animal, insect, creature
good, moral, right, healthy
une boulangère
to stir, mix, knead, shuffle; to brew
In this episode, We are sharing French words Beginning with A. Here we also share French Adjectives, French Verbs, and French nouns which start with A. So, if you check this post you will get more words and ideas about France. We are sure that You can learn new things from here. So, Keep going to see today’s episode to knowing lots of french words starting with A.
In this section, we are showing a more good French word list. We think this list will support you to know about the french word name.
- Abaissement
- Arnaud
- Abaisser
- Abandonné
- Alexis
- Allergique
- Alphonse
- Arracher
- Assuré
- Antoine
- Antoinette
- Appui
- Augustin
- Au pif
- Autant
- Abat-jour
- Abâtardi
- Abdiquer
- Abattant
- Abattement
- Abécédaire
- Abattre
- Abaisser
- Abattre
- Absent
- Abbesse
- Abc
- Abcès
- Abattoir
- Adélaïde
- Adieu
- Adrienne
- Acadie
- Accablant
- Actif
- Actualité
- Amaury
- Américain
- Anastasie
- Anglais
- Affubler
- Aimé
- Aimée
- Alexandrie
- Astrid
- Au fait
- Auguste
- Abattis
- Abdomen
- Abdomens
- Au secours !
- Avec elle
- Abandons
- Abatis
- Abrasive
- Abrasives
- Abominable
- Acceder
- Abies
- Abject
- Ables
- Abolitions
- Abdication
- Acclimations
- Accedes
- Abandonner
- Abasourdi
- Abasourdir
- Absenter
- Absents
- Able
- Abeille
- Acidifies
- Abstinences
- Abstract
- Accuser
- Adaptions
- Ache
- Acceptee
- Acceptees
- Acidoses
- Acierates
- Accuses
- Ace
- Adapter
- Achene
- Acres
- Acridine
- Adhesive
- Adhesives
French Adjectives Starting With A:
In this section, we can learn the French adjectives list which starts with A. So check it and learn more.
- Abbatial
- Absorbable
- Acajou
- Abdominal
- Acadien
- Absolutoire
- Acceptable
- Accessible
- Abréviatif
- Abricot
French Verbs Starting with A
From this part, You can learn French Verbs starting with A. Check it for knowing more french verbs name list.
- Abonnir
- Abominer
- Abonner
- Aquareller
- Abîmer
- Arabiser
- Abouter
- Abréger
- Aboucher
- Abaisser
- Aberrer
- Abasourdir
- Abâtardir
- Abouler
- Abriter
French Nouns Starting With A:
Here we share only two nouns of french. so keep reading and learn more about french nouns.
- Argent
- Année
French Words Starting with A | Infographic |
Final Thoughts:
At last, we are very happy for you. Because we seem you got more new words which you did not know. So, we recommend you please learn all names which you don’t know.
- Home
- French
- Verbs
- French Verbs Starting with A
Irregular verb forms
No. | Verb | English | |
1 |
to lower, to abase | Conjugate |
2 |
to abandon, to leave, to give up | Conjugate |
3 |
to dumbfound | Conjugate |
4 |
to debase, to deteriorate | Conjugate |
5 |
to knock down, to destroy | Conjugate |
6 |
to abdicate | Conjugate |
7 |
to aberrate | Conjugate |
8 |
to make stupid | Conjugate |
9 |
to abhor | Conjugate |
10 |
to damage | Conjugate |
11 |
to renounce | Conjugate |
12 |
to abolish, to wipe out | Conjugate |
13 |
to loathe | Conjugate |
14 |
to abound, to be plentiful | Conjugate |
15 |
to take out a subscription for sth, subscribe to | Conjugate |
16 |
to improve | Conjugate |
17 |
to approach, to touch land | Conjugate |
18 |
to join up | Conjugate |
19 |
to hand over, to come along | Conjugate |
20 |
to join end to end | Conjugate |
21 |
to succeed, to end up | Conjugate |
22 |
to bark (at) | Conjugate |
23 |
to shorten, to abbreviate | Conjugate |
24 |
to water (animal), to soak (plant), to heap on (insults) | Conjugate |
25 |
to shelter | Conjugate |
«french words that start with a». Get the meaning in English at the online dictionary. However, here is your french words that start with a. What is another word for french words that start with a? This is the right place where you will get the right information «french words that start with a». What does french words that start with a? However, check french words that start with a at our online dictionary below.
Table Of Content:
- French Words Starting With A, B and C
- French Words starting with a — words from AA to abeille | Collins …
- Audio Dictionary: French Words Starting With K, L, M and N
- French Words & Phrases | Rosetta Stone®
- 111 Core French Words — The Most Commonly Used Words in …
- Category:French words prefixed with in- — Wiktionary
- 180+ Common French Words [Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives & More!]
- The definite article: le, la, l’ and les | Learning French Grammar …
- 77 Romantic French Words and Phrases to Melt Your Lover’s Heart
- Want a Vocabulary Boost? 250 Easy French Words to Add to Your …
1. French Words Starting With A, B and C 26, 2020 … French Words That Start With A ; Adèle, Adela ; À demain, See you tomorrow ; Adieu, Farewell ; un(e) ado, (inf) — teenager ; Adrien, Adrian.
2. French Words starting with a — words from AA to abeille | Collins … Words starting with a — words from AA to abeille | Collins English Dictionary · AA · AB · abaissement · abaisser · abandon · abandon de famille · abandon de …
3. Audio Dictionary: French Words Starting With K, L, M and N 4, 2019 … French Words That Start With K ; K · the letter K · French alphabet ; kascher (also spelled casher, cascher), (invariable adj) — kosher, MdJ — K ; un …
4. French Words & Phrases | Rosetta Stone® Some Common French Words · Bonjour = Hello, Good morning · Au revoir = Goodbye · Oui = Yes · Non = No · Merci = Thank you · Merci beaucoup = Thank you very much …
5. 111 Core French Words — The Most Commonly Used Words in … to note is that this word list isn’t just for beginners. Instead, it shares which words to start with based on word-frequency. You can, however, learn …
6. Category:French words prefixed with in- — Wiktionary
Fundamental » All languages » French » Terms by etymology » Words by prefix » in-. French words beginning with the prefix in-.
7. 180+ Common French Words [Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives & More!] these common French nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, … definite article (used instead of le or la before nouns beginning with a vowel).
8. The definite article: le, la, l’ and les | Learning French Grammar … French nouns are either masculine or feminine and, just as in English, … l’ is used in front of singular nouns that start with a vowel (a, e, i, o, …
9. 77 Romantic French Words and Phrases to Melt Your Lover’s Heart 10, 2016 … First, let’s start with the simple words. Romantic French Words. L’ amour, Love. Un câlin, Hug or cuddle. La Saint-Valentin …
10. Want a Vocabulary Boost? 250 Easy French Words to Add to Your … what to do with all of this vocabulary once you start learning it? … FluentU is a fantastic tool to take the following vocabulary words and put them …
In final words, we are at the last stage of your query french words that start with a. Already you know about French Words Starting With A, B and C.
*** When I am in a hurry, the best place to do a simple translation is Google Translate ***
This list found below includes the following :
French Adjectives, Nouns, and Verbs that all begin with the letter A
A – Abolitionniste
French | English | |
à | at | |
à condition que | provided that | |
à côté de | next to | |
à distance | remote | |
à la fin | at the end | |
à la perfection | perfectly | |
à l’aise | comfortable | |
à l’exception | except | |
à l’extérieur | outside | |
à l’heure actuelle | right now | |
à l’intérieur | inside | |
à moins que | unless | |
à partir de | from | |
à peine | barely | |
à peine | hardly | |
à peine | scarcely | |
à pied | on foot | |
à présent | now | |
à qui | whose | |
a reçu | received | |
à temps | on time | |
abandon | abandonment | |
abandonné | abandoned | |
abandonné | derelict | |
abaque | abacus | |
abcès | abscess | |
abdication | abdication | |
abdiquer | abdicate | |
abdomen | abdomen | |
abdominal | abdominal | |
abeille | bee | |
aberration | aberration | |
abîme | abyss | |
abolition | abolishment | |
abolition | abolition | |
abolitionnisme | abolitionism | |
abolitionniste | abolitionist |
Abominable – Achat
abominable | abominable | |
abondamment | abundantly | |
abondance | abundance | |
abondant | abundant | |
aboyer | bark | |
abrasion | abrasion | |
abréviation | abbreviation | |
abscisse | abscissa | |
absence | absence | |
absent | absent | |
absolu | absolute | |
abstention | abstain | |
abstraction | abstraction | |
abstrait | abstract | |
absurde | absurd | |
abuser de | abuse | |
académie | academy | |
académique | academic | |
accéder | access | |
accélération | acceleration | |
accélérer | accelerate | |
accent | accent | |
accent | emphasis | |
accentuer | accentuate | |
acceptation | acceptance | |
accessoire | accessory | |
accident | accident | |
accidentel | accidental | |
accommoder | accommodate | |
accompagné | accompanied | |
accord | accord | |
accord | chord | |
accueil | reception | |
accumulateur | accumulator | |
accumulation | accumulation | |
accusateur, accusateur | accuser, accusing | |
accusation | accusation | |
accusé | charged | |
achat | purchase |
Achevée – Adresse
Achevée | complete | |
acide | acid | |
acoustique | acoustic | |
acquis | vested | |
acquisition | acquisition | |
acre | acre | |
acrobate | acrobat | |
acrobatique | acrobatic | |
acte | act | |
acteur | actor | |
actif | active | |
action | action | |
Activation | activation | |
activité | activity | |
Activités | activities | |
actrice | actress | |
actuaire | actuary | |
actualité | actuality | |
additif | additive | |
Additionnel | additional | |
adéquat | adequate | |
adhérent | adherent | |
adhésif | adhesive | |
adhésion | adhesion | |
adjacent | adjacent | |
adjectif | adjective | |
adjoint | deputy | |
administrateur | administrator | |
administratif | administrative | |
administration | administration | |
admirable | admirable | |
admiration | admiration | |
admiré | admired | |
admission | admission | |
adolescence | adolescence | |
adolescent | teenager | |
adoption | adoption | |
adorable | adorable | |
adresse | address |
Adulte – Air
adulte | adult | |
adverbe | adverb | |
adversité | adversity | |
aérien | aerial | |
aérodynamique | aerodynamic | |
Aéropot | airpot | |
affaires | business | |
affecté | affected | |
affecter | affect | |
affectueusement | affectionately | |
affectueux | affectionate | |
affiche | poster | |
affinité | affinity | |
affirmation | affirmation | |
afflux | influx | |
afin de | in order to | |
africain | African | |
âge | age | |
agence | agency | |
agence de voyage | travel agency | |
agent | agent | |
agile | agile | |
agité | agitated | |
agneau | lamb | |
agonie | agony | |
agraire | agrarian | |
agréable | agreeable | |
agréable | nice | |
agréable | pleasant | |
agréable, agréable | pleasant, pleasing | |
agresseur | assailant | |
agression | assault | |
agression | assault | |
agriculture | agriculture | |
aide auditive | hearing aid | |
Ail | garlic | |
aimable | amiable | |
aimer | like | |
air | air |
Ajustable – Amplitude
Ajustable | adjustable | |
alarme | alarm | |
alcool | liquor | |
alcoolique | alcoholic | |
alcôve | alcove | |
algèbre de la logique | algebra of logic | |
algèbre linéaire | linear algebra | |
algébrique | algebraic | |
algorithme de division | division algorithm | |
Algorithme d’Euclide | Euclid’s algorithm | |
algorithme standard | standard algorithm | |
aliments | food | |
allergique | allergic | |
aller-retour | round trip | |
Alliance | alliance | |
allusion | allusion | |
almanach | almanac | |
alors | so | |
altération | alteration | |
alternative | alternative | |
aluminium | aluminum | |
ambassade | embassy | |
ambassadeur | ambassador | |
ambiant | ambient | |
ambigu | ambiguous | |
ambitieux | ambitious | |
ambition | ambition | |
ambulance | ambulance | |
ambulant | ambulant | |
amende | fine | |
amende (contravention) | fine (traffic ticket) | |
ami | friend | |
amical | friendly | |
amiral | admiral | |
amour | love | |
amoureux | amorous | |
amphibie | amphibian | |
ample | ample | |
amplitude | amplitude |
Amusant – Anxieux
Amusant | fun | |
amusement | amusement | |
an | year | |
analogie | analogy | |
analphabète | illiterate | |
Analyse | analysis | |
analyse algébrique | algebraic analysis | |
analyse mathematique | mathematical analysis | |
analyse non standard | nonstandard analysis | |
ananas | pineapple | |
anarchie | anarachy | |
anatomie | anatomy | |
ancien | ancient | |
ancien élève | alumnus | |
anecdote | anecdote | |
Anglais | english | |
angle | angle | |
angoisse | anguish | |
animal | animal | |
animal de compagnie | pet | |
animation | animation | |
Animé | animated | |
animé | lively | |
anniversaire | anniversary | |
annonce | announcement | |
annonceur | announcer | |
annuaire téléphonique | telephone book | |
annuel | annual | |
annulation | cancellation | |
anonyme | anonymous | |
anormal | abnormal | |
antécédent | antecedent | |
antioxydant | antioxidant | |
antipathie | antipathy | |
antique | antique | |
antiquité | antiquity | |
anti-transpirant | antiperspirant | |
anxiété | anxiety | |
anxieux | anxious |
Août – Arc supérieur
août | August | |
apéritif | appetizer | |
appareil | apparatus | |
appareil photo | camera | |
Apparemment | apparently | |
apparence | appearance | |
apparent | apparent | |
apparenté | cognate | |
apparition | apparition | |
appartement | apartment | |
appartenance ethnique | ethnicity | |
appel | call | |
appel téléphonique | phone call | |
appétit | appetite | |
applaudissements | applause | |
application | application | |
application algébrique | algebraic application | |
appliqué | applied | |
appréciable | appreciable | |
appréciation | appreciation | |
apprentissage | apprenticeship | |
approprié | appropriate | |
approximatif | approximate | |
approximation optimale | optimal approximation | |
Approximation successive | successive approximation | |
approximation trigonométrique | trigonometric approximation | |
après midi | afternoon | |
après; après | after; afterwards | |
aptitude | aptitude | |
arabe | Arabic | |
arbitraire | arbitrary | |
arbre | tree | |
arc | arc | |
arc de cercle | circular arc | |
arc intercepté | intercepted arc | |
arc majeur | major arc | |
arc mineur | minor arc | |
arc segmentaire | segmental arc | |
arc supérieur | superior arc |
Archaïque – Aspiration
archaïque | archaic | |
archéologie | archaeology | |
archéologique | archaeological | |
archétype | archetype | |
architecte | architect | |
architecture | architecture | |
archiver | archive | |
ardent | ardent | |
argent | silver | |
argument | argument | |
argument logique | logical argument | |
argument valide | valid argument | |
aride | arid | |
aristocratie | aristocracy | |
aristocratique | aristocratic | |
arithmétique | arithmetic | |
arithmétique | arithmetical | |
arithmétique binaire | binary arithmetic | |
armée | army | |
arrêter | arrest | |
arrêter | stop | |
arrière | back | |
arrivant de | arriving from | |
arrogance | arrogance | |
arrogant | arrogant | |
arsenic | arsenic | |
art | art | |
article | article | |
artillerie | artillery | |
artiste | artist | |
artistique | artistic | |
ascendant | ascendancy | |
ascendant | ascendant | |
Ascendant | ascending | |
ascenseur | elevator | |
aspect | aspect | |
aspirant | aspirant | |
aspiration | aspiration |
Aspirine – Atome
aspirine | aspirin | |
assassin | assassin | |
assassinat | assassination | |
Assemblée | assembly | |
assez | enough | |
assez | quite | |
assidu | assiduous | |
assiette | dish | |
assiette | plate | |
assise | seated | |
assistance | assistance | |
assistant | assistant | |
associatif | associative | |
association | association | |
association | association | |
astérisque | asterisk | |
astéroïde | asteroid | |
asthénosphère | asthenosphere | |
asthme | asthma | |
astigmatisme | astigmatism | |
astre | luminary | |
astringent | astringent | |
astrométrie | astrometry | |
astronaute | astronaut | |
astronome | astronomer | |
astronomie | astronomy | |
astronomique | astronomical | |
astrophysique | astrophysics | |
asymétrie | asymmetry | |
asymétrique | asymmetrical | |
asymptote | asymptote | |
atavique | atavistic | |
athérosclérose | atherosclerosis | |
athlète | athlete | |
athlétique | athletic | |
atmosphère | atmosphere | |
atmosphérique | atmospheric | |
atome | atom |
Atomique – Auteur
atomique | atomic | |
atrium | atrium | |
atrocité | atrocity | |
attaque | attack | |
attentif | attentive | |
attention | attention | |
attentivement | attentively | |
atténuer | attenuate | |
attitude | attitude | |
attractif | attractive | |
attraction | attraction | |
attribut | attribute | |
atypique | atypical | |
au | at the | |
au | on | |
au cas où | in case | |
au dessous de | below | |
au dessus | above | |
au dessus de | on top of | |
au lieu de | instead of | |
au milieu | in the middle | |
au moins | at least | |
au moins | at least | |
au revoir | goodbye | |
aube | daybreak | |
aubergine | eggplant | |
aucun | not any | |
audace | audacity | |
audacieux | audacious | |
auditif | auditory | |
audition | audition | |
augmentation | augmentation | |
aujourd’hui | today | |
aussi | too | |
austère | austere | |
austérité | austerity | |
autant que | as much as | |
autant, autant | as much, as many | |
auteur | author |
Authentique – Azur
authentique | authentic | |
auto | car | |
auto défense | self defense | |
autobus | bus | |
automatique | automatic | |
automatisation | automation | |
automne | autumn | |
automne) | fall (season) | |
autonome | autonomous | |
autonomie | autonomy | |
autorisation | authorization | |
autorisation | permission | |
autorisé | licensed | |
autoritaire | authoritarian | |
autorité | authority | |
autoroute | freeway | |
Autoroute | highway | |
autoroute à péage | turnpike | |
autre | other | |
aux cheveux noirs | dark haired | |
auxiliaire | auxiliary | |
avance | advance | |
Avancée | advanced | |
avant bras | forearm | |
avant de | before | |
avantage | advantage | |
avantage | benefit | |
avant-dernier | second to last | |
avant-garde | vanguard | |
Avant-hier | day before yesterday | |
avarice | avarice | |
avec | with | |
avec moi | with me | |
avec toi | with you | |
avenir | future | |
aventure | adventure | |
avide | avid | |
avion | airplane | |
avion | plane | |
avis | opinion | |
avocat | advocate | |
avocat | attorney | |
avocat | avocado | |
avocat | lawyer | |
avocat de la défense | defense attorney | |
avril | april | |
axiome | axiom | |
Azur | azure |
French Words That Start With A
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