Word list about sports

Лексика не тему спорта

1. Different Types of Sports

to go cycling – кататься на велосипеде
to go hiking — ходить в походы
to go jogging — заниматься бегом
to go skateboarding — кататься на скейтборде
to go climbing – заниматься скалолазаньем (ходить в горы)
to practice fencing – заниматься фехтованием

to do aerobics– заниматься аэробикой
to do gymnastics — заниматься гимнастикой
to do weight lifting – заниматься тяжелой атлетикой

2. Team sports

to play basketball — играть в баскетбол
to play football — играть в футбол
to play volleyball — играть в волейбол
to play beach volleyball – играть в пляжный волейбол
to play baseball – играть в бейсбол

3. Racquet sport

play badminton – играть в бадминтон
play tennis — играть в теннис
play table tennis — играть в настольный теннис

4. Martial arts

to do boxing — заниматься боксом
to do wrestling — заниматься реслингом
to do karate — заниматься карате
to do Aikido — заниматься айкидо
to do judo — заниматься дзюдо

5. Winter sports

to do figure skating — заниматься фигурным катанием
to play ice hockey — играть в хоккей
to go skating — кататься на коньках
to go skiing — кататься на лыжах
to go snowbording — кататься на сноуборде
to go tobogganing – кататься на санях

6. Water sports

aquatics / swimming — водный спорт
boating — лодочный спорт
rafting — рафтинг
diving — прыжки в воду
rowing — гребля
waterskiing — водные лыжи
yachting — парусный спорт
sailing – парусный спорт
windsurfing — виндсерфинг

7. Board games

to play chess — играть в шахматы
to play draughts — играть в шашки

Monopoly — Монополия
Mafia — Мафия
Battleship — Морской бой
Jenga — Дженга
Uno — Уно
Dominoes — Домино

8. People in sports

an athlete – спортсмен
a player — игрок
a professional player — профессиональный игрок
experienced player — опытный игрок
a beginner — новичок
an amateur — любитель
a participant — участник

a team — команда
a coach — тренер
a referee — судья
an opponent — противник
a competitor — противник (конкурент)

9. Places

a sports ground – спортивная площадка
a stadium – стадион
at the court — на корте
a tennis court — теннисный корт
a golf course — поле для гольфа
a football field — футбольное поле
a pitch — поле
a gym — спортзал
an outdoor gym — открытый тренажерный зал
a sport center — спортивный центр

a locker (dressing) room — раздевалка

10. Соревнования

the competition — соревнование
the tournament – турнир
champion — чемпион
championship — чемпионат
be held — проводиться

11. Actions

to train – тренироваться
to work out — тренироваться
to hit the gym — усиленно тренироваться
to hit a ball — бить по мячу (рукой)
to kick a ball — бить по мячу ногой
to throw a ball — бросить мяч

to participate in / take part in — участвовать
to compete — соревноваться

to lose — проиграть
defeat — поражение

to win the competition – победить в соревнованиях
to win the cup – выиграть кубок
to win a gold (siver) medal — выиграть золотую (серебряную) медаль
to set a record — установить рекорд
victory — победа

draw — ничья
end in a draw — закончиться в ничью

score — счет
point — очко
goal — гол
score a goal — забить гол

Видео на тему спорта

This page of
sports vocabulary has been carefully created to help you prepare for your IELTS
exam. Sport is an important part in many of our lives and is a topic that
often comes up in the test.

Whether we play
a sport ourselves, are a fan who likes to watch sport either live or on TV, or
we have little interest in sport, we all have an opinion on it and the famous
athletes that regularly appear in the media.

Bungee jumping is an extreme sport.

Sport is a
subject that could come up in any part of your test, so learning some sports
vocabulary is certainly to be recommended. You might also want to talk about it
when answering questions about your hobbies, leisure activities or school days.

Here’s a quick
overview of some of the things you could be asked about:

  • Your interest in sport
  • Your experience of playing a sport
  • The popularly of sport in your
  • Sports facilities in your town or
  • Sport in schools
  • Sports celebrities as role models
  • Money and sport
  • The importance of international
    sporting events

To ensure that
you’re well prepared to answer any sport-related question, I’ve included four
things on this page:

  • IELTS-style questions on the topic
    of sport and fitness
  • Sample answers
  • A list of common sports
    vocabulary with definitions & sample sentences 
  • Links to online reading and
    listening resources

You’ll find PDF
downloads of both the questions and sample answers and the sports vocabulary
list at the bottom of the respective sections.

The questions relate to the Speaking
test because this part of the exam offers the broadest range of possible
questions on the topic of sport. They give the best opportunity for me to
demonstrate the vocabulary and for you to practise using it.

I’ve included IELTS-style questions
and answers for all three parts of the Speaking test. I’ve highlighted
keywords and phrases in bold.

You’ll find these words and phrases,
and many others, in the vocabulary list beneath. The list also includes
explanations and sample sentences and there’s an audio to listen to the

The sports vocabulary list contains
words and phrases relevant to all parts of the IELTS exam.

Finally, at the bottom of the page I’ve added links to topical articles, short videos and podcasts that will help
you to improve both your sports vocabulary and your reading and listening

You need special kit and equipment to take part in many sports.

IELTS-Style Speaking Test Questions & Answers

Common sports vocabulary is
highlighted in 

Part 1

1) Do you like sport?

a great sports fan. I sometimes watch on it TV but I prefer
actually taking part in sport.

2) What sports did you do at school?

Sport was my favourite thing at school. In the autumn and spring
terms I played hockey and during the summer months we
did athletics. I even enjoyed cross-country running which
most people hated.

3) How important is keeping fit to you?

Keeping fit is and very important part of my
life. In fact, my friends would say I’m a bit of a fitness fanatic.
It helps to keep me healthy and I also work out to be in good shape for
taking part in my sport of rowing.

4) What do you do to keep fit?

do several things to keep fit. I take weight training classes,
go joggingtrain on the water with my rowing crew
and walk my dog twice a day.

5) Is violence a problem at sporting events in your country?

used to be a serious problem with football fans getting
involved in fights both inside and outside stadiums but a lot
has been done to stop this happening. It’s much safer to go to matches now
and they have become family events again.

Walking is excellent exercise & really helps you to keep fit.

Part 2

a sports club you belong to or used to belong to.

should say:

  • what club it is
  • when you joined
  • why you joined

explain the benefits of belonging to your club.

I belong to Barnstaple Pilot Gig Club. It’s a rowing club
but we row a very special type of boat called a pilot gig. They’re traditional
wooden boats, about 30 foot long and with six rowers and a cox. In the old
days, these gigs would have been used to take a pilot out to sailing ships
coming into port and they were also used as lifeboats. Now gig 
rowing has
become a 
competitive sport which is gradually
growing in popularity.

I joined the club when it started back in 2010. I’d wanted to
row pilot gigs from the age of 12 when my family started taking holidays in the
Isles of Scilly where gig races between the islanders took place every Friday
evening in the summer. I loved going out on the passenger boats to watch and
cheer on the crews. As soon as I heard about a gig club starting in my own town
I jumped at the chance to join.

Back when I was young, I never imagined that one day I’d be
racing in the Pilot Gig World Championships in the Isles of
Scilly but I’ve done so with my club several times now. It’s an amazing
experience with over 140 boats taking part. …a bit different to all those years
ago when I used to watch just seven or eight boats racing while on my holidays.

Although we mostly row on the river, we also train on
the sea to prepare us for rowing in competitions.
We compete in regattas all year round but the main season is
from March to September.

Rowing is very strenuous exercise and you need a
high level of aerobic fitness as well as strength. We train
 both on the water and in the gym and I really
enjoy working out and training with the other
club members. We’re all close friends and often enjoy social activities
together. I’d go as far as to say that the club is my social life as well as
my sport.

I guess that sums up the main benefits of belonging to my club.
It contributes so much to both my physical and mental well-being that I can’t
imagine it not being a part of my life.

Pilot gig boats.

Part 3

1) Do you think people in your country exercise enough? If not,

In my opinion, the majority of adults in the UK definitely don’t
get enough exercise. You only have to look around at the
level of obesity to see that this is true. I’d go as far as to say that the
majority of people are very out of condition and never
do any strenuous exercise.

I really don’t understand why this is the case. There’s more
knowledge than ever before about the advantages to both physical and
mental health of keeping fit, and the negative effects of
not taking enough exercise are well-known.

Every town has a range of sports facilities including fitness
gyms and swimming pool for
people to use. Or they could just walk more or
maybe cycle to work. There really isn’t any excuse not
to take at least some exercise every day.

Many doctor’s surgeries even run their own fitness
 or will recommend some that you can join to help
you get in shape. I wish more people would take their fitness seriously
and take advantage of the opportunities to stay healthy.

2) Do you think competitive sport should be part of the school

Yes, I definitely think it’s important for children to take part
in competitive sports at school. In
recent years there’s been a trend of having non-competitive sports days
so that less sporty kids can take part without always being the loser. I
disagree with this.

I was good at sport and it was the only
thing I really achieve a high level of success in at school. This was extremely
important to me, so it works both ways. Life is competitive and
schools need to help children to cope with this.

I’m not saying that those children who hate sport and
always fail at it should put through this negative experience. Rather, I think
schools need to rethink how sport is taught. There is
such a huge range of sporting activities to choose from these days that I truly
believe there’s something every child can enjoy participating in. Schools need
to provide the opportunities.

3) What are the benefits of
international sports events?

I think there are several major
benefits of international sporting competitions. Firstly, it
helps to build relationships between people of different nationalities and
cultures. This is so important in our divided world. While the competitors may
be rivals during competitions, there is friendship when
the contest is over. You can see this and the respect
they have for each other when you watch big sporting events on TV.

Secondly, when top
international athletes compete together,
they motivate and inspire each other. This is why new world records
are often set
 at events such as the Olympics and many athletes achieve personal

Finally, international sporting
events encourage people to get involved in sport themselves,
especially the younger generation. The TV coverage of competitions for
disabled sportspeople in recent years has led to a massive increase in people
with disabilities taking up sports which
is life-changing for them.

An international athletics meeting.

Click this link to get a PDF download of these practise questions & sample answers.

Download PDF Now

Sports Vocabulary

* Important

  • Do not try and learn this
    list of sports vocabulary.
  • Identify the vocabulary you find
    useful for answering practise questions about this topic.
  • Record these in your vocabulary
    notebook and practise using them regularly.

I recommend
that you create your own answers to the Speaking questions on this page. You
will find many other IELTS-style practise questions by searching online. 

For help on how
to learn vocabulary, what to learn and how to record it, visit these pages:

How to Learn Vocabulary for IELTS

Top 6 Types of IELTS Vocabulary
& Topic Word Lists

Sports Vocabulary – Common Words & Phrases

Sports Vocabulary Set
1: Key definitions

– an
activity involving physical exertion and skill in which an individual or team
competes against another following rules

— Jamie
always struggled with his school work but was excellent at sports.

extreme sport
– a ​sport that is exciting but also ​dangerous such as skydiving

— Esther became interested in extreme sports when she tried bungee jump on a trip to New Zealand.

condition of being physically fit and healthy

— I’m trying to improve my fitness by walking to work each day.

Sports Vocabulary Pronunciation

Sports Vocabulary Set 2: Fitness

to keep fitto
keep the body in good physical condition by exercising regularly

— I do several things to keep fit but dancing is the one I enjoy the most.


to be obsessed with keeping fit

Dylan is a real fitness fanatic and
goes to the gym every day.

to exercise – to do an activity requiring physical effort, generally
in order to improve health and fitness

— I make sure that I exercise every single day even if it’s only taking the dog for a

that needs a lot of physical effort.

— I used to hate strenuous exercise until I took up
running to lose weight and now really enjoy it.

to get into
– to become

— Jae Hwa
was so determined to get into shape
that she started cycling to work.

to take up (a sport) – to start playing a sport.

— I have
always wanted to take up archery and
am going to join the new club that has just started in my area.

to warm up – to prepare for strenuous activity by doing gentle
exercise first

— We
always warm up before we start our workout session in the gym.

to cool down – to end
a session of strenuous activity with gentle exercises to allow the heart rate
to come down and the body return to a near resting state.

— It’s important to cool
after exercising hard as this helps to prevent injury.

to be out of conditionto
be not physical fit (unfit)

— My friend is so out
of condition
that she gets out of breath walking up the stairs.

– to work hard at physical exercise and skills in order to be fitter and better
at a sport

— I often don’t feel like training but I know I have to if I want to win more races.

to train hard to
train with a lot of effort and passion

— The team trained
before the match and beat the other team easily.

fitness programme
timetable of activities
to help someone improve their health and
physical condition

— Following a fitness programme
at my local gym helped me to stay motivated as I got back into shape after
having a baby.

aerobic fitness – having strong heart and lungs and being able to
carry out sustained exercise such as jogging, swimming or cycling

— In
order to be a competitive rower, you need a high level of aerobic fitness.

to work outto exercise, usually in a gym.

— Dhruv worked out at the gym three evenings a week.

a workout – a session of exercises, usually in a gym.

— Cressida found that a workout at the gym helped her de-stress
after a hard day at work.

to bulk up
to make your body bigger and heavier,
especially by gaining more muscle 

— He felt so much stronger since he started working out with
weights and his body was really beginning to bulk up.

boot camp
– a short, intensive, and rigorous course of training

— William couldn’t believe he’d agreed to go along to the boot camp with his friend. He didn’t
even like exercising.

Sports Vocabulary Pronunciation

Set 3: Sports facilities

sports facilities – places and buildings
used for sporting activities such as swimming pools and running tracks

— There are excellent sports facilities at my university
which is one reason I chose it.

stadium – a large
building, with tiers of seats for spectators,
where people watch sports events such as football matches or athletics

— The stadium was
buzzing with excitement as the two teams came out onto the pitch for the start
of the match.

fitness centre
– a place where people go to do physical exercise; usually has a gym, weights
equipment and rooms for exercise classes

— I can’t wait for the new fitness centre to open as they’re advertising some great exercise

sports centre
a building
where people can do a range of different sports

— We have a great sports centre in our town which offers
everything from martial arts training to indoor bowls.

gym – a large hall
or room with special equipment for doing physical exercises

— If it’s raining when I want to go running, I run on the
treadmill in the gym instead.

an athletics track – a sporting facility
with a
track for running and areas for other sports such high
jump, long jump and javelin throwing

— Each summer we have a big
competition for all the schools in our area down at the local athletics track.

pitch – a surface on which a particular
sport is played, such as a football pitch or baseball pitch, that is marked out
with lines

— Victor felt nervous as he waited with
his team to go out onto the pitch
for the first big match of the season.

court – a surface where you play sports
such as tennis, badminton and squash

— Shelley was playing an excellent
opponent who made her run from one side of the tennis court to the other throughout the match.

swimming pool – an area of water, often in a building, created for swimming in

— My mum took me to the swimming pool every Saturday morning
when I was a child.

changing room
– a room in a sports building or school where ​people can ​change ​their
​clothes before exercise

— The changing room
smelt awful with all the sweaty bodies in there after the football match.

locker room
– a changing room where people can leave their clothes in a small lockable

— Matilda put in a complaint as many of the lockers in the locker room were broken.

Sports Vocabulary Pronunciation

Set 4: People in sport

– a
person who is very good at sports or physical exercise, especially one who
competes in organised events

— Kofi trained hard for many years to become one of the top athletes in his country.

an expert who trains someone learning or
improving a skill

— The coach made them focus on their tackling
skills as this was a weakness in their game.

– similar to a coach but often relates more to the fitness side of training

— Janine has been concerned about working with the new trainer but her performance improved
considerably after just one month.

personal trainer – a coach or trainer who works with someone on a one-to-one

— If you find it hard to stay
motivated when working out on your own, I recommend hiring a personal trainer.

– someone who takes part in a sports competition

— There were nearly 100 competitors
in the cycle race, so Megan was delighted to come tenth.

a person who is in charge of a sports
game and who makes certain that the rules are followed

— It’s hard being a referee
as not everyone agrees with your decisions.

– a referee in sports such as tennis and cricket

— The umpire
ruled that the ball was out of court.

– the player whose job it is to stop the ball going into the goal in games such
as soccer and hockey

— Our goalkeeper
was the star of the match after saving two goals in the penalty shootout.

Sports Vocabulary Pronunciation

Set 5: Sporting achievements

a personal best  to get a better
score or achieve a faster time in your sport than you’ve ever done before

— Although Hicham didn’t win the 400m, he achieved a personal best of 45.38 seconds so was
delighted with his performance.

to set a record to achieve the best result in a particular

— I knew my jump was a good one but I couldn’t believe it
when I learnt I’d set a new long
jump record for my college.

to break a record to do something that
is better, faster, etc. than anything that has been done before

— The crowd in the stadium went wild when Usain Bolt broke the 200m record yet again.

prize – a reward that
you get for being successful in a sports competition

— Fahmi didn’t compete for the prize money but because she loved playing tennis.

Sports Vocabulary Pronunciation

Set 6: Sports & fitness

– the sport of competing in track and field events, including
running races and various competitions in jumping and throwing

Athletics sport:




pole vault

long jump

high jump


shot put

Sports Vocabulary Pronunciation

Ball sports:


American football








Racket sports:

Sports Vocabulary Pronunciation

Water sports:



water polo





jet skiing

water skiing


wind surfing


scuba diving

Sports Vocabulary Pronunciation

Winter sports:



ice skating

Other sports & fitness activities:



marathon (42.195 km)

cross-country running

triathlon — swim, cycle, run


mountain biking



weight training

aerobics – vigorous
exercise that strengthens the heart & lungs

gymnastics – exercises
on bars, beam, floor, rings & vaulting horse

fighting sports that make both your body and mind stronger such as karate





martial arts



table tenis



horse riding

horse racing

motor racing

motorcycle racing

Sports Vocabulary Pronunciation

Set 7: Other sports

equipment – the items necessary to work out
or do a sport

— My gym is going to install some
new equipment as some of it is old
and worn out.

– special clothing and equipment that you use when you take
part in a particular activity, especially a sport

— Mandy was furious when her son
decided to give up playing football just after she’d bought him some new kit.

membership – the state of belonging to a
group, a club or organisation

— Like many people, I take out a gym
membership every New Year but have
usually stopped going by February.

a home game a
sports match played in the teams own stadium

— I’m so glad my team has a home game this week as my car has
broken down.

an away game – a sports match played in the opposing
team’s stadium

— I don’t enjoy playing away games as much as home games as
fewer of our own supporters are there.

supporter – someone who 
admires a sports team and watches them play regularly

— I’ve been a Manchester United supporter all my life and watch live games wherever I can.

a fan – someone who 
admires a specific person, sport or a sports team

— I’m a huge rugby fan
and especially enjoy watching the international matches on TV.

a competition – an event or contest in which individual
people or teams take part in order to establish who is best

— The coach was pleased with the way
the new team was playing and entered them in the under 12’s competition.

contest – a competition,
often involving two people

— Tosin was very nervous before the contest as he was up against a very
good boxer from Cuba.

– a sports competition in which two people or teams compete against each other

— They were really disappointed to have lost the match after being ahead in the first

– a large and important competition

— She was overjoyed to be selected to run for her country in
the world championships.

– a
competition for teams or single players in which a series of games is played,
and the winners of each game play against each other until only one winner is left

— The
school team arrived home with a large trophy after winning the regional hockey tournament.

regatta – a sporting event involving boats

— Gregor has only been learning to sail for six months when
he took part in his first regatta.

Sports Vocabulary Pronunciation

versus/v – against, used to denote competing teams or players in a sports contest

— The final of the men’s tennis championship was Nadal versus Federer.

to compete – to take part in a competition or sports event

— Jolene was so excited about competing in her first professional golf competition.

competitive – involving competition; wanting very much to win or be more successful than other people

— Danny was very competitive and trained harder than anyone else in the effort to be the best hurdler at his county.

league – a group of sports teams who take part in competitions between each other over a period of time

— If they won the next game, they would end the season top of the league.

to score – to get a point or goal in a game or sport

— Baz scored in the last minute of the match and won the game for his team.

the score – how many points an individual or team has

— The final score was 3-1 to the home side so there was much celebration in the town that evening.

a draw – when two competitors or teams get the same score

— When the final whistle blew the score was 34-34 so the basketball match was a draw.

reserve – an ​extra ​player who is ​ready to ​play if ​needed

— Narong was pleased to be selected as a reserve but really hoped he’d have a chance to play.

to drop out – to not do something that you were going to do, or to stop doing something before you have finished

— She was leading the race until she pulled a muscle and had to drop out in the third lap.

to pull out – to withdraw before an event or competition

— The crew had to pull out of the regatta after they all fell ill with a stomach bug.

injury – when part of the body is damaged or hurt

— Lena was favourite to win the golf tournament until she picked up a shoulder injury.

season – a period of the year when a particular sport is played

— I love it when the cricket season comes round each year as it means that summer has finally arrived.

a season ticket – an entry ticket for all of a team’s home games during a specific season

— For my thirtieth birthday, my family bought me a season ticket to watch my favourite soccer team play.

amateur – a person who engages in a pursuit, especially a sport, on an unpaid basis

— Although he only played rugby in an amateur team, it was his dream to turn professional one day.

professional – a person is paid for playing a sport

— Professional racing drivers get paid vast sums of money.

Sports Vocabulary Pronunciation

Set 8: Sports

away the competition

to easily beat the opposing competitor or team

I thought it was going to be a challenging race but he blew away the competition.

and neck

when two
competitors are level with each other and have an equal chance of winning

— Coming down the
home straight, the two front-runners were neck
and neck
until Yoshi edged ahead as they reached the finish line.

front-runner the person or team considered most likely to win

— There were some
excellent gymnasts in the competition but Nadia was definitely the front-runner and the one to beat.

get second wind

experience renewed energy after a period of fatigue

— He began to struggle in the final stages of the
marathon but hearing the crowd cheer him on, he
got second wind and
finished in the top twenty.

underdog – a competitor thought to
have little chance of doing well or winning

— The
British skiing team were definitely the underdogs
in the competition so everyone was shocked when they got third place.

Sports Vocabulary Pronunciation

Click this link to get a PDF download of this list of sports vocabulary.

Download PDF Now

Other Useful Sports Vocabulary

Whilst this list of sports
vocabulary includes the most common sports, there are also others you might
know about or take part in. In your country, you may even have sports that are
unique to your culture. Add any that you are likely to want to
talk about to your list.

It’s also a good idea to create your
own list of sports vocabulary related to sporting or fitness activities you
currently do or have done in the past so that you are ready to talk about them
if asked.

Most sports and fitness activities have their own set of vocabulary – equipment, kit, specialist terms, etc. Include the
most important words.

You’ll also find more sports vocabulary and fitness words on the Health

Ways to Improve Your Sports Vocabulary

One of the best ways to improve your
vocabulary is through reading. Watching topic related YouTube videos and
listening to podcasts is also hugely beneficial.

Here are some online resources I


TED Talks are short videos with a
powerful message and are generally very interesting. They’re ideal for
improving your vocabulary and give valuable listening skills practise.

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Sport Words, Sport Vocabulary List

Sports are games that are played individually or as a team, based on competition, for fun and to spend productive time, according to predetermined rules. Sports are very important for the improvement of mental activity and physical conditions. Sport adds the following effects to life:

  • It contributes to the physical development of children.
  • It enables the acquisition of good habits for a healthy life.
  • It provides the benefit of posture habit and smooth movement.
  • It expands the imagination as people’s mental activities.

Knowing the names of sports in English is essential to understand their function. Today, there are many popular sports branches. The most preferred of these sports branches are:

  • Basketball, archery, tennis, volleyball, baseball, badminton, pilates, football, yoga, swimming, boxing, skiing, golf, bowling, hiking, surfing, ice hockey, etc.

1. wrestling

2. cycle

3. inline skates

4. out

5. surfing

6. jet skiing

7. high jump

8. row

9. unicyclist

10. squash

11. tennis

12. relay

13. golfer

14. cleats

15. gold medal

16. snowboarding

17. cricket

18. dive

19. goalie

20. bungee jumping

21. toboggan

22. gym

23. bat

24. mat

25. halftime

26. scoreboard

27. stadium

28. jai-alai

29. silver medal

30. hockey

31. racket

32. dart

33. field

34. pitcher

35. paddleball

36. bronze medal

37. sailing

38. walk

39. judo

40. rugby

41. tag

42. volley

43. competitor

44. infield

45. ice hockey

46. fishing

47. outfield

48. gymnast

49. puck

50. cycling

51. kneepads

52. sled

53. archer

54. skate

55. wind surfing

56. equestrian

57. throwing

58. nordic skiing

59. sport

60. bunt

61. unicycle

62. bobsleigh

63. gymnasium

64. doubleheader

65. ice rink

66. billiards

67. fielder

68. racquetball

69. home run

70. mitt

71. coach

72. bicycle

73. hoop

74. speed skating

75. horse racing

76. kayaker

77. helmet

78. skeleton

79. windsurfing

80. table tennis

81. batter

82. canoeing

83. water skier

84. weight lifting

85. ice skates

86. tetherball

87. sledder

88. kayaking

89. taekwondo

90. tie

91. offense

92. scull

93. javelin

94. sumo wrestling

95. ride

96. windsurfer

97. mallet

98. home plate

99. baseball

100. biking

101. rock climbing

102. goal

103. wrestler

104. jumping

105. lutz

106. world cup

107. triple jump

108. somersault

109. world series

110. bike

111. target

112. competition

113. paddling

114. quiver

115. deadlifting

116. fitness

117. infielder

118. wakeboarding

119. bow

120. dodgeball

121. catch

122. surfer

123. score

124. hardball

125. movement

126. base

127. kickball

128. swimming

129. diver

130. axel

131. pentathlon

132. swimmer

133. riding

134. ice skating

135. volleyball

136. runner

137. badminton

138. running

139. compete

140. bocce

141. tee

142. golf

143. home team

144. pool

145. croquet

146. wicket

147. paintball

148. kickboxing

149. synchronized swimming

150. exercise

151. skier

152. trampoline

153. jogger

154. polo

155. free throw

156. go

157. athletics

158. hurdle

159. champion

160. curling

161. skiing

162. snowshoeing

163. referee

164. win

165. track and field

166. karate

167. equipment

168. paddle

169. game

170. jump

171. boxer

172. boxing

173. quarter

174. jumper

175. lose

176. sledding

177. strike

178. mvp

179. aerobics

180. home

181. quarterback

182. loser

183. sportsmanship

184. hole-in-one

185. walking

186. ski

187. triple play

188. pole vault

189. vault

190. huddle

191. decathlon

192. pole

193. walker

194. pogo stick

195. snowboard

196. team

197. player

198. water skiing

199. arena

200. snowboarder

201. forward

202. basketball

203. racewalking

204. medal

205. run

206. long jump

207. frisbee

208. orienteering

209. playing

210. fielding

211. stick

212. boomerang

213. water polo

214. weightlifting

215. arrow

216. lacrosse

217. playoffs

218. fencing

219. crew

220. parasailing

221. lawn bowling

222. darts

223. rink

224. biathlon

225. gymnastics

226. league

227. throw

228. triathlon

229. parkour

230. championship

231. race

232. white water rafting

233. bicycling

234. kung fu

235. minor league

236. ultramarathoner

237. outfielder

238. competing

239. scuba diving

240. stroke

241. archery

242. play

243. batting

244. kite

245. scuba

246. sky diving

247. telemark skiing

248. ball

249. racer

250. skateboarding

251. luge

252. sculling

253. move

254. swim

255. catcher

256. guard

257. weights

258. kayak

259. jump rope

260. uniform

261. net

262. club

263. ollie

264. hang gliding

265. mouthguard

266. vaulter

267. defense

268. bowler

269. triathlete

270. baton

271. olympics

272. water ski

273. slalom

274. hammer throw

275. soccer

276. geocaching

277. dugout

278. rower

279. boules

280. no-hitter

281. major league

282. shot put

283. horseshoes

284. diamond

285. canoe

286. épée

287. weightlifter

288. snorkeling

289. diving

290. jog

291. heptathlon

292. football

293. skating rink

294. cross country

295. cyclist

296. rafting

297. inning

298. gear

299. dartboard

300. ping pong

301. roller skating

302. field hockey

303. roller skates

304. wetsuit

305. handball

306. winning

307. cue

308. pickleball

309. hitter

310. softball

311. martial arts

312. visiting team

313. figure skating

314. golfing

315. racing

316. ultramarathon

317. umpire

318. winner

319. discus

320. rowing

321. teammate

322. bowling

323. vaulting

324. athlete

325. shortstop

326. tug of war

327. volley ball

328. pitch

Are you Keen on Sport?

Many people are into sports and games. Let’s learn the words to speak about sports and games you and your friends go in for.

Level A2

Word List Sports and Games

Indoor Sports and Games

  • chess – шахи
  • draughts – шашки
  • darts – дартс
  • yoga – йога
  • treadmill workout – тренування на біговій доріжці
  • hula hooping / hula hoop fitness – хулахуп фітнес
  • table tennis – настільний теніс
  • trampolining – стрибки на батуті
  • dance / dancing – танці
  • aerobics – аеробіка
  • snooker / billiards – снукер / більярд
  • squash – сквош
  • fencing – фехтування
  • gymnastics – гімнастика
  • boxing – бокс
  • wrestling – боротьба
  • martial arts (kickboxing, Kung Fu, Jiu-Jitsu, Aikido, taekwondo, judo, karate) – бойові мистецтва

Outdoor Sports and Games

  • football / soccer – футбол / футбол
  • volleyball – волейбол
  • basketball – баскетбол
  • tennis – теніс
  • golf – гольф
  • cycling – велоспорт, їзда на велосипеді
  • horse riding – верхова їзда
  • skateboarding – катання на скейтборді
  • hockey – хокей
  • athletics – легка атлетика
  • long jump – стрибок у довжину
  • high jump – стрибок у висоту
  • running – біг
  • jogging – пробіжка
  • skating – катання на ковзанах
  • figure skating – фігурне катання
  • skiing – катання на лижах
  • rock climbing – скелелазіння, альпінізм
  • badminton – бадмінтон
  • baseball – бейсбол
  • cricket – крикет
  • archery – стрільба з лука
  • rugby – регбі
  • polo – поло
  • hiking – туризм, піші прогулянки

Water Sports

  • swimming – плавання
  • kayaking – каякинг
  • whitewater rafting – рафтинг
  • water polo – водне поло
  • surfing – серфінг
  • windsurfing – віндсерфінг
  • sailing – вітрильний спорт
  • diving – дайвінг, пірнання
  • scuba diving – підводне плавання
  • boat racing – перегони на човнах
  • fishing – риболовля
  • rowing – веслування
  • water skiing – катання на водних лижах
  • yachting – яхтинг, плавання на яхті
  • wakeboarding – вейкбординг
  • snorkeling – підводне плавання

Remember!Use the verbs:

GO – if you speak about spots ending in -ing: You go swimming. She goes running. They go skateboarding.

PLAY – if you speak about games: I can play chess. They play football. She plays draughts.

DO – if you speak about other sports: She does aerobics. He does karate. We do gymnastics.

Complete the sentences. Use the correct verb ‘play’, ‘go’, or ‘do’.

  1. My sister __________ fencing every weekend.
  2. My friends __________ basketball on Thursdays.
  3. I __________ swimming with my friends on Sundays.
  4. The boys __________ volleyball in summer.
  5. Mary __________ archery twice a week.
  6. John __________ judo at the school club.

Let’s speak about some sports and games.

Do you like playing volleyball and football? Speak about these games.


  1. Volleyball can be played inside or outside.
  2. There are six players in a volleyball team.
  3. You need to have a ball and a high net.
  4. You should hit the ball with your hand or arm.
  5. In volleyball you can’t catch or hold the ball.
  6. The volleyball winner is the first team to get 15 points.


  1. Football is an outdoor game.
  2. There are eleven players in a football team.
  3. The football player can only kick or roll the ball.
  4. The goalkeeper can touch the ball with his hands.
  5. In football the winner is the team with most goals at the end of the game.

What sports do you like?

There are individual and team sports, indoor and outdoor sports, water sports, winter sports and other kinds of sports. Which one would you choose?

If you are crazy about water sports, then you should try rowing, and if you like to work individually, you’d better choose cycling, tennis or skiing. But in case you are a team player, you should definitely play soccer, rugby or cricket.

And remember, it’s not the best players that win. It’s the best team that wins.

in case – на випадок, якщо
definitely – безумовно

Learn some more words Sports and Games

athletic events – спортивні заходи
Athletic events are sports like running or jumping. Athletic events are divided into two broad categories – track and field.

an event – змагання; подія
This was an event that changed the course of history. Olympic Games are a multisport event held every four years.

track-and-field – легка атлетика

  • What are field events? – The high jumps and long jumps are called field events. Field events are track-and-field contests such as throwing and jumping events.
  • What are track events? – Running races are called track events.

team – команда
I never miss a match played by my favourite team. We have formed a football team.  Let’s work together as a team.

player – гравець
The club were forced to sell their star player. He’s an amazing player to watch. It was a great achievement for such a young player.

win (won, won) – перемагати
Cheaters never win and winners never cheat. The man who has made up his mind to win will never say “impossible “. Our team won.

win a game – перемагати у грі
It’s always great to win. They won a tennis game. Who won the game?

winner – переможець
There’ll be a prize for the winner. Listeners have been invited to phone in to pick the winner.

inside – у приміщенні
There are many games that you can play inside. When the weather is rainy, we stay inside.

outside – на відкритому повітрі
I like outside activities. Spend much time outside because it’s good for your health.

hit (hit, hit) – вдаряти
hit the ball – вдаряти по м’ячу
You should hit the ball with your hand or arm. You need to hit the ball hard. He hit the ball with the bat.

catch (caught, caught) – спіймати, зловити
catch the ball – зловити м’яч
He caught the ball. You should catch the ball with both hands. She spun round to catch the ball.

hold (held, held) – тримати
hold the ball – тримати м’яч
His great skill is to be able to hold the ball.

goal – гол, ворота
That goal was a gift! He kicked the ball into an open goal. He scored the winning goal.

goalkeeper – голкіпер
What is the task of the goalkeeper? Their goalkeeper played brilliantly. He now plays as goalkeeper for Liverpool.

match – матч
I never miss a match played by my favourite team. He is crazy about watching football matches.

kick the ball – бити по м’ячу
Can football players kick the ball with their heads? Don’t kick the ball into the road.

roll – котити
The football player can only kick or roll the ball.

throw (threw, thrown) – кидати
Those who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones. They throw rubbish into rivers. We had a competition in throwing.

lose (lost, lost) – програвати; губити
lose a match – програти матч
Our team lost a match yesterday. Have they ever lost a match?

beat (beat, beaten) – бити
I always beat my cousin in tennis playing.

beat a record – побити рекорд
He beat a record in running.

champion – чемпіон
I hope I’ll be a champion in future. He is the boxing champion of the world.

championship – чемпіонат
Holland won the European Championship. The sportsmen train hard to take part in the championship.

competition – змагання
My friend often takes part in sports competitions. Have you ever taken part in competitions?

A sound mind in a sound body – В здоровому тілі здоровий дух.

athlete – спортсмен
There are a lot of good athletes in Ukraine. The best athletes take part in the Olympic Games.

coach – тренер
Our football coach trains the team. I want to be like our coach.

football field – футбольне поле
What is the best football field in Ukraine? Is there a football field in your town?

stadium – стадіон
Is there a stadium in your town? I like watching football matches at the stadium.

training – тренування
My friend has training every day. Training helps me to keep fit.

Sport Equipment

  • net – сітка
  • racket – ракетка
  • skis – лижі
  • ski poles – лижні палиці
  • goggles – захисні окуляри
  • bat – битка
  • goal – ворота
  • boat – човен
  • oar – весло
  • stick (hockey) – ключка
  • puck – шайба
  • club (golf) – ключка
  • cue (billiards, snooker) – кий
  • helmet – шолом
  • skates – ковзани
  • stop watch – секундомір
  • boxer gloves – боксерські рукавички

Sports and Games in My Life

  1. What sports do you like?
  2. What sports do you do?
  3. What sports are you good at?
  4. Which sports do you watch on TV?
  5. What is your favourite sport programme on TV?
  6. Who is your favourite sports star?
  7. What is your favourite team?
  8. Have you got a dream to be a champion in future?
  9. What do you know about the Olympic Games?

It’s Interesting to Know

The Olympic Games are an international sports competition which are held every four years in a different city.

Thousands of athletes from all over the world compete in individual and team sports.

Over one billion people watch the games on TV.

The first Olympic Games were held in Greece in 776 B.C

Today, there are summer and winter games.

The Olympic Games begin with the opening ceremony.

The Olympic flame is a symbol of spirit , knowledge and life. The fire comes from Olympia , a small town in Greece and many runners transport the flame in a torch relay to the site of the games.

The five rings on the Olympic flag are the symbol of the unity of five continents.

  • spirit – дух
  • relay – естафета

Sports. Список английских слов intermediate

Английские слова по теме «Sports» уровня intermediate помогут вам начать разговаривать на тему «Спорт», а также понимать несложные тексты на английском языке про спорт. Для начинающих рекомендуется сначала выучить слова по теме «Sports». Список №1 для начинающих.

  1. sport — спорт
  2. sports — 1. виды спорта  2. спортивный
  3. sports dress — спортивная куртка
  4. sports festival — спортивный праздник
  5. go in for sports — заниматься спортом
  6. become a professional … — стать профессиональным …
  7. shout for – болеть (за команду)
  8. support — поддерживать
  9. win against  – выиграть у …
  10. lose — проиграть
  11. win a gold (siver) medal — выиграть золотую (серебряную) медаль
  12. be awarded with — были награждены
  13. win the cup — выиграть кубок
  14. set a record — установить рекорд
  15. record holder — рекордсмен
  16. become a champion — стать чемпионом
  17. perform well at… — хорошо выступить на
  18. fail to become — не стать …
  19. compete — соревноваться
  20. participate in = take part in — участвовать
  21. participant — участник
  22. train / do training = work out — тренироваться
  23. regularly/ daily/ from time to time — регулярно / ежедневно/ время от времени
  24. miss trainings — пропускать тренировки
  25. take up — заняться (to take up swimming)
  26. give up — бросить ( to give up swimming)
  27. be fit — быть в хорошей физической форме
  28. keep fit — поддерживать хорошую форму
  29. tension – напряжение
  30. relax = get rid of tension — расслабиться
  31. injure — повредить ( что-л. )
  32. an injury  — травма
  33. audience — зрители
  34. team — команда
  35. national team – сборная
  36. coach — тренер
  37. referee — судья
  38. opponent — противник
  39. champion — чемпион
  40. championship — чемпионат
  41. tournament — турнир
  42. at the court —  на корте
  43. victory — победа
  44. defeat — поражение
  45. draw — ничья
  46. end in a draw — закончиться в ничью
  47. score — счет
  48. point — очко
  49. goal — гол
  50. score a goal — забить гол
  51. the Olympic Games — Олимпийские игры
  52. hold — вмещать
  53. be held — проводиться
  54. achieve — достигнуть
  55. result — результат
  56. competition results — результаты соревнований
  57. rules — правила
  58. двигаться — move
  59. движение — movement
  60. основные движения — basic movements
  61. бить — hit /blow/ punch
  62.  бить по мячу (рукой) — hit a ball
  63.  бить по мячу ногой — kick a ball
  64.  ударить по мячу ракеткой — strike a ball
  65.  бросить мяч — throw a ball
  66. прицеливаться (в) — aim at
  67. зал — (training) hall
  68. гимнастический зал — gym
  69. площадка для игры (в баскетбол, волейбол) —  court
  70. ринг — ring
  71. кольцо — ring
  72. душевая — shower
  73. раздевалка — locker (dressing) room
  74. табло — score board
  75. трибуны  — stands
  76. дистанция — distance
  77. партия, сет — set
  78. попытка — attempt
  79. режим питания — diet
  80. физическая подготовленность — fitness
  81. разминка — warm-up
  82. минутный перерыв — time out
  83. продолжительность -duration
  84. любитель — amateur
  85. новичок — beginner
  86. профессионал — professional
  87. опытный — experienced
  88. атака — attack
  89. бросок — throw
  90. попасть в корзину — throw into a basket
  91. передача, пас — pass
  92. промах — miss
  93. нокаут — knock-out
  94. нокдаун — knock-down
  95. подножка — trip
  96. обгонять — overtake
  97. качества спортсмена — athlete’s qualities
  98. спортивная злость – fighting spirit
  99. сила – strength
  100. воля к победе –  will to win
  101. реакция – reaction
  102. гибкость –  flexibility
  103. ловкость –  agility
  104. мужество – courage
  105. осанка – posture
  106. самодисциплина – self-discipline
  107. выносливость – endurance
  108. самообладание – composure
  109. presentation party — церемония награждения
  110. take much time — занимать много времени

Запомните: It takes me much time to master… — Мне требуется много времени, чтобы овладеть в совершенстве …

Sports. Задания по активизации лексики по теме «Спорт»

Задание 1. Answer the questions:

  1. Are you keen on sport?
  2. What sport do you go in for?
  3. How long have you been in this sport?
  4. Where do you train?
  5. Who is your coach?
  6. Do you take part in competitions?
  7. What sports do you like best of all?
  8. Are you a sport fan?
  9. What is your favourite team?
  10. What game is the most popular in our country?

Задание 2. Talk about a sports champion you admire.

Say how old he was when he took up the sport, what matches and competitions he took part in and what result he achieved. Do you know where he is working now?

Задание 3. Speak about the last football (hockey, etc.) match.

Say what teams played, where, who won the game, and what the score was. Say whether you like this kind of sport and whether you go in for it yourself or are only a fan.

Задание 4. Act out a dialogue with your friend. You have decide to go in for sports. You are talking to your classmate who is keen on football. Ask him

  • which sports he thinks would be better for you;
  • answer your classmates questions about your favourite sports and games and explain your preferences;
  • answer his questions about popular sports with your friends;
  • accept his invitation to join his sports club.

Задание 5.  Translate from English into Russian.

  1. I am keen on chess.
  2. Show me how to play volleyball.
  3. When did he take up sport?
  4. Who is the leader in your team?
  5. Who is leading?
  6. What is the score?
  7. There is still no score.
  8. What’s the final score?
  9. Who has scored?
  10. What was the result of the game?
  11. The score is 5: 3 (five to three) in favour of the (team).
  12. They won by a score of two to one.
  13. Who scored the first goal for our team?
  14. The score was 3 : 3; the game ended in a draw.
  15. Each player won five games: the chess tournament ended in a draw.
  16. Both opponents were very skilful, the competition was hard, and ended in a draw.
  17. A new stadium was built in our town last year.
  18. The stadium holds about ten thousand people.
  19. Now all the most important sports competitions will be held at the stadium.
  20. The stadium is always full.
  21. This athlete does not lose composure in critical situations.
  22. He is known for his will to win and self-discipline.

100 Sports Vocabulary Words List

100 Sports Vocabulary Words

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20 Sports Vocabulary Words with Pictures

A to Z Sports Related Vocabulary Words List

List of Sports Vocabulary

  1. Surfer
  2. Darts
  3. S Cont.
  4. Trampolining
  5. Waterski
  6. Rock Climbing
  7. Playoffs
  8. Wu Shu
  9. Throwing
  10. Snowboard
  11. Table Tennis
  12. Walking
  13. Playing
  14. Bunt
  15. Sculling
  16. Field
  17. Walk
  18. Pentathlon
  19. Player
  20. Boxer
  21. Swimmer
  22. Rafting
  23. Cross country
  24. Horseback Riding
  25. Catch
  26. Puck
  27. Scull
  28. Cheerleading
  29. Pool/Billiards
  30. Athletics
  31. Pickleball
  32. Archer
  33. Kendo
  34. Bow
  35. Speed Skating
  36. Runner
  37. Baton Twirling
  38. Rowing
  39. Ski
  40. Kite Surfing
  41. Racquetball
  42. Cycling
  43. Roller skates
  44. Pole vault
  45. Judo
  46. Win
  47. Bronze medal
  48. Game
  49. Score
  50. Surfing
  51. Volley ball
  52. Dodgeball
  53. Diver
  54. Shooting
  55. Biking
  56. Frisbee
  57. Sport
  58. Dart
  59. Fitness
  60. Competition
  61. Team
  62. Bowling
  63. Triple play
  64. Catcher
  65. Track and Field
  66. Bat
  67. Waterskier
  68. Parachuting
  69. Run
  70. Lacrosse
  71. Wicket
  72. Sledder
  73. Snowboarding
  74. Competitor
  75. Stroke
  76. Arnis
  77. Weights
  78. Competing
  79. Bocce
  80. Skate
  81. Sledding
  82. Tetherball
  83. Paragliding
  84. Stadium
  85. Baseball
  86. Canoeing
  87. Triple jump
  88. Swimming
  89. Scuba Diving
  90. Gear
  91. Somersault
  92. Relay
  93. Dugout
  94. Riding
  95. Ultramarathon
  96. World Series
  97. Referee
  98. Car Racing
  99. Curling
  100. Waterskiing

About The Author

Лексика по теме спорт на английском языке

Сегодня нами будет разобрана лексика по теме спорт на английском языке. Спорт достаточно прочно вошел в нашу жизнь. Мы занимаемся фитнесом, ходим в тренажерный зал, посещаем игры по волейболу и футболу и т.д. Практически каждый житель Земли смотрит спортивные новости и видео, и, конечно же, говорит о спорте. Специально для вас нами была сделана подборка актуальных конструкций на тему «Спорт». Выучив их, вы без преград сможете поддержать беседу на данную тему с англоговорящим собеседником. Все конструкции сгруппированы по начальным буквам русского алфавита.


  • Основная лексика по теме спорт на английском языке
  • Фразы, использующиеся в футболе и необходимые для болельщиков
    • Места, в которых занимаются спортом. Плакаты в общественных местах часто содержат данные конструкции.
    • Спортивная лексика, связанная с велосипедом
    • Оборудование, предназначенное для занятий спортом
    • Настольные игры
    • Высказывания, связанные с картами
    • Термины, связанные с шахматами
    • Термины, обозначающие спортивные мероприятия.

Основная лексика по теме спорт на английском языке

Виды спорта на английском Перевод
mountaineering альпинизм
climbing альпинизм; сказлолазание
American football американский футбол
aerobics аэробика
badminton бадминтон
basketball баскетбол
running бег
jogging бег трусцой
baseball бейсбол
martial arts боевые искусства
boxing бокс
wrestling борьба
ten-pin bowling боулинг
windsurfing виндсёрфинг
water polo водное поло
water skiing водные лыжи
volleyball волейбол
handball гандбол
gymnastics гимнастика
golf гольф
motor racing гонки
rowing гребля
canoeing гребля на байдарках и каноэ
judo дзюдо
darts дротики
cycling езда на велосипеде
bowls игра в шары
yoga йога
karate каратэ
go-karting картинг
inline skating или rollerblading катание на роликовых коньках
kick boxing кик-бокс
horse riding конный спорт
cricket крикет
lacrosse лакросс (игра с мячом и ракетками-клюшками)
athletics лёгкая атлетика
skiing лыжный спорт
table tennis настольный теннис
netball нетбол
hunting охота
hiking пешие прогулки на природе
swimming плавание
sailing плавание; мореходство
beach volleyball пляжный волейбол
scuba diving подводное плавание со скубой
weightlifting поднятие тяжестей
diving прыжки в воду; ныряние
pool пул (вид бильярдной игры)
rugby регби
fishing рыбалка
surfing сёрфинг
horse racing скачки; бега
squash сквош
skateboarding скейтбординг; катание на роликовой доске
snowboarding сноуборд
snooker снукер (вид бильярдной игры)
shooting стрельба
archery стрельба из лука
tennis теннис
ice skating фигурное катание
football футбол
walking ходьба
hockey хоккей
ice hockey хоккей на льду

Фразы, использующиеся в футболе и необходимые для болельщиков

Футбольная тематика Перевод
penalty spot 11-метровая отметка, с которой бьют пенальти
to take a penalty бить пенальти
to kick the ball бить по мячу
touchline боковая линия поля; фланг
supporter болельщик
to be sent off быть удалённым с поля
throw-in вброс мяча
goalpost или post ворота
goalkeeper вратарь
goal гол
to book дать желтую карточку
yellow card жёлтая карточка
to score a goal забить гол
header игра головой
player игрок
red card красная карточка
World Cup Кубок Мира
booking нарушение правил, за которое игрок получает жёлтую карточку
foul нарушение; фол
to head the ball отбить мяч головой
offside офсайд, положение вне игры
pass Пас
penalty пенальти; штрафной удар
to pass the ball передать мяч; пассовать
crossbar или bar Перекладина
tackle перехватывание мяча
net Сетка
half-way line средняя линия
referee Судья
linesman судья на линии
half-time тайм; половина игры
corner kick или corner угловой удар
to send off удалить с поля
shot удар
goal kick удар от ворот
to shoot ударить (мяч)
fan фанат
football club футбольный клуб
penalty area шрафная площадь
free kick штрафной удар

Места, в которых занимаются спортом. Плакаты в общественных местах часто содержат данные конструкции.

Конструкции Перевод
swimming pool бассейн
running track беговая дорожка
boxing ring боксёрский ринг
racetrack ипподром
ice rink каток
golf course площадка для игры в гольф
squash court площадка для игры в сквош
cricket ground площадка для крикета
tennis court теннисный корт
gym тренажёрный зал
stand трибуна
football pitch футбольное поле

Спортивная лексика, связанная с велосипедом

Термин Перевод лексической конструкции
bicycle pump велосипедный насос
to ride a bicycle или to ride a bike ездить на велосипеде
bell звонок
inner tube камера шины
wheel колесо
pedal педаль
gears переключатель скоростей
puncture проколотая шина
to have a puncture проколоть шину
puncture repair kit ремонтный набор для проколотой шины
handlebars руль велосипеда
saddle сидение
spokes спицы
brake тормоз
chain цепи
tyre шина

Оборудование, предназначенное для занятий спортом

Словарь Перевод
baseball bat бейсбольная бита
cricket bat бита для игры в крикет
football boots бутсы; обувь для игры в футбол
pool cue кий
golf club клюшка для игры в гольф
ice skates коньки
running shoes кроссовки; обувь для бега
skis лыжи
ball мяч
rugby ball мяч для игры в регби
boxing glove перчатки для бокса
badminton racquet ракетка для игры в бадминтон
squash racquet ракетка для игры в сквош
skateboard скейтборд; роликовая доска
tennis racquet теннисная ракетка
fishing rod удочка
football футбольный мяч
hockey stick хоккейная клюшка

Настольные игры

Конструкция Перевод
go го (логическая настольная игра)
dominoes домино
backgammon нарды
board game настольная игра
table football настольный футбол
chess шахматы
draughts шашки

Высказывания, связанные с картами

Конструкция Перевод
blackjack блекджек
bridge бридж
diamonds бубны
jack Валет
trick взятка
queen дама
joker джокер
card карта
hand карты (на руках)
pack of cards колода карт
king король
suit масть
spades пики
poker покер
to deal the cards сдавать карты
to cut the cards снимать колоду
to shuffle the cards тасовать карты
your turn! твой ход!
clubs трефы
ace туз
hearts черви

Термины, связанные с шахматами

Конструкция Перевод
to take или to capture забрать фигурку противника
knight конь
queen королева
king король
rook или castle ладья
stalemate пат
pawn пешка
to castle рокировать(ся)
to resign сдаваться
bishop слон
your move! твой ход!
move ход
to move ходить
good move! хороший ход!
check шах
checkmate шах и мат
chessboard шахматная доска
piece шахматная фигура

Термины, обозначающие спортивные мероприятия.

Они необходимы для понимания постеров, встречающихся в общественных местах.

Конструкция Перевод
hurdles барьеры; препятствия
marathon марафон
discus throw метание диска
javelin throw метание копья
hammer throw метание молота
high jump прыжок в высоту
long jump прыжок в длину
pole vault прыжок с шестом
100 metres сто метров
shot put толкание ядра
triple jump тройной прыжок
1500 metres тысяча пятьсот метров

Иные слова, связанные со спортивной тематикой

Конструкция Перевод выражений
to win выиграть
win выигрыш
game игра
to play играть
to play away играть «в гостях» или не на своём поле
to play at home играть на своем поле; «дома»
match матч
spectator наблюдатель
to watch наблюдать; смотреть
fixture назначенный день спортивных соревнований
draw ничья
Olympic Games олимпийские игры
victory победа
winner победитель
defeat поражение
loser проигравший
to lose проиграть
loss проигрыш
result результат
opponent соперник
competition состязание; соревнование
umpire судья
score счёт, количество очков
to draw сыграть вничью
league table табло

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Кроссворд на тему спорт

Возможно будет интересно закрепить свои лексические знания на тему спорта и попробовать разгадать специальный кроссворд, посвященный видам спорта, для этого просто перейдите по ссылке. Удачи!

Спорту посвящено много цитат. А афоризмы игроков встречаются повсеместно. Это связано с тем, что роль спорта с каждым годом возрастает в обществе. Благодаря нашей подборке лексики по актуальной теме спорт на английском языке вы не только сможете понимать спортивные новости, но и сможете общаться без преград на данную тематику, также эти фразы могут помочь при написании сочинения по теме спорт.

Советуем также изучить полезный материал про 1000 слов на английском, которые нужно знать, он обязательно пригодится при составлении своих текстов на английском языке.


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This page lists vocabulary used in talking about sport and sports in general, with example sentences and meanings. On other pages you can find vocabulary for specific sports.

For each term we give an example sentence in italics followed by the definition. Try to deduce the meaning from the context before looking at the definition.

The arena was full of excited spectators cheering on their team.
a level area for holding sports events, surrounded by seats for spectators

The Olympic Games were originally for amateur athletes only.
engaged in something, like playing sports, without payment; non-professional

Most professional athletes spend hours every day in training.
a person who trains for and competes in a sport

There are some very good runners on our athletics team.
‘track and field’ events of running, jumping, throwing, etc.

All the members of the winning team were awarded a gold medal.
to give someone something as a reward for high achievement

Italy beat France to win the 2006 FIFA World Cup.
to defeat someone in a game or a competition

The captain usually leads his or her team onto the field.
the leader of a team

A wicketkeeper in cricket must be very good at catching the ball.
to grab and hold something that has been thrown

The boxer Muhammad Ali was World Heavyweight Champion three times.
a top-rated, highly successful player

cheer on
The fans made a lot of noise cheering on their team.
to shout encouragement to a team or a player

Players should carry out their coach’s instructions during a game.
a person who trains and directs an athlete or a sports team

Over 10,000 athletes will compete in the Olympic Games.
to take part in a contest or a competition

The English Premiership League is one of the world’s top football competitions.
an organized event in which people compete to win

Each competitor in a golf tournament must record his or her own score.
a person who takes part in a competition or a sporting contest

Do you know who won this year’s figure skating contest?
a game or event in which people compete to win

The tennis courts at Wimbledon in London have a grass surface.
a quadrangular area on which ball games are played, such as tennis or basketball

A golf course usually has eighteen holes.
an area of land prepared for racing, golf, or other sports

After they won the final game, the winners were awarded the Championship Cup.
a cup-shaped trophy, awarded as a prize in a contest

Our players were very happy after they defeated their opponents in the final game.
to win a victory over opponents in a game or contest; to beat

The team attacked and scored two goals, then spent the rest of the game defending the lead.
to protect one’s goal rather than attempt to score against one’s opponents

The score was 1-0, but the losing team got a late goal and the game ended in a 1-1 draw.
to finish a contest or game with an even score; tie

The 100 metres run is one of the most exciting events in athletics.
a particular contest in a sporting programme

Sometimes the umpire of a tennis match has to tell noisy fans to be quiet.
a person who supports a particular sport, team or player

How many players are allowed on the field during a baseball game?
a piece of land marked out for a sports contest e.g. hockey field

final score
Today’s basketball game was very close. The final score was 84 to 82.
the score at the end of a game

I exercise at the gym every day for fitness and good health.
the condition of being physically fit and healthy

Jimmy got the ball, ran down the pitch, and then scored the best goal of the game.
an instance of scoring in a ball game by getting the ball into a target such as between goal-posts, through a hoop, or into a net.

gym / gymnasium
Our gym has a lot of new exercise equipment, including running machines and cycling machines.
a room or building equipped for physical exercise

The players went into the rooms at half-time and listened to their coach.
the interval between the first and second halves of a game

In sports like diving and gymnastics, judges score each performance in a contest.
a person who rates the quality of a sporting performance, usually by awarding points

Nearly every town in the U.S. has teams in a local baseball league.
a group of sports clubs that play each other over a period for a championship

It’s good for kids to spend some of their leisure time playing sports.
free time, or the use of free time for enjoyment

Her lob flew high into the air and dropped into the back of the court, just inside the baseline.
a shot that is hit in a high arc, usually over the opponent’s head

Liverpool sacked their manager after they lost eight of their previous ten games.
the person in charge of a sports team

Every athlete’s dream is to win a gold medal at the Olympic Games.
a piece of engraved metal given to signify an achievement or an honor

The object of the game of football is to score more goals than the opponents.
the thing you want to get or achieve; what you aim to do

Forwards have to learn how to avoid being caught in an offside position.
In an illegal position ahead of the ball (in football, rugby, hockey, etc.)

Roger Federer’s opponent in the Wimbledon final was Rafael Nadal.
the person one competes against in a contest or a game; rival

A defender tries to pass the ball to a forward in a good position to score.
to throw or kick the ball to another player on one’s own team

The penalty for abusing a referee is usually a one-match suspension.
a punishment imposed on a player or team for breaking the rules of a sport

All the athletes will do their best to perform well in the Olympic Games.
to carry out a practised activity, such a play a sport

Venus Williams put in one the best performances of her life to win the tournament.
an instance of competing in a sports event in public

Rugby players work hard in the gym to build up their physiques.
the form or shape of a person’s body

pitch (1)
The fans cheered as the players ran onto the pitch.
a playing field (British)

pitch (2)
Our pitcher threw one of the best pitches of his life to win the game.
a throw of the ball, esp. in baseball and softball

How many players are on the court during a doubles match in tennis?
a person who plays a sport

(U.S. spelling: practice)

Professional golfers spend hours every day practising their shots.
to repeatedly do something in order to develop one’s skill

Tiger Woods has been a professional golfer since he was 20 years old.
a person whose paid occupation is playing a sport

Do you know who holds the world record for the men’s 100 metres?
the best performance that has been officially measured and noted

The referee saw a foul, blew his whistle and awarded a free kick.
a sports official with authority to make rulings during a contest

In several sports there is an offside rule, and it’s often difficult to explain.
the laws or regulations that govern how a game or sport is played

Do you know how to keep score in badminton?
the number of points a competitor or team earns during a game

Serving the ball is one of the most important skills in sports like tennis.
to hit the ball to begin play (in tennis, table tennis, squash, volleyball, etc.)

In basketball, players try shoot from outside the 3-point line to score the extra points.
to kick, hit, or throw the ball in an attempt to score a goal (in soccer, hockey, basketball, etc.)

Ken has gone to a boxing camp to improve his boxing skills.
the ability to do something well

Spectators can add a lot to sporting events by creating an exciting atmosphere.
a person who watches an event

Good managers know how to teach their players sportsmanship.
an attitude of fairness, respect for opponents, and graciousness in winning or losing

plural: stadiums or stadia

The stadium was built for sports, but it’s sometimes used for concerts as well.
a sports arena with tiered seating for spectators

One of the jobs of the manager or coach is to develop a strategy for winning each game.
a plan to achieve an objective

Rugby players have to learn how to tackle an opponent strongly but fairly.
to challenge an opponent who has the ball

Players use tactics such as attacking their opponent’s weaknesses in order to win.
an action or strategy planned to achieve an objective

Our daughter’s basketball coach says she has a lot of natural talent for the game.
a natural aptitude or skill

The team wins because the players are always looking for their teammates.
a fellow member of a sports team

The best teams spend a lot of time on the training ground working on teamwork.
the combined action of a group of people

The score was very close throughout the game, and it ended in a tie with 89 points each.
a result in a game in which teams have the same final score; a draw

The four major tennis tournaments form what is known as the ‘Grand Slam’.
a series of contests between a number of competitors, who compete for an overall prize

Some players are a bit lazy and need a strict trainer to make them work hard.
a person who helps athletes develop their skills and fitness

The hockey team trains every Tuesday and Thursday after school.
to teach a skill over time through instruction; to practise a skill

The players carried the trophy over their heads as they ran around the stadium.
a decorative object awarded as a prize in a contest or a tournament

In a game of cricket, there are two umpires on the field during play.
a sports official with authority to make rulings during a contest

The players had worked very hard, and they deserved their victory.
the act of winning a game or contest

The referee blew his whistle twice to signal the end of the match.
a small instrument that makes a high-pitched noise when blown

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