Word jumps 2 lines

  • When I opened my websit in firefox, the text jumps on my site a millimeter upwards or sideways. Within the internet Exlorer I don’t have this problem. You can you

    I built my site with Joomla.
    It seems nice butinto firefox browser the text jumps a little


    Thank you all for the very quick responses.

    The problem is solved in my opinion, by cutting the module.
    I will remember all the recommendations and maybe I can do something with it in the future.
    Because I know what the problem was, I took the site offline because the problem for you is no longer visible.
    For the disabled module, I’ll have to find another option.
    Ticket can be closed.

    Thank you


  • When typing the text jumps

    When you type the text jumps to a random place in the body of the message. This occurs when the mouse pointer is somewhere in the text box. I leave the pointer outside of typing the text box so I don’t know where! all ideas


    I suspect that your mouse sends clicks ghosts. You can cross with another mouse test to see if the problem goes away?


  • During the typing of text after paragraph 4, the text jumps the same block of text there. Not sure if it’s because of a page break. Help, please

    During the typing of text after paragraph 4, the text jumps the same block of text there. Not sure if it’s because of a page break. Help, please

    And make sure that you do not use the Enter key on the numeric keypad.

  • Why the text «adobe after effects» made its appearance in my rendered composition?

    Why the text «adobe after effects» made its appearance in my rendered composition?

    Probably because you have applied a predefined text animation and did not change the default text for this.

  • Align the text with multiple lines

    Hi, I need help fast please. I thought it would be easy, but I can’t get out and hours of searching online turned up nothing. Sorry if this is posted in the wrong place!

    I need align the text on several lines. It’s a calendar I design for charity. I’m stuck with letters and numbers. The requested provision is a little like this…

    M T W Th F S S

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7

    I need the numbers to be central at the time, if that makes sense? The only way I could do it so far is to write in excel, Center it and then paste it to the Commission in the PS, but due to the size, I work at, I have to resize each month individually, which means they could end up being slightly different and I need them to be perfect. Is it possible that I can do this in PS, I know, I work with the exact sizes on each month?

    It’s probably something really simple that I’m missing, but I just can’t cope.

    I use CS6 and the font is Century Gothic, if that’s any help.

    Thanks in advance!

    I’ve now sorted! Thanks anyway

  • Is there a way to create a topic with a shading behind the text and fine lines above and below?

    I work with InDesign CS6, Windows 7.

    Is it possible, using nets of paragraph, to create a heading with shading behind the text and fine lines above and below the text?

    I would like to create headers that resemble these:


    Thank you!

    A way to create a style of stoke (Stripe type) with a small percentage of height up and downstairs dedicated to scratches, then apply the color out in the dialog whn would you apply the contour to your net of paragraph style. The downside to this is that the ‘weight’ of the two lines can vary when you change the weight of the actual race.

    To avoid this and still be able to ge the fill to expand the width of column, you can use a 1-cell table, or you could use rules above and below and underscore cutom for filling and key line with a tabulation of withdrawal right. If you need space on the left, as shown in the illustration, you would probably need a tab on the left as well, instead of a dash.

  • Why my text jumps to the next column?

    This problem is really frustrating me and I can’t find answers. I jump to the next column/text frame, but there is place at the bottom, above the footnotes page. What is happening with a number of images. I played with the keep Options and page layout Document footer, but none seem to solve the problem effectively. So you see what I’m talking to you, here’s a screen Cap. Notice the widow jump to page 7 top — ‘traffic and pollution.

    Screen Shot 2014-08-12 at 10.04.16 AM.png

    It is not clear to me from your answers if you tried to pay Dungeon with next to 0. The way that your keep screencap Options, shows you each paragraph BODY keeping with at least 2 lines in the following paragraph. This would force a line to the top of the page, since there is not enough room at the bottom of the previous page to the last line and two more.

    In general, Dungeon set with nearly 2 for managers (not body copy), so that the heads don’t end up alone at the bottom of the page. In general, set the copy body on the lines to keep together, usually 2 to start and end, but keep with next to 0, so ID can break between graphics.

    Another thing I noticed about the notes: from time to time ID gets ‘stuck’ in a certain paging, even if you could make changes that should bring it to reflow. Force it to reflow after having changed, cut and paste the text you want to redistribute.

    Ken Benson

  • Why keep the text jumping

    The drafting of emails, text keeps jumping, so that sections of it are found in other parts of the text. It’s not me the wrong key.
    Any advice would be appreciated
    Thank you


    Some Thunderbird problems can be solved by make a clean reinstall. This means that you remove the Program Files of Thunderbird then reinstall Thunderbird. Please follow these steps:

    1. Download the latest version of Thunderbird from http://www.mozilla.org/en-US/thunderbird/ and save the file to install it on your computer.
    2. Once the download is complete, close all windows in Thunderbird (click on Exit/Quit the menu button on the right).
      • Windows:
        • C:Program FilesMozilla Thunderbird
        • C:Program Files (x 86) Mozilla Thunderbird
      • Mac: Remove Thunderbird in the Applications folder.
      • Linux: If you installed Thunderbird with the distribution-based package manager, you must use the same way to uninstall: see Install Thunderbird on Linux. If you have downloaded and installed the binary package of the Thunderbird Download Page, simply remove the thunderbird folder in your home directory.
    3. Now, go ahead and reinstall Thunderbird:
      1. Double-click on the downloaded Setup file and go through the steps in the installation wizard.
      2. Once the wizard is completed, click to open Thunderbird after you click the Finish button.

    WARNING: Uninstaller or the use of Thunderbird and not run a third remover as part of this process, because who could permanently delete your Thunderbird data, including but not limited to, extensions, email, personal settings and the saved passwords. These can be recovered, unless they have been backed up on an external device!

    Please report back to see if this helped you!

    Thank you.

  • When you type in a text field on a Web site, why the cursor jumps behind the already typed text?

    This problem only occurs when text is entered into a form on site (not in the address bar). The cursor jumps randomly a letter to the left, thus making it rather impossible entry.

    Device: HTC Vision Android 2.2 (= HTC Desire Z in North America)

    This is a bug that will be fixed in the RC version. If you’re OK with putting on the installation from «unknown sources» in the application settings. The nightly build will have this work http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/mobile/nightly/latest-mozilla-central-android-r7/fennec-4.0b6pre.multi.eabi-arm.apk else use the software keyboard to this release.

  • Why the texts to someone iCloud email sent in a green box in iMessage?

    On my old iPhone 5, I sent iMessages to someone iCloud email address and my text boxes were blue, as they are on an iPhone. I try to send a message to that same email on my current iPhone iCloud 6 and the text box was green. This person still has an iPhone then why are they sent green as an ‘SMS’, but it is still going to be another iPhone?

    Have you tried toggling of iMessage power on the phone?

    Also, see some of the suggestions in this thread: iMessage on my Mac sends more messages. It only sends text Messages, even to contacts who have apple ID

  • I splilled li oquid liquid on my laptop, and now the text jumps to different places where the sentence and out Dyslexic…

    I Ispilled iced tea on my laptop keyboard area and now when I type, the letters jump to different areas of my text, I know its bc it wet spill of iced tea, but s antything here I CA makes type much more mormaelp, it is stil prblematic you can see.lly. o to fix it completely? The longest period of time that passes seems better.  As you can see… it’s a perfect example of how my text and typing mess… and it’s better that there is

    Someone knows how to fix this problem, so I can type normallt? I would be very grateful. for any advice. Thank you very much. BTW, it’s a laptop from samsung. Not very old, I bought in May 2011

    Thank you, I’d be greafful for any help

    Try to leave the laptop open and off (not near a direct heat source) to allow any residual moisture to evaporate. If you had sugar in tea residue can be larger and more sticky and can make them less likely to return to normal without further intervention.

    If after a few days, it is still faulty, I suggest you get the keyboard professionally repaired/replaced.

  • Why the cursor jump to other places when you type?

    When you type, the cursor jumps to other lines or words, sometimes jumps 2 or 3 lines.  In addition, when you use arrow down, he jumps at the end of the page, instead of 2 or 3 lines of scrolling.

    Operating system is Vista, SP2, Dell Vostro A860.  Problem occurs especially during the seizure of the e-mail program.  I don’t remember not all changes made on the PC, however, suddenly it was happening more often, so could increase after having chosen the system restore to return to a different restore point.  After the announcement of this issue, I’ve seen in many cases of this problem in the Microsoft Forums and after those suggestions concerning the sensitivity of the touchpad, I changed the sessions for Tablet and I think my problem is resolved.

  • Why the text in the fields of the contact form changes position in the different States?

    Dear Muse Maniacs.

    I used the SIMPLE CONTACT widget. In design mode in the Muse of all States to look (void, no vacuum, orientation,…) very well. After the export of local browser, BC oder my hosted URL, the text position jump between these States.

    Site URL:


    Feel free to watch this video screencapture to check my settings in my file of Muse and compare it to what happens in the browser:

    Adobe Creative Cloud

    Definition of Muse:

    Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-09 um 21.43.28.png

    Preview in the browser:

    Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-09 um 21.05.20.png

    Bildschirmfoto 2016-04-09 um 21.05.54.png

    Thank you very much for your help.

    Best regards, Moritz

    Thanks a lot for your comments, Mylenium.

    By «adjust text settings«, you mean this way to solve?

  • During the rotation of captive text, why the text baselines evolve?

    In Illustrator CC, I have a group composed of several elements, including the text in the box. I flip this group 5 degrees using the transformation Panel (this seems to be a problem, either in a group or separate).

    As a result, the basic lines of text are more aligned. Take a look at the screenshot below. You will see the poor step in the ‘e’ to ‘brand’ (lines based on the n and d are above the «Bra»), and «pushed» where «n» is obviously higher than the rest of the word, and the ‘a’ aollaboration down below the rest, and many other words.

    If I unrotate it and then re-turns, different letters have basic problems. If I choose a different font, the same question. All the character settings are default. All paragraph settings are default. Area type options are two columns

    Am I missing something? Is there a better approach for this?



    I think that maybe it’s a strangeness of artifact/rendering screen.

    You see exactly the same zoom levels?

    It comes also with images PDF/print/exported/saved?

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    Check to make sure Double spacing isn’t enabled. You can see by right clicking the page, choosing Paragraph, and seeing the spacing option.

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    It spaces two lines because <Enter> inserts paragraph breaks in Word’07. If you hold <Shift> and then hit <Enter> it will insert the normal new-line that you’re used to. Sorry, but I’m not sure how to turn it off. Just try looking over the options panel.

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    +Dick Montage


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    This is not double spacing. This is ending a paragraph and starting a new one — hence the larger space.

    Shift+enter is just a new line.

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    Ah yes, I remember now — and if I’m not mistaken there is a box you can check in the Paragraphs dialogue box to turn this off :)

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    It’s normal behaviour though, it might just be a good idea to get used to it — or you’d have to configure for all computers you work on.

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    In the Paragraph group, click the line spacing button. At the bottom, there should be an option to «remove space after paragraph.»

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    Was just going to say this is standard, hasn’t this been the case for the last few Word’s?

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    If I understand what you’re talking about — you can fix it by simply going to the ‘Style’ section under the Home ribbon and hit the style next to the default choice (default is labeled ‘Normal’, you want ‘No Spacing’).


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    The way I turn it off is highlight the area, right click and make sure you change the before and after spacing to 0. Then, if you want to, after saving the fille, erase the contents of the doc and save it as the Default template.

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    I am writing a table in ms word 2016, I want to adjust a table to make for example 2 words in the same cell, but when I write the second word it goes to the next line, see image below:
    enter image description here

    there is a huge space in front of the first word but the scond word goes down, please tell me how to solve that, the table have a lot of columns and I have a little space, and the text should be in font size 14.

    asked Feb 25, 2019 at 9:10

    Hunar's user avatar

    Here’s a few things to check: First, ensure you are displaying the top level ruler (in the View tab, ensure «Ruler» is checked in the Show group). Refer to the image below.

    !Word menu display ruler checkbox(https://imgur.com/GCIo650)

    Next, with the top ruler displayed, verify that the right margin is not offset to the left. Go to Home tab, Paragraph group, then expand the paragraph settings menu. You can also type «Paragraph Settings» in the Tell Me box. Verify that the right paragraph is set at «0.» Select the whole table and apply this so that the correct formatting is set for the whole table.

    If the step above doesn’t fix it, also go to «Table Properties» (type «Table Properties» in Tell Me box). Under the Table tab, go to «Options.» In Options, you can set the left and right margins for the entire table. The default (assuming you’ve set the display as inches) is 0.08″ but you can change it to something more or less.

    answered Feb 26, 2019 at 17:52

    MAK's user avatar


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    I recently upgraded from Snow Leopard to Lion and Xcode 4.1, and word jumping stopped working in both Terminal and iTerm2. Did the mappings change?

    This is with and without a homebrew installation of readline.

    My .inputrc looks like this:

    "e[1;5D": backward-word
    "e[1;5C": forward-word


    asked Jul 23, 2011 at 16:00

    Carson's user avatar


    Just add the escape sequences in iTerm settings as global shortcut keys.

    Word backward (option-arrowleft):

    a iTerm settings

    Same with word forward, just use F.

    answered Sep 30, 2013 at 7:37

    Nik's user avatar


    2,8611 gold badge16 silver badges11 bronze badges


    The easiest/quickest way I have found is under Profiles > Keys > ‘Load Preset…’ > ‘Natural Text Editing’.

    Then use the option key rather than the control key.

    (iterm2 version 3)

    answered Jun 1, 2017 at 12:53

    typingduck's user avatar


    82510 silver badges15 bronze badges

    Killing a fly with a cannon:

    • Go to Preferences… > Profiles > Keys
    • Press Load Preset…
    • Select Natural Text Editing

    Then, you can move a word backwards using Option ⌥ + and a word forwards using Option ⌥ + , move to the start of the line using fn + and to the end of the line with fn + . Also you can delete a word backwards using Option ⌥ + , delete the whole line using Command ⌘ + .

    If the preset doesn’t appear, reinstall iTerm2. If you installed it using Homebrew+Cask:

    brew cask reinstall iterm2

    source and credits https://apple.stackexchange.com/a/293988/330806

    answered Apr 29, 2019 at 11:44

    best wishes's user avatar

    best wishesbest wishes

    5,4951 gold badge33 silver badges58 bronze badges

    mission control took over the same commands as word jumping. thanks to rob cowrie and nicholas riley for the heads-up on that.

    answered Jul 24, 2011 at 4:01

    Carson's user avatar


    16.9k19 gold badges65 silver badges87 bronze badges


    I added the following in my /etc/inputrc

    # word jump on SHIFT left/right arrows
    "e[1;2D": backward-word
    "e[1;2C": forward-word

    it works great

    answered Jan 19, 2012 at 3:37

    Olivier Refalo's user avatar

    Olivier RefaloOlivier Refalo

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    Following the steps listed in the above answers, I found that on my laptop the first bash (1.bash) will not be able to jump words by pressing option + arrow. Instead, it will simply type in «[D»,»[C». However, if I create a new bash window (2. bash), the word jump works.

    answered Jul 30, 2017 at 23:16

    Thomas Chen's user avatar

    Would it be possible to configure iTerm 2 to go backwards and forwards one word through the curent text in the command line using a keyboard shortcut?

    asked Nov 2, 2014 at 9:19

    syntagma's user avatar


    Ctrl-[ b jumps back a word. You can also use Esc instead or Ctrl-[, and f to go forward.

    That is Ctrl+[ release and then b orf.
    Or Esc and b or f.

    More information can be found at this other discussion on AskDifferent.

    Community's user avatar

    answered Nov 2, 2014 at 9:28

    Volsk's user avatar


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    Killing a fly with a cannon:

    1. Go to iTerm2 (in the menu bar) > Settings… > Profiles > Keys (not Preferences… > Keys)
    2. On current versions (3.14+) you then switch to the Key Mappings tab
    3. Press Presets… dropdown button.
    4. Select Natural Text Editing

    screenshot of dialog with Presets

    Then, you can

    • move a word backwards Option ⌥ +
    • move a word forwards Option ⌥ +
    • move to the start of the line fn +
    • move to the end of the line fn +
    • delete a word backwards Option ⌥ +
    • delete the whole line Command ⌘ +

    If the preset doesn’t appear, reinstall iTerm2. If you installed it using Homebrew+Cask:

    brew cask reinstall iterm2

    or since Homebrew 2.6.0 (December 2020)

    brew reinstall --cask iterm2

    takanuva15's user avatar

    answered Aug 3, 2017 at 13:50

    Ricardo Stuven's user avatar

    Ricardo StuvenRicardo Stuven

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    I like the following setup.

    1. Preferences > Keys (or Preferences > Profiles > Keys)
    2. Click the plus.

    move forward one word

    send escape sequence

    move back one word

    send escape sequence

    delete to beginning of word (credit)

    send hex code
    0x1B 0x08

    delete to end of word

    send escape sequence

    (I don’t remember for sure, but I think I copied this answer from jherran’s answer below and added more to it. I should have added the extra information in comments or suggested edits on that answer. I don’t know how to improve the situation, but now it’s known.)

    answered Sep 8, 2015 at 4:39

    David Winiecki's user avatar

    David WinieckiDavid Winiecki

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    To Get Forward (Alt-f), Backward (Alt-b) and Delete (Alt-d) Word

    1. Open iTerm.
    2. Go to iTerm > Preferences… > Profiles > Keys
    3. Under Profile Shortcut Keys, click the + sign.
    4. Type your key shortcut (option-b, option-f, option-d, option-left, etc.)
    5. For Action, choose Send Escape Sequence.
    6. Write b, d or f in the input field.

    This works at least for bash. For zsh there are other ways to navigate.

    Community's user avatar

    answered Nov 2, 2014 at 9:31

    jherran's user avatar


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    Similar to other answers, but for Zsh it took me a while to find this:

    If you are using Zsh, like Oh My Zsh, in iTerm then go to: Preferences > Profiles > Keys sub-menu

    Click + sign

    Add your shortcut combo, choose «Send Escape Sequence»

    inputs for left and right below.





    answered Dec 8, 2016 at 1:05

    bdanin's user avatar


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    In build 3.3.12, you can select the Natural text editing preset and it will add all the necessary escapes to make it feel like you’re navigating text in any other app.

    enter image description here

    answered Jul 21, 2020 at 18:39

    Clement's user avatar


    3112 silver badges4 bronze badges


    enter image description here

    Open Preferences

    Configure Left (and / or) Right Option key to send Esc+

    If you messed with your presets, you may need to load the default preset (beware this could wipe your custom keybinds!)

    enter image description here

    If you see weird characters after you do this you may need to configure your ~/.inputrc or /etc/inputrc

    Add this to your ~/.inputrc:

    "e[1;5C": forward-word
    "e[1;5D": backward-word
    "e[5C": forward-word
    "e[5D": backward-word
    "ee[C": forward-word
    "ee[D": backward-word

    full example inputrc:

    # /etc/inputrc - global inputrc for libreadline
    # See readline(3readline) and `info rluserman' for more information.
    # Be 8 bit clean.
    set input-meta on
    set output-meta on
    # To allow the use of 8bit-characters like the german umlauts, uncomment
    # the line below. However this makes the meta key not work as a meta key,
    # which is annoying to those which don't need to type in 8-bit characters.
    # set convert-meta off
    # try to enable the application keypad when it is called.  Some systems
    # need this to enable the arrow keys.
    # set enable-keypad on
    # see /usr/share/doc/bash/inputrc.arrows for other codes of arrow keys
    # do not bell on tab-completion
    # set bell-style none
    # set bell-style visible
    # some defaults / modifications for the emacs mode
    $if mode=emacs
    # allow the use of the Home/End keys
    "e[1~": beginning-of-line
    "e[4~": end-of-line
    # allow the use of the Delete/Insert keys
    "e[3~": delete-char
    "e[2~": quoted-insert
    # mappings for "page up" and "page down" to step to the beginning/end
    # of the history
    # "e[5~": beginning-of-history
    # "e[6~": end-of-history
    # alternate mappings for "page up" and "page down" to search the history
    # "e[5~": history-search-backward
    # "e[6~": history-search-forward
    # mappings for Ctrl-left-arrow and Ctrl-right-arrow for word moving
    "e[1;5C": forward-word
    "e[1;5D": backward-word
    "e[5C": forward-word
    "e[5D": backward-word
    "ee[C": forward-word
    "ee[D": backward-word
    $if term=rxvt
    "e[7~": beginning-of-line
    "e[8~": end-of-line
    "eOc": forward-word
    "eOd": backward-word
    # for non RH/Debian xterm, can't hurt for RH/Debian xterm
    # "eOH": beginning-of-line
    # "eOF": end-of-line
    # for freebsd console
    # "e[H": beginning-of-line
    # "e[F": end-of-line

    answered May 6, 2019 at 7:20

    yosefrow's user avatar


    2012 silver badges5 bronze badges


    You can set your terminal in vi mode with set -o vi to be able to use the usual vi motion commands (add the line in .bash_profile to store the setting permanently.)

    So, as if in vi, you can hit Esc, then b to move one word backward (w for forward), go to the beginning of the line with 0, or search a character backward with F + the char.

    Hit i to go back to Normal mode and insert.

    Those familiar with vi can do much more. A cheat sheet can be found here.

    rfabbri's user avatar

    answered Nov 23, 2017 at 2:46

    sebnukem's user avatar


    For new version of iterm 2 (3.4.4), I had to use the suggestion from https://coderwall.com/p/a8uxma/zsh-iterm2-osx-shortcuts. This work specifically for zsh

    In zsh you can use ctrl + a/e to move to beginning/end of line and esc + W/B to move one word backward/forward, but that’s not very handy.

    Here is a solution to map ⌥ + ← / → and ⌘ + ← / → to work in iTerm2 as expected

    Put this in your .zshrc

    bindkey "[D" backward-word
    bindkey "[C" forward-word
    bindkey "^[a" beginning-of-line
    bindkey "^[e" end-of-line

    syntagma's user avatar


    10k12 gold badges37 silver badges53 bronze badges

    answered Apr 3, 2021 at 6:56

    esdee's user avatar


    311 bronze badge


    Answer with more intuitive word breaks. If I have:

    ls foo/bar foo/bar/baz

    I want a word to be foo/bar, not foo. It took a while a while to get that working.

    From this I added to .bash_profile:

    # Use Ctrl-g instead of Ctrl-f because Ctrl-f is mapped in macs to Find
    bind '"C-g":vi-fWord'
    bind '"C-b":vi-bWord'

    From what I could tell, it’s not possible to mention Option key in .bash_profile. So I had iTerm2 map from C-g -> Option-right, C-b -> Option-left:

    Screenshot of iTerm2 Preferences

    answered Dec 11, 2021 at 2:30

    Melissa's user avatar

    With iTerm2 3.1.4, I was able to setup the following without adding individual key mappings.

    1. Go to Preferences > Profiles > Keys
    2. Left/Right ⌥ Key: Select Esc+

    With a new Terminal session you are now able to use:

    Option ⌥ + f to Get Forward

    Option ⌥ + b to Get Forward

    Option ⌥ + Delete ⌫ to Delete Word

    answered Feb 22, 2018 at 18:30

    Fate.AKong's user avatar


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