Word learning games online

Кто не любит играть? Конечно же, все: и дети, и взрослые. Я предлагаю простые и доступные онлайн-игры для изучения английского языка, а также интерактивные задания, которые можно использовать на уроках или давать в качестве домашнего задания.

Статью разделила на два раздела:
1. Подборка игр для младших школьников
2. Подборка игр для подростков

Подборка игр для младших школьников

1. Сайт Британского Совета

Первый ресурс, который содержит большое количество простых онлайн-игр — сайт Британского Совета. Игры объединены по темам, поэтому вы легко найдете ту, которая подойдет для вашего урока.

Доступ ко всем ресурсам портала бесплатный как для преподавателей, так и для учеников.

Онлайн-игры для изучения английского. Большая подборка сайтов и заданий

Большая часть игр на сайте Британского Совета направлена на отработку лексики. Например:

  • Игра Teddy Dresser

Подходит для закрепления лексики по теме «Одежда». Ребятам нужно выбрать наряд для медвежонка. Это можно сделать всем вместе на групповом офлайн-уроке, если демонстрировать игру на экране.

Я предлагала ученикам по очереди рассказывать, во что одет мишка, меняя некоторые детали одежды перед ответом каждого ученика. Ребята очень веселились, так как одежда менялась случайным образом и для каждого становилось сюрпризом, в каком наряде будет его мишка. В эту здорово играть и на онлайн-уроке.

Онлайн-игры для изучения английского. Большая подборка сайтов и заданий
  • Игра Story Maker 

Ученикам нужно выбрать жанр истории (сказка, фантастическая или страшная история), ее героев и ответить на несколько вопросов по сюжету. После этого они смогут прочитать и даже распечатать свою историю.

2. Сайт ESL Games Plus

Второй интересный ресурс с готовыми играми и интерактивными заданиями — ESL Games Plus.

На сайте можно найти игры по разным темам и в разных форматах:

  • интерактивные настольные игры с кубиком, например, Pirate Games;
  • игры Memory games; 
  • игры Выбери правильный ответ.

3. Сайт Wordwall

Еще один великолепный ресурс — Wordwall. Он предоставляет замечательную возможность не только использовать готовые упражнения и игры, но и создавать собственные. Зарегистрированным пользователям можно делать до 5 упражнений бесплатно, для большего количества заданий нужна небольшая абонентская плата.

Кроме того, здесь большое количество упражнений и игр по многим учебным курсам и темам, созданным зарегистрированными преподавателями. Достаточно ввести ключевые слова (тему или тип задания) в поисковую строку сайта и выбрать упражнение, которое больше подходит.

Еще одно достоинство сайта — ученик за выполнение заданий получает баллы, а также возможность вписать свое имя в Список лидеров. Так можно контролировать, кто из ребят выполнил упражнение в качестве домашнего задания.

На сайте есть игры и интерактивные задания в нескольких форматах:

Онлайн-игры для изучения английского. Большая подборка сайтов и заданий

В том числе:

  • Упражнения типа Выбери правильный ответ. Здесь они в интересной анимированной форме: это задания Match up, Find the match и телевикторина Game show Quiz.
  • Колесо случайного выбора Random Wheel или карточки Random cards. Эти задания прекрасно подходят для коммуникативных упражнений. Я использую колесо и карточки, когда прошу ученика ответить на вопросы или составить предложения с ключевыми словами.
  • Игровые упражнения на отработку правописания слов. С такими заданиями весело и эффективно учить новые слова. Среди них Anagram (расставь буквы по порядку, чтобы получилось слово), Hangman (заверши слово, выбрав правильные буквы) и Wordsearch (найди слова, соответствующие изображениям на поле из букв).
  • Анимированные игры: Balloon Pop (воздушные шары и поезд), Airplane (летящий самолет) и Maze Chase (герой в космическом лабиринте).

    Эти игры можно использовать в разных темах, например:

  • игра Balloon Pop по теме Animals;
  • игра Airplane по теме Present Simple and Present Continuous;
  • игра Maze Chase по теме Rooms.

Ресурс Wordwall удобен еще и тем, что можно менять тип и дизайн уже готового задания, даже если вы не являетесь его автором. Для этого воспользуйтесь вкладкой справа от игрового окна и превратите, например, задание на сопоставление слов и изображений Match up в игру Airplane, и наоборот.

Ниже игрового окна есть раздел для изменения дизайна. Мои ученики знают эту особенность и часто говорят мне о том, что выполняя упражнение в качестве домашнего задания, любят делать его по несколько раз, меняя тип. Надо ли говорить, что играя таким образом, ребята прекрасно запоминают материал.

Также на портале Wordwall есть несколько заданий, доступных для печати:

Онлайн-игры для изучения английского. Большая подборка сайтов и заданий

Читайте также:

Интерактивные игры, тесты и квизы: 6 сервисов для преподавателей

Игры в Powerpoint для онлайн-уроков

4. Сайт Learning Apps

Еще один интересный ресурс — Learning Apps. Этот замечательный сайт во многом похож на Wordwall, однако имеет ряд отличий.

Оба ресурса представляют собой платформы, которые дают возможность зарегистрированным пользователям создавать разные интересные упражнения. На любом из них можно делать задания типа Кроссворд, Выбери правильный ответ, Подбери изображения к словам и прочее. При этом у Learning Apps интерфейс проще, чем у Wordwall, но нет возможности выбрать дизайн.

Однако, в отличие от Wordwall, который позволяет использовать только изображения и текст, в Learning Apps можно делать упражнения с использованием аудио- и видеофайлов. И еще одно важное отличие, Learning Apps — бесплатный ресурс. Неудивительно, что база упражнений Learning Apps огромна, и им пользуются преподаватели всех школьных предметов.

Я использую Learning Apps прежде всего для создания игр Memory Game для знакомства с новыми словами, потому что здесь можно озвучивать игровые карточки. Созданная таким образом игра позволяет ученику не только выучить написание слов (как на Wordwall), но и узнать их правильное произношение. Это гораздо интереснее, чем просто сидеть и учить слова по словарику или тетради.

Как сделать такое упражнение:

  • Создаем игру Парочки.
  • Заполняем поля Название упражнения и Описание задания.
  • Создаем пары. В первой строке каждой пары выбираем или загружаем картинку, во второй строке пары нажимаем Озвученный текст, указываем необходимый язык (в моем случае English) и пишем текст, который необходимо озвучить. Когда ученик будет открывать карточку со словом, он не только увидит написанное слово, но и услышит его.
Онлайн-игры для изучения английского. Большая подборка сайтов и заданий

В других заданиях Learning Apps также можно выбирать Озвученный текст, а в ряде заданий можно прикреплять аудио- и видеофайлы. Всего ресурс предлагает 21 тип заданий.

Онлайн-игры для изучения английского. Большая подборка сайтов и заданий

Подборка игр для подростков

Какие игры и интерактивные задания можно предложить подросткам? Очевидно, что для занятий с подростками можно использовать интерактивные задания с ресурсов Wordwall и Learning Apps, соответствующие возрасту и уровню учеников. Однако я хочу обратить внимание на два других ресурса, которые будут интересны именно подросткам.

1. Онлайн-викторина Kahoot! 

Этот ресурс интересен прежде всего преподавателям офлайн групповых уроков, однако в онлайн-формате его тоже можно с успехом использовать. О том, как работать с викториной Kahoot!, есть видеоразбор от Академии цифрового учителя:

Для того, чтобы провести викторину Kahoot! необходимо стационарное устройство для демонстрации викторины (компьютер, ноутбук или планшет), а также мобильные телефоны у учеников с выходом в интернет. Компьютер или ноутбук используется как экран, мобильные телефоны — как пульт для выбора вариантов ответа. Ученики могут играть индивидуально или группой.

Для начала игры ребятам необходимо на своих мобильных телефонах пройти по ссылке и ввести уникальный код викторины, который сгенерирует система после того, как преподаватель запустит игру. Этот код будет виден на экране.

online games for learning English 7 Skyteach

Викторина Kahoot! проходит как соревнование, считает баллы и объявляет победителей. У меня такие уроки всегда проходили очень весело и эмоционально.

2. Ресурс для меломанов

Сайт предлагает игроку послушать музыкальную композицию и во время ее звучания услышать и вписать пропущенные слова в субтитры. В библиотеку портала загружено большое количество музыкальных видеофайлов. Есть возможность выбрать произведение любимого исполнителя, а также поставить оптимальный уровень сложности от Beginner до Advanced. 

Вот некоторые из интересных онлайн-ресурсов, которые позволяют использовать игры на уроках и повышать эффективность обучения. Веселых и продуктивных вам занятий!

Экономьте время на подготовку к урокам и проверку домашних заданий со Skyeng. Удаленный формат занятий, защита от внезапных отмен и график, который настроен специально под вас. Присоединяйтесь к нашей команде: Skyeng

Преподавание в Skyeng: о выплатах и бонусах, которых нет в других школах

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Free Online Word Games for Kids

Free Online Word Games for Kids

Every day, more and more technology is being brought into the classroom. By having children play games on computers at home, they will already know the basic workings of a computer. For example, they will know how to efficiently use a mouse and will have a basic understanding of the letters on the keyboard. Because of this, children will become more engaged in the classroom, and in turn, more successful in their future.

The games keep children’s attention longer than if they were reading from textbooks. During game play, children concentrate on their next move or work on solving a problem. It helps increase their visual attention span, while they learn important new words.

Problem solving skills are another benefit of word puzzle games. Children need to think of what comes next, or what happens if they make a particular move. If a child spells a word wrong, he or she will have to go back and try again. Most of the time, children use the process of elimination to help them spell unfamiliar words.

Word Games To Build Vocabulary and Spelling Skills

Turtle Diary has many fun games that will help your child to practice and reinforce vocabulary and spelling skills without getting bored or feeling stressed about the process. When you begin to read, students will need to practice their sight words again and again to gain that recall. Sight words cannot be sounded out with normal phonetic pronunciation, so playing any of Turtle Diary’s Sight Word games, like Spell the Sight Words, will help your student to find success in their reading and vocabulary skills. It also helps that Turtle Diary has auditory options that will read students anything they need to hear within the game. Whether they are Flipping Cards or building Word Ladders, kids are sure to enjoy playing as they master their vocabulary skills. The more they are able to recognize the words, the easier it will be to spell them in games like Spell the Sight Words.

When working with vocabulary, students will love doing Animal Crosswords with hints about the missing animals, which encourages vocabulary recall and spelling skills. With a wide variety of animals and topics, your kids will love playing so much they won’t even realize the skills they’re building with each click.

For more advanced readers and spellers, Turtle Diary has Spelling Words that specifically practices words at their level before they are ready to move up to a more advanced game like Word Scramble, where they have to unscramble words, or Hangman, where they choose letter by letter to spell a mystery word before a monkey is drawn. Word Searches can also reinforce letter recognition and spelling skills as well as logic. No matter what game you choose on Turtle Diary, your child will be gaining invaluable skills for their literacy journey.

What are some fun word games for kids?

If you’re looking for some fun word games, check out one of our biggest hits: Word Scramble. It’s designed for students in 1st-4th grade. A picture provides a clue, and kids unscramble the letters provided to create the word.

Watch out though- there are extra letters to make the game a little more challenging! Scrabble is another fun word game. This classic game is just as fun online as it is playing around the table with your family

Can kids play word games online?

The internet is full of engaging word games that kids can play. Online word games are an incredible tool because they can be played on almost any device anywhere you have an internet connection. These online word games are a perfect way to develop vocabulary, spelling, and phonics skills while they have fun!

What are some easy word games?

An early reading skill is recognizing familiar sight words, and this sight word game provides practice, with levels ranging from pre-K to third grade. Another easy word game is our word ladder game. Students create a word ladder by changing one letter at a time, using picture cues to guide their work.

Where can I find free word games for kids?

All of the word games on TurtleDiary.com are free! You can choose games to focus on a variety of skills, including reading, writing, speaking, listening, grammar, vocabulary, and pronunciation. Our games are created with a focus on elementary age students in grades pre-K through fifth grade.

Our Educational Resources

    • Math Games

    • Addition
    • Area and Perimeter
    • Decimals
    • Division
    • Fractions
    • Geometric Shapes
    • Geometry
    • Money
    • Multiplication
    • Numbers
    • Probability
    • Roman Numerals
    • Statistics
    • Subtraction
    • Temperature
    • Time
    • Units of Measurement
    • Language Arts Games

    • Adjectives
    • Adverbs
    • Alphabet
    • Capitalization
    • Compound Words
    • Conjunction
    • Contractions
    • Determiners
    • Noun
    • Parts of Speech
    • Phonics
    • Preposition
    • Pronoun
    • Reading
    • Sentences
    • Sight Words
    • Spelling
    • Verb
    • Word Family
    • Science Games

    • Animals
    • Biology
    • Earth and Its Resources
    • Energy
    • Food Chain
    • Force
    • Magnets
    • Matter
    • Plants
    • Simple Machines
    • Solar System
    • The Human Body
    • Water Cycle
    • Weather and Seasons
    • More Games

    • Fun Games
    • Hangman Games
    • Jigsaw Puzzles
    • Logical Puzzle
    • Map Games
    • Picture Games
    • Typing Games
    • Word Games
    • Word Search Games
    • Geography Games

Mastermind variation, with words

Reveal the picture by finding the word

Fill in the blanks to create words as fast as you can

Find the word in the telephone pad

Find the word in the blackberry pad

Discover the hidden word before it’s too late

Yes, the computer cheats…but how?

Create words on the letter wheels

Illuminate the hidden word by clicking in the right places

Place the words onto the crossword grid

Find the hidden word by connecting letters in the grid.

Unscramble multiple words

Find the hidden word in the grid

Find the word that isn’t really a word.

Our own variation on a traditional word search

Try our online language quizzes.

Our Games at Portland Proof

Find and fix the mistake in the sentence.

Select the correct word to complete the sentence

Make words by filling in letters

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Here you will find some of the best word games online. With vocabulary page tests
and quizzes to test your grammar, vocabulary and general knowledge.

Some of the games will open up in a new browser window, when you have finished
the game just close the window.

Battleships (open in a new window)

Slang — Find the right definition for the word or phrase.

Homophones —
Find the right meaning.


Can crosswords help you to improve your English?

If you enjoy them, yes. Crosswords are fun, and can help you in various ways:

  • building your vocabulary
  • remembering words
  • learning the different meanings

Go to our crosswords page and have a go.

Ding Things

Fiendish Games

A, an or nothing — In the style of millionaire — get one wrong and you have to start again!

Colours — So you think you know your colours — Well let’s test that shall we?

Computers and the Internet — See how well you know the terminology used today for computers and the Internet — for one or two players.

Money Order — Put the British slang terms in order of value to reveal the picture.

English Word Games Forum

It’s all very well playing games on your own, but it’s more fun with other people.

Word Association — Beginner + — This one is a bit addictive. Look at the previous word and enter the first word that comes into your head.

Word Snake — Beginner + — Make a new word by using the last letter in the previous word.

— Intermediate + — Make a new word by using the letters in the previous word, you’re allowed to swap the letters around and/or change one letter. No repetitions allowed.

The Question Game — Intermediate + — Answer a question, with a question. Great training for politicians. No answers allowed!

Take 3 words — Advanced — Make a sentence from the 3 words given.

These games are all on the Learn English Online forum.


Computer Parts
Human Body
In the Post
Literary Terms
Negative Feelings

Seasonal Hangman Games

Bonfire Night

Valentine’s Day

Click on the letters in the grid to build up the words (all the above games are taken from
the vocabulary pages). Watch out though; there
is a penalty for clicking on the wrong letter!

Mix — very difficult

Daily Hangman — you can play this one for as long as you like.


A homophone is a word that sounds like another word but has a different
meaning. Here you can test your understanding by working out which sentences
are correct. A new homophone is added every week.

Listening Games

Find the letters and the final word.

Riddle Me Ree 1

Riddle Me Ree 2

Riddle Me Ree 3

Riddle Me Ree 4

Riddle Me Ree 5

Riddle Me Ree 6

Riddle Me Ree 7

Riddle Me Ree 8

Riddle Me Ree 9

Riddle Me Ree 10

Riddle Me Ree 11

Riddle Me Ree 12

Matching Games

Match the words to fit the theme.

Bond Films

Memory Games

Is it a test or is it a game? We don’t know, but these word and picture games are some of our favourites. Play Here

Spot the Odd One Out

OOO — Game 1

— Game 2

OOO — Game 3

OOO — Game 4

Scrambled Words

See if you can write down the word/phrase using the scrambled letters:-

(!Note — These games are being updated, and will only work in older browsers — see below for other games)
Eating Out
Food and Eating
Human Body
Jobs and Work
Life and Death
Money and Currencies
Negative Feelings
Rooms and Buildings
Word of the month

More Scrambled Letter Games (These games open in a new window)

Clothes and Accessories
Jobs and Work
Rooms in a House

Search for It!

Search for the hidden words. Words can be horizontal, vertical, or diagonal and to make it more interesting written forwards or backwards.

Search for It — Buildings
for It — Clothes
Search for It — Computers
Search for It — Cooking
Search for It — Eating
for It — Education
Search for It — Entertainment
for It — Families
for It — Films and Movies
for It — Food
for It — Football
Search for It — The Human Body
Search for It — Health — Viruses
Search for It — Jobs and Work
for It — Money
for It — Newspapers
for It — Around the house
for It — Shopping
for It — Technology

Seasonal Word Search Games

Search for It — New Year
Search for It — Valentine
Search for It — Easter

Search for It — Halloween
Search for It — Bonfire Night
Search for It — Christmas

Search for It — Spring
Search for It — Summer
Search for It — Autumn
Search for It — Winter

!Learning Tip as
you find a word in Search for It, visualise it and say it out loud, if you do not know
what the word means check the vocabulary
list, if you can’t pronounce the word double click on it and you can listen to it.

Word Up

Word Up is our fast-paced, online word game.

Check out our free word search, word puzzle and spelling games for kids and adults.

No Annoying Apps, No Software Downloads!

All games are browser-based. Our catalog is rendered in mobile-friendly HTML5, offering cross-device gameplay. You can play on mobile devices like Apple iPhones, Google Android powered cell phones from manufactures like Samsung, tablets like the iPad or Kindle Fire, laptops, and Windows-powered desktop computers. All game files are stored locally in your web browser cache. These games work in Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Edge, Mozilla Firefox, Opera and other modern web browsers.

2 Player Word Search

2 Player Word Search.

This is a multiplayer timed word search puzzle game. Customize your puzzle by choosing from among 8 topics (or all of them at once). Play by yourself or against a friend.

Plays.org published this game in 2 Player Word Search


2 Player Word Search.

This is a multiplayer timed word search puzzle game. Customize your puzzle by choosing from among 8 topics (or all of them at once). Play by yourself or against a friend.

Plays.org published this game in 2 Player Word Search


9 Words Search

9 Words Search game.

This is a simple word finding game. Choose from 3 different word themes and find all 9 words shown at the bottom center of the screen as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


9 Words Search game.

This is a simple word finding game. Choose from 3 different word themes and find all 9 words shown at the bottom center of the screen as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


ABC Slider Puzzle: Alphabetical Order Game

ABC Slider Puzzle.

This is an alphabet themed puzzle where you must re-alphabetize the letters on the board. You have 4 available empty slots to work with. How many moves will it take you to solve the puzzle?

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


ABC Slider Puzzle.

This is an alphabet themed puzzle where you must re-alphabetize the letters on the board. You have 4 available empty slots to work with. How many moves will it take you to solve the puzzle?

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Adventure Man and Danger Dame Dungeon Dash Letters

Adventure Man and Danger Dame Dungeon Dash Letters.

This is a coin collecting running game where children gain a familiarity with the alphabet by passing through doors which match the instructions for each section of the game.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Adventure Man and Danger Dame Dungeon Dash Letters.

This is a coin collecting running game where children gain a familiarity with the alphabet by passing through doors which match the instructions for each section of the game.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Alphabats Alliteration Game for Kids

Alphabats Alliteration.

This game invites young minds to learn about alliteration and how bats find food in total darkness.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Preschool

/ One Comment

Alphabats Alliteration.

This game invites young minds to learn about alliteration and how bats find food in total darkness.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Preschool

/ One Comment

Alphabats Rhyming Words

Alphabats Rhyming Words.

This is an educational quiz game on words that rhyme. Match the bats based on whether the words on their bellies rhyme.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Alphabats Rhyming Words.

This is an educational quiz game on words that rhyme. Match the bats based on whether the words on their bellies rhyme.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Alphabats Syllables

Alphabats Syllables.

This is an English language skills quiz game. Pair the bats with their friends based on the number of syllables the words on their bellies have.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Alphabats Syllables.

This is an English language skills quiz game. Pair the bats with their friends based on the number of syllables the words on their bellies have.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Alphabet Bingo

Alphabet Bingo.

This is a children’s bingo game themed for the letters of the English alphabet. Listen to the letter sounds and names and mark them on a card. Get a Bingo Bug marker each time you win.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Bingo Phonics


Alphabet Bingo.

This is a children’s bingo game themed for the letters of the English alphabet. Listen to the letter sounds and names and mark them on a card. Get a Bingo Bug marker each time you win.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Bingo Phonics


Alphabet Bubble Letter Match Game

Alphabet Bubble Letter Match.

This is an educational kids game where players pop bubbles with a letter in them when they are above a treasure chest showcasing a word which starts with the same letter. In the bonus round players pop bubbles in alphabetical order.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics

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Alphabet Bubble Letter Match.

This is an educational kids game where players pop bubbles with a letter in them when they are above a treasure chest showcasing a word which starts with the same letter. In the bonus round players pop bubbles in alphabetical order.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics

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Alphabet Order

Alphabet Order.

This game tests a child’s knowledge of the arrangement of the alphabet. Put the alphabet puzzle back together in the correct alphabetical order from A to Z.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Alphabet Order.

This game tests a child’s knowledge of the arrangement of the alphabet. Put the alphabet puzzle back together in the correct alphabetical order from A to Z.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Alphabet Sliders

Alphabet Sliders.

This is an interactive flashcard game that teaches young children about the Alphabet. Rearrange each alphabet slider into the proper place to form the card. Play through all 26 letter cards.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Alphabet Sliders.

This is an interactive flashcard game that teaches young children about the Alphabet. Rearrange each alphabet slider into the proper place to form the card. Play through all 26 letter cards.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Alphabetize With Tali and Otto: Alphabetical Order Game

Alphabetize With Tali and Otto.

This is a free alphabetical order game where players organize a list of words from the game’s dictionary or a custom word list of their own creation. Play the bonus round to catch as many fruits as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sorting


Alphabetize With Tali and Otto.

This is a free alphabetical order game where players organize a list of words from the game’s dictionary or a custom word list of their own creation. Play the bonus round to catch as many fruits as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sorting


Amazing Avian Alphabet Storybook

Amazing Avian Alphabet Storybook.

This is a collection of birds whose names start with the letters of the alphabet. Introduce young animal lovers to 26 of the nearly 11,000 species of birds.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Phonics Reading Word


Amazing Avian Alphabet Storybook.

This is a collection of birds whose names start with the letters of the alphabet. Introduce young animal lovers to 26 of the nearly 11,000 species of birds.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Phonics Reading Word


Amazing World of Gumball Word Search

Amazing World of Gumball Word Search.

This is a word finding game themed for the hit Cartoon Network series.

Plays.org published this game in Gumball Word Search

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Amazing World of Gumball Word Search.

This is a word finding game themed for the hit Cartoon Network series.

Plays.org published this game in Gumball Word Search

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Animal Game

Animal Game.

In this game children must drag and drop the name of an animal species to the correct animal drawing above.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Kids Word


Animal Game.

In this game children must drag and drop the name of an animal species to the correct animal drawing above.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Kids Word


Animal Word

Animal Word.

This is a simple spelling game designed for young learners. Drag and drop the missing letters to complete the animals’ names.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Kids Spelling


Animal Word.

This is a simple spelling game designed for young learners. Drag and drop the missing letters to complete the animals’ names.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Kids Spelling


Be Cool Scooby Doo Word Search Game: Forward & Reverse

Be Cool Scooby Doo Word Search.

This is a word search game which uses words from the animated series and has players find them. The game offers two difficulty levels with many words being backward and diagonal on hard mode. See how long it takes you to complete the puzzle and how many stars you earn.

Plays.org published this game in Scooby Doo Word Search

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Be Cool Scooby Doo Word Search.

This is a word search game which uses words from the animated series and has players find them. The game offers two difficulty levels with many words being backward and diagonal on hard mode. See how long it takes you to complete the puzzle and how many stars you earn.

Plays.org published this game in Scooby Doo Word Search

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Brain Words

Brain Words.

In this game you must guess the correct word within 6 tries. Use the colors of the letters to determine their placement. You can play this game using English or Portuguese words.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Brain Words.

In this game you must guess the correct word within 6 tries. Use the colors of the letters to determine their placement. You can play this game using English or Portuguese words.

Plays.org published this game in Word




This is a word guessing game themed after brands. Guess the name of the brands within 6 tries. Use the clues from wrong guesses to help you narrow down your options and find the correct word.

Plays.org published this game in Word



This is a word guessing game themed after brands. Guess the name of the brands within 6 tries. Use the clues from wrong guesses to help you narrow down your options and find the correct word.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Catch That Fish

Catch That Fish.

This is an educational spelling game for young learners. Catch the fish to spell the word above the fisherman on the boat. Finish as many words as possible before the timer goes out.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet


Catch That Fish.

This is an educational spelling game for young learners. Catch the fish to spell the word above the fisherman on the boat. Finish as many words as possible before the timer goes out.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet


Change Word

Change Word.

In this game you create new words by dragging a single letter onto the existing word shown onscreen. Repeat this as many times as you can until you run out of options or time.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Change Word.

In this game you create new words by dragging a single letter onto the existing word shown onscreen. Repeat this as many times as you can until you run out of options or time.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Christmas Crossword Puzzle

Christmas Crossword Puzzle.

This is a crossword game themed for the holidays. Choose the row, then tap on the letters to form the word based on the clues.

Plays.org published this game in Christmas Crossword


Christmas Crossword Puzzle.

This is a crossword game themed for the holidays. Choose the row, then tap on the letters to form the word based on the clues.

Plays.org published this game in Christmas Crossword


Christmas Word Search

Christmas Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Christmas Word Search


Christmas Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Christmas Word Search


Circle Word

Circle Word.

This is a timed word spelling game with 2 modes: quick play, and choose word length. Using all the jumble of letters spinning around the center, spell out a word before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Circle Word.

This is a timed word spelling game with 2 modes: quick play, and choose word length. Using all the jumble of letters spinning around the center, spell out a word before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Connect the Dots ABC Order

Connect the Dots ABC Order.

This is a dot-connecting game featuring the letters of the alphabet. Connect all the letters in the proper order to reveal the image. The game can be played with both uppercase and lowercase letters.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Connect the Dots Phonics

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Connect the Dots ABC Order.

This is a dot-connecting game featuring the letters of the alphabet. Connect all the letters in the proper order to reveal the image. The game can be played with both uppercase and lowercase letters.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Connect the Dots Phonics

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Crossword Casual

Crossword Casual game.

This is an easygoing crossword game that avoids complex cryptic hints. Choose from among 4 themes: household objects, food, buildings & cities. Fill in all the words in each puzzle as quickly as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword


Crossword Casual game.

This is an easygoing crossword game that avoids complex cryptic hints. Choose from among 4 themes: household objects, food, buildings & cities. Fill in all the words in each puzzle as quickly as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword


Crossword Puzzle Creator

Crossword Puzzle Creator.

This game lets you make your own crosswords based on a list of words you compiled. Type in your entries and clues or copy paste them from a list you made earlier. Print out and share your puzzles with friends or play it online.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword


Crossword Puzzle Creator.

This game lets you make your own crosswords based on a list of words you compiled. Type in your entries and clues or copy paste them from a list you made earlier. Print out and share your puzzles with friends or play it online.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword


Cup Stacking Kids Typing Game

Cup Stacking Game.

This is a keyboard typing practice game for young kids where players build up and then knock down stacks of cups by typing the letters which appear on each cup.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Cup Stacking Game.

This is a keyboard typing practice game for young kids where players build up and then knock down stacks of cups by typing the letters which appear on each cup.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Daily Crossword

Daily Crossword Game.

This is a crossword puzzle game that provides a new crossword each day. Rack your brains and guess all the words in the puzzle based on clues both straightforward and obtuse.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword

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Daily Crossword Game.

This is a crossword puzzle game that provides a new crossword each day. Rack your brains and guess all the words in the puzzle based on clues both straightforward and obtuse.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword

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Daily Kakuro

Daily Kakuro Game.

This is a crossword-type math puzzle. Fill in each row with the numbers 1 through 9. Make sure that the numbers add up to the sum mentioned in the top or left of each row. Each number can only appear once in any answer, but a number can appear multiple times in a single row or column across multiple separate answers.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Logic Numbers

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Daily Kakuro Game.

This is a crossword-type math puzzle. Fill in each row with the numbers 1 through 9. Make sure that the numbers add up to the sum mentioned in the top or left of each row. Each number can only appear once in any answer, but a number can appear multiple times in a single row or column across multiple separate answers.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Logic Numbers

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Daily Letter Logic

Daily Letter Logic.

This game is a crossword derivative logic puzzle. Place the words in the crossword in a way that lets them all fit without repeating a single word.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Logic


Daily Letter Logic.

This game is a crossword derivative logic puzzle. Place the words in the crossword in a way that lets them all fit without repeating a single word.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Logic


Daily Str8ts

Daily Str8ts.

This is a number-filling logic puzzle game that plays like a cross between Sudoku and a crossword puzzle. Fill in each of the compartments with rows of numbers called straights. Make sure that no number repeats in any row or column.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Logic Numbers


Daily Str8ts.

This is a number-filling logic puzzle game that plays like a cross between Sudoku and a crossword puzzle. Fill in each of the compartments with rows of numbers called straights. Make sure that no number repeats in any row or column.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Logic Numbers


Daily Word Search

Daily Word Search.

This is a word finding game that provides puzzles in 3 difficulty levels and puzzle sizes for each day of the year.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search

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Daily Word Search.

This is a word finding game that provides puzzles in 3 difficulty levels and puzzle sizes for each day of the year.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search

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Disney Jr Lost Letter Adventures

Disney Jr Lost Letter Adventures.

In this game you help Mickey, Kermit, and Miss Piggy look for the missing letters of an alphabet picture book. Journey to the skies, the sea, and outer space to find the right letters. Wave Mickey’s wand to bring back the missing letters and pictures.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Disney Flying Phonics


Disney Jr Lost Letter Adventures.

In this game you help Mickey, Kermit, and Miss Piggy look for the missing letters of an alphabet picture book. Journey to the skies, the sea, and outer space to find the right letters. Wave Mickey’s wand to bring back the missing letters and pictures.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Disney Flying Phonics


Earth Day Crossword Puzzle

Earth Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Earth Day. Play online or print out your crosswords for offline play.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Environmental


Earth Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Earth Day. Play online or print out your crosswords for offline play.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Environmental


Earth Day Word Search

Earth Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after natural conservation and protecting mother Earth. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Environmental Word Search


Earth Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after natural conservation and protecting mother Earth. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Environmental Word Search


Easter Crossword Puzzle

Easter Crossword Puzzle Game.

This is a simple crossword puzzle themed after celebrating Easter. Play puzzles online or print them out for offline play.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Easter


Easter Crossword Puzzle Game.

This is a simple crossword puzzle themed after celebrating Easter. Play puzzles online or print them out for offline play.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Easter


Easter Word Search

Easter Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Easter Word Search


Easter Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Easter Word Search


Fast Typer Game: Measure Your Keyboard Typing WPM

Fast Typer

Fast Typer is a words per minute (WPM) measurement game where players type a word which is shown on a cue card above.

This game does not use the back button and as soon as a single letter is incorrect the player should stop typing until the next word appears or else they will start typing the next word incorrectly.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Fast Typer

Fast Typer is a words per minute (WPM) measurement game where players type a word which is shown on a cue card above.

This game does not use the back button and as soon as a single letter is incorrect the player should stop typing until the next word appears or else they will start typing the next word incorrectly.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Find Me Game

Find Me Game.

This is a card matching game that tests young children’s knowledge about animals. Drag the animal to the card that has its name.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Kids Word


Find Me Game.

This is a card matching game that tests young children’s knowledge about animals. Drag the animal to the card that has its name.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Kids Word


Fruits and Vegetables Word for Kids

Fruits and Vegetables Word for Kids game.

This is a timed spelling game for young learners. Move the letter tiles around the word to spell out the name of the fruit or vegetable shown on the picture before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Food Spelling


Fruits and Vegetables Word for Kids game.

This is a timed spelling game for young learners. Move the letter tiles around the word to spell out the name of the fruit or vegetable shown on the picture before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Food Spelling


Fun Factory Punctuation and Capitalization

Fun Factory Punctuation and Capitalization.

This game tests a young learner’s knowledge of proper capitalization and punctuation rules in English. Correct each sentence to form the parts of a toy. Once you’ve answered all the questions, assemble the finished parts to complete the toy.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Fun Factory Punctuation and Capitalization.

This game tests a young learner’s knowledge of proper capitalization and punctuation rules in English. Correct each sentence to form the parts of a toy. Once you’ve answered all the questions, assemble the finished parts to complete the toy.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Fun With The Fridge

Fun With The Fridge.

This is an educational letter game patterned after kitchen magnets. Children can familiarize with shapes, letters, numbers, and punctuation by creating messages on a refrigerator.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Numbers Phonics


Fun With The Fridge.

This is an educational letter game patterned after kitchen magnets. Children can familiarize with shapes, letters, numbers, and punctuation by creating messages on a refrigerator.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Numbers Phonics


Fuzz Bugs Farm Consonant Blend

Fuzz Bugs Farm Consonant Blend.

This is an educational board game. Spin to determine the number of moves you can make. To make the move, you must pick a suffix that creates a valid word with a pair of consonants.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Word


Fuzz Bugs Farm Consonant Blend.

This is an educational board game. Spin to determine the number of moves you can make. To make the move, you must pick a suffix that creates a valid word with a pair of consonants.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Word


Garfield Sentences: Educational Kid’s Sentence Structure Game

Garfield Sentences.

This is an educational game that teaches young children how to construct complete sentences.

Plays.org published this game in Cartoon Cat Phonics Word


Garfield Sentences.

This is an educational game that teaches young children how to construct complete sentences.

Plays.org published this game in Cartoon Cat Phonics Word


Ghost Typing

Ghost Typing.

This is a simple typing practice game for young children where players must type out the letters in a word near a growing ghost and complete each word before the ghost gets to full size.

Plays.org published this game in Typing

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Ghost Typing.

This is a simple typing practice game for young children where players must type out the letters in a word near a growing ghost and complete each word before the ghost gets to full size.

Plays.org published this game in Typing

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Ghost Typing Jr

Ghost Typing Jr.

This is a simple typing practice game for young children where players must type out a letter near a growing ghost before the ghost gets to full size.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Ghost Typing Jr.

This is a simple typing practice game for young children where players must type out a letter near a growing ghost before the ghost gets to full size.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Guess Word

Guess Word.

This is a word puzzle where you must type in letters to identify the words in the spaces. Each of your guesses color codes the letters to determine whether they’re part of the word. See if you can guess all 5 words.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Guess Word.

This is a word puzzle where you must type in letters to identify the words in the spaces. Each of your guesses color codes the letters to determine whether they’re part of the word. See if you can guess all 5 words.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Guess Word Game

Guess Word Game.

In this game you must assemble the word from the jumbled letters on the bottom center of the screen within 60 seconds. Choose words from 4 categories.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Food Spelling


Guess Word Game.

In this game you must assemble the word from the jumbled letters on the bottom center of the screen within 60 seconds. Choose words from 4 categories.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Food Spelling


Halloween Crossword Puzzle Game for Kids

Halloween Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple crossword game for younger players themed for the spookiest day of the year. Solve the puzzle online or print it out.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Halloween


Halloween Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple crossword game for younger players themed for the spookiest day of the year. Solve the puzzle online or print it out.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Halloween


Halloween Word Search Game

Halloween Word Search.

This is a simple word finding game where you find seasonally themed words in either a small or large puzzle.

Plays.org published this game in Halloween Word Search


Halloween Word Search.

This is a simple word finding game where you find seasonally themed words in either a small or large puzzle.

Plays.org published this game in Halloween Word Search


Hanukkah Crossword Puzzle

Hanukkah Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Hanukkah.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Hanukkah


Hanukkah Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Hanukkah.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Hanukkah


Hanukkah Word Search

Hanukkah Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Hanukkah


Hanukkah Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Hanukkah


Happy New Year Word Search

Happy New Year Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in New Years Word Search


Happy New Year Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in New Years Word Search


Hexa Word

Hexa Word game.

This is a Boggle-inspired word finding game where you must form as many words as you can from the jumble of letters in a hexagonal field. Choose to play in tap mode to use any letter on the field, or play in connect mode to form words of consecutive adjacent letters.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Hexa Word game.

This is a Boggle-inspired word finding game where you must form as many words as you can from the jumble of letters in a hexagonal field. Choose to play in tap mode to use any letter on the field, or play in connect mode to form words of consecutive adjacent letters.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Hold The Phone An Idiom Game

Hold The Phone An Idiom Game.

This game introduces young students and ESL learners to English idioms. Form puns around 6 common English idioms, then identify their meaning. Once you’re done, pick out the right idioms for the sentences shown.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Reading Word


Hold The Phone An Idiom Game.

This game introduces young students and ESL learners to English idioms. Form puns around 6 common English idioms, then identify their meaning. Once you’re done, pick out the right idioms for the sentences shown.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Reading Word


Ice Cream Talk Nouns and Verbs Game

Ice Cream Talk Nouns and Verbs.

This is a simple educational quiz game that tests a young learners ability to identify parts of speech. Help the monkey get more ice cream than the monster by selecting the nouns and verbs in the sentence that appears onscreen. Give the monkey 10 scoops to win. Win without making mistakes to unlock the bonus ice cream game.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Ice Cream Talk Nouns and Verbs.

This is a simple educational quiz game that tests a young learners ability to identify parts of speech. Help the monkey get more ice cream than the monster by selecting the nouns and verbs in the sentence that appears onscreen. Give the monkey 10 scoops to win. Win without making mistakes to unlock the bonus ice cream game.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Independence Day Crossword Puzzle

Independence Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating July 4th.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Independence Day


Independence Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating July 4th.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Independence Day


Independence Day Word Search

Independence Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Independence Day Word Search


Independence Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Independence Day Word Search


Italian Vocabulary Word Toss

Italian Vocabulary Word Toss.

This game tests your knowledge of essential Italian words and phrases. See if you can identify the correct translation of the word shown. Translate from English to Italian or Italian to English. Answer 10 questions correctly and win a prize.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Italian Vocabulary Word Toss.

This game tests your knowledge of essential Italian words and phrases. See if you can identify the correct translation of the word shown. Translate from English to Italian or Italian to English. Answer 10 questions correctly and win a prize.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Journey to the Past Tense

Journey to the Past Tense.

This is a vocabulary game themed after time travel. Test your knowledge of verbs in the past tense to charge up the time machine and collect lost artifacts.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Journey to the Past Tense.

This is a vocabulary game themed after time travel. Test your knowledge of verbs in the past tense to charge up the time machine and collect lost artifacts.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Jr Typing Rocket: Letter Typing Game for Children

Jr Typing Rocket.

This is a three-minute typing practice game where children type the letters which appear on rockets on the screen. This game is suitable for younger children who either do not use or are just beginning to learn using A-S-D-F and J-K-L-: as finger resting positions on the keyboard. We also offers a sister Typing Rocket game for older kids.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Jr Typing Rocket.

This is a three-minute typing practice game where children type the letters which appear on rockets on the screen. This game is suitable for younger children who either do not use or are just beginning to learn using A-S-D-F and J-K-L-: as finger resting positions on the keyboard. We also offers a sister Typing Rocket game for older kids.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Keyboard Challenge

Keyboard Challenge.

This is a simple keyboard memory game which asks players to re-assemble a broken keyboard with the keys missing. Choose to fix a whole keyboard or play with just the letter and number keys missing. Can you fix every key without making any errors?

Plays.org published this game in Typing

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Keyboard Challenge.

This is a simple keyboard memory game which asks players to re-assemble a broken keyboard with the keys missing. Choose to fix a whole keyboard or play with just the letter and number keys missing. Can you fix every key without making any errors?

Plays.org published this game in Typing

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Keyboard Zoo

Keyboard Zoo.

This is a typing game that introduces young learners to the name and sound of each letter of the alphabet. Type in each letter 10 times, then see the animal or item whose name starts with that letter.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Typing

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Keyboard Zoo.

This is a typing game that introduces young learners to the name and sound of each letter of the alphabet. Type in each letter 10 times, then see the animal or item whose name starts with that letter.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Typing

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Keyboard Zoo 2

Keyboard Zoo 2.

This is a typing tutorial game that introduces young learners to letter cases, periods, and spaces. Put them all together and form full sentences.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Typing

/ One Comment

Keyboard Zoo 2.

This is a typing tutorial game that introduces young learners to letter cases, periods, and spaces. Put them all together and form full sentences.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Typing

/ One Comment

Later Gator Subject Verb Agreement

Later Gator Subject Verb Agreement.

This is a language skills game inspired by whack-a-mole. Whack the gator that contains the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Later Gator Subject Verb Agreement.

This is a language skills game inspired by whack-a-mole. Whack the gator that contains the correct verb form that agrees with the subject.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Learn Drawing

Learn Drawing.

This is a simple drawing instruction game for young children. Young learners will grasp the basics of drawing letters, numbers, Chinese characters, and geometric objects.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Drawing Geometry Numbers Phonics


Learn Drawing.

This is a simple drawing instruction game for young children. Young learners will grasp the basics of drawing letters, numbers, Chinese characters, and geometric objects.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Drawing Geometry Numbers Phonics


Letter Bubble Alphabetical Order

Letter Bubble Alphabetical Order.

This game helps young learners remember alphabetical order. Players must pop bubbles to drop the letters to their proper treasure chests. The letters must be placed in the correct order.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Letter Bubble Alphabetical Order.

This game helps young learners remember alphabetical order. Players must pop bubbles to drop the letters to their proper treasure chests. The letters must be placed in the correct order.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Letter Dimensions

Letter Dimensions.

This is a timed 40-stage 3D Mahjong Solitaire game featuring the 26 letters of the alphabet on colorful blocks. Match the letters to remove them from the stack. Clear the entire stack before time runs out to win the level.

Plays.org published this game in 3d Mahjong Alphabet


Letter Dimensions.

This is a timed 40-stage 3D Mahjong Solitaire game featuring the 26 letters of the alphabet on colorful blocks. Match the letters to remove them from the stack. Clear the entire stack before time runs out to win the level.

Plays.org published this game in 3d Mahjong Alphabet


Letter Mahjong

Letter Mahjong.

This is an alphabet- and number-themed Mahjong Solitaire game. Clear all the stones from the stack by matching pairs of stones with identical letters, numbers, or symbols. Clear the entire stack as fast as you can to earn a high score. Play levels sequentially or choose which of the 144 board designs you want to play first.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Mahjong Solitaire


Letter Mahjong.

This is an alphabet- and number-themed Mahjong Solitaire game. Clear all the stones from the stack by matching pairs of stones with identical letters, numbers, or symbols. Clear the entire stack as fast as you can to earn a high score. Play levels sequentially or choose which of the 144 board designs you want to play first.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Mahjong Solitaire


Letter Scramble

Letter Scramble.

This is a word game where you must assemble valid English words from a scrambled mess of letters. Meet each level’s letter score quota before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Word

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Letter Scramble.

This is a word game where you must assemble valid English words from a scrambled mess of letters. Meet each level’s letter score quota before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Word

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Letter Train

Letter Train game.

In this game your task is to spell an English word by dropping the letters onto the empty spaces on the train. Play through 5 levels consisting of a various array of increasingly complex words.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Letter Train game.

In this game your task is to spell an English word by dropping the letters onto the empty spaces on the train. Play through 5 levels consisting of a various array of increasingly complex words.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Letters Memory

Letters Memory.

This is an 8-level flashcard memory game for young children. Match all the cards pairs with the same letter to clear each level. As you advance through the game more letters of the alphabet are added to each stage.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Memory


Letters Memory.

This is an 8-level flashcard memory game for young children. Match all the cards pairs with the same letter to clear each level. As you advance through the game more letters of the alphabet are added to each stage.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Memory


Lilly the White Cat

Lilly the White Cat.

This is an interactive narrated children’s storybook about a little kitten who wanted to be a wild cat.

Plays.org published this game in Cat Phonics Reading Word


Lilly the White Cat.

This is an interactive narrated children’s storybook about a little kitten who wanted to be a wild cat.

Plays.org published this game in Cat Phonics Reading Word


Looking For The Words

Looking For The Words game.

This is a 3-category word search game for suitable for young learners. Find 9 fruit, animal, or food related words in a 10×10 letter grid.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Looking For The Words game.

This is a 3-category word search game for suitable for young learners. Find 9 fruit, animal, or food related words in a 10×10 letter grid.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Martin Luther King Day Word Search

Martin Luther King Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Holiday Word Search


Martin Luther King Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Holiday Word Search


Martin Luther King Jr. Day Crossword Puzzle

Martin Luther King Jr. Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Holiday


Martin Luther King Jr. Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Martin Luther King Jr.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Holiday


Math Search

Math Search game.

In this game you must find the answers to the operators on the left side of the screen, word search style. Find all the hidden numbers before the timer runs out. Play through 8 stages with a 10-minute timer on each. Start with adding 3-digit numbers & as you advance move up to numbers as long as 5 digits while adding it subtraction, multiplication, & division.

Plays.org published this game in Math Word Search


Math Search game.

In this game you must find the answers to the operators on the left side of the screen, word search style. Find all the hidden numbers before the timer runs out. Play through 8 stages with a 10-minute timer on each. Start with adding 3-digit numbers & as you advance move up to numbers as long as 5 digits while adding it subtraction, multiplication, & division.

Plays.org published this game in Math Word Search


Math Word Search: Math Solving & Word Seeking Game for Students

Math Word Search.

This is a unique math solving and word searching game for students and kids. Players must solve the equations on the left side of the game. Then they must find the word of the answer across the word puzzle. Complete the game on easy or hard mode.

Plays.org published this game in Division Math Multiplication Word Search

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Math Word Search.

This is a unique math solving and word searching game for students and kids. Players must solve the equations on the left side of the game. Then they must find the word of the answer across the word puzzle. Complete the game on easy or hard mode.

Plays.org published this game in Division Math Multiplication Word Search

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Memorial Day Crossword Puzzle

Memorial Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Memorial Day. Play online or print out your crosswords for offline play.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Holiday


Memorial Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Memorial Day. Play online or print out your crosswords for offline play.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Holiday


Memorial Day Word Search

Memorial Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Holiday Word Search


Memorial Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Holiday Word Search



Misspelled Game.

This is a physics, logic & word puzzle game where you must help an intrepid wizard clear a path to exit 15 different stages. Cast spells and use them to create platforms to safely make it to the other side.

Plays.org published this game in Escape Logic Pixel Platform Word


Misspelled Game.

This is a physics, logic & word puzzle game where you must help an intrepid wizard clear a path to exit 15 different stages. Cast spells and use them to create platforms to safely make it to the other side.

Plays.org published this game in Escape Logic Pixel Platform Word


Monkey Trouble Spelling Adventure

Monkey Trouble Spelling Adventure.

This is a simple spelling game for young children that tests their knowledge about the days of the week and the months of the year.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Monkey Trouble Spelling Adventure.

This is a simple spelling game for young children that tests their knowledge about the days of the week and the months of the year.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Monster Mansion Match Alphabet

Monster Mansion Match Alphabet.

This is a monster-themed matching and memory game for young learners. Pair the monsters with the words that start with the letter they’re holding.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Monster Mansion Match Alphabet.

This is a monster-themed matching and memory game for young learners. Pair the monsters with the words that start with the letter they’re holding.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


New Years Crossword Puzzle

New Years Crossword Puzzle.

This is a crossword game themed for celebrating another year with new opportunities.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword New Years


New Years Crossword Puzzle.

This is a crossword game themed for celebrating another year with new opportunities.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword New Years


OMG Word Genius

OMG Word Genius game.

This is a hidden word puzzle game with 108 levels. Connect all the letters in the proper order to find them in the jumble. All the letters in a jumble form part of a word.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling Word Search


OMG Word Genius game.

This is a hidden word puzzle game with 108 levels. Connect all the letters in the proper order to find them in the jumble. All the letters in a jumble form part of a word.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling Word Search


Pancake Panic Homophone Fun

Pancake Panic Homophone Fun.

This is an educational matching and memory game set in a 1950s-themed diner. Match the pancakes that contain homophones until the timer runs out. Play through all 3 rounds to unlock the bonus game.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Pancake Panic Homophone Fun.

This is an educational matching and memory game set in a 1950s-themed diner. Match the pancakes that contain homophones until the timer runs out. Play through all 3 rounds to unlock the bonus game.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Parts of Speech Asteroids Game

Parts of Speech Asteroids.

In this game you take control of a rocket that’s firing lasers at oncoming asteroids. Take out the asteroids labeled with words that match the parts of speech shown below your rocket. Clear out all the asteroids to win.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Parts of Speech Asteroids.

In this game you take control of a rocket that’s firing lasers at oncoming asteroids. Take out the asteroids labeled with words that match the parts of speech shown below your rocket. Clear out all the asteroids to win.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Parts of Speech Quest Adjectives Game

Parts of Speech Quest Adjectives.

This is an educational retro-themed adventure RPG where you must answer the questions of treasure guardians in the pyramid to earn the Orb of Adjectives. Use this orb to retrieve the stolen royal treasure from an evil dragon’s hideout.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Adjectives.

This is an educational retro-themed adventure RPG where you must answer the questions of treasure guardians in the pyramid to earn the Orb of Adjectives. Use this orb to retrieve the stolen royal treasure from an evil dragon’s hideout.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Adverbs Game

Parts of Speech Quest Adverbs.

This is an educational retro-themed RPG where you play an adventurer on a quest for the Orb of Adverbs. Impress the temple’s guardians by answering their puzzles and receive the artifact that will let you recover the stolen treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Adverbs.

This is an educational retro-themed RPG where you play an adventurer on a quest for the Orb of Adverbs. Impress the temple’s guardians by answering their puzzles and receive the artifact that will let you recover the stolen treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Conjunctions Game

Parts of Speech Quest Conjunctions.

This is an educational retro-themed RPG set in a fantasy world. Challenge the fairies and Unicorn of the Skylands to earn the Orb of Conjunctions, which you need to retrieve the king’s stolen treasure from a dragon.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word

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Parts of Speech Quest Conjunctions.

This is an educational retro-themed RPG set in a fantasy world. Challenge the fairies and Unicorn of the Skylands to earn the Orb of Conjunctions, which you need to retrieve the king’s stolen treasure from a dragon.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word

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Parts of Speech Quest Final Review Game

Parts of Speech Quest Final Review.

This is an educational retro-styled RPG. Take on the dragon that stole the treasure of the Kingdom of Lingua and restore peace to the kingdom. Use your combined knowledge of the parts of speech to vanquish the evil beast and banish them forever.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Final Review.

This is an educational retro-styled RPG. Take on the dragon that stole the treasure of the Kingdom of Lingua and restore peace to the kingdom. Use your combined knowledge of the parts of speech to vanquish the evil beast and banish them forever.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Interjections Game

Parts of Speech Quest Interjections.

This is an educational retro-styled RPG where you play as a heroic adventurer. Answer the questions littered around the Hall of Interjections and prove your worth to Medusa. Win the Orb of Interjections and save the kingdom’s treasure from the evil dragon.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Interjections.

This is an educational retro-styled RPG where you play as a heroic adventurer. Answer the questions littered around the Hall of Interjections and prove your worth to Medusa. Win the Orb of Interjections and save the kingdom’s treasure from the evil dragon.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Nouns Game

Parts of Speech Quest Nouns.

This is a retro-themed educational RPG where you play as adventurer on a quest for the Orb of Nouns. Answer the questions posed by the defenders of the Castle of Nouns to prove your worthiness to retrieve the Orb of Nouns to defeat the dragon and return the kingdom’s treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Nouns.

This is a retro-themed educational RPG where you play as adventurer on a quest for the Orb of Nouns. Answer the questions posed by the defenders of the Castle of Nouns to prove your worthiness to retrieve the Orb of Nouns to defeat the dragon and return the kingdom’s treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Prepositions Game

Parts of Speech Quest Prepositions.

This is an educational retro-themed RPG. Take on the treacherous Manor of Prepositions and its owner. Retrieve the orb needed to recover the king’s stolen treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Prepositions.

This is an educational retro-themed RPG. Take on the treacherous Manor of Prepositions and its owner. Retrieve the orb needed to recover the king’s stolen treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Pronouns Game

Parts of Speech Quest Pronouns.

This is an educational retro-styled RPG. Choose your warrior and go on a quest to become Pronouns Master within the Palace of Pronouns. Impress the Octopus guardian to retrieve the magic orb you need to save your kingdom’s treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word

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Parts of Speech Quest Pronouns.

This is an educational retro-styled RPG. Choose your warrior and go on a quest to become Pronouns Master within the Palace of Pronouns. Impress the Octopus guardian to retrieve the magic orb you need to save your kingdom’s treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word

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Parts of Speech Quest Verbs Game

Parts of Speech Quest Verbs.

This is a retro-themed educational RPG that puts you in the shoes of an adventurer called to serve king and country. Identify the verbs in common speech to prove your worth to the guardians of the Cave of Verbs and earn the Orb needed to retrieve the king’s stolen treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Parts of Speech Quest Verbs.

This is a retro-themed educational RPG that puts you in the shoes of an adventurer called to serve king and country. Identify the verbs in common speech to prove your worth to the guardians of the Cave of Verbs and earn the Orb needed to retrieve the king’s stolen treasure.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Pixel Word


Piñata Party Contraction Action

Pinata Party Contraction Action.

This is a slingshot game where players must hit the piñata containing the correct contraction of 2 words. Play in practice or arcade mode.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Pinata Party Contraction Action.

This is a slingshot game where players must hit the piñata containing the correct contraction of 2 words. Play in practice or arcade mode.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Presidents’ Day Crossword Puzzle

Presidents' Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a crossword game themed after the holiday.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Holiday


Presidents' Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a crossword game themed after the holiday.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Holiday


Presidents’ Day Word Search

Presidents' Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Holiday Word Search


Presidents' Day Word Search game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Holiday Word Search


Rusty Rivets Flip and Match

Rusty Rivets Flip and Match.

This is an easy card matching game based on the hit Nick Jr. animated series. You must match the characters and objects with the letters their names begin with.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Memory Rusty Rivets


Rusty Rivets Flip and Match.

This is an easy card matching game based on the hit Nick Jr. animated series. You must match the characters and objects with the letters their names begin with.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Memory Rusty Rivets


Saint Patrick’s Day Word Search

Saint Patrick's Day Word Search game.

This is a simple luck of the Irish word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in St Patrick’s Day Word Search


Saint Patrick's Day Word Search game.

This is a simple luck of the Irish word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in St Patrick’s Day Word Search


Secret Words Professions

Secret Words Professions.

This is an educational word guessing game for young learners. Find the word describing a real-world profession by selecting letters of the alphabet which you think can fit in the word. You can play the game by yourself or with a friend.

Plays.org published this game in 2 Player Spelling Word


Secret Words Professions.

This is an educational word guessing game for young learners. Find the word describing a real-world profession by selecting letters of the alphabet which you think can fit in the word. You can play the game by yourself or with a friend.

Plays.org published this game in 2 Player Spelling Word


Sesame Street Big Bird and Snuffy’s Letter Dance Party

Sesame Street Big Bird and Snuffy's Letter Dance Party.

This is a free A, B, C letter tracing and hearing game which helps familiarize young children with the alphabet.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street

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Sesame Street Big Bird and Snuffy's Letter Dance Party.

This is a free A, B, C letter tracing and hearing game which helps familiarize young children with the alphabet.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street

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Sesame Street ABC Hungry

Sesame Street ABC Hungry.

This is a bubble popping game meant to teach young learners about letter shapes. Help Cookie Monster get the cookies in the shape of a letter he wants by popping the bubbles they’re in.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street ABC Hungry.

This is a bubble popping game meant to teach young learners about letter shapes. Help Cookie Monster get the cookies in the shape of a letter he wants by popping the bubbles they’re in.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street Alphabet Hunt

Sesame Street Alphabet Hunt.

This is a simple letter learning hidden objects game for young learners where they explore 5 scenes which contain 5 or 6 letters each.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street Alphabet Hunt.

This is a simple letter learning hidden objects game for young learners where they explore 5 scenes which contain 5 or 6 letters each.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street Big Bird’s Alphabet Track

Sesame Street Big Bird's Alphabet Track.

This is a letter tracing game where players trace dashed letter outlines to build track for Big Bird’s roller coaster cart to appear on.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street Big Bird's Alphabet Track.

This is a letter tracing game where players trace dashed letter outlines to build track for Big Bird’s roller coaster cart to appear on.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street Bumper Cars

Sesame Street Bumper Cars.

This game starts with an alphabet letter finding game where you must find the pieces of garbage that start with a letter Oscar is looking for. Once you give him the trash for the ticket, hop on the bumper cars and get moving!

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Sesame Street Bumper Cars.

This game starts with an alphabet letter finding game where you must find the pieces of garbage that start with a letter Oscar is looking for. Once you give him the trash for the ticket, hop on the bumper cars and get moving!

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics Sesame Street


Shoot That Fast

Shoot That Fast.

This is a spelling game inspired by arcade shooters. Shoot the letter bottles in the correct order to spell the word shown on the bottom center of the screen. Spell as many words as you can before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Gun Spelling


Shoot That Fast.

This is a spelling game inspired by arcade shooters. Shoot the letter bottles in the correct order to spell the word shown on the bottom center of the screen. Spell as many words as you can before the timer runs out.

Plays.org published this game in Gun Spelling


Sight Word Bingo Spelling Game

Sight Word Bingo.

This is a educational bingo game that tests the vocabulary of young learners. Identify words by ear and mark them on a bingo card. With each game you win, you earn another bingo marker cartoon creature called a Bingo Beast. Keep playing to collect them all.

Plays.org published this game in Bingo Phonics Spelling


Sight Word Bingo.

This is a educational bingo game that tests the vocabulary of young learners. Identify words by ear and mark them on a bingo card. With each game you win, you earn another bingo marker cartoon creature called a Bingo Beast. Keep playing to collect them all.

Plays.org published this game in Bingo Phonics Spelling


Slimezilla vs the Compound Words

Slimezilla vs the Compound Words.

The dreaded Slimezilla is besieging Goo Jersey, and the only way to stop the giant menace is with another giant. This educational game introduces young learners to compound words while combining it with a simple fighting game. Form compound words to build up your hero, Goo Guy. As Goo Guy, beat the snot out of […]

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Slimezilla vs the Compound Words.

The dreaded Slimezilla is besieging Goo Jersey, and the only way to stop the giant menace is with another giant. This educational game introduces young learners to compound words while combining it with a simple fighting game. Form compound words to build up your hero, Goo Guy. As Goo Guy, beat the snot out of […]

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Space Words Online Spelling Practice Game

Space Words

This is a spelling game for kids where they learn how to spell common words in the English language by looking at a picture and then shooting asteroids with letters on them to spell out the word.

Plays.org published this game in Flying Kids Phonics Spelling

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Space Words

This is a spelling game for kids where they learn how to spell common words in the English language by looking at a picture and then shooting asteroids with letters on them to spell out the word.

Plays.org published this game in Flying Kids Phonics Spelling

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Spanish Bingo

Spanish Bingo.

This game tests your Spanish vocabulary language skills. Find the correct translation of the word shown in the bottom of the screen on the bingo card. Mark a full row of correct answers to win. You can play in English to Spanish or Spanish to English modes.

Plays.org published this game in Bingo Phonics Word


Spanish Bingo.

This game tests your Spanish vocabulary language skills. Find the correct translation of the word shown in the bottom of the screen on the bingo card. Mark a full row of correct answers to win. You can play in English to Spanish or Spanish to English modes.

Plays.org published this game in Bingo Phonics Word


Spanish Vocabulary Word Toss

Spanish Vocabulary Word Toss.

This game tests how well you know common words in the Spanish Language. Select to translate from English to Spanish or Spanish to English and choose the category of words to test yourself on. Answer 10 questions correctly to win a prize.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word

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Spanish Vocabulary Word Toss.

This game tests how well you know common words in the Spanish Language. Select to translate from English to Spanish or Spanish to English and choose the category of words to test yourself on. Answer 10 questions correctly to win a prize.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word

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SpeedType Game: Improve Typing Speed & Accuracy

Speed Type.

This is a free typing practice game which enables players to practice common words in English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Speed Type.

This is a free typing practice game which enables players to practice common words in English, French, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Spell School Word Spelling Game

Spell School is an HTML word spelling game where players drag letter blocks into their correct position to spell the word associated with a picture shown above the letter tiles.

Letter tiles do not need to be played from left to right, but need to be put in the correct position.

On easy mode where the letters goes is shown through light background highlighting, whereas on normal mode the highlights are not there.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Spell School is an HTML word spelling game where players drag letter blocks into their correct position to spell the word associated with a picture shown above the letter tiles.

Letter tiles do not need to be played from left to right, but need to be put in the correct position.

On easy mode where the letters goes is shown through light background highlighting, whereas on normal mode the highlights are not there.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


SpongeBob SquarePants Word Blocks

Spongebob Squarepants Word Blocks.

This game is a 37-level word spelling game where players select words starting from the first letter of the word and repeat the process until all tiles are used on each level.

Plays.org published this game in SpongeBob Word

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Spongebob Squarepants Word Blocks.

This game is a 37-level word spelling game where players select words starting from the first letter of the word and repeat the process until all tiles are used on each level.

Plays.org published this game in SpongeBob Word

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St. Patrick’s Day Crossword Puzzle

St. Patrick's Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword St Patrick’s Day


St. Patrick's Day Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle game celebrating Saint Patrick’s Day.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword St Patrick’s Day




This is a random story prompt generator. Choose up to 8 randomly selected prompts to create the major plot elements of your next story.

Plays.org published this game in Word



This is a random story prompt generator. Choose up to 8 randomly selected prompts to create the major plot elements of your next story.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Submarine Spelling Practice With Spelly Pelican

Submarine Spelling Practice With Spelly Pelican.

This is an audio-based spelling tool for preschool and grade school children. Spell out various words using letter tiles to help the sub descend. The game is suited for learners up to the 3rd Grade and older ESL learners new to the English language.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Spelling


Submarine Spelling Practice With Spelly Pelican.

This is an audio-based spelling tool for preschool and grade school children. Spell out various words using letter tiles to help the sub descend. The game is suited for learners up to the 3rd Grade and older ESL learners new to the English language.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Spelling


Super Why Alpha Pig’s Paint by Letter

Super Why Alpha Pig's Paint by Letter.

This is an alphabet learning game for preschool-aged children. Help Alpha pig color in the painting by choosing the brushes with the right letters. After that, draw anything you want on the finished picture.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Coloring Preschool


Super Why Alpha Pig's Paint by Letter.

This is an alphabet learning game for preschool-aged children. Help Alpha pig color in the painting by choosing the brushes with the right letters. After that, draw anything you want on the finished picture.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Coloring Preschool


Super Why Princess Presto’s Spectacular Spelling Play

Super Why Princess Presto's Spectacular Spelling Play.

In this game you must help Princess Presto summon props for her stage play. Select the right letters to spell out the items she needs.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Kids Spelling


Super Why Princess Presto's Spectacular Spelling Play.

In this game you must help Princess Presto summon props for her stage play. Select the right letters to spell out the items she needs.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Kids Spelling


Super Why Saves the Day

Super Why Saves the Day.

This is a language-learning game for preschoolers inspired by the PBS series of the same name. Help Super Why assemble the words he needs to change the ending of a fairy tale.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Preschool


Super Why Saves the Day.

This is a language-learning game for preschoolers inspired by the PBS series of the same name. Help Super Why assemble the words he needs to change the ending of a fairy tale.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Preschool


Super Why Wonder Red’s Rhyme Racer

Super Why Wonder Red's Rhyme Racer.

In this game you must find the right words to help Red’s grandma out. Collect words that rhyme while avoiding the big bad wolf. Select the correct word that meets grandma’s needs.

Plays.org published this game in Kids Word


Super Why Wonder Red's Rhyme Racer.

In this game you must find the right words to help Red’s grandma out. Collect words that rhyme while avoiding the big bad wolf. Select the correct word that meets grandma’s needs.

Plays.org published this game in Kids Word


Synonyms and Antonyms Word Toss

Synonyms and Antonyms Word Toss.

This is a carnival-themed shooting games based on words with similar or opposing meanings. Choose whether to look for synonyms or antonyms, then find the word that matches in any of the moving bottles. Answer 10 times correctly to win a prize.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Synonyms and Antonyms Word Toss.

This is a carnival-themed shooting games based on words with similar or opposing meanings. Choose whether to look for synonyms or antonyms, then find the word that matches in any of the moving bottles. Answer 10 times correctly to win a prize.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Talk to Me Alphabet

Talk to Me Alphabet.

This is an educational game for young learners familiarizing themselves with the alphabet. Play the names and sounds of each letter by selecting them onscreen.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Typing


Talk to Me Alphabet.

This is an educational game for young learners familiarizing themselves with the alphabet. Play the names and sounds of each letter by selecting them onscreen.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Typing


Thanksgiving Crossword Puzzle Kids Game

Thanksgiving Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle where you use letter tiles to spell out seasonally themed words and phrases.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving Crossword Puzzle.

This is a simple online crossword puzzle where you use letter tiles to spell out seasonally themed words and phrases.

Plays.org published this game in Crossword Thanksgiving

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Thanksgiving Word Search

Thanksgiving Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Thanksgiving Word Search


Thanksgiving Word Search Game.

This is a simple word finding game themed after the holiday. Choose to play a small or large puzzle size and find all the words from the word list at the bottom as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Thanksgiving Word Search


The Farm Land

The Farm Land.

This is an educational bingo game that tests young learner’s knowledge of fruits and vegetables. Mark the fruits and vegetables in the card that match the letter asked. Create a bingo by forming a full row, column, or diagonal of correct answers in any direction.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Bingo


The Farm Land.

This is an educational bingo game that tests young learner’s knowledge of fruits and vegetables. Mark the fruits and vegetables in the card that match the letter asked. Create a bingo by forming a full row, column, or diagonal of correct answers in any direction.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Bingo


The Friendly Letter Creator

The Friendly Letter Creator.

This game teaches young learners the parts of an informal letter and helps them compose their own friendly letters to friends.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


The Friendly Letter Creator.

This game teaches young learners the parts of an informal letter and helps them compose their own friendly letters to friends.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


The Weird and Watery Animal Alphabet

The Weird and Watery Animal Alphabet.

This game introduces young learners to various obscure denizens of aquatic environments. Introduce them to the alphabet and the wonders of nature at the same time.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Animal Phonics Reading


The Weird and Watery Animal Alphabet.

This game introduces young learners to various obscure denizens of aquatic environments. Introduce them to the alphabet and the wonders of nature at the same time.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Animal Phonics Reading


Trace to The Beat Numbers and Letters

Trace to The Beat Numbers and Letters.

This is a music themed letter and number writing practice game for young learners. Follow the arrows to draw capital letters, lower case letters, and numbers.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Numbers


Trace to The Beat Numbers and Letters.

This is a music themed letter and number writing practice game for young learners. Follow the arrows to draw capital letters, lower case letters, and numbers.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Numbers


True Words

True Words.

In this game you must match each image in a set with the word that represents it. Answer as many sets correctly as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Kids Word


True Words.

In this game you must match each image in a set with the word that represents it. Answer as many sets correctly as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Kids Word


TRZ Word Search

TRZ Word Search.

This is a simple word finding game with 20 word categories ranging from animals, colors, drinks, foods, fruits, house, human body, professions and the United States. This game automatically highlights all instances of a selected letter, which can help you find the words.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


TRZ Word Search.

This is a simple word finding game with 20 word categories ranging from animals, colors, drinks, foods, fruits, house, human body, professions and the United States. This game automatically highlights all instances of a selected letter, which can help you find the words.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Type Fast

Type Fast.

This is a letter selection game that tests your response times. Select the appropriate letter button each time its letter appears onscreen. Keep spotting and selecting the letters within 20 seconds to clear each round.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Idle Tap


Type Fast.

This is a letter selection game that tests your response times. Select the appropriate letter button each time its letter appears onscreen. Keep spotting and selecting the letters within 20 seconds to clear each round.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Idle Tap


Type Furious: Online Student Typing Practice Game

Type Furious.

This is a space-themed keyboard practice game for kids where they can work on their typing speed and accuracy.

It includes some punctuation and periodic capital letters.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Type Furious.

This is a space-themed keyboard practice game for kids where they can work on their typing speed and accuracy.

It includes some punctuation and periodic capital letters.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


TypeShift: Letter Tile Word Spelling Puzzle Game


TypeShift is a 50-level word spelling puzzle game where players move letter tiles up and down to spell words.

When a word is spelled the tiles change color from purple to blue. When all tiles have turned blue the level is beat.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling

/ One Comment


TypeShift is a 50-level word spelling puzzle game where players move letter tiles up and down to spell words.

When a word is spelled the tiles change color from purple to blue. When all tiles have turned blue the level is beat.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling

/ One Comment

Typing Battle: Online WPM & Typing Accuracy Measurement

Typing Battle.

This is a timed typing game where players have 50 seconds to type as as many words as possible.

Players can type as much words as possible with top accuracy

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Typing Battle.

This is a timed typing game where players have 50 seconds to type as as many words as possible.

Players can type as much words as possible with top accuracy

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Typing Rocket: Kids Typing Practice Game

Typing Rocket.

This is a one-minute typing practice game where players type the letters which appear on rockets on the screen. How many letters can you type in a minute? Can you keep up with the finale? This game is appropriate for players using A-S-D-F and J-K-L-: as finger resting positions on the keyboard. We also offers a sister Jr game for younger players.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Typing Rocket.

This is a one-minute typing practice game where players type the letters which appear on rockets on the screen. How many letters can you type in a minute? Can you keep up with the finale? This game is appropriate for players using A-S-D-F and J-K-L-: as finger resting positions on the keyboard. We also offers a sister Jr game for younger players.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Typo Express: Typing Speed + Accuracy Measurement Game

Typo Express.

Typo Express is a free online typing game which measures typing speed and accuracy.

Words fall from the top of the screen. The player types the letters from left to right before the letters fall to the bottom of the screen.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Typo Express.

Typo Express is a free online typing game which measures typing speed and accuracy.

Words fall from the top of the screen. The player types the letters from left to right before the letters fall to the bottom of the screen.

Plays.org published this game in Typing


Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Matching Kids Game

Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Matching.

This game helps children learn how to match the upper case and lower case alphabet letters while coloring in a scene.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Uppercase and Lowercase Letter Matching.

This game helps children learn how to match the upper case and lower case alphabet letters while coloring in a scene.

Plays.org published this game in Alphabet Phonics


Waffle Word Finder Game


Waffle is a free online word search game where players can find words in any order.

Spell words by drawing lines through the letter tiles. Spelling may be forward or backward with tiles being used vertically, horizontally, diagonally, or any combination in conjunction so long as you can draw line segments directly connecting the tiles in sequence.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search



Waffle is a free online word search game where players can find words in any order.

Spell words by drawing lines through the letter tiles. Spelling may be forward or backward with tiles being used vertically, horizontally, diagonally, or any combination in conjunction so long as you can draw line segments directly connecting the tiles in sequence.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


WF Revolution

WF Revolution.

This is a hidden word search game inspired by Boggle. Use hints to identify what words to look for. Connect the letters in the right order to find all the words in the jumble.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


WF Revolution.

This is a hidden word search game inspired by Boggle. Use hints to identify what words to look for. Connect the letters in the right order to find all the words in the jumble.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Win, Lose or Draw

Win Lose or Draw.

This is a drawing-based word guessing game. Find out what your teammates are drawing as fast as you can. When stumped, use clues or hints to help you guess. Answer quickly and without help to gain the highest possible scores.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Win Lose or Draw.

This is a drawing-based word guessing game. Find out what your teammates are drawing as fast as you can. When stumped, use clues or hints to help you guess. Answer quickly and without help to gain the highest possible scores.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Word Clouds

Word Clouds.

This is a free online word cloud generator for students. It allows them to create clouds using custom shapes, unique color combinations, varying word orientations, and premium fonts to create an exportable image or print their work.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Word Clouds.

This is a free online word cloud generator for students. It allows them to create clouds using custom shapes, unique color combinations, varying word orientations, and premium fonts to create an exportable image or print their work.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Word Finder

Word Finder.

This is a simple word search game comprising words from 10 different categories. Play through 3 difficulty levels as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Finder.

This is a simple word search game comprising words from 10 different categories. Play through 3 difficulty levels as fast as you can.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Learner

Word Learner.

This is a letter tile spelling and memory game for preschool age children. Memorize a word and spell it out by tapping on each of the letters in the proper order.

Plays.org published this game in Kids Spelling


Word Learner.

This is a letter tile spelling and memory game for preschool age children. Memorize a word and spell it out by tapping on each of the letters in the proper order.

Plays.org published this game in Kids Spelling


Word Mahjong

Word Mahjong.

This is a 10-level Mahjong Solitaire game crossed with a word puzzle game. Clear the stack by forming as many words as you can using the free tiles.

Plays.org published this game in Mahjong Word

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Word Mahjong.

This is a 10-level Mahjong Solitaire game crossed with a word puzzle game. Clear the stack by forming as many words as you can using the free tiles.

Plays.org published this game in Mahjong Word

/ One Comment

Word Master

Word Master.

In this game you must remove letters as fast as you can to form a valid English word. You can make more than one word for every jumbled set of letters. Challenge yourself in 3 game modes.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Word Master.

In this game you must remove letters as fast as you can to form a valid English word. You can make more than one word for every jumbled set of letters. Challenge yourself in 3 game modes.

Plays.org published this game in Spelling


Word Play: Disney Word Finding Game

Disney Word Play Game.

This is a word finding puzzle where players must use all letters from each puzzle as parts of words to move on to the next word. Play novice, intermediate, or pro puzzles themed after Descendants 3, The Owl House, Raven’s Home, Big City Greens, or Bunk’d.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Disney Word Play Game.

This is a word finding puzzle where players must use all letters from each puzzle as parts of words to move on to the next word. Play novice, intermediate, or pro puzzles themed after Descendants 3, The Owl House, Raven’s Home, Big City Greens, or Bunk’d.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search

Word Search game.

This is a simple word clearing game for young children. Link the letters together to form words. Keep forming words until all of the letters on the grid are gone.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search

/ One Comment

Word Search game.

This is a simple word clearing game for young children. Link the letters together to form words. Keep forming words until all of the letters on the grid are gone.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search

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Word Search Creator

Word Search Creator.

This game lets you make your own word search puzzles that you can play online or save and print to share with others. List down up to 15 search items to look for and let the game do the rest.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Creator.

This game lets you make your own word search puzzles that you can play online or save and print to share with others. List down up to 15 search items to look for and let the game do the rest.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Game

Word Search Game.

This is a simple customizable word finding game. Choose from 6 categories including animals, computer, countries, fruits, music, and vegetables. Find words in 6 playable languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Game.

This is a simple customizable word finding game. Choose from 6 categories including animals, computer, countries, fruits, music, and vegetables. Find words in 6 playable languages: English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, and Spanish.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Premium

Word Search Premium.

This is a challenging word search game where you must find a set of words in a 20 x 30 grid.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Premium.

This is a challenging word search game where you must find a set of words in a 20 x 30 grid.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Pro

Word Search Pro.

This is a simple timed word finding game with a customizable background. Choose from 10 themes and find all the words listed.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Pro.

This is a simple timed word finding game with a customizable background. Choose from 10 themes and find all the words listed.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Puzzle

Word Search Puzzle.

This is a simple geography-themed word search game. Find all the answers to the hints on the right side of the screen before you lose all your points.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search


Word Search Puzzle.

This is a simple geography-themed word search game. Find all the answers to the hints on the right side of the screen before you lose all your points.

Plays.org published this game in Word Search




This is a timed word-building game. Spell out as many valid words using the letters shown at the bottom of the screen within the time limit. Customize the number of letters and length of time at the beginning of the game.

Plays.org published this game in Word



This is a timed word-building game. Spell out as many valid words using the letters shown at the bottom of the screen within the time limit. Customize the number of letters and length of time at the beginning of the game.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Wording Word Spelling Puzzle Game

Wording is an HTML spelling game where players try to guess words based on random letter tiles provided.

Click or tap on the first letter in the word and then scroll onto the next subsequent letter in that word. Continue the same process until the word is spelled.

Players can often spell many words using some or all the tiles from each level. Some of the words are shown on the playing field and some are hidden secret bonus words.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Wording is an HTML spelling game where players try to guess words based on random letter tiles provided.

Click or tap on the first letter in the word and then scroll onto the next subsequent letter in that word. Continue the same process until the word is spelled.

Players can often spell many words using some or all the tiles from each level. Some of the words are shown on the playing field and some are hidden secret bonus words.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Wordmeister Letter Tile Word Spelling Game


This is a letter tile word making game inspired by Scrabble. With 8 tiles on a rack, form as many words as you can against a computer player. Rack your brains while expanding your vocabulary.

Plays.org published this game in Word



This is a letter tile word making game inspired by Scrabble. With 8 tiles on a rack, form as many words as you can against a computer player. Rack your brains while expanding your vocabulary.

Plays.org published this game in Word


Words Family Game

Words Family is a word puzzle game where players move pieces onto the puzzle playing field to spell words across in horizontal rows.

Levels are not timed, you can move pieces which were placed in the wrong positions, and your progress is stored in your local web browser.

Each level is beat when every horizontal line on the puzzle spells a word.

Plays.org published this game in Puzzle Word


Words Family is a word puzzle game where players move pieces onto the puzzle playing field to spell words across in horizontal rows.

Levels are not timed, you can move pieces which were placed in the wrong positions, and your progress is stored in your local web browser.

Each level is beat when every horizontal line on the puzzle spells a word.

Plays.org published this game in Puzzle Word


World Trivia Game

World Trivia.

This game lets you test your knowledge of world culture and geography. Spell out each of the cultural icons and locations with the letters at the bottom of the screen. Play through 64 levels themed after various countries and regions across the globe.

Plays.org published this game in Geography Quiz Word


World Trivia.

This game lets you test your knowledge of world culture and geography. Spell out each of the cultural icons and locations with the letters at the bottom of the screen. Play through 64 levels themed after various countries and regions across the globe.

Plays.org published this game in Geography Quiz Word


Yummy Word Spelling & Word Find Game

Yummy Word is an HTML word spelling and word finding game where players scroll over letter tiles to spell the various word options they can make using those letters.

Players can select from 4 different categories: general, food, art, and places. General has 100 words while the other categories contain 50 words each.

Clues or categories are shown at the top of the playing field. You can click on the help button on the lower left corner to have a letter played. If a phrase has multiple words you can enter one word at a time.

No review found! Insert a valid review ID.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Yummy Word is an HTML word spelling and word finding game where players scroll over letter tiles to spell the various word options they can make using those letters.

Players can select from 4 different categories: general, food, art, and places. General has 100 words while the other categories contain 50 words each.

Clues or categories are shown at the top of the playing field. You can click on the help button on the lower left corner to have a letter played. If a phrase has multiple words you can enter one word at a time.

No review found! Insert a valid review ID.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Word


Zombie Typing Practice Game for Kids

Zombie Typing.

This is a word typing exercise game for kids where they type the word shown at the feet of approaching zombies.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Typing Zombie


Zombie Typing.

This is a word typing exercise game for kids where they type the word shown at the feet of approaching zombies.

Plays.org published this game in Phonics Typing Zombie


Zoo Trivia: Animal Name Spelling Game

Zoo Trivia.

This spelling game lets you test your knowledge of animals. Spell out the name of all 5 animals in each level within 3 minutes.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Phonics Quiz Word


Zoo Trivia.

This spelling game lets you test your knowledge of animals. Spell out the name of all 5 animals in each level within 3 minutes.

Plays.org published this game in Animal Phonics Quiz Word


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