Word like in latin

Israel, your prophets have been like foxes in the waste places.

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Quasi vulpes in desertis prophetae tui Israhel erant.

Mourn like a virgin dressed in sackcloth for the husband of her youth!

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Plange quasi virgo accincta sacco super virum pubertatis suae!

They had hair like women’s hair, and their teeth were like those of lions.

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Et habebant capillos sicut capillos mulierum et dentes earum sicut leonum erant.

And those words will consume like gangrene, of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus;

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Et sermo eorum ut cancer serpit ex quibus est Hymeneus et Philetus.

O Israel, thy prophets are like the foxes in the deserts.

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Quasi vulpes in desertis prophetae tui Israhel erant.

But they like men have transgressed the covenant:

there have they dealt treacherously against me.

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Ipsi autem sicut Adam transgressi sunt pactum ibi

praevaricati sunt in me.

Your competitors in this thing. i don’t like him too.

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Donec in competitoribus rem. i etiam non similis est ei.

A girl stood like a little rose:

her face was radiant and her mouth in bloom.

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Stetit puella tamquam rosula; facie splenduit, os eius fioruit.

I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

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Ascendam super altitudinem nubium ero similis Altissimo.

I just have basically, like I have got my mom back.

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EGO iustus have basically ut Ive’ got tergum meus mom.

Lament like a virgin girded with sackcloth for the husband of her youth.

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Plange quasi virgo accincta sacco super virum pubertatis suae.

Who brings princes to nothing; who makes the judges of the earth like meaningless.

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Qui dat secretorum scrutatores quasi non sint iudices terrae velut inane fecit.

In the end, it bites like a snake, and poisons like a viper.

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Sed in novissimo mordebit ut coluber et sicut regulus venena diffundet.

And you are just gonna live me like this?

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Et tu iustus amet vivo me like this?

He does not seem like he cares.

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Et non videatur sicut curat.

Flee, save your lives, and be like the heath in the wilderness.

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Fugite salvate animas vestras et eritis quasi myrice in deserto.

For fear of him, the guards shook, and became like dead men.

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Prae timore autem eius exterriti sunt custodes et facti sunt velut mortui.

I will bring them down Like lambs to the slaughter, Like rams with male goats.

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Deducam eos quasi agnos ad victimam quasi arietes cum hedis.

At the last it biteth like a serpent, and stingeth like an adder.

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Sed in novissimo mordebit ut coluber et sicut regulus venena diffundet.

Therefore I am to Ephraim like a moth, and to the house of Judah like rottenness.

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Et ego quasi tinea Ephraim et quasi putredo domui Iuda.

The officers answered, Never man spake like this man.

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Responderunt ministri numquam sic locutus est homo sicut hic homo.

Israel is swallowed up. Now they are among the nations like a worthless thing.

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Devoratus est Israhel nunc factus est in nationibus quasi vas inmundum.

How much more abominable and filthy is man, which drinketh iniquity like water?

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Quanto magis abominabilis et inutilis homo qui bibit quasi aquas iniquitatem?

This, your stature, is like a palm tree, your breasts like its fruit.

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Statura tua adsimilata est palmae et ubera tua botris.

Is same thing like in USA, you know.

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Is eandem simile in USA, tu scis.

Basically where I grew up is same thing like in New York city.

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Ubi creverunt basically est idem simile in urbe Roma.

Therefore my heart sounds like a harp for Moab, and my inward parts for Kir Heres.

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Super hoc venter meus ad Moab quasi cithara sonabit et viscera mea ad murum cocti lateris.

It happened like that to him; for the people trod on him in the gate, and he died.

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Evenit ergo ei sicut praedictum erat et conculcavit eum populus in porta et mortuus est.

Pass through your land like the Nile, daughter of Tarshish. There is no restraint any more.

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Transi terram tuam quasi flumen filia maris non est cingulum ultra tibi.

Therefore I am like a lion to them. Like a leopard, I will lurk by the path.

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Et ero eis quasi leaena sicut pardus in via Assyriorum.

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If you want to know how to say like in Latin, you will find the translation here. We hope this will help you to understand Latin better.

Here is the translation and the Latin word for like:


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«Like in Latin.» In Different Languages, https://www.indifferentlanguages.com/words/like/latin. Accessed 14 Apr 2023.



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What is the right word for the verb » to like»

I read the definitions on a website to mean «to like» and «to love» but those have some major differences , what would be the verb «to like» in latin?


  • Dec 25, 2018

  • #1

When I looked up the translation for «to like» in Latin I found «amāre» and «curāre».What about «placēre»?An example I would like to translate into classical Latin is:»I like learning Latin».

My attempt:
«Mihi placet latīnē discere»

Last edited: Dec 25, 2018

  • textor

    • Dec 25, 2018

    • #2

    amare means more «to love»
    «curare» — to care for; attend etc.
    «mihi X placet» is acceptable form to convey expression «I like X» «I like doing X»; you can also use expressions like me delectat; me iuvat; libenter aliquid facio
    linguam latinam discere mihi placet; doctrina ac litterae linguae latinae me delectat
    libenter latine disco


    Senior Member

    English — Mid-Southern US

    • Dec 27, 2018

    • #3

    Latine is an adverb, so it means «in Latin.» «Latin» as the object of discere could be linguam latinam as Textor notes, or just Latinum.

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