Word list at the airport

Вы собрались путешествовать? Тогда подборка слов по теме “Аэропорт” вам очень пригодится. Здесь собрана вся лексика по теме Airport на английском языке с переводом. Вы познакомитесь со словами и выражениями, используемыми в международных аэропортах.

Let’s go!

лексика по теме аэропорт

Слова на английском с переводом

Слово на английском Перевод
Flight Рейс
Domestic flight Внутренний рейс
International flight Международный рейс
Arrivals Прибытие
Departures Вылет
Gate Выход на посадку
Check-in Регистрация
Terminal Терминал
Destination Направление, пункт назначения
Luggage / Baggage Багаж
Baggage claim  Выдача багажа
Baggage weight  Вес багажа
Baggage drop-off Сдача багажа
Carry-on luggage Ручная кладь
Hand luggage Ручная кладь
Security control Контроль безопасности
Passport control Паспортный контроль
Customs Таможня
Connecting flight Стыковочный рейс
Transit Транзит
Transfer Трансфер
Boarding pass Посадочный талон
Window seat Место у окна
Aisle seat Место у прохода
Flight status Статус рейса
Delayed Задерживается
Closed Выход закрыт
Cancelled Отменен
Now boarding Идет посадка


Когда вы регистрируетесь на рейс, сотрудник аэропорта может спросить у вас:

Фраза на английском Перевод
May I see your passport, please? Ваш паспорт, пожалуйста.
Do you have any luggage? У вас есть багаж?
How many bags are you checking? Сколько сумок вы регистрируете?
Place your bag on the scale. Поставьте свою сумку на весы.
Do you have any carry-on luggage? У вас есть ручная кладь?
Did you pack these bags yourself? Вы сами собирали эти сумки?
You have to check-in your luggage. Вы должны зарегистрировать свой багаж.
Open your case for examination, please. Пожалуйста, откройте свой чемодан для досмотра.

Посадочный талон

После регистрации вам выдадут посадочный талон, где указан номер рейса, время посадки, номер выхода на посадку и ваше место в самолете, а также время вылета:

посадочный талон с переводом на русский

Требования к багажу

Обратите внимание на требование к весу и размерам багажа. Если вес превышает допустимый (excess luggage), вам нужно будет либо что-то вынуть, либо доплатить за перевес.

В таком случае вам могут сказать:

Фраза на английском Перевод
Your baggage is overweight. Вес багажа превышает допустимый.
Carry-on can’t weigh more than 10 kilos. Вес ручной клади не должен превышать 10 кг.
I’m afraid, you’ll have to pay for excess luggage. Я боюсь, вам нужно будет доплатить за перевес.
Your carry-on luggage is too large. Ваша ручная кладь слишком большая.

На борту самолета

Фразы пассажиров:

Фраза на английском Перевод
Where is the seat 85A? Где находится место 85А?
Could you please direct me to my seat? Не могли бы вы провести меня на мое место?
Could I change seats with you? Могу я поменяться местами с вами ?
I would like to change my seat. Я бы хотел поменять место.
Could you help me with my carry-on luggage? Не могли бы вы помочь мне с ручной кладью?
Could I have a blanket, please? Можно мне одеяло, пожалуйста?
I would like something to drink. Я бы хотел что-нибудь выпить.
Can I have another drink? Можно мне еще один напиток?
May I recline my seat? Можно мне откинуть спинку сидения?
Sorry, can I get past? Извините, можно пройти?
I don’t feel very well. Я плохо себя чувствую.
I want an airsickness bag. Мне нужен гигиенический пакет.

Фразы экипажа:

Фраза на английском Перевод
Welcome on board. Добро пожаловать на борт.
Please, fasten your seat-belts and turn off all electronic devices. Пожалуйста, пристегните ремни и отключите все электронные приборы.
Our plane is ready to take off. Наш самолет готов к взлету.
The emergency exits are located here, here and here. Аварийные выходы находятся здесь, здесь и здесь.
Please, remain seated. Пожалуйста, оставайтесь на своих местах
Please stow your hand luggage in the overhead locker or under the seat in front of you. Пожалуйста, разместите вашу ручную кладь на полку над собой или под сиденье перед собой.
Your lifejacket is under your seat. Ваш спасательный жилет находится под сидением.
Please, put your chairs into an upright position. Пожалуйста, приведите спинки кресел в вертикальное положение.

На таможне. Паспортный контроль

Здесь приведены фразы, которые у вас могу спросить на таможне. Не в каждой стране на паспортном контроле вам будут задавать вопросы, но все же в некоторых странах вас могут спросить:

Фраза на английском Перевод
What is the purpose of your visit? Какова цель вашего визита?
  • It is a business trip.
  • Командировка.
  • I’m on holiday.
  • Отпуск/отдых.
How long are you planning to stay? Как долго вы планируете оставаться?
  • For one week.
  • Одну неделю.
Where will you be staying? Где вы остановитесь?
  • I’ll be staying at a hotel/relatives place/friends place.
  • Я остановлюсь в отеле/у родственников/друзей.
Have you ever been to the USA before? Вы раньше бывали в США?
  • This is my first visit.
  • Это мой первый визит.
Have you filled out your customs declaration? Вы заполнили бланк таможенной декларации?
  • May I have another customs form?
  • Можно мне другой бланк декларации?
How much foreign money/currency have you got? Сколько иностранной валюты у вас с собой?
Any foreign money? У вас есть иностранная валюта?


Если у вас проблемы в аэропорту, вам понадобятся следующие фразы:

Фраза на английском Перевод
I have lost my boarding pass. Я потерял свой посадочный талон.
My baggage is broken, and some things are missing. Мой багаж поврежден, и некоторых вещей не хватает.
My luggage has been lost. Мой багаж потерялся.


Фраза на английском Перевод
Immigration officer: Welcome to Edinburgh. May I see your passport please? Добро пожаловать в Эдинбург. Можно ваш паспорт, пожалуйста?
You: Sure. Here it is. Конечно. Вот.
Immigration officer: Where are you coming from? Откуда вы летите?
You: I’m coming from Moscow, Russia. Я лечу из Москвы, Россия.
Immigration officer: What is the purpose of your visit? Какова цель вашей поездки?
You: I’m here on holiday. Отдых.
Immigration officer: How long are you planning to stay? Как долго вы планируете оставаться?
You: I’ll be staying for 3 weeks. Я буду здесь 3 недели.
Immigration officer: Where will you be staying? Где вы остановитесь?
You: I’ll be staying at a hotel. В отеле.
Immigration officer: What is the name of the hotel? Как называется отель?
You: Mariott Hotel. Отель Мариотт.
Immigration officer: Have you ever been to Edinburgh before? Вы раньше бывали в Эдинбурге?
You: No, this is my first time. Нет, это первый раз.
Immigration officer: Do you have anything to declare? У вас есть что-нибудь, подлежащее декларированию?
You: No. Нет.
Immigration officer: Enjoy your stay. Приятного отдыха.
You: Thank you. Спасибо.

Проверьте свои знания с карточками Quizlet:

Вам может быть интересно:

  • Слова и выражения на тему “В отеле”
  • Слова и выражения на тему “В ресторане”

Last updated:

April 24, 2022

Having to speak another language while traveling can be very stressful.

Especially at an airport!

Whether you’re an ESL student or someone who uses English professionally, I hope this blog post can help you improve your English so that you can start your vacation on a high note!


  • Airline (N)
  • Arrivals (N)
  • Board (V)
  • Boarding pass (N)
  • Boarding time (N)
  • Book (a ticket) (V)
  • Business class (N)
  • Carry on (luggage) (N)
  • Check in (V/N)
  • Conveyor belt/carousel/baggage claim (N)
  • Customs (N)
  • Delayed (Adj)
  • Departures (N)
  • Economy class (N)
  • First class (N)
  • Fragile (Adj) 
  • Gate (N)
  • Identification (N)
  • Liquids (N)
  • Long-haul flight (N)
  • On time (Adj)
  • One-way (ticket) (N)
  • Oversized baggage/Overweight baggage (N)
  • Stopover (N)
  • Travel agent (N)
  • Visa (N)
    • Helpful Tips Luggage/baggage vs. suitcase/bag

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Airline (N)

The airline or carrier you fly with is the name of the company that owns the airplane e.g. Singapore Airlines, British Airways.

I need to book a flight to Berlin next week. Which airline do you suggest I fly with?
The cheapest airline that flies to Germany is Lufthansa. It’s a German carrier.

Arrivals (N)

When your plane arrives at the airport, your family and friends will meet you at arrivals.

Jane, I’ll meet you in the arrivals lounge. I’ll be holding a sign to tell you I’m looking for you.

English vocabulary words airport board

Board (V)

To board (a plane) means to go onto it.
All passengers on Belle Air flight 2216 must go to the gate. The plane will begin boarding in 10 minutes.

english vocabulary words airport boarding pass

Boarding pass (N)

After you have notified the airline you are at the airport and you’ve checked your luggage, you will be given a boarding pass that shows you where the plane will be boarding and it will also show your seat number.

Sir, this is your boarding pass. You will be boarding at gate 22 at 6.35.

Boarding time (N)

Your boarding time is the time that people will be allowed to start entering the plane.

Boarding time was changed due to a technical problem. We would like to apologize for the delay.

Book (a ticket) (V)

When you book a ticket it means that you have reserved your place and paid for it.

Hi, how can I help you?
I’d like to book a return ticket to Paris, please.

English vocabulary words airport business class

Business class (N)

Business class is the area where people who are traveling for business purposes sit. It’s towards the front of the plane and the tickets are more expensive than normal tickets.

We’d like to invite all our passengers flying in business class to start boarding.

English vocabulary words airport carry on luggage

Carry on (luggage) (N)

Your carry on luggage is the small piece of hand luggage that you are allowed to take with you onto the plane. These bags usually have to be a certain size and weigh less than 8kg.

I’m sorry, but your carry on is too heavy. You will have to check it.

english vocabulary words airport check in

Check in (V/N)

When you check in, you notify the airline you have arrived at the airport. They will take your suitcase and give you a boarding pass. The area where you do this action is also called check-in.

How many passengers are checking in with you?
It’s a large school group. We have 45 people in our party (group).

english vocabulary words airport conveyor belt

Conveyor belt/carousel/baggage claim (N)

When your plane arrives, your bags and suitcases come out on the moving conveyor belt. Another word that you might hear for this is a carousel or baggage claim.

All passengers arriving from New York can pick up their luggage from carousel 4.

Customs (N)

Before you’re allowed to enter the country, you must go through customs where you will be met by a customs officer. Here they will check if you’re bringing anything illegal into the country such as firearms (guns), drugs or too much money and they will ask you if you “have anything to declare?” If you’re not carrying anything that is forbidden, you should answer “no.”

english vocabulary words airport delayed

Delayed (Adj)

If your flight has been delayed, it means that it’s late. Maybe it has been delayed because of bad weather, too much air traffic, or technical problems.

Ladies and gentlemen, this is an announcement that flight NZ245 has been delayed. Your new departure time is 2.25.

Departures (N)

When you are leaving to go on a trip, you will need to go to the departures lounge where you will wait to board your flight.

All passengers flying to Istanbul are kindly requested to go to the departures lounge.

english vocabulary words airport economy class

Economy class (N)

Most people who travel by plane travel in economy class because the price is much cheaper.

I’d like to book an economy class ticket to Rome next Friday.
Would you like to make it return or one-way?
A return ticket. I’d like to come back the following Friday.
Okay then, for one week?

english vocabulary words airport first class

First class (N)

First class is the most expensive area of the plane. There is a lot of space to move. The seats are bigger and the service is better.

Next time I want to fly first class.
Why? It’s so expensive!
I’m just too tall. I have no leg room in economy.

Fragile (Adj) 

Sometimes we carry things that are delicate or easily broken when we travel. A way of letting the people handling our suitcases know is to mark it with a sticker saying fragile. This will show them that they need to be a little more careful with your stuff.

english vocabulary words airport gate

Gate (N)

In the departures lounge there are a number of different gates (doors) that lead to different flights.

Can you tell me where flight AZ672 to New York departs from, please?
Yes, it leaves from gate A27.

english vocabulary words airport ID

Identification (N)

Your identification (also known as “ID”) is your official document that you need to ensure you are who you say you are. When flying, the ID you’re required to carry is your passport.

I’d like to book a flight to New Jersey for tomorrow.
Certainly, can I see your ID please?

Liquids (N)

Liquids are anything that is not solid or gas, such as a bottle of water or perfume. All airports do not allow passengers to travel with more than 100ml of liquids. All liquids you do carry on the plane must be put in a plastic bag.

Are you traveling with any liquids?
Yes, I have this deodorant.
I’m sorry, but that is too big. Each container must not exceed (go over) 100ml.

Long-haul flight (N)

A flight that travels a long distance in one go for example a long-haul flight would be flying from New York to Sydney.

I really don’t like long-haul flights and wished we had a stopover somewhere, but we really need to get back on that day and we don’t have time.

On time (Adj)

When you are traveling and you want to check the status of your flight you can look at the departures board. Here you will see all your flight information and if it says that your flight number is on time then the plane will depart at the right time.

english vocabulary words airport ticket

One-way (ticket) (N)

If you ask for a one-way ticket it means that you do not want to return to your destination. The opposite of a one-way ticket is a return ticket. If you want to purchase both, that’s called a round-trip ticket.

Hi, I’d like to book a one-way ticket to Hong Kong.
What’s your purpose (reason) for traveling?
We’re emigrating (moving for a new life) there.

Oversized baggage/Overweight baggage (N)

Each passenger is only allowed to have one suitcase that weighs 20kg or less. If they have a big piece that you want to send or something that is too heavy, the people at check in will charge you more money.

I’m sorry madam, but your bag is overweight.
By how many kilos?
One minute, let me just take a few things out.

Stopover (N)

If you are traveling on a long-haul flight, you usually have to have a short stop in another country first. This stop is called a stopover or a layover.

If you’re traveling from Europe to Australia, it’s recommended that you have a stopover either in Los Angeles or Dubai because the flight is very long otherwise.

english vocabulary words airport travel agent

Travel agent (N)

A travel agent is a person who will help you to organize your travel plans and book your flights.

I tried looking for a flight online, but I couldn’t book it with my credit card.
You should visit the travel agent in the mall, she is very good and they have great offers.

english vocabulary words airport visa

Visa (N)

A visa is a special document that gives you permission to enter a country. Some countries have strict laws and depending where you’re from, you may need to obtain (get) a visa.

Could you tell me if a person from Albania needs a visa to travel to Italy?
How long are you going for?
3 weeks.
No, you don’t require (need) a visa. Albanian citizens can travel up to 3 months without a visa to any EU country.

Helpful Tips Luggage/baggage vs. suitcase/bag

A common mistake among non-English speakers is the difference between luggage and bag.

The word bag is countable, which means we can say many bags or 3 bags whereas luggage is uncountable and it can mean either one bag or many. If you want to make the word luggage plural, you would add the phrase ‘pieces of…’ in front of it.

How many pieces of luggage do you want to check in today sir?
2 pieces. Okay, that’s fine.

If we want to wish someone a good flight or journey in English, we can also use the French phrase Bon voyage.”

Traveling by plane can be really exciting, especially if you’re heading to a place where you’ve never been before, but at the same time it can get really stressful too, especially if you have problems understanding the English that’s used at the airport.

Do yourself a favor and learn some of these essential English words to help make your travel experience an enjoyable one.

To get a better sense of this and the other words in this list, I highly recommend that you watch and listen to authentic English content.

For example, there’s a whole movie set in an airport called “The Terminal” which can be a good way to hear airport vocabulary being used naturally. You can also search for any of these words on FluentU, where you’ll find real English videos like movie clips and news segments, paired with interactive captions and vocabulary quizzes.

And when you arrive in your new country, make sure you speak as much English as possible to practice.

Safe travels. Bon voyage!

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can take anywhere.
Click here to get a copy. (Download)

One of the most important places to be comfortable with English vocabulary is in the airport. While in your country, the signs and announcements may be in both your mother tongue and in English, in almost all other countries you will need to rely on your English vocabulary only.

So, what are the most important words for you to understand before taking a flight? Here is a comprehensive list of the most useful airport vocabulary.

1.     Airline

Definition: The company that you are travelling with. For example, British Airways, Singapore Airlines, Ryanair, United Airlines

Example sentence: ‘What airline are you flying with today?’

 ‘I’m flying with American Airlines.’

2.     Arrivals

Definition: The part of the airport where people exit from the plane

Example sentence: “Can you tell me where arrivals is, please?”

“Certainly. This is departures, so you need to go downstairs for arrivals.”

3.     Baggage reclaim

Definition: the place where you collect your suitcases after you arrive

Example sentence: “We just need to collect our bags at baggage reclaim, and then we will   leave the airport.”

4.     To board

Definition: to enter the plane

Example sentence: “We are starting to board, so we have no more time for shopping.”

5.     Boarding pass

Definition: the ticket which gives you permission to enter the plane

Example sentence: “Can you show me your boarding pass please.”

“I checked in online, so my boarding pass is on my phone.”

6.     Boarding time

Definition: the time that you enter the plane (take-off time is the time when the plane leaves)

Example sentence: “Our boarding time is at 2p.m., and take-off time is at 2.45p.m.”

7.     To book

Definition: to confirm your ticket to travel

Example sentence: “If you want to get a good price on your ticket, it is important to book many months before you travel.”

8.     Carry-on bag

Definition: a bag that you take with you on the airplane (opposite of check-in bag)

Example sentence: “I only have a carry-on bag so I don’t need to wait for a suitcase when I arrive.”

9.     To check in / check-in

Definition: to present yourself and your identification (I.D.) before you take your flight. Most people use online check-in now.

Example sentence: “You only need to check in at the airport if you are checking-in luggage. If you are only taking carry-on bags, then you can use online check-in.”

10.  Customs

Definition: the place where you show your passport after you arrive at your destination

Example sentence: “We just need to collect our bags at baggage reclaim, and then we will leave the airport.”

11.  Delayed

Definition: when the airplane will not leave at the correct time

Example sentence: “Because of the terrible weather, our flight was delayed for three hours.”

12.  Departures

Definition: the place where you get on the plane

Example sentence: “The taxi took me to arrivals instead of departures, so I was late.”

13.  Departure lounge

Definition: the final place where you wait to get on the plane, after the security check

Example sentence: “Only passengers can go into the departure lounge.”

14.  Domestic

Definition: journeys that stay inside the same country

Example sentence: “We must go to domestic departures because we are flying from New York to los Angeles. The departures here are all international.”

15.  Flight

Definition: the journey by airplane

Example sentence: “Our flight leaves at 10 a.m. and arrives at 6 p.m.”

16.  Fragile

Definition: an item that can break easily

Example sentence: “If you have any fragile items in your suitcase, write ‘fragile’ on the bag and take it to the special check-in.”

17.  Gate

Definition: the place where you get on the plane

Example sentence: “Our flight is leaving from Gate 47, so we need to walk for ten minutes to get there.”

18.  Identification / I.D.

Definition: documentation with your photograph and personal details

Example sentence: “Please can you present a valid I.D. before you are allowed to check-in.”

19.  Last call

Definition: the final opportunity to board the plane

Example sentence: “This is the last call for Ryanair Flight 123 to Barcelona. Will passengers please got to Gate 54 immediately.”

20.  Luggage

Definition: your bags (the word ‘luggage’ is uncountable, so you cannot say ‘two luggages’ – two bags is correct)

Example sentence: “We had a lot of luggage when we went to New York as we have three children and we were going for three weeks.”

21.  Long-haul flight (opposite is short-haul flight)

Definition: a journey to a place that is a long way away

Example sentence: “On long-haul flights, it is recommended to walk around the airplane regularly.”

22.  On time

Definition: the plane will depart at the correct time

Example sentence: “Even though the weather was very bad, the plane left on time.”

23.  One-way

Definition: a ticket that takes you in one direction only

Example sentence: “I have a one-way ticket because I am not coming back.”

24.  Oversized / Overweight Bag

Definition: a bag that is heavier (more kilograms) than the allowed limit

Example sentence: “If you bag is more than 25kgs you have to take it to the oversized baggage area and pay extra.”

25.  Priority boarding

Definition: to have a ticket that allows you to get on the plane first

Example sentence: “When you have small children, it’s normal to have priority boarding so you can get on the plane before everybody else.

26.  Stopover

Definition: when you stay in a place in between your flights

Example sentence: “When we flew from London to Sydney, we had a one-night stopover in Singapore.”

27.  Terminal

Definition: the airport building

Example sentence: “Most big airports have more than one terminal. London Heathrow has four terminals.”

28.  Trolley

Definition: the machine you use to transport your bags inside the airport

Example sentence: “I have three big suitcases so I needed a trolley to move them.”

29.  To upgrade

Definition: to improve the quality of your seat on the airplane

Example sentence: “When we arrived at the airport, we got a free upgrade to business class.”

30.  Visa

Definition: official permission to enter a country

Example sentence: “To enter Russia, you need a visa.”

You have reached this interesting post as you might be among those who have asked the following questions: what are some useful English vocabulary words for the airport? airport vocabulary words? words associated with airport and their meaning? What are the words related to airport? What are some flying terms? What are the words used in airport? How do you talk in airport? What is the vocabulary of aviation? What do you say at airport check-in? what is airport vocabulary pdf?

In general, English is widely used in every airport. ESL learners need to learn important English vocabulary related to airport and travel as a whole. This post aims to provide a basic and essential vocabulary of terms used in the airport and travel industry. The list compiles popular airport-related words and phrases introduced in simple English. The definitions have been expanded by some important example sentences.

The main words associated with the airport are listed below:

  • aisle
  • arrival
  • baggage
  • board
  • boarding pass
  • bulkhead
  • carry-on (adjective)
  • carry-on (noun)
  • check
  • coach
  • cockpit
  • connection
  • crew (noun)
  • customs (plural noun)
  • delayed
  • departure
  • duty-free
  • first-class (noun)
  • flight attendant
  • flight deck
  • gate
  • itinerary
  • jet engine
  • jet lag
  • jumbo jet
  • landing
  • lavatory
  • luggage
  • one-way
  • overbook
  • oxygen mask
  • passport
  • pilot (noun)
  • propeller
  • round trip
  • runway
  • seat belt
  • security
  • standby (adjective)
  • steward
  • stewardess
  • stopover
  • takeoff
  • taxi (verb)
  • ticket
  • trolley
  • turbulence
  • visa
  • window seat
  • wing

50 Useful English Vocabulary Words for the Airport


  • Meaning: the passage between rows of pews, seats, as in an aircraft, theatre, etc.
  • Example: Janet likes to sit in the aisle seat.


  • Meaning:  the act of arriving, coming to or reaching a place.
  • Example: Our guests’ estimated time of arrival is 15:45.


  • Meaning: belongings packed up in suitcases, etc., for traveling; luggage.
  • Example: At the airport, I found that I had 30 kg of excess baggage.


  • Meaning: on or on to a ship, airplane etc.
  • Example: All passengers have gone on board.

boarding pass:

  • Meaning: a piece of paper you must have to get on a plane or a ship.
  • Example: You should present your boarding pass to the flight attendant.


  • Meaning: an upright partition or wall that separates compartments in aircraft or boats

carry-on (adjective):

  • Meaning: carried or suitable for being carried aboard
  • Example: carry-on baggage/luggage

carry-on (noun)

  • Meaning: a small bag or case that a person carries onto a plane with them
  • Example: They stated that only one carry-on is allowed.

check in

  • Meaning: to report one’s arrival at an air terminal
  • Example: Passengers should check in at least an hour before departure.


  • Meaning: the section of least expensive seats on an airplane or train
  • Example: The whole family reserved seats in coach.


  • Meaning: the compartment for the pilot and crew in an aircraft.


  • Meaning: an airplane that people get onto after getting off another airplane as part of the same journey.
  • Example: We will fly out of Madrid and then have a connection in Paris.

crew (noun)

  • Meaning: a team of people manning an aircraft.
  • Example: The crew members are skilled people.

customs (plural noun)

  • Meaning: taxes or duties paid on imports. the place at an airport where government officers collect customs on goods.
  • Example: It took them a long time to clear customs at the airport.


  • Meaning: If a flight has been delayed, it means that it is late due to technical problems, bad weather, or too much air traffic.
  • Example: Our flight to Oslo has been delayed. Our new departure time is 3:30.


  • Meaning: the act of departing or leaving a place especially to start a trip.


  • Meaning: the departures lounge is a place in the airport where passengers will wait to board their flight.
  • Example: All passengers flying to Munich are kindly requested to go to the departures lounge.

duty-free ( adjective)

  • Meaning: goods that a person can bring into a country without paying tax on them.
  • Example: duty-free goods


  • Meaning: using the best and most expensive seats or accommodation on a plane.
  • Example: They usually travel first-class

flight attendant

  • Meaning:  a person whose job is to help and serve passengers who are traveling in an airplane

flight deck

  • Meaning: an area at the front of a large plane where the pilot sits.
  • Example: The captain spoke to the passengers from the flight deck.


  • Meaning: an area at an airport where passengers arrive and leave.
  • Example: Flight 402 is boarding at Gate 6.


  • Meaning: a plan a person makes of a trip, including the places they visit.
  • Example: Our family planned a detailed itinerary.

jet engine

  • Meaning: an engine that drives an aircraft forwards by pushing out a stream of gases behind it

jet lag

  • Meaning: an unpleasant feeling that occurs following a long flight through several time zones.
  • Example: Liza had bad jet lag after that last trip overseas.

jumbo jet

  • Meaning: a very large airplane that can carry many passengers, like a Boeing 747


  • Meaning: an act of returning to the ground or another surface after a flight.
  • Example: The pilot could make a smooth landing.


  • Meaning: suitcases that people carry when traveling, baggage


  • Meaning: allowing travel to a place but not back from the place.
  • Example: I bought a one-way ticket to Chicago.


  • Meaning: to allow too many people to buy tickets on a plane than there are places available.
  • Example: The flight was heavily overbooked.

oxygen mask

  • Meaning: a mask worn over one’s nose and mouth so that one can breathe easily.


  • Meaning: a formal document issued by the government of a country that identifies someone as a citizen of that country and that is usually necessary when entering or leaving a country.
  • Example: US passport holders.

pilot (noun)

  • Meaning: a person employed to conduct or fly an aircraft.
  • Example: The accident was caused by a pilot error.

round trip

  • Meaning: a trip to a place and back again.
  • Example: a round-trip ticket.


  • Meaning: a long narrow strip of ground with hard surface where airplanes take off and land.

seat belt

  • Meaning: a safety belt that prevents a passenger in an aeroplane from being thrown violently forward in the event of an emergency stop, crash, etc.
  • Example: fasten your seat belt.


  • Meaning: activities and things done to make people or places safe.
  • Example: they increased security at airports.

standby (adjective)

  • Meaning: a standby ticket for a flight cannot be bought in advance and is available a very short time before the plane takes off.
  • Example: standby tickets/passengers


  • Meaning: someone whose job is to look after the needs of passengers on a plane.


  • Meaning: a female steward


  • Meaning: a short period of time when you stop at a place during a trip
  • They had a three-hour stopover at Dubai airport.

take-off (noun):

  • Meaning: the moment at which an aircraft leaves the ground and starts to fly
  • The plane is ready for take-off.

taxi (verb):

  • Meaning: to move slowly along the ground before taking off or after landing
  • The plane taxied slowly to the runway.


  • Meaning: a small cart or basket on wheels for conveying luggage, shopping etc.
  • a luggage trolley


  • Meaning: a sudden, wild, violent, or unusual movements of air or water.
  • The plane has undergone severe turbulence during the flight.


  • Meaning: a permit stamped into a passport, or a similar document, allowing the holder to enter or leave the country which issues it.
  • exit visas

window seat:

  • Meaning: a seat that is built or placed below a window, a seat next to a window in a plane


  • Meaning: one of usually two long, flat parts of an airplane that extend from the sides and make it possible for the airplane to fly

Airport Vocabulary Worksheets Pdf Free Download

woman walking on pathway while strolling luggage

1 min read
February 23, 2022

Frequent travelers know that a smooth airport experience is everything, yet all the tricky terms can make the process more confusing than it should be.

What’s a “concourse” exactly? How do I find my gate? Such questions have run through the minds of many.

Airport staff do their best to be accommodating, but for English learners, this list of vocab words can assist in navigating the travel procedure with ease!

Glossary Terms

Airfare: The cost of a plane ticket.

Prices fluctuate depending on factors like time of year.


Buy a ticket early to secure the lowest airfare.

Airline: A company that owns airplanes, employs aircrew, and operates commercial flights.


My favorite airline to travel with is Lufthansa.

Baggage claim: The area in which luggage is reclaimed off conveyor belts after landing at the destination.


Excuse me, do you know where baggage claim is?

Boarding: The process of getting all passengers on the plane and in their seat. Announcements are made to line everyone up.


The boarding process started at the scheduled time.

Boarding pass: The rectangular card given to passengers at check-in that allows them to fly.


Boarding passes can be printed at the kiosk.

Carry-on: A medium-sized piece of luggage that is taken on the plane and stored in the overhead bin.


She always brings a carry-on when traveling.

Checked bag: A large piece of luggage that is loaded in the cargo hold after being submitted at the check-in counter.


The checked bag was too heavy to lift!

Domestic flight: A flight that takes off and lands in the same country.


We’ll catch a domestic flight from Seattle to Denver.

Gate: A seating area with a doorway leading to the airplane. Travelers sit here while waiting to board.  


Gate B21 is currently closed for maintenance.


A passport, identification card, or other travel document displaying a passenger’s personal information.


Please have your ID ready to show at customs.

Overhead bin: The compartment above the airplane seats that carry-on luggage is stored in.


The flight attendant makes sure to close the overhead bin.

Terminal: The building that travelers enter to check in, go through security, and take their flight. Large airports usually have multiple terminals.


Buses run to and from each terminal until 10 PM.

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