Word list for antonyms

English 300 Antonym / Opposite Words List;

300 Antonym Words List in English

300 Antonym Words List in English

300 Antonym Words List in English

1.about – exactly

2.above – below

3.absence – presence

4.abundance – lack

5.accept – refuse

6.active – lazy

7.add – subtract

8.admit – deny

9.adult – child

10.advanced – elementary

11.affirmative – negative

12.afraid – brave

13.after – before

14.against – for

15.alike – different

16.alive – dead

17.all – none

18.allow – forbid

19.angel – devil

20.animal – human

21.annoy – satisfy

22.answer – ask

23.answer – question

24.antonym – synonym

25.ascent – descent

26.ask – answer

27.asleep – awake

28.attack – defend

29.attack – defence

30.attic – cellar

31.autumn – spring

32.awake – asleep

33.awful – nice

34.back – in front of

35.background – foreground

36.backward – forward

37.bad – good

38.bad luck – fortune

39.beauty – ugliness

40.before – after

41.begin – end

42.beginning – end

43.behind – in front of

44.below – above

45.best – worst

46.better – worse

47.beautiful – ugly

48.big – small

49.catch – miss

50.ceiling – floor

51.cellar – attic

52.centre – outskirts

53.certainly – probably

54.changeable – constant

55.cheap – expensive

56.child – adult

57.children – parents

58.clean – dirty

59.clear – cloudy

60.clever – stupid

61.close – open

62.closed – open

63.cloudy – clear

64.cold – hot

65.compliment – insult

66.compulsory – voluntary

67.connect – separate

68.consonant – vowel

69.constant – changeable

70.continue – interrupt

71.cool – warm

72.correct – wrong

73.courage – fear

74.courageous – cowardly

75.cowardly – brave

76.create – destroy

77.cruel – human

78.cry – whisper

79.cry – laugh

80.death – birth

81.deep – shallow

82.defeat – victory

83.defence – attack

84.defend – attack

85.delicious – awful

86.deny – admit

87.depart – arrive

88.departure – arrival

89.descendant – ancestor

90.descent – ascent

91.desperate – hopeful

92.destroy – build

93.destruction – construction

94.devil – angel

95.dictatorship – republic

96.die – live

97.different – alike

98.difficult – easy

99.dirty – clean

100.disease – health

101.distant – near

102.divide – unite

103.division – unity

104.divorce – marry

105.divorce – marriage

106.divorced – married

107.emigrate – immigrate

108.emigration – immigration

109.empty – full

110.end – begin

111.end – beginning

112.ending – beginning

113.enemy – friend

114.enjoy – hate

115.enter – leave

116.entrance – exit

117.equal – different

118.even – odd

119.evening – morning

120.everybody – nobody

121.everything – nothing

122.exactly – approximately

123.excited – calm

124.exciting – boring

125.exclude – include

126.exit – entrance

127.expensive – cheap

128.export – import

129.exposure – shelter

130.extreme – moderate

131.fail – succeed

132.failure – success

133.false – true

134.far – near

135.fast – slow

136.fat – slim

137.fear – courage

138.good – bad

139.grown-up – child

140.hate – enjoy

141.health – disease

142.healthy – ill

143.heat – cold

144.heaven – hell

145.heavy – light

146.hell – heaven

147.here – there

148.high – deep

149.high – low

150.hilly – flat

151.hit – miss

152.hopeful – desperate

153.hopeless – hopeful

154.horizontal – vertical

155.host – guest

156.hot – cold

157.huge – tiny

158.human – animal

159.humane – cruel

160.humid – dry

161.hungry – thirsty

162.husband – wife

163.in front of – back

164.ignore – notice

165.innocent – guilty

166.last – first

167.lie – stand

168.life – death

169.light – dark

170.light – heavy

171.like – hate

172.liquid – solid

173.little – big

174.little – much

175.live – die

176.long – short

177.lose – win

178.loser – winner

179.loud – quiet

180.love – hate

181.lovely – terrible

182.marry – divorce

183.master – servant

184.maximum – minimum

185.mean – generous

186.melt – freeze

187.men – women

188.mend – break

189.mess – order

190.midnight – noon

191.minimum – maximum

192.minor – major

193.miss – hit

194.miss – catch

195.moderate – extreme

196.modern – ancient

197.monarchy – republic

198.moon – sun

199.more – less

200.morning – evening

201.mountain – valley

202.much – little

203.narrow – broad

204.nasty – nice

205.native – foreigner

206.natural – artificial

207.near – distant

208.negative – affirmative

209.nephew – niece

210.noon – midnight

211.none of – al lof

212.normal – strange

213.north – south

214.not yet – already

215.present – past

216.pretty – ugly

217.private – public

218.probably – certainly

219.professional – amateur

220.reply – question

221.republic – dictatorship

222.rest – work

223.rich – poor

224.right – left

225.right – wrong

226.rise – sink

227.rough – gentle

228.rough – smooth

229.rude – polite

230.rural – urban

231.sad – happy

232.strong – weak

233.student – teacher

234.stupid – clever

235.suburb – centre

236.succeed – fail

237.success – failure

238.subtract – add

239.sugar – salt

240.summer – winter

241.sun – moon

242.sunny – cloudy

243.supporter – opponent

244.suspect – trust

245.sweet – bitter

246.synonym – antonym

247.take – give

248.take off – land

249.tall – small

250.teach – learn

251.teacher – pupil

252.then – now

253.terrible – lovely

254.there – here

255.thick – thin

256.thin – thick

257.thirsty – hungry

258.throw – catch

259.tight – loose

260.tiny – giant

261.together – apart

262.tomorrow – yesterday

263.top – bottom

264.total – partial

265.town – village

266.tragedy – comedy

267.true – false

268.trust – suspect

269.ugliness – beauty

270.ugly – beautiful

271.under – over

272.unite – divide

273.unity – division

274.up – down

275.upstairs – downstairs

276.urban – rural

277.useful – useless

278.useless – useful

279.wealth – poverty

280.wealthy – poor

281.wedding – divorce

282.well- ill

283.west – east

284.wet – dry

285.whisper – scream

286.white – black

287.whole – part

288.wide – narrow

289.wife – husband

290.win – lose

291.winner – loser

292.winter – summer

293.work – rest

294.woman – man

295.women – men

296.worse – better

297.worst – best

298.wrong – correct

299.yes – no

300.yesterday – tomorrow

About The Author


Different from synonyms, antonyms are words which have almost opposite meanings. Most words can have one or more antonyms. Each time you learn a new English word, try to find out its antonyms. This is a good way to improve your vocabulary. Following is an antonyms list (or opposites list) from A to Z to help you expand vocabulary.

Table of Contents


Learn antonyms list in English:

List of Antonyms (A-H)

  • Above – Below
  • Absent – Present
  • Achieve – Fail
  • Add – Subtract
  • Afraid – Confident
  • After – Before
  • Amateur – Professional
  • Ancient – Modern
  • Argue – Agree
  • Arrive – Depart
  • Arrogant – Humble
  • Ascend – Descend
  • Attack – Defend
  • Awake – Asleep
  • Bad – Good
  • Beautiful – Ugly
  • Before – After
  • Better – Worse
  • Big – Little
  • Birth – Death
  • Black – White
  • Blunt – Sharp
  • Bold – Timid
  • Brave – Cowardly
  • Brief – Long
  • Bright – Dull
  • Busy – Idle
  • Buy – Sell
  • Cautious – Careless
  • Cheap – Expensive
  • Clean – Dirty
  • Close – Open
  • Cold – Hot
  • Complex – Simple
  • Compliment – Insult
  • Cool – Warm
  • Crazy – Sane
  • Crooked – Straight
  • Cruel – Kind
  • Dark – Light
  • Day – Night
  • Deep – Shallow
  • Decrease – Increase
  • Demand – Supply
  • Destroy – Create
  • Divide – Unite
  • Down – Up
  • Drunk – Sober
  • East – West
  • Easy – Difficult
  • End – Begin
  • Even – Odd
  • Evening – Morning
  • Expand – Contract
  • Fail – Pass
  • False – True
  • Fat – Skinny
  • Fiction – Fact
  • Float – Sink
  • Follow – Lead
  • Foolish – Wise
  • Forgive – Blame
  • Freeze – Boil
  • Full – Empty
  • Generous – Stingy
  • Gentle – Rough
  • Giant – Dwarf
  • Give – Receive
  • Gloomy – Cheerful
  • Grief – Joy
  • Guilty – Innocent
  • Happy – Sad
  • Hard – Soft
  • Heaven – Hell
  • Heavy – Light
  • High – Low
  • Hire – Fire
  • Huge – Tiny
  • Hungry – Full

List of Antonyms (H-P)

  • Idle – Active
  • In – Out
  • Include – Exclude
  • Individual – Group
  • Innocent – Guilty
  • Inside – Outside
  • Joy – Sadness
  • Kind – Cruel
  • Knowledge – Ignorance
  • Last – First
  • Laugh – Cry
  • Less – More
  • Lie – Truth
  • Like – Dislike
  • Likely – Unlikely
  • Liquid – Solid
  • Lonely – Crowded
  • Long – Short
  • Loose – Tight
  • Lost – Found
  • Love – Hate
  • Major – Minor
  • Man – Woman
  • Marvelous – Terrible
  • Mature – Immature
  • Maximum – Minimum
  • Mix – Separate
  • Moist – Dry
  • More – Less
  • Most – Least
  • Move – Stay
  • Near – Far
  • Never – Always
  • New – Old
  • Noisy – Quiet
  • None – All
  • North – South
  • Nothing – Something
  • Now – Then
  • Obvious – Hidden
  • Odd – Even
  • Often – Seldom
  • Old – Young
  • On – Off
  • Optimist – Pessimist
  • Ordinary – Extraordinary
  • Over – Under
  • Pain – Pleasure
  • Panic – Calm
  • Partial – Complete
  • Passive – Active
  • Peace – War
  • Permanent – Unstable
  • Play – Work
  • Plentiful – Sparse
  • Polite – Rude
  • Poor – Rich
  • Positive – Negative
  • Powerful – Weak
  • Praise – Criticism
  • Pride – Modesty
  • Private – Public
  • Problem – Solution
  • Profit – Loss

List of Antonyms (Q-Y)

  • Quality – Inferiority
  • Quick – Slow
  • Raise – Lower
  • Random – Specific
  • Rare – Common
  • Raw – Cooked
  • Regret – Rejoice
  • Remember – Forget
  • Right – Wrong
  • Rigid – Flexible
  • Rise – Sink
  • Rough – Smooth
  • Rude – Polite
  • Same – Different
  • Segregate – Integrate
  • Seldom – Often
  • Sell – Buy
  • Send – Receive
  • Shame – Honor
  • Short – Long
  • Show – Hide
  • Simple – Complicated
  • Single – Married
  • Sour – Sweet
  • Spend – Earn
  • Start – Stop
  • Started – Finished
  • Stay – Leave
  • Stiff – Flexible
  • Stop – Go
  • Strength – Weakness
  • Strong – Weak
  • Student – Teacher
  • Sturdy – Weak
  • Sunny – Cloudy
  • Superb – Inferior
  • Tame – Wild
  • Teach – Learn
  • Temporary – Permanent
  • Thin – Wide
  • Tidy – Messy
  • Timid – Bold
  • Together – Apart
  • Top – Bottom
  • Toward – Away
  • Tragic – Comic
  • Transparent – Opaque
  • Triumph – Defeat
  • True – False
  • Union – Separation
  • Unique – Common
  • Upset – Stabilize
  • Urge – Deter
  • Vacant – Occupied
  • Vague – Definite
  • Vertical – Horizontal
  • Victory – Defeat
  • Villain – Hero
  • Visible – Invisible
  • Wax – Wane
  • Wealth – Poverty
  • Well – Sick
  • Wet – Dry
  • White – Black
  • Wild – Tame
  • Win – Lose
  • With – Without
  • Worthy – Worthless
  • Young – Old

Antonyms List | Infographic

Antonyms | Infographic 1


Antonyms | Infographic 2


February 20, 2018
Antonyms, Vocabulary

Antonym means ” a word that refers the opposite of another word. Here, you can find many examples or antonym words. 

Detailed Antonym Word List

abandon keep
abbreviate increase
able incapable
abundant insufficient
active idle
adequate insufficient
adult child
after before
aggressive passive
always never
apparent hidden
arrive depart
artificial real, authentic
authentic false, artificial
awkward graceful
barren fertile, productive
before after, behind
believe doubt, distrust
beneficial harmful, adverse
birth death, end
brave cowardly, timid
brief long
busy idle, inactive
calm excited
care neglect
cease continue
charming obnoxious
chubby thin, skinny
close open
combine separate
complex simple
comprehend confuse, misinterpret
complex simple
concrete abstract, flimsy
condemn approve
confess deny
conflict agree
conform dissent, dispute
congested empty
conscientious neglectful
consecutive interrupted
considerate thoughtless
contaminate purify
continue discontinue, stop
convenient inconvenient
correct wrong, incorrect
courteous rude
cozy uncomfortable
crazy sane
cry laugh
dangerous safe
dark light
dead alive
deduct add
defy obey, comply
demolish restore
dense sparse
deposit withdraw
despise love
destroy restore
deter encourage
die live
difficult easy
diminish increase
disagree agree
diverse same, similar
docile wild
doubt believe
drastic mild, moderate
dry wet
dull sharp, bright
early late
eccentric normal
encourage discourage
enjoy dislike
enormous tiny
entirely partly
evident doubtful, vague
exceptional ordinary, usual
exhilarated depressed
exquisite revolting
extravagant meager
face avoid
fake real, genuine
fancy simple, plain
fast slow
feasible impossible
ferocious tame, gentle
few many
fill empty
fluid solid
follow precede
former latter
frank evasive
fresh old
frigid warm, hot
full empty
future past
gallant ungentlemanly
gaunt overweight, plump
gentle rough, harsh
give take, receive
gloomy cheery, bright
good bad, awful
gratitude ungratefulness
hard soft, easy
help hinder, thwart
hold release, discharge
hospitable rude, unfriendly
huge small, tiny
humiliate honor, dignify
idle busy
immature mature, adult
impartial prejudiced
imperative unnecessary
impetuous restrained
independent dependent, unsure
ingenious unoriginal, dull
insane sane
intelligent ignorant, dense
internal external, outer
irrelevant relevant
join separate
keep discard
large small
least most
listless active
long short
lure repel
magnify reduce, minimize
maximum minimum, least
mean pleasant, nice
migrant stationary, immovable
minor major
mobile immobile
momentous unimportant
mourn rejoice
naughty good
negligent conscientious
neutral prejudiced
nice unpleasant
numerous few, scanty
oblivious mindful, aware
observe ignore, disregard
obstinate maneuverable, flexible
offend please, delight
open close
optimistic pessimistic
ordinary unusual
outstanding insignificant
passive forceful
patience impatience
perfect imperfect, faulty
perpetual short-lived
plausible unbelievable
pliable rigid
poor rich, wealthy
possible impossible, unachievable
precious cheap, worthless
premature late, delayed
preserve destroy, neglect
prevalent uncommon
probable improbable, doubtful
profit loss
prominent unknown
prosperous unsuccessful, fruitless
push pull
question answer
quit continue, remain
radiant dim
ratify veto, refuse
ravage restore
recreation work, labor
refute agree, concur
regulate decontrol
relevant irrelevant, insignificant
reluctant willing
repulsive pleasing
resist comply, conform
ridiculous sensible, believable
rowdy well-mannered, genteel
sad happy, glad
savage civilized, gentle, tame
scarce plentiful, abundant
seize release, free
serene disturbed, upset
shrewd unthinking, careless
sick well, healthy
sluggish quick, speedy
smooth rough
sorrow joy, ecstasy
spontaneous planned, rehearsed
stationary movable, portable
stop start, begin
strict lenient
stupid knowledgeable, smart
successful failing, unsuccessful
superb inferior, mediocre
surplus lack, deficit
synthetic natural
tangible vague, ambiguous
tender harsh, rough
thaw freeze
thrive fail, fade, shrivel
trivial important, crucial
turmoil quiet, tranquility
upset soothe, calm
vacant filled, occupied
valiant cowardly, fearful
vicious kind
virtuous sinful
wealth poverty
wholehearted insincere
win lose
wonderful ordinary, blah
wrong correct, right
zenith bottom, base

About The Author


Opposite Words in English PDF Download: A word that expresses meaning in opposition to the meaning of a certain word is known as an opposite word. The two words in this instance are referred to as antonyms of one another. Students should acquire as many antonyms and opposite terms as they can because this will help them expand their vocabulary and strengthen their command of the English language. «Opposite words» is an important topic in English Grammar. For competitive exams, in the reading comprehension topic or in the English language section, questions from the Opposite Words in English are common. These terms will be crucial to your academic development as well as the improvement of your reading and writing abilities. However, the list of opposite words in English a to z is provided below. The candidates in search of Antonyms/Opposite Words, frequently want to know about opposite words in English 20, opposite words in English list, words and opposite in English, opposite words in English 100, opposite words in English 10, opposite words in English a to z 200, opposite words in English a to z list, 100 opposite words in English, opposite words in English 20 PDF Download, 100 opposite words in English pdf download, 100 opposite words in English easy, etc., can refer to this article for more info.

Static GK 2023

Opposite Words In English a-z

It is not possible for one individual to study the antonyms of every word in the English lexicon due to the scope of the topic «Opposite Words.» There are many opposite terms that we frequently use in our daily lives, but some of us might not be familiar with all of them. We have listed more than 1000 opposing terms in this post for your reference; browse through them and attempt to understand a few new words with opposing connotations. This article will teach you many of the opposing words used in English grammar, which will undoubtedly improve your vocabulary, especially if you’re getting ready for competitive exams like the Bank Exams, SSC Exams, UPSC, and others where you have to study for the English subject. Candidates aspiring to know all the z opposite words, 1000 opposite words in English, and opposite words in English a-z can read further.

Opposite Words In English a to z PDF Download

Candidates preparing for competitive exams can make use of the opposite words in English a to z PDF Download link provided below. With the help of opposite words in English a to z PDF Download link, aspirants can learn the opposite words easily and also they can download the PDF and take printouts if necessary. Make use of the opposite words in English a to z PDF Download link for effective preparation.

Opposite Words In English a to z PDF Download

Opposite Words In English List: Basic Words Antonyms

Here we have added the list of opposite words in English for the reference of the candidates. Below is a collection of some general and simple opposing words in English. Utilize these antonyms to expand your vocabulary in English. You can read the following general 100 opposite words in English easy here.

Opposite Words In English List: Basic Words Antonyms

Words Antonyms In English
Absent Present












Big Small / Little
Cheap Expensive
Clean Dirty


Deep Shallow


Down Up


Early Late
Easy Difficult / Hard


Far Near / Close


Fast Slow
Fat Thin / Skinny
Full Empty
Good Bad
Happy Sad
Heavy Light


Here There
High Low
Hot Cold
In Out
Inside Outside
Interesting Boring
Light Dark
Long Short
Loud Soft
Many Few


New Old




Rich Poor
Right Left
Right Wrong
Safe Dangerous
Single Married
Smooth Rough
Soft Hard
Strong Weak
Tall Short
Thick Thin
Tight Loose






Warm Cool
Wet Dry
Wide Narrow
Young Old


Yes No

Opposite Words In English a to z List

Here you can find out the opposite words in English in alphabetical order from a to z. 

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘A’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter A tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘A’

  • absent — present
  • abundant — scarce
  • accept — decline, refuse
  • accurate — inaccurate
  • admit — deny
  • advantage — disadvantage
  • against — for
  • agree — disagree
  • alive — dead
  • all — none, nothing
  • ally — enemy
  • always — never
  • ancient — modern
  • answer — question
  • antonym — synonym
  • apart — together
  • appear — disappear, vanish
  • approve — disapprove
  • arrive — depart
  • artificial — natural
  • ascend — descend
  • attic — cellar
  • attractive — repulsive
  • awake — asleep

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘B’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter B tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘B’

  • backward — forward
  • bad — good
  • beautiful — ugly
  • before — after
  • begin — end
  • below — above
  • bent — straight
  • best — worst
  • better — worse, worst
  • big — little, small
  • bitter-sweet
  • black — white
  • blame — praise
  • bless — curse
  • bold — meek, timid
  • borrow — lend
  • bottom — top
  • bound — unbound, free
  • boundless — limited
  • boy — girl
  • brave — cowardly
  • bright — dim, dull
  • brighten — fade
  • broad — narrow
  • build — destroy

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘C’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter C tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘C’

  • calm — windy, troubled
  • can — cannot, can’t
  • capable — incapable
  • captive — free
  • careful — careless
  • cheap — expensive
  • cheerful — sad, discouraged, dreary
  • clear — cloudy, opaque
  • clever — stupid
  • clockwise — counterclockwise
  • close — far, distant
  • closed — ajar, open
  • clumsy — graceful
  • cold — hot
  • combine — separate
  • come — go
  • comfort — discomfort
  • common — rare
  • compulsory — voluntary
  • conceal — reveal
  • contract — expand
  • cool — warm
  • correct — incorrect, wrong
  • courage — cowardice
  • courteous — discourteous, rude
  • create — destroy
  • crooked — straight
  • cruel — kind

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘D’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter D tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘D’

  • dangerous — safe
  • dark — light
  • day — night
  • daytime — nighttime
  • dead — alive
  • decline — accept, increase
  • decrease — increase
  • deep — shallow
  • definite — indefinite
  • demand — supply
  • despair — hope
  • dim — bright
  • disappear — appear
  • discourage — encourage
  • diseased — healthy
  • down — up
  • downwards — upwards
  • dreary — cheerful
  • dry — moist, wet
  • dull — bright, shiny
  • dusk — dawn

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘E’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter E tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘E’

  • early — late
  • east-west
  • easy — hard, difficult
  • empty — full
  • encourage — discourage
  • end — begin, start
  • enter — exit
  • even — odd
  • expand — contract
  • export — import
  • exterior — interior
  • external — internal

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘F’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter F tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘F’

  • fade — brighten
  • fail — succeed
  • false — true
  • famous — unknown
  • far — near
  • fast — slow
  • fat — thin
  • feeble — strong, powerful
  • few — many
  • find — lose
  • first — last
  • float — sink
  • fold — unfold
  • foolish — wise
  • for — against
  • fore — aft
  • forget — remember
  • fortunate — unfortunate
  • found — lost
  • free-bound, captive
  • frequent — seldom
  • fresh — stale
  • friend — enemy
  • full — empty

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘G’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter G tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘G’

  • generous — stingy
  • gentle — rough
  • get — give
  • giant — tiny, small, dwarf
  • girl — boy
  • give — receive, take
  • glad — sad, sorry
  • gloomy — cheerful
  • go — stop
  • good — bad, evil
  • grant — refuse
  • great — tiny, small, unimportant
  • grow — shrink
  • guest — host
  • guilty — innocent

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘H’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter H tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘H’

  • happy — sad
  • hard — easy
  • hard — soft
  • harmful — harmless
  • harsh — mild
  • hate — love
  • haves — have-nots
  • healthy — diseased, ill, sick
  • heaven — hell
  • heavy — light
  • help — hinder
  • here — there
  • hero — coward
  • high — low
  • hill — valley
  • hinder — help
  • honest — dishonest
  • horizontal — vertical
  • hot — cold
  • humble — proud

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘I’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter I tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘I’

  • ill — healthy, well
  • immense — tiny, small
  • important — trivial
  • in — out
  • include — exclude
  • increase — decrease
  • inferior — superior
  • inhale — exhale
  • inner — outer
  • inside — outside
  • intelligent — stupid, unintelligent
  • intentional — accidental
  • interesting — boring
  • interesting — dull, uninteresting
  • interior — exterior
  • internal — external

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘J’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter J tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘J’

  • join — separate
  • junior — senior
  • just — unjust
  • justice — injustice

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘K’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter K tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘K’

  • knowledge — ignorance
  • known — unknown

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘L’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter L tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘L’

  • landlord — tenant
  • large — small
  • last — first
  • laugh — cry
  • lawful — unlawful, illegal
  • lazy — industrious
  • leader-follower
  • left — right
  • lend -borrow
  • lengthen — shorten
  • lenient — strict
  • less — more
  • light — dark, heavy
  • like — dislike, hate
  • likely — unlikely
  • limited — boundless
  • little — big
  • long — short
  • loose — tight
  • lose — find
  • loss — win
  • loud — quiet
  • love — hate
  • low — high
  • loyal — disloyal

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘M’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter M tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘M’

  • mad — happy, sane
  • major — minor
  • many — few
  • mature — immature
  • maximum — minimum
  • melt — freeze
  • merry — sad
  • messy — neat
  • minor — major
  • minority — majority
  • miser — spendthrift
  • misunderstand — understand
  • more — less

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘N’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter N tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘N’

  • nadir — zenith
  • narrow — wide
  • near — far, distant
  • neat — messy, untidy
  • never — always
  • new — old
  • night — day
  • nighttime — daytime
  • no — yes
  • noisy — quiet
  • none — some
  • north-south

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘O’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter O tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘O’

  • obedient — disobedient
  • odd — even
  • offer — refuse
  • old — new
  • old — young
  • on — off
  • open — closed, shut
  • opposite- same, similar
  • optimist — pessimist
  • out — in
  • outer — inner
  • over — under

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘P’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter P tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘P’

  • past — present
  • patient — impatient
  • peace — war
  • permanent — temporary
  • plentiful — scarce
  • plural — singular
  • poetry — prose
  • polite — rude, impolite
  • possible — impossible
  • poverty — wealth, riches
  • powerful — weak
  • pretty — ugly
  • private — public
  • prudent — imprudent
  • pure — impure, contaminated
  • push — pull

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘Q’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter Q tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘Q’

  • qualified — unqualified
  • question — answer
  • quiet — loud, noisy

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘R’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter R tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘R’

  • raise — lower
  • rapid — slow
  • rare — common
  • real — fake
  • regular — irregular
  • rich — poor
  • right — left, wrong
  • right-side-up — upside-down
  • rough — smooth
  • rude — courteous

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘S’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter S tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘S’

  • safe — unsafe
  • same — opposite
  • satisfactory — unsatisfactory
  • scatter — collect
  • second-hand — new
  • secure — insecure
  • separate — join, together
  • serious — trivial
  • shallow — deep
  • shrink — grow
  • sick — healthy, ill
  • simple — complex, hard
  • singular — plural
  • sink — float
  • slim — fat, thick
  • slow — fast
  • sober — drunk
  • soft — hard
  • some — none
  • sorrow — joy
  • sour — sweet
  • sow -reap
  • start — finish
  • stop-go
  • straight — crooked
  • strict — lenient
  • strong — weak
  • success — failure
  • sunny — cloudy
  • sweet — sour
  • synonym — antonym

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘T’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter T tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘T’

  • take — give
  • tall — short
  • tame — wild
  • them — us
  • there — here
  • thick — thin
  • tight — loose, slack
  • tiny — big, huge
  • together — apart
  • top — bottom
  • tough — easy, tender
  • transparent — opaque
  • true — false
  • truth — falsehood, lie, untruth

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘U’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter U tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘U’

  • under — over
  • unfold — fold
  • unknown — known
  • unqualified — qualified
  • unsafe — safe
  • up — down
  • upside-down — right-side-up
  • upstairs — downstairs
  • us — them
  • useful — useless

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘V’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter V tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘V’

  • vacant — occupied
  • vanish — appear
  • vast — tiny
  • victory — defeat
  • virtue — vice
  • visible — invisible
  • voluntary — compulsory

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘W’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter W tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘W’

  • war — peace
  • wax — wane
  • weak — strong
  • wet — dry
  • white — black
  • wide — narrow
  • win-lose
  • wisdom — folly, stupidity
  • within — outside
  • wrong — right

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘X’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter X tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘X’

  • Xenial — Inhospitable
  • Xenophobic — Impartial
  • Xeroxes — Original

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘Y’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter Y tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘Y’

  • yes — no
  • yin — yang
  • young — old

Opposite Words In English Starting With Letter ‘Z’

Aspirants can check the important opposite words in English starting with the letter Z tabulated below.

Opposite Words In English Starting With ‘Z’ / Z opposite words

  • zenith — nadir
  • zip — unzip

Opposite Words In English Exercises

In the English language portion of numerous tests, including SSC (SSC CGL, CHSL, JE, etc.), UPSC (NDA, CDS, etc.), Banking, and more, candidates who are taking government examinations commonly encounter questions relating to antonyms/opposite words. The opposite words that are requested in the vocabulary part are more complex than the straightforward opposite terms mentioned before. A few significant questions from the perspective of competitive exams are presented below for practice using opposite words.

Choose the word opposite in meaning to the given word

Q1. Xenophobic

  1. yang
  2. Impartial
  3. qualified
  4. Original

Ans. (b)

Q2. Optimist

  1. courteous
  2. messy
  3. pessimist
  4. sink

Ans. (c)

Q3. Wisdom

  1. folly
  2. Impartial
  3. always
  4. courteous

Ans. (a)

Q4. Ally

  1. enemy
  2. together
  3. repulsive
  4. support

Ans. (a)

Q5. Scatter

  1. disperse
  2. Inhospitable
  3. even
  4. collect

Ans. (d)

Q6. Bless

  1. blame
  2. praise
  3. curse
  4. enjoy

Ans. (c)

Q7. Cheerful

  1. Happy
  2. dreary
  3. Entertain
  4. optimistic

Ans. (b)

Q8. Hinder 

  1. trouble
  2. help
  3. disturbance
  4. pessimistic

Ans. (b)

Q9. Calm

  1. relax
  2. satisfied
  3. Righteous
  4. Windy

Ans. (d)

Q10. Nefarious

  1. Recuperate
  2. Stupidity
  3. Righteous
  4. Sobriety

Ans. (c)

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FAQs — Opposite Words in the English Language

Q. What are the opposing words in English?

A word that expresses meaning in opposition to the meaning of a certain word is known as an opposite word. The two words in this instance are referred to as antonyms of one another.

Q. What is the opposite word of benefit?

Some of the opposite words of benefit are, disadvantage, hindrance, drawback, impediment, minus, liability, obstacle, etc.,

Q. What are the opposite words of kind?

The opposite words of kind are unkind, inconsiderate, mean, etc.,

Q. What are the opposite words of tall?

The opposite words of tall are short, small, low, etc.,

Q. What are the opposite words of fat?

The opposite words of fat are thin, skinny, etc.,

Synonym definition

A synonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression that has the same meaning as another, or almost the same meaning. Synonyms are other words that mean the same thing. This avoids repetitions in a sentence without changing its meaning.

Antonym definition

An antonym is a word, adjective, verb or expression whose meaning is opposite to that of a word. Antonyms are used to express the opposite of a word.

Use of synonyms and antonyms

Synonyms and antonyms are intended to:

  • — Enrich a text, an email, a message.
  • — Avoid repetitions in a text.

Examples of synonyms

The words acknowledge, enjoy, welcome are synonyms for «appreciate».

Examples of antonyms

The words blockage, encumbrance, handicap are antonyms for «help».

Use of synonyms-thesaurus.com

In your daily life, for writing an email, a text, an essay, if you want to avoid repetitions or find the opposite meaning of a word. This site allows you to find in one place, all the synonyms and antonyms of the English language. Synonyms-thesaurus.com is more than 70,800 synonyms and 47,200 antonyms available.

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