Word list for ket

Список слов (KET word list) для экзамена KET (Key English Test) или KET for Schools можно найти здесь

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на русском языке:

Appliances – Бытовая техника

Сamera – видео-камера/фотоаппарат, DVD (player) – видео-плеер, laptop – ноутбук/портативный компьютер, telephone – телефон, CD (player) – диско-плеер, electric lights – электрический свет, television / TV – телевидение, cell phone – сотовый телефон, electricity – электричество, mobile (phone) – мобильный телефон, video – видео, clock – настенные часы, fridge – холодильник, MP3 player – MP3 плеер, washing machine – стиральная машина, computer – компьютер, gas – газ, PC – персональный компьютер, cooker – плита, heating – отопление, phone – телефон, digital camera – цифровая камера, lamp – лампа, radio – радио

Clothes and Accessories – Одежда и аксесуары

Bag – сумка, fashion – мода, raincoat – дождевик, tights – колготки, bathing suit – купальный костюм, glasses – очки, ring – кольцо, trainers- кроссовки, belt – ремень, glove – перчатка, scarf – шарф, trousers – брюки, blouse – блуза, handbag – дамская сумка, shirt – рубашка, try on (v) – примерять, boot – ботинок, hat – шляпа, shoes – туфли, T-shirt – футболка, bracelet – браслет, jacket – пиджак, shorts – шорты, umbrella – зонт, cap – кепка, jeans – джинсы, skirt – юбка, uniform – униформа, chain – цепочка, jewellery / jewelry – ювелирные украшения, suit – костюм, wallet – кошелек, clothes – одежда, jumper – джемпер, sunglasses – солнцезащитные очки, watch – наручные часы, coat – пальто, kit – комплект/снаряжение, sweater – свитер, wear (v) – носить, costume (swimming) – купальный костюм, dress – платье, earring – серьги, necklace – ожерелье, pocket карман, purse – маленькая дамская сумочка, swimsuit – купальник, tie — галстук

Colours — Цвета

Black – черный, golden – золотой, orange – оранжевый, red – красный, blue – голубой, green – зеленый, pale – бледный, white – белый, brown – коричневый, grey – серый, pink – розовый, yellow – желтый, dark – темный, light – светлый, purple — фиолетовый

Communication and Technology – Коммуникация и технологии

Address – адрес, digital laptop (computer) – цифровой компьютер, screen – экран, at / @ — собачка, digital camera – цифровая камера, mobile (phone) – мобильный телефон, software – программное обеспечение, by post – по почте, dot – точка, mouse – мышь (компьютерная), talk – говорить, call (v) – звонить, camera – фотоаппарат, видео-камера, download (n & v) – скачивать из сети интернет, DVD (player) – DVD плеер, MP3 player – MP3 плеер, net – интернет, telephone – телефон, text (n & v) – текст/ писать текстовые сообщения, CD (player) – CD плеер, cell phone — сотовый телефон, email (n & v) – электронная почта/связываться посредством электронной почты, envelope  — конверт, online – в сети/онлайн, PC – персональный компьютер, video – видео, web chat – веб-чат, file – файл, photograph – фотография(фото), web page – интернет-страница, click (v) – кликать/нажимать, information – информация, photography – фотография(род деятельности), website – интернет-сайт, computer – компьютер, internet – интернет, phone conversation – разговор по телефону, keyboard – клавиатура, printer — принтер

Documents and Texts – Документы и тексты

Ad / advertisement – реклама, diary – дневник, magazine – журнал, passport – паспорт, article – статья, diploma – диплом, menu – меню, postcard – марка, bill – счет, email message – электронное письмо, project – проект, book – книга, card – карта/карточка/открытка, form – форма, letter – письмо, newspaper – газета, note – заметка/записка, text (n & v) – текст/писать текстовый документ, textbook – блокнот, comic – комикс, licence – права(водительские), notebook – записная книжка, ticket – билет

Education – Образование

Advanced – продвинутый, course – курс, lesson – урок, ruler – линейка, beginner – новичок, начинающий, desk – рабочий стол, level – уровень, school – школа, biology – биология, dictionary – словарь, library – библиотека, science – наука, blackboard – классная доска, board – доска, diploma – диплом, eraser – (Br)ластик, mark – оценка, maths/mathematics – математика, student – студент, studies – учеба/обучение, book – книга, bookshelf – книжная полка, chemistry – химия, class – класс, classmate – одноклассник, classroom – аудитория/класс, clever – умный, coach – тренер, college – колледж, exam(ination) – экзамен, geography – география, history – история homework – домашняя работа, information – информация, instructions – инструкции, know – знать, language – язык, learn – учить(что-то)/узнавать, note – заметка/записка physics – физика, practice (n) – практика, practise (v) – практиковать, project – проект, pupil – ученик, read – читать, remember – помнить, rubber – (Am)ластик, study (v) – изучать, subject – предмет, teach – учить(кого-то), teacher – учитель, term – семестр/четверть, test (n) – тест, university — университет

Entertainment and Media – Развлечения и средства массовой информации

Act – играть на сцене, draw – рисовать, magazine – журнал, practise (v) – практиковаться/репетировать, actor – актер, drawing – рисунок, MP3 player – MP3 плеер, programme – программа, adventure – приключение, advertisement – реклама, disco – дискотека, drum – барабан, museum – музей, music – музыка, project – проект/задание, radio – задание, art – искусство, article – статья, DVD (player) – DVD плеер, exhibition – выставка, musician – музыкант, news – новости, read (v) – читать, rock (concert) рок (концерт), board game – настольная игра, festival – фестиваль, newspaper – газета, screen (n) – экран, book – книга, film (n & v) фильм/снимать, opera – опера, show (n) – шоу/представление, card – карта, fun – веселье, paint (v) – красить/рисовать красками, sing – петь, cartoon – мультфильм, go out – идти в кино/ресторан/кафе/театр, painter –художник, singer – певец, CD (player) – CD плеер, group – группа, photograph – фото, song – песня, chess – шахматы, guitar – гитара, photographer – фотограф, television / TV – телевидение, cinema – кинотеатр, hip hop – хип-хоп, photography – фотография (как род занятий), theatre – театр, classical (music) – классическая (музыка), instrument – инструмент, piano – фортепиано, ticket – билет, competition – соревнование,  keyboard – клавиатура/синтезатор, picture – картина, video (game) – видео (игра), concert – концерт, laugh – смеяться, play (n) – пьеса/постановка, watch – смотреть, (v) dance (n & v) – танец/танцевать, listen to pop (music) – слушать поп музыку, dancer – танцор/танцовщица, look at – взглянуть на что-то, practice (n) – практика/тренировка

Family and Friends – Семья и друзья

Aunt – тетя, girl – девочка, group – группа, mum(my) – мама, boy – мальчик, grandchild – внук или внучка, guest – гость, neighbor – сосед или соседка, brother – брат, grand(d)ad – дедушка, guy – парень, parent – родитель, child – ребенок, cousin – двоюродный брат или сестра, granddaughter – внучка, grandfather – дедушка, husband – муж, love (n & v) – любовь/любить, pen-friend – друг по переписке, sister – сестра, dad(dy) – папа, daughter – дочь, family – семья, father – отец, friend – друг, friendly – дружелюбный, grandma/grandmother/granny – бабушка, grandpa – дедушка, grandparent – бабушка или дедушка, grandson – внук, married – женатый/замужем, Miss – мисс, mother – мама, Mr – мистер, Mrs – миссис, Ms – мисс или миссис, son – сын, surname – фамилия, teenager – подросток, uncle – дядя, wife — жена

Food and Drink – Еда и напитки

Apple – яблоко, chocolate – шоколад, ice – лед, plate – тарелка, bake – выпекать, coffee – кофе, ice cream – мороженное, potato  — картофель, banana – банан, cola – кола, jam – варенье, rice – рис, barbecue – барбекю, cook (n & v) – повар/готовить,  juice – сок, roast (v & adj) – жарить/жареный, biscuit – печенье, cooker – плита, kitchen – кухня, salad – салат, boil – варить, cream – крем, knife – нож, salt – соль, boiled – вареный, cup – чашка, lemon – лимон, sandwich – сэндвич, bottle – бутылка, curry – карри, lemonade – лимонад, sauce – соус, bowl – миска, cut (n) – порез, lunch – обед, sausage – сосиска, box – коробка, dessert – десерт, main course – основное блюдо, slice (n) – кусочек/ломтик, bread – хлеб, dinner – ужин, meal – еда/прием пищи, snack (n) – закуска/перекус, break (n) – перерыв, dish (n) – блюдо, meat – мясо, soup – суп,  breakfast – завтрак, drink – напиток, melon – дыня, steak – стейк, burger – бургер, eat – есть, menu – меню, sugar – сахар, butter – масло, egg – яйцо, milk – молоко, sweet (n & adj) – конфета/сладкое, cafe/café – кафе, fish – рыба, mineral water – минеральная вода, tea – чай, cafeteria – кафетерий, food – еда,  mushroom – гриб, thirsty – испытывающий жажду, cake – кекс, fork – вилка, oil – масло растительное, toast – хлебный тост, can (n) – мочь, fridge – холодильник, omelette – омлет, tomato – помидор, candy – конфета, fried – жареный, onion – лук, vegetable – овощ, carrot – морковь, fruit – фрукт/фрукты, orange – апельсин, waiter – официант, cereal – сельдерей, garlic – чеснок, pasta – итальянская паста/макароны, waitress – официантка, cheese – сыр, glass – стакан, pear – зеленый горошек, wash up – мыть посуду, chef – шеф повар, grape – виноград, pepper – перец, yog(h)urt  — йогурт, chicken – курица, chilli – острый перец чили, chips – жареный картофель, grilled – жареный на гриле, honey – мед, hungry – голодный, picnic – пикник, piece of cake – кусочек торта/кекса, pizza — пицца

Health, Medicine and Exercise – Здоровье, медицина и физкультура

Accident – дорожное происшествие, ambulance – скорая помощь, appointment – встреча, arm – рука, cut (v) – порезать/ся, danger – опасность, dangerous – опасный, dead – мертвый, foot – ступня, hair – волосы, hand – кисть руки, head – голова, pain – боль, problem – проблема, rest (n) – отдых, run – бегать, baby – малыш/младенец, dentist – зубной врач, health – здоровье, sick – больной, back – спина, bandage – повязка, die – умирать, doctor – врач, hear (v) – слышать, heart – сердце, soap – мыло, stomach – живот/желудок, blood – кровь, Dr – сокращение от «доктор», hospital – больница, stomach ache – боль в животе, body  — тело, ear – ухо, hurt (v) – повредить/ушибить, swim – плавать, brain – мозг, exercise – упражнение/делать зарядку, ill – больной, temperature – температура, break (v) – ломать, eye – глаз, leg – нога, tired – уставший, check – проверять, (v) face – лицо, lie down – лечь на спину, tooth – зуб, chemist – аптекарь, fall (v) – падать, medicine – лекарство, toothache – зубная боль, clean (adj & v) чистый/чистить/мыть, feel (v) – чувствовать, neck – шея, toothbrush – зубная щетка, cold (n) – простуда, finger  — палец(руки), nose – нос, walk – идти пешком/гулять, comb (n) – гребень, fit – здоровый, nurse – мед.сестра, well (adj) — хорошо

Hobbies and Leisure – Досуг и увлечения

Barbecue – барбекю, CD (player) – CD плеер, guitar – гитара, musician – музыкант, beach – пляж, club – клуб, hobby  — хобби/увлечение, paint (n & v) – краска/рисовать, bicycle/bike – велосипед, collect (v) – коллекционировать, computer – компьютер, holidays – каникулы, join – присоединяться, park – парк, party – вечеринка, book – книга, camera – видео-камера/фотоаппарат, camp – лагерь/жить в лагере, camping – лагерь для автотуристов, campsite – палаточный лагерь, dance (n & v) – танец/танцевать, draw – рисовать, DVD (player) – DVD плеер, festival – фестиваль, go out – куда-то выходить вечером (в кино/театр), magazine – журнал, member – участник, MP3 player – MP3 плеер, museum – музей, music – музыка, photograph – фотография, picnic – пикник, quiz – тест, tent – палатка, video – видео, game — игра

House and Home — Дом

Address – адрес, computer – компьютер, garage – гараж, refrigerator – холодильник, apartment – квартира, cooker – плита, garden – сад, roof – крыша, armchair – кресло, cupboard – тумбочка/кухонный шкаф, gas – газ, room – комната, bath(tub) – ванна, curtain – занавеска, gate – ворота, safe (adj) – безопасный, bathroom – ванная комната, desk – письменный стол, hall – прихожая, shelf – полка, bed – кровать, dining room – столовая, heating – отопление, shower – душ, bedroom – спальня, door – дверь, home – дом (внутри), sink – раковина, blanket – одеяло, downstairs – внизу/вниз по лестнице, house – дом (снаружи), sitting room – гостиная, bookcase – книжный шкаф, bookshelf – книжная полка, bowl – миска, drawer – комод, DVD (player) DVD плеер, entrance – вход, key – ключ, kitchen – кухня, lamp – лампа, sofa – диван, stay (v) – останавливаться где-то (в отеле, например), toilet – туалет, box – коробка, flat (n) – квартира, light – свет, towel – полотенце, carpet – ковер, floor – пол, live (v) – жить, chair – стул, fridge – холодильник, living room – гостиная, clock – настенные часы, furniture – мебель, pillow — подушка

Measurements – Система мер

Centimetre/centimeter – сантиметр, hour – час, minute – минута, week – неделя, day – день, kilo(gram[me])/kg – килограмм, moment – момент, year – год, degree – степень/градус, gram(me) – грамм, kilometre/km/kilometer – километр, litre/liter – литр, quarter – четверть, second – секунда, half – половина, metre/meter – метр, temperature — температура

Personal Feelings, Opinions and Experiences (adjectives) – Чувства, мнения и ощущения

Able – способный, afraid – напуганный, alone – одинокий/в одиночестве, amazing – поразительный, angry – разозленный, bad – плохой, beautiful – красивый/красивая, better – лучше, difficult – трудный, excellent – превосходный, famous – известный, fast – быстрый, favourite – любимый, fine – прекрасный, free – свободный, friendly – дружелюбный, kind – добрый, lovely – чудесный/милый, lucky – счастливый, married – женатый/замужняя, modern – современный, nice – милый/хороший, noisy – шумный, old – старый, soft – мягкий, sorry – виноватый/сожалеющий, special – особенный, strange – странный, strong – сильный, sure – уверенный, sweet – сладкий, tall – высокий, big – большой, funny – смешной, pleasant – приятный, terrible – ужасный, bored – скучающий, good – хороший, poor – бедный, tired – усталый, boring – скучный, great – великий, pretty – симпатичный/ая, unhappy – несчастный, brave – смелый, happy – счастливый, quick – быстрый, useful – полезный, brilliant – блестящий, hard – трудный, quiet – тихий, well – хорошо, busy – занятой, heavy – тяжелый, ready – готовый, worried – обеспокоенный, careful – осторожный, high – высокий, real – настоящий, wrong – неправильный, clear – чистый, hungry – голодный, rich – богатый, young – молодой, clever – умный, important – важный, right – правильный/правый, cool – свежий/классный, interested – интересующийся, slow медленный, different – другой/отличающийся, interesting – интересный, small — маленький

Places: Buildings – Здания и сооружения

Apartment/flat – квартира, college – колледж, hospital больница, school – школа, bank – банк, block – квартал, bookshop/bookstore – книжный магазин, department store – универмаг, disco – дискотека, elevator/lift – лифт, hotel – отель, house – дом, library – библиотека, shop/store – магазин, sports centre – спортивный центр, stadium – стадион, entrance – вход, supermarket – супермаркет, building – здание, exit – выход, museum – музей, swimming pool – бассейн, cafe/café – кафе, factory – фабрика, office – офис, theatre – театр, cafeteria – кафетерий/буфет, pharmacy – аптека, university – университет, castle – замок, garage – гараж, police station – полицейский участок, cathedral – собор, grocery – овощной магазин, post office – почта, cinema – кинотеатр, guest-house – дом для гостей, railway station – вокзал

Places: Countryside – Пригород

Area – местность, forest – лес, path – тропинка, sky – небо, beach – пляж, hill – холм, railway – железная дорога, village – деревня, campsite – лагерь/кемпинг, island – остров, rainforest – тропический лес, wood – дерево(материал), farm – ферма, lake – озеро, river – река, field – поле, mountain – гора, sea — море

Places: Town and City – Город

Airport – аэропорт, city centre – центр города, petrol station – заправочная станция, station – станция, bridge – мост, bus station – автовокзал, corner – угол (улицы), market – рынок, playground – игровая площадка, road – дорога, street – улица, town – город (не мегаполис), bus stop – автобусная остановка, motorway – скоростная трасса/шоссе, roundabout – кольцевая развязка (поворот), underground – метро/подземный переход, car park – автомобильная стоянка, park – парковать автомобиль, square – сквер, zoo — зоопарк

Services — Услуги

Bank – банк, doctor – доктор, petrol station – заправочная станция, theatre – театр, cafe / café – кафе, garage – гараж, post office – почта, tourist information – информация для туристов, cafeteria – кафетерий, hotel – отель, restaurant – ресторан, cinema – кинотеатр,  library – библиотека, sports centre – спортивный центр, dentist – дантист, museum – музей, swimming pool — бассейн

Shopping — Покупки

Ad / advertisement – рекламное объявление, cheque – банковский чек, expensive – дорогой, shop assistant – продавец, close (v) – закрывать, for sale – распродажа, shop – магазин, assistant – ассистент/помощник, bill – счет, closed  — закрытый, open (v & adj) – открывать/открытый, shopper – покупатель, bookshop – книжный магазин, buy (v) – покупать, cost (n & v) – стоимость/стоить, credit card – кредитная карта, pay (for) – платить (за что-либо), penny  — пенни, shopping – совершать покупки, spend – тратить, cash (n & v) – наличные/платить или обналичивать деньги по чеку, cent – цент, change (n & v) – размен/разменивать, cheap – дешевый, customer – покупатель, department store – универмаг, dollar – доллар, euro – евро, pound – фунт, price – цена, receipt – кассовый чек, rent – аренда/арендовать, store — магазин, supermarket — супермаркет

Sport — Спорт

Ball – мяч, football – футбол/футбольный мяч, riding – катание верхом, swimming – плавание, badminton – бадминтон, football player – футболист, rugby – регби, swimming costume – купальник/плавки, baseball – бейсбол, game – игра, run (v) – бегать, swimming pool – бассейн, basketball – баскетбол, goal – гол, sailing – катание на лодке, swimsuit – купальник, bat – бита, golf – гольф, sea – море, table tennis – настольный теннис, bathing suit – купальник/плавки, hockey – хоккей, skate (v) – кататься на роликах, team – команда, beach – пляж, kit – набор инструментов/снаряжение, skateboard (n) – скейтборд, tennis – теннис, bicycle – велосипед, luck – удача, ski (v) – кататься на лыжах, tennis player – игрок в теннис, bike – велосипед/мотоцикл, member – член клуба (спортивного например), skiing – катание на лыжах, throw (v) – бросать, boat – лодка, play (v) – играть, snowboard (n) – сноуборд, ticket – билет, catch (v) – ловить, climb (v) – взбираться/залезать на гору/дерево, player – игрок, pool (n) – бассейн, snowboarding – катание на сноуборде, soccer – американский футбол, tired – уставший/усталый, trainers – кроссовки, club – клуб (спортивный), coach (n) – тренер, competition – соревнование, cricket – крикет, cycling – катание на велосипеде, enter (a competition) – принять участие в соревновании, fishing – рыбалка, practice (n) – тренировки/занятия, practise (v) – практиковаться/тренироваться, prize – приз, race (n & v) – гонки/состязаться в скорости, racket – ракетка, rest (n & v) – отдых/отдыхать, ride (n & v) – поездка верхом/ехать верхом, sport(s) – спорт, sports centre – спортивный центр, stadium – стадион, surf – кататься на доске для серфинга, surfboard – доска для серфинга, surfboarding – заниматься серфингом, swim (v) – плавать, versus – против (выступать на соревнованиях против кого-то), volleyball – волейбол, walk (v) – ходить пешком/гулять, watch (v) – наблюдать/смотреть, win (v) – выигрывать, windsurfing – серфинг, winner — победитель

The Natural World – Мир природы

Air – воздух, fire – огонь, moon – луна, spring – весна, autumn – осень, flower – цветы, mountain – гора, star – звезда, beach – пляж,  forest – лес, north – север,  summer – лето, bee – пчела, grass – трава, plant – растение, tree – дерево, country – страна, grow – рост/расти, rabbit – кролик, water – вода, countryside – сельская местность, desert – пустыня, east – восток, hill – холм, hot – горячий,  ice – лед, river – река, sea – море, sky – небо, west – запад, winter – зима, wood – дерево (материал), explorer – исследователь, field – поле, island – остров, lake – озеро, south – юг, space – пространство/космическое пространство, wool – шерсть, world — мир

Time — Время

Afternoon – время после обеда, evening – вечер, morning – утро, tonight – сегодня вечером/ночью, a.m./p.m. – утра/вечера, half (past) – 30 минут/пол часа, night – ночь, week – неделя, appointment – встреча, holidays – каникулы, noon — полдень, weekday – будний день, autumn – осень, hour- час, o’clock – на часах, weekend – выходной, birthday – день рождения, January – январь, February — февраль, March — март, April — апрель, May — май, June — июнь, July — июль, August — август, September — сентябрь, October — октябрь, December — декабрь, past – прошлый, weekly – еженедельно, calendar – календарь, meeting – встреча, quarter (past/to) – четверть/15 минут (после/до), winter – зима, century – столетие/век, clock – часы, midnight – полночь, minute – минута, second – секунда, spring – весна, working hours – часы работы, year – год, daily – ежедневно, moment – момент, summer – лето, yesterday – вчера, date – дата, Monday – понедельник, Tuesday — вторник, Wednesday — среда, Thursday — четверг, Friday — пятница, Saturday — суббота, Sunday – воскресенье, time – время, day – день, month – месяц, today – сегодня, diary – дневник, monthly – ежемесячно, tomorrow — завтра

Travel and Transport – Путешествия и средства передвижения

(Aero)/(air)plane – самолет, explorer – исследователь, park (v) – парковать автомобиль, street – улица, airport – аэропорт, far – далеко, passenger – пассажир, suitcase – чемодан, ambulance – скорая помощь, flight – полет/перелет, passport – паспорт, taxi – такси, backpack – рюкзак, fly – летать, petrol – бензин/топливо, ticket – билет, boat – лодка, garage – гараж, petrol station – заправочная станция, tour (n) – тур, bridge – мост, helicopter – вертолет, pilot – пилот, tour guide – туристический гид/проводник, bus – автобус, journey – путешествие, platform – платформа, tourist – турист, bus station – автовокзал, leave – уезжать, railway – железная дорога, tourist information centre – туристическое информационное бюро, bus stop – автобусная остановка, car – машина, left – лево/левый, light – свет, repair (v) – чинить, return (n & v) – возврат/возвращать, traffic – дорожное движение, traffic light – светофор, case – кейс/футляр/чехол, luggage – багаж, ride – ехать верхом, tram – трамвай, coach – маршрутное такси, machine – машинамеханизм/устройство, right – право/правый, travel – путешествие, country – страна, map – карта, road – дорога, trip – непродолжительное путешествие, delay (n & v) – задержка/откладывать, mechanic – механик, roundabout – круговой разворот, tyre – шина, delayed – отложенный/запаздывающий, mirror – зеркало, sailing – плыть под парусом, underground (n) – метро, drive – вести машину, miss (v) – пропустить, seat – сиденье, visit – навестить/посетить, driver – водитель, motorbike – мотоцикл, ship – корабль, visitor – посетитель, driving/driver’s licence – водительские права, motorway – автомагистраль/шоссе, station – станция, way (n) – путь, engine – мотор, move – двигаться/переезжать, stop – останавливаться, wheel – руль, engineer – инженер, oil – масло, straight – прямо, on – на, window — окно

Weather — Погода

Cloud – облако, hot – жарко, sun – солнце, wet – мокро/мокрый, cloudy – облачно, ice – лед, sunny – солнечно, wind – ветер, cold – холодно/холодный, rain – дождь, thunderstorm – гром, windy – ветрено/ветреный, fog – туман, snow – снег, warm – тепло/теплый, foggy – туманно/туманный, storm – шторм, weather — погода

Work and Jobs — Работа и профессии

Actor – актер, diploma – диплом, journalist – журналист, secretary – секретарь, artist – художник, doctor – доктор, king – король, shop assistant – консультант в магазине/продавец, boss – начальник, Dr – доктор наук, letter – письмо, shopper – покупатель, break (n) – перерыв, business – бизнес, driver – водитель, earn – зарабатывать, manager – управляющий, mechanic – механик, singer – певец, staff – обслуживающий персонал, businessman – бизнесмен, businesswoman – бизнес-леди, email (n & v) – электронное письмо/отправлять письма по электронной почте, engineer – инженер, meeting – встреча, message – письмо, student – студент, teacher – учитель, chemist – химик, explorer – исследователь, musician – музыкант, tennis player —  теннисист, cleaner – уборщик, factory – фабрика, nurse – мед.сестра/мед.брат, tour guide – гид/экскурсовод, coach (n) – тренер, farm – ферма, occupation – род занятий, uniform – униформа, company – компания, farmer – фермер, office – офис, waiter/ waitress – официант/официантка, computer – компьютер, footballer – футболист, painter – художник, work – работа, cook (n & v) – повар/готовить еду, football player – футболист, photographer  — фотограф, worker – рабочий, customer – покупатель, guest – гость, pilot – пилот, writer – писатель, dentist – дантист, guide – гид/проводник,  police officer – офицер полиции, desk – рабочий стол, instructions – инструкции, queen – королева, diary – дневник, job – профессия, receptionist – секретарь в приемной.

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Key English Test (KET)

Key English Test for Schools (KETfS)

KET Vocabulary List

© UCLES 2012

Introduction to the KET Vocabulary List

The KET Vocabulary List gives teachers a guide to the vocabulary needed when preparing students for the KET and KET for Schools examinations.

Background to the list

The KET Vocabulary List was originally developed by Cambridge ESOL in consultation with external consultants to guide item writers who produce materials for the KET examination. It drew on vocabulary from the Council of Europe’s Waystage (1990) specification and other vocabulary which corpus evidence shows is high frequency.

The list covers vocabulary appropriate to the A2 level on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and includes receptive vocabulary (words that the candidate is expected to understand but which is not the focus of a question) and productive vocabulary (words that the candidate needs to know in order to answer a question).

The list does not provide an exhaustive list of all words which appear on the KET and KET for Schools question papers and candidates should not confine their study of vocabulary to the list alone.

How the list is updated

The vocabulary of English changes over time, with words being added and other words falling into disuse. In order to maintain its currency, the KET Vocabulary List is updated on an annual basis, with the decision to add or remove words being informed by reference to the Cambridge Learner Corpus and English Vocabulary Profile.

The Cambridge Learner Corpus is a collection of over 44 million words of English, based upon evidence of language use by learners from all over the world and from which the

English Vocabulary Profile has developed. The English Vocabulary Profile shows the most common words and phrases that learners of English need to know in British or American English. The meaning of each word or phrase in the wordlists has been assigned a level between A1 and B2 on the CEFR.

A preview version of the English Vocabulary Profile can be accessed by visiting the website: http://www.englishprofile.org

Organisation of the list

Word sets

Some categories of words that a learner at this level might be expected to know, e.g. days of the week, are not included in the alphabetical list but are listed in Appendix 1. Although ‘grammar words’ (pronouns, modal verbs, etc.) are included, the Language Specifications section of the KET and KET for Schools Handbooks (available from www.cambridgeesol.org) should be consulted for a more complete listing.


Example phrases and sentences showing how words might be used are given only where words with different meanings need to be constrained. For example, bank is followed by ‘I changed my money in a bank’ – this shows that bank is limited to the idea of a financial institution: candidates are not expected to know other meanings, such as ‘a river bank’.

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KET Vocabulary List

Multi-word verbs

All multi-word (or phrasal) verbs that a KET or KET for Schools candidate might be expected to know are included in the list. These verbs include ‘literal’ verbs (i.e. where the meaning is transparent), e.g. sit down, go out and ‘non-literal’ verbs, e.g. look after, get up.

Topic lists

In Appendix 2, words have been grouped together under common KET and/or KET for Schools themes, such as ‘Food and Drink’, ‘House and Home’ and ‘Sport’.

Unsuitable topics

Cambridge ESOL examinations must not contain anything that might offend or upset candidates, potentially affect their performance or distract them during the examination. A number of ‘sensitive’ topics are considered unsuitable for use in KET and KET for Schools, for example war and politics, and vocabulary relating to these is not included in the KET Vocabulary List.

Personal vocabulary

The content of the KET Vocabulary List is general in nature and is unlikely to cover completely the productive vocabulary that may be required by candidates. Candidates should know the specific lexis they will need to describe themselves and their lives, for example hobbies, likes and dislikes.


Abbreviations used in the KET Vocabulary List are:


abbreviation or acronym


modal verb







phr v

phrasal verb


auxiliary verb



Am Eng

American English



Br Eng

British English

prep phr

prepositional phrase













Summary of points to be noted

The list does not include every word that may appear on a KET or KET for Schools paper.

The list covers receptive and productive vocabulary.

The list is updated every year.

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KET Vocabulary List


a/an (det) able (adj)

be able to about (adv & prep)

What about a cold drink?

I have about £3. (adv)

a book about animals (prep) above (adv & prep)

accident (n)

across (adv & prep)

The bank’s across the road.

He walked across the bridge. act (n & v)

activity (n) actor (n) actually (adv) ad (n)

an ad on TV

add (v) address (n) adult (adj & n) advanced (adj) adventure (n)

advertisement (n) advice (n) aeroplane (n) afraid (adj)

after (adv & prep) afternoon (n) afterwards (adv) again (adv) against (prep)

We watched England play against France.

age (n)

I don’t know his age.

aged (adj) ago (adv) agree (v)

Yes, I agree with you.

Don’t you agree, Sam?

air (n)

to travel by air

airport (n) alarm clock (n) album (n)

all (adv, det & pron)

all right/alright (adj, adv & exclam) almost (adv)

alone (adj & adv) along (prep) already (adv)

alright (adj, adv & exclam)

also (adv) always (adv) a.m. (adv) amazing (adj) ambulance (n) among (prep) an (det)

and (conj) angry (adj) animal (n)

another (det & pron) answer (n & v)

any (det & pron) anybody (pron) anymore (adv) anyone (pron) anything (pron) anyway (adv) anywhere (adv) apartment (n) apartment building (n) apple (n) appointment (n)

an appointment with the doctor area (n)

arm (n) armchair (n)

around (adv & prep)

to travel around (adv)

to sit around the table (prep) arrive (v)

art (n) article (n)

an article about skiing

artist (n)

as (conj & prep)

as good as

as soon as possible

the same as

ask (v) assistant (n) as well (adv)

as well (as) (prep) at (prep)

at / @ (prep)

My email address is david@cambridgeesol.org attractive (adj)

aunt (n) autumn (n) available (adj) away (adv)

He’s gone away.

It’s two kilometres away.

awful (adj)

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baby (n)

back (n, adv & adj) backpack (n)

bad (adj) badly (adv) badminton (n) bag (n)

bake (v) ball (n) balloon (n) banana (n) band (n) bandage (n) bank (n)

I changed my money in the bank. barbecue (n)

baseball (n) basketball (n) bat (n)

bath (n) bathing suit (n) bathroom (n) bathtub (n) battery (n)

be (av & v) beach (n) bean (n) bear (n) beard (n) beautiful (adj)

because (conj) become (v) bed (n) bedroom (n) bee (n)

before (adv, conj & prep) begin (v)

beginner (n) beginning (n) behind (adv & prep) believe (v)

belong (v)

below (adv & prep) belt (n)

beside (prep) best (adj & adv) better (adj & adv) between (prep) bicycle (n)

big (adj) bike (n) bill (n)

Can I have my bill, please?

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biology (n) bird (n) birth (n) birthday (n)

biscuit (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: cookie) bit (n)

Just a small bit of cake, please. black (adj & n)

blackboard (n) blanket (n) block (n)

Shall we walk round the block? blond(e) (adj)

blood (n) blouse (n) blue (adj & n) board (n)

The teacher’s writing on the (black/white)board.

board game (n) boat (n)

body (n) boil (v) boiled (adj) book (n & v)

bookcase (n) bookshelf (n)

bookshop (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: bookstore) bookstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: bookshop) boot (n)

a pair of boots bored (adj)

boring (adj) born (v)

I was born in Manchester. borrow (v)

She borrowed a book from the library. boss (n)

both (pron & det) bother (v)

bottle (n) bottom (n)

at the bottom of the stairs

bowl (n) box (n) boy (n)

boyfriend (n) brain (n) brave (adj) bread (n) break (n & v)

a break for lunch (n)

Someone’s broken the window. (v) breakfast (n)

bridge (n)

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bright (adj) brilliant (adj)

I thought the film was brilliant! bring (v)

broken (adj) brother (n) brown (adj & n) brush (n & v) build (v) building (n) burger (n)

bus (n) business (n) businessman (n)

businesswoman (n) bus station (n)

bus stop (n) busy (adj) but (conj) butter (n) buy (v)

by (prep) bye (exclam)


cabinet (n) cafe/café (n) cafeteria (n) cake (n) calendar (n) call (n & v)

I’ll call (phone) again later this afternoon.

He’s called John.

I’m waiting for a call from Anna.

camel camera (n) camp (v) camping (n) campsite (n) cap (n) capital (n) can (n & mv) candy (n) cannot (mv) car (n)

card (n)

birthday card

credit card career (n)

careful (adj)

Be careful! carefully (adv)

car park (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: parking lot)

carpet (n) carrot (n) carry (v) cartoon (n) case (n) cash (n & v) castle (n) cat (n) catch (v) cathedral (n)

CD (n)

CD player (n) ceiling (n) cell phone (n) cent (n)

centre/center (n) centimetre/centimeter (cm) (n) century (n)

cereal (n)

certainly (not) (adv) chain (n)

chair (n) change (v & n) channel (n) chat (n) chatroom (n) cheap (adj) check (v) cheese (n) chef (n)

chemist (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: drugstore) chemistry (n)

cheque (n) chess (n) chicken (n) child (n) chilli (n) chips (n pl)

egg and chips chocolate (n) choose (v)

cinema (n) circle (n) circus (n) city (n) class (n)

a language class

a first-class ticket classical (adj) classmate (n) classroom (n)

clean (adj & v) cleaner (n) clear (adj)

It’s not clear to me. clearly (adv)

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clever (adj) click (n & v)

Click here to go to our website. climb (v)

climbing (n) clock (n) close (adj & v)

close to (prep phr) closed (adj) clothes (n pl) cloud (n)

cloudy (adj) clown (n) club (n)

to join a club

coach (n)

a coach trip

a tennis coach coat (n)

coffee (n) cola (n)

cold (adj & n) colleague (n) collect (v) college (n) colour (n & v) comb (n) come (v)

comfortable (adj) comic (n) company (n)

What’s the name of your company? competition (n)

complete (v) computer (n) concert (n)

congratulations! (exclam) contact (n & v) conversation (n)

cook (n & v) cooker (n)

cookie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: biscuit) cooking (n)

cool (adj & exclam)

That’s a cool bike! (adj)

copy (v) corner (n)

the corner of the street correct (adj)

cost (n & v) costume (n)

I forgot my swimming costume. could (mv)

country (n) countryside (n)

course (n)

a university course

a main course

of course (not) cousin (n)

cover (v) cow (n) crazy (adj)

cream (adj & n) credit card (n) cricket (n) cross (n & v)

Don’t cross the road here! (v) crossing (n)

Use the crossing to cross the street. crowd (n)

crowded (adj) cry (v)

The baby’s crying.

cup (n) cupboard (n) curry (n) curtain (n) customer (n) cut (v)

cycle (v) cycling (n)


dad (n)

daily (adj & adv) dance (n & v) dancer (n) dancing (n) danger (n) dangerous (adj) dark (adj)

date (n)

What’s the date today? daughter (n)

day (n) dead (adj) dear (adj)

Dear Anne,

decide (v) deep (adj) degree (n)

The temperature’s 30 degrees today. delay (n & v)

There will be a delay of two hours. (n)

The flight is delayed. (v)

dentist (n) department (n)

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department store (n) describe (v)

desert (n) desk (n) dessert (n) detail (n) diary (n) dictionary (n) die (v) difference (n) different (adj) difficult (adj) digital (adj)

digital camera (n) dining room (n) dinner (n) dinosaur (n) diploma (n)

dirty (adj) disco (n) discount (n) discuss (v) dish (n)

Chicken and chips is my favourite dish. do (av & v)

doctor (n) document (n) dog (n)

doll (n) dollar (n) dolphin (n) door (n) dot (n)

dot com

double (adj)

a double room down (adv & prep) download (n & v)

I downloaded the songs from the internet (v).

downstairs (adv)

Dr (n) draw (v) drawer (n) drawing (n)

dream (n & v) dress (n & v) dressed (adj) drink (n & v) drive (v) driver (n)

driving licence (n)

drugstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chemist) drum (n)

dry (adj & v) duck (n)

during (prep) DVD (n)

DVD player (n)


each (det & pron) ear (n)

early (adj & adv) earn (v)

earring (n) easily (adv)

east (n, adj & adv) easy (adj)

eat (v) egg (n)

electric (adj) electricity (n) elephant (n)

elevator (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lift) else (adv)

Anything else? email (n & v)

empty (adj) end (v & n) engine (n) engineer (n) enjoy (v)

enough (adv, det & pron) enter (v)

Are you going to enter the poster competition?

Please enter through the side door. entrance (n)

envelope (n)

eraser (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: rubber) especially (adv)

euro (n) even (adv) evening (n) ever (adv) every (det)

everybody (pron) everyone (pron) everything (pron) everywhere (adv) exactly (adv) examination/exam (n) example (n)

Look at the example first.

for example

excellent (adj) except (conj & prep) excited (adj) exciting (adj)

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excuse (v)

Excuse me! exercise (n & v) exhibition (n)

art exhibition

exit (n) expensive (adj) explain (v) explore (v) explorer (n)

This book’s about famous explorers. extra (adj)

eye (n)


face (n) fact (n) factory (n) fail (v) fair (adj)

She has fair hair. fall (n & v)

in the fall (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: autumn)

he fell and hurt his leg (v)

family (n) famous (adj) fan (n) fantastic (adj) far (adv)

How far is the next garage? farm (n)

farmer (n) fashion (n)

fast (adj & adv) fast food (n) fat (adj)

father (n) favourite (adj) feel (v)

to feel well

festival (n) few (det & adj) field (n)

file (n) fill (v)

fill in (phr v)

to fill in a form film (n & v)

final (adj) finally (adv) find (v)

find out (phr v)

fine (adj)

That’s fine!

I’m fine, thank you.

The weather is fine. finger (n)

finish (v) fire (n)

first (adv & adj)

First… then… (adv)

John came first. (adv)

first prize (adj)

first name (n) fish (n & v) fishing (n)

fit (adj) flat (n) flight (n) floor (n)

The bedrooms are on the first floor.

Don’t leave your clothes on the floor. flower (n)

fly (v) fog (n)

foggy (adj) follow (v) food (n) foot (n)

my right foot

football (n) footballer (n) for (prep) foreign (adj) forest (n) forget (v) fork (n)

knife and fork form (n)

Fill in this form. free (adj & adv)

French fries (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chips) fresh (adj)

fresh fruit

fridge (n) fried (adj) friend (n) friendly (adj) from (prep) front (n)

in the front of the train

Stand in front of me.

fruit (n) full (adj)

fun (adj & n) funny (adj) furniture (n)

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further (adj) future (n)


game (n) garage (n) garden (n) garlic (n)

gas (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol)

gas station (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol station) gate (n)

geography (n) get (v)

get fit (v)

get off (phr v)

to get off the bus get on (phr v)

to get on the bus get up (phr v)

to get up in the morning

gift (n) girl (n)

girlfriend (n) give (v) glad (adj) glass (n)

glasses (n pl) glove (n)

go (v) goal (n)

gold (n & adj) golden (adj) golf (n)

good (adj)

good afternoon (exclam) goodbye (exclam)

good evening (exclam) good-looking (adj) good morning (exclam) good night (exclam) go out (phr v)

Are you going out this evening? grade (n)

gram(me) (n) grandchild (n) grand(d)ad (n) granddaughter (n) grandfather (n) grandma (n) grandmother (n) grandpa (n) grandparent (n) grandson (n) granny (n)

grape (n) grass (n) great (adj) green (adj)

grey (adj & n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: gray) grilled (adj)

grocery store (n) (Am Eng) group (n)

grow (v)

grow up (phr v) guess (v) guest (n) guest-house (n) guide (n) guidebook (n) guitar (n)

guy (n)

He’s a really nice guy. gym (n)


hair (n)

half (det, n & pron) half-price (adj)

hall (n) hand (n) handbag (n) happen (v) happy (adj)

hard (adj & adv)

hard wood (adj)

the homework was hard (adj)

to work hard (adv)

hat (n) hate (v)

have (av & v) have got to (mv) have to (mv)

he (pron) head (n)

My head hurts. headache (n) headteacher (n) health (n)

healthy (adj) hear (v) heart (n) heating (n)

Can you turn the heating on? heavy (adj)

a heavy blanket

helicopter (n) hello (exclam)

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Key English Test (KET) Key English Test for Schools (KETfS)

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Introduction to the KET Vocabulary List

The KET Vocabulary List gives teachers a guide to the vocabulary needed when preparing students for the KET and KET for Schools examinations. Background to the list

The KET Vocabulary List was originally developed by Cambridge ESOL in consultation with external consultants to guide item writers who produce materials for the KET examination. It drew on vocabulary from the Council of Europe’s Waystage (1990) specification and other vocabulary which corpus evidence shows is high frequency. The list covers vocabulary appropriate to the A2 level on the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and includes receptive vocabulary (words that the candidate is expected to understand but which is not the focus of a question) and productive vocabulary (words that the candidate needs to know in order to answer a question). The list does not provide an exhaustive list of all words which appear on the KET and KET for Schools question papers and candidates should not confine their study of vocabulary to the list alone. How the list is updated

The vocabulary of English changes over time, with words being added and other words falling into disuse. In order to maintain its currency, the KET Vocabulary List is updated on an annual basis, with the decision to add or remove words being informed by reference to the Cambridge Learner Corpus and English Vocabulary Profile. The Cambridge Learner Corpus is a collection of over 44 million words of English, based upon evidence of language use by learners from all over the world and from which the English Vocabulary Profile has developed. The English Vocabulary Profile shows the most common words and phrases that learners of English need to know in British or American English. The meaning of each word or phrase in the wordlists has been assigned a level between A1 and B2 on the CEFR. A preview version of the English Vocabulary Profile can be accessed by visiting the website: http://www.englishprofile.org Organisation of the list

• Word sets Some categories of words that a learner at this level might be expected to know, e.g. days of the week, are not included in the alphabetical list but are listed in Appendix 1. Although ‘grammar words’ (pronouns, modal verbs, etc.) are included, the Language Specifications section of the KET and KET for Schools Handbooks (available from www.cambridgeesol.org) should be consulted for a more complete listing.

• Exemplification Example phrases and sentences showing how words might be used are given only where words with different meanings need to be constrained. For example, bank is followed by ‘I changed my money in a bank’ – this shows that bank is limited to the idea of a financial institution: candidates are not expected to know other meanings, such as ‘a river bank’.

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• Multi-word verbs

All multi-word (or phrasal) verbs that a KET or KET for Schools candidate might be expected to know are included in the list. These verbs include ‘literal’ verbs (i.e. where the meaning is transparent), e.g. sit down, go out and ‘non-literal’ verbs, e.g. look after, get up.

• Topic lists In Appendix 2, words have been grouped together under common KET and/or KET for Schools themes, such as ‘Food and Drink’, ‘House and Home’ and ‘Sport’. Unsuitable topics

Cambridge ESOL examinations must not contain anything that might offend or upset candidates, potentially affect their performance or distract them during the examination. A number of ‘sensitive’ topics are considered unsuitable for use in KET and KET for Schools, for example war and politics, and vocabulary relating to these is not included in the KET Vocabulary List. Personal vocabulary

The content of the KET Vocabulary List is general in nature and is unlikely to cover completely the productive vocabulary that may be required by candidates. Candidates should know the specific lexis they will need to describe themselves and their lives, for example hobbies, likes and dislikes. Abbreviations

Abbreviations used in the KET Vocabulary List are: abbrev abbreviation or acronym mv modal verb adj adjective n noun adv adverb phr v phrasal verb av auxiliary verb pl plural Am Eng American English prep preposition Br Eng British English prep phr prepositional phrase conj conjunction pron pronoun det determiner sing singular exclam exclamation v verb Summary of points to be noted

• The list does not include every word that may appear on a KET or KET for Schools paper.

• The list covers receptive and productive vocabulary. • The list is updated every year.

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A a/an (det) able (adj)

• be able to about (adv & prep)

• What about a cold drink? • I have about £3. (adv) • a book about animals (prep)

above (adv & prep) accident (n) across (adv & prep)

• The bank’s across the road. • He walked across the bridge.

act (n & v) activity (n) actor (n) actually (adv) ad (n)

• an ad on TV add (v) address (n) adult (adj & n) advanced (adj) adventure (n) advertisement (n) advice (n) aeroplane (n) afraid (adj) after (adv & prep) afternoon (n) afterwards (adv) again (adv) against (prep)

• We watched England play against France. age (n)

• I don’t know his age. aged (adj) ago (adv) agree (v)

• Yes, I agree with you. • Don’t you agree, Sam?

air (n) • to travel by air

airport (n) alarm clock (n) album (n) all (adv, det & pron) all right/alright (adj, adv & exclam) almost (adv) alone (adj & adv) along (prep) already (adv) alright (adj, adv & exclam)

also (adv) always (adv) a.m. (adv) amazing (adj) ambulance (n) among (prep) an (det) and (conj) angry (adj) animal (n) another (det & pron) answer (n & v) any (det & pron) anybody (pron) anymore (adv) anyone (pron) anything (pron) anyway (adv) anywhere (adv) apartment (n) apartment building (n) apple (n) appointment (n)

• an appointment with the doctor area (n) arm (n) armchair (n) around (adv & prep)

• to travel around (adv) • to sit around the table (prep)

arrive (v) art (n) article (n)

• an article about skiing artist (n) as (conj & prep)

• as good as • as soon as possible • the same as

ask (v) assistant (n) as well (adv) as well (as) (prep) at (prep) at / @ (prep)

• My email address is [email protected] attractive (adj) aunt (n) autumn (n) available (adj) away (adv)

• He’s gone away. • It’s two kilometres away.

awful (adj)

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B baby (n) back (n, adv & adj) backpack (n) bad (adj) badly (adv) badminton (n) bag (n) bake (v) ball (n) balloon (n) banana (n) band (n) bandage (n) bank (n)

• I changed my money in the bank. barbecue (n) baseball (n) basketball (n) bat (n) bath (n) bathing suit (n) bathroom (n) bathtub (n) battery (n) be (av & v) beach (n) bean (n) bear (n) beard (n) beautiful (adj) because (conj) become (v) bed (n) bedroom (n) bee (n) before (adv, conj & prep) begin (v) beginner (n) beginning (n) behind (adv & prep) believe (v) belong (v) below (adv & prep) belt (n) beside (prep) best (adj & adv) better (adj & adv) between (prep) bicycle (n) big (adj) bike (n) bill (n)

• Can I have my bill, please?

biology (n) bird (n) birth (n) birthday (n) biscuit (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: cookie) bit (n)

• Just a small bit of cake, please. black (adj & n) blackboard (n) blanket (n) block (n)

• Shall we walk round the block? blond(e) (adj) blood (n) blouse (n) blue (adj & n) board (n)

• The teacher’s writing on the (black/white)board.

board game (n) boat (n) body (n) boil (v) boiled (adj) book (n & v) bookcase (n) bookshelf (n) bookshop (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: bookstore) bookstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: bookshop) boot (n)

• a pair of boots bored (adj) boring (adj) born (v)

• I was born in Manchester. borrow (v)

• She borrowed a book from the library. boss (n) both (pron & det) bother (v) bottle (n) bottom (n)

• at the bottom of the stairs bowl (n) box (n) boy (n) boyfriend (n) brain (n) brave (adj) bread (n) break (n & v)

• a break for lunch (n) • Someone’s broken the window. (v)

breakfast (n) bridge (n)

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bright (adj) brilliant (adj)

• I thought the film was brilliant! bring (v) broken (adj) brother (n) brown (adj & n) brush (n & v) build (v) building (n) burger (n) bus (n) business (n) businessman (n) businesswoman (n) bus station (n) bus stop (n) busy (adj) but (conj) butter (n) buy (v) by (prep) bye (exclam)

C cabinet (n) cafe/café (n) cafeteria (n) cake (n) calendar (n) call (n & v)

• I’ll call (phone) again later this afternoon. • He’s called John. • I’m waiting for a call from Anna.

camel camera (n) camp (v) camping (n) campsite (n) cap (n) capital (n) can (n & mv) candy (n) cannot (mv) car (n) card (n)

• birthday card • credit card

career (n) careful (adj)

• Be careful! carefully (adv) car park (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: parking lot)

carpet (n) carrot (n) carry (v) cartoon (n) case (n) cash (n & v) castle (n) cat (n) catch (v) cathedral (n) CD (n) CD player (n) ceiling (n) cell phone (n) cent (n) centre/center (n) centimetre/centimeter (cm) (n) century (n) cereal (n) certainly (not) (adv) chain (n) chair (n) change (v & n) channel (n) chat (n) chatroom (n) cheap (adj) check (v) cheese (n) chef (n) chemist (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: drugstore) chemistry (n) cheque (n) chess (n) chicken (n) child (n) chilli (n) chips (n pl)

• egg and chips chocolate (n) choose (v) cinema (n) circle (n) circus (n) city (n) class (n)

• a language class • a first-class ticket

classical (adj) classmate (n) classroom (n) clean (adj & v) cleaner (n) clear (adj)

• It’s not clear to me. clearly (adv)

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clever (adj) click (n & v)

• Click here to go to our website. climb (v) climbing (n) clock (n) close (adj & v) close to (prep phr) closed (adj) clothes (n pl) cloud (n) cloudy (adj) clown (n) club (n)

• to join a club coach (n)

• a coach trip • a tennis coach

coat (n) coffee (n) cola (n) cold (adj & n) colleague (n) collect (v) college (n) colour (n & v) comb (n) come (v) comfortable (adj) comic (n) company (n)

• What’s the name of your company? competition (n) complete (v) computer (n) concert (n) congratulations! (exclam) contact (n & v) conversation (n) cook (n & v) cooker (n) cookie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: biscuit) cooking (n) cool (adj & exclam)

• That’s a cool bike! (adj) copy (v) corner (n)

• the corner of the street correct (adj) cost (n & v) costume (n)

• I forgot my swimming costume. could (mv) country (n) countryside (n)

course (n) • a university course • a main course • of course (not)

cousin (n) cover (v) cow (n) crazy (adj) cream (adj & n) credit card (n) cricket (n) cross (n & v)

• Don’t cross the road here! (v) crossing (n)

• Use the crossing to cross the street. crowd (n) crowded (adj) cry (v)

• The baby’s crying. cup (n) cupboard (n) curry (n) curtain (n) customer (n) cut (v) cycle (v) cycling (n)

D dad (n) daily (adj & adv) dance (n & v) dancer (n) dancing (n) danger (n) dangerous (adj) dark (adj) date (n)

• What’s the date today? daughter (n) day (n) dead (adj) dear (adj)

• Dear Anne, decide (v) deep (adj) degree (n)

• The temperature’s 30 degrees today. delay (n & v)

• There will be a delay of two hours. (n) • The flight is delayed. (v)

dentist (n) department (n)

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department store (n) describe (v) desert (n) desk (n) dessert (n) detail (n) diary (n) dictionary (n) die (v) difference (n) different (adj) difficult (adj) digital (adj) digital camera (n) dining room (n) dinner (n) dinosaur (n) diploma (n) dirty (adj) disco (n) discount (n) discuss (v) dish (n)

• Chicken and chips is my favourite dish. do (av & v) doctor (n) document (n) dog (n) doll (n) dollar (n) dolphin (n) door (n) dot (n)

• dot com double (adj)

• a double room down (adv & prep) download (n & v)

• I downloaded the songs from the internet (v).

downstairs (adv) Dr (n) draw (v) drawer (n) drawing (n) dream (n & v) dress (n & v) dressed (adj) drink (n & v) drive (v) driver (n) driving licence (n) drugstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chemist) drum (n) dry (adj & v) duck (n)

during (prep) DVD (n) DVD player (n)

E each (det & pron) ear (n) early (adj & adv) earn (v) earring (n) easily (adv) east (n, adj & adv) easy (adj) eat (v) egg (n) electric (adj) electricity (n) elephant (n) elevator (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lift) else (adv)

• Anything else? email (n & v) empty (adj) end (v & n) engine (n) engineer (n) enjoy (v) enough (adv, det & pron) enter (v)

• Are you going to enter the poster competition? • Please enter through the side door.

entrance (n) envelope (n) eraser (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: rubber) especially (adv) euro (n) even (adv) evening (n) ever (adv) every (det) everybody (pron) everyone (pron) everything (pron) everywhere (adv) exactly (adv) examination/exam (n) example (n)

• Look at the example first. • for example

excellent (adj) except (conj & prep) excited (adj) exciting (adj)

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excuse (v) • Excuse me!

exercise (n & v) exhibition (n)

• art exhibition exit (n) expensive (adj) explain (v) explore (v) explorer (n)

• This book’s about famous explorers. extra (adj) eye (n)

F face (n) fact (n) factory (n) fail (v) fair (adj)

• She has fair hair. fall (n & v)

• in the fall (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: autumn) • he fell and hurt his leg (v)

family (n) famous (adj) fan (n) fantastic (adj) far (adv)

• How far is the next garage? farm (n) farmer (n) fashion (n) fast (adj & adv) fast food (n) fat (adj) father (n) favourite (adj) feel (v)

• to feel well festival (n) few (det & adj) field (n) file (n) fill (v) fill in (phr v)

• to fill in a form film (n & v) final (adj) finally (adv) find (v) find out (phr v)

fine (adj) • That’s fine! • I’m fine, thank you. • The weather is fine.

finger (n) finish (v) fire (n) first (adv & adj)

• First… then… (adv) • John came first. (adv) • first prize (adj)

first name (n) fish (n & v) fishing (n) fit (adj) flat (n) flight (n) floor (n)

• The bedrooms are on the first floor. • Don’t leave your clothes on the floor.

flower (n) fly (v) fog (n) foggy (adj) follow (v) food (n) foot (n)

• my right foot football (n) footballer (n) for (prep) foreign (adj) forest (n) forget (v) fork (n)

• knife and fork form (n)

• Fill in this form. free (adj & adv) French fries (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: chips) fresh (adj)

• fresh fruit fridge (n) fried (adj) friend (n) friendly (adj) from (prep) front (n)

• in the front of the train • Stand in front of me.

fruit (n) full (adj) fun (adj & n) funny (adj) furniture (n)

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further (adj) future (n)

G game (n) garage (n) garden (n) garlic (n) gas (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol) gas station (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: petrol station) gate (n) geography (n) get (v) get fit (v) get off (phr v)

• to get off the bus get on (phr v)

• to get on the bus get up (phr v)

• to get up in the morning gift (n) girl (n) girlfriend (n) give (v) glad (adj) glass (n) glasses (n pl) glove (n) go (v) goal (n) gold (n & adj) golden (adj) golf (n) good (adj) good afternoon (exclam) goodbye (exclam) good evening (exclam) good-looking (adj) good morning (exclam) good night (exclam) go out (phr v)

• Are you going out this evening? grade (n) gram(me) (n) grandchild (n) grand(d)ad (n) granddaughter (n) grandfather (n) grandma (n) grandmother (n) grandpa (n) grandparent (n) grandson (n) granny (n)

grape (n) grass (n) great (adj) green (adj) grey (adj & n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: gray) grilled (adj) grocery store (n) (Am Eng) group (n) grow (v) grow up (phr v) guess (v) guest (n) guest-house (n) guide (n) guidebook (n) guitar (n) guy (n)

• He’s a really nice guy. gym (n)

H hair (n) half (det, n & pron) half-price (adj) hall (n) hand (n) handbag (n) happen (v) happy (adj) hard (adj & adv)

• hard wood (adj) • the homework was hard (adj) • to work hard (adv)

hat (n) hate (v) have (av & v) have got to (mv) have to (mv) he (pron) head (n)

• My head hurts. headache (n) headteacher (n) health (n) healthy (adj) hear (v) heart (n) heating (n)

• Can you turn the heating on? heavy (adj)

• a heavy blanket helicopter (n) hello (exclam)

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help (v) her (det & pron) here (adv) hers (pron) herself (pron)

• by herself hey (exclam) hi (exclam) high (adj) hill (n) him (pron) himself (pron)

• by himself hip hop (n) his (det & pron) history (n) hit (v) hobby (n) hockey (n) hold (v) holiday (n) home (n & adv) homework (n) honey (n) hope (v) horrible (adj) horse (n) hospital (n) hot (adj) hotel (n) hour (n) house (n) housewife (n) how (adv) however (adv) hungry (adj) hurry (v) hurt (v) husband (n)

I I (pron) ice (n) ice cream (n) ice skating (n) ID (n) ID card (n) idea (n) identification (n) if (conj) ill (adj) immediately (adv) important (adj) improve (v)

in (adv & prep) include (v) including (prep) indoor (adj) indoors (adv) information (n) in front of (prep phr) insect (n) inside (adv & prep) instead (adv) instructions (n pl) instrument (n) interested (adj) interesting (adj) international (adj) internet (n) into (prep) invitation (n) invite (v) island (n) it (pron) IT (n) its (det) itself (pron)

J jacket (n) jam (n)

• fruit jam jazz (n) jeans (n pl) jewellery (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: jewelry) job (n) join (v) journalist (n) journey (n) juice (n) jump (v) jumper (n) just (adv)

• I’ve just seen Tom. • Just a moment.

K keep (v)

• May I keep this? • Keep right!

key (n) keyboard (n)

• I play the keyboard in a band. • The keyboard for my computer is broken.

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kick (n & v) kilogramme (kg) (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: kilogram) kilometre (km) (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: kilometer) kind (adj & n)

• That’s very kind of you. • What kind of book do you want?

king (n) kiss (n & v) kit (n) kitchen (n) kite (n) knife (n) know (v)

L lake (n) lamp (n) language (n) laptop (computer) (n) large (adj) last (adj & det) late (adv & adj)

• The train is going to be late. (adj) later (adv)

• I’ll see you later. latest (adj) laugh (v) lazy (adj) learn (v) least (adv)

• at least leather (n & adj) leave (v)

• The train leaves at 10 o’clock. • I left my bag in the cinema. • There isn’t any milk left.

left (adj, adv & n) • Go to the left. (n) • left hand (adj) • Turn left. (adv)

left-hand (adj) leg (n) lemon (n) lemonade (n) lend (v) less (adj, det & pron) lesson (n) let (v) letter (n) level (n)

• language level library (n) licence (n)

• driving licence lie down (phr v) life (n) lift (n)

• Take the lift to the third floor. light (n & adj) like (adv, prep & v)

• What’s the weather like? (adv) • It’s like an orange but bigger. (prep) • I’d like a drink. (v)

line (n) • draw a line • the next line

lion (n) list (n) listen (v) litre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: liter) little (adj) live (v) living room (n) long (adj) look (v)

• You look happy. • Don’t look now!

look after (phr v) look at (phr v) look for (phr v) look out (phr v)

• Look out – it’s going to fall! lorry (n) lose (v)

• We lost the game. • I’ve lost my passport.

lost (adj) lots / a lot (n)

• a lot of homework. loud (adj) love (n & v) lovely (adj) low (adj) luck (n) lucky (adj) luggage (n) lunch (n) lunchtime (n)

M machine (n) mad (adj) magazine (n) mail (n) main course (n) make (v)

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make-up (n) man (n) manager (n) mango (n) many (det & pron) map (n) mark (n) market (n) married (adj) match (n)

• football match maths/mathematics (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: math) matter (n & v)

• It doesn’t matter. (v) • What’s the matter? (n)

may (mv) maybe (adv) me (pron) meal (n) mean (v) meat (n) mechanic (n) medicine (n) meet (v) meeting (n) melon (n) member (n)

• a member of a club memory (n) menu (n) message (n) metre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: meter) midday (n) middle (n)

• in the middle midnight (n) might (mv) mile (n) milk (n) million (n) mind (v)

• Do you mind if I close the window? • I don’t mind if… • Never mind. • Mind your head!

mine (pron) mineral water (n) minus (prep) minute (n) mirror (n) Miss (n) miss (v) missing (adj) mistake (n)

mix (v) mobile (phone) (n) model (n) modern (adj) moment (n)

• Just a moment. money (n) monkey (n) month (n) monthly (adj & adv) moon (n) more (adj, adv, det & pron) morning (n) most (adj, adv, det & pron) mother (n) motorbike (n) motorway (n) mountain (n) mouse (n) mouth (n) move (v) movie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: film) movie theater (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: cinema) movie star (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: film star) MP3 player (n) Mr (n) Mrs (n) Ms (n) much (adj, adv, det & pron) mug (n) mum (n) museum (n) mushroom (n) music (n) musical (adj) musician (n) must (mv) my (det) myself (pron)

• by myself

N name (n) national (adj) nationality (n) nature (n) near (adv & prep) nearly (adv) neck (n) necklace (n) need (v) neighbour (n) net (n)

• I found a great website on the net.

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never (adv) new (adj) news (n) newspaper (n) next (adj & adv) next to (prep) nice (adj) night (n) no (adv, det & pron) nobody (pron) noise (n) noisy (adj) noon (n) no one (pron) normal (adj) north (n, adj & adv) nose (n) not (adv) note (n & v) notebook (n) nothing (pron) notice (n) now (adv) number (n) nurse (n)

O occupation (n) o’clock (adv) of (prep) of course (not) (adv) off (adv) offer (n & v) office (n) often (adv) oh (exclam) oil (n)

• car oil • cooking oil

OK/okay (exclam) old (adj) omelette (n) on (prep & adv) once (adv)

• only once one (det & pron) onion (n) online (adj & adv) only (adv & adj)

• I only wanted to help. • the only one

open (adj & v) opera (n) opposite (prep)

or (conj) orange (adj & n) order (n) other (det & pron) our (det) ours (pron) ourselves (pron) out (adv) outdoors (adv) out of (prep) outside (prep & adv) over (prep & adv)

• over 60 people (adv) • to travel all over the world (prep)

own (adj) • They cook their own meals.

P pack (v)

• pack a suitcase page (n) pain (n) paint (v & n) painter (n) painting (n) pale (adj) pair (n)

• a pair of shoes paper (n & adj) pardon (exclam)

• Pardon? parent (n) park (n & v) parking lot (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: car park) part (n)

• the best part of the day partner (n) party (n) pass (v)

• You pass the station on the left. • to pass a driving test

passenger (n) passport (n) past (prep) pasta (n) path (n) pay (v) PC (personal computer) (n) pear (n) pen (n) pence (n) pencil (n) pencil case (n)

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penfriend (n) penny (n) people (n pl) pepper (n) per (prep) perfect (adj) perfume (n) perhaps (adv) person (n) pet (n) petrol (n) petrol station (n) pharmacy (n) phone (v & n) photo(graph) (n) photographer (n) photography (n) physics (n) piano (n) pick up (phr v) picnic (n) picture (n) piece (n)

• a piece of cake pillow (n) pilot (n) pink (adj) pity (n)

• What a pity! pizza (n) place (n) plan (n & v) plane (n)

• The plane was late. plant (n) plastic (n & adj) plate (n) platform (n)

• Your train leaves from Platform 8. play (v & n)

• to play football (v) • to play the guitar (v) • a play at the theatre (n)

player (n) playground (n) pleasant (adj) please (v & exclam)

• I’m very pleased for you. (v) • Please be quiet!

pleased (adj) plus (prep) p.m. (adv) pocket (n) point (v) police (n)

police car (n) police officer (n) police station (n) polite (adj) pool (n)

• swimming pool poor (adj) pop (n)

• pop music popular (adj) possible (adj) possibly (adv) post (v & n)

• to post a letter • What’s in the post today?

postcard (n) poster (n) post office (n) potato (n) pound (£) (n) practice (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: practise)

• football practice practise (v)

• You must practise if you want to play well. prefer (v) prepare (v) present (n)

• a birthday present pretty (adj) price (n) print (v) printer (n) prize (n) probably (adv) problem (n) program (n)

• a computer program programme (n)

• a TV programme project (n)

• a school project pull (v) pupil (n) purple (adj) purse (n) push (v) put (v) put on (phr v) puzzle (n)

Q quarter (n)

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• a quarter of an hour queen (n) question (n) quick (adj) quickly (adv) quiet (adj) quite (adv)

• Are you quite sure? • quite old

quiz (n)

R rabbit (n) race (n & v)

• a running race (n) • She raced her brother to the bus stop. (v)

racket (n) • Can I borrow your tennis racket?

radio (n) railway (n) rain (n & v) raincoat (n) rap (n) read (v) reading (n) ready (adj)

• When will it be ready? real (adj) really (adv) reason (n) receipt (n) receive (v) receptionist (n) record (v) red (adj) refrigerator (n) remember (v) rent (v) repair (v) repeat (v) rest (n & v)

• to have a rest (n) • ‘Try to rest’, the doctor said. (v)

restaurant (n) return (n & v)

• my return from holiday (n) • He returned home late. (v) • She returned her library books. (v)

rice (n) rich (adj) ride (n & v) right (n, adj & adv)

• He swam to the right. (n)

• your right hand (adj) • That’s the right answer. (adj) • Turn right here. (adv)

right hand (adj) ring (n) river (n) road (n) roast (v & adj) rock (n)

• rock concert roof (n) room (n)

• a double room round (adj) roundabout (n) rubber (n) rugby (n) ruler (n) run (v) runner (n) running (n)

S sad (adj) safe (adj) sail (v) sailing (n) salad (n) sale (n)

• for sale salt (n) same (adj & pron)

• at the same time (adj) • Your watch is the same as mine. (pron)

sandwich (n) sauce (n) sausage (n) save (v)

• to save money • to save time

say (v) scarf (n) school (n) schoolchild (n) science (n) scissors (n pl) scooter (n) screen (n) sea (n) seat (n) second (adj, det & n) secretary (n) see (v)

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sell (v) send (v) sentence (n) serve (v) set (n) several (det & pron) shall (mv) shame (n)

• What a shame! shampoo (n & v) share (v) she (pron) sheep (n) sheet (n)

• a bed sheet shelf (n) ship (n) shirt (n) shoe (n) shop (n & v) shop assistant (n) shopping (n) short (adj)

• a short time shorts (n pl) should (mv) shout (v) show (v & n)

• Show me your photos. (v) • a film show (n)

shower (n) shut (v) sick (adj) side (n)

• this side of the room sightseeing (n) sign (n) silver (n & adj) simple (adj) since (prep) sing (v) singer (n) singing (n) single (adj) sink (n) sister (n) sit (v) sit down (phr v) site (n) sitting room (n) size (n) skate (v) skateboard (n) skateboarding (n) skating (n) ski (v)

skiing (n) skirt (n) sky (n) sleep (v) slice (n) slim (adj) slow (adj) slowly (adv) small (adj) smoke (v) smoking (n) snack (n) snow (n & v) snowboard (n) snowboarding (n) so (conj & adv)

• So, I think it’s right. (conj) • He ate too much, so he felt ill. (conj) • He wanted to go but he didn’t say so. (adv)

soap (n) soccer (n) sock (n) sofa (n) soft (adj) software (n) some (det & pron) somebody (pron) someone (pron) something (pron) sometimes (adv) somewhere (adv) son (n) song (n) soon (adv) sorry (adj)

• I’m sorry I’m late. • Sorry, I don’t understand that.

sort (n) sound (v)

• That sounds nice. soup (n) south (n, adj & adv) space (n) spare (adj) speak (v) speaker (n) special (adj) spell (v) spelling (n) spend (v) spoon (n) sport (n) sports centre (n) spring (n)

• I hate winter but I love spring.

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square (n & adj) stadium (n) staff (n) stage (n) stairs (n pl) stamp (n)

• Put a stamp on the envelope. stand (v)

• She was standing at the bus stop. star (n & v) start (v) station (n) stay (v) steak (n) steal (v)

• Someone’s stolen my bag! still (adv) stomach (n) stomach ache (n) stop (n & v) store (n) storm (n) story (n) straight (adj & adv)

• a straight line (adj) • Go straight on. (adv)

strange (adj) • That’s a strange story!

street (n) strong (adj) student (n) studies (n pl) study (v) subject (n)

• What’s your favourite subject at school? • the subject of a talk

such (det) suddenly (adv) sugar (n) suit (n)

• He was wearing a grey suit. suitcase (n) summer (n) sun (n) sunglasses (n pl) sunny (adj) supermarket (n) supper (n) suppose (v)

• I suppose so. • I suppose you’re right.

sure (adj) • I’m (not) sure.

surf (v) surfboard (n)

surfing (n) surname (n) surprise (n) surprised (adj) sweater (n) sweet (n & adj) swim (v) swimming (n) swimming costume (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: bathing suit) swimming pool (n) swimsuit (n)

T table (n) table tennis (n) take (v)

• I’ll take it to your room. • It takes three hours.

take off (phr v) • She took off her shoes.

talk (n & v) tall (adj) taxi (n) tea (n) teach (v) teacher (n) team (n) teenager (n) telephone (n & v) television (TV) (n) tell (v) temperature (n)

• The temperature was below zero. tennis (n) tent (n) term (n) terrible (adj) test (n) text (n & v) textbook (n) text message (n) than (prep & conj) thank (v) thanks (exclam) thank you (exclam) that (conj & pron) the (det) theatre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: theater) their (det) theirs (pron) them (pron) themselves (pron) then (adv)

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there (adv) these (det & pron) they (pron) thin (adj) thing (n) think (v) thirsty (adj) this (det & pron) those (det & pron) through (prep) throw (v) thunderstorm (n) ticket (n) tidy (adj & v) tidy up (v) tie (n) tiger (n) tights (n pl) till (prep) time (n) timetable (n) tired (adj) to (prep) toast (n) today (n & adv) toe (n) together (adv) toilet (n) tomato (n) tomorrow (n & adv) tonight (n & adv) too (adv) tooth (n) toothbrush (n) top (n)

• the top of the page total (adj & n) tour (n) tour guide (n) tourist (n) tourist information centre (n) towel (n) town (n) toy (n) traffic (n) traffic light (n) train (n) trainer (n)

• a pair of trainers tram (n) travel (v) tree (n) trip (n) trouble (n) trousers (n pl)

true (adj) try (v) try on (phr v) T-shirt (n) turn (v) turn off (phr v)

• Turn the gas off. turn on (phr v)

• Turn the heating on. twice (adv) type (n) tyre (n) (Am Eng: tire)

U umbrella (n) uncle (n) under (prep) underground (n & adj) understand (v) unfortunately (adj) unhappy (n) uniform (n) university (n) until (prep) unusual (adj) up (prep & adv) upset (adj) upstairs (adv) us (pron) use (v) useful (adj) usual (adj) usually (adv)

V v/versus (prep)

• Manchester United v Liverpool variety (n) various (adj) vegetable (n) very (adv) video (n) video game (n) view (n) village (n) violin (n) visit (v) visitor (n) vocabulary (n) volleyball (n)

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W wait (v) waiter (n) waitress (n) wake (v) wake up (phr v) walk (v) walking (n) wall (n) wallet (n) want (v) warm (adj) wash (v) washing machine (n) washing-up (n) wash up (phr v) watch (n & v) water (n) way (n)

• Do it this way. • one-way street • Is this the quickest way home?

we (pron) wear (v) weather (n) web (n) web page (n) website (n) week (n) weekday (n) weekend (n) weekly (adj & adv) welcome (adj & exclam)

• You’re welcome (adj) • Welcome to London! (exclam)

well (adv & adj) well known (adj) west (n, adj & adv) wet (adj) what (det & pron) wheel (n) when (adv) where (adv) which (det & pron) while (conj) white (adj) who (pron) whole (adj & n)

• the whole world (adj) • the whole of July (n)

why (adv) wide (adj) wife (n) wild (adj)

• wild animals

will (‘ll) (mv) win (v) wind (n) window (n) windsurfing (n) windy (adj) winner (n) winter (n) wish (n)

• Best wishes. with (prep) without (prep) woman (n) wonderful (adj) wood (n) wooden (adj) wool (n) word (n) work (n & v) worker (n) world (n) worried (adj) worry (v) worse (adj) worst (adj) would (mv) wow (exclam) write (v) write down (phr v) writer (n) writing (n) wrong (adj)

Y yeah (exclam) year (n) yellow (adj) yes (adv) yesterday (adv) yet (adv)

• Has he arrived yet? yog(h)urt (n) you (pron) young (adj) your (det) yours (pron) yourself (pron)

Z zero (n) zoo (n)

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Appendix 1

Word sets In addition to the words in the alphabetical list, KET and KET for Schools candidates are expected to know: Cardinal numbers one, two, three, etc. to one thousand Ordinal numbers first, second, third, fourth, etc. to thirty-first Days of the week Monday, Tuesday, etc. Months of the year January, February, etc. Seasons of the year spring, summer, autumn, winter Countries, languages and nationalities English-speaking countries and others, for example Brazil/Brazilian, Canada/Canadian, China/Chinese, France/French, Ireland/Irish, India/Indian, Italy/Italian, Spain/Spanish, etc. Continents Africa, Australia, North America, South America, Asia, Antarctica, Europe

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Appendix 2

Topic Lists Appliances

camera DVD (player) laptop telephone CD (player) electric lights television / TV cell phone electricity mobile (phone) video clock fridge MP3 player washing machine computer gas PC cooker heating phone digital camera lamp radio Clothes and Accessories

bag fashion raincoat tights bathing suit glasses ring trainers belt glove scarf trousers blouse handbag shirt try on (v) boot hat shoes T-shirt bracelet jacket shorts umbrella cap jeans skirt uniform chain jewellery / jewelry suit wallet clothes jumper sunglasses watch coat kit sweater wear (v) costume (swimming) necklace swimming costume dress pocket swimsuit earring purse tie Colours

black golden orange red blue green pale white brown grey pink yellow dark light purple Communication and Technology

address digital laptop (computer) screen at / @ digital camera mobile (phone) software by post dot mouse talk call (v) download (n & v) MP3 player telephone camera DVD (player) net text (n & v) CD (player) email (n & v) online video cell phone envelope PC web chat file photograph web page click (v) information photography website computer internet phone conversation keyboard printer

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Documents and Texts

ad / advertisement diary magazine passport article diploma menu postcard bill email message project book form newspaper text (n & v) card letter note textbook comic licence notebook ticket Education

advanced course lesson ruler beginner desk level school biology dictionary library science blackboard diploma mark student board eraser maths/mathematics studies book exam(ination) note study (v) bookshelf geography physics subject chemistry history practice (n) teach class homework practise (v) teacher classmate information project term classroom instructions pupil test (n) clever know read university coach language remember college learn rubber Entertainment and Media

act draw magazine practise (v) actor drawing MP3 player programme adventure disco museum project advertisement drum music radio art DVD (player) musician read (v) article exhibition news rock (concert) board game festival newspaper screen (n) book film (n & v) opera show (n) card fun paint (v) sing cartoon go out painter singer CD (player) group photograph song chess guitar photographer television / TV cinema hip hop photography theatre classical (music) instrument piano ticket competition keyboard picture video (game) concert laugh play (n) watch (v) dance (n & v) listen to pop (music) dancer look at practice (n)

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Family and Friends

aunt girl group mum(my) boy grandchild guest neighbour brother grand(d)ad guy parent child granddaughter husband pen-friend cousin grandfather love (n & v) sister dad(dy) grandma married son daughter grandmother Miss surname family grandpa mother teenager father grandparent Mr uncle friend grandson Mrs wife friendly granny Ms Food and Drink

apple chocolate ice plate bake coffee ice cream potato banana cola jam rice barbecue cook (n & v) juice roast (v & adj) biscuit cooker kitchen salad boil cream knife salt boiled cup lemon sandwich bottle curry lemonade sauce bowl cut (n) lunch sausage box dessert main course slice (n) bread dinner meal snack (n) break (n) dish (n) meat soup breakfast drink melon steak burger eat menu sugar butter egg milk sweet (n & adj) cafe/café fish mineral water tea cafeteria food mushroom thirsty cake fork oil toast can (n) fridge omelette tomato candy fried onion vegetable carrot fruit orange waiter cereal garlic pasta waitress cheese glass pear wash up chef grape pepper yog(h)urt chicken grilled picnic chilli honey piece of cake chips hungry pizza

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Health, Medicine and Exercise

accident cut (v) foot pain ambulance danger hair problem appointment dangerous hand rest (n) arm dead head run baby dentist health sick back die hear (v) soap bandage doctor heart stomach blood Dr hospital stomach ache body ear hurt (v) swim brain exercise ill temperature break (v) eye leg tired check (v) face lie down tooth chemist fall (v) medicine toothache clean (adj & v) feel (v) neck toothbrush cold (n) finger nose walk

comb (n) fit nurse well (adj) Hobbies and Leisure

barbecue CD (player) guitar musician beach club hobby paint (n & v) bicycle collect (v) holidays park bike computer join party book dance (n & v) magazine photograph (n & v) camera draw member picnic camp DVD (player) MP3 player quiz camping festival museum tent campsite go out music video game House and Home

address computer garage refrigerator apartment cooker garden roof armchair cupboard gas room bath(tub) curtain gate safe (adj) bathroom desk hall shelf bed dining room heating shower bedroom door home sink blanket downstairs house sitting room bookcase drawer key sofa bookshelf DVD (player) kitchen stay (v) bowl entrance lamp toilet box flat (n) light towel carpet floor live (v) chair fridge living room clock furniture pillow

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centimetre / centimeter hour minute week day kilo(gram[me])/kg moment year degree kilometre/km/kilometer quarter gram(me) litre / liter second half metre / meter temperature Personal Feelings, Opinions and Experiences (adjectives)

able difficult kind soft afraid excellent lovely sorry alone famous lucky special amazing fast married strange angry favourite modern strong bad fine nice sure beautiful free noisy sweet better friendly old tall big funny pleasant terrible bored good poor tired boring great pretty unhappy brave happy quick useful brilliant hard quiet well busy heavy ready worried careful high real wrong clear hungry rich young clever important right cool interested slow different interesting small Places: Buildings

apartment (building) college hospital school bank department store hotel shop block disco house sports centre bookshop elevator library stadium bookstore entrance lift supermarket building exit museum swimming pool cafe/café factory office theatre cafeteria flat pharmacy university castle garage police station cathedral grocery store post office cinema guest-house railway station

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Places: Countryside

area forest path sky beach hill railway village campsite island rainforest wood farm lake river field mountain sea Places: Town and City

airport city centre petrol station station bridge corner playground street bus station market road town bus stop motorway roundabout underground car park park square zoo Services

bank doctor petrol station theatre cafe / café garage post office tourist information cafeteria hotel restaurant cinema library sports centre dentist museum swimming pool Shopping

ad / advertisement cheque expensive shop assistant close (v) for sale shop assistant bill closed open (v & adj) shopper bookshop cost (n & v) pay (for) shopping buy (v) credit card penny spend cash (n & v) customer pound store cent department store price supermarket change (n & v) dollar receipt try on cheap euro rent

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ball football riding swimming badminton football player rugby swimming costume baseball game run (v) swimming pool basketball goal sailing swimsuit bat golf sea table tennis bathing suit hockey skate (v) team beach kit skateboard (n) tennis bicycle luck ski (v) tennis player bike member skiing throw (v) boat play (v) snowboard (n) ticket catch (v) player snowboarding tired climb (v) pool (n) soccer trainers club practice (n) sport(s) v / versus coach (n) practise (v) sports centre volleyball competition prize stadium walk (v) cricket race (n & v) surf watch (v) cycling racket surfboard win (v) enter (a competition) rest (n & v) surfboarding windsurfing fishing ride (n & v) swim winner The Natural World

air fire moon spring autumn flower mountain star beach forest north summer bee grass plant tree country grow rabbit water countryside hill river west desert hot sea winter east ice sky wood explorer island south wool field lake space world Time

afternoon evening morning tonight a.m./p.m. half (past) night week appointment holidays noon weekday autumn hour o’clock weekend birthday January — December past weekly calendar meeting quarter (past/to) winter century midnight second working hours clock minute spring year daily moment summer yesterday date Monday — Sunday time day month today diary monthly tomorrow

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Travel and Transport

(aero)/(air)plane explorer park (v) street airport far passenger suitcase ambulance flight passport taxi backpack fly petrol ticket boat garage petrol station tour (n) bridge helicopter pilot tour guide bus journey platform tourist bus station leave railway tourist information centre bus stop left repair (v) traffic car light return (n & v) traffic light case luggage ride tram coach machine right travel country map road trip delay (n & v) mechanic roundabout tyre delayed mirror sailing underground (n) drive miss (v) seat visit driver motorbike ship visitor driving/driver’s licence motorway station way (n) engine move stop wheel engineer oil straight on window Weather

cloud hot sun wet cloudy ice sunny wind cold rain thunderstorm windy fog snow warm foggy storm weather Work and Jobs

actor diploma journalist secretary artist doctor king shop assistant boss Dr letter shopper break (n) driver manager singer business earn mechanic staff businessman email (n & v) meeting student businesswoman engineer message teacher chemist explorer musician tennis player cleaner factory nurse tour guide coach (n) farm occupation uniform company farmer office waiter/ waitress computer footballer painter work cook (n & v) football player photographer worker customer guest pilot writer dentist guide police officer desk instructions queen diary job receptionist

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    Key English Test (KET) Key English Test for Schools (KETfS)

    KET Vocabulary List UCLES 2012

  • UCLES 2012 Page 2 of 29 KET Vocabulary List

    Introduction to the KET Vocabulary List The KET Vocabulary List
    gives teachers a guide to the vocabulary needed when preparing
    students for the KET and KET for Schools examinations.

    Background to the list

    The KET Vocabulary List was originally developed by Cambridge
    ESOL in consultation with external consultants to guide item
    writers who produce materials for the KET examination. It drew on
    vocabulary from the Council of Europes Waystage (1990)
    specification and other vocabulary which corpus evidence shows is
    high frequency.

    The list covers vocabulary appropriate to the A2 level on the
    Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) and includes
    receptive vocabulary (words that the candidate is expected to
    understand but which is not the focus of a question) and productive
    vocabulary (words that the candidate needs to know in order to
    answer a question).

    The list does not provide an exhaustive list of all words which
    appear on the KET and KET for Schools question papers and
    candidates should not confine their study of vocabulary to the list

    How the list is updated

    The vocabulary of English changes over time, with words being
    added and other words falling into disuse. In order to maintain its
    currency, the KET Vocabulary List is updated on an annual basis,
    with the decision to add or remove words being informed by
    reference to the Cambridge Learner Corpus and English Vocabulary

    The Cambridge Learner Corpus is a collection of over 44 million
    words of English, based upon evidence of language use by learners
    from all over the world and from which the English Vocabulary
    Profile has developed. The English Vocabulary Profile shows the
    most common words and phrases that learners of English need to know
    in British or American English. The meaning of each word or phrase
    in the wordlists has been assigned a level between A1 and B2 on the

    A preview version of the English Vocabulary Profile can be
    accessed by visiting the website: http://www.englishprofile.org

    Organisation of the list

    Word sets Some categories of words that a learner at this level
    might be expected to know, e.g. days of the week, are not included
    in the alphabetical list but are listed in Appendix 1. Although
    grammar words (pronouns, modal verbs, etc.) are included, the
    Language Specifications section of the KET and KET for Schools
    Handbooks (available from www.cambridgeesol.org) should be
    consulted for a more complete listing.


    Example phrases and sentences showing how words might be used
    are given only where words with different meanings need to be
    constrained. For example, bank is followed by I changed my money in
    a bank this shows that bank is limited to the idea of a financial
    institution: candidates are not expected to know other meanings,
    such as a river bank.


  • UCLES 2012 Page 3 of 29 KET Vocabulary List

    Multi-word verbs All multi-word (or phrasal) verbs that a KET or
    KET for Schools candidate might be expected to know are included in
    the list. These verbs include literal verbs (i.e. where the meaning
    is transparent), e.g. sit down, go out and non-literal verbs, e.g.
    look after, get up.

    Topic lists

    In Appendix 2, words have been grouped together under common KET
    and/or KET for Schools themes, such as Food and Drink, House and
    Home and Sport.

    Unsuitable topics

    Cambridge ESOL examinations must not contain anything that might
    offend or upset candidates, potentially affect their performance or
    distract them during the examination. A number of sensitive topics
    are considered unsuitable for use in KET and KET for Schools, for
    example war and politics, and vocabulary relating to these is not
    included in the KET Vocabulary List.

    Personal vocabulary

    The content of the KET Vocabulary List is general in nature and
    is unlikely to cover completely the productive vocabulary that may
    be required by candidates. Candidates should know the specific
    lexis they will need to describe themselves and their lives, for
    example hobbies, likes and dislikes.


    Abbreviations used in the KET Vocabulary List are:

    abbrev abbreviation or acronym mv modal verb adj adjective n
    noun adv adverb phr v phrasal verb av auxiliary verb pl plural Am
    Eng American English prep preposition Br Eng British English prep
    phr prepositional phrase conj conjunction pron pronoun det
    determiner sing singular exclam exclamation v verb

    Summary of points to be noted

    The list does not include every word that may appear on a KET or
    KET for Schools paper.

    The list covers receptive and productive vocabulary.

    The list is updated every year.

  • UCLES 2012 Page 4 of 29 KET Vocabulary List


    5 B
    6 C
    7 D
    9 E
    10 F
    11 G
    12 H
    11 I
    12 J
    12 K
    12 L
    13 M
    14 N
    15 O
    15 P
    16 Q
    17 R
    17 S
    18 T
    20 U
    21 V
    21 W
    21 Y
    21 Z
    21 Appendix
    21 Cardinal numbers
    21 Ordinal numbers
    21 Days of the week
    21 Months of the year
    21 Seasons of the year
    21 Countries, languages and nationalities
    21 Continents
    21 Health, Medicine and Exercise

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    a/an (det)

    able (adj)

    be able to

    about (adv & prep)

    What about a cold drink?

    I have about 3. (adv)

    a book about animals (prep)

    above (adv & prep)

    accident (n)

    across (adv & prep)

    The banks across the road.

    He walked across the bridge.

    act (n & v)

    activity (n)

    actor (n)

    actually (adv)

    ad (n)

    an ad on TV

    add (v)

    address (n)

    adult (adj & n)

    advanced (adj)

    adventure (n)

    advertisement (n)

    advice (n)

    aeroplane (n)

    afraid (adj)

    after (adv & prep)

    afternoon (n)

    afterwards (adv)

    again (adv)

    against (prep)

    We watched England play

    against France.

    age (n)

    I dont know his age.

    aged (adj)

    ago (adv)

    agree (v)

    Yes, I agree with you.

    Dont you agree, Sam?

    air (n)

    to travel by air

    airport (n)

    alarm clock (n)

    album (n)

    all (adv, det & pron)

    all right/alright (adj, adv & exclam)

    almost (adv)

    alone (adj & adv)

    along (prep)

    already (adv)

    alright (adj, adv & exclam)

    also (adv)

    always (adv)

    a.m. (adv)

    amazing (adj)

    ambulance (n)

    among (prep)

    an (det)

    and (conj)

    angry (adj)

    animal (n)

    another (det & pron)

    answer (n & v)

    any (det & pron)

    anybody (pron)

    anymore (adv)

    anyone (pron)

    anything (pron)

    anyway (adv)

    anywhere (adv)

    apartment (n)

    apartment building (n)

    apple (n)

    appointment (n)

    an appointment with the


    area (n)

    arm (n)

    armchair (n)

    around (adv & prep)

    to travel around (adv)

    to sit around the table (prep)

    arrive (v)

    art (n)

    article (n)

    an article about skiing

    artist (n)

    as (conj & prep)

    as good as

    as soon as possible

    the same as

    ask (v)

    assistant (n)

    as well (adv)

    as well (as) (prep)

    at (prep)

    at / @ (prep)

    My email address is

    [email protected]

    attractive (adj)

    aunt (n)

    autumn (n)

    available (adj)

    away (adv)

    Hes gone away

    Its two kilometres away

    awful (adj)

    mailto:[email protected]:[email protected]

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    baby (n)

    back (n, adv & adj)

    backpack (n)

    bad (adj)

    badly (adv)

    badminton (n)

    bag (n)

    bake (v)

    ball (n)

    balloon (n)

    banana (n)

    band (n)

    bandage (n)

    bank (n)

    I changed my money in the


    barbecue (n)

    baseball (n)

    basketball (n)

    bat (n)

    bath (n)

    bathing suit (n)

    bathroom (n)

    bathtub (n)

    battery (n)

    be (av & v)

    beach (n)

    bean (n)

    bear (n)

    beard (n)

    beautiful (adj)

    because (conj)

    become (v)

    bed (n)

    bedroom (n)

    bee (n)

    before (adv, conj & prep)

    begin (v)

    beginner (n)

    beginning (n)

    behind (adv & prep)

    believe (v)

    belong (v)

    below (adv & prep)

    belt (n)

    beside (prep)

    best (adj & adv)

    better (adj & adv)

    between (prep)

    bicycle (n)

    big (adj)

    bike (n)

    bill (n)

    Can I have my bill, please?

    biology (n)

    bird (n)

    birth (n)

    birthday (n)

    biscuit (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:


    bit (n)

    Just a small bit of cake,


    black (adj & n)

    blackboard (n)

    blanket (n)

    block (n)

    Shall we walk round the


    blond(e) (adj)

    blood (n)

    blouse (n)

    blue (adj & n)

    board (n)

    The teachers writing on the


    board game (n)

    boat (n)

    body (n)

    boil (v)

    boiled (adj)

    book (n & v)

    bookcase (n)

    bookshelf (n)

    bookshop (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:


    bookstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:


    boot (n)

    a pair of boots

    bored (adj)

    boring (adj)

    born (v)

    I was born in Manchester.

    borrow (v)

    She borrowed a book from the


    boss (n)

    both (pron & det)

    bother (v)

    bottle (n)

    bottom (n)

    at the bottom of the stairs

    bowl (n)

    box (n)

    boy (n)

    boyfriend (n)

    brain (n)

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    brave (adj)

    bread (n)

    break (n & v)

    a break for lunch (n)

    Someones broken the

    window. (v)

    breakfast (n)

    bridge (n)

    bright (adj)

    brilliant (adj)

    I thought the film was


    bring (v)

    broken (adj)

    brother (n)

    brown (adj & n)

    brush (n & v)

    build (v)

    building (n)

    burger (n)

    bus (n)

    business (n)

    businessman (n)

    businesswoman (n)

    bus station (n)

    bus stop (n)

    busy (adj)

    but (conj)

    butter (n)

    buy (v)

    by (prep)

    bye (exclam)

    C cabinet (n)

    cafe/caf (n)

    cafeteria (n)

    cake (n)

    calendar (n)

    call (n & v)

    Ill call (phone) again later

    this afternoon.

    Hes called John.

    Im waiting for a call from


    camel (n)

    camera (n)

    camp (v)

    camping (n)

    campsite (n)

    cap (n)

    capital (n)

    can (n & mv)

    candy (n)

    cannot (mv)

    car (n)

    card (n)

    birthday card

    credit card

    career (n)

    careful (adj)

    Be careful!

    carefully (adv)

    car park (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:

    parking lot)

    carpet (n)

    carrot (n)

    carry (v)

    cartoon (n)

    case (n) cash (n & v)

    castle (n)

    cat (n)

    catch (v)

    cathedral (n)

    CD (n)

    CD player (n)

    ceiling (n)

    cell phone (n)

    cent (n)

    centre/center (n)

    centimetre/centimeter (cm) (n)

    century (n)

    cereal (n)

    certainly (not) (adv)

    chain (n)

    chair (n)

    change (v & n)

    channel (n)

    chat (n)

    chatroom (n)

    cheap (adj)

    check (v)

    cheese (n)

    chef (n)

    chemist (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:


    chemistry (n)

    cheque (n)

    chess (n)

    chicken (n)

  • UCLES 2012 Page 8 of 29 KET Vocabulary List

    child (n)

    chilli (n)

    chips (n pl)

    egg and chips

    chocolate (n)

    choose (v)

    cinema (n)

    circle (n)

    circus (n)

    city (n)

    class (n)

    a language class

    a first-class ticket classical


    classmate (n)

    classroom (n)

    clean (adj & v)

    cleaner (n)

    clear (adj)

    Its not clear to me.

    clearly (adv)

    clever (adj)

    click (n & v)

    click here to go to our


    climb (v)

    climbing (n)

    clock (n)

    close (adj & v)

    close to (prep phr)

    closed (adj)

    clothes (n pl)

    cloud (n)

    cloudy (adj)

    clown (n)

    club (n)

    to join a club

    coach (n)

    a coach trip

    a tennis coach

    coat (n)

    coffee (n)

    cola (n)

    cold (adj & n)

    colleague (n)

    collect (v)

    college (n)

    colour (n & v)

    comb (n)

    come (v)

    comfortable (adj)

    comic (n)

    company (n)

    Whats the name of your


    competition (n)

    complete (v)

    computer (n)

    concert (n)

    congratulations! (exclam)

    contact (n & v)

    conversation (n)

    cook (n & v)

    cooker (n)

    cookie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:


    cooking (n)

    cool (adj & exclam)

    Thats a cool bike! (adj)

    copy (v)

    corner (n)

    the corner of the street

    correct (adj)

    cost (n & v)

    costume (n)

    I forgot my swimming


    could (mv)

    country (n)

    countryside (n)

    course (n)

    a university course

    a main course

    of course (not)

    cousin (n)

    cover (v)

    cow (n)

    crazy (adj)

    cream (adj & n)

    credit card (n)

    cricket (n)

    cross (n & v)

    Dont cross the road here! (v)

    crossing (n)

    Use the crossing to cross the


    crowd (n)

    crowded (adj)

    cry (v)

    The babys crying.

    cup (n)

    cupboard (n)

    curry (n)

    curtain (n)

    customer (n)

    cut (v)

    cycle (v)

    cycling (n)

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    D dad (n)

    daily (adj & adv)

    dance (n & v)

    dancer (n)

    dancing (n)

    danger (n)

    dangerous (adj)

    dark (adj)

    date (n)

    Whats the date today?

    daughter (n)

    day (n)

    dead (adj)

    dear (adj)

    Dear Anne,

    decide (v)

    deep (adj)

    degree (n)

    The temperatures 30

    degrees today.

    delay (n & v)

    There will be a delay of two

    hours. (n)

    The flight is delayed. (v)

    dentist (n)

    department (n)

    department store (n)

    describe (v)

    desert (n)

    desk (n)

    dessert (n)

    detail (n)

    diary (n)

    dictionary (n)

    die (v)

    difference (n)

    different (adj)

    difficult (adj)

    digital (adj)

    digital camera (n)

    dining room (n)

    dinner (n)

    dinosaur (n)

    diploma (n)

    dirty (adj)

    disco (n)

    discount (n)

    discuss (v)

    dish (n)

    Chicken and chips is my

    favourite dish.

    do (av & v)

    doctor (n)

    document (n)

    dog (n)

    doll (n)

    dollar (n)

    dolphin (n)

    door (n)

    dot (n)

    dot com

    double (adj)

    a double room

    down (adv & prep)

    download (n & v)

    I downloaded the songs from

    the internet (v).

    downstairs (adv)

    Dr (n)

    draw (v)

    drawer (n)

    drawing (n)

    dream (n & v)

    dress (n & v)

    dressed (adj)

    drink (n & v)

    drive (v)

    driver (n)

    driving licence (n)

    drugstore (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:


    drum (n)

    dry (adj & v)

    duck (n)

    during (prep)

    DVD (n)

    DVD player (n)

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    each (det & pron)

    ear (n)

    early (adj & adv)

    earn (v)

    earring (n)

    easily (adv)

    east (n, adj & adv)

    easy (adj)

    eat (v)

    egg (n)

    electric (adj)

    electricity (n)

    elephant (n)

    elevator (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: lift)

    else (adv)

    Anything else?

    email (n & v)

    empty (adj)

    end (v & n)

    engine (n)

    engineer (n)

    enjoy (v)

    enough (adv, det & pron)

    enter (v)

    Are you going to enter the

    poster competition?

    Please enter through the side


    entrance (n)

    envelope (n)

    eraser (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:


    especially (adv)

    euro (n)

    even (adv)

    evening (n)

    ever (adv)

    every (det)

    everybody (pron)

    everyone (pron)

    everything (pron)

    everywhere (adv)

    exactly (adv)

    examination/exam (n)

    example (n)

    Look at the example first.

    for example

    excellent (adj)

    except (conj & prep)

    excited (adj)

    exciting (adj)

    excuse (v)

    Excuse me!

    exercise (n & v)

    exhibition (n)

    art exhibition

    exit (n)

    expensive (adj)

    explain (v)

    explore (v)

    explorer (n)

    This books about famous


    extra (adj)

    eye (n)

  • UCLES 2012 Page 10 of 29 KET Vocabulary List


    face (n)

    fact (n)

    factory (n)

    fail (v)

    fair (adj)

    She has fair hair.

    fall (n & v)

    in the fall (n) (Am Eng) (Br

    Eng: autumn)

    he fell and hurt his leg (v)

    family (n)

    famous (adj)

    fan (n)

    fantastic (adj)

    far (adv)

    How far is the next garage?

    farm (n)

    farmer (n)

    fashion (n)

    fast (adj & adv)

    fast food (n)

    fat (adj)

    father (n)

    favourite (adj)

    feel (v)

    to feel well

    festival (n)

    few (det & adj)

    field (n)

    file (n)

    fill (v)

    fill in (phr v)

    to fill in a form

    film (n & v)

    final (adj)

    finally (adv)

    find (v)

    find out (phr v)

    fine (adj)

    Thats fine!

    Im fine, thank you.

    The weather is fine.

    finger (n)

    finish (v)

    fire (n)

    first (adv & adj)

    First then (adv)

    John came first. (adv)

    first prize (adj)

    first name (n)

    fish (n & v)

    fishing (n)

    fit (adj)

    flat (n)

    flight (n)

    floor (n)

    The bedrooms are on the first


    Dont leave your clothes on

    the floor.

    flower (n)

    fly (v)

    fog (n)

    foggy (adj)

    follow (v)

    food (n)

    foot (n)

    my right foot

    football (n)

    footballer (n)

    for (prep)

    foreign (adj)

    forest (n)

    forget (v)

    fork (n)

    knife and fork

    form (n)

    Fill in this form.

    free (adj & adv)

    French fries (n) (Am Eng) (Br

    Eng: chips)

    fresh (adj)

    fresh fruit

    fridge (n)

    fried (adj)

    friend (n)

    friendly (adj)

    from (prep)

    front (n)

    in the front of the train

    Stand in front of me.

    fruit (n)

    full (adj)

    fun (adj & n)

    funny (adj)

    furniture (n)

    further (adj)

    future (n)

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    game (n)

    garage (n)

    garden (n)

    garlic (n)

    gas (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:


    gas station (n) (Am Eng) (Br

    Eng: petrol station)

    gate (n)

    geography (n)

    get (v)

    get fit (v)

    get off (phr v)

    to get off the bus

    get on (phr v)

    to get on the bus

    get up (phr v)

    to get up in the morning

    gift (n)

    girl (n)

    girlfriend (n)

    give (v)

    glad (adj)

    glass (n)

    glasses (n pl)

    glove (n)

    go (v)

    goal (n)

    gold (n & adj)

    golden (adj)

    golf (n)

    good (adj)

    good afternoon (exclam)

    goodbye (exclam)

    good evening (exclam)

    good-looking (adj)

    good morning (exclam)

    good night (exclam)

    go out (phr v)

    Are you going out this


    grade (n)

    gram(me) (n)

    grandchild (n)

    grand(d)ad (n)

    granddaughter (n)

    grandfather (n)

    grandma (n)

    grandmother (n)

    grandpa (n)

    grandparent (n)

    grandson (n)

    granny (n)

    grape (n)

    grass (n)

    great (adj)

    green (adj)

    grey (adj & n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:


    grilled (adj)

    grocery store (n) (Am Eng)

    group (n)

    grow (v)

    grow up (phr v)

    guess (v)

    guest (n)

    guest-house (n)

    guide (n)

    guidebook (n)

    guitar (n)

    guy (n)

    Hes a really nice guy.

    gym (n)

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    H hair (n)

    half (det, n & pron)

    half-price (adj)

    hall (n)

    hand (n)

    handbag (n)

    happen (v)

    happy (adj)

    hard (adj & adv)

    hard wood (adj)

    the homework was hard (adj)

    to work hard (adv)

    hat (n)

    hate (v)

    have (av & v)

    have got to (mv)

    have to (mv)

    he (pron)

    head (n)

    My head hurts.

    help (v)

    her (det & pron)

    here (adv)

    hers (pron)

    herself (pron)

    by herself

    hey (exclam)

    hi (exclam)

    high (adj)

    hill (n)

    him (pron)

    himself (pron)

    by himself

    hip hop (n)

    his (det & pron)

    history (n)

    hit (v)

    hobby (n)

    hockey (n)

    hold (v)

    holiday (n)

    home (n & adv)

    homework (n)

    headache (n)

    headteacher (n)

    health (n)

    healthy (adj)

    hear (v)

    heart (n)

    heating (n)

    Can you turn the heating on?

    heavy (adj)

    a heavy blanket

    helicopter (n)

    hello (exclam)

    honey (n)

    hope (v)

    horrible (adj)

    horse (n)

    hospital (n)

    hot (adj)

    hotel (n)

    hour (n)

    house (n)

    housewife (n)

    how (adv)

    however (adv)

    hungry (adj)

    hurry (v)

    hurt (v)

    husband (n)

  • UCLES 2012 Page 12 of 29 KET Vocabulary List


    I (pron)

    ice (n)

    ice cream (n)

    ice skating (n)

    ID (n)

    ID card (n)

    idea (n)

    identification (n)

    if (conj)

    ill (adj)

    immediately (adv)

    important (adj)

    improve (v)

    in (adv & prep)

    include (v)

    including (prep)

    indoor (adj)

    indoors (adv)

    information (n)

    in front of (prep phr)

    insect (n)

    inside (adv & prep)

    instead (adv)

    instructions (n pl)

    instrument (n)

    interested (adj)

    interesting (adj)

    international (adj)

    internet (n)

    into (prep)

    invitation (n)

    invite (v)

    island (n)

    it (pron)

    IT (n)

    its (det)

    itself (pron)

    J jacket (n)

    jam (n)

    fruit jam

    jazz (n)

    jeans (n pl)

    jewellery (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:


    job (n)

    join (v)

    journalist (n)

    journey (n)

    juice (n)

    jump (v)

    jumper (n)

    just (adv)

    Ive just seen Tom.

    Just a moment.

    K keep (v)

    May I keep this?

    Keep right!

    key (n)

    keyboard (n)

    I play the keyboard in a band.

    The keyboard for my

    computer is broken.

    kick (n & v)

    kilogramme (kg) (n) (Br Eng)

    (Am Eng: kilogram)

    kilometre (km) (n) (Br Eng)

    (Am Eng: kilometer)

    kind (adj & n)

    Thats very kind of you.

    What kind of book do you


    king (n)

    kiss (n & v)

    kit (n)

    kitchen (n)

    kite (n)

    knife (n)

    know (v)

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    L lake (n)

    lamp (n)

    language (n)

    laptop (computer) (n)

    large (adj)

    last (adj & det)

    late (adv & adj)

    The train is going to be late.


    later (adv)

    Ill see you later.

    latest (adj)

    laugh (v)

    lazy (adj)

    learn (v)

    least (adv)

    at least

    leather (n & adj)

    leave (v)

    The train leaves at 10 oclock.

    I left my bag in the cinema.

    There isnt any milk left.

    left (adj, adv & n)

    Go to the left. (n)

    left hand (adj)

    Turn left. (adv)

    left-hand (adj)

    leg (n)

    lemon (n)

    lemonade (n)

    lend (v)

    less (adj, det & pron)

    lesson (n)

    let (v)

    letter (n)

    level (n)

    language level

    library (n)

    licence (n)

    driving licence

    lie down (phr v)

    life (n)

    lift (n)

    Take the lift to the third floor.

    light (n & adj)

    like (adv, prep & v)

    Whats the weather like?


    Its like an orange but bigger.


    Id like a drink. (v)

    line (n)

    draw a line

    the next line

    lion (n)

    list (n)

    listen (v)

    litre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng: liter)

    little (adj)

    live (v)

    living room (n)

    long (adj)

    look (v)

    You look happy.

    Dont look now!

    look after (phr v)

    look at (phr v)

    look for (phr v)

    look out (phr v)

    Look out its going to


    lorry (n)

    lose (v)

    We lost the game.

    Ive lost my passport.

    lost (adj)

    lots / a lot (n)

    a lot of homework.

    loud (adj)

    love (n & v)

    lovely (adj)

    low (adj)

    luck (n)

    lucky (adj)

    luggage (n)

    lunch (n)

    lunchtime (n)

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    machine (n)

    mad (adj)

    magazine (n)

    mail (n)

    main course (n)

    make (v)

    make-up (n)

    man (n)

    manager (n)

    mango (n)

    many (det & pron)

    map (n)

    mark (n)

    market (n)

    married (adj)

    match (n)

    football match

    maths/mathematics (n) (Br Eng) (Am

    Eng: math)

    matter (n & v)

    It doesnt matter. (v)

    Whats the matter? (n)

    may (mv)

    maybe (adv)

    me (pron)

    meal (n)

    mean (v)

    meat (n)

    mechanic (n)

    medicine (n)

    meet (v)

    meeting (n)

    melon (n)

    member (n)

    a member of a club

    memory (n)

    menu (n)

    message (n)

    metre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:


    midday (n)

    middle (n)

    in the middle

    midnight (n)

    might (mv)

    mile (n)

    milk (n)

    million (n)

    mind (v)

    Do you mind if I close the


    I dont mind if

    Never mind.

    Mind your head!

    mine (pron)

    mineral water (n)

    minus (prep)

    minute (n)

    mirror (n)

    Miss (n)

    miss (v)

    missing (adj)

    mistake (n)

    mix (v)

    mobile (phone) (n)

    model (n)

    modern (adj)

    moment (n)

    Just a moment.

    money (n)

    monkey (n)

    month (n)

    monthly (adj & adv)

    moon (n)

    more (adj, adv, det & pron)

    morning (n)

    most (adj, adv, det & pron)

    mother (n)

    motorbike (n)

    motorway (n)

    mountain (n)

    mouse (n)

    mouth (n)

    move (v)

    movie (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng:


    movie theater (n) (Am Eng) (Br

    Eng: cinema)

    movie star (n) (Am Eng) (Br

    Eng: film star)

    MP3 player (n)

    Mr (n)

    Mrs (n)

    Ms (n)

    much (adj, adv, det & pron)

    mug (n)

    mum (n)

    museum (n)

    mushroom (n)

    music (n)

    musical (adj)

    musician (n)

    must (mv)

    my (det)

    myself (pron)

    by myself

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    name (n)

    national (adj)

    nationality (n)

    nature (n)

    near (adv & prep)

    nearly (adv)

    neck (n)

    necklace (n)

    need (v)

    neighbour (n)

    net (n)

    I found a great website on the


    never (adv)

    new (adj)

    news (n)

    newspaper (n)

    next (adj & adv)

    next to (prep)

    nice (adj)

    night (n)

    no (adv, det & pron)

    nobody (pron)

    noise (n)

    noisy (adj)

    noon (n)

    no one (pron)

    normal (adj)

    north (n, adj & adv)

    nose (n)

    not (adv)

    note (n & v)

    notebook (n)

    nothing (pron)

    notice (n)

    now (adv)

    number (n)

    nurse (n)


    occupation (n)

    o’clock (adv)

    of (prep)

    of course (not) (adv)

    off (adv)

    offer (n & v)

    office (n)

    often (adv)

    oh (exclam)

    oil (n)

    car oil

    cooking oil

    OK/okay (exclam)

    old (adj)

    omelette (n)

    on (prep & adv)

    once (adv)

    only once

    one (det & pron)

    onion (n)

    online (adj & adv)

    only (adv & adj)

    I only wanted to help.

    the only one

    open (adj & v)

    opera (n)

    opposite (prep)

    or (conj)

    orange (adj & n)

    order (n)

    other (det & pron)

    our (det)

    ours (pron)

    ourselves (pron)

    out (adv)

    outdoors (adv)

    out of (prep)

    outside (prep & adv)

    over (prep & adv)

    over 60 people (adv)

    to travel all over the world


    own (adj)

    They cook their own meals.

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    pack (v)

    pack a suitcase

    page (n)

    pain (n)

    paint (v & n)

    painter (n)

    painting (n)

    pale (adj)

    pair (n)

    a pair of shoes

    paper (n & adj)

    pardon (exclam)


    parent (n)

    park (n & v)

    parking lot (n) (Am Eng) (Br Eng: car


    part (n)

    the best part of the day

    partner (n)

    party (n)

    pass (v)

    You pass the station on the left.

    to pass a driving test

    passenger (n)

    passport (n)

    past (prep)

    pasta (n)

    path (n)

    pay (v)

    PC (personal computer) (n)

    pear (n)

    pen (n)

    pence (n)

    pencil (n)

    pencil case (n)

    penfriend (n)

    penny (n)

    people (n pl)

    pepper (n)

    per (prep)

    perfect (adj)

    perfume (n)

    perhaps (adv)

    person (n)

    pet (n)

    petrol (n)

    petrol station (n)

    pharmacy (n)

    phone (v & n)

    photo(graph) (n)

    photographer (n)

    photography (n)

    physics (n)

    piano (n)

    pick up (phr v)

    picnic (n)

    picture (n)

    piece (n)

    a piece of cake

    pillow (n)

    pilot (n)

    pink (adj)

    pity (n)

    What a pity!

    pizza (n)

    place (n)

    plan (n & v)

    plane (n)

    The plane was late.

    plant (n)

    plastic (n & adj)

    plate (n)

    platform (n)

    Your train leaves from

    Platform 8.

    play (v & n)

    to play football (v)

    to play the guitar (v)

    a play at the theatre (n)

    player (n)

    playground (n)

    pleasant (adj)

    please (v & exclam)

    Im very pleased for you. (v)

    Please be quiet!

    pleased (adj)

    plus (prep)

    p.m. (adv)

    pocket (n)

    point (v)

    police (n)

    police car (n)

    police officer (n)

    police station (n)

    polite (adj)

    pool (n)

    swimming pool

    poor (adj)

    pop (n)

    pop music

    popular (adj)

    possible (adj)

    possibly (adv)

    post (v & n)

    to post a letter

    Whats in the post today?

    postcard (n)

    poster (n)

    post office (n)

    potato (n)

    pound () (n)

    practice (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:

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    football practice

    practise (v)

    You must practise if you want to

    play well.

    prefer (v)

    prepare (v)

    present (n)

    a birthday present

    pretty (adj)

    price (n)

    print (v)

    printer (n)

    prize (n)

    probably (adv)

    problem (n)

    program (n)

    a computer program

    programme (n)

    a TV programme

    project (n)

    a school project

    pull (v)

    pupil (n)

    purple (adj)

    purse (n)

    push (v)

    put (v)

    put on (phr v)

    puzzle (n)


    quarter (n)

    a quarter of an hour

    queen (n)

    question (n)

    quick (adj)

    quickly (adv)

    quiet (adj)

    quite (adv)

    Are you quite sure?

    quite old

    quiz (n)


    rabbit (n)

    race (n & v)

    a running race (n)

    She raced her brother to the bus

    stop. (v)

    racket (n)

    Can I borrow your tennis racket?

    radio (n)

    railway (n)

    rain (n & v)

    raincoat (n)

    rap (n)

    read (v)

    reading (n)

    ready (adj)

    When will it be ready?

    real (adj)

    really (adv)

    reason (n)

    receipt (n)

    receive (v)

    receptionist (n)

    record (v)

    red (adj)

    refrigerator (n)

    remember (v)

    rent (v)

    repair (v)

    repeat (v)

    rest (n & v)

    to have a rest (n)

    Try to rest, the doctor said.


    restaurant (n)

    return (n & v)

    my return from holiday (n)

    He returned home late. (v)

    She returned her library

    books. (v)

    rice (n)

    rich (adj)

    ride (n & v)

    right (n, adj & adv)

    He swam to the right. (n)

    your right hand (adj)

    Thats the right answer.


    Turn right here. (adv)

    right hand (adj)

    ring (n)

    river (n)

    road (n)

    roast (v & adj)

    rock (n)

    rock concert

    roof (n)

    room (n)

    a double room

    round (adj)

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    roundabout (n)

    rubber (n)

    rugby (n)

    ruler (n)

    run (v)

    runner (n)

    running (n)


    sad (adj)

    safe (adj)

    sail (v)

    sailing (n)

    salad (n)

    sale (n)

    for sale

    salt (n)

    same (adj & pron)

    at the same time (adj)

    Your watch is the same as mine.


    sandwich (n)

    sauce (n)

    sausage (n)

    save (v)

    to save money

    to save time

    say (v)

    scarf (n)

    school (n)

    schoolchild (n)

    science (n)

    scissors (n pl)

    scooter (n)

    screen (n)

    sea (n)

    seat (n)

    second (adj, det & n)

    secretary (n)

    see (v)

    sell (v)

    send (v)

    sentence (n)

    serve (v)

    set (n)

    several (det & pron)

    shall (mv)

    shame (n)

    What a shame!

    shampoo (n & v)

    share (v)

    she (pron)

    sheep (n)

    sheet (n)

    a bed sheet

    shelf (n)

    ship (n)

    shirt (n)

    shoe (n)

    shop (n & v)

    shop assistant (n)

    shopping (n)

    short (adj)

    a short time

    shorts (n pl)

    should (mv)

    shout (v)

    show (v & n)

    Show me your photos. (v)

    a film show (n)

    shower (n)

    shut (v)

    sick (adj)

    side (n)

    this side of the room

    sightseeing (n)

    sign (n)

    silver (n & adj)

    simple (adj)

    since (prep)

    sing (v)

    singer (n)

    singing (n)

    single (adj)

    sink (n)

    sister (n)

    sit (v)

    sit down (phr v)

    site (n)

    sitting room (n)

    size (n)

    skate (v)

    skateboard (n)

    skateboarding (n)

    skating (n)

    ski (v)

    skiing (n)

    skirt (n)

    sky (n)

    sleep (v)

    slice (n)

    slim (adj)

    slow (adj)

    slowly (adv)

    small (adj)

    smoke (v)

    smoking (n)

    snack (n)

    snow (n & v)

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    snowboard (n)

    snowboarding (n)

    so (conj & adv)

    So, I think its right. (conj)

    He ate too much, so he felt ill.


    He wanted to go but he didnt

    say so. (adv)

    soap (n)

    soccer (n)

    sock (n)

    sofa (n)

    soft (adj)

    software (n)

    some (det & pron)

    somebody (pron)

    someone (pron)

    something (pron)

    sometimes (adv)

    somewhere (adv)

    son (n)

    song (n)

    soon (adv)

    sorry (adj)

    Im sorry Im late.

    Sorry, I dont understand that.

    sort (n)

    sound (v)

    That sounds nice.

    soup (n)

    south (n, adj & adv)

    space (n)

    spare (adj)

    speak (v)

    speaker (n)

    special (adj)

    spell (v)

    spelling (n)

    spend (v)

    spoon (n)

    sport (n)

    sports centre (n)

    spring (n)

    I hate winter but I love spring.

    square (n & adj)

    stadium (n)

    staff (n)

    stage (n)

    stairs (n pl)

    stamp (n)

    Put a stamp on the envelope.

    stand (v)

    She was standing at the bus


    star (n & v)

    start (v)

    station (n)

    stay (v)

    steak (n)

    steal (v)

    Someones stolen my bag!

    still (adv)

    stomach (n)

    stomach ache (n)

    stop (n & v)

    store (n)

    storm (n)

    story (n)

    straight (adj & adv)

    a straight line (adj)

    Go straight on. (adv)

    strange (adj)

    Thats a strange story!

    street (n)

    strong (adj)

    student (n)

    studies (n pl)

    study (v)

    subject (n)

    Whats your favourite

    subject at school?

    the subject of a talk

    such (det)

    suddenly (adv)

    sugar (n)

    suit (n)

    He was wearing a grey suit.

    suitcase (n)

    summer (n)

    sun (n)

    sunglasses (n pl)

    sunny (adj)

    supermarket (n)

    supper (n)

    suppose (v)

    I suppose so.

    I suppose youre right.

    sure (adj)

    Im (not) sure.

    surf (v)

    surfboard (n)

    surfing (n)

    surname (n)

    surprise (n)

    surprised (adj)

    sweater (n)

    sweet (n & adj)

    swim (v)

    swimming (n)

    swimming costume (n) (Br Eng)

    (Am Eng: bathing suit)

    swimming pool (n)

    swimsuit (n)

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    table (n)

    table tennis (n)

    take (v)

    Ill take it to your room.

    It takes three hours.

    take off (phr v)

    She took off her shoes.

    talk (n & v)

    tall (adj)

    taxi (n)

    tea (n)

    teach (v)

    teacher (n)

    team (n)

    teenager (n)

    telephone (n & v)

    television (TV) (n)

    tell (v)

    temperature (n)

    The temperature was below


    tennis (n)

    tent (n)

    term (n)

    terrible (adj)

    test (n)

    text (n & v)

    textbook (n)

    text message (n)

    than (prep & conj)

    thank (v)

    thanks (exclam)

    thank you (exclam)

    that (conj & pron)

    the (det)

    theatre (n) (Br Eng) (Am Eng:


    their (det)

    theirs (pron)

    them (pron)

    themselves (pron)

    then (adv)

    there (adv)

    these (det & pron)

    they (pron)

    thin (adj)

    thing (n)

    think (v)

    thirsty (adj)

    this (det & pron)

    those (det & pron)

    through (prep)

    throw (v)

    thunderstorm (n)

    ticket (n)

    tidy (adj & v)

    tidy up (v)

    tie (n)

    tiger (n)

    tights (n pl)

    till (prep)

    time (n)

    timetable (n)

    tired (adj)

    to (prep)

    toast (n)

    today (n & adv)

    toe (n)

    together (adv)

    toilet (n)

    tomato (n)

    tomorrow (n & adv)

    tonight (n & adv)

    too (adv)

    tooth (n)

    toothbrush (n)

    top (n)

    the top of the page

    total (adj & n)

    tour (n)

    tour guide (n)

    tourist (n)

    tourist information centre (n)

    towel (n)

    town (n)

    toy (n)

    traffic (n)

    traffic light (n)

    train (n)

    trainer (n)

    a pair of trainers

    tram (n)

    travel (v)

    tree (n)

    trip (n)

    trouble (n)

    trousers (n pl)

    true (adj)

    try (v)

    try on (phr v)

    T-shirt (n)

    turn (v)

    turn off (phr v)

    Turn the gas off.

    turn on (phr v)

    Turn the heating on.

    twice (adv)

    type (n)

    tyre (n) (Am Eng: tire)

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    umbrella (n)

    uncle (n)

    under (prep)

    underground (n & adj)

    understand (v)

    unfortunately (adj)

    unhappy (n)

    uniform (n)

    university (n)

    until (prep)

    unusual (adj)

    up (prep & adv)

    upset (adj)

    upstairs (adv)

    us (pron)

    use (v)

    useful (adj)

    usual (adj)

    usually (adv)


    v/versus (prep)

    Manchester United v Liverpool

    variety (n)

    various (adj)

    vegetable (n)

    very (adv)

    video (n)

    video game (n)

    view (n)

    village (n)

    violin (n)

    visit (v)

    visitor (n)

    vocabulary (n)

    volleyball (n)

    W wait (v)

    waiter (n)

    waitress (n)

    wake (v)

    wake up (phr v)

    walk (v)

    walking (n)

    wall (n)

    wallet (n)

    want (v)

    warm (adj)

    wash (v)

    washing machine (n)

    washing-up (n)

    wash up (phr v)

    watch (n & v)

    water (n)

    way (n)

    Do it this way.

    one-way street

    Is this the quickest way


    we (pron)

    wear (v)

    weather (n)

    web (n)

    web page (n)

    website (n)

    week (n)

    weekday (n)

    weekend (n)

    weekly (adj & adv)

    welcome (adj & exclam)

    Youre welcome (adj)

    Welcome to London!


    well (adv & adj)

    well known (adj)

    west (n, adj & adv)

    wet (adj)

    what (det & pron)

    wheel (n)

    when (adv)

    where (adv)

    which (det & pron)

    while (conj)

    white (adj)

    who (pron)

    whole (adj & n)

    the whole world (adj)

    the whole of July (n)

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    why (adv)

    wide (adj)

    wife (n)

    wild (adj)

    wild animals

    will (‘ll) (mv)

    win (v)

    wind (n)

    window (n)

    windsurfing (n)

    windy (adj)

    winner (n)

    winter (n)

    wish (n)

    Best wishes.

    with (prep)

    without (prep)

    woman (n)

    wonderful (adj)

    wood (n)

    wooden (adj)

    wool (n)

    word (n)

    work (n & v)

    worker (n)

    world (n)

    worried (adj)

    worry (v)

    worse (adj)

    worst (adj)

    would (mv)

    wow (exclam)

    write (v)

    write down (phr v)

    writer (n)

    writing (n)

    wrong (adj)

    Y yeah (exclam)

    year (n)

    yellow (adj)

    yes (adv)

    yesterday (adv)

    yet (adv)

    Has he arrived yet?

    yoghurt (n)

    you (pron)

    young (adj)

    your (det)

    yours (pron)

    yourself (pron)


    zero (n)

    zoo (n)

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    Appendix 1

    Word sets In addition to the words in the alphabetical list, KET
    and KET for Schools candidates are expected to know:

    Cardinal numbers one, two, three, etc. to one thousand

    Ordinal numbers first, second, third, fourth, etc. to

    Days of the week Monday, Tuesday, etc.

    Months of the year January, February, etc.

    Seasons of the year spring, summer, autumn, winter

    Countries, languages and nationalities English-speaking
    countries and others, for example Brazil/Brazilian,
    Canada/Canadian, China/Chinese, France/French, Ireland/Irish,
    India/Indian, Italy/Italian, Spain/Spanish, etc.

    Continents Africa, Australia, North America, South America,
    Asia, Antarctica, Europe

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    Appendix 2

    Topic Lists


    camera DVD (player) laptop telephone

    CD (player) electric lights television / TV

    cell phone electricity mobile (phone) video

    clock fridge MP3 player washing machine

    computer gas PC

    cooker heating phone

    digital camera lamp radio

    Clothes and Accessories

    bag fashion raincoat tights

    bathing suit glasses ring trainers

    belt glove scarf trousers

    blouse handbag shirt try on (v)

    boot hat shoes T-shirt

    bracelet jacket shorts umbrella

    cap jeans skirt uniform

    chain jewellery / jewelry suit wallet

    clothes jumper sunglasses watch

    coat kit sweater wear (v)

    costume (swimming)






    swimming costume




    black golden orange red

    blue green pale white

    brown grey pink yellow

    dark light purple

    Communication and Technology

    address digital

    laptop (computer)


    at / @ digital camera mobile (phone) software

    by post dot mouse talk

    call (v)


    download (n & v)

    DVD (player)

    MP3 player



    text (n & v)

    CD (player)

    cell phone

    email (n & v)






    chat file photograph web page

    click (v) information photography website

    computer internet phone

    conversation keyboard printer

  • UCLES 2012 Page 23 of 29 KET Vocabulary List

    Documents and Texts

    ad / advertisement




    article diploma menu postcard

    bill email message project







    text (n & v)


    comic licence notebook ticket






    beginner desk level school

    biology dictionary library science





























    practice (n)

    practise (v)






    study (v)





    test (n)


    Entertainment and Media




    practise (v)

    actor drawing MP3 player programme











    DVD (player)




    read (v)

    rock (concert)

    board game festival newspaper screen (n)

    book film (n & v) opera show (n)

    card fun paint (v) sing

    cartoon go out painter singer

    CD (player) group photograph song

    chess guitar photographer television / TV

    cinema hip hop photography theatre

    classical (music) instrument piano ticket

    competition keyboard picture video (game)

    concert laugh play (n) watch (v)

    dance (n & v) listen to pop (music)

    dancer look at practice (n)

  • UCLES 2012 Page 24 of 29 KET Vocabulary List

    Family and Friends





    boy grandchild guest neighbour

    brother grand(d)ad guy parent






    love (n & v)


























    Food and Drink





    bake coffee ice cream potato

    banana cola jam rice barbecue cook (n & v) juice roast (v
    & adj) biscuit cooker kitchen salad

    boil cream knife salt

    boiled cup lemon sandwich bottle curry lemonade sauce bowl cut
    (n) lunch sausage box dessert main course slice (n)

    bread dinner meal snack (n) break (n) dish (n) meat soup

    breakfast drink melon steak burger eat menu sugar butter egg
    milk sweet (n & adj)

    cafe/caf fish mineral water tea

    cafeteria food mushroom thirsty cake fork oil toast can (n)
    fridge omelette tomato

    candy fried onion vegetable carrot fruit orange waiter

    cereal garlic pasta waitress cheese glass pear wash up chef
    grape pepper yog(h)urt

    chicken chilli chips

    grilled honey hungry

    picnic piece of cake pizza

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    Health, Medicine and Exercise





    cut (v)










    rest (n)


    baby dentist health sick





    hear (v)




    blood Dr hospital stomach ache

    body ear hurt (v) swim

    brain exercise ill temperature

    break (v) eye leg tired

    check (v) face lie down tooth

    chemist fall (v) medicine toothache

    clean (adj & v) feel (v) neck toothbrush

    cold (n) finger nose walk

    comb (n) fit nurse well (adj)

    Hobbies and Leisure


    CD (player)



    beach club hobby paint (n & v)



    collect (v)











    dance (n & v)


    DVD (player)


    go out



    MP3 player



    photograph (n & v)




    video game

    House and Home





    apartment cooker garden roof

    armchair cupboard gas room

    bath(tub) curtain gate safe (adj)

    bathroom desk hall shelf

    bed dining room heating shower

    bedroom door home sink

    blanket downstairs house sitting room





    DVD (player)






    stay (v)


    box flat (n) light towel

    carpet floor live (v)

    chair fridge living room

    clock furniture pillow

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    centimetre / centimeter




    day kilo(gram[me])/kg moment year




    litre / liter



    half metre / meter temperature

    Personal Feelings, Opinions and Experiences (adjectives)

































    big funny pleasant terrible

    bored good poor tired

    boring great pretty unhappy

    brave happy quick useful

    brilliant hard quiet well

    busy heavy ready worried

    careful high real wrong

    clear hungry rich young

    clever important right cool interested slow different
    interesting small

    Places: Buildings

    apartment (building)







    department store







    sports centre


    bookstore entrance lift supermarket

    building exit museum swimming pool

    cafe/caf factory office theatre

    cafeteria flat pharmacy university

    castle garage police station

    cathedral grocery store post office

    cinema guest-house railway station

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    Places: Countryside





    beach hill railway village

    campsite island rainforest wood

    farm lake river

    field mountain sea

    Places: Town and City


    city centre

    petrol station



    bus station







    bus stop motorway roundabout underground

    car park park square zoo




    petrol station


    cafe / caf garage post office tourist information

    cafeteria hotel restaurant

    cinema library sports centre

    dentist museum swimming pool


    ad / advertisement




    assistant close (v) for sale shop assistant

    bill closed open (v & adj) shopper


    buy (v)

    cost (n & v)

    credit card

    pay (for)




    cash (n & v)


    change (n & v)



    department store









    try on

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    badminton football player rugby swimming costume

    baseball game run (v) swimming pool

    basketball goal sailing swimsuit

    bat golf sea table tennis

    bathing suit hockey skate (v) team

    beach kit skateboard (n) tennis

    bicycle luck ski (v) tennis player

    bike member skiing throw (v)

    boat play (v) snowboard (n) ticket

    catch (v)

    climb (v)


    pool (n)






    coach (n)




    enter (a competition)


    practice (n)

    practise (v)


    race (n & v)


    rest (n & v)

    ride (n & v)


    sports centre






    v / versus


    walk (v)

    watch (v)

    win (v)



    The Natural World





    autumn flower mountain star

    beach forest north summer

    bee grass plant tree

    country grow rabbit water














    field island

    lake south

    space wool







    a.m./p.m. half (past) night week

    appointment holidays noon weekday

    autumn hour oclock weekend

    birthday January — December past weekly

    calendar meeting quarter (past/to) winter

    century clock

    midnight minute

    second spring

    working hours year

    daily moment summer yesterday

    date Monday — Sunday time

    day month today diary monthly tomorrow

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    Travel and Transport



    park (v)


    airport far passenger suitcase

    ambulance flight passport taxi

    backpack fly petrol ticket boat garage petrol station tour (n)
    bridge helicopter pilot tour guide bus journey platform tourist

    bus station leave railway tourist information centre bus

    car left

    light repair (v) return (n & v)


    traffic light

    case luggage ride tram coach machine right travel

    country map road trip delay (n & v) mechanic roundabout

    delayed mirror sailing underground (n)

    drive miss (v) seat visit

    driver motorbike ship visitor

    driving/drivers licence motorway station way (n)

    engine move stop wheel engineer oil straight on window






    cloudy ice sunny wind

    cold rain thunderstorm windy

    fog snow warm

    foggy storm weather

    Work and Jobs





    artist doctor king shop assistant

    boss Dr letter shopper

    break (n)










    email (n & v)






    chemist explorer musician tennis player

    cleaner factory nurse tour guide

    coach (n) farm occupation uniform

    company farmer office waiter/ waitress

    computer footballer painter work

    cook (n & v) football player photographer worker

    customer guest pilot writer

    dentist guide police officer

    desk instructions queen

    diary job receptionist

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