Word list for angry

May 20, 2021
Feeling Words

Feeling Words List For ANGRY

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Pissed Off

We’ve all been there… Или, говоря по-русски, мы все через это проходили. Происходит это редко или часто, но случается с каждым: мы злимся (we get angry) или выходим из себя (lose our temper). И сегодня мы рассмотрим те слова и фразы, которые помогут нам выразить свои отрицательные эмоции на английском. Ведь, согласитесь, этот набор слов очень полезен и пригодится всем.

Что-то выводит вас из себя (makes your blood boil), вы чувствуете нарастающий гнев (mounting anger) или кипите от ярости (seething with rage)? Порой мы бываем излишне эмоциональны (highly emotional), желая тут же ответить резко (give a sharp answer). После этого у нас может быть унылое лицо (a face as long as a fiddle), или мы можем выглядеть как в воду опущенные (look down in the drums). И сразу же приходит осознание, что нервы никуда не годятся (to be a nervous wreck).

Прилагательные о злости в английском языке

На случай, если вас все-таки разозлили, давайте выучим десять основных прилагательных, которые выражают ваши эмоции в эту минуту.

  1. Annoyed (about/at/by/with) – раздражённый.

    Our teacher got annoyed with us for not having prepared our homework. – Наш учитель был раздражен на нас из-за того, что мы не подготовили домашнюю работу.

  2. Disgusted (at/by/with) – чувствующий отвращение.

    We felt disgusted at him after his last scurvy trick. – Мы чувствовали отвращение к нему после его последней подлой выходки.

  3. Frustrated (at/with) – расстроенный.

    I never get frustrated when I get into a traffic jam. – Я никогда не расстраиваюсь, если попадаю в пробку.

  4. Furious (about/at/with) – взбешённый, в ярости.

    She was furious with us for leaving the kids near open fire. – Она была в ярости оттого, что детей оставили возле открытого огня.

  5. Incensed (at/by/with) – разгневанный.

    The mayor was incensed at his subordinates because they hadn’t prepared his speech for press conference. – Мэр был разгневан на своих подчиненных, потому что они не подготовили его речь для пресс-конференции.

  6. Irritated (at/by/with) – раздражённый (по значению сильнее, чем annoyed).

    We all got irritated by our neighbours’ loud party. – Мы все были раздражены из-за громкой вечеринки наших соседей.

  7. Outraged (at/with) – возмущенный чем-то.

    Entrepreneurs were outraged at the latest changes in taxation. – Предприниматели были возмущены последними изменениями в налогообложении.

  8. Pissed off (about/at/with) – раздраженный; тот, кого «достали» (неформальный).

    She was pissed off at his habit to leave socks under the sofa. – Ее «достала» его привычка оставлять носки под диваном.

  9. Resentful (against/at) – обиженный, возмущённый.

    Terry was resentful at his superior for taking credit for his project. – Терри был обижен на своего руководителя за то, что тот присвоил его заслуги в проекте.

Идиомы о злости в английском языке

А теперь давайте узнаем, какие идиоматические выражения можно использовать для проявления гнева.

Idiom Перевод
Like a bear with sore head Очень сердитый, в ярости
To be cheesed off Обозленный, сытый по горло
To be steamed up Кипящий злостью, негодующий
To come down like a ton of bricks Обрушиться/накинуться на кого-то
To go ballistic Прийти в ярость
To go off the deep end Прийти в ярость, потерять контроль над собой
To go postal Взбеситься
To go through the roof Вспылить, прийти в ярость
To jump down someone’s throat Перебить, «заткнуть рот»
To see red Потерять самообладание, разозлиться
To try someone’s patience Испытывать чье-то терпение

After seeing my last report my boss went ballistic. – После того, как начальник увидел мой последний отчет, он пришел в ярость.

I never try my mother’s patience and come home before 11.00 pm. – Я никогда не испытываю терпение мамы и прихожу домой в 11.00 вечера.

He’s been very touchy lately, jumping down my throat every time I express my opinion. – Он очень обидчив в последнее время, не дает мне сказать и слова каждый раз, когда я высказываю свое мнение.

Фразовые глаголы о злости в английском языке

А сейчас давайте посмотрим видео о «злых» фразовых глаголах.

Cause. Причина

  • Get to smb – раздражать, задевать.
  • Wind smb up – задевать.
  • Piss smb off – «доставать», раздражать.
  • Work smb up – «довести», разозлить.
  • Tick smb off – «доставать», «играть на нервах».

Result. Результат, следствие

  • Blow up – выходить из себя, горячиться.
  • Freak out – беситься, сходить с ума.
  • Lash out at smb – наброситься на кого-то.
  • Fly into a rage – выйти из себя, прийти в ярость.
  • Calm down – успокаиваться.
  • Chill out – успокаиваться.

Но каким бы сильным ни был ваш гнев, всегда нужно уметь совладать с собой (to control yourself / not to lose control of yourself) и жить дружно (live in peace and friendship). Ведь недаром говорят, что злость – это идеальная возможность произнести самую пылкую речь в вашей жизни, о которой вы потом пожалеете.

Надеюсь, что наша статья оказалась для вас полезной, и теперь вы готовы проверить свои знания, выполнив небольшой тест.

Если вы нашли ошибку, пожалуйста, выделите фрагмент текста и нажмите Ctrl+Enter.

Upset? Find powerful words to describe anger, as well as penetrating words and phrases for winning an argument. Get the final word with the right words!

  • Angry Adjectives
  • Angry Nouns
  • Angry Verbs
  • Angry Phrases
  1. abusive
  2. adulterous
  3. alcoholic
  4. angry
  5. annoying
  6. argumentative
  7. arrogant
  8. at fault
  9. atrocious
  10. awful
  11. backstabbing
  12. bad
  13. bat-shit crazy
  14. beyond reproach
  15. bitchy
  16. bitter
  17. boring
  18. brainless
  19. calculating
  20. careless
  21. caught
  22. caught red-handed
  23. caught-in-the-act
  24. chauvinistic
  25. cheap
  26. cheating
  27. childish
  28. cold
  29. cold-hearted
  30. common
  31. complicated
  32. confrontational
  33. conniving
  34. contemptible
  35. controlling
  36. corrupt
  37. cowardly
  38. crappy
  39. crazed
  40. crazy
  41. creepy
  42. criminal
  43. cruel
  44. cruel-hearted
  45. crummy
  46. crushing
  47. cursed
  48. deceitful
  49. deceiving
  50. deplorable
  51. depressing
  52. dickish
  53. dimwitted
  54. dirty
  55. disappointing
  56. disgraceful
  57. disgusting
  58. dishonest
  59. distressed
  60. disturbed
  61. disturbing
  62. double-crossing
  1. loose
  2. lost
  3. lousy
  4. low
  5. lowlife
  6. lying
  7. mad
  8. malicious
  9. maniacal
  10. manipulating
  11. manipulative
  12. mean
  13. mental
  14. miserable
  15. mistaken
  16. moody
  17. moronic
  18. narrow-minded
  19. nasty
  20. naughty
  21. nauseating
  22. no-good
  23. obnoxious
  24. offensive
  25. out-of-control
  26. out-of-line
  27. outraged
  28. painful
  29. pathetic
  30. pea-brained
  31. pissed
  32. pissed off
  33. pointless
  34. promiscuous
  35. psycho
  36. pushy
  37. rabid
  38. racist
  39. reckless
  40. reprehensible
  41. repulsive
  42. resentful
  43. ridiculous
  44. rotten
  45. rude
  46. sad
  47. saddened
  48. sadistic
  49. scared
  50. screwed-up
  51. self-absorbed
  52. self-centered
  53. self-consumed
  54. self-entitled
  55. self-inflated
  56. selfish
  57. shady
  58. shallow
  59. shameful
  60. shameless
  61. shitty
  62. sick
  1. dull
  2. dumb
  3. eccentric
  4. egotistical
  5. embarrassing
  6. embittered
  7. emotional
  8. empty
  9. evil
  10. exploiting
  11. fake
  12. false
  13. fat
  14. flawed
  15. foolish
  16. forgetful
  17. freak
  18. freeloading
  19. friendless
  20. fugly
  21. full of rage
  22. furious
  23. gold-digging
  24. gossipy
  25. greedy
  26. gross
  27. grouchy
  28. guilty
  29. halfwitted
  30. harmful
  31. hateful
  32. heartbreaking
  33. heinous
  34. hellish
  35. hideous
  36. horrible
  37. humiliating
  38. hurtful
  39. hurting
  40. idiotic
  41. ignorant
  42. ill-tempered
  43. immature
  44. immoral
  45. impatient
  46. in denial
  47. in the wrong
  48. inadequate
  49. inappropriate
  50. inexcusable
  51. infuriated
  52. insane
  53. insecure
  54. insensitive
  55. insincere
  56. irate
  57. irrational
  58. irresponsible
  59. irritating
  60. jealous
  61. lame
  62. lazy
  1. silly
  2. sleazy
  3. slutty
  4. smelly
  5. smutty
  6. sneaky
  7. sorry
  8. spiteful
  9. spoiled
  10. stealing
  11. stinky
  12. stupid
  13. superficial
  14. swindling
  15. tasteless
  16. terrible
  17. territorial
  18. thick
  19. thieving
  20. thoughtless
  21. ticked off
  22. tiny-dick
  23. trashy
  24. troubled
  25. twisted
  26. two-dimensional
  27. two-faced
  28. ugly
  29. unacceptable
  30. unapologetic
  31. undependable
  32. underhanded
  33. unethical
  34. unfair
  35. unforgiving
  36. ungrateful
  37. unhappy
  38. unjustifiable
  39. unlovable
  40. unreliable
  41. unthoughtful
  42. untrue
  43. untruthful
  44. unworthy
  45. useless
  46. vacuous
  47. vengeful
  48. verbally abusive
  49. vindictive
  50. violent
  51. weak
  52. weird
  53. whiny
  54. white trash
  55. wicked
  56. witless
  57. worthless
  58. wrapped up in yourself
  59. wretched
  60. wrong

  1. abuse
  2. accusation
  3. adultery
  4. anger
  5. anguish
  6. apology
  7. argument
  8. ass
  9. asshole
  10. attention whore
  11. baby
  12. backstabber
  13. bad attitude
  14. bad judgment
  15. bad mood
  16. basket case
  17. bastard
  18. behavior
  19. betrayal
  20. big baby
  21. bitch
  22. bitterness
  23. blame
  24. blunder
  25. bonehead
  26. boner
  27. brat
  28. bullshit
  29. bully
  30. catastrophe
  31. chauvinist
  32. cheater
  33. cocksucker
  34. cold heart
  35. con man
  36. creep
  37. crime
  38. crook
  39. damage
  40. deceit
  41. deception
  42. deserter
  43. deviant
  44. dick
  45. dickhead
  46. dickweed
  47. dipshit
  48. dirtbag
  1. jack-off
  2. jackass
  3. jealousy
  4. jerk
  5. joke of a person
  6. lack of judgement
  7. lack of morality
  8. lack of trust
  9. liar
  10. lies
  11. loser
  12. louse
  13. lowlife
  14. lunatic
  15. man-whore
  16. manipulator
  17. meanie
  18. mental case
  19. misery
  20. misfortune
  21. mistake
  22. monster
  23. moron
  24. mother fucker
  25. nightmare
  26. nitwit
  27. no sense of humor
  28. nut job
  29. outburst
  30. outrage
  31. pain
  32. perv
  33. pervert
  34. phony
  35. physical abuse
  36. piece of shit
  37. pig
  38. poser
  39. prick
  40. problem
  41. promise-breaker
  42. prude
  43. punk
  44. quack
  45. rage
  46. rat
  47. resentment
  48. revenge
  1. disaster
  2. disgrace
  3. disgust
  4. dishonesty
  5. dog
  6. douche
  7. douche bag
  8. dream-crusher
  9. druggie
  10. drunk
  11. dumbass
  12. dummy
  13. ego
  14. enemy
  15. excuse
  16. failure
  17. fake
  18. falseness
  19. fault
  20. feelings
  21. final word
  22. floozy
  23. fool
  24. fraud
  25. freak
  26. freeloader
  27. fruitcake
  28. frustration
  29. fury
  30. gold-digger
  31. good-for-nothing
  32. greed
  33. grouch
  34. grouchiness
  35. guilt
  36. hag
  37. hater
  38. head-case
  39. heartbreak
  40. hissy fit
  41. hurt
  42. hypocrite
  43. idiot
  44. incident
  45. indignation
  46. injury
  47. insincerity
  48. insult
  1. schmuck
  2. screw-up
  3. scumbag
  4. scumbucket
  5. secrets
  6. selfishness
  7. sham
  8. shame
  9. shell of a person
  10. simpleton
  11. skank
  12. sleazeball
  13. slimeball
  14. snake
  15. snake-in-the-grass
  16. son-of-a-bitch
  17. sorrow
  18. sorry excuse
  19. spoiled brat
  20. stupidity
  21. swindler
  22. swine
  23. tantrum
  24. tard
  25. tart
  26. temper
  27. temper tantrum
  28. terrorist
  29. theft
  30. thief
  31. tool
  32. total joke
  33. traitor
  34. tramp
  35. troublemaker
  36. untruth
  37. vengeance
  38. verbal abuse
  39. villain
  40. violence
  41. wandering eye
  42. wanker
  43. waste of a person
  44. weasel
  45. whore
  46. witch
  47. wrongdoing

  1. abuse
  2. abuse trust
  3. act
  4. act childish
  5. act out
  6. act selfish
  7. anger
  8. antagonize
  9. apologize
  10. argue
  11. ask forgiveness
  12. backstab
  13. bash
  14. be deceitful
  15. be disturbed
  16. be greedy
  17. be in the wrong
  18. be wrong
  19. beg
  20. beg forgiveness
  21. behave
  22. bemoan
  23. betray
  24. bicker
  25. bitch
  26. blame
  27. blow up
  28. break
  29. break a promise
  30. break trust
  31. break up
  32. bug the shit out of
  33. bully
  34. call out
  35. care
  36. catch in the act
  37. cause
  38. cause pain
  39. cause unhappiness
  40. cheat
  1. get mad
  2. get off my chest
  3. get pissed off
  4. get revenge
  5. go into a rage
  6. gossip
  7. harm
  8. hate
  9. humiliate
  10. hurt
  11. hurt my heart
  12. hurt people
  13. injure
  14. insult
  15. lash out
  16. leave
  17. leave you
  18. let down
  19. lie
  20. loath
  21. lose control
  22. lose me
  23. lose my respect
  24. lose trust in
  25. love
  26. make a mistake
  27. make cry
  28. make fun of
  29. make to feel bad
  30. make you pay
  31. manipulate
  32. mend
  33. mess up
  34. mistreat
  35. offend
  36. piss off
  37. pity
  38. press my buttons
  39. provoke
  40. punish
  1. commit adultery
  2. con
  3. control
  4. control anger
  5. create problems
  6. criticize
  7. crush
  8. cry
  9. cry over
  10. curse your name
  11. damage
  12. deceive
  13. deplore
  14. deserve
  15. despair
  16. destroy
  17. disagree
  18. disappoint
  19. disgrace
  20. distress
  21. distrust
  22. do wrong to
  23. double-cross
  24. dump on
  25. dupe
  26. embarrass
  27. embarrass yourself
  28. embitter
  29. exploit
  30. fabricate
  31. fail
  32. falsify
  33. feel
  34. feel like shit
  35. fight
  36. find fault
  37. fuck up
  38. get a life
  39. get carried away
  40. get even
  1. regret
  2. resent
  3. right a wrong
  4. rip off
  5. rob
  6. ruin
  7. ruin your reputation
  8. say I’m sorry
  9. say sorry
  10. scam
  11. scar
  12. see red
  13. shaft
  14. shit on
  15. snap at
  16. steal
  17. stray
  18. strike
  19. suck
  20. suffer
  21. swindle
  22. take a hand to
  23. take responsibility
  24. take responsibility for
  25. tell a lie
  26. tell the truth
  27. thieve
  28. treat badly
  29. treat better
  30. trick
  31. upset
  32. vex
  33. violate
  34. watch you cry
  35. whine
  36. wound
  37. wrong
  38. yell

  1. a heart full of lies and deceit
  2. a liar and a cheat
  3. calling you stupid would be an insult to stupid people
  4. every girl has the right to be [], but you abused the privilege
  5. everything about you is a lie
  6. I bet your brain feels as good as new, seeing that you’ve never used it
  7. I can’t believe you did this to me
  1. someone ought to punch you right between the eyes
  2. the lowest of the low
  3. the worst kind of person
  4. you are nothing but a common []
  5. you are so [], it’s painful to be around you
  6. you are the meanest [] I have ever met
  7. you are totally consumed with jealousy/yourself/money
  1. I regret the day I ever met you
  2. I’ll make you regret this
  3. I’ll make your life a living hell
  4. I’ll never forget the first time we met — although I’ll keep trying
  5. no one takes you seriously
  6. people like you deserve []
  7. shove it where the sun don’t shine
  1. you can kiss [] goodbye
  2. you hurt everyone who loves you
  3. you no good []
  4. you only think about yourself, every day, all the time
  5. you only think of yourself
  6. you suck!
  7. your total lack of [] hurts my heart

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like «longing for a time in the past», then the engine will return «nostalgia». The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it’s starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a «search engine for words», or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren’t included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn’t notice, you can click on words in the search results and you’ll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

What is another word for Angry?

  • furious

    manner, state

  • irate

    furious, manner

  • indignant

    furious, feeling

  • mad

    furious, manner

  • wrathful

    furious, manner

  • sore

    inflamed, feeling

  • enraged

    participle, furious

  • irritated

    feeling, unhappy

  • annoyed

    irritated, unhappy

  • raging

    manner, state

  • cross

    behaviour, irate

  • incensed

    state, being mad

  • infuriated

    hot, angered

  • ireful

    being mad

  • choleric

    irascible, feelings

  • resentful

    feeling, vicious

  • vexed

    irritated, unhappy

  • irascible

    cranky, being mad

  • inflamed

    being mad

  • outraged

    being mad

  • angered

    burned up

  • displeased

    unhappy, irate

  • fuming


  • wild


  • wroth


  • livid


  • tempestuous


  • hot


  • irritable

    feeling, cranky

  • irked


  • sullen

  • heated

  • bitter


  • stormy


  • exasperated


  • riled


  • ill-tempered


  • acrimonious

    vicious, bad-tempered

  • piqued


  • provoked

Use filters to view other words, we have 1172 synonyms for angry.

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Angry Thesaurus

Definitions of Angry

Angry Antonyms

Nearby Words

anger, angrily

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Photo search results for Angry

Man Wearing Brown Suit Jacket Mocking on White Telephone Man Wearing White Dress Shirt With Black Necktie Toddler With Red Adidas Sweat Shirt Man And Woman Wearing Brown Leather Jackets Human Fist Man in White Shirt Using Macbook Pro

Image search results for Angry

lion, teeth, roar angry, upset, pout suit, business man, business smiley, emoticon, anger wave, transparent, turquoise cat, angry, unhappy

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Synonyms for Angry. (2016). Retrieved 2023, April 12, from https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/angry

Synonyms for Angry. N.p., 2016. Web. 12 Apr. 2023. <https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/angry>.

Synonyms for Angry. 2016. Accessed April 12, 2023. https://thesaurus.plus/synonyms/angry.

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