Word list from the word halloween

  1. All Hallows Eve — another name for Halloween.

    apparition — a transparent, ghostly figure.

    autumn — the season that comes after summer and before winter. Also known as «fall» in the USA.

    bag — a container for candy (US English) or sweets (British English) given out at Halloween to children who dress up in costumes and go «trick or treating» around their local neighbourhood.

    banshee — an unhappy, wailing ghost which features in Irish and Scottish folklore. Banshees are said to appear when somebody is about to die.

    bat — a small flying mammal, with leathery wings. According to legend, vampires are said to be able to turn into bats.

    black — the darkest colour, and the colour of night.

    black cat — black cats are said to bring good luck in parts of the UK and Ireland. According to folklore, black cats are said to have supernatural powers, and witches often keep them as pets, or familiars.

    blood — red liquid running through veins of people and warm blooded creatures.

    bloodcurdling — a chilling, scary sound. Often used to describe screams.

    bogeyman — a fictional scary person, used to frighten children who misbehave.

    bones — hard pieces of a person’s or animal’s skeleton.

    boo — a word which is sometimes used to frighten people, when playing tricks.

    brew — 1) to cook liquid (verb). 2) cooked beverage or dish, e.g. witches brew (noun).

    broom or broomstick — a type of brush with a long wooden handle, said to be used by witches to fly, according to legend.

    candle — a wax cylinder with a wick in the middle, that can be lit with a match to provide a source of light.

    candy — (US English) sweet treats given to children at Halloween.

    casket — a coffin.

    cat — a cute, fluffy mammal, said to be favourite pet of witches.

    cape — a long, voluminous outer garment, or cloak. Often worn by vampires.

    cauldron — a cooking pot, used by witches to brew spells.

    cemetery — a place where dead people are buried (British English).

    cloak — an outer garment, or cape.

    coffin — a container for a dead body. Generally made of wood and lined with silk, with a hinged lid.

    corpse — a dead body.

    costume — a make-believe outfit, worn for fun at Halloween.

    creepy — unsettling, or scary.

    dead — not alive.

    demon — a devil.

    devil — an evil spirit.

    disguise — a costume, often worn for fun at Halloween parties by adults and children alike. At Halloween, partygoers sometimes dress up as mummies, witches, werewolves or vampires!

    evil — malicious, bad, ill intentioned.

    fall — the season that comes after summer and before winter (American English). Known as «autumn» in the UK.

    familiar — a pet animal kept by witches, which is said to have the ability to change into human shape, according to folklore.

    fangs — sharp, pointy upper front teeth, designed for piercing flesh.

    festival — a celebration, or special event.

    fiend — a monster or demon.

    frighten — (verb) to scare, startle.

    frightening — scary.

    ghost — undead spirit that haunts houses.

    ghostly — ghost-like.

    ghoul — a fictional flesh eating monster that is said to rob graves, according to folklore.

    goblin — a small, ugly, mischievous creature, with a reputation for causing trouble.

    gory — bloody, macabre.

    grave — a burial space for a coffin in a cemetery.

    graveyard — a place where dead people are buried (American English)

    Grim Reaper — the name traditionally used to symbolise Death. In British English folklore, Death is usually depicted as a skeleton in a long black cloak, carrying a scythe.

    grisly — horrid, gruesome, bloody.

    gruesome — horrible, bloody, macabre.

    haunted — a place frequented by ghosts or other spirits of the dead.

    horror — shock or fright. Horror films are very popular, and are often shown on television at Halloween.

    howl — a high pitched noise made by dogs and wolves.

    Jack O’ Lantern — a lantern carved from a pumpkin, with a candle inside.

    lantern — a type of lamp.

    magic — the power or ability to make things happen by casting spells, or entertaining people by performing tricks.

    mausoleum — an ornate, stone cemetery building, built to house the coffins of rich and famous people, or members of the same family.

    monster — a fearful, horrid, imaginary creature.

    moon — large, round satellite that revolves around the earth, which can be seen in the sky at night.

    mummy — a dead person, who was buried wrapped in bandages.

    nightmare — a scary, bad dream.

    October — the tenth month of the year.

    orange — a bright colour associated with Halloween and other autumn festivals, such as The Mexican Day of The Dead (El Dia de los Muertos).

    phantom — a ghostly apparition.

    prank — a trick, or practical joke.

    pumpkin — an orange vegetable, which is often carved and hollowed out to make Halloween lanterns.

    scare — (verb) to frighten a person or animal.

    scary — something which is frightening.

    skull — the bony part of the head, attached to a person’s skeleton.

    scythe — a long, sharp, curved blade.

    shadow — a dark shape cast by an object positioned between a surface and a source of light, such as the moon.

    skeleton — the hard inner frame of person’s or animal’s body, formed from bones that join together.

    shock — fright.

    spell — a magic rite, cast by witches.

    spider — an insect with eight legs that spins webs.

    spirits — the ghosts of dead people.

    spooky — mildly scary, though often in a fun way.

    sweets — sugary treats given to children at Halloween (British English).

    tomb — a building where dead people are buried.

    tombstone — a large, upright stone placed at the head of a grave. Gravestones often have information about the person who is buried in the grave carved into them, such as their date of birth, when they died, and other information about their life.

    trick — a practical joke, or other act of deception.

    treat — a fun, unexpected surprise, designed to please someone.

    trick or treat — a popular Halloween custom in the UK and USA, where children dress up in costumes and visit people’s houses in search of sweets (British English) or candy (US English).

    vampire — an undead creature who sleeps in a coffin by day, and ventures out at night to bite people and drink their blood.

    wand — a stick used for casting magic spells.

    web — spiders spin these to catch flies.

    warlock — a male witch.

    werewolf — a person who turns into a wolf whenever there is a full moon. According to folklore, if a person is bitten by a werewolf, then they become a werewolf, too!

    Wicca — an ancient religion, practised by witches.

    wicked — bad or evil.

    witch — a woman believed to have magical powers.

    witchcraft — magic, practised by witches.

    wraith — a Scottish word for a ghost.

    zombie — an undead, flesh eating creature.

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Full list of words from this list:

  1. agitation

    a mental state of extreme emotional disturbance

  2. apparition

    a ghostly appearing figure

  3. apple

    a tree widely cultivated for its firm rounded edible fruits

  4. atrocious

    shockingly brutal or cruel

  5. autumn

    the season when the leaves fall from the trees

  6. awful

    exceptionally bad or displeasing

  7. baleful

    threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

  8. basement

    the lowermost portion of a structure below ground level

  9. bat

    a club used for hitting a ball in various games

  10. beast

    a living organism characterized by voluntary movement

  11. behemoth

    someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful

  12. bewitch

    cast a spell over someone or something

  13. black

    being of the achromatic color of maximum darkness

  14. bleary

    tired to the point of exhaustion

  15. blood

    the fluid that is pumped through the body by the heart

  16. bones

    a percussion instrument consisting of a pair of hollow pieces of wood or bone (usually held between the thumb and fingers) that are made to click together (as by Spanish dancers) in rhythm with the dance

  17. boo

    show displeasure, as after a performance or speech

  18. broom

    a cleaning implement for sweeping

  19. brute

    resembling a beast

  20. buried

    placed in a grave

  21. cackle

    emit a loud, unpleasant kind of laughing

  22. candle

    stick of wax with a wick in the middle

  23. candy

    a rich sweet made of flavored sugar often with fruit or nuts

  24. cat

    feline mammal usually having thick soft fur

  25. cauldron

    a very large pot that is used for boiling

  26. cellar

    a room that is partly or wholly below ground level

  27. cemetery

    a tract of land used for burials

  28. chilling

    the process of becoming cooler; a falling temperature

  29. coffin

    a box in which a corpse is buried

  30. concern

    something that interests you because it is important

  31. costume

    attire characteristic of a country, time, or social class

  32. creature

    a living organism characterized by voluntary movement

  33. creepy

    causing a sensation as of things crawling on your skin

  34. creepy-crawly

    an animal that creeps or crawls

  35. cry

    shed tears because of sadness, rage, or pain

  36. curse

    an appeal to some supernatural power to inflict evil

  37. danger

    the condition of being susceptible to harm or injury

  38. dead

    no longer having or seeming to have or expecting to have life

  39. demon

    an evil supernatural being

  40. despicable

    morally reprehensible

  41. diabolic

    showing cunning or ingenuity or wickedness

  42. dim

    lacking in light; not bright or harsh

  43. dire

    fraught with extreme danger; nearly hopeless

  44. doorbell

    a push button at an outer door that gives a ringing or buzzing signal when pushed

  45. dour

    showing a brooding ill humor

  46. drab

    a dull greyish to yellowish or light olive brown

  47. Dracula

    comprises tropical American species usually placed in genus Masdevallia: diminutive plants having bizarre and often sinister-looking flowers with pendulous scapes and motile lips

  48. dread

    fearful expectation or anticipation

  49. dreary

    lacking in liveliness or charm or surprise

  50. dusky

    lighted by or as if by twilight

  51. eerie

    suggestive of the supernatural; mysterious

  52. enchantment

    a magical spell

  53. evil

    morally bad or wrong

  54. evil spirit

    a spirit tending to cause harm

  55. excitement

    the state of being emotionally worked up

  56. exhilaration

    the feeling of lively and cheerful joy

  57. fall

    descend freely under the influence of gravity

  58. fear

    an emotion in anticipation of some specific pain or danger

  59. fearsome

    causing fear or dread or terror

  60. fervor

    feelings of great warmth and intensity

  61. flashlight

    a small portable battery-powered electric lamp

  62. foggy

    filled or abounding with fog or mist

  63. forbidding

    an official prohibition or edict against something

  64. Frankenstein

    the fictional Swiss scientist who was the protagonist in a gothic novel by Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley; he created a monster from parts of corpses

  65. freak

    a person or animal that is markedly unusual or deformed

  66. fright

    an emotion experienced in anticipation of some specific pain or danger (usually accompanied by a desire to flee or fight)

  67. fun

    activities that are enjoyable or amusing

  68. ghost

    the visible disembodied soul of a dead person

  69. ghoul

    an evil spirit or ghost

  70. giant

    any creature of exceptional size

  71. gloomful

    depressingly dark

  72. gloomy

    depressingly dark

  73. glowering

    showing a brooding ill humor

  74. glum

    moody and sorrowful

  75. goblin

    (folklore) a small, ugly creature that causes trouble

  76. graverobber

    someone who steals valuables from graves or crypts

  77. graveyard

    a tract of land used for burials

  78. grim

    harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance

  79. haunted

    inhabited by or as if by apparitions

  80. hazy

    filled or abounding with fog or mist

  81. hex

    an evil spell

  82. hoot

    a loud raucous cry (as of an owl)

  83. horrendous

    causing fear or dread or terror

  84. horrific

    grossly offensive to decency or morality; causing horror

  85. horror

    intense and profound fear

  86. howl

    cry loudly, as of animals

  87. jack-o-lantern

    a large poisonous agaric with orange caps and narrow clustered stalks; the gills are luminescent

  88. living dead

    a dead body that has been brought back to life by a supernatural force

  89. magical spell

    a verbal formula believed to have magical force

  90. mask

    a covering to disguise or conceal the face

  91. menacing

    threatening evil or danger

  92. midnight

    12 o’clock at night; the middle of the night

  93. minacious

    threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

  94. misty

    filled or abounding with fog

  95. monstrous

    distorted and unnatural in shape or size

  96. moon

    the natural satellite of the Earth

  97. moonlight

    the light of the Moon

  98. mummy

    a body that is embalmed, dried, and wrapped for burial

  99. nighttime

    the time after sunset and before sunrise while it is dark outside

  100. ogre

    (folklore) a giant who likes to eat human beings

  101. ominous

    threatening or foreshadowing evil or tragic developments

  102. orange

    any citrus tree bearing oranges

  103. owl

    nocturnal bird of prey with hawk-like beak and claws and large head with front-facing eyes

  104. peril

    a state of danger involving risk

  105. phantasm

    something existing in perception only

  106. phantom

    something existing in perception only

  107. pitch-black

    extremely dark

  108. pitch-dark

    extremely dark

  109. potion

    a medicinal or magical or poisonous beverage

  110. pumpkin

    a coarse vine widely cultivated for its large pulpy round orange fruit with firm orange skin and numerous seeds; subspecies of Cucurbita pepo include the summer squashes and a few autumn squashes

  111. rat

    any of various long-tailed rodents similar to but larger than a mouse

  112. risk

    a source of danger

  113. roar

    make a loud noise, as of an animal

  114. safety

    being certain that adverse effects will not be caused

  115. savage

    without civilizing influences

  116. scarecrow

    a human-shaped object used to keep birds away from crops

  117. scary

    provoking fear or terror

  118. scream

    utter a sudden loud cry

  119. shadow

    a dark shape created by an object blocking a source of light

  120. shivery

    cold enough to cause shivers

  121. shout

    utter in a loud voice; talk in a loud voice

  122. shriek

    sharp piercing cry

  123. shuddery

    provoking fear terror

  124. sinister

    wicked, evil, or dishonorable

  125. skeleton

    the structure providing a frame for the body of an animal

  126. skull

    the bony skeleton of the head of vertebrates

  127. snake

    limbless scaly elongate reptile; some are venomous

  128. sorry

    feeling or expressing regret

  129. spectre

    a ghostly appearing figure

  130. spell

    write or name the letters that comprise the accepted form of

  131. spider

    predatory arachnid with eight legs, two poison fangs, two feelers, and usually two silk-spinning organs at the back end of the body; they spin silk to make cocoons for eggs or traps for prey

  132. spirit

    the vital principle or animating force within living things

  133. spook

    a mental representation of some haunting experience

  134. spooky

    inspiring a feeling of fear; strange and frightening

  135. strange

    unusual or out of the ordinary

  136. sugary

    containing sugar

  137. sullen

    showing a brooding ill humor

  138. supernatural

    not able to be explained by physical laws

  139. sweet

    having or denoting the characteristic taste of sugar

  140. tasty

    pleasing to the palate

  141. terrible

    exceptionally bad or displeasing

  142. threatening

    suggesting or expressive of evil, harm, or danger

  143. tombstone

    a stone that is used to mark a grave

  144. treat

    apply a process to with the aim of preparing for a purpose

  145. trick

    a cunning or deceitful action or device

  146. troubled

    characterized by or indicative of distress or affliction or danger or need

  147. turmoil

    a violent disturbance

  148. twilight

    the time of day immediately following sunset

  149. unilluminated

    without illumination

  150. unusual

    not common or ordinary

  151. upheaval

    a violent disturbance

  152. vague

    lacking clarity or distinctness

  153. vampire

    a corpse rising at night to drink the blood of the living

  154. vicious

    having the nature of evildoing

  155. vile

    morally reprehensible

  156. wail

    a cry of sorrow and grief

  157. warlock

    a male witch or sorcerer

  158. web

    an intricate network suggesting something that was formed by weaving or interweaving

  159. werewolf

    a monster able to change appearance from human to wolf and back again

  160. wickedness

    the quality of being wicked

  161. wig

    hairpiece covering the head and made of real or synthetic hair

  162. witch

    a female sorcerer or magician

  163. wolf

    any of various predatory carnivorous canine mammals of North America and Eurasia that usually hunt in packs

  164. wolfman

    a monster able to change appearance from human to wolf and back again

  165. worry

    a strong feeling of anxiety

  166. wretched

    deserving or inciting pity

  167. wrong

    not correct; not in conformity with fact or truth

  168. zombie

    a god of cults of African origin worshipped in West Indies

Created on October 14, 2010
(updated October 14, 2010)

Use these words to design puzzles, worksheets, and activities

Rob Stothard/Getty Images

Updated on February 19, 2020

Halloween words can be a great skill builder for students. You can use this comprehensive Halloween vocabulary word list in your classroom in many ways, including poetry lessons, word walls, word searches, puzzles, Hangman and Bingo games, crafts, worksheets, story starters, creative writing word banks, and a wide variety of elementary lesson plans in almost any subject. The list is alphabetized to make it easier for you to find the specific words you want.

Happy Halloween! Word List

  • apples
  • autumn
  • bats
  • black
  • bones
  • boo
  • broom
  • cackle
  • candy
  • cat
  • cauldron
  • costumes
  • creepy
  • doorbell
  • Dracula
  • eerie
  • excitement
  • fall
  • flashlight
  • Frankenstein
  • frighten
  • games
  • ghosts
  • ghoul
  • goblin
  • graveyard
  • Halloween
  • haunted house
  • hayride
  • hoot
  • howl
  • jack-o-lantern
  • mask
  • monster
  • moonlight
  • mummy
  • night
  • October
  • orange
  • owl
  • party
  • potion
  • prank
  • pumpkins
  • safety
  • scare
  • shadows
  • skeleton
  • skull
  • spell
  • spider
  • spirit
  • spooky
  • sweets
  • treat
  • trick
  • vampire
  • warlock
  • web
  • werewolf
  • wigs
  • witch
  • zombie

Halloween Word List Activities

Word search puzzles: Use a free online puzzle generator to customize appropriate words for your class. If you are looking for online and printable word search puzzles for different age groups, there are many available.

Word walls: Print appropriate words in large letters or write them on boards for all of the students to see. A word wall is a great starting point for a variety of vocabulary lessons and many other activities.

Sight word flashcards: Build vocabulary with flashcards. Add some Halloween words to the mix to make it a seasonal activity. Learning these words will also help students in reading during the Halloween season.

Poem or story writing exercises: Use the word wall or draw Halloween words to include in a story or poem. The holiday tie-in can inspire students and make the activity more fun.

Impromptu speech exercise: Draw one to five words to include in a short speech to give to the class.

Hangman: This game can be a fun time-filler that also can help build vocabulary. Use Halloween words to give it some seasonal spice.

Tips for Using Halloween Words

Craft your own word search puzzles and other word activities with an eye for your school policy. Some faith-based schools frown on the occult aspects of Halloween, or even mentioning the holiday and any of its creepy aspects. Each school has a different level of acceptance for what is deemed appropriate for the community. Familiarize yourself as to the standards of your school before using Halloween words for activities. You may wish to eliminate any words that deal with witches and spells.

Another caution is in using any Halloween words or imagery that conjure violence or death. There is an implied threat with monsters, mummies, vampires, werewolves, and zombies. Check with your school policy to ensure you are within its standards.

Safer words from the list include those featuring owls, pumpkins, costumes, and treats. You may want to look at the Thanksgiving vocabulary word list for more autumn words to use.

HALLOWEEN unscrambles and makes 168 words!

Starts With

Ends With


168 Unscrambled Words Using the Letters HALLOWEEN

How Many Words can be Made From HALLOWEEN?

Above are the words made by unscrambling H A L L O W E E N (AEEHLLNOW).
Our unscramble word finder was able to unscramble these letters using various methods to generate 168 words! Having a unscramble tool like ours under your belt will help you in ALL word scramble games!

168 words unscrambled from halloween

How many words can you make out of HALLOWEEN?

H A L L O W E E N Letter Values in Word Scrabble and Words With Friends

Here are the values for the letters H A L L O W E E N in two of the most popular word scramble games.


The letters HALLOWEEN are worth 15 points in Scrabble

  • H 4
  • A 1
  • L 1
  • L 1
  • O 1
  • W 4
  • E 1
  • E 1
  • N 1

Words With Friends

The letters HALLOWEEN are worth 17 points in Words With Friends

  • H 3
  • A 1
  • L 2
  • L 2
  • O 1
  • W 4
  • E 1
  • E 1
  • N 2

Combine Words

Bird + Duck = Bick

Apple + Honor = Aplonor

Hand + Locker = Handocker

Combine Names

Brad + Angelina = Brangelina

Robert + Katelyn = Robyn

Gregory + Janet = Granet

Combine words and names with our Word Combiner

You Unscrambled HALLOWEEN!

Now that HALLOWEEN is unscrambled, what to do? That’s simple, go win your word game!

Halloween is the anniversary celebration observed on October 31 of each year, originally in North America, when people use masks and dresses and go door to door receiving candy or playing jokes.

Halloween was celebrated from the beginning of winter to the end of summer. And Halloween is a time for witches, bats, black and pumpkins. These types of words used to describe this special night are often associated.

In the whole topic, we are going to cover all types of Halloween words list. We seem this topic will boost your Halloween vocabulary and as well as we also seem that each people should learn these types of words.

Halloween Words Starting With A:

  • Afraid
  • Alarming
  • Apparition
  • Afterlife
  • Astronaut
  • Alien
  • Autumn

Halloween Words Beginning With B:

  • Ballerina
  • Bizarre
  • Black
  • Black Cat
  • Blackcats
  • Blackmagic
  • Blood
  • Bloodcurdling
  • Bloodsucker
  • Bloody
  • Bobbing
  • Bogeyman
  • Broom
  • Broomstick

Halloween Words That Starting With C:

  • Cemetery
  • Cape
  • Candy
  • Carve
  • Cowgirl
  • Corpse
  • Cauldron
  • Clairvoyance
  • Clairvoyant
  • Costume
  • Creepy
  • Casket
  • Cowboy
  • Cringe
  • Crown

Halloween Words That Start With D:

  • Dejavu
  • Decorations
  • Decapitated
  • Death
  • Demon
  • Disguised
  • Devil
  • Devilish
  • Dead
  • Disgusting
  • Dress-up
  • Disguise
  • Dressed-up

Halloween Words That Start With E:

  • Eyepatch
  • Eerie
  • Evil
  • Eyeballs
  • Eyepatch
  • Enchant
  • Entomb

Halloween Words That Begin With F:

  • Fangs
  • Flashlight
  • Fantasy
  • Fear
  • Frightful
  • Frighten
  • Frightening
  • Flashlight
  • Flesh-eating
  • Frightening
  • Frightful

Halloween Words Starting With G:

  • Gasping
  • Genie
  • Ghastly
  • Ghoul
  • Ghoulish
  • Grim
  • Grim Reaper
  • Gruesome
  • Gory
  • Gown
  • Graveyard
  • Gravestone
  • Grisly

Halloween Words Beginning With H:

  • Hat
  • Haunting
  • Hauntingly
  • Hayride
  • Hobgoblin
  • Hobgoblins
  • Hocus Pocus
  • Holiday
  • Horrible
  • Howling
  • Hysteria

Halloween Words That Begin With I:

  • Imp
  • Insanity
  • Intestines

Halloween Words That Begin With J:

  • Jumpsuit
  • Jokes
  • Jason

Halloween Words That Begin With K:

  • Kimono
  • King
  • Keep

Halloween Words That Begin With L:

  • Lantern
  • Lightening

Halloween Words Starting With M:

  • Magic Wand
  • Magicspells
  • Magictricks
  • Mask
  • Masquerade
  • Mausoleum
  • Midnight
  • Monster
  • Monstrous
  • Moon
  • Moonlit
  • Morbid
  • Mummy
  • Mysterious
  • Mystery
  • Mystical

Halloween Words Starting With N:

  • Nightmare
  • Night
  • Nightfall
  • Nightmare
  • Noisy
  • Noose

Halloween Words That Begin With O:

  • October
  • Orange
  • Ogre
  • Occurrences
  • Outerlimit
  • Outfit

Halloween Words Starting With P:

  • Pendant
  • Pentagram
  • Petrify
  • Phantasm
  • Phenomenon
  • Pillowcase
  • Pitchfork
  • Prank
  • Pranks
  • Prankster
  • Princess
  • Pumpkin
  • Punch
  • Purple

Halloween Words Starting With Q:

  • Queen
  • Quake

Halloween Words Starting With R:

  • Revolting
  • Robot
  • Robe
  • Rip
  • Repugnant
  • Repulsive

Halloween Words Starting With S:

  • Scare
  • Scarecrow
  • Scream
  • Screech
  • Screeching
  • Shadow
  • Shock
  • Shocking
  • Sorcerer
  • Sorceress
  • Spell
  • Spider
  • Spooky
  • Startled
  • Startling
  • Supernatural
  • Superstition
  • Sweets

Halloween Words Beginning With T:

  • Terrify
  • Tiara
  • Tombstone
  • Trick
  • Treats
  • Tutu
  • Tomb
  • Tombstone
  • Terrorize
  • Thirty-first
  • Treat
  • Treat-bag
  • Troll
  • Twilight

Halloween Words Starting With U:

  • Unnerving
  • Uneasy
  • Unexpected
  • Unnerving

Halloween Words That Begin With V:

  • Vanish
  • Vampire
  • Voodoo

Halloween Words Beginning With W:

  • Web
  • Wicked
  • Wig
  • Witch
  • Wizard
  • Wizardry
  • Witch
  • Witchcraft
  • Witchdoctor
  • Wandering
  • Warlock
  • Whispering
  • Wicked

Halloween Words Starting With X:

  • Xanthan Gum

Halloween Words That Begin With Y:

  • Yells
  • Yelp

Halloween Words Starting With Z:

  • Zorro
  • Zombie



We guess that you have seen all the segments and studied them carefully. We also think you have learned huge new Halloween words from here. Because we shared Halloween words starting with A to Halloween words Starting with Z.

Luna Moncada

Hey, I’m Luna Moncada. I’m an English Instructor at Dhaka University. I Completed My Master’s in English at Dhaka University and Working 8 Years as an English Instructor. So, In This Website, I Try To Share Huge Resources Of Vocabulary and English Related Things.

Halloween is a time for costumes, trick-or-treating, and all sorts of spooky fun. But it can also be a time for learning new words. Here is a list of Halloween words that can help you get in the spirit of the season.

Abracadabra: A word often used by magicians to make things disappear.

Bogy: A ghost or other supernatural being.

Casualty: A person who is injured or killed in an accident or battle.

Curse: An invocation or prayer meant to bring harm to someone.

Demon: A creature from hell, often represented as a monster with horns and a tail.

Eerie: Frightening and unusual, giving rise to feelings of unease or dread.

Table of Contents


Halloween Words Starting With A:

  • Asylum
  • Alone
  • Alarming
  • Astronaut
  • Apparition

Halloween Words Starting With B:

  • Bogeyman
  • Bitter
  • Bones
  • Beasts
  • Blood
  • Boils

Halloween Words Starting With C:

  • Crown
  • Costume
  • Cemetery
  • Carvings
  • Crawling
  • Curses
  • Crow
  • Cloak

Halloween Words Starting With D:

  • Dragon
  • Dracula
  • Devilish
  • Devil
  • Devil
  • Decorations

Halloween Words Starting With E:

  • Evil
  • Enchant
  • Erie
  • Eyepatch

Halloween Words Starting With F:

  • Fog
  • Foggy
  • Frankenstein
  • Full Moon
  • Frightening
  • Fairy
  • Fright

Halloween Words Starting With G:

  • Goblins
  • Grave
  • Grim Reaper
  • Gory
  • Gnome
  • Goblin

Halloween Words Starting With H:

  • Hunt
  • Hobgoblin
  • Headstone
  • Headless
  • Howl
  • Hayride

Halloween Words Starting With I:

  • Imp
  • Isolated
  • Influence

Halloween Words Starting With J:



Halloween Words Starting With K:

  • Keep
  • Knocking

Halloween Words Starting With L:

  • Lantern
  • Lycanthrope
  • Lurking

Halloween Words Starting With M:

  • Moan
  • Mist
  • Masquerade
  • Midnight
  • Monster
  • Magical
  • Morbid

Halloween Words Starting With N:

  • Nightmare
  • Nightmarish
  • Noises

Halloween Words Starting With O:

  • Outfit
  • Occurrences
  • Otherworldly
  • Occult

Halloween Words Starting With P:

  • Potion
  • Pranks
  • Poltergeist
  • Pitchfork
  • Panic
  • Pentagram

Halloween Words Starting With Q:

  • Queer
  • Quiver
  • Queen

Halloween Words Starting With R:

  • Rattle
  • Revolting
  • Ruins
  • Rituals

Halloween Words Starting With S:

  • Spine-chilling
  • Spook
  • Skull
  • Shadowy
  • Sweets
  • Spells
  • Suspicious
  • Screech
  • Soldier

Halloween Words Starting With T:

  • Trolls
  • Tortured
  • Twilight
  • Tiara
  • Treats
  • Thirty-first

Halloween Words Starting With U:

  • Ugly
  • Unnerving
  • Unmask

Halloween Words Starting With V:

  • Vanish
  • Vile
  • Voodoo

Halloween Words Starting With W:

  • Warty
  • Wicked
  • Whisper
  • Wizardry

Halloween Words Starting With Y:

  • Yells

Halloween Words Starting With Z:

  • Zombie
  • Zorro

Halloween Words!!! The words below are some of the most commonly used when talking about Halloween.

Halloween is a celebration observed in several countries on 31 October. Halloween activities include trick-or-treating, attending Halloween costume parties, carving pumpkins into jack-o’-lanterns, lighting bonfires, apple bobbing, divination games,…

Halloween Words List

  • Spider
  • Bat
  • Skeleton
  • Candy corn
  • Pumpkin
  • Monster
  • Scarecrow
  • Ghost
  • Haunted house
  • Witch
  • Broom
  • Candy
  • Costume
  • Decorate
  • Dracula
  • Goblin
  • Jack-o-lantern
  • Mask
  • Spooky
  • Zombie
  • Game
  • Flashlight
  • Apple
  • Scary
  • Boo!
  • Safety
  • Candle
  • Trick-or-treat
  • Carnival
  • Caramel corn
  • October
  • Party
  • Haunted
  • Orange
  • Shadows
  • Bones
  • Mummy
  • Night
  • Frost
  • Skull
  • Vampire
  • Spider web
  • Black cat
  • Tombstone
  • Cemetery
  • Frankenstein
  • Witch’s hat
  • Cauldron
  • Coffin
  • Gravestone
  • Lantern
  • Werewolf
  • Devil
  • Owl
  • Wizard
  • Potion
  • Castle
  • Moon
  • Candy bag
  • Haystack

Examples of Halloween Words

  • There was this great big spider in the sink.
  • Some species of fruit bat also sip nectar when it is available.
  • Police have unearthed a human skeleton.
  • Garnish the drink with single candy corn for a festive Halloween look.
  • It’s too late for me – I turn into a pumpkin at eleven o’clock.
  • The judge told the murderer that he was a monster.
  • The scarecrow symbolizes all the bad things of the last year.
  • They say the young girl’s ghost still haunts the house.
  • She claims to have seen manifestations of dead people in the haunted house.
  • The witch enchanted the princess with magic words.
  • I looked back and saw them coming after me with the broom.
  • I desired candy all the time I was dieting.
  • She looked every inch a vampire in her costume.
  • We’re going to decorate the kitchen next week.
  • I also wanted to tell a tale Dracula.
  • The goblin hopped into his pocket.
  • We will look for a pumpkin, to carve into a jack-o-lantern.
  • She wore a mask over her face.
  • The whole place has a slightly spooky atmosphere.
  • I only worked there for about two months, I was so tired I was like a zombie.
  • He took his flashlight from his jacket pocket and switched it on.
  • She was paring an apple with a knife when I came in.
  • It’s presenting to my superiors that I find really scary.
  • Don’t worry about him. He is in safety.
  • There’s a real carnival atmosphere in the streets.
  • We can’t possibly get the work done by October.
  • We’re having a party on Saturday. Would you like to come?
  • The pub is said to be haunted by the ghost of a former landlord.
  • It was bright yellow and shrunken, like a mummy.

Words Related to Halloween | Infographic

Useful List of Halloween Words

Halloween Words

Last Updated on February 21, 2023

Halloween Word List Printable FREE from Your Therapy Source

Looking for a spooky Halloween word list printable that will engage your students? Look no further! This free printable includes all of the words you need to get your classroom in the Halloween spirit. From costumes to zombies, your students will love practicing their vocabulary with this fun activity. So why wait? Print out the list today and get started! You can download it for FREE at the bottom of this post.

Halloween Word List Printable FREE from Your Therapy Source


All you need to do is follow these three steps to access the printable packet for kindergarten students, elementary, middle, and homeschool students:

  1. Sign up to receive the emails from Your Therapy Source. If you already get our emails, you can enter your email in the box. You will not be subscribed twice.
  2. You will be redirected to download the PDF format file of the Halloween free packet.
  3. Print the packet and have fun! See below for activity ideas!


Below is the list of words for Halloween season. You can download the printable for FREE at the bottom of this post. It also includes handwriting pages to practice writing the words too!

  • ghost
  • witch
  • spider
  • pumpkin
  • superhero
  • candy
  • skeleton
  • trick
  • treat
  • zombie
  • monster
  • haunted
  • house
  • scary
  • night
  • dark
  • black
  • cat
  • wizard
  • chocolate
  • creepy
  • graveyard
  • dungeon
  • bones
  • Dracula
  • Frankenstein
  • flashlight
  • hayride
  • howl
  • moonlight
  • werewolf
  • skull
  • party
  • web
  • potion
  • sweets
  • mummy
  • bats
  • games
  • goblin
  • pirate
  • mask
  • scream
  • disguise
  • fangs
  • wicked
  • princess
  • afraid
  • makeup
  • clown

This or That Halloween Game

This or That Halloween Game


Looking for some fun and festive ways to incorporate Halloween vocabulary words into your classroom or home? Here are a few ideas for Halloween games to play:

  • Use the spooky words to create Halloween word games, like word searches or Halloween word scramble. This is a great way to review vocabulary and have some fun at the same time!
  • Make a Halloween word wall for the younger kids. This can be a great decoration for your Halloween party, and it also allows everyone to learn new words.
  • Use the words in Halloween themed writing activities or use as story starters. For example, have students write a story that includes as many Halloween words as possible. This is a great way to encourage creative thinking and expand vocabulary knowledge.
  • Divide the class into two teams. Who can be the first team to put the Halloween word list into alphabetical order?
  • Add this fun Halloween Group Game as a fun class activity.
Halloween Word List Printable FREE from Your Therapy Source


These great Halloween activities include the direct link to the digital files for the Halloween Word List and a handwriting packet using boxed letters. You can hang up the word list and use the packet for handwriting practice. It even includes a FREE Halloween word search with solution for the older kids with the words!

Halloween Word List Printable FREE from Your Therapy Source


  • The Halloween Following Directions packet help students to work on listening skills, fine motor skills, and reading.

    Halloween Following Directions Packet

  • The Halloween Fine Motor Activities – Color, Write, Cut, Glue digital download is an awesome NO PREP activity ready to go!

    Halloween Fine Motor Activities

  • Looking for fun, NO PREP, Halloween gross motor activities? This Halloween Movers Gross Motor Adventure was created by Kerri Healey, COTA.

    Halloween Gross Motor Activities – Interactive and Fun

  • Halloween Sensory Motor Packet

    Halloween Sensory Motor Packet


Sign up to receive the email newsletter from Your Therapy Source. You will be redirected to the download link for your spooky Halloween words and handwriting packet. Happy Halloween! If you already subscribe, enter your email below to access the PDF.

Halloween Word List Printable FREE from Your Therapy Source

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To download and print this free English vocabulary list, click here.

Feel free to leave a comment if you find any errors or if you have any suggestions to make to improve this lesson.

fall, autumn
All Saints’ Day
black cat
broom, broomstick
creepy / spooky / scary
fog / mist
graveyard (US)
grim reaper
haunted house
RIP (Rest In Peace)
spider web
the thirty-first
trick or treat!


to be afraid / scared of
to carve
to celebrate
to dress up
to harvest
to haunt
to knock on the door
to paint
to play a trick (on someone)
to pretend
to scare


Tags: Vocabulary

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