Word list accidentally accused

Number (1-2284) Frequency Word Related words in GSL Related words NOT in GSL 1 69975 the 2 39175 be been, is, are, was, were, am 3 36432 of 4 28872 and 5 26800 a an 6 26190 to 7 21338 in 8 20033 he him, his 9 12458 have has, had 10 11247 it 11 10790 that 12 9495 for 13 8555 they 14 8516 I me, my 15 7289 with within, without 16 7254 as 17 6976 not 18 6742 on 19 6164 she her, hers 20 5377 at 21 5307 by 22 5146 this these 23 4931 we us, our, ours 24 4695 you your, yours, yourself 25 4389 do does, did, done 26 4383 but 27 4371 from 28 4204 or 29 3560 which whichever 30 3480 one 31 3062 would 32 3002 all 33 2903 will willing, willingly, unwilling 34 2851 there 35 2793 say says, said, saying 36 2678 who whoever, whom 37 2378 make makes, made, making, maker 38 2333 when whenever 39 2218 can could 40 2203 more moreover 41 2199 if 42 2149 no nobody, nowhere 43 2132 man mankind men, manhood 44 2099 out outline, outside, outward 45 2035 other otherwise others 46 1986 so 47 1965 what whatever 48 1940 time times, timely 49 1895 up 50 1849 go goes, gone 51 1816 about 52 1794 than 53 1790 into 54 1782 could can 55 1773 state states, stated, stating, statement 56 1751 only 57 1698 new news, newspaper newly 58 1673 year years, yearly 59 1618 some 60 1586 take takes, took, taken, taking 61 1577 come comes, came, coming 62 1575 these this 63 1531 know knowledge knows, knew, knowing 64 1520 see sees, seen, seeing 65 1512 use uses, used, using, useful, usefulness, useless, user 66 1488 get gets, got 67 1430 like likely likes, liked, liking, unlike 68 1377 then 69 1361 first 70 1348 any 71 1315 work works, worked, working, workings, worker, workman, workshop, workmanship 72 1314 now nowadays 73 1307 may 74 1303 such 75 1270 give gift gives, given, gave, giving 76 1239 over overcome, overflow 77 1225 think thinks, thought, thinking, thinker 78 1203 most mostly 79 1179 even 80 1086 find finds, found, finding 81 1077 day daily, daylight days 82 1070 also 83 1070 after 84 1036 way ways, wayside 85 1030 many 86 1022 must 87 1021 look looks, looked, looking 88 1018 before 89 1018 great greatcoat, greatly, greatness 90 1017 back backward backbone, background 91 987 through throughout 92 957 long 93 949 where wherever 94 937 much 95 915 should shall 96 906 well 97 905 people 98 903 down 99 895 own ownership owns, owned, owning, owner 100 889 just justice justly, unjust, unjustly 101 883 because 102 879 good 103 878 each 104 864 those 105 853 feel feels, felt, feeling 106 853 seem seems, seemed, seeming 107 849 how however 108 847 high height, heighten, highway 109 835 too 110 835 place places, placed, placing 111 833 little 112 832 world worldwide, worldly, worldliness 113 797 very 114 792 still stillness 115 789 nation native, international nations, national 116 784 hand handkerchief, handle, handshake, handwriting hands, handy 117 780 old old-fashioned older, oldest 118 774 life live lives 119 771 tell tells, told, telling 120 768 write writes, wrote, writing 121 768 become becomes, became, becoming 122 761 here 123 755 show shows, shown, showing, showy 124 745 house houses, household, householder, housewife 125 731 both 126 730 between 127 723 need necessary, necessity needs, needed, needing, needless, needy 128 719 mean meantime, meanwhile meant, meaning, means 129 711 call calls, called, calling 130 710 develop develops, developed, developing, development 131 707 under underneath 132 705 last 133 704 right rightly 134 703 move moves, movement 135 702 thing things 136 700 general generally 137 697 school schools 138 697 never 139 690 same 140 690 another 141 681 begin begins, began, begun, beginning, beginnings 142 680 while whilst 143 678 number numerous numbers 144 672 part particle parts, partly, partial, partially 145 668 turn turns, turning 146 664 real realise really, reality 147 662 leave leaves, leaving 148 660 might 149 654 want wants, wanted, wanting 150 645 point points, pointed, pointer 151 639 form forms, formed, forming 152 639 off 153 638 child childhood children, childish, childlike 154 634 few 155 632 small smallness 156 629 since 157 627 against 158 614 ask asks, asked, asking 159 611 late lately later 160 611 home homecoming, homemade, homework homes, homely 161 605 interest interesting 162 605 large largely 163 601 person personal, personally 164 600 end ending, endless 165 596 open opens, opened, opening, openly 166 590 public publicly 167 589 follow follows, followed, following 168 588 during 169 584 present presence presents, presented, presenting 170 583 without with, within 171 580 again 172 577 hold holds, held, holding, holder 173 568 govern governor governs, governed, governing, government, governments 174 567 around 175 565 possible impossible possibly, possibility 176 564 head headache, headdress heads, headed, heading 177 563 consider considers, considered, considering 178 560 word words 179 560 programme programmes 180 560 problem problems 181 552 however how 182 552 lead leadership leads, led, leading, leader, leaders 183 548 system systems, systematic, systematically 184 546 set sets, setting 185 539 order orders, orderly 186 539 eye eyes, eyeing, eyed 187 538 plan plans, planned, planning 188 534 run runs, ran, running, runner 189 534 keep keeps, kept, keeping, keeper 190 534 face faces 191 534 fact facts 192 534 group groups 193 533 play plays, played, playing, player, playground, plaything 194 531 stand stands, standing, stood 195 529 increase increases, increased, increasing 196 529 early earliness 197 528 course 198 527 change changes, changed, changing 199 523 help helps, helped, helper, helpful, helpless 200 522 line lines 201 521 city citizen cities 202 513 put puts, putting 203 511 close closes, closing, closed 204 506 case cases 205 504 force forces, forcing, forced 206 501 meet meets, met, meeting 207 501 once 208 501 water watercourse, waterfall, waterpipe, waterproof, waterway, waterworks, watery 209 498 upon 210 496 war wars 211 496 build builds, built, building 212 496 hear hears, hearing, heard, hearer 213 496 light lighten lights, lighter, lightly, lightness 214 495 unite union, unit, unity unites, united, uniting 215 493 live life lived, living 216 492 every everybody, everyday, everyone, everything, everywhere 217 491 country countries 218 490 bring brings, bringing, brought 219 490 centre centres, center 220 489 let 221 488 side sides, sideways 222 487 try trial tries, tried, trying 223 486 provide provides, provided, providing 224 484 continue continues, continued, continuing, continuous, continuously 225 482 name names, nameless, namely 226 481 certain certainty certainly 227 480 power powerful 228 479 pay pays, paying, paid, unpaid, payment 229 473 result results 230 473 question questions 231 471 study student studies, studying, studied 232 468 woman women 233 464 member membership members 234 463 until till 235 461 far faraway, farther, farthest 236 460 night tonight nights, goodnight 237 458 always 238 458 service servant, serve services, servicing, serviced 239 458 away 240 457 report reports, reported, reporting, reporter 241 454 something 242 453 company companies 243 452 week weekday, weekend weeks, weekly 244 451 church 245 451 toward towards 246 451 start starts, started, starting 247 449 social society socially 248 445 room rooms 249 443 figure figures 250 441 nature natural, naturally 251 440 though although 252 438 young youngster 253 437 less lessen 254 434 enough 255 433 almost 256 432 read reads, reading, reader 257 426 include inclusive includes, included, including 258 424 president presidents 259 423 nothing 260 419 yet 261 418 better 262 417 big 263 413 boy boys 264 412 cost costs 265 412 business businesslike, businessman businesses 266 411 value valuable values, valueless 267 409 second seconds, secondhand, secondly 268 407 why 269 406 clear clears, cleared, clearing, clearly, clearness 270 405 expect expects, expected, expecting, expectation 271 405 family families 272 401 complete completion completes, completed, completing 273 401 act action, active acts, acted, acting, activity, activities 274 401 sense sensitive senses, senseless, insensible, sensation, sensible, sensibly 275 400 mind minds, minded, minding 276 399 experience experiences, experienced 277 396 art artist, artists, artistic 278 395 next 279 395 near nearly 280 394 direct direction, director directs, directed, directing, directly 281 393 car cars 282 393 law laws, lawful, unlawful, lawfully, unlawfully, lawless 283 387 industry industries, industrial 284 386 important importance 285 381 girl girls 286 379 god gods, goddess, godfather, godmother 287 378 several 288 377 matter matters 289 376 usual usually 290 373 rather 291 371 per 292 369 often 293 369 kind unkind, kindly, kindness 294 369 among amongst 295 368 white whiten 296 365 reason reasonable reasons 297 365 action act, active actions 298 364 return returns, returned, returning 299 364 foot feet, football, foothold, footpath, footprint, footstep, footnote 300 360 care cares, cared, caring, careful, careless 301 360 simple simplicity simply 302 359 within with, without 303 358 love lovely loves, loved, lovable, lover, loving, lovingly 304 358 human humans 305 355 along 306 353 appear appearance, disappear appears, appeared, appearing 307 353 doctor doctors 308 353 believe belief believes, believed, believing 309 352 speak speech speaks, speaker 310 351 active act, action actively 311 351 student study students 312 350 month months, monthly 313 349 drive drives, drove, driven 314 348 concern concerns, concerned, concerning 315 348 best 316 348 door doors 317 346 hope hopes, hoped, hopeful, hopeless 318 345 example examples 319 345 inform informs, informed, informing, information 320 344 body bodies, bodily, bodyguard 321 344 ever everlasting 322 343 least 323 343 probable probably, probability 324 343 understand understands, understood, understanding 325 342 reach reaches, reached, reaching 326 340 effect effective effects 327 339 different difference differently 328 337 idea ideas 329 337 whole wholly 330 335 control controls, controlled, controlling 331 333 condition conditions 332 333 field fields 333 333 pass past passes, passed, passing 334 333 fall falls, fell, fallen 335 332 note notebook notes, noted, notepaper 336 332 special specially 337 332 talk talked, talking, talks 338 331 particular particularly 339 330 today 340 329 measure measures, measured, measuring, measurement, measurements 341 328 walk walks, walked, walking 342 328 teach teaches, taught, teaching, teachings, teacher 343 327 low lower, lowland 344 327 hour hours, hourly 345 326 type types, typed, typing, typewriter, typewrite, typist 346 326 carry carries, carrying, carried 347 324 rate rates 348 324 remain remains, remained, remaining 349 324 full 350 323 street streets 351 323 easy easily 352 323 although though 353 321 record records, recorded, recording 354 321 sit sits, sat, sitting 355 320 determine determines, determining, determined, determination 356 315 level levels 357 313 local locally 358 312 sure surely 359 312 receive receipt receives, received, receiving, receiver 360 311 thus 361 309 moment momentary moments 362 308 spirit spirits 363 308 train trains, trained, training 364 308 college colleges 365 307 religion religions, religious 366 307 perhaps 367 306 music musician musical, musicals 368 306 grow growth grows, growing, grown 369 305 free freedom frees, freed, freeing, freely 370 304 cause causes, caused, causing 371 302 serve servant, service serves, served, serving 372 302 age ages 373 302 book books 374 302 board boards 375 302 recent recently 376 301 sound sounds 377 301 office officer, official offices 378 300 cut cuts, cutting 379 299 step steps 380 297 class classification, classify 381 297 TRUE truth truly 382 297 history 383 296 position positions 384 296 above 385 295 strong strength, strengthen strongly 386 294 friend friendly, friendship friends 387 293 necessary necessity, need necessarily, unnecessary 388 292 add adds, adding, added 389 292 court courts, courtyard 390 291 deal deals, dealt, dealer, dealing, dealings 391 290 tax taxes, taxed, taxing 392 289 support supports, supporting, supported 393 286 party parties 394 286 whether 395 285 either 396 285 land landlord lands, landed, landing 397 285 material materials 398 285 happen happens, happened, happening 399 285 education educate, educator educational 400 284 death dead deaths, deathbed 401 284 agree disagree agrees, agreed, agreeing, agreement 402 283 arm arms, armour, unarmed 403 282 mother motherhood, motherly mothers 404 282 across 405 281 quite 406 281 anything 407 281 town towns 408 281 past pass 409 281 view views 410 281 society social societies 411 280 manage manages, managed, managing, management, manager 412 280 answer answers, answering, answered 413 280 break breaks, broke, breaking, breakage 414 279 organise organises, organising, organised, organisation, organizes, organized, organizing, organization 415 277 half halve 416 276 fire fires, firing 417 276 lose loss loses, losing, lost 418 275 money 419 275 stop stops, stopped, stopping, stoppage, stopper 420 275 actual actually 421 274 already 422 274 effort 423 273 wait waiter waits, waited, waiting 424 273 department departments 425 273 able ability 426 272 political politician, politics politically 427 271 learn learns, learned, learning 428 271 voice voices 429 269 air 430 269 together 431 269 shall should 432 269 cover covers, covered, covering 433 269 common commonly, uncommon, commonsense 434 268 subject subjects 435 266 draw draws 436 265 short shorten shortly, shortness 437 265 wife wives 438 265 treat treats, treated, treating 439 263 limit limits, limitation 440 262 road roads, roadside 441 262 letter letters 442 260 colour colours, colouring, color, colors, coloring 443 260 behind 444 258 produce product, production produces, produced, producing 445 258 send sends, sent, sending 446 258 term terms 447 257 total totals, totally 448 256 university universities 449 254 rise rises, rose, risen, rising 450 254 century centuries 451 253 success succeed successes 452 253 minute minutes 453 251 remember remembers, remembered, remembering 454 250 purpose purposes 455 250 test testing, tests, tested 456 248 fight fights, fighter 457 247 watch watches, watched, watching, watchful, watchfulness 458 247 situation situations 459 246 south southeast, southeastern, southern, southward, southwest, southwestern 460 246 ago 461 245 difference different differences 462 245 stage stages 463 244 father fathers 464 243 table tables 465 242 rest rests, rested, resting 466 242 bear bears, bearing 467 240 entire entirely 468 240 market markets 469 240 prepare prepares, prepared, preparing, preparation 470 240 explain explains, explained, explaining, explanation 471 239 offer offers, offering, offered 472 239 plant plants, planter 473 238 charge charges, charged, charging 474 238 ground grounds, groundwork 475 238 west western 476 237 picture pictures 477 237 hard harden hardness 478 234 front 479 233 lie liar lies, lied, lying 480 232 modern modernise 481 231 dark darken darkness 482 230 surface surfaces 483 230 rule ruled, rules, ruling 484 230 regard disregard regards, regarded, regarding, regardless 485 229 dance dances, danced, dancing 486 229 peace peaceful 487 227 observe observes, observed, observing 488 227 future 489 227 wall walls 490 225 farm farms 491 225 claim claims, claimed, claiming 492 225 firm firmly, firmness 493 223 operation operate, operator operations 494 223 further 495 223 pressure press pressures, pressured, pressuring 496 222 property 497 222 morning mornings 498 222 amount 499 221 top 500 221 outside out, outline, outward 501 221 piece pieces 502 221 sometimes 503 220 beauty beautiful, beautifully 504 220 trade trades, trading, trader, tradesman 505 220 fear fears, feared, fearful, fearless 506 220 demand demands, demanded, demanding 507 220 wonder wonders, wondered, wondering, wonderful, wonderfully 508 219 list lists 509 219 accept accepts, accepted, accepting 510 218 judge judges, judgment 511 218 paint paints, painted, painter, painters 512 217 mile miles, mileage, milestone 513 217 soon sooner 514 215 responsible responsibility 515 214 allow allowance allows, allowed, allowing 516 214 secretary secretaries 517 214 heart hearts 518 213 union unit, unite, unity unions 519 213 slow slowly, slowness 520 213 island islands 521 213 enter entrance enters, entered, entering 522 213 drink drinks, drunk, drank, drinking 523 212 story stories 524 211 experiment experiments, experimental, experimentally 525 211 stay stays, stayed, staying 526 210 paper 527 210 space spaced, spacing, spaces 528 210 apply application applies, applied, applying 529 209 decide decision, decisive decides, deciding, decided, decidedly 530 208 share shares, shared, sharing 531 207 desire desires, desiring, desired 532 207 spend spends, spent, spending 533 207 sign signal, signature signs 534 206 therefore 535 206 various variety variously 536 206 visit visitor visits, visiting 537 205 supply supplies, supplying, supplied 538 205 officer office, official officers 539 205 doubt doubts, doubted, doubting, doubtful, doubtless 540 204 private 541 204 immediate immediately 542 204 wish wishes, wished, wishing 543 204 contain contains, contained, containing, container 544 204 feed feeds, fed, feeding 545 204 raise raises, raised, raising 546 204 describe description described, describes, describing 547 203 ready 548 203 horse horses, horseback, horseman, horseshoe 549 202 son sons 550 202 exist existence exists, existed, existing 551 202 north northern northeast, northwest, northwards 552 201 suggest suggestion suggests, suggested, suggesting 553 200 station stations 554 200 effective effect effectively 555 199 food 556 199 deep deepen, depth deeply 557 198 wide widen, width 558 197 alone 559 196 character characters 560 195 english 561 196 happy happily 562 196 critic critics, critical 563 195 unit union, unite, unity units 564 195 product produce, production products 565 195 respect disrespect respects, respected, respecting, respectful 566 195 drop drops, dropped, dropping 567 195 nor 568 195 fill fills, filled, filling 569 194 cold coldly, coldness 570 193 represent representative represents, represented, representing 571 193 sudden suddenly 572 192 basic base, basis 573 192 kill kills, killed, killing 574 191 fine finely, fineness 575 191 trouble troubles, troubled, troublesome 576 191 mark marks, marked, marking 577 191 single singly 578 190 press pressure 579 189 heavy heavily 580 189 attempt attempts 581 189 origin original, originality, originally 582 189 standard standards, standardise 583 188 everything every, everyday, everyone, everybody, everywhere 584 188 committee committees 585 188 moral immoral, immorality, morality, morally 586 187 black 587 186 red redden 588 186 bad badly, badness 589 186 earth earthly, earthworm, earthy 590 185 accord 591 185 else elsewhere 592 185 mere merely 593 184 die dies, died, dying 594 184 remark remarks, remarked, remarking 595 184 basis base, basic 596 184 except exception excepting 597 183 equal equally, equality 598 183 east 599 183 event eventful, uneventful 600 183 employ employee employs, employing, employed, unemployed, employer, employers, employment 601 183 defence defend, defendant defense 602 183 smile smiles, smiled, smiling 603 183 river rivers 604 183 improve improves, improved, improving, improvement, improvements 605 182 game games 606 181 detail details, detailed 607 181 account accounts, accounted, accounting 608 181 cent cents 609 181 sort 610 180 reduce reduction reduces, reduced, reducing 611 180 club clubs 612 180 buy buys, buying, bought 613 180 attention attend, attentive 614 180 ship ships, shipbuilding, shipment, shipper, shipwreck 615 179 decision decide, decisive decisions 616 178 wear wears, wore, worn 617 178 inside 618 178 win wins, won, winning 619 178 suppose 620 178 ride rides, riding, rode 621 177 operate operation, operator operates, operated, operating 622 177 realise real realises, realised, realising, realisation, realize, realizes, realized, realizing, realization 623 177 sale salesman sales 624 177 choose choice chooses, chose, chosen, choosing 625 177 park parks 626 177 square 627 176 vote votes, voted, voting, voter 628 176 price prices 629 176 district districts 630 175 dead death 631 175 foreign foreigner 632 175 window windows 633 175 beyond 634 174 direction direct, director directions 635 174 strike strikes, struck, striking 636 174 instead 637 173 trial try trials 638 173 practice practical practise, practises, practised, practising 639 173 catch catches 640 172 opportunity opportunities 641 172 likely like unlikely 642 170 recognise recognition recognises, recognised, recognising, recognize, recognizing, recognized 643 170 permit permission permits, permitted, permitting 644 170 serious seriously 645 170 attack attacks 646 170 floor floors 647 168 association associations 648 168 spring springs, sprang, sprung 649 167 lot 650 167 stock stocks 651 167 lack lacks, lacked, lacking 652 167 hair 653 167 science scientific, scientist sciences 654 166 relation relate, relative relations 655 166 profession professions, professional 656 166 pattern patterns 657 165 quick quickly, quickness 658 164 medical medicine medicals, medically 659 165 influence influential influences, influenced, influencing 660 165 occasion occasions, occasional, occasionally 661 165 machine machinery machines 662 164 compare comparison compares, compared, comparing 663 163 husband 664 163 blue 665 163 international nation 666 162 fair unfair, fairly, unfairly 667 162 especially especial 668 162 indeed 669 162 imagine imaginary, imaginative imagines, imagined, imagining, imagination 670 162 surprise surprises, surprising, surprisingly 671 162 average 672 161 official office, officer officials, officially 673 161 temperature 674 161 difficult difficulty 675 160 sing song sings, sang, sung, singer, singers 676 160 hit hits 677 160 tree trees 678 160 race races 679 160 police policeman 680 160 touch touches, touched, touching 681 159 relative relate, relation relatives 682 159 throw throws, thrown, threw, throwing 683 159 quality qualities 684 159 former formerly 685 158 pull pulls, pulled, pulling 686 157 chance chances 687 157 prove proof proves, proved, proving 688 157 argue argues, argued, arguing, argument, arguments 689 157 settle settled, settles, settling, settlement, settler 690 156 growth grow growths 691 156 date dates 692 156 heat heating 693 155 save safe, safety saves, saving, saved 694 155 performance perform performances 695 155 count counts, counting, counted 696 155 production produce, product 697 154 listen listened, listens, listening, listener 698 152 main mainly, mainland 699 154 pick picked, picks, picking, peck 700 154 size sizes 701 152 cool coolly, coolness 702 152 army armies 703 152 patient patience patients, patiently 704 151 combine combines, combining, combined, combination 705 151 summer 706 151 hall halls 707 151 slight slightly 708 151 command commands 709 151 enjoy enjoys, enjoyed, enjoying, enjoyable, enjoyment 710 151 length lengthen 711 150 proper properly, improper, improperly 712 150 express expression expresses, expressed, expressing 713 150 health heal healthy 714 150 chief chiefly 715 149 evening 716 149 store stores, stored, storing 717 149 language languages 718 148 degree degrees 719 148 lay lays, laid 720 147 current currents 721 147 gun guns, gunboat, gunner, gunpowder 722 147 dog dogs 723 147 hotel hotels 724 147 strange strangely, strangeness, stranger 725 147 separate separation separately 726 146 boat boats 727 146 fail failure fails, failed, failing 728 146 clean cleanly, cleanness 729 146 dress dresses 730 146 anyone 731 146 gain gains, gained, gaining 732 146 pain pains, painful, painfully 733 145 object objection objects, objected, objecting 734 145 knowledge know 735 145 depend dependence, dependent depends, depended, depending, dependant 736 145 relate relation, relative relates, related, relating 737 145 below 738 144 dollar dollars 739 144 advance advanced 740 144 shape shapes, shaped, shaping, shapeless 741 144 arrange arranges, arranged, arranging, arrangement, arrangements 742 144 population 743 144 yes 744 144 sell sells, sold, selling, seller 745 144 mention mentioned, mentions, mentioning 746 144 dry dryly, dryness 747 144 check checks, checked, checking 748 144 poet poets, poetry, poetic 749 143 sleep sleeps, slept, sleeping, sleepless, sleepiness 750 143 join joint joins, joined 751 143 hot hotly 752 143 bed bedroom beds, bedding 753 143 electric electrician electricity 754 143 dream dreams, dreamy 755 142 due 756 142 season seasons 757 142 manner manners 758 142 fit fits, fitting, fitness 759 142 left 760 141 progress progresses, progressed 761 141 neither 762 141 strength strengthen, strong 763 140 notice notices, noticed, noticing, noticeable 764 140 finish finishes, finished, finishing 765 140 opinion opinions 766 140 bill bills 767 140 western west westerns 768 140 truth TRUE truthful, truthfulness 769 138 wrong wrongly 770 138 travel travels, travelled, travelling 771 138 suit suits, suited 772 137 bank banks 773 137 exact exactly 774 137 honour honourable, dishonour, dishonourable 775 137 brother brothers 776 136 quiet quieten, quietly, quietness 777 136 marry marriage marries, marrying, married 778 136 corner corners 779 135 handle hand, handkerchief, handshake, handwriting handles 780 135 danger dangerous 781 135 hospital hospitals 782 135 pool pools 783 135 promise promised 784 135 blood bleed 785 135 shoot shot, shoots, shooting 786 135 scene scenery scenes 787 134 literature literary 788 134 arrive arrived, arrives, arriving, arrival 789 134 film films 790 133 base basic, basis bases, based, basing 791 133 freedom free 792 133 bar bars 793 133 maybe 794 133 hang hangs, hanged, hung, hanging 795 133 suffer suffers, suffering, sufferer 796 133 manufacture manufactures 797 132 frequent frequency 798 132 rock rocks, rocked, rocking 799 132 loss lose losses 800 131 burn burns, burned, burnt, burning 801 131 sun suns, sunbeam, sunburnt, sunlight, sunny, sunrise, sunset, sunshine 802 131 audience audiences 803 130 essential essence essentially 804 130 glass glasses, glassy 805 130 prevent prevention prevents, preventing, preventive 806 130 poem poems 807 130 poor poverty 808 130 inch inches 809 129 song sing songs 810 129 skill skills, skilled, skilful, skilfully 811 129 post postage, postal, postman, postmaster 812 129 popular popularly, popularity 813 129 radio radios 814 129 animal animals 815 128 conscious consciousness, unconscious, unconsciously, unconsciousness 816 128 worth worthless, worthwhile 817 128 eat eats, ate, eaten, eating 818 128 election elect elections, electorate 819 128 faith faiths, faithful, faithfully 820 128 wave waves, waved, waving, wavy 821 128 murder 822 128 model models 823 128 forget forgets, forgot, forgetting, forgotten, forgetful, forgetfulness 824 127 extend extension, extensive, extent extends, extended, extending 825 127 edge 826 127 distance distant distances 827 127 memory memorial, memorise 828 127 recommend recommends, recommended, recommending, recommendation 829 126 division divide divisions 830 126 staff 831 126 leg legs 832 126 discussion discuss discussions 833 126 address addresses 834 126 fly flies, flew, flying 835 125 dependent depend, dependence dependents 836 125 ball balls 837 125 shake shakes, shaken, shaking 838 125 frame framework frames 839 125 extreme extremes, extremely 840 124 engineer engine engineers, engineering 841 124 thick thicken thickly, thickness 842 124 comfort discomfort comforting, comfortable, uncomfortable 843 124 latter 844 124 camp camps, camped, camping 845 124 oil oily 846 124 discover discovery discovers, discovering, discovered, discoverer 847 124 examine examines, examined, examining, examination, examinations 848 123 difficulty difficult difficulties 849 123 tooth teeth 850 123 middle 851 123 choice choose choices 852 123 refer reference referring, referred, refers 853 123 enemy enemies 854 123 practical practice practically 855 122 marriage marry marriages 856 122 bridge bridges 857 122 declare declares, declared, declaring, declaration 858 122 lady ladies 859 122 cross crosses, crossing, crossings 860 122 daily day, daylight 861 122 afternoon afternoons 862 121 attend attention, attentive attends, attended, attending 863 121 director direct, direction directors 864 121 balance balances, balancing, balanced 865 121 wash washes, washed, washing 866 121 capital capitals 867 120 speed 868 120 block blocks 869 120 citizen city citizens 870 119 mouth mouths, mouthful 871 119 hill hills, hillside, hilly 872 118 green 873 118 please pleasant, pleasure pleases, pleased, pleasing 874 118 motor motors 875 118 agency agent agencies 876 118 encourage courage encourages, encouraged, encouraging, encouragement 877 118 governor govern governors 878 117 worry worrying, worries, worried 879 117 affair affairs 880 117 shoulder shoulders 881 117 bright brighten 882 116 mass 883 116 sample samples 884 116 pretty prettily, prettiness 885 116 repeat repetition repeats, repeated, repeating 886 115 roll rolls, rolled, rolling, roller 887 115 push pushed, pushing, pushes 888 115 trip trips 889 115 council councils 890 115 clothe cloth clothes, clothing 891 115 parent parents, parental 892 115 forward forwards 893 114 sharp sharpen sharply 894 114 straight straighten 895 113 gas gases 896 113 weight weigh weights 897 113 discuss discussion discusses, discussed, discussing 898 113 fix fixes, fixed, fixing 899 113 load 900 112 master masters, mastered, mastering, masterful, masterly, masterpiece, mastery 901 112 whatever what 902 112 round roundabout 903 112 rapid rapidly, rapidity 904 112 laugh laughter laughs, laughed, laughing, laughable 905 111 finger fingers 906 111 spot spots, spotted, spotless 907 110 propose proposes, proposed, proposing 908 110 shop shops, shopkeeper, shopkeeping 909 110 broad breadth, broadcast 910 110 replace replaces, replaced, replacing, irreplaceable 911 110 reply replies, replied, replying 912 110 extent extend, extensive, extension extents 913 109 lock locks, locked, locking, unlock 914 109 employee employ employees 915 109 ahead 916 109 sight 917 109 spread spreads, spreading 918 109 wind winds, winding 919 109 approve disapprove approves, approved, approving, approval 920 109 destroy destruction, destructive destroys, destroyed, destroying 921 108 none 922 108 pound pounds 923 108 fame famous 924 108 importance important 925 107 reflect reflection reflects, reflecting, reflected 926 107 advantage advantages 927 107 match matches 928 107 regular regularly, regularity, irregular, irregularly, irregularity 929 107 wage wages 930 107 refuse refuses, refused, refusing, refusal 931 107 existence exist 932 106 hardly 933 106 perform performance performs, performed, performing, performer, performers 934 106 title titles 935 105 tend tends, tended, tending, tendency 936 105 exercise exercises, exercised 937 105 thin thinly, thinness 938 105 coat coats, overcoat 939 105 bit bite 940 105 mountain mountains, mount, mountainous 941 105 youth youths, youthful 942 104 behavior behave 943 104 newspaper new, news newspapers 944 104 secret secrecy secrets 945 104 ability able 946 104 sea seas, seaman, seaport 947 104 soft soften softness, softly 948 104 justice just 949 104 reasonable reason reasonableness, reasonably 950 104 circle circular circles 951 104 solid solidly 952 104 page pages 953 103 weapon weapons 954 103 fast 955 103 representative represent representatives 956 103 search searches, searched, searching 957 103 pure purely, purity, impure, impurity 958 103 escape escapes, escaped, escaping 959 102 crowd crowds 960 102 stick sticks, sticky 961 101 telephone telephones 962 101 avoid avoidance avoids, avoided, avoiding, unavoidable, unavoidably 963 101 garden gardens, gardener 964 101 favour favor, favourable, favourably 965 101 news new, newspaper 966 101 unless 967 100 dinner dine dinners 968 100 someone 969 100 signal sign, signature signals 970 100 yard yards 971 100 ideal 972 100 warm warmth warmly 973 100 miss misses, missed, missing 974 100 shelter 975 100 soldier soldiers 976 99 article articles 977 99 cry cries, cried, crying 978 99 captain captains 979 99 familiar 980 99 seat seats 981 99 guest guests 982 98 weak weaken weakness 983 98 excite excites, excited, exciting, excitement 984 98 king kingdom kings 985 98 everyone every, everyday, everybody, everything, everywhere 986 98 wine wines 987 97 hole holes 988 97 duty 989 97 beat beats, beating 990 97 perfect perfection perfectly, imperfect, imperfectly 991 97 bottom bottoms 992 97 compose composition composes, composed, composing, composer 993 97 battle battles 994 97 expense expensive expenses 995 97 cattle 996 96 flow overflow flows, flowing, flowed 997 95 kitchen kitchens 998 95 dust duster, dusty 999 95 bottle bottles 1000 94 admit admission admits, admitted, admitting 1001 94 tear tears, tore, torn, tearing 1002 94 tire tires, tiring, tired 1003 94 expression express expressions 1004 93 exception except exceptions 1005 93 application apply applications 1006 93 belong belongs, belonged, belonging 1007 93 rich riches 1008 93 failure fail failures 1009 93 struggle struggles 1010 93 instrument instruments, instrumental 1011 93 variety various 1012 93 narrow narrowly 1013 92 theatre theatrical theatres, theater, theaters 1014 92 collection collect, collector collections 1015 92 rain rains, rained, raining, rainy 1016 92 review reviews, reviewed, reviewing 1017 92 preserve preserves, preserved, preserving, preservation 1018 92 leadership lead 1019 91 clay 1020 91 daughter daughters 1021 91 fellow fellowship fellows 1022 91 swing swings, swung, swinging 1023 91 thank thanks, thankful 1024 90 library librarian libraries 1025 90 fat fatten fatness, fatty 1026 90 reserve reserves, reserved, reserving 1027 89 tour tours, tourist 1028 89 nice nicely 1029 89 warn warns, warned, warning 1030 89 ring ringed 1031 89 bitter bitterness 1032 89 chair chairman chairs 1033 89 yesterday 1034 89 scientific science, scientist scientifically 1035 88 flower flowers 1036 88 wheel wheels 1037 88 solution solve solutions 1038 88 aim aims, aimed, aiming, aimless 1039 88 gather gathers, gathered, gathering 1040 88 invite invited, invites, inviting, invitation 1041 88 moreover more 1042 88 fresh 1043 88 forest forests 1044 87 winter winters, wintry 1045 87 box boxes 1046 87 belief believe beliefs 1047 87 ordinary extraordinary ordinarily 1048 87 impossible possible impossibility 1049 87 print prints, printed, printing, printer 1050 87 grey gray 1051 87 taste tastes, tasted, tasting, tasteless 1052 87 lip lips 1053 87 speech speak speeches 1054 87 reference refer references, referenced, referencing 1055 86 stain stains 1056 86 connection connect connections, connexion, connexions 1057 86 otherwise other 1058 86 stretch stretches, stretched, stretching 1059 86 knife knives 1060 86 village villages 1061 86 blow blows, blowing, blew 1062 85 mistake mistakes, unmistakably 1063 85 sweet sweeten sweetly 1064 85 shout shouts, shouted, shouting 1065 85 divide division divides, divided, dividing 1066 85 guard guards 1067 85 worse worsen 1068 85 exchange exchanges, exchanged, exchanging 1069 85 rare rarely 1070 84 commercial commerce 1071 84 request requests 1072 84 appoint appoints, appointing, appointed, appointment, appointments 1073 84 agent agency agents 1074 83 dependence depend, dependent 1075 83 bird birds 1076 83 wild wildly 1077 83 motion 1078 83 guess guesses, guessing, guessed 1079 83 neighbour neighbourhood neighbours, neighbouring 1080 82 seed seeds 1081 82 fashion fashionable 1082 82 loan loans 1083 82 correct correction corrects, corrected, correcting, correctly, incorrect 1084 81 plain plainly 1085 81 mail 1086 81 retire retires, retired, retiring, retirement 1087 81 opposite oppose, opposition opposites 1088 81 prefer preference prefers, preferred, preferring, preferable, preferably 1089 81 safe safety, save 1090 81 evil 1091 81 double 1092 81 wood wooden woods, wooded 1093 80 empty 1094 80 baby babies 1095 80 advise advice advises, advised, advising 1096 80 content discontent contented 1097 80 sport sports, sporting, sportsman 1098 80 lift lifts 1099 80 literary literature 1100 80 curious curiously, curiosity 1101 80 tie ties, tied, tying 1102 80 flat flatten 1103 80 message messenger messages 1104 80 neck necks, necklace, necktie 1105 79 hate hates, hated, hating, hateful 1106 79 dirt dirty 1107 79 delight delightful, delightfully 1108 79 trust trusts, trusted, trusting, entrust, trustee 1109 79 nobody no, nowhere 1110 79 valley valleys 1111 79 tool tools 1112 78 presence present 1113 78 cook cooks, cooked, cooking, cookery 1114 78 railroad rail railroads 1115 78 minister ministers 1116 78 coffee 1117 78 brush brushes 1118 78 beside besides 1119 78 collect collection, collector collects, collected, collecting 1120 77 guide guides 1121 77 luck unlucky, unluckily 1122 77 profit 1123 77 lord lords 1124 77 everybody every, everyday, everyone, everything, everywhere 1125 77 prison prisons, prisoner, imprison 1126 77 cloud clouds, cloudy 1127 77 slave slavery slaves 1128 77 chairman chair chairperson, chairwoman 1129 76 soil 1130 76 distinguish distinguishes, distinguishing, distinguished 1131 76 introduce introduction introduces, introduced, introducing 1132 76 urge urges, urged, urging 1133 76 blind blinds, blinded, blinding 1134 75 arise arises, arose, arising 1135 75 upper uppermost 1136 75 curve curves, curving, curved 1137 75 membership member 1138 75 key keys 1139 75 entertain entertains, entertained, entertaining, entertainment 1140 75 soul souls 1141 75 neighbourhood neighbour neighbourhoods 1142 74 friendly friend, friendship 1143 74 pair pairs 1144 74 stone stones 1145 74 lean leans, leaned, leant, leaning 1146 74 protect protection protects, protected, protecting 1147 74 advertise advertises, advertised, advertising, advertisement 1148 74 mystery mysterious 1149 73 welcome welcomes, welcomed, welcoming 1150 73 knee kneel knees 1151 73 jump jumps, jumped, jumping 1152 73 snake snakes 1153 73 stream streams 1154 73 avenue avenues 1155 73 brown 1156 73 disease diseases, diseased 1157 73 hat hats 1158 73 excellent excellence excellently 1159 72 formal formally, formality 1160 72 snow snowy 1161 72 sheet sheets 1162 72 somehow 1163 72 unity union, unite, unit 1164 72 sky skies 1165 72 rough roughly, roughness 1166 72 smooth smoothly, smoothness 1167 72 weather 1168 72 steady steadily 1169 72 threaten threat threatens, threatening, threatened 1170 72 depth deep, deepen 1171 71 oppose opposite, opposition opposes, opposed, opposing 1172 71 deliver delivery delivers, delivering, delivered 1173 71 ancient 1174 71 pray prays, prayed, praying, prayer 1175 71 adopt adoption adopts, adopted, adopting 1176 71 birth 1177 71 appearance appear, disappear appearances 1178 71 universe universal 1179 71 busy busily 1180 71 hurry hurries, hurried, hurrying 1181 71 coast coasts 1182 71 forth 1183 70 smell smells, smelled, smelling 1184 70 furnish furniture furnishes, furnished, furnishing 1185 70 female females 1186 70 hide hides, hid, hiding 1187 70 wire wireless 1188 70 proposal proposals 1189 70 ought 1190 70 victory victories, victorious 1191 69 quarter quarters 1192 69 engine engineer engines 1193 69 customer custom 1194 69 waste wastes, wasted, wasting, wasteful, wastefulness 1195 69 fool fools, foolish, foolishness 1196 69 intend intention intends, intended, intending 1197 69 intention intend intentional, intentionally, intentions 1198 69 desk desks 1199 69 politics political, politician 1200 69 passage passenger passages 1201 69 lawyer lawyers 1202 68 root roots 1203 68 climb climbed, climbs, climbing 1204 68 metal metals 1205 68 gradual gradually 1206 68 hunt hunts, hunting, hunted, hunter, hunters 1207 68 protection protect 1208 68 satisfy satisfactory, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, dissatisfy satisfies, satisfied, satisfying 1209 68 roof roofs 1210 68 branch branches 1211 68 pleasure pleasant, please displeasure 1212 68 witness witnesses 1213 68 loose loosen loosely 1214 67 nose noses 1215 67 mine mineral mines, miner 1216 67 band bands 1217 67 aside 1218 67 risk risks, risked, risking, risky 1219 67 tomorrow 1220 67 remind reminds, reminding, reminded 1221 67 ear ears 1222 67 fish fisherman 1223 67 shore shores 1224 66 operator operate, operation operators 1225 66 civilize civilization 1226 66 being 1227 66 silent silently 1228 66 screen screens, screened, screening 1229 66 bind bound binds, binding 1230 66 earn earns, earned, earning, earnings 1231 66 pack package packs, packed, packing, packet 1232 66 colony colonies, colonist, colonise, colonised, colonial 1233 66 besides beside 1234 66 slip slippery slips, slipped, slipping 1235 66 cousin cousins 1236 66 scale scales 1237 66 relief relieve 1238 66 explore explores, explored, exploring 1239 66 stem stems 1240 65 brain brains 1241 65 musician music musicians 1242 65 defend defendant, defence defends, defended, defending 1243 65 bend bends, bending, bent 1244 65 somebody 1245 65 shadow shade shadows, shadowy 1246 64 mix mixture mixes, mixed, mixing 1247 64 smoke smokes, smoked, smoker, smoky 1248 64 description describe descriptions 1249 64 fruit 1250 64 guilt guilty, guiltless 1251 64 yield yields, yielding 1252 64 sensitive sense 1253 64 salt 1254 64 pale paleness 1255 64 sweep sweeps, swept, sweeping 1256 64 completion complete completions 1257 64 throat throats 1258 64 agriculture agricultural 1259 64 admire admires, admiring, admired, admiration 1260 63 gentle gentleman gentleness, gently 1261 63 dozen 1262 63 particle part particles 1263 63 pleasant please, pleasure unpleasant 1264 63 bay bays 1265 63 cup cups 1266 63 competition compete, competitor competitions 1267 63 moon moonlight moons 1268 63 terrible terribly 1269 63 strip 1270 63 mechanic mechanism mechanics, mechanical, mechanically 1271 63 shock shocks, shocked, shocking 1272 63 conversation conversational 1273 63 angle angles 1274 62 tall 1275 62 plenty plentiful 1276 62 star stars 1277 62 yellow yellowness 1278 62 sick sickness 1279 62 thorough thoroughly 1280 62 absolute absolutely 1281 62 succeed success succeeds, succeeded, succeeding, successful, successfully 1282 61 surround surrounds, surrounded, surrounding, surroundings 1283 61 proud pride proudly 1284 61 dear dearly 1285 61 card cards 1286 61 lake lakes 1287 61 breath breathe 1288 61 afraid 1289 61 silence 1290 61 onto 1291 60 shoe shoes, shoed 1292 60 somewhere 1293 60 chain chains 1294 60 slide slides, slid, sliding 1295 60 copy copies, copying, copied 1296 60 machinery machine 1297 60 wake awake wakes, woke, waking 1298 60 severe 1299 60 pocket pockets 1300 60 bone bones 1301 59 honest honesty honestly 1302 59 freeze freezes, froze, freezing 1303 59 dictionary dictionaries 1304 59 calm calmly, calmness 1305 59 swim swims, swam, swum, swimming 1306 59 ice icy 1307 59 male males 1308 59 skin skins 1309 59 crack cracks, cracking, cracked 1310 59 rush rushes, rushed, rushing 1311 59 wet 1312 58 meat 1313 58 commerce commercial 1314 58 joint join joints, jointly 1315 58 gift give gifts 1316 58 host hosts, hostess 1317 58 suspect suspicion, suspicious suspects, suspected, suspecting 1318 58 path paths 1319 58 uncle uncles 1320 58 afford affords, affording, afforded 1321 58 instant instantly 1322 58 satisfactory satisfy, satisfaction, dissatisfaction, dissatisfy 1323 58 height heighten, high, highway 1324 58 track tracks, tracked, tracking 1325 58 confidence confident, confidential 1326 58 grass grassy 1327 57 suggestion suggest suggestions 1328 57 favourite favourites 1329 57 breakfast 1330 57 apart 1331 57 chest 1332 57 entrance enter entrances 1333 57 march marches, marching, marched 1334 57 sink sinks 1335 57 northern north northerly 1336 57 iron 1337 57 alive 1338 57 ill illness 1339 57 bag bags 1340 57 disturb disturbs, disturbed, disturbing, disturbance 1341 57 native natives 1342 57 bedroom bed bedrooms 1343 57 violent violence violently 1344 57 beneath 1345 57 pause pauses 1346 57 tough 1347 56 substance substances 1348 56 threat threaten threats 1349 56 charm charms, charmed, charming 1350 56 absence absent 1351 56 factory factories 1352 56 spite 1353 56 meal meals 1354 56 universal universe universals 1355 56 accident accidents, accidental, accidentally 1356 56 highway height, high, heighten highways 1357 56 sentence sentences 1358 56 liberty 1359 55 wise wisdom wisely 1360 55 noise noises, noisy 1361 55 discovery discover discoveries 1362 55 tube tubes 1363 55 flash flashes, flashed, flashing 1364 55 twist twists, twisted, twisting 1365 55 fence fences 1366 55 childhood child 1367 55 joy joyful 1368 55 sister sisters 1369 54 sad sadden sadly, sadness 1370 54 efficiency efficient 1371 54 disappear appear, appearance disappears, disappeared, disappearing 1372 54 defeat defeats, defeated, defeating 1373 54 extensive extend, extension, extent extensively 1374 54 rent rents, renting, rented 1375 54 comparison compare comparisons 1376 54 possess possession, possessor possesses, possessed, possessing 1377 54 grace graceful 1378 54 flesh 1379 54 liquid 1380 54 scientist science, scientific scientists 1381 54 ease eases, easing, eased 1382 53 heaven heavenly 1383 53 milk milky 1384 53 sympathy sympathetic sympathise, sympathises 1385 53 rank ranks 1386 53 restaurant restaurants 1387 53 frequency frequent frequencies 1388 53 angry anger 1389 53 shade shadow shades, shady 1390 53 accuse accuses, accused, accusing 1391 53 necessity necessary, need necessities 1392 53 knock knocks, knocked, knocking 1393 53 loud loudly 1394 53 permanent permanently, impermanent 1395 53 row rows, rowed, rowing 1396 53 lovely love 1397 53 confuse confusion confuses, confused, confusing 1398 52 gold golden 1399 52 frighten fright frightens, frightened, frightening 1400 52 solve solution solves, solved, solving 1401 52 grave graves, gravestone 1402 52 salary salaries, salaried 1403 52 photograph photography photographic 1404 52 advice advise 1405 52 abroad 1406 51 wound wounds, wounding, wounded 1407 51 virtue virtuous 1408 51 dare daring 1409 51 queen queens 1410 51 extra 1411 51 attract attraction, attractive attracts, attracted, attracting 1412 50 numerous number 1413 50 pink 1414 50 gate gates, gateway 1415 50 expensive expense 1416 50 shut shuts, shutting 1417 50 chicken chickens 1418 50 forgive forgives, forgave, forgiveness 1419 50 holy holiness 1420 50 wooden wood 1421 49 prompt promptly, promptness 1422 49 crime criminal crimes 1423 49 sorry sorrow sorrowful, sorrowfully 1424 49 republic republics 1425 49 anger angry 1426 49 visitor visit visitors 1427 49 pile piles 1428 49 violence violent 1429 49 steel 1430 49 wing wings 1431 49 stair stairs, staircase 1432 49 partner partners 1433 49 delay delays, delayed, delaying 1434 49 gentleman gentle gentlemen 1435 48 pour pours, poured, pouring 1436 48 confusion confuse 1437 48 damage damaged 1438 48 kick kicks, kicked, kicking 1439 48 safety safe, save 1440 48 burst bursts 1441 48 network networks, networked, networking 1442 48 resistance resist 1443 48 screw screws, screwed, screwing 1444 48 pride proud 1445 48 till until 1446 47 hire hires, hired, hiring 1447 47 verb verbs 1448 47 preach preaches, preached, preaching, preacher 1449 47 clerk clerks 1450 47 everywhere every, everyday, everyone, everything, everybody 1451 47 anyway 1452 47 fan fans 1453 47 connect connection connects, connecting, connected 1454 47 egg eggs 1455 47 efficient efficiency efficiently 1456 47 grain grains 1457 46 calculate calculation, calculator calculates, calculated, calculating 1458 46 drag drags, dragged, dragging 1459 46 opposition oppose, opposite 1460 46 worship worships, worshipped, worshipping 1461 46 arrest arrested, arrests, arresting 1462 46 discipline disciplines 1463 46 string strings 1464 46 harbour harbours, harbor, harbors 1465 46 camera cameras 1466 46 mechanism mechanic mechanisms 1467 46 cow cows 1468 46 grand 1469 46 funny fun 1470 46 insurance insure 1471 46 reduction reduce reductions 1472 46 strict strictly 1473 46 lesson lessons 1474 46 tight tighten tightly 1475 45 sand sandbank, sandhill, sandy 1476 45 plate plates 1477 45 qualify qualification qualifies, qualified, qualifying 1478 45 elsewhere else 1479 45 mad madly, madman, madmen, madness 1480 45 interference interfere 1481 45 pupil pupils 1482 45 fold folds, folded, folding 1483 45 royal royalty royals 1484 45 valuable value valuables 1485 45 whisper whispers, whispering, whispered 1486 45 anybody 1487 45 hurt hurts, hurting 1488 45 excess excessive 1489 44 quantity quantities 1490 44 fun funny 1491 44 mud muddy 1492 44 extension extend, extensive, extent extensions 1493 44 recognition recognize 1494 44 kiss kisses, kissed, kissing 1495 44 crop crops 1496 44 sail sailor sails, sailed, sailing 1497 44 attractive attract, attraction 1498 44 habit habits 1499 44 relieve relief relieves, relieved, relieving 1500 44 wisdom wise 1501 44 persuade persuasion persuades, persuaded, persuading 1502 43 certainty certain uncertainty 1503 43 cloth clothe cloths 1504 43 eager eagerly 1505 43 deserve deserves, deserved, deserving 1506 43 sympathetic sympathy sympathetically 1507 43 cure cures, cured, curing 1508 43 trap traps, trapped, trapping, trapper 1509 43 puzzle puzzles, puzzled, puzzling 1510 43 powder powdery 1511 43 raw rawness 1512 43 mankind man 1513 43 glad gladly 1514 43 blame blames, blamed, blaming 1515 43 whenever when 1516 43 anxiety anxious 1517 42 bus buses 1518 42 tremble trembles 1519 42 sacred sacrifice 1520 42 fortunate fortune fortunately 1521 42 glory glorious, gloriously 1522 42 golden gold 1523 42 neat neatly, neatness 1524 42 weekend week, weekday weekends 1525 42 treasury treasure 1526 42 overcome over, overflow overcomes, overcame, overcoming 1527 42 cat cats 1528 42 sacrifice sacred sacrifices 1529 42 complain complaint complains, complained, complaining 1530 42 elect election elects, elected, electing 1531 41 roar roars, roared, roaring 1532 41 sake 1533 41 temple temples 1534 41 self selfish 1535 41 compete competition, competitor competes, competed, competing 1536 41 nurse nursery nurses 1537 41 stuff 1538 41 stomach stomachs 1539 41 peculiar peculiarly 1540 41 repair repairs, repaired, repairing 1541 41 storm storms, stormy 1542 41 ton 1543 41 desert deserts, deserted 1544 41 allowance allow 1545 41 servant serve, service servants 1546 41 hunger hungry 1547 41 conscience 1548 41 bread 1549 41 crash crashes, crashed, crashing 1550 40 tip tips, tipped, tipping 1551 40 strengthen strength, strong strengthens, strengthened, strengthening 1552 40 proof prove proofs 1553 40 generous generosity, generously 1554 40 sir 1555 40 tonight night 1556 40 whip whips 1557 40 tongue tongues 1558 40 mill mills, miller 1559 40 merchant merchants 1560 40 coal 1561 40 ruin ruins 1562 40 introduction introduce introductions 1563 40 courage encourage courageous 1564 40 actor actress actors 1565 40 belt belts 1566 39 stir stirs, stirred, stirring 1567 39 package pack 1568 39 punish punishes, punished, punishing, punishment 1569 39 reflection reflect reflections 1570 39 breathe breath breathing 1571 39 anywhere 1572 39 amuse amuses, amused, amusing, amusement 1573 39 dull dullness 1574 39 fate 1575 39 net nets 1576 39 fellowship fellow fellowships 1577 39 fault faultless, faulty 1578 39 furniture furnish 1579 39 beam beams 1580 39 pencil pencils 1581 39 border borders 1582 39 disappoint disappoints, disappointed, disappointing, disappointment 1583 38 flame flames, flaming 1584 38 joke jokes 1585 38 bless blesses, blessing, blessed 1586 38 corn 1587 38 shell shells 1588 38 tempt tempts, tempter, temptation 1589 38 supper suppers 1590 38 destruction destroy, destructive 1591 38 dive dives, diving, diver 1592 38 anxious anxiety 1593 38 shine shines, shone, shining 1594 38 cheap cheaply 1595 38 dish dishes 1596 38 distant distance distantly 1597 38 greet greeting 1598 37 flood floods 1599 37 excuse excuses 1600 37 insect insects 1601 37 ocean oceans 1602 37 ceremony ceremonies, ceremonial, ceremonious 1603 37 decrease decreases, decreased, decreasing 1604 37 prize prizes 1605 37 harm harmful, harmless 1606 37 insure insurance insures, insured, insuring 1607 37 verse verses 1608 37 pot pots 1609 37 sincere sincerely 1610 36 cotton 1611 36 leaf leafless, leafy 1612 36 rub rubs, rubbed, rubbing 1613 36 medicine medical medicines 1614 36 stroke strokes 1615 36 bite bit bites 1616 36 lung lungs 1617 36 lonely loneliness 1618 36 admission admit admissions 1619 36 stupid stupidity, stupidly 1620 36 scratch scratches, scratched, scratching 1621 36 composition compose compositions 1622 36 broadcast breadth, broad 1623 36 drum drums 1624 36 resist resistance resists, resisting, resisted 1625 36 neglect neglects, neglected 1626 35 absent absence 1627 35 passenger passage passengers 1628 35 adventure adventures 1629 35 beg begs, begging, begged, beggar 1630 35 pipe pipes 1631 35 beard beards 1632 35 bold boldly 1633 35 meanwhile mean, meantime 1634 35 devil devils 1635 35 cheer cheerful, cheerfully 1636 35 nut nuts 1637 35 split splits, splitting 1638 35 melt melts, melted, melting 1639 35 swear swears, swearing, swore, sworn 1640 35 sugar 1641 35 bury buries, buried, burying, burial 1642 35 wipe wipes, wiped, wiping 1643 35 faint faints, fainted, fainting, faintly, faintness 1644 35 creature creatures 1645 35 tail tails 1646 35 wealth wealthy 1647 34 earnest 1648 34 translate translation, translator translates, translated, translating 1649 34 suspicion suspect, suspicious suspicions 1650 34 noble nobleman, nobleness, nobly 1651 34 inquiry inquire inquiries 1652 34 journey journeys 1653 34 hesitate hesitation hesitates, hesitated, hesitating 1654 34 extraordinary ordinary extraordinarily 1655 34 borrow borrows, borrowed, borrowing 1656 34 owe owes, owed, owing 1657 34 funeral funerals 1658 34 ambition ambitious ambitions 1659 34 mixture mix mixtures 1660 34 slope slopes, sloped, sloping 1661 34 criminal crime criminals 1662 34 seldom 1663 34 map maps 1664 34 spin spins, spinning, spun 1665 34 praise praises, praised, praising 1666 34 spare 1667 33 plough ploughed, ploughs, ploughing, plows, plowed, plowing 1668 33 telegraph 1669 33 barrel barrels 1670 33 straighten straight straightens, straightening, straightened 1671 33 scarce scarcity, scarcely 1672 33 lunch lunches 1673 33 slavery slave 1674 33 creep creeps 1675 33 sweat 1676 33 gay gaiety gaily 1677 33 stiff stiffen stiffly, stiffness 1678 33 brave bravery bravely 1679 33 seize seizes, seized, seizing 1680 33 convenient convenience 1681 33 horizon horizontal horizons 1682 33 moderate moderation moderately 1683 33 complicate complication complicates, complicated, complicating 1684 33 dig digs, dug, digging 1685 33 curse curses 1686 33 weigh weight weighs, weighed, weighing 1687 33 priest priests 1688 33 excessive excess excessively 1689 33 quarrel quarrels, quarrelled, quarrelling, quarrelsome 1690 32 widow widower widows 1691 32 modest modesty modestly 1692 32 dine dinner dines, dining 1693 32 politician political, politics politicians 1694 32 custom customer 1695 32 educate education, educator educates, educating, educated, uneducated 1696 32 salesman sale salesmen 1697 32 nail nails 1698 32 tap taps, tapped, tapping 1699 32 eastern easterly 1700 32 possession possess, possessor possessions 1701 32 satisfaction satisfy, satisfactory, dissatisfaction, dissatisfy 1702 32 behave behavior behaves, behaved, behaving 1703 32 mercy merciful, merciless 1704 31 scatter scatters, scattered, scattering 1705 31 objection object objectionable 1706 31 silver silvery 1707 31 tent tents 1708 31 saddle saddles 1709 31 wrap wraps, wrapped, wrapping, wrapper 1710 31 nest nests 1711 31 grind grinds, grindstone 1712 31 spell spells, spelled, spelling 1713 31 plaster 1714 31 arch arched, archway 1715 31 swell swells, swelled, swelling 1716 31 friendship friend, friendly friendships 1717 31 bath bathe baths 1718 30 bundle bundles 1719 30 grateful 1720 30 crown crowns 1721 30 boundary boundaries 1722 30 nowhere no, nobody 1723 30 asleep 1724 30 clock clocks, clockwork 1725 30 boil boils, boiled, boiling, boiler 1726 30 altogether 1727 30 lend lends, lent 1728 30 holiday holidays 1729 30 precious 1730 30 wander wanders, wandered, wandering 1731 30 ugly 1732 30 reputation reputations 1733 30 ticket tickets 1734 30 pretend pretense pretends, pretending, pretended 1735 30 dismiss dismisses, dismissed, dismissing, dismissal 1736 30 delicate delicately 1737 29 despair despairs, despaired, despairing 1738 29 awake wake awoke, awaking 1739 29 tea 1740 29 FALSE 1741 29 fortune fortunate fortunes 1742 29 cap caps 1743 29 thread threads 1744 29 haste hasten hasty, hastily 1745 29 bare 1746 29 shirt shirts 1747 29 bargain bargains 1748 28 leather 1749 28 rail railroad rails, railway 1750 28 butter 1751 28 dot dots 1752 28 inquire inquiry inquires, inquired, inquiring 1753 28 warmth warm 1754 28 decisive decide, decision decisively 1755 28 vessel vessels 1756 28 pity 1757 28 steam steamer, steamship 1758 28 pin pins 1759 28 bound bind bounded, bounds 1760 28 companion companionship companions 1761 28 toe toes 1762 28 reward rewards, rewarded, rewarding 1763 28 forbid forbids, forbidden 1764 28 wherever where 1765 28 tower towers 1766 27 bathe bath bathed, bathes 1767 27 lodge lodges, lodging, lodged 1768 27 swallow swallowed, swallowing, swallows 1769 27 multiply multiplication multiplies, multiplied, multiplying 1770 27 bow bows, bowing, bowed 1771 27 kingdom king kingdoms 1772 27 garage garages 1773 27 permission permit 1774 27 pump pumps, pumped, pumping 1775 27 prevention prevent 1776 27 urgent urgently 1777 27 aunt aunts 1778 27 zero 1779 27 idle idleness, idly 1780 27 fever fevers, feverish, feverishly 1781 27 christmas 1782 27 regret regrets, regretted, regretting 1783 26 jaw jaws 1784 26 soap soapy 1785 26 pronounce pronunciation pronounces, pronounced, pronouncing, mispronounce 1786 26 empire empires 1787 26 bowl bowls 1788 26 outline out, outside, outward 1789 26 organ organs 1790 26 imitation imitate 1791 26 caution cautious 1792 26 mineral mine minerals 1793 26 disagree agree disagrees, disagreed, disagreeing, disagreement 1794 26 blade blades 1795 26 trick tricks 1796 26 treasure treasury treasurer, treasurers 1797 26 immense 1798 25 convenience convenient inconvenience, inconvenient 1799 25 disapprove approve disapproves, disapproved, disapproving, disapproval 1800 25 destructive destroy, destruction destructively 1801 25 fork forks 1802 25 noon 1803 25 ownership own 1804 25 tune tunes 1805 25 polish polishes, polished, polishing 1806 25 poison poisonous 1807 25 shame shames, shamed, shaming, shameful, shameless 1808 25 loyalty loyal 1809 25 cottage cottages 1810 25 astonish astonishes, astonished, astonishing, astonishment 1811 25 shave shaves, shaved, shaving 1812 25 feather feathers 1813 25 sauce sauces 1814 25 lid lids 1815 25 debt debts 1816 25 fade fades, faded, fading 1817 25 confess confession confesses, confessed, confessing 1818 25 classification class, classify 1819 24 descend descendant, descent descends, descended, descending 1820 24 cape capes 1821 24 mild mildly, mildness 1822 24 clever 1823 24 envelope envelopes 1824 24 invention invent, inventor inventions 1825 24 sheep 1826 24 splendid splendidly 1827 24 stamp stamps 1828 24 float floats, floating, floated 1829 24 brick bricks 1830 24 rice 1831 24 businessman business, businesslike businessmen, businesswoman, businesswomen 1832 24 backward back 1833 24 qualification qualify qualifications 1834 24 artificial 1835 24 attraction attract, attractive 1836 24 lamp lamps 1837 24 curl curls, curling, curled, curly 1838 23 shower showers 1839 23 elder 1840 23 bunch bunches 1841 23 bell bells 1842 23 steer steers, steered, steering 1843 23 flavor 1844 23 spit spits, spat, spitting 1845 23 rob robs, robbed, robbing 1846 23 cream 1847 23 interrupt interruption interrupts, interrupted, interrupting 1848 23 pen pens 1849 23 weave weaves, wove, woven 1850 23 orange oranges 1851 23 rescue rescues, rescued, rescuing 1852 23 crush crushes, crushed, crushing 1853 23 humble humbly 1854 23 fancy fanciful 1855 23 decay decays, decaying, decayed 1856 23 polite politely, politeness 1857 23 tribe tribes 1858 22 bleed blood bleeds 1859 22 coin coins 1860 22 fond 1861 22 autumn 1862 22 classify class, classification classified, classifying 1863 22 omit omits, omitted, omitting 1864 22 loyal loyalty 1865 22 needle needles 1866 22 lessen less lessens, lessened, lessening 1867 22 complaint complain complaints 1868 22 pad pads, padded, padding 1869 22 steep 1870 22 skirt skirts 1871 22 curtain curtains 1872 22 calculation calculate, calculator 1873 22 laughter laugh 1874 22 solemn solemnly 1875 22 grease greasy 1876 22 interfere interference interferes, interfered, interfering 1877 22 explode explosion explodes, exploded, exploding 1878 22 fasten fastener 1879 21 flag flags 1880 21 resign resigned, resigns, resigning, resignation 1881 21 postpone 1882 21 patience patient 1883 21 boast boasts, boasting, boasted, boastful 1884 21 rope ropes 1885 21 envy envies, envied, envious 1886 21 aeroplane airplane, aeroplanes, airplanes 1887 21 rid rids 1888 21 shield shields, shielded, shielding 1889 21 veil veils 1890 21 kneel knee kneels, kneeled, kneeling 1891 21 tray trays 1892 21 explosive explosively 1893 21 brass 1894 21 taxi taxis 1895 21 wax 1896 21 duck ducks 1897 21 button buttons, buttoned, buttoning, unbutton 1898 21 invent invention, inventor invents, invented, inventing 1899 20 remedy remedies 1900 20 bush bushes 1901 20 thunder 1902 20 weaken weak weakens, weakened, weakening 1903 20 poverty poor 1904 20 scrape scrapes, scraped, scraping 1905 20 arrow arrows 1906 20 tender tenderly, tenderness 1907 20 cruel cruelly, cruelty 1908 20 soften soft softens, softening, softened 1909 20 mouse mice 1910 20 hay 1911 20 anyhow 1912 20 alike 1913 20 circular circle 1914 20 juice juicy 1915 20 shelf shelves 1916 20 bake bakes, baked, baking 1917 20 hatred 1918 20 cautious caution cautiously 1919 19 basket baskets 1920 19 wreck wrecked, wrecking, wreckage 1921 19 width wide, widen 1922 19 confident confidence, confidential confidents 1923 19 log logs 1924 19 heap heaps 1925 19 suck sucks, sucked, sucking 1926 19 ladder ladders 1927 19 gap gaps 1928 19 obey obedience, obedient obeyed, obeys, obeying 1929 19 hut huts 1930 19 axe axes 1931 19 translation translate, translator translations 1932 19 collar collars 1933 19 delivery deliver deliveries 1934 19 reproduce reproduction reproduces, reproduced, reproducing 1935 19 confession confess confessions 1936 19 pan pans 1937 19 prejudice prejudiced, unprejudiced 1938 19 voyage voyages 1939 19 tobacco 1940 18 simplicity simple 1941 18 paste pastes, pasted, pasting 1942 18 cake cakes 1943 18 elephant elephants 1944 18 ribbon ribbons 1945 18 harvest 1946 18 ashamed 1947 18 cave caves 1948 18 customary 1949 18 thief thieves 1950 18 damp 1951 18 sew sews, sewing, sewn 1952 18 rust rusty 1953 18 separation separate separations 1954 18 waiter wait waiters, waitress, waitresses 1955 18 pet pets 1956 18 straw straws 1957 18 upset upsets, upsetting 1958 18 towel towels 1959 18 refresh refreshing, refreshed, refreshes, refreshment, refreshments 1960 17 essence essential 1961 17 fur 1962 17 ambitious ambition 1963 17 defendant defend, defence defendants 1964 17 daylight daily, day 1965 17 dip dips, dipped, dipping 1966 17 suspicious suspect, suspicion suspiciously 1967 17 imaginary imaginative, imagine 1968 17 ash 1969 17 carriage carriages 1970 17 educator educate, education educators 1971 17 saw saws, sawed, sawn, sawdust, sawmill 1972 17 stove stoves 1973 17 rubber 1974 17 rug rugs 1975 17 misery miserable 1976 17 awkward awkwardly, awkwardness 1977 17 rival rivalry rivals 1978 16 roast roasting, roasted 1979 16 deed deeds 1980 16 preference prefer preferences 1981 16 explosion explode explosions 1982 16 theatrical theatre theatrically 1983 16 cultivate cultivation, cultivator cultivates, cultivating, cultivated 1984 16 collector collect, collection collectors 1985 16 miserable misery miserably 1986 16 wrist wrists 1987 16 rabbit rabbits 1988 16 accustom 1989 16 tide tides, tidal 1990 16 insult insults, insulted, insulting 1991 16 thumb thumbs 1992 16 lump lumps 1993 16 annoy annoyance annoyed, annoys, annoying 1994 16 toy toys 1995 16 heal health heals, healed, healing 1996 16 shallow shallowness 1997 16 repetition repeat repetitions 1998 16 soup 1999 15 whistle whistles, whistling 2000 15 scenery scene 2001 15 apple apples 2002 15 offence offend offense 2003 15 cork corkscrew 2004 15 ripe ripen 2005 15 temper 2006 15 sore 2007 15 pinch pinches 2008 15 diamond diamonds 2009 15 razor razors 2010 15 imaginative imaginary, imagine imaginatively 2011 15 hook hooks 2012 15 copper 2013 15 landlord land landlords 2014 14 influential influence influentially 2015 14 rot rots, rotted, rotting 2016 14 hollow hollows 2017 14 enclose enclosure encloses, enclosed, enclosing 2018 14 harden hard hardens, hardened, hardening 2019 14 wicked wickedly, wickedness 2020 14 stiffen stiff stiffens, stiffening, stiffened 2021 14 silk silkworm, silky 2022 14 upright 2023 14 selfish self 2024 14 stripe striped 2025 14 pig pigs 2026 14 inward inwards, inwardly 2027 14 excellence excellent 2028 14 rake rakes, raking, raked 2029 14 purple 2030 14 hasten haste hastens, hastened, hastening 2031 14 shorten short shortens, shortened, shortening 2032 14 applause applaud 2033 14 ache aches 2034 14 apology apologies 2035 14 knot knots 2036 14 nephew nephews 2037 14 cushion cushions, cushioned 2038 14 drown drowns, drowning, drowned 2039 14 nursery nurse nurseries 2040 14 pint pints 2041 14 fierce fiercely 2042 13 imitate imitation imitates, imitated, imitating 2043 13 aloud 2044 13 gaiety gay 2045 13 robbery robberies 2046 13 tighten tight tightens, tightened, tightening 2047 13 perfection perfect imperfection 2048 13 scorn scornful 2049 13 whoever who, whom 2050 13 trunk trunks 2051 13 wool woolen woollen, woolly 2052 13 sailor sail sailors 2053 13 competitor compete, competition competitors 2054 13 moonlight moon 2055 13 deer 2056 13 bean beans 2057 13 everyday every, everybody, everyone, everything, everywhere 2058 13 drawer drawers 2059 13 disregard regard disregards, disregarded, disregarding 2060 12 nowadays now 2061 12 patriotic 2062 12 tin tins, tinned 2063 12 penny pennyworth 2064 12 cage cages 2065 12 pardon pardoned, pardons, pardoning, unpardonable 2066 12 lately late 2067 12 offend offence offends, offended, offending 2068 12 coarse 2069 12 spoil spoils, spoilt, spoiling 2070 12 horizontal horizon horizontally 2071 12 sting stings, stung 2072 12 ditch ditches 2073 12 librarian library librarians 2074 12 meantime mean, meanwhile 2075 12 cough coughs, coughed, coughing 2076 12 deaf deafen 2077 12 sword swords 2078 12 messenger message messengers 2079 12 vain vainly 2080 12 castle castles 2081 12 elastic elasticity 2082 12 comb combs 2083 12 rod rods 2084 11 widen wide, width widens, widened, widening 2085 11 sorrow sorry 2086 11 inventor invent, invention inventors 2087 11 cliff cliffs 2088 11 umbrella umbrellas 2089 11 interruption interrupt interruptions 2090 11 merry merrily 2091 11 gallon gallons 2092 11 conquest conquer, conqueror conquests 2093 11 headache head, headdress headaches 2094 11 tailor tailors 2095 11 bucket buckets 2096 11 scent 2097 11 signature sign, signal signatures 2098 11 cart carts 2099 11 darken dark darkens, darkened, darkening 2100 11 sometime 2101 11 applaud applause applauds, applauding, applauded 2102 11 underneath under 2103 11 hello 2104 11 pretence pretend pretences, pretense, pretenses 2105 11 descent descend, descendant descents 2106 11 conquer conqueror, conquest conquers, conquered, conquering 2107 11 framework frame frameworks 2108 11 confidential confidence, confident confidentially 2109 11 adoption adopt adoptions 2110 11 disgust disgusts, disgusted, disgusting 2111 11 waist waists, waistcoat 2112 11 momentary moment momentarily 2113 11 receipt receive receipts 2114 10 pearl pearls 2115 10 ray rays 2116 10 lazy 2117 10 limb limbs 2118 10 grammatical grammar 2119 10 beast beasts 2120 10 monkey monkeys 2121 10 jewel jewels 2122 10 persuasion persuade 2123 10 obedience obedient, obey 2124 10 sock socks 2125 10 vowel vowels 2126 10 hammer hammers, hammered, hammering 2127 10 inn 2128 10 chimney chimneys 2129 10 dissatisfaction dissatisfy 2130 10 annoyance annoy 2131 10 ornament ornaments 2132 10 honesty honest 2133 10 outward out, outside, outline 2134 10 sharpen sharp sharpens, sharpening, sharpened 2135 10 handkerchief hand, handle, handshake, handwriting handkerchiefs 2136 9 greed greedy, greedily 2137 9 heavenly heaven 2138 9 thirst thirsty 2139 9 niece nieces 2140 9 spill spills, spilling 2141 9 loaf loaves 2142 9 wheat 2143 9 worm worms 2144 9 secrecy secret 2145 9 rude rudely, rudeness 2146 9 heighten height, high, highway heightens, heightened, heightening 2147 9 flatten flat 2148 9 loosen loose loosens, loosened, loosening 2149 9 cheese 2150 9 rivalry rival rivalries 2151 9 royalty royal royalties 2152 9 discontent content discontented 2153 9 complication complicate complications 2154 9 fright frighten 2155 9 indoor indoors 2156 9 flour 2157 9 actress actor actresses 2158 8 congratulation congratulate congratulations 2159 8 ounce ounces 2160 8 fry fries, fried, 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Школьный транслит или самодиктовка


а a
абацк aback
абандон abandon
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абате abate
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анд and
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аппоинтмент appointment
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Април April
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Араб Arab
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арц arc
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арцх arch
Арцхаиц Archaic
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арцхерy archery
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арцхивеc archives
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ауцтион auction
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аудитионинг auditioning
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аугмент augment
Аугюcт August
аунт aunt
аунтие auntie
аура aura
ауcпице auspice
ауcтеритy austerity
аутхентиц authentic
аутхор author
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аверcион aversion
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авиатион aviation
авид avid
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авов’ avow
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ав’ард award
ав’аре aware
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аксе axe
аксиc axis
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бацкcеат backseat
бацкcтаге backstage
бацкюп backup
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бацон bacon
бацтериа bacteria
бад bad
бадге badge
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бадлy badly
баг bag
багел bagel
баггаге baggage
баггy baggy
багпипе bagpipe
баил bail
баилед bailed
баилеy bailey
баилифф bailiff
баит bait
баке bake
бакер baker
бакерy bakery
бакинг baking
баланце balance
баланцед balanced
балцонy balcony
балд bald
бале bale
балк balk
балл ball
баллет ballet
баллиcтиц ballistic
баллоон balloon
баллот ballot
баллроом ballroom
балм balm
балонеy baloney
бамбоо bamboo
бан ban
банал banal
банана banana
банд band
бандаге bandage
бане bane
банг bang
бангинг banging
баниcх banish
банк bank
банкер banker
банкинг banking
банкрюпт bankrupt
баннед banned
баннер banner
банквюет banquet
бантер banter
баптиcм baptism
баптизе baptize
бар bar
барб barb
барбариан barbarian
барбецюе barbecue
барбер barber
баре bare
барефоот barefoot
барелy barely
баргаин bargain
баргаининг bargaining
барге barge
барк bark
барлеy barley
барн barn
баррацкc barracks
баррел barrel
баррен barren
баррицаде barricade
барриер barrier
барриcтер barrister
бартер barter
баcе base
баcебалл baseball
баcелеcc baseless
баcемент basement
баcх bash
баcхфюл bashful
баcиц basic
баcицаллy basically
баcин basin
баcиc basis
баcк bask
баcкет basket
баcкетбалл basketball
баcc bass
баcтард bastard
бат bat
батцх batch
бате bate
батх bath
батхе bathe
батхроом bathroom
батхтюб bathtub
баттер batter
баттерy battery
баттле battle
баy bay
баyонет bayonet
базаар bazaar
бе be
беацх beach
беацон beacon
беад bead
беак beak
беам beam
беан bean
беар bear
беард beard
беарер bearer
беаринг bearing
беаcт beast
беаcтлy beastly
беат beat
беатен beaten
беаутифюл beautiful
беаутифюллy beautifully
беаутифy beautify
беаутy beauty
беавер beaver
бецаме became
бецауcе because
бецк beck
бецоме become
бецоминг becoming
бед bed
беддинг bedding
бедевил bedevil
бедридден bedridden
бедроом bedroom
бедcиде bedside
бедтиме bedtime
бее bee
беецх beech
бееф beef
беефy beefy
беехиве beehive
беен been
бееп beep
беепер beeper
беер beer
беетле beetle
беетроот beetroot
бефоре before
бефореханд beforehand
бефриенд befriend
бег beg
беггарлy beggarly
беггинг begging
бегин begin
бегиннер beginner
бегиннинг beginning
бегрюдге begrudge
бехалф behalf
бехаве behave
бехавиоур behaviour
бехеад behead
бехинд behind
бехолд behold
беиге beige
беинг being
белиеф belief
белиевабле believable
белиеве believe
белиевер believer
белл bell
беллов’ bellow
беллy belly
белонг belong
белонгинг belonging
беловед beloved
белов’ below
белт belt
бенцх bench
бенд bend
бендинг bending
бенеатх beneath
бенедицтион benediction
бенефацтор benefactor
бенефициал beneficial
бенефит benefit
беневоленце benevolence
беневолент benevolent
бенигн benign
бенигнитy benignity
бент bent
берцх berch
береаве bereave
беррy berry
бертх berth
бертх berth
беcеецх beseech
беcет beset
беcиде beside
беcидеc besides
беcиеге besiege
беcт best
беcтиал bestial
беcтиалитy bestiality
беcтов’ bestow
бет bet
бетраy betray
бетраyал betrayal
бетраyинг betraying
беттер better
беттинг betting
бетв’еен between
бевераге beverage
бев’аре beware
бев’итцх bewitch
беyонд beyond
биаcед biased
Библе Bible
бицyцле – бисусле – бицикле bicycle
бид bid
биг big
биггер bigger
биггеcт biggest
биг-хеартед big-hearted
бигот bigot
бике bike
бикини bikini
билатерал bilateral
биле bile
билингюал bilingual
билл bill
биллбоард billboard
биллиардc billiards
биллион billion
бин bin
бинд bind
биндинг binding
биограпхy biography
биологицал biological
биологy biology
биопcy biopsy
бирцх birch
бирд bird
биртх birth
биртхдаy birthday
биcцюит biscuit
биcхоп bishop
бит bit
бите bite
бите-cизе bite-size
биттен bitten
биттер bitter
биттернеcc bitterness
биттy bitty
бизарре bizarre
блацк black
блацкбоард blackboard
блацкцюррант blackcurrant
блацкед blacked
блацкмаил blackmail
блацкмаилинг blackmailing
блацкнеcc blackness
блацкоут blackout
бладдер bladder
бладе blade
бламе blame
бламелеcc blameless
бланк blank
бланкет blanket
бларе blare
блаcпхеме blaspheme
блаcт blast
блазе blaze
блеацх bleach
блеак bleak
блеат bleat
блеед bleed
блеединг bleeding
блемиcх blemish
бленд blend
блендер blender
блеcc bless
блеccинг blessing
блинд blind
блиндлy blindly
блинднеcc blindness
блинк blink
блиcc bliss
блиccфюл blissful
блиcтер blister
близзард blizzard
блоат bloat
блоцк block
блоцкинг blocking
блоке bloke
блонде blonde
блоод blood
блоодлеcc bloodless
блоодy bloody
блоом bloom
блоccом blossom
блот blot
блотцх blotch
блоуcе blouse
блов’ blow
блов’н blown
блюббер blubber
блюе blue
блюеберрy blueberry
блюфф bluff
блюффy bluffy
блюиcх bluish
блюндер blunder
блюнт blunt
блюр blur
блюcх blush
блюcхинг blushing
блюcтер bluster
боар boar
боард board
боаcт boast
боаcтфюл boastful
боат boat
боб bob
бодилy bodily
бодy body
бодyгюард bodyguard
бог bog
богюc bogus
боил boil
боилер boiler
боилинг boiling
боиcтероуc boisterous
болд bold
болт bolt
бомб bomb
бонд bond
боне bone
бонфире bonfire
боннет bonnet
бонюc bonus
бооб boob
боок book
боокцаcе bookcase
боокие bookie
боокинг booking
бооккеепер bookkeeper
боокcторе bookstore
боокв’орм bookworm
боом boom
бооcт boost
боот boot
боотх booth
боотc boots
боотy booty
боозе booze
бордер border
боре bore
боред bored
боредом boredom
боринг boring
борн born
бороугх borough
борров’ borrow
борров’инг borrowing
боcc boss
боccy bossy
ботанy botany
ботх both
ботхер bother
боттле bottle
боттлед bottled
боттом bottom
боугх bough
боулевард boulevard
боунце bounce
боунцинг bouncing
боунд bound
боундарy boundary
боунтy bounty
боуквюет bouquet
боут bout
боутиквюе boutique
бов’ bow
бов’ел bowel
бов’л bowl
бов’линг bowling
бокс box
боксер boxer
боксинг boxing
бокс-оффице box-office
боy boy
боyцотт boycott
боyфриенд boyfriend
боyиcх boyish
бра bra
браце brace
брацелет bracelet
брацкет bracket
браг brag
браггинг bragging
браид braid
браин brain
браинлеcc brainless
браинпов’ер brainpower
браинc brains
браинв’аcх brainwash
браке brake
бранцх branch
бранд brand
бранд-нев’ brand-new
брандy brandy
браcх brash
браcc brass
браве brave
бразен brazen
бреацх breach
бреад bread
бреадтх breadth
бреак break
бреакдов’н breakdown
бреакер breaker
бреакфаcт breakfast
бреакинг breaking
бреактхроугх breakthrough
бреакюп breakup
бреаcт breast
бреаcтфеединг breastfeeding
бреатх breath
бреатхе breathe
бреатхер breather
бреатхинг breathing
бреатхтакинг breathtaking
бреед breed
бреединг breeding
бреезе breeze
бревитy brevity
брев’ brew
брибе bribe
бриберy bribery
брицк brick
бридал bridal
бриде bride
бридеcмаид bridesmaid
бридге bridge
бриеф brief
бриефцаcе briefcase
бриефинг briefing
бриефлy briefly
бригхт bright
бригхтен brighten
бригхтеcт brightest
бриллианце brilliance
бриллиант brilliant
брим brim
бринг bring
бринк brink
бриcк brisk
бриcтле bristle
Бритиcх British
бриттле brittle
броад broad
броадцаcт broadcast
броадcхеет broadsheet
броцхюре brochure
броке broke
брокен broken
брокер broker
бронзе bronze
брооцх brooch
броод brood
броок brook
броом broom
бротх broth
бротхер brother
бротхерхоод brotherhood
бротхер-ин-лав’ brother-in-law
бров’ brow
бров’н brown
бров’cе browse
брюиcе bruise
брюиcед bruised
брюнцх brunch
брюнетте brunette
брюcх brush
брютал brutal
брюте brute
бюббле bubble
бюбблy bubbly
бюцк buck
бюцкет bucket
бюцкле buckle
бюцкле buckle
бюд bud
бюддy buddy
бюдге budge
бюдгет budget
бюфф buff
бюффет buffet
бюг bug
бюилд build
бюилдинг building
бюилт built
бюилт-ин built-in
бюлб bulb
бюлгинг bulging
бюлк bulk
бюлл bull
бюллдог bulldog
бюллет bullet
бюллетин bulletin
бюллy bully
бюллyинг bullying
бюм bum
бюммер bummer
бюмп bump
бюмпер bumper
бюмпy bumpy
бюн bun
бюнцх bunch
бюндле bundle
бюнк bunk
бюнкер bunker
бюннy bunny
бюоyанцy buoyancy
бюрден burden
бюреау bureau
бюреауцрацy bureaucracy
бюргер burger
бюрглар burglar
бюргларy burglary
бюриал burial
бюрка burka
бюрн burn
бюрнc burns
бюрнт burnt
бюрп burp
бюрcт burst
бюрcтинг bursting
бюрy bury
бюc bus
бюcх bush
бюcинеcc business
бюcинеccман businessman
бюcт bust
бюcтле bustle
бюcy busy
бют but
бютцхер butcher
бютлер butler
бютт butt
бюттер butter
бюттерфлy butterfly
бюттон button
бюy buy
бюyер buyer
бюзз buzz
бюззинг buzzing
бy by
бyе bye
бyгоне bygone
бyпаcc bypass
бycтандер bystander
цаб cab
цаббаге cabbage
цабин cabin
цабинет cabinet
цабле cable
цадет cadet
цафé café
цафетериа cafeteria
цаффеине caffeine
цаге cage
цаке cake
цаламитy calamity
цалцюлате calculate
цалцюлатион calculation
цалцюлатор calculator
цалендар calendar
цалф calf
цалибер caliber
цалл call
цаллер caller
цаллиграпхy calligraphy
цаллинг calling
цаллоуc callous
цалм calm
цалмлy calmly
цалмнеcc calmness
цалорие calorie
цалорy calory
цалюмнy calumny
цаме came
цамел camel
цамера camera
цамомиле camomile
цамоуфлаге camouflage
цамп camp
цампаигн campaign
цампинг camping
цампюc campus
цан can
Цанадиан Canadian
цанал canal
цанарy canary
цанцел cancel
цанцеллинг cancelling
цанцер cancer
цандид candid
цандидате candidate
цандиед candied
цандле candle
цандоур candour
цандy candy
цане cane
цаннед canned
цаннон cannon
цаннот cannot
цантеен canteen
цанваc canvas
цанваcc canvass
цанyон canyon
цап cap
цапабилитy capability
цапабле capable
цапациоуc capacious
цапацитy capacity
цапе cape
цапитал capital
цаппюццино cappuccino
цаприце caprice
Цаприцорн Capricorn
цапризе caprize
цаптаин captain
цаптион caption
цаптивате captivate
цаптиве captive
цаптивитy captivity
цаптюре capture
цаптюред captured
цар car
цараван caravan
царав’аy caraway
царбохyдрате carbohydrate
царбон carbon
царбон carbon
цард card
цардбоард cardboard
цардиац cardiac
цардинал cardinal
царе care
цареер career
царефюл careful
царефюллy carefully
царелеcc careless
цареcc caress
царго cargo
цариоуc carious
царнивал carnival
царнивороуc carnivorous
царп carp
царпентер carpenter
царпет carpet
царриаге carriage
царриер carrier
царрот carrot
царрy carry
царрy он carry on
царрyинг carrying
царcицк carsick
царт cart
цартер carter
цартон carton
цартоон cartoon
цартриге cartrige
царве carve
царвед carved
царвер carver
цаcцаде cascade
цаcе case
цаcх cash
цаcхиер cashier
цаcхмере cashmere
цаcино casino
цаcк cask
цаcкет casket
цаccероле casserole
цаccетте cassette
цаcт cast
цаcт ирон cast iron
цаcтинг casting
цаcтле castle
цаcюал casual
цаcюалтy casualty
цат cat
цаталогюе catalogue
цатарацт cataract
цатаcтропхе catastrophe
цатцх catch
цатцхинг catching
цатцхy catchy
цатегорy category
цатер cater
цатерер caterer
цатеринг catering
цатерпиллар caterpillar
цатхедрал cathedral
цатхолиц catholic
цаттиcх cattish
цаттле cattle
цаугхт caught
цаулифлов’ер cauliflower
цауcе cause
цауcлеcc causless
цаутион caution
цаутиоуc cautious
цавалрy cavalry
цаве cave
цавиар caviar
цавитy cavity
цав’ caw
цеаcе cease
цеаcлеcc ceasless
цедар cedar
цеде cede
цеилинг ceiling
целебрате celebrate
целебратион celebration
целебритy celebrity
целерy celery
целл cell
целлар cellar
целлюлар cellular
Целcиюc Celsius
цемент cement
цеметерy cemetery
ценcор censor
ценcюc census
цент cent
центер center
центеред centered
центиграде centigrade
центиметре centimetre
централ central
центре centre
центюрy century
церамиц ceramic
цереал cereal
церемонy ceremony
цертаин certain
цертаинлy certainly
цертифицате certificate
цертифиед certified
цеccатион cessation
цхафе chafe
цхагрин chagrin
цхаин chain
цхаинед chained
цхаир chair
цхаирман chairman
цхалк chalk
цхалленге challenge
цхалленгинг challenging
цхамбер chamber
цхампагне champagne
цхампион champion
цхампионcхип championship
цханце chance
цханцеллор chancellor
цханцy chancy
цхандлер chandler
цханге change
цхангеабле changeable
цхангелеcc changeless
цхангинг changing
цханнел channel
цхаоc chaos
цхап chap
цхапел chapel
цхаптер chapter
цхарацтер character
цхарацтериcтиц characteristic
цхарацтеризе characterize
цхарге charge
цхаргеc charges
цхаргинг charging
цхаритабле charitable
цхаритy charity
цхарм charm
цхарминг charming
цхарт chart
цхартер charter
цхаcе chase
цхаcте chaste
цхаcтиcе chastise
цхаcтиcемент chastisement
цхат chat
цхатеау chateau
цхаттер chatter
цхаттербокс chatterbox
цхауффеюр chauffeur
цхеап cheap
цхеапен cheapen
цхеапер cheaper
цхеат cheat
цхеатер cheater
цхеатинг cheating
цхецк check
цхецкбоок checkbook
цхецк-юп check-up
цхеек cheek
цхеер cheer
цхеерфюл cheerful
цхееринг cheering
цхеерлеадер cheerleader
цхеерлеcc cheerless
цхеерy cheery
цхееcе cheese
цхееcy cheesy
цхеф chef
цхемицал chemical
цхемиcт chemist
цхемиcтрy chemistry
цхеквюе cheque
цхериcх cherish
цхеррy cherry
цхеcc chess
цхеcт chest
цхеcтнют chestnut
цхев’ chew
цхев’инг chewing
цхиц chic
цхицкен chicken
цхиеф chief
цхилд child
цхилдбиртх childbirth
цхилдхоод childhood
цхилдиcх childish
цхилдрен children
цхилл chill
цхиллy chilly
цхимера chimera
цхимнеy chimney
цхин chin
цхина china
Цхинеcе Chinese
цхип chip
цхипc chips
цхирп chirp
цхиcел chisel
цхивалроуc chivalrous
цхоцолате chocolate
цхоице choice
цхоир choir
цхоке choke
цхооcе choose
цхоп chop
цхоппед chopped
цхоппер chopper
цхорд chord
цхоре chore
цхорюc chorus
цхоcе chose
цхоcен chosen
цхриcтенинг christening
Цхриcтиан Christian
Цхриcтмаc Christmas
цхрониц chronic
цхюнк chunk
цхюрцх church
цхюрцхyард churchyard
цидер cider
цигар cigar
цигаретте cigarette
цинема cinema
циннамон cinnamon
ципхер cipher
цирцле circle
цирцюит circuit
цирцюлар circular
цирцюлатион circulation
цирцюмcцрибе circumscribe
цирцюмcтанце circumstance
цирцюмcтантиал circumstantial
цирцюмвент circumvent
цирцюc circus
цитизен citizen
цитy city
цивиц civic
цивил civil
цивилиан civilian
цивилизатион civilization
цивилизе civilize
цлацк clack
цлад clad
цлаим claim
цлаирвоyант clairvoyant
цлам clam
цламп clamp
цлан clan
цланг clang
цлап clap
цларифy clarify
цларитy clarity
цлаcх clash
цлаcп clasp
цлаcc class
цлаccиц classic
цлаccицал classical
цлаccицc classics
цлаccифиед classified
цлаccифy classify
цлаccмате classmate
цлаccроом classroom
цлаccy classy
цлаттер clatter
цлауcе clause
цлав’ claw
цлаy clay
цлеан clean
цлеанер cleaner
цлеанинг cleaning
цлеар clear
цлеаранце clearance
цлеаринг clearing
цлеарлy clearly
цлеаве cleave
цлеавер cleaver
цлефт cleft
цлеменцy clemency
цлемент clement
цленцх clench
цлергy clergy
цлергyман clergyman
цлерк clerk
цлевер clever
цлевернеcc cleverness
цлицхé cliché
цлицк click
цлиент client
цлифф cliff
цлимате climate
цлимакс climax
цлимб climb
цлимбинг climbing
цлинцх clinch
цлинг cling
цлингинг clinging
цлиниц clinic
цлиницал clinical
цлип clip
цлиппер clipper
цлоак cloak
цлоакроом cloakroom
цлоцк clock
цлоцкв’иcе clockwise
цлод clod
цлог clog
цлоиcтер cloister
цлоне clone
цлоcе close
цлоcелy closely
цлоcенеcc closeness
цлоcеcт closest
цлоcет closet
цлоcюре closure
цлот clot
цлотх cloth
цлотхе clothe
цлотхинг clothing
цлоттед clotted
цлоуд cloud
цлоудлеcc cloudless
цлоудy cloudy
цлоут clout
цлове clove
цлов’н clown
цлюб club
цлюбхоуcе clubhouse
цлюе clue
цлюелеcc clueless
цлюмcинеcc clumsiness
цлюмcy clumsy
цлюcтер cluster
цлютцх clutch
цлюттер clutter
цоацх coach
цоал coal
цоалитион coalition
цоарcе coarse
цоаcт coast
цоаcтлине coastline
цоат coat
цоакс coax
цобблер cobbler
цоцк cock
цоцкпит cockpit
цоцкроацх cockroach
цоцктаил cocktail
цоцкy cocky
цоцоа cocoa
цоцонют coconut
цод cod
цоде code
цод-ливер cod-liver
цоеффициент coefficient
цоерциве coercive
цоексиcт coexist
цоффее coffee
цоффеехоуcе coffeehouse
цоффин coffin
цогент cogent
цогитате cogitate
цогнате cognate
цогнитион cognition
цогнизанце cognizance
цогнизанце cognizance
цохабит cohabit
цохере cohere
цохеренце coherence
цохерент coherent
цохорт cohort
цоил coil
цоин coin
цоинциденце coincidence
цоинцидент coincident
цоке coke
цола cola
цоландер colander
цолд cold
цолднеcc coldness
цоллаборате collaborate
цоллапcе collapse
цоллар collar
цоллатерал collateral
цоллеагюе colleague
цоллецт collect
цоллецтинг collecting
цоллецтион collection
цоллецтиве collective
цоллецтор collector
цоллеге college
цоллиде collide
цоллиcион collision
цоллоквюиал colloquial
цологне cologne
цолон colon
цолонел colonel
цолониал colonial
цолониалиcм colonialism
цолониcт colonist
цолонy colony
цолоccал colossal
цолоур colour
цолоуред coloured
цолоурфюл colourful
цолоурлеcc colourless
цолт colt
цолюмн column
цолюмниcт columnist
цома coma
цомб comb
цомбат combat
цомбинатион combination
цомбине combine
цомбюcтибле combustible
цоме come
цомебацк comeback
цомедиан comedian
цомедy comedy
цомелy comely
цомет comet
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цомфy comfy
цомиц comic
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цоммандмент commandment
цоммеморате commemorate
цомменце commence
цоммент comment
цомментарy commentary
цоммерце commerce
цоммерциал commercial
цоммиcерате commiserate
цоммиccион commission
цоммиccионер commissioner
цоммит commit
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цоммиттее committee
цоммодитy commodity
цоммон common
цоммонплаце commonplace
цоммонв’еалтх commonwealth
цоммотион commotion
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цомпанy company
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цомпиле compile
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цомплемент complement
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цомплианце compliance
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цомплимент compliment
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цомпонент component
цомпоcе compose
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цомпоунд compound
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цомпреcc compress
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цомпромиcе compromise
цомпюлcион compulsion
цомпюлcиве compulsive
цомпюте compute
цомпютер computer
цомраде comrade
цон con
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цонцепт concept
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цонцоурcе concourse
цонцрете concrete
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цондом condom
цондюцт conduct
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цондюцтор conductor
цоне cone
цонфецтионерy confectionery
цонфедерате confederate
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цонфине confine
цонфирм confirm
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цонформитy conformity
цонфоунд confound
цонфронт confront
цонфронтатион confrontation
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цонфюcион confusion
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цонгеcтион congestion
цонгратюлате congratulate
цонгратюлатионc congratulations
цонгреcc congress
цонгрюоуc congruous
цонджецтюре conjecture
цонджюнцтион conjunction
цонджюре conjure
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цонcтитюте constitute
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цонcюлтант consultant
цонcюлтатион consultation
цонcюлтинг consulting
цонcюме consume
цонcюмер consumer
цонcюмптион consumption
цонтацт contact
цонтагион contagion
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цонтаин contain
цонтаинер container
цонтаминате contaminate
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цонтекст context
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цонтрацептиве contraceptive
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цонтрацтион contraction
цонтрацтор contractor
цонтрадицт contradict
цонтрадицтион contradiction
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цонтраcт contrast
цонтрибюте contribute
цонтрибютион contribution
цонтриванце contrivance
цонтрол control
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цонтроверcy controversy
цонвене convene
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цонвениентлy conveniently
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цонвентион convention
цонвентионал conventional
цонверcатион conversation
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цонвертибле convertible
цонвеy convey
цонвицт convict
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цонвицтион conviction
цонвинце convince
цонвинцинг convincing
цоок cook
цоокед cooked
цоокерy cookery
цоокие cookie
цоокинг cooking
цоол cool
цоолер cooler
цоолеcт coolest
цоопер cooper
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цо-операте co-operate
цооператион cooperation
цооперативе cooperative
цоординате coordinate
цо-ординате co-ordinate
цопе cope
цопиед copied
цопиер copier
цоппер copper
цопy copy
цорал coral
цорд cord
цордиал cordial
цоре core
цорк cork
цоркy corky
цорн corn
цорнер corner
цорнеред cornered
цорнфлов’ер cornflower
цорнy corny
цоронатион coronation
цорпорал corporal
цорпорате corporate
цорпоратион corporation
цорпcе corpse
цорпюлент corpulent
цоррецт correct
цоррецтион correction
цоррецтлy correctly
цоррелатион correlation
цорреcпонд correspond
цорреcпонденце correspondence
цорридор corridor
цоррюпт corrupt
цоррюптион corruption
цоcигн cosign
цоcметицc cosmetics
цоcмиц cosmic
цоcмополитан cosmopolitan
цоcт cost
цоcтc costs
цоcтюме costume
цоcy cosy
цоттаге cottage
цоттон cotton
цоуцх couch
цоугх cough
цоулд could
цоунцил council
цоунcел counsel
цоунcеллинг counselling
цоунcеллор counsellor
цоунт count
цоунтдов’н countdown
цоунтенанце countenance
цоунтер counter
цоунтерфеит counterfeit
цоунтеcc countess
цоунтинг counting
цоунтлеcc countless
цоунтрy country
цоунтрycиде countryside
цоунтy county
цоуп coup
цоупле couple
цоупон coupon
цоураге courage
цоурагеоуc courageous
цоуриер courier
цоурcе course
цоурт court
цоуртеcy courtesy
цоуртхоуcе courthouse
цоуртроом courtroom
цоуcин cousin
цове cove
цовер cover
цовераге coverage
цоверед covered
цоверинг covering
цоверт covert
цоветоуc covetous
цов’ cow
цов’ард coward
цов’боy cowboy
цов’ер cower
цоy coy
цозy cozy
цраб crab
црацк crack
црацкер cracker
црацкинг cracking
црадле cradle
црафт craft
цраг Crag
црам Cram
црамп Cramp
цранберрy Cranberry
цране Crane
цранкy Cranky
црап Crap
цраппy Crappy
цраcх Crash
цраcх дов’н crash down
црате Crate
цратер Crater
цраве Crave
цравинг Craving
црав’л Crawl
црав’линг Crawling
цраyфиcх Crayfish
цраyон Crayon
цразинеcc Craziness
цразy Crazy
цреам Cream
цреаcе Crease
цреате Create
цреатион Creation
цреативе Creative
цреатюре Creature
црецхе Crèche
цредентиал Credential
цредибилитy Credibility
цредит Credit
цредюлитy Credulity
цредюлоуc Credulous
цреед Creed
цреек Creek
црееп Creep
цреепинг Creeping
цреепy Creepy
цремате Cremate
цреcцент Crescent
цреcт Crest
цревице Crevice
црев’ Crew
цриб Crib
црицкет Cricket
цриме Crime
цриминал Criminal
цримпy Crimpy
цримcон Crimson
цриппле Cripple
црипплед Crippled
цриcиc Crisis
цриcп crisp
цритиц Critic
цритицал Critical
цритициcм Criticism
цритицизе Criticize
цроак Croak
цроцхет Crochet
цроцк Crock
цроцкерy Crockery
цроцодиле Crocodile
цроок Crook
цроокед Crooked
цроп Crop
цроcc Cross
цроccинг Crossing
цроccроад Crossroad
цров’ Crow
цров’д Crowd
цров’н Crown
црюциал Crucial
црюде Crude
црюел Cruel
црюелтy Cruelty
црюиcе Cruise
црюмб Crumb
црюммy Crummy
црюмпле Crumple
црюнцх Crunch
црюcаде Crusade
црюcх Crush
црюcхед Crushed
црюcхинг Crushing
црюcт Crust
црютцх Crutch
Црy – кру- сру Cry
црyинг Crying
црyптиц Cryptic
црycтал Crystal
цюб Cub
Цюбе — кубе Cube
цюбицле cubicle
цюцкоо cuckoo
Цюцюмбер- кукумбер- сисимбер – какамбер cucumber
цюддле cuddle
цюдгел cudgel
цюе cue
цюфф cuff
цюиcине cuisine
цюлинарy culinary
цюлприт culprit
цюлт cult
цюлтюрал cultural
цюлтюре culture
цюмберcоме cumbersome
цюннинг cunning
цюп cup
цюпбоард cupboard
цюпцаке cupcake
цюпид cupid
цюрб curb
цюре cure
цюриоcитy curiosity
цюриоуc curious
цюрл curl
цюрлy curly
цюррант currant
цюрренцy currency
цюррент current
цюррентлy currently
цюррицюлюм curriculum
цюррy curry
цюрcе curse
цюрcед cursed
цюртаин curtain
цюрве curve
цюcхион cushion
цюcтодy custody
цюcтом custom
цюcтомер customer
цюcтомc customs
цют cut
цюте cute
цютер cuter
цютлерy cutlery
цютлет cutlet
цюттер cutter
цyбер cyber
цyцле cycle
цyлиндер cylinder
цyницал cynical
цyпреcc cypress
дад dad
даффодил daffodil
дафт daft
даггер dagger
даилy daily
даинтy dainty
даирy dairy
даиcy daisy
дале dale
дам dam
дамаге damage
дамагед damaged
дамагинг damaging
даме dame
дамн damn
дамп damp
данце dance
данцер dancer
данделион dandelion
дандy dandy
Дане Dane
дангер danger
дангероуc dangerous
дангероуcлy dangerously
дангле dangle
даре dare
даринг daring
дарк dark
даркнеcc darkness
дарлинг darling
дарн darn
дарт dart
даcх dash
даcхбоард dashboard
даcхинг dashing
дата data
датабаcе database
дате date
датед dated
дауб daub
даугхтер daughter
даугхтер-ин-лав’ daughter-in-law
даунт daunt
даунтлеcc dauntless
дав’н dawn
даy day
Даyдреам Daydream
даyдреам daydream
даyлигхт daylight
даyтиме daytime
дазе daze
даззле dazzle
деацон deacon
деад dead
деадлине deadline
деадлy deadly
деаф deaf
деал deal
деалер dealer
деалинг dealing
деалт dealt
деан dean
деар dear
деареcт dearest
деарлy dearly
деатх death
дебарк debark
дебатабле debatable
дебате debate
дебауцх debauch
дебит debit
дебриc debris
дебт debt
дебют debut
децаде decade
децаденце decadence
децаy decay
децеаcед deceased
децеит deceit
децеиве deceive
децеивинг deceiving
Децембер December
деценцy decency
децент decent
децептион deception
дециде decide
децимал decimal
дециcион decision
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децк deck
децларатион declaration
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децлине decline
децоцтион decoction
децомпоcе decompose
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децоратион decoration
децоy decoy
децреаcе decrease
децрее decree
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дедицатион dedication
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дедюцт deduct
деед deed
деем deem
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деер deer
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дефенcе defense
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дефианце defiance
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дефицит deficit
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дефинитион definition
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дефy defy
дегенерате degenerate
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дегрее degree
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деитy deity
деджецтион dejection
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деликвюенцy deliquency
делириоуc delirious
деливер deliver
деливеринг delivering
деливерy delivery
делюде delude
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делюcионал delusional
деманд demand
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демоцрацy democracy
демоцрат democrat
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демолиcх demolish
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демюре demure
ден den
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денcитy density
дент dent
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дентиcт dentist
денюнциатион denunciation
денy deny
денyинг denying
департ depart
департмент department
департюре departure
депенд depend
депендабле dependable
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депицт depict
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депоcитион deposition
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дептх depth
депютy deputy
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детаил detail
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детерминатион determination
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детоур detour
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девалюатион devaluation
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девелоп develop
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девиcе devise
девоид devoid
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девотион devotion
девоур devour
девоут devout
дев’ dew
декстеритy dexterity
диабете diabete
диагноcе diagnose
диагноcиc diagnosis
диаграм diagram
диал dial
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диалогюе dialogue
диаметер diameter
диамонд diamond
диапер diaper
диаррхоеа diarrhoea
диарy diary
дице dice
дицтате dictate
дицтатион dictation
дицтатор dictator
дицтионарy dictionary
дие die
диет diet
диетарy dietary
диффер differ
дифференце difference
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дифферентлy differently
диффицюлт difficult
диффицюлтy difficulty
диффидент diffident
диффюcе diffuse
диг dig
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дигеcтион digestion
дигеcтиве digestive
диггинг digging
дигитал digital
дигнифy dignify
дигнитy dignity
дигреcc digress
дике dike
дилапидатион dilapidation
дилате dilate
дилемма dilemma
дилигенце diligence
дилл dill
дилюте dilute
дилютион dilution
дим dim
дименcион dimension
диминиcх diminish
диминютион diminution
димнеcc dimness
димпле dimple
дин din
дине dine
динер diner
динг ding
дингy dingy
дининг dining
дининг-роом dining-room
диннер dinner
диноcаур dinosaur
дип dip
диплома diploma
дипломатиц diplomatic
диппинг dipping
диппинг dipping
дире dire
дирецт direct
дирецтед directed
дирецтион direction
дирецтлy directly
дирецтнеcc directness
дирецтор director
дирт dirt
диртинеcc dirtiness
диртy dirty
диcабилитy disability
диcабле disable
диcадвантаге disadvantage
диcагрее disagree
диcагреемент disagreement
диcаппеар disappear
диcаппеаранце disappearance
диcаппоинт disappoint
диcаппоинтед disappointed
диcаппоинтмент disappointment
диcаппровал disapproval
диcарм disarm
диcарраy disarray
диcаcтер disaster
диcаcтроуc disastrous
диcавов’ disavow
диcбелиеф disbelief
диcц disc
диcцард discard
диcцерн discern
диcцернибле discernible
диcцхарге discharge
диcцхаргед discharged
диcципле disciple
диcциплинарy disciplinary
диcциплине discipline
диcцлоcе disclose
диcцо disco
диcцомфорт discomfort
диcцоннецт disconnect
диcцонтент discontent
диcцорд discord
диcцоунт discount
диcцоураге discourage
диcцоурcе discourse
диcцоуртеоуc discourteous
диcцовер discover
диcцоверинг discovering
диcцоверy discovery
диcцредит discredit
диcцреет discreet
диcцрепанцy discrepancy
диcцретион discretion
диcцриминатион discrimination
диcцюcc discuss
диcцюccион discussion
диcдаин disdain
диcеаcе disease
диcембарк disembark
диcембодy disembody
диcемброил disembroil
диcфигюре disfigure
диcграце disgrace
диcграцефюл disgraceful
диcгюиcе disguise
диcгюcт disgust
диcгюcтед disgusted
диcгюcтинг disgusting
диcх dish
диcхеартен dishearten
диcхонеcт dishonest
диcхоноур dishonour
диcхв’аcхер dishwasher
диcх-в’атер dish-water
диcиллюcион disillusion
диcингенюоуc disingenuous
диcинхерит disinherit
диcинтеграте disintegrate
диcинтереcтед disinterested
диcк disk
диcлике dislike
диcлоyал disloyal
диcмал dismal
диcмантле dismantle
диcмаy dismay
диcмиcc dismiss
диcмоунт dismount
диcобедиенце disobedience
диcобеy disobey
диcордер disorder
диcорганизед disorganized
диcориентед disoriented
диcпараге disparage
диcпаритy disparity
диcпатцх dispatch
диcпел dispel
диcпенcе dispense
диcперcе disperse
диcплаце displace
диcплаy display
диcплеаcе displease
диcпоcабле disposable
диcпоcал disposal
диcпоcе dispose
диcпрове disprove
диcпюте dispute
диcквюалифy disqualify
диcквюиет disquiet
диcрегард disregard
диcрепютабле disreputable
диcреcпецт disrespect
диcрюпт disrupt
диccатиcфацтион dissatisfaction
диccембле dissemble
диccимилар dissimilar
диccипате dissipate
диccолве dissolve
диcтанце distance
диcтант distant
диcтаcтефюл distasteful
диcтил distil
диcтинцт distinct
диcтинцтион distinction
диcтингюиcх distinguish
диcтингюиcхед distinguished
диcторт distort
диcтрацт distract
диcтрацтед distracted
диcтрацтинг distracting
диcтрацтион distraction
диcтрацтион distraction
диcтраугхт distraught
диcтреcc distress
диcтрибютион distribution
диcтрицт district
диcтрюcт distrust
диcтрюcтюл distrustul
диcтюрб disturb
диcтюрбанце disturbance
диcтюрбинг disturbing
дитцх ditch
дитто ditto
диве dive
дивер diver
диверге diverge
диверcе diverse
диверcе diverse
диверcион diversion
диверcитy diversity
диверт divert
дивиде divide
дивидед divided
дивине divine
дивинг diving
дивинитy divinity
дивиcион division
диворце divorce
диворцед divorced
диззy dizzy
до do
доабле doable
доцк dock
доцтор doctor
доцтрине doctrine
доцюмент document
доцюментарy documentary
додге dodge
додгy dodgy
доер doer
доеc does
дог dog
дог-цоллар dog-collar
доггие doggie
доггy doggy
доле dole
долефюл doleful
долл doll
доллар dollar
доллy dolly
долпхин dolphin
домаин domain
доме dome
домеcтиц domestic
домициле domicile
доминант dominant
доминате dominate
донате donate
донатион donation
донкеy donkey
донор donor
донют donut
доодле doodle
доом doom
доомед doomed
доор door
доорбелл doorbell
доорман doorman
доормант doormant
доорcтеп doorstep
доорв’аy doorway
допе dope
дормиторy dormitory
доcаге dosage
доcе dose
дот dot
доубле double
доублy doubly
доубт doubt
доубтфюл doubtful
доугх dough
доугхнют doughnut
дове dove
дов’н down
дов’нлоад download
дов’нригхт downright
дов’нcтаирc downstairs
дов’нтов’н downtown
дов’нв’ард downward
дов’рy dowry
дозе doze
дозен dozen
драфт draft
драг drag
драгон dragon
драин drain
драке drake
драма drama
драматиц dramatic
дранк drank
драпе drape
драcтиц drastic
драугхт draught
драв’ draw
драв’бацк drawback
драв’ер drawer
драв’инг drawing
драв’н drawn
дреад dread
дреадфюл dreadful
дреам dream
дреамт dreamt
дренцх drench
дреcc dress
дреccед dressed
дреccер dresser
дреccинг dressing
дриед dried
дрифт drift
дрилл drill
дринк drink
дрип drip
дриппинг dripping
дриве drive
дривен driven
дривер driver
дривев’аy driveway
дривинг driving
дриззле drizzle
дроне drone
дрооп droop
дроп drop
дроппер dropper
дропc drops
дроугхт drought
дрове drove
дров’н drown
дров’cy drowsy
дрюдгерy drudgery
дрюг drug
дрюггед drugged
дрюм drum
дрюммер drummer
дрюнк drunk
дрюнкард drunkard
дрюнкен drunken
дрy dry
дрyер dryer
дюал dual
дюб dub
дюбиоуc dubious
дюцхеcc duchess
дюцк duck
дюцт duct
дюе due
дюг dug
дюке duke
дюлл dull
дюлy duly
дюмб dumb
дюмбеcт dumbest
дюммy dummy
дюмп dump
дюмплинг dumpling
дюне dune
дюнг dung
дюнгеон dungeon
дюнк dunk
дюплицате duplicate
дюрабле durable
дюринг during
дюcк dusk
дюcт dust
дюcтy dusty
Дютцх Dutch
дютy duty
дв’арф dwarf
дв’елл dwell
дв’еллинг dwelling
дyе dye
дyинг dying
дyнамиц dynamic
дyнамите dynamite
дyнаcтy dynasty
дycентерy dysentery
дycфюнцтионал dysfunctional
еацх each
еагер eager
еагле eagle
еар ear
еарл earl
еарлап earlap
еарлобе earlobe
еарлy early
еарн earn
еарнеcт earnest
еарнингc earnings
еарпхонеc earphones
еарринг earring
еартх earth
еартхквюаке earthquake
еартхy earthy
еаcе ease
еаcел easel
еаcиер easier
еаcиеcт easiest
еаcилy easily
еаcт east
Еаcтер Easter
еаcтерн eastern
еаcy easy
еаcyгоинг easygoing
еат eat
еатабле eatable
еатен eaten
еатер eater
еавеcдроп eavesdrop
еавеcдроппинг eavesdropping
ебонy ebony
е-боок e-book
еццентриц eccentric
ецхо echo
ецлипcе eclipse
ецологy ecology
ецономиц economic
ецономицал economical
ецономицc economics
ецономy economy
ецcтаcy ecstasy
ецcтатиц ecstatic
едациоуc edacious
едацитy edacity
едге edge
едгy edgy
едибле edible
едифице edifice
едит edit
едитион edition
едитор editor
едиториал editorial
едюцате educate
едюцатед educated
едюцатион education
едюцатионал educational
еел eel
еффаце efface
еффецт effect
еффецтиве effective
еффеминате effeminate
еффицациоуc efficacious
еффициенцy efficiency
еффициент efficient
еффорлеcc efforless
еффорт effort
егг egg
его ego
егоиcм egoism
еготиcтицал egotistical
Егyптиан Egyptian
еигхт eight
еигхтеен eighteen
еигхтх eighth
еигхтy eighty
еигхтy eighty
еитхер either
еджецт eject
еджецтион ejection
елаборате elaborate
елапcе elapse
елаcтиц elastic
елатед elated
елбов’ elbow
елдер elder
елдерлy elderly
елецт elect
елецтион election
елецтриц electric
елецтрицал electrical
елецтрицитy electricity
елецтрониц electronic
елецтроницc electronics
елеганце elegance
елегант elegant
елемент element
елементал elemental
елементарy elementary
елепхант elephant
елевате elevate
елеватор elevator
елевен eleven
елф elf
елигибле eligible
елиминате eliminate
елиминатед eliminated
елите elite
елитиcт elitist
елк elk
елоквюент eloquent
елcе else
елcев’хере elsewhere
елюcиве elusive
емаил email
емаcцюлате emasculate
ембанкмент embankment
ембарго embargo
ембарк embark
ембарраcc embarrass
ембарраccмент embarrassment
ембаccy embassy
ембеззлемент embezzlement
ембиттер embitter
емблем emblem
ембодимент embodiment
ембодy embody
ембраце embrace
емброидер embroider
ембрyо embryo
емералд emerald
емерге emerge
емергенцy emergency
емигрант emigrant
еминенце eminence
еминент eminent
емит emit
емотион emotion
емотионал emotional
емотионаллy emotionally
емперор emperor
емпхаcиc emphasis
емпхаcизе emphasize
емпире empire
емплоy employ
емплоyед employed
емплоyее employee
емплоyер employer
емплоyмент employment
емпов’ер empower
емптинеcc emptiness
емптy empty
емюлате emulate
енабле enable
енацт enact
енамел enamel
енцаcе encase
енцхант enchant
енцхантмент enchantment
енцирцле encircle
енцлоcе enclose
енцоде encode
енцоунтер encounter
енцоураге encourage
енцоурагемент encouragement
енцоурагинг encouraging
енцроацх encroach
енцюмбер encumber
енцюмбранце encumbrance
енцyцлопаедиа encyclopaedia
енд end
ендангеред endangered
ендеавоур endeavour
ендинг ending
ендлеcc endless
ендорcе endorse
ендорcемент endorsement
ендюранце endurance
ендюре endure
енемy enemy
енергетиц energetic
енергy energy
енфолд enfold
енфорце enforce
енфорцемент enforcement
енгаге engage
енгагемент engagement
енгине engine
енгинеер engineer
енгинееринг engineering
Енгланд England
Енглиcх English
енграве engrave
енханце enhance
енигма enigma
енджоy enjoy
енджоyабле enjoyable
енджоyинг enjoying
енджоyмент enjoyment
енларге enlarge
енларгемент enlargement
енлигхтен enlighten
енлиcт enlist
енливен enliven
енмитy enmity
енормоуc enormous
еноугх enough
енквюирy enquiry
енраге enrage
енраптюре enrapture
енрицх enrich
енcигн ensign
енcюе ensue
енcюре ensure
ентаил entail
ентангле entangle
ентер enter
ентеринг entering
ентерприcе enterprise
ентертаин entertain
ентертаининг entertaining
ентертаинмент entertainment
ентхроне enthrone
ентхюcиаcм enthusiasm
ентхюcиаcтиц enthusiastic
ентице entice
ентире entire
ентирелy entirely
ентитлед entitled
ентраилc entrails
ентранце entrance
ентреат entreat
ентрепренеюр entrepreneur
ентрюcт entrust
ентрy entry
енюмерате enumerate
енвелопе envelope
енвиабле enviable
енвиоуc envious
енвиронмент environment
енвиронментал environmental
енвиcаге envisage
енвоy envoy
енвy envy
епиц epic
епидемиц epidemic
епиcоде episode
епоцх epoch
еквюабилитy equability
еквюал equal
еквюалитy equality
еквюаллy equally
еквюанимитy equanimity
еквюатион equation
еквюатор equator
еквюилибриюм equilibrium
еквюипмент equipment
еквюиппед equipped
еквюитy equity
еквюивалент equivalent
ера era
ерадицате eradicate
ераcе erase
ераcер eraser
ерецт erect
ероcион erosion
еротиц erotic
ерр err
ерранд errand
ерратиц erratic
еррор error
ерюпт erupt
ерюптион eruption
еcцалатор escalator
еcцапе escape
еcцорт escort
еcпециаллy especially
еcпионаге espionage
еccаy essay
еccенце essence
еccентиал essential
еccентиаллy essentially
еcтаблиcх establish
еcтаблиcхмент establishment
еcтате estate
еcтеем esteem
еcтимате estimate
еcтранге estrange
етц. etc.
етернал eternal
етернитy eternity
етхиц ethic
етхицал ethical
етхниц ethnic
етиквюетте etiquette
Еюропе Europe
евацюате evacuate
еваде evade
евалюате evaluate
евалюатион evaluation
евапорате evaporate
еваcион evasion
еве eve
евен even
евенинг evening
евент event
евентфюл eventful
евентюаллy eventually
евер ever
евергреен evergreen
еверy every
еверyбодy everybody
еверyдаy everyday
еверyоне everyone
еверyтхинг everything
еверyв’хере everywhere
евицт evict
евиденце evidence
евидентлy evidently
евил evil
евоке evoke
еволютион evolution
еволве evolve
ев’е ewe
ексацт exact
ексацтлy exactly
ексаггерате exaggerate
ексалт exalt
ексалтатион exaltation
ексам exam
ексаминатион examination
ексамине examine
ексаминер examiner
ексампле example
ексаcперате exasperate
ексцавате excavate
ексцеед exceed
ексцел excel
ексцеллент excellent
ексцепт except
ексцептион exception
ексцептионал exceptional
ексцеcc excess
ексцеccиве excessive
ексцханге exchange
ексците excite
ексцитед excited
ексцитемент excitement
ексцитинг exciting
ексцлаим exclaim
ексцлюде exclude
ексцлюcион exclusion
ексцлюcиве exclusive
ексцрете excrete
ексцрюциатион excruciation
ексцюрcион excursion
ексцюcе excuse
ексецюте execute
ексецютед executed
ексецютион execution
ексецютиве executive
ексемплар exemplar
ексемплифy exemplify
ексемпт exempt
ексерциcе exercise
ексхале exhale
ексхауcт exhaust
ексхауcтинг exhausting
ексхибит exhibit
ексхибитион exhibition
ексиле exile
ексиcт exist
ексиcтенце existence
ексиcтинг existing
ексит exit
ексотиц exotic
експанд expand
експандинг expanding
експанcион expansion
експецт expect
експецтатион expectation
експедиент expedient
експедитион expedition
експел expel
експеллед expelled
експенд expend
експендитюре expenditure
експенcе expense
експенcиве expensive
експериенце experience
експеримент experiment
експериментал experimental
експерт expert
експертиcе expertise
експире expire
експлаин explain
експланатион explanation
експлицит explicit
експлоде explode
експлодед exploded
експлоит exploit
експлоратион exploration
експлоре explore
експлорер explorer
експлоcион explosion
експлоcиве explosive
експорт export
експоcе expose
експоcюре exposure
експреcc express
експреccион expression
експюлcион expulsion
ексквюиcите exquisite
екстенд extend
екстенcион extension
екстенcиве extensive
екстент extent
екстериор exterior
екстерминате exterminate
екстерминатор exterminator
екстернал external
екстинцт extinct
екстингюиcх extinguish
екстортион extortion
екстра extra
екстрацт extract
екстрацтион extraction
екстраординарy extraordinary
екстреме extreme
екстремелy extremely
еyе eye
еyебалл eyeball
еyебров’ eyebrow
еyелаcх eyelash
еyелид eyelid
еyеcхадов’ eyeshadow
еyеcигхт eyesight
еyев’итнеcc eyewitness
фабле fable
фабриц fabric
фабюлоуc fabulous
Фаце — факе face
фацет facet
фациал facial
фациле facile
фацилиате faciliate
фацилитy facility
фацинг facing
фацт fact
фацтор factor
фацторy factory
фацюлтативе facultative
фацюлтy faculty
фад fad
фаде fade
фадинг fading
Фахренхеит Fahrenheit
фаил fail
фаилинг failing
фаилюре failure
фаинт faint
фаинтед fainted
фаир fair
фаирлy fairly
фаирнеcc fairness
фаирy fairy
фаирyтале fairytale
фаитх faith
фаитхфюл faithful
фаитхлеcc faithless
факе fake
фалцон falcon
фалл fall
фаллоут fallout
фалcифy falsify
фалтер falter
фаме fame
фамилиар familiar
фамилy family
фамине famine
фамоуc famous
фан fan
фанцy fancy
фанг fang
фантаcтиц fantastic
фантаcy fantasy
фар far
фарав’аy faraway
фаре fare
фарев’елл farewell
фар-фетцхед far-fetched
фарм farm
фармер farmer
фарcигхтед farsighted
фарт fart
фартхер farther
фаcцинатинг fascinating
фаcхион fashion
фаcт fast
фаcтен fasten
фаcтер faster
фаcтеcт fastest
фаcтидиоуc fastidious
фат fat
фатал fatal
фаталитy fatality
фате fate
фатхер father
фатхер-ин-лав’ father-in-law
фатхом fathom
фатигюе fatigue
фаулт fault
фаултлеcc faultless
фавоур favour
фавоурабле favourable
фавоурите favourite
факс fax
феар fear
феарфюл fearful
феарлеcc fearless
феарcоме fearsome
феаcибле feasible
феаcт feast
феат feat
феатхер feather
феатюре feature
Фебрюарy February
фед fed
федерал federal
фее fee
феебле feeble
феед feed
феедбацк feedback
феединг feeding
феел feel
феелинг feeling
феет feet
феигн feign
феинт feint
феиcтy feisty
фелицитy felicity
фелл fell
феллов’ fellow
феллов’cхип fellowship
фелон felon
фелонy felony
фемале female
феминине feminine
феминиcт feminist
фен fen
фенце fence
фенд fend
фермент ferment
ферн fern
фероциоуc ferocious
феррy ferry
фертиле fertile
фертилитy fertility
фервент fervent
фервид fervid
феcтивал festival
феcтиве festive
феcтивитy festivity
фетцх fetch
фетид fetid
феюд feud
феюдал feudal
февер fever
фев’ few
фев’ер fewer
фианцé fiancé
фианцéе fiancée
фиаcцо fiasco
фиб fib
фиббер fibber
фибре fibre
фицкле fickle
фицтион fiction
фиддле fiddle
фиделитy fidelity
фидгет fidget
фиелд field
фиенд fiend
фиерце fierce
фиерy fiery
фифтеен fifteen
фифтх fifth
фифтy fifty
фиг fig
фигхт fight
фигхтер fighter
фигюре figure
филе file
филинг filing
филл fill
филлет fillet
филлинг filling
филм film
филминг filming
филтер filter
филтх filth
филтхy filthy
финал final
финаллy finally
финанце finance
финанциал financial
финанциаллy financially
финцх finch
финд find
финдинг finding
фине fine
финеccе finesse
финеcт finest
фингер finger
фингернаил fingernail
фингерпринт fingerprint
фингертип fingertip
финиcх finish
финиcхинг finishing
Финниcх Finnish
фир fir
фире fire
фиреарм firearm
фиребалл fireball
фире-екстингюиcхер fire-extinguisher
фиреман fireman
фиреплаце fireplace
фирев’орк firework
фиринг firing
фирм firm
фирмлy firmly
фирcт first
фирcтханд firsthand
фирcтлy firstly
фиcцал fiscal
фиcх fish
фиcхер fisher
фиcхерман fisherman
фиcхинг fishing
фиcхy fishy
фиcт fist
фит fit
фитфюл fitful
фитнеcc fitness
фиттинг fitting
фиве five
фикс fix
фикседлy fixedly
фиксинг fixing
фикстюре fixture
физзy fizzy
флаббy flabby
флаг flag
флаке flake
фламбоyант flamboyant
фламе flame
фламеc flames
фланк flank
фланнел flannel
флап flap
фларе flare
флаcх flash
флаcхинг flashing
флаcхлигхт flashlight
флаcхy flashy
флаcк flask
флат flat
флатлy flatly
флаттен flatten
флаттер flatter
флаттерy flattery
флавоур flavour
флав’ flaw
флакс flax
флеа flea
флецк fleck
флее flee
флеет fleet
флеетинг fleeting
флеcх flesh
флев’ flew
флекс flex
флексибле flexible
флицк flick
флицкер flicker
флигхт flight
флимcy flimsy
флинцх flinch
флинг fling
флинт flint
флип flip
флиппант flippant
флипперc flippers
флирт flirt
флиртатиоуc flirtatious
флиртинг flirting
флоат float
флоатинг floating
флоцк flock
флог flog
флоод flood
флоодинг flooding
флоор floor
флоп flop
флорал floral
флориcт florist
флоcc floss
флоундер flounder
флоур flour
флоуриcх flourish
флов’ flow
флов’ер flower
флов’инг flowing
флов’н flown
флю flu
флюцтюате fluctuate
флюенцy fluency
флюент fluent
флюффy fluffy
флюид fluid
флюке fluke
флюррy flurry
флюcх flush
флюcхед flushed
флюте flute
флюттер flutter
флy fly
флyер flyer
флyинг flying
фоам foam
фоцюc focus
фоцюcед focused
фоддер fodder
фое foe
фоетюc foetus
фог fog
фоггy foggy
фоил foil
фолд fold
фолдер folder
фолдинг folding
фолиаге foliage
фолк folk
фолкc folks
фоллов’ follow
фоллов’ер follower
фоллов’инг following
фоллy folly
фонд fond
фондле fondle
фонднеcc fondness
фонт font
фоод food
фоол fool
фоолиcх foolish
фоолпрооф foolproof
фоот foot
фоотаге footage
фоотбалл football
фоотинг footing
фоотпринт footprint
фоотcтеп footstep
фоотв’еар footwear
фор for
форбеар forbear
форбид forbid
форбидден forbidden
форце force
форцефюл forceful
форцелеcc forceless
форцинг forcing
форе fore
фореарм forearm
форецаcт forecast
форефатхер forefather
форехеад forehead
фореигн foreign
фореигнер foreigner
фореман foreman
форемоcт foremost
форенcиц forensic
форенcицc forensics
фореcее foresee
фореcигхт foresight
фореcт forest
фореcталл forestall
форетаcте foretaste
форевер forever
форфеит forfeit
форгаве forgave
форге forge
форгерy forgery
форгет forget
форгетфюл forgetful
форгиве forgive
форгивен forgiven
форгивенеcc forgiveness
форгивинг forgiving
форготтен forgotten
форк fork
форм form
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формалитy formality
формаллy formally
формат format
форматион formation
формер former
формерлy formerly
формидабле formidable
формюла formula
форcаке forsake
форт fort
фортх forth
фортхцоминг forthcoming
фортнигхт fortnight
фортреcc fortress
фортюнате fortunate
фортюнателy fortunately
фортюне fortune
фортy forty
форюм forum
форв’ард forward
фоccил fossil
фоcтер foster
фоcтер-цхилд foster-child
фоугхт fought
фоул foul
фоунд found
фоундатион foundation
фоундед founded
фоунтаин fountain
фоур four
фоуртеен fourteen
фоуртх fourth
фов’л fowl
фокс fox
фрацтион fraction
фрацтюре fracture
фрагиле fragile
фрагмент fragment
фрагранце fragrance
фраил frail
фраме frame
фрамев’орк framework
фраминг framing
францхиcе franchise
франк frank
франклy frankly
франтиц frantic
фратернитy fraternity
фрауд fraud
фраудюлент fraudulent
фреак freak
фреакy freaky
фрецклеcc freckless
фрее free
фреед freed
фреедом freedom
фрееланце freelance
фреелy freely
фреев’аy freeway
фреезе freeze
фреезер freezer
фреезинг freezing
фреигхт freight
Френцх French
френзy frenzy
фреквюенцy frequency
фреквюент frequent
фреквюентлy frequently
фреcх fresh
фреcхен freshen
фреcхман freshman
фрицтион friction
Фридаy Friday
фридге fridge
фриед fried
фриенд friend
фриендлy friendly
фриендcхип friendship
фриеc fries
фригхт fright
фригхтен frighten
фригилитy frigility
фринге fringe
фриcк frisk
фриволоуc frivolous
фризз frizz
фроцк frock
фрог frog
фром from
фронт front
фронтаге frontage
фронтиер frontier
фроcт frost
фроcтy frosty
фротх froth
фров’н frown
фрозе froze
фрозен frozen
фрюгал frugal
фрюгалитy frugality
фрюит fruit
фрюитфюл fruitful
фрюитлеcc fruitless
фрюcтратинг frustrating
фрюcтратион frustration
фрy fry
фюдге fudge
фюел fuel
фюгитиве fugitive
фюлфил fulfil
фюлфиллед fulfilled
фюлл full
фюллy fully
фюме fume
фюн fun
фюнцтион function
фюнд fund
фюндаментал fundamental
фюндинг funding
фюндраиcер fundraiser
фюндc funds
фюнерал funeral
фюнгюc fungus
фюнк funk
фюнкy funky
фюннел funnel
фюннy funny
фюр fur
фюриоуc furious
фюрнаце furnace
фюрниcх furnish
фюрнитюре furniture
фюрров’ furrow
фюррy furry
фюртхер further
фюртхерморе furthermore
фюртивелy furtively
фюрy fury
фюcе fuse
фюcион fusion
фюcc fuss
фютиле futile
фютюре future
фюззy fuzzy
габбле gabble
гадгет gadget
гаг gag
гаге gage
гаиетy gaiety
гаилy gaily
гаин gain
гаинфюл gainful
гаит gait
галаксy galaxy
гале gale
галл gall
галлант gallant
галлерy gallery
галлон gallon
галлоп gallop
гамбле gamble
гамблинг gambling
гаме game
ганг gang
гангcтер gangster
гап gap
гараге garage
гарбаге garbage
гарден garden
гарденер gardener
гаргле gargle
гарланд garland
гарлиц garlic
гармент garment
гарниcх garnish
гарриcон garrison
гаc gas
гаcп gasp
гате gate
гатев’аy gateway
гатхер gather
гатхеринг gathering
гаудy gaudy
гауге gauge
гаунт gaunt
гаунтлет gauntlet
гаузе gauze
гаве gave
гаy gay
газе gaze
геар gear
гел gel
гелатине gelatine
гем gem
Гемини Gemini
гендер gender
гене gene
генерал general
генерализатион generalization
генерализе generalize
генераллy generally
генератион generation
генератор generator
генериц generic
генероcитy generosity
генероуc generous
генетиц genetic
генетицаллy genetically
гениал genial
гениюc genius
гентле gentle
гентлеман gentleman
гентлy gently
генюине genuine
генюинелy genuinely
геограпхy geography
геометрy geometry
герм germ
Герман German
герминате germinate
геcтюре gesture
гет get
гетав’аy getaway
гхаcтлy ghastly
гхетто ghetto
гхоcт ghost
гиант giant
гиддинеcc giddiness
гиддy giddy
гифт gift
гифтед gifted
гиг gig
гигантиц gigantic
гиггле giggle
гилд gild
гиллc gills
гин gin
гингер ginger
гираффе giraffe
гирдле girdle
гирл girl
гирлфриенд girlfriend
гирлие girlie
гиcт gist
гиве give
гивен given
глациер glacier
глад glad
гладлy gladly
гламороуc glamorous
гламоур glamour
гланце glance
гланд gland
гларе glare
глаcc glass
глаccеc glasses
глазе glaze
глеам gleam
глеефюл gleeful
глен glen
глиде glide
глиммер glimmer
глимпcе glimpse
глиcтен glisten
глитцх glitch
глиттер glitter
глоат gloat
глобал global
глобе globe
глоомy gloomy
глорифy glorify
глориоуc glorious
глорy glory
глоcc gloss
глоccарy glossary
глове glove
гловеc gloves
глов’ glow
глов’инг glowing
глюе glue
глюед glued
глюм glum
глюттон glutton
глюттонy gluttony
гнат gnat
гнав’ gnaw
го go
гоал goal
гоат goat
го-бетв’еен go-between
гоблет goblet
Год God
годдеcc goddess
годфатхер godfather
годфорcакен godforsaken
годлеcc godless
годмотхер godmother
гоггле goggle
гоинг going
голд gold
голден golden
голдфиcх goldfish
голф golf
гоод good
гоодбyе goodbye
гооднеcc goodness
гооднигхт goodnight
гоодc goods
гоодy goody
гооcе goose
горге gorge
горгеоуc gorgeous
горилла gorilla
гоcпел gospel
гоccип gossip
гоccипy gossipy
гоурмет gourmet
говерн govern
говернеcc governess
говернмент government
говернор governor
гов’н gown
граб grab
граце grace
грацефюл graceful
грацелеcc graceless
грациоуc gracious
граде grade
градюал gradual
градюаллy gradually
градюате graduate
градюатед graduated
градюатион graduation
граин grain
грам gram
граммар grammar
гранарy granary
гранд grand
грандцхилд grandchild
грандцхилдрен grandchildren
гранддад granddad
гранддаугхтер granddaughter
грандфатхер grandfather
грандма grandma
грандмотхер grandmother
грандпа grandpa
грандпарентc grandparents
грандcон grandson
граните granite
граннy granny
грант grant
грантед granted
гранюлатед granulated
грапе grape
грапефрюит grapefruit
грапх graph
грапхицc graphics
граcп grasp
граcc grass
грате grate
гратефюл grateful
гратифицатион gratification
гратинг grating
гратитюде gratitude
граве grave
гравеyард graveyard
гравитатион gravitation
гравитy gravity
гравy gravy
граy gray
гразе graze
греаcе grease
греаcy greasy
греат great
греатер greater
греатеcт greatest
греатлy greatly
греатнеcc greatness
Грееце Greece
греед greed
греедy greedy
Греек Greek
греен green
греенc greens
греет greet
греетинг greeting
грев’ grew
грид grid
гриеф grief
гриеве grieve
грилл grill
гриллед grilled
грим grim
гримаце grimace
грин grin
гринд grind
грип grip
грит grit
гроан groan
гроцер grocer
гроцерy grocery
гроин groin
гроом groom
гроове groove
гропе grope
гроcc gross
гроунд ground
гроундлеcc groundless
гроуп group
грове grove
гров’ grow
гров’инг growing
гров’л growl
гров’н юп grown up
гров’нюп grownup
гров’тх growth
грюб grub
грюдге grudge
грюел gruel
грюфф gruff
грюмбле grumble
грюмпy grumpy
грюнт grunt
гюарантее guarantee
гюард guard
гюардиан guardian
гюеcc guess
гюеcт guest
гюиданце guidance
гюиде guide
гюиле guile
гюилт guilt
гюилтy guilty
гюитар guitar
гюлф gulf
гюллибле gullible
гюлп gulp
гюм gum
гюн gun
гюнфире gunfire
гюргле gurgle
гюcх gush
гюcт gust
гют gut
гютc guts
гюттер gutter
гюy guy
гyм gym
гyмнаcиюм gymnasium
гyпcy gypsy
хабердаcхерy haberdashery
хабит habit
хабитат habitat
хабитюал habitual
хацк hack
хад had
хаеморрхаге haemorrhage
хаг hag
хаггард haggard
хаил hail
хаилcтоне hailstone
хаир hair
хаирцют haircut
хаирдреccер hairdresser
хаирy hairy
халф half
халф-бакед half-baked
халф-бротхер half-brother
халф-моон half-moon
халф-тиме half-time
халфв’аy halfway
халф-yеар half-year
халл hall
халлюцинате hallucinate
халлв’аy hallway
халт halt
халве halve
хам ham
хамбюргер hamburger
хамлет hamlet
хаммер hammer
хаммоцк hammock
хампер hamper
хамcтер hamster
ханд hand
хандбаг handbag
хандцюфф handcuff
хандфюл handful
хандгрип handgrip
хандицап handicap
хандицаппед handicapped
хандицрафт handicraft
хандкерцхиеф handkerchief
хандле handle
хандлинг handling
хандcхаке handshake
хандcоме handsome
хандв’ритинг handwriting
хандy handy
хандyман handyman
ханг hang
хангинг hanging
хангнаил hangnail
ханговер hangover
ханк hank
хапхазард haphazard
хаппен happen
хаппилy happily
хаппинеcc happiness
хаппy happy
хараcc harass
хараccинг harassing
хараccмент harassment
харбоур harbour
хард hard
хард-боилед hard-boiled
харден harden
хардилy hardily
хардлy hardly
харднеcc hardness
хардcхип hardship
хардв’аре hardware
хардy hardy
харе hare
харм harm
хармфюл harmful
хармлеcc harmless
хармониоуc harmonious
хармонy harmony
харнеcc harness
харп harp
харров’ harrow
харрy harry
харcх harsh
харвеcт harvest
хаc has
хаcх hash
хаccле hassle
хаcте haste
хаcтy hasty
хат hat
хатцх hatch
хатцхет hatchet
хате hate
хатефюл hateful
хатред hatred
хаугхтy haughty
хаул haul
хаунцх haunch
хаунт haunt
хаунтед haunted
хаунтинг haunting
хаве have
хавен haven
хавинг having
хавоц havoc
хав’ haw
хав’к hawk
хаy hay
хазард hazard
хазардоуc hazardous
хазе haze
хазел hazel
хазy hazy
хе he
хеад head
хеадацхе headache
хеадинг heading
хеадлигхт headlight
хеадлине headline
хеадпхоне headphone
хеадквюартер headquarter
хеадy heady
хеал heal
хеалинг healing
хеалтх health
хеалтхy healthy
хеап heap
хеар hear
хеаринг hearing
хеарт heart
хеартацхе heartache
хеартбеат heartbeat
хеартбреак heartbreak
хеартброкен heartbroken
хеартбюрн heartburn
хеартед hearted
хеартх hearth
хеартилy heartily
хеартлеcc heartless
хеартy hearty
хеат heat
хеатер heater
хеатхен heathen
хеатхер heather
хеатинг heating
хеаве heave
хеавен heaven
хеавенлy heavenly
хеавилy heavily
хеавинеcc heaviness
хеавy heavy
хецтиц hectic
хецтор hector
хедге hedge
хеед heed
хеедлеcc heedless
хеел heel
хеигхт height
хеир heir
хеиреcc heiress
хеирлоом heirloom
хелд held
хелицоптер helicopter
хелл hell
хелло hello
хелм helm
хелмет helmet
хелп help
хелпер helper
хелпфюл helpful
хелплеcc helpless
хем hem
хемиcпхере hemisphere
хен hen
хенце hence
хепатитиc hepatitis
хер her
хералд herald
херб herb
хербал herbal
херд herd
хере here
херебy hereby
хередитарy hereditary
херитаге heritage
хермиц hermic
херо hero
хероиц heroic
хероин heroin
херон heron
херринг herring
херc hers
херcелф herself
хеcитате hesitate
хеcитатион hesitation
хев’ hew
хибернате hibernate
хиццюп hiccup
хид hid
хидден hidden
хиде hide
хидеоуc hideous
хиерарцхy hierarchy
хигх high
хигхеcт highest
хигхджацк highjack
хигхлигхт highlight
хигхлy highly
хигхнеcc highness
хигхв’аy highway
хике hike
хикинг hiking
хилариоуc hilarious
хилл hill
хим him
химcелф himself
хинд hind
хиндер hinder
хиндранце hindrance
хиндcигхт hindsight
хинге hinge
хинт hint
хип hip
хире hire
хирелинг hireling
хиринг hiring
хиc his
хиcc hiss
хиcториан historian
хиcториц historic
хиcторицал historical
хиcторy history
хит hit
хитцх hitch
хиве hive
хоард hoard
хоарфроcт hoarfrost
хоарcе hoarse
хоакс hoax
хоббле hobble
хоббy hobby
хоцкеy hockey
хог hog
холд hold
холдер holder
холдинг holding
холе hole
холидаy holiday
холлер holler
холлов’ hollow
холy holy
хоме home
хомецоминг homecoming
хомелеcc homeless
хомемаде homemade
хомеcицк homesick
хометов’н hometown
хомев’орк homework
хомеy homey
хомицидал homicidal
хомициде homicide
хомоcексюал homosexual
хонеcт honest
хонеcтлy honestly
хонеcтy honesty
хонеy honey
хонеyмоон honeymoon
хонорарy honorary
хоноур honour
хоноурабле honourable
хоноуред honoured
хоноурc honours
хоод hood
хооф hoof
хоок hook
хоолиган hooligan
хооп hoop
хоораy hooray
хоот hoot
хоп hop
хопе hope
хопефюл hopeful
хопефюллy hopefully
хопелеcc hopeless
хоризон horizon
хоризонтал horizontal
хормоне hormone
хорн horn
хорнy horny
хороcцопе horoscope
хоррибле horrible
хорриблy horribly
хоррифиед horrified
хоррор horror
хорcе horse
хорcебацк horseback
хоcе hose
хоcиерy hosiery
хоcпитабле hospitable
хоcпитал hospital
хоcпиталитy hospitality
хоcт host
хоcтаге hostage
хоcтеcc hostess
хоcтиле hostile
хоcтилитy hostility
хот hot
хотел hotel
хотлине hotline
хоунд hound
хоур hour
хоурглаcc hourglass
хоуcе house
хоуcехолд household
хоуcекеепер housekeeper
хоуcемаид housemaid
хоуcев’ифе housewife
хоуcинг housing
ховер hover
хов’ how
хов’евер however
хов’л howl
хюббy hubby
хюе hue
хюг hug
хюге huge
хюгелy hugely
хюм hum
хюман human
хюманитy humanity
хюманкинд humankind
хюмбле humble
хюмид humid
хюмидитy humidity
хюмилиате humiliate
хюмилиатед humiliated
хюмилиатион humiliation
хюмилитy humility
хюмороуc humorous
хюмоур humour
хюмп hump
хюнцх hunch
хюндред hundred
хюнг hung
хюнгер hunger
хюнгрy hungry
хюнк hunk
хюнт hunt
хюнтер hunter
хюрдле hurdle
хюрл hurl
хюррицане hurricane
хюррy hurry
хюрт hurt
хюртфюл hurtful
хюcбанд husband
хюcх hush
хюcк husk
хюcкy husky
хюcтле hustle
хют hut
хyбрид hybrid
хyдроген hydrogen
хyгиене hygiene
хyпхен hyphen
хyпнотизе hypnotize
хyпоцриcy hypocrisy
хyпоцрите hypocrite
хyпотхеcиc hypothesis
хyпотхетицаллy hypothetically
хycтериа hysteria
хycтерицал hysterical
ице ice
ице цреам ice cream
ицеберг iceberg
ицицле icicle
ицилy icily
ицкy icky
ицон icon
ицy icy
идеа idea
идеал ideal
идентицал identical
идентифицатион identification
идентифy identify
идентитy identity
идиом idiom
идиот idiot
идиотиц idiotic
идле idle
идол idol
иф if
игнате ignate
игнитион ignition
игнобле ignoble
игноранце ignorance
игнорант ignorant
игноре ignore
игноринг ignoring
илл ill
иллегал illegal
иллегаллy illegally
иллегибле illegible
иллегимате illegimate
иллицит illicit
иллитерате illiterate
иллнеcc illness
иллогицал illogical
иллюминате illuminate
иллюcион illusion
иллюcиве illusive
иллюcтрате illustrate
иллюcтратион illustration
имаге image
имагинабле imaginable
имагинарy imaginary
имагинатион imagination
имагине imagine
имбюе imbue
имитате imitate
иммацюлате immaculate
имматюре immature
иммедиате immediate
иммедиателy immediately
имменcе immense
имменcелy immensely
иммерcе immerse
иммигрант immigrant
иммиграте immigrate
иммигратион immigration
имминент imminent
иммобиле immobile
иммодерате immoderate
имморал immoral
иммортал immortal
имморталитy immortality
иммовабле immovable
иммюне immune
иммюнитy immunity
импацт impact
импартиал impartial
импаccабле impassable
импатиенце impatience
импатиент impatient
импеццабле impeccable
импедимент impediment
импел impel
импендинг impending
императиве imperative
имперфецт imperfect
империал imperial
имперcонал impersonal
импертинент impertinent
импертюрбабле imperturbable
импетюоуc impetuous
импетюc impetus
импиcх impish
имплацабле implacable
имплант implant
имплемент implement
имплицатион implication
имплоре implore
имплy imply
имполите impolite
импорт import
импортанце importance
импортант important
импортантлy importantly
импоcе impose
импоccибилитy impossibility
импоccибле impossible
импоcтер imposter
импрегнабле impregnable
импреcc impress
импреccион impression
импреccиве impressive
импринт imprint
имприcон imprison
импробабле improbable
импропер improper
импрове improve
импровед improved
импровемент improvement
импровиcе improvise
импрюденце imprudence
импюлcе impulse
импюлcиве impulsive
импюнитy impunity
импюре impure
ин in
инабилитy inability
инаццеccибле inaccessible
инаццюрате inaccurate
инацтион inaction
инадеквюацy inadequacy
инадеквюате inadequate
инадмиccибле inadmissible
инане inane
инаппроприате inappropriate
инапптитюде inapptitude
инаттентиве inattentive
инаудибле inaudible
инаугюрате inaugurate
инборн inborn
инцапабле incapable
инцарнате incarnate
инцентиве incentive
инцх inch
инцидент incident
инците incite
инцлинатион inclination
инцлине incline
инцлоcе inclose
инцлюде include
инцоме income
инцоме такс income tax
инцоминг incoming
инцомпарабле incomparable
инцомпатибле incompatible
инцомпетенце incompetence
инцомпетент incompetent
инцомплете incomplete
инцомпрехенcибле incomprehensible
инцонцеивабле inconceivable
инцонcиcтенцy inconsistency
инцонвениенце inconvenience
инцонвениент inconvenient
инцорпорате incorporate
инцоррецт incorrect
инцреаcе increase
инцреаcинглy increasingly
инцредибле incredible
инцредиблy incredibly
инцриминате incriminate
инцюрабле incurable
индебтед indebted
индецент indecent
индециcион indecision
индеед indeed
индефините indefinite
индефинителy indefinitely
инделицате indelicate
индепенденце independence
индепендент independent
индекс index
индицате indicate
индицатион indication
индицатор indicator
индицтмент indictment
индифференце indifference
индигеноуc indigenous
индигеcтион indigestion
индигнант indignant
индирецт indirect
индиcцреет indiscreet
индиcпенcабле indispensable
индиcпютабле indisputable
индиcтинцт indistinct
индивидюал individual
индоор indoor
индюце induce
индюлге indulge
индюлгенце indulgence
индюcтриал industrial
индюcтрy industry
инедибле inedible
инеффецтиве ineffective
инеффициент inefficient
инепт inept
инерт inert
инеcтимабле inestimable
иневитабле inevitable
иневитаблy inevitably
инексхауcтибле inexhaustible
инексорабле inexorable
инекспедиент inexpedient
инекспериенцед inexperienced
инексплицабле inexplicable
инекстрицабле inextricable
инфаллибле infallible
инфамоуc infamous
инфант infant
инфантрy infantry
инфатюатед infatuated
инфецтед infected
инфецтион infection
инфер infer
инфериор inferior
инфертиле infertile
инфеcт infest
инфините infinite
инфирмарy infirmary
инфламе inflame
инфламмабле inflammable
инфлате inflate
инфлатион inflation
инфлицт inflict
инфлюенце influence
инфлюенза influenza
инфлюкс influx
инфо info
информ inform
информал informal
информант informant
информатион information
инфрацтрюцтюре infractructure
инфрингемент infringement
инфюриате infuriate
ингениоуc ingenious
ингоинг ingoing
ингратитюде ingratitude
ингредиент ingredient
инхабит inhabit
инхабитант inhabitant
инхале inhale
инхерит inherit
инхеританце inheritance
инхибит inhibit
инхоcпитабле inhospitable
инхюман inhuman
инитиал initial
инитиаллy initially
инитиативе initiative
инджецт inject
инджецтион injection
инджюнцтион injunction
инджюред injured
инджюрy injury
инджюcтице injustice
инк ink
инланд inland
инмате inmate
инн inn
иннер inner
инноценце innocence
инноцент innocent
инноватион innovation
иннюмерабле innumerable
иноцюлате inoculate
иноффенcиве inoffensive
иноппортюне inopportune
ин-патиент in-patient
инпют input
инквюире inquire
инквюирy inquiry
инcане insane
инcанитy insanity
инcцрибе inscribe
инcецт insect
инcецюре insecure
инcецюритy insecurity
инcенcибле insensible
инcенcитиве insensitive
инcепарабле inseparable
инcерт insert
инcет inset
инcиде inside
инcигхт insight
инcигнифицант insignificant
инcинюате insinuate
инcиcт insist
инcоленце insolence
инcолюбле insoluble
инcомниа insomnia
инcпецтион inspection
инcпецтор inspector
инcпиратион inspiration
инcпире inspire
инcпиринг inspiring
инcталл install
инcталлатион installation
инcталлед installed
инcталмент instalment
инcтанце instance
инcтант instant
инcтеад instead
инcтинцт instinct
инcтитюте institute
инcтитютион institution
инcтрюцт instruct
инcтрюцтион instruction
инcтрюцтор instructor
инcтрюмент instrument
инcюффициент insufficient
инcюлар insular
инcюлатион insulation
инcюлт insult
инcюлтинг insulting
инcюранце insurance
инcюре insure
интацт intact
интеграл integral
интегратион integration
интегритy integrity
интеллецт intellect
интеллецтюал intellectual
интеллигенце intelligence
интеллигент intelligent
интенд intend
интенcе intense
интенcиве intensive
интент intent
интентион intention
интентионаллy intentionally
интерацт interact
интерцепт intercept
интерцоурcе intercourse
интереcт interest
интереcтед interested
интереcтинг interesting
интерфере interfere
интерференце interference
интерим interim
интериор interior
интермедиарy intermediary
интермедиате intermediate
интерн intern
интернал internal
интернатионал international
интернет internet
интерпрет interpret
интерпретатион interpretation
интеррогате interrogate
интеррогатион interrogation
интеррюпт interrupt
интеррюптион interruption
интерcецтион intersection
интерcтате interstate
интервал interval
интервентион intervention
интервиев’ interview
интеcтине intestine
интимацy intimacy
интимате intimate
интимидате intimidate
интимидатинг intimidating
инто into
интолерабле intolerable
интоксицате intoxicate
интрепид intrepid
интрицате intricate
интригюе intrigue
интригюинг intriguing
интродюце introduce
интродюцинг introducing
интродюцтион introduction
интрюде intrude
интрюдер intruder
интрюcиве intrusive
интюитион intuition
инваде invade
инвадед invaded
инвалид invalid
инвалюабле invaluable
инвариабле invariable
инваcион invasion
инвент invent
инвентион invention
инвенторy inventory
инвеcт invest
инвеcтигате investigate
инвеcтигатион investigation
инвеcтигатор investigator
инвеcтмент investment
инвеcтор investor
инвинцибле invincible
инвиcибле invisible
инвитатион invitation
инвите invite
инвитинг inviting
инвоице invoice
инвоке invoke
инволюнтарy involuntary
инволве involve
инволвемент involvement
инволвинг involving
инвюлнерабле invulnerable
инв’ард inward
иодине iodine
ириc iris
иркcоме irksome
ирон iron
ирониц ironic
иронy irony
иррадиате irradiate
ирратионал irrational
иррегюлар irregular
иррелевант irrelevant
иррепарабле irreparable
иррепроацхабле irreproachable
ирреcиcтибле irresistible
ирреcпонcибле irresponsible
ирригате irrigate
ирриплацеабле irriplaceable
ирритабле irritable
ирритате irritate
ирритатинг irritating
иc is
иcланд island
иcолате isolate
иcолатед isolated
иcолатион isolation
иccюе issue
Ит It
Италиан Italian
Италy Italy
итцх itch
итцхинг itching
итцхy itchy
итем item
итинерарy itinerary
итc its
итcелф itself
иворy ivory
ивy ivy
джаб jab
джацкал jackal
джацкет jacket
джацк-книфе jack-knife
джацкпот jackpot
джаде jade
джаггед jagged
джагюар jaguar
джаил jail
джам jam
джангле jangle
джанитор janitor
ДЖанюарy January
ДЖапанеcе Japanese
джар jar
джаргон jargon
джаунтy jaunty
джавелин javelin
джав’ jaw
джаy jay
джазз jazz
джеалоуc jealous
джеалоуcy jealousy
джеан jean
джеанc jeans
джееп jeep
джеер jeer
джелл jell
джеллy jelly
джеопардизе jeopardize
джеопардy jeopardy
джерк jerk
джерcеy jersey
джеcт jest
ДЖеcюc Jesus
джет jet
ДЖев’ Jew
джев’ел jewel
джев’еллерy jewellery
ДЖев’иcх Jewish
ДЖев’c Jews
джигcав’ jigsaw
джингле jingle
джинкс jinx
джиттер jitter
джоб job
джоблеcc jobless
джоцкеy jockey
джог jog
джоггинг jogging
джоггле joggle
джоин join
джоининг joining
джоинт joint
джоке joke
джокер joker
джоллy jolly
джолт jolt
джоурнал journal
джоурналиcм journalism
джоурналиcт journalist
джоурнеy journey
джовиал jovial
джоy joy
джоyфюл joyful
джоyоуc joyous
джюбилее jubilee
джюдге judge
джюдгемент judgement
джюдициал judicial
джюдициал judicial
джюдициоуc judicious
джюг jug
джюггле juggle
джюице juice
джюицy juicy
ДЖюлy July
джюмбо jumbo
джюмп jump
джюмпер jumper
джюмпy jumpy
джюнцтион junction
джюнцтион junction
ДЖюне June
джюнгле jungle
джюниор junior
джюнк junk
джюнк фоод junk food
джюнкие junkie
джюриcдицтион jurisdiction
джюрy jury
джюcт just
джюcтице justice
джюcтифицатион justification
джюcтифиед justified
джюcтифy justify
джют jut
джювениле juvenile
джюкстапоcе juxtapose
джюкстапоcитион juxtaposition
калеидоcцопе kaleidoscope
кангароо kangaroo
карате karate
кеел keel
кеен keen
кееп keep
кеепер keeper
кег keg
кен ken
керб kerb
кернел kernel
кетцхюп ketchup
кеттле kettle
кеy key
кеyбоард keyboard
кеyхоле keyhole
кеyноте keynote
кицк kick
кид kid
киддинг kidding
киднап kidnap
киднаппинг kidnapping
киднеy kidney
килл kill
киллер killer
километре kilometre
кин kin
кинд kind
киндергартен kindergarten
киндле kindle
киндлy kindly
кинднеcc kindness
кинг king
кингдом kingdom
кинкy kinky
киcc kiss
кит kit
китцхен kitchen
киттен kitten
киттy kitty
кнацк knack
кнеад knead
кнее knee
кнеел kneel
кнев’ knew
книфе knife
книгхт knight
книт knit
книттинг knitting
книвеc knives
кноб knob
кноцк knock
кноцкоут knockout
кнот knot
кнов’ know
кнов’-хов’ know-how
кнов’ледге knowledge
кнов’н known
кнюцкле knuckle
лаб lab
лабел label
лабораторy laboratory
лабоур labour
лаце lace
лацерате lacerate
лацк lack
лацкинг lacking
лацклеcc lackless
лацквюер lacquer
лацy lacy
лад lad
ладдер ladder
ладен laden
ладле ladle
ладy lady
лаг lag
лагоон lagoon
лаид laid
лаир lair
лаке lake
ламб lamb
ламе lame
ламент lament
ламп lamp
ламппоcт lamppost
ламп-cхаде lamp-shade
ланце lance
ланд land
ландфалл landfall
ландинг landing
ландладy landlady
ландлорд landlord
ландмарк landmark
ландcцапе landscape
лане lane
ланентабле lanentable
лангюаге language
лангюид languid
лангюиcх languish
ланк lank
лантерн lantern
лап lap
лапcе lapse
лаптоп laptop
лард lard
лардy lardy
ларге large
ларгелy largely
ларгер larger
ларгеcт largest
ларк lark
лаcцивиоуc lascivious
лаcер laser
лаcх lash
лаccитюде lassitude
лаcт last
лаcтинг lasting
латцх latch
лате late
лателy lately
латент latent
латер later
латерал lateral
латеcт latest
латхе lathe
латхер lather
латитюде latitude
латтер latter
латтице lattice
лаугх laugh
лаугхтер laughter
лаунцх launch
лаундрy laundry
лаурел laurel
лаваторy lavatory
лавендер lavender
лавиcх lavish
лавиcхнеcc lavishness
лав’ law
лав’фюллy lawfully
лав’н lawn
лав’cюит lawsuit
лав’yер lawyer
лакс lax
лаксативе laxative
лаy lay
лаyер layer
лаyинг laying
лаyоут layout
лазинеcc laziness
лазy lazy
леад lead
леаден leaden
леадер leader
леадерcхип leadership
леадинг leading
леаф leaf
леагюе league
леак leak
леан lean
леап leap
леап yеар leap year
леарн learn
леаcе lease
леаcехолдер leaseholder
леаcх leash
леаcт least
леатхер leather
леаве leave
лецтюре lecture
ледге ledge
леецх leech
леерy leery
лефт left
лефтовер leftover
лег leg
легацy legacy
легал legal
легализе legalize
легаллy legally
легенд legend
легендарy legendary
леггy leggy
легиcлатион legislation
легитимате legitimate
леиcюре leisure
лемон lemon
лемонаде lemonade
ленд lend
ленгтх length
ленгтхен lengthen
лениент lenient
ленc lens
лент lent
леопард leopard
леcбиан lesbian
леcc less
леccер lesser
леccон lesson
лет let
летхал lethal
леттер letter
леттинг letting
леттюце lettuce
леюкемиа leukemia
левел level
левер lever
левераге leverage
левитy levity
левy levy
лиабилитy liability
лиабле liable
лиаиcон liaison
лиар liar
либел libel
либеллоуc libellous
либерал liberal
либертy liberty
либрариан librarian
либрарy library
лиценце licence
лиценcе license
лицк lick
лицкинг licking
лид lid
лие lie
лиеютенант lieutenant
лифе life
лифеcтyле lifestyle
лифетиме lifetime
лифт lift
лифтинг lifting
лигхт light
лигхтен lighten
лигхтер lighter
лигхтхоуcе lighthouse
лигхтинг lighting
лигхтлy lightly
лигхтнинг lightning
лике like
ликеабле likeable
ликелихоод likelihood
ликелy likely
ликев’иcе likewise
ликинг liking
лилац lilac
лилy lily
лимб limb
лимбо limbo
лиме lime
лимелигхт limelight
лимелигхт limelight
лиме-трее lime-tree
лимит limit
лимитатион limitation
лимитед limited
лимитлеcc limitless
лимп limp
лине line
линеал lineal
линеар linear
линен linen
лингер linger
лингерие lingerie
лининг lining
линк link
линкед linked
линт lint
лион lion
лионеcc lioness
лип lip
липc lips
липcтицк lipstick
ликвюид liquid
ликвюидате liquidate
ликвюор liquor
лиcп lisp
лиcт list
лиcтед listed
лиcтен listen
лиcтенер listener
лиcтлеcc listless
лит lit
литерацy literacy
литераллy literally
литерарy literary
литератюре literature
литхе lithe
литре litre
литтер litter
литтле little
ливе live
ливелихоод livelihood
ливелинеcc liveliness
ливелy lively
ливер liver
ливеcтоцк livestock
ливинг living
лизард lizard
лоад load
лоаф loaf
лоан loan
лоатхе loathe
лоббy lobby
лобcтер lobster
лоцал local
лоцаллy locally
лоцате locate
лоцатед located
лоцатион location
лоцк lock
лоцкдов’н lockdown
лоцкер locker
лоцкет locket
лоцкинг locking
лоцкюп lockup
лоцомотиве locomotive
лоцюм locum
лоцюc locus
лоцюcт locust
лодге lodge
лофт loft
лог log
логиц logic
логицал logical
лоин loin
лоитеринг loitering
лоллипоп lollipop
лоне lone
лонелинеcc loneliness
лонелy lonely
лонер loner
лонеcоме lonesome
лонг long
лонгеcт longest
лонгинг longing
лонгитюде longitude
лоо loo
лоок look
лоокоут lookout
лоом loom
лооп loop
лооcе loose
лооcен loosen
лоот loot
лорд lord
лоррy lorry
лоcе lose
лоcер loser
лоcc loss
лоcт lost
лот lot
лотион lotion
лотc lots
лоттерy lottery
лоуд loud
лоудер louder
лоунге lounge
лоуcе louse
лоуcy lousy
лове love
ловелy lovely
ловер lover
ловинг loving
лов’ low
лов’ер lower
лов’еcт lowest
лов’лифе lowlife
лоyал loyal
лоyалтy loyalty
лозенге lozenge
любрицант lubricant
люцент lucent
люцидитy lucidity
люцк luck
люцкилy luckily
люцкy lucky
люцративе lucrative
людицроуc ludicrous
люггаге luggage
люкев’арм lukewarm
люлл lull
люллабy lullaby
люмбер lumber
люминоуc luminous
люмп lump
люмпy lumpy
люнатиц lunatic
люнцх lunch
люнцхтиме lunchtime
люнг lung
люре lure
люрк lurk
люcциоуc luscious
люcт lust
люcтре lustre
люксюриант luxuriant
люксюрy luxury
лyинг lying
лyрицал lyrical
лyрицc lyrics
мацарони macaroni
мацхине machine
мацхинерy machinery
мад mad
мадам madam
мадден madden
маде made
маде-юп made-up
мадлy madly
мадман madman
маднеcc madness
маеcтро maestro
мафиа mafia
магазине magazine
маггот maggot
магиц magic
магицал magical
магицаллy magically
магициан magician
магиcтрате magistrate
магнанимитy magnanimity
магнет magnet
магнетиц magnetic
магнифицент magnificent
магнифy magnify
магнитюде magnitude
магпие magpie
маид maid
маиден maiden
маил mail
маилбокс mailbox
маилман mailman
маим maim
маин main
маинланд mainland
маинлy mainly
маинтаин maintain
маинтенанце maintenance
маджеcтиц majestic
маджеcтy majesty
маджор major
маджоритy majority
маке make
макеовер makeover
макер maker
макеюп makeup
мале male
малице malice
малициоуc malicious
малигнант malignant
малл mall
малнютритион malnutrition
малт malt
маммал mammal
маммотх mammoth
ман man
манаге manage
манагемент management
манагер manager
мандате mandate
мандаторy mandatory
мане mane
манхоод manhood
маниа mania
маниац maniac
маницюре manicure
манифеcт manifest
манипюлате manipulate
манипюлатион manipulation
манипюлативе manipulative
манкинд mankind
манлy manly
маннер manner
маноеювре manoeuvre
манор manor
манпов’ер manpower
манcион mansion
манcлаугхтер manslaughter
манюал manual
манюфацтюре manufacture
манюфацтюрер manufacturer
манюре manure
манюcцрипт manuscript
манy many
мап map
мапле maple
мар mar
маратхон marathon
марбле marble
марцх march
Марцх March
марцхинг marching
маре mare
маргарине margarine
маргин margin
мариджюана marijuana
маринаде marinade
марине marine
маритал marital
марк mark
маркер marker
маркет market
маркетинг marketing
мармаладе marmalade
марриаге marriage
марриед married
марров’ marrow
маррy marry
марcх marsh
марcхал marshal
марcхy marshy
март mart
мартен marten
мартиал martial
мартyр martyr
марвел marvel
марвеллоуc marvellous
маcцара mascara
маcцюлине masculine
маcх mash
маcк mask
маcc mass
маccацре massacre
маccаге massage
маccиве massive
маcт mast
маcтер master
маcтерпиеце masterpiece
мат mat
матцх match
матцхинг matching
мате mate
материал material
материалиcтиц materialistic
матернал maternal
матернитy maternity
матх math
матхематицc mathematics
матримонy matrimony
матрикс matrix
матт matt
маттер matter
маттреcc mattress
матюре mature
матюритy maturity
мауcолеюм mausoleum
максимюм maximum
маy may
Маy May
маyбе maybe
маyхем mayhem
маyоннаиcе mayonnaise
маyор mayor
мазе maze
ме me
меадов’ meadow
меал meal
меан mean
меанинг meaning
меанингфюл meaningful
меанинглеcc meaningless
меанc means
меантиме meantime
меанв’хиле meanwhile
меаcлеc measles
меаcюре measure
меаcюремент measurement
меат meat
меатлоаф meatloaf
мецханиц mechanic
мецханицал mechanical
мецханиcм mechanism
медал medal
меддлинг meddling
медиа media
медиате mediate
медиц medic
медицал medical
медицатион medication
медицине medicine
медиевал medieval
медиоцре mediocre
медиюм medium
меек meek
меет meet
меетинг meeting
меланцхолy melancholy
меллов’ mellow
мелодраматиц melodramatic
мелодy melody
мелон melon
мелт melt
мелтдов’н meltdown
мелтинг melting
мембер member
мемберcхип membership
меморабле memorable
мемориал memorial
меморизе memorize
меморy memory
мен men
менаце menace
менд mend
ментал mental
менталлy mentally
ментион mention
ментор mentor
меню menu
меов’ meow
мерценарy mercenary
мерцхандиcе merchandise
мерцхант merchant
мерцифюл merciful
мерцюрy mercury
мерцy mercy
мере mere
мерелy merely
мерге merge
мергер merger
мерит merit
мермаид mermaid
мерримент merriment
меррy merry
меcх mesh
меcмеризе mesmerize
меcc mess
меccаге message
меccенгер messenger
меccy messy
метал metal
метапхор metaphor
метеор meteor
метер meter
метход method
метре metre
метриц metric
метрополитан metropolitan
мице mice
мицропхоне microphone
мицроcцопе microscope
мицров’аве microwave
мид mid
миддаy midday
миддле middle
миддле-агед middle-aged
мидге midge
мидгет midget
мидланд midland
миднигхт midnight
мидcт midst
мидcюммер midsummer
мидтерм midterm
мидв’ифе midwife
мигхт might
мигхтy mighty
миграине migraine
мигрант migrant
мигратион migration
милд mild
милдлy mildly
милднеcc mildness
миле mile
милеаге mileage
милеcтоне milestone
милитант militant
милитарy military
милк milk
милл mill
милленниюм millennium
миллер miller
миллиграм milligram
миллион million
миллионаире millionaire
мимиц mimic
минце mince
минд mind
миндер minder
миндлеcc mindless
миндлеcc mindless
мине mine
минефиелд minefield
минерал mineral
мингле mingle
мини mini
миниатюре miniature
минимал minimal
минимизе minimize
минимюм minimum
миниcтер minister
миниcтрy ministry
минк mink
минор minor
миноритy minority
минт mint
минюc minus
минюте minute
мирацле miracle
мирацюлоуc miraculous
миррор mirror
миртх mirth
миcцалцюлате miscalculate
миcцарриаге miscarriage
миcцелланеоуc miscellaneous
миcцхиеф mischief
миcер miser
миcерабле miserable
миcерy misery
миcфире misfire
миcфортюне misfortune
миcгюидед misguided
миcхандле mishandle
миcджюдге misjudge
миcлеад mislead
миcплаце misplace
миcc miss
миccиле missile
миccинг missing
миccион mission
миccпелл misspell
миcт mist
миcтаке mistake
миcтакен mistaken
миcтер mister
миcтлетое mistletoe
миcтреcc mistress
миcтрюcт mistrust
миcтy misty
миcюндерcтанд misunderstand
миcюcе misuse
миттен mitten
микс mix
миксед mixed
микстюре mixture
моан moan
моб mob
мобиле mobile
мобиле пхоне mobile phone
моцк mock
моцкинг mocking
моде mode
модел model
моделинг modeling
модерате moderate
модерн modern
модеcт modest
модифy modify
модюле module
моиcт moist
моиcтюре moisture
моле mole
молецюлар molecular
молецюле molecule
мом mom
момент moment
моментарилy momentarily
моментарy momentary
моммy mommy
монарцхy monarchy
монаcтерy monastery
Мондаy Monday
монеy money
монитор monitor
монк monk
монкеy monkey
монополy monopoly
монcтер monster
монтх month
монтхлy monthly
монтлеy montley
монюмент monument
моод mood
моодy moody
моон moon
моонлигхт moonlight
моор moor
моот moot
моп mop
мопе mope
морал moral
моралитy morality
мораллy morally
морбид morbid
море more
мореовер moreover
моргюе morgue
морнинг morning
морон moron
морcел morsel
мортал mortal
мортгаге mortgage
мортифy mortify
моcквюе mosque
моcквюито mosquito
моcc moss
моcт most
моcтлy mostly
мотел motel
мотх moth
мотхер mother
мотхерхоод motherhood
мотион motion
мотивате motivate
мотиватион motivation
мотиве motive
мотор motor
моторцyцле motorcycle
моторв’аy motorway
мотто motto
моулд mould
моунт mount
моунтаин mountain
моунтед mounted
моурн mourn
моурнинг mourning
моуcе mouse
моуcтацхе moustache
моутх mouth
мове move
мовемент movement
мовер mover
мовие movie
мовинг moving
мов’ mow
мюцх much
мюд mud
мюддy muddy
мюффин muffin
мюффле muffle
мюг mug
мюггед mugged
мюлберрy mulberry
мюле mule
мюлти multi
мюлтицюлтюрал multicultural
мюлтипле multiple
мюлтиплy multiply
мюм mum
мюмбле mumble
мюммy mummy
мюрал mural
мюрдер murder
мюрдерер murderer
мюрмюр murmur
мюcцле muscle
мюcе muse
мюcеюм museum
мюcх mush
мюcхроом mushroom
мюcхy mushy
мюcиц music
мюcицал musical
мюcициан musician
мюccел mussel
мюcт must
мюcтард mustard
мюcтy musty
мюте mute
мютенеcc muteness
мютилате mutilate
мютиноуc mutinous
мюттер mutter
мюттон mutton
мютюал mutual
мюззле muzzle
мy my
мycелф myself
мycтериоуc mysterious
мycтерy mystery
мycтиц mystic
мycтицал mystical
мyтх myth
наг nag
наггинг nagging
наил nail
наиве naive
накед naked
наме name
намелеcc nameless
намелy namely
намеcаке namesake
наннy nanny
нап nap
напкин napkin
нарцотиц narcotic
нарративе narrative
нарров’ narrow
наcал nasal
наcтy nasty
натион nation
натионал national
натионалитy nationality
нативе native
натюрал natural
натюраллy naturally
натюре nature
наугхтy naughty
науcеа nausea
науcеоуc nauseous
наутицал nautical
навал naval
навел navel
навигабле navigable
навигате navigate
навy navy
неар near
неарбy nearby
неареcт nearest
неарлy nearly
неат neat
небюлоуc nebulous
нецеccарилy necessarily
нецеccарy necessary
нецеccитy necessity
нецк neck
нецклаце necklace
неед need
неедфюл needful
неедле needle
неедлеcc needless
неедy needy
негате negate
негатион negation
негативе negative
неглецт neglect
неглигенце negligence
неглигент negligent
неготиате negotiate
неготиатион negotiation
неигх neigh
неигхбоур neighbour
неигхбоурхоод neighbourhood
неигхбоурлy neighbourly
неитхер neither
непхев’ nephew
нерве nerve
нервоуc nervous
неcт nest
неcтле nestle
нет net
неттле nettle
нетв’орк network
неюротиц neurotic
неютрал neutral
неютралитy neutrality
невер never
невертхелеcc nevertheless
нев’ new
нев’борн newborn
нев’еcт newest
нев’лy newly
нев’лyв’ед newlywed
нев’c news
нев’cпапер newspaper
некст next
нице nice
ницелy nicely
ницер nicer
ницеcт nicest
ницхе niche
ницк nick
ницкел nickel
ницкнаме nickname
ниеце niece
нигхт night
нигхтцлюб nightclub
нигхтфалл nightfall
нигхтингале nightingale
нигхтмаре nightmare
нимбле nimble
нине nine
нинетеен nineteen
нинетy ninety
нинтх ninth
нип nip
ниппле nipple
нитроген nitrogen
но no
но в’аy no way
нобилитy nobility
нобле noble
нободy nobody
нод nod
ноиcе noise
ноиcелеcc noiseless
ноиcy noisy
номад nomad
номад nomad
номинал nominal
номинате nominate
нонцхаланце nonchalance
нонцоммиттал noncommittal
нондеcцрипт nondescript
ноне none
нонетхелеcc nonetheless
нонфицтион nonfiction
нонпареил nonpareil
нонcенcе nonsense
нон-cтоп non-stop
ноодле noodle
ноок nook
ноон noon
нооcе noose
нопе nope
нор nor
норм norm
нормал normal
нормаллy normally
нортх north
нортхерн northern
нортхв’еcт northwest
ноcе nose
ноcеблеед nosebleed
ноcтрил nostril
ноcy nosy
нот not
нотабилитy notability
нотаблy notably
нотарy notary
нотцх notch
ноте note
нотебоок notebook
нотхинг nothing
нотице notice
нотифy notify
нотион notion
ноториетy notoriety
ноториоуc notorious
нотв’итхcтандинг notwithstanding
ноугхт nought
ноун noun
ноуриcх nourish
новел novel
Новембер November
новице novice
нов’ now
нов’адаyc nowadays
нов’хере nowhere
ноксиоуc noxious
нюцлеар nuclear
нюде nude
нюдге nudge
нюиcанце nuisance
нюлл null
нюмб numb
нюмбер number
нюмерал numeral
нюмероуc numerous
нюн nun
нюрcе nurse
нюрcерy nursery
нюртюре nurture
нют nut
нютмег nutmeg
нютриент nutrient
нютритион nutrition
нютcхелл nutshell
нюттy nutty
нyлон nylon
о’цлоцк o’clock
оак oak
оар oar
оаcиc oasis
оатх oath
оатмеал oatmeal
оатc oats
обдюрате obdurate
обедиенце obedience
обедиент obedient
обеcе obese
обеy obey
обитюарy obituary
обджецт object
обджецтион objection
обджецтиве objective
обджецтлеcc objectless
облигатион obligation
облиге oblige
обликвюе oblique
облитерате obliterate
обливион oblivion
облонг oblong
обноксиоуc obnoxious
обcцене obscene
обcценитy obscenity
обcцюре obscure
обcерванце observance
обcерватион observation
обcерве observe
обcервер observer
обcеcc obsess
обcеccион obsession
обcеccиве obsessive
обcолете obsolete
обcтацле obstacle
обcтинацy obstinacy
обcтинате obstinate
обcтрюцт obstruct
обcтрюцтион obstruction
обтаин obtain
обтрюcиве obtrusive
обвиоуc obvious
обвиоуcлy obviously
оццаcион occasion
оццаcионал occasional
оццаcионаллy occasionally
оццюлт occult
оццюпант occupant
оццюпатион occupation
оццюпиед occupied
оццюпy occupy
оццюр occur
оццюрренце occurrence
оцеан ocean
Оцтобер October
оцтопюc octopus
одд odd
оддлy oddly
оддc odds
одиоуc odious
одоур odour
оф of
оф цоурcе of course
офф off
оффенце offence
оффенд offend
оффендер offender
оффенcе offense
оффенcиве offensive
оффер offer
оффханд offhand
оффице office
оффицер officer
оффициал official
оффициаллy officially
оффcет offset
оффcхоре offshore
оффcпринг offspring
офтен often
оил oil
оилy oily
оинтмент ointment
окаy okay
олд old
олдер older
олдеcт oldest
олд-фаcхионед old-fashioned
олд-фаcхионед old-fashioned
оливе olive
Олyмпицc Olympics
омелетте omelette
омен omen
оминоуc ominous
омиccион omission
омит omit
омнипотент omnipotent
омнипреcент omnipresent
он on
онбоард onboard
онце once
онцоминг oncoming
оне one
онефолд onefold
онероуc onerous
онеcелф oneself
онгоинг ongoing
онион onion
онлине online
онлy only
онcет onset
онто onto
онв’ард onward
опаквюе opaque
опен open
опен-аир open-air
опенер opener
опенинг opening
опенлy openly
опен-миндед open-minded
опера opera
операте operate
оператион operation
оператионал operational
оперативе operative
оператор operator
опинион opinion
опинионатед opinionated
опинионатед opinionated
оппонент opponent
оппортюнитy opportunity
оппоcе oppose
оппоcите opposite
оппоcитион opposition
оппреcc oppress
оппреccион oppression
опт opt
оптицал optical
оптимиcтиц optimistic
оптион option
оптионал optional
ор or
орал oral
оранге orange
оратор orator
орб orb
орбит orbit
орцхард orchard
орцхеcтра orchestra
орцхид orchid
ордеал ordeal
ордер order
ордерлy orderly
ординарилy ordinarily
ординарy ordinary
оре ore
орган organ
органиц organic
органиcм organism
организатион organization
организе organize
ориент orient
ориентатион orientation
оригин origin
оригинал original
оригиналлy originally
орнамент ornament
орпхан orphan
орпханаге orphanage
ортходокс orthodox
оcтенcибле ostensible
оcтентатиоуc ostentatious
оcтрицх ostrich
отхер other
отхерв’иcе otherwise
оттер otter
оугхт ought
оунце ounce
оур our
оурc ours
оурcелвеc ourselves
оут out
оутбаланце outbalance
оутбид outbid
оутбреак outbreak
оутбюрcт outburst
оутцоме outcome
оутдоор outdoor
оутдоорc outdoors
оутер outer
оутфит outfit
оутгоинг outgoing
оутлаy outlay
оутлет outlet
оутлине outline
оутлоок outlook
оутматцх outmatch
оутнюмбер outnumber
оутпют output
оутраге outrage
оутрагеоуc outrageous
оутригхт outright
оутcет outset
оутcиде outside
оутcидер outsider
оутcкиртc outskirts
оутcпокен outspoken
оутcтандинг outstanding
оутв’ард outward
овал oval
овен oven
овер over
овералл overall
овербоард overboard
оверцоме overcome
овердо overdo
овердоне overdone
овердоcе overdose
овердюе overdue
овереcтимате overestimate
оверфлов’ overflow
оверхеад overhead
оверхеар overhear
оверджоyед overjoyed
оверлап overlap
оверливе overlive
оверлоад overload
оверлоок overlook
оверлy overly
овернигхт overnight
оверпротецтиве overprotective
оверратед overrated
оверреацт overreact
оверриде override
оверcеаc overseas
оверcигхт oversight
оверcлееп oversleep
овертаке overtake
овертиме overtime
овертюрн overturn
оверв’еигхт overweight
оверв’хелм overwhelm
оверв’орк overwork
ов’е owe
ов’инг owing
ов’л owl
ов’н own
ов’нер owner
ов’нерcхип ownership
окс ox
оксен oxen
оксиде oxide
оксyген oxygen
оycтер oyster
паце pace
пацифиц pacific
пацифy pacify
пацк pack
пацкаге package
пацт pact
пад pad
паддле paddle
падлоцк padlock
паган pagan
паге page
пагеант pageant
паид paid
паил pail
паин pain
паинфюл painful
паинфюллy painfully
паинкиллер painkiller
паинлеcc painless
паинт paint
паинтер painter
паинтинг painting
паир pair
паджамаc pajamas
пал pal
палаце palace
палате palate
пале pale
палетте palette
паллор pallor
палм palm
палмфюл palmful
палпабле palpable
палпате palpate
палcy palsy
палтрy paltry
пампер pamper
пан pan
панцаке pancake
панцреаc pancreas
панел panel
панг pang
паниц panic
панcy pansy
пант pant
пантхер panther
пантиеc panties
пантc pants
папер paper
паперв’орк paperwork
пар par
парабле parable
парацхюте parachute
параде parade
парадиcе paradise
параграпх paragraph
параллел parallel
паралycиc paralysis
паралyзед paralyzed
парамедиц paramedic
параноиа paranoia
параcите parasite
параcол parasol
парцел parcel
парцх parch
пардон pardon
паре pare
парент parent
парентал parental
парентинг parenting
париcх parish
паритy parity
парк park
паркинг parking
парлиамент parliament
парлиаментарy parliamentary
парлоур parlour
пароле parole
парквюет parquet
паррот parrot
парcлеy parsley
парcон parson
парт part
партиал partial
партиаллy partially
партиципант participant
партиципате participate
партиципатион participation
партицле particle
партицюлар particular
партицюларлy particularly
партинг parting
партитион partition
партлy partly
партнер partner
партнерcхип partnership
партридге partridge
парт-тиме part-time
партy party
партyинг partying
паcc pass
паccабле passable
паccаге passage
паccенгер passenger
паccион passion
паccионате passionate
паccиве passive
паccпорт passport
паccв’орд password
паcт past
паcта pasta
паcте paste
паcтел pastel
паcтиме pastime
паcтрy pastry
паcтюре pasture
пат pat
патцх patch
патент patent
патернал paternal
патернитy paternity
патх path
патхетиц pathetic
патиенце patience
патиент patient
патио patio
патриот patriot
патрол patrol
патрон patron
патронаге patronage
патронизе patronize
паттер patter
паттерн pattern
паттy patty
пауcе pause
павемент pavement
павилион pavilion
пав’ paw
пав’н pawn
паy pay
паyбацк payback
паyмент payment
паyофф payoff
паyролл payroll
паycлипc payslips
пеа pea
пеаце peace
пеацефюл peaceful
пеацх peach
пеацхy peachy
пеацоцк peacock
пеак peak
пеал peal
пеанют peanut
пеар pear
пеарл pearl
пеаcант peasant
пеат peat
пеббле pebble
пецк peck
пецторал pectoral
пецюлиар peculiar
пецюлиаритy peculiarity
педал pedal
педеcтал pedestal
педеcтриан pedestrian
педигрее pedigree
пее pee
пеек peek
пеел peel
пееп peep
пеепхоле peephole
пеер peer
пеерлеcc peerless
пеевиcх peevish
пег peg
пелт pelt
пен pen
пенал penal
пеналтy penalty
пенцил pencil
пендинг pending
пендюлоуc pendulous
пендюлюм pendulum
пенетрате penetrate
пенгюин penguin
пенинcюла peninsula
пенитенце penitence
пенитент penitent
пенитентиарy penitentiary
пеннилеcc penniless
пеннy penny
пенcион pension
пенcионер pensioner
пенcиве pensive
пентхоуcе penthouse
пеопле people
пеп pep
пеппер pepper
пепперминт peppermint
пепперy peppery
пер per
перцеиве perceive
перцент percent
перцентаге percentage
перцептион perception
перцептиве perceptive
перцх perch
перцюccиве percussive
перемпторy peremptory
перенниал perennial
перфецт perfect
перфецтион perfection
перфецтлy perfectly
перформ perform
перформанце performance
перформинг performing
перфюме perfume
перфюнцторy perfunctory
перхапc perhaps
перил peril
периметер perimeter
период period
периодиц periodic
периcх perish
перджюрy perjury
перк perk
перкy perky
перманент permanent
перманентлy permanently
пермиccион permission
пермиccиве permissive
пермит permit
пермиттед permitted
перпендицюлар perpendicular
перпетрате perpetrate
перпетратор perpetrator
перпетюал perpetual
перплекс perplex
перcецюте persecute
перcеверанце perseverance
перcевере persevere
перcиcт persist
перcиcтент persistent
перcон person
перcонал personal
перcоналитy personality
перcоналлy personally
перcонифy personify
перcоннел personnel
перcпецтиве perspective
перcпиратион perspiration
перcпире perspire
перcюаде persuade
перcюаcиве persuasive
перт pert
пертинент pertinent
перюcе peruse
перваcиве pervasive
перверcе perverse
перверт pervert
пеcкy pesky
пеccимиcтиц pessimistic
пеcт pest
пеcтер pester
пеcтилент pestilent
пет pet
петитион petition
петрол petrol
петтy petty
петюлант petulant
пхантом phantom
пхармацy pharmacy
пхаcе phase
пхеаcант pheasant
пхеноменон phenomenon
пхилоcопхy philosophy
пхоне phone
пхонебоотх phonebooth
пхонy phony
пхото photo
пхотоцопy photocopy
пхотограпх photograph
пхотограпхер photographer
пхотограпхy photography
пхраcе phrase
пхycицал physical
пхycицаллy physically
пхycициан physician
пхycицc physics
пхycиквюе physique
пианиcт pianist
пиано piano
пицк pick
пицкет picket
пицкле pickle
пицкпоцкет pickpocket
пицкюп pickup
пицкy picky
пицниц picnic
пицториал pictorial
пицтюре picture
пицтюреcквюе picturesque
пие pie
пиеце piece
пиер pier
пиерце pierce
пиерцинг piercing
пиетy piety
пиг pig
пигеон pigeon
пиггy piggy
пике pike
пиле pile
пилгрим pilgrim
пилл pill
пиллар pillar
пиллов’ pillow
пиллов’цаcе pillowcase
пилот pilot
пилотаге pilotage
пимпле pimple
пин pin
пинцх pinch
пине pine
пине цоне pine cone
пинеаппле pineapple
пинг ping
пинк pink
пинприцк pinprick
пинт pint
пионеер pioneer
пипе pipe
пипер piper
пирате pirate
пиcтол pistol
пит pit
питцх pitch
питцхер pitcher
питфалл pitfall
питифюл pitiful
питy pity
пизза pizza
плацард placard
плаце place
плацид placid
плацидитy placidity
плацинг placing
плагюе plague
плаице plaice
плаид plaid
плаин plain
плаинтифф plaintiff
плаит plait
план plan
плане plane
планет planet
планк plank
планнер planner
планнинг planning
плант plant
плантатион plantation
плаcх plash
плаcтер plaster
плаcтиц plastic
плате plate
платформ platform
платинюм platinum
платитюде platitude
платоон platoon
плауcибле plausible
плаy play
плаyбоy playboy
плаyер player
плаyфюл playful
плаyгроунд playground
плеа plea
плеад plead
плеаcант pleasant
плеаcе please
плеаcед pleased
плеаcюре pleasure
плеат pleat
пледге pledge
пленитюде plenitude
плентифюл plentiful
плентy plenty
плиабле pliable
плиант pliant
плигхт plight
плод plod
плот plot
плоугх plough
плоy ploy
плюцк pluck
плюг plug
плюм plum
плюмб plumb
плюмбер plumber
плюмбинг plumbing
плюме plume
плюмп plump
плюндер plunder
плюнге plunge
плюрал plural
плюc plus
плyв’оод plywood
пнеюмониа pneumonia
поацх poach
поцкет pocket
под pod
поем poem
поет poet
поетиц poetic
поетрy poetry
поигнант poignant
поинт point
поинтлеcc pointless
поинтy pointy
поиcе poise
поиcон poison
поиcоноуc poisonous
поке poke
покер poker
полар polar
поларитy polarity
поле pole
полице police
полицеман policeman
полицy policy
полиcх polish
полите polite
политицал political
политицаллy politically
политициан politician
политицc politics
политy polity
полл poll
поллен pollen
поллинг polling
поллюте pollute
поллютион pollution
полyграпх polygraph
помегранате pomegranate
помп pomp
помпоcитy pomposity
помпоуc pompous
понд pond
пондер ponder
пондероуc ponderous
понy pony
поодле poodle
поол pool
поор poor
поорлy poorly
поп pop
попцорн popcorn
поплар poplar
поппy poppy
попc pops
попюлар popular
попюларитy popularity
попюлате populate
попюлатион population
порцелаин porcelain
порцх porch
поре pore
порк pork
пороуc porous
порридге porridge
порт port
портабле portable
портал portal
портент portent
портер porter
портфолио portfolio
портион portion
портлy portly
портраит portrait
портраy portray
Портюгюеcе Portuguese
поcе pose
поcх posh
поcитион position
поcитиве positive
поcитивелy positively
поccеcc possess
поccеccион possession
поccибилитy possibility
поccибле possible
поccиблy possibly
поcт post
поcт оффице post office
поcтаге postage
поcтал postal
поcтцард postcard
поcтер poster
поcтеритy posterity
поcтман postman
поcтпоне postpone
поcтюре posture
пот pot
потато potato
потатоеc potatoes
потенцy potency
потент potent
потентиал potential
потентиаллy potentially
потион potion
поттер potter
поттерy pottery
поуцх pouch
поултрy poultry
поунце pounce
поунд pound
поур pour
поут pout
повертy poverty
пов’дер powder
пов’ер power
пов’ерфюл powerful
пов’ерлеcc powerless
працтицал practical
працтицаллy practically
працтице practice
працтиcе practise
працтитионер practitioner
праиcе praise
прам pram
пранк prank
прав’н prawn
праy pray
праyер prayer
преацх preach
преацхер preacher
прецариоуc precarious
прецаутион precaution
прецеде precede
прецедент precedent
прециоуc precious
преципитатион precipitation
прециcе precise
прециcелy precisely
прециcион precision
прецюрcор precursor
предаторy predatory
предеcтинатион predestination
предеcтине predestine
предицамент predicament
предицате predicate
предицт predict
предицтабле predictable
предицтион prediction
предоминант predominant
префаце preface
префецтюре prefecture
префер prefer
префераблy preferably
преференце preference
префикс prefix
прегнанцy pregnancy
прегнант pregnant
прехиcториц prehistoric
преджюдице prejudice
прелиминарy preliminary
прелюде prelude
прематюре premature
премиере premiere
премиcе premise
премиюм premium
премонитион premonition
преоццюпатион preoccupation
преоццюпy preoccupy
препаратион preparation
препаратион preparation
препаре prepare
препаy prepay
препенcе prepense
препоcитион preposition
препоcтероуc preposterous
прерогативе prerogative
преcцрибе prescribe
преcцриптион prescription
преcенце presence
преcент present
преcентатион presentation
преcерватион preservation
преcерве preserve
преcиде preside
преcидент president
преcидентиал presidential
преcc press
преccюре pressure
преcтиге prestige
преcтигиоуc prestigious
преcюмаблy presumably
преcюме presume
преcюмптюоуc presumptuous
претенце pretence
претенд pretend
претентиоуc pretentious
претекст pretext
преттy pretty
преваил prevail
превалент prevalent
превент prevent
превентион prevention
превиев’ preview
превиоуc previous
превиоуcлy previously
преy prey
прице price
прицелеcc priceless
прицк prick
прицклy prickly
приде pride
приеcт priest
примарилy primarily
примарy primary
приме prime
примевал primeval
примитиве primitive
примроcе primrose
принце prince
принцеcc princess
принципал principal
принципле principle
принт print
принтер printer
приор prior
приоритy priority
приcе prise
приcм prism
приcон prison
приcонер prisoner
привацy privacy
привате private
привателy privately
привилеге privilege
призе prize
про pro
пробабилитy probability
пробабле probable
пробаблy probably
пробатион probation
пробе probe
проблем problem
процедюре procedure
процеед proceed
процеcc process
процеccед processed
процеccинг processing
процеccион procession
процлаим proclaim
процламатион proclamation
процюре procure
прод prod
продигал prodigal
продигиоуc prodigious
продигy prodigy
продюце produce
продюцер producer
продюцт product
продюцтион production
продюцтиве productive
профане profane
профанитy profanity
профеcc profess
профеccион profession
профеccионал professional
профеccионаллy professionally
профеccор professor
профициент proficient
профиле profile
профит profit
профитабле profitable
профоунд profound
прогенy progeny
прогноcиc prognosis
програм program
программе programme
программинг programming
прогреcc progress
прохибит prohibit
прохибитион prohibition
проджецт project
проджецтион projection
пролифиц prolific
прологюе prologue
пролонг prolong
пром prom
проминент prominent
промиcе promise
промиcинг promising
промоте promote
промотион promotion
промпт prompt
проне prone
проноун pronoun
проноунце pronounce
пронюнциатион pronunciation
прооф proof
проп prop
пропаганда propaganda
пропел propel
пропел propel
пропер proper
проперлy properly
пропертy property
пропхецy prophecy
пропхет prophet
пропортион proportion
пропоcал proposal
пропоcе propose
пропоcитион proposition
проприетарy proprietary
проприетор proprietor
пропюлcион propulsion
проc pros
проcе prose
проcецюте prosecute
проcецютион prosecution
проcецютор prosecutor
проcпецт prospect
проcперитy prosperity
проcперитy prosperity
проcтитюте prostitute
протецт protect
протецтион protection
протецтиве protective
протецтор protector
протеин protein
протеcт protest
Протеcтант Protestant
протоцол protocol
прототyпе prototype
протрюде protrude
проуд proud
прове prove
провен proven
провенанце provenance
проверб proverb
провиде provide
провидинг providing
провинце province
провиcион provision
провиcионал provisional
провоцатион provocation
провоке provoke
пров’еcc prowess
пров’л prowl
проксимитy proximity
проксy proxy
прюденце prudence
прюдент prudent
прюнеc prunes
прy pry
пcалм psalm
пcyцхиатриц psychiatric
пcyцхиц psychic
пcyцхологицал psychological
пcyцхологy psychology
пcyцхопатх psychopath
пюб pub
пюбертy puberty
пюблиц public
пюблицатион publication
пюблицитy publicity
пюблицлy publicly
пюблиcх publish
пюблиcхер publisher
пюддинг pudding
пюддле puddle
пюфф puff
пюффy puffy
пюлл pull
пюлловер pullover
пюлп pulp
пюлcе pulse
пюлверизе pulverize
пюмп pump
пюмпкин pumpkin
пюн pun
пюнцх punch
пюнцтюал punctual
пюнцтюатион punctuation
пюнцтюре puncture
пюнгент pungent
пюниcх punish
пюниcхмент punishment
пюнк punk
пюпил pupil
пюппет puppet
пюппy puppy
пюрцхаcе purchase
пюре pure
пюрелy purely
пюрге purge
пюрифy purify
пюритy purity
пюрпле purple
пюрпоcе purpose
пюрпоcелy purposely
пюрр purr
пюрcе purse
пюрcюе pursue
пюрcюит pursuit
пюcх push
пюcхфюл pushful
пюcхy pushy
пют put
пютрефy putrefy
пютреcцент putrescent
пюззле puzzle
пюззлемент puzzlement
пyрамид pyramid
квюацк quack
квюаил quail
квюаинт quaint
квюаке quake
квюакинг quaking
квюалифицатион qualification
квюалифиед qualified
квюалифy qualify
квюалитy quality
квюандарy quandary
квюантитy quantity
квюарантине quarantine
квюаррел quarrel
квюаррелcоме quarrelsome
квюаррy quarry
квюартер quarter
квюартербацк quarterback
квюаcи quasi
квюавер quaver
квюаy quay
квюеен queen
квюеер queer
квюелл quell
квюенцх quench
квюеcт quest
квюеcтион question
квюеcтионабле questionable
квюеcтионинг questioning
квюеюе queue
квюицк quick
квюицкер quicker
квюицкие quickie
квюицклy quickly
квюид quid
квюиет quiet
квюиетлy quietly
квюилт quilt
квюит quit
квюите quite
квюивер quiver
квюиз quiz
квюизмаcтер quizmaster
квюотатион quotation
квюоте quote
раббит rabbit
раббле rabble
рабид rabid
раце race
рациал racial
рацинг racing
рациcм racism
рациcт racist
рацк rack
рацкет racket
радар radar
радианце radiance
радиант radiant
радиатион radiation
радицал radical
радио radio
радиоацтиве radioactive
радиcх radish
радиюc radius
раффле raffle
рафт raft
раг rag
раге rage
раггед ragged
раид raid
раил rail
раилинг railing
раилроад railroad
раилв’аy railway
раин rain
раинбов’ rainbow
раинцоат raincoat
раининг raining
раинy rainy
раиcе raise
раиcин raisin
раке rake
раллy rally
рам ram
рамбле ramble
рамп ramp
ран ran
ранцид rancid
ранцороуc rancorous
рандом random
ранг rang
ранге range
рангер ranger
ранк rank
ранcом ransom
рант rant
рап rap
рапацитy rapacity
рапе rape
рапид rapid
рапидлy rapidly
рапт rapt
раптюре rapture
раре rare
рарелy rarely
раритy rarity
раcцал rascal
раcх rash
раcп rasp
раcпберрy raspberry
рат rat
рате rate
ратхер rather
ратифицатион ratification
ратинг rating
ратио ratio
ратионал rational
ратионализе rationalize
ратионаллy rationally
раттле rattle
раваге ravage
раве rave
равен raven
равеноуc ravenous
равине ravine
рав’ raw
раy ray
разор razor
реацх reach
реацт react
реацтион reaction
реад read
реадер reader
реадилy readily
реадинеcc readiness
реадинг reading
реадy ready
реал real
реалиcе realise
реалиcтиц realistic
реалитy reality
реализатион realization
реаллy really
реалм realm
реап reap
реар rear
реарранге rearrange
реаcон reason
реаcонабле reasonable
реаcонаблy reasonably
реаccюре reassure
ребел rebel
ребеллион rebellion
ребоунд rebound
ребюфф rebuff
ребюфф rebuff
ребюилд rebuild
ребюке rebuke
рецалл recall
рецант recant
рецаcт recast
рецеде recede
рецеипт receipt
рецеиве receive
рецеивер receiver
рецент recent
рецентлy recently
рецептион reception
рецеcc recess
рецеccион recession
реципе recipe
реципиент recipient
реципроцал reciprocal
рецитал recital
реците recite
рецклеcc reckless
рецкон reckon
рецкон reckon
рецлаим reclaim
рецлине recline
рецогниcе recognise
рецогнитион recognition
рецогнитион recognition
рецогнизе recognize
рецоил recoil
рецоллецт recollect
рецомменд recommend
рецоммендатион recommendation
рецомпенcе recompense
рецонциле reconcile
рецонцилиатион reconciliation
рецоннаиccанце reconnaissance
рецоннецт reconnect
рецонcидер reconsider
рецонcтрюцт reconstruct
рецорд record
рецордер recorder
рецовер recover
рецоверy recovery
рецреатион recreation
рецрюит recruit
рецрюитинг recruiting
рецтангле rectangle
рецтангле rectangle
рецтифицатион rectification
рецтифy rectify
рецюперате recuperate
рецюррент recurrent
рецyцле recycle
рецyцлинг recycling
ред red
редден redden
редеем redeem
редеем redeem
редхеад redhead
редреcc redress
редюце reduce
редюцтион reduction
редюнданцy redundancy
реед reed
реед reed
рееф reef
реек reek
реел reel
рефер refer
реферее referee
референце reference
рефилл refill
рефине refine
рефлецт reflect
рефлецтион reflection
рефлекс reflex
реформ reform
реформ reform
рефраин refrain
рефреcх refresh
рефреcхинг refreshing
рефреcхмент refreshment
рефригерате refrigerate
рефригератор refrigerator
рефюел refuel
рефюге refuge
рефюнд refund
рефюcал refusal
рефюcе refuse
рефюcе refuse
рефютатион refutation
регаин regain
регард regard
регардлеcc regardless
регент regent
региме regime
регион region
регионал regional
региcтер register
региcтеред registered
региcтратион registration
регрет regret
регретфюл regretful
регреттабле regrettable
регюлар regular
регюларлy regularly
регюлатион regulation
рехабилитатион rehabilitation
рехеарcал rehearsal
рехеарcе rehearse
реигн reign
реин rein
реинфорце reinforce
реджецт reject
реджецтион rejection
реджоице rejoice
релапcе relapse
релапcе relapse
релате relate
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релатионcхип relationship
релативе relative
релативелy relatively
релакс relax
релаксинг relaxing
релаy relay
релеаcе release
релент relent
релентлеcc relentless
релевант relevant
релиабле reliable
релианце reliance
релиант reliant
релиеф relief
релиеве relieve
религион religion
религиоуc religious
релинквюиcх relinquish
релиcх relish
реливе relive
релюцтанце reluctance
релюцтанце reluctance
релюцтант reluctant
релy rely
ремаин remain
ремаининг remaining
ремарк remark
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ремедy remedy
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ремембранце remembrance
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реминдер reminder
ремиcc remiss
ремиттанце remittance
ремнант remnant
реморcе remorse
ремоте remote
ремотелy remotely
ремовал removal
ремове remove
ренаиccанце renaissance
ренд rend
рендер render
ренев’ renew
ренев’ал renewal
реновате renovate
ренов’н renown
рент rent
рентал rental
рентинг renting
реорганизе reorganize
репаир repair
репаy repay
репеат repeat
репеатедлy repeatedly
репел repel
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репент repent
реперцюccион repercussion
репетитион repetition
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реплаце replace
реплацемент replacement
реплица replica
реплy reply
репорт report
репортер reporter
репоcе repose
репрехенcибле reprehensible
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репреcентатион representation
репреcентативе representative
репреcc repress
реприманд reprimand
репринт reprint
репроацх reproach
репродюцтион reproduction
репрооф reproof
репрове reprove
рептиле reptile
репюблиц republic
репюблицан republican
репюлcе repulse
репюлcиве repulsive
репютатион reputation
репюте repute
реквюеcт request
реквюире require
реквюиремент requirement
реквюиcите requisite
реcцхедюле reschedule
реcцюе rescue
реcеарцх research
реcеарцхинг researching
реcедюе resedue
реcембланце resemblance
реcембле resemble
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реcентфюл resentful
реcентмент resentment
реcептиве reseptive
реcерватион reservation
реcерве reserve
реcервед reserved
реcет reset
реcиде reside
реcиденце residence
реcидент resident
реcидентиал residential
реcигн resign
реcигнатион resignation
реcиcт resist
реcиcтанце resistance
реcолюте resolute
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реcолве resolve
реcорт resort
реcоунд resound
реcоурце resource
реcоурцефюл resourceful
реcпецт respect
реcпецтабле respectable
реcпецтфюл respectful
реcпецтфюллy respectfully
реcпецтивелy respectively
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реcпиратор respirator
реcпите respite
реcпонд respond
реcпонcе response
реcпонcибилитy responsibility
реcпонcибле responsible
реcт rest
реcтаурант restaurant
реcтлеcc restless
реcторатион restoration
реcторе restore
реcтраин restrain
реcтрицт restrict
реcтрицтед restricted
реcтрицтион restriction
реcтроом restroom
реcюлт result
реcюме resume
реcюррецтион resurrection
ретаил retail
ретаин retain
ретаинер retainer
реталиате retaliate
ретард retard
ретхинк rethink
ретиценце reticence
ретинюе retinue
ретире retire
ретиред retired
ретиремент retirement
реторт retort
ретреат retreat
ретриевал retrieval
ретриеве retrieve
ретро retro
ретюрн return
реюнион reunion
реюнитед reunited
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реверенце reverence
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реверт revert
ревиев’ review
ревиcион revision
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ревоке revoke
револт revolt
револютион revolution
револютионарy revolutionary
револве revolve
ревюлcион revulsion
рев’ард reward
рев’инд rewind
рев’рите rewrite
рхиноцероc rhinoceros
рхюбарб rhubarb
рхyме rhyme
рхyтхм rhythm
риб rib
риббон ribbon
рице rice
рицх rich
рицхеcт richest
рид rid
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риддле riddle
риде ride
ридге ridge
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ридицюлоуc ridiculous
ридинг riding
рифле rifle
рифт rift
риг rig
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ригхтфюл rightful
ригхтфюллy rightfully
ригхтy righty
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ригоур rigour
риле rile
рим rim
ринд rind
ринг ring
рингер ringer
ринcе rinse
риот riot
риотоуc riotous
рип rip
рипе ripe
риппле ripple
риcе rise
риcинг rising
риcк risk
риcкy risky
рите rite
ритюал ritual
ривал rival
ривер river
ривет rivet
роад road
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роадcиде roadside
роам roam
роар roar
роаcт roast
роб rob
роббер robber
робберy robbery
робе robe
робот robot
робюcт robust
роцк rock
роцкет rocket
роцкy rocky
род rod
рое roe
рогюе rogue
роле role
ролл roll
роллер roller
роллинг rolling
романце romance
романтиц romantic
ромп romp
рооф roof
роок rook
роокие rookie
роом room
рооммате roommate
роот root
ропе rope
роcе rose
роcебюд rosebud
роcy rosy
рот rot
ротате rotate
роттен rotten
ротюнд rotund
роуге rouge
роугх rough
роугхлy roughly
роунд round
роундабоут roundabout
роуcе rouse
роуте route
роутине routine
рове rove
ров’ row
ров’ан rowan
роyал royal
роyалтy royalty
рюб rub
рюббер rubber
рюббиcх rubbish
рюбy ruby
рюцкcацк rucksack
рюддер rudder
рюде rude
рюдиментарy rudimentary
рюффиан ruffian
рюг rug
рюгбy rugby
рюин ruin
рюинед ruined
рюиноуc ruinous
рюле rule
рюлер ruler
рюлинг ruling
рюм rum
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рюммаге rummage
рюмоур rumour
рюн run
рюнав’аy runaway
рюннер runner
рюннинг running
рюнв’аy runway
рюрал rural
рюcе ruse
рюcх rush
Рюccиан Russian
рюcт rust
рюcтиц rustic
рюcтле rustle
рюcтy rusty
рют rut
рютхлеcc ruthless
рyе rye
cабле sable
cаботаге sabotage
cацк sack
cацрамент sacrament
cацред sacred
cацрифице sacrifice
cад sad
cаддле saddle
cадлy sadly
cаднеcc sadness
cафе safe
cафегюард safeguard
cафелy safely
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cафетy safety
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cаге sage
cаид said
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cаинт saint
cаке sake
cалад salad
cаларy salary
cале sale
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cаллy sally
cалмон salmon
cалон salon
cалт salt
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cалютатион salutation
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cалваге salvage
cалватион salvation
cаме same
cампле sample
cанцтифy sanctify
cанцтюарy sanctuary
cанд sand
cандв’ицх sandwich
cандy sandy
cане sane
cанг sang
cанитарy sanitary
cанитy sanity
cанк sank
cап sap
cарцаcм sarcasm
cарцаcтиц sarcastic
cардине sardine
cат sat
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cатин satin
cатире satire
cатиcфацтион satisfaction
cатиcфацторy satisfactory
cатиcфy satisfy
cатюрате saturate
Cатюрдаy Saturday
cауце sauce
cауцер saucer
cауна sauna
cауcаге sausage
cаваге savage
cаве save
cавинг saving
cавоур savour
cаввy savvy
cав’ saw
cаксопхоне saxophone
cаy say
cаyинг saying
cцаффолдинг scaffolding
cцалд scald
cцале scale
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cцаллион scallion
cцаллоп scallop
cцалп scalp
cцалпел scalpel
cцам scam
cцаммер scammer
cцан scan
cцандал scandal
cцаннер scanner
cцантy scanty
cцар scar
cцарце scarce
cцаре scare
cцарецров’ scarecrow
cцарф scarf
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cцарy scary
cцаттер scatter
cценарио scenario
cцене scene
cценерy scenery
cцент scent
cцептицал sceptical
cцхедюле schedule
cцхеме scheme
cцхолар scholar
cцхоларcхип scholarship
cцхоол school
cциенце science
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cциентиcт scientist
cциccор scissor
cциccорc scissors
cцолд scold
cцооп scoop
cцоот scoot
cцоотер scooter
cцопе scope
cцорцх scorch
cцоре score
cцотцх scotch
cцоундрел scoundrel
cцоут scout
cцов’л scowl
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cцрап scrap
cцрапе scrape
cцратцх scratch
cцреам scream
cцреецх screech
cцреен screen
cцрев’ screw
cцрев’дривер screwdriver
cцриббле scribble
cцрипт script
cцролл scroll
cцрюб scrub
cцрюпюлоуc scrupulous
cцюлптор sculptor
cцюлптюре sculpture
cцyтхе scythe
cеа sea
cеафоод seafood
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cеам seam
cеаман seaman
cеарцх search
cеарцхинг searching
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cецлюде seclude
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cецондлy secondly
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cецт sect
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cецтор sector
cецюре secure
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cедате sedate
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cее see
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cеек seek
cеем seem
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cегмент segment
cеизе seize
cеизюре seizure
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cелфcервице selfservice
cелл sell
cеллер seller
cембланце semblance
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cеми semi
cемицирцле semicircle
cемицолон semicolon
cеминар seminar
cенате senate
cенд send
cениор senior
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cентиментал sentimental
cентинел sentinel
cепарате separate
cепаратед separated
cепарателy separately
cепаратион separation
Cептембер September
cеквюел sequel
cеквюенце sequence
cеренитy serenity
cергеант sergeant
cериал serial
cериеc series
cериоуc serious
cериоуcлy seriously
cермон sermon
cерпент serpent
cерюм serum
cервант servant
cерве serve
cервер server
cервице service
cервинг serving
cеcаме sesame
cеccион session
cет set
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cеттлинг settling
cетюп setup
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cев’ sew
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cекс sex
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cхаттер shatter
cхаве shave
cхав’л shawl
cхе she
cхеар shear
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cхеет sheet
cхелф shelf
cхелл shell
cхелтер shelter
cхепхерд shepherd
cхерифф sheriff
cхеррy sherry
cхиелд shield
cхифт shift
cхиллинг shilling
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cхинy shiny
cхип ship
cхипмент shipment
cхиппинг shipping
cхирт shirt
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cхоцк shock
cхое shoe
cхоеc shoes
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cхоотер shooter
cхоп shop
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cхоппинг shopping
cхоре shore
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cхортлy shortly
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cхоулд should
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cхов’ show
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cхримп shrimp
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cхy shy
cиблинг sibling
cицк sick
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cицклy sickly
cицкнеcc sickness
cиде side
cиделине sideline
cидев’алк sidewalk
cидев’аy sideway
cидев’аyc sideways
cиеге siege
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cифт sift
cигх sigh
cигхт sight
cигн sign
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cигнатюре signature
cигнифицанце significance
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cигнинг signing
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cиллy silly
cилвер silver
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cимюлтанеоуc simultaneous
cин sin
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cинев’ sinew
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cинге singe
cингер singer
cингле single
cингюлар singular
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cинк sink
cиннер sinner
cип sip
cир sir
cиcтер sister
cит sit
cите site
cиттинг sitting
cитюатед situated
cитюатион situation
cикс six
cикстеен sixteen
cикстх sixth
cикстy sixty
cизе size
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cкелетон skeleton
cкетцх sketch
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cкилфюл skilful
cкилл skill
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cким skim
cкин skin
cкиннy skinny
cкип skip
cкиппер skipper
cкирмиcх skirmish
cкирт skirt
cкюлл skull
cкy sky
cкycцрапер skyscraper
cлацк slack
cлам slam
cландер slander
cланг slang
cлап slap
cлаcх slash
cлате slate
cлаугхтер slaughter
cлаве slave
cлаверy slavery
cлаy slay
cлаyер slayer
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cлеек sleek
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cлееве sleeve
cлеигх sleigh
cлендер slender
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cлиде slide
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cлим slim
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cлит slit
cлоб slob
cлоган slogan
cлопе slope
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cлот slot
cлов’ slow
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cлов’лy slowly
cлюице sluice
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cлy sly
cмацк smack
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cмаллеcт smallest
cмарт smart
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cмеар smear
cмелл smell
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cмиле smile
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cмите smite
cмитх smith
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cмокинг smoking
cмоотх smooth
cмоотхлy smoothly
cмотхер smother
cмоулдер smoulder
cмюг smug
cмюггле smuggle
cнацк snack
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cнаке snake
cнап snap
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cнарл snarl
cнатцх snatch
cнеак sneak
cнеакинг sneaking
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cнеезе sneeze
cницк snick
cнифф sniff
cнитцх snitch
cноб snob
cнооп snoop
cноре snore
cнорт snort
cноут snout
cнов’ snow
cнов’ман snowman
cнюг snug
cоак soak
cоап soap
cоб sob
cобер sober
cо-цаллед so-called
cоццер soccer
cоциабле sociable
cоциал social
cоциаллy socially
cоциетy society
cоцк sock
cоцкет socket
cод sod
cода soda
cодиюм sodium
cофа sofa
cофт soft
cофтбалл softball
cофтен soften
cофтлy softly
cофтв’аре software
cоил soil
cолар solar
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cолдиер soldier
cоле sole
cолемн solemn
cолицитор solicitor
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cоло solo
cолоиcт soloist
cолюбле soluble
cолютион solution
cолве solve
cолвинг solving
cоме some
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cомедаy someday
cомехов’ somehow
cомеоне someone
cомеплаце someplace
cометхинг something
cометиме sometime
cометимеc sometimes
cомев’хат somewhat
cон son
cонг song
cон-ин-лав’ son-in-law
cоннy sonny
cоон soon
cоонер sooner
cоот soot
cоотхе soothe
cоотхинг soothing
cопхиcтицатед sophisticated
cопхоморе sophomore
cордид sordid
cоре sore
cорров’ sorrow
cоррy sorry
cорт sort
cоугхт sought
cоул soul
cоунд sound
cоуп soup
cоур sour
cоурце source
cоутх south
cоутхерн southern
cоувенир souvenir
cовереигн sovereign
cов’ sow
cоy soy
cпа spa
cпаце space
cпацецрафт spacecraft
cпацеcхип spaceship
cпаде spade
cпагхетти spaghetti
cпам spam
cпан span
Cпаниард Spaniard
Cпаниcх Spanish
cпанк spank
cпаннер spanner
cпаре spare
cпарк spark
cпарклинг sparkling
cпарров’ sparrow
cпаттер spatter
cпав’н spawn
cпеак speak
cпеакер speaker
cпеар spear
cпециал special
cпециалиcт specialist
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cпециалтy specialty
cпециеc species
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cпецифy specify
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cпецтацле spectacle
cпецтацюлар spectacular
cпецтрюм spectrum
cпецюлатион speculation
cпеецх speech
cпеецхлеcc speechless
cпеед speed
cпеединг speeding
cпелл spell
cпеллинг spelling
cпенд spend
cпент spent
cперм sperm
cпхере sphere
cпице spice
cпицy spicy
cпидер spider
cпике spike
cпилл spill
cпин spin
cпинацх spinach
cпинал spinal
cпине spine
cпинcтер spinster
cпирал spiral
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cпортcман cомев’хере sportsman somewhere
cпот spot
cпотлигхт spotlight
cпраy spray
cпреад spread
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cпринг spring
cпринкле sprinkle
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cпрюнг sprung
cпюн spun
cпюр spur
cпy spy
cквюад squad
cквюаре square
cквюаcх squash
cквюат squat
cквюеак squeak
cквюеезе squeeze
cквюид squid
cквюинт squint
cквюиррел squirrel
cквюирт squirt
cтаб stab
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cтацк stack
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cтафф staff
cтаге stage
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cтаирв’елл stairwell
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cтамп stamp
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cтатиcтицc statistics
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cтепмотхер stepmother
cтеппе steppe
cтерео stereo
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cтев’ stew
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cтицк stick
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cтилл still
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cтитцх stitch
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cтоп stop
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cторк stork
cторм storm
cторy story
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cтов’ stow
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cтрап strap
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cтратегy strategy
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cтреак streak
cтреам stream
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cтретцх stretch
cтрев’ strew
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cтрике strike
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cтюдио studio
cтюдy study
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cтyле style
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cюбджецтиве subjective
cюбмарине submarine
cюбмерге submerge
cюбмиccион submission
cюбмит submit
cюбординате subordinate
cюбcцрибе subscribe
cюбcцриптион subscription
cюбcеквюент subsequent
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cюбв’аy subway
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cюцх such
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cюгар sugar
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cюггеcтион suggestion
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cюите suite
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cюлпхюр sulphur
cюлтрy sultry
cюм sum
cюммер summer
cюммит summit
cюммон summon
cюмптюоуc sumptuous
cюн sun
Cюндаy Sunday
cюнглаccеc sunglasses
cюнк sunk
cюнкен sunken
cюнлигхт sunlight
cюннy sunny
cюнриcе sunrise
cюнcет sunset
cюнcхине sunshine
cюпер super
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cюперхеро superhero
cюперинтенд superintend
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cюпериор superior
cюперман superman
cюпермаркет supermarket
cюпернатюрал supernatural
cюперcеде supersede
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cюпервиcе supervise
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cюппер supper
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cюппреcc suppress
cюпреме supreme
cюре sure
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cюрфинг surfing
cюргеон surgeon
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cюргицал surgical
cюрмиcе surmise
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cюрнаме surname
cюрпаcc surpass
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cюрроунд surround
cюрвеилланце surveillance
cюрвеy survey
cюрвивал survival
cюрвиве survive
cюрвивор survivor
cюcцептибле susceptible
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cюcпенд suspend
cюcпенcе suspense
cюcпенcион suspension
cюcпицион suspicion
cюcпициоуc suspicious
cюcтаин sustain
cв’аллов’ swallow
cв’амп swamp
cв’ан swan
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cв’арм swarm
cв’артхy swarthy
cв’ат swat
cв’аy sway
cв’еар swear
cв’еат sweat
cв’еатер sweater
cв’еатy sweaty
Cв’еде Swede
cв’ееп sweep
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cв’еетхеарт sweetheart
cв’еетнеcc sweetness
cв’елл swell
cв’еллинг swelling
cв’ерве swerve
cв’ифт swift
cв’им swim
cв’имминг swimming
cв’имcюит swimsuit
cв’индле swindle
cв’ине swine
cв’инг swing
Cв’иcc Swiss
cв’итцх switch
cв’оллен swollen
cв’ооп swoop
cв’орд sword
cв’орн sworn
cyллабле syllable
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cyмбол symbol
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cyмпатхy sympathy
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cyмптом symptom
cyнцхронизе synchronize
cyндроме syndrome
cyнонyм synonym
cyнтхеcиc synthesis
cyринге syringe
cyрюп syrup
cycтем system
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танк tank
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тапинг taping
тар tar
тардy tardy
таргет target
тарифф tariff
тарт tart
таcк task
таcте taste
таcтинг tasting
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таттоо tattoo
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таунт taunt
такс tax
такси taxi
такспаyер taxpayer
теа tea
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теацхер teacher
теам team
теа-пот tea-pot
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теетх teeth
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телепхоне telephone
телеcцопе telescope
телевиcион television
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теcт test
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теcт-тюбе test-tube
текст text
текстбоок textbook
текстиле textile
текст-меccаге text-message
текстюре texture
тхан than
тханк thank
тханкфюл thankful
тханкcгивинг thanksgiving
тхат that
тхав’ thaw
тхе the
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тхее thee
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тхерапy therapy
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тхеcаурюc thesaurus
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тхеy they
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тхоcе those
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тхрее three
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тхроугх through
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тхрюcт thrust
тхюг thug
тхюмб thumb
тхюмп thump
тхюндер thunder
Тхюрcдаy Thursday
тхюc thus
тхв’арт thwart
тицк tick
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тие tie
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тилт tilt
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тинy tiny
тип tip
типc tips
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тиccюе tissue
титаниц titanic
титле title
то to
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тобаццо tobacco
тодаy today
тое toe
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тогетхер together
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токен token
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толл toll
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томорров’ tomorrow
тон ton
тоне tone
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тониц tonic
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тоо too
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тоол tool
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тоотхпаcте toothpaste
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торн torn
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тортюре torture
тоcc toss
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тоталлy totally
тоуцх touch
тоуцхдов’н touchdown
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тоуцхy touchy
тоугх tough
тоур tour
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тоурнамент tournament
тов’ tow
тов’ард toward
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тов’ер tower
тов’н town
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тоy toy
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трацтор tractor
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траин train
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трам tram
трамп tramp
транcацтион transaction
транcцрипт transcript
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транcитион transition
транcлате translate
транcлатион translation
транcмиccион transmission
транcмиттер transmitter
транcпарент transparent
транcплант transplant
транcпорт transport
транcпортатион transportation
трап trap
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траcх trash
траcхy trashy
траума trauma
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трауматизе traumatize
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треаcюре treasure
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трибе tribe
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трицкy tricky
трифле trifle
триггер trigger
трим trim
Тринитy Trinity
трип trip
трипле triple
триюмпх triumph
тривиал trivial
тролл troll
троллеy trolley
трооп troop
троопc troops
тропхy trophy
тропицал tropical
троубле trouble
троублеc troubles
троуcерc trousers
троут trout
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трюцк truck
трюлy truly
трюмп trump
трюнк trunk
трюcт trust
трюcтв’ортхy trustworthy
трютх truth
трютхфюл truthful
трютхфюллy truthfully
трy try
тcар tsar
Т-cхирт T-shirt
тюб tub
тюбе tube
тюцк tuck
тюцкер tucker
Тюеcдаy Tuesday
тюг tug
тюитион tuition
тюлип tulip
тюммy tummy
тюмор tumor
тюмюлт tumult
тюна tuna
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тюннел tunnel
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тюрн turn
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тюртле turtle
тюcк tusk
тютор tutor
тюкседо tuxedo
тв’еак tweak
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тв’о two
тyинг tying
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тyре tyre
юддер udder
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юлцер ulcer
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юлтиматюм ultimatum
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юнав’аре unaware
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юндерcтандинг understanding
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юндертаке undertake
юндерв’атер underwater
юндерв’еар underwear
юндерв’орлд underworld
юндо undo
юндоне undone
юндоубтедлy undoubtedly
юнеаcy uneasy
юнемплоyед unemployed
юнемплоyмент unemployment
юнеквюал unequal
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юневен uneven
юнекспецтед unexpected
юнфаир unfair
юнфаитхфюл unfaithful
юнфамилиар unfamiliar
юнфиниcхед unfinished
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юнфоргивабле unforgivable
юнфортюнате unfortunate
юнфортюнателy unfortunately
юнфриендлy unfriendly
юнгратефюл ungrateful
юнхаппy unhappy
юнхеалтхy unhealthy
юницорн unicorn
юнидентифиед unidentified
юниформ uniform
юнинвитед uninvited
юнион union
юниквюе unique
юнит unit
юните unite
юнитед united
юнитy unity
юниверcал universal
юниверcе universe
юниверcитy university
юнджюcт unjust
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юнлеcc unless
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юнлюцкy unlucky
юннатюрал unnatural
юннецеccарy unnecessary
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юнплеаcант unpleasant
юнпредицтабле unpredictable
юнпрофеccионал unprofessional
юнреал unreal
юнреаcонабле unreasonable
юнреcт unrest
юнрюлy unruly
юнcеттлед unsettled
юнcкилфюл unskilful
юнcпеакабле unspeakable
юнcтабле unstable
юнтидy untidy
юнтие untie
юнтил until
юнтрюе untrue
юнюcюал unusual
юнв’антед unwanted
юнв’инд unwind
юнв’ортхy unworthy
юп up
юпбрининг upbrining
юпцоминг upcoming
юпдате update
юпграде upgrade
юпхилл uphill
юпхолд uphold
юпон upon
юппер upper
юпригхт upright
юприcинг uprising
юпcет upset
юпcеттинг upsetting
юпcиде upside
юпcтаирc upstairs
юпcтандинг upstanding
юптигхт uptight
юп-то-дате up-to-date
юптов’н uptown
юпв’ард upward
юрбан urban
юрге urge
юргент urgent
юрине urine
юрн urn
юc us
юcаге usage
юcе use
юcед used
юcефюл useful
юcелеcc useless
юcер user
юcхер usher
юcюал usual
юcюаллy usually
ютилитy utility
ютмоcт utmost
юттер utter
юттерлy utterly
вацанцy vacancy
вацант vacant
вацатион vacation
ваццинатион vaccination
ваццине vaccine
вацююм vacuum
вагюе vague
вагюелy vaguely
ваин vain
валет valet
валиант valiant
валид valid
валлеy valley
валюабле valuable
валюе value
валве valve
вампире vampire
ван van
вандалиcм vandalism
ване vane
ванилла vanilla
ваниcх vanish
ванитy vanity
ванквюиcх vanquish
вапоур vapour
вариабле variable
вариатион variation
вариетy variety
вариоуc various
варниcх varnish
варy vary
ваcе vase
ваcт vast
ват vat
ваулт vault
веал veal
вегетабле vegetable
вегетариан vegetarian
вехеменце vehemence
вехицле vehicle
веил veil
веин vein
велоцитy velocity
велвет velvet
вендинг vending
венгеанце vengeance
вениcон venison
веномоуc venomous
вент vent
вентилатор ventilator
вентюре venture
венюе venue
верб verb
вербал verbal
вердицт verdict
верге verge
верифицатион verification
верифy verify
верcатиле versatile
верcе verse
верcион version
верcюc versus
вертицал vertical
верy very
веccел vessel
веcт vest
веcтиге vestige
ветеран veteran
вето veto
вексатион vexation
виа via
виабле viable
вибрате vibrate
вице vice
вицинитy vicinity
вициоуc vicious
вицтим victim
вицторy victory
видео video
видеотапе videotape
виев’ view
виев’ер viewer
виев’поинт viewpoint
вигиланце vigilance
вигороуc vigorous
виле vile
вилла villa
виллаге village
виллаин villain
виндицтиве vindictive
вине vine
винегар vinegar
винтаге vintage
виолате violate
виолатион violation
виоленце violence
виолент violent
виолет violet
виолин violin
випер viper
виргин virgin
виргинитy virginity
виртюал virtual
виртюаллy virtually
виртюе virtue
вирюc virus
виcа visa
виcибилитy visibility
виcибле visible
виcион vision
виcит visit
виcитатион visitation
виcитинг visiting
виcитор visitor
виcта vista
виcюал visual
витал vital
витамин vitamin
вивациоуc vivacious
вивид vivid
воцабюларy vocabulary
воцал vocal
воцатионал vocational
вогюе vogue
воице voice
воид void
волатиле volatile
волцано volcano
воллеyбалл volleyball
волюме volume
волюнтарилy voluntarily
волюнтарy voluntary
волюнтеер volunteer
вомит vomit
ворациоуc voracious
воте vote
вотинг voting
воуцх vouch
вов’ vow
вов’ел vowel
воyаге voyage
вюлгар vulgar
вюлнерабле vulnerable
вюлтюре vulture
в’ад wad
в’аде wade
в’аффлеc waffles
в’аге wage
в’агон wagon
в’аил wail
в’аиcт waist
в’аит wait
в’аитер waiter
в’аитинг waiting
в’аитреcc waitress
в’аке wake
в’алк walk
в’алкер walker
в’алл wall
в’аллет wallet
в’аллов’ wallow
в’аллпапер wallpaper
в’алнют walnut
в’алтз waltz
в’ан wan
в’анд wand
в’андер wander
в’андеринг wandering
в’ант want
в’ар war
в’ард ward
в’арден warden
в’ардробе wardrobe
в’арехоуcе warehouse
в’арфаре warfare
в’арлоцк warlock
в’арм warm
в’армер warmer
в’арминг warming
в’армтх warmth
в’арн warn
в’арнинг warning
в’арп warp
в’аррант warrant
в’арриор warrior
в’арy wary
в’аc was
в’аcх wash
в’аcхинг washing
в’аcте waste
в’атцх watch
в’атцхер watcher
в’атер water
в’атерфалл waterfall
в’атерфронт waterfront
в’атерy watery
в’аве wave
в’акс wax
в’аy way
в’е we
в’еак weak
в’еакер weaker
в’еакнеcc weakness
в’еалтх wealth
в’еалтхy wealthy
в’еапон weapon
в’еар wear
в’еарy weary
в’еаcел weasel
в’еатхер weather
в’еаве weave
в’еавер weaver
в’еб web
в’ебcите website
в’ед wed
в’еддинг wedding
в’едге wedge
В’еднеcдаy Wednesday
в’ее wee
в’еед weed
в’еек week
в’еекенд weekend
в’ееклy weekly
в’ееп weep
в’еигх weigh
в’еигхт weight
в’еирд weird
в’елцоме welcome
в’елцоминг welcoming
в’елфаре welfare
в’елл well
в’ент went
в’ере were
в’еcт west
в’еcтерн western
в’ет wet
в’хацк whack
в’хале whale
в’харф wharf
в’хат what
в’хатевер whatever
в’хатcоевер whatsoever
в’хеат wheat
в’хеел wheel
в’хеелцхаир wheelchair
в’хен when
в’хеневер whenever
в’хере where
в’хереабоутc whereabouts
в’хереаc whereas
в’херебy whereby
в’херевер wherever
в’хет whet
в’хетхер whether
в’хицх which
в’хицхевер whichever
в’хиле while
в’хим whim
в’химпер whimper
в’хине whine
в’хининг whining
в’хип whip
в’хиппед whipped
в’хирл whirl
в’хирлпоол whirlpool
в’хиcкеy whiskey
в’хиcпер whisper
в’хиcтле whistle
в’хите white
в’хиз whiz
в’хо who
в’хоевер whoever
в’холе whole
в’холлy wholly
в’хом whom
в’хооп whoop
в’хоcе whose
в’хy why
в’ицкед wicked
в’иде wide
в’иделy widely
в’иден widen
в’идер wider
в’идеcпреад widespread
в’идов’ widow
в’идтх width
в’ифе wife
в’иг wig
в’иггле wiggle
в’илд wild
в’илдернеcc wilderness
в’илдеcт wildest
в’илдлифе wildlife
в’илфюл wilful
в’илл will
в’иллинглy willingly
в’иллингнеcc willingness
в’иллов’ willow
в’илy wily
в’имп wimp
в’ин win
в’инд wind
в’индов’ window
в’индcцреен windscreen
в’индy windy
в’ине wine
в’инг wing
в’инк wink
в’иннер winner
в’интер winter
в’ипе wipe
в’ире wire
в’ирелеcc wireless
в’иринг wiring
в’иcдом wisdom
в’иcе wise
в’иcелy wisely
в’иcер wiser
в’иcх wish
в’иcхеc wishes
в’иcхфюл wishful
в’иcтфюл wistful
в’иcтфюл wistful
в’ит wit
в’итцх witch
в’итцхцрафт witchcraft
в’итх with
в’итхдрав’ withdraw
в’итхдрав’ал withdrawal
в’итххолд withhold
в’итхин within
в’итхоут without
в’итнеcc witness
в’итc wits
в’иттy witty
в’ивеc wives
в’изард wizard
в’ое woe
в’оке woke
в’олф wolf
в’оман woman
в’омб womb
в’омен women
в’он won
в’ондер wonder
в’ондерфюл wonderful
в’ондерфюллy wonderfully
в’оо woo
в’оод wood
в’ооден wooden
в’оодy woody
в’ооф woof
в’оол wool
в’орд word
в’оре wore
в’орк work
в’оркер worker
в’оркплаце workplace
в’оркcхоп workshop
в’орлд world
в’орлдв’иде worldwide
в’орм worm
в’орн worn
в’орриеc worries
в’оррy worry
в’оррyинг worrying
в’орcе worse
в’орcхип worship
в’орcт worst
в’ортх worth
в’ортхлеcc worthless
в’ортхв’хиле worthwhile
в’ортхy worthy
в’оулд would
в’оунд wound
в’оундед wounded
в’рангле wrangle
в’рап wrap
в’раппед wrapped
в’ратх wrath
в’реатх wreath
в’рецк wreck
в’рецкинг wrecking
в’ренцх wrench
в’реcт wrest
в’реcтле wrestle
в’реcтлинг wrestling
в’ретцхед wretched
в’риггле wriggle
в’ринг wring
в’ринкле wrinkle
в’риcт wrist
в’рите write
в’ритер writer
в’ритинг writing
в’ронг wrong
в’роте wrote
в’рy wry
yацхт yacht
yанк yank
yап yap
yард yard
yав’н yawn
yеар year
yеарбоок yearbook
yеарлy yearly
yеарн yearn
yеаcт yeast
yелл yell
yеллов’ yellow
yелп yelp
yеc yes
yеcтердаy yesterday
yет yet
yиелд yield
yога yoga
yогюрт yogurt
yоке yoke
yолк yolk
yоу you
yоунг young
yоунгер younger
yоунгеcт youngest
yоунгcтер youngster
yоур your
yоурc yours
yоурcелф yourself
yоурcелвеc yourselves
yоутх youth
yов’л yowl
yюммy yummy
зап zap
зеал zeal
зеалот zealot
зеалоуc zealous
зенитх zenith
зеро zero
зигзаг zigzag
зиллион zillion
зип zip
зиппер zipper
зодиац zodiac
зомбy zomby
зоне zone
зоо zoo
зоологy zoology
зоом zoom

Быстрый выбор
курсов английcкого

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать грубую лексику.

На основании Вашего запроса эти примеры могут содержать разговорную лексику.

Of course, that’s the same reason that spies live in fear of the day they accidentally accuse one of the good guys — of being a good guy.

Именно по этой причине шпионы боятся, что однажды случайно так выдадут за одного из хороших… того, кто и есть хороший.

Другие результаты

Similarly, 13% of kids accuse parents of breaking a device and 16% complain that their parents had accidentally deleted some of their data.

Также 13% детей обвинили родителей в порче их девайсов и 16% пожаловались, что родители удалили что-то по ошибке.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

Результатов: 2. Точных совпадений: 1. Затраченное время: 60 мс


B2 Wordlist

Here is a list of useful or new words from Navigate B2 Coursebook. You can insert your own translation. Words marked with a key () all appear in the Oxford 3000.

adj = adjective

conj = conjunction

phr v = phrasal verb

adv = adverb

n = noun

pl = plural

abandoned adj /əˈbændənd/

absence n /ˈæbsəns/ access v /ˈækses/

accidental adj /ˌæksɪˈdentl/

accidentally adv /ˌæksɪˈdentəli/ accompany v /əˈkʌmpəni/

accuse v /əˈkjuːz/


v /əˈtʃiːv/


n /əˈtʃiːvmənt/


adj /ˈæktʃuəl/

adapt (to)

v /əˈdæpt tə/

addictive adj /əˈdɪktɪv/ adjust v /əˈdʒʌst/ adjustment n /əˈdʒʌstmənt/

admit v /ədˈmɪt/

adventurous adj /ədˈventʃərəs/

advice n /ədˈvaɪs/ advise v /ədˈvaɪz/ affect v /əˈfekt/

affordable adj /əˈfɔːdəbl/ ages n /eɪdʒɪz/

almanac n /ˈælmənæk/

amnesia n /æmˈniːziə/ amusing adj /əˈmjuːzɪŋ/ analyse v /ˈænəlaɪz/ analysis n /əˈnæləsɪs/ ancestor n /ˈænsestə(r)/


adj /əˈnɔɪɪŋ/


adj /ˈænti klaɪm/


adj /ˈæŋkʃəs/


adj /ˌæpəˈθetɪk/


v /əˈpiːl/

phr = phrase

pron = pronoun

prep = preposition

v = verb

You can usually keep anything which the owner has clearly abandoned.

Would the Earth survive without the moon?

There is a central heating system that can access the GPS in your mobile phone.

People falling asleep behind the wheel may cause accidental crashes.

The owner had accidentally lost the money.

There was no question that Mary Kingsley could accompany her father on his travels.

A government minister has been accused of having unfair ofice rules for her staff.

Most people underestimate what can be achieved in a year.

Winning a gold medal is quite an achievement.

I never read an actual paper newspaper.

The locals adapted the whistling language to Spanish.

I ind checking news websites quite addictive.

Immigrants need to adjust to new things.

Making a few adjustments to your life can make you much happier.

Customers who blind-tasted the ugly and standard fruit admitted they tasted the same.

You need to be more adventurous. Step out of your comfort zone.

I would advise you not to yarn-bomb during the day.

Shall I advise you or can you manage on your own?

Farmers in certain parts of Australia are often affected by drought.

A small lat was just about affordable.

It seems like ages since we were in touch.

Travellers used almanacs to chart the phases of the moon and plan their journeys.

Childhood amnesia occurs at around the age of seven.

A sitcom usually has amusing dialogue.

At seven, children can analyse events more clearly.

A current affairs programme has in-depth news analysis.

More than 1.5 million people with Japanese ancestors live in Brazil.

What one person inds hilarious, another might ind really annoying.

What if we paint the walls with anti-climb paint?

Henry Brown must have felt anxious before he got into his box.

‘Apathetic boredom’ is similar to depression.

The cold weather doesn’t appeal to me.

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2016



B2 Wordlist

apply (to)

v /əˈplaɪ tə/

The new government rules do not apply to all jobs.


v /əˈpriːʃieɪt/

There is so much to appreciate when you receive a

handwritten letter.


n /əˈprəʊtʃ/

There are problems with both approaches.


n /æp/

I’ve downloaded a Spanish vocabulary app for extra practice.


v /ˈɑːɡjuː/

I would argue that the beneits of internet news outweigh the





The robbers were armed.

armed robbery

n /ɑːmd ˈrɒbəri/

They stole $50,000 in an armed robbery.

army uniform

n /ˈɑːmi ˌjuːnɪfɔːm/

Princess Elizabeth wore a brown army uniform, and she didn’t

look like a princess at all.


n /əˈrəʊmə/

Coffee has a bitter aroma.


n /əˈrest/

The thieves left the valuable paintings on the train, fearing



v /əˈrest/

In the Phillipines, what can you be arrested for?




Members of Generation Y have a reputation for being arrogant.




Norwegians like playing outside in the snow, even if it is under

artiicial light.

as good as gold

phr /ez ˌɡʊd ez ˈɡəʊld/

Particularly well-behaved children are ‘as good as gold’.


n /əˈspærəɡəs/

Umami is noticeable in many foods, such as soya and



v /əˈsɪst/

Even well-known yarn-bombing artists have teams to assist



n /əˈsɪstəns/

I need some assistance in choosing a gold ring.

associate (with)

v /əˈsəʊʃieɪt wɪð/

Argentina is strongly associated with beef.


v /əʃɔː(r)/

The local people assured the conservationists that the

monkeys would be easy to locate.


n /ˈæstərɔɪd/

Gold may have been brought to Earth by asteroids.


v /əˈtætʃ/

The invention Xarius can be attached to most things and used

to generate electricity.


n /əˈtempt/

Several internet campaigns have sprung up in an attempt to

save the art of letter-writing.


n /ˈəʊbəʒiːn/

Aubergines are from the same family as

tomatoes and potatoes.


n /ˈɔːkʃn/

The car worker bought the paintings at an auction.


adv /ˌɔːtəˈmætɪkli/

People automatically assume that I ind

the polar nights dificult, but actually I love them.

aware (of)

adj /əˈweə(r) ɒv/

Many people aren’t aware of the risks of

eating too much sugar.


adj /ˈɔːkwəd/

Stand too close and you might make someone feel awkward.


n /ˈæksɪs/

The axis on Mars can tilt so much that the ice at

its poles slides down to the equator.


n /ˈbækɡraʊnd/

The people who participated in the study were

from various socio-economic backgrounds.

back to back

adv /ˌbæk tə ˈbæk/

I often watch several episodes back to back.


n /ˈbæɡɪdʒ/

Put the baggage in the trunk.

ban (from)

v /ˈbæn frɒm/

Henry Ford banned his employees from whistling.


adv /ˈbeɪsɪkli/

A ‘polar night’ is where the sun basically doesn’t

appear for twenty-four hours.

be a light sleeper

phr /bi ə ˌlaɪt ˈsliːpə(r)/

My sister is a light sleeper, but I sleep like a log.

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2016



B2 Wordlist

bear with

phr v /ˈbeə(r) ˌwɪð/

Just bear with me a moment.

be a threat to

phr /bi ə ˈθret tə/

All these smart devices could be a threat to our privacy.


n /ˈbiːtl/

The idea for the Airdrop came from the Namib beetle.

be mean to a sibling


One of the top regrets is being mean to a sibling as a child.

/biː miːn tə ə ˈsɪblɪŋ/


n /ˈbenɪfɪt/

You will appreciate the beneits of learning something new.

be short of time/money phr

I can’t go shopping – I’m really short of time and money.

/bi ʃɔːt ɒv taɪm, ˈmʌni/

be wide awake

phr /bi ˌwaɪd əˈweɪk/

When I checked, the children were wide awake.




Biannual events happen twice a year.


adj /ˌbaɪsenˈtiːnəri/

It’ll be a while before most co-housing projects

celebrate their bicentenary.




People who grow up speaking two languages are bilingual.


v /bɪndʒ wɒtʃ/

In a recent survey, 91% of people said they regularly binge-





Lots of birdsong can be heard at dawn.




Henry Brown felt bitter after his owner allowed his family to be

taken from him.

blame (for)

v /bleɪm fɔː(r)/

Employers’ expectations have been blamed for increasing

working hours.


n /ˈblesɪŋ/

In retrospect, losing my job was a blessing in disguise.


v /blaɪnd ˈteɪst/

When customers blind-taste fruit, they can’t see what they’re



n /ˈblɒɡə(r)/

Shaun Usher is a blogger who posts letters on his website.

board the plane

phr /ˌbɔːd ðə ˈpleɪn/

Passengers were asked to stay seated whilst passengers from

Miami boarded the plane.


n /buːt/

Put the luggage in the boot.




I am really bored with this lecture. It’s so dull!

bored to death

phr /bɔːd tə deθ/

I was bored to death watching that ilm.


n /ˈbɒtənɪst/

North’s painting provided botanists in Europe with the irst

images of some very unusual plants.


n /ˈbreɪvəri/

The ireighter received a gold medal for bravery.

bring (someone) up

phr v

Emil Zátopek was brought up in the north-east of the Czech

/brɪŋ sʌmwʌn ˈʌp/



n /ˈbrɔːdbænd/

All the homes in Songdo have ultra high-speed broadband.

build foundations


According to Stephen Covey, it is important but not urgent to

/bɪld faʊnˈdeɪʃnz/

build foundations.


n /bʌlb/

Wait a few seconds before touching the bulb – it may be hot.

bump into

phr v /bʌmp ˈɪntə/

Google thinks that if you bump into colleagues all the time,

you’ll share more ideas.


n /ˈbɜːnaʊt/

Volkswagen is trying to avoid employee stress and burnout.


n /keɪdʒ/

A group of minks were divided into two cages.




‘Calibrating boredom’ is when your mind wanders from the

present situation.


n /kæmˈpeɪn/

I am writing to ask you to support our campaign to end street



n /ˈkæmpəvæn/

We went camping in our campervan in the south of France.


n /kəˈnuː/

Mary Kingsley was paddling up rivers in a canoe.

Photocopiable © Oxford University Press 2016



B2 Wordlist

can recall it very clearly phr

I can recall some events from early childhood very clearly.

/kæn rɪˌkɔːl ɪt ˌveri ˈklɪəli/ can’t sit still phr /ˈkɑːnt sɪt stɪl/

capable adj /ˈkeɪpəbl/ capture v /ˈkæptʃə(r)/

capture the imagination phr

/ˈkæptʃə(r) ðə ɪˌmædʒɪˈneɪʃn/ caravan n /ˈkærəvæn/

carbon dioxide n /ˌkɑːbən daɪˈɒksaɪd/ career path n /kəˈrɪə(r) pɑːθ/

care for

phr v /keə(r) fɔː(r)/

car manufacturer


/ˈkɑː(r) ˌmænjuˌfæktʃərə(r)/

car park

n /ˈkɑː pɑːk/


n /ˈkɑːpəntə(r)/

carry out

phr v /ˈkæri aʊt/

catch up

phr v /ˌkætʃ ˈʌp/


v /kɔːz/

cc (somebody) into


I hate that feeling when you can’t sit still and you can’t wait for the ilm to inish.

Is he capable of cooking a meal on his own?

With smartphones, the chances that something important is captured are much higher.

Beautiful, rare and useful, gold has captured our imagination for centuries.

For our last holiday, we rented a caravan and drove to the west coast.

We would produce a lot less carbon dioxide if we had fewer children.

A lot of people regret choosing the wrong career path.

One of my children may be able to care for me in my old age.

Car manufacturers are installing software to ight employee stress and burnout.

There were no more spaces in the car park.

Henry Brown asked a friend, who was a carpenter, to build him a box.

The research was carried out at the University of Utah. It would be great if we could catch up properly soon. Getting these things wrong can cause offence.

Can you cc somebody into a handwritten letter?

/ˌsiː ˈsiː ˈsʌmbədi ˈɪntə/


v /siːs/

Will the myths about the moon ever cease to exist?

celebrity chef

n /səˈlebrəti ʃef/

Celebrity chefs often present cookery programmes.

celebrity photos

n pl /səˌlebrəti ˈfəʊtəʊz/

Rosie likes looking at celebrity photos.


n /ˈserəməni/

Hanamatsuri is a ceremony where sweet tea is poured onto

the feet of a statue.

characteristic (of)


It is very characteristic of a Generation X person to be

/ˌkærəktəˈrɪstɪk ɒv/





Spring is a cheerful season.




Some inventions may seem very childish, but are

actually quite practical.

choose the right time phr

We have to choose the right time to tell people important

/ˌtʃuːz ðə raɪt ˈtaɪm/



n /ˈsɜːkəmstæns/

It depends on the circumstances whether you have to give the

money back or not.


n /ˈsɪtɪzn/

Welsh immigrants now consider themselves Argentinian



n /ˌsɪvəlaɪˈzeɪʃn/

The Incas were an ancient civilization that made beautiful gold



n /kleɪm/

The couple’s claim to ownership is strong, as the coins were

found on their property.


v /kleɪm/

The couple claimed the money on a winning lottery ticket.


n /ˈklætə(r)/

The clatter of cups and saucers can make the café very noisy.


adj /ˌkliːn ˈʃeɪvn/

You rarely see a clean-shaven male hipster.

cleaning staff

n /ˈkliːnɪŋ stɑːf/

Cleaning staff would enter the plane in order to prepare the

seats for the new passengers.

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B2 Wordlist


n /ˈklaɪmət/

Avocados and citrus fruits tend to grow in hot climates.


n /ˈklɒzɪt/

It is a good idea to rearrange your closet so that you don’t

waste time looking for clothes.


n /ˈkəʊ ˌhaʊzɪŋ/

Co-housing is where people live separately in private houses

but with shared facilities.


n /kəʊˈɪnsɪdəns/

By coincidence, Zátopek’s wife was born on the same day of

the same year.



/ˈkʌlə(r) blaɪnd/

People who are colour-blind often can’t distinguish red from


come up with

phr v /kʌm ˈʌp wɪð/

Psychologists came up with the idea that some people use the

left side of their brain more.

come up

phr v /kʌm ˈʌp/

I can’t go to that boring lecture – something urgent has

come up!




The sketches were very comical.

commercial break

n /kəˈmɜːʃl breɪk/

Commercial breaks are an annoying distraction.


n /kəˈmjuːnəti/

There are plenty of people living in the

Lilac co-housing community who live alone.


n /kəmˈpæniən/

If you need a travelling companion, let me know.


n /ˌkɒmpəˈtɪʃn/

The newspaper held a competition in which

readers had to guess how long it would take Bly to circle the





Baby boomers are often competitive in the workplace.




Watching several episodes back-to-back makes it

easier to follow complex storylines.


n /kɒnsnˈtreɪʃn/

In some boring situations, I ind myself losing concentration

after about half an hour.


n /ˌkɒnsnˈtreɪʃn/

Gimli is a town in Canada with the largest concentration of

Icelandic people outside of Iceland.


n /kənˈdɪʃnɪŋ/

It is thought that wanting to read more and more bad news is

a matter of conditioning.


adj /ˌkɒnfɪˈdenʃl/

If an email is conidential, you shouldn’t share it with anyone.


n /ˈkɒnflɪkt/

Most items on news sites are about conlict or violence.


v /kənˈfjuːz/

It’s easy to confuse Silbo with birdsong.


n /ˌkɒnsəˈveɪʃənɪst/

Conservationists have warned that the monkeys are on the

endangered species list.


adv /kənˈsɪdərəbli/

Pakistan is considerably warmer than Norway.

consist (of)

v /kənˈsɪst ɒv/

Silbo consists of four vowels and four consonants.

construction worker


I think construction workers will work very differently in the

/kənˈstrʌkʃn ˈwɜːkə(r)/


consultant n /kənˈsʌltənt/

Careers consultant John Moody thinks that the world of work

will change fast.


n /ˈkɒntrɑːst/

The contrast between winter and summer nights in Norway is


contribute (to)

v /kɒnˈtrɪbjuːt ˌtə/

The development of mobile phones contributed to the decline

of Silbo.


v /kənˈtrəʊl/

The sounds can be controlled by twisting

the middle of the Sono.




Conventional people tend to be neat, orderly and practical.




Google isn’t a conventional company.


v /kənˈvɜːt/

Self-help books promise to convert people from being left-

brained to right-brained thinkers.

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B2 Wordlist

cookery programme

n /ˈkʊkəri prəʊɡræm/

Cookery programmes are very popular in the UK.

copy (somebody) in

phr v

I copied you in on my email to him.

/ˈkɒpi ˌsʌmbədi ɪn/


n /ˌkɒrəˈspɒndəns/

What correspondence will we leave behind for future



n /ˈkɒspleɪə(r)/

Cosplayers are people who like dressing up in costumes as



n /ˈkɒstjuːm/

Cosplayers like posting photos of their costumes

online so that others can see them.




You might think that everyone would stay indoors, nice and

cosy, but they don’t.


n /ˈkaʊnsl/

The council might like to reconsider their plans for a new food

quarter in our street.

count against

phr v /kaʊnt əˈɡeɪnst/

If I don’t want to check my work emails in the evening, does

that count against me?

count on

phr v /ˈkaʊnt ɒn/

Clients count on being able to talk to their lawyers all the time.


n /ˈkʌrɪdʒ/

Because of the extraordinary courage he had shown, his story

became famous.


n /kɔːˈʒet/

Courgettes were brought over to Europe from South and

Central America.


n /ˈkʌvərɪdʒ/

In much of the island, you cannot depend on telephone





Expensive repairs for cracked screens

could become a thing of the past.


adj /ˈkrɪtɪkl/

Members of Generation X tend to be critical of authority.


n /ˈkrɪtɪsɪzəm/

The council’s plans received a lot of criticism.

criticize for

v /ˈkrɪtɪsaɪz fɔː(r)/

The new rules have been criticized for not taking account of

modern working practices.


n /ˈkrɒkədaɪl/

Mary Kingsley once had an encounter with a crocodile.

cross out

phr v /krɒs ˈaʊt/

If you make a mistake, just cross it out.


n /ˈkrʌntʃinəs/

Crisps come in noisy packets because they add to the

sensation of crunchiness.




I love biscuits that are crunchy.


v /kʌp/

One hand is cupped next to the mouth to control the whistle’s



n /kjʊə(r)/

They appear to have found a new cure for blindness.


n /ˌkjʊəriˈɒsəti/

I read Stephen Covey’s book out of curiosity.


v /kɜːl/

The ‘come here’ sign is made by curling your inger

towards you.

current affairs programme n

Current affairs programmes are usually on late at night.

/ˌkʌrənt əˈfɛːz ˌprəʊɡræm/

customer service

n /ˌkʌstəmə(r) ˈsɜːvɪs/

The sales assistant had been given an award for excellent

customer service.


n /ˌkʌstəmaɪzˈeɪʃn/

Customization means providing goods and services tailored to

what people want.


n /ˈkʌstəm/

The Welsh community in Argentinia still maintains Welsh

traditions and customs.

dairy product

n /ˈdeəri ˌprɒdʌkt/

The New World didn’t have dairy products before the

Columbian Exchange.


adj /ˈdæmɪdʒɪŋ/

Yarn-bombing is a form of street art which is less damaging

than grafiti.

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B2 Wordlist


n /ˈdeɪtə/

What’s more of a worry is how much space all this data will

take up on the internet.


n /ˈdiːlə(r)/

The dealer didn’t expect to see the diamonds ever again.


v /ˈdekəreɪt/

During the festival of stars, people decorate the streets.


adj /ˈdekərətɪv/

The walls are covered in large decorative golden mirrors.


n /ˌdefɪˈnɪʃn/

Can you give me a deinition of boredom?


v /dɪˈliːt/

Texts and emails are quickly deleted, while letters stay around

for longer.




It wasn’t a deliberate mistake.




Henry Brown was delighted when he

reached Philadelphia safely in his box.

dental loss

n /ˈdentl flɒs/

Try using a piece of dental loss to get that ring off your inger.

dependent (on) adj

/dɪˈpendənt ɒn/

Ireland used to be very dependent on potatoes.




Northern Norway has two depressing months of no daylight in



n /dɪˈsendənt/

The 50,000 descendants of Welsh immigrants in Argentina

still speak Welsh.


v /dɪˈzaɪn/

Magda Sayek has designed a perfectly itting cover for a

city bus.


n /dɪˈzaɪnə(r)/

James Dyson is a British industrial designer.


n /dɪˈzaɪə(r)/

Sometimes you have a desire to do something, but you can’t

because you’re stuck in a queue.




After a long-haul light, I’m usually desperate to get off the



n /ˌdestɪˈneɪʃn/

Why had Henry Brown chosen Pennsylvania as his destination?


n /dɪˌtɜːmɪˈneɪʃn/

Henry Brown had shown great determination on his way to



adj /dɪˈtɜːmɪnd/

This terrible loss made Brown determined to escape slavery.


v /dɪˈveləp/

A washing machine which develops a fault can be repaired

through the Internet of Things.


n /dɪˈvaɪs/

Metal detectors at airports can damage electronic devices

such as laptops.

devoted (to)

adj /dɪˈvəʊtɪd tə/

She is totally devoted to her children.


n /ˌdaɪəˈbiːtiːz/

One in three adults today will have developed diabetes by the

time they are sixty.


n /ˈdaɪəmənd/

A bag containing $200,000 worth of diamonds has been

returned to its owner.

die out

phr v /daɪ ˈaʊt/

Some people believe that some things should be left to die out.

digital media

n /ˌdɪdʒɪtl ˈmiːdiə/

With digital media, we write more than ever before.

disapprove (of)

v /ˌdɪsəˈpruːv ɒv/

Spectators whistle when they disapprove of a referee’s





When Henry Brown irst climbed out of his box, he felt


distance learning

n /ˌdɪstəns ˈlɜːnɪŋ/

Distance learning is nothing new.




That joke was really distasteful.


v /dɪˈstɪŋɡwɪʃ/

In a colour photo, it is easy to distinguish the predator from the





The government minister inds noise in the corridor distracting

while she’s eating.

DIY tips

n /ˌdiː aɪ ˈwaɪ tɪps/

Home improvement programmes give us DIY tips.

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B2 Wordlist


adj /ˈdɒmɪnənt/

BuzzFeed is dominant in the world of entertainment and news


dominate the conversation


I don’t like the way she always dominates the conversation.

/ˈdɒmɪneɪt ðə ˌkɒnvəˈseɪʃn/


n /ˈdaʊnsaɪd/

The downside of internet news is that it isn’t always reliable.

do your best

phr /də jɔː(r) best/

If you don’t like your job, do your best to ind something you

do like about it.

drama series

n /ˈdrɑːmə ˌsɪəriːz/

A drama series has to have a gripping plot.




The seasons in Norway are very dramatic.


adv /drəˈmætɪkli/

The number of people living alone is shooting up dramatically.

dream up

phr v /driːm ˈʌp/

They dreamt up the right-brained/left-brained theory.

drilling equipment

n /ˈdrɪlɪŋ ɪˈkwɪpmənt/

Underwater drilling equipment is dificult to repair.


adj /ˈdrɪŋkəbl/

The water at the campsite is not drinkable.

drop out

phr v /ˈdrɒpaʊt/

Even successful business people drop out of university.


n /draʊt/

Edward Linacre, inventor of the Airdrop, was inspired by

Australia’s worst drought in a century.


n /ˌdraɪ ˈkliːnɪŋ/

At Google, employees can get their dry-cleaning done for free.




Have you experienced the desire to fall asleep during a dull



n pl /ˈɪəplʌɡz/

I put in earplugs on planes so I can sleep.


adj /ˌiːzi ˈɡəʊɪŋ/

My husband is quite easy-going; he doesn’t worry about




/ˌiːkəʊ ˈfrendli/

Hipsters like buying eco-friendly products, like shampoo.


adj /ˌekəˈnɒmɪk/

The discovery of the skeleton of Richard III will give the city of

Leicester an economic boost.

economic recession n

Generation Net has lived through an economic recession and

/ˌekəˈnɒmɪk rɪˈseʃn/

won’t take money for granted.


n /ˈedɪtə(r)/

Bly suggested to her editor that his newspaper

should pay for her trip.


n /ɪˈfekt/

The effect of the knitting by yarn-bombers is quite striking.




Stephen Covey’s book describes how highly effective people

plan their lives.




When we’re tired, our brain is less eficient.


adj /ˈeldəli/

The money belonged to an elderly man who had left his bag on

the train.


n /ɪˈməʊtɪkɒn/

We often use emoticons instead of expressing our feelings.


n /ɪˈməʊʃn/

Boredom can be a very useful emotion.


v /ɪˈneɪbl/

Smartphones enable journalists to publish text and photos

wherever they are.


n /ɪnˈkaʊntə(r)/

Mary Kingsley had encounters with all kinds of animals on her



n /ɪnˈkʌrɪdʒmənt/

He needs to be given some encouragement to plan effectively

for his future.




There is a demand for more inspiring, encouraging and uplifting

news stories.


n /ˌendʒɪˈnɪə(r)/

Canadian engineers invented something which tells you when

you need to reapply your sunscreen.


n /ɪnˈdʒɔɪmənt/

Some people get lots of enjoyment from shopping.


v /ɪnˈrɪtʃ/

Learning holidays can enrich your life long after the trip is over.

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B2 Wordlist


v /ɪnˈʃɔː(r)/

Please investigate the matter to ensure that this does not

happen to other passengers.




We had an entertaining evening with our friends this weekend.

entertainment space


Co-housing communities have shared facilities such as a

/ˌentəˈteɪnmənt speɪs/

laundry and an entertainment space.


v /ˌentəˈteɪn/

We need to be constantly entertained.




Initially, Europeans were not very enthusiastic about the new



n /ˈentrəns/

I can’t ind the entrance to the shop.

environmental campaign n

Positive news sites report on peace agreements and

/ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl kæmˈpeɪn/

environmental campaigns.

environmental law


China is revising its environmental laws to include harsh

/ɪnˌvaɪrənˈmentl lɔː/

penalties for polluters.


n /ˈepɪsəʊd/

Have you ever gone to bed too late because you wanted to

watch ‘just one more’ episode?


adv /ɪˈspeʃəli/

Younger people, especially those in the 16–24 age

bracket, spend time with their family daily.


v /ɪˈstæblɪʃ/

In conversations, we often try to establish shared interests.




The Japanese community in Argentina is now very well



v /ˈestɪmeɪt/

It is estimated that the coins are worth around $10 million.


n /ˈiːvl/

There’s a lot of evil in the world.


v /iˈvɒlv/

Like all trends, ‘hipsterism’ will change and evolve.

exchange news

phr /ɪksˈtʃeɪndʒ njuːz/

We can exchange news by email, text or letter.


n /ˌekspekˈteɪʃn/

The event didn’t live up to my expectations.


n /ɪkˈsperɪmənt/

Researchers pointed out that the experiments didn’t show that

animals feel truly bored.


n /ɪkˈsplɔːrə(r)/

Mary Kingsley was the irst explorer to show proper respect to

the African people.

expose (to)

v /ɪkˈspəʊz tə/

Some children are exposed to questioning and reacting to



n /ɪkˈspresweɪ/

An expressway in North American English is called a motorway

in British English.


adj /ɪkˈstrɔːdnri/

Silbo is an extraordinary language which is whistled

rather than spoken.


n pl /fəˈsɪlətiz/

People living in co-housing projects share facilities.


v /feɪd/

When do childhood memories start to fade?




The 1969 moon landings were faked.


n /ˈfɔːlkən/

The falcons are well trained, so it’s super safe.

fall asleep

phr /fɔːl əˈsliːp/

Nearly half of US adults fall asleep unintentionally during

the day.



/ˈfæməli ˌfəʊkəst/

Members of Generation X tend to be family-focused.

fast asleep

phr /fɑːst əˈsliːp/

The woman was fast asleep on the train and missed her stop.


n /fɔːlt/

There was a fault in the invention which kept it from working



n /ˈfiːtʃə(r)/

The most noticeable feature of the data is that older people

spend less time with their family.


n /fiːt/

In honour of this creative but dangerous feat, he became

known as Henry ‘Box’ Brown.

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B2 Wordlist

fed up


/fed ˈʌp/

‘Searching boredom’ is when you are fed up with having

nothing to do.

feel left out

phr /fiːl left aʊt/

If two kids are playing together, the other two have

each other and don’t feel left out.


n /ˈfestɪvl/

Many popular Japanese festivals also take place in São Paulo.

ind out

phr v /faɪnd ˈaʊt/

I’d like to ind out more about the ive types of boredom.

ire department

n /ˈfaɪə(r) dɪpɑːtmənt/

My mum called the ire department when I was locked in

the bathroom at age two.


v /fɪks/

/fɪkst wiːl/

At Google, someone can ix your car for you.



The ultimate cool hipster accessory is the ixed-wheel bike.


n /ˌfleksəˈbɪləti/

Flexibility is very important; you need to plan, but also use

opportunities in your job.


adj /ˌflɔːrəl ˈpætənd/

Female hipsters wear loral-patterned dresses.


v /ˈfəʊkəs/

Focus on the red and green for a while and then look at the

desert photos.


n /ˈfriːdəm/

Having enough money gives you the freedom to do what you



v /fret/

Women are more likely than men to fret about a lost love.

fritter away time/money


Stephen Covey feels we fritter away too much time.

/ˈfrɪtə(r) əˈweɪ taɪm, ˈmʌni/




Inventions need to be functional to be popular.




Henry Brown must have been furious when his wife and

children were sold.

fussy (about)

adj /ˈfʌsi əˌbaʊt/

I’ll try anything – I’m not fussy about food.


v /ɡeɪz/

When you gaze at something, you look at it for a long time.


v /ˈdʒenəreɪt/

There are a lot of inventions which generate energy.


n /ˌdʒenəˈrɒsəti/

Some famous people are known for their generosity.




The ilm of the 1969 moon landings cannot be genuine.


n /ˈdʒestʃə(r)/

I’d like to talk about gestures – the signs we

make with our hands.

get on (somebody’s) nerves


My brother gets on my nerves sometimes.

/ɡet ɒn sʌmbədiz nɜːvz/

get on

phr v /ɡet ɒn/

If you want to get on in your career, you have to stay in touch

with changes in your ield.

get to grips

phr /ɡet tə ɡrɪps/

Getting to grips with a new culture and language was quite a

challenge at irst.

get up at the crack of dawn


My children always get up at the crack of dawn.

/ɡet ʌp æt ðə kræk ɒv ˈdɔːn/

get your money’s worth


You should get to the festival early if you want to get your

/ɡet jɔː(r) ˈmʌniz wɜːθ/

money’s worth.

give up

phr v /ɡɪv ʌp/

Employers like to see that you don’t give up easily if a job is



n /ˈɡlædieɪtə(r)/

You’ve got a chance to train and experience what it was like to

ight as a gladiator.


v /ɡlɑːns/

I quickly glanced at my watch.


v /ɡleə(r)/

Don’t glare – it makes people feel uncomfortable.


adv /ˈɡləʊbəli/

Globally, there has been a rise in the number of people living



n /ˈɡɒdpeərənt/

Sometimes children have several godparents.

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Соседние файлы в папке Glossary

  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #
  • #

случайно, нечаянно, непредумышленно


- случайно; нечаянно, без умысла

Мои примеры


an accidental discovery of oil — случайное обнаружение нефти  
to kill accidentally — случайно лишить жизни  
accidentally oil contaminated — периодически загрязняемые нефтепродуктами  
accidentally entered spin — непреднамеренный штопор  
accidentally on purpose — внешне случайное действие, обусловленное скрытой тенденцией  
accidentally-on-purpose — труднообъяснимый своенравный поступок  
accidentally symmetric top — случайно симметричный волчок  
accidentally wounded — раненный в результате несчастного случая; получивший небоевое ранение  
kill accidentally — случайно лишить жизни  

Примеры с переводом

He accidentally broke a window.

Он случайно разбил окно.

I accidentally cut my thumb.

Я случайно порезал большой палец.

I accidentally spilled wine on the rug.

Я случайно пролил вино на ковер.

I accidentally stepped on her toe.

Я случайно наступил ей на ногу /на палец ноги/.

I accidentally stepped in a puddle.

Я случайно наступил в лужу.

I accidentally spilled coffee all over my new suit.

Я случайно пролил кофе на свой новый костюм.

The driver chocked up the wheels so that the car could not run accidentally down the hill.

Водитель поставил упор под колёса, чтобы машина случайно не скатилась с холма.

ещё 23 примера свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

The timing of the announcement was purely accidental.

She claimed that the gun went off accidentally.

…accidentally pinked my shoulder with his fencing sword…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

accidental  — случайный, неожиданный, второстепенный, случайность, случайный элемент
accidentalism  — акцидентализм, использование световых эффектов

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