Word in french that starts with a

B letter B un baba cool (inf) — hippy le babeurre buttermilk le bac le baccalauréat; ferry, tub, trough, vat bâcler to botch, scamp, throw together badiner to banter, jest des bagages luggage la bagarre fight, brawl bagarrer (inf) — to fight, clash, argue bagatelle trinket une bagnole (inf) — car une bague ring une bague de fiançailles engagement ring une baguette French bread, baton, chopstick un bahut sideboard; (inf) — school, taxi, truck une baignoire bathtub un bain bathtub le bain moussant bubble bath baiser to kiss; (vulgar slang) — to outdo, to be had; to have sex balader (inf) — to trail around, to take for a walk un balai broom, brush balbutier to stammer, babble le balcon balcony balèze brawny, strapping une balise beacon, buoy, sign les balivernes (f) nonsense une balle bullet, ball, shot une banane banana un banc a bench, seat; shoal/school (of fish) bancaire (adj) bank bandant (fam adj) — sexy, interesting une bande band, strip, bandage, line, group; (inf) — a bunch of, pack of la banlieue suburbs, outskirts la banque bank la baraque shed, hut, stand, stall; (inf) — a shack, digs, dump le baratin (inf) — sweet talk, chatter une barbiche goatee barrer to bar, block, close, cross out une barrette barrette des bas (m) stockings la base (demaquillage) foundation le basket basketball le baume démêlant conditioner bavarder to chat, chatter; (inf) — to blab baver to dribble, to leak; (fam) — to have a hard time baveux (adj) — dribbly, slobbery, runny, blurry une bavure smudge, smear, hitch, flaw béant (adj) gaping, wide-open beau (adj) — handsome beau (adj) — nice out beaucoup very much, many, a lot un beauf (fam) — brother-in-law; a small-minded person Beaujolais nouveau   bec beak, bill, nib bée (in bouche bée) open-mouthed bégayer to stammer, stutter un béguin (inf) — crush, fancy, also a bonnet Belge Belgian belle (adj) — pretty bénévole (adj) — volunteer, unpaid un bénévole volunteer bénir to bless, to thank God for Benjamin Benjamin le benjamin the youngest child, youngest son Benoît Benedict une béquille crutch, kick-stand, (nautical) prop, shore bercer to rock, cradle la berezina disaster berk (inf exclamation) — yuck! Bernadette   Bernard Bernard berner to fool, hoax, dupe Bertrand Bertrand, Bertram la besogne work, task, job (avoir) besoin de to need une bestiole bug, creepy crawler bête (adj) — stupid, silly, foolish une bête

animal, insect, creature

une bêtise stupidity, mistake, blunder, silly thing, nonsense le béton concrete le beurre butter une bévue blunder un bibelot trinket, knick-knack, curio un biberon baby bottle bicher (inf) — to be pleased with oneself bichonner to pamper une bicyclette bicycle bidon can, tin, flask bidonner (fam) to split one’s sides laughing bidule (inf) contraption, whatsit; what’s-his-name bien

good, moral, right, healthy

bien cuit well done bien étrange quite strange la bière beer le bifteck steak les bijoux (m) jewelry un bikini bikini le bilan assessment, results, balance sheet un billet ticket; bill, note (money) un billet aller-retour round trip ticket un billet simple one-way ticket biologique (adj) — biological, organic bis grayish-brown; (music) repeat; (address) ½, a le biscuit cookie (année) bissextile leap (year) le bizutage (school slang) hazing, ragging blafard pale, pallid, wan une blague a joke, trick, blunder blanc white la blanchisserie laundromat un blason coat of arms, heraldry un bled (inf, even slang) — village, dump, godforsaken place blesser to wound, hurt, injure; to offend bleu blue, rare bleu clair light blue bleu foncé dark blue bloc block, unit, group, pad (of paper) blond (adj) — blond un blouson jacket bluffer (inf) — to bluff, try it on, fool un bobo (inf, baby language) — boo boo, owie, wound une bobonne (inf and somewhat archaic) — missus, dearie boire to drink le bois wood une boisson drink une boîte box, can; (inf) — nightclub; job, office; school boiter to limp, to wobble, to be shaky un bol bowl bon good ah bon (interj) — oh really? (not «oh good») bon appétit ! enjoy your meal les bonbons (m) candy Bonjour Hello Bonne nuit Goodnight Bonsoir Good evening Bordeaux   un bordel (fam) — mess, chaos; (literal) — brothel borné (adj) — narrow-minded, limited bosser (inf) — to work, slog, to perform hard labor des bottes (f) boots le bottin directory, phonebook, Yellow Pages bouc billy goat, goatee la bouche mouth une bouchée mouthful boucher to cork, plug, block un boucher butcher la boucherie butcher shop bouchon cork, stopper, plug, cap; traffic jam bouclé (adj) — curly une boucle d’oreille earring un bouclier shield bouder to sulk, keep away from boudiné (adj) — bursting out of la boue mud bouffer to be full, have volume, (fam) — to wolf-down, gobble bougrement (inf) terribly, really, very bouillant (adj) boiling, scalding, fiery, hotheaded un boulanger

une boulangère baker la boulangerie bakery boulot (adj) — chubby, tubby le boulot (informal) — work, the daily grind boum (interj) — Boom!, Bang! un boum bang, tremendous success une boum party un bouquin (inf) — book bourré (adj) — stuffed, packed; (fam) — drunk, plastered un bourreau torturer une bourrique donkey; (inf) — blockhead, pigheaded person la bourse scholarship, grant; second-hand sale bousculer to jostle, bump into; to hurry, pressure; to liven up la boustifaille (fam) — grub, nosh, chow une bouteille bottle une boutique hors taxes duty-free un bouton de manchette cufflink un boxer-short boxer shorts un bracelet bracelet un bracelet à breloques charm bracelet brancher to plugin, connect, link up branler to shake, waggle; to be shaky, loose, unsteady braquer to point, aim, turn the steering wheel le bras arm brasser

to stir, mix, knead, shuffle; to brew

bravitude fullness of bravery brebis ewe bref (adv) — in short, to make a long story short Brésilien(ne) Brazilian un brevet diploma, certificate, patent le bricolage home improvement, tinkering, DIY; rush/makeshift job Brigitte Bridget un brin blade, sprig, yarn, a bit briser to break, smash; ruin, wreck; tire out une broche brooch bronzé (adj) — tan la brosse à cheveux hairbrush la brosse à dents toothbrush se brosser to brush se brosser les cheveux to brush one’s hair se brosser les dents to brush one’s teeth brouter to graze, to nibble; (slang) to be annoying bruiner to drizzle brûlures burn, burning sensation brun (adj) — brown (hair, eyes) Bruno   brut (adj) — uncut, rough, crude, raw bu drank la bûche log bûcher to slog away at, to swot up; (Canada) to fell, cut down le bureau office, study le bureau de change money exchange buriner to engrave, chisel un but goal, aim, purpose, destination buter to stumble; (fam) — to bump off, kill

In this episode, We are sharing French words Beginning with A. Here we also share French Adjectives, French Verbs, and French nouns which start with A. So, if you check this post you will get more words and ideas about France. We are sure that You can learn new things from here. So, Keep going to see today’s episode to knowing lots of french words starting with A.

In this section, we are showing a more good French word list. We think this list will support you to know about the french word name.

  • Abaissement
  • Arnaud
  • Abaisser
  • Abandonné
  • Alexis
  • Allergique
  • Alphonse
  • Arracher
  • Assuré
  • Antoine
  • Antoinette
  • Appui
  • Augustin
  • Au pif
  • Autant
  • Abat-jour
  • Abâtardi
  • Abdiquer
  • Abattant
  • Abattement
  • Abécédaire
  • Abattre
  • Abaisser
  • Abattre
  • Absent
  • Abbesse
  • Abc
  • Abcès
  • Abattoir
  • Adélaïde
  • Adieu
  • Adrienne
  • Acadie
  • Accablant
  • Actif
  • Actualité
  • Amaury
  • Américain
  • Anastasie
  • Anglais
  • Affubler
  • Aimé
  • Aimée
  • Alexandrie
  • Astrid
  • Au fait
  • Auguste
  • Abattis
  • Abdomen
  • Abdomens
  • Au secours !
  • Avec elle
  • Abandons
  • Abatis
  • Abrasive
  • Abrasives
  • Abominable
  • Acceder
  • Abies
  • Abject
  • Ables
  • Abolitions
  • Abdication
  • Acclimations
  • Accedes
  • Abandonner
  • Abasourdi
  • Abasourdir
  • Absenter
  • Absents
  • Able
  • Abeille
  • Acidifies
  • Abstinences
  • Abstract
  • Accuser
  • Adaptions
  • Ache
  • Acceptee
  • Acceptees
  • Acidoses
  • Acierates
  • Accuses
  • Ace
  • Adapter
  • Achene
  • Acres
  • Acridine
  • Adhesive
  • Adhesives

French Adjectives Starting With A:

In this section, we can learn the French adjectives list which starts with A. So check it and learn more.

  • Abbatial
  • Absorbable
  • Acajou
  • Abdominal
  • Acadien
  • Absolutoire
  • Acceptable
  • Accessible
  • Abréviatif
  • Abricot

French Verbs Starting with A

From this part, You can learn French Verbs starting with A. Check it for knowing more french verbs name list.

  • Abonnir
  • Abominer
  • Abonner
  • Aquareller
  • Abîmer
  • Arabiser
  • Abouter
  • Abréger
  • Aboucher
  • Abaisser
  • Aberrer
  • Abasourdir
  • Abâtardir
  • Abouler
  • Abriter

French Nouns Starting With A:

Here we share only two nouns of french. so keep reading and learn more about french nouns.

  • Argent 
  • Année 

French Words Starting with A | Infographic |

Final Thoughts:

At last, we are very happy for you. Because we seem you got more new words which you did not know. So, we recommend you please learn all names which you don’t know.

  1. Home
  2. French
  3. Verbs
  4. French Verbs Starting with A

Irregular verb forms

No. Verb English


to lower, to abase Conjugate


to abandon, to leave, to give up Conjugate


to dumbfound Conjugate


to debase, to deteriorate Conjugate


to knock down, to destroy Conjugate


to abdicate Conjugate


to aberrate Conjugate


to make stupid Conjugate


to abhor Conjugate


to damage Conjugate


to renounce Conjugate


to abolish, to wipe out Conjugate


to loathe Conjugate


to abound, to be plentiful Conjugate


to take out a subscription for sth, subscribe to Conjugate


to improve Conjugate


to approach, to touch land Conjugate


to join up Conjugate


to hand over, to come along Conjugate


to join end to end Conjugate


to succeed, to end up Conjugate


to bark (at) Conjugate


to shorten, to abbreviate Conjugate


to water (animal), to soak (plant), to heap on (insults) Conjugate


to shelter Conjugate

«french words that start with a». Get the meaning in English at the online dictionary. However, here is your french words that start with a. What is another word for french words that start with a? This is the right place where you will get the right information «french words that start with a». What does french words that start with a? However, check french words that start with a at our online dictionary below.

Table Of Content:
  • French Words Starting With A, B and C
  • French Words starting with a — words from AA to abeille | Collins …
  • Audio Dictionary: French Words Starting With K, L, M and N
  • French Words & Phrases | Rosetta Stone®
  • 111 Core French Words — The Most Commonly Used Words in …
  • Category:French words prefixed with in- — Wiktionary
  • 180+ Common French Words [Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives & More!]
  • The definite article: le, la, l’ and les | Learning French Grammar …
  • 77 Romantic French Words and Phrases to Melt Your Lover’s Heart
  • Want a Vocabulary Boost? 250 Easy French Words to Add to Your …

1. French Words Starting With A, B and C

French Words Starting With A, B and CFeb 26, 2020 … French Words That Start With A ; Adèle, Adela ; À demain, See you tomorrow ; Adieu, Farewell ; un(e) ado, (inf) — teenager ; Adrien, Adrian.

2. French Words starting with a — words from AA to abeille | Collins …

French Words starting with a - words from AA to abeille | Collins ...French Words starting with a — words from AA to abeille | Collins English Dictionary · AA · AB · abaissement · abaisser · abandon · abandon de famille · abandon de …

3. Audio Dictionary: French Words Starting With K, L, M and N

Audio Dictionary: French Words Starting With K, L, M and NNov 4, 2019 … French Words That Start With K ; K · the letter K · French alphabet ; kascher (also spelled casher, cascher), (invariable adj) — kosher, MdJ — K ; un …

4. French Words & Phrases | Rosetta Stone®

French Words & Phrases | Rosetta Stone®Learn Some Common French Words · Bonjour = Hello, Good morning · Au revoir = Goodbye · Oui = Yes · Non = No · Merci = Thank you · Merci beaucoup = Thank you very much …

5. 111 Core French Words — The Most Commonly Used Words in …

111 Core French Words — The Most Commonly Used Words in ...Something to note is that this word list isn’t just for beginners. Instead, it shares which words to start with based on word-frequency. You can, however, learn …

6. Category:French words prefixed with in- — Wiktionary

Fundamental » All languages » French » Terms by etymology » Words by prefix » in-. French words beginning with the prefix in-.

7. 180+ Common French Words [Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives & More!]

180+ Common French Words [Nouns, Verbs, Adjectives & More!]Study these common French nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, … definite article (used instead of le or la before nouns beginning with a vowel).

8. The definite article: le, la, l’ and les | Learning French Grammar …

The definite article: le, la, l' and les | Learning French Grammar ...All French nouns are either masculine or feminine and, just as in English, … l’ is used in front of singular nouns that start with a vowel (a, e, i, o, …

9. 77 Romantic French Words and Phrases to Melt Your Lover’s Heart

77 Romantic French Words and Phrases to Melt Your Lover's HeartFeb 10, 2016 … First, let’s start with the simple words. Romantic French Words. L’ amour, Love. Un câlin, Hug or cuddle. La Saint-Valentin …

10. Want a Vocabulary Boost? 250 Easy French Words to Add to Your …

Want a Vocabulary Boost? 250 Easy French Words to Add to Your ...Wondering what to do with all of this vocabulary once you start learning it? … FluentU is a fantastic tool to take the following vocabulary words and put them …

In final words, we are at the last stage of your query french words that start with a. Already you know about French Words Starting With A, B and C.

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This list found below includes the following :

French Adjectives, Nouns, and Verbs that all begin with the letter A

A – Abolitionniste

French English
à at
à condition que provided that
à côté de next to
à distance remote
à la fin at the end
à la perfection perfectly
à l’aise comfortable
à l’exception except
à l’extérieur outside
à l’heure actuelle right now
à l’intérieur inside
à moins que unless
à partir de from
à peine barely
à peine hardly
à peine scarcely
à pied on foot
à présent now
à qui whose
a reçu received
à temps on time
abandon abandonment
abandonné abandoned
abandonné derelict
abaque abacus
abcès abscess
abdication abdication
abdiquer abdicate
abdomen abdomen
abdominal abdominal
abeille bee
aberration aberration
abîme abyss
abolition abolishment
abolition abolition
abolitionnisme abolitionism
abolitionniste abolitionist

Abominable – Achat

abominable abominable
abondamment abundantly
abondance abundance
abondant abundant
aboyer bark
abrasion abrasion
abréviation abbreviation
abscisse abscissa
absence absence
absent absent
absolu absolute
abstention abstain
abstraction abstraction
abstrait abstract
absurde absurd
abuser de abuse
académie academy
académique academic
accéder access
accélération acceleration
accélérer accelerate
accent accent
accent emphasis
accentuer accentuate
acceptation acceptance
accessoire accessory
accident accident
accidentel accidental
accommoder accommodate
accompagné accompanied
accord accord
accord chord
accueil reception
accumulateur accumulator
accumulation accumulation
accusateur, accusateur accuser, accusing
accusation accusation
accusé charged
achat purchase

Achevée – Adresse

Achevée complete
acide acid
acoustique acoustic
acquis vested
acquisition acquisition
acre acre
acrobate acrobat
acrobatique acrobatic
acte act
acteur actor
actif active
action action
Activation activation
activité activity
Activités activities
actrice actress
actuaire actuary
actualité actuality
additif additive
Additionnel additional
adéquat adequate
adhérent adherent
adhésif adhesive
adhésion adhesion
adjacent adjacent
adjectif adjective
adjoint deputy
administrateur administrator
administratif administrative
administration administration
admirable admirable
admiration admiration
admiré admired
admission admission
adolescence adolescence
adolescent teenager
adoption adoption
adorable adorable
adresse address

Adulte – Air

adulte adult
adverbe adverb
adversité adversity
aérien aerial
aérodynamique aerodynamic
Aéropot airpot
affaires business
affecté affected
affecter affect
affectueusement affectionately
affectueux affectionate
affiche poster
affinité affinity
affirmation affirmation
afflux influx
afin de in order to
africain African
âge age
agence agency
agence de voyage travel agency
agent agent
agile agile
agité agitated
agneau lamb
agonie agony
agraire agrarian
agréable agreeable
agréable nice
agréable pleasant
agréable, agréable pleasant, pleasing
agresseur assailant
agression assault
agression assault
agriculture agriculture
aide auditive hearing aid
Ail garlic
aimable amiable
aimer like
air air

Ajustable – Amplitude

Ajustable adjustable
alarme alarm
alcool liquor
alcoolique alcoholic
alcôve alcove
algèbre de la logique algebra of logic
algèbre linéaire linear algebra
algébrique algebraic
algorithme de division division algorithm
Algorithme d’Euclide Euclid’s algorithm
algorithme standard standard algorithm
aliments food
allergique allergic
aller-retour round trip
Alliance alliance
allusion allusion
almanach almanac
alors so
altération alteration
alternative alternative
aluminium aluminum
ambassade embassy
ambassadeur ambassador
ambiant ambient
ambigu ambiguous
ambitieux ambitious
ambition ambition
ambulance ambulance
ambulant ambulant
amende fine
amende (contravention) fine (traffic ticket)
ami friend
amical friendly
amiral admiral
amour love
amoureux amorous
amphibie amphibian
ample ample
amplitude amplitude

Amusant – Anxieux

Amusant fun
amusement amusement
an year
analogie analogy
analphabète illiterate
Analyse analysis
analyse algébrique algebraic analysis
analyse mathematique mathematical analysis
analyse non standard nonstandard analysis
ananas pineapple
anarchie anarachy
anatomie anatomy
ancien ancient
ancien élève alumnus
anecdote anecdote
Anglais english
angle angle
angoisse anguish
animal animal
animal de compagnie pet
animation animation
Animé animated
animé lively
anniversaire anniversary
annonce announcement
annonceur announcer
annuaire téléphonique telephone book
annuel annual
annulation cancellation
anonyme anonymous
anormal abnormal
antécédent antecedent
antioxydant antioxidant
antipathie antipathy
antique antique
antiquité antiquity
anti-transpirant antiperspirant
anxiété anxiety
anxieux anxious

Août – Arc supérieur

août August
apéritif appetizer
appareil apparatus
appareil photo camera
Apparemment apparently
apparence appearance
apparent apparent
apparenté cognate
apparition apparition
appartement apartment
appartenance ethnique ethnicity
appel call
appel téléphonique phone call
appétit appetite
applaudissements applause
application application
application algébrique algebraic application
appliqué applied
appréciable appreciable
appréciation appreciation
apprentissage apprenticeship
approprié appropriate
approximatif approximate
approximation optimale optimal approximation
Approximation successive successive approximation
approximation trigonométrique trigonometric approximation
après midi afternoon
après; après after; afterwards
aptitude aptitude
arabe Arabic
arbitraire arbitrary
arbre tree
arc arc
arc de cercle circular arc
arc intercepté intercepted arc
arc majeur major arc
arc mineur minor arc
arc segmentaire segmental arc
arc supérieur superior arc

Archaïque – Aspiration

archaïque archaic
archéologie archaeology
archéologique archaeological
archétype archetype
architecte architect
architecture architecture
archiver archive
ardent ardent
argent silver
argument argument
argument logique logical argument
argument valide valid argument
aride arid
aristocratie aristocracy
aristocratique aristocratic
arithmétique arithmetic
arithmétique arithmetical
arithmétique binaire binary arithmetic
armée army
arrêter arrest
arrêter stop
arrière back
arrivant de arriving from
arrogance arrogance
arrogant arrogant
arsenic arsenic
art art
article article
artillerie artillery
artiste artist
artistique artistic
ascendant ascendancy
ascendant ascendant
Ascendant ascending
ascenseur elevator
aspect aspect
aspirant aspirant
aspiration aspiration

Aspirine – Atome

aspirine aspirin
assassin assassin
assassinat assassination
Assemblée assembly
assez enough
assez quite
assidu assiduous
assiette dish
assiette plate
assise seated
assistance assistance
assistant assistant
associatif associative
association association
association association
astérisque asterisk
astéroïde asteroid
asthénosphère asthenosphere
asthme asthma
astigmatisme astigmatism
astre luminary
astringent astringent
astrométrie astrometry
astronaute astronaut
astronome astronomer
astronomie astronomy
astronomique astronomical
astrophysique astrophysics
asymétrie asymmetry
asymétrique asymmetrical
asymptote asymptote
atavique atavistic
athérosclérose atherosclerosis
athlète athlete
athlétique athletic
atmosphère atmosphere
atmosphérique atmospheric
atome atom

Atomique – Auteur

atomique atomic
atrium atrium
atrocité atrocity
attaque attack
attentif attentive
attention attention
attentivement attentively
atténuer attenuate
attitude attitude
attractif attractive
attraction attraction
attribut attribute
atypique atypical
au at the
au on
au cas où in case
au dessous de below
au dessus above
au dessus de on top of
au lieu de instead of
au milieu in the middle
au moins at least
au moins at least
au revoir goodbye
aube daybreak
aubergine eggplant
aucun not any
audace audacity
audacieux audacious
auditif auditory
audition audition
augmentation augmentation
aujourd’hui today
aussi too
austère austere
austérité austerity
autant que as much as
autant, autant as much, as many
auteur author

Authentique – Azur

authentique authentic
auto car
auto défense self defense
autobus bus
automatique automatic
automatisation automation
automne autumn
automne) fall (season)
autonome autonomous
autonomie autonomy
autorisation authorization
autorisation permission
autorisé licensed
autoritaire authoritarian
autorité authority
autoroute freeway
Autoroute highway
autoroute à péage turnpike
autre other
aux cheveux noirs dark haired
auxiliaire auxiliary
avance advance
Avancée advanced
avant bras forearm
avant de before
avantage advantage
avantage benefit
avant-dernier second to last
avant-garde vanguard
Avant-hier day before yesterday
avarice avarice
avec with
avec moi with me
avec toi with you
avenir future
aventure adventure
avide avid
avion airplane
avion plane
avis opinion
avocat advocate
avocat attorney
avocat avocado
avocat lawyer
avocat de la défense defense attorney
avril april
axiome axiom
Azur azure

French Words That Start With A

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