Word in spanish that start with a


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This list found below includes the following :

Spanish Adjectives, Nouns and Verbs that all begin with the letter A

Spanish Words That Start With A

A – Aerodinámico

Spanish English
a, en at
a, en to
abajo below, down
abandonado abandoned
abandono abandonment
abdicar abdicate
abdomen abdomen
abdominal abdominal
abierto open
abismal abysmal
abismo abyss
abnormal abnormal
abogado advocate
abolicionismo abolitionism
abolicionista abolitionist
abomaso abomasum
abominable abominable
abrasión abrasion
abril april
abrupto abrupt
absceso abscess
abscisa abscissa
absolutamente absolutely
absoluto absolute
abstenerse abstain
abstracción abstraction
abstracto abstract
absurdo absurd
abundancia abundance
abundante abundant
abundantemente abundantly
aburrido bored, boring
abuso abuse
aca around here
academia academy
académico academic
acceso access
accesorio accessory
accidental accidental
acción action
aceleración acceleration
acelerar accelerate
acento accent
acentuar accentuate
aceptación acceptance
acerca de about
ácido acid
aclaración clarification
acogedor cozy
acomodar accommodate
acompañado accompanied
acostumbrado accustomed
acre acre
acróbata acrobat
acrobático(a) acrobatic
activación activation
actividad activity
actividades activities
activo active
acto act
actual actual
actualidad actuality
actualmente at present
actuario actuary
acuerdo accord
acumulación accumulation
acumulador accumulator
acusación accusation
acústico acoustic
adecuado adequate
adentro inside
adherente adherent
adhesión adhesion
adhesivo adhesive
adición addition
adicional additional
adios goodbye
aditivo additive
administración administration
administrador administrator
administrativo administrative
admirable admirable
admiración admiration
admirado admired
admisión admission
adogada / abogado attorney
adolescencia adolescence
adolescente teenager
adopción adoption
adorable adorable
adorno adornment
adquisición acquisition
adulto adult
adversidad adversity
adyacencia adjacency
adyacente adjacent
aéreo aerial
aerodinámico aerodynamic

Afectado – Anteayer

afectado affected
afecto affect
afinidad affinity
afortunadamente fortunately
afortunado fortunate
afortunado/a lucky
africano African
afuera outside
agencia agency
agente agent
ágil agile
agitado agitated
agonía agony
agosto August
agradable agreeable
agradable pleasant, pleasing
agrario agrarian
agricultura agriculture
ahora mismo right now
ahora now
ajustable adjustable
al aire libre in the open air
al alabanza praise
al amanecer daybreak
al dia siguiente the next day
al fin at last
al final at the end
al frente in front
al lado de next to
al ladron, la ladrona thief
al menos, lo menos at least
al mismo tiempo at the same time
al oido in a whisper
al parecer / por lo visto apparently
al, a la, a los, a las to the
al, a la, en el, en la at the
alarma alarm
alcoba alcove
alcohol alcohol
alcohólico alcoholic
alegre cheerful
alegre, contento, feliz happy
alérgico allergic
álgebra de lógica algebra of logic
álgebra lineal linear algebra
algebraico algebraic
algo something
algo; cualquiera anything
algorimo estándar standard algorithm
algoritmo de Euclides Euclid’s algorithm
algoritmo de la división division algorithm
alguien somebody, someone
algun, algunos/as some
alguna vez once
alianza alliance
alli there
almanaque almanac
almirante admiral
alrededor de around
alternativa alternative
alto high
alto high
alto / alta tall
aluminio aluminum
alumno alumnus
alusión allusion
amable amiable
amarillo yellow
ambición ambition
ambicioso ambitious
ambiente ambient
ambiguo ambiguous
ámbito ambit
ambos, ambas both
ambulancia ambulance
ambulante ambulant
amenaza menace
amistoso/a friendly
amoroso amorous
amplio ample
amplitud amplitude
análisis analysis
análisis algebraico algebraic analysis
análisis matemático mathematical analysis
análisis no estándar nonstandard analysis
analogía analogy
anaranjado orange (color)
anatomía anatomy
ancho wide
anciano ancient
anfibio amphibian
ángulo angle
angustia anguish
animado animated
animado/a lively
anoche last night
anónimo anonymous
ansia anxiety
ansiedad anxiety
ansioso anxious
anteayer day before yesterday

Antecedente – Aspecto

antecedente antecedent
antemano before hand
antes de before
antigüedad antiquity
antiguo antique
antinatural unnatural
antioxidante antioxidant
antipatico/a unpleasant
anual annual
anuncio announcement
aparato apparatus
aparente apparent
apariencia appearance
aparte apart
apasionado impassioned
apenas barely
apenas hardly
apenas scarcely
apertura aperture
aplicación algebraica algebraic application
aplicado applied
estudioso studious
apreciable appreciable
apropiado appropriate
aproximación óptima optimal approximation
aproximación sucesiva successive approximation
aproximación trigonométrica trigonometric approximation
aproximado approximate
aptitud aptitude
aquel, ese that one
aquellos, aquellas, aquellesos, aquellesas those
aqui here
árabe Arabic
arbitrario arbitrary
árbol arbor
arcaico archaic
archivo archive
archivos archives
arco arc
arco arch
arco circular circular arc
arco interceptado intercepted arc
arco interceptado iterative function
arco mayor major arc
arco menor minor arc
arco segmental segmental arc
arco superior superior arc
ardiente ardent
área area
argumento argument
argumento lógico logical argument
argumento válido valid argument
árido arid
aristocracia aristocracy
aristocrático aristocratic
aritmética arithmetic
aritmética binaria binary arithmetic
aritmético arithmetical
arma arm (weapon)
armonía harmony
armónico harmonic
armonioso harmonious
arpón harpoon
arqueología archaeology
arqueológico archaeological
arquetipo archetype
arquitecto architect
arquitectura architecture
arrestar arrest
arriba up
arrogancia arrogance
arrogante arrogant
arruinado ruined
arsénico arsenic
arteriosclerosis atherosclerosis
articulo item
artillería artillery
artista artist
artístico artistic
asaltador assailant
asaltante assailant
asaltar assault
asalto assault
asamblea assembly
ascendencia ascendancy
ascendente ascendant
ascendente ascending
asesinato assassination
asesino assassin
asi like that
asi asi so so
asiduo assiduous
asimetría asymmetry
asimétrico asymmetrical
asimilar assembly
asíntota asymptote
asistencia assistance
asistente assistant
asma asthma
asociativa associative
aspecto aspect

Aspirante – El Anfitrion

aspirante aspirant
aspirina aspirin
astenósfera asthenosphere
asterisco asterisk
asteroide asteroid
astigmatismo astigmatism
astringente astringent
astrofísica astrophysics
astrometría astrometry
astronauta astronaut
astronomía astronomy
astronómico astronomical
astrónomo astronomer
asustado afraid
asustar frighten
asustar scare
ataque attack
atávico atavistic
atentamente sincerely
atentamente attentively
atento attentive
atenuar attenuate
atestado packed
atípico atypical
atleta athlete
atlético athletic
atmósfera atmosphere
atmosférico atmospheric
atómico atomic
átomo atom
atracción attraction
atractivo attractive
atrapar trap
atras back
atributo attribute
atrio atrium
atrocidad atrocity
audacia audacity
audaz audacious
audición audition
audiencia audience
auditivo auditory
auditorio auditorium
aumentación augmentation
aun even
aun ever
aunque although
ausencia absence
ausente absent
austeridad austerity
austero austere
auténtico authentic
autentoc/a genuine
autógrafo autograph
autómata automation
automático automatic
autonomía autonomy
autónomo autonomous
autoritario authoritarian
auxiliar auxiliary
avance advance
avanzado advanced
aventura adventure
avergonzado/a embarrassed
ávido avid
aviso advice
axioma axiom
ayer yesterday
azul blue
azur azure
el ábaco abacus
el abogado defensor defense attorney
el abogado, la abodogada lawyer
el abrazo hug
el abrigo overcoat
el abuelo grandfather
el accidente accident
el aceite oil
el actor actor
el acusador accuser,accusing
el adjetivo adjective
el adverbio adverb
el avion airplane
el avion airplane
el aeropuerto airpot
el aficionado fan (of something)
el agua water
el agua mineral mineral water
el aguacate avocado
el aire air
el ajedrez chess
el ajo garlic
el alcalde mayor
el algodon cotton
el almacen department store
el almuerzo lunch
el ambiente environment
el amor love
el anden platform
el anfitrion host

El Anillo -Las Afueras

el anillo ring
el animal animal
el aniversario anniversary
el ano year
el antebrazo forearm
el antisudoral antiperspirant
el antojito appetizer
el aparcamiento parking space
el apartmento apartment
el apellido last name
el apetito appetite
el aplauso applause
el aprendizaje apprenticeship
el arbol tree
el armario closet
el armario dresser
el arreglo repair
el arroz rice
el arte art
el artículo article
el ascensor elevator
el asesinato murder
el asiento seat
el atun tuna
el audifono hearing aid
el autobus turistico sightseeing bus
el autobus bus
el automóvil automobile
el autor author
el avion plane
el azucar sugar
la abdicación abdication
la abeja bee
la aberración aberration
la abnegación abnegation
la abolición abolishment
la abolición abolition
la abreviación abbreviation
la abuela grandmother
la accion inaction
la aceituna olive
la actitud attitude
la actriz actress
la adivinanza riddle
la aduana customer
la aerolinea airline
la afirmación affirmation
la agencia de viajes travel agency
la alegria Joy
la alfombra carpet
la alfombra rug
la almohada pillow
la alteración alteration
la amiga, el amigo friend
la amistad friendship
la anarquia anarachy
la anécdota anecdote
la animación animation
la antifriona hostess
la antipatía antipathy
la aparición apparition
la aplicación application
la apreciación appreciation
la arena sand
la arruga wrinkle
la asociación association
la aspiración aspiration
la associación association
la atención attention
la autodefensa self defense
la autopista freeway
la autopista de peaje turnpike
la autopista highway
la autoridad authority
la autorización authorization
la avaricia avarice
la ave poultry
la avenida avenue
la ayuda the help
las afueras suburbs

Spanish Words That Start With A

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á obsolete spelling of a {prep} a Name of the letter A {f} a The first letter of the Spanish alphabet, called a and written in the Latin script {letter} a- a-, non-, -less {prefix} a- A prefix forming words, especially verbs, that denote entering a state, making progress toward a goal, or the like {prefix} a at {prep} a by {prep} a to {prep} a Used before words referring to people, pets, or personified objects or places that function as direct objects: personal a {prep} -a -ess. (Used to form feminine singular nouns.) {suffix} -a -s. (Used to form the third-person singular (also used with usted) present indicative mood of regular -ar verbs.) {suffix} -a (Used to form the feminine singular adjectives.) {suffix} -a (Used to form the first and third-person singular (also used with usted) singular subjunctive mood of -er and -ir verbs, also used for the imperative mood of usted.) {suffix} -a (Used to form the second-person singular imperative mood of -ar verbs.) {suffix} A bishop {m} [chess] añadidura addition {f} añadidura Something that is added, especially something that a merchant gives to a buyer to complete the amount requested, or something extra given as a bonus; a gratuity, lagniappe {f} añadir to add {v} añadir to augment {v} añal alternative form of anual {adj} aaleniano Aalenian {adj} [geology] aaleniano Aalenian {m} [geology] añares eon (many years, a long period of time) {mp} [Argentina, Colombia, Uruguay] Aarón male given name. Spanish equivalent of Aaron {prop} -aba Suffix indicating the first-person singular imperfect indicative of -ar verbs {suffix} -aba Suffix indicating the third-person singular imperfect indicative of -ar verbs {suffix} abañar to sift {v} ababa red poppy {f} Ababa female given name {prop} ababillarse to be sick with the stifle (of horses and other quadrupeds) {v} [veterinary medicine, Chile, Mexico] ababol absentminded or simpleminded person {m} ababol simpleton {m} abacá abaca {m} abacalera abaca worker (farmer, transporter, or salesman) {f} abacalero abaca worker (farmer, transporter, or salesman) {m} abacería grocery (store) {f} abacero grocer {m} abacial abbatial {adj} abacista abacist {mf} abacora swordfish (Xiphias gladius) {f} [Antilles] abacorar to stockpile, to hoard, to corner the market {v} [Cuba] abacorar to attack {v} abacorar to catch, to surprise {v} abacorar to corner {v} abacorar to overcome {v} abacorar to pursue relentlessly, to harass {v} abacorar to smooch while dancing {v} abad abbot {m} abadía abbey {f} abadejo pollock, pollack (fish related to cod) {m} abadernar to fasten with short ropes {v} [nautical] abadesa abbess {f} Abadán Abadan {prop} -abais Suffix indicating the second-person plural imperfect indicative of -ar verbs {suffix} abajar to descend {v} abajar to go down {v} abajeño coastal {adj} abajeño lowlander {adj} abajo down {adv} abajofirmante undersigned, signatory {mf} abalanzar to pounce on, swoop down on {vr} [~se sobre] abalanzar to balance, compensate {vt} [dated] abalanzar to propel {vt} abaldonadamente daringly, courageously {adv} [obsolete] abalear to shoot {vt} [Latin America] abalorio glass beads {m} abaluartar to fortify with bastions {v} abamperio abampere {m} -aban Suffix indicating the third-person plural imperfect indicative of -ar verbs {suffix} abanación abannation, banishment {f} abanar to fan {v} abancalar To terrace {v} abanderada standard-bearer {f} abanderado standard-bearer {m} abanderar to lead a cause, rebellion, movement {v} abanderar to register a boat under a particular nationality {v} abandonado abandoned {adj} abandonado dirty {adj} abandonar to abandon {v} abandonar to leave {v} abandono abandonment {m} abanicar To fan {v} abanico fan (hand-held device) {m} abanico aluvial alluvial fan {m} abano ceiling fan {m} abano fly chaser (tool to chase flies from an area) {m} Abanto A town in Zaragoza, Aragon, Spain {prop} Abanto Spanish surname {prop} abaratamiento reduction (generally in the price of an item) {m} abaratar to make cheaper (by reducing the price) {v} abarca sandal {f} abarcar to clasp {v} abarcar to comprise, to make up, to contain, to include {v} abarcar to embrace, to encompass {v} abarcar to monopolize, to corner {v} abarcar to take in {v} abarcar to undertake, to embark upon {v} abarracar to construct barracks {v} abarrar to throw with force {v} abarraz stavesacre (Delphinium staphisagria) {f} abarrotar to bar {v} abarrotar to pack {v} abarrotar to stow cargo on a ship {v} abarrotería hardware store {f} [Central America] abarrotería general store, local shop {f} [Mexico, Central America] abartarse to go down in price {v} -abas Suffix indicating the second-person singular imperfect indicative of -ar verbs {suffix} abastar to supply {v} abastardar To degrade, degenerate {vi} abastardar To degrade, debase, bastardize {vt} abastecedor outfitter {m} abastecer to supply (with) {v} abastecimiento supply {m} abastionar to fortify with bastions {v} abasto grocery {m} abasto supply {m} abatanar To beat, hit, abase {v} abatanar To full, mill (clothing) {v} abatatar To embarrass {v} abatatar To frighten {v} abatidamente abjectly {adv} abatido abject, discouraged {adj} abatimiento dejection {m} abatimiento depressiveness {m} abatir to demolish {v} abatir to discourage {v} abatir to humble {v} abatirse to become depressed {v} abaya abaya {f} abciximab abciximab {m} [pharmaceutical drug] Abdías Obadiah {prop} [biblical character] abdicación abdication, abandonment of a job or task {f} abdicar to abdicate, relinquish {v} abdicativamente abdicatingly {adv} abdicativo abdicative {adj} abdomen {m} [l/en, abdomen] abdominal {adj} [l/en, abdominal] abdominal sit-up {m} abdominalmente abdominally {adv} abdominoplastia abdominoplasty {f} [surgery] abducción abduction (physiology: movement separating limb from axis) {f} abducir to abduce, to abduct (draw away from the median axis of the body) {v} [physiology, anatomy] abductor abductor {m} [anatomy] abductor del meñique abductor minimi digiti {m} abductor largo del pulgar abductor pollicis longus {m} abecé ABCs (alphabet) {m} abecé primer (textbook formerly used to teach the alphabet) {m} abecedario alphabet (an ordered set of letters used in a language) {m} abecedario spelling book, primer {m} abedul birch {m} abeja bee (the insect) {f} abeja albañila mason bee {f} abeja carpintera carpenter bee {f} abeja de miel honeybee {f} abeja machiega worker bee {f} abeja maesa queen bee {f} abeja maestra queen bee {f} abeja neutra worker bee {f} abeja obrera worker bee {f} abeja reina queen bee {f} abejarrón bumblebee {m} abejaruco bee-eater {m} abejorro bumblebee {m} abejorro cockchafer {m} Abel Abel {prop} [biblical character] abeliano abelian {adj} abemoladamente sweetly {adv} abemolar to soften, to lower the voice {v} abenuz ebony {m} aberración aberration, aberrancy {f} aberrante shocking, aberrant {adj} aberrar to be wrong, to err {v} abertal crackled, cracked {adj} abertura opening {f} abetal an area planted with firs {m} abetal fir forest, wood {m} abeto fir {m} abiertamente openly, aboveboard {adv} abierto open {adj} abigarradamente In a motley manner {adv} abigarrado pertaining to a mishmash of ill-sorted things {adj} abigarrado variegated, colorful, pertaining to clashing colors {adj} abigarramiento motley {m} abigarrar to paint in many colors, make colorful paints {v} abigeato abigeat, cattle-theft {m} Abimelech (Biblical character) {prop} [l/en, Abimelech] abiogénesis abiogenesis {f} abisal abyssal (belonging to the ocean depths) {adj} Abisinia Abyssinia {prop} abisinio Abyssinian {adj} abisinio Abyssinian {m} abismal abysmal {adj} abismalmente abysmally {adv} abismarse to engulf {v} abismarse to plunge into {v} abismo abyss {m} abiótico abiotic {adj} Abiyán Abidjan (the largest city of Côte d’Ivoire) {prop} abjasia feminine form of abjasio {f} abjasio Abkhaz {adj} abjasio Abkhaz person {m} abjasio Abkhaz (language) {prop} abjurar to abjure {v} ablación ablation {f} ablacionar to ablate {v} ablandar to soften, to soothe {v} ablandarse to soften {v} ablativo ablative {m} -able {suffix} [l/en, -able] ablución ablution {f} abnegación abnegation {f} abnegadamente unselfishly {adv} abnegado unselfish {adj} abnegar to renounce {v} abocar to seize or grab with the mouth {v} abocetado sketchy {adj} abochornado blushed, ashamed {adj} abochornar to embarrass; to cause to blush {v} abochornar to overheat {v} abochornarse to shame oneself {v} abofetear to slap {vt} abogacía advocacy {f} abogada female lawyer {f} abogado lawyer, solicitor, counsel {m} abogar to advocate {v} abogar to defend in court {v} abolengo ancestry {m} abolición abolition {f} abolicionista abolitionist {mf} abolir to abolish {vt} abolir to revoke {vt} abollado bumpy, battered {adj} abollado dented {adj} abolladura dent {f} abollar to dent {v} abollar to emboss {v} abollar to trample {v} abombar to make round or convex {v} abombar to stun {v} abombarse to decompose {v} abominable {adj} [l/en, abominable] abominablemente abominably {adv} abominación abomination {f} abominación horror, abhorrence {f} abominar to abhor {v} abonado subscription {m} abonar To pay a certain amount of money by each term of a loan or sale {vi} abonar To reconcile with someone without going to court {vp} abonar To accredit a sum of money to the account of someone, contributing funds or reducing the balance {vt} abonar To give credit or describe positively {vt} abonar To make an annotation in the salary on an account {vt} abonar To make something better {vt} abonar To pay an amount of money {vt} abonar To provide nutrients to crops using fertilizers. (To fertilize.) {vt} abonarse to subscribe {v} abono fertilizer, manure {m} abono guarantee, security {m} abono payment, installment {m} abono subscription, season ticket {m} abordador boarder {m} abordaje boarding {m} abordaje collision {m} abordar to accost, waylay {vt} abordar to address; to broach {vt} abordar to board {vt} a bordo aboard {adv} abordo boarding {m} aborígene aborigine {m} aborigen aboriginal, indigenous {adj} aborigen aborigine {mf} aborrecer to abandon {v} aborrecer to hate, detest {v} aborrecible loathsome {adj} aborreciblemente abhorrently {adv} aborrecimiento loathing, abhorrence {m} abortado aborted {adj} abortar to abort; to have an abortion {v} abortista abortionist {f} abortivo abortive {adj} aborto abortion {m} aborto a very ugly person {m} [slang] abotagado swollen {adj} abotagar to swell (of the body as a result of a disease) {vp} abotonar to button up {v} abotonarse to button up {v} abovedado vaulted {adj} abovedar to arch {v} ab ovo ab ovo {adv} aboyar to set or mark with buoys {v} [nautical] abra glade {f} abra large bay {f} abra notch {f} Abraham (Biblical character) {prop} [l/en, Abraham] Abrahán male given name, a variant of Abraham, the Spanish equivalent of Abraham {prop} Abram Abram (Biblical character) {prop} abrasadamente ardently {adv} abrasador scorching {adj} abrasante parching {adj} abrasante scorching {adj} abrasar to burn {v} abrasar to parch {v} abrasar to squander or waste money {v} abrasión abrasion {f} abrasivo abrasive; rough {adj} abrasivo abrasive {m} abrazar to hug, to embrace {v} abrazo hug {m} abrazo estrecho close hug, cuddle {m} abrebotellas bottle opener {m} abrecartas letter opener, paper knife {m} abrelatas can-opener, tin-opener {m} abrenunciación The renouncing of sin at baptism {f} [Christianity] abrevadero drinking trough {m} abrevar to give water to {v} abrevar to irrigate {v} abreviación reduction {f} [linguistics] abreviadamente briefly {adv} abreviado abridged {adj} abreviar to abbreviate {v} abreviar to hasten {v} abreviatura abbreviation {f} abreviatura resumé {f} abridor opener {m} abrigadero shelter {m} abrigado covered or blanketed {adj} abrigado covert {adj} abrigar to cover {v} abrigar to shelter {v} abrigar to wrap up {v} abrigo blanket, quilt {m} [agriculture] abrigo aid, protection {m} [figuratively] abrigo haven, harbor {m} [nautical] abrigo overcoat {m} abrigo shelter {m} abril April {m} abril years of age {m} [of a young person] abrillantar to shine or polish {v} abrir opening {m} abrir to open {vt} abrir to turn on {vt} abrir to unlock {vt} abrir fuego to open fire {v} abrirse to flourish, prosper {v} abrirse camino To make way {v} abrochar to button, fasten {vt} abrocharse to fasten, tie up {vr} abrogación abrogation {f} abrogar to abrogate (annul by an authoritative act) {v} abrojo thistle; thorn {m} abroncar to embarrass {vt} abroncar to jeer {vt} abroncar to rebuke, to chastise, to reprimand {vt} abrumador exhausting, tiresome {adj} abrumador overwhelming {adj} abrumadoramente overwhelmingly {adv} abrumar to crush, overcome, exhaust, overwhelm {v} abruptamente abruptly {adv} abrupto abrupt {adj} abrupto heavy {adj} abrupto steep {adj} abrupto violent {adj} Absalón male given name. Spanish equivalent of Absalom {prop} absceso abscess {m} [pathology] abscisa abscissa {f} [geometry] abscisión abscission {f} absenta absinthe {f} absintina absinthin {f} [organic chemistry] absintio absinth (plant and liquor) {m} absolución absolution {f} absolución acquittal {f} [judicial] absolutamente absolutely {adv} absolutismo absolutism {m} absolutista absolutist {adj} absolutista absolutist {mf} absoluto absolute {adj} absolutorio absolving, absolutory {adj} absolver To absolve {v} absolver To acquit {v} absorbencia absorbency {f} absorbente absorbing {adj} absorbente absorbent, absorber {m} absorber to absorb {v} absorber to use up {v} absorción absorption {f} absorción aspiration {f} absorto rapt {adj} abstemia feminine form of abstemio {f} abstemio teetotal {m} abstemio teetotaller, a person who completely abstains from alcohol {m} abstención abstention {f} abstenerse to abstain (from) {v} abstersión abstersion {f} [medical] abstinencia abstinence, austereness, abstemiousness {f} abstinente abstinently {adv} abstinentemente abstinently {adv} abstracción abstractedness, absentmindedness {f} abstracción abstraction {f} abstraccionismo abstractionism {m} [arts] abstractivamente abstractively {adv} abstractivo abstractive {adj} abstracto abstract {adj} abstraído distracted, absent-minded {adj} abstraer to abstract {v} abstraer to deduct, subtract {v} abstruso abstruse {adj} absurdamente absurdly {adv} absurdidad absurdity {f} absurdo absurd; ludicrous; ridiculous {adj} absurdo Something that is absurd or ridiculous {m} abubilla hoopoe (the bird Upupa epops) {f} abuchear to jeer; boo {v} abuela grandmother, feminine form of abuelo {f} abuela materna grandmother (maternal grandmother) {m} abuela paterna grandmother (paternal grandmother) {m} abuela política grandmother-in-law {f} abuelita diminutive form of abuela {f} abuelito diminutive form of abuelo {n} abuelo An old person {m} [colloquial, affectionate] abuelo grandfather {m} abuelo Loose tufts of hair in the nape when one’s hair is messed up {m} abuelo materno maternal grandfather {m} abuelo paterno grandfather (paternal grandfather) {m} a buenas horas about time, high time {adv} [idiomatic] abulense Of, pertaining to, or from the Spanish city of Ávila {adj} abulense A resident of the Spanish city of Ávila {mf} abulón abalone (edible univalve mollusc) {m} abultar to bulge {v} abundadamente abundantly {adv} abundado abundant {adj} abundancia abundance {f} abundante affluent {adj} abundante plentiful, abundant {adj} abundantemente abundantly {adv} abundar to abound {v} Abundio male given name. Spanish equivalent of Abundius {prop} abundosamente abundantly {adv} abundoso abundant {adj} abur bye, so long {interj} aburguesar to become bourgeois {vr} aburridamente boringly {adv} aburrido bored; fed up {adj} aburrido boring {adj} aburrimiento boredom {m} aburrir to bore; to tire {vt} aburrirse to become bored {vr} abusador abuser {m} abusar to get clever, to get smart, to wise up {vp} [Guatemala] abusar to abuse {v} abusivamente abusively {adv} abusivo abusive {adj} abuso abuse {m} abyeccíon abjectness {f} abyeccíon humiliation {f} abzima abzyme {f} [immunology] acá hither, towards the speaker; here {adv} acabadamente wholly, completely {adv} acabado worn-out {adj} acabado A finish, a final process or coating applied to a surface {m} a cabalidad thoroughly {adv} a caballo horseback; on the back of a horse {adv} acabamiento achievement {m} acabar to finish; to end {vt} acabar de to have just done something {v} [idiomatic] acabarse to run out; to come to an end {v} acachetear to punch, hit with a closed fist {v} acachetear to slap, strike with an open hand {v} acacia acacia {f} academia academy {f} academista academician, academic {mf} académicamente academically {adv} académico academic {adj} académico scholastic {adj} académico academician, academic {m} acaecer to happen {v} acaecimiento event, occurrence {m} acairelar to trim with fringe {v} acal canoe {m} [dialectal, Mexico] acal manger {m} [dialectal, acalenturarse To have a fever {vr} acalicino acalycine {adj} [botany] acalifa copperleaf {f} acallar to quiet, hush or silence {v} acaloradamente hotly, vehemently, heatedly {adv} acalorado heated {adj} acalorar to heat up {v} acalorarse to become upset {v} a cal y canto under lock and key, shut tight, closed behind doors {adv} [idiomatic] acampada camping {f} acampanado flared, bell shaped {adj} acampar to camp; to go camping {v} acanaladura groove, crimp, bead, flute {f} acanalar to furrow {v} acantáceo acanthaceous {adj} [botany] acantilado cliff {m} acantilar to run a ship into trouble or onto rocks {v} [nautical] acantilar to dredge {v} acanto acanthus {m} [plants, architecture] acantocito acanthocyte {m} acantonamiento cantonment {m} acantonar to accommodate {v} acantorar to station {v} acaparar to hoard {vt} a capela a capella {adv} a capella a capella {adv} a cara o cruz toss a coin for, heads or tails {adv} [idiomatic] acarbosa acarbose {f} [biochemistry] acardenalar to bruise {v} a cargo in charge {prep} acariciar to caress, fondle, stroke {v} acarpo acarpous {adj} acarrear to haul {v} acartonado shrivelled, wizened {adj} acartonar to weather, to erode {vt} acartonarse to become or to grow stiff (like cardboard) {v} acartonarse to become wizened {v} acaso perhaps {adv} acatadamente compliantly {adv} acatamiento observance {m} acatar to comply with {vt} acaudalado wealthy {adj} acaudillar to command {v} acaudillar to specify, adduce, indicate {v} acaule acaulous, short-stemmed {adj} [botany] acíbar bitterness, sorrow {m} acíbar aloe (the plant and its juice) {m} [plants] accedente acceding {adj} acceder To accede, to agree, to concur {v} acceder to access {v} accesar To access something (e.g. the Internet) {vt} accesibilidad accessibility {f} accesible approachable, accessible {adj} accesión accession {f} acceso access {m} acceso intercourse {m} acceso passage {m} accesoriamente accessorily, incidentally {adv} accesorio accessory, secondary, additional, supplementary {adj} accesorio incidental {adj} accesorio irrelevant {adj} accesorio accessory equipment, appurtenance {m} accidentado accident-filled; accident-littered {adj} accidentado jerky {adj} accidental accidental {adj} accidental accidental {m} [music] accidentalmente accidentally {adv} accidentariamente accidentally {adv} [obsolete] accidente accident {m} accidente feature {m} [geography] accidente de tráfico traffic accident, road accident {m} acción action {f} acción share (financial instrument) {f} acción programada scheduled action {f} accionar to put into motion; to start {v} accionista shareholder {mf} acícula needle (long, pointed leaf found on some conifers) {f} [botany] aceña bulrush, cattail (Typha latifolia) {f} [plants] aceña water mill; flour mill {f} aceña water wheel {f} acebibe raisin {m} acebo holly {m} acebuchal Of or pertaining to the olive {adj} acebuchal olive grove {m} acebuche wild olive tree {m} acechador stalker {m} acechar to lie in wait for, waylay {vt} acechar to spy {vt} aceche vitriol {m} acecho an ambush {m} acecho the act of stalking or spying {m} acedía heartburn {f} acedo [of a person] disagreeable, unpleasant, bleak {adj} acedo soured, bittered {adj} acedo sour, tart, acid {adj} acedo A sour juice or other liquid {m} [rare] aceitar to oil {v} aceite oil {m} aceite de oliva olive oil {m} aceitera oilcan {f} aceitoso oily {adj} aceituna olive (fruit) {f} [context needed, comment=where is this used vs. oliva?] aceitunado olive-colored, of a green color as of olives {adj} aceituna negra black olive {f} aceitunil olive-colored, olive-green {adj} aceleración acceleration (act, state) {f} acelerador accelerator (pedal) {m} acelerar to accelerate {v} acelga chard {f} acemite bran {m} [archaic] acenafteno acenaphthene {m} [organic compound] aceno acene {m} [organic compound] acensuar to tax a piece of property {v} acento accent {m} acento agudo acute accent {m} [orthography] acento grave grave accent {m} [orthography] acentuación accentuation {f} acentuar to accentuate, emphasize, distinguish, elevate {v} acepción acceptance {f} [obsolete] acepción sense, meaning {f} [semantics] acepillar to brush {v} acepillar to flatter, praise, compliment {v} acepillar to smooth wood using a plane {v} aceptabilidad acceptability {f} aceptable acceptable {adj} aceptablemente acceptably {adv} aceptación acceptance {f} aceptar to accept {v} aceptar to agree to {v} acequia irrigation ditch {f} acera pavement, sidewalk {f} acerar to harden, to steel {v} acerar to make sharp {v} acerca about {adv} acerca de about {prep} acercamiento rapprochement {m} acercar see acercarse {vr} acercar to bring close, approach {v} acercarse to get close, to approach {vr} acero sword, weapon {m} [figuratively] acero arms {m} [in the plural] acero steel {m} acero tincture of steel {m} acero inoxidable stainless steel {m} acerola {f} [l/en, acerola] acerola , the fruit of the acerolo, Crataegus azarolus {f} [l/en, azarole] acerolo The azarole, a mediterranean shrub or small tree that produces the acerola, Crataegus azarolus {n} acertadamente aptly {adv} acertar to be right {v} acertar to hit upon {v} acertijo riddle {m} acervo heap {m} acervo heritage {m} acetaldehído acetaldehyde, ethanal {m} [organic compound] acetato acetate {m} [organic chemistry] acetil acetyl {m} [organic compound] acetilcisteína acetylcysteine {f} [pharmaceutical drug] acetilcolina acetylcholine {f} acetilcolinesterasa acetylcholinesterase {f} [enzyme] acetileno acetylene {m} [organic chemistry] acetilgalactosamina acetylgalactosamine {f} [organic compound] acetilglucosamina acetylglucosamine {f} [organic compound] acetilmanosamina acetylmannosamine {f} [organic compound] acetilmurámico acetylmuramic {adj} acetilneuraminato acetylneuraminate {m} acetilneuramínico acetylneuraminic {adj} acetilo acetyl {m} [organic compound] acetilsalicilato acetylsalicylate {m} acetilsalicílico acetylsalicylic {adj} acetiltransferasa acetyltransferase, transacetylase {f} [enzyme] acetoacetato acetoacetic acid {m} [organic compound] acetona acetone {f} [organic compound] acezante puffing, panting or out of breath {adj} acéfalo headless {adj} acéfalo leaderless {adj} achacar to attribute (something to someone); to blame {v} achantar To scare, to put off {v} achaque default, failing {m} achaque period; menstruation {m} [informal] achaque sickness, malady {m} achaque subject, issue, topic {m} achatar to flatten {v} achicar to bale out (a boat) {vt} achicar to humiliate, make someone feel small {vt} achicar to make smaller, reduce, minimize {vt} achicarse to eat humble pie {vr} achicarse to get smaller, shrink {vr} achicharrar To roast; boil (be very hot) {vi} achicharrar to scorch {v} achichincle minion, servant {m} [pejorative, El Salvador, Honduras, Mexico] achicoria chicory {f} achiote annatto, achiote (all senses) {m} [Latin America] achocolatar To turn into chocolate, or of chocolate color/colour {v} achís atishoo!, achoo! {interj} aciago unlucky, ill-fated, unfortunate {adj} aciano cornflower, Centaurea cyanus {m} acicalar to polish {vt} acicalarse to smarten oneself up {vr} acicate incentive, spur (anything that inspires or motivates) {m} acicate spur (implement for prodding a horse) {m} acidez acidity {f} acidez heartburn {f} acidez tang {f} acidificación acidification {f} acidificar to acidify {v} acidular to make sour; to acidulate {v} a ciencia cierta for sure, for certain, without doubt {adv} [idiomatic] acierto hit {m} acierto success {m} acil acyl {m} [organic compound] acilglicérido acylglycerol, glyceride {m} [organic compound] acilo acyl {adj} aciltransferasa acyltransferase {f} [enzyme] acimut azimuth {m} acimutal azimuthal {adj} -ación alternative form of -ción {suffix} acitronar to fry until translucent, not golden nor crispy {v} [Mexico] aclamación acclamation; acclaim {f} aclamar to acclaim or applaud {v} aclaración explanation {f} aclarar to explain; to clarify {vt} aclimatación acclimation, acclimatization {f} aclimatar to acclimate {v} aclimatarse to become exhausted {v} aclínico aclinic {adj} [physics] aclínico opera glasses {m} acémila mule; beast of burden {f} acné acne {m} [pathology] acobardar to be frightened, scared, daunted {vr} acobardar to daunt, to frighten, to scare {vt} acobardarse to cower {v} acocil crayfish {m} [dialectal, Mexico] acodarse to lean {v} acogedor cozy {adj} acogedor friendly {adj} acogedor hospitable {adj} acoger to receive {v} acogida welcome, reception {f} acojonante fucking amazing, the shit, the dog’s bollocks {adj} [vulgar, colloquial] acolchado padded, cushioned {adj} acolchado quilt, bed cover {m} acolchar to quilt {v} acollador lanyard {m} [nautical] acometer to assail {v} acometer to undertake (a task, a project, an enterprise) {v} acomodado accommodated {adj} acomodado suitable, fitting {adj} acomodado wealthy {adj} acomodado A person who had obtained his job by influence or recommendation, not for his own merits {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] acomodar to accommodate {v} acomodar to suit; to be suitable {v} acomodar to usher or settle {v} acomodarse to settle in {v} acompañada ridealong, accompanying {f} acompañamiento the accompanying part; accompaniment {m} [music] acompañamiento the act of accompanying; accompaniment {m} acompañante accompanying {adj} acompañante attendant {m} acompañante escort, esquire {m} acompañante accompanist {m} [music] acompañar to accompany {v} acomplejar to develop a complex {vr} acomplejar to give a complex, to cause complexes {vt} a conciencia Carefully, meticulously {adv} acondicionar to condition {v} acondroplasia achondroplasia (genetic disorder) {f} acongojado anguished {adj} acongojar to cause or inflict suffering {vt} aconsejable advisable {adj} aconsejar to advise {v} acontecer to happen, occur, come about {v} acontecimiento event {m} a contrapelo backwards, contrary {adj} a contrapelo backwards {adv} a contrarreloj against the clock, with a deadline, in a hurry {adv} acopiar to gather {v} acopio gathering, collecting {m} acoplado trailer (vehicle towed behind another) {m} acoplamiento connection {m} acoplamiento joining {m} acoplar to adapt oneself {vr} acoplar to couple {v} acoplarse reflexive form of acoplar {vr} acorazado battleship {m} acorazar to armor {vt} acordado agreed {adj} acordar to agree {vi} acordar to reach agreement {vr} acordar to remember, recall {vr} acordar to decide, to arrange {vt} acordarse Reflexive infinitive form of acordar (followed by de), to remember {v} acorde in suit (with); matching; in harmony; according (to) {adj} acorde chord (combination of three or more pitches) {m} [music] acorde a according to {adv} acordeón accordion {m} acordeonista accordionist {mf} acordonar to cordon off {v} acorralar to corral or corner {v} acortamiento curtation {m} [astronomy] acortamiento shortening {m} [linguistics] acortar to cut short {v} acosador bulling {adj} acosador harassing {adj} acosador bully {m} acosador harasser {m} acosar to bully {v} acosar to pursue {v} acoso molestation, harassment, bullying {m} acoso sexual sexual harassment {m} acossar obsolete spelling of acosar {v} acostado lying in bed {adj} acostado recumbent, lying {adj} acostar to land, put in, berth {v} [nautical] acostar to lay {vt} acostar to put to bed {vt} acostarse to be in bed with {v} acostarse to go to bed, to lie down {v} acostumbrado accustomed to, used to {adj} acostumbrado customary {adj} acostumbrar to be accustomed to {vi} acostumbrar to use to (be in the habit of) {vi} acostumbrar accustom, inure, familiarize {vt} acotación annotation {f} acotado enclosed, or fenced in {adj} acotar To annotate a page {v} acotar To mark contours on a map {v} acotar To prune or lop a tree {v} acotar To survey land, to enclose {v} acróbata acrobat {mf} acre bitter; acrid {adj} acre caustic {adj} acre acre {m} acrecentar to increase, grow {vt} acreción accretion {f} acreditación accreditation {f} acreditar to accredit {v} acreedor credit {m} [accounting] acreedor creditor {m} [finance] acreedora feminine form of acreedor {f} acribillar to pester, badger {v} acribillar to riddle, pepper (with holes, bullets etc.) {v} acrilato acrylate {m} [organic compound] acrilonitrilo acrylonitrile {m} [organic compound] acrimonia acrimony {f} acristalado having crystals or crystal glass; covered in crystal {adj} acritud bitterness, acridness {f} acrílico acrylic {adj} acrílico acrylic {m} acrónimo phonetic acronym {m} acrobacia acrobatics {f} acrobatismo acrobatics {m} acrobático acrobatic {adj} acromático achromatic (all senses) {adj} acrópolis acropolis {f} acérrimamente strongly, vigorously {adv} acérrimo die-hard, extreme {adj} acérrimo very strong {adj} acérrimo vigorous; with tenacity {adj} acústica acoustics (a quality of a space for doing music) {f} [physics] acústicamente acoustically {adv} acústico acoustic {adj} acústico hearing aid {m} acta certificate {f} acta election results {f} acta minutes {f} acético acetic {adj} actinio actinium {m} actitud attitude, disposition, policy {f} actitud posture, pose, stance {f} activación activation {f} activado activated, enabled {adj} activador activating {adj} activador activator {m} activadora feminine form of activador {f} activamente actively {adv} activar to activate {v} activar to enable {v} activar to stimulate {v} actividad activity {f} activismo activism {m} activista activist {mf} activo active {adj} activo top {adj} [slang, gay sexuality] activo Any property or material right of an enterprise or individual {m} [accounting] actínido actinide {m} [inorganic chemistry] acto act {m} actor (person who performs in a theatrical play or movie) {m} [l/en, actor] actor voz voice actor {m} actriz actress {f} actriz voz voice actor {f} actuación act; acting {f} actuación performance {f} actual factual {adj} actual actual, real {adj} [philosophy] actual present, current {adj} actualidad present {f} actualización An update {f} actualizar to bring to fruition; to actualize {v} actualizar to update {v} actualmente at present, currently, now, nowadays {adv} actuar to act, to perform {v} actuar to actuate {v} Acuña Spanish surname {prop} acuñación coining, minting {f} acuantiar To set the amount or quantity of {v} acuaporina aquaporin {f} [protein] acuñar to coin (word or expression) {v} acuñar to mint (money) {v} acuarela watercolors (paint used in watercolor) {f} [in the plural] acuarela watercolor (artwork) {f} acuarela watercolor (painting technique) {f} acuario aquarium {m} acuartelar to billet {v} acuartelar to quarter {v} acuchillar to cut open {v} acuchillar to knife, to stab (injure or kill by stabbing with a knife) {v} acuchillar to sand, to abrade (the process of using abrasive tools, in particular, on wood) {v} acuciante urgent {adj} acuciar to encourage or urge on {v} acuclillarse to squat {vr} acudir .. {v} acudir (~ a) go to {v} acueducto aqueduct {m} acuerdo agreement {m} acuerdo compromise {m} a cuerpo de rey like a king {adv} [idiomatic] a cuestas On the back or shoulders; piggyback {adv} acuicultura aquaculture {f} acullá yonder {adv} aculturación acculturation {f} aculturar to acculture and assimilate a different society’s habits, especially a more developed one {v} acuminado acuminate {adj} [botany, mycology] acumulación accumulation {f} acumulador accumulator (one who, or that which, accumulates) {m} acumulador rechargeable battery {m} acumular to accumulate {v} acumularse to accumulate {vr} acunar to cradle {v} acupuntura acupuncture {f} acurrucar to tuck in. acurrucame: tuck me in {v} acurrucar to wrap up {v} acurrucarse to huddle (away from the cold, etc.) {v} acusación accusation {f} acusado accused {adj} acusado accused {m} acusador accusatory {adj} [legal] acusador accuser {m} acusador complainant {m} [legal] acusador prosecutor {m} [legal] acusar to accuse, to charge, to indict {v} acusar to arraign {v} acusar to criminate {v} acusar to prosecute {v} acusativo accusative {adj} acuático aquatic {adj} -ada Used to form words, derived from nouns, corresponding to -ful (as much as something will hold) {suffix} -ada Used to form words, derived from nouns, indicating a blow with the named object {suffix} -ada Used to form words, derived from nouns, signifying a whole {suffix} -ada Used to form words indicating abundance or excess {suffix} -ada Used to form words indicating action {suffix} -ada Used to form words indicating a period of time {suffix} -ada Used with a stem to form the feminine singular past participle of regular -are verbs; feminine form of -ado {suffix} Aída female given name {prop} adagio adagio {adv} [music] adagio adage (old saying) {m} adagio adagio {m} [music] adaguar to give water to cattle {v} Adalberto male given name, an older form of Alberto ( = Albert) {prop} adalid military commander {m} Adam Adam {prop} adamantano adamantane {m} [organic compound] adamante diamond {m} [archaic] adaptabilidad adaptability {f} adaptable {adj} [l/en, adaptable] adaptación adaptation {f} adaptado adapted {adj} adaptador adapter {m} adaptar to adapt, adjust {v} adaptar to tailor {v} adaptativo adaptive (able to adapt) {adj} adarga leather shield {f} adarme A Spanish peso equivalent to three tomín {m} [historical] adarme tittle, bit (very small part of something) {m} adarvar to stun, to shock {v} Addis Abeba Addis Ababa (capital of Ethiopia) {prop} adecentar to tidy; to clean up {v} adecuadamente adequately {adv} adecuado appropriate, suitable {adj} adecuado right {adj} adecuar to adapt {v} adefesio ugly, ridiculous {adj} adefesio idiotic action {m} adefesio ugly, ridiculous person or thing {m} a. de J.C. BC (Before Christ) {abbr} Adela female given name, equivalent to English Adela and Adele {prop} Adelaida Adelaide, the city in Australia {prop} Adelaida female given name, cognate to Adelaide {prop} adelantado rash, precipitate (hasty, not careful or considered) {adj} adelantado A governor of a province; a commander {m} adelantar to advance {v} adelantar to improve {v} adelantar to outstrip {v} adelantar to overtake (pass a more slowly moving object) {v} adelantarse jump the gun {v} adelantarse to go forward, reflexive form of adelantar {vr} adelantarse to take the lead {v} adelante forward {adv} adelante Come in! {interj} adelante Go ahead! {interj} adelanto advance (anticipated payment) {m} adelanto down payment (anticipated payment made to secure a purchase) {m} adelanto progress {m} adelfa oleander {f} adelgazar to lose weight {v} adelgazar to make thin or slender {v} adelgazar to refine, to purify {v} adelgazarse to become thin or slender; to lose weight {v} Adelia female given name, a variant of Adela {prop} Adelina female given name, diminutive of Adela, equivalent to English Adeline {prop} ademán gesture {m} ademán manners {m} [in the plural] ademán posture, position {m} además in addition; furthermore {adv} adenilato adenylate {m} adenina adenine {f} [organic compound] adenitis adenitis {f} adenín adenine {adj} adeno- adeno- {prefix} adenoide adenoid {f} [chiefly, in the plural] adenoidectomía adenoidectomy {f} adenología adenology {f} adenosina adenosine {f} [organic compound] adenosín adenosine {adj} adenosín trifosfato adenosine triphosphate, ATP {m} adentro inside {adv} adentro de into {prep} adepto supporter {m} adequadamente obsolete form of adecuadamente {adv} adequado obsolete form of adecuado {adj} adereçar obsolete form of aderezar {v} aderezado favourable {adj} aderezar to dress (for cooking, etc.) {v} aderezo seasoning {m} adeudar to debit, charge {vt} [ditransitive] adeudar to owe {vt} [ditransitive] adherir to adhere, stick {v} adhesión adhesion {f} adhesivo adhesive {adj} adhesivo adhesive {m} adhesivo sticker {m} adhocracia adhocracy {f} adicción addiction {adjf} adición addition {f} adición check (in a restaurant, etc.) {f} [Latin America] adicional additional {adj} adicionalmente additionally {adv} adicionar to add (numbers) {v} adicta feminine form of adicto {f} adictivo addictive {adj} adicto addicted {adj} adicto addict {m} adiestramiento dressage {m} adiestramiento practice, training {m} adiestrar to train {v} a diestro y siniestro left, right and centre {adv} [idiomatic] adinerado affluent {adj} adinerado wealthy {adj} adinerar to enrich (make wealthy) {vr} [colloquial] adiosito diminutive form of adiós {m} a Dios rogando y con el mazo dando God helps those who help themselves {proverb} adipato adipate {m} [organic compound] adiponectina adiponectin {f} [protein] adiposidad adiposity {f} adiós goodbye, farewell {interj} aditivo additive {m} adive jackal {m} adivina feminine form of adivino {f} adivinación foresight, guessing {f} adivinador divining, foretelling (attributive) {adj} adivinador guessing, guesswork (attributive) {adj} adivinador diviner, foreteller {m} adivinador guesser {m} adivinadora feminine form of adivinador {f} adivinanza foresight {f} adivinanza riddle {f} adivinar to divine or foretell {v} adivinar to guess {v} adivino seer {m} adjetival adjectival {adj} adjetivo adjective, a word that modifies or describes a noun or pronoun {m} [grammar] adjetivo cardinal A cardinal numeral {m} adjudicar to adjudge, assign, award, appropriate {v} adjuntar To enclose, to attach (as in correspondence, e-mail) {v} adjunto attached {adj} adjustable adjustable, regulable {adj} ad líbitum ad lib, ad libitum {adv} adúltera feminine form of adúltero {f} adúltero adulterous {adj} adúltero adulterer {m} administración administration, or running of a business or organisation {f} administrador administrator {m} administrar To administer {v} administrativamente administratively {adv} administrativo administrative {adj} admirable {adj} [l/en, admirable] admiración admiration {f} admirador admirer {m} admiradora feminine form of admirador {f} admirar to admire {v} admirativo admiring {adj} admisible admissible {adj} admisión admission, acknowledgment {f} admisión admittance {f} admisión approval, admission {f} admisión intake {f} admitir to accept, to admit, to agree to, to concede {v} admitir to admit, to let in {v} admitir to permit, to allow {v} admonición admonition {f} Adán male given name. Spanish equivalent of Adam {prop} Adén Aden (seaport of Yemen) {prop} ADN DNA {initialism} [biology, genetics] adnato adnate {adj} [botany, mycology] adónde to where {adv} [interrogative] -ado Suffix indicating the past participle of regular -ar verbs {suffix} adobar to marinate {v} adobe adobe {m} adobo A delicacy of marinated meat {m} adolecer to suffer {v} adolescencia adolescence {f} adolescente teenager {mf} Adolfito A diminutive of the male given name Adolfo {prop} Adolfo male given name, the Spanish equivalent of Adolph {prop} adolorido painful, aching (afflicted or suffering with pain) {adj} [Latin America] Adolpho . {prop} [given name, male, ] adonde where {adv} adonde whereto {adv} adondequiera wherever, anywhere {adv} adopción adoption {f} adoptable adoptable {adj} adoptada feminine form of adoptado {f} adoptado adopted {adj} adoptado adoptive {adj} adoptado adoptee {m} adoptar to adopt {vt} adoquinado paved {adj} adoquinar to pave {v} adoquín idiot, blockhead {m} [colloquial] adoquín paving stone, flagstone {m} -ador Form of -dor attached to -ar verb stems. Forms (usually agent) nouns and adjectives {suffix} -adora feminine form of -ador {suffix} adorable {adj} [l/en, adorable] adoración adoration {f} adorador admirer {m} adorador adorer {m} adorador worshiper {m} adorar adore, worship {v} adormecer To make numb {v} adormecer To make sleepy, or lull {v} adormecerse To go numb (part of the body) {vr} adormecerse To go to sleep, or doze off {vr} adormecido sleepy, dozy, drowsy {adj} adornar to adorn {v} adorno adornment {m} adosada townhouse {f} adosado Usually of houses and buildings: adjacent and touching, contiguous, attached {adj} a dos velas broke, penniless {adv} adípico adipic {adj} adquirir to acquire {vt} adquirir to buy {vt} adquisición procurement; acquisition {f} adquisitivo acquisitive {adj} adrede on purpose {adv} adrenalectomía adrenalectomy {f} adrenalina adrenaline {f} adrenocorticotropo adrenocorticotropic {adj} adrenérgico adrenergic {adj} Adriana female given name, cognate to English Adriana {prop} Adriano Hadrian (emperor) {prop} Adriano male given name, cognate to Adrian; more popular in the form Adrián {prop} Adrián male given name; the Spanish equivalent of Adrian {prop} adscribir to designate, to assign {v} aduana customs (office that taxes imported goods) {f} aducción adduction {f} aducir to allege, adduce, cite, give as proof {v} aductor adductor {m} [anatomy] aductor corto del muslo adductor brevis {m} aductor corto del pulgar abductor pollicis brevis {m} aductor del meñique abductor minimi digiti {m} aductor del pulgar adductor pollicis {m} aductor mayor del muslo adductor magnus {m} aductor mediano del muslo adductor longus {m} aductor menor adductor brevis {m} adueñar to become a master of something {v} adueñar to dominate a group {v} adueñarse to appropriate, to take ownership {v} adujar To coil a rope or cable {v} adulador adulator, sycophant {m} aduladora feminine form of adulador {f} adular to flatter {v} adulteración adulteration (The action of adulterating) {f} adulterar to adulterate {v} adulterio adultery {m} adultez adulthood {f} adulto adult {adj} adulto adult {m} -adura Form of -dura used with -ar verbs to form nouns {suffix} a duras penas barely, hardly {adv} [idiomatic] advenediza feminine form of advenedizo {f} advenedizo upstart {adj} advenedizo upstart, social climber {m} advenimiento coming, advent {m} advenir to arrive {vi} advenir to happen {vi} adventurero A thrillseeker or adventuresome person {m} adverbial {adj} [l/en, adverbial] adverbio adverb (lexical category) {m} adversario adversary {m} adversidad adversity, misfortune, difficulty {f} adverso adverse {adj} advertencia advice {f} advertencia remark {f} advertencia warning {f} advertir to notice something {v} advertir to warn {v} adviento advent {m} adyacencia adjacency (quality of being adjacent) {f} [countable and uncountable] adyacente adjacent {adj} AEC BCE. Antes de la Era Común {initialism} aeda alternative form of aedo {m} aedo bard, poet {m} [historical] añejar to age {v} añejo aged (of or pertaining to food, such as cheese or alcoholic spirits) {adj} aerar to air (bring something into contact with the air) {v} aeróbico aerobic {adj} aeródromo airfield {m} aero- aero- {prefix} aerobio aerobic {adj} aerobio aerobe {m} aerodeslizador hovercraft {m} aerodinámica aerodynamics {f} aerodinámico aerodynamic, aerodynamical {adj} aeroespacial Pertaining to Earth’s atmosphere and low space; aerospace; {adj} aerofagia aerophagy {f} [pathology] aerológico aerologic, aerological {adj} aeroligero microlight {m} aerolínea airline {f} aerología aerology {f} aeromoza flight attendant, airline stewardess {f} [Latin America] aeronauta aeronaut, airman, pilot {n} aeronave aircraft {f} aeronave airship {f} aeronáutica aeronautics {f} aeronáutico aeronautic {adj} aeropirata hijacker {m} [aviation] aeroplano aeroplane (airplane, a winged aircraft) {m} [dated] aeroportuario relating to airports {adj} aeropuerto airport {m} aerotransportado airborne {adj} afabilidad affability {f} afable affable, friendly {adj} afablemente affably {adv} afamado famous {adj} afanar to steal, pinch {v} [colloquial] afanar to be busy {v} afanar to work hard {v} afanarse to toil, to work hard {vr} afear to make ugly {v} afección A complaint, usually medical or legal {f} afección A medical condition, or disorder {f} afectación affectation {f} afectar to affect {v} afecto affection {m} afecto fondness {m} afectuosamente affectionately {adv} afectuoso affectionate {adj} afeitado shave {m} afeitadora electric shaver, electric razor {f} afeitar to shave {v} afeitarse to shave (oneself) {v} afelio aphelion {m} [astronomy] afeminadamente effeminately {adv} afeminado effeminate {adj} afeminar to feminize (to become feminine) {vr} afeminar to feminize (to make feminine) {vt} aferrar to catch, to hook {v} aferrar to seize {v} affidávit affidavit {m} afgana feminine form of afgano {f} Afganistán Afghanistan {prop} afgano Afghan (of or relating to Afghanistan) {adj} afgano Afghan (person) {adj} afgano Afghan (person from Afghanistan) {m} AFI Agencia Federal de Investigación of Mexico {acronym} AFI Alfabeto Fonético Internacional; IPA (International Phonetic Alphabet) {acronym} afianzamiento reinforcement {m} afianzar to make certain; to clinch something {v} afianzar to support, to sustain {v} afiche poster (advertisement) {m} [Latin America] afición hobby {f} afición persistence, determination, zeal {f} aficionada feminine form of aficionado {f} aficionado amateur {adj} aficionado fond {adj} aficionado amateur {m} aficionado fan {m} afijo affix {m} afilado sharp {adj} afilado cut, edge (of knives) {m} afilado sharpening (of knives) {m} afilar to fuck {vr} [colloquial, Chile] afilar to sharpen {vt} afiliación affiliation {f} afiliada affiliate {f} afiliado affiliate {m} afiliado member {m} afiliar to affiliate {v} afimar to aim {v} afinar to refine {v} afincar to take up residence, settle {vi} afinidad affinity {f} afirmación claim or statement of something believed to be true {f} afirmar to state {v} afirmativo affirmative {adj} aflicción affliction {f} aflicción sorrow {f} afligimiento affliction {m} afligir to afflict {v} aflojar to loosen {v} aflorar to emerge {v} aflorar to sift {v} a flor de piel Just under the surface {adv} a flor de piel On the surface. exposed {adv} afluencia inflow, influx {f} afluente affluent, abundant {adj} afluente flowing {adj} afluente affluent (tributary) {m} afluir to flow into {v} afán desire {m} afán effort {m} afín affine {adj} afónico hoarse {adj} afónico without voice or sound {adj} a fondo thoroughly, in depth {adv} aforismo aphorism (short phrase conveying some principle or concept of thought) {m} aforrar to slap {vt} [South America] aforrar to line, cover the inside {vt} aforístico aphoristic {adj} afortunadamente fortunately; luckily {adv} afortunado With fortune; lucky {adj} afrenta afront {f} afrentar to affront {v} afrentoso insulting {adj} aféresis apheresis {f} [medicine, linguistics] africana feminine form of africano, African woman {f} africano African (of, or pertaining to Africa) {adj} africano African (person) {m} afrikaans Afrikaans (language) {prop} afrikáans Afrikaans (language) {m} afrodisíaco aphrodisiac {adj} afrodisíaco aphrodisiac {m} afrodisiaco aphrodisiac {adj} afrodisiaco aphrodisiac {m} Afrodita Aphrodite {prop} afrontar to confront {v} afrontar to defy {v} afrontar to face {v} afta aphthous ulcer {f} [pathology] afuera outside {adv} afueras outskirts {fp} AG abbreviation of Aguascalientes (Mexican state) {abbr} agachadiza snipe (bird) {f} agachado stooped, with a stoop {adj} agachar to bend down {vr} agachar to duck {vr} agachar to lower {v} agacharse reflexive form of agachar {vr} agalla gill {f} aganchado , hooklike {adj} [l/en, hamiform] Agapito male given name {prop} agar agar {m} Agar Hagar (Biblical character) {prop} agar-agar agar {m} agaragar agar {m} agarrado stingy {adj} agarrar to grab or take hold of {v} agasajar to wine and dine {v} agateador treecreeper {m} agauchado gaucho-like person {adj} agave {m} [l/en, agave] agazapar to seize {v} [colloquial] agencia agency {f} agenciar to procure {v} agenda An agenda {f} agente agent {mf} agente policeman, policewoman, police officer {mf} agente encubierto mole, undercover officer {m} agente inmobiliario realtor {m} agüero forecast, prediction {m} agigantado exaggerated {adj} agigantar to exaggerate {v} agilidad agility {f} agilizar to speed up, quicken {v} Agirre Spanish surname {prop} agüita a small amount of water {m} agüita diminutive of agua {m} agitación restlessness, agitation {f} agitación social or political unrest {f} agitado hectic {adj} agitado rough (sea) {adj} agitado upset {adj} agitador agitator {m} agitadora agitator {f} agitar to shake {v} agitar to wave {v} agüitarse to become saddened {v} [El Salvador, Mexico] aglutinante agglutinative {adj} aglutinar to agglutinate {v} aglutinar to join; bring together {v} agónico dying; near death {adj} agnosticismo agnosticism (view that the existence of a God or gods is unknown, unknowable, unproven, or unprovable) {m} agnóstico agnostic {adj} agnóstico agnostic {m} agobiado careworn {adj} agobiado exhausted, tired {adj} agobiar to annoy, to bother {v} agobiar to overwhelm, to anguish {v} agobiar to tire, fatigue {v} agolpar to crowd together {vr} [agolparse] agolpar to knock together, bang about together {vr} [agolparse] agonía agony {f} agonista agonistic {adj} agonista agonist {m} agonista agonistic muscle {m} [anatomy] agonizante dying {adj} agonizar to agonize {v} agora now {adv} [obsolete] agora A marketplace, especially in Classical Greece {f} agora A place for gathering {f} agorafobia agoraphobia {f} agorar To predict or announce something, especially a misfortune {v} agosto August {m} agotado out of stock, sold out {adj} agotado tired, exhausted, worn out {adj} agotador tiring, exhausting {adj} agotamiento depletion {m} agotamiento exhaustion {m} agotar to run out {vr} [agotarse] agotar to exhaust or deplete {v} agraciadamente gracefully {adv} agraciado attractive, good-looking {adj} [of a person] agraciado lucky, fortunate {adj} [of a person] agraciado winning {adj} [of a person] agraciado winner; one who is fortunate {m} agradable agreeable, pleasant {adj} agradablemente agreeably {adv} agradar to please {v} agradecer to be grateful for {v} agradecer to thank {v} agradecido grateful {adj} agradecimiento gratitude {m} agrado pleasure {m} agramatical ungrammatical {adj} agrandar to increase or enlarge {v} agrario agrarian {adj} agrario agricultural {adj} agravamiento aggravation {m} agravar to aggravate {v} agraviar to insult {v} agraviar to offend, outrage, hurt, wrong {v} agravio offense, grievance, wrongdoing {m} agraz unpleasant, disagreeable {adj} agraz red-berried mistletoe (Viscum cruciatum) {m} agraz redcurrant (Ribes rubrum) {m} agraz verjuice {m} agrícola agricultural {adj} agredir to assault, attack {vt} agregación aggregation {f} agregado side dish {m} agregar to add, collect, aggregate, collate, gather {v} agresión aggression {f} agresivamente aggressively {adv} agresividad aggressiveness {f} agresivo aggressive {adj} agresor aggressor {m} agresora feminine form of agresor {f} agriar to sour, embitter {v} agricultor farmer {m} agricultura agriculture, farming {f} agridulce sweet and sour; bittersweet {adj} agrietado cracky, fissured (having lots of cracks) {adj} agrietar to crack {v} agrimensor surveyor {m} agrio sour {adj} agrónomo agronomist (scientist specialized in agronomy) {m} agroindustria agroindustry {f} agronomía agronomy {f} agropecuario Of or relating to agriculture and cattle raising {adj} agrupación group {f} agrupar to group together {v} agua river, stream {f} [archaic] agua body of water {f} agua rain {f} agua urine {f} [slang, plural] agua water {f} agua bendita holy water {f} [Christianity] aguacate avocado {m} aguacate avocado tree {m} aguacero downpour {m} aguachile A watery chili-based broth {m} [Mexico] aguacil dragonfly {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] agua de jamaica A tisane made from the roselle (Hibiscus sabdariffa) sepals; hibiscus tea {m} agua de mar seawater {f} agua destilada distilled water {f} aguado boring (a promenade, ride, day, which are masculine is Spanish) {adj} aguado flaccid, weak (a belly, muscle, penis) {adj} aguado watery {adj} aguado with broth (a stew) {adj} aguador water carrier {m} aguador water seller {m} aguadora feminine form of aguador {f} agua dulce fresh water {m} agua embotellada bottled water {f} aguafiestas wet blanket, spoilsport, party pooper {mf} aguaitar to wait {v} [Latin America] aguaitar to look {v} aguaitar to observe {v} aguaitar to pay attention, take care {v} aguaitar to spy on {v} aguamanil washbowl, wash stand {m} aguamanil water jug, ewer {m} aguamarina aquamarine (color) {f} aguamarina aquamarine (gemstone) {f} aguamiel mead {f} aguamiel agave nectar {m} [Mexico] agua mineral mineral water {n} aguantar To hold (a posture) {v} aguantar To not complain; to keep silent {v} aguantar To put up with, tolerate or bear {v} aguantar To take {v} aguante patience, tolerance {m} aguante perseverance {m} aguante resistance, strength {m} aguantera Glove box; glove compartment; the passenger side storage compartment in an automobile {f} agua oxigenada hydrogen peroxide {f} [inorganic compound] aguapanela Aguapanela, a drink native to southern Central America and northern South America which is an infusion made from panela. Panela is a solid cake produced from sugarcane syrup by heating the juice (guarapo) until it thickens, then it is poured into moulds and left to set up. When a panela is dissolved in hot water, it makes aguapanela, which is commonly mixed with milk and coffee or with a serving of soft cheese in it {f} agua potable drinking water {f} agua que no has de beber, déjala correr don’t enter your nose into the affairs of others, mind your own business, mind your own beeswax {proverb} aguar to water {v} aguardar to wait, to expect {v} aguardiente (hard) liquor, booze {m} agua regia aqua regia (extremely powderful mixture of acids) {f} aguarrás turpentine {m} aguas be careful! {interj} aguas pay attention! {interj} agua salada seawater {m} agua salobre brackish water, brackishwater {f} aguascalentense Of or pertaining to the Mexican state of Aguascalientes {adj} Aguascalientes A state of Mexico {prop} Aguascalientes Its capital city {prop} agudeza sharpness {f} agudizar to sharpen {v} agudo Having the voiced accent on the last syllable {adj} [grammatical] agudo sharp {adj} agudo witty {adj} aguijada prod, cattle prod (device used to goad animals into moving) {f} aguijar to goad, to incite {v} aguijar to hurry {v} aguijar to urge on {v} aguijón spur {m} aguijón sting of an insect {m} aguijón thorn of a plant {m} Aguilar Spanish surname {prop} aguileño aquiline {adj} aguilera The nest of an eagle; eyrie {f} aguilucho eaglet {m} aguilucho hawk, kite {m} aguja spire, steeple {f} [architecture] aguja hand (of a clock) {f} aguja firing pin {f} [military] aguja needle {f} aguja Venus’ comb {f} [plants] aguja colinegra The black-tailed godwit. A freshwater bird {f} aguja colipinta The bar-tailed godwit, a type of bird {f} agujereado pierced {adj} agujerear to pierce or puncture {v} agujero hole {m} agujero pincushion {m} agujero blanco white hole {m} agujero de ozono ozone hole {m} agujero glorioso glory hole (sexual device) {f} agujero negro black hole {m} agujero negro supermasivo supermassive black hole {m} [astronomy] agujetas Stiffness; especially pain from over-exertion; muscle fatigue {fp} agujón needlefish {m} agujón redstem filaree {m} agusanado worm-eaten {adj} Agustina female given name {prop} Agustín male given name {prop} aguzar to incite {v} aguzar to sharpen {v} aguzar to stare at {v} ahí there: used to designate a place near the listener {adv} ah ah (expression of relief, realization, awe) {interj} ah oh (expression of woe, grief) {interj} aherrumbrar to rust {v} ahijado godchild {m} ahijar to procreate {vi} ahijar to sprout {vi} ahijar to adopt someone’s child {vt} ahijar to misattribute credit or blame {vt} ahilar to line up {v} ahincar to hurry up {vr} ahincar to urge {vt} ahitar to satiate {v} ahitar to surfeit {v} ahínco effort, zeal, determination {m} ahogar to drown (be suffocated in water) {vr} ahogar to suffocate (suffer or die from severely reduced oxygen) {vr} ahogar to drown (kill by immersion in water) {vt} ahogar to stifle {vt} ahogo anguish {m} ahogo respiratory distress {m} ahogo suffocation {m} ahondar to delve deeply {vi} ahondar to deepen {vtr} ahora now {adv} ahora now {conj} ahora mismo right now, just now, immediately {adv} ahorcado hanged person {m} ahorcado hangman (word game) {m} ahorcar to hang {v} ahorcar to lynch {v} ahorita now, right now {adv} [colloquial] ahoritita just now {adv} ahoritita right now {adv} ahoritita very soon {adv} ahormar to adjust {v} ahormar to break in {v} ahormar to fit, to shape, to mold {v} ahorrar to save (to conserve or prevent the wasting of) {vt} ahorrar to save (to store for future use) {vt} ahorro saving {m} ahorros savings {mp} ahíto full, satiated {adj} ahíto suffering from indigestion {adj} ahíto indigestion {m} ahuate A slender, hairlike thorn (villus) such as that of the cornstalk or sugar cane {m} [Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua] ahuecar to hollow out {vt} ahuehuete Montezuma cypress (Taxodium mucronatum) {m} a huevo very cheap {adj} [colloquial, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador] a huevo obligatory, forced {adj} [colloquial, vulgar, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico] a huevo obligatedly, forcedly (colloquial, vulgar) {adv} [colloquial, vulgar, Nicaragua, Honduras, El Salvador, Mexico] ahuevonado dazed {adj} [Chile] ahuevonado stupid {adj} [Chile] [vulgar] ahuitón Coward {m} [San Antonio] ahuizote ahuitzotl, an Aztec mythological creature {m} ahuizote an annoying person; pest, nuisance {m} [colloquial, Honduras, Mexico] ahuizote omen, bewitchment, spell {m} [dialectal, Central America, Mexico] ahumado smoked {adj} [culinary] ahumado smoke-flavoured {adj} [culinary] ahumado smoked, tinted (of glass) {adj} [technics] ahumar to smoke (apply smoke to, for example food) {vt} ahuyama pumpkin {f} [Colombia] ahuyentar to run away {vr} ahuyentar to chase away, drive away {vt} añicos shards, smithereens, pieces {mp} aifonear to call using an iPhone or other smartphone {v} [colloquial] añil indigo (blue dye) {m} añil indigo (colour) {m} añil true indigo, indigo plant (Indigofera tinctoria1) {m} aimará pertaining to the Aymara tribe {adj} aimará the Aymara language {f} aimará the Aymara tribe {f} Aimar male given name {prop} aimara Aymara {adj} aimara Aymara (indigenous person of South America) {mf} aimara Aymara (language) {prop} Ainhoa female given name {prop} ainu Ainu (pertaining to the language or people) {adj} ainu An Ainu person {mf} ainu The Ainu language {m} airadamente angrily; irately {adv} airado angry, irate {adj} airar to anger {v} aire air {m} aire solenodon {m} aireación aeration (the circulation of air) {f} airear to get some fresh air {vr} airear to air {v} aires airs; an affected manner intended to impress others {mp} airoso graceful {adj} aislado isolated {adj} aislamiento insulation {m} aislamiento isolation {m} aislante insulation {adj} aislante isolating {adj} aislante insulator {m} aislante isolation {m} aislar to isolate, to separate, to quarantine {v} añito diminutive form of año {m} Aitor male given name {prop} ajá aha {interj} ají chili {m} ajado frayed {adj} ajar to fade, wither {vtr} [and] ají criollo An Ecuadoran hot sauce made from ajís {m} ají criollo A variety of hot pepper (Capsicum) {m} -aje Forms masculine nouns expressing an action, quantity, location, period of time, etc {suffix} ajedrea savory (herb) {f} ajedrecista chess player {mf} ajedrez chess {m} ajedrezado checkered {adj} ajenjo wormwood {m} ajeno distant; alien {adj} ajeno of others, belonging to someone else {adj} ajiaceite A liquid mixture of ground garlic and cooking oil {m} ajo garlic {m} ajo profanity {m} ajolote axolotl {m} ajolote tadpole {m} [Mexico] ajonjolí sesame (plant) {m} ajonjolí sesame seed {m} ajuar dowry, trousseau {m} ajuarar to furnish {v} ajustable adjustable {adj} ajustado adjusted {adj} ajustado tight, tight-fitting {adj} ajustar to adjust {v} ajuste adjustment {m} ajusticiar To execute {v} ajusticiar To sentence to death {v} alá come on! let’s go! {interj} alá hey! {interj} alá wow! {interj} al (in front of the infinitive of a verb) as soon as, when, upon {conj} aló hello, commonly used when answering the telephone {interj} al (contraction of a el) at the, to the {prep} -al In adjectives, indicating relation {suffix} -al In nouns, indicating a place where something is grown {suffix} Alá Allah (God’s name in Islam) {prop} AL América Latina {abbr} ala wing {f} Alabama {prop} [l/en, Alabama] alabancioso boastful {adj} alabancioso braggart {m} alabanza praise {f} alabar to praise {v} alabarda halberd (hand weapon) {f} alabardero halberdier {m} alabeado warped, bent {adj} alabear to warp {v} a la buena de Dios casually; as God wills {phrase} a la buena de Dios haphazardly {phrase} a la buena de Dios without any preparation {phrase} a la buena de Dios without thought or reflection {phrase} alacena locker; wardrobe set in a wall {f} alacridad alacrity {f} alacrán scorpion {m} ala delta hang gliding {m} alado winged {adj} alajú A sweet paste of almonds, nuts and bread crumbs mixed with spices and honey {m} [Spain] alajú A traditional confection made by spreading this paste between two wafers {m} [Spain] al albedrío voluntarily, of one’s own free will {adv} al alimón jointly, together {adv} alambicar to complicate excessively {v} alambicar to distill {v} alambicar to scrutinize, to examine closely {v} alambique still (device for distilling liquids) {m} alambrada wire fence {f} [Latin America] alambrado wire fence {m} [Latin America] alambrado wire net {m} alambrado wiring {m} alambre wire {m} alambre de púas barbed wire, barbwire {m} alameda avenue (with poplars) {f} alancear to spear {v} alanina alanine {f} [amino acid] alano mastiff, wolfhound {m} alantoideo allantoid {adj} [mycology] a la postre in the end {adv} alaraco peevish, complaining, whining person {adj} [Chile, colloquial] alaraco complainer, whiner, crybaby {m} [Chile, colloquial] alarde boast, brag {m} alarde large display {m} alarde military parade, inspection, display {m} alarde review {m} alardear to boast, brag {v} alargador extension cord {m} alargar to lengthen {v} alargar to stretch, to extend {v} alarido clamor, shriek {m} alarma alarm {f} alarmado alarmed {adj} alarmado concerned {adj} alarmante scary, frightening {adj} alarmar to alarm {v} alarmista alarmed {adj} Alaska {prop} [l/en, Alaska] a la vez at once; at a time; at the same time {adv} [idiomatic] alavés From Álava {adj} alazán sorrel-colored, chestnut-colored, reddish-brown {adj} alazán sorrel-colored horse {m} alazor safflower {m} alba dawn {f} Alba female given name of modern usage from alba {prop} Alba Spanish surname from place names of obscure origin {prop} albacea testamentary executor, administrator {mf} [legal] Albacete Albacete {prop} albacora swordfish (Xiphias gladius) {f} albahaca basil (plant or culinary herb) {f} albañil mason, bricklayer {m} albanesa feminine form of albanés {f} Albania {prop} [l/en, Albania] albano Albanian (of a person, from or native to Albania) {adj} Albano male given name. Spanish equivalent to Alban {prop} albanés Albanian (from or native to Albania) {adj} albanés Albanian (pertaining to Albania) {adj} albanés an Albanian person (male) {m} albanés the Albanian language {prop} albaricoque apricot {m} albaricoquero apricot tree {m} albatros albatross {m} albedrío will (intent) {m} alberca swimming pool {m} [Latin America] alberca pool {m} albergar to house, shelter, lodge {v} albergo burrow, den {m} albergo shelter {m} albergue hostel {m} Alberto male given name, equivalent to Albert {prop} albinismo albinism {m} albino albino, albinistic: congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); afflicted with albinism {adj} albino albino: person or animal congenitally lacking melanin pigmentation in the skin, eyes, and hair or feathers (or more rarely only in the eyes); one afflicted with albinism {m} albéitar farrier who can also cure minor animal (especially equine) illnesses, veterinarian {m} albúmina albumin {f} [protein] albóndiga meatball {f} albo white {adj} alborada sunrise {f} alborear to dawn {vi} [impersonal] albornoz (Spain) bathrobe {m} alborotado excited, in disarray {adj} alborotador troublemaker, agitator, tearaway {m} alborotar to disturb, tease (provoke or disturb) {v} alborotar to excite {v} alborotar to infect, ballyhoo (make somebody enthusiastic about one’s own passion) {v} alborotar to stir up, agitate {v} alboroto disturbance {m} alboroto uproar {m} alborozo gaiety {m} alborozo joy, jubilation, delight {m} albudeca Tasteless or watery melon {f} albur bleak (fish); dace {m} alca auk {f} al cabo de after (a period of time) {prep} alcachofa artichoke {f} alcahuete gossip (person) {m} alcahuete panderer {m} alcahuete pimp (prostitution solicitor) {m} alcaide administrator of royal property {m} alcaide commander of the defense of a castle {m} alcaide warden; administrator of a prison {m} alcaldía A city government {f} alcaldía City hall; the building in which a city government is located {f} alcalde an official such as an administrator, mayor, or judge (Spanish, Southwestern U.S.) {m} alcalde mayor {m} alcaldesa The mayor’s wife {f} [colloquial] alcaldesa feminine form of alcalde, female mayor {f} alcalino alkaline {adj} alcaloide alkaloid {m} [organic chemistry] alcancía cashbox {f} alcancía collection (at a church) {f} alcancía piggy bank {f} alcance reach, range, scope {m} alcandora signal flare, beacon {f} alcanfor camphor {m} alcanforar to camphorate {v} alcano alkane {m} [organic compound] alcantarilla sewer {f} alcantarillado sewer {m} alcanzable attainable; achievable {adj} alcanzar to be enough; to suffice {vi} alcanzar to reach; to attain or achieve {vt} alcaparra caper (plant or fruit) {f} alcaparro caper (plant) {m} alcaravea caraway (plant, seed) {f} [botany] alcaraván stone curlew {m} alcatraz gannet (bird) {m} alcatraz lily {m} alcatraz calla lily {m} [Mexico] alcatraz arum (Arum) {m} [plants] alcayata meat hook {f} alcayata spike {f} alcayota spaghetti squash {f} alcazuz liquorice {m} alce elk {m} alcista upward, rising, bull-, bullish {adj} [finance] alcoba bedroom {f} alcohólica (female) alcoholic {f} alcohólico alcoholic {adj} alcohólico alcoholic {m} alcohol alcohol {m} alcohol kohl, stibnite {m} [cosmetics] alcohol galena {m} [mineral] alcohol amílico amyl alcohol {m} [organic compound] alcoholismo alcoholism {m} alcoholímetro breathalyzer {m} al contrario on the contrary {adv} al contrario reverse {adv} al contrario unlike {adv} alcorque tree grating (metal covering around the base of a tree, usually on a sidewalk) {m} alcorque tree well (ridge of soil around a tree to conserve water) {m} alcotest breathalyzer {n} [Chile] alóctono allochthonous {adj} alícuota aliquot (contained an integral number of times) {adj} alícuota aliquot {f} alcurnia lineage, blood {f} alcuza oil container, oil jar (kitchen utensil) {f} alcuzcuz couscous {m} alcázar citadel, castle, fortified town {m} aldaba doorknocker {f} aldaba tits, knockers {f} [in the plural, slang] aldabonazo call to attention {m} aldabonazo door knock; a hit with a doorknocker {m} aldea village {f} aldeana feminine form of aldeano {f} aldeano rural {adj} aldeano rustic {adj} aldeano villager, countryman {m} aldehídico aldehydic {adj} aldehído aldehyde {m} [chemistry] aldehuela hamlet, small village {f} ALDF Asamblea Legislativa del Distrito Federal {abbr} alditol alditol {m} [organic compound] aldónico aldonic {adj} aldolasa aldolase {f} [enzyme] aldosa aldose {f} aleación alloy {f} aleación alloying {f} alear to alloy {v} alear to ally {v} aleatorio random, aleatory {adj} alebrestar to excite {v} alebrije A brightly colored Mexican handicraft sculpture of an animal or fantastical creature {m} [Mexico] aleccionar to teach {v} aleccionar to train {v} aledaño bordering {adj} alefriz mortise, rabbet (on the keel or stem) {m} [nautical] alegación allegation {f} alegar to complain {vi} alegar to cite as a defence or justification for one’s actions {vt} alegato allegation {m} alegato argument {m} alegato plea {m} alegoría allegory {f} alegría joy, happiness {f} alegranza joyfulness, happiness {f} [rare] alegrar to be glad {vr} alegrar to be happy {vr} alegrar to make happy {vt} alegrarse (reflexive form of alegrar) to be happy {vr} alegre a bit drunk {adj} [colloquial] alegre happy {adj} alegre joyful {adj} alegremente happily, merrily {adv} alegóricamente allegorically {adv} alegórico allegorical {adj} Aleixandre Spanish surname {prop} [rare] alejado far, faraway, distant {adj} alejamiento distance {m} alejamiento distancing {m} alejamiento estrangement {m} Alejandra female given name, cognate to Alexandra {prop} Alejandría Alexandria (city) {prop} Alejandro male given name {prop} alejar to remove {v} alejarse to move away, distance oneself {v} alelopatía allelopathy {f} aleluya hallelujah {interj} alemana feminine form of alemán {f} Alemania Germany (county) {prop} alemán German (relating to Germany or to the German language) {adj} alemán German (inhabitant of Germany or person from German descent) {m} alemán German (language) {prop} alemán antiguo Old High German {adj} alemán antiguo Old High German language {prop} aleno allene {m} [organic compound] alentar to encourage, animate, inspirit {v} alentarse to gather up one’s courage {v} Alepo Aleppo (Syrian city) {prop} alerce Fitzroya cupressoides, a species of cypress tree {m} alerce larch tree (trees of the genus Larix) {m} alerce the wood of the larch tree {m} alerce africano (Tetraclinis articulata Masters) sandarac {m} [botany] alergia allergy {f} [immunology, pathology] alergénico allergenic {adj} alerón aileron {m} alero small forward {m} [basketball] alero eave {m} alertar to alert {v} alesna awl {f} aleta blade of a propeller {f} aleta fin {f} aleta flipper {f} aleta the leaf of a hinge {f} aletargado lethargic {adj} aletargar to make lethargic {v} aletear to flap one’s wings (of a bird) {vi} alevín fry, alevin (young fish) {m} alfa alpha; the Greek letter Α, α {f} alfabetismo Literacy; the ability to read {m} alfabetización Literacy instruction; an effort to counter illiteracy {f} alfabetizar To alphabetize {v} alfabeto literate {adj} alfabeto alphabet {m} alfabeto literate person {m} alfabeto cirílico Cyrillic alphabet {m} Alfabeto Fonético Internacional International Phonetic Alphabet {prop} alfabeto latino Latin alphabet {m} alfabéticamente alphabetically {adv} alfabético alphabetic, alphabetical {adj} alfadía bribe {f} alfajor A popular candy in South America usually filled with dulce de leche {m} alfalfa {f} [plants] [l/en, alfalfa] alfalfar alfalfa field (place where alfalfa is grown) {m} alfalfar To plant alfalfa {vt} alfalipoproteina alphalipoprotein, alpha-lipoprotein {f} [protein] alfanje scimitar {m} alfanje swordfish {m} alfarería pottery workshop {f} alfarería pottery craft {f} [uncountable] alfarero potter {m} alferecía infantile epilepsy {f} alfil bishop {m} [chess] alfiler pin {m} al fin at last; finally {adv} [idiomatic] al fin in the end {adv} al fin to the last {adv} al fin y al cabo at the end of the day {phrase} al fin y al cabo at the very end {phrase} al fin y al cabo finally {phrase} al fin y al cabo when all is said and done {phrase} [idiomatic] alféizar windowsill, ledge {m} alfóncigo pistachio (nut) {m} alfóncigo pistachio (tree) {m} alfónsigo alternative form of alfóncigo {m} alfombra carpet, rug {f} alfombrar to carpet {v} Alfonso male given name, equivalent to English Alfonso {prop} alforfón buckwheat {m} alforja saddlebag, knapsack {f} alforza pleat (in clothing etc) {f} alforza scar {f} Alfredo male given name, equivalent to English Alfred {prop} alférez second lieutenant, subaltern, ensign {m} [military ranks] alga alga {f} algar An expanse of seaweed or algae on the ocean floor {m} algar cave, grotto {m} [obsolete, Spain] algarabía Arabic {f} algarabía gibberish {f} algarroba carob (fruit) {f} algarrobo carob tree {m} algebraico algebraic {adj} algecireño of or from Algeciras, a town in Cadiz Province, Spain {adj} algecireño native or inhabitant of Algeciras {m} alógena feminine form of alógeno {f} alógeno alien, foreign {adj} alógeno allogenic {adj} [geology] alógeno foreigner {m} -algia -algy {suffix} algo rather, somewhat {adv} algo something, anything {pron} algo del otro mundo something special or extraordinary; something to write home about {phrase} algodón cotton (plant) {m} algodón cotton (textile fiber) {m} algodón cotton wool {m} algodón de azúcar cotton candy, candy floss, fairy floss {m} algoritmo algorithm {m} alguacil dragonfly, damselfly {m} [Argentina, Uruguay] alguacil bailiff {m} alguien anyone, anybody {pron} alguien someone, somebody {pron} algun obsolete spelling of algún {adj} alguna feminine form of alguno {adj} alguna someone (someone feminine); feminine form of alguno {pron} algunas Feminine plural of alguno; some (some people) {pron} alguna vez ever (at any time) {adv} alguna vez once (on a certain occasion) {adv} alguno some {adj} alguno someone {pron} alhajú rare spelling of alajú {m} alhaja jewel; gem {f} alhajar to bejewel {v} alhajas jewelry {f} alharaca clamour, vociferation {f} alharaquiento peevish, complaining, whining (person) {adj} alholva fenugreek {f} alhucema lavender {f} alhucema spike lavender {f} aliado allied {adj} aliado ally {m} aliñado seasoned {adj} aliñado spicy {adj} aliancista Being a member or supporter of a political coalition {adj} aliancista Being a member or supporter of the Alianza por Chile {adj} [Chile] aliancista Of or relating to the Alianza por Chile {adj} [Chile] aliancista Of or relating to a political coalition {adj} aliancista A member or supporter of a political coalition {mf} aliancista A member or supporter of the Alianza por Chile {mf} [Chile] alianza alliance {f} alianza political coalition {f} alianza wedding ring {f} aliar to ally, unite {v} aliñar to adorn, decorate {v} aliñar to condiment {v} aliñar to prepare {v} alias alias {adv} alias alias {m} alicaído weak, feeble {adj} [colloquial] Alicante (city) {n} [l/en, Alicante] alcancía piggy bank {f} alicantino Of, pertaining to or from the province or city of Alicante {adj} alicantino One from the city or province of Alicante {m} alicate pliers {m} aliáceo garlicky; alliaceous {adj} Alicia female given name, cognate to English Alice {prop} aliciente incentive {m} aliciente lure {m} alicina allicin {f} [organic compound] alienación alienation {f} alienar to alienate {v} alienígena alien {adj} alienígena strange, rare, unnatural {adj} alienígeno alien {adj} alienígeno strange, rare, unnatural {adj} aliento breath {m} alifara meal as part of a business deal {f} alifático aliphatic {adj} [organic chemistry] aligerar to hasten; to accelerate {vt} aligerar to lighten (as a load) {vt} aliina alliin {f} [organic compound] alijarar to divide uncultivated land for cultivation {vt} alilo allyl {m} [organic chemistry] alimaña vermin {f} alimañero A game warden also employed in eliminating invasive and pest species {m} alimentación feeding {f} alimentar to feed {v} alimentario alimentary {adj} alimenticio alimentary, nourishing {adj} alimento food {m} alimento nourishment {m} alineación alignment {f} alineamiento alignment {m} alinear to line up {v} aliño condiment, spice {m} alioli aioli {m} alisar alder tree plantation {m} alisar to smooth {v} aliso alder tree {m} alistar to arrange {v} alistar to enlist, to enroll {v} alistar to list {v} alistar to prepare {v} alistar to recruit {v} aliteración alliteration {f} aliviado relieved, alleviated, unburdened, eased {adj} aliviar to lighten {vt} aliviar to relieve, alleviate, unburden {vt} alivio relief {m} aljaba quiver (for arrows) {f} aljibe well (for water), cistern, tank, reservoir {m} allá there, away from the speaker and the listener {adv} allí there, away from the speaker and the listener {adv} al lado next to; beside {prep} allanamiento search and seizure {m} [legal] allanamiento smoothing, flattening {m} allanamiento trespass, unlawful entry {m} allanar to break in (to enter by force) {v} allanar to overcome {v} allanar to smooth, to flatten {v} allanar to subdue {v} allá donde fueres, haz lo que vieres when in Rome, do as the Romans do {proverb} allende beyond {adv} alílico allylic {adj} alma soul {f} Alma female given name {prop} almacenaje storage {m} almacenamiento storage {m} [computing] almacenamiento storage (act of storing) {m} almacenar to store, stock {v} almacenista shopkeeper {mf} almacenista storekeeper {mf} almacenista warehouseman {mf} almacenista warehouse owner {mf} almacén shop, store; grocer’s {m} almacén storeroom {m} almacén warehouse {m} almanaque almanac {m} almazuela patchwork (cloth, quilt) {f} almíbar sugar water {m} almíbar sweet syrup, made of sugar only {m} almádena sledgehammer {f} almeja shellfish, clam, cockle {f} almeja cunt {f} [vulgar, slang] almenara beacon, signal fire {f} almenara large candelabrum {f} almenara overflow ditch {f} almendra almond (nut) {f} almendrado almond- (food prepared with almonds) {adj} almendrado almond-shaped {adj} almendral almond orchard (a place with many almond trees) {m} almendrar to decorate something, usually a pastry or confection, with almonds {v} almendro almond (tree) {m} al menos at least; at minimum {adv} Almería Almería (both meanings) {prop} almez hackberry (tree or shrub) {m} almeza hackberry (fruit) {f} almiar haystack {m} almidón starch {m} alminar minaret {m} almirantazgo admiralty {m} almirante admiral {m} almizcle musk {m} almizcleño musky {adj} almizclero musky {adj} almóndiga alternative form of albóndiga {f} almofalla encampment, encamped army {f} [antiquated] almofalla host, army {f} [antiquated] almohada pillow {f} almohadilla footpad (underside of an animal’s paw) {f} almohadilla inkpad {f} almohadilla pincushion {f} almohadilla seat cushion (to sit on) {f} almohadilla the hash, octothorpe, pound symbol ( ) {f} almohadón cushion (soft material in cloth bag) {m} almojarifazgo A colonial customs tariff in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires {m} almojarife customs officer; revenue collector {m} almorzar to eat lunch {vi} almorzar to eat for lunch {vt} almártaga headstall {f} almuédano muezzin, the person who calls the faithful to prayer in Islam {m} [Islam] Almudena female given name {prop} almuerzo lunch {m} alo- allo- {prefix} alocadamente madly, wildly {adv} alocado zany {adj} alocar to go mad {vr} [alocarse] alocar to drive crazy, to madden {v} alocución speech {f} Alodia female given name {prop} alojamiento accommodation {m} alojar to house, accommodate {v} a lo largo de along (along (prepositional sense)) {prep} a lo largo de during {prep} a lo mejor maybe, perhaps {adv} aloína aloin {f} [organic compound] alondra lark {f} Alondra female given name, modern use of the vocabulary word alondra «lark» {prop} alongar to elongate, lengthen {v} alosa allose {f} [carbohydrates] alotrasplante allotransplantation {m} [surgery] alotrópico allotropic {adj} [chemistry] alozima allozyme {f} [genetics, enzyme] alpaca alpaca {f} al parecer seemingly {adv} alpinismo mountaineering, alpinism {m} alquenilo alkene {adj} alqueno alkene {m} [organic compound] alquequenje bladder cherry (Physalis alkekengi) {m} alquilar to rent {v} [Spain] alquilar to rent out something to someone {v} [Spain] alquiler Rent. A payment made in exchange for something borrowed {m} [Spain] alquimia alchemy {f} alquimista alchemist {mf} alquino alkyne {f} [organic compound] alquitara still (device for distilling liquids) {f} alquitranar to tar {v} alquitrán tar, pitch {m} [chemistry] alrededor surroundings {m} [also in the plural] alrededor around {prep} alrededores surroundings (the area around a place) {mp} al revés inverted (with respect to something) {adj} [attributive] al revés back first {adv} al revés inside out {adv} al revés in the opposite direction or order {adv} al revés the other way around {adv} al revés upside down {adv} alérgeno allergen {m} [pathology] alérgico allergic {adj} alsaciano Alsatian {adj} alsaciano Alsatian {m} al sujeto de {prep} [l/en, about] alta certificate of discharge (from a hospital) {f} alta entry into a profession or organization {f} alta tax declaration {f} alta danza Saltarello {f} [obsolete] Altagracia female given name {prop} altamente highly {adv} altamisa mugwort {f} altanería haughtiness; arrogance {f} altanero arrogant {adj} altanero haughty {adj} altar altar {m} altar Stone that separates the firebox from the hearth in reverberatory furnaces {m} altas horas small hours; the very early morning, just after midnight, when most people are asleep, ungodly hours {fp} Alta Verapaz A department of Guatemala {prop} alta vista a view from above {phrase} altavoz loudspeaker {m} alterabilidad alterability {f} alterable alterable {adj} alteración alteration {f} alterado corrupted, altered {adj} alterado upset, angry {adj} alterar to get angry, upset {vr} alterar to alter or change {vt} alterar to upset {vt} altercación altercation {f} altercado altercation {m} alternabilidad The possibility of rotation of power in a political regime {f} [government] alternación alternation {f} alternador alternator {m} alternancia alternation {f} alternante alternating {adj} alternar to alternate {v} alternativa alternation {f} alternativa An alternative, option {f} alternativamente alternatively {adv} alternativo alternative {adj} alteza highness {f} altibajos ups and downs {mp} [colloquial] altillo attic {m} altiplano a high plateau {m} al tiro straight away {adv} [Chile, idiomatic] altitud altitude {f} altitud height {f} altivez haughtiness; arrogance {f} altivo arrogant {adj} altivo haughty {adj} alto high {adj} alto loud {adj} alto tall {adj} alto stop! {interj} alto stop {m} alto red light {m} [traffic] alto stop (signal) {m} [traffic] alto el fuego ceasefire {m} altoparlante loudspeaker {m} [Latin America] Alto Volta Upper Volta {prop} alótropo allotrope {m} [chemistry] altrosa altrose {f} [carbohydrates] altruismo altruism {m} altruista altruistic {adj} altruista altruist {mf} altruistamente altruistically {adv} altísimo Very high {adj} altísimo Very loud {adj} altísimo Very tall {adj} altura altitude {f} altura height {f} alubia bean {f} alucinación hallucination {f} alucinante brilliant {adj} alucinante hallucinatory {adj} alucinar to fascinate {v} alucinar to hallucinate {v} alucinógeno hallucinogenic {adj} alucinógeno hallucinogen {m} alud avalanche {m} aludir to allude {v} alumbramiento afterbirth {m} alumbramiento birth, childbirth {m} alumbrar to give birth {v} alumbrar to illuminate {v} alumbrarse reflexive form of alumbrar {vr} alumbrarse to get tipsy {v} alumbre alum {m} [chemistry] aluminio aluminum {m} alumno pupil or student {m} alunizaje moon landing {m} alunizar to land on the moon {v} alusión allusion {f} alusivo allusive {adj} aluvión alluvium {m} aluvión tidal wave, avalanche, barrage (incredibly large amount) {m} [figurative] alvaradeño Pertaining to or originating from Alvarado in Mexico {adj} Alvarado Spanish surname {prop} al vuelo on-the-fly {adv} al vuelo on the wing {adv} alza rise {f} alzacuellos clerical collar, dog collar {m} alzado lifted, raised up {adj} alzamiento lifting; raise, increase {m} alzamiento uprising, revolt {m} alzar to rise up, revolt {vr} alzar to hide {vt} alzar to lift, raise {vt} alzar to remove; to steal {vt} a. m. a.m. {abbr} ama housekeeper, head maid {f} ama lady of the house {f} ama landlady {f} ama mistress {f} ama nursemaid, nanny {f} ama proprietress {f} ama wetnurse {f} amañar To rig, fix, meddle with {v} amabilidad kindness {f} amable charming {adj} amable kind, amiable {adj} amablemente kindly, friendly {adv} amacollar to grow in clumps or tufts {vir} [reflexive, of stems, flowers, tillers, etc.] ama de llaves housekeeper; maid {f} amaestrador animal trainer {m} amaestrar to train, school, drill (an animal) {v} amagar to threaten {v} amainar to abate; die down {v} amaitinar to spy on {v} amaitinar to watch {v} amalgama amalgam (all senses) {f} amalgamar amalgamate {v} Amalia female given name {prop} a mal tiempo buena cara face the music {phrase} [idiomatic] amamantar to nurse {v} Amanda female given name {prop} amanecer dawn {m} amanecer to dawn {vi} [impersonal] amanecer to stay awake all night {vr} [Latin America] amanecer to waken {vr} amanecer to awake {v} amanecer to wake up {v} amanerado effeminate, camp {adj} amanerado mannered {adj} a mano even; equal with another {adj} [idiomatic] a mano by hand; manually; without the use of a machine {adv} [idiomatic] amansador tamer {m} amansar to tame {v} amantadina amantadine {f} [organic compound] amante lover {mf} amapola poppy {f} amar To love, have great affection for, care about {v} amaranto amaranth, crimson (color) {adj} amaranto amaranth, crimson (color) {m} amaranto amaranth (herb) {m} amargado bitter (resentful) {adj} amargado joyless {adj} amargamente bitterly {adv} amargar to make bitter; embitter {v} amargarse To go bitter, get bitter {vr} amargo bitter, sour (having an acrid taste) {adj} amargo bitterness {m} amargura acerbity, bitterness {f} amargura sorrow {f} amariconado effeminate {adj} amariconado homosexual, gay {adj} [pejorative] amarillear to turn yellow {v} amarillento yellowish {adj} amarillo yellow or golden coloured {adj} amarillo jaundice {m} amarilloso yellowish, yellow {adj} amar no es amor A statement of unrequited love {phrase} amarra mooring line {f} [nautical] amarrar to moor {v} amarrar to tie {v} amasar to knead {v} amasijar to beat up, do in {v} [slang] amasijo mishmash, hodgepodge {m} amate amate (art form) {m} amate amate paper {m} amate amate tree (Ficus insipida) {m} amatista amethyst colored {adj} amatista amethyst {f} Amaya female given name {prop} amazacotado crude, lacking grace {adj} amazacotado heavy, thick {adj} amazona amazon {f} Amazonía Amazon {prop} ambages circumlocution, ambages (indirect or roundabout ways of talking) {mp} ambages (indirect or roundabout routes or directions) {mp} [rare] [l/en, ambages] ambarino amber colored {adj} Amberes Antwerp (province and city) {prop} ambición ambition {f} ambicionar to aspire {v} ambiciosamente ambitiously {adv} ambicioso ambitious {adj} ambidextro ambidextrous {adj} ambidiestro ambidextrous {adj} ambientador air freshener {m} ambiental environmental {adj} ambientar to provide an ambiance {v} ambiente atmosphere {m} ambiente environment {m} ambiente room {m} ambigüedad ambiguity {f} ambigrama ambigram {m} ambiguamente ambiguously {adv} ambiguo ambiguous {adj} ambivalencia ambivalence {f} ambivalente ambivalent {adj} amblar to amble {v} ambo suit {m} ambos both {adj} ambrosía ambrosia (food of gods or delicious foods) {f} ambulancia ambulance {f} ambulante travelling, ambulant {adj} ambulofobia ambulophobia {f} ameba amoeba {f} amebiano amoebic {adj} ameboide amoeboid / ameboid {adj} a medida que as (progressively) {conj} amedrentar to intimidate {v} Amelia female given name, cognate to English Amelia {prop} ameloblastina ameloblast {f} [cytology] amelogenina amelogenin {f} [protein] amenaza threat {f} amenazado threatened {adj} amenazante threatening {adj} amenazar to threaten {vt} amenguar to diminish {v} amenguar to slander, to defame {v} amenidad amenity {f} amenizar to adorn {v} amenizar to make pleasant {v} ameno pleasant {adj} a menos que unless {conj} amento catkin {m} -amento alternative form of -mento {suffix} a menudo often (habitually) {adv} americana Cloth jacket with lapels and buttons, reaching below the hip {f} americana feminine form of americano {f} americanismo Americanism (linguistic feature) {m} americanización Americanization {f} americanizar to Americanize {v} americano of the Americas {adj} americano of the United States {adj} americano a native of the Americas {m} americano a native of the United States {m} americano someone who became rich in America (continent) and returned to his country {m} americio americium {m} ameritar to merit {v} ametralladora machine gun {f} ametrallar to shoot with a machine gun {v} ametrallar to shoot with shot ammunition {v} amígdala amygdala {f} amianto asbestos {m} amida amide {f} [inorganic chemistry] amidina amidine {f} [chemistry] amidofosforribosiltransferasa amidophosphoribosyltransferase {f} [enzyme] -amiento alternative form of -miento {suffix} amiga feminine form of amigo, friend {f} amigabilidad friendliness {f} amigable amicable {adj} amigable companionable {adj} amigablemente amicably {adv} amigdalectomía tonsillectomy {f} [surgery] amigdalitis tonsilitis; strep throat {f} [pathology] amigdalogloso amygdaloglossus {m} amigo friend {m} amigo con derecho a roce friend with benefits {m} amigote crony {m} amiguita diminutive form of amiga {f} amiguito diminutive form of amigo {m} amilanar to daunt {v} amilasa amylase {f} [enzyme] amiloide amyloid {adj} amiloide amyloid {m} amiloideo amyloid {adj} amiloidosis amyloidosis {f} [pathology] amilopectina amylopectin {f} [carbohydrates] amiloplasto amyloplast {m} [cytology] amilosa amylose {f} [carbohydrates] amina amine {m} [inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry] amino amino {adj} amino amino {m} aminoacil aminoacyl {f} [organic chemistry] aminobenzoato aminobenzoate {m} [organic compound] aminobenzoico aminobenzoic {adj} aminobifenol aminobiphenol {m} [organic compound] aminobutirato aminobutyrate {m} [organic compound] aminobutírico aminobutyric {adj} aminociclopropano aminocyclopropane {m} aminoácido amino acid {m} [organic chemistry] aminograma aminogram {f} aminometiltransferasa aminomethyltransferase {f} [enzyme] aminorar to lessen {v} aminotransferasa transaminase, aminotransferase {f} [enzyme] amistad friendship {f} amistosamente In a friendly manner; friendlily {adv} amistoso friendly {adj} amílico amyl {adj} Am. Mer. abbreviation of América Meridional {prop} amén amen {interj} amnesia amnesia {f} amnistía amnesty {f} amnistiar to grant amnesty to {v} amnésica feminine form of amnésico {f} amnésico amnesic {adj} amnésico amnesiac {m} amo master {m} amoblado furnished {adj} amoblar to furnish {v} amohinar to annoy {v} amohinar to cause displeasure, sadness, or melancholy {v} amoldable Able to change or adapt; adaptable {adj} amoldar to mold {v} amole {n} [l/en, amole] amoníaco ammonia {m} amonestación admonishment {m} amonestación the issuing of a caution {m} [sports] amonestar to warn; to reprimand; to admonish {v} amoniaco ammonia {m} amonio ammonium {m} [inorganic chemistry] amontonar to pile up {v} amor love {m} amoral amoral {adj} amorcito diminutive form of amor {m} amordazar to gag {v} amordazar to muzzle {v} amores love affairs {mp} amorío A superficial relationship; a love affair {m} amorosamente lovingly, amorously {adv} amoroso amorous {adj} amoroso tender {adj} amortiguador softening, muffling {adj} amortiguador bumper of a vehicle {m} amortiguador shock absorber {m} amortiguar to cushion, to absorb {v} amortiguar to deaden, to muffle {v} amortizar amortize {v} amor y paz y nada más a statement that love and peace are the most important attributes and actions and others are overvalued {phrase} amos plural of amo {mp} -amos suffix indicating the first-person plural present indicative of -ar verbs {suffix} -amos Suffix indicating the first-person plural preterite of -ar verbs {suffix} -amos Suffix indicating the first-person singular imperative of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} -amos Suffix indicating the first-person singular present subjunctive of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} amotinar to mutiny {vr} amotinar to incite into mutiny {v} amparar to safeguard {v} amparo aid, relief {m} amparo exemption, pardon {m} amparo protection {m} amparo shelter, sanctuary {m} Amparo female given name {prop} ampere {m} [l/en, ampere] amperio ampere {m} amperímetro ammeter {m} ampliable expandable {adj} ampliación extension {f} ampliadora enlarger {f} [photography] ampliamente amply {adv} ampliamente widely {adv} ampliar to extend, expand, enlarge {v} amplificación amplification {f} amplificador amplifying {adj} amplificador amplifier {m} amplificar to amplify, magnify {v} amplificar to enlarge, extend {v} amplio broad {adj} amplio extensive {adj} amplio large, spacious {adj} amplitud amplitude {f} ampo snowflake {m} ampolla ampoule {f} ampolla blister {f} ampolla small bottle {f} ampollar to blister {v} ampolleta light bulb {f} [Chile] ampurdanés From Ampurdán {adj} ampurdanés Someone from Ampurdán {m} amputación amputation {f} amputar to amputate {v} América America {propf} América del Norte North America {prop} América del Sur South America (continent that is the southern part of the Americas) {prop} América Latina Those countries in the Americas and related islands which speak Latin-derived languages, mostly Spanish and Portuguese: Latin America {prop} América Meridional South America (continent that is the southern part of the Americas) {prop} amárico Amharic (a Semitic language spoken in Ethiopia) {n} Amritsar {prop} [l/en, Amritsar] a más no poder as much as possible, as could be {adv} a más no poder to the utmost {adv} amueblado furnished {adj} amueblar to furnish {v} amujerado effeminate {adj} amuleto amulet {m} amurallar to wall {v} amuzgo Amuzgo; An indigenous language of Mexico with about 30,000 speakers, mostly in Oaxaca state {prop} -an Suffix indicating the third-person plural imperative of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} -an Suffix indicating the third-person plural present indicative of -ar verbs {suffix} -an Suffix indicating the third-person plural present subjunctive of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} aún still, yet {adv} Ana Anna (Biblical prophetess) {prop} Ana female given name, cognate to Ann {prop} Ana Hannah (Biblical figure) {prop} anabasina anabasine {f} [chemistry] Anabel female given name Isabel or Ana Belén {prop} anabolismo anabolism {m} anacahuite A species of small flowering shrub or tree in the borage family, (Cordia boissieri) {m} anacardo cashew (nut) {m} anacardo cashew (tree) {m} anaconda anaconda {f} anacoreta anchorite (one who lives in seclusion) {m} anacrónico anachronistic {adj} anacronismo anachronism {m} anacronístico anachronistic {adj} anadear to waddle {v} anaeróbico anaerobic {adj} anaerobio anaerobic {adj} anaerobio anaerobe {m} anafilaxia anaphylaxis {n} anafre (small) stove {m} anagrama anagram {m} anagramático anagrammatic {adj} analfabetismo illiteracy {m} analfabeto unlettered, illiterate {adj} analfabeto illiterate person {m} analógicamente analogically {adv} analógico analogue {adj} analgésico analgesic {adj} [pharmacology] analgésico analgesic, painkiller {m} [pharmacology] analista analyst {mf} analizar to analyze {v} analogía analogy {f} analítica analytics {f} analíticamente analytically {adv} analítico analytic {adj} anamorfismo anamorphosis {m} anamorfosis anamorphosis {f} ananá pineapple {m} ananás pineapple fruit {m} ananás pineapple plant {m} anapesto anapest (metrical foot) {m} anaquel shelf {m} anaranjado orange, orangey (having the colour of an orange, reddish-yellow) {adj} anaranjado orange (the colour of the fruit of an orange tree) {m} anarquía anarchism {f} anarquía anarchy (all senses) {f} anarquismo anarchism {m} anarquista anarchist {mf} anarquizar to make anarchic {v} anatema anathema (ban or curse) {f} anatómicamente anatomically {adv} anatómico anatomical {adj} anatomía anatomy {f} anécdota anecdote {f} ancestral ancestral {adj} ancestro ancestor, forefather {m} anchamente broadly {adv} anchar to expand {v} ancho proud {adj} ancho wide; broad {adj} ancho width {m} anchoa anchovy (small saltwater fish) {f} anchura width, breadth {f} -ancia -ancy {suffix} anciana old female person {f} anciano ancient {adj} anciano elderly {adj} anciano very old person {m} ancla anchor {f} anclada anchored {adj} anclada fastened; secured {adj} anclado anchored {adj} anclado fastened, secured {adj} anclaje anchorage {m} anclar to anchor {v} ancóneo anconeus {m} anda Interjection to express surprise {interj} andadura gait {f} Andalucía Andalusia {prop} andaluz Andalusian {adj} andaluz Andalusian dialect {m} andaluz Someone from Andalusia {m} andamiaje scaffolding {m} andamio scaffold {m} andanada volley (of projectiles) {f} andar behavior, manner {m} andar walk, pace, gait {m} andar to go away, to leave {vr} andar to amble, to travel {v} andar to be in a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship with someone; to go out with {v} andar to be, to feel {v} andar to function, to work, to go {v} andar to pass, to go by, to elapse {v} andar to ride {v} andar to walk, to go {v} andar como quinceañera mutton dressed as lamb {n} Andes the Andes {prop} andino Andean {adj} andino Andean (person) {m} andén sidewalk {m} [Caribbean] andén platform {m} -ando Suffix indicating the gerund of regular -ar verbs {suffix} andorra A female walking companion {f} [colloquial] Andorra {prop} [l/en, Andorra] Andorra la Vieja Andorra la Vella {prop} andorrana feminine form of andorrano {f} andorrano Andorran (from or native to Andorra) {adj} andorrano Andorran (pertaining to Andorra) {adj} andorrano Andorran (person from Andorra) {m} Andrade a surname {prop} andrajoso ragged, tattered {adj} Andrea female given name, feminine form of Andrés {prop} andrógeno androgen {m} andrógino androgynous {adj} andrógino monoecious {adj} [botany] andrógino hermaphrodite, hermaphroditic {adj} andrógino androgyne {m} andrógino hermaphrodite {m} Andrómeda Andromeda (constellation) {prop} [astronomy] Andrómeda Andromeda (galaxy) {prop} [astronomy] Andrómeda Andromeda (mythical daughter of Cepheus) {prop} [Greek mythology] androginia androgyny {f} androgénico androgenic {adj} androide android {m} Andrés Andrew {prop} [biblical character] Andrés male given name, equivalent to English Andrew {prop} anecdótico anecdotal {adj} anegamiento inundation, flooding {m} anegar to drown, to inundate {vt} anejo attached {adj} anejo accompaniment, affix {m} anemia anemia {f} [pathology] anemómetro anemometer {m} anestesia anesthesia (insensitivity to pain) {f} anestesia anesthetic {f} anestesiador anesthetist {m} anestesiar to anesthetize {v} anestesióloga anesthesiologist {f} anestesiólogo anesthesiologist {m} anestesiología anesthesiology {f} anestesista anaesthetist {mf} anestésico anesthetic {adj} anestésico anesthetic {m} anetol anethole {m} [organic compound] aneurisma aneurysm {m} [pathology] anexar to annex, to attach {v} anexión annexation (the act of annexing) {f} anexionar to annex {v} anexo attached {adj} anexo enclosed {adj} anexo annex, appendix {m} anexo contiguous building, extension of a building {m} anfíbol amphibole {m} anfíbraco amphibrach {m} anfetamina amphetamine {f} [organic compound] anfetamínico amphetamine {adj} anfibio amphibious, amphibian {adj} anfibio amphibian {m} anfibología amphibology, amphiboly {f} anfipróstilo amphiprostyle {adj} [architecture] anfipróstilo An amphiprostyle building {m} [architecture] anfisbena amphisbaena {f} [Greek mythology] anfisbena worm lizard {f} anfiteatro amphitheater {m} anfitrión host {m} anfitriona host {f} anfímacro amphimacer {m} anáfora anaphora {f} angelito (diminutive form of angel) little angel or angel {m} angelote angel shark {m} anginas strep throat {f} [plurale tantum] angio- angio- {prefix} angiografía angiograph {f} angiografía angiography {f} angioma angioma {m} [pathology] angioplastia angioplasty {f} [surgery] angiotensina angiotensin {f} [protein] angiotensinógeno angiotensinogen {m} [protein] anglófono anglophone {adj} anglófono anglophone {m} Angélica female given name, equivalent to Angelica {prop} anglicano Anglican {adj} anglicano Anglican {m} anglicismo anglicism (word or other feature originating in the English language) {m} angélico angelic {adj} anglo- Anglo- {prefix} anglohablante anglophone (One who speaks English.) {mf} anglo-normando Anglo-Norman {prop} anglosajón Anglo-Saxon {adj} anglosajón Anglo-Saxon language; Old English {m} Angola {prop} [l/en, Angola] angoleño Angolan {adj} angoleño Angolan {m} Angora Ankara (capital of Turkey) {prop} angostar to narrow {v} angosto narrow, reduced {adj} anguila eel {f} angula elver, baby eel {f} angulación angle, angulation {f} angular angular {adj} anguloso angular (of a face or features) {adj} angustia anguish {f} angustiado anguished {adj} angustiado anxious {adj} angustiado nervous {adj} angustiar to anguish {v} angustioso harrowing, distressing, distressed, anguished {adj} anhelante eager, longing {adj} anhelar to crave {v} anhelar to gasp {v} anhelar to pant {v} anhelo wish {m} anhidrasa anhydrase {m} [enzyme] anhidraso anhydrous {adj} anhidro anhydrous {adj} aniñado girlyman, (effeminate boy) girl {m} Aniceto male given name {prop} anidación nesting {f} anidado nested {adj} [informatics] anidar to nest {v} anidar to shelter, to take in {v} anilina colouring, dye {f} anilina aniline {f} [organic compound] anilla ring {mf} [gymnastics, usually in plural] anilla ring {mf} anilla ring-pull {mf} anillar to put into a ring shape {v} anillar to ring (carve ring shapes or circular shapes) {v} anillar to ring (put a ring on e.g. an animal) {v} anillo annulus {m} [mycology] anillo ring {m} animación animation {f} animación jauntiness; liveliness {f} animadamente animatedly, jauntily {adv} animado inspired {adj} animador animator {m} animador cheerleader {m} animador entertainer {m} animador presenter, host (moderator or master of ceremonies for a performance) {m} animadora feminine form of animador {f} animadversión animosity {f} animal {m} [l/en, animal] animalito diminutive form of animal, little animal {m} animalmente animally {adv} animar to animate {v} animar to inspire {v} animosidad animosity {f} anión anion {m} aniquilación annihilation {f} aniquilar to annihilate {v} anisotropía anisotropy {f} aniversario anniversary {m} anj ankh {m} análisis analysis {m} análisis de sangre A blood test {m} análogamente analogously {adv} análogo analogous {adj} anómalo aberrant; atypical {adj} anómero anomer {m} [organic chemistry] anémico anemic {adj} anémona anemone {f} anémona de mar sea anemone {f} anónimamente anonymously {adv} anónimo anonymous {adj} anónimo An anonymous document or letter {m} ano anus {m} -ano Coming from, related to, or like {suffix} [as an adjective] -ano One from, belonging to, relating to, or like {suffix} [as a noun] -ano -ane (in the names of hydrocarbons) {suffix} [organic chemistry] anoche last night {adv} anochecer dusk, nightfall {m} anochecer to become night, to get dark {vi} [impersonal] anochecer to be somewhere by dark {vi} anomalía anomaly {f} anonadar to stun {v} anonimato anonymity {m} anonimidad anonymity {f} anormal abnormal {adj} anormalidad abnormality {f} anormalmente abnormally {adv} anoréxico anorexic {adj} anoréxico anorexic {m} a no ser que unless {conj} anotación annotation {f} anotación record {f} anotar to score {v} [sports] anotar to annotate {v} anquilosis ankylosis {f} [pathology] anárquico anarchic {adj} anís (beverage) anise liquor, pure or combined {m} anís anise {m} [botany] anís the anus (because of similar sound, compare ano) {m} [euphemistic, Mexico] ansarina feminine form of ansarino {f} ansarino anserine {adj} ansarino gosling {m} anís estrella star anise {m} anís estrellado star anise {m} ansia anxiety, apprehension {f} ansia craving {f} ansiar to wish, long for {v} ansiedad anxiety {f} ansiolítico anxiolytic {m} ansioso anxious {adj} ansioso eager {adj} anástrofe anastrophe {f} [rhetoric] antagónico antagonistic {adj} antagonista antagonist {adj} antagonista antagonist {f} antagonizar antagonize {v} antaño in the past, in the old days, of yore {adv} antídoto antidote {m} ante suede {m} ante- before (in time and space) {prefix} ante in front of, before {prep} -ante Forms adjectives from verbs {suffix} anteanoche the night before last (in the night before last night) {adv} anteayer day before yesterday {adv} antebrazo forearm {m} antecama A carpet laid in front of a bed {f} antecapilla A room before a chapel {f} antecedente precedent {adj} antecedente antecedent {m} antecedente precedent {m} antecedentemente previously, beforehand {adv} anteceder to antecede or precede {v} antecesor predecessor {m} antecámara antechamber {f} antedata antedate {f} antedatar to antedate {v} antedecir to foretell {v} antedicho foretold {adj} antediluviano antediluvian {adj} antefirma A title placed before a signature {f} anteiglesia porch or other structure in front of a church {f} antelación in advance, early {f} [with ante la duda if in doubt {adv} ante la duda, la más tetuda If in doubt, choose the option that seems most profitable {proverb} antemano beforehand, previously {adv} antemano in advance {adv} antemural barbican, fortification {m} antena antenna {f} antenado having antennae {adj} antenado stepchild {m} antenoche the night before last {adv} antenombre title before a proper name {m} antenupcial before marriage {adj} anteojo lens {m} anteojos glasses, spectacles {mp} antepagar to pay beforehand {v} antepasado ancestor, forefather {m} antepecho railing {m} antepecho window sill {m} antepenúltimo antepenultimate, third to last {adj} anteponer to prefer {v} [figuratively] anteponer to put or place in front of {v} anteproyecto a preliminary plan {m} antepuerta portière {f} antera anther {f} [botany] anterior anterior (in space) {adj} anterior anterior (in time), previous, earlier, former, past {adj} anterioridad anteriority {f} anteriormente previously {adv} Antero male given name, equivalent to Latin Anterus {prop} antes before {adv} antes before {prep} antesala antechamber, lobby {f} antes se coge al mentiroso que al cojo a lie has no legs {proverb} antetemplo portico of a church {m} antever to foresee {v} antífona antiphon, antiphony {f} antígeno antigen {m} [immunology] anti- ant-; against, opposite {prefix} antiaborto antiabortion {adj} antiafrodisiaco antaphrodisiac {adj} antiamericano anti-American {adj} antiaéreo antiaircraft {adj} antiartrítico antiarthritic {adj} antiasmático antiasthmatic {adj} antibalas bulletproof {adj} antibarión antibarion {m} antibiótico antibiotic {adj} antibiótico antibiotic {m} antiburbuja antibubble {f} anticiclón anticyclone {m} antiácido antiacid, antacid {m} anticipación advance {f} anticipación anticipation {f} anticipadamente early, in advance {adv} anticipado anticipated {adj} anticipar To bring forward; to advance {v} anticiparse reflexive form of anticipar to anticipate (take place early) {vr} anticlimático anticlimactic {adj} anticlímax anticlimax {m} anticodón anticodon {m} [genetics] anticolonial anticolonial {adj} anticomunismo anticommunism {m} anticoncepción anti-conception; the action of preventing conception {f} anticonceptivo contraceptive {adj} anticonceptivo contraceptive {m} anticongelante antifreeze {m} anticonstitucional unconstitutional {adj} anticonstitucionalmente anticonstitutionally {adv} anticristiano anti-Christian {adj} anticristo antichrist {m} anticrítico Against critics or critiques {adj} anticuado antiquated; obsolete; outmoded; {adj} anticuar to antiquate {v} anticuario antiquarian {adj} anticuario antiquarian {m} anticuerpo antibody {m} [immunology] antidemocrático antidemocratic {adj} antidisentérico anti-dysenteric {adj} antidiurético antidiuretic {adj} antidopaje antidoping {m} antidroga antidrug; against drugs {adj} antiemético antiemetic {adj} antiepiléptico antiepileptic {adj} antiescorbútico antiscorbutic; acting against scurvy {adj} antiestético unsightly {adj} antifascista antifascist {adj} antifascista antifascist {f} antifaz a mask, that doesn’t covers the whole face but only the eyes part and maybe the nose {f} antifebril antipyretic {adj} antifeminista antifeminist {adj} antiflogístico antiphlogistic {adj} antifúngico antifungal {m} antigüedad antique {f} antigüedad antiquity {f} antigüedad tenure {f} Antigüedad Antiquity {prop} antiguano Antiguan {adj} antiguano Antiguan {m} antiguar to acquire seniority {v} [obsolete] antiguar to antiquate {v} [obsolete] Antigua y Barbuda Antigua and Barbuda (country) {prop} antiguo old; from before; former; ancient {adj} antihelmíntico anthelmintic {m} antihemorrágico antihemorrhagic {adj} antihéroe antihero {m} antiimperialismo anti-imperialism {m} antiimperialista anti-imperialist {adj} antiinflacionario anti-inflationary {adj} antilógico illogical {adj} antillano Antillean {adj} antimateria antimatter {f} antimicótico antifungal {m} antimonio antimony {m} antimonopolista antitrust; antimonopoly {adj} antimonárquico antimonarchical, antimonarchist {adj} antimonárquico antimonarchist {m} antimulleriano anti-Müllerian {adj} antinacional antinational {adj} antinacionalismo antinationalism {m} antinefrítico antinephritic {adj} antiofídico antivenom {f} antipapa antipope {m} antipapal antipapal {adj} antipartícula antiparticle {f} antipatía antipathy {f} antiperistáltico antiperistaltic {adj} antipirético antipyretic {adj} antipirético antipyretic {m} antiprisma antiprism {f} [geometry] antipático disagreeable, unpleasant. Usually, but not always, refers to a person {adj} antipútrido antiseptic {adj} antipútrido Preventing or acting against putrefaction {adj} [medicine] antirrevolucionario antirevolutionary, counterrevolutionary {adj} antirrobo antitheft {adj} antisemita anti-Semitic {adj} antisemita anti-Semite {mf} antisemitismo anti-Semitism {m} antisentido antisense {m} [biology] antisimpático alternative spelling of antipático {adj} antisocial {adj} [l/en, antisocial] antisépticamente antiseptically {adv} antiséptico antiseptic {adj} antiséptico antiseptic {m} antistrofa antistrophe {f} antisuero antivenom {f} antitabaco antismoking {adj} antiátomo antiatom {m} antitoxina antitoxin {f} antitranspirante antiperspirant {m} antitripsina antitrypsin {f} [protein] antitérmico antipyretic {adj} antitrombina antithrombin {f} [protein] antitético antithetic {adj} antitóxico antitoxic {adj} antiulceroso antiulcer {adj} antiulceroso anti-ulcer (medication) {m} antiviral antiviral {adj} antivírico (medicine) antiviral {adj} antílope antelope {m} antónimo antonym {m} antojadizo capricious {adj} antojar to fancy, would like {vp} antojar to seem {vp} antojo whim, impulse, craving {m} antología anthology {f} Antonia female given name, feminine form of Antonio {prop} Antonieta female given name, cognate to Antoinette {prop} Antonio male given name, cognate to Anthony {prop} Antonio The letter A in the Spanish phonetic alphabet {prop} antonomasia antonomasia {f} antorcha torch {f} antípoda antipode {f} antraceno anthracene {m} [organic compound] antracita anthracite {f} antraquinona anthraquinone {f} [organic compound] antárctico rare spelling of antártico {adj} antrectomía antrectomy {f} antro antrum {m} [anatomy] antro An establishment, locale, home, etc., of untidy appearance or bad reputation {m} antro dive (disreputable nightclub) {m} [informal] antro cave, cavern {m} [poetic] antro de libertinaje fleshpot {m} antropófago (of humans) cannibalistic, anthropophagous {adj} antropóloga anthropologist (female) {f} antropólogo anthropologist {m} antropónimo anthroponym {m} antropo- anthropo- {prefix} antropofagia anthropophagy {f} antropofobia anthropophobia {f} antropoformización anthropomorphization {f} antropogonía anthropogeny, anthropogenesis {f} antropoide anthropoid {adj} antropológico anthropological {adj} antropología anthropology {f} antropomorfo anthropoid {adj} antropomorfo anthropomorphic {adj} antropomórfico anthropomorphic {adj} antártico Antarctic {adj} [astronomy, geography] antártico meridional (of or in the south, southern) {adj} Antártida Antarctica {prop} antítesis antithesis {f} anual yearly, annual {adj} anualidad annuity {f} anualmente yearly, annually (every year) {adv} anuario yearbook {m} anudar To join two things together {v} anudar To tie something; to knot something {v} anulación annulment {f} anulado annulled {adj} anulado cancelled {adj} anular annular (ring-shaped) {adj} anular ring finger {m} anular to annul {v} anularse to vanish {v} anuleno annulene {f} [organic compound] anunciador announcing {adj} anunciador advertiser {m} anunciador announcer {m} anunciar to advertise {v} anunciar to announce {v} anunciar to annunciate {v} anunciar a bombo y platillo to make a song and dance about {adv} [idiomatic] anunciarse reflexive form of anunciar announce oneself {vr} anunciarse reflexive form of anunciar to bode, approach, impend, be imminent (indicate by signs, as future events) {vr} anuncio advertisement {m} anuncio announcement {m} anuncio notice {m} anóxico anoxic {adj} anzuelo hook, fishhook {m} año year {m} año bisiesto leap year {n} año luz light year {m} año nuevo New Year {m} añoranza nostalgia {m} añorar to miss or yearn; to pine for {vt} aoristo aorist {m} [grammar] aorta {f} [l/en, aorta] a oscuras in the dark {phrase} [idiomatic] a otra cosa, mariposa Let’s change the subject, shall we? {phrase} [idiomatic] a otro perro con ese hueso you can’t fool me, go tell that to somebody else; tell it to the marines {phrase} [idiomatic] aúpa up! get up! {interj} apañar to fix, to mend {v} apañar to pick up, to grab with the hand {v} apacentar To graze; to pasture {v} apachar to crush, to mangle {v} apache Apache {mf} apachurrado depressed, crushed {adj} apachurrar to crush {v} apacible peaceable {adj} apaciguador pacifying {adj} apaciguamiento appeasement {m} apaciguar to pacify {vt} apaciguarse to calm down {v} apadrinar to sponsor {v} apagado faint, pale {adj} apagado (switched) off, shutdown {adj} apagafuegos fire extinguisher {mf} apagafuegos firefighter {mf} apagar to fade; to wane {vr} apagar to go out, be extinguished {vr} apagar to satisfy {vt} [obsolete] apagar quench, slake (thirst, etc.) {vt} apagar to extinguish (a flame, fire) {vt} apagar to put out {vt} apagar to shut off, to turn off, to switch off {vt} apagarse reflexive form of apagar {vr} apagón blackout, power cut {m} apalancar to hide, put out of sight {v} [colloquial] apalancar to raise or open with a lever {vt} apalear to beat up {v} apanar batter, bread (to coat with batter or breadcrumbs) {v} [Latin America] apancora South American crab (Lithodes antarcticus) {f} apaniguar to supply someone with food {v} apapachar to cuddle {v} apapacho cuddle; affectionate hug {m} aparador sideboard {m} aparato apparatus, device, tool, instrument, appliance {m} aparato braces {m} [in plural] aparato phone {m} aparato willy, tool (penis) {m} aparato de Golgi Golgi apparatus {m} [cytology] aparcamiento parking, car park {m} [Spain] aparcar To park {v} apareamiento mating, pairing {m} [zoology] aparear to mate {v} aparecer to appear; to turn up {v} aparecido appeared {adj} aparecimiento appearance {m} aparecimiento occurrence {m} aparejar to harness {v} aparejo Elevation hoist {m} aparejo fishing tackle {m} aparentar to appear, seem {v} aparentar to pretend, feign {v} aparente apparent {adj} aparente seeming {adj} aparentemente apparently {adv} aparentemente seemingly {adv} aparición appearance (act of appearing) {f} aparición appearance (a thing seen) {f} apariencia appearance (personal presence) {f} apariencia appearance (semblance, or apparent likeness) {f} apartado different {adj} apartado shy, unsociable {adj} [El Salvador, Honduras, Nicaragua] apartado remote, isolated {adj} apartado backroom {m} apartado booth {m} apartado pigeon hole {m} apartamento flat {m} apartar to separate or divide {v} apartar to set aside {v} a parte aside {adv} aparte separately (usually followed by preposition «de») {adv} aparte de esto otherwise. In all other respects {adv} apartheid apartheid (any policy of racial separation) {m} apartheid apartheid (racial separation in South Africa from 1948 to 1990) {m} [history] apartidista nonpartisan {adj} a partir de starting from, from, beginning {prep} apasionadamente passionately {adv} apasionado enthusiastic {adj} apasionado passionate {adj} apasionante exciting, interesting {adj} apasionar become a fan {vr} apasionar to get excited {vr} apatía apathy {f} apatrullar to patrol {v} apócope apocope {f} apócrifo apocryphal {adj} apículo apiculus {m} [mycology] apear to come down, dismount {vr} apear to dispose {vt} apear to remove {vt} apear to take down {vt} a pedir de boca just fine, as planned, swimmingly {adv} [idiomatic] apedrear to stone (to throw stones at) {v} apego attachment, fondness {m} apelación appeal {f} apelación vocation {f} apelante appellant {mf} [legal] apelar to appeal {v} apelina apelin {f} [protein] apellidar to call by one’s surname {v} apellidar to name, to give a name or surname to {v} apellido surname {m} apelmazado compressed {adj} apelmazado lumpy {adj} apelmazado clumsy, lacking convenience or amenity {adj} [of writing] apelotonar to ball up, to flock together {v} apenado ashamed {adj} apenado sad, griefed, pained {adj} apenar to embarrass {v} apenar to sadden {v} apenas as soon as {adv} apenas hardly, scarcely {adv} apenas recently, just {adv} apendicectomía appendicectomy {f} [surgery] apendicitis appendicitis {f} apercibir to prepare {v} aperitivo apéritif {m} aperitivo appetizer {m} apero horse tack, riding gear {m} apero tool, instrument {m} apertura aperture {f} apertura opening {f} [chess] apertura opening {f} apesadumbrar to sadden {v} a pesar de in spite of {prep} apestar to annoy {v} apestar to cause a plague, disease {v} apestar to corrupt, spoil {v} apestar to nauseate {v} apestar to stink {v} apestoso stinking {adj} apetecer to like, to feel like. {vt} [ambitransitive] apetecible appetizing {adj} apetito appetite {m} apetitoso appetizing, tasty, savory {adj} apetitoso delicious {adj} apófisis apophysis {f} [anatomy] apógrafo apograph {m} apicectomía apicectomy {f} apicultor beekeeper {m} apicultura beekeeping {f} a pie on foot {adv} a pies juntillas (of believing something etc) firmly, totally, absolutely {adv} [figuratively] a pies juntillas with both feet together {adv} apilar to pile up {v} apio celery {m} apio queer, poof {m} [slang, Spain] apisonadora steamroller, road roller {f} apisonar to tamp {v} aplacamiento appeasement {m} aplacar appease, placate {v} aplanadora bulldozer {f} aplanadora road roller {f} aplanar to bulldoze {v} aplanar to flatten {v} aplanar to grade {v} aplastamiento crush, squash, trample {m} aplastante crushed, flattened {adj} aplastante devastated {adj} aplastar to crush {v} aplastar to flatten {v} aplaudir to applaud {v} aplauso applause {m} aplazamiento postponement, adjournment {m} aplazar to flunk (fail) {vt} [Latin America] aplazar to postpone {vt} aplicabilidad applicability {f} aplicable applicable {adj} aplicación administering {f} aplicación application {f} aplicado applied {adj} aplicador applicator {m} aplicar to smear. To put something above other thing or in cotact with other thing. Él aplicó la mermelada a la tostada — He spreads the mermelade on the toast. // Aplicó la pomada a la rodilla. — He smear the cream on the knee {v} aplicar to use. El presidente aplicó medidas especiales. — The president used special measures {v} aplicarse to apply oneself {v} aplique applique {m} aplique wall light {m} aplomar to plumb {v} aplomo aplomb {m} apéndice appendix {m} [anatomy] apéndice appendix (text added to the end of a book) {m} apocalipsis apocalypse {m} apocalíptico apocalyptic {adj} apocopar to apocopate {v} apodar To evaluate, judge {v} [archaic] apodar To call someone names {v} apoderado guardian {m} [of a person] apoderar to empower {v} apoderarse to take power {vr} apoderarse de to seize {v} apodo nickname, byname, alias {m} apoenzima apoenzyme {f} [enzyme] apogeo apogee; climax, peak {m} apogeo apogee {m} [astronomy] apolillado moth eaten {adj} apolipoproteína apolipoprotein {f} [protein] apología apology; eulogy, defense {f} apologética apologetics {f} apologético apologetic (defending by words or arguments) {adj} apologético apology; defense {m} [obsolete] aponer to appose {vt} [grammar] aponer to impute, to blame, to assign guilt to {vt} [obsolete] aponeurosis aponeurosis {f} [anatomy] a popa abaft {adv} apopléctico apoplectic {adj} apoplejía apoplexy {f} apopléjico apoplectic {adj} apoplético apoplectic {adj} apoproteína apoprotein {f} [organic compound] apoptosis apoptosis {f} [cytology] aporrear to bludgeon {v} aportación contribution {f} aportar to bring {v} aportar to contribute {v} aportar to provide {v} aporte contribution {m} aposentar to lodge, put up {v} aposento room, bedroom {m} a posta on purpose {v} [idiomatic] apostador bettor, punter (one who bets) {m} apostar to bet {vt} apostasía apostasy {f} apostillar to annotate {v} apostólico apostolic {adj} apostolado apostleship {m} apoteca drugstore, pharmacy {f} [archaic] apoteca mortgage {f} [archaic] apotecario apothecary, druggist {m} [archaic] apotema apothem {f} apoteosis apotheosis {f} apoticario apothecary {m} apoyar to support {v} apoyarse to be based, to be founded {v} apoyarse to lean on, to rely on {v} apoyarse to lean, to rest, to be supported {v} apoyo support {m} apreciable appreciable {adj} apreciación appreciation {f} apreciar to appreciate {v} apreciativo appreciative {adj} aprehender to apprehend {v} apremiante urgent {adj} apremiar to pressure, urge {v} apremio court order {m} [legal] apremio pressure, urge {m} aprender to learn {v} aprendiz apprentice, trainee {m} aprendizaje apprenticeship {m} [countable] aprendizaje learning {m} [uncountable] aprensión apprehension; anxiety {f} aprensivo apprehensive {adj} apresar imprison {vt} apresar to seize, capture {vt} aprestar to prepare, to make ready {v} aprestarse to prepare oneself {vr} apresto preparation {m} apresurar to hasten (to do something) {vr} apresurar to quicken {vt} apresurarse to hurry, reflexive form of apresurar {vr} apretado short (of money) {adj} apretado tight {adj} apretadísimo superlative form of apretado {adj} apretar To hold back {vt} apretar To hold on to something {vt} apretar To press someone with one’s needs {vt} apretar To squeeze, constrict, or compress {vt} apretón conflict {m} apretón grip, squeeze {m} apretón pressure {m} apretujar to squash {v} aprieto a push of a button {m} aprieto predicament {m} a primera vista at first glance, at the first look {adv} aprisa quickly {adv} apriscar to gather sheep into a sheepfold {v} aprisco sheepfold {m} aprobación approval {f} aprobación validation {f} aprobado approved, confirmed {adj} aprobar to approve {v} aprobar to pass (an exam) {v} apropiadamente correctly, with propriety {adv} apropiado appropriate {adj} apropiado suitable {adj} a propósito Of an appropriate or pertinent nature; apropos {adj} aprovechamiento harnessing {m} aprovechamiento improvement {m} aprovechamiento use {m} aprovechar to be useful {v} aprovechar to harness {v} aprovechar to improve {v} aprovechar to make use of {v} aprovechar to take advantage of {v} aprovecharse (reflexive form of aprovechar) to take advantage {vr} aprovisionamiento provisioning {m} aprovisionar to supply {v} aproximación approximation {f} aproximadamente approximately {adv} aproximado approximate {adj} aproximar to approximate {v} apósito sticking plaster. band-aid. Elastoplast {m} apóstata apostate {mf} apóstol apostle {m} apóstrofe apostrophe {m} [rhetoric] apóstrofo apostrophe (typographic character) {m} apáticamente apathetically {adv} apático apathetic {adj} aptitud aptitude {f} apuñalar to stab {v} apuesta bet {f} apuesto handsome, good-looking (person) {adj} apuntador pointing {adj} apuntador pointer {m} [programming] apuntador prompter {m} [theater] apuntalar to prop up {v} apuntar to baste {v} apuntar to bet, to put up money, to stake {v} apuntar to fasten temporarily {v} apuntar to hint, to suggest {v} apuntar to mention, to mention in passing {v} apuntar to note, to note down, to write down {v} apuntar to outline, to sketch {v} apuntar to patch, to darn, to sew, to mend {v} apuntar to point {v} apuntar to point, to aim {v} apuntar to point to, to point at, to point out, to indicate {v} apuntar to prompt, to cue, to whisper the answer {v} apuntar to sharpen {v} apuntar to tack {v} apuntar to underline, to mark (text) {v} apunte note {m} apuntillar to finish off {v} a punto de (just) about to {adv} apurado in a hurry {adj} apurado poor, needy, short {adj} apurar to hurry {vitr} apurar to worry, bother {vtr} apurar to drain, use up completely {vt} apurarse reflexive form of apurar, to hurry {vr} apurarse reflexive form of apurar, to worry {vr} apuro difficulty, predicament {m} apuro shortage {m} apuro urgency {m} aquí here {adv} aquí hither {adv} aquejar to afflict {v} aquel that (over there; implying some distance) {adj} [demonstrative] aquel alternative spelling of aquél {pron} [demonstrative] aquelarre A Basque celebration of witches {n} aquelarre A coven {n} aquelarre A nocturnal group of witches and the devil {n} aquella alternative spelling of aquélla That one {pron} aquellas feminine plural of aquel those (over there; implying some distance) {adj} aquellas alternative spelling of aquéllas Those ones {pron} aquello neuter form of aquél that (over there); it. {pron} aquellos alternative spelling of aquéllos Those ones (over there; implying some distance). {pron} aquellos Those ones. (over there; implying some distance) {pron} aquende Over here, on this side {adv} aquenio achene {m} [botany] aquiescencia acquiescence, consent {f} aquietar to calm down {vr} aquietar to calm {vt} aquilatar to assay; to analyze or examine {vt} Aquiles Achilles {prop} Aquisgrán Aachen (city in North Rhine-Westphalia) {prop} aquél anyone/anything {pron} aquél that one (far from speaker and listener) {pron} aquél the former {pron} aquélla feminine form of aquél that one (far from speaker and listener) {pron} aquéllas feminine plural of aquél those ones (far from speaker and listener) {pron} -aré Suffix indicating the third-person singular future indicative of -ar verbs {suffix} -ar In adjectives, indicating membership or status {suffix} -ar In nouns, indicating a place where something is grown {suffix} -ar The infinitive suffix for many verbs {suffix} araña spider {f} arañar to scratch {vt} arañazo A scratch. {m} arabe Arabic language {m} arabe Arab (person of Arab origin) {m} Arabia Arabia {prop} Arabia Saudí Saudi Arabia (country in the Middle East) {prop} Arabia Saudita Saudi Arabia {prop} arabinosa arabinose {m} [carbohydrates] arabio arab {adj} [obsolete] Araceli female given name {prop} aracnoides arachnoid mater {m} [anatomy] arado plough {m} Aragón Aragon {prop} aragonito aragonite {m} [mineral] aragonés Aragonese {adj} aragonés Aragonese language {prop} arañita diminutive form of araña; little spider {f} -aran Denotes the imperfect subjunctive in the (formal) second-person plural for regular verbs ending in -ar {suffix} -aran Denotes the imperfect subjunctive in the third-person plural for regular verbs ending in -ar {suffix} arancel tariff {m} arandela washer (flat disk, placed beneath a nut) {f} aranés Aragonese {adj} aranés Aragonese person {m} aranés Aragonese language {prop} arao aliblanco The black guillemot. A seabird {m} araquidónico arachidonic {adj} araquidonato arachidonate {m} [organic compound] arar common juniper, Juniperus communis {m} arar sandarac tree, Tetraclinis {m} arar to plough {v} Araucanía Araucania, the homeland of the Mapuche people in part of Patagonia (southern Chile and Argentina) {prop} [history] Araucanía One of the fifteen administrative regions of Chile {prop} araucanización Araucanization, the process of expansion of the Mapudungun language and other elements of the Mapuche culture from their homeland of Araucania into the plains of Patagonia, so as to assimilate other native Amerind peoples {f} araucano Araucanian (Mapuche) {adj} araucano Of or pertaining to the Mapudungun language; Mapudungun-language {adj} [uncommon] araucano Araucanian (Mapuche) {m} araucano The Mapudungun language {m} [uncommon] araucaria Araucaria; a conifer tree of South America {f} a raíz de due to, because of, as a result of {prep} arábigo Arabic (of, from, or pertaining to Arab countries or cultural behaviour) {adj} arábigo Arabic (language) {m} arbitraje arbitration {m} arbitral arbitral {adj} arbitrar to arbitrate {v} arbitrariamente arbitrarily {adv} arbitrariedad An arbitrary thing {f} arbitrariedad arbitrariness {f} arbitrario arbitrary {adj} arbitrio will {m} arbolar to rear up {vr} [of a horse] arbolar to plant trees {v} arbolar to raise or hoist a standard or flag {v} arborícola arboreal; living in trees {adj} [of an animal] arborescente arborescent (treelike in structure) {adj} arbori- tree {prefix} arboricida arboricidal {adj} arboricida arboricide {mf} arboricultor arboriculturist {m} arboricultora feminine form of arboricultor {f} arboricultura arboriculture {f} arboriforme arboriform {adj} arbotante flying buttress {m} arbóreo arboreal {adj} arbusto bush, shrub {m} arca ark, chest {f} arcada A series of arches; an arcade {f} arcada nausea {f} arca de la Alianza Ark of the Covenant {f} arca de Noé Noah’s ark {f} arcaico archaic {adj} arcangélico archangelic {adj} arcano arcane {adj} arcano mystery {m} arce A maple tree {m} arce shoulder (of a road) {m} [dated] archi- archi-, arch- {prefix} archibebe a sea-water wading bird, the common redshank {m} archidiócesis archdiocese {f} archiduque archduke (rank) {m} archiduquesa archduchess (rank) {f} archienemigo archenemy {m} archipiélago archipelago {m} archipopular superpopular {adj} archivador filing {adj} archivador filing clerk; archivist {m} archivador filing cabinet {m} [masculine only] archivadora feminine form of archivador {f} archivar to file or archive {v} archivero archivist {m} archivo archive {m} archivo file {m} arcilla clay {f} arcén edge {m} arcén shoulder (of a road) {m} arcángel archangel {m} arácnido arachnid {m} arco arch {m} [architecture] arco bow (weapon) {m} arco arc {m} [geometry] arco bow (used to play string instruments) {m} [music] arco de triunfo triumphal arch {m} arco iris rainbow {m} arcoíris rainbow {m} arda squirrel {f} arder (manure) to rot {v} arder to be in a feverish state of excitement {v} arder to burn, to blaze {v} arder to burn, to sting, to smart {v} ardid brave, courageous {adj} [archaic] ardid astute, crafty {adj} [obsolete] ardid plot, trick {m} ardiente ardent {adj} ardiente burning {adj} ardiente hot {adj} ardientemente ardently {adv} ardilla squirrel {f} ardor ardour {m} ardor burning (feeling) {m} ardor eagerness {m} ardor heat {m} ardoroso ardent {adj} ardoroso burning {adj} arduo arduous {adj} arduo very difficult {adj} a regañadientes reluctantly, grudgingly {adv} [idiomatic] -areis Suffix indicating the second-person plural future indicative of -ar verbs {suffix} arena bullfight arena; boxing ring {f} arena sand, gravel {f} arena para gato kitty litter, cat litter {n} arenero sandbox {m} arenero sand dealer, sand vendor {m} arenero sand trap {m} arengar to harangue {v} arenisca sandstone {f} arenisco sandy {adj} arenoso sandy {adj} arenque herring {m} aéreo aerial {adj} arepa A pancake made out of cornmeal and often filled with meat {f} arequipe dulce de leche {m} [Colombia, Venezuela] aretalogía aretology {f} arete earring {m} [Latin America] Arevalo A surname {prop} arfil bishop (chess piece) {m} argamasa mortar, cement {f} Argel Algiers {prop} Argelia Algeria (country) {prop} argelino Algerian {adj} argelino Algerian {m} argüende gossip {m} [Mexico] argüende noisy event, happening or action {m} [Mexico] argüende struggle, dispute {m} [Mexico] argüendear to gossip {v} [Mexico] argentina feminine form of argentino {f} Argentina Argentina {prop} argentinidad Quality or condition of being Argentinian {f} argentino Argentinian, Argentine {adj} argentino Argentinian (person) {m} argento silver {m} [poetic] arginina arginine {f} argüir to infer, to imagine {v} argón argon {m} argolla croquet {f} [games] argolla large ring {f} argolla staple {f} Argonautas Argonauts {prop} [Greek mythology] argot slang, argot {m} argucia quibble, squabble {n} argucia spuriousness {n} argumentación argument {f} argumentar to argue (make a case for a point of view) {v} argumentar to dispute {v} argumento argument {m} argumento plot, story line {m} aria aria {f} ariano Arian 2. one whose star sign is Aries {m} Arica Arica (the Chilean city) {prop} aridez aridity, dryness {f} aridización aridification {f} Ariel male given name of biblical origin {prop} Aries (constellation) {prop} [l/en, Aries] arietar To ram (to strike with an implement) {vt} [rare] ariete battering ram {m} arilo aril {m} -ario -ary {suffix} arista arris {f} [architecture] arista arête {f} arista edge (place where two faces of a polyhedron meet) {f} [geometry] aristócrata aristocrat {mf} Aristófanes Aristophanes {prop} aristocracia aristocracy {f} aristocráticamente aristocratically {adv} aristocrático aristocratic {adj} aristofanesco Aristophanean {adj} aristofánico Aristophanean {adj} aristotélico Aristotelian {adj} Aristóteles Aristotle {prop} aritenoideo arytenoid {m} aritmética (female) arithmetician {f} aritmética arithmetic (mathematics of numbers, etc.) {f} [mathematics] aritmético arithmetic, arithmetical {adj} aritmético arithmetician {m} Arizona {prop} [l/en, Arizona] Arkansas {prop} [l/en, Arkansas] arma weapon {f} arma blanca bladed weapon; knife, sword etc {f} armada fleet {f} armada navy {f} arma de fogueo flare gun {f} arma de fogueo starting pistol {f} arma de fuego firearm {f} armadillo armadillo {m} armado armed {adj} armadura armour {f} armadura frame, framework {f} armadura skeleton {f} armamento armament, weaponry, weapons, arms {m} armamento equipment {m} Armando male given name, cognate to English Herman via French Armand {prop} arma nuclear nuclear weapon {f} armar to arm (supply with weapons) {v} armar to provoke {v} armario closet {m} armario cupboard {m} armario locker {m} armar la de Dios es Cristo To raise hell, create an almighty fuss {v} [idiomatic] armar la de San Quintín to raise Cain {phrase} armar la de San Quintín to start a fight {phrase} armazón assemblage {f} armazón frame, framework {f} armazón frame, skeleton {m} armazón housing, armature {m} Armenia {prop} [l/en, Armenia] armenio Armenian (of, from, or pertaining to Armenia, Armenians, the language or alphabet) {adj} armenio Armenian (person) {m} armería armoury, armory {f} armería gun shop {f} armero armorer {m} armero gunsmith {m} armiño ermine {m} armisticio armistice {m} armónica harmonica {f} armónico harmonic {adj} armonía harmony {f} ARN RNA, ribonucleic acid {initialism} [genetics] arándano blueberry, bilberry, cranberry {m} arándano azul blueberry {m} arándano rojo cranberry {m} arándano ártico lingonberry {n} arándano silvestre lingonberry {m} arnés harness {m} arnés pene strap-on {n} aro earring {m} [Argentina, Chile, Paraguay] aro hoop {m} aro large ring {m} aroma aroma {m} aromatasa aromatase {f} [enzyme] aromaticidad aromaticity {f} aromático aromatic {adj} -aron Denotes the indicative preterite in the (formal) second-person plural for regular verbs ending in -ar {suffix} -aron Denotes the indicative preterite in the third-person plural for regular verbs ending in -ar {suffix} arpa harp (musical instrument) {f} arpía harpy {f} arpía bitch, vixen, or shrew {f} [vulgar, derogatory] arpegio arpeggio {m} arpillera sackcloth {f} arpón harpoon {m} arponear to harpoon {v} arponero harpooner {m} arquear to arch {v} arqueólogo archeologist {m} arqueológico archeological {adj} arqueología archaeology {f} arquería archery {f} arquero archer {m} arquero goalkeeper {m} [sports] arquetipo archetype {m} arquetípico archetypal {adj} arqui- arch-, archi- {prefix} arquidiócesis archdiocese {f} arquiepiscopal archiepiscopal {adj} arquimediano Archimedean {adj} arquitectónico architectural, architectonic {adj} arquitecto architect {m} arquitectura architecture {f} arquitrabe architrave {f} [architecture] Arquímedes Archimedes {prop} arracacha A South American plant grown as a root vegetable, Arracacia xanthorrhiza {f} arracache arracacha {m} [Costa Rica] arrachera beef cut from the diaphragm {f} [Mexico] arraigar to establish {v} arraigar to settle {v} arraigar to take root {v} arrancada An act of pulling away {f} arrancada snatch {f} [weightlifting] arrancar to run away {vr} arrancar to pull out {v} arrancar to rip, to tear {v} arrancar to start {v} arranque startup {m} arranque snatch {m} [weightlifting] arrasamiento devastation {m} arrasar to devastate {v} arrastrado dragged {adj} arrastrado humiliated {adj} arrastrar to put oneself out {vr} arrastrar to drag {v} arrastrar to drag along {v} arrastrar to incite {v} arrastrar to pull, tow {v} arrastre trawling {m} arre gee up, giddyup {interj} arrea get moving! {interj} arrear to harness {v} arrear to urge {v} arrebatado flushed (color) {adj} arrebatado impassioned {adj} arrebatado passionate {adj} arrebatador captivating (beautiful) {adj} arrebatadoramente captivatingly {adv} arrebatamiento rage, anger {m} arrebatamiento snatching, taking {m} arrebatar to snatch {vt} [ditransitive] arrebatar to captivate (with beauty) {vt} arrebato outburst {m} arrebato rage, anger {m} arrebujar to wrap up {v} arreciar to intensify; get stronger, worse, more severe etc {v} [ergative] arrecife reef {m} arreglar to adjust {v} arreglar to arrange {v} arreglar to fix {v} arreglar to repair {v} arreglar to straighten {v} arreglo adjustment {m} arreglo arrangement {m} arreglo compromise {m} arreglo array {m} [computing] arreglo grooming, personal care {m} arreglo repair {m} arremeter to attack {v} arrendajo Eurasian jay (Garrulus glandarius) {m} arrendajo jay, jaybird {m} arrendar to rent {v} [Latin America] arrepentido repentant {adj} arrepentimiento repair made on a painting {m} arrepentimiento repentance {m} arrepentir to regret, repent {vr} arrestado arrested {adj} arrestar to arrest {v} arresto arrest {m} arrezuz liquorice (plant, confection) {m} arriar to flood {v} arriba above, over {adv} arriba upstairs {adv} arriba come on! {interj} arriba hurray for (someone)! {interj} arribar to arrive {v} arribista social climber {m} arribo arrival {m} arriesgado daring {adj} arriesgado risky, dangerous {adj} arriesgar to venture; to risk {v} arrimar to draw near {v} arrinconar to corner {v} arrinconar to shelve, to abandon a project {v} arritmia arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat) {f} arroba An ancient unit of measure of weight or volume, still used in some contexts in Spain, Portugal and Latin America. The exact amount varies by country, region and the substance being measured, being e.g. about 11.5 kg in most of Spain but 16.3 kg in Aragon, 13 kg as measure of oranges in Valencia and 16.1 liters as measure of wine {f} arroba The ‘@’ symbol, used to signify this unit {f} arrobar to enrapture {v} arrocera rice mill {f} [Costa Rica, Cuba, Uruguay] arrocera paddy, rice paddy (field where rice is grown) {f} [Cuba] arrocera feminine form of arrocero {f} arrocero rice [attributive] {adj} arrocero rice farmer {m} arrodillar to kneel down {vr} arrodillar to make someone kneel {vt} arrodillarse (reflexive form of arrodillar) to kneel, to kneel down {vr} arrogancia arrogance {f} arrogante arrogant {adj} arrogantemente arrogantly {adv} arrogar to adopt {vt} [legal] arrogar to ascribe, arrogate {vtr} [ditransitive, usually] arrogarse To arrogate to oneself {v} arrojar to emit {v} arrojar to erupt {v} arrojar to fling or hurl {v} arrojar to shed {v} arrojar to yield {v} arrollar to dumbfound {v} arrollar to roll, to roll away {v} arrollar to sweep away {v} arrollar to wind {v} arromar to make blunt, to make dull {v} arropar to clothe {v} arroyo stream, brook, creek [whether it flows year-round or only seasonally] {m} Arroyo Spanish surname {prop} arroz rice {m} arrozal paddy, rice paddy (field where rice is grown) {m} arroz con leche A Spanish dessert made with rice, milk and sugar. It is similar to rice pudding {m} arroz tres delicias special fried rice (rice with prawns and other ingredients) {m} arruar to grunt {v} [said of a boar] arruga wrinkle {f} arrugado wrinkled, wrinkly {adj} arrugar to chicken out, back down, lose one’s nerve {vr} arrugar to crease, to crumple {vt} arrugar to wrinkle {vt} arruinado ruined {adj} arruinar to ruin {v} arrullar to lull {v} arrullo coo {m} arrumbar to take the bearings {v} [nautical] arrumbar to cast aside {v} arrumbar to neglect {v} arsenal arsenal {m} arseniato arsenate {m} [inorganic chemistry] arseniuro arsenide {m} arseniuro de galio gallium arsenide {m} arsi Tocharian A {n} arsénico arsenic {m} artículo article {m} artículo de consumo commodity {m} artículo definido definite article {m} [grammar] artículo indefinido indefinite article {m} [grammar] arte art {mf} arte skill {mf} artefacto artefact {m} artejo knuckle {m} arte marcial martial art {m} arte pop pop art {m} [arts] arteria artery {f} [anatomy] arterial  ; relating to an artery {adj} [l/en, arterial] arteriología arteriology {f} [anatomy] arteriosclerosis arteriosclerosis {f} artero artful {adj} artesanía handicraft, craftwork {f} artesanal artisanal {adj} artesano artisanal {adj} artesano artisan {m} artífice craftsman, artificer {mf} aórtico aortic {adj} articulación articulation {f} articulado articulate {adj} articular articular {adj} articular to articulate {v} artificial {adj} [l/en, artificial] artificialmente artificially {adv} artificio artifact (man-made object) {m} artificio artifice, trick {m} artificio craft {m} artificio skill {m} artillería artillery {f} artillero artilleryman {m} artillero drunkard {m} [Bolivia] artilugio contraption, device {n} artimaña trick {f} artista artist {mf} artritis arthritis {f} [pathology] artroplastia arthroplasty {f} artroscopia arthroscopy {f} [surgery] artrópodo arthropod {m} artrítico arthritic {adj} artísticamente artistically {adv} artístico artistic {adj} Arturo male given name, equivalent to Arthur {prop} aruñar alternative form of arañar {v} arveja pea {f} [Latin America, Canary Islands] arveja vetch {f} arzobispado archbishopric (all senses) {m} arzobispal archepiscopal {adj} arzobispo archbishop {m} así like this; like that; as such; thus; so {adv} as An ace; somebody very proficient at an activity {m} as An ace; in a game of cards {m} [card games] -as suffix indicating the second-person singular present indicative of -ar {suffix} -as suffix indicative the second-person singular present subjunctive of -er verbs and -ir verbs {suffix} asa handle {f} asado broiled {adj} asado roast {adj} asado roast {m} asaeteador archer {m} asaetear to attack, to pierce, to kill with arrows {v} asalariado salaried, with a salary {adj} asaltante raider, burglar {mf} asaltar to strike suddenly (a thought, an illness, death, etc.) {v} [figuratively] asaltar to assault, to assail, to attack {v} asaltar to storm {v} asalto assault {m} a salvo safe and sound {adj} asamblea assembly, meeting {f} asar To be roasting, to feel very hot {vr} asar To pester, to plague {v} asar To roast {v} asarona asarone {f} [organic compound] asarse reflexive form of asar {vrr} asbesto asbestos {m} ascacoyote Anteater {m} ascaridol ascaridole {m} [organic compound] ascasuchil A kind of flowering plant {m} ascendencia ancestry {f} ascendente ascending, upward {adj} ascender to advance {v} [business] ascender (status) to rise {v} ascender to ascend, to mount, to climb {v} ascendiente ancestor {mf} ascendiente ascendancy {mf} ascensión ascension {f} Ascensión female given name {prop} ascenso ascent {m} ascenso promotion {m} ascensor elevator, lift {m} asceta ascetic {mf} ascetismo asceticism {m} asco disgust {m} asco nausea {m} ascorbato ascorbate {m} [organic compound] ascórbico ascorbic {adj} ascético ascetic {adj} ascua ember {f} Asdi Sida, Agencia Sueca de Cooperación Internacional para el Desarrollo {abbr} aseado neat {adj} asear to wash {v} asechanza a trap {f} asechar to set a trap {vt} asediar to besiege {v} asedio siege {m} asegurado made certain {adj} asegurador insurer {m} aseguradora insurance (company) {f} aseguramiento assurance {m} asegurar to maintain {v} asegurarse to make sure {v} asemejar to be similar {vr} asemejar to make similar {v} asentadero seat (place on which to sit) {m} asentado permanent, stable {adj} asentado settled {adj} asentamiento settlement {m} asentar to settle (as in inhabit) {v} asentimiento assent {m} asentir to nod, assent {v} aseo cleaning {m} aseo tidiness {m} aseo toilet {m} asequible affordable {adj} asequible approachable {adj} Aser Asher (Biblical character and tribe) {prop} aserradero sawmill {m} aserrín sawdust {m} asesina feminine form of asesino; murderess {f} asesinado murdered {adj} asesinar to murder {v} asesinato assassination {m} asesinato murder, homicide {m} asesino murderous {adj} asesino murderer {m} asesino traitor {m} así es la vida c’est la vie, that’s life {phrase} asesor advisor, consultant {m} asesorar to advise {v} asestar to aim {v} asestar to shoot {v} aseverar to assert {v} asexual asexual {adj} asexual asexual {mf} asexualidad asexuality {f} asfaltar to pave {v} asfalto asphalt {m} asfixia asphyxia {f} [pathology] asfixiante suffocating, asphyxiating {adj} asfixiar to asphyxiate {v} asférico aspheric {adj} Asia {prop} [l/en, Asia] Asia Sudoeste Southwest Asia {n} asidero handle {m} asiduidad assiduity, assiduousness {f} asiduo assiduous {adj} asiento seat {m} asignación allowance, salary {f} asignar to assign {v} asignatura subject (particular area of study) {f} asilado asylee {m} asilar to provide asylum {v} asilo asylum (home) {m} asilo asylum (political) {m} asilo shelter, refuge {m} asimetría asymmetry {f} asimilación assimilation {f} asimilar to assimilate {v} asimismo likewise {adv} asimétrico asymmetrical {adj} asinino asinine {adj} asinino donkey (attributive) {adj} asintomático asymptomatic {adj} asintóticamente asymptotically {adv} asintótico asymptotic {adj} asir to cling to {vt} asir to grab; to seize {vt} asistencia assistance {f} asistente assistant {m} asistido mechanically assisted {adj} asistir to attend {v} asiática Asian woman (person from or descended from people from the Indian sub-continent) {f} asiático Asian {adj} asiático Asian (person from or descended from people from the Indian sub-continent) {m} asma asthma {f} [pathology] asmático asthmatic {adj} asmático asthmatic {m} asnal Brutish; bestial {adj} asnal Of or pertaining to donkeys {adj} asno donkey, ass {m} asno dumbass; ass {m} [slang, pejorative] asíntota asymptote {f} [geometry] asociación association {f} asociar to associate {v} asolar to ravage, destroy {vt} a solas on one’s own {adv} [idiomatic] asolear to sun {v} asomar to show {v} asomarse To lean {vr} asombrado astonished {adj} asombrar to amaze {v} asombro amazement, astonishment {m} asombroso astonishing, amazing {adj} aspa cross, St. Anthony’s cross {f} aspa hasp {f} aspa saltire {f} [heraldry] aspa horn (South American Spanish) {f} aspa intersection of two veins {f} [mining] aspa spool, reel (yarn) {f} aspa vane, sail (of windmill) {f} aspa wheel {f} aspa z-shaped figure {f} asparagina asparagine {f} [amino acid] aspartamo aspartame {m} [organic compound] aspartato aspartate {m} [organic compound] aspaviento fuss, ado {m} [also in the plural] aspavientos fuss, ado {mp} aspecto appearance, look {m} aspecto aspect {m} asperilla woodruff {f} aspiración aspiration, suction {f} aspirada aspirate {f} aspirado aspirated, aspirate {adj} aspiradora vacuum cleaner {f} aspirante aspiring {adj} aspirante aspirant {mf} aspirar to aspire, to desire to be {v} aspirar to inhale {v} aspirar to vacuum {v} aspirina aspirin {f} aspro A particular Turkish currency; the asper {m} aspártico aspartic {adj} aséptico aseptic {adj} aséptico unemotional {adj} así que so {conj} asqueado nauseous, disgusted {adj} asquear to disgust, to cause disgust {vi} asqueroso disgusting {adj} asta bar {f} asta flagstaff {f} asta horn {f} asta lance {f} astado horned (having astas {m} astato astatine {m} astaxantina astaxanthin {f} [organic compound] astenosfera asthenosphere {f} asterisco asterisk {m} asterismo asterism, constellation (small group of stars) {m} [astronomy] asteroide starlike, star-shaped {adj} asteroide asteroid {m} astil shaft (of an arrow) {m} astilla splinter {f} astilladora woodchipper {f} astillar to splinter {v} astillas kindling {fp} astillero shipyard {m} astrafobia astraphobia {f} astral astral {adj} astreñir to constrict {v} astringencia astringency {f} astringente astringent {adj} astringente astringent {f} astringir to compel {v} astringir to constrict {v} astrólogo astrologer {m} astrónomo astronomer {m} astro cosmic body, celestial body {m} astro- {prefix} [l/en, astro-] -astro Used to form nouns with a pejorative or lower meaning {suffix} astrobiología astrobiology {f} astroblema astrobleme {m} [geology] astrofísica astrophysics {f} astrofísica (female) astrophysicist {f} astrofísico astrophysical {adj} astrofísico astrophysicist {m} astroide astroid {m} [geometry] astrolabio astrolabe {m} astrológico astrological {adj} astrología astrology {f} astrometría astrometry {f} astronauta astronaut, spaceman {mf} astronómico astronomic {adj} astronomía astronomy {f} astronáutica astronautics {f} astronáutico astronautic {adj} astucia slyness, astuteness {f} asturiana (female) Asturian {f} asturiano Asturian {adj} asturiano Asturian {m} asturiano Asturian (language) {m} Asturias a province in northwest Spain {prop} astuto astute, shrewd, smart, clever {adj} a su hora at the right time, on time {adv} [idiomatic] asumir to assume, take on {v} [said of a duty or position] asunción assumption, succession to the throne {f} asunción the Assumption {f} Asunción Any of a number of places, including Asunción (capital of Paraguay) {prop} Asunción female given name {prop} asunto affair {m} asunto business {m} asunto issue {m} asunto matter {m} a sus pies at your (his/her/their) fingertips {phrase} asustadizo scary, frightening {adj} asustado scared {adj} asustar to be scared, frightened {vr} asustar to scare {vt} asustarse reflexive form of asustar To be frightened {vr} AT OT {abbr} -ata feminine form of -ato {suffix} atacado affronted {adj} atacante attacker {mf} atacar to attack {v} ataúd coffin, casket {m} atado biased {adj} atado confused {adj} atado tied {adj} atado timid {adj} atado coward {m} atadura attachment, tying up {f} atadura tie {f} atañer to concern {v} atajar to catch {v} [Latin America] atajar to block {v} [Spain] atajar to intercept {v} [Spain] atajar to stop {v} [Spain] atajar to take a short cut {v} atajo shortcut, cutoff {m} atalaya height {f} atalaya watchtower {f} atalayar To spy on {v} atalayar To watch from a high vantage point {v} atanor water pipe {m} ataque attack {m} ataque cardiaco heart attack {m} ataque de nervios nervous breakdown {m} atar to tie {vt} atarantar to daze {v} ataraxia ataraxia {f} atarazana shipyard, dockyard {f} [nautical] atardecer late afternoon, sunset, dusk, evenfall, nightfall {m} atardecer to draw towards evening, to grow late {v} atardecer to get dark {v} atarear to devote oneself to a task or occupation {vr} atarear to task {vt} atascar to jam, obstruct {vt} atascarse to stick, to become stuck {vr} atasco jam (blockage) {m} ataviar to adorn {v} ataviar to dress {v} atavío apparel; clothing {m} ataxia ataxia {f} [pathology] ate A kind of Mexican jelly candy made by cooking fruit pulp, usually from guava, quince, peach or prickly pear {m} atea feminine form of ateo {f} atemorizar to scare, frighten {vt} atemperar to temper {v} Atenas Athens (capital city of Greece) {prop} atenazar to grip, paralyse (especially fear) {vt} [figuratively] atenazar to hold in place (especially by means of a clamp, vice, etc.) {vt} [literally] atención attention {f} atención courtesy, favor {f} atender to pay attention; to mind {vi} atender to care for (someone, especially the ill) {vt} atender to comply with (some rule) {vt} atender to pay attention to (something); to attend to (something) {vt} atener To maintain, to keep (a tradition, etc.) {v} atenerse to rely {vr} atentado moderate, prudent {adj} [dated] atentado violent attack {m} atentamente attentively {adv} atentamente best regards (polite closing of a letter) {adv} atentamente politely {adv} atentar to commit a violent or criminal attack, to strike {v} atento attentive {adj} atento polite, courteous {adj} atento thoughtful {adj} atenuar to attenuate {v} atenuar to extenuate {v} ateo atheist {adj} ateo atheist {m} atepocate tadpole {m} [Mexico] aterciopelado velvety (made of velvet) {adj} aterectomía atherectomy {f} aterir to numb cold {v} aterirse to become rigid from the cold {v} aterrador terrifying {adj} aterraje landing (of an aircraft) {m} aterraje landing (where a boat lands) {m} aterrar to scare {v} aterrar to stain with earth, dust or sand {v} aterrizaje Landing (of an airplane) {m} aterrizar to come back to reality, to stop dreaming {vi} [figuratively, colloquial] aterrizar to land (e.g. an airplane) {vi} aterrorizar to terrify {v} ateísmo atheism {m} atesorar to hoard {v} ateísta atheist {mf} atestación attestation {f} atestar to attest {v} [legal] atestar to pack {v} atestiguar to attest, to testify {v} atiborrado crowded {adj} atiborrar to stuff oneself (with food) {vr} atiborrar to crowd {v} atiborrar to stuff {v} a tiempo in time, at the opportune moment {adv} a tiempo on time, in time, not late {adv} a tientas blindly (without seeing, touching shapes for orientation) {adv} atildado dapper; elegant {adj} atildar to place a tilde over {v} atinar to be accurate; hit the target; get (something) right {vi} atirantar to tighten {v} a tiro in range (of a target to shoot) {adv} a tiro within reach (of a goal, ambition etc.) {adv} a tiro hecho purposefully {adv} [idiomatic] atisbar to spy on {v} atisbar to watch, to observe {v} atisbo inkling {m} atizador poker (for fire) {m} atizar to stir, fan, poke, rouse, stoke {v} atlas {m} [anatomy, cartography] [l/en, atlas] atleta a physically fit person {mf} atleta athlete (competitor in a sport) {mf} atletismo athletics {m} atlántico Atlantic {adj} Atlántico Atlantic Ocean {prop} Atlántida Atlantis {prop} atlético athletic {adj} atómico atomic {adj} atmosfera alternative form of atmósfera {f} atmosférico atmospheric {adj} atmósfera atmosphere {f} atún tuna (fish) {m} atónito stunned, astonished {adj} -ato designates a salt or ester related to an acid {suffix} [chemistry] -ato Denotes the office of a noun stem {suffix} -ato Forms adjectives of quality {suffix} -ato forms an institution from a noun stem {suffix} -ato forms the corresponding action of a noun {suffix} -ato indicates a baby of a specific animal {suffix} a todo cerdo le llega su san Martín every dog has its day {proverb} atole atole {m} atolón atoll {m} atolondrado confused {adj} atolondrado rash, foolish {adj} atolondrar to fluster, to confuse {vt} a tomar por el culo miles away {adv} [idiomatic, vulgar, colloquial] atomicidad atomicity {f} atomizador atomizer {m} atomizar to atomize {v} atomizar to spray {v} atomoxetina atomoxetine {f} [pharmaceutical drug] atonal atonal {adj} [music] atontar to stupefy {v} atorar to clog {v} atormentar to torment {v} atornillar to screw {v} atosigar to pester, harass {vt} atosigar to poison {vt} atovaquona atovaquone {m} [pharmaceutical drug, organic compound] atípico atypical {adj} atrabiliario atrabilious {adj} atrabiliario choleric {adj} atracar to berth {v} [nautical] atracar to assault {v} atracción attraction {f} atracón stuffing, pigging out (act of eating a lot) {m} [colloquial] atraco assault {m} atraco robbery {m} atractivo attractive {adj} atractivo appeal, attractiveness, attraction {m} atraer to attract, to lure {v} atraillar to leash {v} atrancar to bar, to secure shut with bars {v} atrapado caught, captured {adj} atrapado stuck {adj} atrapado trapped {adj} atrapar to capture {v} atrasado belated, tardy, delayed {adj} atrasar to delay {v} atraso delay, lateness {m} atravesado transversal, cross, oblique {adj} atravesar to cross, to traverse {v} atravesar to pierce {v} atravesimiento crossing {m} atravesimiento peatonal pedestrian crossing or overpass {n} a través de across {adv} a través de through {adv} atrayente attractive {adj} atreguar to form or grant a truce {v} atrever to dare {vp} atreverse (reflexive form of atrever) to dare {vr} atrevido daring, bold {adj} atrevimiento boldness {m} atribución attribution {f} atribuible ascribable {adj} atribuir to assign {v} atribular to afflict {v} atributo attribute {m} atrición attrition {f} atrición bruise {f} [pathology] atrincherar to entrench {v} atrocidad atrocity {f} atrofia atrophy {f} atrofiar to atrophy {vr} [atrofiarse] atrofiar to cause atrophy {v} atronador thunderous {adj} atronar to deafen; stun {v} atronar to thunder {v} atropellado hasty, in a rush {adj} atropellar to be abusive, to bully {v} atropellar to drive over {v} atroz atrocious, horrible {adj} atrás back in time, ago {adv} atrás behind {adv} Atte. Abbreviation for atentamente (commonly used as part of the signature in letters and e-mails in Spanish speaking countries) {abbr} attogramo attogram {m} atuendo attire, clothing, dress {m} atuendo pomp, ostentation {m} atufar to vex {v} aturdimiento daze, stupor {m} aturdimiento stupefaction {m} aturdir to stun, to daze, to dumbfound {v} audacia audacity {f} audaz audacious, bold, daring {adj} audífono earphone {m} audífono hearing aid {m} audibilidad audibility {f} audición audition {f} audición hearing {f} audiencia audience {f} audio audio {m} audioguía audio guide {f} audiovisual audiovisual {adj} auditar to audit {v} auditivo auditory {adj} auditora auditor {f} auditoría audit {f} auge peak, zenith {m} augurar to foretell {v} Augustín male given name, akin to Augustine. {prop} açul obsolete form of azul {adj} açul obsolete form of azul {n} aula classroom {f} aullar to howl, bay {v} aullido howl, howling, ook, yip, yelp, yap {m} aumentado augmented, increased {adj} aumentador augmenter {m} aumentar to grow {v} aumentar to increase {v} aumentarse to accumulate; to increase {v} aumentarse to augment {v} aumentativo augmentative {adj} [grammar] aumentativo augmentative {m} [grammar] aumento increase {m} aumento raise {m} aun even {adv} aunar to unite {vr} aunar to join; to merge {vt} aun así anyway, even so {adv} aunque and though; although; even though {conj} aunque even if, irrespective of (followed by subjunctive verb form) {conj} aupar to lift or raise someone {vt} aupar to praise, to extol {vt} aura aura {f} aura The turkey vulture and related species in the genus Cathartes, carrion-eating birds native to the Americas {f} aurícula Either of the atrial chambers of the heart; atrium {f} Aurelia female given name, cognate to the English Aurelia {prop} Aurelio male given name, cognate to Aurelius {prop} aureola areola {f} [anatomy] aureola corona {f} [astronomy] aureola halo (luminous disc around the heads of saints) {f} auricular auricular {adj} auricular auricular (finger) {m} auricular earpiece of a telephone {m} auricular headphone {m} auriga charioteer {m} [poetic, literary] aurora aurora {f} Aurora female given name {prop} Aurora {prop} [Roman god] [l/en, Aurora] aurora austral aurora australis {f} aurora boreal aurora borealis {f} auscultación auscultation {f} auscultar to auscultate {v} ausencia absence {f} ausentar to send away {v} ausentarse to absent oneself {vr} ausente absent {adj} auspiciar to sponsor {v} auspicio A sign or omen {m} auspicio The patronage or protection given by an entity; auspice {m} [chiefly, plural] auspicios auspices (the patronage and protection of some entity) {mp} austeridad austerity {f} austero austere {adj} austríaco Austrian (relating to Austria) {adj} austríaco Austrian (Austrian person) {m} Australia {prop} [l/en, Australia] australiano Australian {adj} australiano Australian (person) {m} Austria {prop} [l/en, Austria] austriaco Austrian (relating to Austria) {adj} austriaco Austrian (Austrian person) {m} Austria-Hungría Austria-Hungary {prop} autarcheia economic self-sufficiency {f} autócrata autocrat {mf} autóctono autochthonous {adj} autóctono autochthon {m} autenticar authenticate {v} autenticidad authenticity {f} autentificar to authenticate {v} autógrafo autograph {m} autismo autism {m} [clinical psychology] autista autistic {adj} autista autistic {mf} autómata automaton {m} autónomo autonomous {adj} auténtico authentic {adj} auténtico genuine {adj} auténtico true, real {adj} auto A short dramatic play with biblical or allegorical characters {m} auto car {m} auto Order, or writ, or resolution {m} [legal, formal] auto writ {m} auto- auto- {prefix} autoabastecerse to become self-sufficient {vr} autoafirmación The quality of being self-assured; assertiveness {f} autoaniquilación self-annihilation {f} autobiografía autobiography {f} autobiográfico autobiographical {adj} auto bomba car bomb {f} autobús bus, coach {m} autocaravana A motor home {f} autoclave autoclave {f} autocontrol self-control {m} autocracia autocracy {f} autocrítica self-criticism {f} autocráticamente autocratically {adv} autocrático autocratic {adj} autodefensa self-defence {f} autodescubrimiento self-discovery {m} autodestrucción self-destruction {f} autodestructible self-destructing {adj} autodestruir to self-destruct {v} autodeterminación self-determination {f} autodual self-dual {adj} [mathematics] autoespacio eigenspace {m} [linear algebra] autoestima self-esteem {f} autoestop hitchhiking {m} autoestopista hitchhiker (a person who hitchhikes) {mf} autofelación autofellatio {f} autogobernado self-governing {adj} autografiar to autograph {v} autohipnosis self-hypnosis {f} automatización automation {f} automatizar to automate {vt} automotor automotive {adj} automotriz automotive {adj} automovilismo motor racing, auto racing {m} automovilista car driver {f} automovilístico Related to automobile racing {adj} automáticamente automatically {adv} automáticamente mechanically {adv} automático automatic {adj} automutilación self-mutilation {f} automóvil An automobile; a car {m} autonómico autonomous {adj} autonomía autonomy {f} autopista motorway, freeway {f} autopsia autopsy {f} autor author {m} autora (female) author {f} autoría authorship {f} autoría responsibility {f} autoridad authority {f} autoritario authoritarian {adj} autoritativo authoritative {adj} [rare] autorización authorization {f} autorizado authorized {adj} autorizado definitive; authoritative {adj} autorizar to authorize {v} autorretrato self-portrait {m} autosacrificio self-sacrifice {m} autosómico autosomal {adj} autosoma autosome {f} [genetics] autosuficiencia self-sufficiency {f} autotomía autotomy {f} autotrasplante autotransplant {m} [surgery] autotrófico autotrophic {adj} autovalor eigenvalue {m} [linear algebra] autovector eigenvector {m} [linear algebra] autótrofa feminine form of autótrofo {f} autótrofo autotrophic {adj} autótrofo autotroph {m} auxiliar auxiliary {adj} auxiliar to aid {v} auxilio aid, help {m} auyama squash {f} [Venezuela, Colombia, Dominican Republic] aval countersignature {m} aval endorsement {m} avalancha avalanche {f} avalar to endorse {v} avance advance {m} avance advance payment {m} avance progress {m} avanzado advanced {adj} avanzar to advance {v} avara miser (female) {f} avaricia avarice, greed {f} avaricioso avaricious, greedy {adj} avaro avaricious {adj} avaro mean {adj} avaro miser {m} avasallar to subdue, to subjugate {v} avasallar to subject {v} Avda. abbreviation of avenida (avenue) {f} ave bird {f} ave fowl, poultry {f} [Chile] ave train From the acronym AVE (Alta Velocidad Española) meaning high speed train (written mostly all caps) {f} [Spain] a veces sometimes; occasionally; at times {adv} [idiomatic] avecinar to bring near {v} avecinar to impend {v} ave del paraíso bird of paradise {f} avefría lapwing (bird belonging to the subfamily Vanellinae) {f} avellana hazelnut {f} avellano hazel tree (genus Corylus) {m} avemaría Angelus {m} avemaría Hail Mary {m} avena oat {f} avena oatmeal porridge {f} avena oats {f} avenate gruel {m} avenida avenue {f} avenir to happen {vi} [dated] avenir to agree, accept {vr} avenir to reconcile {vt} aventajar to surpass {v} aventón hitchhiking {m} [Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama] aventón push {m} [Ecuador, GuatemalaHonduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Peru] aventura adventure {f} aventura fling {f} aventurar to risk {v} aventurar to venture (an opinion) {v} aventurera feminine form of aventurero {f} aventurero adventuresome {adj} aventurero adventurous {adj} aventurero adventurer {m} ave pasajera migrant, bird of passage {f} a ver indicates the need or desire of find out, verify or demonstrate; show me {interj} a ver let me see; let’s see {interj} a ver used to encourage or challenge; go! {interj} avería breakdown {f} ave rapaz bird of prey (carnivorous bird) {f} avergonzado ashamed {adj} avergonzar to embarrass {vt} avergonzarse to embarrass oneself, be ashamed {v} averiar to break (breakdown) {v} averiar to damage {v} averiguable ascribable {adj} averiguar to discover, find out {vt} averiguar to investigate {vt} averiguar to verify {vt} aversión aversion {f} avestruz ostrich {m} avetoro bittern (bird) {m} avezado seasoned {adj} avezar accustom, inure, familiarize {vt} aviación aviation {f} aviador aviator {m} aviar of birds. avian {adj} aviar to get ready {v} aviar to hurry {v} aviar to prepare {v} avidez eagerness {f} avidez greed, avarice {f} avión aeroplane, airplane, plane {m} avión martin, swallow {m} avinagrar to go/turn sour {vr} avinagrar to sour {v} avión cisterna tanker plane {m} avión común house martin {m} avión de papel paper airplane {m} avioneta light aircraft {f} avisar to notify {v} aviso announcement {m} aviso warning {m} avispa crafty person; one who angers easily {f} avispa wasp (insect) {f} avispado astute, sly, clever {adj} avispero complicated mess {m} [colloquial] avispero wasp nest {m} avispilla diminutive form of avispa {f} avispón hornet {m} avistaje sighting {m} avistamiento sighting {m} avistar to sight {v} avivar to wake up, get clever (become more aware) {vp} [context] avivar to enliven {v} avizorar to spy on {v} -avo added to a cardinal number to signify one portion of a whole divided into that number of pieces. Creates both nouns and adjectives {suffix} avoceta The avocet, a bird {f} axila armpit {f} [anatomy] axilar axillary {adj} axilar axil {f} [botany] axioma axiom (all senses) {m} axiomático axiomatic {adj} AXJ Spanish political party: Acción por la Justicia {initialism} axón axon (nerve fibre) {m} axocopaque teaberry {m} axonométrico axonometric {adj} ay A stereotypical sound of a Latino or Latina (e.g. ¡Ay Papi!, something like saying «Oh Baby!») {interj} ay Expresses pain or sorrow {interj} ayahuasca a psychotropic concoction prepared from said vine {f} ayahuasca ayahuasca {f} ayahuasquera A woman who administers or uses ayahuasca {m} ayahuasquero A man who administers or uses ayahuasca; a shaman {m} ayate A cloak-like garment made from this cloth {m} [historical] ayate A cloth made from the fiber of the maguey plant, similar to henequen or sisal {m} [Mexico] ayatolá Ayatollah {m} ay ay ay acknowledging a mistake or surprise {interj} ay ay ay whoops-a-daisy {interj} ay, caramba An interjection expressing surprise or pain {interj} ay, caramba An interjection with an emotion equivalent to oh my God! {interj} ayer yesterday {adv} ayer day’s gone by; yesteryear; the past {m} [figuratively] ayer yesterday {m} aymara Aymara (indigenous people of South America) {m} aymara Aymara (language) {m} ayo Person who takes care of children; tutor {m} ayote pumpkin, squash {m} [Central America] ayotoste armadillo {m} [Mexican Indian] ayto abbreviation of ayuntamiento {m} ayuda help, aid, assistance {f} ayuda helper {mf} ayudante auxiliary {adj} ayudante helper, assistant {mf} ayudar to help {v} ayunar to fast {vi} ayuno fasting (without having eaten) {adj} ayuno fast (time without eating) {m} ayuntamiento a corporation or body of magistrates in cities and towns, corresponding to mayor and aldermen {m} ayuntar to have sexual intercourse {vr} ayuntar to join, to gather, compare juntar {v} ayuso down {adv} [obsolete] -aza feminine form of -azo {suffix} azabache Having a jet colour; of a deep black, and often glistening, colour {adj} azabache Jet; a form of compact, glistening coal often used in jewelry {m} azada hoe (agricultural tool) {f} azadiractina azadirachtin {f} azadón hoe {m} azafata stewardess {f} [Spain] azafate flat basket; tray {m} azafranado saffron colored {adj} azafranar to color saffron {v} azafranar to mix with saffron {v} azafrán saffron {m} azahar lemon blossom {m} azahar orange blossom {m} azalea azalea {f} azar cushion side of a billiard pocket {m} azar losing card, losing throw {m} [games] azar luck, chance {m} azar misfortune, accident {m} azar obstacle, hazard {m} azaroso random {adj} azaroso unlucky, unfortunate {adj} azúcar sugar {mf} azúcar flor powdered sugar {m} azúcar glas powdered sugar {m} azúcar moreno brown sugar {m} azerí Azeri (language) {adj} azerí Azeri (person) {adj} azerí Azeri language {m} azerí ethnic Azeri; Azerbaijani {mf} azerbaiyano Azeri (pertaining to Azerbaijan) {adj} azerbaiyano Azeri (person) {m} azerbaiyano Azeri (language) {prop} Azerbaiyán Azerbaijan (country in Eastern Europe) {prop} azófar brass {m} -azgo Forms the effect or condition of the base word {suffix} -azgo Forms the office of the base word {suffix} azimut alternative spelling of azimuth {f} azimutal alternative spelling of acimutal {adj} azina azine {f} [organic compound] azálea alternative form of azalea {f} [Mexico] azúmbar spikenard {m} azúmbar water plantain, Damasonium stellatum {m} -azo Forming augmentatives; words expressing greatness or size {suffix} -azo Forming pejoratives; words emphasizing contempt for a subject {suffix} -azo Forming words expressing a hit or strike {suffix} -azo Forming words expressing suddenness or brevity {suffix} azolvar to clog something, particularly a pipe or conduit {v} azor a goshawk bird {m} [ornithology] azorar to startle {v} Azores the Azores {prop} azotador one who whips; whipper {m} azotar to whip, flog {v} azote scourge, a multi-tail whip, as used by flagellants for mortification of the sinful flesh {m} azotea (head) bonce, noggin {f} [colloquial] azotea flat roof, terrace roof {f} azteca Aztec {adj} azteca Aztec {mf} aztequismo nahuatlism {m} azucarar to sugar; to add sugar to {v} azucarera sugar bowl {f} azucarera sugar factory {f} azucarero pertaining or related to sugar {adj} azucarero sugar bowl {m} azucarillo sugar lump {m} azucena lily {f} Azucena female given name, comparable to the English Lily {prop} azuela adze {f} azufrar to bleach {vt} azufrar to sulfur (to treat with sulfur) {vt} azufre sulfur {m} azul blue {adj} azul blue {m} azulado bluish, blue colored {adj} azul de cobalto cobalt blue {m} azulejar to tile {v} azulejo blue colored {adj} azulejo indigo bunting, Passerina cyanea {m} azulejo cornflower, Centaurea cyanus {m} [plants] azulejo tile {m} azur azure (sky-blue coloured) {adj} azurita Azurite: a soft, deep blue copper mineral {f} azuzar to incite {v} ábaco abacus {m} ábaco neperiano Napier’s bones {m} -ábamos indicates the imperfect tense first-person plural form of an -ar verb {suffix} ábrego African {m} [obsolete] ábrego southwest wind {m} ábrigo desert wind {m} [rare, dialectal] ábsida apse {f} ábside apse {m} ábsit go away (declares a desire that something should go far from the speaker, or that God free them of it) {interj} ácana Name of tree belonging to the Sapotaceae family; Manilkara bidentata; balatá {f} ácana Wood of this tree {f} ácaro mite {m} ácaro order of mites {m} [plural, zoology] -ácea feminine form of -áceo {suffix} -áceo -aceous {suffix} ácere alternative spelling of arce {m} ácero hornless (for vertebrates), antennaless (for arthropods) {adj} [zoology] ácido acidic {adj} ácido harsh {adj} ácido sharp, tart {adj} ácido acid {m} ácido acetilneuramínico acetylneuraminic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido acetilsalicílico acetylsalicylic acid, aspirin {m} [organic compound] ácido acrílico acrylic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido acético acetic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido adípico adipic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido aldónico aldonic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido aminobenzoico aminobenzoic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido aminobutírico aminobutyric acid {m} [organic compound] ácido araquidónico arachidonic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido ascórbico ascorbic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido aspártico aspartic acid {m} [organic compound, amino acid] ácido benzoico benzoic acid {m} ácido betahidroxibutírico beta-Hydroxybutyric acid {m} ácido butírico butyric acid {m} [organic compound] ácido carboxílico carboxylic acid {m} ácido carmínico carminic acid {m} ácido cianhídrico hydrocyanic acid {m} ácido clorhídrico hydrochloric acid {m} [inorganic chemistry] ácido cloroacético chloroacetic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido clórico chloric acid {m} [chemistry] ácido cítrico citric acid {m} [organic compound] ácido desoxirribonucleico deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) {m} ácido fólico folic acid {m} ácido fulmínico fulminic acid {m} ácido fumárico fumaric acid {m} ácido gamma-aminobutírico gamma-aminobutyric acid {m} ácido glicocólico glycocholic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido glucurónico glucuronic acid {m} ácido glutámico glutamic acid {m} [amino acid] ácido graso fatty acid {m} [chemistry] ácido isocítrico isocitric acid {m} ácido láctico lactic acid {m} ácido linoleico linoleic acid {m} ácido málico malic acid {m} ácido neuramínico neuraminic acid {m} ácido nítrico nitric acid {m} [inorganic chemistry] ácido nucleico nucleic acid {m} [biochemistry] ácido oleico oleic acid {m} ácido oxaloacético oxaloacetic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido oxálico oxalic acid {m} ácido palmítico palmitic acid {m} ácido pícrico picric acid {m} [organic compound] ácido permangánico permanganic acid {m} ácido pirúvico pyruvic acid {m} ácido quenodesoxicólico chenodeoxycholic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido racémico racemic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido ribonucleico ribonucleic acid (RNA) {m} [biochemistry] ácido úrico uric acid {m} [organic compound] ácido siálico sialic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido sórbico sorbic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido succínico succinic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido sulfónico sulfonic acid {m} [chemistry] ácido sulfúrico sulfuric acid {m} [inorganic chemistry] ácido sulfuroso sulfurous acid {m} [inorganic compound] ácido tartárico tartaric acid {m} [organic compound] ácido taurocólico taurocholic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido timidílico thymidylic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido tricloroacético trichloroacetic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido valproico valproic acid {m} [organic compound] ácido valérico valeric acid {m} [organic compound] ácido xántico xanthic acid {m} [organic compound] áfido aphid {m} África Africa (continent) {prop} África female given name shortened from María (de) África, an epithet of the Virgin Mary as Our Lady of Africa {prop} áfrico African {adj} [poetic] ágape agape; spiritual love {m} ágape banquet {m} ágata agate {f} ágil agile {adj} ágilmente nimbly, agilely {adv} ágora agora {f} [historical] Águeda female given name, cognate to English Agatha {prop} águila eagle {f} águila harpía harpy eagle {f} águila pescadora osprey (Pandion haliaetus) {f} -áis Suffix indicating the second-person plural present indicative of -ar verbs {suffix} -áis Suffix indicating the second-person plural present subjunctive of -er and -ir verbs {suffix} álamo white poplar (tree) {m} álamo white poplar (wood) {m} álamo temblón aspen {m} Álava Álava {prop} álbum album {m} álcali alkali {m} álef aleph; the Hebrew letter א {mf} álgebra algebra {f} álgebra lineal linear algebra (branch of mathematics) {f} álgido algid {adj} [medicine] áloe agarwood {m} áloe aloe, aloe juice {m} [plants] álter ego alter ego {m} Álvara female given name {prop} Álvarez Spanish surname {prop} Álvaro male given name {prop} ámbar amber {m} ámbar gris ambergris {m} ámbito scope, field {m} ánade duck {m} ánfora amphora {f} ángel angel {m} Ángel male given name meaning «an angel», comparable to English Angelo {prop} Ángela female given name, equivalent to English Angela {prop} Ángeles female given name {prop} ángel protector guardian angel {m} ángelus Angelus {m} ángulo angle {m} [geometry] ángulo recto right angle {m} ánima bore, calibre {f} ánima soul {f} ánimo courage! keep your head up! good luck! {interj} ánimo soul, spirit, mood {m} ánimo vigor {m} ánodo anode {m} ánsar wild goose {m} [formal] ápex apex {m} ápice apex, tip {m} ápice apex {m} [botany] ápice Very small bit; a small amount of something {m} árabe Arabic {adj} árabe Arab {mf} árbitra referee, arbiter {mf} árbitro sports official (e.g. referee or umpire) {m} árbol tree (all senses) {m} árbol de Navidad Christmas tree {m} árbol genealógico family tree {m} árbor obsolete form of árbol {m} área An area {f} área (unit of area) are {f} árido arid {adj} árnica Arnica (arnica) {f} ártico arctic {adj} Ártico the Arctic {prop} ásperamente harshly {adv} áspero rough {adj} áspid asp {m} áster aster {m} ático Attic {adj} ático Attic (dialect) {m} ático penthouse, loft, attic {m} átomo atom {m} átono atonic {adj} [phonetics] áureo gold {adj} áureo aureus {m} ávara (female) Avar {f} ávaro Avar (language) {m} ávaro Avar (person) {m} ávidamente avidly {adv} ávido anxious {adj} ávido eager, greedy {adj} Ávila Spanish surname {prop} ázoe nitrogen {m} [chemistry]

The Spanish language has thousands of words. So, if you want to learn about them, let’s start with the first letter of the alphabet. We listed the top 20 Spanish words that start with the letter A and examples of how they are used in a sentence.

Spanish Words That Start With A (in Alphabetical Order)



  • (Noun) Abajo is the Spanish word for “down” or “below.” 
  • Example: Tienen una librería justo abajo de su apartamento. 
  • English: They own a bookstore just below their apartment.



  • (Verb) Abandono is the Spanish word for “abandonment.”
  • Example: El abandono realmente puede desordenar a un niño. 
  • English: Abandonment can really mess up a child.



  • (Verb) The word “aburrido” is Spanish for “bored.”
  • Example: Estoy tan aburrido. Salgamos esta noche. 
  • English: I am so bored. Let’s go out tonight.



  • (Noun/Verb) The English version of abuso is abuse. It could either be a noun or a verb, depending on its usage.
  • Example: El abuso es un tema del que no muchos quieren hablar. 
  • English: Abuse is a topic that not many want to talk about.



  • (Adjective) comfortable, cozy. 
  • Example: No tengo ningún plan para el finde; solo quiero estar en mi apartamento acogedor. 
  • English: I don’t have any plans for this weekend; I just want to stay in my cozy apartment.



  • (Noun) The word actividades is the Spanish translation for the word “activities.”
  • Example: Habrá toneladas de actividades divertidas durante su campamento de verano.
  • English: There will be tons of fun activities during your summer camp.



  • (Noun) The Spanish word “acualmente” means that something is happening “at present” or “now.” 
  • Example: Hay problemas mundiales acualmente que deben abordarse.
  • English: There are world issues at present that need to be addressed.



  • (Expression) Adios is a Spanish word that means “goodbye.” It is one of the most famous catchphrases in movies and films today.
  • Example: Adiós, mi amigo confiado. ¡Nos volveremos a ver!
  • English: Goodbye, my trusted friend. We’ll see each other again!



  • (Noun) When a person is “afortunado,” he or she is fortunate in life. 
  • Example: Eres afortunado. Tienes un techo sobre tu cabeza y tres comidas al día. 
  • English: You are fortunate. You have a roof over your head and three meals a day.



  • (Noun) Ahora is a Spanish word for “now.”
  • Example: Apresúrate. Tenemos que irnos. ¡Ahora!
  • English: Hurry‌. We need to leave. Now!

Al aire libre


  • (Phrase) Al aire libre is a Spanish term that translates to “in the open air.”
  • Example: Hay un nuevo restaurante con una zona de estar al aire libre. 
  • English: There’s a new restaurant with a seating area in the open air.

Al Alabanza


  • (Noun) When you want to say “praise” in Spanish, you could say “al Alabanza.”
  • Example: Sólo Dios es digno al alabanza.
  • English: God alone is worthy of praise.



  • (Noun) When there is an “anuncio”, it means that there is an announcement being made.
  • Example: Escucha el anuncio o no sabremos qué hacer. 
  • English: Listen to the announcement or we won’t know what to do.



  • (Adjective) Apariencia is a Spanish word for “appearance.” It is used when a person, mostly celebrities, attends an event and leaves right after everyone has seen them.
  • Example: ¿Alguno de ellos hizo acto la aperiencia?
  • English: Did any of them make an appearance?



  • (Clause) The term “aquel” means “that one.” It is used when a person is pointing at or talking about something specific.
  • Example: Esto no es lo que estaba pidiendo. Yo queria aquel. 
  • English: This is not what I was asking for. I wanted that one.



  • (Noun) The word “artículo” is a Spanish and general term that means “item.”
  • Example: ¿Qué artículo en el meanu preferirías? 
  • English: What item on the menu would you like?



  • (Clause) The Spanish word “así” means “like that.” It is used when there is a comparison between two people or things.
  • Example: ¿Te gustaría el plato así en lugar de este?
  • English: Would you like the dish this was instead of this?



  • (Verb) The word ataque is the Spanish word for “attack.”
  • Example: Escuché que hubo otro ataque.
  • English: I heard there was another attack.



  • (Adjective) When you say that a place is “atestado,” it means that there is an overwhelming crowd of people.
  • Example: El bar estuvo atestado anoche. 
  • English: The bar was packed last night.



  • (Verb) Atras is the Spanish word for “backward” or “backing up.”
  • Example: Da marcha atrás. Perdimos la calle.
  • English: Go backward. We missed the street.

Spanish is an amazing and famous language on earth. There are many people who speak Spanish.

In this chapter, we are sharing more names of Spanish words that start with a. Here we also share Spanish words Starting with AB, AY, & AE. We hope that you get lots of Spanish words from this episode. So, please don’t waste your valuable time, Just check it below for more info about Spanish words name.

Spanish Words starting with A

Here we show lots of common Spanish words which beginning with A. We seem this is the right place for you cause you will collect more good words of Spanish from this list.

  • Absorber
  • Abuso
  • Aceptar
  • Accesorio
  • Accidente
  • Acróbata
  • Adjetivo
  • Aplicación
  • Aparecer
  • Apurase
  • Arquitecto
  • Archivos
  • Atacar
  • Agricultura
  • Alarma
  • Acurrucarse
  • Atravesar
  • Anhelar
  • Arribar
  • Arriba
  • Atestiguar
  • Ansiar
  • Antojarse de
  • Arrendar
  • Alborotar
  • Ardiente
  • Apagar
  • Accionar
  • Aliviar
  • Arder
  • Ambulancia
  • Ahogar
  • Armadillo
  • Agarrar
  • Adjuntar
  • La Amistad
  • Arrancar
  • Ardor
  • Aeropuerto
  • Acariciar
  • Apenar
  • Ahorcar
  • Aplicar
  • Abrelatas
  • Abdomen
  • Aguacate
  • Abuelos
  • Arrogante
  • Alegre
  • Aula
  • Anaranjado
  • Alcohol
  • Animal
  • Amiga
  • Alumno
  • Artificial

Spanish Words That Start With A B:

  • Spanish Words Beginning With A

Here we discuss only 15 Spanish words begins AB. Just check it now and take a good one for you.

  • Abadernar
  • Abovedada
  • A brasante
  • Abejarrón
  • Abalorios
  • A barrotar
  • Abbeville
  • Abandonen
  • A barcador
  • Abducción
  • Abigarrar
  • A bordados
  • Abreviado
  • A bsorbido
  • Abulenses

Spanish Words That Start With A E:

Here we also discuss Spanish word names which that start with AE. although this list is very little but here we share common names.

  • Aeridinae
  • Aerosoles
  • A eróbicos
  • Aeroporto
  • Aequalis
  • A erolito
  • Aeróbica
  • Aerómetro
  • A erofagia
  • Aeronaves

Spanish Words That Start With A Y:

  • Ayahuasca
  • Ayudando
  • A yudantes
  • Ayamonte
  • Ayotoste
  • A yudarlos
  • Ayudarían
  • Ayudarla
  • A yudarse

Finally, we are very happy Because we seem you got more good Spanish words which start with A, Ab, Ay, Ae. So, if you love or like this episode, you can spread it in your friend circle or family or other social media platform. 

You’ve probably heard someone around you speaking a foreign language at one point in your life. Well, I can safely say I’ve been surrounded by numerous multilinguists, and have had a hard time keeping up.

There are over 559 million people in the world who speak Spanish. Chances are, you might already know some words.

If you’re trying to start your learning process with a few words, then starting with the first letter in the alphabet is a solid choice. Stick around to learn some Spanish words that start with a.

Spanish Verbs That Start with A

Learning Spanish vocabulary is bound to enrich your knowledge of the language. Let’s think about it this way; you know the words, but you don’t know how to connect them. That’s because you need to learn some grammar.

When I started learning a new language, knowing basic verbs were more important than deciphering a whole sheet of vocabulary. Let’s check out a few verbs that you might encounter in most conversations.

Spanish Verb with a Translation
Acordar to agree
Acampar to camp
Acordase to remember
Acortar to shorten
Adorar to adore
Amar to love
Andar to go or to walk
Aprender to learn
Atacar to attack
Atravesar to go over, to cross over, to pass through, or to go across
Abatir to knock down, to overthrow, or to throw down
Abrasar to set something on fire or to burn
Abrumar to overwhelm
Acarrear to transport, to carry, or to entail
Acelerar to speed, to accelerate, or to hurry
Acechar to lie in wait or to watch
Acentuar to emphasize or to accent
Acezar to puff or to pant
Achatar to flatten
Achicar to take in
Achantar to intimidate
Acoger to receive or to welcome
Acuciar to pester or to hassle (used informally)
Adquirir to obtain, to acquire, to buy, or to purchase
Aflorar to surface
Agarrar to grasp
Aguardar to wait or to hold on
Ahumar to smoke
Alabar to complement or to praise
Alarmar to alarm
Aumbrar to light up or to illuminate
Amasar to mix, to knead, or to mash
Ampliar to increase, to extend, or to enlarge
Arrancar to start
Asentar to put
Asir to grip, to grab, to seize, or to take root
Asombrar to be amazed, to astonish, or to be astonished
Acaecer to happen or to occur
Actualizar to update
Acrecentar to increase
Adherir to stick to or to adhere
Adormecer to sleep, to become numb, or to become sleepy
Alertar to warn
Amolar to annoy, to grind, or to ruin
Anochecer to get dark
Aparcar to park
Aperturar to open or to issue
Apestar to stink, to smell, or to infect
Apetecer to desire or to want
Arrendar to rent
Asear to tidy up or to clean
Asumir to assume
Auxiliar to help
Avergonzar to embarrass
Alejarse to go away
Aquietar to soothe, to calm down, to appease, or to reassure

Spanish Nouns That Start with “a”

The main words, the vocabulary, the nouns—those are what you’ll be using most. I remember when I learned a new language, I started with the most basic nouns. Places, jobs, months, days, the weather, all are crucial to know—at least from my experience.

Luckily for all you English-speakers, some Spanish words are derivative of Latin, which goes the same for a large sum of English nouns.

The nouns I’ll mention are ones you’re more likely to encounter and use. Here are Spanish nouns that start with “a.”

Spanish Nouns with a Translation
Abril april
Agosto august
El abuelo grandfather
La abuela grandmother
Los adultos adults
El agua water
La aldea village
El almacen store
Adolescente teenager
Adjetivo adjective
Aire air
Animal animal
Arquitecto architect
Alianza alliance
Angulo angle
Abasto angle
Abasto grocery
Abeja bee
Anatomia anatomy
El ancla anchor
La anguilla eel
El ano year
El anillo ring
Antartico Antarctica
El antifaz mask
El apio celery
El arbol tree
La arana spider
La ardilla squirrel
El arquero archer
El arroba at sign (@)
Arrendajo jay
Atleta athlete
Ataud coffin
El atardecer sunset
El autobus bus
El avion airplane or plane
El avestruz ostrich
La Azucena lily
La avispa wasp
La avenida avenue
Artista artist
El ascensor elevator
La aspiradora vacuum cleaner
El asta antler
El arpa harp
El arete earring
El arco iris rainbow
El arco bow
La arcilla clay
El anochecer evening
El amanecer sunrise
La almohada pillow
La aguja needle
El aguila eagle
La adicion addition
La aceituna olive
La acera sidewalk
El acuario aquarium
El aceite oil
El aguacate avocado
El alacran scorpion
El ala wing
La aleta fin
El almuerzo lunch
Amigo friend
La alfombra rug or carpet
La ambulancia ambulance
El arco arch
El armario cupboard
Astronauta astronaut

Spanish Adjectives That Start with “a”

After getting to know a fair number of verbs and nouns, it’s time to add adjectives into the mix. What’s a language without its descriptors? Once I learned to translate adjectives, my conversations became much more fruitful and engaging.

I was able to better express my emotions and thoughts with others more freely. Believe me, it’ll elevate your conversations.

Without further ado, here are Spanish adjectives that start with “a.”

Spanish Adjectives with a Translation
Abajo down
Arriba up
Amarillo yellow
Anaranjado orange
Azul blue
Actual current
Autentico authentic
Ausente absent
Atroz atrocious
Aspero rough
Ardiente passionate
Antiguo old
Anterior previous
Ansioso anxious
Anciano elderly
Ambicioso ambitious
Ambos both
Amargo bitter
Alegre happy
Agotado tired
Alejado remote
Alto tall
Aleman German
Anonimo anonymous
Atractivo attractive
Atrasado behind
Abundante abundant
Aburrido boring
Acertado correct
Amable friendly
Americano American
Asado grilled, roasted, or barbecued
Analfabeto illiterate
Agudo sharp, sharp-pointed, or acute
Agresivo aggressive
Absurdo absurd
Agrio sour, acid, or acrid

Spanish Conjunctions and Interjections That Start with A

Writing naturally comes with learning a new language. I find that writing in a foreign language is the best exercise you can get to learn from it.

If you plan on writing essays, stories, or maybe a letter in Spanish, conjunctions are vital. Whether you’re trying to connect your words or give your writing better coherence, these simple words are your answer.

Meanwhile, interjections allow for more expression and excitement in your sentences.

Check out Spanish conjunctions and interjections that start with “a.”

Spanish Conjunctions and Interjections with a Translation
Aunque even though or although
Aunque no lo crea believe it or not
A pesar in spite of
Anda go
Ay Ouch
Adios Goodbye

Honorable Mentions

Some Spanish words could mean a whole sentence in English. These could make your conversations easier. Instead of thinking of the composition of a whole sentence, you’ll only have to remember one word. Check them out below.

Honorable Mentions with a Translation
Acertar to guess right
Achaplinar to change someone’s mind
Absolutamente absolutely
Ayudeme,por favor please, help me

After surfing through our collection of verbs, nouns, adjectives, and other words that start with “a,” I hope you’ve added a few words to your arsenal of Spanish words. Now, you can attempt to talk to your Spanish friend and have a good laugh out of it!

Louise W. Rice

I’m Louise W. Rice, and I can honestly say I didn’t care for quotes all that much throughout my life. In fact, I didn’t actually believe you could gain any inspiration or motivation from merely reading a few lines. Words do have an impact, but to me personally, it was too weak to impress me.

Spanish Words that Start with A | Spanish Alphabet

Spanish Words that Start with A

A  abeja – bee 

a (A) prep. – to, at, for

abajo (a BA ho) adv. – down, below, downstairs

abandonado, a (a ban do NA do) adj. – abandoned

abandonar (a ban do NAR) v. – to abandon

abeja (la) (a BE ha) n. – bee

abierto, a (a BYER to) adj. – open

abogado, a (el, la) (a bo GA do) n. – lawyer

abotonar (a bo to NAR) v. – to button

abrazo (el ) (a BRA so) n. – hug

abrelatas (el ) (a bre LA tas) n. – can opener

abrigo (el ) (a BREE go) n. – coat

abril (a BREEL)  n. – April

abrir (a BREER) v. – to open

abuelo (el ) (a BWE lo) n. – grandfather

abuela (la) n. – grandmother

aburrido, a (a bu RREE do) adj. – boring; bored

aburrir (a bu RREER) v. – to bore

aburrirse v. – to get (be) bored

acabar (a ca BAR) v. – to finish

acabar de  v. – to have just finished doing something

aceite (el ) (a SAY te) n. – oil

aceituna (la) (a say TU na) n. – olive

aceptar (a sep TAR) v. – to accept

acera (la) (a SE ra) n. – sidewalk

acero (el ) (a SE ro) n. – steel

acompañar (a com pa NYAR) v. – to go along, to accompany

acordar (a cor DAR) v. – to agree

acordarse v. – to remember

acordeón (el ) (a cor de ON) n. – accordion

actitud (la) (ac tee TUD) n. – attitude

activo, a (ac TEE bo) adj. – active

acto (el ) (AC to) n. – act

actor (el ) (ac TOR) n. – actor

actriz (la) (ac TREES) n. – actress

actual (ac TWAL) adj. – current

acuario (el ) (a CWA ryo) n. – fish tank, aquarium

acuático, a (a CWA tee co) adj. – aquatic

acuerdo (el ) (a CWER do) n. – agreement

acumulación (la) (a cu mu la SYON) n. – accumulation

además (a de MAS) adv. – besides; in addition to

adentro (a DEN tro) adv. – inside

adiós (a DYOS)  intj. – good-bye

adivinanza (la) (a dee bee NAN sa) n. – riddle

admirador, a (el, la) (ad mee ra DOR)  n. – fan, admirer

admirar (ad mee RAR) v. – to admire

¿adónde?  (a DON de) adv. – where? where to?

adornar (a dor NAR) v. – to decorate

adulto (el ) (a DUL to) n. – adult

aéreo, a (a E re o) adj. – air

el correo aéreo  n. – airmail

la línea aérea n. – airline

aeromozo, a (el, la) (a e ro MO so) n. – flight attendant

aeropuerto (el ) (a e ro PWER to) n. – airport

afeitar( se)  (a fay TAR) v. – to shave (oneself)

afortunadamente (a for tu na da MEN te) adv. – fortunately

agencia (la) (a HEN sya) n. – agency

agencia de viajes  n. – travel agency

agente (el, la) (a HEN te) n. – agent

agilidad (la) (a hee lee DAD) n. – agility

agosto  (a GOS to) n. – August

agradable (a gra DA ble) adj. – pleasant, agreeable

agricultor, a (el, la) (a gree cul TOR) n. – farmer

agua (el ) (f.) (A gwa) n. – water

aguacate (el ) (a gwa CA te) n. – avocado

águila (el ) (f.) (A gee la) n. – eagle

aguja (la) (a GU ha) n. – needle

agujero (el ) (a gu HE ro) n. – hole

ahijado (el ) (a hee HA do) n. – godson

ahijada (la) n. – goddaughter

ahora (a O ra) adv. – now

ahora mismo adv. – right now

ahorrar (a o RRAR) v. – to save (money, time, energy)

aire (el ) (I re) n. – air

aire libre n. – outdoors

ajedrez (el ) (a he DRES) n. – chess

ají (el ) (a HEE) n. – chili pepper

ajo (el ) (A ho) n. – garlic

al (AL) cont. a + el (see a) – to the

ala (el ) (f.) (A la) n. – wing

alarma (la) (a LAR ma) n. – alarm

albaricoque (el ) (al ba ree CO ke) n. – apricot

albóndiga (la) (al BON dee ga) n. – meatball

álbum (el ) (AL bum) n. – album

alcalde (el ) (al CAL de) n. – mayor

alcoba (la) (al CO ba) n. – bedroom

alegre (a LE gre) adj. – happy, cheerful, glad

alejado, a (a le HA do) adj. – far, distant

alemán, a (a le MAN)  adj. – German

alemán (el ) n. – German (language)

alemán, a (el, la) n. – German (person)

alfabeto (el ) (al fa BE to) n. – alphabet

alfombra (la) (al FOM bra) n. – rug

algo (AL go) pron. – something

algodón (el ) (al go DON) n. – cotton

alguien (AL gyen) pron. – someone

algún, alguna (al GUN) adj. – some; any; a

allá (a YA) adv. – over there

alma (el ) (f.) (AL ma) n. – soul, spirit

almacén (el ) (al ma SEN) n. – department store

almohada (la) (al mo A da) n. – pillow

almorzar (al mor SAR) v. – to have lunch

almuerzo (el ) (al MWER so) n. – lunch

alpinismo (el ) (al pee NEES mo) n. – mountain climbing

alpinista (el, la) (al pee NEES ta) n. – mountain climber

alquilar (al kee LAR) v. – to rent

alrededor (al re de DOR) adv. – around

alrededor de  prep. – around; about

alto, a (AL to) adj. – tall; high

altura (la) (al TU ra) n. – height; altitude

alumno, a (el, la) (a LUM no) n. – pupil, student

amable (a MA ble) adj. – kind; generous; friendly

amar (a MAR) v. – to love

amarillo, a (a ma REE yo) adj. – yellow

ambición (la) (am bee SYON) n. – ambition

ambulancia (la) (am bu LAN sya) n. – ambulance

americano, a (a me ree CA no) adj. – American (from the U.S. or any other country in North, Central, or South America)

americano, a (el, la) n. – American

amigo, a (el, la) (a MEE go) n. – friend

amor (el ) (a MOR) n. – love

anaranjado, a (a na ran HA do) adj. – orange

ancho, a (AN cho) adj. – wide

andar (an DAR) v. – to walk; to run (a machine)

andar a caballo to ride a horse

andar en bicicleta to ride a bicycle

ángel (el ) (AN hel) n. – angel

anillo (el ) (a NEE yo) n. – ring

animal (el ) (a nee MAL) n. – animal

aniversario (el ) (a nee ber SA ryo) n. – anniversary

anoche (a NO che) adv. – last night

antena (la) (an TE na) n. – antenna

anteojos (los) (an te O hos) n. – eyeglasses

antes (AN tes) adv. – before

antes de  prep. – before

antiguo, a (an TEE gwo) adj. – old, ancient

antipático, a (an tee PA tee co) adj. – not nice, unpleasant, disagreeable

anunciar (a nun SYAR)  v. – to announce

año (el ) (A nyo) n. – year

apagar (a pa GAR) v. – to turn off, to switch off

apagón (el ) (a pa GON) n. – blackout, power failure

apariencia (la) (a pa RYEN sya) n. – appearance

apellido (el ) (a pe YEE do) n. – surname, last name

apenas (a PE nas) adv. – scarcely, barely, hardly

apetito (el ) (a pe TEE to) n. – appetite

apio (el ) (A pyo) n. – celery

aplaudir (a plow DEER) v. – to applaud, to clap

apreciar (a pre SYAR) v. – to appreciate, to value

aprender (a pren DER) v. – to learn

apretado, a (a pre TA do) adj. – tight

aquel, la (a KEL)  adj. – that (in the distance)

aquellos, as (a KE yohs) adj. – those

aquí (a KEE)  adv. – here

araña (la) (a RA nya) n. – spider

árbol (el ) (AR bol) n. – tree

arco iris (el ) (AR co EE rees) n. – rainbow

arduo, a (AR duo) adj. – hard, difficult

arena (la) (a RE na) n. – sand

arepa (la) (a RE pa) n. – corn flour cake (Venezuela)

árido, a (A ree do) adj. – desolate, arid

arma (el ) (f.) (AR ma) n. – weapon

armario (el ) (ar MA ryo) n. – closet

arquitecto, a (el, la) (ar kee TEC to) n. – architect

arreglar (a rre GLAR) v. – to arrange, to fix

arrestar (a rres TAR) v. – to arrest

arriba (a RREE ba) adv. – up, upstairs

arroyo (el ) (a RRO yo) n. – brook, stream

arroz (el ) (a RROS)  n. – rice

arte (el ) (AR te) n. – art

artículo (el ) (ar TEE cu lo) n. – article

artista (el, la) (ar TEES ta) n. – artist

artístico, a (ar TEES tee co) adj. – artistic

asado, a (a SA do) adj. – roast, roasted

ascensor (el ) (a sen SOR) n. – elevator

así (a SEE)  adv. – this way; so; thus

así, así (a SEE a SEE)  adv. – so-so

asiento (el ) (a SYEN to) n. – seat.

asistir (a) (a sees TEER) v. – to attend

aspiradora (la) (as pee ra DO ra) n. – vacuum cleaner

astronauta (el, la) (as tro NOW ta) n. – astronaut

astuto, a (as TU to) adj. – astute, sharp, cunning

atención (la) (a ten SYON)  n. – attention

atender (a ten DER) v. – to assist, to wait on

atentamente (a ten ta MEN te) adv. – sincerely yours, yours truly, attentively

aterrizar (a te rree SAR) v. – to land

ático (el ) (A tee co) n. – attic

atleta (el, la) (at LE ta) n. – athlete

atlético, a (at LE tee co) adj. – athletic

atún (el ) (a TUN) n. – tuna, tuna fish

aun (a UN) adv. – even, yet

aún adv. – still

ausente (ow SEN te) adj. – absent

autobús (el ) (ow to BUS)  n. – bus

autógrafo (el ) (ow TO gra fo) n. – autograph

automóvil (el ) (ow to MO beel) n. – car

auto de carrera n. – race car

autoridad (la) (ow to ree DAD) n. – authority, the police

auxiliar de vuelo (el, la) (ow ksee lee AR de BWE lo) n. – flight attendant

auxilio (el ) (ow KSEE lyo) n. – help, aid

ávaro, a (a BA ro) adj. – stingy

ave (el ) (f.) (A be) n. – bird

avena (la) (a BE na) n. – oats

avenida (la) (a be NEE da) n. – avenue

aventura (la) (a ben TU ra) n. – adventure

avergonzarse (de) (a ber gon SAR se) v. – to be ashamed (of)

avión (el ) (a BYON) n. – airplane, plane

¡Ay! (I) intj. – oh dear! oh my! ouch!

ayer (a YER)  adv. – yesterday.

ayudante (el, la) (a yu DAN te) n. – assistant

ayudar (a yu DAR) v. – to help, to assist

ayuntamiento (el ) (a yun ta MYEN to) n. – city hall

azteca (as TE ca) adj. – Aztec

azteca (el, la) n. – Aztec (person)

azúcar (el ) (a SU car) n. – sugar

spanish words that start with an a

Spanish Words That Start With An A

If you are looking at Spanish words that start with an A because you want to try and learn them all then you’re probably better offer learning common words that you’ll actually use first. If you learn the word for wasp now but you’re only learning how to introduce yourself then it’ll be harder to keep these words in your brain. It will benefit you more if you learn words as you’re able to use and practise them rather than cramming all the Spanish words that start with an A in one go. If you already have a good grasp of Spanish but you want to expand your vocabulary then go ahead and take a look.

We’ve divided our list of Spanish words that start with an A into Prepositions, nouns, verbs, adjectives and interjections so you can skip ahead to whichever section you find most useful or that you’re most interested in.

Spanish Prepositions Starting With An A

Starting with prepostision, these are some Spanish words that start with the letter A:

  • Abajo – down
  • Abierto – open
  • Alrededor de – around
  • Arriba de – above
  • Arriba – up

Spanish Nouns That Start With An A

This is the largest category that we have, here are the Spanish nouns that start with an A:

  • La abeja – the bee
  • Abril – April
  • El abrelatas – the tin opener
  • El abrigo – the coat
  • La abuela – the grandma
  • El abuelo – the grandad
  • El acebo – holly
  • El aciete – oil
  • La aceituna – the olive
  • La acera – the pavement
  • El acuario – the aquarium
  • La adición – addition
  • El adulto – the adult
  • El aeronave cohete – the rocket
  • África – Africa
  • El agárico – the toadstool
  • Agosto – August
  • El agua
  • El aguacate – the avacado
  • El águila – the eagle
  • La aguja – the needle
  • El aire libre – the outdoors
  • El ala -the wing
  • El alacrán – the scorpion
  • La alcachofa – the artichoke
  • La alcancia – the piggy bank
  • El alce – the elk
  • La alacena – cupboard
  • La aldea – the village
  • La aleta – the fin
  • El alfabeto – alphabet
  • La alfombra – the rug
  • El algodón de azúcar – candy floss
  • El alicate – plier
  • El almacén – the shop
  • America – America
  • La almohada – the pillow
  • El almuerzo – lunch
  • El almanecer – sunrise
  • Amarillo – yellow
  • El ámbar – amber
  • La ambulancia – the ambulance
  • El amigo por correspondencia – pen pal
  • El amigo – the friend
  • Amor – love
  • La anatomía anatomy
  • El ancla – anchor
  • El ángel – the angel
  • La anguila – the eel
  • El ángulo – the angle
  • El anillo – the ring
  • El animal – animal
  • El año – year
  • El anochecer – evening
  • La Antártica – antarctic
  • El antifaz – mask
  • El antílope – antelope
  • El apio – celery
  • El apóstrofe – apostrophe
  • La araña – spider
  • La axila – the armpit
  • El árbol – tree
  • El arce – maple tree
  • El archipiélago – archipelago
  • La arcilla – clay
  • El arco – the arch
  • El arco – bow
  • El arco iris – rainbow
  • La ardilla – squirrel
  • La arena – sand
  • La arena movizado – quicksand
  • El arete – earring
  • El arquero – archer
  • El armario – wardrobe
  • El arpa – harp
  • El arrendajo – jay bird
  • El arte – art
  • El/la artista – artist
  • El ascensor – lift/elevator
  • Asia – Asia
  • La aspiradora – hoover
  • El asterisco – asterick
  • El asteroide – asteriod
  • El/la astronauta – astronaut
  • La astronomía – astronomy
  • El atardecer – sunset
  • El ataúd – coffin
  • El/la aleta – athlete
  • El átomo – atom
  • Australia – Australia
  • El autobús – bus
  • El automóvil – automobile
  • La avenida – avenue
  • La avispa – the wasp
  • El avestruz – ostrich
  • El avión – aeroplane
  • La azada – hoe
  • La azucena – lily
  • Azul – blue
  • Azulejo – blue bird

Spanish Verbs That Start With An A

These verbs aren’t too exciting and you’ve probably come across most of them before but here are a collection of Spanish verbs starting with A:

  • Agradecer – to thank
  • Amar – to love
  • Andar – to walk
  • Aplaudir – to applaud
  • Aprender – to learn
  • Arder – to burn
  • Arrodillarse – to kneel
  • Asustar – to frighten
  • Aventar – to throw

Spanish Adjectives That Start With An A

Here are some great Spanish adjectives that start with the letter A:

  • Alto – tall
  • Amarillo – yellow
  • Ancho – wide
  • Andar – to walk
  • Angosto – narrow
  • Asustado – scared


  • Adiós – goodbye

Hopefully you’ve enjoyed our article on Spanish words that start with an A and you’ve either found it interesting or it’s helped add to your vocabulary list. If you’ve enjoyed this then take a look at one of our other articles: Spanish words starting with X. This isn’t a good way to learn Spanish if you’re just starting out but if you already have a good grasp of the language then working you way through the alphabet to find new words can be a fun and interesting way to learn. If you think there are any good words we’ve missed off then let us know in the comments below.

In this post you can find some words in Spanish that start with the first letter of the alphabet, A.
All the words on this list are nouns, in Spanish called sustantivos or nombres. These are nouns of common things, people, feelings or places. The main idea is to provide a list of mixed nouns that are commonly used in the language.
Along with all these nouns, you will see a picture of the concept represented by the noun and also a simplified definition in Spanish and a phrase on which that noun is used.

Picture of the word Alcachofa


Definition: planta comestible de color verde que tiene hojas.
Example: Voy a comprar un kilo de alcachofas en el mercado.

Picture of the word Aeropuerto


Definitionlugar donde los aviones despegan y aterrizan.
Example: Todos los días salen vuelos a Montevideo desde el Aeropuerto de Barcelona.

Picture of the word Anillo


Definitionaro que se pone en el dedo como adorno o de forma simbólica.
Example: Él regaló a Patricia un anillo de oro con diamantes.

Picture of the word Amor


Definition: sentimiento de afecto hacia una persona, animal o cosa.
Example: Ellos sienten un gran amor por su hijo.

Picture of the word Avión


Definition: medio de transporte aéreo.
Example: Me gusta viajar en avión porque es un medio de transporte rápido.

Picture of the word Abeja


Definition: insecto volador de color pardo y negro.
Example: Las abejas son muy importantes para el medio ambiente.

Picture of the word Ajo


Definitionplanta comestible con sabor y olor intensos. Tiene varias piezas y suele ser de color blanco y morado.
Example: Me encanta añadir ajo a mis comidas.

Picture of the word Agua


Definitionlíquido sin sabor, olor ni color que se encuentra en la naturaleza (ríos, mares, etc.) y en los seres vivos.
Example: Tengo sed; voy a beber agua.


Definitionprenda hecha con tela de toalla que se usa para salir del baño.

Example: Este albornoz blanco es muy suave.

Picture of the word Almohada


Definition: objeto que sirve para apoyar la cabeza al dormir.
Example: Ayer compré una nueva almohada para mi cama.

Picture of the word Abrigo


Definition: prenda de vestir que se utiliza para protegerse del frío.
Example: Este abrigo es muy elegante. 

Picture of the word Armario


Definition: mueble cerrado con puertas que se utiliza para guardar ropa y otros objetos.
Example: En este armario guardo todos mis abrigos y pantalones.

Spanish words that start with a:

aaronita, aba, abab, ababa, ababillar, ababillarse, ababol, abacera, abacero, abacial, abad, abada, abadejo, abadenga, abadengo, abadernar, abadesa, abadiado, abadiato, abajadero, abajamiento, abajar, abajo, abajor, abajote, abalada, abalado, abalanzar, abalar, abalaustrada, abalaustrado, abaldonadamente, abaldonamiento, abaldonar, abaleador, abaleadora, abaleadura, abalear, abaleo, abalizamiento, abalizar

aballar, aballestar, abalorio, abaluartar, abanar, abancalar, abandalizar, abanderado, abanderamiento, abanderar, abanderizador, abanderizadora, abanderizar, abandonada, abandonado, abandonamiento, abandonar, abandonismo, abandonista, abandono, abanear, abanera, abanero, abanicar, abanicazo, abanico, abanillo, abanino, abaniqueo, abaniquera, abaniquero, abano, abanto, abar, abaratamiento, abaratar, abarbechar, abarca, abarcable, abarcada, abarcado

abarcador, abarcadora, abarcadura, abarcamiento, abarcar, abarcuzar, abaritonada, abaritonado, abarloar, abarquera, abarquero, abarquillada, abarquillado, abarquillamiento, abarquillar, abarracar, abarrada, abarrado, abarraganamiento, abarraganar, abarraganarse, abarrajar, abarramiento, abarrancadero, abarrancamiento, abarrancar, abarrar, abarraz, abarredera, abarrenar, abarrer, abarrisco, abarrotar, abarrote, abarrotera, abarrotero, abarse, abastadamente, abastado, abastamiento, abastante

abastanza, abastar, abastardar, abastecedor, abastecedora, abastecer, abastecimiento, abastero, abastimiento, abastionar, abasto, abatanar, abate, abatida, abatidamente, abatidero, abatido, abatidura, abatimiento, abatir, abatismo, abatojar, abayada, abayado, abaz, abderitana, abderitano, abdicar, abdicativa, abdicativamente, abdicativo, abdomen, abdominal, abductor, abebrar, abecedario, abedul, abeja, abejar, abejaruco, abejera

abejero, abejorrear, abejorreo, abejorro, abejuela, abejuna, abejuno, abellacada, abellacado, abellacar, abellar, abellero, abellota, abellotada, abellotado, abelmosco, abemoladamente, abemolar, abencerraje, abental, abenuz, aberenjenada, aberenjenado, aberrante, aberrar, abertal, abertura, abesana, abestiada, abestiado, abestializada, abestializado, abestionar, abetal, abetar, abete, abetinote, abeto, abetuna, abetunada, abetunado

abetunar, abeurrea, abey, abia, abiar, abibollo, abieldar, abierta, abiertamente, abierto, abiete, abietina, abietino, abigarrada, abigarradamente, abigarrado, abigarramiento, abigarrar, abigeato, abigeo, abigero, abigotada, abigotado, abinar, abintestato, abipona, abisagrar, abisal, abiselar, abisinia, abisinio, abismada, abismado, abismal, abismar, abismo, abiso, abita, abitadura, abitaque, abitar

abizcochada, abizcochado, abjurar, ablandabrevas, ablandador, ablandadora, ablandadura, ablandamiento, ablandante, ablandar, ablandativa, ablandativo, ablandecer, ablandir, ablanedo, ablano, ablativo, ablegado, ablentador, ablentar, ablusada, ablusado, abnegada, abnegadamente, abnegado, abnegar, abobada, abobado, abobamiento, abobar, abobra, abocadear, abocado, abocamiento, abocanar, abocar, abocardada, abocardado, abocardar, abocardo, abocelada

abocelado, abocetada, abocetado, abocetar, abochornada, abochornado, abochornar, abocinada, abocinado, abocinamiento, abocinar, abofado, abofar, abofeteador, abofeteadora, abofetear, abogada, abogadesca, abogadesco, abogadil, abogadismo, abogado, abogador, abogadora, abogamiento, abogar, abohetada, abohetado, abolaga, abolengo, abolicionismo, abolicionista, abolir, abollada, abollado, abolladura, abollar, abollonar, abolongo, abolorio, abolsar

abolsarse, abomaso, abombar, abominable, abominablemente, abominar, abonable, abonada, abonado, abonador, abonadora, abonamiento, abonanza, abonanzar, abonar, abondada, abondadamente, abondado, abondadura, abondamiento, abondar, abondo, abondosa, abondosamente, abondoso, abono, aboquillada, aboquillado, aboquillar, abordable, abordador, abordadora, abordaje, abordar, abordo, abordonar, aborigen, aborlonada, aborlonado, aborrachada, aborrachado

aborrajar, aborrajarse, aborrascar, aborrascarse, aborrecedera, aborrecedero, aborrecedor, aborrecedora, aborrecer, aborrecible, aborreciblemente, aborrecida, aborrecidamente, aborrecido, aborrecimiento, aborregar, aborregarse, aborrencia, aborrescencia, aborrible, aborrir, aborronar, aborso, abortadura, abortamiento, abortar, abortiva, abortivo, aborto, aborujar, abotagamiento, abotagar, abotagarse, abotargar, abotargarse, abotinada, abotinado, abotonador, abotonar, abovedada, abovedado

abovedar, aboyada, aboyado, aboyar, abozalar, abra, abracadabra, abracar, abracijar, abracijarse, abracijo, abraham, abrahonar, abrasadamente, abrasador, abrasadora, abrasamiento, abrasante, abrasar, abrasilada, abrasilado, abrasiva, abrasivo, abravar, abravecer, abraxas, abrazada, abrazadera, abrazado, abrazador, abrazadora, abrazamiento, abrazante, abrazar, abrazo, abrecartas, abregancias, abrelatas, abrenunciar, abrenuncio, abreojos

abretonar, abrevadero, abrevador, abrevadora, abrevar, abreviada, abreviadamente, abreviado, abreviador, abreviadora, abreviamiento, abreviar, abreviatura, abrezar, abriboca, abribonada, abribonado, abribonar, abribonarse, abridera, abridero, abridor, abridora, abrigada, abrigadero, abrigado, abrigador, abrigadora, abrigamiento, abrigar, abrigo, abril, abrillantador, abrillantar, abrimiento, abriolar, abrir, abrochador, abrochadura, abrochamiento, abrochar

abrogar, abrojal, abrojo, abrollo, abroma, abromada, abromado, abromar, abroncar, abroquelada, abroquelado, abroquelar, abrumador, abrumadora, abrumadoramente, abrumante, abrumar, abrumarse, abrupta, abruptamente, abrupto, abrutada, abrutado, abruza, abruzar, abruzo, absceso, abscisa, absconder, abscondidamente, abscura, abscuro, absencia, absentar, absentarse, absente, absentismo, absidal, absintio, absoluta, absolutamente

absolutismo, absolutista, absoluto, absolutoria, absolutorio, absolvederas, absolvedor, absolvedora, absolvente, absolver, absolviente, absolvimiento, absorbencia, absorbente, absorber, absorbible, absorbimiento, absorta, absortar, absorto, abstemia, abstemio, abstencionismo, abstencionista, abstener, abstergente, absterger, abstersiva, abstersivo, abstinencia, abstinente, abstinentemente, abstracta, abstractiva, abstractivamente, abstractivo, abstracto, abstraer, abstrusa, abstruso, absuelta

absuelto, absurda, absurdidad, absurdo, abubilla, abubo, abuchear, abucheo, abuela, abuelastra, abuelastro, abuelo, abuhada, abuhado, abuhamiento, abuhardillada, abuhardillado, abuje, abulaga, abulagar, abulense, abulia, abultada, abultado, abultamiento, abultar, abundada, abundadamente, abundado, abundamiento, abundancia, abundancial, abundante, abundantemente, abundar, abundo, abundosa, abundosamente, abundoso, abur, aburar

aburelada, aburelado, aburguesamiento, aburguesar, aburguesarse, aburrada, aburrado, aburrar, aburrarse, aburrida, aburridamente, aburrido, aburridor, aburridora, aburrimiento, aburrir, aburujar, abusador, abusadora, abusante, abusar, abusionera, abusionero, abusiva, abusivamente, abusivo, abuso, abusona, abuzar, abuzarse, abyecta, abyecto, acabable, acabada, acabadamente, acabado, acabador, acabadora, acabalar, acaballada, acaballadero

acaballado, acaballar, acaballerada, acaballerado, acaballerar, acaballonar, acabamiento, acabar, acabdar, acabdellar, acabdilladamente, acabdillador, acabdilladora, acabdillamiento, acabdillar, acabellada, acabellado, acabestrillar, acabijo, acabildar, acabo, acabronada, acabronado, acabtar, acachar, acacharse, acachetar, acachetear, acachorrar, acacia, acacianos, academia, academicismo, academicista, academio, academista, acaecedera, acaecedero, acaecer, acaecimiento, acafelar

acafresna, acaguasar, acahual, acairelar, acal, acalabrotar, acalambrar, acalambrarse, acaldar, acalefo, acalenturar, acalenturarse, acalia, acallador, acalladora, acallantar, acallar, acalmar, acaloradamente, acaloramiento, acalorar, acaloro, acalugar, acalumniador, acalumniadora, acalumniar, acamar, acambrayada, acambrayado, acamellada, acamellado, acampak, acampamento, acampanada, acampanado, acampanar, acampar, acampo, acamuzada, acamuzado, acanalada

acanalado, acanalador, acanaladura, acanalar, acanallada, acanallado, acanallar, acandilada, acandilado, acanelada, acanelado, acanelonar, acanillada, acanillado, acanilladura, acantalear, acantarar, acantear, acantilada, acantilado, acantilar, acantio, acanto, acantonamiento, acantonar, acantopterigio, acaparador, acaparadora, acaparamiento, acaparar, acaparrar, acaparrarse, acaparrosada, acaparrosado, acapillar, acapizar, acapizarse, acaponada, acaponado, acaptar, acapullar

acapullarse, acaracolada, acaracolado, acarambanada, acarambanado, acaramelar, acarar, acardenalar, acareamiento, acarear, acariciador, acariciadora, acariciante, acariciar, acarnerada, acarnerado, acaronar, acarralar, acarrar, acarrarse, acarrascada, acarrascado, acarrazar, acarrazarse, acarreadiza, acarreadizo, acarreador, acarreadora, acarreadura, acarreamiento, acarrear, acarreo, acarretar, acarreto, acartonar, acartonarse, acasamatada, acasamatado, acasarado, acaserar, acaserarse

acaso, acastillada, acastillado, acastorada, acastorado, acatable, acatadamente, acatadura, acatalecto, acatamiento, acatante, acatar, acatarrar, acatechili, acates, acato, acaudalada, acaudalado, acaudalador, acaudaladora, acaudalar, acaudillador, acaudilladora, acaudillamiento, acaudillar, acaule, acautelar, acautelarse, acaya, acayaz, acayo, accedente, acceder, accender, accensa, accenso, accesibilidad, accesible, accesional, acceso, accesoria

accesoriamente, accesorio, accidentada, accidentadamente, accidentado, accidental, accidentalidad, accidentalmente, accidentar, accidentaria, accidentariamente, accidentario, accidente, accionada, accionado, accionamiento, accionar, accionista, accitana, accitano, acebadamiento, acebadar, acebal, acebeda, acebedo, acebibe, acebo, acebollada, acebollado, acebolladura, acebrada, acebrado, acebuchal, acebuche, acebuchena, acebucheno, acebuchina, acechadera, acechadero, acechador, acechadora

acechamiento, acechanza, acechar, aceche, acecho, acechona, acecido, acecinador, acecinamiento, acecinar, aceda, acedamente, acedar, acedera, acederaque, acederilla, acedia, acedo, acedura, acefalismo, aceguero, aceifa, aceitada, aceitar, aceitazo, aceite, aceitera, aceitero, aceitosa, aceitoso, aceituna, aceitunada, aceitunado, aceitunera, aceitunero, aceitunil, aceitunillo, aceituno, acelajada, acelajado, acelerada

aceleradamente, acelerado, acelerador, aceleramiento, acelerar, aceleratriz, acelga, acemilada, acemilado, acemilar, acemilera, acemilero, acemita, acemite, acender, acendrada, acendrado, acendramiento, acendrar, acenefa, acenia, acenoria, acensar, acensuada, acensuado, acensuador, acensuar, acento, acentuadamente, acentual, acentuar, acepar, acepilladura, acepillar, acepta, aceptabilidad, aceptable, aceptablemente, aceptadamente, aceptador, aceptadora

aceptante, aceptar, acepto, aceptor, acequia, acequiaje, acequiar, acequiero, acera, acerada, acerado, acerar, acerba, acerbamente, acerbidad, acerbo, acerca, acercador, acercadora, acercamiento, acercanza, acercar, acerico, acerillo, acerina, acerino, acernadar, acero, acerola, acerolo, acerosa, aceroso, acerrador, acerrar, acerrojar, acertada, acertadamente, acertado, acertador, acertadora, acertajo

acertajona, acertamiento, acertante, acertar, acertero, acertijo, aceruelo, acervar, acervo, acescencia, acescente, aceta, acetaldehido, acetar, acetato, acetificar, acetileno, acetilo, acetite, aceto, acetona, acetosa, acetosidad, acetosilla, acetoso, acetre, acetrero, acetrinar, acevilar, acezar, acezo, acezosa, acezoso, achabacanamiento, achabacanar, achacable, achacadiza, achacadizo, achacar, achachay, achacosa

achacosamente, achacoso, achaflanar, achajuanado, achajuanar, achajuanarse, achambergada, achambergado, achampanada, achampanado, achantar, achantarse, achaparrada, achaparrado, achaparrar, achaparrarse, achaque, achaquero, achaquienta, achaquiento, acharar, achares, acharolada, acharolado, acharolar, achatamiento, achatar, achernar, achicada, achicado, achicador, achicadora, achicadura, achicamiento, achicar, achicharradero, achicharrante, achicharrar, achichinque, achicoria, achiguar

achiguarse, achinar, achinelada, achinelado, achiote, achique, achiquillada, achiquillado, achiquitar, achira, achispar, achitabla, achocadura, achocar, achochar, achocharse, achocolatada, achocolatado, acholada, acholado, acholar, achote, achubascar, achubascarse, achuchar, achucharrar, achucuyar, achulada, achulado, achulapar, achulaparse, achular, achularse, achupalla, achura, achurador, achurar, aciaga, aciago, acial, aciano

acianos, aciar, acibarar, acibarrar, aciberar, acicalada, acicalado, acicalador, acicaladora, acicaladura, acicalamiento, acicalar, acicate, acicatear, aciche, acicular, acidalia, acidalio, acidaque, acidez, acidia, acidificar, acidiosa, acidioso, acidorresistente, acidosis, acidular, aciemar, acierto, aciguatada, aciguatado, aciguatar, aciguatarse, acijada, acijado, acije, acijosa, acijoso, acimboga, acimentar, acimentarse

acimut, acimutal, acinesia, acinturar, acionera, acionero, acipada, acipado, acirate, acitara, acivilar, aclamador, aclamadora, aclamar, aclarada, aclarado, aclarador, aclaradora, aclarar, aclaratoria, aclaratorio, aclarecer, aclareo, aclavelada, aclavelado, acle, acleida, acleido, aclimatar, aclocar, aclorhidria, acobardamiento, acobardar, acobdadura, acobdar, acobdiciar, acobijar, acobijo, acobrada, acobrado, acocar

acocarse, acoceador, acoceadora, acoceamiento, acocear, acochar, acocharse, acochinar, acocil, acocili, acoclar, acoclarse, acocotar, acocote, acodada, acodado, acodadura, acodalamiento, acodalar, acodar, acoderamiento, acoderar, acodiciar, acodillar, acodo, acogediza, acogedizo, acogedor, acogedora, acoger, acogeta, acogida, acogido, acogimiento, acogollar, acogombradura, acogombrar, acogotar, acogullada, acogullado, acohombrar

acoita, acoitar, acojinamiento, acojinar, acolada, acolar, acolchada, acolchado, acolchar, acolchonar, acolgar, acolitado, acolitar, acollador, acollar, acollarada, acollarado, acollarar, acollido, acollonar, acolmillado, acombar, acomedida, acomedido, acomedir, acomedirse, acomendador, acomendadora, acomendamiento, acomendante, acomendar, acometedor, acometedora, acometer, acometida, acometiente, acometimiento, acometividad, acomodable, acomodada, acomodadamente

acomodadiza, acomodadizo, acomodado, acomodador, acomodadora, acomodamiento, acomodar, acomodaticia, acomodaticio, acomodo, acompasada, acompasadamente, acompasado, acompasar, acomplexionada, acomplexionado, acomunalar, acomunar, acomunarse, aconchabar, aconchabarse, aconchadillo, aconchar, acondicionada, acondicionado, acondicionamiento, acondicionar, acondroplasia, aconduchar, acongojadamente, acongojador, acongojadora, acongojante, acongojar, aconhortar, aconitina, aconsejable, aconsejada, aconsejado, aconsejador, aconsejadora

aconsejar, aconsonantar, acontar, acontecedera, acontecedero, acontecer, acontecida, acontecido, acontecimiento, acontentar, acontiada, acontiado, aconvido, acopada, acopado, acopar, acopetada, acopetado, acopiador, acopiadora, acopiamiento, acopiar, acopio, acoplado, acopladura, acoplamiento, acoplar, acoquinamiento, acoquinar, acorar, acorazada, acorazado, acorazamiento, acorazar, acorazonada, acorazonado, acorchada, acorchado, acorchamiento, acorchar, acorcharse

acordablemente, acordada, acordadamente, acordado, acordamiento, acordante, acordantemente, acordanza, acordar, acorde, acordelar, acordemente, acordeonista, acordonada, acordonado, acordonamiento, acordonar, acores, acornada, acornado, acornar, acorneador, acorneadora, acornear, acorralamiento, acorralar, acorredor, acorredora, acorrer, acorrimiento, acorro, acorrucar, acorrucarse, acortadizo, acortamiento, acortar, acorullar, acorvar, acorzar, acosadamente, acosador

acosadora, acosamiento, acosar, acosijar, acosmismo, acoso, acostada, acostado, acostamiento, acostar, acostumbradamente, acostumbrar, acotada, acotamiento, acotar, acotillo, acotolar, acoyundar, acoyuntar, acoyuntero, acracia, acre, acrebite, acrecencia, acrecentador, acrecentadora, acrecentamiento, acrecentante, acrecentar, acrecer, acrecimiento, acreditada, acreditado, acreditar, acreditativa, acreditativo, acreedor, acreedora, acreencia, acreer, acremente

acrescente, acrianzada, acrianzado, acrianzar, acribador, acribadora, acribadura, acribar, acribillar, acriminador, acriminadora, acriminar, acrimonia, acriollada, acriollado, acriollar, acriollarse, acrisoladamente, acrisolador, acrisoladora, acrisolar, acristalar, acristianada, acristianado, acristianar, acritud, acrobacia, acrobatismo, acroe, acrofobia, acromada, acromado, acromatismo, acromatizar, acromatopsia, acromegalia, acromial, acromiana, acromiano, acromio, acromion

acrostolio, acrotera, acroteria, acroterio, acroy, acta, actea, actinia, actinio, actinismo, actinomices, actinomicosis, actinomorfa, actinota, actitar, actitud, activa, activamente, activar, actividad, activo, acto, actor, actora, actriz, actuada, actuado, actual, actualidad, actualizar, actualmente, actuante, actuar, actuaria, actuarial, actuario, actuosa, actuosidad, actuoso, acuadrillar, acuantiar

acuarela, acuarelista, acuario, acuartar, acuartelada, acuartelado, acuartelamiento, acuartelar, acuartillar, acuatizar, acubada, acubado, acubilar, acucharada, acucharado, acuchillada, acuchilladizo, acuchillado, acuchillador, acuchilladora, acuchillar, acucia, acuciadamente, acuciador, acuciadora, acuciamiento, acuciante, acuciar, acuciosa, acuciosamente, acuciosidad, acucioso, acuclillar, acuclillarse, acudiciar, acudiciarse, acudidero, acudimiento, acudir, acueducto, acuerdada

acuerdado, acuerdo, acuesto, acuidad, acuidadar, acuidadarse, acuitadamente, acuitamiento, acuitar, aculada, aculado, acular, aculebrinada, aculebrinado, acumbrar, acumen, acuminada, acuminado, acuminosa, acuminoso, acumulable, acumulador, acumuladora, acumulamiento, acumular, acumulativa, acumulativamente, acunar, acuntir, acuosa, acuosidad, acuoso, acupuntura, acurada, acuradamente, acurado, acurdar, acure, acurrucar, acurrucarse, acurrullar

acusable, acusada, acusado, acusador, acusadora, acusamiento, acusante, acusanza, acusar, acusativo, acusatoria, acusatorio, acuse, acusetas, acusete, acusica, acuso, acusona, acuta, acuto, adacilla, adafina, adagial, adagio, adaguar, adahala, adala, adalid, adamada, adamadamente, adamado, adamadura, adamante, adamantina, adamantino, adamar, adamarse, adamascada, adamascado, adamascar, adamasco

adamidos, adamismo, adamita, adanismo, adaponer, adaptabilidad, adaptable, adaptadamente, adaptador, adaptadora, adaptante, adaptar, adapuesta, adapuesto, adara, adaraja, adarce, adardear, adarga, adargar, adarguero, adarme, adarvar, adarve, adatar, adaza, adecenamiento, adecenar, adecentar, adecuada, adecuadamente, adecuado, adecuar, adecuja, adefaga, adefagia, adefago, adefera, adefesio, adefina, adefuera

adehala, adehesamiento, adehesar, adelantada, adelantadamente, adelantado, adelantador, adelantadora, adelantamiento, adelantar, adelante, adelanto, adelfa, adelfal, adelfilla, adelgazador, adelgazadora, adelgazamiento, adelgazar, adema, ademador, ademar, ademe, adempribiar, adempribio, ademprio, adenia, adenitis, adenoidea, adenoideo, adenoma, adenosa, adenoso, adensar, adentellar, adentrar, adentrarse, adentro, adeps, adepta, adepto

aderar, aderezada, aderezado, aderezamiento, aderezar, aderezo, adermar, aderra, aderredor, adestrada, adestrado, adestrador, adestradora, adestramiento, adestranza, adestrar, adeudar, adeudo, adherecer, adherencia, adherente, adherir, adhesiva, adhesividad, adhesivo, adhibir, adhortar, adiada, adiado, adiafa, adiaforesis, adiamantada, adiamantado, adiamiento, adiana, adiano, adiar, adicionador, adicionadora, adicional, adicionar

adicta, adicto, adieso, adiestrada, adiestrado, adiestrador, adiestradora, adiestramiento, adiestrar, adietar, adinamia, adinerada, adinerado, adinerar, adintelada, adintelado, adipocira, adiposa, adiposidad, adiposis, adiposo, adipsia, adir, aditamento, aditicia, aditicio, aditivo, adiva, adivas, adive, adivina, adivinador, adivinadora, adivinaja, adivinamiento, adivinante, adivinanza, adivinar, adivinatoria, adivinatorio, adivino

adjetiva, adjetivadamente, adjetival, adjetivar, adjetivo, adjudicador, adjudicadora, adjudicante, adjudicar, adjudicataria, adjudicatario, adjunta, adjuntar, adjunto, adjurable, adjurador, adjurar, adjutor, adjutora, adjutorio, adminicular, administrada, administrado, administrador, administradora, administradorcillo, administrante, administrar, administrativa, administrativamente, administrativo, administratoria, administratorio, administro, admirable, admirablemente, admirador, admiradora, admiranda, admirando, admirante

admirar, admirativa, admirativamente, admirativo, admisibilidad, admisible, admitir, admonitor, admonitorio, adnada, adnado, adnata, adnato, adnonitor, adoba, adobada, adobado, adobador, adobadora, adobar, adobasillas, adobe, adobera, adobo, adocenada, adocenado, adocenar, adocilar, adocir, adoctrinador, adoctrinamiento, adoctrinar, adolecente, adolecer, adolescencia, adolescente, adolorada, adolorado, adolorida, adolorido, adomiciliar

adonada, adonado, adonar, adonarse, adonay, adonde, adondequiera, adonecer, adonio, adonis, adonizar, adonizarse, adopcionismo, adopcionista, adoptable, adoptador, adoptadora, adoptante, adoptar, adoptiva, adoptivo, adoquier, adoquiera, adoquinada, adoquinado, adoquinador, adoquinar, ador, adorable, adorador, adoradora, adorante, adorar, adoratorio, adoratriz, adormecedor, adormecedora, adormecer, adormecimiento, adormentar, adormidera

adormilar, adormilarse, adormimiento, adormir, adormitar, adormitarse, adornador, adornadora, adornamiento, adornante, adornar, adornista, adorno, adoro, adosada, adosado, adosar, adotrinar, adovelada, adovelado, adquirente, adquirible, adquiridor, adquiridora, adquiriente, adquirir, adquisidor, adquisidora, adquisita, adquisitiva, adquisitivo, adquisito, adra, adrada, adrado, adragante, adraganto, adral, adrar, adrede, adredemente

adrenal, adrenalina, adrezar, adrezo, adrizamiento, adrizar, adrolla, adrollero, adrubada, adrubado, adscribir, adscripta, adscripto, adscrita, adscrito, adsorbente, adsorber, adstringente, adstringir, adtor, aduana, aduanar, aduanera, aduanero, aduar, aducha, aducho, aducir, aductor, aduendada, aduendado, adufa, adufe, adufera, adufero, adufre, aduja, adujar, adul, adula, adulador

aduladora, adulante, adular, adularia, adulatoria, adulatorio, adulcir, adulear, adulero, adulona, adulta, adulterador, adulteradora, adulterante, adulterar, adulterina, adulterinamente, adulterino, adulterio, adulto, adulzar, adulzorar, adumbrar, adunar, adunca, adunco, adunia, adur, adurar, aduras, adurir, aduro, adusta, adustez, adustible, adustiva, adustivo, adusto, adutaque, advenediza, advenedizo

advenidera, advenidero, advenimiento, advenir, adventajas, adventicia, adventicio, adventismo, adventista, advento, adverada, adverado, adverar, adverbial, adverbializar, adverbialmente, adverbio, adversa, adversador, adversamente, adversar, adversaria, adversario, adversativa, adversativo, adversidad, adverso, advertencia, advertida, advertidamente, advertido, advertimiento, advertir, adviento, advocado, advocar, advocatoria, advocatorio, adyacente, adyuntiva, adyuntivo

adyutorio, adyuvante, aeda, aedo, aellas, aeriforme, aerobio, aerofagia, aerofaro, aerograma, aerolito, aeromancia, aeromodelismo, aeronata, aeronato, aeronauta, aeronaval, aeronave, aeroplano, aeropostal, aeropuerto, aerosol, aerostero, aerotecnia, aeroterapia, aeroterrestre, aerotransportar, aeta, afabilidad, afable, afablemente, afabulador, afaccionada, afaccionado, afacer, afacimiento, afaicionada, afaicionado, afalagar, afalago, afamada

afamado, afamar, afanada, afanadamente, afanado, afanador, afanadora, afanar, afanita, afanosa, afanosamente, afanoso, afarallonada, afarallonado, afarolada, afarolado, afascalar, afasia, afatar, afeador, afeadora, afeamiento, afear, afeblecer, afeblecerse, afeccionar, afecha, afecho, afecta, afectada, afectadamente, afectado, afectador, afectadora, afectar, afectiva, afectividad, afectivo, afecto, afectuosa, afectuosamente

afectuosidad, afectuoso, afeitada, afeitadamente, afeitadera, afeitado, afeitador, afeitadora, afeitamiento, afeitar, afeite, afelio, afelpada, afelpado, afelpar, afeminada, afeminadamente, afeminado, afeminamiento, afeminar, afer, aferente, aferidor, aferidora, aferir, afermosear, aferradamente, aferrador, aferradora, aferramiento, aferrar, aferravelas, aferrojar, aferruzada, aferruzado, aferventar, afervorar, afervorizar, afestonada, afestonado, afgana

afgano, afianzador, afianzadora, afianzamiento, afianzar, afiar, afiblar, aficar, afice, aficionada, aficionadamente, aficionado, aficionador, aficionar, afiebrar, afiebrarse, afielar, afija, afijada, afijado, afijadura, afijamiento, afijar, afijo, afiladera, afilador, afiladora, afiladura, afilamiento, afilar, afiliado, afiliar, afiligranada, afiligranado, afiligranar, afilosofada, afilosofado, afinadamente, afinador, afinadora, afinadura

afinamiento, afinar, afincable, afincada, afincadamente, afincado, afincamiento, afincar, afinco, afine, afinidad, afino, afinojar, afirmada, afirmadamente, afirmado, afirmador, afirmadora, afirmamiento, afirmante, afirmanza, afirmar, afirmativa, afirmativamente, afirmativo, afistolar, afistular, afiuciar, aflacar, aflamar, aflamencado, aflaquecer, aflaquecerse, aflatar, aflato, aflautada, aflautado, aflechada, aflechado, aflechate, afleitar

afletamiento, afletar, aflicta, aflictiva, aflictivo, aflicto, afligente, afligible, afligidamente, afligimiento, afligir, aflojadura, aflojamiento, aflojar, aflorada, aflorado, afloramiento, aflorar, afluencia, afluente, afluentemente, afluir, aflujo, afluyente, afofar, afogamiento, afogar, afogarar, afogonadura, afollada, afollado, afollador, afollar, afondable, afondada, afondado, afondar, aforada, aforadar, aforado, aforador

aforamiento, aforar, aforcar, aforisma, aforismo, afornecer, aforo, aforra, aforrada, aforrado, aforrador, aforradora, aforradura, aforramiento, aforrar, aforrecha, aforrecho, aforro, afortalar, afortunada, afortunadamente, afortunado, afortunar, aforzar, aforzarse, afosar, afosarse, afoscar, afoscarse, afoyar, afra, afrailada, afrailado, afrailamiento, afrailar, afrancar, afrancesada, afrancesado, afrancesamiento, afrancesar, afranjada

afranjado, afrechar, afrecharse, afrecho, afrenillar, afrenta, afrentadamente, afrentador, afrentadora, afrentar, afrentosa, afrentosamente, afrentoso, afretada, afretado, afretar, afreza, africada, africado, africana, africanismo, africanista, africanizar, africano, afrisonada, afrisonado, afro, afrodisiaca, afrodisiaco, afrodita, afronitro, afrontada, afrontadamente, afrontado, afrontador, afrontadora, afrontamiento, afrontar, afrontilar, afruenta, afruento

afta, aftosa, aftoso, afuciada, afuciado, afuciar, afuera, afuero, afufa, afufar, afumada, afumado, afumar, afusada, afusado, afuste, afuyentar, agabachar, agachada, agachadera, agachadiza, agachapar, agachaparse, agachar, agachona, agafar, agalactia, agalbanada, agalbanado, agalerar, agalla, agallada, agallado, agalladura, agallegada, agallegado, agallo, agallonada, agallonado, agalluda, agalludo

agalluela, agamitar, agamuzada, agamuzado, aganar, agangrenar, agangrenarse, aganipea, aganipeo, agarabatada, agarabatado, agarbada, agarbado, agarbanzada, agarbanzado, agarbanzar, agarbar, agarbarse, agarbillar, agardamar, agardamarse, agarena, agareno, agarrada, agarradera, agarradero, agarrado, agarrador, agarradora, agarrafador, agarrafadora, agarrafar, agarrama, agarrante, agarrar, agarro, agarrochador, agarrochar, agarrochear, agarrotar, agarrotear

agasajable, agasajado, agasajador, agasajadora, agasajar, agasajo, agasajosa, agasajoso, agatina, agatino, agatizar, agatizarse, agauja, agavanza, agavanzo, agave, agavillador, agavilladora, agavillar, agazapar, agencia, agenciar, agenciosa, agencioso, agenda, agenesia, agente, agerasia, agermanar, agermanarse, agestada, agestado, agestar, agestarse, ageste, agible, agigantada, agigantado, agigantar, agigotar, agilidad

agilitar, agilizar, agio, agiotador, agiotaje, agiotista, agir, agitable, agitador, agitadora, agitanada, agitanado, agitante, agitar, aglayar, aglayarse, aglayo, aglomerada, aglomerado, aglomerante, aglomerar, aglutinante, aglutinar, agnada, agnado, agnaticia, agnaticio, agnocasto, agnombre, agnomento, agnosia, agnosticismo, agnus, agobiada, agobiado, agobiador, agobiante, agobiar, agobio, agolar, agolletar

agolpamiento, agolpar, agomerar, agonal, agoniosa, agonioso, agonista, agonizante, agonizar, agora, agorador, agoradora, agorafobia, agorar, agorera, agorero, agorgojar, agorgojarse, agosa, agoso, agostada, agostadero, agostado, agostador, agostamiento, agostar, agostera, agostero, agostiza, agostizo, agosto, agotable, agotador, agotadora, agotamiento, agotante, agotar, agote, agozcada, agozcado, agra

agracejina, agracejo, agracera, agracero, agraciada, agraciadamenta, agraciadamente, agraciado, agraciar, agracillo, agradable, agradablemente, agradador, agradadora, agradamiento, agradar, agradecer, agradecida, agradecidamente, agradecido, agradecimiento, agrado, agrafia, agrajes, agramada, agramadera, agramado, agramador, agramadora, agramante, agramar, agramente, agramilar, agramiza, agramontesa, agrandamiento, agrandar, agranujada, agranujado, agraria, agrario

agrarismo, agravador, agravadora, agravamento, agravamiento, agravante, agravantemente, agravar, agravatoria, agravatorio, agravecer, agraviada, agraviadamente, agraviado, agraviador, agraviadora, agraviamiento, agraviante, agraviar, agravio, agraviosa, agravioso, agraz, agrazada, agrazar, agre, agrear, agrearse, agrecillo, agredida, agredido, agredir, agregada, agregado, agregar, agregativa, agregativo, agremente, agremiar, agresiva, agresivamente

agresividad, agresivo, agresor, agresora, agreste, agreta, agrete, agreza, agria, agriamente, agriar, agricultor, agricultora, agricultura, agridulce, agridulcemente, agriera, agrietamiento, agrietar, agrifada, agrifolio, agrija, agrilla, agrillar, agrillarse, agrimensor, agrimensura, agrimonia, agrio, agripalma, agrisada, agrisado, agrisetada, agrisetado, agro, agropecuaria, agropecuario, agror, agruador, agrumar, agrupable

agrupador, agrupadora, agrupamiento, agrupar, agrura, agua, aguacal, aguacatal, aguacate, aguacatillo, aguacella, aguacero, aguacha, aguachar, aguacharnar, aguachas, aguachenta, aguachento, aguachinar, aguachirle, aguacibera, aguacil, aguada, aguadera, aguadero, aguadija, aguado, aguador, aguadora, aguaduchar, aguaducho, aguadulce, aguadura, aguafiestas, aguafuerte, aguafuertista, aguagoma, aguagriera, aguagriero, aguaitador, aguaitadora

aguaitamiento, aguaitar, aguaite, aguajaque, aguaje, aguajinosa, aguajinoso, aguallevado, aguamala, aguamanil, aguamanos, aguamar, aguamarina, aguamelada, aguamelado, aguamiel, aguanafa, aguanal, aguanesa, aguanieve, aguanieves, aguanosa, aguanosidad, aguanoso, aguantable, aguantaderas, aguantar, aguante, aguar, aguardada, aguardadero, aguardador, aguardadora, aguardamiento, aguardar, aguardentera, aguardentero, aguardentosa, aguardentoso, aguardiente, aguardillada

aguardillado, aguardo, aguaribay, aguarrada, aguasal, aguasar, aguasarse, aguatero, aguatocha, aguatocho, aguaturma, aguaverde, aguaviento, aguavientos, aguavilla, aguay, aguaza, aguazal, aguazar, aguazo, aguazosa, aguazoso, aguazul, aguazur, agucia, aguciar, aguciosa, aguciosamente, agucioso, aguda, agudamente, agudez, agudeza, agudizar, agudo, aguedita, aguerrida, aguerrido, aguerrir, aguiero, aguija

aguijada, aguijadera, aguijador, aguijadora, aguijadura, aguijamiento, aguijante, aguijar, aguijatoria, aguijatorio, aguijonada, aguijonamiento, aguijonar, aguijonazo, aguijoneador, aguijoneadora, aguijonear, aguilando, aguililla, aguilonia, aguilucho, aguinaldo, aguisada, aguisado, aguisamiento, aguisar, aguiscar, aguizgar, aguja, agujadera, agujal, agujar, agujazo, agujerar, agujerear, agujero, agujeruelo, agujeta, agujetera, agujetero, agujuela

aguosa, aguosidad, aguoso, agur, agusanamiento, agusanar, agusanarse, agustina, agustiniana, agustinianismo, agustiniano, agustino, aguzada, aguzadera, aguzadero, aguzado, aguzador, aguzadora, aguzadura, aguzamiento, aguzanieves, aguzante, aguzar, aguzonazo, ahacado, ahajar, ahcienda, ahebrada, ahebrado, ahechadero, ahechador, ahechadora, ahechadura, ahechar, ahecho, ahelear, ahelgada, ahelgado, ahembrada, ahembrado, aherir

ahermanar, aherrojamiento, aherrojar, aherrumbrar, ahervar, aherventar, ahervoradamente, ahervorar, ahervorarse, ahetrar, ahidalgada, ahidalgadamente, ahidalgado, ahidalgar, ahigadada, ahigadado, ahijada, ahijadera, ahijadero, ahijado, ahijador, ahijamiento, ahijar, ahijuna, ahilada, ahilado, ahilamiento, ahilar, ahincada, ahincadamente, ahincado, ahincamiento, ahincanza, ahincar, ahinojar, ahirmar, ahitamiento, ahitar, ahitera, aho, ahobachonada

ahobachonado, ahocicar, ahocinar, ahocinarse, ahogada, ahogadera, ahogadero, ahogadiza, ahogadizo, ahogado, ahogador, ahogadora, ahogamiento, ahogante, ahogar, ahogaviejas, ahogo, ahoguijo, ahojar, ahombrada, ahombrado, ahondamiento, ahondar, ahonde, ahora, ahorcable, ahorcada, ahorcadiza, ahorcadizo, ahorcado, ahorcadora, ahorcadura, ahorcajar, ahorcajarse, ahorcamiento, ahorcaperros, ahorcar, ahorita, ahormar, ahornagamiento, ahornagar

ahornagarse, ahornar, ahorquillada, ahorquillado, ahorquillar, ahorrada, ahorradamente, ahorrado, ahorrador, ahorradora, ahorramiento, ahorrar, ahorrativa, ahorrativo, ahorro, ahotada, ahotado, ahotas, ahoyador, ahoyadura, ahoyar, ahuate, ahuchador, ahuchadora, ahuchar, ahuchear, ahucheo, ahuciar, ahuecador, ahuecadora, ahuecamiento, ahuecar, ahuehuete, ahuesada, ahuesado, ahuevar, ahuizote, ahulada, ahulado, ahumada, ahumado

ahumar, ahumear, ahurragada, ahurragado, ahurrugado, ahusada, ahusado, ahusar, ahuyentador, ahuyentadora, ahuyentar, aijada, ailanto, aindiada, aindiado, airada, airadamente, airado, airamiento, airampo, airar, aire, airear, aireo, airosa, airosamente, airosidad, airoso, aislacionismo, aislacionista, aislada, aisladamente, aislado, aislador, aisladora, aislamiento, aislante, aislar, aja, ajabeba, ajada

ajado, ajadura, ajaezar, ajamiento, ajamonar, ajamonarse, ajaqueca, ajaquecar, ajaquecarse, ajaquefa, ajar, ajaraca, ajaracado, ajarafe, ajardinamiento, ajardinar, ajaspajas, aje, ajea, ajear, ajebe, ajedrea, ajedrecista, ajedrez, ajedrezada, ajedrezado, ajena, ajenabe, ajenable, ajenabo, ajenador, ajenadora, ajenamiento, ajenar, ajengibre, ajenjo, ajeno, ajenuz, ajeo, ajera, ajero

ajete, ajetrear, ajetrearse, ajetreo, ajiaceite, ajiaco, ajicera, ajicero, ajicola, ajicomino, ajicuervo, ajilimoje, ajillo, ajimez, ajipuerro, ajironar, ajizal, ajo, ajoaceite, ajoarriero, ajobar, ajobera, ajobero, ajobilla, ajobo, ajofaina, ajolio, ajolote, ajomate, ajonje, ajonjera, ajonjero, ajonjo, ajonuez, ajoqueso, ajorar, ajorca, ajordar, ajornalar, ajorrar, ajorro

ajote, ajotrino, ajuagas, ajuanetada, ajuanetado, ajuaneteada, ajuaneteado, ajuar, ajuarar, ajudiada, ajudiado, ajuglarada, ajuglarado, ajuglarar, ajuiciada, ajuiciado, ajuiciar, ajumar, ajuna, ajuno, ajuntadamente, ajuntamiento, ajuntanza, ajuntar, ajustable, ajustada, ajustadamente, ajustado, ajustador, ajustadora, ajustamiento, ajustar, ajuste, ajusticiada, ajusticiado, ajusticiamiento, ajusticiar, ala, alabable, alabada, alabado

alabador, alabadora, alabamiento, alabancera, alabancero, alabancia, alabanciosa, alabancioso, alabandina, alabanza, alabar, alabarda, alabardada, alabardado, alabardazo, alabardero, alabastrada, alabastrado, alabastrina, alabastrino, alabastrita, alabastrites, alabastro, alabeada, alabeado, alabear, alabeo, alabiada, alabiado, alabradorado, alacayo, alacayuela, alacena, alacet, alacha, alache, alaciar, alaciarse, alacranada, alacranado, alacrancillo

alacranera, alacridad, alada, aladar, aladierna, aladierno, alado, aladrada, aladrar, aladrero, aladro, aladroque, alafa, alafia, alagadiza, alagadizo, alagar, alagartada, alagartado, alagartar, alagartarse, alaguna, alajor, alalia, alama, alamar, alambicada, alambicadamente, alambicado, alambicamiento, alambicar, alambique, alambiquero, alambor, alamborada, alamborado, alambrada, alambrado, alambrar, alambre, alambrear

alambrera, alambrilla, alameda, alamina, alaminadgo, alaminazgo, alamir, alampar, alamud, alana, alanceador, alanceadora, alancear, alancel, alandrear, alandrearse, alangiea, alangieo, alano, alantoides, alanzar, alaqueca, alaqueque, alar, alara, alarbe, alarconiana, alarconiano, alarde, alardeante, alardear, alardo, alardosa, alardoso, alargadamente, alargadera, alargador, alargadora, alargamiento, alargar, alargas

alarguez, alaria, alarida, alaridar, alarido, alarifadgo, alarifalgo, alarifazgo, alarife, alarije, alarma, alarmador, alarmadora, alarmante, alarmar, alarmismo, alarmista, alaroz, alaroza, alarse, alaste, alastrar, alatar, alaterno, alatinada, alatinadamente, alatinado, alatonero, alauda, alaude, alavanco, alavecino, alavencina, alavencino, alavense, alavesa, alazana, alazano, alazo, alazor, alba

albaca, albacara, albacea, albaceazgo, albacetense, albacora, albada, albadena, albahaca, albahaquero, albahaquilla, albaida, albaire, albalaero, albalo, albana, albanada, albanado, albanar, albanecar, albanega, albaneguero, albanesa, albano, albar, albarazada, albarazado, albarazo, albarca, albarcoque, albarcoquero, albarda, albardada, albardado, albardanear, albardar, albardear, albardela, albardera, albardero, albardilla

albardinar, albardonero, albarejo, albareque, albarico, albaricoque, albaricoquero, albarigo, albarillo, albarino, albariza, albarizo, albarrada, albarrana, albarraniega, albarraniego, albarranilla, albarraz, albarrazada, albarrazado, albarsa, albatoza, albatros, albayaldada, albayaldado, albayalde, albazana, albazano, albazo, albear, albedo, albedriador, albedriadora, albedriar, albedro, albegar, albeldadero, albeldar, albeldense, albellanino, albenda

albendera, albengala, albera, alberca, alberchigal, alberchiguero, albercoque, albercoquero, albergada, albergador, albergadora, albergadura, albergar, alberge, albergero, albergo, albergue, alberguera, alberguero, albero, alberque, alberquera, alberquero, albicante, albigense, albihar, albilla, albillo, albina, albinismo, albino, albita, albitana, albo, alboaire, albogue, alboguear, alboguera, alboguero, albohera, alboheza

albohol, albolga, albondiguilla, albor, alborada, alborear, alborecer, alborga, alborno, albornoz, alborocera, alboroque, alborotada, alborotadamente, alborotadiza, alborotadizo, alborotado, alborotador, alborotadora, alborotante, alborotapueblos, alborotar, alborote, alboroto, alborozadamente, alborozador, alborozadora, alborozamiento, alborozar, alborozo, alborto, alboyo, albricia, albriciar, albricias, albricicia, albudeca, albufera, albugo, albuhera, albumen

albuminada, albuminado, albuminar, albuminoide, albuminoidea, albuminoideo, albuminosa, albuminoso, albuminuria, albur, albura, alburente, alburero, alburno, alcabala, alcabalatoria, alcabalatorio, alcabalero, alcabor, alcabota, alcabtea, alcabuz, alcacel, alcacer, alcachofa, alcachofada, alcachofado, alcachofal, alcachofar, alcachofera, alcachofero, alcacil, alcadafe, alcaduz, alcafar, alcahaz, alcahazada, alcahazar, alcahotar, alcahueta, alcahuetar

alcahuetazgo, alcahuete, alcahuetear, alcaico, alcaide, alcaidesa, alcaidiado, alcala, alcaladina, alcaladino, alcalaina, alcalaino, alcaldada, alcalde, alcaldesa, alcalescencia, alcalifa, alcalifaje, alcalinidad, alcalino, alcalizar, alcall, alcaller, alcaloide, alcaloidea, alcaloideo, alcalosis, alcamar, alcamiz, alcana, alcance, alcanciazo, alcandial, alcandiga, alcandor, alcandora, alcanfor, alcanforada, alcanforar, alcanforero, alcantarilla

alcantarillada, alcantarillado, alcantarillar, alcantarillero, alcantarina, alcantarino, alcanzable, alcanzada, alcanzadiza, alcanzadizo, alcanzado, alcanzador, alcanzadora, alcanzadura, alcanzamiento, alcanzante, alcanzar, alcaparra, alcaparrada, alcaparrado, alcaparral, alcaparrera, alcaparro, alcaparrosa, alcaravanero, alcaravea, alcarchofa, alcarchofada, alcarchofado, alcarchofar, alcarcil, alcarracera, alcarracero, alcarraza, alcarria, alcartaz, alcatara, alcatenes, alcatifa, alcatifar, alcatife

alcatifero, alcatraz, alcaucil, alcavela, alcavera, alcayata, alcayatar, alcazaba, alcazuz, alce, alcea, alcedo, alchub, alcino, alcionio, alcionito, alcista, alcoba, alcobilla, alcocarra, alcofol, alcofolar, alcohela, alcohol, alcoholada, alcoholado, alcoholador, alcoholadora, alcoholar, alcoholato, alcoholaturo, alcoholera, alcoholero, alcoholismo, alcoholizada, alcoholizado, alcoholizar, alcolla, alconcilla, alcor, alcora

alcorana, alcoranista, alcorano, alcorce, alcornocal, alcornoque, alcorque, alcorza, alcorzada, alcorzado, alcorzar, alcotana, alcoyana, alcoyano, alcrebite, alcribite, alcroco, alcubilla, alcucera, alcucero, alcurnia, alcuza, alcuzada, alcuzcucero, alcuzcuz, alcuzcuzu, aldaba, aldabada, aldabazo, aldabear, aldabeo, aldabilla, aldabonazo, aldea, aldeana, aldeanamente, aldeaniega, aldeaniego, aldeanismo, aldeano, aldehuela

aldeorrio, aldeorro, alderredor, aldina, aldino, aldiza, aldorta, alea, alear, aleatoria, aleatoriedad, aleatorio, alebrar, alebrarse, alebrastar, alebrastarse, alebrestar, alebrestarse, alebronar, alebronarse, aleccionador, aleccionadora, aleccionamiento, aleccionar, alece, aleche, alechigar, alechugada, alechugado, alechugar, alectomancia, alectoria, aleda, alefangina, alefriz, alegamar, aleganar, aleganarse, alegar, alegato, alegorizar

alegra, alegrador, alegradora, alegradura, alegrante, alegranza, alegrar, alegre, alegremente, alegreta, alegrete, alegreto, alegreza, alegro, alegrosa, alegroso, aleja, alejamiento, alejandrina, alejandrino, alejar, alejija, alejor, alejur, alelamiento, alelar, aleluya, alema, alemana, alemanda, alemanesa, alemanesca, alemanesco, alemanisca, alemanisco, alembrar, alembrarse, alenguamiento, alenguar, alentada, alentadamente

alentado, alentador, alentadora, alentar, alentosa, alentoso, aleonada, aleonado, alera, alerce, alergeno, alergia, alero, alerta, alertamente, alertar, alerto, alerzal, alesna, alesnada, alesnado, aleta, aletada, aletargamiento, aletargar, aletazo, aletear, aleteo, aleto, aleudar, aleusera, aleusero, alevantadiza, alevantadizo, alevantamiento, alevantar, aleve, alevemente, aleviar, alevilla, alevo

alevosa, alevosamente, alevoso, aleya, alezna, aleznada, aleznado, aleznar, alezo, alfa, alfaba, alfabetizar, alfabeto, alfaguara, alfahar, alfaharero, alfaida, alfaja, alfajeme, alfajor, alfalfa, alfalfal, alfalfar, alfalfe, alfalfez, alfama, alfamar, alfamarada, alfambra, alfana, alfandoque, alfaneque, alfanigue, alfanjada, alfanjado, alfanjazo, alfanje, alfanjete, alfaque, alfaqueque, alfar

alfaraz, alfarda, alfardar, alfardero, alfardilla, alfareme, alfarense, alfarero, alfargo, alfarje, alfarma, alfarnate, alfarrazar, alfaya, alfayat, alfayata, alfayate, alfayo, alfazaque, alfeiza, alferazgo, alferce, alferezado, alferraz, alficoz, alfil, alfilel, alfiler, alfilerazo, alfilerera, alfileresca, alfileresco, alfilerillo, alfiletero, alfinde, alfinge, alfitete, alfiz, alfoliero, alfolinero, alfombra

alfombrar, alfombrera, alfombrero, alfombrilla, alfombrista, alfondeguero, alfonsario, alfonsear, alfonsearse, alfonsigo, alfonsina, alfonsino, alfonsismo, alforiz, alforja, alforjera, alforjero, alforjuela, alforre, alforrochar, alforrocho, alforza, alforzar, alfoz, alga, algaba, algadara, algaida, algaido, algalia, algaliar, algaliera, algaliero, algar, algara, algarabiada, algarabiado, algaracear, algarada, algarazo, algareador

algareadora, algarear, algarera, algarero, algariva, algarivo, algarrada, algarroba, algarrobal, algarrobera, algarrobero, algarrobilla, algarrobo, algavaro, algazara, algazul, algebraica, algebraico, algebrista, algente, algidez, algo, algodonal, algodonar, algodoncillo, algodonera, algodonero, algodonosa, algodonoso, algol, algonquino, algorfa, algoritmia, algoritmo, algorza, algosa, algoso, alguacil, alguacila, alguaciladgo, alguacilazgo

alguacilejo, alguacilesa, alguacilesca, alguacilesco, alguacilillo, alguandre, alguanta, alguanto, alguaquida, alguaquidera, alguaquidero, alguarismo, alguaza, alguese, alguien, alguinio, alguna, algunamente, algund, alguno, algunt, alhacena, alhadida, alhaite, alhaja, alhajar, alhajeme, alhajuela, alhama, alhamar, alhamel, alhandal, alhaqueque, alharaca, alharaquero, alharaquienta, alharaquiento, alhareme, alharma, alhavara, alhiara

alhidada, alhinde, alholva, alholvar, alhombra, alhombrar, alhombrero, alhondigaje, alhondiguero, alhorma, alhorre, alhorro, alhorza, alhoz, alhucema, alhucemilla, alhumajo, alhurreca, ali, aliabierta, aliabierto, aliaca, aliacanada, aliacanado, aliada, aliadas, aliado, aliaga, aliagar, alianza, alianzar, alianzarse, aliar, aliara, aliaria, alias, alible, alicante, alicantina, alicantino, alicanto

alicatada, alicatado, alicatar, alicates, alicer, aliciente, alicionar, alicortar, alicorto, alicuanta, alidada, alidona, alienable, alienada, alienado, alienar, aliende, alienigena, alienigeno, alienista, aliento, alier, alifa, alifafe, alifar, alifara, aligamiento, aligar, aliger, aligera, aligeramiento, aligerar, aligero, aligonero, aligustre, alijador, alijadora, alijar, alijarar, alijarero, alijariega

alijariego, alijo, alim, alimania, alimanisca, alimanisco, alimara, alimentador, alimentadora, alimental, alimentante, alimentar, alimentario, alimenticia, alimenticio, alimentista, alimento, alimentosa, alimentoso, alimoche, alimonar, alimonarse, alimosna, alimpiador, alimpiadora, alimpiadura, alimpiamiento, alimpiar, alindada, alindadamente, alindado, alindamiento, alindar, alinde, alindongar, alindongarse, alinear, alioj, alioli, alipata, aliquebrada

aliquebrado, aliquebrar, alirroja, alirrojo, alisador, alisadora, alisadura, alisal, alisar, aliseda, alisios, alisma, aliso, alistada, alistado, alistador, alistamiento, alistar, aliterada, aliterado, alitero, alitierno, aliviadero, aliviador, aliviadora, aliviamiento, alivianar, aliviar, alivio, aliviosa, alivioso, alizace, alizar, alizarina, aljaba, aljabibe, aljafana, aljama, aljamel, aljamiada, aljamiado

aljaqueca, aljarafe, aljaraz, aljarfa, aljarfe, aljebana, aljebena, aljecero, aljemifao, aljerife, aljerifero, aljez, aljezar, aljibe, aljibero, aljimifrada, aljimifrado, aljofaina, aljofarar, aljofifa, aljofifar, aljonje, aljonjera, aljonjero, aljor, aljorca, aljuba, aljuma, alkermes, allanabarrancos, allanador, allanadora, allanadura, allanamiento, allanar, allariz, allegada, allegadera, allegadero, allegadiza, allegadizo

allegado, allegador, allegadora, allegamiento, allegancia, alleganza, allegar, allende, allent, allora, alloza, allozar, allozo, alludel, alma, almacabra, almacaero, almacena, almacenada, almacenado, almacenaje, almacenamiento, almacenar, almacenero, almacenista, almaceno, almacigar, almaciguera, almaciguero, almadaneta, almadear, almadearse, almadeneta, almadiar, almadiero, almadraba, almadrabera, almadrabero, almadraque, almadraqueja, almaganeta

almagesto, almagra, almagradura, almagral, almagrar, almagre, almagrera, almagrero, almahala, almaizal, almaizar, almaizo, almaja, almajal, almajaneque, almajar, almajara, almaje, almajo, almalafa, almanac, almanaca, almanaque, almanaquera, almanaquero, almancebe, almandina, almandino, almanta, almarada, almarbatar, almarbate, almarcha, almarga, almariete, almario, almarjal, almarjete, almarjo, almaro, almarraja

almarraza, almaste, almastigada, almastigado, almatrero, almatriche, almatroque, almazaque, almazara, almazarero, almea, almecer, almecina, almecino, almeja, almejar, almena, almenada, almenado, almenaje, almenar, almenara, almendra, almendrada, almendrado, almendral, almendrar, almendrate, almendrera, almendrero, almendrilla, almendro, almendruco, almenilla, almeriense, almete, almez, almeza, almezo, almiar, almiarar

almibarada, almibarado, almibarar, almicantarat, almidonada, almidonado, almidonar, almifor, almifora, almiforero, almijar, almijara, almijarero, almijarra, almilla, almimbar, alminar, almiraj, almiraje, almiral, almiranta, almirantadgo, almirantazgo, almirante, almirantesa, almirez, almizate, almizcate, almizclar, almizcle, almizclera, almizclero, almizque, almizquera, almizteca, almo, almocafre, almocarbe, almoceda, almocela, almocrebe

almodrote, almofalla, almofariz, almoflate, almofre, almofrej, almofrez, almogama, almogavarear, almohada, almohadada, almohadado, almohadazo, almohade, almohadilla, almohadillada, almohadillado, almohadillar, almoharrefa, almohatre, almohaza, almohazador, almohazar, almojama, almojarifadgo, almojarifalgo, almojarifazgo, almojarife, almojatre, almojaya, almojerifazgo, almojerife, almona, almondiguilla, almoneda, almonedar, almonedear, almora, almoraduj, almoradux, almorejo

almorrana, almorranienta, almorraniento, almorrefa, almorta, almorzada, almorzado, almorzar, almosna, almosnar, almosnera, almosnero, almotacenadgo, almotacenalgo, almotacenazgo, almotalafe, almotazaf, almozada, almozala, almucia, almud, almudada, almudejo, almudelio, almudero, almuertas, almuerza, almuerzo, almueza, almuezada, almuna, almunia, almutazaf, almutelio, alna, alnada, alnado, alnafe, alnedo, alno, aloa

aloaria, alobada, alobadada, alobadado, alobado, alobreguecer, alobunada, alobunado, alocada, alocadamente, alocado, alocar, alodial, alodio, aloes, aloeta, alogador, alogadora, alogamiento, alogar, aloguer, aloguero, aloja, alojada, alojado, alojamiento, alojar, alojera, alojero, alomada, alomado, alomar, alombar, alombra, alondra, alongada, alongadera, alongadero, alongado, alongamiento, alonganza

alongar, alonso, alopecia, alopecuro, alopiada, alopiado, alopicia, aloque, aloquecer, aloquecerse, alora, alosa, alosar, alosna, alotar, aloya, alpaca, alpamato, alparcear, alparcera, alparcero, alpargata, alpargatada, alpargatado, alpargatar, alpargate, alpargatera, alpargatero, alpargatilla, alpartaz, alpatana, alpechinera, alpende, alpendre, alpes, alpestre, alpez, alpicoz, alpina, alpinismo, alpinista

alpino, alpiste, alpistela, alpistera, alpistero, alquequenje, alquermes, alquerque, alquetifa, alquez, alquezar, alquibla, alquicel, alquicer, alquifol, alquila, alquilable, alquiladiza, alquiladizo, alquilador, alquiladora, alquilamiento, alquilante, alquilar, alquilate, alquiler, alquilona, alquimia, alquimila, alquimista, alquinal, alquitara, alquitarar, alquitifa, alquitira, alquitrabe, alquitranada, alquitranado, alquitranar, alrededor, alrota

alsaciana, alsaciano, alta, altabaca, altabaque, altabaquillo, altaico, altamente, altamisa, altana, altanar, altanera, altaneramente, altanero, altanez, altano, altar, altarejo, altarero, altaricona, altarreina, altavoz, altea, altear, alterabilidad, alterable, alterada, alteradiza, alteradizo, alterado, alterador, alteradora, alterante, alterar, alterativa, alterativo, altercada, altercado, altercador, altercadora, altercante

altercar, alterna, alternada, alternadamente, alternado, alternador, alternancia, alternante, alternar, alternativa, alternativamente, alternativo, alterno, alterosa, alteroso, alteza, altibajo, altillo, altilocuencia, altilocuente, altiplanicie, altiplano, altisonancia, altisonante, altisonantemente, altitonante, altitud, altiva, altivamente, altivar, altivecer, altivedad, altivez, altiveza, altividad, altivo, alto, altoparlante, altor, altorrelieve, altozano

altramucera, altramucero, altramuz, altruismo, altruista, altura, alubia, alubiar, aluchar, aluche, aluciar, aluciedad, alucinadamente, alucinado, alucinador, alucinadora, alucinamiento, alucinante, alucinar, alucinatorio, alud, aluda, aludel, aludir, aludo, alufrar, alugar, alum, alumbra, alumbrada, alumbrado, alumbrador, alumbradora, alumbramiento, alumbrante, alumbrar, alumbre, alumbrera, alumbrosa, alumbroso, aluminada

aluminado, aluminar, aluminato, aluminio, aluminita, aluminosa, aluminoso, alumna, alumnado, alumno, alunada, alunado, alunamiento, alunar, alunarada, alunarado, alunarse, aluneb, alungir, aluquete, alusiva, alusivo, alustrar, alutrada, alutrado, aluvial, alveario, alveolar, alveolo, alverja, alverjana, alvina, alvino, alza, alzacuello, alzada, alzadamente, alzadera, alzadero, alzadiza, alzadizo

alzado, alzador, alzadura, alzafuelles, alzamiento, alzaprima, alzaprimar, alzapuertas, alzar, ama, amabilidad, amable, amablemente, amacayo, amacena, amaceno, amachetear, amachinar, amachinarse, amacigada, amacigado, amacollar, amada, amado, amador, amadora, amadrigar, amadrinamiento, amadrinar, amaestrada, amaestradamente, amaestrado, amaestrador, amaestradora, amaestradura, amaestramiento, amaestrar, amagadura, amagar, amagatorio, amago

amagrecer, amainador, amainar, amaine, amaitinar, amajadar, amajanar, amalar, amalear, amalecita, amalequita, amalfitana, amalfitano, amalgama, amalgamador, amalgamadora, amalgamamiento, amalgamar, amalladar, amallar, amallarse, amamantador, amamantadora, amamantamiento, amamantar, amanal, amanar, amancay, amancebamiento, amancebar, amancebarse, amancillar, amanear, amanecer, amanecida, amaneciente, amanerada, amaneradamente, amanerado, amaneramiento, amanerar

amanerarse, amaniatar, amanojada, amanojado, amanojar, amansada, amansado, amansador, amansadora, amansamiento, amansar, amantar, amante, amantillar, amantillo, amanuen, amanuense, amanzanamiento, amanzanar, amapola, amapolar, amapolarse, amar, amara, amaracina, amaracino, amaraje, amarantina, amaranto, amarar, amarecer, amarga, amargaleja, amargamente, amargar, amargo, amargor, amargosa, amargosamente, amargoso, amarguera

amarguero, amarguillo, amargura, amaricada, amaricado, amariconado, amarilis, amarilla, amarillear, amarillecer, amarilleja, amarillejo, amarillenta, amarillento, amarilleo, amarillez, amarilleza, amarillo, amarillor, amarillura, amarinar, amariposada, amariposado, amaritud, amarizar, amarizarse, amarizo, amaro, amaromar, amarra, amarraco, amarrada, amarradero, amarrado, amarradura, amarraje, amarrar, amarre, amarreco, amarrequear, amarrida

amarrido, amarro, amartelada, amarteladamente, amartelado, amartelamiento, amartelar, amartillar, amarulencia, amasadera, amasadero, amasadijo, amasador, amasadora, amasadura, amasamiento, amasar, amasia, amasiato, amasijo, amatador, amatadora, amatar, amate, amatista, amatiste, amativa, amatividad, amativo, amatoria, amatorio, amaurosis, amauta, amayorazgar, amayuela, amazacotada, amazacotado, amazolada, amazolado, amazona, amazonas

amazonia, amazonio, ambages, ambagiosa, ambagioso, ambarar, ambarina, ambarino, ambas, amberina, amberino, ambiciar, ambicionar, ambicionear, ambiciosa, ambiciosamente, ambicioso, ambidextra, ambidextro, ambidos, ambiental, ambientar, ambiente, ambigua, ambiguamente, ambiguo, ambivalencia, ambivalente, amblador, ambladora, ambladura, amblar, amblehuelo, ambleo, ambligonio, ambo, ambos, ambrolla, ambrollador, ambrolladora, ambrollar

ambrosiana, ambrosiano, ambuesta, ambulacral, ambulacro, ambulancia, ambulante, ambular, ambulativa, ambulativo, ambulatorio, ameba, amebeo, amecer, amechar, amedrantar, amedrentador, amedrentadora, amedrentante, amedrentar, amelar, amelcochado, amelcochar, amelga, amelgada, amelgado, amelgador, amelgar, amellar, amelo, amelocotonada, amelocotonado, amelonada, amelonado, amembrillada, amembrillado, amena, amenamente, amenaza, amenazador, amenazadora

amenazadoramente, amenazante, amenazar, amencia, amenguadamente, amenguadera, amenguadero, amenguamiento, amenguante, amenguar, amenidad, amenizar, ameno, amenorar, amenorgar, amenorrea, amenosa, amenoso, amentar, amente, amento, ameos, amerar, amercear, amercearse, amercendeador, amercendeadora, amercendeamiento, amercendeante, amercendear, amercendearse, amerengada, amerengado, americana, americanismo, americanista, americanizar, americano, americio, amerindio, amesnador

amesnar, amestizada, amestizado, amesurar, ametalada, ametalado, ametalar, ametista, ametisto, ametrallador, ametralladora, ametrallamiento, ametrallar, amezquindar, amezquindarse, ami, amia, amianta, amianto, amiba, amibo, amicicia, amidos, amiento, amiga, amigabilidad, amigable, amigablemente, amigacho, amigajada, amigajado, amiganza, amigar, amigdalina, amigdalitis, amigo, amigote, amilamia, amilanamiento, amilanar, amillaramiento

amillarar, amillonada, amillonado, aminorar, amir, amistad, amistanza, amistar, amistosa, amistosamente, amistoso, amitigar, amito, amitosis, amnesia, amnios, amnistiar, amo, amoblar, amochar, amochiguar, amodita, amodorrada, amodorrado, amodorramiento, amodorrante, amodorrar, amodorrarse, amodorrecer, amodorrida, amodorrido, amogotada, amogotado, amohecer, amohinar, amojamamiento, amojamar, amojelar, amojonador, amojonamiento, amojonar

amol, amoladera, amolador, amoladura, amolar, amoldable, amoldador, amoldadora, amoldamiento, amoldar, amole, amollador, amolladora, amollante, amollar, amollecer, amollentadura, amollentar, amollentativa, amollentativo, amolletada, amolletado, amomo, amonar, amondongada, amondongado, amonedada, amonedado, amonedar, amonestador, amonestadora, amonestamiento, amonestante, amonestar, amoniaca, amoniacal, amoniaco, amonio, amonita, amontadgar, amontar

amontazgar, amontillado, amontonadamente, amontonador, amontonadora, amontonamiento, amontonar, amor, amoragar, amoral, amoralidad, amoralismo, amoratada, amoratado, amoratar, amoratarse, amorbar, amorcar, amorcillo, amordazador, amordazadora, amordazamiento, amordazar, amorecada, amorecer, amorfa, amorfo, amorgar, amorgonar, amoricones, amoriscada, amoriscado, amormada, amormado, amorosa, amorosamente, amoroso, amorrar, amorrea, amorreo, amorrionada

amorrionado, amorronar, amortajador, amortajadora, amortajamiento, amortajar, amortamiento, amortar, amortecer, amortecimiento, amortiguador, amortiguadora, amortiguamiento, amortiguar, amortizable, amortizar, amos, amoscador, amoscamiento, amoscar, amosquilada, amosquilado, amosquilar, amosquilarse, amostachada, amostachado, amostazar, amostramiento, amostrar, amotinada, amotinado, amotinador, amotinadora, amotinamiento, amotinar, amover, amovible, amovilidad, ampara, amparador, amparadora

amparamiento, amparanza, amparar, amparo, ampelita, amperaje, amperio, ampla, amplamente, amplexicaulo, amplexo, amplia, ampliable, ampliador, ampliadora, ampliamente, ampliar, ampliativa, ampliativo, ampliatorio, amplificador, amplificadora, amplificante, amplificar, amplificativa, amplificativo, amplio, amplitud, amplo, ampo, ampolla, ampollar, ampolleta, ampolluela, ampona, amprar, ampulosa, ampulosamente, ampulosidad, ampuloso, ampurdanesa

amputar, amuchachada, amuchachado, amuchiguar, amueblar, amuelar, amufar, amugamiento, amugronador, amugronadora, amugronamiento, amugronar, amuje, amujerada, amujerado, amujeramiento, amular, amulatada, amulatado, amuleto, amunicionar, amura, amurada, amurallada, amurallado, amurallar, amurar, amurca, amurcar, amurco, amusca, amusco, amusgar, amuso, amustiar, ana, anabaptismo, anabaptista, anabatista, anabolena, anabolismo

anacala, anacalo, anacanto, anacarada, anacarado, anacardina, anacardino, anacardo, anaco, anacoluto, anaconda, anacora, anacoreta, anacorita, anacronismo, anadear, anadeja, anadina, anadino, anaerobio, anafaga, anafalla, anafaya, anafe, anafilaxia, anafilaxis, anafre, anafrodisia, anafrodisiaca, anafrodisiaco, anafrodita, anaglifo, anagoge, anagrama, anagramatista, anagramista, anaiboa, anal, analectas, analfabeta, analfabetismo

analfabeto, analgesia, analista, analizable, analizador, analizadora, analizar, anamita, anamnesia, anamnesis, anamorfosis, anapelo, anapesto, anaptixis, anaquel, anaranjada, anaranjado, anaranjear, anarquismo, anarquista, anarquizante, anarquizar, anasarca, anascote, anastasia, anastomizar, anastomizarse, anastomosar, anastomosarse, anastomosis, anata, anatada, anatado, anatema, anatematismo, anatematizador, anatematizadora, anatematizar, anatista, anatomiano, anatomista

anatomizar, anavajada, anavajado, anavia, anay, anca, ancada, ancado, ancestral, ancha, anchamente, anchar, ancharia, ancheta, ancheza, anchicorta, anchicorto, ancho, anchoa, anchoar, anchor, anchote, anchova, anchoveta, anchuela, anchuelo, anchura, anchurosa, anchuroso, anciana, ancianamente, ancianidad, ancianismo, anciano, ancla, ancladero, anclaje, anclar, anclear, anclote, anconada

anconitana, anconitano, ancorado, ancoraje, ancorar, ancorca, ancorel, ancorero, ancorque, ancuda, ancudo, ancusa, anda, andaboba, andada, andadera, andaderas, andadero, andado, andador, andadora, andadura, andalia, andallo, andalotera, andalotero, andalucismo, andalucita, andaluz, andaluza, andaluzada, andamiada, andamiaje, andamiento, andamio, andana, andanada, andancia, andancio, andante, andantesca

andantesco, andantino, andanza, andar, andaraje, andarica, andariega, andariego, andarina, andarivel, andarraya, andas, andel, andero, andesina, andesita, andina, andinismo, andinista, andino, andoba, andola, andolencia, andolina, andona, andorga, andorina, andorra, andorrana, andorrano, andorrear, andorrera, andorrero, andosca, andosco, andrada, andrado, andrajera, andrajero, andrajo, andrajosa

andrajosamente, andrajoso, andrehuela, andriana, andrina, andrino, androceo, androide, androsemo, andulario, andulencia, andullo, andurrial, anea, aneaje, anear, aneblar, anecdotario, anecdotista, aneciar, aneciarse, anegable, anegadiza, anegadizo, anegamiento, anegar, anegociada, anegociado, aneja, anejar, anejir, anejo, aneldo, anemia, anemocordio, anemone, anemoscopio, aneota, aneroide, anestesia, anestesiar

anestesista, aneto, aneurisma, anexa, anexar, anexidad, anexionar, anexionismo, anexionista, anexitis, anexo, anfesibena, anfi, anfibia, anfibio, anfibolita, anfictionado, anfineuro, anfisbena, anfiscia, anfiscio, anfisibena, anfiteatro, anfractuosa, anfractuosidad, anfractuoso, anganillas, angaria, angarillada, angarillar, angarillas, angaripola, angazo, angelical, angelicalmente, angelico, angelito, angelizar, angelota, angelote, angevino

angina, anginosa, anginoso, angioma, angiosperma, angiospermo, angla, anglesita, anglicana, anglicanismo, anglicanizada, anglicanizado, anglicano, anglicismo, anglo, angloamericana, angloamericano, anglonormando, angloparlante, anglosajona, angoja, angojosa, angojoso, angor, angora, angorra, angosta, angostamente, angostar, angosto, angostura, angra, angrelada, angrelado, anguarina, anguera, anguila, anguilazo, anguilera, anguilero, anguilla

anguilo, anguina, angula, angulada, angulado, angular, angularmente, angulema, angulosa, anguloso, angurria, angustia, angustiada, angustiadamente, angustiado, angustiador, angustiadora, angustiar, angustiosa, angustiosamente, angustioso, anhelante, anhelar, anhelo, anhelosa, anhelosamente, anheloso, anhidra, anhidrita, anhidro, anhidrosis, aniaga, anidar, anidiar, anidio, anieblar, aniego, anieja, aniejar, aniejo, anihilamiento

anihilar, anilina, anilla, anillada, anillado, anillar, anillejo, anillete, anillo, animadamente, animado, animador, animadora, animadvertencia, animal, animalada, animalejo, animalia, animalias, animalidad, animalizar, animalucho, animante, animar, anime, animero, animismo, animosa, animosamente, animosidad, animoso, aniquilable, aniquilador, aniquiladora, aniquilamiento, aniquilante, aniquilar, anisada, anisado, anisal, anisar

anisete, anisodonte, anisofila, anisofilo, anito, anivelar, aniversaria, aniversario, anjeo, annada, annado, annamita, ano, anoa, anobio, anoche, anochecedor, anochecedora, anochecer, anochecida, anochecido, anodina, anodinia, anodino, anofeles, anomalidad, anomuro, anona, anonadador, anonadamiento, anonadante, anonadar, anonimato, anonimia, anopluro, anorexia, anoria, anormal, anormalidad, anormalmente, anorza

anotador, anotadora, anotar, anovelada, anovelado, anquear, anqueta, anquialmendrada, anquialmendrado, anquiboyuna, anquiboyuno, anquiderribada, anquiderribado, anquilosamiento, anquilosar, anquilosarse, anquilosis, anquilostoma, anquilostomiasis, anquirredonda, anquirredondo, anquiseca, anquiseco, ansa, ansarera, ansarero, ansarina, ansarino, ansia, ansiaansiadamente, ansiadamente, ansiar, ansiedad, ansimesmo, ansimismo, ansina, ansiosa, ansiosamente, ansiosidad, ansioso, ansotana

ansotano, anta, antagalla, antagallar, antagonismo, antagonista, antainar, antamilla, antana, antares, ante, anteada, anteado, antealtar, anteanoche, anteanteanoche, anteanteayer, anteantenoche, anteantier, anteayer, antebrazo, anteca, antecama, antecapilla, antecedencia, antecedente, antecedentemente, anteceder, antecesor, antecesora, anteco, antecocina, antecoger, antecoro, antecristo, antecuarto, antedata, antedatar, antedecir, antedespacho, antedicha

antedicho, antediluviana, antediluviano, anteferir, antefirma, antefoso, anteguerra, anteiglesia, antejo, antejuicio, antelucana, antelucano, antemano, antemeridiana, antemeridiano, antemostrar, antemural, antemuralla, antemuro, antena, antenacida, antenacido, antenada, antenado, antenoche, antenombre, antenotar, antenupcial, anteocupar, anteojera, anteojero, anteojo, antepagar, antepalco, antepasada, antepasado, antepasar, antepechada, antepechado, antepecho, anteponer

anteporta, anteportada, anteposar, anteproyecto, antepuerta, antepuerto, antepuesta, antepuesto, antequerana, antequerano, antequino, antera, anterior, anterioridad, anteriormente, antero, antes, antesala, antestatura, antetemplo, antevedimiento, antevenir, antever, antevisa, anteviso, antevista, antevisto, anti, antia, antiaforodisiaca, antiaforodisiaco, antiafrodisiaco, antibaquio, anticariense, anticipada, anticipadamente, anticipador, anticipadora, anticipamiento, anticipante, anticipar

anticipativamente, anticipo, anticlerical, anticlericalismo, anticolonial, anticomunismo, anticomunista, anticoncepcional, anticoncepcionismo, anticongelante, anticonstitucional, anticresis, anticresista, anticristiana, anticristiano, anticristo, anticuada, anticuado, anticuar, anticuario, anticuco, anticuerpo, antideportivo, antidetonante, antidoral, antidotario, antier, antifascismo, antifascista, antifaz, antifeminismo, antifeminista, antifernales, antifonal, antifonario, antifonera, antifonero, antiga, antigo, antigramatical, antigripal

antigua, antigualla, antiguamente, antiguamiento, antiguar, antigubernamental, antiguo, antilla, antillana, antillano, antilogio, antimacasar, antimilitarismo, antimilitarista, antiministerial, antimonial, antimonio, antimoral, antinatural, antinomia, antioquena, antioqueno, antioxidante, antipapa, antipapado, antipapista, antipara, antiparero, antiparlamentaria, antiparlamentario, antiparras, antipatizar, antipatriota, antipendio, antipirina, antipocar, antipodia, antipodio, antipontificado, antiquismo, antirreglamentaria

antirreglamentario, antirreligiosa, antirreligioso, antiscio, antisemita, antisemitismo, antisepsia, antisocial, antispasto, antistrofa, antitanque, antitoxina, antitrago, antitrinitaria, antitrinitario, antituberculosa, antituberculoso, antociana, antocianina, antojada, antojadiza, antojadizamente, antojadizo, antojado, antojamiento, antojana, antojanza, antojar, antojarse, antojera, antojo, antojuelo, antoniana, antoniano, antonimia, antonina, antoniniana, antoniniano, antonino, antonomasia, antor

antorcha, antorchar, antorchera, antorchero, antosta, antoviar, antozoo, antracita, antracosis, antro, antropocentrismo, antropofagia, antropoide, antropoideo, antropomorfa, antropomorfismo, antropomorfita, antropomorfo, antroponimia, antropopiteco, antruejada, antruejar, antruejo, antruido, antuerpiense, antuviada, antuviado, antuviador, antuviadora, antuviar, antuvio, antuzano, anua, anual, anualidad, anualmente, anuario, anubada, anubado, anubarrada, anubarrado

anublada, anublado, anublar, anublo, anudador, anudadora, anudadura, anudamiento, anudar, anuencia, anuente, anulable, anulador, anuladora, anular, anulativa, anulativo, anulete, anulosa, anuloso, anumerar, anuncia, anunciador, anunciadora, anunciamiento, anunciante, anunciar, anuncio, anuo, anura, anuria, anuro, anverso, anzolar, anzolero, anzuelo, aocar, aojador, aojadora, aojadura, aojamiento

aojar, aojo, aonia, aonio, aoptar, aoptarse, aorar, aoristo, aorta, aortitis, aovada, aovado, aovado-lanceolada, aovar, aovillar, aovillarse, apabilado, apabilar, apabullamiento, apabullante, apabullar, apabullo, apacar, apacentadero, apacentador, apacentadora, apacentamiento, apacentar, apacer, apache, apacheta, apachurrar, apacibilidad, apacible, apaciblemente, apaciguador, apaciguadora, apaciguamiento, apaciguante, apaciguar, apacorral

apadrinador, apadrinadora, apadrinamiento, apadrinar, apagable, apagada, apagadiza, apagadizo, apagado, apagador, apagadora, apagamiento, apagapenol, apagar, apagavelas, apainelado, apaisada, apaisado, apalabrar, apalambrar, apalancamiento, apalancar, apaleador, apaleadora, apaleamiento, apalear, apaleo, apaliar, apalmada, apalpar, apambol, apanalada, apanalado, apancora, apandar, apandillar, apaniaguada, apaniaguado, apaniguada, apaniguado, apaniguar

apanojada, apanojado, apantanar, apantuflada, apantuflado, apapagayada, apapagayado, aparador, aparadora, aparadura, aparamento, aparar, aparasolada, aparasolado, aparatar, aparatarse, aparatera, aparatero, aparato, aparatosa, aparatosidad, aparatoso, aparcamiento, aparcar, aparcera, aparcero, aparcionera, aparcionero, apareamiento, aparear, aparecer, aparecida, aparecido, aparecimiento, aparejada, aparejadamente, aparejado, aparejador, aparejadora, aparejamiento, aparejar

aparejo, aparejuelo, aparencia, aparencial, aparentador, aparentadora, aparentar, aparente, aparentemente, aparicio, apariencia, aparir, aparrada, aparrado, aparragar, aparragarse, aparrar, aparroquiada, aparroquiado, aparroquiar, apartada, apartadamente, apartadero, apartadijo, apartadiza, apartadizo, apartado, apartador, apartadora, apartamento, apartamiento, apartar, aparte, apartidar, apartijo, aparvadera, aparvadero, aparvador, aparvar, apasionada, apasionadamente

apasionado, apasionamiento, apasionante, apasionar, apasote, apastar, apaste, apasto, apastragar, apasturar, apatanada, apatanado, apatrocinar, apatusca, apatusco, apaular, apaularse, apaulillar, apaulillarse, apayasar, apazguada, apazguado, apea, apeadero, apeador, apeadora, apealar, apeamiento, apear, apechar, apechugar, apedazar, apedernalada, apedernalado, apedgar, apedrar, apedrea, apedreada, apedreadero, apedreado, apedreador

apedreadora, apedreamiento, apedrear, apedreo, apegadamente, apegaderas, apegadiza, apegadizo, apegadura, apegamiento, apegar, apego, apegostrar, apegualar, apelable, apelada, apelado, apelambrar, apelante, apelar, apelativo, apeldar, apelde, apelgarar, apelgararse, apeligrar, apellar, apellidador, apellidadora, apellidamiento, apellidante, apellidar, apellidero, apellido, apelmazada, apelmazadamente, apelmazado, apelmazar, apelotonar, apena, apenamiento

apenar, apenas, apencar, apendencia, apendicitis, apendicular, apensionar, apeo, apeonar, apepsia, aperada, aperado, aperador, aperar, apercebimiento, apercebir, apercibimiento, apercibir, apercibo, apercollar, aperdigar, apergaminada, apergaminado, apergaminar, apergaminarse, aperitiva, aperitivo, aperlado, apernador, apernadora, apernar, apero, aperreada, aperreado, aperreador, aperreadora, aperrear, aperreo, apersogar, apersonada, apersonado

apersonamiento, apersonar, apersonarse, apertar, aperto, apertura, apesadumbrar, apesaradamente, apesarar, apesgamiento, apesgar, apestante, apestar, apestillar, apestosa, apestoso, apetecedor, apetecedora, apetecer, apetecible, apetencia, apetible, apetite, apetitiva, apetitivo, apetito, apetitosa, apetitoso, apezonada, apezonado, apiadador, apiadadora, apiadar, apianar, apiaradero, apiastro, apical, apicarar, apicararse, apichonado, apicultor

apicultora, apicultura, apilada, apilador, apiladora, apilamiento, apilar, apimpollar, apimpollarse, apio, apiojar, apiojarse, apiolar, apipar, apiparse, apiporrar, apirexia, apiri, apisonadora, apisonamiento, apisonar, apitar, apito, apitonada, apitonado, apitonamiento, apitonar, apizarrada, apizarrado, aplacable, aplacador, aplacadora, aplacamiento, aplacar, aplacentar, aplacer, aplacerada, aplacerado, aplacible, aplaciente, aplacimiento

aplagar, aplanacalles, aplanadera, aplanador, aplanadora, aplanamiento, aplanante, aplanar, aplanchada, aplanchado, aplanchador, aplanchadora, aplanchar, aplantillar, aplastamiento, aplastante, aplastar, aplaudidor, aplaudidora, aplaudir, aplauso, aplayar, aplazable, aplazamiento, aplazar, aplebeyar, aplegar, aplicabilidad, aplicable, aplicada, aplicadera, aplicadero, aplicado, aplicar, aplicativa, aplicativo, aplique, aplomada, aplomado, aplomar, aplomo

apnea, apoastro, apocada, apocadamente, apocado, apocador, apocadora, apocalipsis, apocamiento, apocar, apocopar, apocrisiario, apodador, apodadora, apodamiento, apodar, apodencada, apodencado, apoderada, apoderadamente, apoderado, apoderamiento, apoderar, apodo, apogeo, apolilladura, apolillamiento, apolillar, apolinar, apolinarismo, apolinarista, apologista, apologizar, apoltronamiento, apoltronar, apoltronarse, apolvillar, apolvillarse, apomazar, aponer, aponeurosis

apontocar, apoquecer, apoquinar, aporca, aporcador, aporcadora, aporcadura, aporcar, aporisma, aporismar, aporismarse, aporracear, aporrar, aporrarse, aporreada, aporreado, aporreador, aporreadora, aporreadura, aporreamiento, aporreante, aporrear, aporreo, aporretado, aporrillar, aporrillarse, aportadera, aportadero, aportar, aporte, aportellado, aportillado, aportillar, aposar, aposentador, aposentadora, aposentamiento, aposentar, aposento, aposesionada, aposesionado

aposesionar, apositiva, apositivo, aposta, apostadamente, apostadero, apostal, apostamiento, apostante, apostar, apostatar, apostelar, apostema, apostemar, apostemero, apostemosa, apostemoso, apostilla, apostillar, apostillarse, apostiza, apostizo, aposto, apostolada, apostolado, apostolazgo, apostolical, apostolicidad, apostoligal, apostre, apostrofar, apostura, apoteca, apotecario, apotegma, apotema, apoteosis, apoticario, apotrerar, apoyadero, apoyadura

apoyar, apoyatura, apoyo, apozar, apozarse, apreciabilidad, apreciable, apreciadamente, apreciador, apreciadora, apreciadura, apreciamiento, apreciar, apreciativa, apreciativo, aprecio, aprehender, aprehendiente, aprehensa, aprehensiva, aprehensivo, aprehenso, aprehensor, aprehensora, aprehensoria, aprehensorio, apremiadamente, apremiador, apremiadora, apremiadura, apremiamiento, apremiante, apremiantemente, apremiar, apremio, apremir, aprendedor, aprendedora, aprender, aprendiente, aprendiz

aprendiza, aprendizaje, aprensador, aprensadora, aprensadura, aprensar, aprensiva, aprensivo, apresa, apresador, apresadora, apresamiento, apresar, apresivamente, apreso, aprestar, apresto, apresura, apresurada, apresuradamente, apresurado, apresuramiento, apresurar, apresurosa, apresuroso, apretada, apretadamente, apretadera, apretadero, apretadiza, apretadizo, apretado, apretador, apretadora, apretadura, apretamiento, apretante, apretar, apretativa, apretativo, apretujar

apretura, aprevenir, apriesa, aprieto, aprimar, apriorismo, aprisa, apriscadero, apriscar, aprisco, aprisionadamente, aprisionar, aprisquero, aproar, aprobada, aprobado, aprobador, aprobadora, aprobante, aprobanza, aprobar, aprobativa, aprobativo, aprobatoria, aprobatoriamente, aprobatorio, aproches, aprodar, aprometer, aprontamiento, aprontar, apropiable, apropiada, apropiadamente, apropiado, apropiador, apropiadora, apropiar, apropincuar, apropincuarse, aprovecer

aprovechable, aprovechada, aprovechadamente, aprovechado, aprovechador, aprovechadora, aprovechamiento, aprovechante, aprovechar, aprovecimiento, aprovisionamiento, aprovisionar, aproximada, aproximadamente, aproximado, aproximar, aproximativa, aproximativo, aproxis, apsara, apta, aptamente, aptar, apteza, aptitud, apto, apud, apuesta, apuestamente, apuesto, apulgarar, apulgararse, apulso, apunar, apunarse, apunchar, apuntada, apuntadamente, apuntado, apuntador, apuntadora

apuntadura, apuntalamiento, apuntalar, apuntamiento, apuntar, apunte, apuntillar, apuracabos, apurada, apuradamente, apuradero, apurado, apurador, apuradora, apuradura, apuramiento, apuranieves, apurar, apurativa, apurativo, apure, apuro, apurona, apurrir, aquea, aquebrazar, aquebrazarse, aquedador, aquedadora, aquedar, aquejadamente, aquejador, aquejadora, aquejamiento, aquejar, aquejo, aquejosa, aquejosamente, aquejoso, aquel, aquela

aquelarre, aquele, aquella, aquellar, aquello, aquellotrar, aquelo, aquende, aquenio, aqueo, aquerar, aquerarse, aquerenciada, aquerenciado, aquerenciar, aquerenciarse, aquesa, aquese, aqueso, aquesta, aquestar, aqueste, aquesto, aqueta, aquiescencia, aquiescente, aquietador, aquietadora, aquietadoramente, aquietamiento, aquietante, aquietar, aquifolio, aquilatamiento, aquilatar, aquilea, aquiles, aquilina, aquilino, aquillada, aquillado

aquillotrar, aquillotro, aquilonal, aquilonar, aquilonaria, aquilonario, aquintralar, aquintralarse, aquistador, aquistadora, aquistar, aquitana, aquitano, aquiva, aquivo, ara, arabesca, arabesco, arabia, arabio, arabismo, arabista, arabizar, arable, arabo, aracnoides, arada, arado, arador, aradora, aradro, aradura, aragonesismo, aragonito, araguato, arahuaco, aralia, arambel, arambol, arambre, aramea

arameo, aramio, arana, arancel, arancelaria, arancelario, arandanedo, arandela, arandillo, arandina, arandino, aranera, aranero, aranesa, arangonesa, arangorri, araniego, aranosa, aranoso, aranzada, arapenne, arapil, arar, aratoria, aratorio, araucana, araucanista, araucano, araucaria, arauja, aravico, arbalestrilla, arbitrable, arbitradera, arbitradero, arbitrador, arbitradora, arbitraje, arbitral, arbitramento, arbitramiento

arbitrante, arbitrar, arbitraria, arbitrariamente, arbitrariedad, arbitrario, arbitrativa, arbitrativo, arbitratoria, arbitratorio, arbitrera, arbitrero, arbitriano, arbitrio, arbitrista, arbolada, arbolado, arboladura, arbolar, arbolaria, arbolario, arbolecer, arboleda, arboledo, arbolejo, arbolete, arbolillo, arbolista, arborada, arborado, arborecer, arborescencia, arborescente, arboricultor, arboricultura, arboriforme, arborizar, arbotante, arbustiva, arbustivo, arbusto

arca, arcabucear, arcabucero, arcabucete, arcabuco, arcabucosa, arcabucoso, arcabuezo, arcabuz, arcabuzal, arcabuzazo, arcacil, arcada, arcadia, arcadio, arcador, arcaduz, arcaduzar, arcaica, arcaico, arcaizante, arcaizar, arcana, arcanamente, arcangelical, arcanidad, arcano, arcar, arcatura, arcaz, arce, arcea, arcedianadgo, arcedianato, arcedianazgo, arcediano, arcedo, arcense, archa, archero, archi

archibribona, archibruta, archibruto, archicofrade, archiducado, archiducal, archiduque, archiduquesa, archimandrita, archisabido, architriclino, archivador, archivadora, archivar, archivero, archivista, archivo, archivolta, arcidriche, arcifinia, arcifinio, arcilla, arcillar, arcillosa, arcilloso, arciprestado, arciprestal, arciprestazgo, arcipreste, arco, arcobricense, arcona, arcontado, arconte, arcosa, arctado, arcuada, arcuado, arcual, arda, ardalear

arder, ardera, ardero, ardeviejas, ardicia, ardid, ardida, ardidamente, ardidez, ardideza, ardido, ardidosa, ardidosamente, ardidoso, ardiente, ardientemente, ardil, ardilla, ardiloso, ardimiento, ardionda, ardiondo, ardite, ardor, ardora, ardorada, ardorosa, ardorosamente, ardoroso, ardua, arduamente, arduidad, arduo, ardura, areca, arecer, areito, arel, arelar, arena, arenal

arenalejo, arenar, arenaza, arencar, arenera, arenero, arenga, arengador, arengadora, arengar, arenilla, arenillero, arenisca, arenisco, arenosa, arenoso, arenque, arenzata, areola, areolar, areopagita, arepa, arepita, ares, aresta, arestil, arestinada, arestinado, arete, aretina, aretino, arfada, arfar, arfil, argadijo, argadillo, argado, argalia, argallera, argamandel, argamandijo

argamasa, argamasar, argamula, arganda, arganel, arganeo, argavieso, argaya, argayar, argayo, argel, argelina, argelino, argemone, argent, argentada, argentado, argentador, argentadora, argentar, argentario, argente, argentero, argentifera, argentifero, argentina, argentinismo, argentino, argento, argentosa, argentoso, argentpel, argila, argilla, argilosa, argiloso, arginas, argiva, argivo, argo, argolla

argolleta, argomal, argonauta, argos, argucia, argue, arguellar, arguellarse, arguello, arguenero, arguinas, argullo, argullosa, argulloso, argumentador, argumentadora, argumental, argumentante, argumentar, argumentativa, argumentativo, argumentista, argumento, argumentosa, argumentoso, arguyente, aria, aricado, aricar, aridecer, aridez, arienzo, aries, arieta, arietar, arietaria, arietario, ariete, arietina, arietino, arifarzo

arigue, arija, arije, arijo, arillo, arilo, arimaspe, arimaspo, arimez, ario, arique, arisblanca, arisblanco, arisca, ariscar, ariscarse, arisco, arisnegra, arisnegro, arisprieta, arisprieto, arista, aristada, aristado, aristarco, aristino, aristocracia, aristofanesco, aristoloquia, aristosa, aristoso, aristotelismo, aritenoides, arlar, arlequinada, arlequinesca, arlequinesco, arlo, arlota, arlote, arma

armada, armadera, armadija, armadijo, armadilla, armadillo, armado, armador, armadora, armadura, armajal, armajo, armamento, armamiento, armandijo, armanza, armar, armario, armatoste, armella, armelluela, armenia, armenio, armento, armero, armerol, armilar, armilla, arminio, armipotente, armisonante, armisticio, armoniaco, armonio, armoniosa, armoniosamente, armonioso, armonista, armonizable, armonizar, armoricana

armoricano, armos, armuelle, arna, arnacho, arnasca, arnillo, aro, aroca, aroidea, aroideo, aroma, aromar, aromaticidad, aromatizante, aromatizar, aromo, aromosa, aromoso, aron, arpa, arpada, arpado, arpador, arpadura, arpar, arpegiar, arpegio, arpella, arpende, arpeo, arpillador, arpilladura, arpillar, arpillera, arpista, arponada, arponado, arponar, arponear, arponero

arqueada, arqueador, arqueaje, arqueamiento, arquear, arqueo, arquero, arqueta, arquetipo, arquibanco, arquiepiscopal, arquimesa, arquisinagogo, arquitecto, arquitector, arquitectura, arquitectural, arquitrabe, arquivolta, arra, arrabal, arrabalde, arrabalera, arrabalero, arrabiadamente, arrabillado, arrabio, arracacha, arracachada, arracacho, arracada, arracimada, arracimado, arracimar, arracimarse, arraezar, arrafiz, arraigada, arraigadamente, arraigadas, arraigado

arraigadura, arraigamiento, arraigante, arraigar, arraigo, arraijan, arralar, arramblar, arramplar, arranar, arrancaclavos, arrancada, arrancadera, arrancadero, arrancado, arrancador, arrancadora, arrancadura, arrancamiento, arrancapinos, arrancar, arrancasiega, arranchar, arrancharse, arranciar, arranciarse, arranque, arranquera, arrapar, arrapiezo, arrapo, arraquive, arras, arrasada, arrasado, arrasadura, arrasamiento, arrasar, arrascar, arrastraculo, arrastrada

arrastradamente, arrastradera, arrastradero, arrastradiza, arrastradizo, arrastrado, arrastradura, arrastramiento, arrastrante, arrastrar, arrastre, arrate, arratonada, arratonado, arrayanal, arrayaz, arraz, arre, arreada, arreado, arreador, arreala, arreamiento, arrear, arrebatacapas, arrebatada, arrebatadamente, arrebatadiza, arrebatadizo, arrebatado, arrebatador, arrebatadora, arrebatamiento, arrebatante, arrebatar, arrebatarse, arrebato, arrebatosa, arrebatoso, arrebol, arrebolada

arrebolar, arrebolera, arrebollar, arrebollarse, arrebozar, arrebozo, arrebujadamente, arrebujar, arrecadar, arrecha, arrecho, arrechuchar, arrechucho, arreciar, arrecifar, arrecife, arrecir, arredilar, arredomada, arredomado, arredomar, arredondar, arredondear, arredor, arredramiento, arredrar, arredro, arregazada, arregazado, arregazar, arreglada, arregladamente, arreglado, arreglador, arregladora, arreglamiento, arreglar, arreglo, arregostar, arregostarse, arregosto

arrejacar, arrejaco, arrejada, arrejaque, arrejerar, arrejonada, arrejonado, arrela, arrelde, arrellanar, arrellanarse, arremangada, arremangado, arremangar, arremango, arrematar, arremedador, arremedadora, arremedar, arremembrar, arremetedero, arremetedor, arremetedora, arremeter, arremetida, arremetimiento, arremolinadamente, arremolinar, arremolinarse, arrempujar, arremueco, arremuesco, arrendable, arrendada, arrendadero, arrendado, arrendador, arrendadora, arrendadorcillo, arrendajo, arrendamiento

arrendante, arrendar, arrendataria, arrendatario, arrendaticia, arrendaticio, arrentada, arrentado, arreo, arrepanchigar, arrepanchigarse, arrepasar, arrepasarse, arrepentida, arrepentimiento, arrepentir, arrepentirse, arrepisa, arrepiso, arrepistar, arrepisto, arrepticia, arrepticio, arrequesonar, arrequesonarse, arrequife, arrequive, arrestada, arrestado, arrestar, arresto, arretranca, arrevesada, arrevesado, arrevistar, arrevolvedor, arrevolver, arrezafe, arrezagar, arria, arriada

arrial, arriana, arrianismo, arriano, arriar, arriata, arriate, arriaz, arriba, arribada, arribaje, arribar, arribista, arribita, arribo, arribota, arricesa, arricete, arridar, arriedro, arriendo, arrierito, arriero, arriesgada, arriesgadamente, arriesgado, arriesgar, arrigir, arrigirse, arrima, arrimadero, arrimadillo, arrimadiza, arrimadizo, arrimador, arrimadura, arrimar, arrime, arrimo, arrincada, arrincar

arrinconada, arrinconado, arrinconamiento, arrinconar, arriostrar, arriscada, arriscadamente, arriscado, arriscador, arriscadora, arriscamiento, arriscar, arrisco, arritar, arritmia, arritranca, arrizar, arroaz, arroba, arrobada, arrobadera, arrobadiza, arrobadizo, arrobado, arrobador, arrobadora, arrobal, arrobamiento, arrobar, arrobera, arrobero, arrobeta, arrobo, arrocabe, arrocada, arrocado, arrocera, arrocero, arrocinada, arrocinado, arrocinar

arrodajar, arrodajarse, arrodeamiento, arrodear, arrodelar, arrodeo, arrodillada, arrodilladura, arrodillamiento, arrodillar, arrodrigar, arrodrigonar, arrogador, arrogadora, arrogancia, arrogante, arrogantemente, arrogar, arrojada, arrojadamente, arrojadiza, arrojadizo, arrojado, arrojador, arrojadora, arrojamiento, arrojar, arroje, arrojo, arrollable, arrollada, arrollado, arrollador, arrolladora, arrollamiento, arrollar, arromadizar, arromanzar, arromar, arromper, arrompida

arrompido, arrompimiento, arronjar, arronquecer, arronzar, arropamiento, arropar, arrope, arropea, arropera, arropiera, arropiero, arroscar, arrostrada, arrostrado, arrostrar, arrota, arrotada, arrotado, arroto, arrotura, arroyada, arroyadero, arroyamiento, arroyar, arroyarse, arroyato, arroyo, arroyuela, arroyuelo, arroz, arrozal, arruar, arruchar, arrufada, arrufado, arrufadura, arrufaldada, arrufaldado, arrufaldar, arrufaldarse

arrufar, arrufianada, arrufianado, arrufo, arruga, arrugable, arrugamiento, arrugar, arrugia, arruinador, arruinadora, arruinamiento, arruinar, arrullador, arrulladora, arrullar, arrullo, arruma, arrumaco, arrumaje, arrumar, arrumbada, arrumbador, arrumbadora, arrumbamiento, arrumbar, arrumueco, arrunflar, arrurruz, arrutar, arsenal, arseniato, arsenical, arsenioso, arsenito, arseniuro, arsolla, arta, artado, artal, artalejo

artalete, artanica, artanita, artar, arte, artefacto, artejo, artemisa, artemisia, artera, arteramente, arteria, arterial, arteriola, arteriosa, arteriosclerosis, arterioso, arteritis, artero, artesa, artesana, artesanado, artesano, artesiana, artesiano, artesilla, artesonada, artesonado, artesonar, artesuela, artica, articulada, articuladamente, articulado, articulador, articuladora, articular, articularia, articulario, articulatoria, articulatorio

articulista, artifara, artife, artifero, artificiada, artificiado, artificial, artificialmente, artificiar, artificiero, artificio, artificiosa, artificiosamente, artificiosidad, artificioso, artiga, artigar, artillada, artillado, artillar, artillero, artilugio, artina, artista, artizada, artizado, artizar, arto, artolas, artos, artr/podo, artralgia, artritis, artritismo, arturo, arugas, arundense, aruspicina, arveja, arvejal, arvejana

arvejar, arvejera, arvejo, arvejona, arvejote, arvense, arzobispado, arzobispal, arzobispazgo, arzobispo, arzolla, asa, asaborada, asaborado, asaborar, asaborgar, asaborir, asacador, asacadora, asacamiento, asacar, asacristanada, asacristanado, asada, asadera, asadero, asado, asador, asadura, asaeteador, asaeteadora, asaetear, asaetinada, asaetinado, asainetada, asainetado, asainetear, asalariada, asalariado, asalariar, asalir

asalmerar, asalmonada, asalmonado, asaltador, asaltadora, asaltante, asaltar, asalto, asamblea, asamiento, asar, asardinada, asardinado, asarero, asargada, asargado, asarina, asario, asativa, asativo, asayar, asaz, asbestina, asbestino, asbesto, asca, ascalonia, ascalonita, ascendencia, ascendente, ascender, ascendiente, ascensional, ascensionista, ascenso, ascensor, ascensorista, asceta, asceterio, ascetismo, ascia

ascio, asciterio, ascitis, asclepiadea, asclepiadeo, asco, ascomiceto, asconder, ascondidamente, ascondido, ascondimiento, ascondredijo, ascondrijo, ascorosa, ascoroso, ascosa, ascosidad, ascoso, ascrea, ascreo, ascua, ascuso, aseada, aseadamente, aseado, asear, asechador, asechadora, asechamiento, asechanza, asechar, asecho, asechosa, asechoso, asedar, asediador, asediadora, asediante, asediar, asedio, aseglarar

aseglararse, aseglarizar, aseguir, asegundar, asegurable, asegurada, aseguradamente, asegurado, asegurador, aseguradora, aseguramiento, aseguranza, asegurar, aseidad, aseladero, aselador, aselar, aselarse, asemblar, asemejar, asemillar, asencio, asendereada, asendereado, asenderear, asengladura, asenjo, asensio, asenso, asentada, asentadamente, asentaderas, asentadillas, asentado, asentador, asentadura, asentamiento, asentar, asentimiento, asentir, asentista

aseo, asepsia, asequi, asequible, aserenar, aseriar, aseriarse, asermonada, asermonado, aserrada, aserradero, aserradiza, aserradizo, aserrado, aserrador, aserradora, aserradura, aserrar, aserruchar, asertiva, asertivamente, asertivo, aserto, asertor, asertora, asertorio, asesado, asesar, asesina, asesinar, asesinato, asesino, asesor, asesora, asesoramiento, asesorar, asestadero, asestadura, asestar, aseveradamente, aseverancia

aseverante, aseverar, aseverativa, aseverativo, asexuado, asexual, asfaltada, asfaltado, asfaltar, asfalto, asfixia, asfixiante, asfixiar, asgo, asiana, asiano, asibilar, asidero, asidilla, asidonense, asidua, asiduamente, asiduidad, asiduo, asiento, asignable, asignada, asignado, asignar, asignataria, asignatario, asignatorio, asignatura, asilada, asilado, asilar, asilla, asilo, asilvestrada, asilvestrado, asimesmo

asimiento, asimilable, asimilado, asimilador, asimilar, asimilativa, asimilativo, asimilatorio, asimilismo, asimilista, asimismo, asimplada, asimplado, asina, asinergia, asinina, asinino, asinita, asintiente, asir, asiria, asiriana, asiriano, asirio, asisia, asistencia, asistencial, asistenta, asistente, asistimiento, asistir, asistolia, aslilla, asma, asmadamente, asmadera, asmadero, asmadura, asmamento, asmamiento, asmar

asmosa, asmoso, asna, asnacho, asnada, asnado, asnal, asnallo, asnalmente, asnerizo, asnero, asnico, asnilla, asnillo, asnina, asnino, asno, asnuna, asnuno, asobarcar, asobinar, asobinarse, asocairar, asocarronada, asocarronado, asociable, asociacionismo, asociada, asociado, asociamiento, asociar, asociativo, asocio, asohora, asolador, asoladora, asoladura, asolamiento, asolanar, asolapar, asolar

asolazar, asoldadar, asoldamiento, asoldar, asoleada, asoleamiento, asolear, asolejar, asoleo, asolvamiento, asolvar, asomada, asomante, asomar, asombradiza, asombradizo, asombrador, asombradora, asombramiento, asombrante, asombrar, asombro, asombrosa, asombrosamente, asombroso, asomo, asonada, asonancia, asonantar, asonante, asonar, asondar, asordante, asordar, asorochar, asorocharse, asosegadamente, asosegadamento, asosegar, asosiego, asotanar

asotilar, aspa, aspada, aspadera, aspado, aspador, aspadora, aspalto, aspar, aspaventar, aspaventera, aspaventero, aspaventoso, aspaviento, aspear, aspearse, aspecto, aspectual, asperamente, asperarteria, asperear, asperedumbre, asperete, asperez, aspereza, asperger, asperges, asperidad, asperiega, asperiego, asperilla, asperillo, asperjar, aspersor, aspersorio, asperura, aspidistra, aspilla, aspillador, aspillar, aspillera

aspillerar, aspirada, aspirado, aspirador, aspiradora, aspirante, aspirar, aspirina, aspro, asquear, asquerosa, asquerosamente, asquerosidad, asqueroso, asta, astada, astado, astenia, aster, asterisco, asterismo, astero, asteroide, astifino, astigitana, astigitano, astigmatismo, astil, astilejos, astilla, astillar, astillazo, astillejos, astillero, astillosa, astilloso, asto, astorgana, astorgano, astracanada, astrago

astral, astricta, astrictiva, astrictivo, astricto, astringencia, astringente, astringir, astro, astrolabio, astrolito, astrologal, astrologar, astronauta, astronomero, astronomiano, astrosa, astrosamente, astroso, astucia, astuciosa, astucioso, astur, asturiana, asturianismo, asturiano, asturias, asturicense, astuta, astutamente, astuto, asuardada, asuardado, asubiadero, asubiar, asuelo, asueta, asueto, asulcar, asumadamente, asumar

asumir, asuncionista, asunta, asuntejo, asunto, asuramiento, asurar, asurcada, asurcado, asurcana, asurcano, asurcar, asuso, asustadiza, asustadizo, asustar, asutilar, ata, atabaca, atabacada, atabacado, atabal, atabalear, atabalejo, atabalero, atabalete, atabanada, atabanado, atabardillada, atabardillado, atabe, atabernado, atabillar, atabladera, atablar, atacable, atacada, atacadera, atacado, atacador, atacadora

atacadura, atacamiento, atacamita, atacante, atacar, atachonada, atachonado, atacir, atacola, atada, ataderas, atadero, atadijo, atado, atador, atadora, atadura, atafagar, atafarra, atafea, atafetanada, atafetanado, atagallar, ataharre, atahona, atahonero, atahorma, ataifor, atairar, ataire, atajada, atajadamente, atajadero, atajadizo, atajador, atajadora, atajamiento, atajante, atajar, atajasolaces, atajea

atajo, atajuelo, atal, atalador, ataladora, ataladrar, atalaero, atalajar, atalaje, atalantar, atalar, atalaya, atalayador, atalayadora, atalayamiento, atalayar, atalayero, atalayuela, atalear, ataludar, ataluzar, atalvina, atambor, atamiento, atamor, atanasia, atancar, atanco, atandador, atanor, atapar, atapierna, ataque, ataquiza, ataquizar, atar, ataracea, ataracear, atarantada, atarantado, atarantamiento

atarantapayos, atarantar, ataraxia, atarazana, atarazanal, atarazar, atardecer, atarea, atarear, atarfe, atarjea, atarquinar, atarraga, atarragar, atarrajar, atarraya, atarugamiento, atarugar, atasajada, atasajado, atasajar, atascada, atascadero, atascado, atascamiento, atascar, atasco, ataudada, ataudado, ataujiada, ataujiado, ataurique, ataviar, atavismo, ataxia, atea, atear, ateca, atediante, atediar, ateje

atelaje, atelana, atemorar, atemorizante, atemorizar, atempa, atemperante, atemperar, atempero, atenacear, atenazada, atenazado, atenazador, atenazar, atendalar, atendar, atendedor, atendedora, atendencia, atender, atendible, atendimiento, atenea, atenebrar, atenebrarse, atenedor, atenencia, ateneo, atener, ateniense, ateniesa, atenorada, atenorado, atenta, atentada, atentadamente, atentado, atentamente, atentar, atentatoria, atentatorio

atento, atenuante, atenuar, ateo, atepocate, atercianada, atercianado, aterciopelada, aterciopelado, aterecer, aterecimiento, atericia, atericiar, atericiarse, aterimiento, aterir, aternecer, aterosclerosis, aterrada, aterrador, aterradora, aterrajar, aterraje, aterramiento, aterrante, aterrar, aterrecer, aterrerar, aterrizaje, aterrizar, aterronar, aterrorizar, atesar, atesorar, atestada, atestado, atestadura, atestamiento, atestar, atestiguamiento, atestiguar

atetada, atetado, atetar, atetillar, atetosis, atezada, atezado, atezamiento, atezar, atibar, atibiante, atibiar, atiborrar, aticismo, aticista, atierre, atiesar, atiesto, atifle, atigrada, atigrado, atijara, atijarero, atildada, atildado, atildadura, atildamiento, atildar, atinadamente, atinar, atinconar, atinente, atingente, atino, atipar, atiplada, atiplado, atiplar, atirantar, atirelada, atirelado

atiriciar, atiriciarse, atisbador, atisbadora, atisbadura, atisbar, atisbo, atisuada, atisuado, atizacandiles, atizadero, atizador, atizadora, atizar, atizonar, atlante, atlas, atleta, atletismo, atoar, atoba, atobar, atocha, atochada, atochado, atochal, atochar, atochera, atochero, atochuela, atocinada, atocinado, atocinar, atol, atole, atoleadas, atolera, atolero, atolillo, atolladal, atolladar

atolladero, atollar, atolondrada, atolondradamente, atolondrado, atolondramiento, atolondrar, atomecer, atomir, atomismo, atomista, atomizador, atomizar, atona, atonal, atonalidad, atondar, atontadamente, atontamiento, atontar, atontecer, atontolinar, atopadiza, atopadizo, atopile, atoque, atora, atoradamente, atoramiento, atorar, atorcer, atordecer, atordecimiento, atorgar, atormecer, atormecimiento, atormentadamente, atormentador, atormentadora, atormentante, atormentar

atornasolado, atornillador, atornillar, atoro, atorozonar, atorozonarse, atorra, atorrante, atortolar, atortorar, atortujar, atosigador, atosigadora, atosigamiento, atosigar, atoxicar, atrabajada, atrabajado, atrabajar, atrabancar, atrabanco, atrabiliaria, atrabiliario, atrabiliosa, atrabilioso, atrabilis, atracada, atracadero, atracador, atracar, atraco, atractiva, atractivo, atractriz, atraer, atrafagar, atragantar, atraicionar, atraidorada, atraidoradamente, atraidorado

atraillar, atraimiento, atramento, atramentosa, atramentoso, atrampar, atramuz, atrancar, atranco, atranque, atrapamoscas, atrapar, atraquina, atrasada, atrasado, atrasamiento, atrasar, atraso, atravesada, atravesado, atravesador, atravesadora, atravesar, atrayente, atrazar, atraznalar, atregar, atreguada, atreguadamente, atreguado, atreguar, atrenzo, atrepsia, atresia, atresnalar, atreudar, atrevencia, atrever, atrevida, atrevidamente, atrevido

atreviente, atrevimiento, atriaca, atriaquero, atribuir, atribuladamente, atribular, atributar, atributiva, atributivo, atributo, atribuyente, atril, atrilera, atrincheramiento, atrincherar, atrio, atrirrostra, atrirrostro, atristar, atrita, atrito, atrochar, atrocidad, atrofia, atrofiar, atrojar, atrompetada, atrompetado, atronada, atronadamente, atronado, atronador, atronadora, atronadura, atronamiento, atronante, atronar, atronerar, atropada, atropado

atropar, atropellada, atropelladamente, atropellado, atropellador, atropelladora, atropellamiento, atropellaplatos, atropellar, atropello, atropina, atroz, atrozmente, atruchada, atruchado, atruendo, atruhanada, atruhanado, atuendo, atufada, atufadamente, atufado, atufamiento, atufar, atufo, atumecer, atumecerse, atumecimiento, atumno, atumultuar, atunara, atunera, atunero, aturada, aturadamente, aturador, aturadora, aturar, aturbonada, aturbonado, aturdida

aturdidamente, aturdido, aturdidor, aturdidora, aturdimiento, aturdir, aturquesada, aturquesado, aturrar, aturriar, aturrullar, aturullamiento, aturullar, atusador, atusadora, atusar, auca, auctor, auctoridad, auctorizar, audacia, audaz, audazmente, audeza, audibilidad, audible, audidor, audiencia, audienciero, audiograma, auditiva, auditivo, audito, auditor, auditoria, auditorio, auge, augita, augmentar, augur, augurador

auguradora, augural, augurante, augurar, augurio, augusta, augustal, augustamente, augusto, aula, aulaga, aulagar, aulladero, aullador, aulladora, aullante, aullar, aullido, aumentable, aumentada, aumentador, aumentadora, aumentante, aumentar, aumentativa, aumentativo, aumento, aun, aunamiento, aunar, aungar, auniga, aunque, aupar, aura, aurelianense, aureola, aureolar, aurero, aurgitana, aurgitano

auricalco, auricular, auriense, aurifabrista, auriga, aurigera, aurigero, aurora, auroral, aurragada, aurragado, auscultar, ausencia, ausentada, ausentado, ausentar, ausente, ausetana, ausetano, ausonense, ausonia, ausonio, auspiciar, auspicio, austera, austeramente, austeridad, austero, austral, australiana, australiano, austriaca, austriaco, austrida, austrina, austrino, austro, autenticar, autenticidad, autillo, auto

autobombo, autocar, autocarril, autoclave, autocopista, autocracia, autodidacta, autodidacto, autodominio, autogiro, autografiar, automatismo, automatizar, automedonte, automotor, automotora, automotriz, automovilismo, automovilista, autonomista, autopiloto, autopista, autoplastia, autopropulsado, autopsia, autor, autora, autoridad, autoritaria, autoritariamente, autoritario, autoritarismo, autoritativa, autoritativo, autorizable, autorizada, autorizadamente, autorizado, autorizador, autorizadora, autorizamiento

autorizante, autorizar, autorretrato, autoservicio, autosuficiencia, autrigona, autumnal, auxiliador, auxiliadora, auxiliante, auxiliar, auxiliatoria, auxiliatorio, auxilio, ava, avacada, avacado, avadar, avahada, avahado, avahar, aval, avalancha, avalar, avalentada, avalentado, avalentamiento, avalentar, avalentonada, avalentonado, avaliar, avalista, avallar, avalorar, avaluar, avambrazo, avancarga, avance, avandicha, avandicho, avanecer

avanecerse, avanguarda, avanguardia, avantal, avante, avanzada, avanzado, avanzar, avanzo, avara, avaramente, avaricia, avariciar, avariciosa, avariciosamente, avaricioso, avarienta, avarientamente, avarientez, avariento, avaro, avasallador, avasalladora, avasallamiento, avasallar, avasillar, ave, avechucho, avecilla, avecinar, avecindamiento, avecindar, avejar, avejentar, avejigar, avelar, avelenar, avellana, avellanador, avellanal, avellanar

avellanate, avellaneda, avellanedo, avellanera, avellanero, avellano, avena, avenada, avenado, avenamiento, avenar, avenate, avenediza, avenedizo, avenenar, avenencia, avenenteza, avenible, avenida, avenidera, avenidero, avenidiza, avenidizo, avenido, avenidor, avenidora, aveniente, avenimiento, avenir, aventada, aventadero, aventado, aventador, aventadora, aventadura, aventaja, aventajada, aventajadamente, aventajado, aventajamiento, aventajar

aventamiento, aventar, aventear, aventura, aventurada, aventurado, aventurar, aventurera, aventureramente, aventurero, averar, averdugar, avergonzada, avergonzadamente, avergonzado, avergonzamiento, avergonzar, averiar, averiarse, averiguable, averiguadamente, averiguador, averiguadora, averiguamiento, averiguar, averna, averno, averrugada, averrugado, aversa, aversar, aversaria, aversario, averso, avesta, avestruz, avetada, avetado, avetarda, avetoro, aveza

avezadura, avezar, aviador, aviadora, aviajada, aviajado, aviamiento, aviar, aviaria, aviario, avica, avicena, aviciar, avicultor, avicultora, avicultura, avidez, aviejar, avienta, aviento, aviesa, aviesamente, aviesas, avieso, aviespa, avigorar, avilantar, avilantarse, avilantez, avilanteza, avilar, avilesa, avilesina, avilesino, avillanada, avillanado, avillanamiento, avillanar, avillar, aviltadamente, aviltamiento

aviltanza, aviltar, avinagrada, avinagradamente, avinagrado, avinagrar, avinenteza, avioneta, avisacoches, avisada, avisadamente, avisado, avisador, avisadora, avisamiento, avisar, aviso, avispa, avispada, avispado, avispar, avispedar, avispero, avistar, avitaminosis, avitelada, avitelado, avituallamiento, avituallar, avivadamente, avivador, avivadora, avivamiento, avivar, avizor, avizorador, avizoradora, avizorante, avizorar, avo, avocamiento

avocar, avoceta, avol, avolcanada, avolcanado, avoleza, avoluntamiento, avolvimiento, avucasta, avucastro, avugo, avuguero, avutarda, avutardada, avutardado, axe, axial, axil, axila, axilar, axinita, axioma, axis, axoidea, axoideo, axovar, aya, ayahuasa, ayahuasca, ayalesa, ayate, ayear, ayeaye, ayer, ayermar, ayo, ayocote, ayote, ayotera, ayuda, ayudada

ayudado, ayudador, ayudadora, ayudamiento, ayudante, ayudar, ayudorio, ayuga, ayuna, ayunador, ayunadora, ayunante, ayunar, ayuno, ayunque, ayuntable, ayuntablemente, ayuntadamente, ayuntador, ayuntadora, ayuntamiento, ayuntante, ayuntanza, ayuntar, ayunto, ayuso, ayustar, ayuste, azabachada, azabachado, azabache, azabachero, azabara, azacana, azacanar, azacanarse, azacanear, azacaneo, azacaya, azache, azada

azadada, azadazo, azadilla, azadonada, azadonazo, azadonero, azafata, azafate, azafranada, azafranado, azafranal, azafranar, azafranera, azafranero, azagadero, azagador, azagar, azagaya, azahar, azainadamente, azalea, azamboa, azamboero, azamboo, azanahoriate, azanca, azanefa, azanoria, azanoriate, azaque, azaquefa, azar, azarandar, azarar, azararse, azarba, azarbe, azarbeta, azarear, azarearse, azarja

azarnefe, azaro, azarolla, azarollo, azarosa, azarosamente, azaroso, azarote, azaya, azcarrio, azcona, azemar, azenoria, azimut, azimutal, aznacho, aznallo, azoada, azoado, azoar, azoato, azocar, azoche, azoemia, azofaifa, azofaifo, azofeifa, azofeifo, azofra, azofrar, azogadamente, azogado, azogamiento, azogar, azogue, azoguejo, azoguero, azoico, azolar, azolea, azoleo

azolvamiento, azolvar, azolve, azomamiento, azomar, azor, azorafa, azoramiento, azorante, azorar, azorero, azoro, azorramiento, azorrar, azorrarse, azotable, azotacalles, azotada, azotado, azotador, azotadora, azotaina, azotalenguas, azotamiento, azotar, azotazo, azote, azotea, azotina, azre, azteca, aztor, azua, azucarada, azucarado, azucarar, azucarera, azucarero, azucarillo, azucena, azuche

azud, azuda, azuela, azufaifa, azufaifo, azufeifa, azufeifo, azufrada, azufrado, azufrador, azufradora, azuframiento, azufrar, azufre, azufrera, azufrosa, azufroso, azul, azulada, azulado, azulaque, azular, azulear, azuleja, azulejar, azulejero, azulejo, azulenca, azulenco, azulete, azulina, azulino, azulona, azumar, azumbrada, azumbrado, azumbre, azuquita, azur, azurita, azurronar

azurronarse, azut, azutea, azutero, azuzador, azuzadora, azuzar.

Hope this list of Spanish words that start with a was useful.

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.There’s a wealth of options to explore when it comes to finding Spanish words that start with A. There are so many words in the Spanish language, that sometimes it’s easier to divide them into subgroups to make things easier.

In this article you will find a list of words that begin with A in Spanish that will include several subgroups of its own, including verbs, adverbs, nouns as well as Spanish adjectives that start with A, along with the meaning of each word so you can expand your vocabulary..

Spanish English
ábaco abacus
abadesa abbess
abadía abbey
abajo down
abanico fan
abarcar to encompass
abdicar to abdicate
abdomen abdomen
abeja bee
abierto open
abismo abyss
abogado attorney
abollar to dent
abono fertilizer
abordar to approach
abordo on board
abortar to abort
aborto abortion
aboyar buoy
Abraham Abraham
abrazar to hug
abrazo hug
abrigar to shelter
abrigo coat
abril April
abrir to open
abrumar to overwhelm
abrupto abrupt
absceso abscess
absorto absorbed
absurdo absurd
abucheo boo
abuelo grandfather
aburrir to bore
abusar to abuse
abusivo abusive
abuso abuse
acá here
acabado finish
acabar finish
acampar to camp
acceder to access
acceso access
acción action
acecho ambush
acéfalo headless
aceitar to oil
aceite oil
acelga chard
acento accent
aceptar to accept
aceptar to accept
acera sidewalk
acerca about
acercar to zoom in
acero steel
acertar to hit the target
acervo heritage (information)
acetato acetate
acetona acetone
achicar to reduce
acidez acidity
ácido acid
acierto a right choice
aclamar to acclaim
aclarar to clear out
acné acne
acomodo arrangement
acoplar to couple
acordar to agree
acortar to shorten
acosar to bully
acoso bullying
acostar to lay down
acre acre
acta minutes (document)
actitud attitude
activar to activate
activo active
acto act
actor actor
actriz actress
actuar to act
acuario aquarium
acudir keep
acuerdo agreement
acuoso aqueous
acusar to accuse
Adán Adam
adecuar to adapt
ademán gesture
además also
adentro inside
aderezo dressing
adeudar to owe
adherir to adhere
adición addition
adicto addict
adiós bye
adiposo adipose
aditivo additive
adivino fortune teller
adjunto attached
admirar to admire
admitir to admit
adobado pickled
adobe adobe
adoptar to adopt
adorar to adore
adornar to decorate
adorno ornament
adrede intentionally
aduana customs
adulto adult
aéreo aerial
aerosol aerosol
afamado famous
afán eagerness
afectar to affect
afecto affection
afeitar to shave
afgano Afghan
afición hobby
afilar to sharpen
afiliar to affiliate
afín related
afinar to fine tune
afirmar to affirm
afligir to afflict
aflojar loosen up
aflorar to flourish
afónico aphonic
afro afro
afuera outside
agachar to duck
agarrar to grab
agasajo entertainment
agave agave
agencia agency
agenda schedule
agente agent
ágil agile
agitar to shake
agobiar to overwhelm
agobio burden
agonía agony
agónico agonizing
agosto August
agotar to exhaust
agrado liking
agrario agrarian
agravar to aggravate
agravio grievance
agredir to attack
agregar to add
agresor aggressor
agrio sour
agrupar to group
agua water
aguado watery
aguador water boy
agudeza acuity
agudo acute
aguijón sting
águila eagle
agujero hole
agujeta lace
agujón stinger
Agustín Agustin
ahí there
ahijado godson
ahogado drowned
ahogar to drown
ahondar to delve
ahora now
ahorcar to hang
ahorita right now
ahorrar to save money
ahorro saving
ahumado smoked
ahumar to smoke
aire air
aire air
aislado isolated
aislar to isolate
ajedrez chess
ajeno alien
ajetreo hustle
ajustar to adjust
ajuste adjustment
alabado praised
alabar to praise
álabe paddle
alacena cupboard
alaciar to straighten
alacrán scorpion
alado winged
alambre wire
alameda city plaza
alargar to enlarge
alarido howl
alarma alarm
alarmar to alarm
alba sunrise
albaca albaca
albacea executor
albanés Albanian
albañil construction worker
albino albino
álbum album
alcalde mayor
alcance scope
alce moose
alcoba bedroom
alcohol alcohol
aldea village
aldeano villager
aledaño neighboring
alegar to plead
alegrar to gladden
alegre cheerful
alegría joy
alejar to ward off
alejar ward off
aleluya Hallelujah
alemán German
alemana German woman
alentar to encourage
alergia allergy
alerta alert
alertar to alert
aleta fin
aletear to flap
alfa alpha
alfajor caramel cookie
alfalfa alfalfa
alfil bishop
alfiler pin
alga seaweed
álgebra algebra
algo something
algodón cotton
alguien someone
algún some
alguno any
aliado ally
aliados allies
alianza alliance
alias alias
aliento breath
alinear to line up
alistar to enlist
aliviar to relieve
alivio relief
allá over there
allí there
alma soul
almacén warehouse
almíbar syrup
almidón starch
alocado crazy
alojado hosted
alpino Alpine
altar altar
alteza highness
alto tall
alud avalanche
aludir to allude
alumno student
alza rise
amable kind
amado loved
amante lover
amar to love
amargo bitter
amasar knead
ámbar amber
ámbito realm
ambos both of them
amén amen
ameno nice
amiba amoeba
amigo friend
amo master
amor love
amorfo amorphous
amplio large
añadir to add
anal anal
ancho width
anchoa anchovy
andén platform
anemia anemia
anexo annex
ángel Angel
angina angina
anglo Anglo
ángulo angle
anhelo longing
añicos smithereens
anidar to nest
anillo ring
animal animal
animar encourage
anime anime
ánimo cheer up
anís anise
ano anus
anoche last night
añorar yearn
anotar To take notes
ansia craving
antena antenna
antes before
antes before
antojo whim
antro joint (party place)
anual annual
anular To cancel
apache Apache
apagar to turn off
apatía apathy
apego attachment
apelar to appeal
apenas barely
apilar to pile on
apio celery
apnea apnea
apodar to nickname
apodo nickname
apoyar to support
apoyo support for
apto suitable
apuro trouble
aquel that one
aquí here
árabe Arab
arañar to scratch
arar plow
árbol tree
arca ark
arce maple
arco arc
ardido burned
ardor burning feeling
arduo hard (difficult)
área area
arena sand
arete earring
Argel Algiers
argón argon
árido arid
ario aryan
arisco surly
arma weapon
armado armed
armar to assemble
arnés harness
aro ring
aroma aroma
arpa harp
arpía harpy
arpón harpoon
arriba above
arribar to arrive
arrojar to throw
arroyo stream
arroz rice
arruga wrinkle
arte art
ártico arctic
Arturo Arthur
aruñar to scratch
asado roast
asador Barbecue grill
asalto robbery
asar to grill
asco disgust
aseado tidy
asear clean
aseo cleanliness
asesor adviser
así like this
asilo asylum
asma asthma
asno donkey
aspa blade
áspero rough
asta pole
astral astral
astro star
astuto astute
asumir to assume
atacar to attack
atado tied
atajo shortcut
ataque attack
atar to tie
ataúd coffin
atavío attire
atento attentive
ateo atheist
ático penthouse
atlas atlas
atleta athlete
átomo atom
atraer to attract
atrás behind
atraso delay
atroz atrocious
atún tuna
audaz bold
auge boom
aula classroom
aullar to howl
aun yet
aunque although
aura aura
áureo golden
aurora Aurora
auto car
autor author
autora female author
aval guarantee
avalar to endorse
avalúo appraisal
avance advance
avaro penny pincher
ave bird
avena oats
avería break down
aviar avian
avión airplane
avisar to warn
aviso notice
avispa wasp
axial axial
axila armpit
axioma axiom
ayer yesterday
ayuda help
ayudar to help
ayunar to fast
ayuno fast
azahar orange blossom
azalea azalea
azar random
azimut azimuth
azotea rooftop
azteca Aztec
azúcar sugar
azufre sulfur
azul blue


There are so many things that start with A in Spanish that I could make a new list of Spanish nouns starting with A, but for now, let’s review this list of words. I hope you find them useful and if you do, please share this article with your friends on Facebook.

I hope you found this list of list of Spanish Words that start with A to be useful. Please share it with your Facebook friends so they can also learn several words in Spanish that start with A.



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