Word list food and drink

Еда на английском языке

Начинающим изучение английского языка необходимо не только разбираться в грамматических тонкостях, но и постоянно пополнять свой запас лексики. Делать это намного проще, когда слова не разбросаны по разным категориям, а сгруппированы в тематические блоки. Сегодня мы познакомимся с большим объемом активной лексики, с помощью которой обозначаются напитки и еда на английском языке. Тема, несомненно, крайне важная, потому что учеба учебой, а обед всегда должен по расписанию! Узнаем, как выразить процессы приема пищи, научимся обозначать названия блюд и употреблять общие фразы при походах в кафе и ресторанах


  • Лексика по теме: Еда и напитки (Food and drinks) — Названия продуктов и напитков
  • Еда на английском языке при выражении времени суток
  • Ситуации в кафе и ресторане
  • Упражнения на тему еда и напитки на английском языке
  • Results
    • Другие похожие статьи:
    • Другие похожие статьи:
    • #1. Что изображено на картинке
    • #2. Обычно продают десятками, но здесь в единственном числе
    • #3. Апельсины на английском языке
    • #4. Как будет по английски «МЯСО»
    • #5. Многие любят это есть на завтрак
    • #6. «Яблоки» по-английски, как сказать
    • #7. Ох, эти колбаски любят очень многие, хотя и говорят, что вредно
    • #8. Как будет по английски «ГРУШИ»
    • #9. Вам чашечку черного или зеленого? Про какой напиток?
    • #10. Как по-английски «ПОМИДОРЫ»
    • #11. Это любят сластены и варят дачники
    • #12. Хрустящий поджаренный хлеб
    • #13. Он может быть пшеничным или ржаным
    • #14. Их кушают на десерт — это печеньки
    • #15. Это основа рациона вегетарианцев
    • #16. Его любят не только мышки, основа рациона некоторых диет
    • #17. Сухое, красное, игристое и так далее 18+
    • #18. Спасает нас в жару стаканчик вкусного десерта

Лексика по теме: Еда и напитки (Food and drinks) — Названия продуктов и напитков

Прежде, чем учиться составлять целые предложения, необходимо накопить в своем словаре как можно больше наименований еды. В таблицах, данных ниже, собраны основные виды обозначений продуктов на английском языке с переводом. Данные выражения пригодятся в речи для того, чтобы обозначить свои любимые и нелюбимые блюда, или вести простой диалог с официантом.

Фрукты/овощи vegetables/fruit


  • banana [bəˈnɑːnə] – банан;
  • kiwi [ˈkiːwiː] – киви;
  • pear [pɛə] – груша;
  • apple [æpl] – яблоко;
  • cherry [ˈʧerɪ] – вишня;
  • strawberry [ˈstrɔːbərɪ] – клубника;
  • grapes [greɪps] – виноград;
  • orange [ˈɔrɪnʤ] – апельсин;
  • plum  [plʌm] – слива;
  • lemon [ˈlemən] – лимон;
  • pineapple [ˈpaɪnæpl] – ананас;
  • watermelon [ˈwɔːtəmelən] – арбуз;
  • melon [ˈmelən] – дыня;

  • carrot [ˈkærət] – морковь;
  • potato [pəˈteɪtəʊ] — картошка;
  • tomato [təˈmɑːtəʊ] – помидор;
  • cucumber [ˈkjuːkʌmbə] – огурец;
  • onion [ˈʌnjən] – лук;
  • pepper [ˈpepə] – перец;
  • beet [biːt] – свёкла;
  • radish [ˈrædɪʃ] – редиска;
  • cabbage [ˈkæbɪʤ] – капуста;
  • corn [kɔːn] – кукуруза;
  • green pea [griːn piː] – зеленый горох;
  • mushroom  [ˈmʌʃrʊm] – грибы;

Мясо/птица/рыба — meat/poultry/fish:


  • lamb – баранина;
  • beef – говядина;
  • rabbit – кролик;
  • liver – печень;
  • pork – свинина;
  • veal – телятина;
  • tongue – язык;
  • ham – ветчина;


  • turkey – индейка;
  • chicken – курица;
  • duck – утка;
  • goose – гусь;
  • hazel grouse – рябчик;

  • salmon – семга;
  • shrimps – креветки;
  • crab – краб;
  • herring – сельдь;
  • trout – форель;
  • plaice – камбала;
  • eel – угорь;
  • bream – лещ;
  • sturgeon – осетр;
  • cod – треска;
  • sardines – сардины;

Напитки — drinks:


  • milk – молоко;
  • water – вода;
  • juice – сок;
  • milkshake – молочный коктейль;
  • yogurt – йогурт;
  • lemonade – лимонад;
  • mineral water – минеральная вода;
  • soda – газировка;


  • tea – чай;
  • coffee – кофе;
  • cocoa – какао;
  • hot chocolate – горячий шоколад;

  • whiskey – виски;
  • cognac – коньяк;
  • wine – вино;
  • beer – пиво;
  • brandy – бренди;
  • champagne – шампанское;
  • rum – ром;
  • cocktail – коктейль;

Список слов о еде был бы неполным, без указания злаковых культур и приправ. Устраним эти пробелы.

Зерновые — cereals:

Специи — condiments


  • bread – хлеб;
  • grain – зерно;
  • wheat – пшеница;
  • flour – мука;
  • bun – булка;


  • semolina – манка;
  • buckwheat – гречка;
  • rice – рис;
  • oats – овес;
  • pearl barley – перловка;

  • salt – соль;
  • sugar – сахар;
  • vinegar – уксус;
  • cinnamon – корица;
  • horseradish – хрен;


  • sauce – соус;
  • mayonnaise – майонез;
  • mustard – горчица;
  • ketchup – кетчуп;
  • sour cream – сметана;

Конечно же, при общении на тему питания невозможно обойтись без соответствующих глаголов и прилагательных. Приведем самые распространенные примеры.

Глаголы Прилагательные/Причастия
  • cook – готовить;
  • bake – запекать;
  • steam – приготовить на пару;
  • help oneself to – положить себе (в тарелку)
  • pass – передать (блюдо)
  • eat – кушать;
  • grate – натереть;
  • cut – порезать;
  • spread – намазывать;
  • stir – мешать;
  • poach – варить;
  • add – добавить;
  • boil – кипятить;
  • drink – пить;
  • feed on – питаться;
  • taste – пробовать вкус;
  • fry, roast – жарить;
  • stew – тушить;
  • thirsty – мучаемый жаждой;
  • underdone – недожаренный;
  • tough – жесткий;
  • canned – консервированный;
  • fatty – жирный;
  • bitter – горький;
  • salty – соленый;
  • hungry – голодный;
  • stuffed – фаршированный;
  • lean – постный;
  • sour – кислый;
  • delicious – очень вкусный;
  • nourishing – питательный;
  • raw – сырой;
  • tender – нежный, мягкий;
  • spicy – острый;
  • tasteless – безвкусный;
  • sweet – сладкий;

Вся лексика не может поместиться в одном учебном материале, да это было и не правильно, ведь невозможно за раз изучить сотни слов. Мы постарались дать небольшие, но часто используемые в языке тематические блоки. Далее рассмотрим несколько будничных ситуаций, так или иначе связанных с питанием.

Еда на английском языке при выражении времени суток

Чаще всего, в разговорах возникают моменты, связанные с регулярными приемами пищи. То есть, мы хотим рассказать собеседнику о том, что мы ели на завтрак, обед или ужин. Для того, чтобы построить подобный диалог необходимо выучить обозначение этих процессов. Рассмотрим их с помощью таблицы и заодно приведем примеры популярных блюд.

Традиционное питание
Распорядок дня Сопутствующие слова Английская еда
Breakfast – завтрак.

Редко используется brunch – поздний завтрак.

have breakfast – завтракать;

at breakfast – во время завтрака;

for breakfast – на завтрак;

bacon and eggs – яичница с беконом;

toasts with jam – тосты с джемом;

porridge – каша;

sandwiches – сэндвичи;

pancakes – блины;

corn-flakes – кукурузные хлопья;

Dinner/Lunch – обед

(ланч обозначает перерыв на обед в течение рабочего дня).

have dinner/have lunch – обедать;

at dinner – в обед;

for dinner – на обед;

beefsteak – бифштекс;

chicken soup – куриный суп;

roast beef – ростбиф;

Caesar’s salad – салат «Цезарь»;

cutlet – котлета;

mashed potatoes – картофельное пюре;

Supper — ужин have supper – ужинать;

at supper – во время ужина;

for supper – на ужин;

pizza – пицца;

fried fish – жареная рыба;

chicken – курица;

lasagna – лазанья;

pilaf – плов;

potatoes with vegetables – картофель с овощами;

Как видно из примеров блюд, традиционная британская кухня довольно сильно перемешалась с американской и европейской. Хорошо это или плохо, оставим решать истинным англичанам, а для нас же такое упрощение очень кстати, т.к. всегда можно найти в меню знакомые названия. Кстати, рассмотрим, как следует себя вести в заведениях общепита.

Ситуации в кафе и ресторане

Особый интерес для путешественника, да и для тех, кто переедет в англоязычные страны на ПМЖ, вызывает посещение ресторанов и кафе. Какие выражения следует употреблять, чтобы не ударить в грязь лицом? Разберем основные слова по теме «посещение ресторана» и посмотрим, как можно составить диалог с официантом.

В кафе и ресторане
Столовые приборы Блюда Фразы для диалога
plate — тарелка

napkin – салфетка;

knife – нож;

spoon – ложка;

saucer – блюдце;

glass – стакан;

corkscrew – штопор;

decanter – графин;

cup – чашка;

fork – вилка;

salad servers – приборы для салата;

tea spoon – чайная ложка;

goblet – бокал;

sauce boat – прибор для соуса;

tray – поднос;

dessert plate – десертная тарелка;

side dishes – гарниры;

tuna salad – салат из тунца;

vegetable soup – овощной суп;

beef filet – говяжий рулет;

lamb chops – бараньи отбивные;

grilled fish – рыба на гриле;

lobster – омар;

baked chicken – запеченный цыпленок;

apple pie – яблочный пирог;

ice-cream – мороженое;

cheesecake – чизкейк;

We would like to book a table for tonight – Мы хотели бы заказать столик на сегодняшний вечер;

Can you get the waiter? – Не могли бы вы позвать официанта?

We would like a menu, please – Дайте нам, пожалуйста, меню.

I am ready to order – Я готов сделать заказ.

Could you bring me…, please? – Не могли бы вы принести мне…, пожалуйста?

We’ll have two rice with vegetables and a Greek salad, please – Нам, пожалуйста, два риса с овощами и греческий салат.

A glass of (water, juice, red/white wine and etc.), please – Бокал (воды, сока, красного/белого вина), пожалуйста.

Can you get me another (coffee, tea, pizza, salad and etc.) and the check, please? – Не могли бы вы принести мне еще один (кофе, чай, салат, пиццу и т.п. )и счет, пожалуйста.

Waiter, can we have the bill, please? – Официант, можно нам пожалуйста, счет?

На сегодняшнем занятии мы хорошо поработали! Узнали, как обозначается еда на английском языке, какие блюда популярны у англичан и даже немного захватили тему о посещении кафе и ресторанов. Не теряйте своей целеустремленности и усердия, и вам обязательно удастся освоить иностранный язык в совершенстве!

Упражнения на тему еда и напитки на английском языке


Банан по-английски - a banana

#1. Что изображено на картинке



a banana

a banana









Банан по-английски — a banana


Яйцо по-английски - an egg

#2. Обычно продают десятками, но здесь в единственном числе

a cake

a cake



an egg

an egg







Яйцо по-английски — an egg


Апельсины на английском языке - oranges

#3. Апельсины на английском языке













Апельсины на английском языке — oranges


Мясо по-английски - meat [miːt]

#4. Как будет по английски «МЯСО»











a cake

a cake

Мясо по-английски — meat [miːt]


Бекон и яичница по-английски - bacon and eggs

#5. Многие любят это есть на завтрак







bacon and eggs

bacon and eggs





Бекон и яичница по-английски — bacon and eggs


"Яблоки" по-английски - apples

#6. «Яблоки» по-английски, как сказать













«Яблоки» по-английски — apples


Сосиски по-английски - sausages

#7. Ох, эти колбаски любят очень многие, хотя и говорят, что вредно



bacon and eggs

bacon and eggs







an ice-cream

an ice-cream

Сосиски по-английски — sausages


Груши по-английски - pears

#8. Как будет по английски «ГРУШИ»













Груши по-английски — pears


Чашку чая по-английски - a cup of tea

#9. Вам чашечку черного или зеленого? Про какой напиток?



an ice-cream

an ice-cream



a cup of tea

a cup of tea





Чашечку черного или зеленого, это про чай — a cup of tea


Помидоры по-английски - tomatoes

#10. Как по-английски «ПОМИДОРЫ»











a cup of coffee

a cup of coffee

Помидоры по-английски — tomatoes


Варенье или джем по-английски - jam

#11. Это любят сластены и варят дачники







an ice-cream

an ice-cream

a cup of coffee

a cup of coffee



Варенье или джем по-английски — jam


Поджаренный хлеб - toast

#12. Хрустящий поджаренный хлеб



bacon and eggs

bacon and eggs







an ice-cream

an ice-cream

Поджаренный хлеб — toast


Хлеб по-английски - bread

#13. Он может быть пшеничным или ржаным







bacon and eggs

bacon and eggs





Пшеничным или ржаным пекут хлеб, а он по-английски — bread


Бисквит, печенье по-английски - biscuits

#14. Их кушают на десерт — это печеньки

a cake

a cake





a cup of coffee

a cup of coffee





Бисквит, печенье по-английски — biscuits


По-английски овощи - vegetables

#15. Это основа рациона вегетарианцев

a banana

a banana











Вегетарианцы питаются овощами, по-английски овощи — vegetables


Сыр по-английски - cheese

#16. Его любят не только мышки, основа рациона некоторых диет













Сыр по-английски — cheese


Вино по-английски будет - wine

#17. Сухое, красное, игристое и так далее 18+



a cup of tea

a cup of tea







a cup of coffee

a cup of coffee

Вино по-английски будет — wine


Мороженое по-английски - an ice-cream

#18. Спасает нас в жару стаканчик вкусного десерта

a banana

a banana



a cup of tea

a cup of tea

an ice-cream

an ice-cream

a cup of coffee

a cup of coffee



Спасает в жару стаканчик вкусного мороженого — an ice-cream


Больше английских карточек о еде

Если понравился тест, то найти еще больше карточек на изучение слов на тему еда можно перейдя по ссылке!

И вот еще карточки — английские слова на тему кухня!

Советуем также изучить полезный материал про 1000 слов на английском, которые нужно знать, он обязательно пригодится при изучении лексики на английском языке.


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Food and Drinks Vocabulary: Food in a topic of conversation can come up any time with any group of people, especially if you are in an English-speaking country. A food vocabulary list should always be handy to try out different cuisines of different places and more. Stay with us to know more about food and its interesting facts.

We have kept your comfort in mind and inform you about food and types of food names. To help you never miss any experience with the food, we have a list of types of food and drinks vocabulary you will have to know to spend time outside.

List of Types of Food and Drinks Vocabulary Words in English

  • Names of Types of Food and Drinks Vocabulary words
  • Description of Types of Food and Drinks Vocabulary words.

Names of Types of Food and Drinks Vocabulary Words

Many food and drinks names are available in the English language, which may differ from place to place. In addition, the foods and drinks vocabulary is filled with various types based on availability, location, color, and more.

Knowing the names of all food types is not possible; this article will assist you in knowing about foods and drinks and help you have a great time with food-type cuisines.

List of Foods and Drinks

  • Meat, poultry, and seafood
    • Beef
    • Lamb
    • Pork
    • Kangaroo
    • Eggs
    • Chicken
    • Lobster
    • Fish
    • Turkey
    • Duck
    • Fast food
    • Burger
    • Pizza
    • Onion fries
    • French fries
    • Fried chicken
    • Taco
    • Noodles
    • Muffin
    • Hot dog
    • Nuggets
    • Sausage
    • Burrito
    • Ice cream
  • Fruits
    • Apple
    • Orange
    • Banana
    • Guava
    • Grapes
    • Mango
    • Cherries
    • Kiwi
    • Jackfruit
    • Avocado
    • Papaya
    • Pomegranate
    • Coconut
  • Vegetables
    • Potato
    • Sweet potato
    • Asparagus
    • Peas
    • Cabbage
    • Corn
    • Tomato
    • Eggplant
    • Onion
    • Pumpkin
    • Broccoli
    • Chilli
    • Beans
    • Zucchini
    • Mushroom
    • Carrot
    • Cucumber
  • Herbs and spices
    • Thyme
    • Fennel
    • Spring onion
    • Chives
    • Garlic
    • Ginger
    • Clove
    • Turmeric
    • Spinach
    • Cinamon
    • Olive
  • Bread
    • Hotdog
    • Roll
    • Breadstick
    • Donut
    • White bread
    • Wheat bread
    • Bagel
    • Breakfast food
    • Oats
    • Omelet
    • Sandwich
    • Waffle
    • Porridge
    • Pancake
    • Toast
    • Dosa
    • Berries
    • Sausage
    • Juice
  • Lunch food
    • Rice
    • Tortilla
    • Smoked salmon
    • Pastry
    • Gravy
    • Spaghetti
    • Yogurt
    • Pudding
  • Dinner food
    • Pizza
    • Ham
    • Burger
    • Burrito
    • Kebab
    • Pasta
    • Salad
  • Drinks
    • Wine
    • Coffee
    • Tea
    • Orange juice
    • Mango juice
    • Beer
    • Milkshake
    • Smoothie
    • Lemonade
    • Milk
    • Juice
    • Water

Food and Drinks Vocabulary

Description of Types of Food and Drinks Vocabulary Words

Meat, poultry, and seafood


Beef is the meat obtained from cows and steers. Generally, the meat of a small cow is called veal. It is because they can be eaten fresh without storing for a long time.


Lamb meat is the meat of a young sheep. Young sheep meat is called a lamb, and the big one’s button. Lamb is common in most parts of the world, mostly in Asian countries.


Pork is a slice of meat from domestic pigs. They are high in protein and mineral content. It can be used for sausage, ham, and more, and there are multiple ways to extend its storage capacity.


Kangaroo meat is most popular in Australian areas and is exported over half the world po[pulation. The Australian indigenous population primarily consumed this meat, which later became popular for its high protein value.


Eggs are laid by female poultry animals or birds. There are various edible and popular eggs, like chicken, quail, duck, turkey, goose, ostrich, and more. Preparation of egg includes soft boiled, boiled, scrambled, and fried.


Chicken is the most widely available form of meat around the world. It is highly nutritious and contributes to muscle growth. A male is called a rooster, while a woman is called a hen. We can preserve this meat in different forms and recipes.


Lobster is a marine animal that usually lives in sea caves and is highly expensive to afford for the mass even if widely available. Therefore, lobsters are mostly consumed fresh to maintain quality and standard.


There is a variety of species of fish that are consumed in almost all parts of the world. Fish is important in the diet as a source of protein and is gradually overtaking the consumption rate of any other source of meat. Some examples are salmon, tuna, pony, oyster.


Turkey is typically the meat of turkey, and it can be domesticated or wild type. Turkey is a symbol of joy as consumed mostly during thanksgiving, Christmas, and the new year. It can be cooked as a slice of whole meat or by cutting into pieces like a chicken.


Duck meat is available from both freshwater and saltwater ducks. Duck is a tender and delicacy of cuisine high in fat content, protein, and iron. However, the meat is expensive for the harvesting cost of the animal.

Food and Drinks Vocabulary List

Fast food


A burger is made with a patty of meat with or without veggies and additional items like cheese, lettuce, mayo, and more. It has added variations and gradually became a fast food.


It is an Italian-origin dish consisting of a flat bun with toppings of meat, tomatoes, onions, crisps, and a base of cheese and ketchup or more. Pizza gradually came up with different varieties and became popular.

Onion fries

Onion fries are a popular snack where onions cut into rings are shallow or deep-fried. They can be coated with flour, and seasonings according to taste have become popular as a side dish to munch.

French fries

French fries are simply slim-cut perfect potato strips deep-fried in oil. Occasionally it is coated with some batter or seasonings and is served with ketchup or different dips like cheese, mayo, tandoori.

Fried chicken

Fried chicken is chicken with or without bones coated with butter and flour or flakes and fried. It can be air-fried, deep-fried, shallow fried, or even pan-fried. It specializes in retaining the juiciness of the chicken with a crisp crust.


Taco is a dish of folded tortillas with veggies, meat, and other additionals inside. It can be altered with bread at times and is fulfilling enough as a snack.


Noodles are made with fresh ingredients like wheat, flour, and we can mix even rice with egg. It is a type of pasta but has long, thin strips cooked after boiling or frying. It has a variety of cooking processes and can be added with many ingredients.


Muffin is a raised flatbread, a baked product. Here the flour is mixed with other things like vanilla chocolate and essence and makes in a cupcake shape. Muffins of different types are popular throughout the world.

Hot dog

It is a flat pluff opened bread stuffed with seasoned sausage and sauces or cheese, even at times added veggies according to choice.


Nugget is a small chunk of meat, especially chicken boneless. It can be stuffed with cheese, coated with crisps and seasonings, and deep or shallow fried.


Made from ground meat, pork, beef and added with salt and seasonings. Sausage is not freshly made instant meat but processed and stored for a long time.


Burrito is a meal of tortilla wrapped completely with ingredients of your choice, curry, chicken, and other vegetables.

Ice cream

Ice cream is a sweet frozen dessert stored and iced. It is a dairy product added with sweetener and flavors very popular with children.

Food and Drinks Vocabulary Worksheet



Apple is a fruit cultivated worldwide, mostly Asian, red but can be of green color. It is sliced and eaten without the seeds.


Orange is a sweet citrus fruit, has protein, and can be very helpful for the skin. We can use it with the main dishes also.


Banana is a nutritious fruit that helps in digestion, weight loss, and moderating sugar levels. It is an elongated fruit yellow in color.


Guava is tropical fruit low in calories and full of antioxidants. We can eat it by mixing salt and pepper as a snack also.


Grape is a form of berry produced in vineyards. Grapes are mostly eaten as raw fruit or are widely processed as jam or jelly. A variety of wines are produced from these.


Mango is an egg-shaped yellow fruit when ripe available during summers and are of different types. It is believed to originate in the Asian parts of India and Bangladesh. Mango is very sweet and called the king of fruit in India


Cherry is a pack of small red fruits very rich in nutrients and antioxidants. Cherry can be used for garnishing in bakery-cafes.


Kiwi is a fruit with a tart flavor and unique texture. Kiwi amazingly goes well with your breakfast and prevents many diseases.


Jackfruit is believed to originate in India. A single jack fruit contains many units which are single celled. It is sweet but has a strong smell.


Avocado is a large berry fruit that contains a single large cell inside. Therefore, avocado is an expensive fruit for being produced in small quantities.


Papaya as fruit is believed to have originated from Central America. It is a soft fleshy orange fruit that we can use for various culinary activities except for raw consumption.

Food and Drinks Vocabulary PDF


Pomegranate is a small fruit red in color. It has seeds inside it and is rich in nutrients like potassium.


Coconut is mainly grown in tropical areas. Coconut water can be drink, or the inside can be eaten fresh or dried. Coconut milk is also extracted and is a new vegan option for milk.



Potato is a type of root vegetable and a very good source of fiber which helps in keeping us full. Therefore, potato is used in almost every staple food and also varieties of fast food.

Sweet potato

Sweet potato is a root vegetable-like potato but with a red exterior and fiber-like texture. It almost has the same benefits as potato


Asparagus is a grass-structured flowering plant, green in color. It is normally baked or air-fried with salt or other seasonings.


Pea is a small round shape seed containing inside a pod. It is grown in winter and is also available throughout the year as packed frozen vegetables.


Cabbage is a green, rarely red leafy vegetable very densely covered with leaf throughout. It is generally eaten in a curry or with subs.


Corn is a cereal grain and can be eaten in various ways. For example, baby corn, full-grown corn, sweet corn can be eaten with veggies boiling or as toppings.


Tomato is a cherry shaped slightly bigger in size vegetable. They are used in salads or vegetables to add and enhance flavor.


Eggplant often called a fruit, is eaten as a vegetable. It is mostly purple, has a spongy texture,e and is used in several cuisines.


Onion is a bulb-shaped vegetable used in salads. Onions can also be cooked for different delicacies, fried, and to add flavor.


Pumpkin is a smooth round yellow or orange-colored vegetable used popularly around Asia. Pumpkin seeds are equally very nutritious but also sell for a high price.


It is an edible plant that looks like a miniature tree and comes under the cabbage family. It can be eaten by stir fry, roasted, or in a salad.


Chilli is used to eat inside dishes and adds flavor to cooking while cooking. However, chilies are very hot and may not suit every taste bud; chili pepper can be an alternative.


Beans are a form of flowering plant which is used for consumption in many ways. For example, it can be boiled, fried, baked for added in curries.

Food and Drinks Vocabulary Exercises


Zucchini is a form of baby marrow harvested from immature seeds. This food type is very soft and delicate, and we can use it in salads or other veggies.


Mushroom is a fungus waste food that is fleshy and spongy. It is grown above the ground and can be used with curries as toppings in pizza or bun.


Carrot is a root vegetable orange in color, and wild carrots can be available in different colors. Carrot is a great source of calcium and vitamin k.


Cucumber is a long walk to the green vegetable, which is also considered as a fruit. It is used mainly for salads and not for any main dish preparation.

Herbs and spices


Time is a herb from the mint family. It is used mainly for culinary and medicinal requirements to enhance flavor and cough, sore throat, and more.


Fennel is a species of the carrot family and has a feather texture. It can be sauteed, baked, and served in soups and stews.

Spring onion

Spring onions in Asia is the first stage before growing the onions that have the onion bulbs and stems. Spring onion can be accompanied by potato or other vegetables and sauteed with different flavors.


Chives are very similar to green onions for spring onions. It is long, skinny, and tender in texture. It is very delicate and can be eaten raw or cooked lightly.

Food and Drinks Vocabulary Video


Garlic as a spice is abundantly used in Asia to add flavor to food, and this has many health benefits. We can also use it for bad breath gas; Other than this, we can enhance culinarily.


Ginger is most widely used as a spice or medicine; we can use it in different vegetables for significant health benefits. It is also used in many beverages like tea.


Clove is a small round ground spice that is mixed with other spices to add depth to rivers. It is often used for different curries and to season meat.


Turmeric is a flowering plant that can be eaten raw or made the dust spice to add color and texture to two different veg curries.


Spinach is one of the most widely consumed plants all over the world. It is because it contains vitamins and minerals in abundance and can be eaten with different vegetables.


Cinnamon is obtained from the bark of different trees. It is used for different cuisines, sweet dishes, serials, snacks, and even tea.

Food and Drinks Vocabulary Matching Worksheet


Olive is a small grape-like fruit that is beneficial in many ways. For example, olives are used as a spice or as pickles.



The hot dog is a type of soft bun used for a hot dog with sausage. This bun has simple ingredients of flour and water and is available widely.


Roll bread is a small round type of bread usually eaten accompanied by dishes of meat, vegetable, or even soup.


Breadstick is a hardened form of bread with added flavor, mainly garlic or salt. It is eaten as snacks with jam or can be filled with flavors.


Donut or doughnut is a sweet flavored, fried bread that can be homemade or bought. We can eat it with different flavor toppings and molds.

White bread

White bread is made with flour from which bran and germs are removed during milling—It gives the bread a white or light color.

Wheat bread

Wheat bread is made with flour which is partly milled. It is a kind of brown bread with added nuts or cereals to make it a healthier option.


Bagel is almost of a doughnut shape which, is prepared in hand with wheat dough. Bagel has a rough hand-sized circle formation, originated in Poland.

Food and Drinks List of Vocabulary

Breakfast food


An oat is a form of cereal grain taken from plants. Oats can be eaten with water or milk with different nuts and syrup to add flavor.


Omelet is made with beaten eggs cooked in a pan with little oil. Omelette can be filled with veggies, cheese, milk, and toppings.


Sandwich is typically boiled or sauteed vegetables, meat, or egg placed between bread. We can consume them in the morning to get a full meal.


Waffles are made with a batter or dough cooked in a machine with two patterned plates. Waffles can be made with different recipes and eaten with maple syrup.


Porridge is eaten at breakfast as a cereal. It can be boiled, soaked with water, and added nuts to enhance flavor.


Pancake is made with a batter of flour, eggs, milk. It can be made in a pan by heating with oil or butter and eaten with fruits and syrup.


A toast is a heated bread crisp high in starch, eaten with butter, avocado, eggs, or more. It is popular as it takes less time to prepare.


Disa is made like a pancake but with fermented batter. It makes the dosa crisp and light, often filled with potato or other veggie and eaten with curry or dips.


Berries can be eaten in breakfast as a fruit or in different ways like waffles, jam, muffins, and smoothies.


We can use sausage with bread and veggies to provide a full meal at breakfast.


Juice, if any fruit, is full of nutrients and pure. We can consume it with other dishes inside.

Food Vocabulary List

Lunch food


Rice is mostly eaten with curries or vegetables as a company. Typically, a form of rice has no flavor, but there are varieties available in different parts of the world which serve the purpose.


Totrila is a flat thin bread made with wheat or flour. In western countries, they are bought from the market and popularly made at home in Asia. Total hours can be filled with vegetables or eaten by the side with curry.

Smoked salmon

Smoked salmon is a preparation of the fish salmon with the fillet is cut and smoked with different flavors. It is typically eaten by heating and rice or other items.


History is made with a better-off do, which is mostly sweetened and available in bakeries. Pastries are not recommended as a full mean, but it is eaten widely over the world.


Gravy is a type of sauce made with m juice for veg starch. Efficient flavors are added to it with wheat flour or different seasonings.


It is pasta but has a long and thin formation made with flour wheat in water. Its preparation is made with oil or butter and different vegetables, meat or sauce.


A yogurt is a fermented form of milk that is now also available with different flavors and essence.


Pudding can be eaten as a dessert, but mostly as a Savory dish with the main part of the mail; it can be made with chocolate aur other flavors and cooked with milk.

Drinks List

Dinner food


Pizza consists of a flattened bread made with dough is orphan baked with cheese ketchup in the toppings of tomato is made aur other veggies.it is very popular in western countries as it is quick to make and is a heavy


Ham is a part of pork meat that is sliced, preserved, and eaten with different bread types.


A burger is eaten as a whole meal in different parts of the world. It consists of two bread buns and a bun cut in half filled with cheese, lettuce, tomato, and a party.


Burrito is a type of but thin and filled with ingredients of your choice. Burrito has it’s one side covered and sealed, which makes it different from tortilla rolls.


Kebab is a variety of meat which can be chicken, mutton, or other. It is a healthy option of eating meat open-baked and made with less oil, and is full of spices.


Pasta is made with a doug mixed with water that into thin slices or strips is given different shapes. Pastors can be boiled or fried with different vegetables can be eaten as whole milk without another curry.


We can make salads with different options of vegetables, lettuce, herbs, and even fruits. It can be mixed with yogurt also and is considered one of the healthiest food options.

Vocabulary Related to Food



Wine is known as a form of alcoholic drink made with grapes. It can be of various types, and the price of wine is based on the type of grape and cultivation used for it.


Coffee is a form of beverage drink extracted from coffee beans. There is a wide variety of coffee available around the world and can consume with water or milk.


Tea is a form of aromatic beverage filled with different flavors and scents. It can be made with milk or water and have different flavors added, like ginger.

Orange juice

Orange juice is a form of citrus juice extracted from oranges; it can be a homemade drink or available on the market mein preserved form.

Mango juice

Mango juice is popular in tropical areas for abundant availability. It can be made at home or can be bought as a processed drink.


Beer is the most consumed alcoholic drink globally and has managed to retain its position for years. However, in recent years beer has been available without alcohol content and can be different flavors.


A milkshake is a drink made with milk, sugar, and different added essence flowers and fruits. Mistakes are very thick and are gradually overtaking the fast-food market.


Smoothie is a drink that is made with a pure form of fruits or vegetables. There are no added flavors or water but can be customized according to one’s needs.


Lemonade is a lemon-flavored drink. It is a homemade preparation, but varieties of lemonade with a mixture like mint, watermelon is available in the market.


Milk is a product that reaches in nutrients produced by mammals. Milk of cow, buffalo, goat, camels are consumed worldwide. In recent times milk has been extracted from some fruits for a vegan option.


Juice is made with fruit extract often mixed with sweetness in preservatives to store for a long time. Some common types are mango, apple, mixed juice.


Water is a natural drink abundantly found worldwide in different forms, and human life depends on it. Water is the most widely consumed drink and cannot be replaced with any other option.

Vocabulary Related to Drink

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Приёмы пищи и типы блюд

meal [miːl] — приём пищи;

appetizer [‘æpɪtaɪzə] — закуска (блюдо, которое подают перед горячими блюдами);

breakfast [‘brekfəst] — завтрак;

lunch [lʌnʧ] — обед/лёгкая закуска;

dinner [‘dɪnə] — обед (главный приём пищи в течение дня, часто вечером);

supper [‘sʌpə] — ужин;

dessert [dɪ’zɜːt] — десерт;

main course — основное блюдо.

Видео по теме:

Базовые блюда

breakfast cereal [‘brekfəst ‘sɪərɪəl] — хлопья на завтрак;

porridge [‘pɔrɪʤ] — каша;

salad [‘sæləd] — салат;

soup [suːp] — суп;

fish soup — рыбный суп;

mushroom soup — грибной суп;

creamy soup — суп-пюре;

broth [brɔθ] — бульон;

chicken broth — куриный бульон.

Фаст-фуд (fast-food)

sandwich [‘sænwɪʤ] — бутерброд, сэндвич;

hot dog — хот-дог;

hamburger [‘hæmˌbɜːgə] — гамбургер;

fried chicken — жареная курица;

french fries — картошка фри;

onion ring — луковое колечко;

chicken nugget — наггетс;

pizza [‘piːtsə] — пицца;

doner kebab [doʊnər kɪˈbɑːb] — турецкая шаурма;

taco [‘tækəu] — тако;

pita/pitta [‘pɪtə] — пита (хлебная лепешка).


egg [eg] — яйцо;

flour [‘flauə] — мука;

dough [dəu] — тесто;

mushroom [‘mʌʃrum] — гриб; шампиньон;

Мясо (meat)

poultry [‘pəultrɪ] — мясо домашней птицы;

chicken [‘ʧɪkɪn] — курица;

chicken breast — куриная грудка;

chicken drumstick — куриная ножка;

chicken wing — куриное крыло;

duck [dʌk] — утка;

turkey [‘tɜːkɪ] — индейка;

steak [steɪk] — кусок мяса (для жаренья); бифштекс;

minced meat — мясной фарш;

bacon [‘beɪk(ə)n] — бекон;

pork [pɔːk] — свинина;

minced pork — свиной фарш;

beef [biːf] — говядина;

ground beef — говяжий фарш;

spare ribs — ребрышки;

liver [‘lɪvə] — печень;

ham [hæm] — ветчина, окорок;

sausage [‘sɔsɪʤ] — колбаса, сосиска;

shashlik/kebab — шашлык;

minced meat patty — мясная котлета;

meatball [‘miːtbɔːl] — фрикаделька, тефтелька.

Морепродукты (seafood)

fish [fɪʃ] — рыба;

salmon [‘sæmən] — лосось; семга;

sturgeon [‘stɜːʤ(ə)n] — осетр;

carp [kɑːp] — карп;

herring [‘herɪŋ] — сельдь;

cod [kɔd] — треска;

plaice [pleɪs] — камбала;

trout [traut] — форель;

eel [iːl] — угорь;

tuna [‘tjuːnə] — тунец;

sardine [sɑː’diːn] — сардина;

salmon fillet — филе лосося;

smoked fish — копченая рыба;

canned sardines (sardines in a can) — консервированные сардины;

roe [rəu] — икра;

caviar [‘kævɪɑː] — икра (осетровая);

salmon roe — икра лосося;

shellfish [‘ʃelfɪʃ] — моллюск; ракообразное;

crab [kræb] — краб;

crayfish [‘kreɪfɪʃ] — речной рак;

shrimp [ʃrɪmp] — креветка;

prawn [prɔːn] — креветка;

lobster [‘lɔbstə] — омар;

mussel [‘mʌs(ə)l] — мидия (mussels — мидии);

oyster [‘ɔɪstə] — устрица;

squid [skwɪd] — кальмар;

octopus [‘ɔktəpəs] — осьминог;

seaweed [‘siːwiːd] — морская водоросль.

Молочные продукты (dairy products/dairy foods)

cream [kriːm] — сливки;

sour cream — сметана;

whipped cream — взбитые сливки;

yoghurt/yogurt [‘jɔgət] — йогурт;

butter [‘bʌtə] — масло;

margarine [ˌmɑːʤə’riːn] — маргарин;

cheese [ʧiːz] — сыр;

cream cheese — сливочный сыр;

cottage cheese — зернёный творог;

feta — фета;

Parmesan cheese — пармезан;

Mozzarella cheese — моцарелла;

ricotta cheese — рикотта;

Cheddar cheese — Чеддер;

Edam cheese — Эдам;

Swiss cheese — швейцарский сыр.

Злаки (grains)

wheat [(h)wiːt] — пшеница;

oats — овёс;

rye [raɪ] — рожь;

rice [raɪs] — рис;

buckwheat [‘bʌkwiːt] — гречка;

corn [kɔːn] (амер.)/maize [meɪz] (брит.) — кукуруза;

Legumes (бобовые)

beans [biːnz] — бобы, фасоль;

pea [piː] — горох (peas — мн. число);

lentil [‘lent(ə)l] — чечевица;

red lentils — красная чечевица;

chickpea [‘ʧɪkpiː] — нут.

Nuts (орехи)

almond [‘ɑːmənd] — миндаль;

peanut [‘piːnʌt] — арахис;

walnut [‘wɔːlnʌt] — грецкий орех;

cashew [‘kæʃuː] — кешью;

pistachios/pistachio nuts — фисташки.


На эту тему мы уже составляли подробный словарь ранее, поэтому просто перейдите на страницу «Названия овощей на английском языке«.


Список фруктов и ягод на английском у нас уже тоже есть на отдельной странице, поэтому просто кликните по ссылке. Там вы найдете все интересующие слова по теме с транскрипцией и переводом.

Bread (хлеб)

white bread — белый хлеб;

wheat bread — пшеничный хлеб;

whole grain bread — цельнозерновой хлеб;

rye bread — ржаной хлеб;

french bread/ baguette [bæ’get] — багет (длинный белый батон);

bun [bʌn] — сдобная булочка;

bagel [‘beɪgəl] — рогалик; бублик;

pretzel — брецель;

breadsticks — хлебные палочки;

crispbread — хрустящий хлебец.

Больше информации можно найти в статье «Виды хлеба на английском«.

Desserts and Sweets (десерты и сладости)

dessert [dɪ’zɜːt] — десерт, сладкое;

sugar [‘ʃugə] — сахар;

brown sugar — коричневый сахар;

sugar lumps — кусковой сахар;

powdered sugar — сахарная пудра;

caramel [‘kærəm(ə)l] — карамель;

condensed milk — сгущеное молоко;

honey [‘hʌnɪ] — мед;

marmalade [‘mɑːm(ə)leɪd] — конфитюр;

pie [paɪ] — пирог;

cake [keɪk] — кекс; пирожное; торт;

chocolate cake — шоколадный торт;

cupcake [‘kʌpkeɪk] — (маленький) кекс;

cheesecake [‘ʧiːzkeɪk] — чизкейк;

chocolate [‘ʧɔklət] — шоколад;

brownie [‘braunɪ] — шоколадное пирожное с орехами;

waffle [‘wɔfl] — вафля;

pancake [‘pænkeɪk] — блин, оладья;

pudding [‘pudɪŋ] — пудинг;

gelatin / jello — желе;

pastry [‘peɪstrɪ] — выпечка;

donut/doughnut [‘dəunʌt] — пончик;

candy [‘kændɪ] — конфета;

lollipop [‘lɔlɪpɔp] — леденец на палочке;

cookie [‘kukɪ] — печенье;

granola bar — злаковый батончик;

nuts and honey bar — козинак;

swiss roll (брит.)/ jelly roll (амер.) — рулет;

croissant [‘krwɑːsɑːŋ] — круассан;

marshmallow [ˌmɑːʃ’mæləʊ] — зефир, пастила;

ice-cream [ˌaɪs’kriːm] — мороженное;

chocolate ice cream — шоколадное мороженное;

ice cream bar — эскимо;

popsicle / ice pop — фруктовый лёд;

ice cream cone — вафельный рожок;

popcorn [‘pɔpkɔːn] — попкорн;

cotton candy — сахарная вата;

gum / chewing gum / bubble gum [gʌm] — жевательная резинка.

Seasoning, herbs and spices (приправы, травы и специи)

salt [sɔːlt] — соль;

cilantro/coriander [ˌkɔrɪ’ændə] — кориандр;

artichoke [‘ɑːtɪʧəuk] — артишок;

rosemary [‘rəuzm(ə)rɪ] — розмарин;

bay leaf — лавровый лист;

mint leaf — лист мяты;

basil [‘bæzl] — базилик;

clove [kləuv] — гвоздика (cloves);

turmeric [‘tɜːm(ə)rɪk] — куркума;

ginger [‘ʤɪnʤə] — имбирь;

cinnamon [‘sɪnəmən] — корица;

sesame [‘sesəmɪ] — кунжут;

vanilla [və’nɪlə] — ваниль;

sauce [sɔːs] — соус;

oil [ɔɪl] — масло (растительное);

sunflower oil — подсолнечное масло;

olive oil — оливковое масло;

tomato paste — томатная паста;

ketchup [‘keʧʌp] — кетчуп;

mustard [‘mʌstəd] — горчица;

mayonnaise [ˌmeɪə’neɪz] — майонез;

Drinks (напитки)

water [‘wɔːtə] — вода;

tea [tiː] — чай;

coffee [‘kɔfɪ] — кофе;

juice [ʤuːs] — сок;

milk [mɪlk] — молоко;

milk powder/powdered milk — сухое молоко;

milkshake [‘mɪlkʃeɪk] — молочный коктейль;

lemonade [ˌlemə’neɪd] — лимонад;

soda [‘səudə] — содовая вода; газированная вода;

green tea — зелёный чай;

iced tea — холодный чай;

hot chocolate — горячий шоколад;

smoothie — смузи;

wine [waɪn] — вино;

beer [bɪə] — пиво.

Русская еда на английском

Названия традиционных русских блюд обычно звучат на английском так же (или примерно так же), как и на русском.

Olivier salad (Russian salad) — салат «Оливье»;

‘Herring under a fur coat’ — «Селёдка под шубой»

borsch / borscht — борщ;

blini (Russian pancakes) — блины;

salted herring — солёная селедка;

shashlik/shashlyik — шашлык;

pelmeni (Russian dumplings) — пельмени;

pirozhki (mini-pies) — пирожки;

medovik (honeycake) — медовик.

Национальная английская еда

В Великобритании есть свои традиционные блюда, которые подают во всех крупных заведениях страны. Они являются неотъемлемой частью национальной кухни.

Fish and Chips — блюдо, состоящее из рыбы, обжаренной во фритюре, и нарезанного крупными ломтиками картофеля фри.

Bangers and Mash — сосиски с картофельным пюре.

Full English Breakfast — полноценный английский завтрак, включающий в себя бекон, сосиски, яйца, запеченную фасоль, тосты, грибы, помидоры, картофельные оладьи и кровяные колбаски.

Sunday Roast — воскресный обед (блюдо из жареного мяса, жареного картофеля или картофельного пюре с гарниром).

Toad in the Hole — «жаба в норке», или «сосисочная жаба» (сосиски, запечённые в кляре для йоркширского пудинга);

Shepherd’s Pie/Cottage Pie — пастуший пирог (картофельная запеканка с фаршем);

Steak and Kidney Pie — пирог со стейком и почками.

Как приготовлена еда (список прилагательных)

boiled [bɔɪld] – варёный;

steamed – приготовленный на пару;

fried [fraɪd] – жареный;

sauteed — обжаренный в небольшом количестве масле на сильном огне;

stir-fried – жареный в раскалённом масле;

roasted – жареный в духовке;

grilled [grɪld] – жареный в духовке;

baked [beɪkt] – печёный, выпеченный;

stewed [stjuːd] – тушёный.

Как описать количество еды

a glass of orange juice — стакан апельсинового сока;

a cup of coffee — чашка кофе;

a piece of cheese — кусок сыра;

a piece of pie — кусок пирога;

a bottle of ketchup — бутылка кетчупа;

a carton of orange juice — упаковка апельсинового сока;

a can of peas — банка (жестяная) горошка;

a jar of jam — банка варенья;

a bowl of soup — чашка супа;

a slice of pizza — кусочек пиццы;

a bar of chocolate — плитка шоколада.

Рецепт еды на английском (пример)

В качестве примера приведём простенький рецепт блинов на английском. Слева перечислены ингредиенты, а справа описан процесс приготовления блюда по шагам.

Рецепт блинов на английском

Предложения на английском про еду

I like Indian cuisine. — Мне нравится индийская кухня (индийская еда).

Right now I’m really liking Mexican food. — Сейчас мне очень нравится мексиканская еда.

I really love Greek food. — Я очень люблю греческую кухню.

I like mum’s cooking because it’s delicious. — Мне нравится, что готовит мама, потому что это вкусно.

He eats a lot of unhealthy food. — Он ест много нездоровой пищи.

I hate hospital food. — Я ненавижу больничную еду.

When I’m busy with school, I usually end up eating fast food. — Когда я занят в школе, я обычно ем фастфуд.

I love any cake that’s made of chocolate. — Я люблю шоколадные торты.

Most fried foods are very greasy. Too much fried food is not good for your health. — Большинство жареных блюд очень жирные. Слишком много жареной пищи вредно для здоровья.

Предложения на английском про еду

Вопросы про еду на английском

What are the most common foods in your country? — Какие продукты/блюда наиболее распространены в вашей стране?

What is your favorite food? — Какое у тебя любимое блюдо?

What foods do you like best — fruits, vegetables, meat, fish or grains? — Какие продукты вы любите больше всего — фрукты, овощи, мясо, рыбу или злаки?

Are there any foods that you hate? If so, what? — Есть ли продукты/блюда, которые ты ненавидишь? Если да, то какие?

Are you a good cook? What’s your best dish? — Ты хорошо готовишь? Какое блюдо получается у тебя лучше всего?

Do you sometimes eat fast food? Why or why not? — Ты ешь фастфуд? Почему да или почему нет?

Are there any foods that you wouldn’t eat as a child that you eat now? — Есть ли какие-то продукты, которые ты не ел в детстве, но ешь сейчас?

Which countries do you think have the best food? What about the worst food? — Как ты думаешь, в каких странах лучшая еда? А как насчет худшей еды?

What time do you usually have lunch? — В какое время ты обычно обедаешь?

What do you usually have for lunch? — Что ты обычно ешь на обед?

What do you usually have for breakfast? — Что ты обычно ешь на завтрак?

Do you prefer to eat healthy or unhealthy food? — Ты предпочитаешь здоровую или нездоровую пищу?

Do you usually drink coffee in the morning? — Ты обычно пьёшь кофе по утрам?

Вопросы про еду на английском языке

Идиомы с едой

В английском есть множество идиом, в которых используются названия продуктов и еды. Мы составили большой список таких идиом. Переходите по ссылке и читайте.

Все идиомы с едой, или Очень вкусная статья

Food and drink vocabulary - cheese and wineFood and drink vocabulary is a main staple of language learning. The names of foods in English might seem quite daunting as there are so many. A good way to start is to learn a few foods from the basic food groups. That way you can always create a meal!

Foods are important to learn for when you go shopping or eat out at a restaurant. They are also useful for conversation when discussing what you are going to have for dinner. As we all need to eat food, learning the names for the foods is a great idea as this is something common to every language.

From fish and chips and roast beef to the traditional English breakfast! In this article we explore useful English food and drink vocabulary and traditional meals, mealtimes and foods in the UK.


Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner

The meals of the day can be split into early, afternoon and evening meals. In English, we generally call these breakfast, lunch and dinner. Small meals in between main meals are called ‘snacks’. A late evening meal is called ‘supper’. A mid-morning snack is called ‘elevenses’.

A late afternoon meal is called ‘tea’ and traditionally this is when sandwiches or cake and a pot of tea is served (called ‘afternoon tea’ or sometimes more formally, ‘high tea’). A ‘cream tea’  is an afternoon snack with a pot of tea, scones, jam and clotted cream – this tradition originated in Devon and Cornwall.

Food and drink vocabulary - cream tea

1. Cream tea with scones, jam, clotted cream and pot of tea – image source

Regional Differences in Meal Names

So remember that the word ‘tea’ in the UK can mean a cup or a pot of tea to drink but it can also mean an afternoon meal.

These words only offer a general guide, however, because the afternoon and evening meal can be called different names in different areas of the country. The regular evening meal can also be called ‘tea’ in the north of England, while some people call their dinner ‘supper’.

A main meal can be split into starter, main and dessert. The different parts of a meal are called ‘courses’. Desserts are sometimes called ‘sweets’ or ‘pudding’ or ‘afters’ if you are in the north of England.

The usual times for eating in the UK are between 12 noon and 2pm for lunch (1pm is usual), around 4pm for afternoon tea, and between 6pm and 8.30pm for dinner. Some people eat later than this, especially if going out for dinner.

Food and Drink Vocabulary

Foods can be split into food groups: carbohydrate, protein and fats. These are called the three macronutrients.

Fruit, vegetables and grains are examples of carbohydrates; meat and fish are examples of proteins; and butter and nuts are examples of fat (butter is animal fat and nuts are vegetable fat). We need all the three food groups in our diet to stay healthy.


Fruit vocabulary 

  • Fruit
  • Apples, pears, bananas, plums, grapes
  • Oranges, nectarines, clementines, satsumas
  • Pineapple, mango, grapefruit, pomegranate, papaya, coconut
  • Peaches, apricots, melons (honeydew, watermelon, cantaloupe, galia)
  • Prunes, figs
  • Avocados
  • Strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, blackberries


Vegetables are also known as veggies or simply veg (pronounced ‘vedge’).

  • Carrots, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes, squash
  • Cauliflower, broccoli, spinach, peppers
  • Onion, garlic, mushrooms
  • Salad, lettuce, tomatoes, cucumber, beetroot, celery (some say these salad foods are technically fruit)
  • Aubergine  / eggplant (American)
  • Courgettes, asparagus
  • Beans, lentils
  • Nuts, seeds


Bread, pasta, rice, cereals


Cheese, milk, butter, margarine, eggs, cream, yoghurt / yogurt


  • Lamb, chicken, turkey, pork (meat from a pig), beef (meat from a cow)
  • Bacon, ham, gammon, sausages, salami (all types of processed pork, although sausages can sometimes contain other meat and you can also get vegetarian sausages)
  • Venison (meat from a deer), pheasant, goose, rabbit, duck (all types of game)
  • Tripe (stomach), kidney, liver, tongue (all types of offal)


Steak is a cut of meat made from beef muscle, usually cooked on a grill or in a frying pan. Steak can be cooked is a variety of ways depending on how well cooked the diner prefers their meat. When ordering steak in a restaurant, you will be asked how you want it cooked. Options for cooking steak, from lightest to most well cooked, are:

  • blue (bleu) – very rare, red inside and lightly seared on the outside, full of juices
  • rare – red inside, juicy
  • medium rare – slightly red inside, quite juicy
  • medium – pink inside, only slightly juicy
  • well done / medium well – mostly brown with hint of pink, not juicy
  • very well done – brown all the way through with no pink, no juice


Cod, plaice, haddock, salmon, tuna, sardines, mackerel, anchovies, halibut, trout, lemon sole, sea bass,  swordfish

Scampi, mussels, clams, prawn, squid (all types of seafood)


Sunflower oil, olive oil, avocado oil, rapeseed oil

Herbs and spices

  • Basil, oregano, parsley, chives
  • Rosemary, thyme, sage
  • Turmeric, cumin, marjoram, curry powder
  • Paprika, ginger, cinnamon

Breakfast foods

  • Cereal, porridge, toast and butter, toast and marmalade, toast and jam, croissant, bagel (American), fruit
  • Milk, orange juice, grapefruit juice, tea, coffee

Many Europeans eat ham and other cold cooked meats for breakfast, but this is quite rare in the UK.

No food and drink vocabulary guide for English learners could be complete without a mention of the full English breakfast.

The full English breakfast is a traditional breakfast in England that is very rich and quite high in fat, so it is not a good idea to eat one every day! It is also not convenient for the busy modern lifestyle, as it takes time to  cook.


This ‘breakfast’ is sometimes eaten as a brunch (a meal between breakfast and lunch) or as a treat at the weekend

A ‘full English’ includes some or all of the following:

  • bacon, eggs, sausage
  • hash browns, fried bread
  • baked beans, tomato, mushrooms
  • black pudding
  • tomato ketchup or brown sauce
  • tea or coffee, orange juice

Some people are very particular about the arrangement of the food on the plate with some finicky diners opting to use the sausage as a ‘break-water’ between the beans and egg.

Some English breakfast enthusiasts insist on scrambled egg over fried egg, while others require the addition of black pudding and various sauces (e.g. ketchup).

Most people would want a cup of tea and some toast on the side, served with butter and marmalade or jam.

Food and drink vocabulary - full English breakfast

2. A delicious full English breakfast – fried egg, sausages, grilled tomato, bacon, mushrooms and hash brown – image source

Traditional English Food

Fish and chips is one of the most famous British meals. You buy this meal at a fish and chip shop or ‘chippie‘.

This meal traditionally consists of cod or haddock in batter with thick chips, all wrapped in grease-proof paper (this used to be newspaper in the old days) and mushy peas. You can also get curry sauce to put on your chips. The chippie serves other meals too, such as pies and gravy, fish cakes, sausages and sometimes even pizzas and wraps.

Pie is a traditional British food – a pastry crust filled with meat and vegetables. Common pie fillings include beef and onion, steak and kidney, chicken and mushroom, and steak and ale.

Other traditional English foods include cottage pie (mince beef with mashed potato on top) and shepherd’s pie (mince lamb with mashed potato on top).

There are many regional foods which are common across the UK. However, steak and chips is always popular!

Food and drink vocabulary - fish and chips

3. Fish and chips – battered fish, chips, mushy peas, tartare sauce and a slice of lemon – image source

Fast food

Burger, hot dog, chips, sausage, crisps, sandwich, pizza, noodles, fish and chips (a ‘fish and chip supper’ is traditional English fast food!)

You can also buy ‘ready meals’ which are full meals, often frozen, designed to be  cooked quickly in the microwave and be ready to eat in a few minutes.


(Be careful you don’t get the words dessert and desert confused!)

Cake, doughnut, pastry, mousse, ice cream, biscuits, cookies, chocolate, sweets


Water, milk, juice, squash / cordial, pop (fizzy drink), cola, lemonade, hot chocolate, tea, coffee, milkshake


Alcoholic drinks

Wine (red, white, rosé), beer (ale, bitter, stout, mild), cider,  spirits, alcopops, brandy, whisky (scotch, bourbon), liqueurs, cocktails, gin, rum, vodka, punch,  mulled wine, gin and tonic, martini

A ‘mixer’ is a non-alcoholic drink added to an alcoholic drink to make it a ‘long’ drink (i.e. larger in volume), such as whisky and cola.

‘Straight’ means an alcoholic drink served without a mixer

‘On the rocks’ means a drink served with ice. For example: ‘Scotch on the rocks’


International influence

In the UK, a traditional meal was always ‘meat and two veg’, which was usually meat with potatoes and a vegetable, often carrots and peas.

This way of eating was very much the usual British meal in the 1950s. But after the 1960s, international cuisine found is way to the UK and our palates developed to include more daring foods, from Italian pasta and Thai curries to Japanese sushi and American hot dogs and bagels.

Indian curries are some of the most popular meals in the UK, especially chicken tikka masala.

Nowadays people in the UK eat a wide variety of foods from all over the world and our diets are all the more exciting because of it.

The Traditional Roast Dinner

A tradition has never died out in the UK, however, is the roast dinner. This is traditionally eaten on Sunday (because it takes a long time to cook and all the family are typically at home).

The ‘Sunday roast’ consists of a roast meat (beef, lamb, chicken or pork – but turkey or goose at Christmas!)  along with roast potatoes and a selection of vegetables and sauces.

The other foods included in a roast dinner typically depend on the type of meat, which is always the centre piece. Here are some traditional English roast dinners:


  • Roast beef dinner: Beef, Yorkshire pudding, roast potatoes, other vegetables (normally including carrots), gravy, mustard or Horseradish sauce
  • Roast chicken dinner: Chicken, roast potatoes, roast parsnips, vegetables, cranberry sauce, bread sauce
  • Roast lamb dinner: Lamb, roast potatoes, vegetables, mint sauce
  • Roast pork dinner: Pork, roast potatoes, vegetables, apple sauce.

As you can see, the typical roast dinner always has the roast meat and roast potatoes (although if you wanted to be healthier, you could serve boiled potatoes). The main change for each meal concerns the sauce.

Plus, roast beef always comes with Yorkshire pudding (a side dish made from eggs, flour and milk) – without this important ingredient any English person will not believe it a ‘proper’ roast beef dinner!

Methods of cooking

  • grill / broil – to cook by exposure to heat, under a grill
  • bake – to cook in an oven by dry heat, without direct exposure to a flame, often the food is covered
  • roast – to cook in an oven or over an open fire, typically the food is uncovered
  • boil – to cook in boiling water
  • sauté – to cook by frying quickly in a small amount of hot fat or oil
  • fry – to cook in fat using a shallow pan / frying pan
  • chargrill – grill at a very high heat
  • stirfry – fry quickly while stirring
  • steam – cook by heating food in the steam over boiling water

Food and drink vocabulary - veggie stir fry

Cooking peppers in a frying pan – a veggie stir-fry – image source

What do you think about food and drink vocabulary?

What are the traditional foods of your country?

What are your favourite foods and drinks?

Do you enjoy any traditional English dishes?

Do you find any words related to food and drink confusing?

Let us know your thoughts about food and drink vocabulary in the comments!



  1. Cream tea via pxhere [CC0 Public Domain]
  2. English breakfast – Great Haywood, Staffordshire, England. Image by Daderot [CC0], from Wikimedia Commons
  3. Fish, chips and mushy peas in London by Charles Haynes from Bangalore, India (Fish, Chips, and Mushy Peas) [CC BY-SA 2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

В этом уроке вы познакомитесь с полезной лексикой по теме “Еда и напитки” на английском с переводом и аудио.

Завтрак / Breakfast

Слово на английском Перевод
Cereal Хлопья для завтрака
Cornflakes Кукурузные хлопья
Toast Тост
Butter Масло
Jam Джем
Pancake Панкейк
Crepes Блины
Bacon Бекон
Fried eggs Яичница
Sausage Колбаса
Ham Ветчина

Перекус / Snacks

Слово на английском Перевод
Nuts Орехи
Berries Ягоды
Fruits Фрукты
Biscuits Печенье
Cookies Печенье
Sandwich Сэндвич

напитки на английском с переводомНапитки / Drinks

Слово на английском Перевод
Tea Чай
Coffee Кофе
Juice Сок
Fresh juice Свежевыжатый сок
Soda Газированная вода
Mineral water Минеральная вода
Milk Молоко
Yogurt Йогурт
Milk shake Молочный коктейль

слова по теме овощи на английском

Овощи / Vegetables

Слово на английском Перевод
Tomato Помидор
Cucumber Огурец
Pepper Перец
Eggplant Баклажан
Cabbage Кабачок
Lettuce Капуста
Broccoli Брокколи
Carrot Морковь
Zucchini Цуккини
Radish Редис
Spinach Шпинат
Potato Картофель
Onion Лук
Garlic Чеснок
Mushroom Гриб
Corn Кукуруза

фрукты на английском с переводом

Фрукты / Fruit

Слово на английском Перевод
Apple Яблоко
Orange Апельсин
Tangerine Мандарин
Strawberry Клубника
Grapes Виноград
Lemon Лемон
Banana Банан
Kiwi Киви
Pineapple Ананас
Peach Персик
Plum Слива
Watermelon Арбуз

Мясо и птица / Meat and poultry

Слово на английском Перевод
Beef Говядина
Pork Свинина
Chicken Курица
Duck Утка
Turkey Индейка

Рыба и морепродукты / Fish and seafood

Слово на английском Перевод
Trout Форель
Salmon Лосось
Sole Камбала
Crab Краб
Lobster Лобстер
Shrimp Креветка
Scallops Гребешки
Mussels Мидии
Oysters Устрица

Отлично! Теперь вы смело сможете спрашивать, что входит в состав вашего любимого блюда на английском.

Чтобы закрепить слова, потренируйтесь и проверьте себя с карточками (кликните на карточку, чтобы увидеть слово на английском):

Вам может быть интересно:

  • Все слова по теме “Ресторан” на английском с переводом
  • Диалог “В ресторане” на английском
  • Тема “Магазин” в английском языке

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