Word is the burden

The letters were a moving plea for relief from the burdens of repeated child-bearing.

Why change tax rates to make tax burdens sound more onerous when the status quo gained the same revenues?

The transfer of reference to the sick and incapacitated is a minor semantic development: compare the histories of burden’s lexical neighbours, bureau, burger and business.

One consents not only to actions but also to the holding of certain positions and to the imposition of duties and burdens.

Regulators may restrict access to records based on answers to certain questions and add burdens to hospital record-keepers.

Tax burdens were arbitrary and unpredictable and the judicial verdicts of royal governors were blatantly dependent upon bribery.

The greatest burdens of the war- destruction, disruption of life and economic deprivation- have fallen on the rural population.

Although more talented scholars are being drawn to this field of study, it remains burdened with several premises that invite reform.

The book is not burdened by excessive reference citations, is very readable and suited to a wideranging audience.

In order to make just resource allocation decisions, an impartial appraisal of the burdens of benefits is certainly necessary.

The agreement could, for example, be over the sharing of the benefits and burdens associated with the construction and maintenance of an irrigation system.

The eldest son tried to bear the brunt of these burdens, but it was not long before he had to leave.

Often the two coincided, with those living together dividing state and feudal burdens among themselves.

What becomes immediately clear from the figures is that housework disproportionately burdened women.

Options for placement continue to be limited, since foster parents are reluctant to take on the additional burdens caused by drug exposure and premature birth.

These examples are from corpora and from sources on the web. Any opinions in the examples do not represent the opinion of the Cambridge Dictionary editors or of Cambridge University Press or its licensors.

бремя, нагрузка, груз, тяжесть, ноша, обременять, отягощать, нагружать


- ноша; тяжесть; груз
- мор. грузоподъёмность; регистровый тоннаж
- вес партии материала
- физ. вторичная нагрузка (измерительного трансформатора)
- бремя

burden of taxation — налоговое бремя
the burden of (the) years — бремя лет
burden of armaments — бремя вооружений
burden of proof — юр. бремя /обязанность/ доказывания (в процессе)
to be a burden to smb. — быть кому-л. в тягость
to make smb.’s life a burden — портить кому-л. жизнь
the debt burden of the developing countries is enormous — долговые обязательства развивающихся стран огромны

- наносы, покрывающие породы
- отношение пустой породы к полезному ископаемому
- тема; суть, основная мысль

this was the burden of his remarks — в этом была суть его замечаний

- припев, рефрен
- уст. аккомпанемент


- нагружать
- обременять, отягощать

to burden one’s memory with useless facts — обременять память ненужными фактами
to burden with tasks [expenses, taxation] — обременять заданиями [расходами, налогами]

Мои примеры


Примеры с переводом

He became a burden to his family.

Он стал обузой для своей семьи.

I don’t want to burden you with my troubles.

Я не хочу обременять тебя своими проблемами.

He is ill able to sustain the burden.

Он едва способен нести этот груз.

The burden of responsibility weighed heavily on his shoulders.

Груз ответственности сильно давил на его плечи.

Why do you burden yourself with your sister’s children?

Почему ты занимаешься еще и детьми своей сестры, это же лишняя морока?

This should ease the burden on busy teachers.

Это должно снизить нагрузку на учителей.

I don’t wish to burden you with my problems.

Я не хочу обременять вас своими проблемами.

ещё 12 примеров свернуть

Примеры, ожидающие перевода

Nothing can lift the burden from my shoulders.

…burdened the dog with a little backpack…

…the camel’s reputation as an untiring beast of burden…

Для того чтобы добавить вариант перевода, кликните по иконке , напротив примера.

Возможные однокоренные слова

disburden  — освобождаться от бремени, освобождать от бремени, освобождаться от груза
overburden  — перегружать, отягощать, перегрузка
unburden  — облегчать ношу, облегчать бремя, сбрасывать тяжесть, развьючивать
burdening  — обременяющий

Формы слова

I/you/we/they: burden
he/she/it: burdens
ing ф. (present participle): burdening
2-я ф. (past tense): burdened
3-я ф. (past participle): burdened

ед. ч.(singular): burden
мн. ч.(plural): burdens

At times, people carry a load or something that seems to be too heavy or overwhelming. When that happens, you can say they carry a «burden.» But there is more to the word «burden» than meets the eye; learn more about burden definition and usage in this article.

The definition of «burden» is «something carried» or «a load.» The word is usually used when someone is carrying something that seems to be too heavy. A «burden» is something that most people would strain to carry. You can also use the word when you have something heavy at heart.

It is vital to take the time to learn about the word «burden» and its various meanings. That way, when you come across the word in different contexts, it will be easy to understand the target meaning. Keep reading for more.

concentrated online class

What Is the Definition of Burden?

Another definition of «burden» is «a responsibility or a duty.» In this case, the word burden means something you carry with lots of difficulties, but you have to do it because it is your responsibility.

There are things in life the people have to do because it is their responsibility, and if not, they would not do it. Not like people are forced to take up the responsibility, but there’s no alternative at times. Burdens can either be positive or negative based on the final results. However, at times, people associate burdens with negativity.

Example sentences:

  • His wife has the burden of taking care of him after the accident.
  • My sister is too demanding, and that is why planning her wedding feels like a burden.
  • Mark could no longer bear the burden of working for a corrupt boss, so he quit his job.

What Are the Family Words of Burden?

Let’s have a look at two family words that are commonly associated with «burden.» They include burdensome and burdensomely. Read on for more.

  1. Burdensome (adjective): Difficult to carry out or fulfill.

Example sentences:

  • I was sorry to see Michaels’ life so burdensome, but there was no way I could help.
  • We did not expect to get a less burdensome service at the county office.
  • The COVID-19 disease has become burdensome and one of the most difficult diseases to understand.
  1. Burdensomely (adverb): In a difficult manner.

Example sentences:

  • Cate knew she was dying, but she continued to work burdensomely till her last breath.
  • If you do not work burdensomely, you might not succeed in life.

Burden Synonyms and Antonyms

Enhance your vocabulary and make sure that you use words that clearly express the information you are trying to give. The best way to do this is when you learn a new word, you should also look at the synonyms and antonyms of the word. Here’s the list.


  • Cargo: Goods carried by ship, aircraft, or vehicles.
  • Freight: Movement of lorries by trains, ships, and airplanes.
  • Pledge: A serious promise to do something.
  • Weight: The heaviness of something usually measured in units.
  • Load: Something in large quantity that is heavy and is being carried.
  • Charge: To assign responsibility.
  • Commitment: The state of dedication to a cause.
  • Obligation: debt of gratitude for a service or favor.
  • Responsibility: Being accountable for something
  • Vow: A promise to do something.


  • Ease: Absence of difficulty or effort.
  • Lightness: State of someone being light in weight.
  • Airiness: The state of being light or breezy.
  • Facility: A state of being easy to perform.
  • Acceleration: At an increased speed of weight
  • Liberation: Setting someone free from imprisonment or oppression.
  • Mitigation: Action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness.
  • Disbursement: The paying out of funds.
  • Alleviation: To help make a problem less severe.

What Is the Meaning of Burden?

The meaning of «burden» is something oppressive or worrisome. In most situations, the word «burden» describes someone dealing with something they find stressful and one that is stressing them.

Example sentences:

  • Mrs. Elijah carried the burden of knowing who killed her neighbors, but she did not say anything because she knew no one would believe her.
  • Mia had a burden in her heart, but she did not share it with anyone.
  • Mr. James’ burden was that his wife would leave him one day.

Can a Person Be a Burden?

A common question most people have about the word «burden» is whether someone can be a» burden.» The answer is a resounding yes. A person can be a burden to another, and if that happens, then it means that they are negatively impacting the well-being of another person.

If someone is a «burden,» they will also hold others back to live a more free life. They have to take time off work to take care of others. And if they don’t, they will make them feel uncomfortable or stressed.

Is Burden a Negative Word?

You can use the word «burden» to mean something that you can carry and withstand difficulties. It can also mean weighing down or oppressing. In both these definitions, the word has a negative charge.

How to Use Burden in a Sentence?

When learning the word «burden,» make sure you learn how to use the words in a sentence. The word «burden» can be used both as a noun and a verb. 

So, it is vital to understand the nature of your sentence or context to use the vocabulary as required. Remember that this is a negative word, and when using it in your sentence, it should express negativity.

man writing pen

What Is a Burden in Law?

In law, the word «burden» is used in the phrase «burden of truth.» That is generally described as a standard for a party seeking to prove a fact in court. Parties must satisfy the court specifications to have the fact legally established.

What Is a Burden in Science?

In the field of science, the word «burden» is used in the phrase «burden of truth.» which means the obligation one has to prove their assertion.

What Is Burden Mathematics?

In mathematics, «burden» is used with «burden of cost,» which means the hidden labor and inventory charges that companies pay for their manufacturing process.

10 Examples of Burden in a Sentence

Learning the definitions and meanings of words is not enough. It is vital to take enough time to research the various ways that the word you learn is used in various sentences. Here is a look at ten example sentences with the word «burden.»

  1. I will never allow you to carry this burden alone.
  2. The last thing that Peter wanted after the accident was to burden anyone.
  3. I did not realize that I had become a burden to you and your family.
  4. Alex has to overcome pain and burden or finances.
  5. He was the only one who took the burden of ensuring that the children were well fed.
  6. His load will be arriving in a ship with a hundred tons burden.
  7. The doctor did not know how to help his patient navigate the burden of a cancer diagnosis.
  8. Though he hit that man in an accident, he was filled with the heavy burden of guilt.
  9. The loan that he took against his house turned out to be a huge financial burden to his family.
  10. It is time that the government lowered the tax burden on middle and lower-class citizens.

How Do You Spell Burden?

The word «burden» is spelled as «B.U.R.D.E.N.»

You should be careful when spelling this word so as not to misspell it. Note that this is one of the words in the English language that is commonly misspelled. The common misspelling of burden include:

  • Burnden
  • Berden
  • Burden
  • Buden

How Do You Pronounce Burden?

The pronunciation of the word «burden» is «bud.dn.» 

It is impossible to use a word perfectly if you do not pronounce it right. Even if you use it in your sentences, with the wrong pronunciation, people will not comprehend what you say.

How Many Syllables Are In Burden?

The word «burden» has two syllables. These syllables are «bur-den.» The stressed syllable in the word is «bur.» 

Learning the various word syllables will help you understand the process of decoding a word. This will help you read accurately and fluently. In addition, it is one of the best ways to be certain that you will spell words accurately.

History & Etymology of Burden

The word burden is originally from Latin «bher,» meaning» to carry» or «to bear children.» Later, the German language introduced «burde» but retained the same Latin meaning. It was later introduced to the English language as «burden,» which means load.

When Was Burden First Used?

The first time the word «burden» appeared was in the 1640s.


The word «burden» is one of those words you are bound to come across at one time in your life. Thus, it is vital to learn and understand its meaning to use it correctly in your sentences. Also, note that this is a word with different meanings and definitions, so take the time to learn each of them and the various ways you can use it in respective contexts.

Shawn Manaher

Shawn Manaher is the founder and CEO of The Content Authority. He’s one part content manager, one part writing ninja organizer, and two parts leader of top content creators. You don’t even want to know what he calls pancakes.

  • anxiety
  • concern
  • difficulty
  • duty
  • hardship
  • load
  • onus
  • responsibility
  • strain
  • task
  • tax
  • trouble
  • worry
  • accountability
  • affliction
  • albatross
  • blame
  • care
  • charge
  • clog
  • encumbrance
  • grievance
  • hindrance
  • millstone
  • misfortune
  • mishap
  • obstruction
  • punishment
  • sorrow
  • trial
  • work
  • Herculean task
  • ball and chain
  • deadweight
  • excess baggage
  • thorn in one’s side
  • weary load
  • afflict
  • bother
  • depress
  • encumber
  • hamper
  • handicap
  • hinder
  • lade
  • oppress
  • overload
  • overwhelm
  • weigh down
  • crush
  • cumber
  • impede
  • load
  • obligate
  • overcharge
  • pile
  • press
  • snow
  • strain
  • tax
  • trouble
  • try
  • vex
  • worry
  • bear down on
  • dish it out
  • dish out
  • dump on
  • give it to
  • make heavy
  • saddle with
  • snow under
  • stick it to

On this page you’ll find 231 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to burden, such as: anxiety, concern, difficulty, duty, hardship, and load.

antonyms for burden

  • advantage
  • aid
  • assistance
  • benefit
  • blessing
  • calmness
  • contentment
  • ease
  • happiness
  • help
  • irresponsibility
  • peace
  • tranquility
  • encouragement
  • exculpation
  • exoneration
  • praise
  • promotion
  • relief
  • aid
  • allow
  • assist
  • cheer
  • comfort
  • delight
  • encourage
  • further
  • help
  • make happy
  • permit
  • please
  • promote
  • release
  • soothe
  • unburden
  • relieve

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

TRY USING burden

See how your sentence looks with different synonyms.

How to use burden in a sentence

That collective burden will drag down regional incomes by roughly 10%, amounting to one of the largest transfers of wealth in American history, as people who live farther north will benefit from that change and see their fortunes rise.



OCTOBER 26, 1985


  • agonize
  • annoy
  • beset
  • bother
  • burden
  • crucify
  • distress
  • grieve
  • harass
  • harrow
  • harry
  • irk
  • lacerate
  • martyr
  • oppress
  • pain
  • pester
  • plague
  • press
  • rack
  • smite
  • strike
  • torment
  • torture
  • trouble
  • try
  • vex
  • worry
  • wound
  • agonizes
  • annoys
  • besets
  • bothers
  • burdens
  • crucifies
  • distresses
  • grieves
  • harasses
  • harries
  • harrows
  • irks
  • lacerates
  • martyrs
  • oppresses
  • pains
  • pesters
  • plagues
  • presses
  • racks
  • smites
  • strikes
  • torments
  • tortures
  • tries
  • troubles
  • vexes
  • winds
  • worries
  • body
  • burden
  • core
  • full value
  • import
  • matter
  • purport
  • result
  • sense
  • significance
  • substance
  • thrust
  • upshot
  • value
  • bodies
  • burdens
  • cores
  • full values
  • imports
  • matters
  • purport
  • results
  • senses
  • significances
  • substances
  • thrusts
  • upshots
  • values
  • affliction
  • blight
  • burden
  • bête noir
  • calamity
  • curse
  • despair
  • destruction
  • disaster
  • downfall
  • fatal attraction
  • misery
  • nuisance
  • pest
  • plague
  • poison
  • ruin
  • ruination
  • scourge
  • torment
  • trial
  • trouble
  • undoing
  • venom
  • woe
  • accountability
  • answerability
  • burden
  • culpability
  • fault
  • guilt
  • incrimination
  • liability
  • onus
  • rap

Roget’s 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

burden — перевод на русский


— I will take on your burden.

Я приму на себя ваше бремя.

«O heavy burden!»

О, тягостное бремя!

Forty-five years, and most of the time carrying other people’s burdens.

Сорок пять лет вы помогаете другим нести их бремя.

And here, I must remind you, the burden of proof is on the prosecution.

И здесь, я должен напомнить вам, бремя доказательства лежит на судебном преследовании.

You needn’t carry such a burden.

Вам не обязательно нести такое бремя.

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Faith is a heavy burden, do you know that?

Вера — это тяжелая ноша, ты знаешь об этом?

The heavy burden on one’s back;

Тяжелая ноша на спине.

That’s a terribly big burden for such a little girl. Thank you.

Это ужасно тяжёлая ноша для такой маленькой девочки.

Questions are a burden, answers a prison.

Вопросы — это ноша, а ответы — это тюрьма для самих себя.

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Tell them we’re leaving because we don’t wanna be a burden.

Напишем, что не хотим быть им обузой.

And you’d never be a burden to her… not to her.

И ты не стал бы для нее обузой.

I shall prove no burden to you. My fingers are nimble with a needle.

Я не стану для вас обузой:

If I’m getting to be a burden to you. I can always leave.

Если я для тебя становлюсь обузой, то всегда могу уйти.

— You won’t be a burden on anyone. — [ Whistle Blows ]

Теперь ты не будешь моей обузой.

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Я не хотел обременять тебя.

I didn’t want to burden you, but since you really want me to, I’ll stay.

Я не хотел обременять тебя, но если тьi действительно этого хочешь, я останусь.

I wouldn ‘t want to burden you further by taking this matter up before a full assembly.

обременять вас еще больше вынося этот вопрос на ассамблею.

I don’t mean to burden you with my problems.

Я не хотел обременять вас своими проблемами.

The kids do not need to be burdened with our problems.

Не стоит обременять детей нашими проблемами.

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I’ve had the whole burden.

Я тащила этот груз.

And the horrifying burden of the past ten years has disappeared.

и ужасный груз прошедших 10 лет исчез

Figuratively speaking, we all carry on our shoulders a certain burden.

Образно говоря, все мы несем на своих плечах известный груз.

I’m getting old and I feel the burden of my responsibilities.

Я старею, и я чувствую груз собственных обязательств.

This big burden’s been lifted.

Груз с души сняла.

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I don’t want to carry around that burden, okay?

Я не хочу ходить с этой тяжелой ношей, хорошо?

It’ll be a great burden, not without risk.

Это будет тяжелой ношей, не без риска.

Some see it as a gift, but to me it’s always been a burden.

Некоторые считают, что это дар. Но для меня это всегда было тяжелой ношей.

It’s because I have been your burden for so long.

— За то, что я был твоей тяжелой ношей.

And they’ll be a burden and a pain, and your life will never be what it was supposed to be.

И они будут тяжелой ношей и болью. И твоя жизнь никогда не будет… такой, какой могла бы быть.

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I am a burden… to my family

Что я в тягость… своей семье

— I’ll just be a burden.

— Я буду вам только в тягость.

— Have I become a burden?

— Я стала в тягость?

I came to help. Sorry I ended up being a burden.

Я приехал помочь Каё, а оказался вам в тягость.

You are not a burden.

Ты мне не в тягость.

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Now he was burdened with the harassing cares and responsibilities which are the dismal adjuncts of great rank and property.

Он был теперь обременён заботами и ответственностью этими неприятными довесками знатности и богатства.

And in the future you should not be burdened by my dishonor.

А в будущем ты не должен быть обременён моим позором.

I’m not burdened by any such sense of etiquette.

Я не обременен каким-то ни было чувствами этики.

You’re not burdened by conscience or guilt or regret.

Ты не обременён совестью, чувством вины, сожалением.

He’s still burdened with hatred for me…

Он по-прежнему обременен ненавистью ко мне…

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It was quite a burden to bear.

Это было довольно тяжкое бремя.

What Mr. Jordan means is that we’re aware of the burden… that raising a child would place on you.

Мы с мистером Джорданом понимаем, какое это тяжкое бремя — растить ребенка без отца…

The wounded are always the greatest burden.

Раненые всегда самое тяжкое бремя.

You only keep bearing a heavier burden

Ты несёшь тяжкое бремя.

Don’t burden yourself with the secrets of scary people.

Тайны страшных людей — тяжкое бремя.

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And not only for that hour and day were the mind and conscience darkened in that man, on whom the burden of all that had happened lay more heavily than on others.

И не на один только час или день были помрачены ум и совесть зтого человека, тяжелее всех других носившего на себе всю тяжесть свершавшегося.

The burden of memories Gets too hard to bear

Тяжесть воспоминаний Становится невыносимой.

The burden on your heart… I’m afraid of losing the moments when we are together.

Тяжесть на твоём сердце… Я боюсь терять те моменты, когда мы вместе.

Pray that God take this burden off my chest.

Помолись-ка Господу что бы снял он с души моей тяжесть.

That must have seemed like you’d crawled through a desert with your mouth just caked with filthy dust and then someone is offering you a clear, refreshing, distilled, icy glass of water to clear away all this horrible, kind of like, burden of history.

Это выглядело бы, наверное так, словно вы проползли через пустыню и рот ваш запекся от грязной пыли и затем вам предложил стакан чистой, освежающей, дистилированной, охлажденной воды чтобы очистить всю ту ужасную тяжесть истории.

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