Word learning part 5

Meet Leon, Pixy and Sky! As a part of our support for teachers of Pre A1 Starters, A2 Movers and A2 Flyers, we are continuing our series of exam vocabulary worksheets. The worksheets introduce children to unique characters designed by children from around the world with fun exercises to help them prepare for their exams.

In my last blog post, we introduced you to Nedda, Bolt and Clunk in part 4 of the series. This week, for the final part 5 of the series, we introduce Leon, Pixy and Sky, designed by children in Brazil, Russia and Portugal. You can download these worksheets and find more resources on WorldOfFun.cambridge.org.

Below are some ideas for introducing the worksheets with classes:

Meet Leon – Pre A1 Starters

Pretend to look through a magnifying glass (or even better, look through a real magnifying glass!). Look through it at your other hand and say I’m looking at my hand. Wave your hand and say: Wow! My hand is waving at me! Repeat, this time asking What am I looking at? What’s my hand doing? Do the same with your feet and mime kicking a ball.

Pairs of learners then ‘look’ through their magnifying glass at themselves and each other and mime actions with their eyes (looking), their ears (listening) and their mouths (speaking, singing).

Share the Leon worksheet with learners by giving out photocopies of pages 1-3 or sending it to their tablet or computer.

Introduce Leon. He likes looking at and doing things. Learners write the things he likes doing in the table in exercise 1.

Learners can add one more thing for Leon in one or more of the boxes in the table. You can help by showing them flashcards or miming actions. (Suggestions: ears: listening to the radio in English, listening to the sea; hands: drawing and colouring pictures; eyes: watching TV; feet: walking, running, jumping.) Download the Pre-A1 Starters flashcards.

Next, show the picture in exercise 2 of the family in the living room for 10 seconds, and learners say things that they saw in the picture. Then, they read the sentences and write yes or no. You can get all learners, or more confident learners, to correct the ‘no’ sentences (2 There are two fish swimming in the water.; 4 The man’s hand is on the mouse.; 5 The woman is reading a story in her book.)

When checking answers for exercise 3, look through your magnifying glass at the learner who is saying the answer.

Meet Pixy – A1 Movers

Ask learners to stand up and mime doing different actions. If you have space, they can move around. If not, they stay in the same place and mime.

Say: Today, we’re moving! Are you ready?

We’re on our bikes. We’re riding. Wait! Stop.

Now, we’re putting on our roller skates. We’re roller skating! Left foot, right foot, Stop!

We’re playing baseball now. We’re holding our baseball bats. Ready? Hit the baseball!

You could continue with a tennis racket, a badminton racket and a hockey stick.

Share the Pixy worksheet with learners by giving out photocopies of pages 1-3 or sending it to their tablet or computer.

Point to the pictures on page 1 and ask learners What’s Pixy doing? and they say words that they think they will read in the texts next to the pictures. Do the example (skateboard), then learners write words to complete the texts. If you have time, learners could write a text about roller skating or basketball.

Have fun doing Kangaroo bounces and Starfish jumps. Re-use these actions in other classes when your learners are sleepy or restless. They could also ‘invent’ other animal exercises.

Meet Sky – A2 Flyers

Write a big S on the board and while you are drawing it, say sssssssssssssssss (a very long s). Practise saying this letter with learners. Add a big P after the S on the board and say sp. Learners repeat.

Say words starting with ‘sp’: spell, speak, special, spoon.

Now, write a big SK on the board and practise that sound: skip, skirt, skateboard.

Share the Sky worksheet with learners by giving out photocopies of pages 1-3 or sending it to their tablet or computer. Learners write sk or sp on the lines in exercise 1.

Challenge learners to say: Sky skated, skied and skipped. That spider’s special!

Say: Sky moves quickly and quietly! Last weekend, Sky waved at the sheep in the field. Point to the sheep picture and to this sentence in exercise 2. Learners draw lines using different colours to make 3 more sentences about the things Sky did. When checking answers, learners could mime the actions.

FOLLOW UP IDEAS: Learners can write their own character cards like the ones for Leon, Pixy and Sky, using a photo or drawing of themselves. Or, they could draw a new character and complete the card.

Download the worksheets by clicking on each of the images above. Otherwise, you can download them here:

Leon – Pre A1 Starters

Pixy – A1 Movers

Sky – A2 Flyers

For more ideas on preparing young learners for exams, catch up with our experts in our Catch Up FUN series.

For more resources for preparing young learners for Pre A1 Starters, A1 Movers and A2 Flyers visit World of Fun.


Expert solutions

What do Smith and Yu (2008) find in their study?

Click the card to flip 👆

1 / 2

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Terms in this set (2)

What do Smith and Yu (2008) find in their study?

Smith and Yu find that children at both ages, 12 and 14 month olds, look longer at the target word.

How do infants learn across situations?

After the first utterance alone, you cannot be sure. Based on «Cross situational learning» after more than one utterance, you are more sure. This learning is based on the idea that you remember all possible candidates when you hear a word.

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Угадай буквы

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10. Word building

Use the word on the right to make a new
word which fits in the sentence.


He was born blind; but he has
always treated this so called ___disability____
as a challenge.



I’m ___________ in favour of
the plan, but there are still one or two points that I’m not entirely happy



Andrea does lovely paintings,
photographs and drawings. She’s just very ___________.



I think it’s very ___________
of the supervisor to expect us to work overtime every night this week.



There is a saying in English; ‘___________
speak louder than words.’



That rule is not ___________
in this case.



Look at Chinese, Russian or
Arabic. I think English is a ___________ easy language to learn.



On no account repeat to anyone
else what you have heard in this meeting. Treat it all as strictly ___________.



I don’t think their marriage
will last long. They’re ___________ quarrelling.



You are now in our hands, Mr
Bond. Do exactly as you are told-___________ is punishable by instant



The lives of people in every
country  in the world are being
affected by economic ___________.



He was extremely ___________. I
had to do everything myself.



He won silver in the discus at
the Olympic Games but was ___________ after a drugs test.



Industrial robots work with
far greater ___________ than any human.



You make these trivial
incidents sound so ___________.



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Every day people use thousand words in their speech and they don`t pay attention to the grammar category of the words. Meantime speakers use different parts of speech to make their sentences more expressive and clear: nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns, prepositions, conjunctions, interjections. When we study English we have to study all the parts of speech too. When you learn a foreign language it is very important to constantly replenish your vocabulary – to remember new words in English. However, not everyone is able to do it successfully. Learning a language is impossible without memorizing new words. It is also an inevitable thing when we are busy preparing to take an exam in English. So far as we are often pressed for time we need to learn a lot of words in a short time. We decided to find out what are the most effective methods to learn a new vocabulary. This fact determines the relevance of the question.

The object of the exploration is learning foreign words.

The subject of the work is a set of methods of learning new words.

The aim of the research is to find out the most effective way to memorize English words.

The following tasks were set:

1. to study the concept of memory;

2. to study the usual ways to learn words by heart;

3. to reveal the most popular way of learning with the students from the school №7;

4. to reveal a University teacher`s opinion ;

5. to present a video “ 5 ways to learn English words” .

Hypothesis: we assume that there is one method, which let us to study effectively.

Methods of the research work: theoretical analysis, surveys, observation.

The theoretical significance consists in generalization of the material on this topic.

The practical significance: the results can be used in English lessons and learning English in general.

Chapter I. Learning words as a mental process

I.1 Characteristics of Memory

Memory is an integrated mental reflection of the past human interaction with reality, the information fund of his life. The main property of the brain is the ability to store information and selectively update it, use it to regulate behavior. It provides the interaction of the individual with the environment. Memory integrates life experience, provides continuous development of human culture and individual life. On the basis of memory a person is guided in the present and anticipates the future [7, c.146].

Depending on the characteristics of the memorized material, there are special ways of its codification, archiving and extraction. The spatial organization of the environment is encoded in the form of schematic formations of semantic reference points that characterize our physical and social environment.

Consistently advancing phenomena are imprinted in the linear structures of memory. Formally organized structures are imprinted by associative mechanisms of memory, providing grouping of phenomena and objects on certain grounds. All meanings are categorized and refer to different groups of concepts that are in hierarchical interdependence [7, c.435].

The possibility of a rapid updating, extraction depends on the organization of the material in the memory. The information is reproduced in the context in which it was originally formed.

Many people complain of a bad memory, but they do not complain of a bad mind. Meanwhile, the mind, the ability to make relationships is the basic things of the memory.

Extraction of the learnt material from memory to use it, remembering, and recollection is called actualization. The necessary material we are looking for in the memory in the same way as the necessary thing in the pantry: the items in the neighborhood. Figuratively speaking, in the Fund of our memory everything is hung «on the hooks» of associations. The secret of a good memory is in establishing strong associations. That is why people remember best what is associated with their everyday concerns, professional interests. Encyclopedic erudition in one area of life can be combined with ignorance in other areas. Some facts are held up in our minds by the power of other well-known facts. Mechanical cramming is the most ineffective way of memorizing [14].

I.2 Usual ways to learn words by heart

There are several traditional methods of memorizing new words and expressions. Some of them are often used by students, but the most part of these methods are forgotten. We chose five of them.

Yartsev Method. This way is perfect for pupils who are visuals and can easily remember images. They write down new words in small notebooks with the translations. They add examples, synonyms, and antonyms opposite each word. It is necessary to read them regularly and add other new words but not to try to cram.

Cards. This method is popular enough. It is very effective at the beginning of the study. Small cards are used. They have an English word on one side and its translation on the other side. A student should read them time after time.

Half a page. It look likes a dictionary. The main drawback of the method is considered to be the memorization of a certain order, which is very difficult to unlearn.

Interior. They put stickers with foreign names on each piece of furniture. Names will always be in front of the eyes, it will be easier to remember. The only drawback is that over time the brain will learn to ignore stickers.

Chain. They make a little story from the words that they want to learn. It enables to remember not a few words, but sentences. Most teachers prefer to use these methods because creativity can turn it into an exciting, interesting activity that helps to learn faster [9].

Conclusions to chapter I

We studied the material on this topic. So we can make a conclusion that the human memory is a complex thing. It also has got a great possibility to be developed. A person can achieve wonderful results if he trains hard memory.

A lot of traditional methods of learning a new vocabulary exist. We considered some of them.

At the next stage of our work we will reveal the most popular ways of memorizing new words with the students from school №7. We will try different unusual methods and choose the most effective ones.

Chapter II. Unusual methods to learn English words

In the practical part of the researching work we followed the plan:

Consideration of methods used by students from school №7 to memorize the vocabulary.

Interview a University teacher.

Experience of trying unusual methods.

Making the video «5 ways to learn English words».

II.1 Methods used by students from school №7 to memorize the vocabulary

The next stage of our work was to carry out a survey among the students of the 9th form in order to determine their favorite methods of learning words. We proposed five traditional methods: Yartsev method, cards, half a page method, interior and the method with a chain. They had to memorize 20 words during a day. We worked with 100 students. It was revealed that the most of the pupils are visuals. That`s why they prefer using cards and half a page methods. It makes 30 % and 45% correspondingly. Yartsev method has got 11%. 9 % of respondents chose the way using a chain and 5% tried the interior method. The result of the survey is presented in a diagram. (Appendix 1).

II.2 The University teacher`s recommendations

On the 4th of November we interviewed Gusel Salavatovna Sadrieva who works as a university lecturer at Department of Translation and Cross-cultural Issues, M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University. We asked her about the importance of learning new words among students of the Department of Translation and Cross-cultural Issues. She explained us that being an English teacher at university and dealing with freshmen and sophomores, whose majors are Linguistics and English, and the program itself was dedicated to translation and translation science, it was safe to say that expanding vocabulary and even its upgrading was the essential idea in foreign language studying. She added that there were a lot ways and methods both for students and teachers. Gusel Salavatovna tries to combine them in order to get a result. She named the most popular among them:

Using different flashcards (digital via different gadgets);

Learning new vocabulary in context (the second, the third, etc. … foreign languages are learnt in the same way);

Studying word parts in order to be ready to form a new word or even to predict the main idea of the unfamiliar word for you when it is necessary;

Working on mnemonics to keep in mind a huge amount of words;

Making your brain work hard all time solving different puzzles or logical tasks;

Keeping a dictionary (it’s a great thing for school students and even for freshmen to review the vocabulary before writing tests or passing credits);

Using the vocabulary in practice.

At the end of the interview she said that only practice makes perfect. (Appendix 2).

II.3 Practical relevance of the methods

At this stage of the work we presented our own experience of memorizing new vocabulary. We started with watching movies. We decided to do it because it is more fun than studying with a textbook. We realized that books are good for grammar and watching British and American films gives a chance to listen to native speakers. There are a lot of interesting dialogues in films. They provide examples of words changing in speech [21].

We consulted some sites and chose three films: an animated cartoon “Toy Story”, “The King`s speech”, “The Theory of everything”. After watching them we concluded that animated cartoons are the best things for beginners as they are for children and the vocabulary isn`t difficult. The second one is good to improve our pronunciation, because they speak correctly during the film. The characters of the third film have clear British accents as the story takes place at Cambridge University. (Appendix 3 ).

We also took a part in the international scientific and practical seminar, which was set at the linguistic school on the 3rd of November. There were several teachers from M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University and a young teacher from the USA, Sean Hall. He told us about online language learning (OLL). We learnt a lot of useful information from his speech. He named some sites which can also be used to improve our skills: italki, duolingo. (Appendix 4).

Italki is the most preferred platform for learning foreign languages, bringing together students and teachers from all over the world, where you can take individual lessons. It gives a great possibility to talk to native speakers.

Duolingo is for Basic English. (Appendix 5 ).

II.4 The video «5 ways to learn English words»

As the result of the researching work we have made a video. It contains some advice for students who are interested in expanding their vocabulary and improving their language skills.

Conclusions to chapter II

After completing the practical part of the work we can make a conclusion that there is a great number of methods of learning words.

After analyzing the results of the survey, we came to the conclusion that most students have a predominant visual memory and use traditional «cramming» to memorize English words. Only some students replied that when memorizing new words they use the method of «stickers», play games with their parents and learn words in a playful way.


The aim of our research was to identify and suggest the most effective methods of memorizing English words for students.

In the theoretical part we got acquainted with the literature on the subject and found out that the human memory is a complex thing. It also has got a great possibility to be developed. A person can achieve wonderful results if he trains hard memory.

In the practical part of our work we conducted a survey among the students and got a result which proved that the most of the pupils were visuals. They learn words using traditional methods.

We talked to Gusel Salavatovna Sadrieva who works as a university lecturer at Department of Translation and Cross-cultural Issues, M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University. She gave us some recommendations based upon her experience.

We practiced some unusual ways of learning new words and it was a great pleasure. We liked watching movies in original most of all.

After the study, our hypothesis was not fully confirmed: there are really a large number of interesting and effective methods of learning English words, but everyone should choose the ones that suit him, given the type of his memory. Moreover, you should to repeat and revise the words systematically to fix them in memory. Whichever method you choose, success will depend only on your desire and perseverance. The best way to learn English words correctly is to learn them with pleasure!


1. Ефремова Т.Е. Новый словарь русского языка. –М.: Рипол Классик, 2005.– 400 с.

2. Конышева А. В. Современные методы обучения английскому языку; ТетраСистемс — Москва, 2011. — 304 c.

3.Кулиш В. Г. Способы запоминания английских слов.– Д.: Сталкер, 2003.-304с

4.Маркова С.Д. 25 способов запоминания иностранных слов // Современные научные исследования и инновации. 2015. №11

5.Новый англо-русский словарь.- М.: Русский язык, 1999 г.

6.Популярный словарь иностранных слов – М.: Рипол Классик, 2002. – 800 с.

7. Рубинштейн С.Л. Основы общей психологии. С.-П.,2002.-720 с.

8.Longman Active Study Dictionary 3rd Edition. Pearson Longman, 2002.
















Actualization-making real or giving the appearance of reality.

Codification anarrangement of laws, principles, facts etc in a system.

Cramto prepare yourself for an examination by learning a lot of information quickly.

Extraction- the process of removing or obtaining something from something else.

Freshmana student in the first year of high school or university.

Interaction —a process by which two or more things affect each other.

Hierarchical — if a system, organization etc is hierarchical, people or things are divided into levels of importance.

Memory 1. The mental faculty of retaining and recalling past experience.

2. The act or an instance of remembering; recollection.

3. All that a person can remember.

4. Something that is remembered.

5. The fact of being remembered; remembrance.

6. The period of time covered by the remembrance or recollection of a person or group of persons.

Reflection — 1. An image that you can see in a mirror, glass, or water. 

2. Careful thought, or an idea or opinion based on this. 

3.  Something that shows what something else is like or that is a sign of a particular situation.

Sophomore a student who is in their second year of study at a college or high school.

Appendix 1

Methods used by students from school №7 to memorize the vocabulary

Appendix 2

A University teacher`s recommendations

Being an English teacher at university and dealing with freshmen and sophomores, whose majors are Linguistics and English, and the program itself is dedicated to Translation and translation science, it is safe to say that expanding vocabulary and even its upgrading is the essential idea in foreign language studying. There are a lot ways and methods… where there’s a will there’s a way, both for students and teachers.

As for me, I try to combine them in order to get a result. Most popular among them are following. They are:

Use different flashcards (digital via different gadgets, DIY paper);

Learn new vocabulary in context (the second, the third, etc. … foreign languages are learnt in the same way);

Study word parts in order to be ready to form a new word or even to predict the main idea of the unfamiliar word for you when it is necessary;

Work on mnemonics to keep in mind a huge amount of words;

Make your brain work hard all time solving different puzzles or logical tasks;

Keep a dictionary (it’s a great thing for school students and even for freshmen to review the vocabulary before writing tests or passing credits);

Use the vocabulary in practice as only PRACTICE MAKES PERFECT.

Gusel Sadrieva

University Lecturer

Department of Translation and Cross-cultural Issues,

M. Akmullah Bashkir State Pedagogical University

Appendix 3

Top 10 best films to learn English

A toy story” (1995)

The King`s speech” (2010)

Harry Potter” (2001-2011)

The Shawshank Redemption” (1994)

Love Actually” (2003)

Forrest Gump” (1994)

“The Theory of Everything (2014)

Alone” (2014) – a short film

The Queen” (2006)

Jurassic Park” (1993)

The dialogue from the film “The King`s speech”

King George VI: Listen to me. Listen to me!
Lionel Logue: Listen to you? By what right?
King George VI: By divine right, if you must. I am your King.
Lionel Logue: No you’re not. You told me so yourself. You said you didn’t want it. Why should I waste my time listening?
King George VI: Because I have a right to be heard! I have a voice!
Lionel Logue: Yes, you do. You have such perseverance, Bertie. You’re the bravest man I know. You’ll make a bloody good King.

Appendix 4

The international scientific and practical seminar

Appendix 5

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