Word list by theme

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  2. Английские слова по темам. Слова по темам на английском языке.

Английские слова по темам. Слова по темам на английском языке.

Добро пожаловать на страницу, где собраны английские слова по темам. Все слова предоставлены с переводом, транскрипцией и аудио-произношением. Слова по темам на английском языке удобны тем, что в любой момент времени вы можете выучить или повторить лексику на интересующую вас тему.

Английский язык в настоящее время является универсальным способом пообщаться практически с любым жителем нашей планеты. Стоит ли говорить о том, насколько много в жизни человека непредвиденных ситуаций и каким образом может помочь знание указанного профиля? Лучше всего изучать английские слова по темам, что дает возможность фильтровать те фразы и слова, которые могут не пригодиться вам. А вот более активно изучать можно слова из того профиля, который является областью вашей профессиональной деятельности и так далее. Помимо того, что английский — это универсальный язык общения во всем мире, можно также назвать и другие причины — почему его стоит изучать. И об этом более подробно поговорим далее.

Профессиональная деятельность

Ни для кого не секрет, что особенного уважения со стороны руководства всегда удостаиваются только те сотрудники, которые обладают широким спектром знаний. Таким образом, можно с уверенностью говорить о том, что непосредственно изучать слова по темам на английском языке — это крайне полезно для вашего профессионального роста. Для некоторых должностей знание такого иностранного языка — это обязательное условие для дальнейшего зачисления человека в штат.

Кроме того, поездка в командировку за границу — это возможность не только получить выше заработную плату, но и увидеть мир. Однако, командировочные вам никто не подпишет, если у вас не будет должного уровня знания английского соответственно.

Изучение английских слов по темам детям

Так как для вас знание иностранного языка открывает огромные перспективы — точно таким же образом перспективы открываются и непосредственно перед вашими детьми. И, вам стоит поверить, что самые ценные уроки нашим родным даем именно мы. А потому уже только ради этого и стоит задуматься над тем, чтобы получить хорошие знания в данной области, чтобы потом передать свой опыт и разные хитрости собственному ребенку. Тем более, что знание иностранного языка и вам лично уж точно не помешает.

Лучше всего стоит начать из непосредственного изучения слов по темам.

Typical vocabulary used when discussing specific topics or subjects (such as sports, time, weather or computers)

The Vocabulary of Censorship

Internet Vocabulary

Illustrated Vocabulary

Picture Quizzes
Test your vocab against these illustrated quizzes.

Illustrated A3 Vocabulary Posters

High quality printable posters for FREE download
English vocabulary posters

Our food vocabulary section covers types of food from fruits and vegetables to fish and dairy foods. It also covers cooking, kitchens and kitchenware and dining and dinnerware. You’ll also learn about eating out in restaurants and learn special vocabulary for British pubs and for ordering and dining in French, Italian, Mexican, Indian, Chinese and Thai restaurants. And don’t miss our section on food and health for tips on living a long and healthy life.

sports vocabSPORTS
Learn general sports vocab as well as special vocab for football, basketball, baseball, tennis, cricket, rugby, golf and many more sports. You can also do fun vocab and sports knowledge quizzes and learn about the Olympic Games and the football World Cup.

Learn basic music vocab and more specialized vocab while reading about pop music, rock, country, soul, dance and rap or hip hop music. You can also read about early popular music genres like the blues and jazz, watch video clips of famous artists, find lists of recommended albums and see a music vocabulary list with lots of example sentences.


You can learn general vocabulary about movies and you can also learn more advanced vocab while reading about action movies, horror movies, comedies, dramas, sci-fi movies, historical dramas and documentaries. You’ll also find video clips from many famous movies and lists of recommended movies.

Learn the vocab of time, including how to tell the time, units of time, day and night, days of the week, months of the year and more. You can also listen to some songs about time with subtitles.speaker icon

A Light-Year is a Measure of Distance, not Time

Superb video demonstration by NASA 🎬

You can explore the vocabulary of numbers, looking at cardinal and ordinal numbers, decimals and fractions, Roman numerals, and listening to a song about numbers.

Holidays and Festivals

Vocabulary for some of the main religious and cultural festivals worldwide 🥮

Holidays Calendar
Dates and words for popular holidays and events around the world 🎉

Christmas Vocabulary — Words and expressions for talking about or at Christmas 🎄

Birthday Vocabulary
Words and expressions for your birthday 🎁

Planets Vocabulary
The eight planets of our solar system, facts and figures

Planet Names
How the planets got their names: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune — and the language around them

TV Series Vocabulary
Words we use when discussing TV series

Top 20 Business Words
Useful vocabulary in the business context

Survival English
keywords, phrases, questions and answers for beginners

Colours Vocabulary
red, orange, yellow…

Shapes Vocabulary
square, circle, triangle

Computer Vocabulary
backup, cache, DOS…

Paper Sizes Vocabulary
International ISO sizes; N.American ANSI sizes

Animal Vocabulary
With plural, male/female, young, collective terms
lion, lions, lion, lioness, lion cub, a pride

Hobbies Vocabulary speaker icon
Words we use to talk about activities we do for fun

Jobs Vocabulary speaker icon
Words we use to talk about the work we do for money

Criminals Vocabulary
Words we use to talk about the Law, crimes and criminals

More pages with topic vocabulary:

  • English for Work
  • Business Vocabulary
  • Negotiations Vocabulary
  • Meetings Vocabulary
  • Telephone Vocabulary
  • Rooms in a House
  • Furniture and Decor
  • Appliances
  • Human Body
  • Medical Vocabulary
  • Vocabulary about Pollution
  • Vocabulary about Endangered Species
  • Useful Phrases in Greetings

Words are, of course, the most powerful drug used by mankind. Rudyard Kipling

Full list of words from this list:

  1. American Dream

    the widespread aspiration of Americans to live better than their parents did

    Themes in Literature Decisions

    Consequences faith The
    American Dream Freedom Power of One

    Authority community innocence experience


    Family love love











  2. diversity

    noticeable variety

    Themes in Literature Decisions

    Consequences faith The American Dream Freedom Power of One

    Authority community innocence experience


    Family love love











  3. Hero

    (Greek mythology) priestess of Aphrodite who killed herself when her lover Leander drowned while trying to swim the Hellespont to see her

    Themes in Literature Decisions

    Consequences faith The American Dream Freedom Power of One

    Authority community innocence experience


    Family love love











  4. survival

    the state of remaining alive

    Themes in Literature Decisions

    Consequences faith The American Dream Freedom Power of One

    Authority community innocence experience


    Family love love











  5. innocence

    the state of being unsullied by sin or moral wrong

    Themes in Literature Decisions

    Consequences faith The American Dream Freedom Power of One

    Authority community
    innocence experience


    Family love love











  6. theme

    the subject matter of a conversation or discussion

    Themes in Literature Decisions

    Consequences faith The American Dream Freedom Power of One

    Authority community innocence experience


    Family love love











Created on November 5, 2009

Word List Link
Theme 1: Year (Free) Start
Theme 2: Season (Free) Start
Theme 3: Month (Free) Start
Theme 4: Week Start
Theme 5: Day Start
Theme 6: Direction Start
Theme 7: Position Start
Theme 8: Unit Start
Theme 9: East Asia Start
Theme 10: Southeast Asia Start
Theme 11: South Asia & Central Asia Start
Theme 12: West Asia Start
Theme 13: North America Start
Theme 14: South America Start
Theme 15: Europe & Others Start
Theme 16: South Europe & East Europe Start
Theme 17: Currency Start
Theme 18: Weather Start
Theme 19: Color Start
Theme 20: Environment Start
Theme 21: Resource Start
Theme 22: Material Start
Theme 23: Breakfast Start
Theme 24: Lunch & Dinner Start
Theme 25: Seasoning Start
Theme 26: Taste Start
Theme 27: Drink Start
Theme 28: Tea Start
Theme 29: Alcohol Start
Theme 30: Snack Start
Theme 31: Dairy Product Start
Theme 32: Grain Start
Theme 33: Kitchen Utensil Start
Theme 34: Tableware Start
Theme 35: Fruit Start
Theme 36: Vegetable Start
Theme 37: Meat Start
Theme 38: Seafood Start
Theme 39: Tool Start
Theme 40: Housework Start
Theme 41: Maintenance Start
Theme 42: Cleaning Supplies Start
Theme 43: Laundry Start
Theme 44: Sewing Start
Theme 45: Phone(1) Start
Theme 46: Phone(2) Start
Theme 47: Email Start
Theme 48: Street Start
Theme 49: Shop Start
Theme 50: Amusement Facility Start
Theme 51: Bank Start
Theme 52: Post Office Start
Theme 53: Library Start
Theme 54: Beauty Salon Start
Theme 55: Kindergarten Start
Theme 56: Gas Station Start
Theme 57: Court Start
Theme 58: Police Station Start
Theme 59: Prison Start
Theme 60: Shopping Start
Theme 61: Payment Start
Theme 62: Supermarket Start
Theme 63: Pharmacy Start
Theme 64: Flower Start
Theme 65: Flower Shop Start
Theme 66: Watch Shop Start
Theme 67: Jewelry Store Start
Theme 68: Pet Shop Start
Theme 69: Zoo Start
Theme 70: Fast Food Start
Theme 71: Coffee Shop Start
Theme 72: Health Start
Theme 73: Ecology Start
Theme 74: Global Warming Start
Theme 75: Pollution Abatement Start
Theme 76: Drug Start
Theme 77: Shamanism Start
Theme 78: Stock Start
Theme 79: Investment Start
Theme 80: Loan Start
Theme 81: Crime Start
Theme 82: Law Start
Theme 83: Looking for a house Start
Theme 84: Housing Start
Theme 85: Apartment Start
Theme 86: House Start
Theme 87: Home Appliances Start
Theme 88: Lighting Equipment Start
Theme 89: House Furnishing Start
Theme 90: Living Room Start
Theme 91: Family Theater Start
Theme 92: Water Tank Start
Theme 93: Kitchen Start
Theme 94: Refrigerator Start
Theme 95: Bathroom Start
Theme 96: Restroom Start
Theme 97: Bedroom Start
Theme 98: Dresser Start
Theme 99: The Baby’s Room Start
Theme 100: Personal Information Start

Start-Up Activity

Pages 168–187 contain word list that cover the following themes:

  • Days of the Week

  • Months of the Year

  • Seasons and Weather

  • Numbers and Colors

  • Places

  • Parks

  • Plants

  • Food

  • Animals

  • Five Senses

Prepare activities and games to help students become familiar with these word lists. Here are two examples for Days of the Week:

  • Divide the class into seven groups. Give each group a large sheet of paper with a day of the week written at the top. Instruct students to think of things that they do on each day. Have one student in each group write down the ideas on the piece of paper. Later, have the groups share their lists.
  • Make sets of flash cards of the seven days of the week. Divide the class into groups of seven. Distribute a card from one set to each student within a group and have them hold up their cards. Then tell the card holders to put themselves in the proper order, beginning with Sunday.

Enrichment Activity: Have students write stories and poems using some of the words from the following themes: weather (page 173), places (pages 176–177), parks (pages 178–179), and/or animals (pages 184–185).

Think About It

“Some words are short and some words are long, but they all are important.”

  • 168-187
  • 168-187
  • 168-187
  • 168-187

Lesson Plan

  • The theme words listed in this section are related to science and social studies topics. The topics—animals, plants, calendars, food, the senses, numbers and colors, weather, and places—are common themes studied by young children. When they read, write, and speak about these topics, children need to have a command of the words and the concepts related to them. These theme-word pages can help to launch the students into their study of specific topics and also serve as a ready reference tool along the way.

Classroom Applications

  • Familiarize your students with this section of theme words and its delightful and informative illustrations. These pages can be used as a source of new words to read and write, as a place to explore new concepts, or as a starting point for investigating a topic.
  • Introduce the section by having students page through it, stopping when they find something interesting. After they have done this, ask them to share some of their favorite findings.
  • Refer to this section anytime, especially when it relates to a unit the students are studying. Also refer individual students to lists that will help them with specific writing or reporting activities.

Learning with Theme Words

  • During a unit of study about weather, places, plants, food, animals, or the senses, use the appropriate pages in the handbook to motivate and build concept understanding. Also encourage your students to use these lists as a personal reference tool when they need to understand and write about various topics.
  • As the day, month, color, and number words come up so often in all school work, these lists will be especially useful reference points.
  • When children need help with dating their journal entries or friendly letters, send them to their handbooks.

State Standard Reference:

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