the big tests in your life, turn to these word lists and quizzes build right for the SAT, ACT, and more.

Ninth-grade vocabulary words and tips

In ninth grade, students are making the transition into advanced learning that will prepare them for college, careers, and beyond. These students are exploring history, science, writing, and literature, and being able to spell and comprehend a great many multisyllabic words with multiple meanings is an important skill.

Ninth graders aren’t only studying words for their spelling or meaning, though. Rather, they’re studying vocabulary to gain a deeper understanding of language and the ability to analyze the impact of words in context. This is a requirement for much of the higher level learning and analysis done by students in high school. Reading remains important at this stage, as does studying new words to learn and use throughout their school work. Here are 75 vocabulary words ninth graders need to know.

  • Ninth-Grade Vocab Word List 1
    • absorption
    • characteristic
    • executive
    • accomodation
    • reference
    • grateful
    • ascend
    • satisfactory
    • interval
    • civilization … full list
  • Ninth-Grade Vocab Word List 2
    • cocoon
    • remembrance
    • favorable
    • precise
    • interpretation
    • accompaniment
    • sensible
    • ecstasy
    • administration
    • monotony … full list
  • Ninth-Grade Vocab Word List 3
    • adequate
    • fiery
    • adolescent
    • suppress
    • nuisance
    • indispensable
    • opposition
    • lively
    • commissioner
    • hindrance … full list

Now take those ninth grade skills up a notch with this quiz!

Tenth-grade vocabulary words and tips

Students in tenth grade are building on many of the literacy skills they acquired in ninth grade. They’re able to not only decode complex words, but also to understand the figurative, connotative, and technical meanings within a text, analyze word choice, and determine the best words to use to convey their ideas.

Students at this stage are likely also preparing to take practice SAT and ACT tests within the coming year or so, making it all the more important for them to have a rich and robust vocabulary. Reviewing these word lists, practicing with flash cards, and taking advantage of our spelling and definition quizzes will help kids slowly and steadily make progress on this goal. Here are three word lists to help tenth graders feel ahead of the curve.

  • Tenth-Grade Vocab Word List 1
    • circumvent
    • indigenous
    • estrange
    • anarchy
    • dormant
    • derogatory
    • belligerent
    • unilateral
    • stringent
    • connotation … full list
  • Tenth-Grade Vocab Word List 2
    • assiduous
    • obscure
    • vindicate
    • expedite
    • bolster
    • coalition
    • perfunctory
    • nonchalant
    • impetuous
    • disseminate … full list
  • Tenth-Grade Vocab Word List 3
    • dissident
    • subordinate
    • admonish
    • jurisdiction
    • travesty
    • precipitate
    • alternative
    • redeem
    • bureaucratic
    • validate … full list 

Once you’ve reviewed these words, consider testing your expertise of tenth grade vocabulary with a quiz.

Eleventh-grade vocabulary words and tips

By eleventh grade, much of the focus for students is on college and career readiness. By the end of their eleventh-grade year, many students will have taken their ACT or SAT. They’re likely also looking at colleges they’d like to apply to during their senior year, and probably practicing those admissions essays as well. All of this makes a strong vocabulary an especially important thing to have.

Rather than cramming for a specific test or assignment, it will be helpful for eleventh graders to focus on study and enrichment all year long. They can use these three lists to get started by reviewing the words daily with digital flashcards and taking our accompanying word quizzes to see how much they’ve retained. With a little practice each day, these terms will be second nature to eleventh graders in no time.

  • Eleventh-Grade Vocab Word List 1
    • iconoclast
    • aberration
    • brevity
    • affinity
    • indoctrinate
    • coalesce
    • proximity
    • debilitate
    • contradiction
    • effervescent … full list
  • Eleventh-Grade Vocab Word List 2
    • conciliatory
    • scrutinize
    • edifice
    • biased
    • heretic
    • accolade
    • dearth
    • altercation
    • usurp
    • delineate … full list
  • Eleventh-Grade Vocab Word List 3
    • edifice
    • aesthetic
    • tirade
    • caustic
    • rigorous
    • indict
    • ponderance
    • dilettante
    • judicious
    • ameliorate … full list

Think you can pass this eleventh grade vocab quiz? Only one way to find out!

Twelfth-grade vocabulary words and tips

In their final year of high school, students are able to interpret, use, and understand some of the most complex words in the English language. They’ve built up their vocabularies through their regular coursework and by studying for the SAT or ACT, if they’ve taken the tests or plan to. Students at this level are working with the real world in mind, and they need to be able to interpret language in a variety of settings.

So, what’s left to do? Plenty! It’s time to deepen their understanding of language and create a lifelong practice of learning and thinking about the way we use words. For twelfth graders, this may mean reading more complicated books and poetry, being adventurous in their writing, and seeking new opportunities for learning, which is a lifelong skill that will benefit them once they leave the four walls of the school building. They can start by getting familiar with these word lists. These words are ones they may need for test prep, college, their careers, and beyond. Start by reviewing the words, and then dig in to our spelling tests and quizzes to build a functional and seriously impressive vocabulary in no time.

  • Twelfth-Grade Vocab Word List 1
    • anachronism
    • impute
    • abdicate
    • denouement
    • camaraderie
    • incompatible
    • ephemeral
    • prudent
    • expository
    • digression … full list
  • Twelfth-Grade Vocab Word List 2
    • evanescent
    • abbreviate
    • frugal
    • hackneyed
    • adulation
    • longevity
    • florid
    • diligent
    • wary
    • rancorous … full list
  • Twelfth-Grade Vocab Word List 3
    • anecdote
    • intrepid
    • fortuitous
    • ostentatious
    • superfluous
    • demagogue
    • subtle
    • arid
    • transient
    • collaborative … full list

Once you’ve reviewed these words, test yourself with this quiz built straight for twelfth grade vocabulary.

Ashley Austrew is a freelance journalist and writer from Omaha, Nebraska. Her work has been published at CosmopolitanScary MommyScholastic, and other outlets. For more by Ashley, read: “Teacher” vs. “Tutor”: Why Most Kids Need Both | Your Student Can Take Middle School By Storm With The Right Vocabulary | Make Your Writing The Star Of National Grammar Day With These Tips | How To Plan Out And Plan Ahead For Your Final Project

High school (9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th grade) students usually have to spend lots of time building vocabulary, especially those planning to test the SAT or ACT. (Some students’ grade 9 is in junior high school or middle school, starting high school from 10th grade. In this scenario, please take tasks from your actual class.)

In general, high school words are in three groups:

  • Spelling words: know them and can spell them correctly to express ideas
  • Academic words: used in classes for all subjects, must understand them to get good scores in non-language subjects
  • Literature words: selected from classics that are recommended to students of the grades, nice to know them

We provide a relatively difficult spelling words list, 500 words for each grade. It’s for high school students to evaluate and enhance English vocabulary skills. Besides, we offer another harder word list in the Academic Arts section as a supplement for those planning to pursue further academic careers.

We organize word lists by grades at first. You can get spelling words, academic words (for Arts), and literature words in each grade accordingly. Tutors and parents can get word lists for separate grades and subjects here.

Because some high school subjects aren’t set by particular grades, we will list academic words (for social studies, science, and math) by subjects, not by grades.

Please focus on Spelling Words and Arts of Academic if you are new here. They are core in high school students’ vocabulary.

However, what you get isn’t only a set of high school words. It’s an all-in-one tool to study high school vocabulary; it tells you what to learn, when, and how to learn. It also integrates with lots of interactive tests and exercises and printable worksheets. It’s handy for students to access anywhere and anytime through the Internet.

Considering the attributes of different word lists, we have developed various study and exercise tools, such as online cards, interactive exercises, printable cards, and printable quizzes. We show some samples here.

Although we encourage high school students to manage their studying activities, tutors and parents can also produce printable worksheets dynamically to help students warm up, review, or quiz.

As we present in 10 Questions about K12 Spelling Words, in general, the average active vocabulary of an adult English speaker is around 20,000 words. If plus passive vocabulary, the total is around 40,000 words. For students who are leaving high school for college, these 100 hard English words are a quick tool to evaluate vocabulary skills. A 12 grader may not know each of them but should comprehend most of them. 

abjure: Speak

abrogate: Speak

abstemious: Speak

acumen: Speak

antebellum: Speak

auspicious: Speak

belie: Speak

bellicose: Speak

bowdlerize: Speak

chicanery: Speak

chromosome: Speak

churlish: Speak

circumlocution: Speak

circumnavigate: Speak

deciduous: Speak

deleterious: Speak

diffident: Speak

enervate: Speak

enfranchise: Speak

epiphany: Speak

equinox: Speak

evanescent: Speak

expurgate: Speak

fatuous: Speak

feckless: Speak

fiduciary: Speak

filibuster: Speak

gamete: Speak

gauche: Speak

gerrymander: Speak

hegemony: Speak

hemoglobin: Speak

homogeneous: Speak

hubris: Speak

hypotenuse: Speak

impeach: Speak

incognito: Speak

incontrovertible: Speak

inculcate: Speak

infrastructure: Speak

interpolate: Speak

irony: Speak

jejune: Speak

kinetic: Speak

kowtow: Speak

laissezfaire: Speak

lexicon: Speak

loquacious: Speak

lugubrious: Speak

metamorphosis: Speak

mitosis: Speak

moiety: Speak

nanotechnology: Speak

nihilism: Speak

nomenclature: Speak

nonsectarian: Speak

notarize: Speak

obsequious: Speak

oligarchy: Speak

omnipotent: Speak

orthography: Speak

oxidizeparabola: Speak

paradigm: Speak

parameter: Speak

pecuniary: Speak

photosynthesis: Speak

plagiarize: Speak

plasma: Speak

polymer: Speak

precipitous: Speak

quasar: Speak

quotidian: Speak

recapitulate: Speak

reciprocal: Speak

reparation: Speak

respiration: Speak

sanguine: Speak

soliloquy: Speak

subjugate: Speak

suffragist: Speak

supercilious: Speak

tautology: Speak

taxonomy: Speak

tectonic: Speak

tempestuous: Speak

thermodynamics: Speak

totalitarian: Speak

unctuous: Speak

usurpvacuous: Speak

vehement: Speak

vortex: Speak

winnow: Speak

wrought: Speak

xenophobe: Speak

yeoman: Speak

ziggurat: Speak

Want to study or practice them? Please get Hard words for 12th-graders

Words selected by the Editors of the American Heritage® Dictionaries. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company.

100 words

38,782 learners

Learn words with Flashcards and other activities

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Full list of words from this list:

  1. abjure

    formally reject or disavow a formerly held belief

  2. abrogate

    revoke formally

  3. abstemious

    marked by temperance in indulgence

  4. acumen

    shrewdness shown by keen insight

  5. antebellum

    belonging to a period before a war

  6. auspicious

    indicating favorable circumstances and good luck

  7. belie

    be in contradiction with

  8. bellicose

    having or showing a ready disposition to fight

  9. bowdlerize

    edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate

  10. chicanery

    the use of tricks to deceive someone

  11. chromosome

    a threadlike strand of DNA that carries genes

  12. churlish

    having a bad disposition; surly

  13. circumlocution

    an indirect way of expressing something

  14. circumnavigate

    travel completely around something

  15. deciduous

    shedding foliage at the end of the growing season

  16. deleterious

    harmful to living things

  17. diffident

    showing modest reserve

  18. enervate

    weaken physically, mentally, or morally

  19. enfranchise

    grant freedom to, as from slavery or servitude

  20. epiphany

    an inspiration or divine manifestation

  21. equinox

    when the sun crosses the plane of the earth’s equator

  22. euro

    the basic monetary unit of most members of the European Union (introduced in 1999); in 2002 twelve European nations (Germany, France, Belgium, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Austria, Finland) adopted the euro as their basic unit of money and abandoned their traditional currencies

  23. evanescent

    short-lived; tending to vanish or disappear

  24. expurgate

    edit by omitting or modifying parts considered indelicate

  25. facetious

    cleverly amusing in tone

  26. fatuous

    devoid of intelligence

  27. feckless

    generally incompetent and ineffectual

  28. fiduciary

    relating to or of the nature of a legal trust

  29. filibuster

    a tactic for delaying legislation by making long speeches

  30. gamete

    a mature sexual reproductive cell

  31. gauche

    lacking social polish

  32. gerrymander

    divide voting districts unfairly and to one’s advantage

  33. hegemony

    the dominance or leadership of one social group over others

  34. hemoglobin

    a red protein in blood that transports oxygen

  35. homogeneous

    all of the same or similar kind or nature

  36. hubris

    overbearing pride or presumption

  37. hypotenuse

    the side of a right triangle opposite the right angle

  38. impeach

    bring an accusation against

  39. incognito

    without revealing one’s identity

  40. incontrovertible

    impossible to deny or disprove

  41. inculcate

    teach and impress by frequent repetitions or admonitions

  42. infrastructure

    the basic features of a system or organization

  43. interpolate

    insert words into texts, often falsifying it thereby

  44. irony

    incongruity between what might be expected and what occurs

  45. jejune

    lacking interest or significance or impact

  46. kinetic

    relating to the motion of material bodies and their forces

  47. kowtow

    bend the knees and bow in a servile manner

  48. laissez faire

    a doctrine that government should not interfere in commerce

  49. lexicon

    a reference book containing an alphabetical list of words

  50. loquacious

    full of trivial conversation

  51. lugubrious

    excessively mournful

  52. metamorphosis

    striking change in appearance or character or circumstances

  53. mitosis

    the process by which a cell divides into two smaller cells

  54. moiety

    one of two approximately equal parts

  55. nanotechnology

    engineering that involves manipulating atoms and molecules

  56. nihilism

    complete denial of established authority and institutions

  57. nomenclature

    a system of words used to name things in a discipline

  58. nonsectarian

    not restricted to one religious or political group

  59. notarize

    authenticate by someone empowered to witness signatures

  60. obsequious

    attempting to win favor from influential people by flattery

  61. oligarchy

    a political system governed by a few people

  62. omnipotent

    having unlimited power

  63. orthography

    representing the sounds of a language by written symbols

  64. oxidize

    enter into a combination with oxygen

  65. parabola

    a curve formed by an object thrown in the air and falling

  66. paradigm

    a standard or typical example

  67. parameter

    a constant in the equation of a curve that can be varied

  68. pecuniary

    relating to or involving money

  69. photosynthesis

    formation of compounds in plants aided by radiant energy

  70. plagiarize

    take without referencing from someone’s writing or speech

  71. plasma

    the watery fluid in which blood cells are suspended

  72. polymer

    a naturally occurring or synthetic compound

  73. precipitous

    extremely steep

  74. quasar

    a starlike object that may send out radio waves

  75. quotidian

    found in the ordinary course of events

  76. recapitulate

    summarize briefly

  77. reciprocal

    concerning each of two or more persons or things

  78. reparation

    something done or paid in expiation of a wrong

  79. respiration

    a single complete act of breathing in and out

  80. sanguine

    confidently optimistic and cheerful

  81. soliloquy

    speech you make to yourself

  82. subjugate

    make subservient; force to submit or subdue

  83. suffragist

    an advocate of the extension of voting rights

  84. supercilious

    having or showing arrogant superiority

  85. tautology

    useless repetition

  86. taxonomy

    a classification of organisms based on similarities

  87. tectonic

    pertaining to the structure or movement of the earth’s crust

  88. tempestuous

    characterized by violent emotions or behavior

  89. thermodynamics

    physics concerned with heat and other forms of energy

  90. totalitarian

    of a government with an authority exerting absolute control

  91. unctuous

    unpleasantly and excessively suave or ingratiating

  92. usurp

    seize and take control without authority

  93. vacuous

    devoid of matter

  94. vehement

    marked by extreme intensity of emotions or convictions

  95. vortex

    a powerful circular current of water

  96. winnow

    the act of separating grain from chaff

  97. wrought

    shaped to fit by altering the contours of a pliable mass

  98. xenophobia

    a fear of foreigners or strangers

  99. yeoman

    a free man who cultivates his own land

  100. ziggurat

    a rectangular tiered temple or terraced mound

Created on February 12, 2012
(updated August 27, 2014)

Данный список содержит полный список английских слов по теме » Schooling», а также упражнения и тесты для закрепления и активизации лексики.


  1. Kinds of school
  2. School building & Interior
  3. Students & Attendance
  4. School curriculum & School subjects
  5. Studying at school  & School  problems
  6. Out-of-class activities
  7. School. Упражнения и тесты по теме «Школа. Обучение»


compulsory education — обязательное образование

free education — бесплатное образование

private school — частная школа

state school — государственная школа

Schooling. Полный список английских слов (intermediate)

1. Kinds of School  (Типы учебных заведений):

  1. primary school – начальная школа
  2. secondary (high) school – средняя школа
  3. higher school – высшее учебное заведение
  4. comprehensive school – общеобразовательная школа
  5. a school, specializing in — школа, специализирующаяся на
  6. gymnasium — гимназия
  7. lyceum – лицей
  8. technical school — техникум
  9. college — колледж

2. School Building & School Interior (Школьное здание снаружи и внутри):

  1. three-storey building — трехэтажное здание
  2. classroom — кабинет
  3. classroom of Russian (= Russian classroom)
  4. computer classroom – кабинет информатики
  5. be well-equipped with — хорош-оборудованный
  6. on the ground (first) floor — на первом этаже
  7. staff room (teacher’s room)- учительская
  8. sick room (doctor’s office, medical room) — медпункт
  9. school office — канцелярия
  10. canteen – буфет
  11. dining-hall — столовая в школе
  12. recreation — рекреация
  13. cloak-room (changing room) – раздевалка
  14. assembly hall – актовый зал
  15. gym- hall (gymnasium ) – спортивный зал
  16. workshop – мастерская
  17. headmaster’s office — кабинет директора
  18. laboratory – лаборатория
  19. library – библиотека
  20. entrance hall – вестибюль
  21. school museum – школьный музей
  22. aquarium — аквариум
  23. diploma — грамота
  24. palm — пальма
  25. poster — плакат
  26. stand — стенд

3. Staff, Students & Attendance (Персонал, учащиеся и посещаемость):

  1. headmaster (headmistress) — директор
  2. director of studies — завуч
  3. form mistress — классная руководительница
  4. librarian — библиотекарь
  5. nurse — медсестра
  6. security guard — охранник
  7. pupil — ученик начальной школы
  8. student — учащийся (ученик средней школы)
  9. schoolboy — школьник
  10. junior pupils – ученики младших классов
  11. senior students –старшеклассники
  12. attend lessons and classes — посещать уроки и занятия
  13. enter school — поступить в школу
  14. leave (finish) school — закончить школу
  15. pass from …. to….- перейти из….. в….
  16. miss school — пропускать школу
  17. change school — поменять школу

4. School Curriculum & School Subjects ( Учебный план и предметы):

  1. timetable — расписание (on the timetable)
  2. curriculum — учебный план
  3. term – четверть
  4. academic year –  учебный год
  5. at the end of each term… — в конце четверти
  6. obligatory — обязательный
  7. optional – факультативный
  8. lesson of Chemistry = Chemistry lesson — урок химии
  9. learn (study) different subjects — изучать различные предметы
  10. advanced mathematics – углубленный курс математики
  11. Science — точные науки
  12. The Humanities — предметы гуманитарного цикла
  13. study Science/ the Humanities — изучать предметы научного / гуманитарного цикла
  14. attend the optional (elective) class in ….. – необязательный, факультативный

Учебные предметы на английском языке: Maths, Algebra, Geometry, Russian, English, Biology, Geography, History, Literature, Chemistry, Botany, a foreign language, Physics, PE (Physical Education), Design and Technology (технология), Information Technology, Mechanical Drawing, Social Science / Social Studies  (обществоведение), Art, World Culture (МХК), Economics, Handicraft (ТРУД): (Cooking, Needlework,Woodwork, Metal work).

5. Studying at School  & School  Problems (Учеба в школе и школьные проблемы):

  1. do well/ badly — учиться хорошо/ плохо
  2. behave  well / badly- вести себя хорошо/ плохо
  3. solve problems in mathematics, physics — решать задачи по математике, физике
  4. prove theorems — доказывать теоремы
  5. do equations — решать уравнения
  6. do experiments in the lab — делать опыты в лаборатории
  7. swot smth – зубрить
  8. make smth out – понимать, разбираться в чем-то
  9. cheat – списывать, пользоваться шпаргалками
  10. prompt – подсказывать
  11. work by fits and starts — заниматься урывками
  12. studies — занятия
  13. exams — экзамены
  14. extra lessons — дополнительные занятия
  15. private lessons — частные уроки
  16. take lessons — брать уроки
  17. give lessons — давать уроки
  18. take an exam in Maths — сдавать экзамен по математике
  19. fail an exam — провалить экзамен
  20. pass an exam — сдать экзамен
  21. weak point  — слабое место
  22. poor memory — плохая память
  23. can’t remember dates (words, formulas) — не запоминать даты, слова, формулы
  24. fail to retell texts – не получается пересказывать тексты
  25. punish — наказывать
  26. punishment — наказание

6. Out-of-class Activities (Внеклассная деятельность):

  1. school activities – школьная деятельность
  2. take part in school activities — принимать участие в школьных мероприятиях
  3. have school traditions — иметь школьные традиции
  4. choir — хор
  5. club — кружок
  6. Drama Club — театральный кружок
  7. go hiking — ходить в поход
  8. go on excursion to – ездить на экскурсию в…..
  9. performe in school theatre — играть в школьном театре
  10. trip to… – поездка в …

Я надеюсь, что приведенный полный список английских слова по теме «School» поможет вам  подвести итог изучения данной темы, а упражнения и тесты ниже помогут активизировать изученные слова и уверенно использовать их в устной и письменной речи на английском языке. Всем успехов!

School. Упражнения и тесты для активизации словарного запаса

 Test 1.  School 

  1. They ___________ me a lot at school. (taught, studied, learned)
  2. I’m ____________my final exam next month. (passing, taking, making)
  3.  “ Have you ________your homework?” Pat’s mother asked her.  (made, done, wrote)
  4. Children have to carry heavy________.  (sacks, schoolbags, handbags)
  5. They have a very good school ____________. (restaurant, bar, canteen)
  6. _________is my favourite subject. (Historic, History, Story)
  7. I’m not _______________ Geography and Physics. (well with, good with, good at)
  8. These pupils are waiting for their teacher in the _________. (classroom, lesson, class)
  9. Sit ___________your desk and go on with your work. (at, on, near)
  10. No one likes to _____________ an exam. (lose, fail, fall)

Test 2.  School Life

  1. Who is the ________ of your school? (director, headmaster, chief)
  2. Clare was very popular with her ________. (schoolfellows, schoolchildren, schoolmates)
  3. Mathematics is a ______________subject at school.  (forced, compulsory, required)
  4. A___________ is all the different courses that are taught in a school or college.  (curriculum, scheme,  timetable)
  5. A __________ is a state school in which children of all abilities study together. (public school, elementary, comprehensive)
  6. I’m _________English and French classes. (following, attending, visiting)
  7. A nursery school is for ________. (babies, infants, nurses)
  8. Every one of their children___________ well at school. (did, succeeded, managed)
  9. A ________  is a school in Britain for children aged between 11 and 18 who have a high academic ability. (grammar school, state school, special school)
  10. It’s hard to ___________into the university. (enter, get, go)
  11. The function of school is to ______________ children. (bring up, educate, encourage)
  12. We’re building a car at our school ____________ (workshop, laboratory, workplace)

Exercise 1. Translate the text into English


Exercise 2. Describe the school where you study using the plan below and the vocabulary.

  1. Introduction (give general description of the place and people, some background and history).
  2. Main body (good/bad points now, your problems, how things will develop in the future).
  3. Ending (Mention some possible changes at your school).

Vocabulary (positive/negative):

  1. Location:

not far from, within walking distance from…, it is about 10 minutes walk from, it takes me 10 minutes to get to school. 

  1. Building/Classrooms/ Equipment:

(+) brightly painted/decorated, spacious, comfortable, modern, new, cozy

(-) depressing, gloomy, old, old-fashioned, tasteless, uncomfortable

  1. Classmates/ Teachers/ Friends:

(+) friendly, funny, helpful, confident, bright, encouraging, motivating, well-organized, experienced, popular with

(-) boring, noisy, disorganized, boring, strict, demanding, discouraging

  1. Lessons/ Subjects:

(+) favourite, important, motivating, well-organized, I am good at

(-) long, boring, difficult, disorganized, I am bad at

  1. Out of school activities:

in-school clubs, excursions, trips, theatre, hiking.

Exercise 3. Describe the school where you would like to study using the plan below and the same vocabulary.

Exercise 4. Answer the questions.

  1. How often do you miss your school?
  2. Do some children behave badly at school?
  3. What do they do?
  4. What kind of punishment do teahers use in your school?
  5. What is the most (least) effective punishment, in your opinion?

Exercise 5. Give a talk on the following topics.

  1. Teenage problems at school.
  2. Your idea of a perfect school.
  3. Your idea of a perfect teacher.
  4. Education at school.
  5. The code of conduct.
  6. Punishments at school.
  7. My best school friend.

Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps.

Exercise 7. Write a letter to your friend. 

… Recently I have moved to a new flat. I like my new school. We can choose subjects to study. I have chosen Maths and Physics. I like them because I am good at solving problems. And what about you? Do you like your school? What subjects are you good at? I hope you’ll write a lot of interesting things.

Best wishes,


The WriteAtHome Blog

Home / Blog / 100 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know

Posted on: 11-29-2012 by: Brian Wasko

100 Words for High School Students

The folks at American Heritage Dictionary have created a list of 100 words every high school student should know. They make it clear on their page that this is not intended to be an exhaustive list. I guess that means you should know more than just these hundred. But if you can use these words correctly, “you are likely to have a superior command of the language.”

Check it out. Can you use each word in a sentence? If you are not sure of a word’s definition, click it.

Update: I just finished a quiz to test your knowledge of the 100 words! Click here and see how well you do!

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Leave your comments below! How many of these words did you know?

Categories: Fun with Words Tags: American Heritage, dictionary, high school, student, vocabulary, words

About the Author

Brian WaskoBrian is the founder and president of WriteAtHome.com. One of his passions is to teach young people how to write better.View all posts by Brian Wasko

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Senior year of high school — especially the first semester — is quite a busy time for teens and parents. While you may hesitate to add anything more to your family’s plate at this time, you may want to make room for this list of 12th grade vocabulary words. Share this list, courtesy of Hyde Park Central School District, with your high school senior. Help your teen learn the meanings, uses, and spellings of these words. Challenge yourself and your teen to use these words in everyday conversation.

Your teen will encounter these words in every subject this year — and next year, too. When teens know these words, they are better able to understand what they read and hear in class, rather than getting lost because of unknown terms. When your 12th grader knows these words well enough to use them in writing and presentations, it will add precision, nuance, and eloquence to your teen’s work. Not only will knowing these words help your teen excel in school, they’ll also be better prepared when they pop up on college admissions tests (if your child chooses to take one of these tests).

12th grade vocabulary words

anachronistic empathy perfidious
abbreviate emulate precocious
abdicate enervating pretentious
abstinence enhance procrastinate
adulation ephemeral prosaic
adversity evanescent prosperity
aesthetic exasperation provocative
amicable exemplary prudent
anecdote extenuating querulous
anonymous florid rancorous
antagonist fortuitous reclusive
arid frugal reconciliation
assiduous hackneyed renovation
asylum haughty resilient
benevolent hedonist restrained
camaraderie hypothesis reverence
censure impetuous sagacity
circuitous impute scrutinize
clairvoyant incompatible spontaneity
collaborate inconsequential spurious
compassion inevitable submissive
compromise integrity substantiate
condescending intrepid subtle
conditional intuitive superficial
conformist jubilation superfluous
congregation lobbyist suppress
convergence longevity surreptitious
deleterious mundane tactful
demagogue nonchalant tenacious
digression novice transient
diligent opulent venerable
discredit orator vindicate
disdain ostentatious wary
divergent parched zealot

See the academic vocabulary lists for 10th grade and 11th grade, too.

Learn more about how to help your 12th grader with reading skills:

Read: Getting ready for college reading
Read: Making high school reading more inclusive
Watch: Is your teen learning the research skills needed for college?
Do: How to help a child find their purpose
Check out: 12th grade college prep timeline

VocabularySpellingCity offers free high school vocabulary word lists. All high school subject area teachers can import ready-made word lists with a variety of content specific vocabulary to assign engaging activities to students. Our activities align with the 9-12 grade level standards to fit any curriculum. Teachers also have the ability to create their own word lists based on their lesson plans and units of study.

High school vocabulary word lists feature vocabulary from Common Core exemplar novels, like Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird; plays, like Shakespeare’s The Tragedy of Macbeth; and epics, like Homer’s The Odyssey. Lists can be paired with word study activities to build vocabulary knowledge necessary to increase reading comprehension.

Science, social studies, math and other content area teachers can use the word lists found on VocabularySpellingCity to provide practice with new vocabulary words and review previously learned terms. This is a great way for high school students to learn differentiated vocabulary based on their abilities. By the time students get to high school, the vocabulary gap is wider, and VocabularySpellingCity is a great way to get high school students working from individual vocabulary lists based on their ability. High school students benefit from interactive games; the engagement helps them build a better understanding of key concepts and vocabulary needed to increase general and content area reading comprehension. Flashcards and Word Study are games that are well suited for high school students to practice their vocabulary.

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High School Vocabulary Word Practice Instruction

High school may be difficult to maneuver for students, as the curriculum becomes increasingly rigorous in order to build college and career readiness. As students enter high school, there is an increase in informational texts that many high schoolers struggle to read because of the gap between their speaking, reading and writing vocabularies. VocabularySpellingCity is a great way to help teachers plan lessons that close these gaps. High school teachers must ensure students are actively engaged in lessons in the classroom as well as developing skills independently at home. VocabularySpellingCity offers independent vocabulary practice to supplement content-specific lessons by pairing teacher-created word lists, student-created word lists, or ready-made content word lists with engaging games that make independent learning fun.

High school students are expected to be self-sufficient thinkers and doers. VocabularySpellingCity offers students the option of independently creating their own word lists. In high school language arts, as students are reading novels, they can select the words they are unsure about, words they are unfamiliar with, or words they find interesting. Then they can edit their lists to select the definition that best matches the way the word is being used in context. Student-created lists can be paired with grade level appropriate activities like Paragraph Writing Practice. The student-created lists feature can be used in all high school subject areas.

In addition, high school students should demonstrate knowledge of content area vocabulary. VocabularySpellingCity has compiled a list of high school science, social studies, and mathematics terms. The varied lists are perfect for all high school subject area teachers. For example, high school algebra teachers can assign an algebra word list to reinforce concepts like polynomials and rational expressions or creating equations. They can assign an activity like FlashCards so students can review and practice key concepts at their own pace.

High school educational standards that are supported by VocabularySpellingCity.

Choose your educational standard. Then choose a grade from 9-12.

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High School Spelling Words

Select a link below to view available high school word lists:


Import high school spelling word lists.

  • Compound Words


Import high school vocabulary word lists, such as figurative language concepts.

  • Academic Vocabulary

    [sc_include_table id=”4464″]

  • Heteronyms

  • Homonyms

  • Homophones

  • Hyperbole
  • Idioms
  • Informational Text

  • Metaphors
  • Personification
  • Similes
  • Synonyms & Antonyms


Import high school content-specific vocabulary lists.

  • Literature

  • Math

  • Science

  • Social Studies

The following games are among the most popular and recommended to practice vocabulary for high school students.

150 Vocabulary Word-Definition Lists and Worksheets for Middle – High School

Here are a total of 150 downloadable learning and instructional documents to help with expanding and building vocabulary for middle and high school students. These cover a variety of topics, and include word and definition lists, vocabulary exercises, worksheets and lessons. They are pdf  files, unless indicated as .doc format. Update: here are our latest vocabulary posts: 373 Greek and Latin Roots in English Words, Vocabulary For Middle and High School Students and 106 More Vocabulary and Spelling Worksheets, Lists, Texts and Videos, Grades 1-8. Also, don’t miss 150 Spelling Books to freely download.

  • 20 Vocabulary Words, Middle School
  • 35 Word Chain Crossword Puzzles with answers
  • 3rd Grade Vocabulary Words
  • 3rd Grade Word Study Worksheets
  • 47 Vocabulary Worksheets, Answers at end – Higher Grades
  • 100 Words Every High School Freshman Should Know
  • 100 Words Every High School Graduate Should Know
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 1, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 2, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 3, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 4, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 5, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 6, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 7, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 8, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 9, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 10, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 11, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 12, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 13, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 14, High School
  • 100 Words with Definitions List 15, High School
  • 100 Vocabulary Tests with Answers, Intermediate
  • 100 Vocabulary Units & Tests with Answers, Advanced
  • 100 Vocabulary Units & Tests with Answers, Intermediate
  • 500 Vocabulary Words, HS Levels C and D
  • 1250 Words & Phrases in 60 Units with Answers, Elementary
  • A ‘Word’ About Vocabulary
  • Academic Vocabulary List
  • Agriculture Vocabulary Words
  • Algebra Vocabulary List, Definitions for Middle School
  • Approaching New Words
  • Architecture Vocabulary Words
  • Back Words for Back to School A Vocabulary Brain Teaser
  • Beginning Middle and End of Words with Test and Answers
  • Beowulf Vocabulary Words
  • Beyond Matching Vocabulary
  • Cellular Transport Vocabulary Words
  • Check Your English Vocabulary for Medicine
  • Common Vocabulary Words Level 1 – Verbs
  • Connotation Chart with answer key
  • Costumes and Garmets Vocabulary Words
  • Culinary Essentials Vocabulary Words
  • Diet and Exercise Vocabulary Words
  • Diminutive Suffixes Vocabulary Words
  • Drama Vocabulary Words
  • Driver Education Vocabulary Words
  • Earth Science Vocabulary Words
  • Ecology Vocabulary Words
  • Eighth Grade Literary Terms You Should Know.doc
  • Emotions Vocabulary Words
  • Energy Vocabulary Words
  • Engaging Activities for English Vocabulary Learners
  • Evolution Vocabulary Words
  • Five Senses Example for Generating Similes-Metaphors
  • Five Senses Organizer for Generating Similes-Metaphors
  • Flocabulary SAT Vocabulary Word List
  • Fossil Vocabulary
  • Getting ‘In’ to Prefixes
  • GMAT Vocabulary List
  • GRE Vocab Flashcard eBook
  • Helping your school age child to understand and use words
  • High School Music Band Vocabulary
  • Language Arts Instructional Routine Book K-6th Grade
  • Lesson for Spelling and Vocabulary Contest
  • Lord of the Flies Chapters 1-4 Vocabulary Worksheet
  • Matter Vocabulary Words
  • Metaphors in I Have A Dream speech
  • Middle School Assessment Vocabulary
  • Middle School Level Vocabulary Matching Words 1
  • Middle School Math Terminology
  • Middle School Math Vocabulary Word Wall Cards
  • Middle School SAT Vocabulary Words
  • National Reading Vocabulary Grade 5
  • National Reading Vocabulary Grade 6
  • Plate Tectonics Vocabulary Matching
  • Plate Tectonics Vocabulary Words
  • Prefix Suffix Root List Chart.doc
  • SAT Vocabulary Words Commonly Tested
  • SAT Vocabulary Words Adjectives
  • SAT Vocabulary Words Nouns
  • SAT Vocabulary Words Verbs
  • Science Vocabulary Words
  • Science Unit Vocabulary Words
  • Scientific Method Vocabulary Words
  • Short Story Vocabulary Words
  • Six-Step Vocabulary Instructional Practice.doc
  • Six-Step Vocabulary Instructional Practice
  • Teaching Academic Vocabulary Strategies and Activities
  • Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary
  • Test Your Vocabulary, Answers at end
  • Tier 2 Vocabulary Words for High School
  • Top 1000 Vocabulary Words
  • Vertebrates Vocabulary Words
  • Vocabulary Activities
  • Vocabulary Critical Word List with Definitions, to Grade 12
  • Vocabulary Flash Cards – Basic Set
  • Vocabulary Flash Cards – Easy Set
  • Vocabulary Flash Cards – Hard Set
  • Vocabulary Flash Cards – Medium Set
  • Vocabulary Games for Middle School
  • Vocabulary Learning Strategies
  • Vocabulary Lesson 1 – Cuisine.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 2 – Law.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 3 – Money and Finance.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 4 – School Days.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 5 – Feelings.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 6 – Writing and Editing.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 7 – Construction.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 8 – Sports.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 9 – Behavior.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 10 – Nature and Wildlife.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 11 – Mystery and Suspense.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 12 – Clothing and Fashion.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 13 – Travel .doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 14 – Government.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 15 – Medicine .doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 16 – History.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 17 – Language and Literature.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 18 – Transportation.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 19 – Suffixes -ation-tion-ion-sion.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 20 – Agriculture.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 21 – The Military.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 22 – Headline News.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 23 – Performing Arts.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 24 – The Home.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 25 – Suffixes -ful-ous.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 26 – Occupations.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 27 – Actions.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 28 – Health.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 29 – Art and Music.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 30 – Science.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 31 – Hobbies.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 32 – Business.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 33 – Animal Life.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 34 – Prefixes di-dis-.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 35 – Prefixes co-con-com-.doc
  • Vocabulary Lesson 36 – Verbal Communication.doc
  • Vocabulary Words, 3rd Unit
  • Vocabulary Worksheet Grade 9
  • Vocabulary Workshop Unit 2, 20 Words for 6th Grade
  • Vocabulary Workshop Unit 3, 20 Words for 6th Grade
  • Weather Climate Vocabulary
  • Word Games and Puzzles
  • Word List for Graduate Management Admission Test
  • Words Often Confused Set 1, scan
  • Words Often Confused Set 2, scan
  • Workshop 1 Vocabulary Words
  • Workshop 4 Vocabulary Words
  • WW II Vocabulary Words
150 Vocabulary Word and Definition Lists for Middle-High School

– love learning -your best ed lessons guide, Scott

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