Word list headway pre intermediate

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Diese Wortschatzliste ist pro Unit chronologisch geordnet. Alles wird so übersetzt, wie es in Text- und Übungszusammenhang erscheint.

Wortschatz: chronologisch

single adj unverheiratet, ledig Alan isn’t married; he’s single.last v dauern Do you think their relationship will last?hard (= difficult) adj schwierig We thought English was difficult but

Japanese is really hard!medicine n Medizin Can you go to the chemist’s and buy some

medicine?course n Kurs I’m doing a course to learn French.can v, n v = können; n = Dose, Büchse Paul can speak a

little French. A can of cola costs 65 cents.foreign adj ausländisch Bill can speak two foreign languages: German

and Russian.graduate v sein Studium abschließen When I graduate from

university, I’m going to travelling.retired adj im Ruhestand Most people stop work and are retired by

the age of 60.leave v weggehen, lassen, verlassen I arrive at work at 8 am and I leave

at 5.30.wonderful adj wunderbar We had a wonderful holiday. It was

great.essay n Aufsatz Pete wrote a brilliant essay. He got 90%.poor adj arm Rich countries should help poor countries more.

agony aunt n Kummerkastentante Beth is a radio agony aunt; she talks to people about their problems.

information n Information You can find more information on the website.

twin n Zwilling Gary is Mark’s twin but they are completely different from each other.

problem n Problem When I have a problem, I usually ask my parents for advice.

kid (child) n Kind When I was a kid, I hated vegetables.downtown n Stadtzentrum We never go downtown in Los

Angeles. It’s too dangerous.store n Geschäft, Laden, Warenhaus They’re building a big

department store near my home.share v teilen I share a flat with two students.grow up v aufwachsen Children who grow up in this area have a

lot of problems.advice n Rat When I have a problem, my sister usually gives me good


star sign n Sternzeichen He was born in September so his star sign is Virgo.

blind date n Blind Date, Verabredung mit einem/einer Unbekannten Tim met his wife, Linda, after he went on a blind date.

conference n Konferenz This year, the company’s annual conference is in Rome and 1,000 people are going.

environmental adj Umwelt- Global warming is a serious environmental problem.

sometimes adv manchmal She never eats meat but sometimes she has fish.

diving n Tauchen Diving off the Great Barrier Reef can be dangerous.surfing n Surfen The waves are enormous at that beach so it’s great for

surfing.go clubbing v in die Disco gehen Alison doesn’t go clubbing,

she hates dancing.outgoing adj kontaktfreudig Invite Claire to the party. She’s

really sociable and outgoing.funny adj lustig The film is a comedy, it’s really funny.

date n Frau/Mann, mit der/dem man verabredet ist He took me to a great restaurant on our first date.

couple n Paar Peter and Jill are a very happy couple. They’ve been married for 10 years

lawyer n Anwalt, Anwältin Kate is a lawyer. She spends a lot of time in court.

club n Club Martin is a member of the football club.exchange v austauschen, wechseln ‘Can I exchange these

pounds for euros, please?’art gallery n Kunstgalerie There are some fantastic paintings in

that art gallery.designer n Designer Holly is a designer. She’s very interested in

fashion.last adj letzte(r,s) Which runner was last in that race?relationship n Beziehung They met last year and now they’re

having a serious relationship.good-looking adj gut aussehend Pete is very good looking.

He’s got green eyes and dark hair.good fun adj lustig The party was good fun; we really enjoyed it.theatre n Theater Is the new play at the Royal theatre any good?comfortable adj bequem If you work eight hours at a computer,

you need a comfortable chair.vegetarian adj vegetarisch Maria is a strict vegetarian. She

doesn’t eat meat, fish or eggs.kind n, adj n = Art, Sorte; adj = freundlich, nett What kind of apples

would you like? Luke is a kind and friendly person.bar n Bar, Lokal The drinks in this bar are very expensive!snowboard v snowboarden In winter, you can usually ski and

snowboard at this resort.casual adj lässig, zwanglos Kevin never wears a suit; he prefers

casual clothes, like jeans.adventure n Abenteuer Their safari holiday in Kenya was a

great adventure.successful adj erfolgreich Kim is a very successful businesswoman.

She has her own company.brave adj mutig, tapfer I’m frightened of horror films. I’m not very brave!midnight n Mitternacht She has to be home by 12 pm. She can’t

stay out after midnight.

separate adj getrennt The restaurant has separate areas for smokers and non –smokers.

factory n Fabrik Ted works in a factory which makes cars.meaning n Bedeutung We don’t understand the meaning of this

word.mean v, adj v = bedeuten, meinen; adj = gemein What does this

sentence mean? Carl hates spending money; he’s very mean.ring v, n v = anrufen; n = Ring Give me your phone number and I’ll ring

you later. Sue’s got a beautiful, gold wedding ring.everyday adj alltäglich Her everyday routine is quite boring.object n Gegenstand Last night, a strange object was seen flying

over the city.chewing gum n Kaugummi You can’t eat chewing gum or

take drinks into class.diary n (Termin)kalender I need to check that date in my diary.hairbrush n Haarbürste I’ve lost my hairbrush – my hair’s a mess!mouse mat n Mausmatte I must buy a new mouse mat for my

computer.pencil sharpener n Bleistiftspitzer My pencil has

broken. Can I borrow your pencil sharpener?rubber n Radiergummi Can I borrow your rubber? I’ve made a

mistake.ruler n Lineal You need to use a ruler if you want to make that line

straight.scissors n Schere These scissors are terrible! I can’t cut anything with

them!sunglasses n Sonnenbrille It’s a good idea to wear sunglasses,

the light is very strong.tissues n Papiertaschentücher My nose is running; do you have any


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competition n Wettbewerb, Wettkampf Our team won the competition by one point.

hurt v verletzen She fell over and hurt her back so she had to go to hospital.province n Provinz Is the largest province in Spain Andalucia or

Cataluña? lucky adj glücklich I was lucky to pass the exam; I didn’t study very hard.

occupation n Beruf ‘What’s your occupation?’ ‘I’m a designer’.uniform n Uniform Do you have to wear school uniform, or can

you wear what you want?

clear up v aufräumen It took me 4 hours to clear up the mess you made!

mess n Durcheinander Can you tidy your room; it’s a real mess!make-up n Make-up Susana never wears make-up. She prefers to

look natural.text v eine SMS senden Don’t ring Nigel. If you text him, it’s cheaper.at least adv mindestens Jim has got 4 sisters and at least 20 cousins!bring v bringen Would you like us to bring any drinks to the party?poster n Poster She loves football; she’s got a huge poster of

Ronaldinho on her wall.

lifestyle n Lebensstil We travel a lot so we have a very transatlantic lifestyle.

miss v verpassen Don’t be late tomorrow, you might miss the meeting.have something in common (= to share interests or experiences)

etwas gemeinsam haben They have something in common, they both like travelling and sport.

prefer v vorziehen I prefer going to the cinema to watching a DVD at home.

abroad adv im/ins Ausland This job involves travelling abroad to different countries.

communication n Kommunikation There is no communication in this office; nobody speaks to each other.

technology n Technologie John isn’t interested in modern technology; he hasn’t even got a mobile phone!

almost adv fast I bought the dress, but I almost changed my mind. European adj europäisch The European Union has recently

expanded to include more countries.farmhouse n Bauernhaus Last holiday, we stayed in a

farmhouse because my children love animals.flat adj flach There aren’t any mountains in this part of the country. The

land is very flat.strange adj merkwürdig The plot of the book was very strange; I

couldn’t understand it.landscape n Landschaft I prefer these landscape paintings to the

portraits.test v testen We should test the theory before we say it works.distance n Entfernung What’s the distance between Rome and

Florence?disadvantage n Nachteil One disadvantage of living here

is that there is no public transport.exhausting adj sehr anstrengend He’s always very tired because

his job is exhausting.glamorous adj glamourös James Bond has a glamorous lifestyle:

money, women and fast cars!social life n Sozialleben She doesn’t have a social life; she never

has time to go out.practise v üben If you want to play well, you should practise the

piano every day.bedtime n Schlafenszeit At bedtime, the children like someone to

read them a story.rent v mieten We pay 550 euros rent a month for this flat.celeb (celebrity) n Promi (Prominenter) Paris Hilton is

the worst kind of celeb – famous because of her money.lonely adj einsam She doesn’t know anyone here yet so she feels quite

lonely.nail (= on the hand) n (Finger)nagel I broke a nail opening a tin of

soup.awful adj schlimm I feel awful! I’ve got a terrible headache!manicure n Maniküre I went for a manicure because my nails

were long.divide v teilen If you divide 8 by 2 you get 4.

wallet n Brieftasche My wallet has just been stolen so I’ve got no money or credit cards.

Excuse me! Entschuldigung! ‘Excuse me! Can you tell me the time?’

Have a good weekend Schönes Wochenende! ‘I’ll see you on Monday.’ ‘Yes. Have good weekend.’

Cheers! Prost! ‘Let’s have a glass of champagne to celebrate.’ ‘Cheers!’See you later Bis später Bye! See you later.No problem Kein Problem ‘Can you lend me 50 euros

until tomorrow?’ ‘Sure. No problem.’Never mind Macht nichts ‘I’m sorry I can’t come to the

cinema.’ ‘Never mind. We can go next week.’It doesn’t matter Es macht nichts ‘I’m sorry I can’t

come to dinner.’ ‘Don’t worry. It doesn’t matter.’Don’t mention it Gern geschehen ‘Thanks for all your

help’. ‘That’s fine. Don’t mention it.’Pleased to meet you Freut mich, Sie kennenzulernen

‘Let me introduce you to Mr Collins.’ ‘Hello. Pleased to meet you.’

discover v entdecken When did Fleming discover penicillin?

routine n Routine, Tagesablauf Pauline doesn’t have a regular routine. She does something different every day.

always adv immer We always leave at 6.30 so we can catch the train.often adv oft She doesn’t often do any exercise; she hasn’t got time.sometimes adv manchmal They sometimes eat out at the

weekend but not very often.usually adv normalerweise I usually have cereal for breakfast but

today I’m having toast.never adv nie We never go to the beach in summer because we hate

the hot weather.factory n Fabrik This factory produces 12,000 new components a

week.dormitory n Schlafsaal At that school, about 30 children slept in

one dormitory.hundred n Hundert I can’t believe Elsie is a hundred. She doesn’t

look that old!employ v beschäftigen We only employ the top people in this company.situated pp gelegen The hotel is situated right by the sea and is

easy to find.coast n Küste He lives by the sea, on the South coast.national park n Nationalpark Yosemite is a famous

national park in California.wonderful adj wunderbar We definitely recommend that

restaurant; the food is wonderful.view of n Aussicht auf There is a lovely view of the sea from the top

of the mountaindo overtime v Überstunden machen It’s normal to do

overtime and work extra hours in this company.tiring adj ermüdend The journey was very tiring; it took us hours to

get here.monthly adv monatlich Dave goes to the doctor every four weeks for

a monthly check-up.wage n Lohn Nick works hard and he gets a weekly wage of about 250

euros.send v schicken Can you send us a copy of the document by email?useful adj nützlich This map isn’t very useful. It doesn’t tell us where

all the main attractions are.guest n Gast He doesn’t live there. He’s staying as a guest at their house.keep (us) busy v beschäftigen We have to clean the kitchen

so that should keep us busy.private adj privat You can’t open that letter; it’s marked private.skills n pl Fähigkeiten You need good organisational skills to do this job.essential adj notwendig It’s essential to wear good walking boots

when you go to the mountains.boss n Chef That’s my boss. He’s not a very good manager.racing n Rennen Formula 1 racing is becoming more and more popular.at the moment (= now) im Moment, zurzeit At the

moment I’m studying for my final exams.

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perhaps adv vielleicht Could we meet on Friday or perhaps Saturday is better?

ghost n Geist Julie says she’s seen a ghost but I don’t believe in the paranormal.

haunt v spuken, heimsuchenThe ghost came back to haunt them for the rest of their lives.

amazed adj erstaunt Helen was amazed when she passed the test first time.

reporters n pl Reporter The newspaper reporters got all the facts wrong in that story.

lock v abschließen Don’t forget to lock the door before you leave.

connection n Verbindung My internet connection is terrible. I’m going to change my phone company.

mend v reparieren My computer has broken but Dave says he can mend it for me.

feel ill v sich schlecht fühlen If you feel ill, you should call the doctor now.

laugh v lachen Why did you laugh; it wasn’t funny at all?lose v verlieren If you don’t want to lose your keys, leave them with

reception.passport n Pass Kate forgot her passport so she couldn’t get on the

plane.hungry adj hungrig I forgot to have breakfast this morning so now

I’m hungry.printer n Drucker Would you recommend an Epson or HP printer

with this computer?joke n Witz He said it was only a joke but she didn’t find it funny.noise n Lärm I can’t hear anything you’re saying because there is so much


crime n Verbrechen They were found guilty of the crime and went to prison.

fill v füllen Please fill in this form with your personal details.hide v verstecken If you hide in that room, I’m sure no- one will find

you.steal v stehlen Did the robbers steal a lot of money from the bank?destroy v zerstören If we destroy the evidence, no-one will know we

are responsible.throw v werfen You should separate your rubbish before you throw it

away.thief n Dieb(in) The thief got into the building and stole all the money.prison n Gefängnis The bank robbers were sent to prison for 12 years.lorry n Lastwagen I need to hire a lorry to take all my furniture to the

new flat.supper n Abendessen In England a lot of people have supper at 6

pm.security guard n Sicherheitsbeamte(r) We need to

employ a security guard to protect the building.aloud adv laut Peter read the sentence aloud so everyone could hear

him.museum n Museum If you go to London you must visit the

Natural Science Museum.apartment n Wohnung She’s buying a luxury apartment on the

5th floor.copy n Kopie Can you make a copy of the original document?angry (with sb) adj wütend (auf jdn) I’m so angry with

him; he never remembers my birthday.canal n Kanal Can you do a boat trip on the canal?worth adj wert I can’t believe you spent £100 on those shoes; they’re not

worth it!

pick up (the phone) v (den Hörer) abnehmen Can you pick up the phone? It’s been ringing for ages!

fortunately adv glücklicherweise They nearly had an accident but fortunately they stopped in time.

unfortunately adv leider Susie wanted to go to the party but unfortunately she had to study for her exams.

run out of v kein/keine/keinen … mehr haben We’ve run out of milk so I’ll go to the shops and get some.

teenager n Teenager My son was lovely until he was 13, but he’s a horrible teenager.

spending spree n Kauforgie Last weekend I went on a spending spree. I bought too much.

pearl n Perle I don’t like diamonds so I’d prefer the ring with a pearl.contact lenses n pl Kontaktlinsen I can see better now

I’ve got these new contact lenses.wear (your hair) up v (die Haare)

hochstecken You’ll look better if you wear your hair up for the wedding.accent n Akzent Petrina’s from Bulgaria, she speaks with a strong

accent.act the part coll sich entsprechend verhalten Jack isn’t

really a policeman but he can certainly act the part.sip v in kleinen Schlückchen trinken Don’t drink so quickly! Sip your

wine.trendy adj trendig, modisch Claire is always wearing the latest

fashions. She’s so trendy!rooftop adj Dach- There’s a great view from the rooftop of this

building.loft n Dachboden, Loft We need more space; let’s put these boxes in the

loft.transatlantic adj transatlantisch They love travelling from

the US to England.They have a very transatlantic lifestyle.

24-hour adj 24-Stunden- Living in a 24-hour society can be very stressful.

society n Gesellschaft Living in a consumer society causes a lot of problems.

hairdresser n Friseur(in) My hair is a mess so I’m going to the hairdressers.

politician n Politiker(in) Our local politician just won the election.accident n Unfall I’m sorry I broke those glasses; it was an

accident.worst adj schlimmste(r,s) That was the worst concert I’ve been to. The

singer was awful!

conversation n Unterhaltung That was a long conversation. What were you talking about?

interested adj interessiert They’re interested in Cubist art, especially Picasso.

voice n Stimme She can’t sing because she’s lost her voice.impossible adj unmöglich It’s impossible to finish this work

today because we haven’t got time.That’s really kind of you Das ist sehr nett

von Ihnen ‘I’ll carry that bag for you.’ ‘Thanks.That’s really kind of you.’just adv einfach, nur, gerade Can I call back soon, I’ve just got home.sale n Verkauf That house is for sale, but it costs a lot of money.

first things first! eins nach dem anderen!, das Wichtigste zuerst! We have to see who can come before we organise the party. First things first!

divorced adj geschieden Ben and Sally were married but now they’re divorced.

twins n Zwillinge Are Yolanda and Marta twins? They look identical!a handful (difficult to manage) anstrengend

Brian’s kids are a real handful. They get out of control in minutes.surprise n Überraschung Don’t tell anyone. We want it to be a

surprise.Guess what! Rate mal! ‘Guess what! I’m getting married!’


mystery n Geheimnis, Rätsel We don’t know what happened. It’s a mystery.

figure n Figur, Gestalt I could see a figure in the distance but I couldn’t decide if it was a man or woman.

let out v herauslassen Please keep the dog in the house; don’t let him out into the garden.

unlock v aufschließen Can you unlock the door because I can’t get in?

carefully adv vorsichtig, sorgfältig Read the instructions carefully before you use the machine.

staff n Mitarbeiter The staff in this company work very hard.cage n Käfig I hate zoos because I don’t like seeing animals in a cage.

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credit card n Kreditkarte Hardly anyone pays by cheque anymore; they use a credit card.

big spender jd, der viel Geld ausgibt George is a real big spender. He always buys the drinks when we go out.

golden adj golden My favourite James Bond film is The Man with the Golden Gun.

midnight n Mitternacht He’ll be in bed after 12 pm so ring him before midnight.

air-conditioning n Klimaanlage It’s very hot in here. Shall I turn on the air-conditioning?

switch off v ausschalten It’s time to switch off the TV; you’ve been watching it all evening!

thump (of the heart) v klopfen It’s normal for your heart to thump after doing physical exercise.

breathe v atmen If you feel nervous before the exam, breathe deeply and try to relax.

relief n Erleichterung We were really tired so it was a relief to finally get home.

dream (about sth) v (von etw) träumen When I go to sleep, I often dream about strange things.

peacefully adv friedlich It’s so quiet; the children must be sleeping peacefully.

suddenly adv plötzlich Kevin was going to bed when suddenly the phone rang.

curtain n Vorhang They put up a curtain over the window to stop the light coming in.

quietly adv leise You can’t speak in the library; you have to study quietly.

creep v schleichen Why did you creep into the room? You frightened me!crept (past tense of creep) v schlich He crept past the door without

making any noise.heavily adv schwer He put the bags down heavily on the floor with a

loud bang.pull v ziehen Don’t pull my hair! It hurts!movement n Bewegung The sea was completely calm; there was

no movement anywhere.shine v scheinen I can’t see anything. Can you shine the light in this direction?curse v fluchen ‘What the hell are you doing?’ she cursed.whisper v flüstern If you want to keep it a secret, whisper so no-

one can hear you.urgently adv dringend We have to finish this work quickly by 5

because the client needs it urgently.bang v auschlagen Don’t bang the door and make a noise! The baby is

asleep!lead v führen I’ll go first and lead everyone to the top floor.turned on adj eingeschaltet She forgot to shutdown her computer

last night; it’s still turned on.together adv zusammen They prefer to work together than to

work alone.worry v sich Sorgen machen They often get nervous and worry about

the future.message n Nachricht I thought Janine would leave a message but

there is nothing on the answering machine.HQ (= headquarters) n Hauptquartier All the top officials work

in the army HQ, not in the smaller offices. gunman n bewaffneter Mann There was one gunman and he shot

at least 4 people.secret agent n Geheimagent(in) Was James Bond a secret

agent for the British or US government?stand up v aufstehen Alison had to stand up and make a speech

in front of the whole school.point (straight at sth/sb) v (direkt auf jdn/etw)

Don’t point straight at him. It’s very rude!straight adv direkt She threw the ball straight – it hit him in the face.felt (past tense of feel) v fühlte Paula felt ill so we sent her home.went off (a gun = fired) v ging los A gun went off but we don’t

know if anyone was hurt.assassin n Attentäter(in) Do you believe that Lee Harvey Oswald

was really JFK’s assassin?terrorist n Terrorist(in) Travelling by plane is harder since the

terrorist attack of September 11th.poker n Poker She’s good at card games like poker.capture v fangen Zookeepers used a net to capture the escaped


still adv immer noch I’ve been working hard all day but I still haven’t finished this project.

outside adv draußen Let’s have lunch indoors. If we sit outside it will probably rain.

softly adv leise If you want to talk in the library, please speak softly.knock on the door v an die Tür klopfen Don’t walk

straight into the room. You should knock on the door first.bowl n Schüssel, Schale You need a large bowl to mix all the ingredients.downstairs adv (nach) unten This flat is divided into two

areas; the living room is upstairs and the kitchen is downstairs.marks n Noten My teacher didn’t give us very good marks in the last

exam.poem n Gedicht Do the lines in a poem always have to rhyme?with feeling n mit Gefühl He didn’t sing with feeling; there was

no emotion in his voice.title n Titel The title of the book is Don’t Look Back.guiltily adv schuldbewusst She’s looking at us guiltily because she’s

done something wrong.sadly adv leider She thought she’d won the prize but sadly she hadn’t.gradually adv allmählich As the days and weeks went by, he

gradually learnt more about the job. tragically adv tragisch The actor James Dean died tragically in a

car accident.angrily adv wütend When he saw the broken window, he shouted

angrily at the kids.nervously adv nervös The thief looked around nervously to see if

there was anyone in the house.lovingly adv liebevoll She looked lovingly into his eyes and kissed

him.lazily adv faul On Sundays I wake up late and read the newspaper

lazily in bed.they lived happily ever after und wenn

sie nicht gestorben sind, dann leben sie noch heute At first, they had a lot of problems but in the end, they lived happily ever after.

date n Datum Today’s date is the 12th November.apologize v sich entschuldigen Just say sorry for what you did.

If you apologize, things will be ok again.twins n pl Zwillinge Carol was born just before Ian but they are

identical twins.

invitation n Einladung I didn’t get an invitation to Sam’s party, did you?

documentary n Dokumentarfilm There’s a good documentary on TV tonight about the war in Iraq.

portrait n Porträt That portrait is of Picasso’s first wife.immediate adv sofort We can’t give them an immediate answer

because it takes time to get the results.exactly adv genau Where exactly did you put the keys?burglar n Einbrecher A burglar has robbed 10 houses in this area.break into (forced entry) v einbrechen Did burglars

break into the building?

hit man n Killer, Auftragsmörder In the film, Scaramanga is a hit man employed to kill Bond.

bullet n Kugel The man fired two shots and a bullet hit the window.engrave v eingravieren They decided to engrave their names on

their rings to remember the special day.shoot v schießen The robbers didn’t shoot anyone; they didn’t have guns.missing adj vermisst I’ve lost my dog. It’s been missing since Tuesday.appointment n Termin I’ve made an appointment for 5

o’clock to get my hair cut.refuse (say no) v sich weigern If you prefer to say no, you can refuse

the invitation.

market n Markt We normally go to the local market to buy fresh food.

pints n Pints Can I have two pints of beer, please?

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a dozen eggs n ein Dutzend Eier I’m going to buy a dozen eggs because the kids love omelettes.

a kilo of potatoes n ein Kilo Kartoffeln We eat too many chips so don’t buy a kilo of potatoes.

quantities (pl of quantity) n Mengen If you eat large quantities of fruit and vegetables, you’ll feel healthy.

shopping list n Einkaufsliste I think we should write a shopping list because we need so many things.

roll n Brötchen I’d like a small, bread roll and a large loaf, please.a loaf of bread n ein Laib Brot How much is a loaf of

bread in that baker’s?everything pron alles She has a beautiful house, a great family and

lots of money so she has everything she needs.Let’s see Mal sehen Let’s see what’s on TV before we decide to go

out tonight.anything pron (irgend)etwas They don’t want anything to eat;

they’ve just had lunch.for goodness sake! um Himmels willen! Hurry up,

for goodness sake! We’re going to be late again!nappy n Windel The baby is crying. Can you change his nappy?a bunch of flowers n ein Blumenstrauß That florist

is cheap. A bunch of flowers only costs £2.

half adj, n adj = halbe(r,s); n = Hälfte These apples cost 80p and those cost 40p so they’re half the price.

a spoonful n ein Löffel voll She doesn’t normally like sugar but she has a spoonful in black coffee.

anybody pron (irgend)jemand, jeder We can’t find anybody to help us, there is nobody here.

anyone pron (irgend)jemand, jeder Is there anyone who can tell me what time the game starts?

glasses n pl Brille I’ve lost my glasses and I can’t see a thing without them.

bored adj gelangweilt I’m bored of this game. Shall we play something else?

interesting adj interessant This is an interesting book, full of new information.

amazing adj erstaunlich eBay is amazing. You can buy almost anything you want on it.

invented pp erfunden This iPod was invented by Apple in 2001.global adj global Most countries in the world want to be part of a

global economy.for sale zu verkaufen Is that house for sale or is it for rent?seller n Verkäufer(in) That book is a best seller. It has sold thousands

of copies.jewellery n Schmuck What kind of jewellery does she prefer: rings

or necklaces?clothing n Kleidung Let’s buy some warm clothing for our

mountain trip. strange adj fremd, merkwürdig My neighbours are rather strange.

They never speak to me.scientist n Wissenschaftler(in) She’s a scientist and she’s

researching animal cloning.create v schaffen To make the restaurant a success, we need to create

the right atmosphere.website n Website MySpace is a very popular website.businesses n pl Firmen Her uncle has got 2 different businesses: a

shoe shop and a travel agent’s.hobby n Hobby Do you think many people collect stamps or coins as a

hobby?mechanic n Mechaniker(in) Do you know a good mechanic; my

car has broken down again?

collect v sammeln He likes to collect souvenirs from different countries.

clever idea n kluger Einfall What a clever idea! I would never have thought of it!

cost n, v n = Preis, Kosten; v = kosten How much does that hat cost?delicious adj köstlich We love Thai food. It’s really delicious.

bargain (for sth) v feilschen (um etw) If you go to Istanbul, you have to bargain for things in the Grand Baazar.

brands n Marken A lot of people think it’s important to buy the top designer brands.

international adj international The Spanish clothes shop Zara started locally but now it is an international company.

fine (= good quality) adj gut There are some fine restaurants in the area.

product n Produkt Which product is better, this DVD player or the other?

grown pp angebaut We don’t like the vegetables at the supermarket. We prefer them if they are grown locally.

locally adv in der Umgebung There is nothing to do locally so I usually go into the city.

exactly adv genau My car is a white Mercedes which is exactly the same as yours.

contrast n Gegensatz There is a big contrast between European and North African lifestyles.

change n Wechselgeld Could you lend me some coins because I haven’t got any change?

canal n Kanal Have you ever been on a canal trip in Venice?busy adj geschäftig, beschäftigt Can you call me back later because I’m

busy at the moment?colourful adj bunt, farbenfroh That market is so colourful: reds,

greens and yellows!noisy adj laut Shall we go somewhere quieter? It’s too noisy in this bar.fascinating adj faszinierend We’ve never seen anything like this

before. It’s really fascinating.huge adj riesig Ronaldhino earns a huge salary. He gets millions of

dollars a week.cooker n Herd I can’t make you lunch because my cooker has

broken.traditional adj traditionell It’s traditional to have a big lunch on

Christmas Day.wooden adj hölzern A wooden door is stronger than a glass one.float v schwimmen Have you ever seen the markets in Bangkok which

float on water?village n Dorf Caroline lives in a small village. She doesn’t like big cities.peaceful adj friedlich We like the park near our house because it is

peaceful and quiet.narrow adj schmal, eng You can’t drive a car down that street. It is

too narrow.bridge n Brücke To get to the other side of the river you have to cross

over the bridge.be packed with vollgestopft sein mit The new restaurant is

always full. It is packed with young, trendy people.stalls n pl Stände There are many cheap clothes stalls in that market.choose v wählen There are so many beautiful clothes that it’s difficult to

choose.antique n Antiquität Sheila bought an antique carpet in Morocco it

is really old.pavement n Gehweg There are so many cars parked on this

pavement that people can’t walk along it.furniture n Möbel Her flat is almost empty and she hasn’t got

much furniture.covered (with sth) adj bedeckt (mit etw) The mountains

were completely covered with snow. cloth n Stoff Could you make a jacket from that cloth?pick from (= choose from) v aussuchen aus There were so

many different colours to pick from; she found it difficult to decide.soaps n pl Seifen These soaps smell lovely. I think I’ll wash my hands.herb n pl Kräuter Oregano isn’t a spice; it’s a herb.forget v vergessen Don’t forget to ring your parents when you arrive.endless adj endlos We’ve been travelling for weeks. This journey

seems endless.backpack n Rucksack If you’re going to travel around the world for

a year, you need a good backpack.picnic n Picknick The weather is good so we could eat a picnic

outside.film set n Filmset The Beach, which starred Leonardo DiCaprio,

had a very exotic film set.ancient adj alt, historisch, antik There are some ancient buildings in

the city from the 4th century. desert n Wüste Marrakesh is in the middle of a desert.square n Platz Have you ever been to Trafalgar Square in London?aromatic adj aromatisch That coffee is very aromatic. It has a

strong smell.spice n Gewürz They haven’t put any spice in that dish because they

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train v trainieren Do you need to train a lot to be a good professional footballer?

hope n Hoffnung He left school too early but he has the hope he can go back one day.

ambition n Ambition, Bestreben Her ambition was to become the greatest tennis player.

vet n Tierarzt/-ärztin Our cat isn’t well so we’d better take her to the vet.grade n Note She got a good grade in the exam; about 78%.exam n Prüfung They did a test in January and the final exam is in

May.I’m thinking of (doing sth) ich überlege mir (ob

ich etw tun soll) I haven’t decided about my holiday yet but I’m thinking of going to Australia.

be tired of adj etw satt haben They’re tired of living in a cold climate so they’re going to move to Sydney.

looking forward to (doing sth) sich darauf freuen (etw zu tun) We can’t wait to go to the concert. We’re really looking forward to it.

cruise n Kreuzfahrt They love ships; this year they’re going on a cruise down the Nile.

primary school n Primarschule, Grundschule In this country, children stay at primary school until they are 12 and then go to secondary school.

headaches n Kopfschmerzen Too much stress can cause headaches and other health problems.

plan (to do sth) v planen, vorhaben (etw zu tun) I’ve thought about where to live so I plan to find a house near the sea.

bored adj gelangweilt We’re bored of doing the same thing everyday.get married v heiraten If you get married, will you invite me

to the wedding?

lend v leihen I can lend you the book but can you give it back tomorrow?save money Geld sparen Alice can’t save money. She spends it

all as soon as she has some.promise v versprechen I never promise to do something if I don’t

think I can do it.

heavy adj schwer, heftig Carl had a heavy discussion with his dad. It was very serious.

boots n pl Stiefel She prefers to wear boots in the winter because they keep your feet warmer.

give sb a ring (= call sb on the phone) coll jdn anrufen Here’s my phone number so you can give me a ring when you get there.

secret n Geheimnis It’s a secret so don’t tell anyone.tell a secret v ein Geheimnis verraten If I tell a secret, will

you promise to keep it?post (letters / parcels) v aufgeben Could you go to the post office

and post this letter before 6?arrange v vereinbaren Why don’t we arrange a time to meet next


problem n Problem There is no easy solution to this problem.chorus n Chor, Refrain The main part of the song is good but the

chorus is very repetitive.trust n, v n = Vertrauen; v = vertrauen We don’t trust Michelle. She

never tells the truth.

brat n Gör, ungeratenes Kind My teenage daughter is a horrible, rebellious brat.

camp n Camp, Lager Some parents send their kids on a summer camp when school finishes.

rebel (against sb or sth) v rebellieren (gegen jdn/etw) Teenagers love to rebel against their parents and annoy them.

tell a lie v lügen We could tell a lie, but I prefer to tell the truth.lie n Lüge It’s a lie; he isn’t telling the truth!steal v stehlen Someone tried to steal my wallet.

know you don’t like hot food.gold n Gold Does Cathy prefer silver or gold; I want to buy her a ring?silver n Silber When the moon shines it has a silver colour.carpet n Teppich They bought a new carpet to put on their living room

floor.rug n Teppich, Vorleger There are no carpets in our room so we bought a rug

for the floor.count (your money) v (sein Geld) zählen When

they give you back your change, you should count your money carefully.

belt n Gürtel You need a belt with those trousers.deodorant n Deodorant Don’t forget to have a shower and put

some deodorant on after you’ve been running.parcel n Päckchen The post office sent me a note to say I had to collect a

parcel.aspirin n Aspirin Have you got an aspirin; I’ve got a bad headache?doughnut n Berliner, Krapfen He mustn’t eat cakes, sugar or jam; so

don’t give him a doughnut.tissue n Papiertaschentuch I can’t stop sneezing have you got a tissue?scales n pl Waage You need to weigh it on the scales to see how heavy it is.a book of stamps n ein Briefmarkenheft Can you go to

the post office and buy a book of stamps?shaving foam n Rasierschaum Frank needs to shave but he hasn’t

got any shaving foam.chemist’s (shop) n Apotheke, Drogerie Can you go to the

chemist’s and get me some aspirin?customer n Kunde, Kundin If you are a shop assistant, remember

the customer is always right.cashier n Kassierer(in) Bankangestellte(r) The cashier in the bank

was helpful, she exchanged my Euros.sore throat Halsschmerzen Sally can’t speak. She’s got a sore

throat.allergic adj allergisch Vince can’t come to your house because you’ve got

three cats and he’s allergic to them.size n Größe Many top models are a size 36, which is too thin.changing room n Umkleideraum If you want to try on that

jacket there is a changing room over there.

pound (pounds sterling) n Pfund Sterling They only take euros not British pounds.

dollar n Dollar What’s the exchange rate between the euro and the US dollar?

cent n Cent Is one pence the same value as one cent in the US?euro n Euro The British still use the pound. I don’t know why they won’t

change to the euro.exchange rate n Wechselkurs It’s expensive to travel to

England because the exchange rate is bad at the moment.sterling n Sterling I’d like to change these euros in to pounds sterling,

please.currency n Währung Is the currency of Japan called the yen?a litre of petrol n ein Liter Benzin They’ve stopped using

the car because a litre of petrol costs so much at the moment.cash (a cheque) v (einen Scheck) einlösen You can cash those

traveller’s cheques in the hotel.traveller’s cheque n Reisescheck I’d like to cash a traveller’s

cheque for $ 200.commission n Kommission It isn’t a good idea to exchange money at

the airport; they will charge us commission.adult n Erwachsene(r) You have to be an adult to buy cigarettes or alcohol

in this shop.certainly adv sicher Marrakesh is certainly the best place to go shopping

in Morocco.

luxurious adj luxuriös That five star hotel is really luxurious. spectacular adj spektakulär The view from the top of the

mountain is spectacular.

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horrible (to sb) adj gemein (zu jdm) When she was a child, Paula was a bully and she was horrible to other kids.

nurse n Krankenschwester/-pfleger Doctors work hard but a nurse also has a very difficult job.

orders (follow orders) n pl Anweisungen (Anweisungen folgen) In the army you need discipline and you have to follow orders.

incredible adj unglaublich It’s incredible that they won because they played so badly.

self-control n Selbstbeherrschung He always does what he wants; he hasn’t got much self-control.

army n Armee 1,000 soldiers from the British army were sent to Afghanistan.

frightening adj furchterregend We never watch horror films because they are frightening.

relaxing adj entspannend After such a relaxing weekend, they felt less stressed.

surprising adj überraschend Federer played brilliantly so it was surprising when Nadal beat him.

surprised adj überrascht We were surprised they had a dog because they said they didn’t like animals.

annoying adj ärgerlich It’s annoying when people tell you what to do all the time.

exhausting adj ermüdend, anstrengend I’m really tired after running the marathon; it was exhausting.

depressing adj deprimierend I hate this cold, grey weather; it’s very depressing.

footsteps n pl Schritte She couldn’t see anyone but she could hear footsteps coming towards her.

marathon n Marathon You’ll have to run a long distance every week if you want to win the marathon.

situation n Situation We can’t continue in this way; the situation is impossible.

frightened adj ängstlich She isn’t frightened of spiders but she hates snakes.

boring adj langweilig The film was so boring we nearly fell asleep.shocking adj schockierend No-one could believe the terrorist attack in

Madrid. It was very shocking.excited adj aufgeregt I’ve just won £10,000! I’m so excited!exciting adj aufregend Have you tried snowboarding? It’s really

exciting.confused adj verwirrt She was confused and couldn’t decide

what to do.confusing adj verwirrend This maths problem is very confusing.

We can’t understand it.disappointed adj enttäuscht We were disappointed because

only two people came to the party.disappointing adj enttäuschend I didn’t like the food or the

service in that restaurant; it was quite disappointing.annoyed adj verärgert She’s annoyed because we forgot her birthday.fascinated adj fasziniert We were fascinated by the painting

because it was very unusual.fascinating adj faszinierend No-one in the audience moved

because the speech was so fascinating.invite v einladen Do you think Mark will come if I invite him to

dinner?instruction n Anweisung If you read out the instructions, I’ll try

and connect the two parts.spy story n Spionagegeschichte This is a spy story and it’s

about secret agents working for the Chinese government.

be fed up with genug haben von She’s angry and fed up with John because he never helps at home.

Cheer up! Kopf hoch! Cheer up! I’m sure you’ll pass the exam next time.

sunshine n Sonnenschein It will be a clear day with plenty of sunshine and no clouds or rain.

be pleased for somebody sich für jdn freuen I am pleased for Margie because normally she isn’t a very lucky person.

permanent adj dauerhaft He’s looking for a permanent job because he’s tired of working in so many different places.

play truant (= not go to school) v die Schule schwänzen We will phone your parents mobile if you don’t come to school and play truant.

take drugs v Drogen nehmen More boys smoke, drink and take drugs than girls.

argue (with sb) v sich (mit jdm) streiten It’s normal for teenagers to argue with their parents about things.

swearing n Fluchen At this school we won’t tolerate bad language or swearing.

fighting n Kämpfen, Prügeln Fighting isn’t a good idea because you might get hurt.

bullying n Mobben They are shocked by the number of children who are victims of bullying at school.

alcohol n Alkohol You can’t buy cigarettes or alcohol if you are under 18.

cheating n Mogeln, Betrug Cheating and copying in the exam is not acceptable.

behaviour n Verhalten, Benehmen The behaviour of her children is terrible. They are always breaking things.

tough adj hart He thinks he’s tough but he’s really quite a weak person.therapy n Therapie He decided to get therapy to try and cure his

drug problem.desperate adj verzweifelt He was so desperate to see her that he

waited outside her house all day.blame v beschuldigen You can’t blame me because I didn’t do it.experience n Erlebnis, Erfahrung He hasn’t worked before so

he has no job experience. physical activity n körperliche Aktivität If you don’t do

any exercise or physical activity, you’ll get ill.feel sorry for v bemitleiden We feel sorry for Helen

because she’s always on her own with no friends.out of control außer Kontrolle Be careful of that dog!

It’s out of control and might attack someone.troubled adj schwierig She was a troubled child who lived in a poor

area with a lot of problems. have a drug problem n ein Drogenproblem

haben You smoke and drink so much! I think you have a drug problem.end up v enden I want to be a musician but I’ll probably end up

doing some normal job.prison n Gefängnis They spent 25 years in prison for armed robbery.fault n Fehler, Schuld The bus didn’t come so it’s not my fault if I’m late.remarried adj wieder verheiratet (NB this is a verb in the text:

remarry = v = wieder heiraten) He was divorced but then he met Becky and now he’s remarried.

intelligent adj intelligent Linda is brilliant at maths. She’s so intelligent.

divorced adj geschieden Bill got married but was separated and then divorced after 6 months.

seriously adv ernsthaft This isn’t a joke. We need to talk seriously.hurt adj verletzt She is sensitive and can be easily hurt by what you say.give up (= stop doing sth) v aufgeben Paul is trying to give up

smoking because it is so bad for his health.body piercing n Piercing My son has just had a body

piercing. He’s got a ring in his tongue.piercings n pl Piercings He had two piercings, one in his nose, and

another through his tongue.hike (= long walk) n Wanderung They like walking, so we could go for

a hike in the mountains.be responsible v verantwortlich sein It was my mistake.

I’m responsible for the damage.discuss v diskutieren Lets talk about it and discuss all the

possibilities first.psychologist n Psychologe/Psychologin She decided to

analyse all her problems so she went to see a psychologist. average adj durchschnittlich Jamie wasn’t very clever at school, he

was just average.depressed adj deprimiert, depressiv Rob felt depressed and

unhappy after his parents died.feel depressed adj deprimiert sein If you feel depressed, do

something you enjoy and you’ll feel better.shocked adj schockiert We were surprised and shocked to hear that he

was so ill.cried (past tense of cry) v weinte I cried and felt sad for days after

he left me.affect v sich auswirken auf Drugs and alcohol can affect a teenager’s


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nationality n Nationalität If you change your nationality, you can’t keep your British passport.

diverse adj vielfältig London is a diverse city where many different nationalities live together.

immigrant n Einwanderer/-wanderin The immigrant population of this city is increasing and the majority are from China.

friendliest adj freundlichste(r,s) Mario is very sociable. He’s the friendliest person I know.

owner n Besitzer(in) He’s the owner of that new Mercedes.mentioned pp erwähnt I haven’t mentioned the problem to Bill

because he’s very sensitive.foreigner n Ausländer(in) Christophe is a foreigner because he

definitely isn’t from around here.community n Bevölkerungsgruppe The immigrant

community where we live has a lot of vitality.vitality n Lebendigkeit, Energie The West Indian community have

a lot of vitality. They love music and dance.population n Bevölkerung The population of this area has

increased. About 5 million people live here.fluency n flüssiges sprecher, Redefluss My teacher thinks fluency is

more important than accuracy when we speak English.character n Charakter In the series Friends, Jennifer Aniston

plays the character called Rachel.advantage n Vorteil The advantage of living in the centre is

that you have everything near you.principle n Prinzip One principle her parents taught her was to

work hard.afford v sich leisten We can’t afford to go on holiday this year; we

haven’t got much money.get on well gut (miteinander) auskommen We get on well

because we like the same things.be accepted v akzeptiert werden Steve won’t be accepted for

the job; he hasn’t got much experience.get better besser werden The weather will get better this

weekend.stare v starren Don’t stare at the computer screen too long.baker’s (shop) n Bäckerei The cakes and bread in that

baker’s are really delicious.greengrocer’s (shop) n Gemüsegeschäft They

usually buy fruit and vegetables at the greengrocer’s near their house.grocer’s (shop) n Lebensmittelgeschäft Can you get me

some flour from the grocer’s shop? homeland n Heimatland If you lived abroad for many years,

would you forget your homeland?neighbour n Nachbar(in) When we go away on holiday our next

door neighbour looks after our pets.passion n Leidenschaft They love animals and they have a passion for

dogs.friendship n Freundschaft Their friendship began because they

had a lot of things in common.stick together (= stay together) v, coll

zusammenhalten The Chinese community in this area stick together and don’t mix much with other people.

interest n Interesse He finally became a painter because of his interest in art.

separate adj getrennt Do you share a room with your brother or do you have separate bedrooms?

independence n Unabhängigkeit When did India get independence from the British Empire?

generous adj großzügig Yolanda is always paying for everyone. She’s very generous.

be fed up (with) adj genug haben (von) He’s going to look for another job because he’s fed up with this one.

messy adj unordentlich Can you tidy up the kitchen? It’s so messy after you cook!

rude adj unhöflich That waiter wasn’t very helpful; infact he was quite rude.

absolutely adv absolut I’m absolutely certain the Eiffel Tower is in Paris.

untidy adj unordentlich Sally leaves things all over her room in a mess; she’s very untidy.

impolite adj unhöflich We were surprised that Paul was so rude because he isn’t normally impolite.

miserable adj elend We didn’t enjoy the weekend away because the

marital status n Familienstand, Zivilstand ‘What’s your marital status?’ ‘I’m single.’

occupation n Beruf ‘Can I have your name and occupation?’ ‘Liz Jones. Dentist.’

delete v löschenstreichen If you delete that line, the paragraph won’t make sense.

applicable adj zutreffend This section isn’t applicable to me. I’m not married.

postcode n Postleitzahl Their postcode is Manchester, MA5 7F J

signature n Unterschrift Please put your signature at the bottom of the letter.

heartache n Kummer When you finish a relationship, the heartache can be terrible.

building n Gebäude The building next to the post office is the oldest in this street.

spicy adj scharf gewürzt They like hot, spicy food like Indian or Thai.brilliant adj toll, fantastisch That book is brilliant. It’s the best I’ve

ever read.shocking adj schockierend The news was so shocking that we almost

didn’t believe it.amazing adj super, fantastisch The pyramids are amazing. How

did they build them?talented adj begabt, talentiert James is a brilliant and talented


historical adj historisch You must visit the old historical centre of the city while you are there.

modern adj modern She works in a modern office with all the latest technology.

music scene n Musikszene There are no places for concerts here and the music scene is rather boring.

temple n Tempel Tanah Lot is a famous temple by the sea in Bali.birthplace n Geburtsort She hasn’t been back to her birthplace

since she was a small child.

general knowledge n Allgemeinwissen Here’s a difficult general knowledge question: Which is the smallest state in Europe?

human n Mensch An adult human has a more intelligent brain than most animals.

shark n Hai The great white shark can be seen off the East coast of Australia.

hippopotamus n Nilpferd Which is bigger and heavier; an elephant or a hippopotamus?

sightseeing n Besichtigungen Sightseeing in a city is fine if you like visiting monuments and museums.

comedy n Komödie The play is a comedy and it’s very funny.thriller n Thriller The film we saw was a thriller and it was very

exciting.science fiction n Science Fiction Do you like science fiction

films, like Matrix or Star Wars?jazz n Jazz One of the most influential jazz musicians was Miles Davis.rap n Rap Outkast are popular rap artists.break up v sich trennen He didn’t want to break up with her, but

he met another woman.second hand adj gebraucht We don’t have enough money

for a new car so we’re going to buy a second hand one.

pleasure n Freude, Vergnügen Thanks you for coming, it’s a pleasure to meet you.

sunset n Sonnenuntergang The sun goes down at about 7pm so you might see a beautiful sunset

cosmopolitan adj kosmopolitisch, international This area is very cosmopolitan. There’s a mixture of Asians, Latin Americans and Africans.

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band n Band, Gruppe Who is the singer in that band?album n Album The band’s last album won four music awards.novel n Roman His books have sold millions of copies and his new novel

is out next week.great-granddaughter n Urenkelin Helen’s grand

daughter has just had a baby girl so now she has got a great granddaughter.tragic adj tragisch Many people believe that the invasion of Iraq was

a tragic mistake.accident n Unfall We saw a terrible car accident on the way to

work this morning.

decide v entscheiden I can’t decide whether to wear a skirt or dress to the party.

film premiere n Filmpremiere No-one has seen the film yet but it will be shown at the next film premiere.

have a break (= have a rest) eine Pause machen I’ve been working for 5 hours so now I’m going to stop and have a break for 10 minutes.

camping n Zelten We want to go camping so we need to buy a tent.

musical instrument n Musikinstrument I can sing but I can’t play a musical instrument.

member n Mitglied How much does it cost to be a member of this sports club?

career n Laufbahn Colin is studying medicine; he wants a career as a doctor.

influenced (by sb/sth) pp beeinflusst (von jdm/etw) Many British bands have been influenced by the Beatles.

guitar n Gitarre Which do you prefer, electric or acoustic guitar?bass n Bassgitarre She plays the bass guitar and he plays the drums.trumpet n Trompete Fats Domino was a famous trumpet player.keyboard n Keyboard The keyboard on the piano is out of tune.saxophone n Saxophon Many jazz musicians play the trumpet

or the saxophone.drums n pl Schlagzeug That banging noise you can hear is my son

playing the drums in his room.journalist n Journalist(in) Ted is a journalist and he works for

the Times newspaper

moody adj launisch Be careful with Gina because she’s temperamental and moody.

drama queen n Schauspielerin (ironisch), hysterische Tussi Julia is always shouting and crying about something. She’s a right drama queen.

temperamental adj launisch You never know what she might say or do because she’s so temperamental.

thoughtful adj nachdenklich, aufmerksam You didn’t need to send flowers but it was really thoughtful.

easy-going adj gelassen I really like Dave because he’s so relaxed and easy-going.

kind adj freundlich Vince is a very generous and kind person who always helps other people.

bad-tempered adj schlecht gelaunt Don’t speak to me early in the morning. I’m often irritable and bad-tempered.

spoilt adj verwöhnt As a child he was always given what he wanted so he became very spoilt.

selfish adj egoistisch She’s very selfish and only thinks about herself all the time.

staff n Personal All the staff in this company have asked for a pay rise.disaster n Katastrophe The Tsunami in Indonesia is a natural

disaster no-one will forget.hire v mieten When we arrive in Mallorca, we’ll hire a car and drive

round the island.nervous breakdown n Nervenzusammenbruch

Andy is in hospital because he was very depressed and had a nervous breakdown.lighting n Beleuchtung It’s too dark in this room because the lighting

isn’t very good.angry adj ärgerlich Mary was late for work again so her boss is very

angry.reception n Empfang Please check in at the hotel reception desk

when you arrive.movie (= film) n US Film The British say ‘film’ but the Americans

say movie.

weather was cold, wet and miserable.polite adj höflich If you are invited to dinner, it is polite to take a

present.mean adj niederträchtig, geizig Eddie never spends any money. He’s

really mean.

book (a room) v buchen We’d like to book a double room for the weekend.

online adj online You can check the website for information if you go online now.

hostel n Herberge If we don’t have much money, we can stay in a hostel instead of a hotel.

leaflet n Broschüre This leaflet gives you all the basic information about prices.

run v rennen, laufen Only the best athletes can run in the marathon.tour n Tour, Rundfahrt They bought a caravan and went on a tour

round France.check in einchecken They arrive at 9 pm so they plan to

check in at the hotel at about 9.30.gender n Geschlecht We’re studying women’s equality and

gender issues this term.expiry date n Verfallsdatum We shouldn’t eat this food

because the expiry date on the packet has passed.booking fee n Buchungsgebühr If you buy the tickets on the

internet there is a booking fee of £2.50.terms and conditions n pl

Vertragsbedingungen Read the contract and check the terms and conditions before you sign it.

trip n Reise, Fahrt, Ausflug Let’s go on a day trip to London and visit all the famous sights.

sights n pl Sehenswürdigkeiten What are the best sights to see in New York?

sightseeing tour n Besichtigungstour The sightseeing tour was expensive but we saw all the interesting places.

backpack n Rucksack If you’re going to travel around the world for a year, you need a good backpack

thief n Dieb(in) The thief stole all their money and bags.industrial adj industriell That part of town has a lot of factories

and it’s the industrial area.fashionable adj modern Beth has always got the latest clothes. She’s

really fashionable.contemporary adj zeitgenössisch Do you like modern,

contemporary architecture?sculpture n Skulptur David is a famous sculpture by


fame n Berühmtheit, Ruhm Her fame for being a brilliant actor increased as she got older.

famous adj berühmt People go on programmes like Big Brother because they want to be famous.

musician n Musiker(in) She gave up work, learnt to play the piano and became a famous musician.

model v als Fotomodell arbeiten Some teenage girls try to copy and model themselves on famous singers and actors.

related adj verwandt This problem seems to be related to the last one because there are a lot of similarities.

refer to v sich beziehen auf She’s going to talk about the environment and refer to the issue of pollution.

psychoanalysis n Psychoanalyse Psychoanalysis may help some people solve problems in their lives.

patient n Patient(in) The doctor told the patient he could go home.governed pp regiert Which state in the US is governed by the

President’s brother?principality n Fürstentum The principality of Monaco is

very small.founder member n Gründungsmitglied He was the

founder member of the group when it started in 1999.friendly adj freundlich Our neighbours are very friendly and they

often invite us over for dinner.

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so I’m going to find a decorator to change it.library n Bibliothek When you go to the library, can you take back

these books I borrowed?librarian n Bibliothekar(in) He loves books so he’s decided to get

a job as a librarian.photographer n Fotograf(in) The photographer sold the

picture to the newspapers for thousands of pounds.electric adj elektrisch Jimi Hendrix was one of the most famous

electric guitar players of all time.electrician n Elektriker(in) Do you know a good electrician

because the lights aren’t working in this building?law n Recht, Jura Zoe studies law at university; she wants to become a

judge.lawyer n Rechtsanwalt, Jurist Kate is a lawyer. She spends a lot of time in

court.invitation n Einladung We didn’t get a formal invitation to the

wedding so we didn’t go.decision n Entscheidung She usually spends a long time thinking

about it before she makes a decision.organization n Organisation Oxfam is a non government

organization with projects in many developing countries.explain v erklären Ask the teacher to explain it if you don’t

understand the problem.explanation n Erklärung Please give your boss a written

explanation of why you want to take time off.employer n Arbeitgeber It’s his company and he has a good

reputation as an employer.employment n Arbeit, Stelle It’s difficult to find employment

in this city as all the best jobs have been taken.imagination n Fantasie To be a good writer you need

creativity and imagination.advertise v werben It’s better to advertise the product on TV if

you want it to sell.advertisement n Anzeige, Werbung More people will buy a

product if there is a famous person in an advertisement.kindness n Freundlichkeit We’d like to thank you for all your help

and kindness.difference n Unterschied There is a great difference between your

version and my version of the story.disastrous adj katastrophal The elections were disastrous.

Almost nobody voted.noisy adj laut I’m going to live somewhere quiet in the countryside

because this city is so noisy.ambitious adj ehrgeizig If you want to get to the top, you have to

be ambitious.

ten-pound note n Zehnpfundschein Have you got a ten-pound note for these two fives?

alive adj lebendig The police thought everyone was dead after the train accident but two people were still alive.

misfortunes n pl Pech, Unglück Many gossip magazines publish stories about the bad luck and misfortunes of celebrities.

tragedy n Tragödie The death of so many civilians in the war was a real tragedy.

paparazzi n pl Paparazzi Robbie Williams is coming which is why there are hundreds of paparazzi photographers at the door.

heir n Erbe/Erbin Prince Charles is heir to the throne in England.

bill n Rechnung Can you ask the waiter for the bill so I can pay?be on call Bereitschaftsdienst haben Doctors have to be on

call in case of an emergency.surgery n Arztpraxis My aunt is a doctor and she works in the

surgery on Castle Street.possession n Besitz She’s got a lot of dresses but this 1940’s dress is

her favourite possession. unsocial adj unsozial A fire fighter’s job is very difficult and you

have to work unsocial hours.night shift n Nachtschicht Linda is sleeping today because she did

the night shift at work yesterday.

sack n Entlassung They discovered Pete was stealing things from the office so he got the sack

unkind adj unfreundlich When he was a kid he was often cruel and unkind to other children.

private jet n Privatjet He’s very rich and usually flies everywhere in his private jet.

entourage n Gefolge As usual, Victoria Beckham arrived with an entourage of people including her personal trainer.

PA (personal assistant) n persönliche(r) Assistent(in) She is PA to the Managing Director and she organizes all his work agenda.

manicurist n Maniküre, Nagelpflegerin She went to a manicurist because her hands and nails were in bad condition.

chef n Koch/Köchin The food at that restaurant is better since they got a new chef.

dietician n Ernährungsberater(in) If you are worried about your weight, you should go and see a dietician.

personal trainer n private(r) Fitnesstrainer(in) She’s going to employ a personal trainer to help her exercise and get fit.

chauffeur n Chauffeur(in) She’s rich and famous and she has a chauffeur to drive her everywhere.

bodyguard n Leibwächter(in) Many famous people employ a bodyguard for protection.

performance n Auftritt, Aufführung They didn’t give a very good performance and a lot of the audience left early.

perform v auftreten, aufführen The group are going to perform live in all the big cities.

series n Serie In the last few years the best TV series have been made in the US.

attend v besuchen We hope to attend the meeting but we are not sure if we can come.

calm adj ruhig Try not to get nervous, stay calm before the exam.patient adj geduldig Try to be patient and not get angry with the

children because they are very young.havoc (play havoc with sth) n

Chaos He’s very temperamental and plays havoc with the press.sidewalk (= pavement) n US Gehweg Do American speakers

say pavement or sidewalk?corridor n Gang, Korridor The dining room and the kitchen are

separated by a long corridor.employ v einstellen, beschäftigen We decided to employ the first

candidate we interviewed for the job.organize v organisieren It’s a good idea to make a plan and

organize your work before you start it.fire (from a job) v (aus einem Job) feuern

hinauswerfen They decided to fire Sarah because she was always late for work.courage n Mut He’s not very brave so he didn’t have the courage to

tell her.danger n Gefahr They went parachuting because they like risk

and danger.industry n Industrie Not many people work in the car industry

because everything is done by robots.upset adj mitgenommen, traurig I know you feel sad and upset at the

moment but things will get better.flopped (= been unsuccessful) pp ein Reinfall gewesen Everyone

thought the record would be a success but it flopped.

art n Kunst The new art gallery has some fantastic paintings.artist n Künstler(in) He’s a graffiti artist and he painted the walls in

this street.politics n pl Politik She’s been in politics for many years and she’s

done a lot of work for the council.politician n Politiker(in) My dad is a politician and he won the

local elections.interpreter n Dolmetscher(in) We need an interpreter

because we don’t speak German.account n Konto Open an account with that bank, they offer good

rates.accountant n Buchhalter(in) We need to employ an accountant

to manage the company finances.science n Wissenschaft At school, I hated science, especially physics

and chemistry.decorate v anstreichen We wanted to paint and decorate the

house in a different way.decorator n Anstreicher(in) I don’t like the style of this room,

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with anyone.childcare n Kinderbetreuung We don’t have a nanny because

childcare is very expensive.engineering n Ingenieurwesen Not many women work in

building and engineering which are still traditionally jobs for men.gender gap n Unterschied zwischen den

Geschlechtern There are more male nurses now so the gender gap is decreasing.

psychology n Psychologie She studies psychology because she is interested in how the mind functions.

opinion n Meinung We thought she was unfriendly but our opinion of her changed later.

satisfaction n Befriedigung Many people agree that to be happy at work and have job satisfaction is important.

non-traditional adj nicht traditionell She’s a politician with quite radical and non-traditional ideas.

tough adj hart, zäh The training course wasn’t very hard. It wasn’t as tough as we expected.

agency n Agentur The travel agency has some very good offers at the moment.

feed v füttern Did you feed the dog because he seems to be hungry?nappy n Windel The baby is crying. Can you change his nappy?profession n Beruf Being an actor isn’t easy, because it’s hard to get

to the top in this profession.development n Entwicklung We can’t see any development

in his ideas. They haven’t changed at all.ignore v ignorieren If you look in the other direction and ignore

him, he’ll stop annoying you.

apply v sich bewerben He’s decided to apply for that job he saw in the newspaper.

interview n, v n = Vorstellungsgespräch; v = ein Vorstellungsgespräch führen mit The interview went well, so she got the job. They agreed to interview him, although he wasn’t a good candidate for the job.

take care of v sich kümmern um You need to stay in bed and take care of yourself for a few days.

country n Land Is Australia a continent or a country?message n Nachricht Send me a text message to say where we’re

going to meet later.definition n Definition The definition of this word in the

dictionary isn’t very clear.

have a sore throat Halsschmerzen haben If you can’t speak because you have a sore throat, you should go to the doctor’s.

food poisoning n Lebensmittelvergiftung She thinks she got food poisoning from that restaurant because she’s been sick all day.

diarrhoea n Durchfall She was sick and she had diarrhoea.symptom n Symptom Is a high temperature a symptom of flu?sneeze v niesen I know you’ve got a bad cold but please put your hand

over your mouth when you sneeze.blow your nose sich die Nase putzen You’ve got a cold.

Have a tissue and blow your nose.stomach-ache n Magenschmerzen I ate too much cake and

chocolate so now I’ve got a stomach-ache.glands n pl Drüsen He’s got a sore throat and his glands are swollen.swollen pp geschwollen She’s got flu and her glands have swollen.swallow v schlucken It’s hard to swallow with a sore throat.have a temperature Fieber haben She doesn’t

have a temperature but her body aches.ache v wehtun, schmerzen He shouldn’t drink any more wine if he doesn’t

want his head to ache tomorrow.prescribe v verschreiben What medicine did the doctor prescribe

for your illness?liquid n Flüssigkeit Drink plenty of liquid if you have a cold.prescription n Rezept Could you take this prescription from the

doctor to the chemist’s and get me the medicine, please?

application n Bewerbung I don’t know if they received my application for the job but I sent it a week ago.

signature n Unterschrift Please put your signature at the bottom of the letter.

enclosed adj beigelegt There is a copy of the document enclosed with the package.

stay calm ruhig bleiben Try to stay calm and don’t panic before you got for the interview.

architect n Architekt(in) The architect who designed that building has no idea of what people need.

taxi-driver n Taxifahrer(in) Bill is a taxi-driver. He normally drives the route between the airport and the city centre.

farmer n Bauer/Bäuerin He wants to be a farmer because he loves animals and the countryside.

nanny n Kindermädchen Both parents are working so they need a nanny to look after their children.

optician n Optiker(in) I’m going to the optician to have a test because my eyes seem to be getting worse.

mechanic n Mechaniker(in) The mechanic at the garage said there was nothing he could do to fix their car.

soldier n Soldat(in) Guy wants to join the army and become a soldier.

hairdresser n Friseur(in) I must go to the hairdresser and get my hair cut.

plumber n Klempner(in) There is water all over the kitchen so I think we need to call a plumber to fix the problem.

ex-boyfriend n früherer Freund After they broke up, Denise’s ex-boyfriend still phoned her for months.

bully n Tyrann Chris hits other children and shouts at them. He’s a real bully.

fall in love sich verlieben Did you fall in love with him as soon as you met him?

chat v sich unterhalten If I got internet at home, my daughter would chat all day to her friends on messenger.

coward n Feigling Ron is a coward because he won’t admit what he did.

obligation n Verpflichtung You don’t have to sign this if you don’t want to as you are under no obligation.

necessary adj nötig It’s really necessary that you read the instructions before you start.

twist v verstauchen Did he twist his ankle playing tennis?ankle n Knöchel He twisted his ankle while he was playing football.behave v sich verhalten Those children don’t know how to behave.

They are very rude and noisy.strangely adv merkwürdig(erweise) He looked at me strangely,

as if he didn’t recognise me.seat belt n Sicherheitsgurt I can’t start driving the car until you put

your seat belt on.

traditionally adv traditionell(erweise) In the past, being a nanny was traditionally a woman’s job but now men are also doing it.

builder n Handwerker(in) This construction site is dangerous and a builder had an accident here last week.

gardener n Gärtner(in) I’m interested in plants and trees so I might become a gardener in the future.

painter n Maler(in) They didn’t have time to paint the house so they employed a painter to do it.

firefighter n Feuerwehrmann/-frau A firefighter has a dangerous job and you need to be physically strong.

detective n Kriminalbeamter/-beamtin He left the police force and became a private detective.

equal opportunities n Gleichberechtigung We employ as many women as men in this company so there are equal opportunities.

sexism n Sexismus Both girls and boys have exactly the same opportunities at this school. There is no sexism.

racism n Rassismus There is no racism in that company. They employ people of all nationalities.

prejudice n Vorurteil People are often surprised when she says she is a plumber because there is still a lot of prejudice against women at work.

workplace n Arbeitsplatz They spend a lot of time at the office so it’s important to have a nice atmosphere in the workplace.

gender n Geschlecht We’re studying women’s equality and gender issues this term

career n Beruf She has always wanted a career in politics since she left university.

ability n Fähigkeit She’s very sociable and has the ability to get on

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stressful adj stressig, anstrengend Carol’s life is so stressful. She never has time to rest.

run away v weglaufen She wanted to escape and run away from all the problems in her life.

firework n Feuerwerk Don’t light that firework until I’ve put the baby to bed because she’s scared of loud noises.

without doubt zweifellos We definitely enjoyed the trip to Patagonia. It was the best, without doubt.

carefree adj sorglos Margie never seems to be stressed or worried about things. She’s a very carefree person.

distance n Entfernung Is the distance very far between his house and yours?

freedom n Freiheit My parents don’t give me much freedom. I have to do what they say and be home early at night.

awful adj schrecklich This food is awful! It tastes disgusting!debt n Schulden We spent more money than we had last year so now we

are in debt.routine n (Alltags)routine Pauline doesn’t have a regular routine.

She does something different every day.earn v verdienen I earn good money in my job.readjust v sich umstellen, sich wieder eingewöhnen After he

retired, it took Tom some time to adapt and readjust because he had so much time.

normal adj normal We don’t think her behaviour was normal; in fact, it was rather strange.

retired adj im Ruhestand My father retired when he was 60.I can’t see the point coll Ich sehe keinen Sinn

darin Why do we have to do this? I can’t see the point.sailor n Matrose My cousin is a sailor and she works for the Royal

Navy.navy n Marine My uncle is in the navy and he has been made captain

of the ship.environment n Umwelt Pollution and greenhouse gases are

destroying the environment.put sb off sth (= stop sb liking sth) v jdn von etw

abbringen I hate insects so it put me off going on holiday to the Amazon jungle.

unwillingness n mangelnde Bereitschaft She often refuses to help and her unwillingness makes people angry.

destination n Ziel We’re flying via New York but our final destination is L.A.

ruin v ruinieren, verderben If you cook the food too fast, you’ll ruin the dinner and it will taste horrible.

desire n Wunsch They want to travel and their greatest desire is to see the pyramids.

wood n Wald I prefer the table which is made of wood and not plastic.pond n Teich My grandparents have got a pond in their garden with

goldfish and ducks.path n Pfad, Weg You can get to her house if you walk up the path.gate n Tor Please shut the gate when you leave the field or the animals

might escape.

pros and cons Vor- und Nachteile Before we reach a conclusion, we need to consider the pros and cons of the argument.

crowded adj überfüllt This restaurant is very crowded. Shall we go somewhere with fewer people?

delayed adj verspätet Sorry I’m late but the train was delayed for an hour.

traffic jam n Verkehrsstau We almost never get to work on time because we are often in a traffic jam on the motorway.

X-ray n Röntgenstrahl The doctor gave me an X-ray to see if my bones were broken.

discovered pp entdeckt X-rays were discovered by Wilhelm Roentgen.

machine n Gerät The photocopy machine has broken again.human adj menschlich An adult human has a more intelligent

apologize v sich entschuldigen If I were you, I would say sorry and apologize.

assistance n Hilfe If we can help and you need assistance, please call us.

regret (to inform you) v bedauern (Ihnen mitzuteilen) We regret to inform you that you didn’t get the job.

inform v informieren We are sorry to inform you that there will be delays on the Northern train line.

enquire v sich erkundigen He went to enquire about the job vacancy.

gap year n Zwischen jahr They’re going to take a gap year between school and university.

plan n Plan We should get organised and make a plan before we start.as soon as sobald We’ll call you as soon as we arrive at the

hotel.old people’s home n Altersheim George is 95 and

has no family so he has to live in an old people’s home.save v sparen Do you spend all your money when you get it or do you

save some?

chase v verfolgen Leave your dog at home because it will chase my cats round the garden.

wild adj wild You’ll see a lot of wild animals if you visit that national park in South Africa.

insect n Insekt The red back spider is a very dangerous insect.sunburnt adj sonnenverbrannt He stayed in the sun all day so

now he is sunburnt.the bush (= African/Australian countryside) n der

Busch You’ll definitely see kangaroos if you go to the Australian bush.join v eintreten in If you want to join the gym, you need to fill in this

form and get a member’s card.army n Armee 1,000 soldiers from the British army were sent to

Afghanistan.be fluent (in a language) adj (eine Sprache) fließend

sprechen She’s fluent in French but she can’t speak Spanish so well.salary n Gehalt Nurses have asked for a salary increase as they think

they aren’t paid enough.flight n Flug British Airways flight 409 has been delayed.message n Nachricht They’ve just sent us a message by email.answerphone n Anrufbeantworter I can’t leave her a message

because her answerphone isn’t on.Take care! Pass auf dich auf!, Mach’s gut! Don’t forget to

write while you are away and take care!

favour n Gefallen Can you do me a favour and go shopping today because I haven’t got time?

fortune (= a lot of money) n Vermögen Most professional footballers make a fortune these days. I think they get too much money.

tablet n Tablette Take half an aspirin tablet, not a whole one.get on well (with sb) v sich gut verstehen (mit

jdm) We get on well with our boss. He’s very friendly and easygoing.mess n Durcheinander My desk is a mess. I should tidy it before


addict n Süchtige(r) He had to have special therapy because he was a drug addict.

escape v fliehen He wants to get away for a while and escape from his everyday routine.

travel brochure n Reiseprospekt We’ve got a holiday in a month so I’m going to the travel agent’s to ask for a travel brochure.

brochure n Broschüre Let’s look in the holiday brochure and check the prices of hotels.

including prep einschließlich The whole team was at the football match, including Gerry who was still injured.

settle v sich niederlassen It’s difficult to stay in one place and settle when you’ve been travelling.

consultant n Berater(in) Pete is a financial consultant. He gives people advice about what to do with their money.

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make a complaint because the service is terrible.

penicillin n Penicillin One medicine which has cured many illnesses is penicillin.

weblink n Weblink We were looking for information on the internet and we found a good weblink to another site.

structure n Struktur Is the structure of each cell exactly the same?

company n Firma We work for a multinational company in the city centre.

cure n Heilmittel We hope they will find a cure for cancer in the future.

disease n Krankheit Cancer is a disease which scientists are still researching.

result n Ergebnis Did you get the final results of your exams?search engine n Suchmaschine Google is a very popular

internet search engine.cell n Zelle One cell in your body contains your DNA.contain v enthalten How many genes does human DNA contain?borrow v leihen Could I borrow your notes? I’ll give them back later.commit (a crime) v (ein Verbrechen) begehen If you commit a

crime and get caught, you’ll probably go to prison.dream of v träumen von They really love travelling and they

dream of visiting India.be related to (sb) v verwandt sein mit (jdm) I think

Chris might be related to Donna because they look similar.recently adv kürzlich, neulich This wasn’t discovered a long time

ago; they’ve only found it recently.successful adj erfolgreich Google is successful because it’s fast, easy

and accurate.unique adj einzigartig Paper was a unique invention which the

Chinese kept secret.suspect n Verdächtige(r) Did the test show the suspect of the crime

is guilty?guilty adj schuldig Are they innocent or guilty of the crime?chemical adj chemisch If we mix these two substances we’ll get a

chemical reaction.project n Projekt We’re doing a computer project to see which are

the most visited websites.pick v aussuchen With DNA, we can pick the best person for a job if we

want.science fiction n Science Fiction Do you like science fiction

films, like Matrix or Star Wars?popularity n Beliebtheit That band has thousands of fans and

their popularity is increasing daily.memory n Erinnerung My memory is worse than ever; I’m always

forgetting things.worldwide adj weltweit The great thing about internet is you

can contact people everywhere and make friends worldwide.accurate adj genau We estimated there were 2,000 people there but

that might not be accurate.

annoy v ärgern Does it annoy you when people answer their mobile phone in the cinema?

complain v sich beschweren If you don’t like it, why don’t you complain and ask for your money back?

automated adj automatisch What would we do without automated answer phones?

domestic adj häuslich, Haushalts- She hates cooking and doing housework. She’s not a very domestic person.

technology n Technologie John isn’t interested in modern technology; he hasn’t even got a mobile phone!

press v drücken To make paper out of wood, they press it at a paper mill.miracle n Wunder It was a miracle that they survived the accident

because it was terrible.plastic n Plastik That supermarket sells everything in plastic packets.litter n Abfall People often throw litter on the street near our house. be broke (= have no money) v pleite sein Could you lend me

some money until Friday because I’m broke?dialogue n Dialog I can’t understand what they’re saying in this

film. I wish the dialogue was in my own language.

rarely adv selten He rarely does any exercise because he doesn’t have

brain than most animals.bone n Knochen I broke a bone in my arm so now I can’t write.experiment v experimentieren The students did an

experiment in the chemistry lesson.electricity n Strom, Elektrizität Can you imagine life without

light or electricity?immediately adv sofort She doesn’t want to wait for the results of

the test; she wants to know immediately.operation n Operation He’s just had an operation and he’s still

recovering in hospital. body n Körper, Leiche Police have found the body of a man under a

bridge and suspect it is murder.cut open v aufschneiden Check the X-ray before you cut open

the patient.awarded pp verliehen She was awarded first prize in the young

writer’s competition.invention n Erfindung Which is the better invention, the TV or the

telephone?imaging n Bildtechnik Computer imaging was first introduced in

the 1970’s.criminal n Verbrecher(in) DNA can help identify a criminal at the

scene of the crime.illegal adj illegal You can’t park your car in this street. It’s illegal.item n Gegenstand You can take more than 1 item of clothing into the

changing rooms.luggage n Gepäck I had three suitcases so my luggage was very heavy

and I had to pay extra on the flight.work of art n Kunstwerk Some people say his painting is a

work of art but I think it’s awful.fault n Fehler He didn’t do anything wrong. It isn’t his fault.develop v entwickeln Did he develop the theory by accident?produce v herstellen The company will produce and sell more cars

next year.helicopter n Hubschrauber, Helikopter Is it more dangerous

to fly in a plane or a helicopter?climb v klettern He wants to climb Mount Everest next year.

match v zuordnen They tried to match the DNA to the suspect of the crime.

century n Jahrhundert The Arabs brought paper to Europe in the 10th century.

paper mill n Papierfabrik After the Arabs brought paper to Europe, where was the first paper mill built?

cloth n Stoff The Chinese made paper from plants and cloth. gun n Gewehr There were no shots fired so he didn’t have a gun.papyrus n Papyrus The Egyptians made papyrus, which was

similar to paper.government official n Regierungsbeamter/-

beamtin Nick doesn’t work for a private company. He’s a government official at the national bank.

keep a secret v ein Geheinmis bewahren Don’t tell Jennifer anything because she can’t keep a secret.

a cure n ein Heilmittel Do you think scientists will ever find a cure for serious illnesses?

the truth n die Wahrheit There is no point in lying; you have to tell us the truth.

DNA n DNS You can find out about your family, health and personality from your DNA.

discovery n Entdeckung The discovery of penicillin has changed our lives.

lie n Lüge We know it’s not the truth because he finally told us it was a lie.complaint n Beschwerde Please ask to see the manager if you

wish to make a complaint.weight n Gewicht He’s lost weight since he’s been doing exercise.give sb a lift v jdn mitnehmen I’ve got the car so I can give

you a lift to the station.passenger n Passagier(in) We’re waiting for one last

passenger to get on this plane.briefcase n Aktenkoffer He was carrying all his papers in his

briefcase, which he lost on the way home.be homesick adj Heinweh haben Most young people are

homesick when they first live away from their family.make a complaint v sich beschweren We’re going to

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be made redundant entlassen werden The workers won’t lose their jobs and be made redundant because the company has finally decided they need them.

agree v zustimmen We all agree that English is a very useful language to learn.

volcano n Vulkan There is no evidence that the volcano will erupt.

active adj aktiv Ruth does a lot of sport and exercise. She’s very active.extinct adj erloschen Many species will soon disappear and become

extinct if we don’t take care of our planet.erupt v ausbrechen Did the volcano erupt in the winter or the

summer?unlikely adv unwahrscheinlich It’s midnight so if they haven’t

phoned by now, it is unlikely they will.famine n Hungersnot If temperatures increase and there is less water,

more countries may suffer a famine.sunlight n Sonnenlicht Plants don’t grow if they don’t get enough

sunlight.heating n Heizung You should turn down the heating because it isn’t

that cold and it costs a lot of money.freeze v einfrieren If the temperature goes below zero, everything starts

to freeze.impressed adj beeindruckt They were impressed by his speech. It

was very good.chatter v reden, sich unterhalten They talk and chatter too much

in class and they don’t listen to the teacher.excitedly adv aufgeregt They told us excitedly about their

incredible, new discovery.huge adj riesig After she’d won the Oscar as best film director, she

became a huge success.ordinary adj gewöhnlich Before he became a famous star, he lived in

a simple and ordinary way.earth n Erde How many volcanoes are there on planet earth?ash n Asche There was a lot of ash left after the volcano erupted.shoot up v in die Höhe schießen If the volcano erupts, ash and

rock will shoot up into the air.eventually adv schließlich, schlussendlich He didn’t like her at

first but they eventually became friends.crops n pl Ernte The weather has been bad so farmers are worried

about their crops.contaminated adj verseucht It’s not a good idea to drink

that water because it might be contaminated.cloud n Wolke There’s a big, black cloud over us, so I think it’s going to

rain any minute now.blocked pp blockiert Police have blocked the road because the volcano

might erupt.fail v ausfallen We don’t want to fail the exam so we’re studying hard to

pass it.carry on v weitermachen If you carry on driving down this road,

you’ll arrive in the town centre.greenhouse n Treibhaus We grew the tomatoes in a greenhouse

because it’s too cold to grow them outside. such so It was such a fantastic place to stay that we’d really recommend


take off v vi = abheben; vt = ausziehen Did the plane take off on time? They still haven’t arrived.

give away v verschenken She must be very generous to give away all her money and have almost nothing for herself.

pick up v aufheben He told the children to pick up the litter they left on the floor.

look for v suchen nach Why don’t we look for more information on the internet to see if we’re correct?

turn off v ausmachen Don’t forget to turn off all the computers before you leave the office

lie down v sich hinlegen She’s got a headache so she’s going to lie down on the sofa and have a rest.

turn round v umdrehen I’m not going to turn around because I don’t want them to see me.

try on v anprobieren Is there a changing room where I can try on these clothes?

throw away v wegwerfen Before you throw away your rubbish you can separate and recycle it.

enough time.monster n Monster The kids don’t like that cartoon because

there’s a monster in it which frightens them.novel (= book) n Roman I’m reading a great novel at the moment.translated pp übersetzt Her novel has been translated into

many different languages.published pp veröffentlicht Her novel was published last month

and it’s already sold over 20,000 copies.plot n Handlung The plot of the film was so predictable; the same story

has been told many times.poet n Dichter(in) Was Federico García Lorca a Spanish or South

American poet?graveyard n Friedhof He was buried with his wife in the

graveyard behind the church.heartbroken adj todunglücklich After her marriage broke up

she was totally heartbroken.

leader n Oberhaupt Who do you think is the greatest political leader of all time?

ban v verbieten It’s impossible to ban smoking in all the bars and restaurants because there’ll be no customers.

global adj global Many of the world’s problems are global but some people think we should act locally.

control v kontrollieren We think we are prepared but we can’t control most natural disasters.

housing n Wohnungen Housing in this area is expensive, especially those new blocks of flats

education n Bildung In developing countries, many children can’t go to school and don’t have access to education.

currently adv zurzeit No-one was interested before, but environmental problems are currently in the news.

billion n Milliarde It’s impossible to win a billion on the lottery; maybe he won a million pounds.

accept v annehmen I hope you’ll accept the invitation to come to dinner with us.

stranger n Fremde(r) We were friends when we were young but I haven’t seen her for many years so now she’s a stranger.

row n Streit She’s had another row with her parents. They never stop arguing.

have a row (= argument) v sich streiten Jane and Anthony aren’t speaking again because they have a row everyday.

might v können They can’t decide what to buy for her birthday. They might get her a ring.

ambition n Ambition, Bestreben She really wants to continue her studies and her main ambition is to go to university.

certain adj sicher They’re not sure if this is the right thing to do but I’m certain it is.

ambitious adj ehrgeizig Judith is really ambitious and she wants to get to the top of her profession.

possibility n Möglichkeit There is a possibility that it might rain this afternoon; we should stay at home.

literature n Literatur He studied English literature and language at university.

shanty town n Elendsviertel Her parents were very poor and she lived in a shanty town outside the city.

junk n Trödel That sculpture is made of old pieces of furniture and recycled junk from the street.

so so We’re so tired that we are going to bed right now.afterwards adv danach, nachher They have to go to a meeting

until 8 pm but they might come to the party afterwards.

oven n Ofen Cook the chicken in the oven for about 2 hours.at the last minute im letzten Moment We thought

they weren’t going to come but they finally arrived at the last minute.

crossroads n pl Kreuzung Pete doesn’t know what to do. He’s at a crossroads in life.

Page 15: Headway Pre intermediate ed 3 wordlist

floor n Boden We had to sit on the floor because there weren’t any chairs.

put off v verschieben He has put off the meeting until next week as not many people could come.

break down v zusammenbrechen Did your car break down because it doesn’t have enough oil or petrol?

run out of v kein/keine/keinen … mehr haben Some countries might use solar energy if they run out of other energy sources.

look up v aufsehen, hachschlagen If you don’t know the word, look it up in the dictionary.

Look out! Vorsicht! Look out! Those books are going to fall off the shelf and hit you!

recycle v wieder verwerten Can we recycle glass and paper anywhere in this area?

shock n Schock They were surprised when Dave arrived but they got a big shock when his ex-girlfriend turned up.

crazy adj verrückt He’s always doing mad things, like dangerous sports. We think he’s crazy.

can’t stand nicht ausstehen können I really hate reality TV shows; I can’t stand Big Brother.

frightening adj schrecklich, erschreckend We never watch horror films because they are frightening.

dream of something von etw träumen I love the mountains and I dream of buying a house there one day.

a talk n ein Vortrag We went to a talk at the conference about space travel.

expression n Ausdruck After she heard the bad news, she had a very sad expression on her face.

for short (a nickname) kurz His name’s Nicholas but people call him Nick for short.

decision n Entscheidung It’s difficult to make a decision when you haven’t got all the facts.

landscape (design) n Landschaft (Landschaftsgärtnerei) I went to college to study landscape design.

run (a company) v (eine Firma) leiten I really want to run my own company because I’m tired of working for others.

copies (pl of copy) n Exemplare We’ve sold 10,000 copies of this book in a week.

delivery n Lieferung You don’t have to carry your shopping home. We offer a delivery service.

income n Einkommen Jack had an income of £12,000 a year but now he earns a lot more.

get used to sth v sich an etw gewöhnen Did he get used to living on his own or did it take him a long time?

subway station (= underground station) n US U-Bahn-Station We got lost in the subway station in New York because we didn’t know where we were going.

be fed up (with) adj genug haben (von) He’s going to look for another job because he’s fed up with this one.

take drugs v Drogen nehmen He started to drink and take drugs when he was only 15.

homeless adj obdachlos When the weather is bad, I often think of homeless people who have to sleep on the streets.

brought pp gebracht Martin is so kind. We invited him for lunch and he has brought a bottle of wine.

flat n Wohnung We live in a flat on the fourth floor of that building.hurt v verletzen She fell over and hurt her back so she had to go to

hospital.dirty adj schmutzig Have you been painting because your clothes are

really dirty?

trip n Fahrt, Reise When we visited London we went on a boat trip on the River Thames.

honest adj ehrlich It’s better to be honest and tell him the truth.decorate (a house) v (ein Haus) anstreichen,

renovieren This spring, I’m going to buy new furniture and decorate the house.

toast v anstoßen auf Shall we toast the happy couple with champagne, now they are married?

remind v erinnern We must remind him to lock the door because he always forgets.

Have a good trip! Gute Reise! ‘Here’s my bus’. ‘Bye. Have a good trip!’

in somebody’s footsteps in jds Fußstapfen treten Alicia decided to become an explorer and follow in her dad’s footsteps.

explorer n Forschungsreisender(in) To be a good explorer, you have to train hard before the journey.

explore v erforschen They have been to the South Pole and now they want to explore the Arctic.

the North Pole n der Nordpol Which is more difficult to explore, the North Pole or the South Pole?

take it easy es nicht übertreiben He was so stressed that the doctor said he should rest and take it easy for a while.

successful adj erfolgreich They had a very successful trip and everything went as planned.

succeed v Erfolg haben You have to work very hard to succeed in this job.

daughter n Tochter Bill Clinton took his daughter, Chelsea, with him on a trip.

follow v folgen You go first and we’ll follow you because you know where they live.

frozen adj gefroren It was so cold we couldn’t start the car because the engine was frozen.

journey n Reise It was a long journey but they finally reached their destination.

record books n Rekordbücher We usually write everything down but there is nothing here in the record books.

physical education n Sport(unterricht) Her favourite subject at school is physical education and she’s very good at running.

hard adj schwer, hart This hike was very hard. Let’s do an easier one next time.

pretty (= quite) adj, coll ziemlich Alison is attractive, quite pretty, with green eyes and long dark hair.

well-prepared adj gut vorbereitet To go on a trip as difficult as this you must train and be well-prepared before you leave.

climb v klettern We need to do a lot of training before we climb the mountain.

continent n Kontinent Africa isn’t a country, it’s a continent.let v lassen Her parents won’t let her stay out late. They are very strict.stay calm v ruhig bleiben Try to stay calm and don’t get angry

because you will only make the situation worse.silly adj dumm, albern He told me a very silly joke. It was so stupid, I

couldn’t stop laughing.reason n Grund The reason why I am calling is to arrange an

appointment as soon as possible.

swear (= I promise) v schwören We honestly didn’t steal any money; we swear it.

disguise v v = seine Gefühle verbergen; n = Verkleidung I’ll have to make a disguise for my daughter because tomorrow is Halloween.

hide v verstecken Can I hide in the other room because I don’t want him to see me?

Pardon? Wie bitte? Pardon? What did you say? I can’t hear you.Oh, what a pity! Oh, wie schade! ‘ I’ve got to work until

late on Friday’ ‘Oh, what a pity! We wanted to invite you to our party.Congratulations! Herzlichen Glückwunsch! ‘We’ve

just had a baby’. ‘Congratulations! A boy or a girl?’seat n Platz I think you’re in the wrong seat. My ticket says 41A.sympathetic adj mitfühlend When I need someone to listen to

all my problems, I call my friend James who is very sympathetic.crowded adj überfüllt This restaurant is very crowded. Shall we go

somewhere with fewer people?

delighted adj hocherfreut I’ve heard a lot about you so I’m delighted to meet you at last.

brief adj kurz They didn’t have a relationship for a very long time; it was

Page 16: Headway Pre intermediate ed 3 wordlist

only brief.outdoor adj im Freien The kids prefer outdoor activities like

sports, walking or climbing.autobiography n Autobiografie She has had a very

interesting life, you should read her autobiography.fresh air n frische Luft It’s great to get out to the countryside and

breathe some fresh air.challenge n Herausforderung If you want to do something

difficult, try walking in the Arctic – it’s a real challenge.peak (of a mountain) n Spitze When they reached the peak of the

mountain they could see for miles.break (a record) v (einen Rekord) brechen Did he break

the Olympic record?hero n Held Many kids admire sports stars and think of them as a


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Headway Pre-Intermediate wordlist

5th edition. — Liz & John Soars, Paul Hancock, Richard Storton. — Oxford University Press, 2019.
Updated with new texts, topics and themes, Headway 5th edition provides fresh and relevant English instruction that is tailored to your students’ needs. Headway and its award-winning authors, Liz and John Soars, are names that have become synonymous with English Language Teaching and learning. Teach with Headway’s perfectly-balanced grammar and skills syllabus, based on the course’s world-renowned methodology.
Headway 5th edition retains the course’s trusted methodology and has been updated with new texts, topics and digital resources.

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Здесь вы найдёте английские слова на тему «NEW Headway Pre-Intermediate. Unit 4 (3th ed) 1a», список слов с транскрипцией и переводом.

Слово или фраза




[ kə’ʃiə ]



[ ‘kukə ]



[ ‘kɑ:pit ]



[ briʤ ]



[ kə’næl ]



[ di:’əudərənt ]



[ fləut ]

плавать на воде


[ belt ]

пояс; ремень


[ fain ]

высокого качества


[ ‘bækpæk ]



[ ‘æspərin ]



[ ‘dʌzn ]



[ ‘enibɔdi ]



[ ə’lə:ʤik ]



[ ‘fæsineitiŋ ]



[ ‘bɑ:gin ]

сделка; договорённость


[ brænd ]

торговая марка


[ ‘endlis ]



[ kri:’eit ]

создавать; сотворить


[ ‘kʌrənsi ]

валюта; денежное обращение


[ kə’miʃən ]



[ ‘kʌstəmə ]

заказчик; клиент


[ kæʃ ]



[ kɔst ]

стоимость; цена


[ ‘einʃənt ]

древний, старинный


[ ‘evriθiŋ ]



[ kə’lekt ]

комплектовать, собирать


[ ig’zæktli ]

именно; точно

exchange rate

[ iks’ʧeiʤ reit ]

обменный курс


[ ‘dɔlə ]



[ ‘ju:rəʋ ]



[ sent ]



[ ‘ædʌlt ]

взрослый человек


[ bɔ:d ]



[ ʧek ]

банковый чек


[ ʧeinʤ ]

замена; смена


[ ə’meiziŋ ]

удивительный; изумительный

be packed with

[ bi: pækt wið ]

упакован с


[ ‘kemɪsts ]


clever idea

[ ‘klevə ai’diə ]

умная идея


[ ‘kʌləful ]



[ ‘dəunʌt ]

пончик; жареный пирожок

film set

[ film set ]

съемочная площадка


[ ‘kɔntrɑ:st ]

контраст; сопоставление


[ ‘kləuðiŋ ]



[ ‘bizi ]



[ ‘sə:tnli ]

конечно, наверняка


[ ʧu:z ]

выбирать; подбирать


[ ‘dezət ]



[ ‘eniθiŋ ]


показать еще


доступен всем



сложность не определена
0 из 63 слов

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HW Pre-Int Unit 6 Grammar warm-up

HW Pre-Int Unit 6 Grammar warm-up
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HW Pre-Int Unit 4 Offers and requests

HW Pre-Int Unit 4 Offers and requests
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Past Participle

Past Participle
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Vocabulary SB p.16

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WB p. 9

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WB p.9 ex.2
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Solutions Pre-intermediate Unit 3F

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Solutions - Pre-intermediate Intro1

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Solutions Pre-Intermediate Intro 1

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9A animals pre-intermediate
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Navigate Pre-Intermediate Unit 5.2 — Money
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New Headway Pre-intermediate U8

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Dina Headway Pre-intermediate Unit5

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New Headway Pre-intermediate U8.1

New Headway Pre-intermediate U8.1

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Let’s talk about Christmas — Adults — Pre-Intermediate
Случайное колесо

от Elena463

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от Beawesome3

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New Headway Pre-intermediate U6

New Headway Pre-intermediate U6

от Irinakhab

EF Pre-Intermediate (at/in/on)

EF Pre-Intermediate (at/in/on)
Ударь крота

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Pre-Intermediate revision 4 — vocabulary
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от U92910784

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F2F pre-intermediate 1A

F2F pre-intermediate 1A

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F2F pre-intermediate, 1C

F2F pre-intermediate, 1C
Групповая сортировка

от Dashatorg

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hobbies pre intermediate

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solutions pre intermediate
Spotlight 5
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Speak out pre-intermediate Unit 5.3 giving directions

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Gerund/infinitive speaking pre-int Speakout

Gerund/infinitive speaking pre-int Speakout
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EF Pre-Intermediate: At the pharmacy

EF Pre-Intermediate: At the pharmacy
Случайные карты

от Optpess

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Solution pre intermediate. a life without pain.

от Chernyshova2

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F2F pre-intermediate unit 1B
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от Dashatorg

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Solutions Pre-Intermediate unit 2B Past Simple, was/were

от Titbitpocket

Solutions Pre-Intermediate 2ed
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Past simple

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F2F pre-intermediate 1A
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от Dashatorg

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F2F pre intermediate, 1C

F2F pre intermediate, 1C

от Dashatorg

face 2 face pre-intermediate

How- Qs (WB)

How- Qs (WB)
Откройте поле

от Smartbanana

Headway Intermediate

New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Vocabulary Quizzes, Fourth edition, 2014.

Фрагмент из книги:
1. aboriginal adj a. extremely surprising
2. accident n b. a group of young people who spend time together, often fighting with other groups
3. amazing adj c. a room or building which we use for showing works of art
4. another time d. when two people who have never met each other go out for a romantic meeting
5. art gallery n e. a friendly expression that we say before drinking an alcohol
6. as many as f. a person who has lived in a country/continent from earliest time
7. attractive adj g. narrow sticks that we use for eating East Asian food.

New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Vocabulary Quizzes, Fourth edition, 2014

Match the words with their definitions.
1. actually adv a. feeling fear or worry
2. afraid adj b. wishing you had what another person has
3. architect n c. in fact or really
4. article n d. showing enthusiasm (a feeling of energetic interest)
5. average n e. a person whose job is to design new buildings
6. behave v f. a type of music with the similar sounds produced by electronic devices
7. bright-red adj g. a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper
8. Cheer-upl h. to copy programs or information into a computer’s memory, especially from the Internet or a larger computer
9. chill out v i. usual, typical
10. clubs pin j. unhappy and without hope for the future
11. currently adv k. to act in a particular way
12. dance music n 1. to need the help and support of smb or sth
13. deaf adj m. shiny red
14. depend on v n. unable to hear completely or partly
15. depressed adj o. a loud shout of approval or encouragement
16. download v p. a type of music with a strong beat played usually in nightclubs
17. electro music n q. to relax completely
18. energetic adj r. existing or happening now
19. enthusiastic adj s. places where people go because they want to dance and drink
20. envious adj t. having or involving a lot of energy.

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  • New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Workbook With Key, Third edition, Soars J., Soars L., Wheeldon S., 2006 — The world s most trusted English course. New Headway is the course teachers and learners can rely on. Why? An … Книги по английскому языку
  • New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Workbook With Key, Fourth edition, Soars J., Soars L., 2012 — Фрагмент из книги: Most of us think that rich people are happy people, but research shows that money doesn t … Книги по английскому языку
  • New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Student s Book, Third edition, Soars J., Soars L., Wheeldon S., 2006 — Фрагмент из книги: Alicia Hempleman-Adams said,‘We were walking up waterfalls and mountains, and across frozen lakes. It was amazing.’ Alicia … Книги по английскому языку

Предыдущие статьи:

  • New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Teacher s Resource Book, Third edition, Soars J., Soars L., Krantz C., Castle M., 2006 — This Teacher’s Resource Book contains thirty-five photocopiable activities and further ideas for you to use with New Headway Pre-Intermediate, third … Книги по английскому языку
  • New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Teacher s Book, Third edition, Soars J., Soars L., Sayer M., 2007 — You are probably beginning a new class with a group of students you don t know. Students might know each … Книги по английскому языку
  • New Headway, Pre-Intermediate, Student s Book, Fourth edition, Soars J., Soars L., 2014 — Фрагмент из книги: Ten days ago businessman, Andrew Cheatle, was walking on the beach near his home in Worthing, Sussex, … Книги по английскому языку
  • New Headway, Elementary, Student s book, Fourth edition, Soars J., Soars L., 2011 — Фрагмент из книги: I m 19 years old, and I m a student. I go to Kingston University. I have … Книги по английскому языку

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