Word knowledge test questions

The teenager abandoned his job because he found it to be onerous.









Question 1 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (C). Onerous describes a task, duty, or responsibility that involves a burdensome amount of effort and difficulty.

Disparate most nearly means









Question 2 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (A). Something is disparate if it contains fundamentally different elements.

She did not condone his insubordination.









Question 3 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (C). Condone means to accept and allow a behavior to continue.

The new senator was a man of candor.









Question 4 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (C). Candor is the quality of being open and honest in expression.

Contrived most nearly means









Question 5 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (A). Contrived means deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously.

I paid a nominal amount of money to join the stamp collecting club.









Question 6 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (D). Nominal means very small or minimal in comparison with the actual value.

Clandestine most nearly means









Question 7 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (D). Clandestine means kept or done in secret. Covert means something concealed or secret, so it is the closest synonym.

The fetid liquid soaked through my shoes.









Question 8 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (A). Something that is fetid smells extremely unpleasant, which is also a definition of putrid.

Instigate most nearly means









Question 9 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (B). Instigate means to bring about or initiate an action or event.

Our relationship was ephemeral.









Question 10 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (D). Ephemeral means lasting for a very short time.

Abrogate most nearly means









Question 11 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (C). To abrogate is to repeal or do away with.

The agency’s controversial decision was not based on any empirical evidence.









Question 12 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (A). Empirical means verifiable by observation, experiment, or experience.

Deference most nearly means









Question 13 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (C). Deference means humble submission and respect.

Legitimate most nearly means









Question 14 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (B). Something that is legitimate is acceptable according to the law.

My speech got little applause from the apathetic audience.









Question 15 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (A). Apathetic means having no emotion, enthusiasm, or concern.

There is camaraderie within the small groups at our church.









Question 16 Explanation: 

The correct answer is (D). Camaraderie is mutual trust and friendship among people who spend a lot of time together.

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There are 16 questions to complete.

This is Part 3 of the Practice ASVAB test. Part 3 covers Word Knowledge. It is important to prepare for the Word Knowledge subtest as the score from this test makes up a part of your Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) score. You will have 8 minutes to answer 16 questions. Click on the “Start Test” button below to begin the test. You will not be able to pause the test once started.

About the ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test

The Word Knowledge section of the ASVAB practice test is designed to examine how well you understand the meanings of words and their synonyms and antonyms. In general, the Word Knowledge (WK) test is a vocabulary test set up in a multiple choice format. The Word Knowledge ASVAB test requires you to answer 16 questions in 8 minutes. The manual version of the word knowledge test is 11 minutes and 35 questions. The score of this subtest is important as it is part of your final Armed Forces Qualification Test score. Scoring well on this section of the ASVAB is important as the AFQT score helps determine if you qualify for enlistment as well jobs and roles within your branch of the military.

Like other sections of the ASVAB, the Word Knowledge section of the test is timed and can go by very quickly. It is not advisable to linger too long on individual word knowledge test questions as points are lost for questions not answered. This is particularly important on the pen and paper version of the test as it has a total of 35 questions that some test takers find slightly longer to complete. To do well on the ASVAB Word Knowledge practice test you’ll want to do a lot of work building up your ASVAB vocabulary knowledge and your understanding of antonyms and synonyms.

There are many education sites and study guide materials online that can help you build up your vocabulary knowledge such as vocabtest.com and vocabulary.com. While you should not aim to memorize the exact definitions of words, you will want to have a loose understanding of their meaning and the various ways of how they are used in writing situations.

Here are some ASVAB word knowledge sample questions to give you an idea of what you’ll see while taking our practice test:

  • “Reluctant” most nearly means:
  • The word most opposite in meaning to “stagnant” is:

Each question in the Word Knowledge ASVAB test will be a multiple choice question with four possible answers. Only one of them is the correct answer. Some questions will focus on the definitions of words, using words properly in sentences and the spelling of words. It is important to study hard and brush up on ASVAB word knowledge practice as this section of the test makes up your AFQT score and many jobs within the military require good scores in the word knowledge section of the ASVAB. It can be helpful to take other college entrance exams and tests such as the SAT and ACT that can help you further your word knowledge education. One of the best things to do is to eat a solid meal before the test and to get a good night’s rest. This will allow you to think critically and work more quickly while taking the test.

The word knowledge test is not only a part of the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery, this section of the practice test also counts as part of your Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT). Your AFQT score will determine whether or not you are eligible for service in the United States military. The other three sections of the AFQT test are:

  • Math Knowledge
  • Arithmetic Reasoning
  • Paragraph Comprehension

Taking word knowledge practice tests also will help you get used to the timing of the ASVAB word knowledge section and completing the section on time. You can benefit from word knowledge practice by taking our free practice test above. You can take the exam as many times as you like.

В ходе проведения теста вам будут заданы простые и не очень вопросы по устройству Microsoft Word!

Начало теста:

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Какого пункта нет во вкладке <<Вставка>> ?

Варианты ответов:

  • Выделить
  • Диаграмма
  • Таблица

Какой инструмент используют для изменения фона текста ?

Варианты ответов:

  • Заливка
  • Цвет Шрифта
  • Подчеркнутый

Какое сочетание клавиш используется для копирования текста

Варианты ответов:

  • Ctrl+V
  • Ctrl+C
  • Ctrl+Z

Какой комбинацией клавиш можно приблизить текст

Варианты ответов:

  • Ctrl+ScrollDown
  • Ctrl+ScrollUP
  • Ctrl+Del

Комбинация каких клавиш позволяет выделить весь текст ?

Варианты ответов:

  • Alt+A
  • Ctrl+A
  • Ctrl+SHIFT+F9

Какая комбинация клавиш удаляет гиперссылки из выделенного текста

Варианты ответов:

  • Ctrl+Shift+F9
  • Alt+F4
  • Ctrl+Alt+Del

При задании параметров страницы в текстовом редакторе устанавливаются:

Варианты ответов:

  • Фон, отступ и границы страницы
  • Интервал между абзацами и вид шрифта
  • Поля, ориентация и размер страницы

Как выглядит значок запуска Word ?

Варианты ответов:

Какая существующая версия Word является новейшей ?

Варианты ответов:

  • Word2019
  • Word 2016
  • Word2020

Как выделить красную строку в Word ?

Варианты ответов:

  • Ничего не нажимать, красная строка выделится автоматически !
  • Нажать TAB
  • Нажать Num-

В каком году появилась первая версия Word ?

Варианты ответов:

  • 1985
  • 1997
  • 1983

Кто является разработчиком Word ?

Варианты ответов:

  • Nokia
  • Microsoft
  • Bosch

Какое сочетание клавиш отвечает за смену шрифта ?

Варианты ответов:

  • Ctrl+T
  • Ctrl+D
  • Alt+S

Каким образом можно создать гиперссылку ?

Варианты ответов:

  • Выделить текст > ПКМ > Гиперссылка
  • Выделить текст > ПКМ > Создать примечание
  • Выделить текст > ЛКМ > Гиперссылка

Какое основное расширение файлов, созданных в редакторе Word?

Варианты ответов:

  • .doc
  • .txt
  • .docx

Каким образом можно добавить геометрическую фигуру в текст ?

Варианты ответов:

  • Начертить квадрат с зажатой кнопкой D
  • Вставка > Примечание
  • Вставка > Фигуры

Что нельзя настроить в диалоговом окне Шрифт?

Варианты ответов:

  • Выбор используемого языка
  • Начертание
  • Цвет символов

Что такое колонтитул ?

Варианты ответов:

  • Символ
  • Шаблон документа
  • Специальная информация внизу или вверху страницы

В каком пункте меню можно настроить параметры проверки правописания ?

Варианты ответов:

  • Файл > Параметры страницы
  • Сервис > Параметры
  • Правка > Заменить

С помощью какого встроенного в редактор WORD объекта можно всталять в документ математические формулы ?

Варианты ответов:

  • MS Equation
  • MS Clip Gallery
  • MS Word Art

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Тесты по текстовому редактору Word с ответами

1. Каких списков нет в текстовом редакторе?

а) нумерованных;

+ б) точечных;

в) маркированных.

2. При задании параметров страницы в текстовом редакторе устанавливаются:

+ а) поля, ориентация и размер страницы;

б) интервал между абзацами и вид шрифта;

в) фон и границы страницы, отступ.

3. Какую комбинацию клавиш следует применить, чтобы вставить в документ сегодняшнюю дату?

а) Ctrl + Alt + A;

б) Shift + Ctrl + V;

+ в) Shift + Alt + D.

4. Какое из этих утверждений правильное?

+ а) Кернинг – это изменение интервала между буквами одного слова.

б) Если пароль к защищенному документу утрачен, его можно восстановить с помощью ключевого слова.

в) Сочетание клавиш Shift + Home переносит на первую страницу документа.

5. Какое из этих утверждений неправильное?

а) Большую букву можно напечатать двумя способами.

б) При помощи клавиши Tab можно сделать красную строку.

+ в) Клавиша Delete удаляет знак перед мигающим курсором.

6. На какую клавишу нужно нажать, чтобы напечатать запятую, когда на компьютере установлен английский алфавит?

+ а) где написана русская буква Б;

б) где написана русская буква Ю;

в) где написана русская буква Ж.

7. Колонтитул – это:

+ а) область, которая находится в верхнем и нижнем поле и предназначается для помещения названия работы над текстом каждой страницы;

б) внешний вид печатных знаков, который пользователь видит в окне текстового редактора;

в) верхняя строка окна редактора Word, которая содержит в себе панель команд (например, «Вставка», «Конструктор», «Макет» и т. д.).

8. Чтобы в текстовый документ вставить ссылку, нужно перейти по следующим вкладкам:

а) ВставкаВставить ссылкуСоздание источника;

б) ФайлПараметры страницыВставить ссылку;

+ в) СсылкиВставить ссылкуДобавить новый источник.

9 — Тест. Какой шрифт по умолчанию установлен в Word 2007?

а) Times New Roman;

+ б) Calibri;

в) Microsoft Ya Hei.

10. В верхней строке панели задач изображена иконка с дискетой. Что произойдет, если на нее нажать?

а) документ удалится;

+ б) документ сохранится;

в) документ запишется на диск или флешку, вставленные в компьютер.

11. Какую клавишу нужно удерживать при копировании разных элементов текста одного документа?

а) Alt;

+ б) Ctrl;

в) Shift.

12. Что можно сделать с помощью двух изогнутых стрелок, размещенных в верхней строке над страницей текста?

а) перейти на одну букву вправо или влево (в зависимости от того, на какую стрелку нажать);

б) перейти на одну строку вверх или вниз (в зависимости от того, на какую стрелку нажать);

+ в) перейти на одно совершенное действие назад или вперед (в зависимости от того, на какую стрелку нажать).

13. Что позволяет увидеть включенная кнопка «Непечатаемые символы»?

+ а) пробелы между словами и конец абзаца;

б) все знаки препинания;

в) ошибки в тексте.

14. Объединить или разбить ячейки нарисованной таблицы возможно во вкладке:

а) «Конструктор»;

+ б) «Макет»;

в) «Параметры таблицы».

15. Что позволяет сделать наложенный на текстовый документ водяной знак?

+ а) он делает документ уникальным;

б) он защищает документ от поражения вирусами;

в) он разрешает сторонним пользователям копировать размещенный в документе текст.

16. Чтобы включить автоматическую расстановку переносов, нужно перейти по следующим вкладкам:

+ а) МакетПараметры страницыРасстановка переносов;

б) ВставкаТекстВставка переносов;

в) СсылкиДополнительные материалыВставить перенос.

17. Чтобы создать новую страницу, необходимо одновременно нажать на такие клавиши:

+ а) Ctrl и Enter;

б) Shift и пробел;

в) Shift и Enter.

18. Чтобы быстро вставить скопированный элемент, следует воспользоваться такой комбинацией клавиш:

+ а) Ctrl + V;

б) Ctrl + C;

в) Ctrl + X.

Тест — 19. Перечень инструкций, который сообщает Word записанный заранее порядок действий для достижения определенной цели, называется:

а) колонтитулом;

+ б) макросом;

в) инструкцией.

20. С помощью каких горячих клавиш невозможно изменить язык в текстовом редакторе?

а) Alt + Shift;

б) Ctrl + Shift;

+ в) Alt + Ctrl.

21. Чтобы сделать содержание в документе, необходимо выполнить ряд следующих действий:

а) выделить несколько слов в тексте с помощью клавиши Ctrl (они будут заглавиями), перейти на вкладку «Вставка» и нажать на иконку «Содержание»;

+ б) выделить в тексте заголовки, перейти на вкладку «Ссылки» и там нажать на иконку «Оглавление»;

в) каждую новую главу начать с новой страницы, перейти на вкладку «Вставка», найти там иконку «Вставить содержание» и нажать на нее.

22. Чтобы вставить гиперссылку, следует выделить нужное слово и нажать:

+ а) правую кнопку мыши с последующим выбором вкладки «Гиперссылка»;

б) левую кнопку мыши с последующим выбором вкладки «Гиперссылка»;

в) дважды на левую кнопку мыши с последующим выбором вкладки «Гиперссылка».

23. Чтобы в текстовый документ вставить формулу, необходимо перейти по таким вкладкам:

а) ФайлПараметры страницыВставить формулу;

+ б) ВставкаСимволыФормула;

в) ВставкаИллюстрацииВставить формулу.

24. Какой ориентации страницы не существует?

+ а) блокнотной;

б) книжной;

в) альбомной.

25. Какую опцию регулирует это диалоговое окно?

Графический вопрос теста по MS Word

+ а) изменение абзацного отступа;

б) изменение шрифта текста;

в) изменение размера полей листа.

26. Какое из данных ниже предложений соответствует правилам расстановки пробелов между словами и знаками препинания?

а) Word–идеальный помощник для студента:он позволяет создавать, просматривать и редактировать текстовые документы;

+ б) Word – идеальный помощник для студента: он позволяет создавать, просматривать и редактировать текстовые документы;

в) Word – идеальный помощник для студента: он позволяет создавать, просматривать и редактировать текстовые документы.

27. Решите практическую задачу. Александр написал курсовую работу на 53 страницы. Теперь ему нужно скопировать информацию в другой документ. Парень 2 раза нажал на левую кнопку мыши и потянул… Посоветуйте Александру, как в один клик выделить весь текст.

а) нажать на вкладку «Файл» и выбрать там функцию «Скопировать все»;

б) навести курсор мыши на поле и кликнуть один раз;

+ в) нажать на сочетание клавиш Ctrl и A.

28. Как сохранить написанный документ с помощью горячих клавиш?

а) Alt + Ctrl + F2;

б) Ctrl + Shift + F2;

+ в) Alt + Shift + F2.

29. MS Word – это:

+ а) текстовый редактор;

б) электронная таблица;

в) управление базами данных.

30. Шуточный вопрос. Современная молодежь называет этим словом аксессуары к компьютеру для аудиосвязи, а программисты используют то же самое слово для обозначения стиля одного вида шрифта. Что это за слово?

а) кегль;

+ б) гарнитура;

в) унциал.

ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test 2023 Questions Answers. Download the Free PDF sample quiz test for the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery exam and Armed Forces Qualification Test (AFQT) preparation.

Word Knowledge (WK) tests the ability to understand the meaning of words through synonyms – words having the same or nearly the same meaning as other words. The test is a measure Of one component Of reading comprehension since vocabulary is one of many factors that characterize reading comprehension.

Actual Exam Content in WK Part

Test Type

Number of Question

ASVAB Paper-and-Pencil 35-items
CAT-ASVAB Test 16-items

The following ASVAB Word Knowledge (WK) Practice Test is only for reference purpose, it’s not an actual exam test questions. You can download our free ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test in PDF (printable and editable), this will help you to make better ASVAB Test Prep  (Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force, etc) offline. You can also use these files (PDF, DOC) as worksheets.

Name of the Test ASVAB Practice Test | AFQT Practice Test
ASVAB Stands for Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery
AFQT Stands for Armed Forces Qualification Test
Test Type Sample Multiple Choice Test
Total Questions 35 (Thirty-five)
Answers and Explanation Available
Printable and Editable PDF Available
Subject Name Word Knowledge (WK)
Purpose Measures the ability to understand the meaning of words through synonyms.

Q1. Exempt most nearly means

  • A. empty.
  • B. exit.
  • C. excuse.
  • D. anoint.

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Answer: C

The word exempt means “to free someone from a rule or requirement.” The words empty, exit, and anoint do not seem related to the definition. The only word that comes close to this is C, excuse.  

Q2. Recruit most nearly means

  • A. react.
  • B. enlist.
  • C. permit.
  • D. recur.

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Answer: B

To recruit means “to take on, sign up, or enlist members into an organization or club.” The words react, permit, and recur do not relate to
the definition. So B, enlist, is the correct answer.  

Q3. The decision was unanimous.

  • A. Questioned
  • B. Undisputed
  • C. Selective
  • D. Trivial

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Answer: B

Unanimous uses the prefix “uni-,” or “one,” as in unity or unify. The only word that relates to the concept of one or unity is undisputed, suggesting that everyone is in agreement. Choice B is the correct answer. The words questioned, selective, and trivial do not relate to the definition.  

Q4. Temperamental most nearly means

  • A. benevolent.
  • B. lazy.
  • C. volatile.
  • D. demure.

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Answer: C

Temperamental most nearly means “volatile.” Think of temperament or having a temper. Choice C is the correct answer.  

Q5. He chose the economical solution.

  • A. Costly
  • B. Logical
  • C. Comical
  • D. Thrifty

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Answer: D

Economical has to do with finances or the economy. The words logical and comical have no relation to finances, so they can be eliminated as
possibilities. This leaves costly and thrifty as the two possible answers. Since being economical means to not waste money, time, or other resources, choice D, thrifty, is the correct answer.  

Q6. The promotion made Darrell happy.

  • A. Notice
  • B. Gift
  • C. Elevation
  • D. Letter

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Answer: C

The prefix pro- means “forward.” Motion has to do with moving. Combining the two gives you “moving forward.” The only word that relates to this is elevation, meaning “to move forward or higher up in the ranks.” Choice C is the correct answer  

Q7. Her behavior was unpredictable.

  • A. Consistent
  • B. Random
  • C. Dependable
  • D. Regular

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Answer: B

The prefix un- means “not.” So the word means “not predictable.” If something cannot be predicted, it is not consistent, dependable, or regular, as these words are somewhat the opposite of the definition. So the correct answer has to be choice B, random.  

Q8. Deny most nearly means

  • A. state.
  • B. avoid.
  • C. refuse.
  • D. open.

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Answer: C

To deny means “to refuse to accept as correct or to not grant or give something.” State, avoid, and open do not relate to the definition. Refuse is the closest word to that meaning, so choice C is the correct answer  

Q9. Making that decision at that time was irresponsible.

  • A. Hapless
  • B. Giddy
  • C. Easy
  • D. Reckless

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Answer: D

The prefix ir- means “not.” Irresponsible, then, means “not responsible.” Hapless, giddy, and easy do not relate to the definition. Reckless
is the only word that reflects the correct meaning, so choice D is the correct answer.  

Q10. Persistent most nearly means

  • A. gentle.
  • B. unrelenting.
  • C. resigned.
  • D. manageable.

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Answer: B

Persistent means “refusing to give up.” Gentle, resigned, and manageable do not relate to this idea. Unrelenting, choice B, is the correct answer.

Q11. The opponent was more dominant.

  • A. Helpful
  • B. Overriding
  • C. Understanding
  • D. Joyous

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Answer: B

Dominant means “being overpowering or prevailing” or “ruling by superior power.” The words joyous, understanding, and helpful do not seem to match the definition. The word that most closely relates to the definition is overriding, so choice B is the correct answer.  

Q12. Mark was more conscientious than his friend.

  • A. Painstaking
  • B. Popular
  • C. Friendly
  • D. Handsome

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Answer: A

Conscientious has to do with doing what is right and correct. By knowing that, you can eliminate the words popular, friendly, and handsome.
The word painstaking is most closely related to the meaning of conscientious, so choice A is the correct answer.

Q13. Diversion most nearly means

  • A. distraction.
  • B. containment.
  • C. pressure.
  • D. supply.

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Answer: A

A diversion is something that makes you turn aside or distracts your attention. The words containment, pressure, and supply do not match
the definition. So, distraction, choice A, is the correct answer.  

Q14. The assumption was that she was correct.

  • A. Belief
  • B. Decision
  • C. Rumor
  • D. Guess

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Answer: A

To assume means “to take for granted or to presume that something is true.” So assumption has to do with taking something to be true or
correct. The words decision, rumor, and guess do not match the definition. The word belief most closely relates to this idea. The correct answer is choice A.  

Q15. Profess most nearly means

  • A. work.
  • B. claim.
  • C. disguise.
  • D. accuse.

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Answer: B

To profess means “to proclaim, state, or declare.” The words work, disguise, and accuse do not match the definition. The word that most
nearly resembles this idea is claim, so choice B is the correct answer.  

Q16. The substance of their argument was trivial.

  • A. Sinister
  • B. Inconsequential
  • C. Sad
  • D. Demanding

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Answer: B

Trivial means “unimportant or insignificant.” The words sinister, sad, and demanding do not match the definition. Inconsequential, choice B,
is the correct answer.  

Q17. His attitude was optimistic.

  • A. Grouchy
  • B. Angry
  • C. Unusual
  • D. Positive

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Answer: D

Optimistic means “having a hopeful view of the world,” so the words grouchy, angry, and unusual can be eliminated. Positive, choice D, is the correct answer.  

Q18. Variable most nearly means

  • A. different.
  • B. gloomy.
  • C. changeable.
  • D. bifurcate.

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Answer: C

To vary means “to change,” so variable means changeable. Choice C is the correct answer.  

Q19.  His words needed clarification.

  • A. Expansion
  • B. Explanation
  • C. Elimination
  • D. Recognition

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Answer: B

A clarification is something that makes information clearer or more explicit, so the elimination and recognition of the word are clearly wrong. The word expansion could have to do with providing more information to clarify something, but an explanation, choice B, is the best answer.  

Q20. The view was panoramic.

  • A. Beautiful
  • B. Unrealistic
  • C. Stylistic
  • D. Expansive

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Answer: D

Panoramic means “providing a wide view.” So beautiful, unrealistic, and stylistic are not related to the word. The best answer is choice D,

Q21. Compassionate most nearly means

  • A. unwieldy.
  • B. modern.
  • C. concerned.
  • D. restrictive.

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Answer: C

The prefix com- means “to bring together.” Passionate has to do with strong, caring feelings. Combining those ideas suggests that  compassionate has to do with bringing strong or deep feelings together. The words unwieldy, modern, and restrictive do not match the definition. The only word that deals with feelings is concerned. Choice C is the correct answer.  

Q22. Contingent most nearly means

  • A. rapid.
  • B. dependent.
  • C. difficult.
  • D. mysterious.

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Answer: B

One event is contingent upon another if it will happen only if the second event occurs. The best synonym is choice B, dependent.  

Q23. Velocity most nearly means

  • A. variety.
  • B. veracity.
  • C. swiftness.
  • D. overflow.

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Answer: C

Velocity has to do with quickness or speediness. The words variety, veracity, and overflow do not match the definition. So swiftness, choice
C, is the correct answer  

Q24. Her house was immaculate.

  • A. Cleaned
  • B. Spotless
  • C. Large
  • D. Fancy

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Answer: B

Immaculate means “without flaws or errors.” The words large and fancy do not match the definition. A house that has been cleaned may
be immaculate, but spotless is the closest word to “without flaws or errors.” Choice B is the best answer.  

Q25. The visibility that day was very poor.

  • A. Clarity
  • B. Test
  • C. Observation
  • D. Dichotomy

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Answer: A

Visible relates to “being able to see something” or “vision,” so visibility must have to do with being able to see. Test and dichotomy do not match the definition. A view may be an observation, but that is not the best answer. Clarity is the only word that relates to the definition of “being able to see.” Choice A is the best answer.  

Q26. The wind was so strong that the boat capsized.

  • A. Overturned
  • B. Accelerated
  • C. Tilted
  • D. Docked

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Answer: A

Capsized means “turned over.” The words accelerated, tilted, and docked do not match the definition. Choice A, overturned, is the correct

Q27. The elected official abdicated responsibility for the situation.

  • A. Welcomed
  • B. Cheered
  • C. Transitioned
  • D. Abandoned

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Answer: D

Abdicated means “gave up or surrendered.” Welcomed, cheered, and transitioned are unrelated to this concept. Abandoned is most closely
related to the word abdicated. Choice D is the correct answer.  

Q28. Her skills made her eligible for the position.

  • A. Qualified
  • B. Eager
  • C. Adequate
  • D. Thankful

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Answer: A

Eligible means “fit to be chosen.” The words eager, adequate, and thankful are unrelated to this concept. Choice A, qualified, fits most closely
and is the best answer.  

Q29. Buoyant most nearly means

  • A. floating.
  • B. happy.
  • C. significant.
  • D. acrobatic.

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Answer: A

To be buoyant means “to be able to float.” The words happy, significant, and acrobatic do not match the definition. Choice A, floating, is the
correct answer. You can remember this by thinking of a buoy, which floats in the water.

Q30. The pond was teeming with fish.

  • A. Empty
  • B. Opaque
  • C. Crowded
  • D. Vigorous

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Answer: C

Teeming means “swarming, abounding, or being full.” Empty is the opposite of this concept. Opaque means “dense or thick,” and vigorous
means “energetic, strong, or active.” These words don’t relate to being full or swarming, but crowded does. Choice C is the correct answer.  

Q31. Bestow most nearly means

  • A. remove.
  • B. have.
  • C. give.
  • D. question.

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Answer: C

Bestow means “to give,” as in giving a gift or an award. The words remove, have, and question do not match the definition. Give, choice C, is the correct answer.  

Q32. Meander most nearly means

  • A. twist.
  • B. reverse.
  • C. exceed.
  • D. renew.

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Answer: A

A river that meanders is one that winds and turns as it flows. The best synonym is choice A, twist.  

Q33. Infiltrate most nearly means

  • A. interfere.
  • B. seek.
  • C. enter.
  • D. penetrate.

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Answer: A

Infiltrate means “to pass into” or “to seize control from within.” The words interfere and seek are not related to the definition. Enter is similar in meaning, but the word penetrate is the closest to the stated meaning. Choice D is the correct answer  

Q34. His science grade plummeted after that difficult exam.

  • A. Soared
  • B. Plunged
  • C. Increased
  • D. Failed

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Answer: B

Plummeted means “fell.” Soared has somewhat the opposite meaning. The words increased and failed are not related. Choice B, plunged, is
the correct answer 

Q35. The monument was defiled by the visitors.

  • A. Honored
  • B. Desecrated
  • C. Cleaned
  • D. Respected

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Answer: B

Defiled means “contaminated or dishonored.” Honored is the opposite of this idea. The words cleaned and respected are not related. Desecrated, choice B, is the correct answer.  

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  • Complex Words
  • Compound Words

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FREE ASVAB Word Knowledge Practice Test

The Word Knowledge test evaluates your ability to determine word meaning through synonyms or antonyms. In a nutshell, the WK exam is a rapid-fire vocabulary test. The larger your basic vocabulary, the better prepared you are to answer the questions correctly. This practice test will include 70 practice questions with explained answers. There are two types of questions:
Definition – select the appropriate definition of the given word
Emphasized word – determine its meaning based on its use within a sentence.

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Не разбирать по копиям

Печатать отдельно каждую страницу

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На печать выводятся только 3 и 7 страница документа

На печать выводится диапазон страниц с 3 по 7 страницу

На печать выводится все страницы документа, кроме 3 и 7

Следующие поля являются необязательными для заполнения. Сведения вносятся при тестировании сотрудников организаций с целью консолидации данных для заказчика. При указании e-mail, пришлём результаты с ответами.

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  • Word Knowledge Test 1

    Our Word Knowledge Practice Test 1 is ideal for assessing your knowledge of word synonyms as tested for on the ASVAB. Get started now to ensure you get the highest score possible on your ASVAB.

  • Word Knowledge Test 2

    Before you take the ASVAB, ensure you are ready by taking our Word Knowledge Practice Test 2. This test features questions that are similar to the ones on the real ASVAB.

  • Word Knowledge Test 3

    Don’t sit for the ASVAB without taking this Word Knowledge Practice Test 3 first. This practice test will boost your knowledge and get you familiar with the actual test-taking experience.

ASVAB – Word Knowledge (WK) Test

The Word Knowledge subtest of the ASVAB requires you to both be able to differentiate words based on their spelling and to know what various words mean.

In other words, this section of the test is all about your vocabulary.

This section is also one of the four sections that make up your AFQT score, which determines your eligibility for military service. In addition, a good score on this section is required for a number of military jobs, everything from the obvious journalist position to the maybe not so obvious firefighter position.

Here are some sample questions you may be asked in this section:

  • Evocation most nearly means
  • As he grew older, John began to show a proclivity for baseball. What does proclivity mean?
  • Debauchery most nearly means

To test your current word-knowledge skills, we recommend taking our Word Knowledge Practice Tests, which is filled with questions that are similar to what you will find on the real ASVAB.

Taking this practice test will help you develop the knowledge you need to earn a high score. It will also help you get familiar with the CAT-ASVAB test-taking process so that you feel more confidence and comfortable when you go to take the real test.

In addition to taking our practice tests, you may also want to consult our study guides for additional study tips and information that can help you increase your score even more.

Don’t forget you can take our practice test as many times as you like and each time you do take it we will reorder the questions to create a new learning experience for you.

This section on the CAT-ASVAB has 16 questions, which you must answer in 8 minutes. This section on the paper ASVAB has 35 questions that you have 11 minutes to answer.

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