Word list cambridge pet

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Phrasal verbs:

Base on

  • The film is based on true story.

Be over

  • Their journey is over, so is mine.

Break down

  • The car has broken down.

Break in

  • Someone broke in and stole the computer.

Break up

  • When does school break up?
  • The pop group has broken up.

Bring up

  • She was brought up in London.

Call for

  • I will call for you at 7.

Call in

  • She called in to see a friend.

Carry on

  • He carried on walking despite the rain.

Carry out

  • She carried out the plan according to the instructions.

Check in

  • They checked in to a hotel.

Check out

  • He checked out of the hotel.

Come on

  • Come on or we will miss the bus.

Cross out

  • Cross it out and write it again.

Cut up

  • She cut up the cake into small pieces.

Deal with

  • I’ve had some problems to deal with.

Depend on/upon

  • It depends on what you want to do.

End up

  • He plans to end up working in Australia.

Fill in

  • You need to fill in a form.

Fill up

  • He filled up the car with petrol.

Find out

  • I must find out when he is arriving.

Get along

  • How do you get along with Harry?

Get back

  • When did you get back from New York?

Get down

  • Get down at once!

Get in

  • Can you get in through the window?

Get off

  • We get off at the next bus stop.

Get on

  • She got on with her work.

Get on (with)

  • I’m getting on well with French.
  • Do you get on well with Sam?

Get rid of

  • Have you got rid of those old documents?

Get up

  • What time do you get up in the morning?

Give back

  • Give me back this book on Tuesday, please.

Give in

  • Do you give in? Shall I tell you now?
  • Have you given in your homework yet?

Give out

  • Will you give out these papers for me, please?

Give up

  • Has David given up playing tennis?

Give way

  • You must give way to traffic at a roundabout.

Go for

  • He went for the job.
  • The dog went for the man.

Go off

  • They went off to Australia.
  • Suddenly the lights went off.

Go on

  • The meeting went on until six o’clock.
  • What’s going on?

Go out

  • Are you going out this evening?
  • The fire has gone out.

Go with/together

  • Your tie doesn’t go with your shirt.

Grow up

  • Children grow up fast.

Hang out

  • to hang out with friends

Hang up

  • She hung up at the end of the phone call.

Hold up

  • He was held up in the heavy traffic for over two hours.

Keep in

  • She kept the children in as it was so cold.

Keep on

  • He kept on talking.

Keep up

  • Keep up the good work!

Knock down

  • He was knocked down by the car as he stepped into the road.

Lie down

  • He lay down on the bed and tried to relax.
  • The doctor asked him to lie down on his stomach.

Look after

  • Who is looking after your baby now?

Look at

  • “Have you decided what to do?” “No, I’m still looking at the various possibilities.”

Look for

  • “I’m looking for Jim. Have you seen him?”
  • He was looking for work as a builder.

Look forward to

  • I’m looking forward to the party.

Look out

  • Look out!

Look up

  • Look up the meaning of the word in the dictionary.

Put away

  • He put the book away.

Put down

  • She put her name down.

Put off

  • The meeting was put off until the following week.

Put on

  • He put on a suit.
  • Can you put on the light?
  • He didn’t want to put on weight.

Put out

  • The fire was quickly put out.

Put through

  • Can you put me through to the manager?

Put up

  • The company had to put up its prices.

Ring back

  • “I’ m a bit busy- can I ring you back in a few minutes?”

Ring up

  • to telephone somebody

Run out

  • He ran out of time and didn’t finish.

Set off

  • She set off early for work.

Set out

  • They set out on the long journey.

Set up

  • Her mother helped her to set up in business.

Split up

  • She has just split up with her boyfriend.

Stay behind

  • She stayed behind after the lesson to speak to the teacher.

Throw away

  • He threw away the old TV.

Tidy up

  • Please tidy up when you’ve finished.

Try on

  • to try on shoes

Turn down

  • Could you turn down the music?

Turn into

  • The water had turned into ice.

Turn off

  • She turned off the engine.

Turn on

  • Can you turn on the TV?

Turn up

  • Turn up the radio I can hardly hear it.

Wake up

  • Another cup of coffee will wake me up.

Wash up

  • I can help to cook and wash up.
  • The breakfast things haven’t been washed up yet.

Work out

  • I work out at the gym every day.

Wrap up

  • wrap up a parcel

Write down

  • Write down an address

Prepositional phrases:

According to

  • According to Sarah they’re not getting on very well at the moment.
  • According to Ella, it was the first time they had met.

At all

  • I’m afraid I have nothing at all to say.
  • We have no food at all.

At first

  • At first, I thought he was joking but then I realized he meant it.

At last

  • I’ve finished my essay at last!

At least

  • You’ll have to wait at least an hour.
  • It will cost at least 100 pounds.

At once

  • You have to call him at once.
  • Everything happened at once – she graduated, got a job, and got married, all in June!

At present

  • “Are you busy?” “Not at present.”

At the same time

  • No one likes conflict, but at the same time we have to deal with this problem.

Because of

  • The flight was delayed because of bad weather.

By accident

  • I deleted the file by accident.
  • I found her letter by accident as I was looking through my files.

By hand

  • All our rugs are made by hand in Pakistan.

By mistake

  • I’ve paid this bill twice by mistake.

By name

  • We knew only one of them by name.

Due to

  • He almost died due to lack of oxygen.

Be fond of something/someone

  • She was very fond of horses.

In advance

  • If you are going to come, please let me know in advance.

In fact

  • She is a friend of mine, a very close friend in fact.

In front of

  • I would never say that in front of my mother.

In ink

  • You must write your name in ink.

In love

  • I’m in love for the first time and it’s wonderful.

In pencil

  • Four years of art school, I can still only draw in pencil.

In order

  • All your papers seem to be in order.

In order to

  • He came home early in order to see the kids before they went to bed.

In the end

  • In the end, we decided not to buy it.

In time

  • We got to the airport just in time.

In two

  • He broke the bar of chocolate in two and gave me half.

On board

  • Have the passengers got on board yet?

On business

  • John was away on business.

On fire

  • He couldn’t breathe. His chest was on fire.

On foot

  • We came on foot (=we walked)

On holiday

  • I’m afraid Mr Walsh is away on holiday this week.

On purpose

  • He did it on purpose, knowing it would annoy her.

On request

  • Catalogues are available on request.

On sale

  • This model goes on sale this month.

On time

  • The train was on time.

Out of date

  • out-of-date technology

Out of order

  • The phone is out of order.

Out of work

  • unemployed

Up to

  • Up to six people
  • Up to date

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In each of the following sentences, cross out any pronoun that does not agree with its antecedent, Then, write the correct pronoun above the incorrect one. If a sentence is already correct, write C after it.

Example: The United States made Yellowstone theiritsoverset{textit{its}}{cancel{text{their}}}first national park.

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