Word life celebrate life

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праздновать жизнь

радоваться жизни

отпраздновать жизнь

праздник жизни

воспевать жизнь

наслаждаться жизнью

прославляю жизнь

прославляем жизнь

отмечаем жизнь

I am always looking for reasons to celebrate life.

Today, we celebrate life that, despite everything… always has beautiful surprises full of happiness.

Сегодня мы должны праздновать жизнь которая, несмотря ни на что, всегда полна приятных сюрпризов и поводов для счастья.

I prefer to celebrate life, instead of mourning it.

Я предпочитаю радоваться жизни, вместо того, чтобы оплакивать её.

Because of them I can now celebrate life.

Even the smallest forms of body art, like a nose piercing, can be beautiful ways to celebrate life.

Даже самые маленькие формы искусства тела, такие как прокол носа, могут быть прекрасными способами отпраздновать жизнь.

Baguio reserves the fourth last week of November to celebrate life and local culture with ethnic songs, dance, costume and food.

Город Багио резервирует последнюю неделю ноября, чтобы отпраздновать жизнь и местную культуру этническими песнями, танцами, костюмами и едой.

In everything they do, Welshies celebrate life.

We are full of energy and we celebrate life.

Therefore, I seize every excuse to celebrate life.

These are songs that celebrate life.

We share in our success, commiserate on the tough days, and make time to laugh and celebrate life together.

Мы разделяем наш успех, сочувствуем в трудные минуты и находим время, чтобы смеяться и вместе радоваться жизни.

I love any reason to celebrate life.

They celebrate life with humour, love and passion.

Celebrate those who can no longer celebrate life.

Today, we often «celebrate life» rather than speak of the second story.

Сегодня мы охотнее «празднуем жизнь», чем говорим о «втором этаже».

I celebrated birthdays and anniversaries, because I celebrate life, concluded the star.

Я отмечаю не дни рождения, а годовщины, потому что я праздную жизнь», — заключила звезда.

I will take any opportunity to celebrate life.

Celebration is unconditional; I celebrate life.

Today we celebrate life with this beautiful couple.

И сегодня мы радуемся жизни вместе с этой красивой парой!

A place where traditional food and local habits still remain, where people dance and laugh to celebrate life.

Место, где традиционная еда и местные привычки по-прежнему занимают свое место, где люди танцуют и смеются, чтобы праздновать жизнь.

Ничего не найдено для этого значения.

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celebrate life — перевод на русский

Today, we celebrate life that, despite everything… always has beautiful surprises full of happiness.

Сегодня мы должны праздновать жизнь которая, несмотря ни на что, всегда полна приятных сюрпризов и поводов для счастья.

On that note, let’s celebrate the life of Ricky Schwartz.

Давайте праздновать жизнь Рикки Шварца.

I will celebrate life.

Я буду праздновать жизнь!

Tonight we’ll be celebrating the life and work of Sasha Arconi, who is gone too soon.

Сегодня мы будем праздновать жизнь и работу Саши Аркони, которая покинула нас слишком рано.

We are motherfucking celebrating life.

Мы тут празднуем жизнь, ебана.

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Facing death demands celebrating life.

Встреча со смертью заставляет радоваться жизни.

Leonard says, its the poignancy of life, and not only do we have to embrace its meaninglessness, and celebrate life because it has no meaning.

Как говорит Леонард, в этом вся пикантность жизни мы не только должны принимать её бессмысленность но и радоваться жизни, поскольку в ней нет смысла.

I prefer to celebrate life, instead of mourning it.

Я предпочитаю радоваться жизни, вместо того, чтобы оплакивать её.

Professor Whitman comes by here every morning and I need him to see me celebrating life.

Профессор Уитман сюда каждое утро приходит — хочу, чтобы он увидел, как я радуюсь жизни.

He chose to celebrate life.

Он радовался жизни.

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[man] Thank you for being here to celebrate the life of Colleen Jacob who was taken from us far too soon.

Спасибо всем вам, кто пришел почтить память Коллин Джейкоб, которую забрали от нас так рано.

♪ for those in peril ♪ on the sea We are assembled here today to share our grief And to celebrate the life of jack curtis reinhold.

Мы собрались здесь в этот день, чтобы разделить горе и почтить память Джека Кёртиса Рейнхолда.

We’re here today to celebrate the life of a wonderful man,

Мы собрались здесь сегодня почтить память прекрасного человека,

We are gathered here to celebrate the life of Daniel Vivian Cleaver.

Мы собрались здесь, чтобы почтить память Дэниела Вивиана Кливера.

We gather here today, to celebrate the life of Chloe Holloway.

Мы собрались сегодня, чтобы почтить память

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They would like to «celebrate life» and their feative spirit is renowned.

I wish to know the meaning of «celebrate life» in this sentence.
I think it means «perform activities for pleasure».

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asked Sep 24, 2016 at 12:31

learner's user avatar

«Celebrate life» is literally celebrating that they are alive. Your «preform activities for pleasure» is correct, but with the caveat that they are doing so mostly because they still can. For instance, a gamer playing for hours on his laptop isn’t usually «celebrating life.» Note the including of the word «festive» in this sentence helps imply that meaning, as it could be said that celebrating life often has to do with religion or celebrations.

answered Sep 24, 2016 at 13:11

Ethan Chapman's user avatar

To celebrate life means whatever you think life and celebrate mean.

So, if life means to you: living, working, breathing, or any other human activity relating to LIFE, and you enjoy that, you are celebrating (making a «party of») life.

He celebrated life by taking a walk on the beach.
They celebrate life by giving garden parties.
She celebrates life by smiling everyday.

answered Sep 24, 2016 at 13:31

Lambie's user avatar


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The above answers are pretty good. To «celebrate life» is to enjoy one’s life to the fullest as opposed to simply going through the movements. Exactly how this celebration manifests itself is different for everyone and each situation.

There is also a similar term, a «celebration of life» event or service. This is a gathering that takes the place of a funeral. In a celebration of life service, friends and family gather not to mourn the loss of the person, but to celebrate the positive effects the deceased had on their lives.

answered Feb 23, 2017 at 3:05

Stephen C's user avatar

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Предложения с «celebrate life»

Leonard says, its the poignancy of life, and not only do we have to embrace its meaninglessness, and celebrate life because it has no meaning.

Как говорит Леонард, в этом вся пикантность жизни мы не только должны принимать её бессмысленность но и радоваться жизни , поскольку в ней нет смысла.

Deaths celebrate life, a life so well lived that it needs to be written about.

Смерть прославляет жизнь , хорошо прожитую жизнь , достойную некролога.

It’s a way to memorialize a death and celebrate life at the same time.

Такой способ почтить смерть и в то же время отпраздновать жизнь .

Why on earth do we stop celebrating the ability to adapt and grow as we move through life?

Почему же, в конце концов, нас не радует способность адаптироваться и расти на жизненном пути?

His family had a peaceful place in which to both celebrate his life and mourn his death.

Его семья нашла здесь тихое место, где они могли и радоваться жизни сына, и оплакать его смерть.

We celebrate the life of Krypton, not her death.

Мы славим жизнь Криптона, а не его смерть.

It is the oldest and the most important Christian Festival, the celebration of the death and coming Jesus Christ to life again.

Это самый древний и самый важный христианский фестиваль, празднование смерти и последующего воскрешения Иисуса Христа.

Church holidays are days set aside by the church for celebrating various events from the life of Christ, the Virgin Mary, and the saints.

Церковные праздники — дни, которые установлены церковью для празднования разных событий из жизни Христа, Девы Марии и святых.

Last week the world mourned and celebrated the life of Vaclav Havel, whose philosophy of living in truth brought freedom to his people and brought hope everywhere.

На прошлой неделе мир оплакивал скончавшегося Вацлава Гавела и отмечал его прижизненные заслуги. Философия жизни по правде Вацлава Гавела принесла свободу народу его страны и дала надежду людям всего мира.

I thought it would be exciting to create photographs that celebrated the joy of everyday life, seeing the world as if through the eyes of a child.

Я подумал, что было бы здорово сделать серию фотографий, которые отражали бы радость повседневной жизни , чтобы люди могли взглянуть на мир глазами ребенка.

But anyway, this is — it’s food at the center of life, at the center of family life, being celebrated , being enjoyed, people taking time for it.

Но, это . это — еда в центре жизни , в центре семейной жизни , ее празднуют , ею наслаждаются, люди не жалеют на нее время.

I’d like to learn what was good and joyous about her to celebrate her life, not mourn it.

Я хочу узнать, что было в ней хорошего и счастливого чтобы отпраздновать ее жизнь , не скорбеть о ней.

And tomorrow will be the time to move on, to celebrate her righteous life and revel in Leah’s heavenly salvation.

А завтра настанет время двигаться дальше, отпраздновать её жизнь праведную, и радоваться её спасению на Небесах.

We are gathered here to celebrate the life of Daniel Vivian Cleaver.

Мы собрались здесь, чтобы почтить память Дэниела Вивиана Кливера.

But today we are celebrating life’s most treasured and wonderful gift… a second chance.

Но сегодня мы отмечаем самый ценный и удивительный подарок жизни … второй шанс.

We’re here to celebrate his life, right?

Мы здесь чтобы славить его жизнь , верно?

She’d want us to celebrate her life!

Она хотела бы, чтобы мы славили ее жизнь !

So I’d like everyone to stand up and celebrate the life of Jack Morrison.

И я прошу всех встать и прославить жизнь Джека Моррисона.

That was a celebration of life.

Это был праздник жизни .

Now, please, join us in celebrating Ricky’s life with a viewing of his artwork and a smorgasbord.

Сейчас, пожалуйста, присоединяйтесь к нашему воспеванию жизни Рики и просмотру его художественных работ, а также к шведскому столу.

Some things in life happen but once, and must be celebrated appropriately.

В жизни случаются такие вещи, которые случаются только однажды. И их нужно праздновать особым образом.

But rather, to let us use it as a way to heal, collectively, and celebrate my brother’s too, too short life on this mortal coil.

Но скорее для того, чтобы позволить нам использовать ее как способ совместного исцеления, и воспеть очень — очень короткую жизнь моего брата в этом бренном мире.

Grandpa said we’re supposed to celebrate his life and not be sad, so today we’re going to act out William’s perfect day.

Дедушка сказал. что мы должны отпраздновать его жизнь и не грустить, так что сегодня мы разыграем идеальный день Уильяма.

In lieu of words strung together to form sentences, I have prepared a slide show to celebrate the life of the bride and groom.

Как слова образуют предложения, так же и я приготовил слайд — шоу, чтобы отпраздновать жизнь жениха и невесты.

Oh, I’d say we should grab a drink and celebrate , but I know you don’t have room in your life for joy.

Я бы сказал, это стоит отпраздновать, но ведь удовольствию не место в твоей жизни .

This event… although it’s tragic in his loss of life… it’s also a celebration of life.

Это событие, трагическое из — за потери жизней это еще и торжество самой жизни .

in the spirit of Mother’s Day or Father’s Day, once a year, we set aside a day to celebrate all your contributions to my life, both actual and imagined by you.

в духе дня Матери и дня Отца Раз в год мы выделяем день, чтобы отметить посвященный твоему вкладу в мою жизнь включая и реальный, и выдуманный тобой.

As you know, the funeral is tomorrow, but we wanted to do something special today, and that’s celebrate norm’s life in a special memorial service.

Как вы знаете, похороны состоятся завтра но сегодня мы хотели устроить что — нибудь особенное и отметить жизнь Норма в мемориальной службе.

Relics which have touched upon the lives and bodies of our beloved saints, oratorios celebrating the life of our most blessed Saviour, hymns yet to be written.

Реликвии, которые были причастны к жизни и касались тел наших возлюбленных святых, оратории, восславляющие жизнь нашего, благославенного Спасителя, гимны, которые еще не написаны.

By celebrating them in life, it brings us closer to them in death.

Прославляя их в жизни , мы становимся ближе к ним в смерти.

Ladies and gentlemen, today we gather to celebrate one of life’s greatest moments.

Дамы и господа, сегодня мы собрались, чтобы отпраздновать один из величайших моментов в жизни .

We are gathered here today to give thanks and to celebrate one of life’s greatest moments.

Сегодня мы собрались, чтобы воздать благодарность и отпраздновать одно из самых прекрасных событий в жизни .

Break the spirit the deceased and continues to celebrate your life .

позволь уйти духу умершего и продолжай праздник своей жизни .

My friends, my family, they were all gathered… to celebrate the happiest event in my life.

Мои друзья, семья… все они собрались отпраздновать самое счастливое событие в моей жизни .

This man celebrated his precious life by eating junk food and giving himself a heart attack.

Этот человек прославлял свою драгоценную жизнь , поедая фастфуд и доведя себя до сердечного приступа.

Said he wanted a happy, uplifting service celebrating his life.

Говорил, что он хотел счастья, поднятия настроения празднованием его жизни .

yeah,well,i like to celebrate the little things in life.

Да, ну, мне нравится праздновать всякие мелочи в жизни .

Being with her was a warmth, a celebration of life, a chasing away of the ugly dark shadows that had been haunting him.

Быть вместе — означало вновь обрести утраченные нежность, радость жизни , навсегда забыть об уродливых, преследующих его призраках.

Being with her was a warmth, a celebration of life, a chasing away of the ugly dark shadows that had been haunting him.

Быть вместе — означало вновь обрести утраченные нежность, радость жизни , навсегда забыть об уродливых, преследующих его призраках.

Being with her was a warmth, a celebration of life, a chasing away of the ugly dark shadows that had been haunting him.

Быть вместе — означало вновь обрести утраченные нежность, радость жизни , навсегда забыть об уродливых, преследующих его призраках.

Being with her was a warmth, a celebration of life, a chasing away of the ugly dark shadows that had been haunting him.

Быть вместе — означало вновь обрести утраченные нежность, радость жизни , навсегда забыть об уродливых, преследующих его призраках.

Being with her was a warmth, a celebration of life, a chasing away of the ugly dark shadows that had been haunting him.

Быть вместе — означало вновь обрести утраченные нежность, радость жизни , навсегда забыть об уродливых, преследующих его призраках.

Being with her was a warmth, a celebration of life, a chasing away of the ugly dark shadows that had been haunting him.

Быть вместе — означало вновь обрести утраченные нежность, радость жизни , навсегда забыть об уродливых, преследующих его призраках.

But I knew him better than anyone in the world, and… his life deserves to be celebrated .

Но я знала его лучше, чем кто — либо в этом мире, и… его жизнь заслуживает чествования.

Thank you for celebrating the most ultimate triumph of my life.

Спасибо за то, что празднуете самый большой триумф в моей жизни .

We’re also here to celebrate her life.

Ещё мы здесь, чтобы вспомнить её жизненный путь.

Life is to be celebrated , particularly when good things happen to good people.

Жизнь должа быть праздничной , особенно, когда хорошие вещи случаются с хорошими людьми.

I haven’t exactly had big events in my life that were worthy of celebration .

У меня не было великих событий в моей жизни , которые можно было бы отметить.

I can’t think of a better way to celebrate his life than having everyone over for good food and good conversation, eh?

Что может быть лучше, чтобы почтить его память как не хорошая еда и приятная беседа, а?

His point was, if people are happy to celebrate married life, why shouldn’t they celebrate single life?

Он утверждал,что если люди празднуют вступление в брак, Почему они не могут отпраздновать холостяцкую жизнь ?

Her family celebrated her life with a humanist funeral.

Ее семья отпраздновала ее жизнь гуманистическими похоронами.

These acts celebrate the worship of kami, life, and death altogether in a complete cycle.

Эти акты празднуют поклонение ками, жизни и смерти в целом в полном цикле.

Three moments in Erasmus’ life are celebrated annually.

Три момента в жизни Эразма отмечаются ежегодно.

Despite this, his position near the cafe, combined with the fame he had been accorded during his life, made him one of the most visited and celebrated exhibits.

Несмотря на это, его положение рядом с кафе, в сочетании со славой, которую он получил при жизни , сделало его одним из самых посещаемых и знаменитых экспонатов.

Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover – to celebrate the British cultural figures of his life.

Обложка альбома группы pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club — в честь британских деятелей культуры его жизни .

Pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club Band album cover – to celebrate the British cultural figures of his life that he most admires.

Обложка альбома группы pepper’s Lonely Hearts Club – в честь британских деятелей культуры его жизни , которыми он больше всего восхищается.

Music is traditionally used for storytelling, celebrating life-cycle events, and occasions such as a harvest.

Музыка традиционно используется для рассказывания историй, празднования событий жизненного цикла и таких случаев, как урожай.

These trainings help Celebrants learn how to perform weddings, assist in end of life, conduct memorial services and celebrate other important life milestones.

Эти тренинги помогают празднующим научиться справлять свадьбы, помогать в конце жизни , проводить поминальные службы и отмечать другие важные жизненные вехи.

Any minister in the ULC can ordain new members. … The Universal Life Church has no specific holidays, though local congregations celebrate a wide variety of them.

Любой министр в язве может назначить новых членов. … У Вселенской Церкви жизни нет особых праздников , хотя местные Конгрегации отмечают их в большом разнообразии.

Breeching was an important rite of passage in the life of a boy, looked forward to with much excitement, and often celebrated with a small party.

Бричинг был важным обрядом посвящения в жизнь мальчика, которого ждали с большим волнением и часто отмечали с небольшой компанией.

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Joyous. Celebratory. These two words sum up a celebration of life ceremony. The focus is on remembering the deceased in a bright and cheery way. 

Jump ahead to these sections:

  • 5 Quick Tips for Writing a Celebration of Life Invitation
  • Celebration of Life Invitation Wording Examples

Celebrations of life are often held for people who have passed away after a long illness. Because death wasn’t unexpected, people are often in a better frame of mind to celebrate someone’s life. A celebration of life may also be held sometime after someone’s death so people have had more time to process it. 

It’s important to word your celebration of life invitation so that guests know what to expect. Here are some tips for writing celebration of life invitations and some examples of proper wording. 

Tip: Writing invitations for a celebration of life might be just one of the many tasks you’re undertaking for the first time after the loss of a loved one. If you need help prioritizing your responsibilities or working through the details, our post-loss checklist can help.  

5 Quick Tips for Writing a Celebration of Life Invitation

Here’s how to put together the best celebration of life invitation. 

Explain a celebration of life ceremony. A lot of people aren’t familiar with celebration of life services, so you want to make sure they understand what they’re getting into. Not everyone will be able to have the kind of energy that a celebration of life is all about.

It’s important to make sure people know what to expect. This way, they can make an informed decision about whether they can confront death in a more lighthearted way. You don’t have to write a thesis on it — just include a sentence or two about what to expect.

Detail important information. Celebration of life ceremony invitations should include some key information: The name of the deceased, the dates of their birth and death, the time and date of the service, and the location of the service.

If you’ve hit upon a theme while browsing celebration of life party ideas, you can include information pertinent to that, too. For example, if you’re having a potluck, you can include information on where people can sign up to bring dishes.

Use photos to help set the scene. Many funeral programs will feature a sedate portrait of the deceased on the front cover. You can differentiate from that more somber approach with an upbeat photo collage on your celebration of life invitation.

Include photographs of the deceased laughing and smiling from all phases of his or her life. This helps set an expectation for the mood of the ceremony.   

Include a brief bio of the deceased. Along with the photo collage, you can include a few sentences about the deceased. This could include the names of his or her children, hobbies, and positive attributes.

It shouldn’t be a long obituary. Just a sentence or two is the ideal length. You can always include a more in-depth bio in a service program at the actual ceremony.

Once you’ve figured out the wording of the invitation and customized it to your liking, you can print it on a blank invitation card like this.

Celebration of Life Invitation Wording Examples

Now that you know the type of information you need to include in your celebration of life invitation, you’re ready to write one. Here are some examples of celebration of life invitations for several different types of people. Feel free to use them as inspiration as you write your own.

For a mother or grandmother

Example one

Celebration of Life 
Lillie Ann Porter (July 14, 1932 – January 20, 2020)

February 8, 2020 
6 p.m. – 9 p.m.

Downtown Municipal Auditorium
5 Myrtle St.
Corona, NY 11368

Leave your sadness at the door and join us as we celebrate the life of Lillie Porter. Lillie was a beloved wife, mother, and grandmother. She was also a talented seamstress who made prom dresses and wedding gowns for over 50 years. We invite you to dress to the nines at a celebration of life for Lillie. Wear your finest apparel and join our family to toast this fabulous, strong woman. Beverages and light hors d’oeuvres will be served. Bring a photograph of Lillie and write a small note on the back for our memory wall.

Example two    

Celebration of Life Service
Maisie Cameron (May 4, 1981 – January 21, 2020)

February 15, 2020
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Spring Canyon Park
8421 Buckingham Street
Maineville, OH 45039

Maisie Cameron, beloved wife and mother, passed away after a long illness. We invite her friends and loved ones to join her family to celebrate her life. We’ll share our favorite stories about her and release butterflies in her honor. Per her request, please wear bright colors to contribute to the celebration. 

» MORE: Experiencing a death can be expensive. Raise money for meals, childcare, grief counseling, or any other death-related expense. Create your fundraiser now.

For a loving father or grandfather

Example three

Celebration of Life Ceremony
Steve Bennett (February 9, 1980 – January 19, 2020)

February 22, 2020
5 p.m. – 7 p.m.

7928 Orchard Dr.
Westfield, MA 01085

We extend an invitation to friends and family to join us at our home for a celebration of Steve’s life. We’ll be sharing our favorite stories about Steve in an effort to lift the girls’ spirits. Our intention is to show them that as long as we remember him, a piece of him will always be with us. Please come prepared with funny or uplifting stories about their father so they know it’s okay to smile through their tears. 

Example four

Celebration of Life
Michael Barclay (April 15, 1954 – January 22, 2020)

February 29, 2020
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Sullivan’s Pub
912 Hartford Lane
Bayonne, NJ 07002

Michael Barclay has passed away after a long battle with cancer. Per his wishes, his family is holding a celebration of life ceremony instead of a traditional funeral. We invite you to join his widow and children at his favorite pub, where we’ll raise a glass (or three) to the best man we know.  

For another adult without children or grandchildren

Example five

Celebration of Life Service
Sean Richards (March 4, 1990 – January 18, 2020)

February 8, 2020
6 p.m. – 8 p.m.

Magnolia Park
689 Lilac Avenue
Sumter, SC 29150 

Our son Sean passed away unexpectedly. While we are grieving him, we know the last thing he would want is for his loved ones to dress in black and cry. He was a fun-loving young man and the life of every party. To honor his memory, we’d like to invite friends and family to join us at his favorite park for drinks and a cookout. 

Example six

Celebration of Life Ceremony
Melissa Delgado (June 8, 1975 – January 23, 2020)

February 15, 2020
2 p.m. – 5 p.m.

8418 University Street
North Attleboro, MA 02760

Melissa Delgado has passed away after her lifelong struggle with cystic fibrosis. She is survived by her wife, Emma. Melissa prepared for her death and asked for a celebration of life instead of a funeral. Snacks and drinks will be served and a memory jar will be set up so that people can write about their favorite memories of her. We’ll also collect donations for the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation. 

» MORE: Give your community a way to show their love and support by starting a memorial fundraiser. Raise money for childcare, meal delivery, and other expenses in 5 minutes. Create your fundraiser now.

For a child who died

Example seven

Celebration of Life
Simon Flynn (August 9, 2013 – February 22, 2019)

February 22, 2020
1 p.m. – 3 p.m.

Circus Park
8604 West Thorne Ave.
West Roxbury, MA 02132

Last year, we lost our son Simon at the age of six. Though his life was short, he brought us so much joy and happiness in the years he was with us. On the anniversary of his death, we invite you to celebrate his life. Children are welcome to come — there is a playground at the park where they can play. We’ll have some of Simon’s favorite snacks on hand. At the end of the gathering, we’ll release balloons in his memory.   

Example eight

Celebration of Life Service
Lyra Wood (October 14, 2010 – January 20, 2020)

February 29, 2020
2 p.m. – 4 p.m.

Community Arts Center
458 Union Ct.
Tucson, AZ 85718

We invite you to join us as we celebrate the life of our daughter, Lyra. Lyra had many talents, but she was especially fond of art. We invite our friends and family members to join us at the Community Arts Center, where we will all paint pictures of things that bring us joy. Wear comfortable clothes in bright colors. We’ll also collect money to fund a scholarship in Lyra’s memory that will allow children from low-income families to access the arts. 

For a prominent community member or figure

Example nine

Celebration of Life Ceremony
Dr. Oliver Hughes (September 12, 1939 – January 17, 2020)

February 8, 2020
5 p.m. – 7 p.m. 

62 East Piper Lane
Harleysville, PA 19438

Dr. Oliver Hughes served the Harleysville community for over 50 years as a family physician. We invite his friends, colleagues, and patients to join his family at a celebration of life service. Nothing brought him more joy than treating the people in this community. His family will take great comfort in connecting with those he served. 

Example Ten

Celebration of Life
Cindy Roth (December 3, 1972 – January 21, 2020)

February 15, 2020
3 p.m. – 5 p.m.

451 College St.
Shepherdsville, KY 40165

The family of Cindy Roth would like to invite you to attend a celebration of life service in her honor. In her 25 years as a social worker, she connected with so many people in our community. Her life’s work was improving the lives of others. We invite you to brighten our lives in our time of grief by sharing your happiest memories of Cindy. 

Keep It Personal

A celebration of life ceremony is different from any other end-of-life service — and invitations for this type of event should be different, too. They do need to contain certain information but can be a lot less formal than funeral or memorial service invitations.

They set the tone for the ceremony. Keep them light and personalized to help get attendees in the right frame of mind. 

If you’re looking for more planning advice, read our guides on the best celebration of life party favors.

Post-planning tip: If you are the executor for a deceased loved one, you have more than just the celebration of life to think about. Handling their unfinished business can be overwhelming without a way to organize your process. We have a post-loss checklist that will help you ensure that your loved one’s family, estate, and other affairs are taken care of.

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