Word list for grade 2

Vocabulary Words for Kids of Grade 2!  Here is an easy to advance level list of 1000 vocabulary words that are very necessary for a kid of 2nd grade, these vocabulary words are arranged after putting a lot of effort so that nothing left behind.

Some of these words might feel a bit difficult or difficult to read too,  but it’ll boost your child’s communication skills to hear these words and learn what they mean.

So here are 1000 vocabulary words for grade 2 Childs:

Vocabulary Words for Kids of Grade 2

Gland Glass Gleet God goddess
Goiter Gold Gone Gonorrhea Got
Gout Govern Governor Governor Governor
Governess gram Grand grandfather grandmother
Grapefruit Grapes Grass gravy Graze
great millet Green Green Cardamom Green chili Green Coriander
Greet Grew Grinder Grip Gripes
Groin Ground Groundnut Group Grow
Grow gruel Guava Guess guest

Also check: Men’s Wear Vocabulary

Gums Gunpowder Hair Half Hammer
Hand Handcuff Handsaw Hang Hang
Hang Happen Happy Hard Harm
Harvest Hatch Hatchet Hate Haunch-back
He Head Headmaster Headmistress Heal
Heap Hear Heard Heart Heat
Heavy Heel He-goat heir Hen
Hepatitis Hernia Hero Hero Heroine
Heroine Hew Hiccup Hide Hind
Hire Hoe Hold Hold Hole

Vocabulary Words for Kids of Grade 2!

Holy Basil Hope Horse Horse Hot
Hour Hour Humanity Hundred Hunt
Hunt Hunter Huntress Husband Ice
Idea Import Impress Improve Inch
Include Include Increase Indigestion Infidel
Inflammation Inform Inherit Initiation Injure
Inquire Insist Insomnia Inspect Instrument
Interest Intermittent fever Intestines Invent Invite
Involve Iron Irrigate Island Jaggery
jam Jambolan Jaundice Jaw Job
Join Join Joint Joke Joy
Jujube help Karanda Katira Gum Keep
Kept Key Kick Kick Kidney
Kill King King kiwi Knee
Knew Knit Knock Know Kokum
Labour pain Lad Lad Lady Lake
Lame Lance Landlady Landlord landlord
Language Lass Lass Last Late
Laugh Lay Lead Lean Least
Leave Left Leg Leg Lemon
Lemon Lend Length Leprosy Less

Also Check: Fun Ways to Say Hello!

Let Letter Leucorrhoea Level Lie
Life Lima seed Lime Lion Lioness
Lip List Listen Listen Litchi
Liver Load Lock Lock Lockjaw
Lone Loom Loosen Loose-stool Loquat
Lost Lot Loud Love love, affection
lover Luminosity Lunacy Lungs Mace
Machine Madam Maid-servant Main Malaria
Male stupid Mango Mango powder Map
March Mare Mark Marrow Material
maternal aunt maternal grandfather maternal grandmother maternal uncle Matter

Vocabulary Words for Kids of Grade 2!

Mattock Measles Measure Measure Melody
Melt Method Middle Mid-night Might
Migrant Migrate Migration Mile Milk
Milk Milk Powder Milk-maid Milk-man Million
minced meat Mind Mint Minute Minute
Miracle Miss Miss Missionary Mister
mistress Mistress Mix Mix molasses
Molasses Moment Money Month Month
Moon Morning Morning morsel Morter
mother interesting mother’s sister mother-in-law Motion
motion Mount Mount Mountain Mourn

2nd grader vocabulary words

Mouth Mouth Mow Mozzarella Cheese Mr.
Mrs. Mulberry Multiply Music Musk-melon
Mustache Mustard oil Mustard seed Mustard seed Mutton
Myopia Nail Nape Naseberry Nation
Nausea Navel Neck Negress Negro
nephew Nephew Nerve Never Next
niece Niece Nigella seed Night Night
something North Nose Nose-clip Nostril
Note Note Nothing Notice Noun
Numeral Nutcracker Nutmeg oatmeal Obedient

Also check: Synonyms of Happy 

Obesity Obey Object Object Obligatory prayer
Observe Observe fast Occupy Ocean Offer
Offer prayer Office Often Often Oh
Oil Olive Olive oil Once One-eyed
Onion Onion peelings Open Operate Oppose
Ophthalmia Optional prayer Orange Order Organ
Organize own Pack Paint Pair
palate Palm Pancreas Papaya Paper
Paralysis Pardon parents Parsley Participate
Parting Pass Pass Past Pattern
Pay Pay Peach Pea-cock Pea-hen
pearl millet Pear Penis Perform Perhaps
Permit Person Perspiration Pestle Phlegm
Phthisis amazing Pickle Piece Piles

vocabulary words for 2nd grader

Vocabulary words for grade 2 PDF

About The Author

Sight words for 2nd grade are high-frequency words like are, easy, second, make, and about. Little children start learning sight words as soon as they start school, and these are words they will hear and encounter in books, conversations, and texts from a young age. Sight words at the 2nd-grade level get a little more complex for engaged students as they improve their comprehension and communication skills when speaking, reading, writing more meaningful sentences, and working on sentence formation. Sight words in the 2nd grade are:

  • A step towards identifying high-frequency words.
  • To help students decode other words.
  • Often called wall words in the 2nd grade. They are highly visible words designed to be an interactive resource for children to refer back to. They are typically alphabetized and placed on the wall or whiteboard.
  • Sight words are memorized as whole words because they don’t always follow simple decoding patterns.

2nd grade sight words

Why Do We Teach Sight Words?

Teaching high-frequency words can create proficient and fluent children who don’t need to decode every letter sound when they read, thus helping them to understand and read sentence structures. But how do we help our children or students learn sight words in the 2nd grade? Carry on reading, and we’ll give you some second-grade Dolch sight words, a high-frequency word patterns list, and some tips and tricks to engage and support your readers on their emerging reader journeys.

2nd Grade Dolch Sight Words

Here are some grade-level appropriate Dolch sight words for 2nd graders to familiarize themselves.You can use this high-frequency list to inspire your classroom word wall or to refer to when you need a sight word for the week.

always or around
pull because been
read right second
make usually another
first won thank
into really found
which why these
since sometimes piece
sister eating favorite
small question jump
city young don’t
kicked goes line
too joke won’t
Mr. Mrs. often
would very wish
father mother brother
grandma grandad old

Dolch Sight Word Example Sentences

If you’re struggling to expose your 2nd-grade students to high-frequency words, check out our simple example sentences using Dolch sight words. They are suitable for 2nd-grade learners. Use them to refer back to the familiar words in small reading groups or as an engaging resource at home to increase your children’s sight word fluency and familiarity.

  1. Mr. Thompson is my teacher. He tells lots of jokes.
  2. My father is tall.
  3. Read and answer the question.
  4. He kicked the ball.
  5. My sister won the game because she is young.
  6. I live with my mother, brother, and sister.
  7. Her favorite food is apples.
  8. What is the question?
  9. I wish I had a cat.
  10. I always brush my teeth before bed.

High-Frequency Word Patterns For 2nd Graders

These high-frequency word lists show children how words are made from repeated suffixes and common phonetic patterns. They can help children decode words with common prefixes and suffixes, vowel blending, and spelling-sound correspondence as per the Common Core Standards for 2nd-grade reading foundational skills –CCSS.RF.2.3 and CCSS.RF.2.3C.

Long-Ol- Pattern

Here are some -oi- words.

boil point coil
join toil void
loin oil coin

Long-Ai- Pattern

Here are some -ai- words.

sail rain chain
time paint brain
pain stain fail

Long-Ight- Pattern

Here are some -Ight- words.

night light bright
fright tight sight

3 Sight Word Activity Tips To Engage Your 2nd Grader

Learning to read is a hugely important life skill. It’s the first step to reading fluency and understanding and comprehending what we read. 2nd-grade sight word lists are a great easily-accessible educational resource to help bilingual children, struggling readers, and emerging readers. Sourcing and creating fun and interactive resources to help 2nd graders master 2nd-grade sight words can be difficult, especially if your student or child lacks confidence or if you have different levels of fluency in your classroom. Stuck for an idea for children? Here are a few tips and tricks.

  1. Place focus on a few sight words per week. This is hugely important, especially in engaging students. Choose around 3-5 2nd-grade sight words per week to put on a visual word wall. Once students have mastered these, you can swap them around. If your child struggles with sight words at home, focus on a few per week and have them easily accessible around the house, where they will see them daily.
  2. Use visual manipulatives like ABC charts and interactive sight-word charts where they build the word using small objects. You could even plan a sight word scavenger hunt where children have to find the sight words dotted around the room. Planning engaging sight word activities in the 2nd grade doesn’t have to be boring!
  3. Grab a small whiteboard and play Pictionary using sight words for 2nd grade. For many kids, it’s much easier to visualize a word when they have a picture to refer back to.

FAQs — Sight Words For Second Grade

Check out our frequently asked questions regarding sight words for 2nd graders.

2nd Grade Word lists Worksheets

  • 2nd grade spelling words (list #1 of 38) PDF Worksheet: 2nd grade Word lists

    2nd grade spelling words (list #1 of 38)

    2nd grade spelling words (list #1 of 38)

    This is the first of our weekly spelling lists to help your second grader become a spelling star.

  • 2nd grade spelling words (list #10 of 38) PDF Worksheet: 2nd grade Word lists

    2nd grade spelling words (list #10 of 38)

    2nd grade spelling words (list #10 of 38)

    This is our 10th weekly spelling list to help your second grader become a spelling star.

  • 2nd grade spelling words (list #11 of 38) PDF Worksheet: 2nd grade Word lists

    2nd grade spelling words (list #11 of 38)

    2nd grade spelling words (list #11 of 38)

    This is our 11th weekly spelling list to help your second grader become a spelling star.

  • 2nd grade spelling words (list #12 of 38) PDF Worksheet: 2nd grade Word lists

    2nd grade spelling words (list #12 of 38)

    2nd grade spelling words (list #12 of 38)

    This is our 12th weekly spelling list to help your second grader become a spelling star.

  • 2nd grade spelling words (list #13 of 38) PDF Worksheet: 2nd grade Word lists

    2nd grade spelling words (list #13 of 38)

    2nd grade spelling words (list #13 of 38)

    This is our 13th weekly spelling list to help your second grader become a spelling star.

  • 2nd grade spelling words (list #14 of 38) PDF Worksheet: 2nd grade Word lists

    2nd grade spelling words (list #14 of 38)

    2nd grade spelling words (list #14 of 38)

    This is our 14th weekly spelling list to help your second grader become a spelling star.

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  • 2nd grade spelling words (list #15 of 38) PDF Worksheet: 2nd grade Word lists

    2nd grade spelling words (list #15 of 38)

    2nd grade spelling words (list #15 of 38)

    This is our 15th weekly spelling list to help your second grader become a spelling star.

  • 2nd grade spelling words (list #16 of 38) PDF Worksheet: 2nd grade Word lists

    2nd grade spelling words (list #16 of 38)

    2nd grade spelling words (list #16 of 38)

    This is our 16th weekly spelling list to help your second grader become a spelling star.

  • 2nd grade spelling words (list #17 of 38) PDF Worksheet: 2nd grade Word lists

    2nd grade spelling words (list #17 of 38)

    2nd grade spelling words (list #17 of 38)

    This is our 17th weekly spelling list to help your second grader become a spelling star.

  • 2nd grade spelling words (list #18 of 38) PDF Worksheet: 2nd grade Word lists

    2nd grade spelling words (list #18 of 38)

    2nd grade spelling words (list #18 of 38)

    This is our 18th weekly spelling list to help your second grader become a spelling star.

  • 1
  • 2
  • 3
  • 4
  • >

Spelling Bee Word List for Grade 2 Students

Spelling Bee word list for grade 2. List of words to be used for any English spelling test in year 2. Monosyllabic and bi-syllabic words. Free and printable.

about, bowl, cave, able, beast, cabin, after, band, claw, awake, brain, clay, around, best, crow, bake, bitter, demand, bear, chase, drop, bark, counting, drums, back, cast, dream, build, cost, draw, birthday, crane, dust, black, climb, door, blow, coin, dine, eleven, gear, heap, fried, great, howl, flight, grip, hunt, fly, grow, house, fight, greet, igloo, fist, glare, jacket, first, girl, jump, fast, greet, kite, friend, glow, kitten, feel, gate, kind, frog, give, lamp, must, next, queen, major, near, quill, mate, night, quit, minor, neat, quilt, mist, over, rag, most, plate, rage, mouse, pray, road, more, paw, rod, mile, plan, run, most, pill, rust, mind, part, rest, meet, plaster, room, mean, pant, raise, rake, surf, will, race, save, watch, rain, stand, wind, row, swear, water, sea, tooth, whale, seven, tear, white, smooth, train, while, soft, treat, wall, sun, tan, win, stem, umbrella, write, steel, which, yawn, spoon, well, zoom, spit, what, zip

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by Mamaroux504

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